Item C03County of Monroe A BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor George Neugent, District 2 The Florida. Key y w) Mayor Pro Tem David Rice, District 4 �r Danny L. Kolhage, District I Heather Carruthers, District 3 Sylvia J. Murphy, District 5 County Commission Meeting April 12, 2017 Agenda Item Number: C.3 Agenda Item Summary #2783 BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: Engineering / Roads TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Judith Clarke (305) 295 -4329 No AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a Locally Funded Agreement between Monroe County and the State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to perform work necessary for the Florida Turnpike Enterprise (FTE) to prepare to process transponder and toll by plate transactions at the Card Sound Toll. The cost is a lump sum amount of $355,000, which will be deposited in an escrow account. ITEM BACKGROUND: Monroe County is converting the Card Sound Toll to all electronic tolling. The Card Sound Toll Authority Basis of Design Report that was completed by HDR Engineering, Inc. in August, 2016 recommended contracting with the Florida Turnpike Enterprise (FTE) for toll transaction processing and collection. As noted above HDR recommended contracting with FTE for these services, county staff agrees with this recommendation and further states that FTE is the sole source provider for these professional services and thus procurement for these services is compliant with Monroe County Code and Purchasing Policy This agreement outlines the scope of work and deliverables that FTE must undertake order to prepare its systems and processes to communicate and integrate with the planned Card Sound Toll electronic tolling system. The county is required to deposit the lump sum amount of $355,000 in an escrow account no later than 30 days after FDOT executes this agreement and to execute a Three Party Escrow Agreement PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: The BOCC approved a task order with HDR Engineering, Inc. to develop the design /build Request for Proposals (RFP) to convert the Card Sound Toll to all electronic tolling on November 22, 2016; the BOCC approved a task order with HDR for the Card Sound Toll Traffic and Revenue Study and the Basis of Design Report on July 15, 2015. CONTRACT /AGREEMENT CHANGES: New contract STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval as requested. DOCUMENTATION: Card Sound LFA Final (3- 14 -17) FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: upon execution by FDOT Expiration Date: Total Dollar Value of Contract: $355,000 Total Cost to County: $355,000 Current Year Portion: $355,000 Budgeted: yes Source of Funds: Fund 401 CPI: Indirect Costs: Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: none Revenue Producing: yes Grant: no County Match: n/a Insurance Required: no Additional Details: If yes, amount: facilitate collection of toll revenue 04/12/17 401 -22502 - CARD SOUND ROAD $355,000.00 REVIEWED BY: Judith Clarke Completed 03/21/2017 2:54 PM Christine Limbert Completed 03/23/2017 4:28 PM Budget and Finance Completed 03/27/2017 11:15 AM Maria Slavik Completed 03/27/2017 12:31 PM Kathy Peters Completed 03/27/2017 1:00 PM Board of County Commissioners Pending 04/12/2017 9:00 AM LOCALLY FUNDED AGREEMENT BETWEEN STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS LOCALLY FUNDED AGREEMENT BETWEEN STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ( "Agreement "), is made and entered into by and between Monroe County, Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose business address is located in Monroe County at 1100 Simonton Street, Key West, Florida 33040 (hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY ") and the State of Florida, Department of Transportation, Florida's Turnpike Enterprise, an executive agency of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as the "DEPARTMENT "). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, DEPARTMENT has legislative authority to enter into this Agreement pursuant to Sections 334.044 and 338.2216, Florida Statutes; WHEREAS, the COUNTY has requested that the DEPARTMENT initiate a toll project to process all of the COUNTY's Sunpass® and interoperable transponder based transactions at its Card Sound Toll Facility ( "Toll Facility "), perform video billing for the COUNTY's video transactions, remit tolls collected to the COUNTY, provide status information on all transactions transmitted by the COUNTY and received by the DEPARTMENT, and return to the COUNTY all transactions which the DEPARTMENT is not able to collect so the COUNTY can pursue toll collection through its own enforcement efforts, including the write off of uncollectable transactions; WHEREAS, the COUNTY has agreed to compensate the DEPARTMENT for all direct and indirect project costs and expenses the DEPARTMENT incurs in conducting preliminary studies; acquiring and installing hardware; developing, and installing and testing software and the protocols necessary for the transmission of data required to implement this Agreement; WHEREAS, the studies, acquisition, design, installation, and testing of the designed improvements is hereinafter collectively referred to as the ( "PROJECT "), the individual elements of which are more particularly described in the attached Exhibit "A" titled FTE -Scope of Services and Exhibit "B" titled "Monroe County Scope of Services, which are incorporated herein by reference; WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT hereby finds, determines, and declares that it is necessary that the COUNTY advance to the DEPARTMENT sufficient funds to pay for the direct and indirect costs of the PROJECT; and 11 WHEREAS, the COUNTY and the DEPARTMENT have determined to enter into this Agreement in order to facilitate the completion of the PROJECT described herein. NOW, THEREFORE, based on the premises above, and in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties hereby agree that the Agreement shall proceed in accordance with the following terms and conditions: Recitals 1. The recitals set forth above are specifically incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Agreement. General Requirements 2. DEPARTMENT shall perform all services reasonably necessary to implement the PROJECT, as specified in Exhibit "A ". DEPARTMENT shall consult with and receive the input of COUNTY in connection with the scope of the PROJECT. DEPARTMENT shall, not less than monthly, report to COUNTY on the status of the PROJECT. Nothing shall be construed as requiring DEPARTMENT to perform any activity or service which is outside the scope of the PROJECT as defined herein. DEPARTMENT's activities shall be performed by such entities, at such times, in such manner, under such conditions, and pursuant to such standards as DEPARTMENT, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate. COUNTY shall not have any jurisdiction or control over DEPARTMENT's activities, except as specifically provided in this Agreement. All design, installation, testing, and any other services, opinions, reviews, or comments provided by DEPARTMENT in connection with the PROJECT are provided "AS IS, WHERE IS" with no implied or express warranty of any nature, including, but not limited to any implied warranty of merchantability, noninfringement or fitness for a particular purpose. DEPARTMENT shall have no liability in connection with any errors or defects in any service or deliverable on account of any claim (whether based upon principles of contract, warranty, or otherwise) for any special consequential, incidental, or exemplary damages, including but not limited to revenue or lost profits, and COUNTY expressly and irrevocable waives any and all claims against DEPARTMENT with respect to any service, installation, deliverable, comment, or advice received hereunder. Upon DEPARTMENT completion of the services as specified in Exhibit "A ", COUNTY shall be solely responsible for any and all required maintenance. 3. COUNTY shall perform all services necessary to implement the PROJECT, as specified in Exhibit "B ". 4. COUNTY will provide funding to the DEPARTMENT, as one lump sum payment, the aggregate amount of Three Hundred Fifty Five Thousand Dollars and 00/100 ($355,000.00) for the PROJECT, subject further to the financial provisions in paragraphs 7 through 10 of this Agreement and as outlined in the Three Party Escrow Pa Agreement ("EX), which must be executed concurrently with this Agreement and is herein incorporated by reference. 5. Upon the receipt, authorization and encumbrance of funding received from COUNTY as a result of this Agreement, DEPARTMENT will commence work on the PROJECT. No PROJECT work will commence until the DEPARTMENT receives funding from the COUNTY. 6. Except as otherwise set forth herein, this Agreement shall continue in effect and be binding on both the COUNTY and the DEPARTMENT. Financial Provisions 7. The COUNTY agrees that it will, no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the DEPARTMENT's execution of this Agreement, furnish to the DEPARTMENT an advance deposit in the amount of Three Hundred Fifty Five Thousand Dollars and 00/100 ($355,000.00) for payment of the PROJECT as reflected in Exhibit "A ". The DEPARTMENT shall utilize this deposit for payment of the costs of the PROJECT. The payment of funds under this Locally Funded Agreement will be made directly to the DEPARTMENT for deposit and as provided in the EA between COUNTY, DEPARTMENT and the State of Florida, Department of Financial Services, Division of Treasury. Note: funds can be wired to the DEPARTMENT using the account codes below. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Account # 4834783896 ABA # 121000248 Chief Financial Officer of Florida Re: DOT — K 11 -78, Financial Project #441064- 1 -93 -01 8. If the actual cost of the PROJECT is less than the COUNTY funds provided plus any interest earned on such funds, the excess funds will be refunded to the COUNTY upon request in writing. If the actual cost of the PROJECT is more than the initial lump sum deposit plus any interest earned on such funds, the COUNTY shall participate in the cost increase. Should project modifications occur that increase the COUNTY's share of the PROJECT costs, the COUNTY will be notified by the DEPARTMENT of the increase and the DEPARTMENT shall provide cost increase verification for the COUNTY's review. The COUNTY agrees to provide, in a reasonable time, in advance of the additional work being performed, adequate funds to ensure that cash on deposit with the DEPARTMENT is sufficient to fully fund the PROJECT. The DEPARTMENT shall notify the COUNTY as soon as it becomes apparent the actual costs will overrun the deposit. However, failure of the DEPARTMENT to so notify the COUNTY shall not relieve the COUNTY from its obligation to pay for the full cost incurred by the DEPARTMENT for the PROJECT and on final accounting as provided herein below. Funds due from the COUNTY not paid within forty (40) calendar days from the date of the DEPARTMENT's invoice are subject to an interest charge at a rate established pursuant to Section 55.03, Florida Statutes (F.S.). The DEPARTMENT intends to have its final and complete accounting of all costs incurred in connection with the work performed hereunder within one hundred and eighty days (180) of final payment to the vendor. The Department considers the PROJECT complete when the final payment has been made to the vendor, not when the PROJECT work is complete. All cost records and accounts shall be subject to audit by a representative of the COUNTY for a period of three (3) years after final close out of the PROJECT. The COUNTY will be notified of the final cost. Both parties agree that in the event the final accounting of total PROJECT costs pursuant to the terms of this agreement is less than the total deposits to date, a refund of the excess will be made by the DEPARTMENT to the COUNTY. If the final accounting is not performed within one hundred and eighty (180) days, the COUNTY is not relieved from its obligation to pay. 9. Any amendments to this Agreement that change the financial provisions must be pre- approved by the DEPARTMENT's Comptroller or designee. 10. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to violate the provisions of Section 339.135(6)(a), Florida Statutes, which provides as follows: "The Department, during any fiscal year, shall not expend money, incur any liability, or enter into any contract which, by its terms, involves the expenditure of money in excess of the amounts budgeted as available for expenditure during such fiscal year. Any contract, verbal or written, made in violation of this subsection is null and void, and no money may be paid on such contract. The Department shall require a statement from the Comptroller of the Department that such funds are available prior to entering into any such contract or other binding commitment of funds. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the making of contracts for periods exceeding one year, but any contract so made shall be executory only for the value of the services to be rendered or agreed to be paid for in succeeding fiscal years; and this paragraph shall be incorporated verbatim in all contracts of the Department which are for an amount in excess of TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000.00) and which have a term for a period of more than one year." Miscellaneous 11. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed or otherwise interpreted as waiving the parties' respective sovereign immunity protections, or as increasing the limits of liability as set forth in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. L! 12.All formal notices, proposed changes and determinations between the parties hereto and those required by this Agreement, including, but not limited to, changes to the notification addresses set forth below, shall be in writing and shall be sufficient if mailed by certified United States mail, postage prepaid, to the parties at the contact information listed below: CONTACT INFORMATION COUNTY: Monroe County Manager Monroe County 1100 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 33040 With Copy to: Robert B. Shillinger Monroe County Attorney Monroe County P.O. Box 1026 Key West, Florida 33041 TO DEPARTMENT: Executive Director Florida's Turnpike Enterprise Turnpike Headquarters -Bldg. 5315 P.O. Box 613069 Ocoee, FL 34761 -3069 With Copy to: Turnpike Chief Counsel Turnpike Headquarters -Bldg. 5315 P.O. Box 613069 Ocoee, FL 34761 -3069 13. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida in terms of interpretation and performance. Venue for any and all actions arising out of or in any way related to the interpretation, validity, performance or breach of this Agreement shall lie exclusively in the Circuit Court in and for Leon County, Florida. 14. Neither party may assign, pledge, or transfer any of the rights, duties and obligations provided in this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party. Nothing herein shall prevent the DEPARTMENT or COUNTY from delegating their duties hereunder, but such delegation shall not release the DEPARTMENT or COUNTY from their obligation to perform this Agreement. 15. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to confer any rights, privileges, benefits, obligations or remedies upon any other person or entity except as expressly provided for herein. 16. This instrument, together with the attached exhibits and documents made part hereof by reference, contain the entire agreement of the parties and no representations or promises have been made except those that are specifically set out in this Agreement. All prior and contemporaneous conversations, negotiations, possible and alleged agreements and representations, covenants, and warranties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, and any part hereof, are waived, merged herein and superseded hereby. 17. By their signatures below, the parties hereby acknowledge the receipt, adequacy, and sufficiency of consideration provided in this Agreement and forever waive the right to object to or otherwise challenge the same. 18. The failure of either party to insist on one or more occasions on the strict performance or compliance with any term or provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver or relinquished in the future of the enforcement thereof, and it shall continue in full force and effect unless waived or relinquished in writing by the party seeking to enforce the same. 19. No term or provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted for or against any party because that party or that party's legal representative drafted the provision. 20. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Agreement is adjudged by a court, agency or authority of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or otherwise unenforceable, all remaining parts of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and the parties shall be bound thereby so long as principle purposes of this Agreement remain enforceable. 21.A modification or waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be effective only if made in writing and executed with the same formality as this Agreement. 22. This Agreement shall become effective when all parties have signed it. The date this Agreement is signed by the last party to sign it (as indicated by the date stated under that party's signature) shall be deemed the effective date of this Agreement. A IN WITNESS WHEREOF, COUNTY and the DEPARTMENT have executed this Agreement for the purposes herein expressed on the dates indicated below. COUNTY OF MONROE, FLORIDA ATTEST; KEVIN MADOK,, Clerk BY: Monroe Co. Board of County Commissioners Deputy Clerk BY: George Neugent, Mayor Legal Review: MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: [Seal] Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer, Florida's Turnpike Enterprise ATTEST: [Seal] Executive Secretary Legal Review: BY: Legal Counsel ig EXHIBIT A FTE SCOPE OF SERVICES 1. Purpose & Objective The purpose of this document is to describe the scope of work necessary for the Florida Turnpike Enterprise (FTE) to process transponder -based (hereafter known as SunPass) and Toll -By -Plate AlI- Electron ic -Toll (AET) Collection and toll violations for the County of Monroe (the County). This Scope of Work (SOW) document defines the level of effort, work activities, cost and timeframe associated with FTE's SOW on the project known as the Card Sound Road Toll Facility. 2. Project Scope of Work The following tasks shall be completed by FTE: 1. Project Management: This task includes: • Project schedule development support for FTE project activities and ongoing schedule management • FTE Internal Project schedule development and management • Development and management of the FTE filing system for project documentation • Coordination and implementation with the County of Monroe of project management meetings and technical meetings • Coordination and management of requirements, design, application development, testing and implementation strategy activities • Coordination with the County on agreements for scope, schedule and budgetary revisions • Status Reporting Deliverables: • FTE updates to the Project Schedule • Change order documentation as needed • Project meeting minutes, or for those meetings agreed to be documented by the County of Monroe, meeting minute comments • Project Status Reports 2. Requirements and System Design: This task includes creation of the Project Charter document and Use Cases (i.e. the list of steps to achieve a function of the system) as well as review of System Requirements Definition, Interface Control Documents, Construction Plans reviews, and Signage Plan reviews with the County of Monroe: • Project Scope • Uniform Financial Message (UFM) Toll Transaction Requirements �•3 • Amendment Requirements • Financial Event Requirements • Web Requirements( and ToIIEyPlate.com • Interface Requirements (Card Sound Road Toll Facility pass holder list) • Customer Service Support Requirements • Reporting Requirements • Construction drawings reviews • Signage plans reviews Deliverables: • Project Charter • Use Case and Requirements documentation • Reports requirements documentation • Review comments 3. Application & Reports Development: This task includes the development of the applications based on the requirements defined in the prior task. Application development to facilitate transaction processing for the County of Monroe includes: • Card Sound Road Toll Facility Holder List processing • UFM /Amendment processing modifications Video Toll /Violation Processing modifications FTE Customer Service Representative screen modifications • Website screen modifications Exception Handling modifications Financial Event handling Report creation / modifications Deliverables: The primary product of this task is the application development or existing applications enhancements to accommodate the requirements identified in the prior task. Sample reports will be provided to the County of Monroe for review and mutual agreement of content and format. 4. System Communications and Network Testing: This task involves the coordination with the County of Monroe staff on the communications methods and media for the transmittal of the County's transactions and images for the County's processes, and the reciprocal transmission of FTE transaction processing information to the County of Monroe. The task includes the following activities: • Coordination with the County to define real -time and batch connectivity requirements • Coordination with the County to define communications backup requirements • Identification of FTE Interface requirements 9 • Configuration of FTE Firewalls • Connectivity testing Deliverables; • FTE Network Connectivity Diagram • FTE Communications Interface Requirements FTE Firewall Requirements • Connectivity testing results 5. System Testing This task includes the testing of applications and reports, designed and developed in prior tasks, and includes coordination with the County of Monroe for the testing. The task includes the following activities; Development of Test Plan Development of Test Cases • Setup of the FTE Test Environment • Conducting of tests The following tests will be conducted; Reports Testing Integration Testing Regression Testing Performance Testing Deliverables; Test Plan Test reports will be provided to the County of Monroe as per the Test Plan Fully tested back - office system capable of processing Monroe County transactions through their entire life -cycle 6. Training This task is associated with FTE training of Customer Service Representatives to support the new processes associated with the County of Monroe Toll Processing Deliverables; Training documentation developed for training of new system functionality 7. Implementation/ Marketing Coordination This task includes the coordination activities with the County of Monroe required for the transitioning of Card Sound Road Toll Facility's toll processing to FTE. These activities include; • Overall Implementation Plan review 10 • Development of back office implementation plan component • Public information coordination: • Public messaging strategy review • Public messaging reviews • Public messaging release strategy • Marketing coordination: • Marketing strategy review • Marketing resource planning • Special event participation • SunPass sales support The Implementation Plan deliverable is a detailed cut -over schedule for the go- live touch points between FTE and The County. Deliverables: Implementation Plan Review comments S. Post - implementation Monitoring This task includes a post - implementation monitoring of the County of Monroe Toll Processing to ensure that there are no issues with the processing of the Card Sound Road Toll Facility. This task includes daily reviews of transaction processing and reporting following the go -live for four weeks, and coordination with the County on the resolution of any issues or anomalies identified in the daily reviews. Deliverables: • A weekly summary of issues shall be provided to the County of Monroe during the post - implementation monitoring. (Any issues or anomalies with transaction processing will be brought to the County's attention as soon as they are identified and assessed). • The County of Monroe shall provide a weekly list of issues or anomalies associated with transaction processing during the Post - Implementation Assessment Period. 11 MONROE COUNTY SCOPE OF SERVICES The purpose of this document is to describe the scope of work necessary for Monroe County to establish a roadside electronic toll collection system, integrate it with the Florida Turnpike Enterprise (FTE), and test the system prior to revenue service. Monroe County shall perform the following tasks: Secure FCC license for the Toll Facility Install and configure toll lane equipment at the Card Sound Road Toll Facility Install a tolling Central Processing Center (CPC) Develop system to manage and administer annual passes • Establish communications link to FTE for transmitting and receiving data. This includes toll transactions, images, positive list, pass lost, etc. Any additional hardware or network configuration work required to establish the communications link will be the sole responsibility of the County Deploy FTE approved signage for SunPass and AET Perform system testing of the lane toll equipment Support end -to -end testing in coordination with FTE 12