Item B1 01/19/01 15:50 FAX 3052892854 GROWTH MGMT I@01 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Bulk Item: Yes January 24. 200 I No X Division: Growth Mana~ement Department: Nt A AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion of Phase 2 of the Tradewinds Hammocks affordable housing development and consideration of approval necessary for a grant application to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation. ITEM BACKGROUND: At the special County Commission/Land Use Authority meeting on January 24, 200 I, the Land Authority will be requested to take action on a resolution authorizing a 50-year mortgage from the Land Authority and the Chainnan's signing of a corresponding local contribution application form to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation. Prior to consideration of this resolution by the Land Authority, the Growth Management Division staff will brief the Board of County Commissioners on the status of development approval for Phase 2 and any issues related to certification statements that may bave to be signed by the County Planning Director and County Engineer as part of Tradewind's application to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation. In the attached memorandum, the Growth Management Director bas identified severa) actions that still need to be accomplished before Phase 2 of the project may proceed and concerns with two of the certification statements. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: Approved assignment of "FEMA" ROGO units to project on February 28, 2000. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None TOTAL COST: NtA BUDGETED: Yes Nt A No COST TO COUNTY: NtA DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Nt A Risk Management NtA APPROVED BY: County Attorney NtA DOCUMENT A nON: Included X Not required Agenda Item #, ~ DISPOSITION: 01/19/01 15:50 F.~l 3052892854 GROWTH ~G~T ~02 County of Monroe Growth Manal!ernent Division 2798 Overseas Highway Suite 410 Marathon, Florida 33050 Voice: (305) 289 2500 FAX: (305) 289 2536 Board ofCountv Commissioners Mayor George Neugent, District 2 Mayor Pro Tern Nora Williams, District 4 Comm. Charles "Sonny" McCoy, Dist 3 Comm. Murray E. Nelson, Disrrict 5 Corom. Dixie M. Spehar. District I MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Timothy J. McGarry, AICP ~ Director of Growth Manage January 19,2001 DATE: SUBJECT: Status of Development Approvals for Phase 2 of the Tradewinds Hammocks Affordable Housing Development Overview To assist the Board of County Commissioners in its capacity as Land Authority, the Growth Management Division staff has prepared a report on the status of development approvals for Phase 2 (56 units) of the Tradewinds project and any issues related to signing certification statements generally required by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation. Status of Development Approvals. Phase 2 of the Tradewinds Hammocks Affordable Housing Development has received development and site plan approval from the Planning Director. However, the approved development order for the project requires that certain approvals be obtained prior to building permits being issued: 1) ROGO Allocations: The applicant needs to receive 56 ROGO allocation awards, which includes 56 corresponding nutrient reduction credits. Unfortunately, with ROGO ending in July 2002, the Upper Keys has only a total of 83 allocations available in the remaining six quarters of ROGO for both market and affordable housing categories. It would be almost impossible for this project to successfully obtain the necessary 56 ROGO awards. The problem is further compounded by the acute shortage of nutrient reduction credits in the Upper Keys. which will not be relieved until some progress is made on constructing a central sewerage system. Some or a good portion of needed allocations for this project could conceivably be met by possible assignment of some of the lost "201" allocations that the County is currently seeking to recover through an agreement with DCA; however, the specifics of this agreement have yet to be negotiated, which would also have to address how 01/19/01 15:50 F~\ 3052892854 GROWTH MGMT I4J 03 nutrient reduction credits will be made available so that these allocations can be awarded. 2) Approval of Road Abandonments: Both Troupe Road and Buttonwood Lane need to be approved by the Board of County Commissioners for abandonment. To obtain this approval will require agreement by the owners of Trade winds Shopping Center and all the owners of approximately 19 lots along Buttonwood Lane. It is the staff's understanding that not all the owners of properties along Buttonwood Lane are amenable to the abandonment. If either of the two roads is not approved for abandonment, then the project can not be built, because it would be over density. The project site plan and development order would have to be amended to reflect required changes to bring the project into compliance. 3) Access: The applicant must get approval from the owners of the Tradewinds Shopping Center to obtain primary access for the project through the shopping center. Although the project will have a second, emergency access from Buttonwood Lane, without this primary access, the project can not proceed due to Fire Marshal concerns and the fact that its only access would be via a street traversing a residential subdivision. Certifications The Land Authority and Growth Management Division have not been provided any certification statements for signature concerning Phase 2 of the project. Based on the likelihood that these statements will be similar to those required for the Phase 1 application package submitted to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation, the Growth Management Division has concerns certifying statements that verify the availability of infrastructure roads and consistency with zoning and land use regulations (see attached). At this time the project fails to adequately meet the second criterion listed in the statement verifying availability of infrastructure roads. because primary access to the property is contingent upon approval from Tradewinds Shopping Center. Such approval has yet to be received. The verification t~at the development is consistent with zoning and land use regulations can not be made, because of the problems identified concerning road abandonment, access, and the need for ROGO allocation awards. Attachments 01/19/01 15:50 F~~ 3052892854 GROWTH JlGJlT ~04 2000 COMtUNED RENTAl. CYCU: fORM DEVELOPMENTFEASlBIUl AND ABIUTY TO PROCt!f PAGE l' OF 10& Polr LOCAL GOVERNMENT VERIF'CATION THAT DEVELOPMENT IS CONSISTENT WTTH ZONING ANI) LAND U~I! ItEGULATaONS Name of Applicant: Ttad6Wlnds Hammocks, Ltd. Name or Dove\oa)mcnt: TradeWinds Hammocks - locationlAddte$s: Samson A~ad Key "'rgo. Florida <,liNt. C41y) 6ixe of Parcet IW'aoe 0< '''- ~); 1l.8~ /4.e~, The Laning designatiOf\ felt' tho referenced Development Is UR (Uft)an Resklential) and NA (N.nlYe Area - (mnbII DOsII\Cl 0...,.1lon) 1lI'8 Number 'Ii Units (NOT BuiIdlnD$) PenniU&Id Per ,.,.".~ If. PUO. .,.. tutlbarof lJftiU ~ DoIIdJnvS) p6Mt\IM Per o.w.loiImI,U Si~ ., Not . PUD aN Silt I, ~ to &DliIlQ Soedal Use M SImIlW PemlIl. Number or tJntlS/Sil..: 2. ~ AND/OR OR A 122 f. The Intended use Is conai&l8nt with CU1T~ land usa regulations and the referenced zoning designatIOn OR, r lhe Owelopment consiSts of ~ablm.tlon. tl'\e intended use is pennllted as 8 ,eg.ny non-conformlng &IS~' . To the best of my knOwtedOe, thera 81'11 no additional land use legutation hearings or approva1s required to obi-*, the zoning daadicatians Of density deaerfbed hereCn. Assuming complIance with the appIic:ab,. lend U$. ..gulalions, \l'lere are na known CDnditrons whlc:h would preclude c;of\Strudiot'I or ~abilit.tlon (as the case may be) of Ihe referented DoveIopmtmt. CERTIF1CAnON I ftftlfy Ihal the CU-J~ (Citr .' Ceuntr) ()f MJ,..J M~ CN- aI 0iIt ., Oounly) has vesled In me the lWlhority to verify c:onSlSlenQy with local land use regula\ions aM the mninG 8nd aI\e pIIrn dealOnetiona specified abOVe OR. if the Devetopft\ent cansiala of rehabllil.atlon. !he intended 1.1$8 I. permitted IS . 'ovatty n0n.- conforming.... IInd I fur1her ~ IhlIt the Wonnation Is INe snd correct. '. _Je /nwl.;(J. ---;; . " IYb.rk ~"P"'t Signature P T or TYPE Name ~/~(" Ilf ~n~ INT ar PE r.u. 111'S FORM MUST Be StGNED BY THE APPUCA8LE CITY"S OR COUNTV'S DIRECTOR OF P NiNe AND ZONING. CHIEF APPOINTED OFFlC1AL OR STAFF RESPONSIBLE FOR DETER_MAnoN OF ISSUe. AlLAn TO COMPREH1iNS1VE PLANNING AND ZONING. crrv MANAGER. OR COUNTY MANAGER/ADMINISTRATOR. SIGNATURES FROM LOCAL ELECTED OFFICIALS ARE HaT ACCEPTABLE. NOR Ak~ OTHER &lGNA-TORIES tf THIS VERIFICAnON FORM IS INAPPROPRIATELY SIGNED. THIS APPLlCAnON WILL NOY MEET THRESHOLD AND WILL BE REJECTED. NOTE: DO NOT -SCAN', 'IMAG~', RETYPE OR OTHERWISE ALTER THl$ fORM. IT MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED. ~O'd ~OO'ON uT:LT TO.8t N\j[ t8tS-S6l-S0~:aI ^lI~OHln~ UNUl 'J' 01/19/01 15:50 F~~ 3052892854 GROWTII MGMT ~05 2000 COMBINED RENTAL CYCLE fOil DEVELOPMENT FE~'B" AND ABILITY TQ PROC PAGE t9 0 iU6 p( VERIFICATION OF AVAUAB1LITV OF INFRASTRUCTURE ROADS VerirICatlon 0' 4IV-dilebility must be prJ;t\fided for oach' tYPe of infralttuc:tUt'e. This form is fur 'Road" only. Applicant may use this form or submit a loller from Ule Ioeaf goyernmont or provider vwlying ava.1abi1i1y of roaas for the proposed Development. Name 0' Applieant: T!*iewio,df Hammoc:lcs. Ltd. Nomo of Development: Street Addreaa: Tladewincls Hammoc:ks selMon Road City: Key larao. FIortda The un~~igned service ptoYider Of reptesentatlve of Ioc:al govemrncnl. as applicable. conf"1fmS the fOllowIng: 1. ExIsting roads ~vIde 8CCCSl; to the proposed Devetoptnef1t. 2. Th~ :ate no impediments 10 the proposed Development \l$ing tho fOOO$ other Ihan payment nr Impact fftcs Of prOVIding wrb cuts ot aigf'latiZOIion. 3. No variAnce or local hearing is required for these roads to be available to the proposed DeYeIopmont. ~. There I. no moratorium pet1o)Ining to road usage which Is applicable to the proposed Developmenl. CERnFICATtOM MoW\r~~ ~^'~ N.me or Entity PteMding Service . S"JoO 41'~~t. ~A. street Addreu lC-e7 Wt~ I PL. 3~ofo . Oty/StalGlZip Code C3u~) ~ tt l... ++2., Telephone tunbet (lnctuding .811 COde) NOTE: DO NOT '$CAW. 'MAGE", RETYPE OR OTHERWISE ALTER THIS FORM. IT MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED. SIGNATURES FROM LOCAL ELECTED OFFICIALS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE, IF ntlS VERIFICATION FQRM t: APPl.ICABLE TO THIS DEVeLOPMENT AND IT IS SIGNED BY A LOCAL ELEQTEO OFFICIAL, THE APPL1CAnOH Wll.L RECEIVE nRO POINTS fOR THIS ITBI. '~"~.__-- td . =- S netunl J)~", ,J S. K olid / P" IE. PRINT or'NPE Neme e., VI\. '7 E.r.~ilt.<c.r PRINT or TYPE TKle !O'd ~OO'oN ~l:Ll lO.St NI:lC tS!S-S6l-S0f:or ^lI~OHln~ aN~l oJ'