Resolution 128-1990 ../ Planning Department RESOLUTION NO. 128-1990 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 55 BLOCK 2, LOTS 1- 10, 13-25, 28, 31-34 MANDALAY SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, the property described in the Planning Department Report of January 25, 1990, Block 2, Lots 1-10, 13-25, 28, 31-34 Mandalay Subdivision, Key Largo, presently used for Residential and some Commercial, was zoned Medium Business District (BU-2) under the zoning code prior to September 15, 1986; and WHEREAS, the current Land Use district boundaries were placed in error with the adoption of the September 15, 1986 Land Develop~ ment Regulations, and therefore the subsequent maps were also in error, as they did not follow the previous demarcated commercial boundary; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 55 dated January 25, 1990, which recommends approval is hereby acknowledged and found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Section 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code, and therefore approved. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certi- fied copy of this resolution to the Florida. Department of Communi- ty Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe i"- CQuntypFlorida, at regular meetin.g of said Board held on the 13th day of-February, A.D., 1990. :".J 0J ,--r-"'l Ct:j L.I... S< '-' .,.... BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA / tf "... " ".--;,/:-"rtr. I' )--- V V rl,.t-.~e..,;;><v~ By Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest:D~ L. KOLHAGEJ CJ.erk ~ M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald L. Craig, AlCP, Assoc. AlA, Assistant County Administrator for Growth Management Division Department: Planning SUBJECT: Boundary Determination for Mandalay Subdivision Block 2, Lots 1-10, 13-25, 28, 31-34 Key Largo. DATE: January 25, 1990 MEETING DATE: February 13/14, 1990 PLANNER: Lorenzo Aghemo BIOLOGIST: Bob Smith .~<' Previous Relevant Board Action:6j25j85( ) Referral: Yes X Commissioner's District: No Recommended Action: Denial Background: Margaret Magargel, Chester Bennett, Glenna Cogley, Bonnie Nelson, Rose Correale, Carlos Valdes, Joseph Francis, and Louis Caputo are requesting a boundary determination for Block 2, Lots 1-10, 13-25, 28, 31-34, Mandalay Subdivision, zoned BU-2 prior to the adoption of the current land use regulations. Boundary Determination request based upon desire of applicants to have zoning returned to commercial status. Lots 1-6, 28, and 31-33 are currently used for commercial storage; lots 9 and 10 are occupied by a licensed electrical contractor and also have a radio tower on site; lots 7, 8, 13-25, and 30 are currently use for residential purposes. The sites and surrounding areas feature a predomi- nantly built environment classified as disturbed with exotics. Findings of Fact: 1. There is no evidence at this time indicating that placement of bound- ary lines was done in error. 2. Lots 7, 8, 13-25, and 30 are currently being used for residential purposes. A designation of Suburban Commercial wi 11 render the existing residential uses non-conforming, which then could not be replaced as such in the case of destruction in excess of more than forty-nine-percent. 4. The Urban Residential Mobile designation does allow limited commer- cial uses. At their June 25, 1985 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners voted unanimously to zone the subject properties Urban Residential Mobile. The applicants have the alternative of applying for a map amendment through the established re-zoning process. 3. . 5. Action by:___Ordinance ~Resolution Citizens Committee Statement: Yes X No Attached -- Board Policy{ies) Applicable: N.A. Planning Commission Action Taken: Yes Date X N.A. Alternatives: Apply for a Map Amendment. Attached Documentation: X Yes No A' 1. Application and proof of payment 2. Copy of Minutes from BOCC June 25, 1985 3. Photograph of properties 4. Proposed Boundary Change map 5. Land Use District Map 6. Aerial Map 24th edition 1989 7. Strip map 8. Existing land conditions map 9. Land Use District Map February 28, 1986 (Pattison) 10. Zoning Map Pre-September 1986 11. Staff Report (Planner & Biologist) , ' . M' E MAG':d\GEL ' 215 CANAL STREET TAVERNIER F~ 33070 . , APPL.Lc;ATlON ~OR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION KEY t, - A / f'\ . 1- fY'- :2 Yl R 12 CD A-IL CT k ,'-") n- L.,9 e L'': PHONE # is Q ( . :J... J ~- C A A) 1=1- L S J T A y -e. rc }\/ / e iZ- F j., )-:j.. kEY ~/-J,eGO 9 1 \r' <-2.. APPLICANT ADDRESS 330 7 (j MM c;/'h OCEANSIDE OR BAYS IDE? OCc/JIIS1,tJE BLOCK /'1t1,A/iJ/1L/lY I PAGE . I) n'J. LOT(S) I 9 t./ ;\-11.0 .- 17-/7 'j 9-:J.vu SUBDIVISION PLAT BOOK MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) J OCAlFfl (/1'1 (/, S. / ..f' gF'Th/EE# /!.T /7t/f.; /T/VP ,-2 ~ /l J/E ' REQUEST CHANGE FROM U;( 11 TO S - C REASON FOR REQUEST: I (/lIlt! 1101 /Vol/ht-/) oP Lcr;,/;I'IG- CII/JN'GE IN lyFtf, I PiJ,f'C/III5E/J mE /llf()(/~ SIx (t?) ~O'TJ 1/1/ /9 73 CJ!A/ll'~'fJ/)A/G T/fI?EF (.3) ,F/?11'1E" iJtl/Lb'//JI6S, 8tlj/~//1/(,. #" / wAS /1 11;4;t1j} .8-4C r/tc70t'Y /lITO /98"9.' 8LPC. 11 d. /1;1t1 8Ec/Y V.5ED / as ;YI/VE//o VSEIf /JjJjJjl/JIIIC~ S/9LES, AAltJ .8L/}if 1I..J' /J5 8/lc/~,J. (;;VL/ / ilL- E wote/~.5 PRESENT LAND USE: hR J/9;;c DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: SIGNATU;;?Jl '. ~7. p /L DATE ~ , a 1 /}Jl. V Fee paid " t . 1) 0 ,. I\. I}l:, tJ. )Jio ("~'i l<f? (?k . ch.Jtt O~ ~ I~{). ~ ((!j( ftJ-O~J-S- 6~ ~ Lfl,lfSlt '%Y/~I ~ $""'0 .-DO I JD /1G;,!Vtj ! ' .' ~: ::;.-::" ~..' ',' " -~ . . '. . . (] :~~~~~\~'i":.~~~; -,; .~~,~ - ".I , 003993 COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE 1 c; -_ 4-1 9~! ') MONROE COUNTY-STATE OF FLORIDA THIS L1~ENSE EXPIRESS cPT E ME E ~ 3 r., 1 935 TAX COST AND PENALTY TRANSFER FEE 3[1- 00 TOTAL DUE 30.00 " C., ~! Cen >r z- OO mm O~ -nm. ~(j)'1 O-n 6~1' >~ en en ., I, ~~l rriZ\ en . I .'. " ';:. .531-222~1J4 NU"BER"Of UNITS: ENTER CU~RENT NU"6ER OF UNITS HCKF: STATE CERTIFICATE NUMBER ~~~HARRY F KNIGHT TAX COLLECTOR 294-8403 p.O..BOX 1129 KEY WEST FL 33041-1129 PLEASE SEE BACK OF FORM L :1 I: E '.. :) ;: ,: : ~fbI~ ~y TH~ SEA MAGAUG~L ~ARGARET E flJX 16A K~Y LAHSu FL 33031 2"~?~~:;~~'o~:ff~~-:;i .-'..:.. '''~':'':~;'-'))'~'~;:~;"~'!' U'C.I\T [u:\i: THE ABOVE LICENSEE IS HEREBY LICENSED PROfESSION OR OCCUPATION OF : ' WHOLESALE LADIES HANOBAGS TO ENGAGE IN THE DUSINESS HFYmb'o J>.~~ THIS FORM BECOMES A RECEIPT ONL Y WH~N VALIDATED BY RECEIPTING MACHINE SHOWING TRANSACTION NUMBiOR, DATE, AND AMOUNT PAID. ACCOUNT NU~BER IS 03234 . :p~)i(PtlID*HAnR.Y 1- KNIG~"r!:j::)P::: '.:':: t.' " ~) ~'"" .\ '-'. :~:: G :t C ,~: ~. :~:~ !~.:: :.:; THIS LICENSE MUST BE POSTED CONSPICUOUSLY IN YOUR PLACE OF BUSINESS DR-17 ' / STATB OF FLORID~ DZP ARTHEKT OF REV&IU8 Tallahassee, Florida CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATIOn NO. 54-00-08188-55 SALES AND USE TAX CaSH BOND Amount $ 200.00 This is a cash bond or deposit made by the person or firm shovm below to secure and gqarantee payment of Sale, Use and/or Rental tax pursuant to Section 212.1~(~), Florida Statutes. FROH Herman Backlund (Harne of O\mer) RackJund Ti1~ Works Trade Hame) Address g7!'i Mi lp. Post. Old Hwy.. Key LarQo. FJorjoC'l 11()17 Official Cash Receipt NOD Noney Order Ho. Cashier f sCheck 4/.11 R NOTE: Original of this bond must be kept and returned to the Florida Department of Revenue if and vThen refund is authorizedD J. ED STRAUGHN 7 EXEC UTI VE DIRECTOR By: /'.~~ ~ (// ~ ') -t'2DuW jut or1zed Agent ;; C. A. Cummings, Area Super isor ()rt:nnpr ?? . , 19-23- APPLICATION FOR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION . --- ---~'--- -_.---- -----.- ------.-------..------ ------ APPLICANT C 1115 S;Tl!'12. 1:ic:t<J tV rE- TT PHONE. F SZ - J'J'.p 3 4~ E 2~ ,S'r L<'E-( MLFJ 1~4. ~~O~? ADDRESS KEY /(g A/17?6o ~ANS~~OR BAYSIDE? OC/'JJIYS/OE SUBDIVISION I{ A-.Jf b AL.A- f / MM CJ~~ svg. PAGE .11-' ~~. /?"?/ 1" ;( I ~ ~ ~I t;' ?R' PLAT BOOK BLOCK 02. LOT(S) MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) L-E> -r s tJ:- / ~ '2.. ~. 'f :7. b. 7. 9'. ~ t;:>p Ie... { REQUEST CHM~GE FROM REASON FOR REQUEST: r;Q G-P:- It:( <( U, 1/.. ."1 TO 7 I ~2.'~, 3'1 ~ ~.....~~ ~s. c. fA.) t ~ ~'- {.u .4- t Po r- ~o TJJ=/t:o B, u . "2 - LuOc:.J "--(? t) A.J C {-fA,. Pf E WANT', 10 It. e. ,U tl. IU 7D Iff-e- 0-14'{ ,-r uJ 114 S-- c. PRESENT LAND USE: DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: DW t-f SIGNATURE --6~~_DATE /0-/2--.41 -- -- . &P~:L~1"!.o_~__E:OB_~_ USE~_!STIiICT ~ DETE~I~TION {J/E f1J N lfJ Ifl {"o r/ {'"y . f' I J? G~ I~ KEY K~ 10< r () OCEANSIDE OR BAYSIDE? OCC'Q "'- SUBDIVISION N Al'ldc.... 1.. Q.. { .1 cA APPLICANT PHONE .. f5-~ -g--.S'" Y ADDRESS {Lve 97 7 MM (/6/@../ it ~::303 7 PLAT BOOK PAGE A' 19 If LOT ( S ) :).. 3 BLOCK MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) f~'$ ff~t4. e-' ~~c! ,I.\..p 'of NU.'WtE;(I\4.-S b,rmt'5 A"td ~l(51!JE~.s;' '.C-' ~~'k:~ J~~1.j f1t>~;1 N~"-~4.1~deet",:)f it: Rf ~/~ ..>>/f$ J!, I p~ e JIt 1S4.s/~1S ~ e", 0. .s ~ . REQUEST CHANGE FROM L.L, R ~ TO S ~ . , . ' REASON FOR REQUEST: Pketse..'j>c.t.\ ~'A11 JkC{~ ~ WH" ~c;. i, waS 6>.Ai~ ~ I'~~~ I,Dei !JoT IE-,~k r~'!3e ZoH€J, , H~ bIL fk"M,€..fk. f-'~$F.::[- ck"~1 "r :U1tIt.j 1SS fI&;b w;"tv,. 0....7 N,;;h t,('" 1;"" To ~r4 E /;j1kJ /J elJ'I-~.ou.,Nf. 1ft · . f)) E.. 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LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) O?*'/ E4<:;-I-/;P S"'"/~~~~ ~k/D' /??m 9;1'j; t'7CL"/PNS";/" JI(P a.s';z #~~4':; /h'1,k/ ?ill"", / >+ ;'/f/e _,d:i' ??;7Lr' ",,-, 4r/',( J$/.....~. pL -:P'''>/ ,,~d ~/V ~. REQUEST CHANGE FROM "-/ /P II TO ._ <;" C REASON FOR REQUEST,S;-~ tH<7' -'7RGe,Z =-,,~,/ <<,p,u 1,1' /p.!,.",,,,,,,,,_ 5/;.0.. t:'el.f f v .-1')/_ I .5'1- A ~ /s.f ./ . / . --/- ,.Jd A ..L. /) _ 7c'T..-1....,0 / .hue- /0 ~S-T- ..5'rR~.e Zo ,.;< /7'1.x;,. I""'"b~ ~',..J '-"c1 ~"/Y,J;'t/~.l- . Such AS. .~///?/m~;r-8u;(,,/,,';/ _ /7l&/vb(_Ac'~h'''''f., e/PR~4/ Vr~~~/~:J I S-~/e/?j<! Rr-rvhh, ~Nc/ ~O~..{ dh2-P \. PRESENT LAND USE, ~J~~~<;;; ~:: Lfi;t~;;~ _ "--~6P~&~ _~,AL2 . ~ ^,~_~A"~.L'~ ---~. ~ .&d <U....A":;-~ -"7./1< dnL;J 6."7f. d.?f /g"'~''7--<.a.... C /J.5 .4- ~.-e..e . DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: SIGNATURE~~_J..;c~~~ .DATE-.L~.q/ Y;~ -- -- M>PJ.U::,,:!I ~()IL LI\ND USE 01 STRICT .M1IP DETERMINATION APPLICANT ~ ~.~ PHONE #'/bA-cft5-<'7 4/ /~:?J~_ ~~.#~ ~~ , OCEANSIDE OR BAYS IDE? &~ ~d~ / . / f ~ PAGE ADDRESS KEY MM ~/ t I ~/ SUBDIVISION BLOCK "Ii-' LOT ( Sr' /:?1/- ,-// ~ v~~ PLAT BOOK MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) J :: r~\ '/7 ? TO \' f ( Y ,'" '.I REASON FOR REQUEST: ~LtJ.-?- /4L/,;Lt'l~ ~/L ~ ~vVL/1 /6,~.~ , - / ~~&A LJ~ A~ ~.~ F A-. ~~l'~,/ . / REQUEST CHANGE FROM ~~~~ A.-- ~ PRESENT LAND USE: '-2i- ~ /7/L DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: ,// S'IGNATURE/~~ ~~- . // DATE ()t? /1/ /f J"J -- -- , . . ~p.~tc;A1'!9_N_E"OR_J:a^!~L~~~__PJ~TRICT __MAP DETl!:RM1~TI9N KEY C'/lR ~ OS vA 1 D FS //23) /l/,W. )//4IE/J}/. FLotf/P/) I /(t:-l ).A/PCO PHONE # ,-1)5'/- 3f/1.f /' 611 ffi-- C () lJ ~ / :5 ..J (J I :2 APPLICANT ADDRESS MM 97k OCEANSIDE OR BAYS IDE? o C ~?9111 S/Ot<- SUBDIVISION /'1 A-fIIPltt/1 Y / PAGE BLOCK 02 LOT(S) #( :<!/' Ift/ /3 ., /7" PLAT BOOK MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) ON [/,5, / REQUEST CHANGE FROM lJ ;P J1 TO Sc- REASON FOR REQUEST: C(i/Jrf6F /11 /9'i'1 - /VCT /'Io7ln6?J of ;2CJ/tJ /N~ PRESENT LAND USE: t) lvEltJ IV &- DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: ,.( VIYG 71/1c (}W/Vc/C, \ :IG~A;URE)!'-;;;:~t:~ ~~__DATELJtl7 / j /f'tt! -- -- ,. ,~PI>I:..t~_'r_!..O_~_.1:QB._~ USE D!~TRI_CT ~ DETE~INAT~gN APPLICANT ~EIW f!;4AiClS PHONE # 8,?,;1-.;2?S-3 ADDRESS 3~ E. .;;.. N<i ST J(-e.y Lt:W2b. ~ ~ L KEY I( e..r t A-1e..<;'O MM 9 ? 7 OCEANSIDE OR BAYSIDE? ~ e- A-rJ SUBDIVISION A./1 a-/J pa L A.../ , PLAT BOOK / ~ PAGE /fr ~J BLOCK LOT(S) MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA S!,JEET IF NECESSARY) REQUEST CHANGE FROM 1/ ~ fV1 TO -Sc REASON FOR REQUEST: AId! /7f}7/P/E P Ch.;r:7AlOe- ;' (/~cd CZ-s ~.e/9cG E PRESENT LAND USE: DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: ~IGNATURE_~ 1~-?::~ DATE---.Lt1 -/6- F7 -.:.--- -- -- .' . ~, .~P~t~1TOJtY9B LAND_USE Q.!STRICT ~_D~~IMrION ., . APPLICANT g ;::t:-Y~ -liAR/3tJR t;;~L/C ftlo {tJ-PHONE # I]JO c; S.. cJVEl2SelJ-:5 //tdy.. , / 1-{7 - 7':2/? ADDRESS K.. ~ y LA-J<.6-0 , MM f7~S- KEY PLAT BOOK OCEANSIDE OR BAYSIDE? (JCElt-~ S t" 0 ~ SUBDIVISION ffA-IJD/J-c try / ~ PAGE /fY 9 of I~ , BLOCK LOT(S) ~ MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) U /C7# fJ>ttJtl4/ D C/S I 1.. < Ii ~;t{ Irooe/'I-y IS I / J /;/lSI!fr"~" s'/ilnt5"- d'rea- /' 1f;1,f -I-rt{c,6s ;':>"1'1<- fA" r'C: ' ,1k,,, ret d" -ftJIVt' Y oer /ndn ~'" 7't/ . //1 so hr / b/ ""t 1"'- /'W:= / ~Cd'.f/eJ~ , REQUEST CHANGE FROM TO S C- ~/; /1 p~C/ c?s C~/f/T~/1c-r//C/C-1 REASON FOR REQUEST: ~/ecf-r( ~( Cd)( rf/'d C 1/"1- PRESENT LAND USE: DESeR! PTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: r/-7/Ac If-~ D ~d{ P,,:,~~~7' G2nttf-c f'c'l/7c/_~r flM1f30)( t2I:YTRIC, --I.@f1e~~ jlg~J.: t/d~C(".U;k~ FlY 7t;rel frI'GltJl/!<'d;U fedA:eTj, SIGNATURE< '-- ~ ~?~ DATE_/.d6,/pl -- -- ..- .' . " Con~~~1,2 5' 609 No... . . Certificate of Competency , for Monroe County Certificate No. F(" J 94 Fee Due $75.00 . '." ..1.....;. ~... ~. r't ~ ~' l~~~ ~:' ' ~~. (;; ..,.~...j ~\. '1li" ..,,'.h'..',,.,.. ;.':t.,':'~'I.:: . "'. "L,.. '!::1,309,~i1VljJ h.1.gbay. S_ ~:'~' ,; ;~r;l; /.' .:~;~'.~,~~~~;'it..: '. 33037 ':.::c.... 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Kev Lar~o. FL 33037 QUALIFIED as a' ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ill good stclllC/ing, (/lId this certificate of competency is valid and ill force until October 31, 19 89 . (, . . , , , , 41 .' 1'-'" U 00 '" ,.. :It ,.. :It :It :It :It :It :It I'- :It ",.. -110:: 0 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 CO ~: 0 ..I 0 0 0 0 0 0 If' 0 '" '" ... '" '" '" '" '" '" lI"I '" "- 1~ ex '" ~ '" "'.,. ..- ""I 0 011 1"1 0 lL..- '" 2 I'- I'-VI '" -0 0 ..- VI ~~ Z ..I 0 0 '" ,...,.,. VI -0 llC 0- 0 11'\ .. C , 0 , ,..... , , , -0 , , . C wu; > 0- UlU 0- 0-1"1 ~ CO ..- ~ 0 1"1 Clr .,. 0:..... VI 0- N .- '" -0 ..0 0< C... CO .- -0 '" N 0 0..1- ..J 1 "- 0 0 >-w I'- w we Ul 0: :It"" ,.. 0 0 0 ..- 0.. Ul V Ul '" cn w 0'"' W 0 00: 0 C- O 0- 0 VV 0 :: e a: ee 0 I 0 ....."'" ..I ..I 2 ..I co 11'\ '" 11'\ e,.. e :;) I'- , .- , 0-0 > >- "'" >- N 11'\ '" 11'\ "'..- W w , N '"' N 0-1 :It W :It ... 0 10.. ..... ... I'-V LJ ~ ~..J ~ ~ ~ 001 0- 0-0 0- Ill: "'0- ... ... ... ..- 0 Ill: 1ll:0 I I~ I elf a:... ..- ... 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'1':' ih" I I' 'I' 0, .e60 ( (- --,. Commissioner Fahrer Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Stormont Commissioner Swift Mayor Harvey No Yes No Yes Yes Motion carried. Motion was made by Commis~ioner Fahrer and seconded by Commissioner Freeman to designate Seven Acres Subdivision to the PL category. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded by Commissioner Freeman to ac~c ., ..;'s recommendation to c h an get h e des i g n at ion 0 f}; .. .. . , :... . fro m N A to SR. Mike Barr of Key Largo and J~ y ur e, representing Mr. Rose who is the owner of the property, addressed the Board. Ms. Burke advised the Board that the owner of the property had agreed to the change. Roll call vote was unanimous with Commissioner Stormont not present. Motion was made by Commissioner Freeman and seconded by Commissioner Fahrer to acc~~tIll~~ recom- mendation to change the designation of__ from SR to SC. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Commissioner Freeman and seconded by Commissioner Swift to ac~e .1.....'S recommen- dation to change the designation of' from NA to SR. Roll call vote was taken with t e 0 owing results: Commissioner Fahrer Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Stormont Commissioner Swift Mayor Harvey No Yes No Yes Yes Motion carried. /Il. '~ Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded by C~. . eeman to accept Planner's recommendation that ... ... be designated as URM. Mr. George Eager addresse the Board. Roll call vote was unanimous. Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded by Commissioner Fahrer to .~i~~B~9~~er's recommendation to change the designation of .~.. from SC to LI. Roll call vote was taken with the following results: Commissioner Fahrer Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Stormont Commissioner Swift Mayor Harvey No No No Yes Yes Motion failed. Motin was made by Commissioner Stormont and seconded by Commissioner Fahrer directing the Planners to reconsider a more appropriate handling of Private Airport classifications. Motion carried unanmous1y. Motion was made by by Commission to designate small parcel 0 the east of was taken with the following Commissioner Swift and seconded D r's recommendation as SR, including a Roll call vote . ..',' ~':, .OC.....:h""'~~i'f~ho'..,fl.-;:'i l_ll., ~'.' ',~{: '~"v.,~:..\..~f~/;t>l. "f,~ ....,' . .~ i#4 ,r,;:.~' ~~' ~-\,'.. r;'." I , ., ,'~~.;i .... ~ "f, ~,/,:,r,j'i ,1""i'/ll,)t ;,~'~r&'lI~':, r.. " 'r," ~: \, ~ ..,S"" .1" .l.'~+-~' , if-f1-Ji.,}...~ \ . '~';~t.., ~,'" r ..~ . , ~j' ~~,~J.,."-: ~"~ .,~.i~~.~;.' ,,";;.>ll ..:~.,'" '.~~,., ..... '.. '" ,'fi~' .t p - Oj~, , ' . , '.. ' ~" '-:.~" \... ,\. .', ,j\. ,",I . . .:, I '. " :;..',~ ' "Il'-L,' ~ Vll~':., ~ .' j \.~; ~': I" . ,.. 'I (;.,"" . . .\ .'\. . ~\~) , .I~~~:~ ' . , ;/ , ,...." / ,; '. :. ';:) " :/. ~ . i- dt~l, U~,,~. 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"i' * N.,41 ' • e!- . . . 4 . • • . • • • • . 4 aw bi' „..• - . . ,., *t• ...- 14. ,4•••-•.- :-••,,A .. . . , • t - (.- 7-• 7 .'' ...... • PI 2)-.'-ii.t.7., A ,.f . - ;, '.'..,:.", 74' . 1 - ,• • r .-' .:' .• -r'.' .1,---71. . . z--,,' . . ..•r,, ' .g:. • '' , • - 1 ' lc . vi• . i • . . i • 4 J • .., I , 'f. -' • s ' - 4. 4 C...., .. . ,... . . . , . . -. ,- II e ..._ .- • ' 111 __: "• II. 1.` _... _ .... . ...... .---...,......... . .._ _- . , ,. . _ 1 - _ . .. . ......._.:.. ._.:__ , --4 _ .... • =->.4 , tst • '''''' -.‘"- -- ,--: -: . .„. I _I I-- - . — •-• (' "...- ) • 7 ,.. ;r' ' , ' 9 �. \ ' `fi r .�. Si ...*'t. .,,tom;'' ` , i 'I 46iiiihk. - . • 4,:. • V\amilli kik. 1 '' 1 1 1 , _...0„„....,." - • • • fvimialipliglporr • f�-j- 2 L o �- �, t C I ~ ~ .MARINA. . Pwsu.nt to Section 9.5-24(.)(2)(h) of the Monroe County Code, the boundaries of the land Us. District Map are Inter~ret.d to be located as Indicated above and briefly described a8: dd boundary down fi~st Avenue and along 1st st~eet as shown.. Include lots 1-10, 13-25, 28 and 31-33 in the SC districtL. Delete boundary along SR No. 905 and along 2nd Ave as shown. N 1 Direct >r, Growth Management Shee t # 139 Key Key La~go Date BOCC Resolution 1"= 200' ~ ~ ~ MARINA , , , , ,/ ,/ , ,/ , ,/ / ,/ ft'~ ~- I{ ;~t tJJ. : ~ ~ N ~ land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Jaooary 19,1988 Panel or Sheet# /!!;q Flle# , Appllc ant: Cfl.tM,-JCVtel CJ:hagaAge1 Key: JMr Mile Marker: qg- J 1"= 200' t ~, U R M , , , , , , , . . . . , . , , , ,/'U # l"~O ,.\oJ- 'f , , , , , , , . , , , jS:C , . , , . , . , , , , . , , , . , , , , , , , , J , , J , J J , , J , / / / / / I I I I I , , ) / / / / / / / / / / / I / / / RM~)/ / I / / / / 1 ", 1 ...1 Y Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida January 19,1988 Panel or Sheet# 1'501 App II c.:ti: '!j:aAtC1.9.ef Key: M _ N , - , , , - " " S'R 1 ~ N t '00 100 T ,....., .".. .. ..., @ r 1"=400 ,~Ihe# ~u Mile Marker: q? N Aerial Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. Edition,19 1"=600' i File # ____ eJ Mile Marker: q~__ i 'V. <". .....~ , ,.' -\ ., .' y- J>4- 0" ::y ~~~, A"C .,0' , ; e I J' 0,) ..~ ~ .' ~ t' f, <>/J~ ~ ~.- 0 " 4.'~.~ .~-~..... ,,~ '*" ,,' " ;:~d.(;I ", ~Q.:. V-'.~:\\ .....K'....:II::..~_ , / ' ./ .... /~<..; / I~.' l~ / t '0' l'" //.,.,~ t ,'0"',. + /, 0." (/ ' / 0 ,~\. ;,J ." Strip Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. Edition,19 N 1"= ~ Panel or Sh}fet # Appllcanh: lfYr().}{JaJ{eJ Key: ()!c;U tv Flle# %~eI Mile Marker: qg-- ) /1 0, (" ~"r " ~ ~ .. l&I l&I ~ 6,'- CD If) If) CD CD Z z a: a: N Existing Land Conditions Maps Monroe County, Florida July 2,1985 Panel or Sheet# Flle# . Appllean}: CfnaAtcue1- ~a..a OJ. gel Key: (t'~fo Mile Marker: qg- 11"_2000.1 . .....~..... _ :-0" -v.-. --~ '~"-.' "'-=-'. . ..--.... _ _._ '.. . ......... '-__,,'- _ _ __ _ ._~ __ ~'.., ;'.:" '. . ~.- .I-~~ _. ~ _. -- - - ..-- ';. ". -"'..,<'~:,~~",'t"d':':;' I: ! , \ ... , ~ {:c1 ~ " .'t- \'- ,\, \.. ". " \ . .'. I \: '- ."" -, _.{n N @ 1"= 600' I .. " .' '. ./ .' I ' i. .)~ t >, ....~ N Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15,1986 @ I 1"= 00' t Panel or Sheet# . ApPIIC~: %AAf(V.eJ- Key: AA to G-l... File # rP~~d Mile Marker: qg- ~l M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: DATE: Ty Symroski, Development Review Coordinator Lorenzo Aghemo, Senior Planner 1~, Robert Smith, Senior Biologist QS___ January 17, 1990 FROM: REF: Boundary Determination for Mandalay Subdivision, Margaret Magargel I) INTRODUCTION Margaret Magargel, Chester Bennett, Glenna Cogley, Bonnie Nel- son, Rose Correale, Carlos Valdes, Joseph Francis, and Louis Caputo are requesting a boundary determination for Block 2, Lots 1-10, 13-25, 28, 31-34, Mandalay Subdivision, zoned BU-2prior to the adoption of the current land use regulations. II) PROJECT DESCRIPTION. Boundary Determination request based upon desire of applicants to have zoning returned to commercial status. III) STAFF REVIEW Lots 1-6, 28, and 31-33 are currently used for commercial stor- age; lots 9 and 10 are occupied by a licensed electrical contrac- tor and also have a radio tower on site; lots 7, 8, 13-25, and 30 are currently used for residential purposes. The sites and surrounding areas feature a predominantly built environment classified as disturbed with exotics. The following f~ndings were made during review: 1) There is no evidence at this time indicating that placement of boundary lines was done in error. 2) Lots 7, 8, 13-25, and 30 are currently being used for residen- tial purposes. A designation of Suburban Commercial will render the existing residential uses non-conforming, which then could not be replaced as such in the case of destruction in excess of more than forty-nine percent. 3) The Urban Residential Mobile designation does allow limited commercial uses. 4) At their June 25, 1985 meeting, the Board of County Commis- sioners voted unanimously to zone the subject properties Urban Residential Mobile. 5) The applicants have the alternative of applying for a map amendment through the established re-zoning process. ~ . -.,/ IV) RECOMMENDATION DENIAL cc: file 2 ~TA!'F_~~YSIS OF LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION Fee paid Date ADDRESS 1\1\ AQ,QAI<'i... T .)' "2 Ie) CQv~Q \ "" tic, "II<.G.- t. L ,\ '-' PHONE. ~C; 2 - e\lS" 2- APPLICANT ~T T A \12- R f\J \ 'L ~ 1,= L 3~()(o KEY LK:\~("'() MM ~I' 5 OCEANSIDE OR BAYS IDE? (') c C C.'d") '" ; c\... SUBDIVISION ~Y\ I"} N Q'" L.. A-'-I , \ '" 4 PLAT BOOK PAGE BLOCK 2., LOT(S} Le+ 'S I - 1 ~ ) \. '3 -2.. S . '-'8' J MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) REQUEST CHANGE FROM Ul(tvl TO Sc 1. BACKGROUND DATA: A. PRESENT LAND USE DISTRICT: ~ v<. vV\ B. CHARACTERISTICS OF SURROUNDING AREA: Ur::\Jcc ID~~h:-d Lui"*~ vn"I'X c:: ct \J SI::" S " S \ rJ(j I Co l= "- no; \ '-I 'f<.es,denceS) VVlu\+;.- -\Q"",kj C ~ In-) YY1~. r L \. c,-- \ S +0 . c... (j C Y''t'':,;d~n(:.t'<' ) 1V\cbi\~ hcW'\e~) C. ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS: S I TEl:) \ <;, + \J \" b ("' d w', -\ '" ~ ,Ko-\ I C 'l> c-nc1 0- r r ~ c.\ C'YY1 \ V\ <A. V\ -\- \ Ll I b I.) ~ \.+ I::. n v' i (' Qy\ VYJ t:- Y'\ -I- SURROUNDING l) ~::, -\ \, (' \.::, L c\ <A V) cl b u: \ + 'e n v ; (Uy\. VYlcV)+, . STA,," ANALYSIS OF LAND USE DISTRICT RAP DETDIIINATION APPLICANT PAGE 2 D. PRE-SEPT. 1~, 1986 ZONING: ~t \ -"2- E. LAND USE DESIGNATION ON FIRST DRAFT PREPARED BY LAND USE CONSULTANTS: U~IV\ F. ACTION ON "D" IF ANY: \, G. LAND USE DESIGNATION OF MAPS ADOPTED SEPT. 15, 1986: IJ R. VV\ H. HAS PARCEL BEEN REZONED OR PROPOSED FOR REZONING SINCE SEPT. 15, 1986? YES ~ ~NO. DETAILS: 2. RECOMMENDATIONS: J) z:. \'IJ \ A- L 3. FINDINGS OF FACT: L.uc..k o~ I) ~ t.,,; ch:ncc.. I 'n 0-\ (O"Wl Yl) -c. rc. Ie.... I 2:on i Vl 'b \A) 0..'-::' \ 'n 'C r' ('0 r, 2.) Lo-t'5 I, '6} \""3- '2..$' -4 So) l)~cc\ rcs.de"1.4to.lLI, u..x~,l)td be rCY1d'cf'<:::d Vl~~4n'VIi<S '"5 URrvl ch-St nCl..-tIGY\ do-e CL II 0 l\ \ ; Vvt , + -c d C U"1'"\ v\-"\ c.....c \ CA.. ~ c. STAFF REVIEWERS: PLANNER L-ol2E:AJ')O XHC,u 0 DATE 1 /!,f /9{). ~ BIOLOGIST_f<.~^'-"+/~~ DATE , -' (~- ?'O . 4) SUb,j"c'c-t p("Oj)Cl~+'I""'<; LU~"c 2o""'t::"cl UIZtv\ \ ~. I. I "unC-A.nt\iYlOU.'J\~1 ~\- -+,--,1:. -SU\'"\c 2'5", ('1'l5'c) 1Scc(' Ynt':'e-l-;",,<(s, S) LA~I1u.. ~ .- -~"""f ~ ~j (n&ceSJ i.\ l-i.-U ~ 1m- /lf~2M.~'UO _ . ([ .. MEMORANDUM DATE: July 21, 1988 TO: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners FROM : Donald Craig RE: S u \d , "\.I \ 'S \ uY\ I T:) Lee \:::. 2. I 11"5-25 ) 2<6 ~1-3-4 J ----------------------------------------------------------------- Boundary Determination for !'t\.I'\N T.:::,'(.>. '- 'A '-I I LO-\-"", \-\C U Q.. YYl.. - 'S C Background: ~, ; ~ I-, -+ ~ f f) I , c Co-" + S Ct.. r -e. {' -e '1 '-' -e S +- i ..... 5<: 0- b 0 U V\ c\. c... Y' 'i c:.\ "'- ~ ~ '(' "'" \ '"" eo.- -\- \ ~ ~c5) \~Loc..\c:. 2. Lo-\", \-10, 1"f-2s'J 2"t', 3\-~'<::1 -Itor"",crl'-j Zon<=::d I~O-2 ) , + <:,.' Lo+S \-Co 'Z..<il' c+ Sl-~'" c...'C'e. c...,YT",,-,.-,4-l,\ u~",-d ~Ol ~~"",<=-r~'o......\ s <:).-o..~ J L-o +"5 ~ q. \ <> c... ~ ~ c c <::. u(-' \'~ d b'-l c... \ I ~ ~ h 'So "" d C lee---\- r, ~ c..-' ~CJY) -\-("0--<::. reo r u:: I ~Ct..cl~o +cW"C(" On 'S;k', Lc--l-:; I,,?, 13-2<; c....0d so G..rc USl:':d '\'~~ \d.~"'+I<::l...ll'I' Recommendation: '" G~\'\Ji~L Alternatives: P,~f'LC.CA"'+S ",",~'-) 4fl::>i,-/ +0, r=-"2.OY'I;V'I~ -+i.rou~\' mc..f' <A....,..,,, Y\ C\VV\CV"\ -\- ? roc. "C-cd urc... Findinqs of Fact: "C- 'S -\-~ \.:, l, '3 h ~d , ) 1\ + d I ..l. ~ COVvl vY'l e, c ( C<... l ' No -e. <..J i d "'- n C. c. '1 Y\ d i c. '^ ~; ,.., 't T \-, Co-- l s: V <AL -e n--. e h \ 0 t:-c,.,':"V\~ I..0V-..S \V) "C~lcr. 2..,) Lo -\--$ "1 'i;' \1, -'l.S' -+ ~O ft, J J U~ c:. . ':), c.. , d -..: ~ , ~ u- -\-; ("r"n LA:> i l \ Y) 0 n - c.. 0y\ ~ c~ r VV' ~ V\ ~. 3.') 0.~,IY\, c.\'e"'i~no..-\-l~ .:!~~".::. <'-..\low l~V\'\~+-c:.c\ ~c""""lr"Y',crc..~Co-\ u~eS. L\) Su'oj,~c+ \-,ro?=r+,,::-s 'O"'rc.. ~oned L)Ri'Vl u')Qn,,,,,,ousL/ 0..+ -\-he:.. :r- '-' Y\) ~ "2- S I l C'( 'if S l~ 0 u. \' c\ C< ~ C '" '-' V"\ -\-'-l C co. v.., .,., \ <,; S l c.."., c \<' ~ ~V~' eo .J, i V\. ~ ' ~) 1C:e~t<<'VlfJ ould f"e t)CCeu~4t1-eA. +trl7.)..J ~t:> QYLH!M-drne1/lf 'fY"voce ~S . . I ~'(]., \,"",-v-e =-v; d. "C_'^ ('" o~- r-eV\d>::.- ='>" ,$ -\'''''1> r<:.s.\d....~{\""'-\. .r <:: S l d'C" 1'....\-(0._ \ \)S c:S Attachments: ~1. Application (With Proof of Fee Payment) ~2. Staff Analysis v3. Current Land Use District Map ....4. Aerial Photo ~5. Zoning pre-1986 (if appropriate) ~- 6. First draft of Land Use District Maps (unsigned) v7. Land' Use District Map effective Sept. 15, 1986 (Pattison) PiwJ-oC;UF f)