Item H1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date:December 14, 2011Division:Public Works & Engineering Bulk Item: Yes NoXDepartment:Public Works Staff Contact Person/Phone #:Wilson 453-8797 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion of, and direction for, development of a policy and procedures for acceptance ofunsolicited gifts or loans ofpublic art outside of the Art in Public Places programor rotating art in public building program operated by the Florida Keys Council of the Arts. ITEM BACKGROUND: The County has been approached to accept the loan of artwork to be displayed at a County property. Separately, artwork/memorials have been commissioned via TDC grants for installation at County owned properties. With the increasing frequency of these proposals, creation of a standard policy for acceptance will ensure that the offers are treated fairly and equitably. The draft policy also addresses the demands for maintenance and protection of the artwork.An initial draft of a policy and procedure basedupon the policy of the City of Clearwater is included for consideration. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Monroe County Ordinance 022-2001 created and set the procedures for the County’s Art in Public Places Program for new and renovated County facilities. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A __________________________________________________________________________________ STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: A policy and procedure should be created. TOTAL COST:INDIRECT COST: BUDGETED: NONENONEYes No ___ DIFFERENTIALOF LOCAL PREFERENCE: N/A COST TO COUNTY:SOURCE OF FUNDS: N/AN/A REVENUE PRODUCING:AMOUNT PER MONTHYear ____ Yes No X APPROVED BY: County Atty OMB/Purchasing Risk Management ____ DOCUMENTATION: Included XNot Required____ DISPOSITION:AGENDA ITEM # Revised 7/09 Õ»§Ð®±ª·­·±²­±ºß¬¬¿½¸»¼Ü®¿º¬Ð±´·½§ñЮ±½»¼«®» ß´´°®±°±­»¼´±¿²­ñ¹·º¬­¿®» Í«¾³·¬¬»¼¬¸®±«¹¸¬¸»«ÃªÃ†”†£”Ő±ºº·½» o λª·»©»¼¿²¼¿®»½±³³»²¼¿¬·±²°®»°¿®»¼¾§¬¸»ß®¬­Ý±«²½·´ o Ô±½¿¬·±²­ôײ­«®¿²½»ô¿²¼Ó¿·²¬»²¿²½»½±­¬­®»ª·»©»¼¾§¿°°®±°®·¿¬»Ý±«²¬§ o Ü»°¿®¬³»²¬­ ß°°®±ª»¼¾§¬¸»Þ±¿®¼±ºÝ±«²¬§Ý±³³·­­·±²»®­ o Õ»§Ð®±ª·­·±²­æ ײ­«®¿²½»®»¯«·®»¼±®©¿·ª»¼ o Ó¿·²¬»²¿²½»½±­¬­­«¾­·¼·¦»¼ø¾§¼±²±®÷ o Ô·¿¾·´·¬§º±®¼¿³¿¹»¬±´±¿²»¼¿®¬¿²¼º±®·²­¬¿´´»®½±ª»®»¼±®©¿·ª»¼ o £kª†YŐ®·¹¸¬­½´¿®·º·»¼ø·º¹·º¬ô²±°»®°»¬«¿´½±³³·¬³»²¬¬±¼·­°´¿§÷ o ï POLICY FOR LOAN OR GIFT OF PUBLIC ART î í ì This policy is intended to parallel the procedures in place for commission of Works of Art ë under the Monroe County Ordinance #022-2001 and the program for rotating art in public ê buildings. This policy applies to all unsolicited offers of loan or donation of artworks é except those commissioned by the Art is Public Places Program governed by Monroe è County Ordinance 022-2001 regardless of the source of the Artwork or funding for the ç donated artwork or artwork loaned under the County’s rotating art in public buildings ïð program. Unsolicited gifts and loans of art to Monroe County can be an important part of ïï the County’s art collection. Proposed gifts or loans of public art shall undergo a review ïî process to ensure that acceptance of such gifts or loans takes place in a fair and uniform ïí manner. Potential gifts the County are evaluated as carefully as works that are purchased or ïì commissioned and undergo a careful review process that evaluates the gift on acceptance ïë criteria according to the purposes, guidelines, goals, and selection process that guides the ïê Art in Public Places Program as a whole. There can be no commitment to permanent ïé display of gifts or loans, nor can Monroe County be committed to retain ownership of such ïè artworks in perpetuity. ïç îð Procedures for Gifts or Loans: îï For each proposed gift of public art a written proposal or letter of intent must be submitted îî to the County Administrator. The proposal must include specifications of the proposed gift, îí including: artist, title, dimensions, materials, date, and proposed location (if appropriate). ï The Administrator will refer the proposal to the Art in Public Places Committee through the î Arts Council staff for review. The AIPP Committee will recommend disposition of the í offer to the Board of County Commissioners whose decision is final. ì Conflicts of Interest: ë Gifts will be accepted by Monroe County as a political subdivision of the State of ê Florida rather than by individuals within the County. Consideration is given to the é context in which the gift is offered in order to ensure that the gift is not being given è to influence or reward Monroe County or members, employees or elected officials of ç the County. ïð ïï Principles on Which Decisions to Accept Memorial or Plaques will be ïî Evaluated: ïí ïì Memorials can be achieved through gifts of artwork and monetary donations. Monetary ïë donations for a public art memorial may be contributed and combined towards a larger ïê project, if necessary. Donors of monetary gifts of memorial may be acknowledged by ïé means of a dedication plaque or other appropriate recognition. ïè ïç Memorial donations and gifts will be judged on the following criteria to determine îð appropriateness: îï îî • If a person or event is being memorialized, they/it must be deemed significant enough îí to merit such an honor. The decision of the significance of a person or event is ï determined by the Board of County Commissioners. î í • The memorial represents broad community values and has timeless qualities that are ì meaningful to future generations. ë ê • The location under consideration is an appropriate setting for such a memorial; in é general, there should be some specific geographic justification for the memorial è being located in a specific site. ç ïð Donors of memorials are asked to consider the primary uses of the public space or facility in ïï their request for a suitable location for the memorial. While the County acknowledges that ïî appropriate memorials enrich visitor experiences, public open space is a very precious ïí commodity, and monuments, memorials and plaques will be carefully reviewed to balance ïì these two public benefits to protect the greater good. It is recognized that a particular ïë location may reach a saturation point for memorials, and therefore the Art in Public Places ïê Committee may consider limitations or a moratorium of future memorial installations at that ïé particular location or area. ïè Art in Public Places Committee Review of Potential Gifts and Loans: ïç îð The Art in Public Places Committee will review potential gifts and loans and recommend îï acceptance or rejection to the Board of County Commissioners. A recommendation to îî accept a gift or loan of public art will be delineated in an acceptance agreement between the îí County and the donor/lender. This agreement will describe the terms and conditions under îì which the art is to be accepted, including responsibilities for fabrication, installation, site ï preparation, insurance, ongoing maintenance, conservation, etc. In cases where a donor has î specified a site for the proposed artwork, the artwork must have the endorsement and í approval for installation from the County division/ department that oversees the site and the ì director of the site’s primary resident organization(s). Specific plans for site design, ë installation and maintenance will be submitted for all necessary approvals. Costs for ê engineering, inspections and approvals shall be borne by the donor. The artwork may not é deviate from the proposal approved by the Art in Public Places Committee unless the è Committee approves such change in writing. Works of art accepted on the basis of ç maquettes or drawings will be subject to a review process, including inspection by ïð appropriate County officials during fabrication and installation. ïï Criteria for Acceptance of Proposed Gifts or Loans: ïî ïí The review process will ensure that: ïì ™ Artworks must be one-of-a-kind or part of an original series. Reproductions of ïë originals are not considered eligible for acceptance. Under certain circumstances the ïê Art in Public Places Committee may waive this requirement. ïé ™ Gifts and loans maintain high artistic standards for artworks in the County's public art ïè collection and are appropriate in relationship or historical relevance to the County; ïç ™ The site available is appropriate to the artwork's content, scale, and material. Factors to îð be considered in selecting on an appropriate site include, relationship to architectural îï and natural features, visibility and public access, traffic patterns, future development îî plans for area, if known, and public use patterns of the site; îí ™ Restrictions from the donor, if any, are clearly identified and acceptable to the County; îì ™ Community groups who generate artwork proposals must show that the surrounding ï community has been involved and consulted in the process; î ™ Costs of installation, maintenance, repair, utilities, electrical, and plumbing over the í expected life of the artwork are defined and dedicated; ì ë Appeal Policy: ê All donors or artists who believe that the Public Art and Design Board’s consideration of é their proposal of a gift or loan was procedurally unfair, unreasonable or inadequate, may è appeal the panel’s recommendation of rejecting the proposed gift or loan. No appeals will ç be entertained on the grounds of the Board’s aesthetic evaluation of an existing or proposed ïð artwork. ïï ïî Appeal Procedure: ïí Before pursuing a formal appeal, the donors and/or artist should seek an informal resolution ïì by way of the following procedure: ïë ïê • The donor and/or artist will first re-examine the Acceptance Guidelines, and the list of ïé panels who have evaluated the proposal; and ïè ïç • The donor and/or artist will then informally review the panel procedure with the îð Director, Florida Keys Arts Council within three weeks of the date of written îï notification of the original decision on the proposed artwork. îî îí Should no resolution be reached, the donor and/or artist may submit a formal appeal by way îì of a written request to the Art in Public Places Committee specifying the date on which an ï informal review of the original panel decision was completed, and the factual bases on î which the donor claims that the procedures utilized by the panel in reaching its decision í were unfair, unreasonable or inadequate. ì ë The Director, Florida Keys Arts Council will provide the donor, artist and each member of ê the Committee notice, in writing, with at least fourteen days advance notice of the date, time é and place of the appeal in order to enable each of the aforementioned individuals to file è written submissions for consideration and to arrange to appear in order to give a verbal ç presentation, if desired. In addition, the Art in Public Places Committee has the right to ïð invite any individual whom it believes may contribute to the adjudication of the appeal, to ïï appear before it. The deliberations of the Art in Public Places Committee will be open and ïî available to the public. Following the review and appeal process, all Art in Public Places ïí Committee decisions shall be final. ïì ïë Donor Responsibilities and Associated Costs: ïê For gifts of art to the County the donor will be responsible for engineering specifications, ïé design and cost of pedestal, identification plaque, special lighting, electrical and water ïè hookups, structural support meeting all building codes, and landscaping of site. The donor ïç is responsible for acquiring all City, County, State or Federal permits necessary for the îð installation of the work, and for paying all costs associated with such permits. îï îî The donor shall contribute five (5) percent of the gift’s total appraised value to be deposited îí into a special maintenance fund to support the care of and maintenance of the County’s îì public art collection. Under certain circumstances the Art in Public Places Committee may ï recommend that the BOCC waive this requirement. The donor is encouraged to work with î an art conservator to develop a routine maintenance plan for the gift of artwork. Artwork í commissioned by the Art in Public Places Committee under the provisions of Ordinance ì 022-2001 is exempt from this provision. ë ê Maintenance: é The donor shall create, with the assistance of a professional conservator, a maintenance plan è for care of the proposed gift. Exorbitant maintenance costs may be grounds for rejection of ç a gift or loan. Once the donation is installed and accepted by the County, the County shall ïð be responsible for the inventory, operational expenses and maintenance requirements. ïï Funding for the care and maintenance of the County’s public art collection is provided, in ïî part, through the contributions of donors to County’s public art special maintenance fund, as ïí Donor Responsibilities and Associated Costs outlined above in . ïì ïë Acceptance of Gifts of Public Art ïê Once approved by the County, gifts of works of art will be deemed accepted once the donor ïé has supplied the County with the following: ïè ïç ™ Written certification of the installation of the artwork; îð ™ A written bill of sale conveying title of the work to the owner; îï ™ A contribution of five (5) percent of the gift’s total commission or appraisal value to îî the maintenance fund; îí ™ Written instructions for the care, maintenance, preservation and handling of the artwork îì prepared with the assistance of a professional art conservator; ï ™ A sworn statement of no liens, claims or other encumbrances associated with the î artwork; í ™ A written assignment of any and all warranties for materials used or labor performed by ì subcontractors or other persons; ë ™ A written assignment conveying all rights, including copyrights and waiver of all rights ê under the Visual Artist’s Rights Act of 1990 and its amendments (Section 106A of the é United States Copyright Act; Pub. L. No. 101-650). è ç Acceptance of Loans of Public Art ïð Once approved by the Board of County Commissioners, loans of works of art will be ïï deemed accepted once the donor has supplied the County with the following: ïî ™ A fully executed Agreement for Display of Artwork between the lender and the ïí County; ïì ™ A written plan for the transportation, installation and removal of the artwork as per the ïë Agreement for Display of Artwork; ïê ™ Written instructions for the care, maintenance, preservation and handling of the artwork ïé during the period of display on County property. ïè ïç Title and Ownership: îð Permanent gifts of artwork to the County will become the property of the County once an îï Agreement for Acceptance of a Donation of a Work of Art has been fully executed and the îî Donor has delivered the Bill of Sale. At such time, all rights of title and ownership will be îí conveyed to the County and all future decisions regarding the use and continued ownership îì of the artwork will be under the sole discretion of the County. As owner of the work, the ï County may exercise any and all legal rights of ownership including, but not limited to, sale, î relocation or removal of the artwork. í ì For loans of artwork to the County, the County recognizes that the title to the artwork ë remains with the Owner, its successors and assigns. At no time does title pass to the County ê as a result of the loan, unless otherwise specified. é è ç Removal, Relocation or Deaccession of an Artwork: ïð Artworks gifted or loaned to the County may be relocated, removed or deaccessioned from ïï the County’s public art collection if the artwork becomes a hazard or liability, or if the ïî approved terms of acceptance are not fulfilled or for any other reason as determined by the ïí Art in Public Places Committee or Board of County Commissioners at their sole discretion. ï ÐÎÑÐÑÍÛÜ Ù×ÚÌ ÑÚ ÐËÞÔ×Ý ßÎÌ î ÌÑ ÓÑÒÎÑÛ ÝÑËÒÌÇô ÚÔÑÎ×Üß í ì ܱ²±® Ю±º·´»æ ë ê Ò¿³» ±º ·²¼·ª·¼«¿´ ±® ±®¹¿²·¦¿¬·±² ¼±²¿¬·²¹ °®±°±­»¼ ¿®¬©±®µñ±¾¶»½¬ò Ú±® ±®¹¿²·¦¿¬·±²­ é ÍÑØÜÊØÊÉÜÉØÉÕØÚÎÏÉÜÚÉÍØËÊÎÏiÊÏÜÐØ è ç Ò¿³»æ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ïð ïï ß¼¼®»­­æ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ïî ïí и±²»ñÚ¿¨æ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ïì ïë Û󳿷´ñÉ»¾­·¬»æ 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