Item F35BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: November 17, 2010 Division: Administration Bulk Item: Yes X No _ Department: Engineering eering_ Staff Contact Person/Phone #:Judy Clarke X4329 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Change Order #2 to Structural Preservation Systems, LLC, for the Geiger Creek Bridge Repair project. ITEM BACKGROUND: Structural Preservation Systems is unable to make repairs per the original Contract Plans due to the poor condition of the bridge deck concrete and reinforcing steel. This change order was transmitted to commissioners on September 10, 2010 and included on the October 2010 Monthly Report on Change Orders (Item C-6). The amount of the change order is greater than 5% of the contract price; therefore the change order must be approved as a separate agenda item. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: On January 20, 2010, the BOCC approved to execute a design/build contract with Structural Preservation Systems, LLC, for the Geiger Creek Bridge Repair project. On October 20, 2010 the BOCC approved the Monthly Report on Change Orders reviewed by County Administrator's Office. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Increase contract cost from $871,983.00 to $1,091,938.46, and increase substantial completion by 149 days. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval as stated above. TOTAL COST: $219,955.46 INDIRECT COST: BUDGETED: Yes X No DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCE: COST TO COUNTY: $74,399.46 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Fund 102 and ARRA funds REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes APPROVED BY: County At ol DOCUMENTATION: Included DISPOSITION: No X AMOUNT PER MONTH Year O urchasing Risk Management X Not Required AGENDA ITEM # Revised 7/09 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract with: Structural Preservation S Contract # Effective Date: 11/17/10 Expiration Date: 01/17/11 Contract Purpose/Description: Change Order #2 to the contract for the Geiger Creek Bridge Repair, additional deck repair, overhead and maintenance of traffic items. Contract Manager: Clark Briggs X4306 Engineering (Name) (Ext.) (Department/Stop #) for BOCC meeting on Agenda Deadline: CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ 1,091,938.4 Current Year Portion: $ 610,000 Budgeted? Yes® No ❑ Account Codes: 102-22537-560630-GM0901-530340 Grant: $ 837,206.00 - - - - County Match: $ 254,732.46 - - - - ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: $ /yr For: (Not included m dollar value above) (e . maintenance, Date In Division Director CONTRACT REVIEW Changes NeeA Yes❑ Risk Managoment '� Yes❑ O.M.B./Pu sA; ff-1+-10 Yes❑ County Attorney ! !I Comments: OMB Form Revised 2/27/01 MCP #2 lities, janitorial, salaries, etc.) Date Out MONROE COUNTY ENGINEERING CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER PROJECT TITLE: Geiger Creek Bridge Repair Design Build Project TO CONTRACTOR: Structural Preservation Systems The Contract is changed as follows: CHANGE ORDER NO: 2 INITIATION DATE: 8/17/10 CONTRACT DATE: 1/20/2010 The original Contract Sum........................................................................$871,983.00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders .....................................$ 0.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was .........................................$ 871,983.00 The Contract Sum will be increased by this Change Order ..............................$ 219,955.46 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order is...................................$1,091,938.46 The Contract Time will be increased by ...................................................... 149 Days The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order is ....... 1/17/11 Detailed description of Change Order and justification: As a result of the poor condition of the bridge deck concrete and reinforcing steel, the contractor is unable to make repairs per the original Contract Plans. The change order includes additional deck repair at the contract unit price. The overhead and maintenance of traffic items below have been agreed upon as full compensation with all rights to further claims for those items waived. The following items are included in this Change Order: 956.25 Square Feet of additional full depth deck repair at $180.00/SF = $172,125.00 Overhead =$ 39,528.40 Maintenance of Traffic =$ 14,002.06 Credit for 100 LF of Epoxy Injection at $22.00/1-F = $ (2,200.00) Credit for 1 Lump Sum of Crack Healer = $ (3,500.00) 149 days of additional time to complete work =$ 0.00 Net Amount of this Change Order = $219,955.46 This Change Order is 25% of the original contract price. CONTRACTOR: Systems Date BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (SEAL) OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK By , -. By. Mayor/Chairman _ Deputy Clerk �� y/ r��_ Geiger Creek Bridge Repair Design Build Proied Section 00500 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Design/Builder Where the basis ofpayment is a STIPULATED SUM AGREEMENT Made as of the 20tb day of January in the year of Two Thousand and Ten. BETWEEN the Owner. Monroe County Board of County Commissioners 1100 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 33040 and the Design/Builder. Structural Preservation Systems, LLC 2001 Blount Road Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 For the following Project Geiger Creek Bridge Repair Design Build Project Scope: The Scope of Work shall include, but not be limited to, all work shown and listed in the Request for Proposal (RFP), the Design/Builders Technical Proposal and Bid Price Proposal. The Design/Builder is required to provide a complete job as contemplated by the RFP, the Technical Proposal, Bid Price Proposal, all drawings, specifications and submittals, which are a part of this Agreement. Oversight for Owner is: MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. 3100 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 The Owner and Design/Builder agree as set forth below. ARTICLE 1 The Contract Documents The Contract Documentsconsist of this Agreemeat, Ccoditioos of the Contract (General, Supplementary and other Cooditraa)6 the Raluest for Proposals (RFP), the Desigm/Burdden Technical Proposal, Bid Price Proposal, DmwbqM Specifications and Sods, Instance Regaaenmtr and Documents, M lesboae Schedule; Addenda issued prior to extumlion of this Agri other documents listed in this AVM=mt and Modifications issued agar, wwmficn of this Agreement Then form the Contractand are as fnpy a pet of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repealed hervin. Tire Cootrad &cqx the entire and integrsmed agrr ememt between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations, representrbong or Weemems. atbQ written or oral. ARTICLE 2 The Wort Of" Contract The DampiBuilda shall Mccube the entire work described in the Contract Documents, except to rho extent specifically indicated in the Contract Documents to be the responsibility of odwM or as 6UDv s: SOW Bid Price Propoof Wank as specified is the Request for Proposal, the Design Build Fi m's Technical Proposal and Proposal for this proud and is Specificsim Section 00300. The contract cafes the entire and cxclonve agreement between the Owner mend the DesiVAluilder with reference to the Geiger Creek Bridge Repair Desip Bafid PmjecL AR—_ Date of Commencement and Substantial Completion 3.1 The dame of commencement is the date flom which the Contract Trine of Paragraph 32 is measured, and shall be the dale of this Agreement, as fast wrrtbea above, unless a different dame is atrted below or provision is made for the date to be fixed in a notice to proceed iuned by the Owner as stated in Section 00350, mksh w Schedule. Unless the date of commencement Is estab$sW by a notice to proceed issued by the Owner, the Design/Builder shall notify the Owner, through the Director of Fngmenim g Servms, m writing not less than five days before commencing the Wodr. The date of stag be the date specified b the Nadiee to Proceed, WmW to the Da3p/BuHdp; 32 The Design/Builder shall achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Work not later than One Hrmdred and Twenty (1Z0) Days after the Date of Commencemem, subject to uUmbuft of the Contract Trine as provided by the Contract Document crQUZ11+nmt4M AGEY Lkp idated domes will be based on the Substantial Completion Dale for all wodr, modified by all approved extension in time as set forth by the Director of Engineering Service's sigmatru+e of approval on the Certificate of Substantial Con 4detion. The liquidated damages table below shall be ut ilcmd to determine the amount of liar» dated T SECOND 31" DAY & Under 50,000.00 550.0DAYS $10U ODAYSRUZMFUR $50,000.00-$ 999.00 100.00/DAY 200.00/DAY 750.000DAY $100,000.00-499,999.00 200.00/DAY 500.00 DAY 2,000.00/DAY $500,000.0 and Up 500.00/DAY 1,000.00/DAY 3,51MAo/DAY Tire Des4p/EkuM 's recovery of and sole remedy for any delay used by the Owner shall be an extension of time on the Contract 1262M STAbCWWIORMCFACREEM EETVAMdOVVAFXAND 4ELIM (10v06) 005O0-2 ARTICLE 4 Contrad Sot 4.1 The owner shall pay the Design/Bw7da in araeat Sands for the Des4 BaiikW s pa*rmaoce of the Contract, for the Griper Creel[ Bridge Repair Design Build Project the sum of Eigit Hundred Seveatyone TWoaaaud Nine Hundred Elgkty Thee mid Zero/196 Dollars (5371,9t3.66) snbjed to addition: and deductions as provided in the Contract Documents. 42 The Contract Sum is baud upon the Mowing shmnates, if any, which are described in the Coalrad Dom and are hereby accepted by the Owns: none 43 Unit prices, if arty, are as follows: As specified is Bid Price ProposaL 5.1 Based upon Applications; for Payment submitted by the Design/Builder to the Directory of Engineering Services, and upon approval for payment issued by the Director of Engineering Services, the Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to the DesignAkufda as provided below and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 52 The period covered by each Application for payment shall be one calendar month ending on the last dry of the moutb, or as follows: 53 Payment will be made by the Owner in accordance with the Florida Local Goveraneat Pt Payment Act 218, Florida Stahttes. 5.4 Each Application for Payment shall be based upon elm Schedule of Values submitted by the Design/Builder in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Schedule of Vahuea shall allocate the mtira Contract Sum among the various portiom of tba work and be pn pined in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Owner may regaise. This scbeduK unless objected to by the Owner, shall be used as a basis for reviewing the Desigo/Bm'lder's Applications for Payment 5.5 Applications for Payment shall indicate the parentage of completion of each portion of the Work as of the end of the period covered by the Applicatica for Payment 5.6 Subject to the provisions of the Contract Documents, the amount of each progress payment shall be computed as follows: 5.6.1 Take that portion of the Ca*vd Sum properly allocable to completed Work as determined by multiplying the percale completion of each portion of the Wait by the share of the trial Coatrad Sum allocated to that potion of the Work in the Schedule of Vahhes, less rzmnage ofJULpercent (10%). Pending final determination of cost to the Owner of in the Wok, amounts not in dispute may be inchndod in application for Payment The amount of aDdit to be allowed by the DesigdBmldar to the Owner for a deletion or change wbidh results in a net decrease in the Contract Sum shall be the net cost to the Owner, leas Overhead, Profit and Documented Coals incurred prior to the Change Request, as indicated in the convspondmg Ow item in due Approved Schedule of Values for that line item as confirmed by the Du actor of F.ngmmmg Services. Wben both addition and cxsdits covering rdded Work or subsubdi s are involved in a change the allowance for overhead and profit shill be figured an the basis of net inwease if any, With respect to that I gn 5.62 Add that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to materials and apipment delivered and suitably sherd d the site for subsequent incorporation in the completed construction (or, if approved in advance by the Owner, suitably shored off the site at a location agreed upon in writing), less r+etaioage of An Percent (10%k U1IAW SI'AId AFU)FfRMCFAMEVE I'MVAENOWNRAM (xv0G) OD50D-3 5.63 Subtract the aggregate of prcvious payments made by the Owner; and 5.6.4 Subtract amount, if any, for which dye DnsQor of Fagioaaing Services or Architect has withhcld or nullified a Catificafe far Payment as provided in Paragraph 9.5 of the General conditions. 5.7 The progteas payment amount determined in accordance with Pwxg mph 5.6 shall be father modified under the following cam: 5.7.1 Add, upon Substantial Completion of the Work a sum snfficiaot in bxrease the total paymaUs to percent (90%) of the Contract Sum, km such amount a the Director of Engineering Services recommends and the Archhed dd emuna for moompkfe work and umsedW claims, and 5.72 Add, if final comp c ion of the work is theraftw materially delayed through no flap of the Desip/Bm7der, any additional amounts payable in accordance with Subparagraph 9.103 of the General Conditions. 5.9 Reduction or limitation of tob ingM if any, shall be as follows: None 59 The County will widtboM progress payments fiom the DesigwBuildw for hilu m to comply with the tsquh I of 7-1.1.1 Compliance wile American Recovery and Reinvestment Ad of 2009 (ARRA) which is attached io ibis contrast as Atte lumst A. all additional doamentafion nod certification regainemmts under ARRA and the MOT Local Agency Program (LAP) m"u+emen& 3.10 The County iaAards to pay for this contract in wbok or in part with Federal finds, the patties adknowle 1p that paymad under this contract is contingent upon receipt of foderal famd'bm ARTICLE 6 Fua1 Pittymtmt Final payment, 000stilnting the entim unpaid balance of tee Contract Sum, shall be made by the Owner to the DesignSuildw when (1) the Contract has bees fiddly performed by the De ign/BuiWa accept for the DesigolBnilder's trsponsilA ity In carsect nouoonfixming Work a provided in subparagraph 122.2 of the General Conditions and to satisfy other tequscment, if any, which necessarily survive find payment and (2) a fined Catifiate for Payment has been issued by the Owner and 3) rite Desigo/Bmldet has met all provisions of the reporting mqm mmt under the American Rewvcry and Rcwvrstmed Ad of 2009 and the MOT LAP regairmeatr sorb final payment shall be made by the Owner not more than 20 days after the issuance of the final CatiSate for Payment ARTICLE 7 hibmibineosts Provisions 7.1 Where tzfamce is made in this Agreement to a provision of the G mal Conditions or another Contract Document, the rnefacm triers to that provision as ameaded or supplemented by other provisions of the Contract Documents. 72 Payments shall be made according to the Florida Local Government Prompt Payment Act Chapter 213 Florida Statutes. 73 Temporary faa'fibcs and seen= None for dds pnojea 7.4 Monroe County': performance and obligation to pay uodar this contract is eodinge t upon an ammai appropriation by the Board of County Commissioners. 7.5 Psblie Merida Cr ina By signing this Agreement, Des4p/Bmlder tepimm that the cwcution of this Agreement will not violate the Public Entities Crime Act (Section 217.133, Florida Stetttesj. Violation of c• a • n •a a r•:) M e:I a!D s s:��r 1e• _ c: aa:nc this section shall crsah in termination of this Agreement and recovay of all monies paid hereto, and may result in debarment fiom County's compeative procurement activities. In addition to the foregoing, DesigwBmldet further represents that then has been no determination, based on an audit, that it or any subaontradurs has committed an act defined by Section 297.133, Florida States, as a "public entity crime" and that it has not been formally clmgyd with committing an act defined as a "public entity crime" regardless of the amount of money involved or whether subcontractor has been placed on the convicted vendor list DedgwBm7dar will promptly notify the County if it or any contractor is formally charged with an act defined as a "public entity crime" or has ben placed on the convicted vendor list A person or affiliate who has bees placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crime may not subunit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public bunking or public wodc, may not submit bids on leases of red property to public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as DesignMv lder, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant ender a contract with any public entity, and may not traffiad ba>:mees with nay public entity in excess of the tbredold amount provided in Section 297.017, for CAIFBMY TWO for a period of 36 mouths fiom the dab of being placed on the convicted vendor list 7.6 The knowing items are part of this contract: a) MAbdesw nce of Reearcd DedgwBuilder shall mmu am all boobs, recorder and documents dandy pertinent to perhrmance amder this Agreement is t000edaooe with generally accepted accounting pies nor y applied. Each party to this Agreement or &cir udmzed repxenenmiva shag have reasonable and timely somas to such records of each other party to this Agreement for public records purposes during the term of the Agreement and for five years following the termination of this Agreement If as auditor employed by the County or Clad determines that monies paid to DesigoSuilder puaanand to this Agreement was spend for purposes not nnirai>!red by this Agreement, the DesigiMuilda shall repay the monies together with interest calculated pursuant to Sec. 5S.03; FS, running from the dab the monies were paid to Desigo/Bm7der. b) Goveraiag Law, Verse, Iraterp vtodora, Coats, avid Fees: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Stab of Florida applicable to conbacts made and to be performed entirely in the State. In the event that any canoe of action or administrative proceeding is meted for the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement, the County and Design/Bnrldrr agree that venue will He in the appropriate count or before the arppropriab admmis rMm body is Monroe County, Florida. c) Sever abOy: Many term, oovcnxK condition or provision of this Agreement (or the application thereof tb my circmuiasoce or person) shall be deela*ed imagd or -e nkwce lob to any by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining terms, covenants, condition and provisions of this Agreement, shall not be affected thereby; and each remaining tam, covenant, condition and provision of fist* Agreement shall be valid and shall be adweeaue to the 5illest extort permittedby law -leas the enforcement of the remaining tams, covenants, conditioos and povidooa of this Agreement would prevent the aceomplis6meut of the original intent of this Agreement The County and DesigwBm'Wa agree to reform the Agreement to replace any strid= provision. d) Attorney'* Fees and Coda: The County and DesigwBailder agree that in the event any cause of action or administrative proceeding is initiated or defended by nay party relative to the enfiNvement or interpretation of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be Gadded to moon" attorney's fors and court coats, as an award against the non-prevsiling party, and shall include abormy's hen and courts costs is appellate proceed. Iodation proceedings initiated and conducted pursued to dui* Agreement shag be is accordance with the Fbrida Rinks ofCivil Procedure and used and casbmary procedures required by the cis court of Monroe County. e) Bb dbg Effect The trams, covenants, eamddwm6 and provisions of this Agreement shag bind and inure b the benefit of the County and Design/Suilder and their respective legal representadves, successors, and assigns. Qmaer credo Bridge Repair Des,hm Budd Proi 0 AnIkorty: Each ley represents and warrants to the other that the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all nocessmy County and corporate action, as required by law. g) Claims for Federal or State Aid: DesigmBw7der and County agree that each shall be, and is, empowered to apply for, sock, and obtain federal and state fords to father the purpose of this Agreement: provided that all applications. requests, grant proposals, and fimding solicitations shall be approved by each party prior to sahanission. h) Adjnedon of Digmtes or Disagreements: The Owns: and D sigdBwlder agree that all disputes and disagreement shall be attempted to be resolved by meet and confw sessions between representatives of each of the parties. Ifthe issue or issues are still not resolved to the satisfaction of the parties, then any party shall have the right to seek such relief or remedy as may be provided by this Agreement or by Florida law. This Agreement is not subject to arbitration. i) Cooperation: In the event any administrative or legal proceeding is instituted against either party relating to the foonation, execution, pesf a mama, or baRach of this AgrCounty and Desigru/Bmlder agree to paticipai to the extent nq red by the other 1arI9, is all Pam► fig, processes, meetinP, and other activities related in the substance of this Agreement or provision of the services miler this Agreement County and Desiga/Bm7dw specifically agree that no party to this Agreement shag be required In, enter ido any arbitration prooeedinga related to this. grieema t D N County and Des4ti/Bm7der agree that there wM be no boa against any person. and it is ezprsaly understood that upon a determination by a comt of competent jurisdiction that discrimination has occurred, this Agreement antomatica4 tuametes without any findw action on the part of any party, offnctive the date of the coot order. County or Deli po/Bun7der agree to fly with all Federal and Florida stsatutesand all local arI&MC a, as apptiable, relating to These include but are not limited to: 1) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (FL W352) which prohibits discrnnnrntion on the basis of race, color or national origin 2) Tide EK of the Edocatim Amy of 1972, as amended (20 USC ss.1681-1683, and 1685- 1686), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of am 3) Section SM of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (20 USC s. 794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicapic. 4) The Age Discrimination Ad of 1975, as amended (42 USC ss. 6101-6107) which prohibits lion on the basis of age 5) The Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Ad of 1972 (FL 92-25A as amended, relating to G, riminatim on the basis of drug abuse; 6) The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Ad of 1970 (PL 91-616), as amended, relating to rvaidiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or aleoholismu; 7) The Public Health Service Ad of 1912, sa. 523 and 527 (42 USC s:. 690dd-3 and 290ce-31 as a mcnded, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse pates rocordaS 1) TWo VM of the Civil Rights Ad of 19" (42 USC s. et seq. as amended, relating to nondiscrimination in the salve, rental or financing of bousingr 9) The Americans with Disabilities Ad of 1990 (42 USC s. 1201 Noted as maybe amended from time to timeq relating to on the basis of disabOr, 10) Monroe County Code Chapter 13, Article Vl; which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, sac, rdigxm national origin. ancestry, semd orientatioe, gender identity or ctpresraon. fannies status or age; 11) Any other provisions in my Federal or state statutes which may apply to the parties tea, or the sect matter of this Agreeonmt k) Covenant of No Interest County and DesignMuildec covenant that neither presently has any i and shall not acquire my iN ' which would conflict in any manner or degree with its performance under this Agreed and that only illtlrEa'of each is to perform and receive benefits ad recited in this AgreemeR. 0 Coale of Eta County agrees that oars and employees of the Comity recoguiae and will be required to comply with the standards of conduct for public of$cem and employees as delineated in Section 112313, Florida Stathtee, regarding, but not limited to, solicitation or acceptance of gifts: doing business with one's agency; unauthorized compensation; miaase of public position, conflicting employment or contractual mkb mshgr. and disclosure or use of dxa I* infi matioo. m) No The County and Design/inkier warrant that; in respect to itself; it has neither employed nor retained any company or person, other than a bona Ede employee working solely for it, to solicit or sear this Agreement and that it has net paid or agreed to pay amy person, compaany, corporation, hx ividud. or firm, other than a bona Ede employee wociring solely for it, day fee, commission, percentage. gift, or other consideration contingent capon or resulting fiom the awed or making of this Agreement. For the lxaadh or violation of the provision, the De dgwBuilder agrees that the County shall have the right to terminate this Agreement Gcjgg Creeds Bridge Repair Design Bold Protect without liability and, at its discretion, to offset from monies owed, or otherwise recover, the fill amount of such fire, commission, pa cenu4pi gib or consideration. n) Public Access: The County and Dedwifflm'lder shall allow and permit reasonable access tn, and inapedion of, all docu orients, papers, letters or other materials in its possession or ender its control Subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statriteeand made or received by the County and DeaigniBuilder in conjunction with this Agreement; and the County shall have the right to unilaft ally cancel this Agreement upon violation of this Provision by o) Non -Waiver of haimi aky: Notwithstanding the provisions of Sec. 76E.2g. Florida Stsfidm the participation of the County and the Des4"uilder in this Agreement and the acquisition of any commercial liability insurance, coverage, self-insmanee coverage, or local gave neat liability msm=m pool coverage shalt not be im deemed a waiver of imunity to the eeciesot of liability coverage, nor shall spy contract entered into by the County be required to oomtam any provision for waiver. p) PdvBegrs mad Insmaities: All of the privileges and immunities from liability, exemptions from laws. ordinances, and rules and pensions and strut; disability, workers' compensation, and other benefits which apply to the activity of officers. agents, or employees of any public agents or employees of the County, when performing their respective finc tiom under this Agreement within the territorial limits of the County shall apply to the same degree and erdent to the performance of such finc tious and duties of such ofiicas, agents, volunteers, or employes outside the tw tarial limit of the County. q) Lepi ObHptema sad Rsspom Non -Delegation of Constitutional or Sta Cory Duties. This Agreement is not intended to, nor shall it be cauxtroed as, relieving my particOating entity from my obligation or responsM[ity imposed upon the entity by lave enacept to the extent of actual and timely pertinence thereof by any participating entity, is which case the perfirmamx may be offered in section of the obligation or r+espansibitity. Further, this Agreement is not intended to, nor malt it be oaostrued as, eulhorizing the delegation of the comoilutiond or statutory duties of the County, except to the extent permitted by the Florida eonstitutioa, state statute, and case law. r) Noce -Re aaee by Noce-Partiees: No person or entity shall be endded to rely upon the toms6 or any of them, of this Agreement to enf x or a 1 1 ' to enf mm any third -party claim or entitlement to or benefit of say service or program Mated hatiunder, and the County sod the Desig Bm7der agree that neither the County nor the Design/Builder or spy agent, officer, or employee of either shall have the authority to infuam. counsel, or otherwise indicate that any particular individual or w of individuals, entity or entities, have eatitlenents or beae5at ender this Agreement separate and apart, inferior tk or superior to the community in general or for the purposes contemplai ed in this Agreement. s) Attestations: DesigmtBmilder agrees to execute such documents as the County may reasonably require, to include a Public Entity' Crime Statement, an Edda Statement ment. and a Dm -Free Workplace Statement t) No Perned ILbMr No covenant or agreement contained herein shall be deemed to be a covenant or agreeaneat of say member; officer, aged or employee of blomm County in his or her individual calwity, and no member, office, agent or employee of Monroe County shall be Galore personally on this Agrees or be subject to my personal liability or aeeomitsbility by reason of the execution of this Agreemenk a) Exeeatism ha Conoterparts: This Agreement may be executed in my number of counterparts, each of which shall be regarded as an original, all of which tal m together shall oo»stidroe one and the same instrument and any of the parties hereto may encem to this Agreement by singing any such canterpart. v) Sectiom HeshdfW Section besdmgs have been inserted in this Agreement as a matter of convenience of reference only, and it is agreed that such section headings are not a part of this Agreement and will not be used in the intupretatiom of soy provision of this Agreement. w) Special Comilkioms, if any use debaW in the Request for Proposal for this Project. a) Hold Harmless: The DesipMuildar caveoaihts and agrees to indemnify mod hold harmless Monroe County Board of County Commissioners fiom say and all chmns for bodily mjuay (including death). personal injury, and MWerty damage ( ley owned by Moorm County) and other boss► duniza, and expenses ('including anorney's fees) which arise out of, in eomeetim wish, or by reason of services pmwided by the 171 M SLAM]ARDF(I MCFACP1314WTBEIWEENOWAERAND (mv0g) O0500-7 Grace Ouk Bdda Rik. DesL BmW FrojC9 DmigoiBuilder or any of its Subcoatcactors(s) m any tier, occasioned by the negligence. errors, or odu r wrongful ad or omission of the Design/Bnc7d r or its Subcon>raam*s) in any tom, dneQ employees, or agents. In the event the completion of the pried (mcloding the wont of others) is delayed or suspended as a result of the Dcs*wBur&Ws tisane to purchase or maintain the required insurance, the Design/Builder shall indemnify the County from any and all incased expenses resulting from such delay. The fast ten dollars ($10.00) of remuneration paid to the DesigdBurilder is for the Memni8cation provided for above,. The extrat of liability is in no way limited to, nednced, or lessened by the insurance require meets contained elsewhere within this agreement. y) Car oellatim In the event that the Design/Buildw shall be fnard to be negligent in any aspect of installation, skwmg, marrteaanm repair. or service; the County sball have the right to terminate this agreement afer, five days welter notification to the Designmuilder. 7.7 chvnw rip of the Project Deemed:: The docmmats;regard by tha Deign/Builderfor this Project belong to the C art ty and may be reproluced and copied without ackwwkdgement or permission of the Deaign/Bm7der. 7.9 Successors and Assips: The DesigelBmida shin not assign or sdncolnhd its obligations under this agreement. except in writing and with the prior written approval of the Board of County Commissioners for Monroe County, which approval shall be subject to such conditions and provisions as the Board may dexm necessary. This paragraph shall be incorporated by reCamce into any assignment or subcontract and any MCA gnee or subeoatrscta shall comply with all of the provisions of this AgroeMeat. Subject to the provisions of the immediately preceding seateaeecub party hereto binds jbcK as succesaora, assigns and legal representatives to the other and to the snccaseorhq, amps and legal representatives of such odhar party- 7-9 No third hrty BeneGelhrks: Nothing contained herein shall create any relationship, contactual or otherwise. with or any rights in favor of, any third party. 7.10 Disadvantaged Bushmss EaftMd a (DBE) Pol y and ObffVdow The DesipMuilder agrees to comply with the provisions of FDOTs Dnadvanhged Buxmm Enkrprise Program as oatined in the Caiification cont ned m the RFP. The DesignBudder will complete and execute MOT fors 275430-11B, DBE AMrmatke Adios Pfau, which is included as AdaKihmmt B In, this Agreement. 7.11 FHWA Fors IM: Farm 1273 is attached herdo as Attachment C and made a part of this contract The Deaigufflunder will adhere to all provisions in FHWA Form 1273. Section V. Statements and Payrolls on Page 5 of FHWA Form 1273 is amended as follows: The statement "except for prom located on roadways classified as local roads or rural aollectom which we cumpt", is dekbed. 2. Payrolls and Payroll Records Part d (1) is revised to read: that the payroll fix the payroll period coins due informadoa requ red to be maintained under paragraph 2b of this Section V, with the townAlim of the employees' social security number ad address, which should not be hsduded on payro®s submithA and that such information is corned and complete; Payron statements shall include an hwfividually identifying number for each employee. 7.12 Bay America: The Design/Builder agrees that it will comply with the requite of 49 U.S.0 Section 5323 (j) a Section 165 (a) of d o Surface Transportation Assistance Aar of 1982. as amended, but it may qualify for an erceptiaa tun the requirements pursuant to Section 165 (b) (2) or (b) (4) of tine Surface Transportadon Assistance Ad of 1932 and regulation in 49 CFR 661.1. 7.13 Foreign Coutraetor and Sapplfer Rabictiou: The DesigdBmldes Shan Dot loaawffigly cut" into any subcoubmt under this contract (1) With a subcontractor of a foreign country included on the list of countries that discriminate against U.S. firms published by the United States Trade Representative (USTR) or 0) For the supply of nay product for use out the Federal Public Worts project under this contract that is produced or mimed m a foreign country included on the list of countries that discriminate against U.S. firms published by USTR (Incl des'Buy Ammcata" provisions). 7.14 Public Agency Saber to Private Sector Ea ft Coatrad Pravidoa: in accordance with the provisions of 23 CFR 635.112(c� No public agency shall be permitted to bid in competition or to eater into subcontracts with private Coubactom A btuoch of any of the stipulations 23 CFR 635.112(e) shall be sufficient t grounds for termination of the Canrtra& 7.15 DesWNwilder ftrciased F.gnipwt for Local Owner** in accordance with the provisions of 23 CFR 140 and 49 CFR Sectice 113 the Desiga/Bonilder will not pmx*u equipmeent for Coady ovvaersldp• 7.16 Egnipueat Rental Rasm in acecrdsooe with 23 CFR 635.120 and 48 CFR 31 the County will pay standard equipment rental rafts for the local area where the Work is being conducted for rented equipment, as needed dtvmg the pojecL 7.17 Local Eking Prelereaoa the County will Dot include a Local Wring Preference for this oonbw;L 7.13 Pubiiely Owned Egaipmeat in accordance with the provisions of 23 CFR 635.106 publicly owned egoipment will not be allowed to compete with p dvsb*. owned equipment ender this egreemeaL 7.19 Stnte Prehrenoa No requirement will be Wposed: (a) To require the use of or provide a price dill smotial in favor of articles or materials produced witfiin the Stet or odmxwiae to proohrbh, ns rid or dncriminsde against the use of wticks or materiak shipped fiom or prepor . , made or produced in soy Statg territory or possession of the United States{ or (b) To prohibit; restrict or otherwise discriminate against the use of articles or matmah of foreign origin to my gramn — mist than is permissible under policies of the Department of Transportation as evidenced by rem and procedures prescribed by the FHWA Admloistraior to alley out such policies. 720 American Recovery Mad Rdavesdned Ad of 2"9: Special provision SP0070111ES is attached hereto as Atlaehsaad A and made a pad of this contract. The DesigdBnlder will adhere to all provisions of the Special Provision, 721 Salvage Credits: The Design/Bmlder will not receive credits for salvage" mdertak 722 Equal Empisyment Oppo eta nky (EEO) Requi rement= the Contractor will adhere to the DOT EEO rem in accordasc a with Executive Order 11246 and as outlined in the Equal Employment Opporttmity Catificatian in Section Five of the RFP. Prior to the start of constrac6on the Contractor will complete FDOT Form 2754121-13 NotiEeatian to FDOT of EEO Omeer and Form 27542145, Record of Supervbory and OlSee Persoanal EEO Meeting or IndWkW OriQtafjon, which am included as Attaeltasesd D to this Agreement. 723 Davis -Been Act In s000rdancx with the Davin -Bacon Act, the Contractor and their sabooatractors shall pay workers employed directly upon the she of the work no less than the locally prevarl'ma wages and fringe benelrts paid on projects of a simr"Vr chatracter. The can prevailing wage rates can be farad at under Monroe County. Wage Rate Decision FL-2" appRe s to this prfjKL Teaninatiea or Sutpemdan 8.1 The Contract may be terminated by the Owner as provided in Article 14 of the General Conditions. 82 The work may be suspended by the Owner as provided in Article 14 of the General Conditions. Ardde 9 Enumeration of Contract Documents 9.1 The Contract Documents, except for Modifications issued after execution of this Agreemenk are enumerated as follows: 9.1.1 The Agreement is this executed Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Design/Builder. 9.11 The General Conditions are the General Conditions of the Contras for Design and Construction. 9.13 The Supplementary and other Conditions of the Contract are those contained in the Request for Proposal including but not limited to: a) Bidder's Technical Proposal b) Bid Price Proposal c) Schedule of Values d) Monroe Cotmty Certification Forms (Section Five of Request for Proposal 9.1A The Addenda, if any, are as follows: AM bid documents, Request for Proposal and portions of Addenda relating to bidding regairtments are part of the Contact Documents. 9.1.5 Other documents, if any, forming part of the coobvet Documents are as follows: This Agreement is entered into as of the day and year first written above and is executed in at least fan original copies of which one is tD be delivered to the Design/Builder, she each to the Director of Engineering Services and Architect for use in the administration of the Contract, and the remainder to the Owner (SEAL,) Attest DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clark By: L O— Deputy Clerk Daft �-ao- \o (SEAL) Attest By: T,�a/� ,;�,�if,•�,•(. WILMA C. ROURM 17YR :� A '+fill � �u rn•.+�iacu».1 � M G' EXf RES Serfembol 13. 2011 BOARD OF COUNTY COMIM ISSIONERS OF MONROE CO RIDaA By Ma's MONROE COUNTY ;ATTORNEY PPROVPD AS To FORM: qHRISTINE M. LIMHERT-BARRC)WS ASSISTANT CO NIT Y ATTORNEY DESIGM/BUILDER Date T g&,Cb" pnewvrMon Sy*WRW LLC B( OF SECTION 805N .; t� ia� • s •a• a • tr' �s s �� �+ �• � t►a�tr :� I a�• t: tt.tt t ATTACERMUM A LAWS TO BE OBSERVED. (REV 3-31-" (34") AR714Lg 7-1(Pves 60 aod 61) is evaOded by do 7-LU Camp"ce wits Amrkm Rmem7 amd Act of 2U9.- This projod is subject to the criteria and rood dom of the American Recovery and Refi vesmeat Act (ARRA) of 2009. Satisfy the federal reporting regairenaeab for the project(4 each as the awaddy employment report, fm both the oontractoc and s of r m rectors. Provide the required informal. on fimn(s) provided by the Departamem in the dnwframe indicated in the im unions. lndhWc these reportnag requirememta in an sabmumbaL 7-11.1-1 Audmwky dtie CamptrinEw Gemrsh Secdm 902 of the ARRA of 2009 provides the U.S. C nptraUa General and his representativex the authority: (1) to enmim nay r+eooerls of the Cootracke or any of its subam>z> wm or nay State or Local agency admWdadqg such eontrsd, that &mcdy pertain to, and involve tramacdoos relating to, the conb ut or suboontra r, and (2) to interview any or anpioyce of file Contractor or my of its suboontracttxs, a of any State or Local g+ovanmeffi agency adminimering the Contrad, regarding mach ttamac dam Accordiingiy, the Comps iAw General and bb represcnbd es shall have the authority and rigbtm as provided ender Section 9W of the ARM wide mgmx t to this Contrail, which is funded with funds made avar7able under the ARRA. Sectkm 902 hwdw stales that nothing in thk Section sba11 be Interpreted to limit or restrict in nay way any egg authority of the Comptroller GenermL 7•LLU Audmwly of tie bmpeebw C mrsh Secdm 1513(a) of the ARRA provides authority for any reptemntativeu of the Inspector General to eua®im any recor& or interview my employee or ours worlriag on this Contract. lbe Conbaclor is adviW that represemlativm of the hapec for General bsve the autbomy to eramaine nay record and interview nay employee or officer of the Contractor, its mnboouttactors or other forms working on this Contract Sectioea 1515(b) 0 -IF t provides dud nodiing in this Section shall be interpreted to limit or remold is nay way nay emoting authority of an hrspedor General. ATTTACERWE TI` B vscoajts eolw.aPPORYtMTY CFFWX ems Povtds DBE AFFIRMAnvE ACTION PLAN It is the poky of Obusbod Pftowvmftn y.IN % U4. that dismMintaged as defined by 49 CFR Part 25, Subpart D and implemented under Rule Chapter 14-78, FAC., shall have the opPorkmity to participate as suboontractom and supplem on al contracts awarded by the Florida Departrnerrt of Transportation. The requirements of Rub Chapter 14-70, :AC, shall apply to al contracts entered into between the Florida Dq=tT ant of Transportation and ftuctwd won sysume. LLC Subcontractors andfor supplers to strup"Mg Praaervadon wil also be bound by the requiremeMs'of Rub Cliapidr 14-78 FAC. sbuctund Preservation eyaleau. LLC and it's subcontractors shall We al necessary and reasonable steps in accordance with Chapter 14-78. FAC., to ensure that disadvantaged businesses have the oppmtmity to Compete and perform work cordracied with the Florida Dep himm.t of Transportation. SbuctmW Rreaerv"M Sysbrns, LLC , and its subcontraftm steal not disc kft to on the basis of race, color, roIOM national origh disability, sex, or ape in the administration of contracts with the Department of TransportatiorL sb raturd Praservatlon VdMt ..,. c . has desiglrrated and appointed a liaison Ottk;er, to develop, ..mk n, and mor kr the DBE Afirmatirs Action Plan inpbrnerdatiorL The i.iaison Ofticer will be responsible for dissamir"p this poluy statemerrt ttuouglhotrt atruetursl Prsasrvadon syst« LLC and to disadvantaged controlled businesses. The statement is posted on notice boards of the Company. X . 9alsid�sni X 276W4„i aOxw. OPPORTUWty a2M Pgr2d1 svtle Pha a , syst«ns, uc will y nlCJlli disadvantaged businesses as surbconb8dDM and suppliers for all contracts with the Florida Department of Transportation. The Company has appointed a Liaison Officer to develop and maintain d* Action Plan in accordance with the requirements of Rule Chapter 14-78, FAC. The liaison Officer will have primary responsibility for developing, maintairmig, and monalonng the Companys ub'fization of disadvantaged subcontractors in addition to the fo0owig specific duties: (1) The Liaison Officer shall aggressively solicit bids from disadvantaged business subcontractors for all Florida Department of Transportation contracts; (2) The I.isison Oftkxr wit submul am recon* ropcx and documents required by the Florida Department of Transportation, and shall maintain such records for a perbd of not leas than ttsee years6 or as directed by any specific contractual requirements of the Florida Department of Transportation. The fofiowing mdIvidual has been designated Liaison OHloer with nesporsbft for impbmerrthp the Company's adfirnudive action program in accordauce with the requirements of the Florida Departrnent Transportation• (Liaison Oft raft Name) Shawn Abraham (Your Company's Name) Structural Group, Inc (Your CamparWs Address) 7455 New Ridge Rd, Suite T Hanover, M 21076 "one N rim for Liaison Officer) 410-850-7000 (Enter FEIN or Tax Id Number) F EIN: 52 211 3986 In order to formulate a realistic Aflfrnx ve Action Plan, Sawa" PraaarvsNon systems, LLC has identified the k9lawkV known barriers to participation by disadvantaged subcontractors, before describing its Proposed affirmative action methods: 1. Lack of qualified disadvantaged subcontractors s in our specific geographical areas of work 2 Lack of certified disadvantaged subcontractors who seek to perform Florida Department of Transportation work 3. Lack of interest in performig on Florida Department of Transportation contracts; 4. Lack of response when requested to bid, 5. Limited bmowbdge of Florida Department of Transportation plats and specifications to Prepare a responsible bid. Inview of the barriers to disadvantaged businesses stated above, it shal be the poky of sm,dur.r Prasenadon systems, n.u_C to proves opportunity by udi ing the Man" affirmative action methods to ensure pardon on the contracts with the Florida Department of Transportation. Shvchuw Pnaarratlora sysams, uC wit 1. Provide written notice to all certified DBE subconbacors in the geographical area where the worts is to be subcontracted by the Company; 2. Advertise in minority focused media concerning subcontract opportunities with the Company; 3. Select portions of work to be performed by DBEs in order to increase the WAMmood of meeting contract goals Cmckx irg, where appropriate, breaking down contracts into eoonomic * feesble units to tame DBE parficipadonY, 2 54MD-11e eouti oPvorrrwrr oFsICE am P@Waars 4. Provide adequate information about the plans, spermions. and requirements of the contract; not rejecting subcontractors w&xxA sound reasons based on a thorough investigation of their capabilIties; 6. VVWve requirements of parknriance bonds where it is practical to do so; 6. Attend pre -bid meetings held by the Florida Department of Transportation to apprise disadvwtaged subcrrbactors of opporttiuuffis wkh the Company; 7. Follow up on initial solicitations of interest to DBE subcontractors to detern*w with certain* whether the DBE company is ltteneded in the subcontract opportunity. st MCUx Mr Prss.rvatloe systems, LLC understands that this 6d of affirmative action methods is not exhaustive and will include additional approaches after having estabBshed f nffla* with the mark w fage 1 subcontracting community andFor determined the stated approaches to be ineffective. In. On corhtrads with specific DBE goals, SaurxLwn Prsservatron systems, LLC VA malts every etllort to meet contract goats as stated by utiiizhhg its affirmative action methods. On projects wkh no spmWc goats, the Company wit, as an a gxession of good faith. seek to DBE subcontractors where work is b be subcontracted. IV. stnwturan Pres«Yaaon Systems, LLC shah keep and maintakt such records as are necessary to determine the Company's compliance with b DBE Affirmative Action Plan.. The Company wit design fts record kaepirrg system to kxkeW 1. The number of DBE subcontractors and suppliers used by the Company. idenB AV the fienw Of work, materials and services provided; 2. The efforts and progress being mach in obtaining DBE subcontractors through local and community sours; 3. Documentation of al contacts, to include correspondence, telephone calla, newspaper advertisernnrhts. etc., to obtain DBE p-ticpation on al Florida Department of Transportation projects; 4, The Company shall comply with Florida Deponent of Transportation's requinsments regarding payments to subc01 Hors Mcindbhg DBEs for each month (estimate period) in which the miss haw work.ad. V. DBE DIRECTORY Structorar Preservation systems, LLC wil utiiTe the WE Directory published by the Florida Department of Tmnapmbdk n. The Company wil distribute Form Number 27"30-01, Schedule A Certification Form Number 1, to potential DBE contractors and assist in their completion. ATTACHMENT C �1 :J' 1 Ft ! t• Pam/ L lNf It 04NU al ................................... ... ir. ............................. 1 Norraspnparm 1 Faris ......... 3 N. PmyreweidRadaWmYrdlMrrrrraaVWpm ......... 3 V. Shlmarmnts and Peyrois ........ I ............... 5 VL and tabor ........... 5 5 VIL VnL _ &Msd e��iaa Cbnkm t .y.............. t DL — - ...... 6 X ImlinwrrM of Clwr Alr and Fidwai werr Poidaa Coned Act ...................... • XL CatlllbrR Oebermarr. SLaper elor. .and 6slwloe ............... e Griorfor Rapmrdfrq rw Funds for )aL of ct LabbWQ.................................... I ATTACHMENTS A �l0— faApparct Caalracfs 0 clowaicls L GONVAL 1. Theme cambeat paorYbrr dud apple b a/ go*; 'on M contra ' by M ooatadkr'm arw agmn�on sad wir M dmnam wdbi /w�mrtpwbrnrm . anaoMataclof� t Yr mdlmir akperir work a by srbootiad �+�• 2 amaMniMpwfdmdtorbeach socikx%Mmrracior shad Ywrl M sacM mrboormrad ai of M dPAdb m oadmYnd Y arse Required Canhd Prov' 6 said tag rw�ie rimU indualon b any bwr amr mrrboortad a ardmr �mt may Y Yon be nrde. 7fle Raraimd ProriYra rhea not be Yroorpwded btrraamwrw anytasa TlrmprYna merrador alyd ba subccrMradorrWblM RRsqul 1%*sdprorywwa bwr far C trmd Pr�oYMions�ifi/M A at 6m mNfel pratnda brYimrrtin/as d h earrtmct 4. A brae I of M folYp drams d M RaquYad CorrYad P4wtim may mW be a dw m br am provided Y 21 CFR &12: Saetaon N, p ir0 1. 2, 4. and T; Bach V. pmrapapM 1 andm 2g- S. N (aaomptDimpu A and Saaaow V d !ova AiQisf Canted Prwibrs ohm! be b M pmrrrel dlmpulum ids* aorrrad. 8ucY mina M relclrM Y aomrdarroe wry M prorsdrmesdMU.S. DapwbrwtdLabor MOO as ad JhM Y 21 dYipriras 6sYrraa ari mnYador(aarydam abaon. adors) ad M cace. M DM. , a M misdora srgiioyemm a baY a. SabeM of Lbmr. t u ft M parbrrrrarrom of 26 aorrf>� M aorrrsdor alyd not aye yd�(afor��r�rrr� Appaladr ea oarradt, wMn mpplicabim, sm 4idllmd it Arrdwm t A a tt soomfdbbabr prapcetwlirbMtin#dM p �tw Y. Imborr aorMdt wM as ar poroat x MOIgClI�IATION (Apokable b d FoftdaN corrriuoaon ooria I aid b a/ nW6dgw��loortacl� d$10,OW a mom) wpn�Ol i�r�al��d(eipo�tOCa�yMae undl an ord ofM Sacr d LaOed �aur�aw moddwad oor=100 8= a d ammimme ack are a TV* mr' ' ri work uft No gelds I I Iaprrq YY��dadomm OZIMInvedirfismiMrad btbrrYq wW wampt as his apoaanp poky ire it Y M of art Compaq b somas ed mpieanls are art sn�byama aw treated dara0 . b awt taor. oobr. rrlbrrmt orlpiti spa a 9udt acSob and awobywb. u�pQs�i�p, dradati a bnn6r. rsaui�pr�rrsye�t�a ricts�awii afrAW amftfdWhod�v ak•M•!oe Yaiiirp.' 2. EW ONomc The - q- I %rw rand aria brorwr b era am aarYrdYrp ollloI as lEadl�ClcAaw ift wd Mrs M �padrs oorArada ptoprd0 of EEcF and be' a is idagmis auwork Mina I% b do so. 3. DtmaemmtrrmfwmofPeMo� ANnrarbarsoffo tador�sataf who ors adhofted b his, srRradma, P and srnpbysaR awAo raoorrrawd ankh adkab awM ors braMM! Y adr mdion� wi 6e nrmda�y ooprrark d and TrimaowpaYbarmamranrt,idM gam lt3#oa-oerarYYsocsinmorad"sporroa/dcAyd�bnrdswoiorr�r11M1am0dra11 wf be tdm alan rr0ad�aoriirta. a. Perbdir mmefu0a of arpavbwy and parsarand n Ms . cow wi be oosdrrdmdmbalm Mat d 11 mbd wat ad arc* Vsk.EEOad 1Y i ibMn wi InrI and npWnmd. 110 nraarps W ba mrdudmd by to ®D Oftmti b. AN aemr a a pmraorerml ab anoloven w• be piraeatboroudr MrMonbyMEEO Mar. Wis' to aaMIW d M cariacb ' EEO abfpm/orr *lair tft drys owNp awk nparnp for dLLy wM M oorMia dor _a. AN omrmanwl wM are ergo, In direr reau wmi br M P aM M' V �� .W vasb qm4 wfb dNoftespYoadYaraasa�Vibrlhbftgbyw.appEEfinim� earpbywwat and pnimnrml arrpbymma maid audr poky brokgf�l b M aMmnaan of ava aask mis- by means of air ii rpm anrtibyee Io I or otlwr at+I I maarm. 4. Reerarrmrrt; VMwa adwrair0 br anrpbyaea, M ca*ado► OR Yrdrrds Y Ad drarMrarrrrrm , fM naI dw An FgwlOpgorYaiyFn *ymr.• A!m=.adret4m_mi __wfbaI—w Form FHVM,12M (Raw. 3-%) ►w t bw ANIUM uhkiWpa*d WWk wo ink 6o d.rMwbd a Ttho owriackx all. udsos oax" do ' by a vial ard� ��sioyMr�souCas�/tdydtab�i�mw�t d�appfoenl 4 To mast this rsprirderrorrt M mMdor jr rsasasedpolsriiei�oritr�powsp��M;� sasR�bisA �� ktertded dm.c.. procbase nihorMy pap s�ioa ����bMme�MadoMor aarXda� b. inMotm toccal adorhosaoMdbopalrkrOspsenwd trsrocteMrd„OIraMMlsnds,Mb babseroe Pm IQiBar- bbaalr�thtbsgsM�pwnis Maa�ladat'saat CrvMt30oa�taotptaYI I-W (TfnDOt hoe hold Mut whets Ni-iwnnWon d snth aparsimis iota M shed d+isoiriorrq apdbst niiabes arwonrsrk ar a�b�ie rr caiaabr b do Ih ae�eannMrs�� such krpisrrwdsMmt viaielss Exacs+enr Order 112A so arrherdsd i a Tllecadredorarsnooutpshle bMbr IO dstaeseadriedse�pfoyasato 10 4n*x� be S. t woaaeslalbsesAa/tatee Wlhpss;woAdnpoorhdKoro,aM bwwidhbbtdodaedadairisbraA rM-sraannd of wv.rtr b koft m tra,.r.. 0M0s'regodia wealdammil me ft e b alp �aot rr car duct bdo tupacion i al' I t albs b trrsras Mtot aaddnp carrMlans and waployas IsrJMes ds rrat kdtale deaYnlrabry boirred d project awe-uaomsi d� b. Thaoaikadorw/pwbdlc�rdtiYalelrsprsrd dsofiri- pddwifisssch ceesirafm b debrnits anyevidsnoe d nslmtr rsrpe-rrsjoea ac/orsiedThm�lrbdI IIIimirwaMdlew�idsruw dd� row. Whew aMdsaor is fou4 go catledor t bit bryoad M atttao nobwa4 such aaMredrM a .01 dud YttLde al aiebd pereoro. d. The adolradot M/ pdargMy boom is ei CarrplebM of a/opsd deabitdart tads b No omiaebr ouaocam rift his obipa/mis under tiro eorarrak wi sirnpt b rse" etch cow pI.1��1� andrikafsappImIsmiscs scrmummenaeonehia ipmwsamtEtfMeihraalpeior.6*vlssthattit - IN0,ireimhereydbd � kridesrdt�obs�rp�Mor�a deidh�aafon�she�i Mo emiador ai khforw ewy �d ai d hls ase�rur d upped tt. Tto6i4 wed IdremsAshe a The om I P', volt mmW b learn-, *U.W o and oeaslp inMo ski d mimmW poop orrd womse ee4ioyese, end appMeari br enpbtrarard. b.0 rmII ntWMftconbdm'srorkimwngiiemenbard up utdw Fsdwsl did BbMe M corieMAP shad 1onr M>lm�'dow r un oof��st d oanYaecd 61 M_Vrpann �� sect ooaips"a Mtsir i ydi�rirb�dopo�pwwelMdoeseof� ar � Mdinflessr movbribearq eedediissindteidktMte �r p�The�Ioamria k tall adoiee enpioyssa and apphads for d ■aktie r.riq-rov.ne SW «i.ro. r.grr fargar.- d. no aorwador ri pdrrodeeMy MoilernM�rl.�yt�.keirp ens erroaumpt.fpbl. ob t°a°a--farr SLKh to iq and pvtow T. L%dame r do emiacbr hies In wI A at IN port tom urao me a souss d srrpbt�ow- M omiaekr et all ter I I I besifmb IDobtekt M wopeMem d wx h uimsb koeeea apporkomm br ��y -loops wad aorrort whin M urrtarrs. �hd n.ied rebrraie bar wall u m d w*w* and tM om byaa Adam by M mrisefmsiterrisdy orthraah a coriacbrs assoriMoa adrg • apud at1 lrctds M proesdtses sot fat bdowc IL TM, o , -ot w/ use best sOr to drodop. In op�er+p an - Mvalh M ns. uriol� Irakin p rd or molt nirtorMtrpap nrsrrrbets and aom ' aoa lot b M urians ud basaitp Mo dri owly of slp ap wtptoyw dnd rra so the Moy rnmy grmfitr for htpbet -blip «n-tayrrord b. The, I I M to but slob b Mmp r an EEO chum Ieb neck tebn b M and 00 shalt utbn a/ be CO ^�4 wad to :%c � rt �nrpsd b Into nos. .61 a. Mm cmdrador Is bobbin ' - -M me b to in pMcltoae aid-ofcisa d ris hiCot�tf�d b 1�s adstt eucfiHamdrnbaiMitModrroM dMlsbsrurion and stir Isbar utlon rskwt b suit timmdon b Mo omiacyar, tit oariaciot OW to b M SHA ord dial sal forth riot eimb how bun nude b alp ' wxh k+fsnndott d. w M and the tsim b u Me b orootde the coriarior be � Mat bbdeputdeot rea�iA wc�srrcM aalhrMt »per b ntae, aotm; rsl a�ieibb �oarsorhe and ra In eve sesi pto a a Me lItsl !L EMesMoedlhiaralnenbea.M;eewwerisfWUwbboM tateb�def row aoi � ior4uitofor�idatpN dbeb*nd & 6 tits aslec�oe and d rueoankatiors. WRIM g ptoasrP- mot of mabrbb and bodes of dghiperrt. a The did na ft a• polex I subconlaata m and wippbm of bbAor EED abfprrforee udder Mrs om+t+eot b.0ihsdirdspodbnsitsssor�iorprtsss esddMdbiM Chat 24 dial Mere *goal b as w .1cm,add perform wbwM m* rII M cad mdw - I inb pu mown b Ib and b poaap arboorimdme ar 114 shiap°obeeb�irAt duo-OFE ZWM"I m/amn-3m a Tinmrdadorrruoshlsbo a faAsberrr uftoriea- b campiereot rih Muir EW aI fg Iarra a ninon eandiUpsrtee Theaonbedordtalkeopwxhraomde ss b dmawwrrt aoaolenasalk wMrs EWw k_Wn AL 8uoh Bird bt rebind lot a oerlod chine yesre foiosYq *nnwd ital�ir+Mhwhodr pWae dtm s. Tlr r.o m ttrpt by M aaiador dial doamord M Awft TheITINFAM 0(orihd w n oy d It nM wrimily ork t-* onto aft urmu%et+i mcomme bkrosaeeeFrankmployment for nlbodles and aArrrert awvioe. Ira a or J .. - dorms, wbrh MOW*QU nirorttr and fethete topM..nfdim► wnmq thstr wpk>ysaa th. The eoriac - wi submi an aremd spat b M SFtA M = FoMt FKA4,42" OROW. 34" ouft Jury for to duaaan of on projael,1, 1 g Ow nuriw of ainorh wonsrr. aad naniirorly prat;►wmbvmw wry qqad b oath wodc dirWraim raqulrsdb�r aofirad wok wTHs Y:anraaon k b bo rsporae an Fang FttIAW1301. ron•fw ba n�tl b coN �t 1 1 1 d M miWor of N0116E1#ifffiA?!� FACLff= 1= tip ypt. b d Fadwa6 M aawYra Mr aansaobr and b d wboniads d SIO.M or mom) a By wrbrrioba of fis bid, In s wcuMr of iris aardrad or arrbca k" arM aon Anmo o off" rYrW aerd�► a0 a purdraaa ardw. s M bidder. Fid�id mnrinra fan oartador anbmiradar mwrlai a /air, or MAW. as appotxf W, oarfin Mt M Nn doaa rot maiih or prwida kr la fnf tM irar�doaa n�t wn* Me I o1 w 10 pri�rl— d swr r dmataair�id ma arat apaa M afst bnrcir d fi aarfkmft ► b a RAW aarffsMtroaaipbyaa� vAbidaniadao bodegqu i as M book d aaa o d dMW bL As u nd !nark awfiearaaa. M iarra "arpapWd 6aNaa' moos any ft w= aed o%=k onto, rsard oaars ai kdw oem w tMsnkq anpry y. dMdn0�ioudsil. ksaflaa pao+�tdad tr wrgiopsss afro onpsOa bl rdrsiiia�tcoonrs, cw is ktit aapapdad an fr beak d wq aatr awbb air odair. aps air d ft dbmbbd rdwrr M dwrrms for Itwaasrse orsrids 04 Om"d p~ o. The aarMraefw raswr oral ! has abhiwd a w• abiii Am" awfaaafoa tome propoaad wibmniacfors cr mirM auppiweprbrtoawwdof aaaarasuaaaof . t$IUW a mars and Md ! YA =akin soar rf. PAVNMW OF FRUIT Ia1MlY CAM b d Feda *40 omv* ckn oor>araeia wmaaafrrp wdbmNml dabaonraeh,aapt*r� whidraaa dawiadasloaltoarkarualmYbraar 1. Aarrwat a Af nradwrirs wd Irborars rwokbig upon M I" or fw wait arfi be paid ipm aaan oaf cola a weak arm Idbaad a I an any soomm (mmo audi payrd air we ownikd by raprlsbrb 09 CM 3) kauad by $ a awsiol of Labor uwdw M Yadora and &Aft k0onrsOw nwo wnaa TM maps OalwraYlaaw (4rduapn�0 wW aaddlkmd daaafieaforrs wd ran aarMrw or Farm Ff(Wi►-14a" did bo pow at as itws M o�aiMarioi wd b wbooatadws d M aft of M mat k a praarNwrt ors ac*aaaabia mhwo ! ewr bs sm* aawr by f» warhwa For On pprrappoo» ads Socftm aaalrbuaar made a a=% rworwhli wi4Jpalad f r bare ids ft bww/a urmw Ssoloa 1(bX2) d fro Datiia�aoonAd(W U.S.GZ7Qa)onbMriafkbowraormsdwnla aro oorraidwsd b w� kbawa orarldwNai� la M providfMb d �N�pwap�pb St, bwoat Akan !w for man ao � 9aciai, tMd c�onaibr�A bw �a � *round ardor pksq � w p� ti�doA oorw M pw-auwkA� appap(ab map rails aid irfnpa barsik err M mapa dakraiwfaw for M dnaitcafaa of mat pwbnrsd, im raped b dd, aoaapt ao prwidsd to 4 and S Of Mk Saeam N. b. Labasrs a madwNca pwforiirp wok b moo inn arw daaafkafan be eoapwwand d fr raft spprl�rlW fair � drKca/apn t�otpl�ri�otrdr � sd iorM�M its spit ��r 6�� wok k pMtorrrrd ra bod a ft rrM m AN a nd 29 CM 1. 3. aS art! ilcorponbd by rsirursmitt@�irwmd - - 2 Clawifa/ I IL The SFN oaaraeflrp oft w dd rogrio Mt awnryy ctaaa d k6arsra a wrrweMiea wm"wkm ad udw ta earrkaet mike k nd tt s wMi a dalrainaow� and ba cfaaMad b en to anoa tm w b.TMaaeMtaefrpolornhalappr anadtifcgWckwoftoa- kft super tab wd Mnp; bwwlls �wban f�a bfowi�p olrk ffat (1) M work b be pwkrrnsd by I* addlbnW dassitea- argtrobwa Ad isnd partornwd by a dssaMrafar Nit maps M ft aadrWmW daMMeraon k uflrsd in aw area by M l3I M t rvossd = ixlydno err bow ids *bW birsvrapabswsdaYwwrd bbw arawspsr�amdaiwd pravds b wi was k aft h w wk p ad a ctralfeion m ■ 00 aonYaubr or wrbwnkocbra. • aowapkh: M an fta dsaafteaaorr wd wep rob op(�ilrakkkft air amoui at to khan dwa be m* by M mnMadrrp — b to DOL. Q.C. 2ma m o VaYpap a am Mar nodOV scdar whir 3D dne 2 r rwoaaawy. 4@6 M irborara or awdsr a bs wok d 1s7add~oiwl CIMNSCafar a *raft raprsaarrdrdaq and fw iwiradrq aabsr do ndaprraan M icksd ft M amarrt driaails/ for m os I kdwFo aoowdmbi M b M VYapa ad IL Thai 1*dvloodslmmdarwMirral6dM rmaaprws rtb tive bwwAw pra-0 2ccr2ddMhwwo apW=�!bill b adr=1 ImPInto arwcivaakafa wl_ wok k pwlonrwd how dsnateafar 3. FayMo of Fifrrpa ltwrsm IL VNof . aininaimsq_ wlsprsa kk bw� !air • daaa d Irbarws a nwdrwrba rxArass a tiinps is not arrprsaasd as as hot* ru* M aorrMac I or wboon*adon, as appo glp dW dirty pay aw banaM as ditd M M wopa d yakmriufaa pat= wniw bona &b *kpa l Mawr hm caaa fwsot k iM oar*scbr or as appraprkh, dos nd nsta psyarwda b is Inralae or afrw bid pomm IrarAlalra mey aorwidat as a pad d M d any labaw a mawrlo M rmm admny am* nano p��oparnaic*naid b ba ads d tabor ha bud, qm ft mrtian ragwrtImr+haM dot r fu0 11 ktAdw IstdowOOWW4 aoanAothmbaannwL Thai so aapwri..mor .0 ,br*iam. rpdahf{frfobiw�u«�ftom a pmprarn Form F HV4i%.1273 (M►. I") Pop 3 4. Apprwdsaa and Trafwa (hoprwrs alto MAL DOL) s rnd a. Appoo drew nforr wtf be; 11 b work d iw bn M for Mn wait polo rnrsd V AMw MMy aA b and npMiwed b a bone tide WIN rsohitrsd M DOL. R g'miaMat and patPON a 8iab`� ap aaa Y b htsRMr matt as lat apprwtroa Yt —4 M Bataaa d b MM i rrrt� (aAtrraa� b panrpbysN � Wkw roftia idoraau�rPdp��.w�n M.rad� waDa��i�ab�iybd�kd�dwM i an Me job aV b araar d 1 proV Ad be Paid IbrdIn oo aabr w tft haadbarri lard wapa rape p 0 � ba abaWWOM : rr+Ma° (� emyapptsnM i� me aaswwdaron b Ow c DlwYbn d�MantirMs MMt MMw b ss apptwiMcaahfp proprlatl raaos!- abdwitM Mao n�YNlwa�,}erabanwawpa in VA" con bervoilho as aPPrv�tns""" WW irrMww mbr� t for Kan w�dr(4 h M Iernpadr a Wthe TrowiTrfr"oor t a b or b ifRdr�6Y prad� n rala br M�t putco. d u S t� lairs b not c Hsberc • 31s1t rpprericwd� Ha�aa wi be b wait on • prajtd K b hsbar r proba/artary atr�kry- dsr�estfaa Is and dairMd as M appiaabla wrpa dslwi MMaa air b aoowrd pufauad b b awJoraMnor proordtra ash too b 3KIbno IVY Anp woobw idad on a payed at a as b jowaM�eila►itwl r@K who b not a habor wady a apprwrd dim alM�ba ritartn rsAhMa// nd tea nd boa ttMn b appfoabb wrlpa nMa an b w�pa dMrni�r• trasboom iwwork 1brMdasairaroadwortastraypwfaaMd who b not iaaLlarad or aRi e i 6 & Apprudoaa and Tralasae fMoonoa Oft UAL DOT): to b Mp�aprovO k - O&f b dome nd �fd b fki aaiwm ofd a far to appirabb awd for to Makable µ) bthraNntbt#aoMrdAppran7brinkQ. or rof Slab appwtiosali'rlhwol raooPsoo w� ianpagralk orpw br�rr por ry allows Mrw M appt3ea6b predsYrnitMd rsla br is oomparaW wait POW. by rspttYr wrMtertw watt an aoospbbis pmgmn Y b. Trabo c p.eadbd b)udncibe .�low M bpwid : tra� t uakk pwbtatad unbaa Mr!► laa sapbh�d pwtrlat b sad tepislwad b a proprau►whldt hair tsosired prior appiorai, bye by M DOL. 6rtpbiaMrt lad Tratitp Mn job Wb and nct be not hall bn b appiasbla br b dtariesifoa of work dose pstfoar , rook as ft not Yo Mow to sppiatbb wspa r is ca b saw for b wodt adaeb s IM 4 wwftd (31bforCvarYapp a�urt b* p dlhftlr hovel d w0 6 sea povw b bw* isle d b b �p apY repo Traknes shay be pptsoWptiatttttpa bwMii in sspotaotdutaa wit b ptorUlorMh�bOf"foliow kiMea stj be ppW b h�+ti wmW o iktpa benait iirdywt to wepa dalwmtMrotr whew b rwww i abr d b we" lard Hour AMM*namhkilchi ndbtworMkpurd�r �avrmoddyAIM aproonaMttp t� In coo wbi aFi d Nd'q°°ahOat " MndU*aotfYrtMwuAfr"4w'ppa,aba torwrebyYtassuadrsudr oroarsrM+.tT6raat�MMd The joun�eMn 0 nail beg I � rya lawsoffoll p� IL VMlMdnlN @ lht M� ahi uuppoonn � aan aeAoa air npon wrt>ra rsgtwt d as auMiabad riptewirirs of b DOL wRihoid, air terra b be wMiMk� boo b ootMrasbr or ' b under lie c orrracd air any cow Fedral aaiiad lair b orne prYna oontaciopt�or a�rtpr spa app d dwtlah YtlMid 411410 11 abina prbM mriaclor. ai Ns�oaaaor b pap Ybonia WM aMdmiw4 iwgba ooaddwwd tabsse, walha�ws� aaiPYf'adbybar�scloraranp�a�ootir�i�o� tarMLMaawrtdwapssrequYtlMmrdtad bbawar2d lriaa to pay sw hdwfw or 1 1,bdadlrt0 only appetiDa. or T. 0+ 011111 llt*rbeowtle No acoltadorarsubaoriradis lbroWpotaftwo oarrlad wok aft! waia y r�aMwA* or Wake t�ia as ko o!t Of and daatsbad its dap pfr 4 rnd �) wo�ilanirai 1 lb empanft; cm sank airpondooain wnplayed as sueA rod4 b wont b aaairad40howab wtdrwooRwknnNpsuchYbaar, uwdiwiq wrldwint, air pond raaiMes aoarwMaion ai a nta nat Yta bn anaad ana#aptlrw MYAMr mlt dray farm I I worked b a was o d 4o hags b wait waikwssk tt Yfoiraae (� t,J�t d.n ~vtoYra f alto dYinw sal btN d D i M� b oontracfor sae arty suboanteclar taspotrtti l Mtwad sh/ be tabu b M atircbd oyaa brhlMMrunpsld wapaa b addit k wrdt oadraabt trd shd be btla b SAw unbd awn pn M rasa drat dew uMr oadrsd ear b OYtkt d Catlabia air sbnbry.bswchOwdorNossdo hbr dtawpta. Sue! MOaldrad daawpta abai be bw id wi raped b a" idddtrsl Wray. wdtlada, wtrliwiwr, or7. vi"Op d Me cbm ad to In pnwdOf7io b rannQicitsad►sa rstM�arpsm# bd b wait b sraaaa dM sbndlad rook west a—t hates wlMtatA �dt M OWNS"M wapa s t **W by Ow dam sal bh In R MMMta , I - for Unpaid wags wd Lhr Mmbd Dranpsa ftpa Form F IWAAM (Raw. 344) The SHA sh S upm b c our action or upon wrdn raqust of ad I rapramamda On of M DOL w— - mad. or cams b 6a wrhfMld fan any moris parydda a . an amount of uwk p alit mwtarnmad by to mmkacinrar arbm0-0—o wany dw any ardor murkor ar aatw Fidsral oortrad prkrms mmksmdorany otw F wdmmitad adm}d b to cmdm d Wo* Haas and Sslslr Mdsrb Act vAdd is hold by to mmmt pAm aarI yar. curb suns s °rf► be dmbraimmd b be nsoarmwy b aNy any bbis Of end mdmador or suboorAmd r for unpdd uwpms and &pddobd dlsmsps asrt prwidsd In Ow dome ad ToIn prapnph V. STA711111111MT1'S AND PAYFXXLS surd b IdamfmmI - eeaompt for pro loca=bd apm; dawdled as tool roads ar nral mbcbn. +rAkb arcs 1- Compomm vrMr Cspdsnd Mbprdrbs W CFR 31: The carmlra I, dal comply w1h M CapMrd Rspmddorr of to Swalwy d Labor mMdrb we tmamrkm kmowpormbd by rsfmrwmoa 2 Pay tars and Pop oM ttmoords, a Put and bomb mach maliq ilmemsls she/ be mrmairbimad by M mdrmder and *a* submnkader duMp to caws at the mnamt and p for a parbt of 3 yaws fom 90 md�pmpMmsof 2!mpb/oa d M GM*md fir an Imboma. nmdmr - . alwldassrr, Mdews, apods worfin9 at to i ills w dulcordOln nonmNso erg. anted �apdd�r yes d b sucha TMi K hkhb or or smdi�slmid for 6orn�I& f me bonol d oabima bi not rmaramd, Sso dwyd Labour: pummdb S@dk mm K. c+waa h 3b. has fond Brills wpsadanybborwormwimsmie Yidu�i to anantdaw opals rsasormably wWdpm td is pronMdimtO berie t under a aiw or nemm damobd im Sadoa 11bW2M dta Dssb Saoaw Ad, to and" b -- "_ smmdmbanalbwmAomotablt.mat" imm ca m b adm9ya�� tot M plea or poprae I mrermsmiamlmd b b M imbamsrs a madmrmks and dinar tlma aaM albs acW cot kmGmlmad b I rasps ads PtnbwmML Mwct, ,up. : sv M spp•cmils pvpamma and In am* any cammI I sndrmrmr minanai at" pan�i�.malt ar I xf * fom ow 1l meapat aamsd, otter tmn ci�cams sat t M in the Rpulodws . 29 CM 3; •mint snA Wmw or rrmedmwda has boon paid nab" td w =Iwma� colt andtr fi Yips 6srnls Q cash agnMalI* app�b vmapa dmimnrina�on Mapseisd b M a Tha Was* subadtsiam d a wamcubd arfiw•utl. st fort m M ravers aids d Opttormd WH3q shd to m**wmrd b si0ridoa d M "3hrwrmwi or raqukad by pwmmpsplm 2d d t9s Ssdbm V. L 71n bb/cdaa of ow ct ftM ion n ��� M oaebdar - cm aro� o 1061 cad 31 u.S.C. 231. ¢ The mmkaebr at emtm mdruclor dud mobs tw ramds maquiad wmdtr parapnpb 2b d tlmis 3adaw V arabtls for isoonrm,, ccm�rrqq,, ar toil wlmorbmm0 repeaswmfa0mws to b kmlwvbw errpbywm durkq vror... hhoom an M aswdmf oormkaator Cr aftw aClsr ilia b a d*& to ramrds orb mob tam anmimlis, Mtms M FFMlflt b ar i arstr. oiler wailer noioa b wxhaclkran�sta aadmsdom: spommsr. aPpfeM. or aewmsr, fmb kyllm piper adr:rawk n- r, I llMndawrpw`b"R.t« era M iin b amtemmt M rsoormdt a pea wgosts n pn b �msd� will msy paurds for dsbsarwd VL MMCORa OF MAMMA surPtMUL AM LAMM 1. Oa d Fedwmietl aordmadt as taint MVa/oaml HIpN..y amaospt too vAidm palodsomsao�bpy�.fry M irddMon d dsrksatraMasdwads bmmb. %bmw�raionoadraab. •tarosacoomstar bber and w m nmm totmrlmiti is told frrt apt formy andbidpsbbstermf IAW.000C13CFRMIMm*ackm �mm�rppppyfsa�s Beaoans *WAW nim is tot at swift mabrids and bd ���dMdwidB � b�d� krowiraFidwal WMFinchpriorb aoramseawasr of work tender tit aarr�aaL IL Mr' " a macwd d to told and of all nmatwfab and gqa�mppits of ftes spate mom* WA �Ms OdadanandFaMm FMWM7, and b M web dM7ew an Farm R�WA�7 m F+sdmlm. upaw to mrpbica d is min- L b M SW1 raddwft m Fmm FHWA47 �w vMm M dab mWjkd In tb oWna b mdwldt and m*pys, a timl bboc bblte ern so w* ad vm* bsfmairmp to told hews worW and 2. At M paws oarrbdomI apfon, ainr a etrmpb sport coNmirmo d oadrad voult or aspaaM msparls br M mtwdor and fu saw arbm AW shd be sift— d VS. SIJN.EinSMaORASSION la TMCOKTPA" aurapacaQrmp riadJi►p9mo/ p rbd) Tlr psymd w+6mMmd abd sa 1. 7M oammraudor dmi pwbmm vm Os awm anpdasron mmtad cut raoomss+tty and oonpbldr M a1 fora Miommnsfow wadrsd b be wok smo n ft b nil bs Min 30 pwaed (are tpsab►Pwcsdspa rmmakdskmad wmdsr psra�sb b d"Sscb V. TNslmfoma/aa / apaaiimd absabwa to M aomMrad) of M told om�Ymd aadrsot mmamyy besmbndDmd In curl ksmmm ihohe& pp&" R mm WF13t7 Is pfom, worlmdirmp wmy mpaeiiy berms dsm�m by M 91mbt, amrsisbM fmr tb purpaaa aril may be paduwd Normm M Spdm4r bans tummy bs'wbrammd by wbowi.cud M anoud d brdwtdDoemanwit slodt mmambar02JF00'i0014-1 1J.8. any o m wel imam p 6m dmdualmd iamm M bbi Qovanarmwd Ptilnp CAtrm�. D.C. 2DM Tha p k ma pt�n�camMad bm�Oma.wm�u�m aama+ddrwltrsgtiad r.apwmtElm tr �m�al m dorpis d pgmaim by b Z p.fmwl r�ts mmY ior`s aMm orpwmbmfon us c R 6J� a 'fit amnia n gwdarft shd be oorrdruad b kxkm s am�1y hm d �Emmdm smrbamirmd elmml be aoaorrparisd by •'3b1► vmamlmtes amrmplsysd and p� dimmest' by fht pdm mmtaebr sand newt d canPtwot." dg mmd by fha mmksdor or a boonbador ar aqubmrmwmt ommmmtd ar rsr I by M prbw mntae4or. ndm or **mad fisAw apw dins perys a supwvbs is d M parsons apwabra Bailin tomm dos nd kckmb armmpbysas or squowat d anpbyad tundsr M oonkad wd d d ow ii�bbmmfu trow —dab— to imbm+mdon r{.1)p� b fm maimbkwd tamdmr per g 2b of tb Salon V and Ml aeb kmiommsfon le oonw' curt M , , (2) td sucb'borer or... :,:mie each helper. apprsnres and irakna) sntpbyaJ on !ins eardrmmot _ M pwpd Faun FHWA-1273 (Rev. 344) Pop a ad oont doi . wmo% w, or.put of b prkm mnYaelor b Nantd aid be cano6uad b be dtrtaad b work 111,11mb�dcars aipmiatabemgta/ibd and formcbd b bid o. Mtt mid as a whob rw in prwd as b bo in l d b n mrpontnd at Mtr owed c o*= L 2. The aarttac# awwtrM tgoo�nrwpltf�tb Mto rtpdrrnrtb M bm b a�id'0b°pinrarEi �fwtdpiodt di Thiel atadb a. pan'' by Mw aaiadsr taidar na oorid prwilore� 3. The coriador aid Iwrdmh (a) a mwtpaimtt tpaettlartdrtta attpmvYnr dm b mWbyed by Mte fat tw Otl awitMtoray b theme pariawtmtoe d rr work b aomMrtoa wD Mtt mttd ntgtrw- ntmeb, mdbkdwpdal aadnroMaw apmarcets (eapmdaas d who parbrww !ta rtO and (b) stsb afw' d at owa arpMiafoerl ntataoaa atan.Mtwartt, and aarvboas) ae Mr liFIA o�atlraclttM�aldoar dmbamteeas Y nooaaaary attut Mtt parbewtmta of to crdreaL 4. No dit r ,, ' ddfdbamtMotaaalpttadaroMtaMr ardat::weftrd itp wMiir .nd wrdtd oortw dot plrato shag nal be amwtwd b tmieee b at>rttador d ary rtapartear�r for to k+Ratant of Is, motion. A& ooaraat Ni bt draw ady aabr emo sm iu a .award aid wade rbaai-bm-- ie w+M p and btd ulls ..nas ptftwtt protiwtsaand regtirmwls d Mn pint contaat. VOL BAFMACCOBMPREMibN �:�F.dwad� ads aori.a'Nor-' r.ciar WW oomph► (�6�R }rd coaifrior.�lwbproovidtw a awdoo t� a tte1r endow amd prolecM art .tti 4b rq oMtar no acMats as ! ael.r.+ttb arm« ii. sw�►oo�ct d��i Ind leaadr d +bO. b be to an MwR be � d bw pktk rd �prope Yt mnadtnt wMt Mu pwforntena df Work OW COMMICL 2 a b a oartdtow a Mile ..time. and dtd be toads. oorrlMarr dadt wboanYaot, Wlttci Mrs miadoranlms bnbpttwrarab Mb 00 i opsd�r fit �M*vcL��r,lfsb�trWtdda�ab�r�a� ON s b IiaAtm hooMatw�tew�e as deferwtindptat�da/tpoo�rro"Wvf by Me �y of acco domm WPM Sodkn 107 of C &ad VMak Han awe Sol* Stet fw& Ad (40 U.SJM 334 quarry, arcmtdlw maiarf/umadcrb bo uso4 orltw quovOy ar yuiyaflrwatpw trrado►bbe ardreatliwsol a, 1p o wrb w b t wrfambR pfrra; Num oorrtadm,Ore dearcamdmunkeWSW orrailedprclted aubrt/ad br+�r b rw SaerMrr ai ranaNtAabc ar 149 ociCidtarapntt dnlifrpadar d lwvlwr bdwdw- ia- paw, 9wnft or ooat d any work or b bt pwib,. or neaiwlm� kritldrtd or b be In odrtteb we /o oon kxdw of any or r.itai0 prod mpp n, by to Stombry Of Tiatrmporlab; or WNowtrAnowiN�prn.. —.0AMr.atierwarl�Y.npntrro- Ion as b m.arld Aed b iwW attdtnwtt aredeak or sport attfrrrt/ad pnuW b proe Wmw of to Amim aFatd Pole Act apporad 1. 1914 09 Sit 354 at anwedad and awie- Sbaybt itodnot nwm drat SlA000airprii m nat on" than Sytra arbob' X. Rl LMIS MATION OF CLEAM AN ACT AND FEMtAL VIATaR POLLUTION CONTROL ACT b ad Fedma4ak! carmbucian oadrds and b ad raided of t100A00 or., ) waiaodtad, asahmbmkm aapI pY�la, to bidder. Feddamof d-dd axm*uc0oaa � atioattador. as %Vmpi@W wR be dotard b hrw skmAded i. ThdamtybeIW#blbcrvAbtuW dlm*wp-- afMb vfb.aU a' c 1 r�s4owowa�pt by PtlbLL ibt Asand weer Mt. Ftrlmd vMwr Pbiuion Cardrd Act as antr+a.ada0044 U.9.Q tMl . byP awtaredadttb.L M2 EaacuMw 1173M mad n�Mr orts b iwtptwnmitfae Mtarad�0 CRi 1>� b etat Aoewq (EPAj dUat VYUiq Facrraa pwatmd b 40 2. 1TMI on im aptata b mndr.M nwmh b mrpim><+s am as Mtt d(Socks 114 af/tsCYanAirActwNSocks 306 ¢idbiMtw ne CaAct and d ts mgW band 3. That MM be dtd pony Mrs SHA of Mts recW d any eaaaetaita/aa *c wl I Olbdor. at Fidwai Adrdaa, EPA. bd@fmcur Mmetidwdmtlobe lalwdon#*EPAlbrVw Lkt jftdbcrv4tqeo(Vkim tpFddliaa 3. Ptwweed b 2D CFR 14Za.3. RR. aatdtlow dMb am I P I Mtd 4. The Me bm .pew b bnduea c r eatne b bo Ydudad Mn Mtn gaaslM d Labor ar atdtorba3ad adre Mtarto4 rated eegtrkaertsd0 d p wwwk I twough 4 d Mb Solos X is a mr Itawt tt�t dmtlty b any aMa d aai.dombratmtos b kttltaet or natrrawrptwbatiid, rd krMrapaat b Mteateyt actiow asMrs bin aaMpw fwtt d bacow "—ad sbw � —af goaort o 1-1, -n auMp powrrwtaut way alttat asa nNmm da MwcttO.tacit wgtdnmwtlr Socks 10f d bt Carted Wbdt Han and SafMy 3lmdwtla Ad A CWUWr— 7M RO MIRING OERARMR SUfPE1fD01�, (40 U.S.C. 334 MdIOINflY AID VOLIAMAW E70Ct.Ud10�1 DC FALM STA313MEM CONCB M0IHIMY P110AM of nasowq as atwntmtm ant nPnamawsats wtaas q mpsttma� aoriaolots. aadWalanonFadaraFaidhifjnay Rbaaaarrid a• ao.orndddtMrpajsd� hwxftm aw, drat. Mays,, Mtorotr�tl, ad �� Is pamila 1M/d nMbd b lira is ibwwbft �FtdmaiwrTo pweeal a w n0wdb b aadarrmtw of Mtaae and dwAor acb. I mks mind be patbd on ash Fadra4dd r.�ara�66d1 ppww"I mGM baorrtaan e vtM a� t hole a Y NOM M TO Ail. P ON F®6tALAW 13 U.S.C.1020 toak ma idaaa: �e11aMr�iowr ark �Sp`1ar�e lftwr ayrK or arwbyto d Me tAhied aaoctir�ort�An4 or oorporado+tr. Twfty, or MM �ma�ietiny~icier adla nwrK laAn ryrMartimMar; orAfo repo w b Iw ahraobr, quaAl 1. Mews !ar Cwdlaa/aw - Pikomy Cwnmd hommew (Appdobb b ad Fe" id aoriari - 49 CFR 29) IL ft anti wtb lawma Mb proposal, Mtn prarpactlw prirtmy pariO%— po --w Mr rRraMoa — CPA 6abtc drat a a--% t le �dia�Y M p bdm v mMCk4 d In Ifs cowed tattaerlott wThe pwId. �omerMd��aeri��dwf au' -an Thhee omOoe%as�eo�lmtdott biti be aoaaidwtd W oo nadcdon wm Mr dmpmMwt or epmraAe dMmwiMtiaw wlfMM�r rbm.�nlm ktb ab b k�aaam , iibnw attpibmtmlbwtiltar suds a paeaca km pwMrlieeMar b—Iratemseb a. The otrMdoaMow b Mb drama b a wind raprearti is at fad pYdtMnae ws Pieced rMtm epminbwierbbMibamoclamt .b dspmtnmM ar aelm- nine0Utmt platwyCd&kbantletonbnpywttdmetias Cmovw *K to da tmtAwb apmw � reins i Ide na s Fanw R *%&-W3 Oftw IN) trwraecforr br cocoa of dabrt d. The ro�p.es/r.prie ry o�ti v tan, aY �rrbw nuke b l� subnid ! any flan M poapadva priin.rrpf:�dpta�lr.ins IS c rms:8 oa rers wrarrsoua atm st b;& a A.s ?I cm » ananect s by w.een of drs g eiaanMsnceL a. Tho hrnr<'oovand fanndoa.• dabwwd. *--mn&d.; 1n.� jW.,• 9owr r.r co..r.d trarMaoron�• �.r�rJp.nt• ll+►s�r �rbr.yaoY.r.dr...rsor�•'1w"wrwc••t anatiar.+.Ar f,. o.irlforne and Coup.adona d airs feiptarnarrM�p FssarM�a Order 12510. Yak r oorYd M dparbrrarrt a attewll b drfcA t�Y pre+panl k wtbaid braaaYiwiaa h abEiiq a mp�r d Mwaa propo�pl�h� -iarld MrFMWWWr iaruartlon b. arinad inb, t ifr rat py ir�irr tab an�r IoMia► Mr covand tarrra bn.�lu_ _ aprasnift d,+.hsus°"d'dcciw.eMark tra� m by M daparfananl a a0 Cl sriwhp ifo Mis aa The proapadva perfr and fYaMr aprMs btl ardsr�irp ldt proposal"t as hCfudt ftN Glum fbd ZwrMXi °ate art_ brr�.rN+on�`"'�i„�Map`y' w: depadrarnt a apwrar.nlrM000Mraeinb fds cavaaae frara�adon. wllrart narrearon, h of bww fiw ceraeead Ysreailorrs led h 4aofelY► fbrs far boar /sr oowad banndors. ewr<cdon of a Mont!~apiAr#wnt a a l for aw�iead taieadlo.Metb—b. suPanda1.inaipbY.avoladary mockided fom fn oovasad bwrrascfcrn, urYn brave fret M icerskol n Y wrarsam A eerraa�� dadda me mabod wd PLO Foy = ra���d g ar:# fha parMaa dfha 1.IMs d ParMs E�rdudad Frow Fadaralna P'ro�aeauna�M a f�anproaearwr< prooanrd' (Noe�raoeaend LYQ rimer Y Z by M =,.rl i �arNoea Asrirrlia/ae. L Not" eordekn -how dM be can hued to wptia aabbfrfrnwnt d a apsfsan d mowft Y adar b rudu to good tleM M articetoa by !iY veua The knowMdva and tioars/on dpaife�ert la ml ra�iad b aooaad that wf+Ehls n �pmm and by a praderrt parwan in rn adinarr couraa d fleeEx eo br tawraadarrs ar/nobsd radar f of /a paAclpanthaoawsdlrsrwacfon wdm kdo a loam lac rowed tsrerdou ma a parson w/w It FadrwlhtokwasdaM1��in ad�mEr badnrnnedesanaiebta ffn cfarwwWWA SOdwnfrrrodor sownoymy>teninta Ilk trwwadan for ca+es or drrrk AM lE�adwi.e C*4r" T�4 mis CIO&MMW'- 1.b R,ndp ""fp,hdp.f ciallbe b be best d Is a. An rod pr�.�n� dabwrad, aapwdad nm&mmd br �FY dft-" or or mom u�drad Troan aovsnd bawnoYmWcledd lW&ddA4 =s ftmd jid.j= br mwsri�lon d *and a. chic! dtorw Y earn.croa wM e6bir- at►t1 Uarri edoe or o�arrrsi vrpWtowft�c�.+a.cbr vbbkn of Rodtaabir r Shia ardnat dens. a aarariMaa of sre�aalrnnnt. f M shrirrrabbor af�nabYna d maordR� nrridrq Amndfar or-0 MaiNnaiya anpMe allrris am.F*nr YdgripStals raphllb d d. Maiw ad whir a 31aar padod pw !mft We dtad ono a aaa tarwaofon (Fadaral. a foe YrninMd for craws or ddait 2 WlwafitraproaparJapdmary tdprIle u"bC_W* Otto .fade wrplerrdo. b e* propna�t a�� p�p� 7- YuMtra9aeafrrdr0 1 -LowernwCawadTtawo. own (Appfeebb b al srboairacie. pudwae orders and dnw bww 16 trwradarw d ices 000 a mac - w CppF�oRpp-mt 2� bww it llpodt aw -go c. n aaad &,-A or�.M PcePw b. Tha affleis b lis rlarsa b • .relsrlel rapraaaa�tafon OF bd aieece was pieced who. lnY Uaapdoa war arMsrsd Yrlo. F t Y Yfer dslsrnind drat fro praeparlrtr biwr fr b 3:�bnowirdyraadwadaaammmomosrffasbe1.i0ado= raw�pnesrrf asibls b !n Fadsral Qorwne K frr depu4 �aiabla nrrrerass, hdidn0 negsrr�ion andkr�defcerrnet.�b a TM�irI l *Wch oertaa--in isbIN IF i wrbn M parson b w�dr ifs Y nbrriYd M d any "t b paapece" foww fer Yams that is owfl+oefaa on wmnww by woos ddrwipsd claxwohnam lb d. The fawn t+awd tsnsrdon,• •dsbaaa�' • • oawad kaaasdon�'admV wrl,' h • spsj M ve fn m�a W . sd oat Y in DaMous asd faowapa carMaolf»psrglbp �opp�oExam" YwirirsdIN You may h o6lriirp • Dopy d M.wa rapietoi a The oroepscM brw fYr pr span by sabwrMlrq this _ ft dwWW fie cawad lansadae ba sdewd itio, t *A not IawMin anhr idp wry War fer wwad lrwnseM wb a pwe dos b dabwwdwraowndad. da,I or fnrwdoa, covered WOOD sl bby Me or iris w4ddn fi trarwci.n arl�rraYd [ TfM pnsapacM bow fen pw/dpwt Wee swws by wbarifMq f# proposal /rettwi iaolda Ui aI 10 fa t�Ya'twrMes` 6iduslm►ta: rTYrCorwad7hwwdon�•aileoriin dVdwliwy :raioq e d l ie ser�kwA@dims ant h at adldtdone for bwerl r odic# k Of a V m Fhw a par�wt ii a bai�fY�r wan a tarraacM bat Y ed ds6srwd. wrpwdsd YsI I is. or vakudie t► boa is wwnsom A per —poi mm r�dsrJdst _w aOut nd Form FFMIA.1273 (Rev. 34) r+a. r of tat Is not mq*odMt , = M No � �d h hbddnp m, - ' in M breookro shd be aonsktud b ; on cl;ikolmda —� bllr�olto�dtnesa ThsIn Order b�ngndys�rpi�n and ktomuOr of;_ srrelpsnl is not wNpAred b exceed but whkhNls nonnsy poanssaby a pnrdwrl person In Ow ontnwy cams of L E=@O for tarrsaeMars ardrortmd under ps m at ttrsae Yrskracfons. /a pwMcipw !I a cavawd tansscion snows kds a bear liar moved tarrssclsn *as Pea wha b dabmpwL bNp t a ::!x My arrdrdod tam IaMriskanrac�ou.6add>rosbaMrarraaAm*w wrsthbb M Oorermurt.Mnadapwknwrsarsgw�cpwirrwhidrMii bare oriplrralod�prawr. aysMabl. r.re.dos, krdidng Cartlsaaroa Dekareraart, ��4 and Vokolfaq� Lara�►TMr Ceraned 7YarraaoUerrs; dit' Lagoa.tptto note" it n0i IS is doclood imrJ�dsd' io w p�ridpefion b M tatiecM&WV F*ft dapwtrrudor aparroy. 2 %Mm- M prospU*n bear Meal an pir9eac�iown� is Webb b arty pbir shall atla in w�lwrraon b 20S prapooaL M Cg*TW CATM REGAMMG UN OF COW7ftAGT PUN= FM LOMrYMO to a/ Federal aid ooniac9on contatis and b A n0=6 rbconksclo widd coowd:10Q000 - 49 CM 20) 1. Mop capecl pwtc¢rts conies, by �p and Mds bW or prapoaat, b tw boat d hte ar her iowladpa andWE tut a. No Fide I I I tads how ban paid ar M be paW.byorarbelu/d b.nypw for or wlsrnpbq b krirwres a wnpbyaa at nn�r�� agency. aMsndardar Congnss.anofaranrpby w adCngrw. or Me aaipbyse atoll snMr d Conpw baeanarJon wwiirr M d earn Federal ooriad M�rgrant. Mr d Fadaral font to anlwing iao of any 000pwatlw Fe" Coma In an. b. 9 any Sank otnrr !ear Fedowi Ands haw been oo pold ar ri be paid b w� parsodn�fanrpr�aa. ar aMnrpli� :Mani6at eaaMory�idwWrNsFadoralo�onMaefd lad"i lown,o�Forrrn tu�ewnwM.Obd u.DR t� aecndwraa aWr Its bslncMars. 2. Ttdsosrrra9onlsarniidwpaowddandtodupaswhfdr 121100asrsspiosdrinorMistaspae�er9aogrufiora�sa o+sde arariwd Y+la kMo M M�bonec/oe Yrgnaslafd�bbloesns u s �. �i>bT- Parsu�sr off net Ms Mi;; flOAMO wd rr! n*Km bra:1dD.0 0 esd+' sadi 3 Tins Paric�wrtioaPeasMsilo r..... hihisarh r ar�tio/on" bOft e kchm:b d In ate/ bear for ��oa : raid aMe kwompMad d =100.000 w Mut of stch nc#iwils Bird co y and dodo" SOP ordr;jy, ft" s Faar Rfffi4-1M pin►. 3.94) ATTACHMENT A- t W&OY1 BCF PRWWOMM Foot APPALACHIAN CONTRACTS (Appksbb b Appdoctd nasAraeI only.) 1. Do" M pr of thb aorrrsot fla wnkocbr urd*r- umm b do =:,koh L oor nrarMp m-' 'M dart n meft wok du/ p1M 5 ft mob pp*u�ssaarr wko regulorly- t& wr InowN ar*aaa �D� --obftiaaanMsctwok d� ksftnh orMoubn oo_oourfndOn3bM wkudn to aoeiract work b *Iu*bd, aa<apt a. To tw **tart tad gmnod praprduly ra*idrr0 In tha ar*o aw not awf*bb. dy FW eta na*orWi na*d* d fro aonwaclor b unpby or ni Mirlrtt i d;: c ware b a*wn a FarhrobfpdondMmndoeixboffer ym*ntb or fonar n f» nwd d • bwMi oof*rltra aanrad, ai htthoAsnb*tdnorr*dd*e!p*roarr tall eta wbproprapM leakdnotoc*ad2 cim aas tlrn tho oontraotmark aar�*yt�+� as; , ' I dIn�iefpuPW �awwh 400r bdm 2. TM ow*Ncbr ahal a jab ardw %ft two Sri � • m*dnrios arrd ) ir* d*a*Ocafore* of fro bttarara, ft wok (b) to r*rebar a roo**W Ye a� (obi (b dab on wHcb he a�iews *Lock VA be mquked. r�w�f Mw~P---� f m fop m pbc dwmbMR"arty Mtiao —bMo 4i+�jabad*wb IM he the Ponq* nAlj th abb r:gvipbiRrril SarvfcI 3 Tha m--- ow #A oondd*to-AR b of glpit*d fob is ad bbb bops ar�oy b airy 9*tMrs who � IN we an, *eo not quoid b p*riom� M �� d aanwoalorvAlhow bEarybyrrrut f,.sido6npby�ire*nR br, oar bn traa alo nut ��d�, rr 31*1*bF_mpi�riwrt S*rrtea w11 lamed a o*rflaaM b h mnlrador bdie*inp f� ur -famed appiraMR Such prtotCal* *M bo nrodo a put d t o c �Yo�iOrs p.een,.mwrypeod �.aoniu Up�� ram d rrs rBtdf�` in. bbato taanr, 0"Per d wbpmW"h la abovo L Th* corAmwW duf kxbjft fro pewYano d Saalon* 1 �or+Aibar*ry adA�rwodrriichiR Form FHWAr1273 (Rev. $ 44) pop* ATTACHMENT D STATE OF RORMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION T75-M-0 NOTIFICATION TO FDOT OF EEO OFFICER CQ1A' OPPORTUNITY o,m Mail signed original to: FDOT Equal Opportunity Office, 605 Suwannee Street -MS 65 Tallahassee Fl 32399-0450 Section 1: COMPANY IDENTIFICATION 1. conhador Name: 2. F® No - structural Presezvaticn Systems, LLC 20-2058265 1 ftm 011ke fiagrq Addnes: (sheet) 4. Home Office UW&V Address: (cft %ft Zip)) 7455 New R:Ldcle fad Suite T Hanover, lD 21076 1 Main Phan Number & Fat fMa ". 410-850-7000 410-850-4111 T. 1MW it bekp I Irrkfal E E0 0111cw 1k,"r to RW I Now Peaon Nana I CordadDdaChwqed chWW0 I Lj Ye: Lj No I W Yes LJ NO I LJ Yes Lj No I LJ Yes F1 No Section 2: EEO OFFICER IDENTIFICATION R Name of EEO Of err (fiat Nanaa, mkkle kWK last ranee) L EEO OMm% WorkYrp tsfa Shawn Abraham RecruitiM M9r. M Wort Address of Ego M er. (8treey 11. Work Addmes of EEO Officer: (city, aria, z" 7455 New Ridge Rd Suite T Hanover, lD 21076 12- Ego oillow Phan Number: 1— EW offer Fez Numbs: 410-850-7000 410-850-411 14. EEO Officer mall address sabraham@structural.net Section 3: SIGNATURE OF CORPORATE OFFICIAL As required in the Equal Employment Opportunity Special Provisions included in Federally Funded Highway Construction Contracts and as required in the Equal Employment Opportunity Requirements included in all State funded highway construction contrails, this official notice of EEO Officer appointment (and/or update) is made to the Florida Department of Transportation and the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). I understand that additional Information regarding the EEO Officer, the EEO Policy and other aspects of the construction contract compliance program may be found in the EEO Construction Contract Compliance Workbook ftwh r it Oats (Ib�lGeylrr. f =Omdes /3 ZaID IL 0111dds?faMc (prlri.a4 (This Section For FDOT Use) Section 4: Processing of Notification 19. ftwesed W. (Fired and Last Name) 2M Ode Proceered (makirm DMTRDJMt O OW to FOOT Canty EO 0111m Fier Cap MdW b Cantador IODATE ACTH n EM 276@+•a ECAJAL OPPORTUWrY over Stabs of Florida Department of Tmnsportatlon EEO Officer Notion This form is used by contractors to communicate the appointment of an EEO Officer and to provide EEO Officer Contact data. The form Is also used to update that Information in the event of new appointees, name changes or contad data changes. Refer to the EEO Condon Contract Comp iance Workbook and the FDOT act for compliance program requirements and huftctions. The contractor mails original of the completed foam to FDOT Equal Opportunity Office 605 Suwannee Sba"S 65 Tallahassee, A 32399-04W A copy of the farm is returned to the contractor upon cornplefiim of processing by FDOT Box i Contractor Name — The name of the contractor. Box 2 FEID No. — The contractor's Federal identification Number Box 3 = Home Office Mailing Address (Street) — The contractor's home office street address; if the business' home office is outside of Florida, indicate the address of the Florida Home Office. Box 4- Home Office Mailing Address (City, State, 21p) — The contractor's home office city, state and zip code; if the business' home office is outside of Florida, indicate the address of the Florida Home Office. Box 5 Main Phone No. — Area code and phone number contractor's main business phone Box 6 Fax Number No. — Area code and phone number contractors main fax Box 7 What is Being Changed? — Mark 'Yes' or 'No' to indicate if this is the company's initial submission of EEO Officer irifonnation; If a new person has been appointed as EEO Officer, if the appointee of record had a name change, and N the appointee's contact data is berg updated. Identification Box 8 Name of EEO Officer — First name, middle initial and last name of EEO Officer Box 9 EEO Officer's Woridng Title — Jab title if the EEO Officer has other duties (e.g. Treasurer, Manager of Contract Services, etc) Box 10 Work Address of EEO Officer (Street) — Address of EEO Officers office Box 11 Work Address of EEO Officer (City, State, Zip) — Address of EEO Officer's office Box 12 EEO Officer Phone Number— Area code and phone nusnnber for EEO Officer Box 13 EEO Officer Fax Number — Area code and fax number for EEO Officer Box 14 EEO Officer email address — EEO Officer Email address Skelto gf Co Box 15 Appointing Official's Signature Signature of Company Official responsible for EEO Officer Appointment Box 16 Data (Mo/Day/Year) — Date appointing official signs this Notification form Box 17 Official's Nave (printed) — Printed first name and last name of person signing Box 15 Box 18 Official's Title (printed) — Printed title of person signing Box 15 (e.g. President, CEO, etc.) This section Is completed by FDOT Box 19 Processed by — First and last name of person processing the Notification Box 20 Date Processed — Date processing is completed COMPANY NAME: 3. FM / OR FOOT STATE OF FLORLM OEPARTi@1r OF TRANSPORTATION ZM6a2fC6 RECORD OF SUPERVISORY AND OFFICE PERSONNEL eou•1 oppoRrLmw EEO NIEETINO OR MDNIDUAL ORIENTATION V S. CHECK TYPE OF MEETIlVG: 6. ADDRESS VVIUM MEETING EELD: ❑ IIVDIVIDUAL ORIENTATION ❑ EEO MEEMG 7. EEO OFFICER'S CERTIFICATION: Tbs sipntnm of rib Com"Ws EFA OfRoer is cnifflnd m & a m Iadividaal oriesta6m or mwft was bdd with supervisory personnel and others involved Is perms" ratters to address all aspeeb of our egad emo"eak oppmtmMy OMO) oblipttomr, The major topics wen addressed and a ftud attmdanee nrord was made. L MAJOR TOPICS ADDRESSED: ✓ EEO Policy and Affnudve Action Plsa ✓ Bullcfm Boards we IdeadBcafwn of EEO Officer ✓ bWwiem by State and Federal mpTe mMdves ✓ Equd Empbymcat OPPort o4 sod moubmmt ✓ Trdn4 ✓ wages and Psymtls CoaspLift ✓ Uti17 imtion of Disadvaubmad Basmwes !. ATTENDEES: MONROE COUNTY ENGINEERING CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER PROJECT TITLE: Geiger Creek Bridge Repair Design Build Project TO CONTRACTOR: The Contract is changed as follows: CHANGE ORDER NO: 1 INITIATION DATE: 6111/10 CONTRACT DATE: 1/20/2010 The original Contract Sum........................................................................$871,983.00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders .....................................$ 0.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was.........................................$871,983.00 The Contract Sum will be unchanged by this Change Order .............................$ 0.00 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order is ............... .................... $871,983.00 The Contract Time will be increased by ...................................................... 65 Days The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order is ....... 8/21/2010 Detailed description of Change Order and justification: Contractor was delayed as a result of unanticipated time frame for the permitting process therefore changing the date of Substantial Completion from 6/16/10 to 8/21/10. This Change Order is `/. of the original contract price Not AppllcaW. Not valid until signed by Owner Architect (if applicable) and Contractor CONTRACTOR:aff-LIO c4Prat emsDate ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTOR: JuditfrS. Clarlre, P.E. ' ' gate' PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION DIRECTOR: Z, Dent Pierce Date COUNTY/DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR: C(il)(CT Date CMD007-11 /03/97 STATE OF RAhldl DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 700-MO-M CONTRACTOR'S TWE EXTENSION REQUEST COWTRIJUT 0n 11M Ppp 1 012 Date: %// I/d Time Extension Request No. 2 C / O — / (Year -Sequential Number) To: Resident Engineer. N.4CTEC AND C0,4JyZ77,V4 /iVG (Name) From: Contractor. .S%7Zyc7V24 (L MLr1E''RUb4 ??o N s' Y.1 T>L� r. t s 44 C (Company Name) Subject: Time Extension Request Project No. Financial Project ID I. Reason For Request A. Type of Delay (Check appropriate box) ❑ Plan/Design Error ❑ Extra vvork ❑ Material Acquisition ❑ local Requirements ❑ Conflicts B. Describe Delay: contmet No. AM 7.1" ❑ DOT Response Time ❑ Utility Delay ❑ Special Events ❑ Maintenance of Traffic 14 Miscellaneous THE PAR iT Rjfdc6r.t..r /1AX 7WKeW 7,fl4~1 fJiVy?'c�P.s�T�� 11. Controlling Items Affected (List items and dates affected) Controlling Item P"014 /7- III. Amount of Added Tkne Requested: Work Items Requiring Added Time PERM f r Total AddMonal Contract Time Requested IV. Added Comments: Dates) Al 71 ;P //0 -- 614. f/O Days Requested �s 0,4 ys M410- n CONSTRUMION 11M Pays 2 0( 2 ,FS PAPa -144,-11 4540 4-rf77--w47; P QVi4HT/T/rLj'•t' ZWM- W&16&n Ci[eeK 40.E Ore' /-1f JrO 9# 7o,y/ Mitt 7-4 Ke:�' 910 DAYs 71 Co ,., P&'TLT- Cont.$-7xyc.77 u n/ Signature: ! (Contractor) Position in Company: ��O 'z-r -V*20✓ jcV/ - .fP-.r ACORD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DDIYYYY) 7 1 2010 PRODUCER phone: 443-798-7499 Fax: 443-798-7290 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Construction Risk Solutions, LLC, ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 11311 McCormick Road, Ste 450 HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR H, r Valley MD 21031-8622 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURED INSURERA: Union F' ri Cof Pitts--.--- INsuRERe:N Structural Preservation Systems, LLC w 'r Insurance 7455-T New Ridge Road _ Baltimore MD 21076 INSURERC: Nat iona I Union Fire Ins Co Pi 4 ,INSURERD:Catlijx ST)ecialty Insurance Co INSURER E. THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INR T POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS C GENERALLIABILITY 4360772 7/1/2010 7/l/2011 EACH OCCURRENCE _ S' _Q 0 0 X _COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MADE FX -I OCCUR PREMISES Ea r S- MED EXP one PERSONAL d ADV INJURY S 2, 0 0 0, GENERALAGGREGATE $2.000.000 GENII AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY PRO LOC PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG E 0 I C AUTOMOBILELIABIUTY ANY AUTO 3973449 7/l/2010 7/l/2011 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) S2,000,000 BODILY INJURY (Perperson) $ ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULEDAUTOS BODILY aracc INJURY (Per accident) S HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS I�lred Phys Dam - ��� _ - -' ROPERTYDAMAGE F(PFeraomkmt) $ GARAGE LIABILITY - AUTO ONLY-EAACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC AUTO ONLY: AGG $ $ A RELLALIABILRY EXCE ]OCCUR �{ OCCUR CLAIMS MADE BE28360804 7/1/2010 7/l/2011 EACH OCCURRENCE s 1 00 AGGREGATE $ 0 $ -� DEDUCTIBLE S RETENTION $10,000S B WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS'UABIUTY 026149146 7/1/2010 7 / 1 / 2 011 j{ WC STATU- OTH- E.L. EACH ACCIDENT S 0 QQ.— ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNERIEXECUTn/E OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? Ryes, cescrlbe under SPECIAL PROVISIONS below E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ 0 E.L. DISEASE- POLICY LIMrr S 1,000,000 D OTHER Professional Liability CPL959940711 7/l/2010 7/1/2011 Per Per Occurrence $5, 000, 000 Aggregate $5,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES / EXCLUSIONS AD DEb BY ENDORSEMENT / SPECIAL PROVISIONS e: Job No. 44326 Geiger Creek Bridge I'he Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, its employees and officials as additional insured as respects all olicies except Workers Compensation. '- - I.AN1.;tLLA11VN SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED Monroe County Board of County Commissioners BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER Attn: Judith Clarke NAMED TO THE LEFT. 1100 Simonton Street Room 2-216 Key West FL 33040 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25 (2001108) GACORD CORPORATION 1988