Resolution 043-1990 James R. Paros Public Safety Division ./ RESOLUTION NO. 043-1990 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ON BEHALF OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT NO.5, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 420-1989 CONCERNING A CONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF BIOMEDICAL EQUIPMENT WITH PHYSIO CONTROL CORP. AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A NEW CONTRACT AGREEMENT WITH SAID PHYSIO CONTROL CORP. WHEREAS, on July 20, 1989, the Board of County Commis- sioners, on behalf of Municipal Service Taxing District No.5, passed and adopted Resolution No. 420-1989 to execute a contract agreement with Physio Control Corp. in the amount of $1,416.00 concerning maintenance of biomedical equipment, and WHEREAS, due to the fact that the actual form of the contract agreement was unacceptable, the Board desires to rescind Resolution No. 420-1989 and enter into a new contract agreement with said Physio Control Corp., now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ON BEHALF OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT NO.5, as follows: 1. Resolution No. 420-1989, passed and adopted by the Board on July 20, 1989, is hereby rescinded. 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a new Contract Agreement with Physio Control Corp. in the amount of $1,416.00, a copy of same being attached hereto, concerning maintenance of biomedical equipment. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, on behalf of Municipal Service Taxing District No.5, on the 10th day of January, 1990. dNOW BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ){ONROE COJ,INTY, FLORIDA", ON BEIW..E_. OE_MUN.I.C.lEAL....._SE.~~CE T~~ICT NO.5' By, ~ Mayor (SEAL) 8[: Wi 7.Z...l.IU...n Attes't:" J.J1U'tNY.J6J... KOLHAGE, CLERK B;;~~:~:? ~L APPROVED AS TO FORM AlVD LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. BY ~l' ctQk~ AttornE>Y's Office CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 19 A.D., by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County Florida, on behalf of the Municipal Service Taxing District No.5, hereinafter "DISTRICT" and Physio Control Corporation, hereinafter "CONTRACTOR". WITNESSES: That the parties hereto, for the consideration hereinafter set forth, mutually agree as follows: I. SCOPE OF THE WORK A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, machinery, tools, apparatus, and transportation and perform all other work as described in the Specification, Request for Proposal, as attached, and as described in the proposal as furnished by the CONTRACTOR. II. CONTRACT SUM A. The DISTRICT shall pay to the CONTRACTOR for the faithful performance of the Contract, in lawful money of the United States, and subject to additions and deductions as provided in the Contract Documents. B. Based upon the price shown in the Proposal herewith submitted to the DISTRICT by the CONTRACTOR, a copy of the Proposal being a part of these Contract Documents, the aggregate amount of this Contract in the sum of One thousand four hundred sixteen dollars ($1,416.00). CONTRACT TERM III. A. IV. --.,,~ A. The contract shall commence on April 1, 1989 and expire on September 30, 1990. CONTRACTORS ACCEPTANCE OF CONDITIONS The CONTRACTOR has carefully examined the conditions of the site/equipment and has made sufficient investigation to fully satisfy himself that such site/equipment is a correct and suitable one for this work, and he assumes full responsibility therefor. The CONTRACTOR understands all provisions of this Contract and of the Specifications and agrees to their sufficiency for the work to be done. Under no circumstances, conditions or situations shall this Contract be more strongly construed against the DISTRICT than against the CONTRACTOR. The approval of any part of the work or material by the DISTRICT, or by its agent, as being in compliance with the terms of this Contract, or the Request for Proposal, drawings and specifications, shall not operate as a waiver by the DISTRICT of strict compliance with the terms of any other part of this Contract, Drawings or Specifications. All parts and labor provided by the CONTRACTOR'S Technical Services Department shall have a ninety (90) day warranty. B. D. "-:"'~~:--'-'.-'~:--~~~--~-"'-~:':":"':. E. . The CONTRACTOR shall accomplish repair of DISTRICT equipment or provide the DISTRICT with loaner equipment within twenty-four (24) hours of notification of need. F. The CONTRACTOR shall defend, indemnify and hold the DISTRICT, its officials, employees and agents harmless, from any and all claims, liabilities, losses and causes of action which may arise out of the performance of the Contract except such claims, liabilities, losses and causes of action which may arise because of the DISTRICT's negligent actions or omissions. Compliance with the insurance requirements shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from the obligations imposed by this article. V. INSURANCE A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish proof of insurance, in a form acceptable to the DISTRICT as required in the Request for Proposal. VI. PARTIAL AND FINAL PAYMENT A. The CONTRACTOR shall invoice the DISTRICT, in arrears, in equal monthly installments. Invoices shall be submitted to the Monroe County EMS Director, 5192 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida 33050, for approval and processing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this contract the day and year first above written. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ON BEHALF OF MUNICIPAL TAXING DISTRICT NO. 5 (Seal) Attest: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk Clerk PHYSIO CONTROL CORPORATION W~~M f;1 Plt- C/. '/Yr11 /0 .....~A--.-.. Witness: APHtOVED AS ro ;:CORi.., AND LfG,1i surF/elENer. . 0 ~ ~~~,^/Yj,]~2 dj rM FJY __,_.--. , , ",:;., , /~"f.).r (, " ,',' -I,~. f ;,.,i -~ 'i } 1 '; -:; .l " .' '., ~ ;.. ,!~I , ~ ~ '. . ~ j -;j ;i 1 ~~ ~ ~ '. ,t ','" ~ ';' \. ~ ill ~ .. J- ~ ~ I ~ ~ ';I ;~ ~ L___~ HCllRJE <XUrlY ~CY MEDICAL SERVICES SPEClFICA'I'I~S for' BIClo1EDICAL FX:mPMENr These specifications are for the sole purpose of pravidi.ng ale (1) :- ~cventive main tenance inspection of each piece of equit:ment every c.b: (6) nonths and corrective maintenance on an as needed basis for :-bnroe County I 5 b icrre.dical equ ipnen t. , For the proposal s to be accepted by M:mroe County, each of the follo...ring itans nust be addressed: Preventive ~ :intenance Inspections '!here shall be one (1) preventive ma1n~ ~ of each piece of equiprent every six (6) IIDlths. 'lbe first pr-.tive maintenance inspection shall be eched11ed within fourteen (14) days of exeOltion of the agI'eE!nent. Perfonnance out;A1t end electrical safety inspections shall be perfoDtEd in accordance with the standards established by the Joint Chrm1 ss1a1 on the ~e41tation of Hospitals (JCAH) ard/or the Nat.i.ona1 Fire and Protection Agency (NFPA). Each inspection shall include the fol~: 1. Clean.i.n:J of equipIent 2. Calibratwn: 'Ihe ca.11l:xratkn results of each p.ieoe of equ1pnent shall' be recorded. and placed in a file that CCXlta!na a list of all M:>nroe County biaoodical equ!prent. Make required adjustm:mts to bring the equitlnent up ~~ the factoxy specifications. '!be successful vermr ItUSt provide Ib1rce O:Nnty J!mezgeu~.-j' Medical Services with doaIoentation that their test equiPlBlt is CAl i~ated every six (6) IOOnths 811d is traceable to the Nat:1caal Bureau of Standards (NBS). 3. Mechanical Inspectia1: Inspect each piece of equ4~,t for wear and repair and record the f111dings. 'lbia ~ Bhall include I8tient cables and lead w1rea. I 4. Leakage CUrrent Measurel1c:nt:s shall be reccxded and filec!. s. Cbtplt: Measurements: DefibrillatOr outp1ta 6. l.td1ticatioru Each inst.nment shall be 1ubr1cated aa appC~iate to ~faot\Zr8X' llpeCif1cat:1.caW. _ 7. SehecSulinqa M.1tually agreed upcm sc:heduU.ng of each J:8gUlar in8peC'tion Visit shall be made in advance. ~. ~tation: Upon OCIrpleUon of Pt"8Ventative IIIdnt:en.mce J.1lspeetiQ'\S, a report OUtlining the perfo=anoe of each piece ~ ==t:o;~.be fonerded to the ~ O:Iunty ~ ""'ie.l .0 .... --"9 ..~ "~'. '.. ','-. ';" ~ , Corrective Mcnm:.enance All repairs, rra:lifications. ard/or calibrations shall be ronsistent with the device arrendnentsto the Food, Drug and Cosrretic Act regulated by the Food and Orug Adm.inistraticm (FDA). All equiprent tha.t is repaired will be calibrated to OEM perfonnance verification Procedures. 1. ElTergency Service: Energency service shall be available 24 hours per d;).y/7 days per 'Week, when necessary. ;, ) . 2. U:x::ation: All repairs will be CCXtplet.ed ton site' whenever possible. ~tiCJ"lS '!be follCMing options are to be priced indiv1c!ually. M:mrce County reserves the right to select any option or ~tion thereof, or to rej act all of the optj.cxls listed belo..t, in making the a'MU'd of the proposal in the best interests of M:mroe OJunty. Any verd:>r intendiJ'X3 to prcwide aIr;/ optioo, or OCIIbinat.ia'l t.hexeof, a t no addi tiona! cost over the mandatoIy t<<lrk an4 equ1poent. price Proposal, srould so indicate by noting NC (No Charge) for the applicable option (s) . Monroe County will oalSi4er that any option wi thout a propcsed cost or N: in:iicator is not available. ft:aD the oontta~r. i ; :,:; ,. ) '. " , ~~ Cption No. 1 loaners: IDaner(s) will be provided, on an as ~ basis, if it becx::rres necessary to remove 8 defibrillator, IIDnitor 01:' b1.ood pressure machine iran 8e%Vice. '!be CClttracta:r: shall pzov1de a un! t (8), of exactly the same equipzent, until the nanaparat.1ng equipnent is back in OOl:Vioe. Option No. 2 Batteries: 'Ibis contract wUl 1nc:Jud. the~~""''''';''lIt of batteries. Only new batteries, of at leaft (EM e:JUal quality, vill be used. Batteries are to be replaced, as nlll5ed, baulBu8r no battery shall be kept jn service. for Dare than eigb~ (18) IIaltbs wi thout being replaced. ~n No. 3 Pa&Ues: 'lh1s CQ'ltract will 1nc1,,,,. the co.t. ot replac1ng paddles, on an as nc~-1ed blsia, with ~1.. ot at least C8I equal quality. . . . :, ~. i :; ;.,: } " , J .'~ .~ .~ .~ l ~ j .~ ) i . I i ~ ~ I I ~ tPtioo lb. .. Paddles: 'Ih1s cx:ntract will'!J1clude the r~ to pun:hue poCk!lea, frCIn the vencbr, 00 an as -e e 5ed bas18, at a coat ot $ per set. - fidap. fti.. 2 . I , I '., ...- '.. i~ :,:-:~~ :t ,'~~ ; ,~.;:r General Condi bans J 1. Parts: This contract will ,include the price of parts and materials. Only nBI replacement parts, of at least Original ManJ.facture D:1uipnent (OEl1) equal quality, will be used to repair lwbnroe Cotmty's bicrnedical equiprent. ) i .>'~J ? 2. labor: This contract will include the cost of all labor assocla t.ed wi th the inspection, maintenance and repair of Monroe County' s biarmical equipnent. . 3. ~clusions: '!he following items will hot be covered by this o::mtract: B10crl pressure cuffs and tubing, patient cables, stylis arrl cases. ? 4 . Insurance: Each vencbr zr&.1St show that they have adequate ~rknen Ccxrpensation insurance to include statutory benefits. Each ven:k>r nust also sll::M that they have prem!sea/operat:.1aw and prcducts/cc.trpleted operatioos insurance .in the 8IlOJnt of $1,000,000 per ocOJrrence/S3,oOO,OOO aggregate. S. Technical Assistance: '!he S\~.asful vendor III.18t pt"Oride technical assistance to Monroe County to e~1ish regulatory ,requi.rem:mts for M::mroe County IS biared1cal equipzent. 6. Technician Traini.n:;J: '!be sucoessful vendor !rI1St sh=Jw, on' ~nand, tre trai.nin:J qualifications of the technicians that will bel '-OrlciIY:J on MJnroe County Emergency Medical Service equ1pnent. 7. Technical Data: 'Ihe successtul vendor IlI18t show, en demand, that they have the technical libraxy (c::urzent aerv1ce JDl!nUlls, etc. ) to 5llFPOrt the technician (8) working on the bi~ical equipnent. ... 8. Default PrOlTisions: In case of default by ca'ltract:ar, M:lru:ce County may procure Bexvioes fran an outside contractor and hold the contractor responsible for any cha2:ges incurred by Monroe Cbunty for the repair of its equ1pll8nt. 9. Oxltract Award: ~ County Z8IIetvu the right to xeject any or All PL~als &;:~'oed to be unz"Mp'''t'8i_ BId to 't00llpt any PZ~l \th!ch 1n its best hlterest beat -.ta the ~tt1cat1a1a herein. lb1roe Q)unty re&erws the right, beton awazd1Dg the contract:, to require a vendor to subldt' 8UCh 4IV1dence of hie qualifications as it may deem necessazy. ~~t1cn that may be required is financial, t.erhn1cal. and other qua].ificatJ..ca. and ebiliti~ of a venoor in making the ~ in tbe beat 1nt:.enst of fwbriroe Q,unty. flt:)nroe Cbunty shall. be the final autmrity 1n the awud ~ the contraet. _ . .- ; .~ ,.~ , ,~ .,c! ;; ,; ~~ ..1, <~ . ~J .~ ;...;~ f~ ,,// .";~ ,'.:; , '.~. ::t ri! ~. '~ 'j ":.1j J I.! ":.f~ 'l,n ~! ...~ '~ .~ l 10. hmiliarl ty With LmnJ 2 '!be CCbtract:ar 18 pz'IMn-.d to be famUJar with ~l federal, state and local ,.., ard1nanoe., code %'Ulea, and _regulfttions that: may in 8JU' way affect the woztc. Ignorance on the part of the contractor shall .in no way rellf!\'8hJm fran reeporunbili ty . "1 .~ /.. ,'+' ,t.: ~.~~ 'Ji Pao& )b" :3 . I 1, ~ '.. :.., '-""', ~ ..J ;~ ~ ," ,i .''; 1 : ,;~ , l " " ./ ",; I; " .~ 1 ':, ~ -2 .~ ;~ ." .. \ ,> ~ 'J . .C ~ ,.,j .~~ d ~ i /, ," ::J ':j ) ~ .~ I ~ ,:l , '1-: " , 11. Licenses: All bidders must have all licenses that are rfriUired by Florida State law and be prepared to subnit copies of trem upon request. 12. Olantities: l>bnroe Cb\mty reserves the right to increase or decrease the cquip-rent listed in Schedule A of this Pl=~l, during the term of the contract. ~ir:rnent increases or decxeases ,....ill be acc:cmplished by contract addendun, nutual1y agreed upon and executed by the vencbr and l-bnroe Cbunty. 13. Errors or Qnissions: '!he vendor sha1~ take no advantage of any apparent error or anission \o.tUch might be discovered in this specification, rot shall forthwith notify the !otJnroe County Df3 Director at 5192 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida 33050, of soch discove ry. '!he EM:) Director will ~ make such correctials or interpretations as deemed necessary' for reflecting the actual spiri t and intent of the specification. 14. Custarer Listin;J: l-bnroe Cotmty reserves the right to %eqUire a ven.cDr to provide l-bnroe County atergency Medical Services a list of Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical SeJ:Vices for whc:m the verd:>r has perfomed similar or identical \tK>rk within the last three years. 15. Initial Term of Contract: to establish a cx::mtract that expire on SepterIber 30, 1990. It is the intent of b1roe 0Nnt:y will camence on .P.pril 1, 1989 and~ I 16. ~nEWal Option: Assuming the availability of budgeted funds, this contract maY. l:e ren~ for an edditJ.cwU ale (1) year term. 17. Pa}'ment: 'Ihe vendor shall invoice la1me County in equal rronthly installments, by tax1nq c1istrict. Invoices shall be suhnitted to the lwblroe County 1:26 Directar, 5192 OIerseas HigtNly, Marath:m, Florida 33050, for apprc:wal and pro<;;eaa1ng. 18. Sic;nature Iequirech All proposals DUSt be signed with the firm nmre and by an off1.cer or eaployee havin:J the authority to bim the cnrpany or firm by his aignatuxe., ' 19. Pl.~al prices shall be vallet for at least ninety (90) days fran the closin:;J date for subnittal of ptCpOsals. '. .. p~ l\l$. .. -l-'-'-" :, ; l ---..t.._~-- 7'~ MCNroE CClJN'IY ~ MEDICAl, SEmTICES SPE:IFlCATI~S for, BICMEDlCAL EOOIPMENr POOPOSAL ~ Prop::>sals nust be suhnitted for the t:.hree taxiD;1 districts of M:mroe Coun ty , as ifunt i fied, and for the equipnent listed wi thin each tax:1ng district (Sc~ule A). Proposals not addressing all thEee diatricta .....ill be deemed in~lete and therefore w1J.l not be accepted .. a qualified proposal. . Handatory ~rk and Ecpiprent n--.ere shall l::e one (1) preventive maintenance inspec:tion of udl piece of equiprent, upon execution of agr&a.u::nt, and cme (1) 1&.141ve maintenance of each piece of equipnent evexy six (6) mcntha tbereatter and corrective maintenance on an as r-aded basis for the "CI,4~t .....i thin each MJnroe County Tax!n:J District. I.a.-er , Middle Keys Fire and hlbu1ance District $ 6030.00 - ~'l I. /', .~ ;.-/; . ;.' '. . Tavernier Special Taxing District No. 5 ,.,; .:1 'j .f! ',;; , ~ .3 II '4 :J J .. ~j '; .~ :',1 ~ i 1 ~.t . -1. J 1 .';1 $ 1416.00 !<ey largo SpeciiU Taxing District No. 6 $ 4380.00 .. Optiooal It:>rlt and Equ!pnent - Price each optial Beparat.ely, per t.axin9 districts ~ No. 1 IDwer , Middle Ray Fire and I.abulanoe Diatrl.ct . Tavernier Special Taxing District: Ro. 5 ~ Lal:tJo Special 'nIxirq Distrlct !b. 6 Optjon No. 2 lower , Middle Ray Fire ~ Jlabulanoe District tivernier Spee1al Taxing District No. 5 , . ICl8y Lal'9O Special '1mc1rq District !b. 6 ~ No. 3 IDWer , Middle Key Fire ant! 1abu1ano. D1atd.ct '1'avernier Special '1'ax1ntj District Ho. 5 Key Largo Special 'nixing District 'No.; 6 ~ 110. 5 J j ..., ~ ~ ~ :_-....... :-...: -.- $ NC . $ NC $ I ,,,~{~.. NC '. ' "~.1i c. ..*l "., 1~ $ . :-i:";~-' NC .. .....,... $ NC $ NC .. $ NC $ NC $ - NC '., j' ...- 'J 7' .:..,;.' .,ot "i< '" .~ ,~ .'~ '.~ " ..":~ . "':; " . .~ .~ ~ .~ j ~~ ~ 'r:~ t ,i ,,~ j .~ '.i ~ 'l ., ,'"' .~ i p.] .'~ ,~ ~;t ~~ .~ ~-:: '< "~ ;~ ~ ,:,& :,~ 'I :t :;l .~ " '~ ~ ...~ " ",~ I '- I I I t ~ I, "\. , , ~tion No.4 ~r & Middle Key Fire arrl 1Inbulance District $ 812.70 Tavernier Special Taxing District No. 5 $ 812.70 Key largo Special Tc:1xilX'J District No. 6 $ 812.70 Proposal 5Ubni tted By: car.-pm-t NNo2 PHYSIO CONTROL CORPORATION ADDRESS 1777 Phoenix Parkway ~lJft~ 110 ClTi Hm ST).TE Atlanta. GA ZIP CCIB 3034 ~ TtLEPHCNE NO. (404) 996-4091 BY ~91 ;f~~ AutOOrized Signa e) , ,... PI.EASE PRINT NNwE AND TrIm CF SIQmR BELCIf 3/31189 (Data) James H. Irvin . District Manager, Southern District TechnIcal Servlcel 'It'. . '~,,;'ii ,... .;--' . - fMJ8 <<~. . ..- f :1 '~ J .~ I. ~... '.~ . 1 ~.. \ ; SCHEOOLE A J ~r & Middle Keys F..quiprent Inventory ~scription Manufacturer Serial No. LP 5 M:>ni tor Physio C:>ntrol 051754 , LP 5 l-bni tor Physio Control 0099::5 LP 5 I-bnitor Physio Q:)ntrol 054370 1.P 5 Men! tor Physio COntrol OOC561 1. P 5 M::lni tor Physio Oxltrol Q"'36 1. p 5 l-t;)ni tor Physio COntrol 009444 LP 5 !obnitor ~ysio Control 043653 LP 5 Defih Physio Control 028972 1.P 5 Defib fhysio Control 032963 LP 5 Defib Physio Control 007988 LP 5 Defib Alysio Q)ntrol 019139 LP 5 Defib Physio Con'trol 008960 .... LP 5 Defih Alysio Qmtrol 022986 LP 5 Defib Physio Oxltrol 030a43 LS 100 R1yaio Control 000712 . . I.S 100 Physio Oxltrol 000737 LP5~ Hlyaio Oorltrol 009483 - LP 5 Olarger Physio Oxltrol 020317 LP 5 ~1" t:!1ya1o Caatrol 010000 .. ;~ , " ; ~ , , ~ j~~ ~ ;'!J ,:,~ ~ 5 ~ " " ,~ J ~ .,." 1; ; -' , .f, i ] .f.1 > ~, . ',> i ~ I i ~ ...,.. ., '.. .. l:~ ;:--. , :~l '-,;~ '~ .' . . ~ '\;. . I . ... scm:r.ULE A (Continued) ~'a'~rni('r Equi:f1TCnt Invent.ory ~ .sed ption Marmfacturer . ') 5 PDnitor Physio Control ~.t ., ~p 5 l-t:mitor Physio Control !.P 5 Defih Physio Control Serial No. 006559 010912 028973 j Yey !.argo ~ipnent Inventorx DE: scri ptioo Manufacturer Serial No. LP 5 fobni tor Phy 510 COntrol 016425 L? 5 l"oni. tor Physio Q)ntrol 047757 LP 5 l-bni tor Physio Con~ol 002578 LP 5 }.t)ni tor Physio Q)ntrol 006109 LP 5 Defib Physio COntrol 005751 LP 5 Defib Physio Q)ntrol 026573 LP 5 Defib Physio Control 015602 LP 5 Oefib ~ysio Q)ntrol 002421 LS 100 Physio OJntrol - 001574 LS 100 Charger fbysio Q)ntrol 001573 Battery Slq:port Physio Control 000741 Battery SUppQL t atysio -Control 006546 LP 5 Olarger Physio Centrol 000507 ~ :~ ,'~ ,~ ,~;~ 'P '1 '. ".~ "l ~l ~ ';'."'~ ;.tt ., j ';'1 ',,:~ ~ 1 :1 }';:I '. .. .( -; "'< ,~ :4# ':,~ ::; .~ ,,~ I l ,;. ',~ ~ ~j :': ~, :5 I'IIqe No. 8 i, 'I l:.........::-a: - .,.......