Resolution 097-1990 .' RESOLUTION NO. 097 - 199'0 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT AGREEMENT BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY, KEY WEST FLORIDA, WITH GEORGE M. SCOTT, (Lease of Suite C at Conch Plaza Office Building in Tavernier for storage) FOR THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute a contract agreement between Monroe County, Key West, Florida, with George M. Scott (for lease of Suite C at Conch Plaza Office Building in Tavernier for storage) for the Growth Management Division. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 24th day of January A.D. 1990. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BYok~ Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest : DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk v!QJ~6Jt!-..t.lJ~ Cler. /. MJD\f~~A$ TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. BY~~~~ AttornI'll s ()/h', :lO<JNOW '>ill va LO: 9d Z- MVW 06. UtiO:J::H.: 0311.:1 &:J 'f ". ---_..._...~,-_........-...,..~~.,-......_.---.._.__.-.._.- \, . . ~ 1 :~,:!t ~CA.c. COMMON FORM RAMCO ,.ORM,. .This least, Mtlde thi, ~tober 20,1989 day 01 ,A. 0.19 Jy and lBftwttR GEORGE M. SCOTT I,ertlll ('all,.d IIle It'ssor ., alld M)NROE COUNTY hi'uin ('allt'd the le'It'1! ~ltnessltth, Thai ill c'onaidl'ration 01 lilt' (,f"'t'lIlm/~ 1I""l'ill cOlltaiMd, 011 Ihe pari ulll", .crid 1t-16el! 10 be I(t'pt alld performed, thi' IJClid 1t'lIwr do htreby It'a,e ta'/hl! .aid I,'.~"" , th~ follo""'lIg d~.cr;b,.d properly: CONCH PLAZA OFFICE BUIIDING ON US 1 IN TAVERNIER. UPSTAIRS, SUITE C,OFFICE TO THE LEFT. TO BE USED FOR STORAGE ONLY,: BY LEASEE FOR $100.00 PER M)NTH STARrING N<J\7EMBER 1,1989 THRU ocroBER 31, 1990. A SECOND ~ OPl'ION IS GIVEN FOR $125.00 $200.00 SECURITY DEPOSIT HAS BEEN PAID. .. To ~Uf Md To Mold the saOmt ,0;'lIle trrm 0/- from the FIRST dall of NOVEMBER ,A. n. 19 89 ,.lhe .aid It,see thertfor the M)N!'HLY rf'lIlol $10Q 00 And Ih~ laid lusee ('o"t'nt,nl with lilt' .saullt's$or _u____ _ __ ___ -._ -.--..-- .---..----. -.- ptlying Dollar.. 10 pay III(' '(lid rtltl in paymelll.o/ $100.00 rlldl 011 lilt' FIRST day of t'ad, and every M)NTH dcry of NOVEMBER I 1989 . . for lilt' ,aid t,.,III, the first paYIIlt'nllo be lIIatl,' fm 1/11" FIRST to mtlk,. 110 "nlcr",flll. impro/l'" or onrnsir'l" IISI" of 0,,' P""/II;:ws: ,wi It I U~'~;!111 lI,;:s It'as,' "r 10 .ub- 11'1 any ptlrl 01 sa~d prt'm;s,.s ",il/wullllr ",rill,'" ,'owu'lIl of 11ft' It'$,'wr : lIullo wU' .(fiel prrmis,'. for (my olh,'f p"rpo:;~ Ihall WI tI . . mrd 10 quit alld drUm'r lip ,aid pum;sI'lI allJu~ (lid of lurid It'rm i" us (lood t'tJlldilimt m 1I,ry ur,' 'lOW (ord;lIury fill'nr ami d~(,tlY (tIId damno,. "ll 1111' ,'lnuI'II/.., ollly l'Xt"'/J/,'d). ,-\1It1 tiff' stlid /,'ss,',' 1If'rt'hU f't1llt'''"111 and au""" Iht,1 if dt'/(wll shall lw mtrcle ill 11", IJUYII"'''/ oflbt' ""111 as aforrsaitl. u,. if lilt. su;d I"""t' ,lwlllJiulal,' tUlU f;f I/r,. C'(Wt'IIfWIIl 01 Ilris I,'.,.",.. tI"'1I st,itllf'lIlir,' dwll 'wI'mllt. 1"IIt1111 al,,,grrallC'i', IU'rPby wcriui"f/ fill rig1ll "',wtit',,. (IIulllrt' "'.~liur :"/(/11 hI', f'nlil/t'd illl'III.tlitllC'ly I" uotlll"r and re-Iake l108SI..'f8ioll of Ow drm;.'l("d prl'I1I;lIrll. .ithtSS "ur IltIlltis und 8t'oI61/,;.'f 20th ,f/tlU of OCI'OBER . ..t.I>. m 89 Sigurd. St'alt.d ami I>"/;,','rt'tl ;Il 1'1"I'/wlIl'f' flf: l ~l:~rC. ... x,s!~ ~A~. .~. , ....>.~,.m.. ..,.,-..............'. ,... (I . A/IMOVED AS TO FORM } ~NDLEGAL S~~...FICIENCY, STATE OF FLORIDA. ~' COUNTY OF, ~ L, v '\ \ll..JJ-.t ~ I JftUlE,av CEU~ba&-on tbis day. ~fDre mC'. an OlliCff d"l, autborized in thC' State afore.aid and in thr Count)' aforr..,id tt"i~n~~Ii'hfJllct"ml:nu. penon~hr :lpJl"arrd "I ; II. ':: to me known to be the penon deKribed in a~d, who ex-ecuced orc; ill~~'B~'in8 instrument end before me tbat ,executed the lamll:. WITNESS my hand and oHicilll eal in the County IUld State lall aforesaid this ,(; ~ "-... --r--- \ ~ A. D. 19J q ~C\2..lw...~ I acknowledged . . ~ day of I<OrA'lY.""" . ~,.,~.; .- .-~. ~.......................:.... 1"~r'!Ir,I,l ,I!',",I'''''I~'' " . Mv. CONMlC:Sp:,S.;.f.tTF.CfR.MIDA'" ". :,; I" - , ' -~, .. ' ,;.;: " 8CX~ .. \,~~ f.(':;I, ell)t y ',. ' " ,. , ..,..,.,'1'1.. , ':' I T/1I11I1Slnlllll'll/ prtptlrt'd'"lj1 GEI~~ lii!S, ~I,992 -:li'.I"'"I. ;), /1'/'/n'SJ . ' II , I'.., I" ,.~d ,I ' In Witness Whereof, the Board of COlUlty Corrnnissioners of Monroe ColUlty, Florida, has authorized the Mayor/Chairman of the Board to execute this Lease, this day of , 1990. BOARD OF COUNTY QM.1ISSIONERS OF M:>NROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Mayor/Chairman (SEAL ) Attest: Clerk '" . " ..