Resolution 125-1990Pianning Department RESOLUTION NO. 125-1990 A RESOLUTION.CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 50 BLOCK 3, LOT 14, PINE KEY YACHT CLUB ESTATES WHEREAS, the property described in the Planning Department Report of November 27, 1989, Block 3, Lot 14, Pine Key Yacht Club Estates, presently vacant, was zoned Single Family Residen- tial District (RU-1) under the zoning code prior to September 15, 1986; and WHEREAS, the current Land Use district boundaries were placed in error with the adoption of the September 15, 1986 Land Develop- ment Regulations, and.therefore the subsequent maps were also in error, as they did not follow the previous demarcated residential boundary; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 50 dated. November 27 , 1989, which recommends approval is hereby acknowledged and found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Section 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code, and therefore approved. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certi- fied coy of this resolution to the Florida Department of Communi- ty Affairs. PASSED,-,W ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe :1 County.;; Florida, at regular meeting of said Board held on the 13th day of_:-Februag, A.D. , 1990. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By_ Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest:D E+. ROT GE, Clerk '&'Oe Clerk�` M E M O R A N D U M *TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald L. Craig, AICP, Assoc. AIA, Assistant County Administrator for Growth Management Division Department: Planning SUBJECT: Boundary Determination for Pine Key Yacht Club Estates, Block 3, Lot 14, Big Pine Key, Florida DATE: November 27, 1989 MEETING DATE: January 2 & 3, 1990 PLANNER: Nancy Harvieux BIOLOGIST: Dianna Stevenson Previous Relevant Board Action: Recommended Action: / / ( ) Referral: Yes No X Commissioner's District: It is recommended that the lot remain in the Native district. Based on a site visit, the lot in question most closely fit the purpose and in- tent of the Native land use district, and the character of the adjoining lots. Background: Applicant has requested a change in the land use district on the refer- ence lot from Native (NA) to Improved Subdivision (IS) to allow construc- tion of a single family house. Presently the lot is vacant, and is surrounded by lots characteristic to Native district. Lots 10 through 18, Block 3 were reviewed in connection with this request. Findings of Fact: 1. Lot 14 has disturbed fill areas along two street sides. The interi- or is undisturbed areas with buttonwood, poisonwood, black torch and seagrape. The northern boundary consists scattered areas of sawgrass. 2. Lots 12 and 13 consist of predominantly undisturbed low hammock con- taining areas of dense sawgrass and freshwater wetlands. A pond is in the center of lot 12. 3. All lots on Block 3 and 4 are vacant. 4. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Florida Department of Environ- mental Regulations claim jurisdiction over all the wetland lots in the Native Area including lot 14. 5. Records show that the lot had been designated as Residential Use-1 (RU-1) prior to September 15, 1986, bounded by Business Use (BU). The February 15, 1986 land use district maps show the lot as Native (NA) bounded by Improved Subdivision (IS) to the north. On January 19, 1988 the land use district maps confirmed the Native (NA) desig- nation. Aerial maps show that the Native (NA) district is accurate, since only the corners of the lot are disturbed. The character, intent and purpose of the Native district best fits this lot, adjoining lots which are also listed as Native. Action by: Ordinance X Resolution Citizens Committee Statement: Yes X No Attached Alternatives: Not applicable. Attached Documentation: X Yes No 1. Application and proof of payment 2. Letter from ACOE 3. Proposed Boundary Map 4. Current Land Use District Map 5. Aerial Photo 6. Zoning Pre -September 1986 7. Land Use District Map effective Feb.28, 1986 (Pattison) 8. Staff Reports (Planner & Biologist) 9. Correspondence ap' APPLICATION FOR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION rod It APPLICANT AI1?t 5Cd �� i 5Tl�� ��� - �/�S PHONE # ADDRESS C� f3e� `c7375� KEY _(3t � P/ , E MM OCEANSIDE OR BAYSIDE? SUBDIVISION 4 I Pic PLAT BOOK ✓ PAGE BLOCK -3 LOT(S) MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION ATTACH EXTR�i SHEET IF NECESSARY) REQUEST CHANGE FROM TO -� S REASON FOR REQUEST: v E�o p J� NSi/F --;7/4M f L 1 � 'Y✓I �- PRESENT LAND USE: DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: �:v �.�-c,c•,�•�l c:r vtc��s �- ��c( G��t�t-1`fr� S I GNATUR /R �� ""C—,-, Fee paid/ ;� - DATE I r , -�, t a v �.' •1V . �.LtnVl.. : � � � y . J vM to ►-o t- At Io .+ . z a .-; ,•- r� CL S {o a s u w O s i 1 �- • o u' w �► ? O O 3[ u O M ttJ A t = .t ♦ o f� ►r tp • r- .. �p O to o O 1!t MHO h- tv tptC a[ _ J err v (n t2J UN v ac s w 40 uo 1 t x . Betio s v�u+ r 494/ Wp Ii w IA. M VS w "I ,d •., p O to f-OW ( Y QP ocO Z•O.•r Q.Jt4i= NC 0- >• a[ Y a: a i t7 t 0 W Z a[r .i •W w0 of vxx f• poor"► cDViOM- QDA i r -l►U4¢1s =cc (.d v at of r 00, *%Q . at J t m roN U'Zas wo I A W W 1 rNO ZWO.t O oo w V) J q-RO�, �W, oo co I •a v moo[ (u •" wVt 1 dryW 40 N xtW Y r0L3. t ar %t a s .t a ►no a s. c) O • = v lL J- a+ d ti W Yr YI a[km ANA•/trto ws w s c.-•Or. o4,ni We v l w f•• f• f• {/s O`Prrt+hrt Wa[ 1- t •- r a O ( x w CLfn ¢I 0 UI w J 01 U m or w of J <> z w 31 a W m w X. U w m t P J ` .:r f� Q • w u) UJ0 M j UDW% x .-coZea4a .roe Z l W ..1Z p O ( u O tr tr v 7i 0 f- w o v.c TIC Ia D d Zt.0_ju0. P cc uws01&t,.cn. 1 A Z Ili w I .n = C -,ON M u x? a1(L cr t - uJ 0 O LL Q \N \ 0 N `+t x •n in w u, ku>, 0 o W- wto "r = J w cn .J O to N Y D 0: of ? cq 'A w u w � w Z „� w > ae__. > F Q L K 1� W ' s =y w ¢ NOV130 ION 00 ,m M - OuL4e : mns oown . A v u.vw USDIAdO k� "I, ----,----------------------------------- $ ...... ---------------------------------------- $------ - ------------ ---------- ,------------- . -... "dog QSAIS�S2i 30 SoId30 rpuo13 ' /(iunoo aoiuOw SNalloISSIWWOo AINf10o do aN vQ8 r . C i J. G. WESTBROOK 3-77 CHRISTAL R. WESTBROOK 615 P. O. BOX 563 MARATHON, FL 33050 �� 9_UL 63-62801 870 PAYER THE y 'y ORDER OF___ �`Y` LLARS THE MRRINE ORNK OF MONROE COUNTY MARATHON. FLORIrM &W ma�yy// \ MEMO }LLB I:067006 831: 2247L4Bii' 06L5 � 1 / I —�- C9 4 as a 14 a 14 —3-- 7 11 • 11 g s so ,. » i n N 574 s 1 » u r-� 0#0•--- Pursuant to Section 9.5-24(a)(2)(h) of the Monroe County Code, the boundaries of the Land Use District Map are Interpreted to be 1� 1 located as indicatedN above and briefly described as: Extend IS —boundary to include Lot 14, Block 3 of Pine Key Yacht Club Estates as shown. I/ Director, Growth Management Date 1�200' Sheet •2 -_ Key Big Pine Key -- BOCC Resolution .f as a 24 I ! 3 a ` 4 as 5 �r- 21 • 20 7 N I V=200' 9 8 3 4 5 i 7 i 96 VAcHir 31 1 3 I IIIII III ��innll IOil-'E MINI! ��►►1,�II� �zl s 0®�I 0 WI zE' 0 c u= ai ai I 17 I ai 26 I a Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida January 19,1988 Panel or Sheet# __ 344 Appl is ant: Westbrook .-_ _ Key : Big _Pine -------- — NA 9 I as a 27 n 3 ai 4 1 as 6 14 i 23 7 22 i 21 Q i 20 0 90 (n�19 12 17 13 1i 14 15 ROAD 'k3 as all al m File # _- -- __- Mile Marker: 30 dmmwm."., r c . r C '— -- 'W PW* KEY 111 TtOi STAi'lON 'SM } IL ;llrwr»I r*= 6 00' 1 1 1 I SI N A Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Ncoww Approved by B. O. C. C. , February 2 8,19 8 6 Panel or Sheet# 8 of 21 File# Applicant: Westbrook Key: Big Pine Mlle Marker: 30 M E M O R A N D U M To Donald Craig, Asst. County Administrator From: Nancy Harvieux, Planner`Z� Date: October 12, 1989 Re Boundary Determination for Block 3 Lot 14 Big Pine Key Yacht Club Estates, Big Pine Key, FL Applicant: James/Christine Westbrook - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BACKGROUND• Applicant has requested a change in the land use district on the reference lot from Native (NA) to Improved Subdivision (IS) to allow construction of a single family house. Presently the lot is vacant, and is surrounded by lots characteristic to Native districts. RECOMMENDATIONS• I concur with the Biologist, Dianna Stevenson that the lot remain in the Native district. Based on a site visit made Octo- ber 5, 1989, the lot in question most closely fit the purpose and intent of the Native land use district, and the character of the adjoining lots. Review of the lot was done in the context of adjoining lots. ALTERNATIVES• Not applicable. FINDINGS OF FACT• Pine Key Yacht Club Estates is shown platted in the County Strip Maps, 21st Edition, 1986. Records show that the lot had been designated as Residential Use -1 (RU-1) prior to September 15, 1986, bounded by Business Use (BU). The February 15, 1986 land use district maps show the lot as Native (NA) bounded by Improved Subdivision to the north. On January 19, 1988 the land use district maps confirmed the Native (NA) designation. Aerial maps show that the Native (NA) district is accurate, since only the corners of the lot are disturbed. The character, intent and purpose of the Native district best fits this lot, along with the adjoining lots which are also listed as Native. e M E M O R A N D U M To George Garrett Coordinator, Environmental Resources Division From: Dianna Stevenson 1 S Biologist, Environmental Resources Division Date: June 28, 1989 Re Block 3, Lot 14, Pine Key Yacht Club Estates Westbrook application for boundary determination - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Introduction: The applicant has requested a boundary determination on the refer- enced property. The property is presently located within the Native Area (NA), as are lots 10, 11, 12, 13 to the north and lots 15, 16, 17 and 18 to the east. The applicant feels that lot 14 should be changed to the Improved Subdivision (IS) land use district so that a single family residence can be built. Site Description: Lot 14, Block 3 is a corner lot. The lot boundaries abutting the streets are disturbed fill areas with scattered Brazilian pepper and Australian pine. The interior of the lot consists of undis- turbed areas with buttonwood, poisonwood, black torch, and seagrape. The northern boundary contains scattered areas of saw grass. Lots 13 and 12 were also reviewed. Lot 13 is predominantly undis- turbed low hammock habitat containing areas of dense sawgrass. Bay cedar are present, but sparse. Going north into lot 12, the habitat changes to predominantly freshwater wetlands. A pond exists in the center lot 12. Evaluation: Lot 14, Block 3, although disturbed on the southern and western boundaries, appears to more closely fit the purpose and intent of the Native Area land use district, especially when the habitat of adjacent lots 12 and 13 is taken into consideration. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Native Area boundary is correct and that Lot 14, Block 3 should not be changed to Improved Subdivi- sion. CC: Jeanne DuBois k C UNTY o MON ROE r. L KEY WEST 11DA 33040 1305) :94 4641 Department of Environmental Debbie Charvat 11400 Overseas Highway Marathon, FL 33050 t .lune 28, 1989 Regulation Re: Pine Key Yacht Club Estates Block 3, Lot'14 Dear Ms. Charvat: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Mayor Pro Tern Gene Lytton, District 2 Douglas Jones, District 3 MAYOR Mike Puto, District 4 John Stormont, District 5 Enclosed please find the biologist's report on the above cap- tioned property. As she explained to you on the phone, the own- er requested a boundary determination on the property. If DER claims jurisdiction on the property, it would signify the wet- land characteristics of the lot and result in a denial of the request. ACOE has claimed jurisdiction. Please send a memo to the attention of the Planning for inclusion with the boundary determination report. ary determination has been scheduled for July 18. The for materials is July 7. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, �N Jeanne DuBois Planning Technician encl cc: file Technician The bound - deadline 41, CO UNTY10"rDAON ROES KEV WEST 33040 (305) 294 4641 Ms. Shirley Mart Benson Lower Keys Realty, Inc. PO Box 646 Big Pine Key, FL 33043 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Mayor Pro Tern Gene Lytton, District 2 Douglas Jones, District 3 MAYOR Mike Puto, District 4 UJohn Stormont, District 5 June 29, 1989 Re: Lots 12 and 13, Block 3, Pine Key Yacht Club Estates Big Pine Key, FL Dear Shirley: The above captioned lots are in the Native Area (NA) land use district. As you know, density in the NA district is allocated per habitat type with a range of .2 per acre for freshwater wet- lands to .5 for hammock and pinelands. Lots 12 and 13 were reviewed by the biologist in connection with a boundary determination request made by the owners of Lot 14, Block 3. Enclosed please find a copy of the biologist's re- port. The preliminary recommendation in the application for boundary determination is for denial based on the habitat of Lots 12 and 13, surrounding properties and on the jurisdictional claims of DER and ACOE. If you have any further questions, please contact a planning technician, either Maria Pollman or Richard Dispenzieri. Tomor- row is my last day in planning; it's been nice working with you! Sincerely, Jeanne DuBois Planning Technician cc: file 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MIAMI REGULATORY FIELD OFC., JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINERS P.O. BOX 520766 REPLY TO MIAMI. FLORIDA 33152-0766 ATTENTION OF 7 July 1989 Regulatory Section Miami 89JF30068 Ms. Jeannie Du Bois Monroe County Planning Department 5825 Junior College Road Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. DuBois: Pursuant to on -site inspection of June 7, 1989, this is to inform you that lots 12, 13 and 14, Block 3, Pine Key Yacht Club Estates, Big Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida sustain a prevalence of buttonwood mangrove wetland vegetation, adjacent to Coupon Bight. As such, a Department of the Army permit will be required for the discharge of fill material associated with construction on these lots. When specific plans are developed, it is requested that you submit them for Corps approval. A joint application is enclosed for your infor- mation and use. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Mr. Vic Anderson at Big Pine Key Field office at (305) 872-3205. Thank you for your cooperation with our Regulatory program. Sincerely, Charles A. Schnepel Chief, Regulatory Section