Item L06County of Monroe A BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor George Neugent, District 2 The Florida. Key y w) Mayor Pro Tem David Rice, District 4 �r Danny L. Kolhage, District I Heather Carruthers, District 3 Sylvia J. Murphy, District 5 County Commission Meeting April 12, 2017 Agenda Item Number: L.6 Agenda Item Summary #2752 BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: Sustainability TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Rhonda Haag (305) 453 -8774 Not applicable AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to advertise a public hearing on an Initial Assessment Resolution to collect special assessments and the creation of assessment areas to collect funds to pay for ongoing operation and maintenance costs for existing canal water quality restoration projects on canals 83, 266, 277, 287, 290, 470 and 472. ITEM BACKGROUND: The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners has previously approved restoration work totaling approximately $7 million to improve the water quality on the following seven (7) canals as part of a pilot program to test the efficacy of the technologies: canals 29 (Key Largo); 83 (Rock Harbor); 266, 277, 287 and 290 (Big Pine Key); and 470/472 (Geiger Key). The objective of the pilot program was to test the efficacy of four different types of technologies (or combinations thereof) on the canals (backfilling, organic removal, air curtains, and culverts) and use the improved canals as a predictor for the cost and water quality gains to be achieved. Without future operations and maintenance work, any gains accomplished by the restoration work will slide backwards and be lost, the full value of the restoration work will not be realized, and it will be impossible to measure the gains of the restoration work. All of the canals, with the exception of the one canal that used only the backfilling technology (canal 29 in Key Largo), will require future expenditure of funds to cover operations and maintenance costs. The properties on the canals where work was performed have already and will continue to realize benefits as a result of the restoration work, including but not limited to gains in overall appearance of their property, increase in property values, and improved use of the canals for fishing, swimming and other recreational uses. It is therefore appropriate for the County to collect funds to cover the cost of O &M from the properties whose owners realize the special benefits of the restoration work in the form of special assessments, provided the cost is distributed so that they are fairly and reasonably apportioned to the subject properties. The County is authorized under Section 125.01(1)(q) to establish municipal service benefit units (MSBU) within all or any part of the unincorporated county, within which may be provided essential facilities from funds derived from special assessments on the properties located within the municipal service benefit unit (MSBU). Canal restoration work falls within the definition of "other essential facilities and municipal services." A separate agenda item will also be presented on the April BOCC agenda, asking for approval to advertise a public hearing to be held at the May 17, 2017 BOCC meeting, to consider an ordinance creating the MSBU for the canal restoration program. If this agenda item is approved, the Initial Assessment Resolution will be heard at a public hearing on the May 17, 2017 BOCC agenda. If the Initial Assessment Resolution is approved at the May BOCC meeting, the Final Assessment Resolution would be heard at a public hearing at the June 21, 2017 meeting. As required by F.S. 197.3632, the Initial Assessment Resolution and the Final Assessment Resolution will delineate specifically the properties to be levied and the amount of assessment on each property. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: 11/14/16: Approval of a resolution directing staff to continue with development of a program to collect special assessments and the creation of municipal service benefit units (MSBUs) to collect funds to pay for ongoing operation and maintenance (O &M) costs for existing canal water quality restoration projects. 12/14/16: BOCC Adoption of Resolution No. 322 -2016, indicating notice of intent to use the uniform method of collecting non -ad valorem special assessments for canal restoration projects. 01/18/17: Approval of a $28,000 base contract with Government Services Group, Inc., plus two 1- year options for $5,000 each year, to provide professional services to assist the County in setting up the special assessment program to fund operations and maintenance of the Canal Restoration Demonstration Project Canals in Big Pine Key, Geiger Key and Key Largo, with the work to be performed in FY 2017 for special assessments to be collected beginning in FY 2018. CONTRACT /AGREEMENT CHANGES: Not applicable STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval DOCUMENTATION: Monroe County Canal IAR (3) FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: April 12, 2017 Expiration Date: None Total Dollar Value of Contract: N/A Total Cost to County: Current Year Portion: N/A Budgeted: N/A Source of Funds: CPI: N/A Indirect Costs: N/A Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: Revenue Producing: N/A If yes, amount: Grant: N/A County Match: N/A Insurance Required: N/A Additional Details: REVIEWED BY: Rhonda Haag Completed 03/27/2017 6:12 PM Cynthia Hall Completed 03/27/2017 6:47 PM Budget and Finance Completed 03/28/2017 9:39 AM Maria Slavik Completed 03/28/2017 9:41 AM Kathy Peters Completed 03/28/2017 2:08 PM Board of County Commissioners Pending 04/12/2017 9:00 AM MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA MONROE COUNTY CANAL RESTORATION OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES ASSESSMENT PROGRAM INITIAL ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION ADOPTED MAY , 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ARTICLE I AUTHORITY, DEFINITIONS AND LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS SECTION 1.01. AUTHORITY ................................................... ............................... 3 SECTION 1.02. DEFINITIONS ................................................. ............................... 4 SECTION 1.03. INTERPRETATION ......................................... ..............................7 SECTION 1.04. FINDINGS ....................................................... ............................... 7 ARTICLE II NOTICE AND PUBLIC HEARING SECTION 2.01. PUBLIC HEARING ......................................... ............................... 9 SECTION 2.02. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ......................... ............................... 9 SECTION 2.03. NOTICE BY MAIL ......................................... ............................... 9 ARTICLE III PROPOSED ASSESSMENT AREAS SECTION 3.01. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT AREAS......... 10 ARTICLE IV MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS SECTION 4.01 SECTION 4.02 SECTION 4.03 SECTION 4.04 ESTIMATED MAINTENANCE COST ........ ............................... 10 IMPOSITION OF MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS ............... 11 COMPUTATION OF MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS ........ 11 MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT ROLL .... ............................... 12 ARTICLE V GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 5.01 SECTION 5.02 SECTION 5.03 SECTION 5.04 APPENDICES: METHOD OF COLLECTION ...................... ............................... 12 SEVERABILITY ........................................... ............................... 12 CONFLICTS .................................................. ............................... 13 EFFECTIVE DATE ....................................... ............................... 13 APPENDIX A: FORM OF NOTICE TO BE MAILED .......... ............................... 15 APPENDIX B: FORM OF NOTICE TO BE PUBLISHED ... ............................... 16 APPENDIX C: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCELS BY ASSESSMENT AREA ............................ ............................... 19 APPENDIX D: LIST OF PARCELS BY ASSESSMENT AREA ......................... 20 a, a 2 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. -2017 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE CANAL RESTORATION PROGRAM; IMPOSING ANNUAL MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS FOR PROPERTIES LOCATED WITHIN THE MONROE COUNTY CANALS MUNICIPAL SERVICE BENEFIT UNIT; ESTABLISHING LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS DETERMINING THAT SUCH REAL PROPERTY WILL DERIVE A SPECIAL BENEFIT FROM THE CANAL RESTORATION ACTIVITIES AND THE ONGOING OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE THEREOF AND THE REASONABLE APPORTIONMENT OF THE ASSESSMENT; ESTABLISHING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE PROPOSED SPECIAL ASSESSMENT, INCLUDING ADMINISTRATIVE AND COLLECTION COSTS; ESTABLISHING THE AMOUNT AND TERM OF THE ANNUAL CANAL OPERATIONS AND OPERATION ASSESSMENT FOR EACH PARCEL OF PROPERTY TO BE ASSESSED BASED ON THE METHODOLOGY SET FORTH HEREIN; DIRECTING PREPARATION OF THE ASSESSMENT ROLL; AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC HEARING AND DIRECTING THE PROVISION OF NOTICE THEREOF; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE I AUTHORITY, DEFINITIONS, LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS SECTION 1.01. AUTHORITY. This resolution is adopted pursuant to the provisions of Article VIII, Section 1 of the Florida Constitution; Sections 125.01 and 125.66 OF Florida Statutes, which grant to a board of county commissioners all powers of local self - government to perform county functions and to render services for county purposes in a manner not inconsistent with general law; Monroe County Ordinance No. -2017 ( "Ordinance "); and other applicable provisions of law. 3 Section 1.02. DEFINITIONS. This resolution constitutes the Initial Assessment Resolution as defined in the Ordinance. Any capitalized words and terms not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to such terms in the Ordinance. Unless the context indicates otherwise, words imparting the singular number including the plural number, and vice versa. As used in this Resolution, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context hereof otherwise requires. "Annual Maintenance Assessment" means the amount computed for each Lot pursuant to Section hereof. "Assessment Area" means a geographic area created by this Resolution, which is a sub -unit of an MSBU, containing properties that specially benefit from a Local Improvement, service, facility or program. "Assessment Coordinator" means the person designated by the County to be responsible for coordinating the Assessments, or such person's designee. "Board" means the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida. "Canal Improvements" means canal restoration activities performed within each of the canals within the MSBU as part of a Local Improvement as defined in the Ordinance, including but not limited to organic removal, backfilling, installation of air curtains, and installation of culverts, or any combination thereof. "County" means Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida. "County Administrator" means the chief executive officer of the County, or such person's designee. 4 "Final Assessment Resolution" means the resolution described in Sections 3.02 and 3.06 of the Ordinance that imposes the Assessments within the Assessment Area. "Fiscal Year" means the period commencing on October 1 of each year and continuing through the next succeeding September 30, or such other period as may be prescribed by law as the fiscal year for the County. "Government Property" means property owned by the United States of America or any agency thereof, the State of Florida or any agency thereof, a county, a special district or a municipal corporation. "Local Improvement" means a capital improvement constructed or installed by the County for the special benefit of a neighborhood or other local area, for which special assessments are imposed pursuant to the Ordinance. "Lot" means a building lot described on a map or plat recorded in the County's Official Records on or prior to the effective date of the Final Assessment Resolution or any subsequent Annual Assessment Resolution. "MSBU" means the Monroe County Canals Municipal Service Benefit Unit described in the Ordinance. "Maintenance Activities" means the ongoing operations and maintenance of the canal improvements, including but not limited to electrical service to operate air curtains and other electrical equipment; ongoing organic removal and backfilling; vegetation spraying and similar services. "Maintenance Assessment" means an annual special assessment imposed against real property located within the MSBU to fund the Maintenance Activities, and related expenses, computed in the manner described in Section hereof. 5 "Maintenance Assessment Collection Cost" means the estimated cost to be incurred by the County during any Fiscal Year in connection with the administration of the Maintenance Assessment program and collection of the Maintenance Assessment, and shall consist of an internal administrative fee in the amount of five percent (5 %) of the Maintenance Costs; external consultant administrative fee in the amount of $5,000 distributed on a per Lot basis; a commission paid to the Tax Collector, authorized per F.S. 192.091(2)(b). "Maintenance Assessment Roll" means a non -ad valorem assessment roll relating to the Maintenance Cost of the Dredging Activities and related expenses. "Maintenance Assessment Statutory Discount Amount" means the amount computed for each Lot pursuant to Section 6.03(C) hereof. " Maintenance Cost" means all or any portion of the expenses that are properly attributable to the Operations and Maintenance under generally accepted accounting principles, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the cost of ongoing operations and maintenance of the canal improvements, including but not limited to electrical service to operate air curtains and other electrical equipment; repair and maintenance of the air curtain equipment, replacement of the air curtain equipment, ongoing organic removal and backfilling; and culvert cleanout, canal vegetation trimming or spraying and similar services. "Ordinance" means Monroe County Ordinance No. -2017, the Canal Restoration Program Assessment Ordinance. "Property Appraiser" means the Monroe County Property Appraiser. "Tax Parcel" means a parcel of real property to which the Property 11 Appraiser has assigned a distinct ad valorem property tax identification number. "Tax Roll" means the real property ad valorem tax assessment roll maintained by the Property Appraiser for the purpose of the levy and collection of ad valorem taxes. "Uniform Assessment Collection Act" means Sections 197.3632 and 197.3635, Florida Statutes, or any successor statutes authorizing the collection of non -ad valorem Assessments on the same bill as ad valorem taxes, and any applicable regulations promulgated thereunder. SECTION 1.02. INTERPRETATION. Unless the context indicates otherwise, words importing the singular number include the plural number, and vice versa. The terms "hereof," "hereby," "herein," "hereto," "hereunder" and similar terms refer to this Resolution; the term "hereafter" means after; and the term "heretofore" means before, the effective date of this Resolution. Words of any gender include the correlative words of the other gender, unless the sense indicates otherwise. SECTION 1.03. FINDINGS. It is hereby ascertained, determined and declared that: (A) The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, has enacted the Ordinance in order to provide for the creation of a municipal service benefit unit and to authorize the imposition of Assessments to fund the Maintenance of Local Improvements that serve the property located therein. (B) The Canal Improvements constitute a Local Improvement, as defined in the Ordinance, and Maintenance constitutes a related service. (C) All properties within the Assessment Area that have received 7 culverts will require ongoing annual Maintenance to contain vegetation and preserve the navigability of waterways. All properties that have received organic removal and /or backfilling in combination with an air curtain will require continued operation of the air curtain in order to maintain the benefits achieved by these types of technology. All lots within the MSBU that have received any of these forms of technology will benefit from Maintenance of the Local Improvements. Without Maintenance of the Local Improvements, the gains achieved through improvement in water quality within the benefitted Lots by the Canal Improvements will be lost. (D) The Board desires to create Assessment Areas and to collect Maintenance Assessments in order to fund Maintenance Costs. (E) The Canal Improvement, and the related Maintenance Activities, provide a special benefit to the properties located within the Assessment Areas, by protecting and enhancing their value, use and enjoyment; promoting health, welfare, convenience and safety for all assessed property owners in the Assessment Areas; stabilization of or increase in property values; established and preserving water access to all properties within the Assessments Area; and improved appearance of the Assessment Area. (F) The Board hereby finds and determines that the Assessments to be imposed in accordance with this Resolution provide an equitable method of funding the Maintenance of the Local Improvements by fairly and reasonably allocating the cost to specially benefitted property. (G) The Board hereby finds that each property within the proposed MSBU will be benefited by the Maintenance of the Local Improvements in an amount not less than the Assessment imposed against such property, computed in 8 the manner set forth in this Resolution. (H) The Maintenance Assessment will be implemented to provide for mandatory payment of the annual Maintenance Costs by all Tax Parcels within the MSBU. ARTICLE II NOTICE AND PUBLIC HEARING SECTION 2.01. PUBLIC HEARING. A public hearing will be conducted by the Board at 3:00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, on June 21, 2017, at the South Monroe Courthouse Annex, 31 Coastal Centre Boulevard, Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, to consider adoption of a Final Assessment Resolution that will (A) create Assessment Areas, (B) impose Assessments, and (C) authorize collection of the Assessments pursuant to the Florida Uniform Assessment Collection Act. SECTION 2.02. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION. Upon completion of the initial Assessment Roll, the Assessment Coordinator shall publish a notice of the public hearing on adoption of a Final Assessment Resolution as authorized by Section 2.01 hereof in the manner and the time provided in Section 3.04 of the Ordinance and Section 197.3632. Such notice shall be in substantially the form attached hereto as Appendix A. SECTION 2.03. NOTICE BY MAIL. Upon completion of the initial Assessment Roll, the Assessment Coordinator shall, at the time and in the manner specified in Section 3.05 of the Ordinance, provide first class mailed notice of the public hearing authorized by Section 2.01 hereof to each real property owner proposed to be assessed at the address indicated on the Tax Roll. Such notice shall p7 be mailed at least twenty (20) days prior to the public hearing, in accordance with Section 197.3632, F.S., and shall be in substantially the form attached hereto as Appendix B. ARTICLE III PROPOSED ASSESSMENT AREAS SECTION 3.01. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT AREAS. (A) The Board proposes to create the two assessment areas for the Lots more particularly described in Appendix C attached hereto. One assessment area (the "Air Curtain Technology Assessment Area ") shall consist of Lots on canals listed in Appendix C, which border on the following canals: Canal 83 (Rock Harbor), Canal 266 (Big Pine Key), Canal 287 (Big Pine Key), and Canal 290 (Big Pine Key), each Lot of which received the Local Improvements consisting of air curtain technology. The other assessment area (the "Culvert Technology Assessment Area ") shall consist of Lots on canals listed in Appendix C, which border on the following canals: Canal 277 (Big Pine Key), and Canals 470/472 (Geiger Key). (B) The Assessment Areas are proposed for the purpose of funding Maintenance Activities within the MSBU and for the purpose of improving the use and enjoyment of property by funding the ongoing operations and maintenance of the Local Improvements. ARTICLE IV MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS SECTION 4.01. ESTIMATED MAINTENANCE COST. The estimated Total Maintenance Cost for the Lots within the Air Curtain Technology 10 Assessment Area is $93,635 per Fiscal Year. This Maintenance Cost will be funded through the imposition of Maintenance Assessments against real property located in the Air Curtain Technology Assessment Area in the manner set forth in this article. The estimated total annual Maintenance Cost for the Lots within the Culvert Technology Assessment Area is $6,901 per fiscal year. This Maintenance Cost will be funded through the imposition of Maintenance Assessments against real property located in the Culvert Technology Assessment Area in the manner set forth in this Article. SECTION 4.02. IMPOSITION OF MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS. The Maintenance Assessments shall be imposed against all real property located within the MSBU for each Fiscal Year and shall be computed in accordance with this Article. The first annual Maintenance Assessment will be included on the ad valorem tax bill to be mailed in November 2017. When imposed, the Maintenance Assessment for each Fiscal Year shall constitute a lien upon the Tax Parcels located in the MSBU, pursuant to the Ordinance. SECTION 4.03. COMPUTATION OF MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS. (A) The annual Maintenance Assessments shall be computed for each Lot located in the MSBU by: adding the annual Maintenance Cost together with the Collection Cost, less a five per cent (5 %) reserve for the under - collection of assessments due to the discount on annual property tax bills allowed for property owners who pay prior to March 1 ( "Maintenance Assessment Statutory Discount Amount"). This sum is then divided by the sum by the total number of Lots within the Assessment Area. The result is the portion of the Maintenance Costs attributable to each Lot. 11 (B) The above calculations shall be completed on an annual basis for purposes of the Maintenance Assessments. SECTION 4.04. MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT ROLL. The Assessment Coordinator is hereby directed to prepare a final estimate of the Maintenance Assessments and to prepare the initial Maintenance Assessment Roll in the manner provided in the Ordinance. The Assessment Coordinator shall apportion the Maintenance Cost among the Lots of real property within the MSBU and within each Assessment Area as reflected on the Tax Roll in conformity with this Article. The estimate of Maintenance Cost and the Maintenance Assessment Roll shall be maintained on file at the office of the Assessment Coordinator and open to public inspection. The foregoing shall not be construed to require that the Maintenance Assessment Roll be in printed form if the amount of the Maintenance Assessment for each Tax Parcel can be determined by use of a computer terminal available to the public. ARTICLE V GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 5.01. METHOD OF COLLECTION. The Assessments shall be levied and collected pursuant to the Florida Uniform Assessment Collection Act, F.S. 197.3632 and 197.3635. SECTION 5.02. SEVERABILITY. If any clause, section or provision of this Resolution shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason or cause, the remaining portion of said Resolution shall be in full force and effect and be valid as a, a 12 if such invalid portion thereof had not been incorporated herein. SECTION 5.03. CONFLICTS. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 5.04. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. 13 PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED on this day of May, 2017. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY KEVIN MADOK, Clerk of Circuit COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE Court and Ex- Officio Clerk to the COUNTY, FLORIDA Board of County Commissioners By: Deputy Clerk By: Mayor George Neugent 14 APPENDIX A To Be Published on or before May 31, 2017 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF COUNTY FINAL ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN that on June 21, 2017, at 3:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard, at the Murray Nelson Government Building, 102050 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, FL 33037, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, will hold a public hearing to consider approval of the following County resolution: Monroe County, Florida Canal Restoration Program Final Assessment Resolution A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOENRS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE CANAL RESTORATION PROGRAM; IMPOSING ANNUAL MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS FOR PROPERTIES LOCATED WITHIN THE CANAL RESTORATION MUNICIPAL SERVICE BENEFIT UNIT; APPROVING THE NON -AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT ROLL; PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION OF MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The figure below depicts the Assessment Areas within the Canal Restoration Municipal Service Benefit Unit subject to the assessments: Canal 470/472 Geiger Key, FL. Canal 266 Big Pine Key, FL Cana1287 Big Pine Key, FL Canal 290 Big Pine Key, FL 15 Canal 83 Key Largo, FL Canal 277 Big Pine Key, FL The public hearing is being held for the purpose of receiving public comment on the proposed assessments and collection of the assessment on the ad valorem tax bills. All affected property owners have the right to appear and provide input at the hearing, and may file written objections with the County Administrator at any time prior to the public meeting or within twenty (20) days following publication of this notice, whichever is greater. The Assessments have been proposed to fund ongoing annual maintenance costs for the canals, including but not limited to cost of electricity to run air curtains, vegetation removal and related services. The assessment for each parcel of property will be based upon the number of lots in the Assessment Area. A more specific description is set forth in the Initial Assessment Resolution adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on May 17, 2017. Copies of the Initial Assessment Resolution, the plans and specifications for the Maintenance Activities, and the initial Assessment Rolls are available for inspection at the Monroe County Administrator's Office, 1100 Simonton St., Suite 2 -268, Key West Florida 33040, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The assessments will be collected on the ad valorem tax bill, commencing with the tax bill to be mailed in November 2017, as authorized by Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes. Failure to pay the assessments will cause a tax certificate to be issued against the real property which may result in a loss of title. If you have any questions, please contact Rhonda Haag at (305) 453 -8775 Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Pursuant to Section 286.0105, F.S., if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at the hearing, such person will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be made. ADA Assistance: In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person needing a special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact the County Administrator's office at (305) 292 -4441, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., no later than five (5) days prior to the date of the hearing. If you are hearing or voice impaired, call `711.' (SEAL) KEVIN MADOK, Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida Publication as display ad with border on the following dates: Reporter Keynoter KW Citizen 16 APPENDIX B FORM OF FIRST CLASS NOTICE TO BE MAILED Monroe County Sustainability Department r- A ' 102050 Overseas Hwy., #246 F r } , y it Key Largo, FL 33037 ' t ,^ Board of Countv Commissioners Mayor George Neugent, Dist. 2 Mayor Pro Tern David Rice, Dist. 4 Danny Kolhage, Dist. 1 Heather Carruthers, Dist. 3 Sylvia Murphy, Dist. 5 April _ 2017 «OwnerName1» «OwnerName2» «OwnerAdd1» «OwnerAdd2» ((City)) «State» ((Zip)) ((COUNTRY)) Re: Notice of Proposed Canal Restoration Program AK #: Sequence Number: S12- «SegNum» Notice Date: April 26, 2017 Maintenance Special Assessments, Dear Property Owner: A municipal service benefit unit is being created to fund assessments for operation and maintenance costs related to certain canal restoration activities in your area. The operation and maintenance work is necessary in order to maintain the water quality improvement that has already been achieved on the canals. The type of operation and maintenance work that is necessary depends on the type of canal restoration technology that was used in each canal. The assessment for each parcel of property is based on the cost of the operations and maintenance and the number of lots on each canal. A more specific description of the assessment program is set forth in the Initial Assessment Resolution adopted by the County Commission on May 17, 2017. Information regarding the assessment for your specific property is shown below. Monroe County created the Monroe County Canals Municipal Service Benefit Unit to impose special assessments to fund ongoing operations and maintenance costs for those canals in the canal restoration program. The maintenance assessments will be collected on the ad valorem tax bill commencing with the tax bill to be mailed in November 2017, as authorized by Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes. A more specific description of the improvements and the method of computing the assessment for each parcel of real property are set forth in the Initial Assessment Resolution adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on May 17, 2017. Copies of the Canal Restoration Program Assessment Ordinance, the Initial Assessment Resolution (including an explanation of the assessment methodology) and the initial Assessment Roll are available for inspection at the Monroe County Administrator's Office, 1100 Simonton St., #2 -268, Key West Florida 33040 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Information regarding the assessment for your specific real property is attached to this letter. The proposed assessments are based on the total overall future maintenance cost, divided by the number 17 of lots on the canal. The annual assessment for each lot will include its share of annual collection costs. An amount is also added to cover the statutory discount applicable to early payment of ad valorem taxes and special assessments. If you believe that there is a mistake on this notice, you need to request a Canal Assessment Review. For this review, please submit a Canal Assessment Review form to the following address with a postmark of no later than July 1, 2017: Monroe County Sustainability Program, 102050 Overseas Hwy., # 246, Key Largo, FL 33037. You may download the Canal Assessment Review form at the following in location: The estimated Annual Maintenance Assessment for the above parcel is: < You are invited to attend a public hearing to adopt the Final Assessment Resolution scheduled for May 17, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. at the Harvey Government Center at Historic Truman School, 1200 Truman Avenue, Key West, FL 33040. The Final Assessment Resolution will be available in the agenda packet for the hearing, to be published at www. monroecounty- fl.gov /agendacenter on May 5, 2017. All affected property owners have a right to appear at the hearing and to file written objections with the County Administrator any time prior to the public hearing. If you decide to appeal any decision made by the County Commission with respect to any matter considered at the hearing, you will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be made. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodations to participate in this proceeding, please contact the County Administrator at (305) 292 -4441, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. — 5:00 p.m., no later than fine (5) calendar days prior to the date of the hearing. If you are hearing or voice impaired, call "711 ". Questions regarding your assessment and the process for collection may be directed to the Monroe County Sustainability Department at (305)453 -8774, Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 18 APPENDIX C LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCELS BY ASSESSMENT AREA Canal 470/472 Those lots lying on Geiger Key, FL adjacent to these canals lying in a portion of unincorporated Monroe County bounded on the west by Mars Lane, on the east by Venus Lane, on the north by Geiger Road, and on the south by the Atlantic Ocean, including those properties adjacent to these canals lying at the terminus of Pisces Lane and Mars Lane. Cana1266 Those lots lying on Big Pine Key, FL adjacent to Canal 266, lying in the portion of unincorporated Monroe County bounded on the north by Baileys Lane, on the west by Matthew Rd., on the south by Witters Lane, and on the east by the Gulf of Mexico. Cana1287 Those lots lying on Big Pine Key, FL adjacent to Canal 287 laying in a portion of unincorporated Monroe County bounded o the west by Sands Rd., on the north by Atlantis Drive, on the south by Hollerich Drive, and on the east by the Gulf of Mexico. Cana1290 Those lots lying on Big Pine Key, FL adjacent to Canal 290, lying in a portion of unincorporated Monroe County bounded on the west by 3 rd St., on the north by Ave. J., on the south by Avenue I, and on the east by the Gulf of Mexico. Canal 83 Those lots lying on Key Largo, FL, adjacent to Canal 83, lying in a portion of unincorporated Monroe County bounded on the northwest by U.S. 1 (Overseas Highway), on the northeast by Bonito Lane, on the southwest by Grouper Lane, and on the southeast by the Gulf of Mexico. Canal 277 Those lots lying on Big Pine Key, FL, adjacent to Canal 277, lying in a portion of unincorporated Monroe County bounded on the east by Watson Blvd., on the north by Warbler Lane, on the south by Killdeer Lane, and on the west by the unnamed floodplain area that connects to the Gulf of Mexico. 19 APPENDIX D DESCRIPTION OF PARCELS BY ASSESSMENT AREA 5 20 DESCRIPTION OF PARCELS IN THE CULVERT TECNOLOGY ASSESSMENT AREA (Assessment Roll): The Culvert Technology Assessment Area shall consist of the following properties located within the unincorporated area of Monroe County, on Canals 277 or 470/472 (Geiger Key), as identified by the parcel identification number provided by the Monroe County Property Appraiser: 21 Annual Alt key RE # Canal Owner Name Assessment 00312600- 1386090 000000 277 ROGERS PAUL AND JANET $67.49 00312610- 1386103 000000 277 ANGELUCCI ERIKA L AND JAMES R $67.49 00312620- FEUCHT GARY REVOC LIV TRUST 9/21/1981 AS 1386111 000000 277 AMENDED $67.49 00312630- 1386120 000000 277 SARNOSKI HENRY AND DEANNA $67.49 00312640- BLANCHARD KENNETH F AND ANGELA A LIV TR 1386138 000000 277 12/15/2011 $67.49 00312650- 1386146 000000 277 VENCEVICH JOHN $67.49 00312660- 1386154 000000 277 HENSEL NANCY $67.49 00312670- 1386162 000000 277 LEITCH THOMAS AND MARY M $67.49 00312680- 1386171 000000 277 SUTTON DONNELL LJR $67.49 00312700- 1386197 000000 277 DOLOWY MICHAEL AND SANDRA $67.49 00312700- 9101954 000100 277 GERSTENKORN DAVID $67.49 00312710- 1386201 000000 277 DELYSER JOHN KENNETH AND DEBORAH ANNE $67.49 00312720- 1386219 000000 277 KREUSCHER ALFRED K AND MILLICENT E $67.49 00312750- 1386235 000000 277 BROWN EDMUND G $67.49 00312760- 1386243 000000 277 THORNTON ROGER AND ELLEN $67.49 00312860- 1386341 000000 277 ROSE GEORGE W III AND CAROLE M $67.49 00312870- 1386359 000000 277 KNIGHT JEROME F $67.49 00312880- 1386367 000000 277 HANRAHAN PHILIP W AND ELLEN A $67.49 00312890- 1386375 000000 277 TRAVERS TRACEY $67.49 00313070- 1386553 000000 277 ROOD GEORGE T JR $67.49 00313110- 1386596 000000 277 JANECKA STANLEY SAND KATHLEEN B $67.49 00313900- 1387428 000000 277 RAMBO JOSEPH J AND EVELYN M LIVING TRUST $67.49 00313910- 1387436 000000 277 RAMBO JOSEPH J AND EVELYN M LIVING TRUST $67.49 21 a' a a' �r a a i a a 22 00313920— RAMBO JOSEPH J AND EVELYN M TRUST A LIVING 1387444 000000 277 TRUST $67.49 00313930— RAMBO JOSEPH J AND EVELYN M TRUST A LIVING 1387452 000000 277 TRUST $67.49 00313940— RAMBO JOSEPH J AND EVELYN M TRUST A LIVING 1387461 000000 277 TRUST $67.49 00313950- 1387479 000000 277 BLOCH MICHAEL $67.49 00313960- 1387487 000000 277 PARKER JOHN $67.49 00313970- 1387495 000000 277 STANGL RONALD W $67.49 00313980- 1387509 000000 277 VILLAMAR MANUEL E $67.49 00313990- 1387517 000000 277 BAGLINI ANTHONY J $67.49 00145330— 470- 1186686 000000 472 PENTICOFF JOAN $67.49 00145340— 470- 1186694 000000 472 ACERRA PETER MICHAEL $67.49 00145580— 470- 1186937 000000 472 BURKE LINDA M $67.49 00145590— 470- 1186945 000000 472 CMOR PROPERTIES LLC $67.49 00145600— 470- 1186953 000000 472 MUSARRA FRANK P AND DEBORAH D $67.49 00145610— 470- 1186961 000000 472 EAMILAO RICKY AND MARTHE RATH— EAMILAO $67.49 00145620— 470- 1186970 000000 472 ALBURY JOHN RICHARD III $67.49 00145630— 470- 1186988 000000 472 HAIGNEY FRANK AND NORA $67.49 00145640— 470- 1186996 000000 472 KELLY JOHN J AND ELIZABETH $67.49 00145650— 470- 1187003 000000 472 CMOR PROPERTIES LLC $67.49 00145660— 470- 1187011 000000 472 DOMINGUEZ GUILLERMO L $67.49 00145670— 470- 1187020 000000 472 PEAGLER RACHEL ELLEN (MINOR) $67.49 00145680— 470- 1187038 000000 472 HERNANDEZ DAVID $67.49 00145690— 470- 1187046 000000 472 CUERVO LISSETTE M $67.49 00145700— 470- 1187054 000000 472 MILLER BRYAN $67.49 00145710— 470- 1187062 000000 472 WALL WENDELL $67.49 00145720— 470- 1187071 000000 472 WALTER JOSEPH W JR $67.49 00145730— 470- 1187089 000000 472 WALTER JOSEPH W JR AND FRANCESCA V $67.49 00145740— 470- 1187097 000000 472 DOGLIONE MIGUELITA E $67.49 00145750— 470- 1187101 000000 472 DEPOO KATHRYN S $67.49 00145760— 470- 1187119 000000 472 VAZQUEZ CAROLINE M $67.49 1187127 1 00145770 470 FIALA F HARRY $67.49 a' a a' �r a a i a a 22 a' a a' �r a a i a a 23 000000 472 00145780— 470- 1187135 000000 472 HAINES RODERICK $67.49 00145790— 470- 1187143 000000 472 NAYLOR DONNA $67.49 00145800— 470- 1187151 000000 472 ALBURY JOHN RJR $67.49 00145810— 470- 1187160 000000 472 SCHUETZLER JAMES C JR AND DEBRA J $67.49 00145820— 470- 1187178 000000 472 WISTJAMES $67.49 00145830— 470- 1187186 000000 472 CASTRO WALTER D AND KSENIA $67.49 00145840— 470- 1187194 000000 472 SMITH JUDY K $67.49 00145850— 470- 1187208 000000 472 RAINS PENNY L $67.49 00145860— 470- 1187216 000000 472 HUOT THOMAS G $67.49 00145870— 470- 1187224 000000 472 BERGMAN RAYMOND E $67.49 00145880— 470- 1187232 000000 472 LINARES JORGE JR $67.49 00145890— 470- 1187241 000000 472 WONG RODOLFO $67.49 00145900— 470- 1187259 000000 472 BUDKE LORI C $67.49 00145910— 470- 1187267 000000 472 TOMBERLIN BEDFORD $67.49 00145920— 470- 1187275 000000 472 FINNLANDIA FLORIDA LLC $67.49 00147016— 470- 1188484 000500 472 MOROCCO MARK AND LISA $67.49 00147016— 470- 1188492 000600 472 SARINELLI DOMINICK AND LUCILLE $67.49 00147016— 470- 1188506 000700 472 SCANLON FRANCIS X AND CAROL ANN $67.49 00147016— 470- 1188514 000800 472 STOLL GERALD E $67.49 00147016— 470- 1188522 000900 472 SCHUMAN WILLIAM E III AND LINDA MARIE $67.49 00147016— 470- 1188531 001000 472 CARPITA MARIANNE $67.49 00147016— 470- 1188549 001100 472 ARMSTRONG DOUGLAS W $67.49 00147016— 470- 1188557 001200 472 BROTEMARKLE ROBERT A $67.49 00147016— 470- 1188565 001300 472 WILSON KEVIN AND BARBIE $67.49 00147016— 470- 1188573 001400 472 NARANJOIGNACIO $67.49 00147016— 470- 1188689 002500 472 MURPHY ROBERT R AND BARBARA $67.49 00147016— 470- 1188697 002600 472 SAWYER JIMMIE K $67.49 00147016— 470- 1188701 002700 472 WHITT CLARK L AND BARBARA R $67.49 00147016— 470- 1188719 002800 472 WHITT CLARK AND BARBARA $67.49 a' a a' �r a a i a a 23 24 00147016- 470- 1188727 002900 472 MALLOY CHARLES $67.49 00147016- 470- 1188735 003000 472 THE REB TRUST 12/13/2013 $67.49 00147016- 470- 1188743 003100 472 MURDOCK CRAIG $67.49 00147016- 470- 1188751 003200 472 DUNCAN MARTHA C $67.49 00147016- 470- 1188760 003300 472 SMITH RONALD VINSON JR AND TINA LOUISE $67.49 00147016- 470- 1188778 003400 472 GAURON ALFRED F AND MARJORIE A $67.49 00147016- 470- 1188786 003500 472 ROSS PHILIP H III AND TERESA D $67.49 00312800- 1386286 000000 277 DERMODY CHRISTOPHER M AND RACHELLE A $84.36 00312810- 1386294 000000 277 WAY DONALD J SIR $101.24 00312830- 1386316 000000 277 LOHR JOHN E AND LAURA ANNE $101.24 00313080- 1386561 000000 277 CUMBERLAND LAURENCE AND ROXANNE $101.24 00313100- 1386588 000000 277 THORSON JEAN $101.24 00312730- 1386227 000000 277 FEDERLE LOIS A $134.98 00312780- 1386260 000000 277 BLOCH MICHAEL 1 $134.98 00312840- 1386324 000000 277 SHERIFF RICHARD L AND KATHLEEN M $134.98 24 The Air Curtain Technology Assessment Area shall consist of the following properties located in the unincorporated area of Monroe County, Florida, on Canals 83, 266, 287, or 290, as identified by the parcel identification number provided by the Monroe County Properly Appraiser. 25 Alt key RE # Canal Owner Name Annual Assessment 1382426 00310310 - 000000 266 KAMBER LORA $738.85 1382434 00310320 - 000000 266 HENRY RALPH N AND JOAN S $738.85 1382442 00310330 - 000000 266 DONOHUE KEVIN T $738.85 1382451 00310340 - 000000 266 DONOHUE KEVIN T $738.85 1382469 00310350 - 000000 266 SCIABARASSI ALFRED AND MARIE E $738.85 9085940 00310350 - 000100 266 SCIABARASSI ALFRED AND MARIE E $738.85 1382485 00310370 - 000000 266 STONE LIVING TRUST 1/7/1997 $738.85 1382493 00310380 - 000000 266 STONE LIVING TRUST 1/7/1997 $738.85 1382507 00310390 - 000000 266 KESSEL LINDA $738.85 1382566 00310450 - 000000 266 REISNER MICHAEL D AND SHERYL L $738.85 1382582 00310470 - 000000 266 FGP -LAND LLC $738.85 1382591 00310480 - 000000 266 ALESI DENISE M LIVING TRUST 6/28/2012 $738.85 1382604 00310490 - 000000 266 SHEARIN JERRY $738.85 1382612 00310500 - 000000 266 DAVEY JOHN $738.85 1382621 00310510 - 000000 266 MILLER JAMES M $738.85 1382639 00310520 - 000000 266 MILLER JAMES M $738.85 1382736 00310630 - 000000 266 SACKETTJOELLE $738.85 1382744 00310640- 000000 266 MOSS ROBERT F $738.85 1382779 00310670 - 000000 266 ARNOLD FAMILY INT VIV TRUST 3/7/1999 $738.85 1382787 00310680 - 000000 266 CASEY RICHARD C JR AND SHANA S $738.85 1357464 00285491 - 000100 287 STOFFO JAMES AND MARY E $738.85 1357472 00285491 - 000200 287 STOFFO JAMES AND MARY E $738.85 1357481 00285491 - 000300 287 MERRY SUSAN M $738.85 1357499 00285491 - 000400 287 ATLANTIS ESTATES TRUST 7 /31/2000 $738.85 1357502 00285491 - 000500 287 ATLANTIS ESTATES TRUST 7/31/2000 $738.85 1357511 00285491 - 000600 287 SIXTO ANDRES AND MARGARITA RAMOS $738.85 1357529 00285491 - 000700 287 FOWLER DENNIS $738.85 1357537 00285491 - 000800 287 SNYDER JOHN BAND PAULINE H $738.85 1357545 00285491 - 000900 287 BLUE WATER INVESTMENTS L P $738.85 1357553 00285491 - 001000 287 KRUZEL MICHAEL AND KARIS L $738.85 1357561 00285491 - 001100 287 AMBLARD LOUIS L AND SANDRA R $738.85 1357570 00285491 - 001200 287 SCHEELE DOUGLAS S $738.85 1357588 00285491 - 001300 287 WEATHERLY R J $738.85 1357596 00285491 - 001400 287 FIDLER REV FAMILY TR AG 3/23/2011 $738.85 1357600 00285491 - 001500 287 LEAL GEOVANY $738.85 1357618 00285491 - 001600 287 CHERRY IRIS $738.85 1357626 00285491 - 001700 287 RUSSO KATHLEEN $738.85 1357634 00285491 - 001800 287 RICHARDSON HALLEY M $738.85 1357642 00285491 - 001900 287 DIBONAVENTURA RICHARD F AND PATRICIA A $738.85 1357651 00285491 - 002000 287 BROOKS ANDREA PHILLIPS $738.85 1357669 00285491 - 002100 287 EVANS JOHN B $738.85 1357677 00285491 - 002200 287 DELL HOMER AND MARION A $738.85 1357685 00285491 - 002300 287 HAHN WILLIAM $738.85 1357693 00285491 - 002400 287 RINGE KENNETH R AND VICKIE C $738.85 1357707 00285491 - 002500 287 CHAPPELL CHARLES H $738.85 1357715 00285491 - 002600 287 SEVERSON JOSHUA AND AMBER RAE $738.85 25 1131377 00110910 - 000000 290 SMITH OWEN C AND CHRISTINE M $738.85 1131385 00110920 - 000000 290 SPELLMAN STEPHEN LOUIS AND LYNDA SCHWARTZ $738.85 1131393 00110930 - 000000 290 KONOP STEPHEN W AND MILLICENT A $738.85 1131407 00110940 - 000000 290 BELL DAVID NJR $738.85 1131415 00110950 - 000000 290 STANGL RONALD $738.85 1131423 00110960 - 000000 290 PLATEK RICHARD C AND LUCY $738.85 1131431 00110970 - 000000 290 SMITH CHRISTINE M $738.85 1131440 00110980- 000000 290 FINN MATTHEW G $738.85 1131458 00110990 - 000000 290 WOOD HOLLIS WOODROW JR $738.85 1370255 00307080 - 000000 290 THOMAN GEORGE J AND JOAN $738.85 1370263 00307090 - 000000 290 CABRAL JOSEPH J JR AND INGA L $738.85 1370271 00307100 - 000000 290 THOMAN GEORGE J AND JOAN $738.85 1370280 00307110 - 000000 290 HARBIN MARTIN S AND CHRISTINE D $738.85 1503613 00483980 - 000000 83 CALLAHAN MARY TANNA $738.85 1503621 00483990 - 000000 83 IGLESISAS MAYTE $738.85 1503630 00484000 - 000000 83 PACHECO FREDES JR AND CELIA $738.85 1503648 00484010 - 000000 83 LOPEZ- URGELLJOAQUIN $738.85 1503656 00484020 - 000000 83 BOYD WAYNE AND CYNTHIA $738.85 1503664 00484030- 000000 83 LEMMET IVETTE $738.85 1503672 00484040 - 000000 83 ANDREWS MARK ROBERT AND ADRIANA KATHERINE $738.85 1503681 00484050- 000000 83 RAMSEY BRUCE M REV TR 01/19/2005 $738.85 1503609 00484060 - 000000 83 PIONEER INVESTMENT ENTERPRISES INC $738.85 1593702 00484070 - 000000 83 AYO JUAN J AND MARIA B $738.85 1593745 00484110 - 000000 83 CHORON RONALD LAND RHONDA K $738.85 1593753 00484120 - 000000 83 MARTIN SUSAN RYWELL $738.85 1593761 00484130 - 000000 83 BRAUN MICHAEL D $738.85 1593796 00484160 - 000000 83 MARROQUIN ALFONSO $738.85 1593818 00484180 - 000000 83 DOLPHIN MONTESSORI CHILDRENS HOUSE INC $738.85 1593826 00484190 - 000000 83 MENDOZA - BARRENA REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS $738.85 1593834 00484200 - 000000 83 ACOSTA ANTONIO AND LOURDES $738.85 1593842 00484210 - 000000 83 LLERENA AURELIO AND MARTHA $738.85 1593851 00484220 - 000000 83 FADIO GEORGE J $738.85 1593877 00484240 - 000000 83 HUTSON RALPH AND KATHY $738.85 1593885 00484250 - 000000 83 MCCABE HARRY M AND CECILE L L/E $738.85 1593893 00484270 - 000000 83 DIAZ PEDRO E AND GWENDOLYN T $738.85 9071503 00484290 - 000100 83 CURBELO ROBERTO JR $738.85 9071514 00484290 - 000200 83 HARRIS FAMILY TRUST 3 -15 -2013 $738.85 26 9080271 00484290 - 000300 83 FALTERBAUER HARRY $738.85 1593974 00484350 - 000000 83 PADRON ORLANDO AND LOURDES $738.85 1382817 00310710- 000000 266 RUGGIANO GEORGE W AND PATRICIA L $812.74 1593869 00484230- 000000 83 MARTINEZ BARTOLOME R $982.67 1382795 00310690- 000000 266 CASEY RICHARD C JR AND SHANA S $1,108.28 1382809 00310700- 000000 266 SEVOR JEFFREY J AND SUSAN $1,108.28 1593711 00484080- 000000 83 PERRY EDOUARD B A AND CECILIA ANN $1,108.28 1593737 00484100 - 000000 83 ADRIAN GEORGE REVOCABLE TRUST 2/17/2005 $1,108.28 1382396 00310280- 000000 266 ANDRE DEVELOPMENT INC $1,477.70 1382400 00310290 - 000000 266 ANDERSON MAVIS TRUST UNDER THE LAST WILL $1,477.70 1382540 00310430 - 000000 266 LEPLEY KEITH H AND CATHRYN A $1,477.70 1382698 00310590- 000000 266 WEINBERG LAWRENCE REV TR 4/6/1996 $1,477.70 1382710 00310610- 000000 266 BAILEY SHARON S $1,477.70 1382761 00310660- 000000 266 DEAN DAVID J AND KAREN A $1,477.70 1382833 00310730 - 000000 266 LEJEUNE LARRY W AND PAMELA ARAVENA $1,477.70 1593788 00484150- 000000 83 SLAUGHTER MICHAEL $1,477.70 1593915 00484290- 000000 83 HARRIS FAMILY LIVING TRUST 3/15/2013 $1,477.70 1382523 00310410- 000000 266 CLARK SHARON L $2,216.55 1382647 00310540- 000000 266 DIMARCO GIUSTINO AND EVELYN $2,216.55 a' a a' a a i a a 27