Resolution 673-1990 RESOLUTION NO. 673- 1990 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES UNDER THE FLORIDA RECREATION DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON STOCK ISLAND AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF THE SAME BY THE PROPER AUTHORITIES WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Natural Resources is accepting grant application under the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program for the acquisition of land for public outdoor recreation purposes, and WHEREAS, grant funds up to $150,000.00 are available for the acquisition of the property with a 50% match which is appropriated in the capital improvement fund, and WHEREAS, the 1990 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan concluded the acquisition and development of a recreational area on Stock Island is a priority, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The County Administrator is hereby authorized to submit an application to the Land and Water Conservation Fund for grant monies to purchase property on Stock Island to be used for public outdoor recreation use, and 2. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the Commission and execution by the Presiding Officer and Clerk. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board heold on the 1'1+'4 day of )j,.,..-Ia.."... , A.D. 1990. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY G".~~.6 ~:--:~.:=- ~\ ~ By-- .- -~ ~ .~ ',L:) .tll~) ')('1:) ::J 8'1HT: \1 N'VO '''~ . ^,~~r...",~t;r." ~,,-"'r> .". .,',;00. .. ," < .,'~; n, ',," ~.~ a.ho {;'J '/i,<'() ~/~::,'::, 'Vl.:LUN no:) :; OB N 0 t'{ SO 8 lJd L2 J30 064 OBOCr:llJ ',JO.1 03ll.:l FUIUDA DfPAll1EIIT OF IlATUIW.. lP~cnr-n fLCllIDA> RECRfATlDII DEVEUlPllEMr ASSISTAI6CE PIlOGRM >>PI. I CATlDII FatII 42-010 , ONR USE ONLY RECEIVED: POSTMARKED: APPL. NO.: Complete in full and submit three copies of fOMl and all attachments. Forward to: Bureau of Local Recreation Services/Wocidcrnt Division of Recreation and Parks . Depertment of Natural Resources Hail Station 1585 3900 CCllIIIIOnWeal th Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399 PAlT I. A. APPLlCAMT IIIFOIlMTlDII. 1. Name of Applicant: Monroe County 2. Federal Eaployment Identification NUli)er: 59-600074C} 3. Population: 80,500 4. Current Operating Budget: $142,062,374 5. Contact Person: Steve Ferris Title: Park and Recreation Planner Public Service Building 5825.Junior College Road; Key West, Florida 33040 Address: . Telephone: (305) 292-4400 SUNca4: FAX: (305) 292-4401 I hereby certify that the Infonmation provided in this application is true and accurate. I further certify tha I possess t authority to apply for this grant on behalf of the applicant. /~~~;) Date B. PiloJEcr J.f~Tlo; 1. Name of Project: . Stock Island Recreational Park 2. a. Project Type (~heck One): Development: _____ On land owned by appl icant _____ On land leased to appl icant Date lease expires: Acquisition: 2- b. If Development (Check One)~ New construction _____Renovation _____Combination 3. Project Location: Lower Kevs - Stock Island CountY. Monroe Page 1 of 7 ,,_._ . r~ "'"\l.'......}'-- . I .'1,'...;.".."','".. ~ ~ ~ - - , ... _ ,,. .....,.r_~~'r"'!._~. '...... :' n.l. I r: - .u.... .,J_" ~ ,~....,.. " "~i~,=~,ftJ:C \.. .... 4. Legislative districts in which the project site is located: State Senate 39 State House 120 5. Briefly describe the project site: The proposed 9.5 acre FRDAP acquisition site is located on Stock Island in Monroe County. The southside of the proposed park contains a large salt water pond which has tidal flow from the Straits of Florida. A. hedge of Mangroves forms the southern-most bounaary of the property. The majority of the flat land surface is scarified. The site has been used in recent years as an illegal dump area for debris. Recovery efforts by the County and resident~ have already begun. Litter prevention funding has been approved by the State for this site. In addition, community efforts have already bagged and removed the majority of loose debris. The community surrounding the park is predominately blue-collar residential with fishing industry to the east of the park. Access to the property is by'way of Fifth Street and Shrimp Road. c. FJMANI;JAL JNFcmcATJCII 1. Total ~ost of Proposed Project S 300,000.00 - 150,000.00 2. fRDAP funds Requested S 3. Local funds Available: a. Cash S 150,000.00 b. In-Kind S c. Land Value S Total Local funds AvaUable S 150,000.00 Page 2 of 7 4: Project Cost Estimate (COMPLETE ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS) For each category, list in priority order the quantity and tyPe of areas and facilities to be developed in the proposed project: PRIMARY RECREATION AREAS AND FACILITIES Quant i ty Description N/A Total Primary S SUPPORT FACILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS Quant i ty Description N/A Total Secondary S TOTAL PROJECT COST S Page 3 of 7 Estimated ~oS't Estimated Cost PART II. A. GEIlaAL. CRITERIA 1. Is the proposed project identified in the capital improvement plan or SChedule? No 2 Yes If yes, state fiscal year identified 1985--2005 '* PLEASE SEE BELOW . 2. Explain how the proposed project would implement one or more of the outdoor recreation goals, objectives and priorities specified in the currently effective state comprehensive outdoor recreation plan: GOAL 11: It is the goal of the State of Florida to assure all Floridians and state visitors adequate opportunities to enjoy wholesome outdoor recreational pursuits of the type ~hich ~ill best meet their needs. OBJECTIVE: To acquire and develop a balanced system of safe and enjoyable recreation areas and facilities to meet the full range of recreational demands and needs of all citizens and visitors, and ensure that these areas and facilities are fully accessible to all who wish to use them. IMPLEMENATION: Through this project, Monroe County will purchase 9.5 acres of park land which will be developed into a Community Recreation Park on Stock Island. This will reduce the Community Park facility deficiency as identified in the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan to 19.67 needed acres. The proposed park will provide one (I) softball field, fishing pier, bike path, picnic facilities and nature path. All facilities WIll be fully accessible,to the public. GOAL 12: It is the goal of the State of Florida to ascertain the highest priority recreation needs at state, regional, and local levels and secure sufficient funding for financing the provision of opportunities to meet those priority needs. OBJECTIVE: To ensure that available funds for acquisition and development are applied to the greatest extent possible toward meeting priority needs identified through comprehensive recreation planning programs at the state and local levels. IMPLEMENTATION: The Monroe County Comprehensive Plan identifies a deficiency of 29.17 acres in Community Park facilities for the area of Stock Island. The park will provide 9.5 acres towards reducing this defiCiency. Monroe County's Recreation and Open Space Element indicates that the first acquisition of vacant land for future community park development shall be on Stock Island. The capital improvement plan identifies $2,700;000 in funds for acquisition and development from 1985 _ 2005. PRIORITIES: 1.) Resource acquisition should be given prrority over facility construction. This is necessary because of the increasing competition for remaining outdoor recreation lands, and the critical shortages of suitable lands evident in many parts of the state. . Continued on Page 4a 3. List the priority resource/facility needs proposed in the project which are included in applicant's planning region as specified in the state comprehensive outdoor recreation plan. (Use the 1987 Relative Need Index in Outdoor Recreation in Florida. 1989 on page 183.): saltwater beach -----freshwater beach ~Saltwater fishing (no boat) -----freshwater fishing (no boat) -----saltwater fiShing (boat) -----freshwater fishing (boat) . ::Jl:saltwater boating or. canoeing freshwater boating or canoeing -----historical/archaeological site -hiking X picnicking _ciIIIl'i ng X bicycl ing -----hOrSebaCk riding -!...nature Study _____swillJlling pool _____901f _____ t enn i s shuffleboard ~baseball/softball _____football/soccer basketbal I :::::handball/racquetball '* Stock Island has been identified in the Comprehensive Plan. as the first acquisition site for a community de~elopment park. Aquisition costs have been authorized in M.C. Capital Improvement Plan for the years 1985 - 2005. Page 4 of 7 Monroe County is designated as an "Area of Critical State Concern". The availability of land suitable for recreational purposes is practically non-existant. ~Ionroe County is committed to acquiring park area in the Lo~er Keys where the majority of the population resides. 2.) Shoreline resources, and particularly seashores, should receive priority over inland resources. Suitable ~aterfront areas are rapidly disappearing, ~hile greater selection generally remains among inland areas. This acquisition ~ill secure a shoreline resource in the form of a salt ~ater tidal pond in the Lower Keys. Area residents will have the opportunity to enjoy pier fishing, canoeing, and nature study as a result of this purchase. 3.) Multiple-purpose resources should receive priority over single-purpose resources. because of the greater range of opportunities provided. In the development stage. the project will provide salt-water facilities, as well as. a softball field, bike path, nature path, and a pinic area. ~'~ 4: Indicate which of the fOllowing apply: (Attach supporting doa..entation) X a. A preadvertised amounc:ed publ ic meeting was held for the sole pYrpose of discussing the proposed proje~t. b. The project was discussed at a r~ularly scheduled meeting of the applicant's advisory board. c. Public input on the proposed project was obtained through presentations to community organizations, neighborhood associations and/or a written opinion survey. 5. Is the proposed project for linear park pYrposes7 --!.. No YES If yes, list and briefly describe the linear,park feature(s) and the areas which will be connected by the proposed project: 6. Is the proposed project also for preservation pYrposes (e.g. historic, archaeological, cultural etc.)? X NO YES If yes, attach letter fro. the Florida Oepar~t of State 7. Does the applicant have a full-time recreation and/or park department staffed to provide facility development, programming and maintenance of the propos~ project? -.!. Yes _NO If No, describe the resources available for development, operation and maintenance of the site upon completion of the proposed project: Page 5 of 7 B. DEVELOPMEMT CRITERIA (COMPLETE ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS) N/A 1. List the existing facilities/improvements on the project site: 2. List the new or additional types of outdoor recreation facilities/opportunities which will be provided ~ the proposed project: 3. List any exis~ing types of outdoor recreation facilities which will be renovated by the proposed project: 4. List any support facilities (i.e. parking, restrooms, utilities) which will be constructed or renovated by the proposed project: 5. List any facilities to be constructed Which will provide pedestrian access to or along water resources: 6. List any facilities to be constructed which will provide for recreational use of water resources: Page 6 of 7 C. ACQUISITIOM CRITERIA (COMPLETE ONLY FOR ACQUISITION PROJECTS) 1. Identify any resources in the Florida Natural Areas Inventory which will be protected by the proposed project: The Florida Natural Areas Inventory indicates that the Sterma Antillarium, least tern, are located on a disturbed area nearby. The proposed recreational site would be suitable for the nesting of least terns. 2. List any water bodies contiguous to or within the project boundaries: Salt water pond with tidal flow from the Straits of Florida. 3. List any user-based outdoor recreation facilities (i.e. baseball fields, basketball courts, socce~ fields, swimming pools.etc.) which will be constructed within the next three years: One (1) softball field. 4. Oescribe how the project provides' for identified need(s) for additional park acreage and/or distribution of park acreage according to the local c~rehensive plan: The Honroe County Comprehensive Plan identifies a deficiency of 29.17 acres in community park facilities for the area of Stock Island. The park will provide 9.5 acres towards reducing this deficiency. 5. State the current total acreage of recreation, park land and open space property owned by the applicant: 112 acres 6. Identify the funds allocated in the applicant's capital improvements plan or schedule over the next five fiscal years for development of the project site: s 2 , 700,000. -~:- (~:- 1985 - 2005) PART III. SLFflalTlNti DOCLIEIITATlOM Atta~h supporting documents as follows: Development Acquisition 'A. Oocuments to support evaluation criteria B. Conceptual site plan for development of the project area C. Boundary map of the project area D. Photographs of the project area E. Location map and directions to the project site F.' Si te control (deed or lease) G. Letter from local c~rehensive planning agency x X X X X X X X X X X X X DNR 42-010 Revised 11/90 Page 7 of 7 PART III - SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Attachment A Evaluation Criteria Attachment B Conceptual Site Plan Attachment C Boundary Map Attachment D Project Photographs Attachment E Location Map & Directions to Project Site Attachment F N/A Attachment G Letter from Local Comprehensive Planning Agency DEe 17 '50 1 -. ROOF OF PU6UCATlON STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE :.:Ior& me uncer$JOned autl'lonly perSOl1al.y appeared ~n~~~~ Financial Director . -.-. -----. P ?~'? --=-~~ THE FLORIDA KEYS KEYNOTER Published Twice Weekly MARATHON, MONROE COUNTY', FLORIDA Marv Lou Sollberger woo on oal11. S3y$ of The FLORiDA KEYS KEYNOTER. a twice weekly newspapu PlJblished aI Mararnon, in .:;nroe Counly. Florida: Itlallhe attacned C!Y,1f o! ~ beioo a No ~ 1- cp.o f Me e tin ~ THEMATIEROF Public M@@yino Dec. 15. 1990, Chapel. Public Service BId\?, Key \Jes~i1llla Beg~ns at U: U a.m. It'SllJ~er ill Ule issues at Decemb e r 8, 1990 Coo rt. was piJl:l!lSl\ed in saJd .\J1cnt fuMer says thallhe said FLORJDA KEYS KEYNOTEEI is a newspacer pubJisnea at MARATHON. in said MollrOlJ Ccw1ty. ;riCJ. and lhallha saia newspaper tlas here(o!ore been cootinuousi'; pubUsIled ill said Monroe CoUllly. FIotida. twice each waak (on ;CnesaJy and Saluraay) and has been enteied as second class mail matter alltle post oNjce in Marall1os1, In sald ~oa Counly. . r.aa. tor a period ot one year next pt~ Ille Iirst pubticalJOll ollila altlched c.r.py of advetllSelllillt and alflalllllJrlher says that sr~ nas nellher paid ncr prorrused any person. firm, 0/' cO/'poralJon any discount, (ebata, commlssJon Of relund f(j( the purPOSe of ,b;CUtt '~kW?/k , d .,-- ORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THJS II + L ' (OF h~ A.O.19 90 ,_ S^'~.... ~ (~~' MQTAAY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA MY CONM1SSION EXP. MAY 17, 199~ eoNCED THRU CENERAL INS. UHO. ;(;/.'Q tnis advertisement for publicalJon In 1M saki newspaper. AL) " . ~':~~ ; .. WE ~EED Y,q,~~ ~UPPORT . A PUBLIC' MEETING', TO DISCUSS AN ACTIVE RECREATION' PARK ON STOCK - .. .. . ISLAND WILL ',BE HELD SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1990~ 'AT THE CHAPEL, PUBLIC SERVICE BUilDING. JR. COLLEGE RD. WEST, STOCK ISLAND, BEGINNING AT 10:00 A.M. YOUR PARTICIPATION IS VITAL TO OUR COMMUNITY. DEe 17 '90 P.3/7 PUBLIC WORKSHOP MINUTES December 15, 1990 Public Service Building Chapel Stock Island Key West, Florida County Staff: Antonia Gerli Pam Womack Deanna Lloyd Planner Senior Financial Analyst Grants Manager The meeting for the pr9posed Florida Recreational Development Assistant Program application started at 10:00 Saturday morning. Participants included families and interested citizens from the Stock Island area. Brief presentations were made to inform the people of the grant application criteria, the conceptual site plan, and Monroe County's budget for recreational purposes. After county staff presentations, the adults and children were able to critique the conceptual design. Blank site plans were distributed with markers and crayons to encourage the participants to design a park to. fulfill their needs. The group reached a consensus and were enthusiastic about a community park on their island.' Chairman of the Planning Commission, Milt Mravic, spoke briefly to the audience, stating this could be a dream come true for the children of the area. Meeting adjourned at 11:30. ;;. - ;:: :; :: ATIACHMENT B Conceptual Site Plan I , k~ ' - --- '. - -',- -- -- - - -........ - --- - - ~, ''?= ;! ~ ~~ ,~ f ~'~ ~ · f ~, I...J, ' . '-Li '1= I --. " . I~:\-. ''':--;.:-: . . :...'. ~~7~ 1 ':1 ~ r I r ~ l~ I -~_ 1 ~ :1 j '~ I~ '\!) ill ':> I~ ' z 't L I j r- '-_. -. I , , ..i "/ - ... .~ .. '. .' .----. I .J I ,j. I I ~ A . '~...l \. '~~L oJ\ '\" I , . ! , . ~ \l ~ ~ ~ ~ tl J:::... '2 ~ ..! . , , . ) I . , ~ U t ~ 't ~ 'f ~ ',i I ~ / ~ 1/ ~ ~ . I :;/ - (4 ~ V) "7 , ~1 g. \l- .., ~ ~ U1 <\ ) ~ ~ :/ ~I i d ,-<C 00 ~ if) Z~ 'I o _ , , 1 ,';1 U " , :1 ~.... F(j Yj /::",..) /!- ~i: '. ./, ~j':1.".... , .~I"'j\ . ' .!.Jj( /,...... j \j --, JJ-j€.A~ T.r:.",... .~.c -. j - II DeeO.1(.c.. JIVe ' D~3RO ,c~O?8 . ~50 A .3'8!.382 C 1'-), ~\/ ' C ".ff ,.. (F'll..l.c,'))~-.. ..c:. JA/ 51'? ,... \ ; "~E'/~,'1: . :1, ,; -I; i " '0 i /.<.; /r I ' . :?/ '/-, .. i / / /q, / /~' .i ' <b ~ ~ I u~.' 0').. ~!</ /:r:; I e. / . o , ' .'." !' '- , \ - .) 'r--- , -'- ", I ' f} --\ <(" .c:.r~ c ,.... G Uf /-4c , " ", --.-- {b ...... -' (f , , " ,~, !: ',1' \. , ....... ., -'-"~" g ~!, "';'1' ~ -: . . ~" ~ ., ", ,.. -',' . , " . . " '-. '.... ') .).: ',. '-" ;.'.v...... '.""-.. i,.. .f " ...' 'Q ~7~-~ v / 0 '~r~ , , I tr) lY),- ,... I , , iii, . ~' ,;. 'q',:., I . -... ___, - - -. , ...... II I ~ . , J,._"- /.. I,. ,..,:,~~. " ,I , -~- , / , ......' ~.... . ~"" ~ I ( '-~........ '-. I , ,. I '" ,; I II' lr;::!f... _ ~ ......, ............. :> ~ :r --:- ~ AITACHMENT D Project Photographs ~ , I - ~..' -.-.. -~ .~~~~,-~..~ . ....-:t..~... ""<~.':' - .,;.;~~.~:: . ~... . - '-.: '. - ~: ... ' ~'f..... ..... ATTACHMENT E Location Map & Directions to Project Site () '? 1 I 1 I ~~,,, ; I '1 I 1 I ~ I -1 I ~ I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 _ ..A.. J <l:""u~ <( ,... <ll ID U:::UC 00::: .- <ll :coo::; a.Cl U' <llQ) 0"0.... <(:::lIlro Uoo:::~a. O--=....ro lD_<(E lLrz s ~ I ~ '::l H'lGi'o. 5 o <'\ ()'. ~ .- III ~ ~\ .. .. .. r -1 W Z Z <:( I o ~ ~ I \ .. (J) z o H f- U W a: H o QJ -0 ,.-1 III -0 e m "O..-i +l.c > QJ rl' ID r CD (J') H +l +l::l ~4-l r-i QJ QJ 0 .c r-i > +l +l QJ QJe .4-l.c III 0"0'.-1 +l o r-ilL O+lm e a:.ceoo rnO+l 0,.-10 e III +l H U 0..-1 e ::z oe +lQJ HO.c+l +l :J +J rn '.-1 4-l +J e '.-1 III <ll ,~, 0 H .....Je +J O+leu C ..-1 J:C H QJ H +l rn :J .') :J U'M +J 0 +lOJW H +J III 'co. H+lHCO o H QJ H'.-1 QJ o.O+J:J+l.c Ho.C+lU+J 'M H 'M " OJ c:t: 'M +J III III c:t:+J..cH~ +l .c O'J OJ U III OJ O'J'.-1 +J 0 OJ .c 'M r-i e r-i :;; +J r-i , ; 'M .0 "0 >.E+JC'+JQJ OJOIllOIllQJ ~HHUHH 4-l '.-1 Ql 'M .c o 4-l 'Ul 4-l +J +J rn C C OJ QJ OJ e 'M ,.-1 .c .c .c '.-1 +J+J+J+J.c >.'M +J r-i X +l +J +J 'rl LLWc:t:c:t:c:t::;; ATIACIIMENT G Letter from Local Comprehensive Planning Agency ~~~r: ~~~~04~E ~~ r---- --=:::r' --r ,''''''; -.r~-=- ~ -../' I. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER Mayor Pro '~;m Wilhelmina Harvey, Dislr; , 1 Gene Lytton, District 2 Douglas Jones, Districl 3 Mike Puto, District 4 MAYOR John Stormont, District 5 December 13, 1990 Florida Department of Natural Resources Division of Recreation and Parks Bureau of Local Recreation Services Re: Land and Water Conservation Fund Program To Whom it May Concern: The proposed project complies with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan. The application is consistent with all relevant sections of the local comprehensive plan. With consideration to the total recreational acreage in Monroe County, the acquisition of this parcel will fulfill a dire need for active recreation in the lower keys. If any additional information is required, please advise. Sincerely, LO~~ Planning Director