Item M05County of Monroe A BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor George Neugent, District 2 The Florida. Key y w) Mayor Pro Tem David Rice, District 4 �r Danny L. Kolhage, District 1 Heather Carruthers, District 3 Sylvia J. Murphy, District 5 County Commission Meeting April 12, 2017 Agenda Item Number: M.5 Agenda Item Summary #2786 BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: Code Compliance TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Steve Williams (305) 289 -2584 N/A AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Authorization to initiate litigation against ZAZSHAH M. ZALDIVAR and PINBALL 4, LLC., c/o BERTHA BURKE, and the property located at 1014 Dove Lane, Key Largo, Florida, and any other properties owned by them if necessary, to enforce the liens arising from code compliance case number(s) CE10090004 and CE15100106. ITEM BACKGROUND: This property is the subject of two (2) code enforcement cases that remain open for failure to pay outstanding fines and costs. As of March 20, 2017 the cumulative total amount of fines is $108,050.00. CE10090004: This case was the result of a below base flood elevation enclosure renovated into living space. After receiving a Notice of Violation /Notice of Hearing the property owner, ZAZSHAH M. ZALDIVAR, acknowledged the hearing date of November 17, 2011 and entered into a "Stipulation to code violation and for time to comply for first time offenses" agreement with Monroe County agreeing to the violations as cited and agreeing to a compliance date of March 17, 2012 with a daily fine of $350.00 if compliance was not achieved by that date. At the hearing on November 17, 2011, the Code Compliance Special Magistrate entered a Final Order approving the Signed Stipulation Agreement and accepting it's agreed upon terms. Subsequently the County agreed to two (2) Extension(s) to the Stipulation agreement with a final deadline of October 17, 2012. The property owner did not gain timely compliance by October 17, 2012, and the fines began to accrue on October 18, 2012. The County's lien was recorded on February 20, 2013. The property owner, ZAZSHAH M. ZALDIVAR achieved compliance on July 22, 2013. Therefore, fine(s) of $350.00 per day ran for 277 days, (October 18, 2012 - July 22, 2013), for a total of $96,950.00. A letter disclosing the payoff amount was mailed to ZAZSHAH M. ZALDIVAR. Research reveals that on August 20, 2013 a Quit Claim Deed was recorded passing title of this property to PINBALL 4, LLC. It is the County's position that this lien is a lien on the property that was the subject of the code compliance action and remains attached to this parcel, and all other real and /or personal property owned by ZAZSHAH M. ZALDIVAR. The County received a Mitigation Hearing request regarding the lien in this case, however, the hearing was cancelled by the County due to the non - compliance of the property (subsequent case CE13100185) and no further hearing requests have been received. CE13100185: This case was the result of the failure to connect to the central sewer system in 2010. A hearing was held June 24, 2016 and the Special Magistrate ordered a compliance date of September 22, 2016. The property owner did not gain timely compliance by the deadline ordered by the Special Magistrate and fines began to accrue on September 23, 2016 and the County's lien was recorded. The property owner, PINBALL 4 LLC. achieved compliance on January 12, 2017. Therefore, $100.00 per day accrued for 111 days, (September 23, 2016 — January 12, 2017), for a total of $11,100.00. RELEVANT INFORMATION: As of March 20, 2017 ZAZSHAH M. ZALDIVAR and PINBALL 4, LLC own no other properties in Monroe County, and no other open code cases or other outstanding Monroe County Code liens where found. The property is not homesteaded and there are no pending foreclosure actions at this time. Under the policy adopted in Resolution 057 -2014 the available legal options in regard to the County's lien on this property are: 1. Initiate litigation against the property owner for injunction, foreclosure, writ of execution and money judgment; 2. Allow the liens to remain against the property owner, the subject property and any other property owned by the property owner; and /or 3. Reduce the amount of the fines. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Approval of Resolution No. 057 -2014 on March 19, 2014 adopting "ATTACHMENT A" as Procedure to be used after a Final Order has been rendered by the Code Compliance Special Magistrate to initiate injunctive relief for non- compliant properties, foreclosure and /or money judgment actions for collection of unpaid fines and /or costs from a property owner. CONTRACT /AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorization to initiate litigation against ZAZSHAH M. ZALDIVAR and PINBALL 4, LLC., c/o BERTHA BURKE, and the property located at 1014 Dove Lane, Key Largo, Florida, and any other properties owned by them if necessary, to enforce the liens arising from code compliance case number(s) CE10090004 and CE15100106. DOCUMENTATION: MEMO REFFERAL FOR FURTHER ACTION CE10090004 CE15100106 PINBALL SUPPORT DOCS AID BOCC PINBALL 4 057 -2014 Resolution Collections Letter -Non Compliant FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: Expiration Date: Total Dollar Value of Contract: Total Cost to County: 2,500.00 Current Year Portion: Budgeted: YES Source of Funds: 148 -50001 CPI: Indirect Costs: Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: Revenue Producing: Grant: County Match: Insurance Required: Additional Details: If yes, amount: 04/12/17 148 -50001 -GROWTH MGMT ADMIN $2,500.00 I X TA 1 X117.1.6 Cynthia McPherson Completed Steve Williams Completed Bob Shillinger Completed Assistant County Administrator Christine Hurley 03/28/2017 1:41 PM Kathy Peters Completed Board of County Commissioners Pending 03/23/2017 4:11 PM 03/28/2017 10:15 AM 03/28/2017 11:12 AM Completed 03/28/2017 3:25 PM 04/12/2017 9:00 AM County of Monroe Code Compliance Department 2798 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 Voice: (305) 289 -2810 FAX: (305) 289 -2858 Board of Countv Commissioners Mayor George Neugent, District 2 Mayor Pro Tern David Rice, District 4 Heather Carruthers, District 3 Damry L. Kolhage, District I Sylvia Murphy, Dist. 5 MEMORANDUM TO: Steve Williams, Assistant County Attorney FROM: Kathleen Windsor, Sr. Code Compliance Research Analyst DATE: March 20, 2017 SUBJECT: Recommendation to County Attorney's Office for further action in CE10090004 and CE15100106 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 1014 DOVE LANE, KEY LARGO SUMMARY: The subject property is owned by PINBALL 4 LLC., c/o BERTHA BURKE. As a result of the code compliance case(s) the lien(s) in the name of ZAZSHAH M. ZALDIVAR and PINBALL 4 LLC., remain unpaid. As of March 20, 2017 the cumulative total amount of fines is $108,050.00. To date the costs are $1,039.58 and continue to accrue until the case(s) are closed. CASE CE10090004 BACKGROUND: As a result of the advertisements for the Vacation Rental code case (CE10040157) on this property, research revealed that BBFE (below base flood elevation) enclosure had been renovated into living space and was included in the Vacation Rental activities. An investigation ensued and as a result, a Notice of Violation /Notice ofHearing was mailed to the property owners to appear at a hearing on November 17, 2011. On November 16, 2011 the property owner, ZAZSHAH M. ZALDIVAR, acknowledged the hearing date and entered into a "Stipulation to code violation and for time to comply for first time offenses" agreement with Monroe County agreeing to the violation(s) of: • MCC Sec. 110 - 140.(1) — BUILDING PERMIT REQ /CH6 - PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR IMPROVEMENTS MADE TO THE DOWNSTAIRS ENCLOSURE. • MCC Sec. 122- 4.(b)(1)d — PERMIT CONDITIONS /FLOOD HAZARD - THE DOWNSTAIRS ENCLOSURE IS IN VIOLATION OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. THE AREA BELOW THE ELEVATED STRUCTURE MAY NOT BE TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED. 2. MAY NOT BE USED FOR HABITATION. 3. HAS UNPERMITTED ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING AND FINISHES. • MCC Sec. 6- 27.(b)(2)e - UNSAFE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING FBC - THE BUILDING OFFICIAL HAS DEEMED THE ELECTRIC AND PLUMBING UNSAFE DUE TO LACK OF PERMITS, INSPECTIONS AND APPROVALS. • MCC Sec. 6- 27.(b)(2)h - UNSAFE PERMITS INSPECTIONS C.O - THE BUILDING OFFICIAL HAS DEEMED THE STRUCTURAL, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL IMPROVEMENTS AND FINISHES TO THE DOWNSTAIRS ENCLOSURE UNSAFE DUE TO LACK OF PERMITS, INSPECTIONS AND APPROVALS. • MCC Sec. 6- 27.(b)(2)j - UNSAFE ILLEGAL USE OCCUPANCY - THE DOWNSTAIRS ENCLOSURE WAS PERMITTED FOR STORAGE ONLY. NO HABITATION ALLOWED. THE BUILDING OFFICIAL HAS DEEMED THE HABITATION IN THE DOWNSTAIRS ENCLOSURE UNSAFE AS IT IS AN IMPROPER AND ILLEGAL USE AND OCCUPANCY. MEMO REFFERAL FOR FURTHER ACTION CE10090004 CE15100106 PINBALL further agreeing to a compliance date of March 17, 2012 with a daily cumulative fine(s) of $350.00 if compliance was not achieved by that date. At the hearing on November 17, 2011 the Code Compliance Special Magistrate entered a Final Order approving the Signed Stipulation Agreement and accepting it's agreed upon terms. Compliance was not achieved, however on March 28, 2012 the property owner entered into a "Stipulation for an extension of time to comply" with the County agreeing to a new compliance date of July 17, 2012. Compliance was not achieved, however on July 10, 2012 the property owner entered into a 2nd "Stipulation for an extension of time to comply" with the County agreeing to a new compliance date of October 17, 2012. Compliance was not achieved by the final agreed upon compliance date, and the daily fines began accruing on October 18, 2012. On February 20, 2013 the Final Order was recorded in the Official Records as a lien. On April 15 2013 a letter was mailed to 2 addresses; the address on the tax records and an address found from a previous case. The property owner, ZAZSHAH M ZALDIVAR achieved compliance on July 22, 2013. Therefore, fine(s) of $350.00 per day ran for 277 days, (October 18, 2012 - July 22, 2013), for a total of $96,950.00. Costs will continue to accrue until compliance is achieved and the lien is paid. A letter disclosing the payoff amount was mailed to ZAZSHAH M ZALDIVAR. Research reveals that on August 20, 2013 a Quit Claim Deed was recorded in the MCCO passing title of this property to PINBALL 4, LLC. It is the County's position that this lien is a lien on the property that was the subject of the code compliance action and remains attached to this parcel, and all other real and /or personal property owned by ZAZSHAH M ZALDIVAR. Therefore, a Notice of Motion to Authorize Foreclosure and /or Money Judgment /Notice of Hearing was mailed to the property owner certified mail on May 12, 2016. The property and courthouse were posted, as well as the Notice was mailed ls` class mail. A collection hearing was held on April 30, 2015 and no one appeared on behalf of the property owners. However, staff read into the record that the property owner's counsel had requested a Mitigation hearing for September 29, 2016 and that the open sewer case would have to be compliant by that date to proceed with the Mitigation request. The Special Magistrate agreed, approved the motion and issued an Order Authorizing Foreclosure. CASE CE15100106 BACKGROUND: This property has been owned by ZAZSHAH M ZALDIVAR since 2006, and then transferred to PINBALL 4, LLC., in 2013. This property was due for connection to the central sewer system in October 2010. Notices were sent by the Utility to the property owners from 2010 — 2015, following which this case was then referred to Monroe County Code Compliance for further action. On April 13, 2016 a Courtesy Notice was mailed to the property owner and posted at the subject property. Subsequently, a Notice of Violation /Notice ofHearing was mailed and a hearing was held June 24, 2016 and no one appeared on behalf of the property owner. The Special Magistrate found this property in violation of • MCC Sec. 20- 78.(a) FAILURE TO COMPLETE THE MANDATORY CONNECTION OF THE ABOVE STATED PROPERTY TO THE CENTRAL SEWER SYSTEM AND /OR DECOMMISSIONING ANY ON -SITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM WITHIN 30 DAYS OF NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF SERVICES. and imposed a compliance date of September 22, 2016 with fines to accrue if compliance was not achieved. 0a MEMO REFFERAL FOR FURTHER ACTION CE10090004 CE15100106 PINBALL Compliance was not by achieved and the Final Order was recorded in the Monroe County Official Records as a lien on September 29, 2016. Letters were mailed to the property owner on October 3, 2016 and December 13, 2016. On December 28, 2016 research revealed the violation remained, therefore, a Notice of Motion to Authorize Foreclosure and/or Money Judgment /Notice of Hearing was mailed to the property owners certified mail. On February 10, 2017 research revealed that the property owner, PINBALL 4 LLC. had achieved compliance on January 12, 2017. Therefore, $100.00 per day accrued for 111 days, (September 23, 2016 — January 12, 2017), for a total of $11,100.00. A letter disclosing the payoff amount was mailed to property owner and emailed to Nick Mulick on February 14, 2017. Costs will continue to accrue until compliance is achieved and the lien is paid. The collection hearing was held on February 23, 2017 and no one appeared on behalf of the property owners. The Special Magistrate approved the motion and issued an Order Authorizing Foreclosure. RELEVANT INFORMATION: As of March 20, 2017 the cumulative total amount of fines is $108,050.00. To date the costs are $1,039.58 and continue to accrue until the case(s) are closed. The Mitigation Hearing for CE10090004 was cancelled due to non - compliance and no further requests have been received. As of March 20, 2017 ZAZSHAH M. ZALDIVAR and PINBALL 4, LLC own no other properties in Monroe County, and no other open code cases or other outstanding Monroe County Code liens where found. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Approval of Resolution No. 057 -2014 on March 19, 2014 adopting "ATTACHMENT A" as Procedure to be used after a Final Order has been rendered by the Code Compliance Special Magistrate to initiate injunctive relief for non - compliant properties, foreclosure and /or money judgment actions for collection of unpaid fines and /or costs from a property owner. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Authorization to initiate litigation against ZAZSHAH M. ZALDIVAR and PINBALL 4, LLC., c/o BERTHA BURKE, and the property located at 1014 Dove Lane, Key Largo, Florida, and any other properties owned by them if necessary, to enforce the liens arising from code compliance case number(s) CE10090004 and CE 15100106. Kj MEMO REFFERAL FOR FURTHER ACTION CE10090004 CE15100106 PINBALL Attachments: Page(s) CE10090004 1 -3 VACATION RENTAL AD 4 UNSAFE DECLARATION 5 NOTICE OF VIOLATION/ NOTICE OF HEARING 9 STIPULATION AGREEMENT 13 FINAL ORDER 15 EXTENSION OF TIME TO STIPULATION AGREEMENT 18 2nd EXTENSION OF TIME TO STIPULATION AGREEMENT 21 LIEN 23 LETTER 26 LETTER 28 QUIT CLAIM DEED 30 MOTION FOR COLLECTIONS 35 ORDER AUTHORIZING FORECLOSURE CE15100106 36 WARRANTY DEED 8 -21 -2006 37 QUIT CLAIM DEED 8 -20 -2013 39 -44 NOTICES FROM UTILITY TO CONNECT 45 -47 COURTESY FROM CODE, CASE HAS BEEN REFERRED 48 NOTICE OF VIOLATION/NOTICE OF HEARING 3 -30 -16 52 FINAL ORDER/LIEN 54 LETTER 10 -3 -16 55 LETTER 12 -13 -16 56 -58 LETTER 12 -28 -16 W/ MOTION TO PROCEED W/ COLLECTIONS 59 ORDER AUTHORIZING FORECLOSURE 1 -26 -17 60 -61 FINES AND COSTS LETTER 62 CURRENT PROPERTY APPRAISER RECORD CARD 63 DEPT. OF CORPORATIONS FOR PINBALL [I MEMO REFFERAL FOR FURTHER ACTION CE10090004 CE15100106 PINBALL . . . . ........ ..... . Property Listing Expired This property is disabled, but you can click the button below to browse additional Key Largo vacation rentals. See more Key Largo vacation rentals F" I a x ly Tropic REed . a,I[Joln in t Florida Keys - M h Rentals in Key Larao see 218 Key Largo vacation rentals and 797 The Florida Keys vacation rentals 28 likes. to see what Send to a friend your friends like. key largo, Florida vacation i presents lis=ting pages 1-2 of 8 click end dr the paga toms or us( the previous ..Id ralxt buttons description amenities activities /attractions rates photos reviews quick facts bedrooms PGOI 110 type H"'I5 . baths hottub no community Iii groves sleeps 12 pets yes rates (USD) $2,000 - $2,500 / month allowed vacation rental description Right off Key Largo Mile Marker 96 1/2 Very relaxing & spacious in -r r ,, I Pool Table). This property is close to everything parks: Founders Park, John Pennekamp, Coral Reef State Park , Harry Harris Park also Theatre of the Sea. & Tiki Bar etc. Restaurants; Waffle House MM 100, D' Hooker Sports Bar & Grill MM 102,Paradise Pub MM 102, The Fish House Encore MM 102.3, Tower of Pizza MM 100, Papa John's Pizza MM 98, Doc!s Diner MM 99.6, Hobo's Cafe MM 101, Rib Daddy's Steak & Seafood MM 102, Nurn Thai Restaurant & Sushi Bar MM 103, Coconuts Restaurant & Night Club MM 100, Jimmy Johnson's Big A Packet Pg. T6] http://www.vacationrentals.com/vacation-rentals/22426.html?searchSource... I Chill MM 104,The Buzzards Roost Grill & Pub MM 106.5, Sundowner MM 104, Calypso's Seafood Grill MM 99.5, Key Largo Conch House MM 100.2 etc., supermarkets (Publix Supermarket MM 101, Winn Dbde MM 105, Kmart MM 101), shopping stores, thrift stores, etc ... Diving Sea Dwellers Dive Center MM 99, Garden Cove Dive Center MM 100, Scuba Quest Outlet MM 106. - central A/C file floor (in rooms aswell ) full kitchen which Includes: stove, microwave, fridge/freezer, dishwasher, toaster, coffee maker, blender, cooking pots, etc. basic cable (in rooms aswell) dvd/vcr in living room/radio with cd player washed dryer dishes/ulencilslli nens/towels bar- b- que:charcoaUoutdoor patio furniture wireless internet access vacation rental fates Monthly Rentals December - April - $2,500.00 May - August - $2,200.00 September - November - $2,000.00 please note rates will change on specific holidays ` pets charge: $25.00 - $100.00 please specify breedAveight " $350.00 deposit will be required as a security deposit (refundable) - - $125.00 cleaning fee ( Included in monthly rate) key fat house photos at a glance http: / /www.vacationrentals.com/ vacation - rentals /22426.html ?searchSource... — --a— Packet Pg. 1867 I al : \ \ \»«... \ \ } key largo w- tyn n m! Tw.vacation rental has been listed since o4172r #z e@ vjvvs 42 this month - ,@2 this year -,8256 Ace mk View Another Key Largo Vacation Ho_ Rental oapyA2ao6-P_m±_may.co All rights reserved. ham: www. acaionre S com/vacaio S 22426.6tm1 ?searchSou a a CNI ` - � "g, / � , : \ \ \»«... \ \ } key largo w- tyn n m! Tw.vacation rental has been listed since o4172r #z e@ vjvvs 42 this month - ,@2 this year -,8256 Ace mk View Another Key Largo Vacation Ho_ Rental oapyA2ao6-P_m±_may.co All rights reserved. ham: www. acaionre S com/vacaio S 22426.6tm1 ?searchSou a a CNI W TO: Joe Paskalik, Building Official THROUGH: Ronda Norman, Sr. Director, Code Enforcement FROM: �_ Inspector 01 DATE: ,s - Attached please find photographs /documents regarding: CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE: for your review. Owner/ Tenant: 2 '' RE -1,, KEY: G REQUESTING UNINHABITABLE STRUCTURE INSPECTION ( ) I have reviewed the documents /photographs provided to me regarding the above Code Enforcement Case. Based upon the photographs/ documents provided to me, it is my opinion, that the conditions of the property, structure(s) and /or system(s) are deemed to be: Unsafe per Monroe County Code and will X will not require a building permit to bring the violation(s) into compliance. Unsanitary per Monroe County Code and will will not require a permit to bring the violation(s) into compliance. Uninhabitable and will require demolition Jo Paskalik, Building Official County of Monroe Code Compliance Department 2798 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 N UT10E OF VIOLATION/NOTICE OF HEARING To: 'ZALDIVAR ZAZSHAH M Case Number: CE10090004 1014 DOVE ROAD Y LARGO, FL 33037 Location: 1014 DOVE ROAD, KEY LARGO, FL 33037 Re Number: 00485420000000 DEAR PROPERTY OWNER, You are hereby notified that an investigation of the above property was initiated on 02/15/2011 and subsequently found the following violation(s): 110 - 140.(1) - BUILDING PERMIT REQ /CH 6 PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR IMPROVEMENTS MADE TO THE DOWNSTAIRS ENCLOSURE. Corrective Action Required: Contact the Monroe County Building and Planning Department and obtain an after the fact permit or demolition permit. NOTE: All permit fees and permit requirements are based on the specific scope of work. Additional permits, permit fees, mitigation fees, or restoration of the property to original condition may be required. The minimum fee for an After The Fact permit is $500.00 (five hundred dollars) as per Monroe County Code.All permits will require PASSING FINAL INSPECTION(S). 122- 4.(b)(1)d - PERMIT CONDITIONS/FLOOD HAZARD THE DOWNSTAIRS ENCLOSURE IS IN VIOLATION OF THE FOLLOWING: *THE AREA BELOW THE ELEVATED STRUCTURE MAY NOT BE TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED. *MAY NOT BE USED FOR HABITATION. *HAS UNPERMITTED ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING AND FINISHES. �1 Packet Pg. 1870 Corrective Action Required: CONTACT THE FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT OFFICE FOR INFORMATION TO BRING THE ENCLOSURE INTO COMPLIANCE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY BEEN NOTIFIED BY THE FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT OFFICE OF THE CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUIRED PLEASE FOLLOW THE REQUIREMENTS AS STATED IN THE LETTER. ITEMS BEING STORED UNDER THE ELEVATED STRUCTURE NOT DEFINED AS LIMITED STORAGE MUST BE REMOVED. BUILDING PERMITS, APPROVALS, INSPECTIONS AND /OR FINAL INSPECTIONS MAY ALSO BE REQUIREDYLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT OFFICE (305)289 -2866. 6- 27.(b)(2)e - UNSAFE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING FBC THE BUILDING OFFICIAL HAS DEEMED THE ELECTRIC AND PLUMBING UNSAFE DUE TO LACK OF PERMITS, INSPECTIONS AND APPROVALS. Corrective Action Required: CONTACT THE MONROE COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND OBTAIN A PERMIT TO DEMOLISH THE OFFENDING SYSTEM OR OBTAIN A PERMIT TO BRING THE SYSTEM UP TO CODE. NO EXTRA TIME TO COMPLY WILL BE GIVEN AS THIS VIOLATION POSES A SERIOUS THREAT TO PUBLIC HEALTH SAFETY AND WELFARE. 6- 27.(b)(2)h - UNSAFE PERMITS INSPECTIONS C.O THE BUILDING OFFICIAL HAS DEEMED THE STRUCTURAL, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL IMPROVEMENTS AND FINISHES TO THE DOWNSTAIRS ENCLOSURE UNSAFE DUE TO LACK OF PERMITS, INSPECTIONS AND APPROVALS. Corrective Action Required: Contact the Monroe County Building Department to: obtain an after the fact permit and/or renew an existing permit, complete required inspections, obtain a certificate of occupancy and/or certificate of completion. No extra time to comply will be given as this violation poses a serious threat to public health safety and welfare. 6- 27.(b)(2)j - UNSAFE ILLEGAL USE OCCUPANCY THE DOWNSTAIRS ENCLOSURE WAS PERMITTED FOR STORAGE ONLY. NO HABITATION ALLOWED. THE BUILDING OFFICIAL HAS DEEMED THE HABITATION IN THE DOWNSTAIRS ENCLOSURE UNSAFE AS IT IS AN IMPROPER AND ILLEGAL USE AND OCCUPANCY. Corrective Action Required: CEASE AND DESIST IMPROPER OR ILLEGAL USE(S). CONTACT THE MONROE COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND /OR PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO OBTAIN THE NECESSARY PERMIT(S) AND /OR APPROVAL(S) TO 1 2 Packet Pg. 1871 BRING UP TO CODE OR TO CONTINUE SUCH USE(S). NO EXTRA TIME TO COMPLY WILL BE GIVEN AS THIS VIOLATION POSES A SERIOUS THREAT TO PUBLIC HEALTH SAFETY AND WELFARE. (X) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Public Hearing will be conducted by the Special Magistrate in the above case on 11/17/2011 at 9:00 A M at the Monroe County Government Regional Center, 2798 Overseas Hwy., Marathon, Florida. ( ) You can avoid attending the hearing if all violation(s) noted above are corrected by N/A and you have contacted your inspector. If a violation is corrected and then recurs, or if a violation is not corrected by the time specified, the case may be presented to the Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. (X) The Code Inspector has reason to believe violation(s) or the condition causing the violation(s) presents a serious threat to the public health, safety, and welfare or is irreparable or irreversible in nature, therefore no compliance date has been provided. This case may be presented to the Special Magistrate even if the violation(s) have been corrected prior to the hearing. ( ) The Code Inspector has reason to believe repeat violation(s) have been found, therefore no compliance date has been provided. This case may be presented to the Special Magistrate even if the repeat violation(s) have been corrected prior to the hearing. If the Special Magistrate finds that violation(s) have occurred, then the Special Magistrate may impose fines, not to exceed $1,000 per day per violation for a first violation, $5,000 per day per violation for a repeat violation, and up to $15,000 per violation if the Special Magistrate finds the violation to be irreparable or irreversible in nature. In addition to such fines, the Special Magistrate may impose additional fines to cover all costs incurred by the County in enforcing its codes. If the County is forced to correct your violation(s), the Special Magistrate may order all costs incurred to be reimbursed to the County. THE IlVIPOSITION OF FINES AND /OR COSTS MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST YOU AND YOUR PROPERTY. You may appear in person and/or be represented by an attorney or authorized agent. If you are represented by an attorney, your attorney is required to file a written notice of appearance with the Liaison for the Special Magistrate, 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 330, Marathon, FL 33050; Phone: (305) 289 -2509, Fax: (305) 289 -2858, prior to the date of the hearing: You may request a continuance of the hearing for good cause shown. If you choose to request a continuance, a written request on the County's form must be made at least five (5) business days before the date of the hearing. If you choose to request a continuance, contact the Code Inspector listed below at least five (5) business days before the date of the hearing. A request for continuance DOES NOT GUARANTEE a postponement of your hearing. 0% Packet Pg. 1872 If you agree that the violation(s) exist as alleged in this Notice, you may request a Stipulation Agreement in lieu of attending the hearing. If you choose to request a Stipulation Agreement, contact the Code Inspector listed below at least five (5) business days before the date of the hearing. A request for a Stipulation Agreement does not guarantee a postponement of your hearing. It is important that you contact your inspector listed below. NOTE: IF YOU DECIDE TO APPEAL any decision by the Special Magistrate, you will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CONTACT THE CO: need to attend the hearing(s). Please contact your inspector, Code Inspector Lower Keys: 5503 College Road, Suite 204 Key West, FL 33040 (305) 292 -4495 Middle Keys: 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 330 Marathon, FL 33050 (305) 289 -2810 Upper Keys: 102050 Overseas Highway Key Largo, FL 33037 (305) 453 -8806 CER`T`IFICA'T'ION OF SERVICE to confirm that you do not location: I hereby certify that a copy hereof has been furnished to the above ed by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Request No.: 7009 0080 0002 3542 1942 on I! I - %0� Code Compliance epartment IF SERVICE IS NOT OBTAINED BY CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT MAIL, A TRUE AND ACCURATE COPY OF THIS NOTICE WILL BE POSTED AT THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND THE MONROE COUNTY COURTHOUSE. ADA ASSISTANCE: If you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodations in order to participate in this proceeding, please contact the County Administrator's Office, by phoning (305) 292 -4441, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., no later than five (5) calendar days prior to the scheduled meeting; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call "711 ". Packet Pg. 1873 MONROE COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DOOp 1921270 Monroe County Code Enforcement Bkp 2614 Pgp 805 Petitioner VS. ZALDNAR ZAZSHAM M. Respondent(s) Case Number CE10090004 STIPULATION TO CODE VIOLATION AND FOR TIME TO COMPLY FOR FIRST TIME OFFENSES In the matter of: Re# 00485420000000 ZALDIVAR ZAZSHAM M (hereinafter referred to jointly and severally as "Respondent(s)l and Monroe County Code Enforcement CPefitioner°), by and through the undersigned individuals, hereby agree and stipulate to the following: Respondent(s) agrees that I/we received the Notice of Hearing issued in this case, and that a hearing is scheduled to be heard on NOVEMBER 17TH, 2011 to determine whether the charges alleged in the Notice of Violation and Notice of Hearing are accurate and supported by substantial evidence (Hearings. 2. Respondent(s) agrees that the violation(s) exist as alleged in the Notice of Violation which was served in this matter. Respondent(s) understands that he /she could appear at the Hearing and contest any evidence to be submitted by Code C.%Usaslcude- lisett WomumbWMULAnONFORZAIAIVARdoe n Packet Pg. 1874 Enforcement. However, by entering into this Stipulation, Respondent(s) understands and agrees that (a) He/she need not appear at the Hearing, but instead, stipulates to entry of the finding against Respondent(s); and (b) Any evidence in the Code Enforcement file will be deemed the record in the case; and (c) He or she waives the right to appeal any finding of violation or order that he or she would otherwise have under Section 162.11, Florida Statutes. 3. The Respondent(s) understand that the property will be checked for compliance on MARCH 17TH, 2012 4. The parties understand that a fine of $360.00 per day that shall accrue daily if the property is not brought into compliance within the time specified in paragraph 3. 5. The Respondent(s) understands that if the Respondent(s) fails to comply within the time given in paragraph 3, the fine(s) shall accrue each day the violations remain as follows. Docp 1921270 () Bkq 2614 Pgq 806 110 - 140.(1) 50.00 per day 122- 4.(b)(1)d 50.00 per day 6- 27.(b)(2)e 100.00 per day 6- 27.(b)(2)h 100.00 per day 6- 27.(b)(2)j 50.00 per day 6. The Respondent(s) agree to pay all costs incurred in prosecuting the case within 30 days of compliance and that such costs shall be imposed as a lien under Section 162.09(2)(d), Florida Statutes, and Monroe County Code section 8- 29(b). C: %Uurs%mWc4Wcft\Docm mtMTIFULATION FOR ZALDNARdoc 2 1" m- Packet Pg. 1875 7. Respondent(s) specifically agree that this Stipulation Agreement shall be recorded in the public records of the County and shall constitute notice to subsequent purchasers, successors in interests, or assigns that the violations of Monroe County Code 110- 140.(1).1224(b)(1)d, 6- 27.(b)(2)e. 6- 27.(b)(2)(h), & 6-27,116 )(2)1 exists. This Stipulation Agreement shall be recorded as a lien against the property and upon any other real or personal property owned by the Respondent(s) if the property Is not brought into compliance by the date specified in paragraph 3. 8. Respondent(s) agrees and represents that Respondent(s) entered into this Stipulation of the Respondent(s)'s own free will. Respondent(s) further understands and agrees that he/she has the right to consult with counsel prior to signing this Stipulation, and has done so or has elected to waive this right. 9. The parties understand and agree that the Respondent(s) may revoke this Stipulation and that such revocation must be done in writing or done in person with LISETTE CUTIE by the end of business NOVEMBER 16TH, 2011 Bkq 2614 12 P9N 807 C: 1Usenlcutie4iseneU )owments%TIPULATION FOR ZALDIVAR .doe Packet Pg. 1876 By signing this Stipulation, both parties represent that they have READ, UNDERSTOOD, AND CONSENT to its terms and conditions. c�l�bf' Sign dents) I Date Print Name STATE OF - FA COUNTY OF PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE MB, the undersigned authority, 'ITT after rust Demg om uy me, am=mwner srgnauae (=moo aigmng) m the provic� above day of 201 1 NOTARY PUBLIC My commiasio Z0 Y APPEARED BRFORR MQ the Swom Dy me, day of who, after Signature of Respondent(s) / Date Print Name STATE OF COUNTY OF PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE MS, the undersigned authority, who, after firstbeing swornbyme, affixedbisther dpatnra (name of individual sipint in the space provided above on this day of 20 NOTARY PUBLIC My oOMmission expires 20_ DOCN 1921270 BkN 2814 Pg* 808 BRENW RIeBY Notary ROD - slate al Amb My Comm. Eapiroe Sep 5.2114 Camtaleelon V EE 8091 ThroepA kMAI NOMMAnn C:\Usms=LY%AppD�m UO=MEM=&WbftwiMmVonq b1cmd PileeVQommt l ID7f93AUl4TII�ULA'IION I+08 ZAIDNAR111AM 4 I ft Packet Pg. 1877 BEFORE Tr*COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAO". MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA, ) Petitioner, ) vs. ) Z2r 7es�w�� v ) Case No. CE �� DDD Subject Property Real Estate Number. 4 % ?15y0?6 460" DOC 1921270 02/20/2013 2:45PN Filed 6 Recorded in Official Records of MONROE COUNTY ANY HEAVILIN -- Respondent(s). 1 Docp 1921270 1 BkN 2614 P91111 803 FINAL ORDER Having fully considered the evidence presented at hearing, including testimony of the Code Enforcement Inspector(s) and/or witnesses under oath, the following Flnd'mgs of Fact and Conclusions of Law are ORDERED: CD CD The Respondent(s) and/or Authorized Representative SIGNED A STIPULATION AGREEMENT WITH MORNOE COUNTY CD CD were not present and did not contest the violabm(s) set forth in the Notice of VlolationlNotice of Hearing which is Incorporated herein as if fully set forth. h. ( 1 �`) The Respondents) islare the owners) of property located within Monroe County and wasMrere duly noticed of the hearing. The Respondent(s) islare in violation of the Monroe County Code(s) as fully set forth In the Notice of Violation/Notice of Hearing filed in this case and pursuant to Section 162.07 of Florida Statutes costa in an amount to be determined at the conclusion of this case are hereby levied for the administrative recovery of the costs of prosecuting and Investigating this matter. Costs will continue to accrue until compliance is achieved and case Is closed. Fu ammo a Respondents) shall comply with those Code(s) referred to in the Notice of Vloladon/Notice of Hearing on or before VA ('THE COMPLIANCE DATE - ). In the event the violation(s) were or are not corrected on THE COMPLIANCE DATE PREVIOUSLY ORDERED or on THE COMPLIANCE DATE SET FORTH HEREIN, fine(s) in the amount of $ /D - /yo.(i) o -4746 );. 0 4TO, ao y bx /,:: �o?7CG��it'�Il '� /DO• DO (PER AGREEMENT) for each day beginning on THE DAY AFTER THE COMPLIANCE DATE that the Respondent(s) Ware in violation islare hereby ORDERED. ( ) a one time fine of $ is ORDERED, and the condition causing the violations) Is found to present a threat to the public health, safety and welfare. It is further ordered, that the County Is hereby authorized to make all reasonable repairs which are required to bring the properly Into compliance and charge the respondent(s) with cost of repairs including administrative recovery of the costs of prosecuting and investigating this matter. R IS THE RESPONDENT(S) RESPONSIBILITY TO REQUEST A REINSPECTION TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE PROPERTY IS COMPLIANT BY CALLING CODE ENFORCEMENT AT (30514538808 FOR THE UPPER KEYS: (3051289-2810 FOR THE MIDDLE KEYS: (305) 292.4495 FOR THE LOWER KEYS In the event of nonpayment of fines and/or costs Imposed on Respondent(s), a certified copy of this Order may be recorded in the public records and shall thereafter constitute a Alen against the land on which the violation or violations exist and upon any other real or personal property owned by the violator. The County may institute foreclosure proceedings H the Alen remains unpaid for three months andlor may sue to recover money judgment for the amount of the Alen plus accrued Interest Please make checks payable to Monroe County Code Enforcement and mall to: Monroe County Code Enforcement, Attn: Office of the Lialson, 2798 Overseas Hwy., Suite 330, Marathon, FL 33050. ( ) The Respondents) were in violation of the MONROE COUNTY Code(s) as fully set forth In the Notice of Violation/Notice of Hearing filed in this case and did not come into compliance on or before THE COMPLIANCE DATE but are now In compliance. The Respondent(s) shell pay the total re amount of cost and/or fines ($ 1 to Monroe County Code Enforcement within thirty (30) days of this Ord . ( ) STIPULATION AGREEMENT IS ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN. DATED this ��_ day of Page 1 of 2 Packet Pg. 1878 C ^i FINAL ORDER PAGE 2 CASE NUMBER: CE10090004 Respondent(s) mailing address of record with the Monroe County Property Appraiser's Office: ZALDIVAR ZAZSHAH M 1014 DOVE ROAD KEY LARGO, FL 33037 Location of Subject Property: 1014 DOVE ROAD KEY LARGO, FL 33037 RE NUMBER: 00485420000000 Docli 1921270 Bkq 2614 PqN 804 CERTIFICATE OF ORDER I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of the above Order. Nicole M. Petrick, Liaison CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of this Order has been furnished to the Respondent(s) via hand delivery / first class U.S. mail to Respondent(s) address of record with the Monroe C ounty Property Appraiser's Office as referenced above and/or rized Representative on this � Auth day of ,20 Nicole M. Petrick, Liaison PAGE 2 of 2 a. Packet Pg. 1879 s MONROE COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE Monroe County Code Enforcement Petitioner vs. Case Number CE10090004 Doc# 1921270 ZALDIVAR ZAZSHAM M Bk# 2614 Pga 809 Respondent(s) STIPULATION FOR AN EXTENSION OF TIME TO COM &Y In the matter of: Re# 00485420000000 ZAZSHAM M ZALDIVAR (hereinafter referred to jointly and severally as "Respondent(s) ") and Monroe County Code Enforcement ( "Petitioner "), by and through the undersigned individuals, hereby agree and stipulate to the following: 1. Respondent(s) agrees I/we received and signed the Stipulation agreement on NOVEMBER 16, 2011 Under the Stipulated Agreement we agreed to a compliance date of 03117/2012 INVe are not going to be in compliance by that date. 2. Respondent(s) agrees that the violation(s) still exist in the above mentioned complaint as alleged in the Notice of Violation which was served in this matter. (a) The parties are now agreeing to extend the compliance date. (b) He or she waives the right to appeal any finding of violation or order that he or she would otherwise have under Section 162.11, Florida Statutes. 3. The property will be checked for compliance on 0711712012 compliance date). 4. The parties understand that a fine of $350.00 per day shall accrue daily if the property is not brought into compliance within the time specified in paragraph 3. C:\ Users\ cube- lisettc\Documents\Stipulation EXTENSION OF TIME I- ZALDIVAR.doc I 0W Packet Pg. 1880 s 5. The Respondent(s) understands that if the Respondents(s) fails to comply within the time given in paragraph 3, the fine(s) shall accrue each day the violation(s) remain as follows: 6- 27.(b)(2)h 100.00 per day BkN 2614 810 6- 27.(B)(2)e 100.00 per day 6- 27.(b)(2)j 50.00 per day 122- 4.(b)(1)d 50.00 per day 110 - 140.(1) 50.00 per day 6. The Respondent(s) agree to pay all costs incurred in prosecuting the case within 30 days of compliance and that such costs may be imposed as a lien under Section 162.09(2)(d), Florida Statutes, and Monroe County Code section 8- 29(b). 7. Respondent(s) specifically agree that this Stipulation Agreement shall be recorded in the public records of the County and shall constitute notice to subsequent purchasers, successors in interests, or assigns that the violations of Monroe County Code 6- 27.(b)(2)(h), 6- 27.(b)(21e, 6-27.(b)(21 110 - 140.(1) exists. This Stipulation Agreement shall be recorded as a lien against the property and upon any other real or personal property owned by the Respondent(s) if the property is not brought into compliance by the date specified in paragraph 3. 8. Respondent(s) agrees and represents that Respondent(s) entered into this Stipulation of the Respondent(s)'s own free will. Respondent(s) further understands and agrees that he /she has the right to consult with counsel prior to signing this Stipulation, and has done so or has elected to waive this right. 9. The parties understand and agree that the Respondent(s) may revoke this Stipulation and that such revocation must be done in writing or done in person with Lisette Cutie by the end of business 03/27/2012 C:\ Users\ cutie- lisette\Documents\Stipulation EXTENSION OF TIME I- ZALDIVAR.doc 2 a # F packet Pg. 1881 N W.j- By signing this Stipulation, both parties represent that they have READ, UNDERSTOOD, AND CONSENT to its t rms nd conditions. Docp 1921270 nz Bkp 2614 Pgq 811 Si f ondent(s) / Date , :�O - �ffNx K M- Id W" _ Print Name Signature of Respondent(s) / Date STATE OF _:Ror;CkL COUNTY OF 1Movxrb-e— Print Name PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, 2g zshah ZaldiVaY who, after first being sworn by me, affixed his/her signature (name of individual signing) in the space provided above on this X— day of oac.. r_I 20 " aY CRYSTAL FAY SEBBEfirSt 1 ARY PUB • � ': Notary Public - State of •5 My Comm. Expires Nov 11 Commission # DD 83 V' .... Banded Through National Notary Assn. STATE OF _ COUNTY OF PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, who, after 3 sworn by me, affixed his/her signature individual signing) in the space provided this day of 20_ Sig sure of Petitioner (County) / Date 1 VAZ 61k Inspectors name STATE OF R D/-L - eLg, COUNTY OF vvt mA4, --. PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, Lr s -e k e- " who, after first being sworn by me, affixed his/her signature (name of individual signing) in the space provided above on this —� day of 20A;-. NOTARY PUBLIC t EM CRY57AL FAY SEBBEN ary Public •State of Florida MOTARY PUBLIC omm. Expires Nov 19 .2012 ommission # DD 839697 d Thronoh National Notary Assn. C:\ Users \cu tie- lisette\Documents\Stipulation EXTENSION OF TIME 1- ZALDIVAR.doc 31 F packet Pg. 1882 ate. ,r MONROE COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE Monroe County Code Enforcement Petitioner vs. ZALDIVAR ZAZSHAM M Respondent(s) Case Number CE10090004 DocN 1921270 Bkp 2614 Pga 812 2 STIPULATION FOR AN EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLY In the matter of: Re# 00485420000000 ZAZSHAM M ZALDIVAR (hereinafter referred to jointly and severally as "Respondent(s) ") and Monroe County Code Enforcement ( "Petitioner"), by and through the undersigned individuals, hereby agree and stipulate to the following: 1. Respondent(s) agrees I /we received and signed the Stipulation agreement on NOVEMBER 16, 2011 Under the Stipulated Agreement we agreed to a compliance date of 03/17/2012 I/We are not going to be in compliance by that date. 2. Respondent(s) agrees that the violation(s) still exist in the above mentioned complaint as alleged in the Notice of Violation which was served in this matter. (a) The parties are now agreeing to extend the compliance date. (b) He or she waives the right to appeal any finding of violation or order that he or she would otherwise have under Section 162.11, Florida Statutes. 3. The property will be checked for compliance on 10/17/2012 (New compliance date). 4. The parties understand that a fine of $350.00 per day shall accrue daily if the property is not brought into compliance within the time specified in paragraph 3. C:\ Users\ cutie- lisette \Documents\Stipulation EXTENSION OF TIME 1- ZALDIVAR - 2nd.doc I Packet Pg. 1883 5. The Respondent(s) understands that if the Respondents(s) fails to comply within the time given in paragraph 3, the fine(s) shall accrue each day the violation(s) remain as follows: 6- 27.(b)(2)h 6- 27.(B)(2)e 6- 27.(b)(2)I 122- 4.(b)(1)d 110440.(1) Doco 1921270 Bkp 2514 P9111 813 100.00 per day 100.00 per day 50.00 per day 50.00 per day 50.00 per day 6. The Respondent(s) agree to pay all costs incurred in prosecuting the case within 30 days of compliance and that such costs may be imposed as a lien under Section 162.09(2)(d), Florida Statutes, and Monroe County Code section 8- 29(b). 7. Respondent(s) specifically agree that this Stipulation Agreement shall be recorded in the public records of the County and shall constitute notice to subsequent purchasers, successors in interests, or assigns that the violations of Monroe County Code 627.(b)(2)(h), 6-27.(b)(219, 6- 274b)(2)1.122.4.(b)(1)d,110- 140.(1) exists. This Stipulation Agreement shall be recorded as a lien against the property and upon any other real or personal property owned by the Respondent(s) if the property is not brought into compliance by the date specified in paragraph 3. 8. Respondent(s) agrees and represents that Respondent(s) entered into this Stipulation of the Respondent(s)'s own free will. Respondent(s) further understands and agrees that he /she has the right to consult with counsel prior to signing this Stipulation, and has done so or has elected to waive this right. 9. The parties understand and agree that the Respondent(s) may revoke this Stipulation and that such revocation must be done in writing or done in person with Lisette Cutie by the end of business 07/17/2012 C.\ Users\cutic -lisette\Documents\Sdpulation EXTENSION OF TIME I- ZALDNAR - 2nd.doc F packet Pg. 1884 By signing this Stipulation, both parties represent that they have READ, UNDERSTOOD, Dooll 1821270 Bkp 2614 Pgq 814 AND CONSENT to its terms and conditions. Si"at at a dents) / Date - �CAS h -K " �DdWc Print Name STATE OF V10 COUNTY OF on ttO4 PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, 7ZA? - 5 i4 AM M, ZACD who, after first being sworn by me, affixed his/her signature (name of individual si in¢) * In th e rovided abov on this 1O ' day of 0 — 1Z , Signature of Respondent(s) / Date Print Name STATE OF _ COUNTY OF •' 1 PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, who, after first being sworn by me, affixed his/her signature (name of individual signing) in the space provided above on this day of 20_ PUBLIC CUTIE Notary Public - State of Florida My Comm. Expires Oct 18, 2014 ' Commission N EE 35572 Bonded Ttlroagn Naliondl Nolary Assn. / Date �• s e > �N� z W6 j L5 ® ® W N R M W o )• N • o oe W O M m CL.. a C3 _& e NOTARY PUBLIC LY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the authority / __ r _ w ho. being sworn by me, affixed his/her (name of individual signing) in the hided above on this ___&J day of OFFICIAL C C:\ Users\cutie- Iisette\Documents\.Stipulation EXTENSION OF TIME 1- ZALDIVAR - 2nd.doc Packet Pg. 1885 ,,$, W-1 BEFORE T'�ftOUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGIV, SLATE MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA, Petitioner, Case No. CE Vs. ) z7ZZ147" 9�� r 1 Respondent(s). Subject Property Real Estate Number. - t% FINAL ORDER DOC 1921270 02/20/2013 2:45PM Filed d Recorded in Official Records of MONROE COUNTY AMY 14EAVILIN Docp 1921270 BkN 2614 P91111 W3 Having fully considered the evidence presented at hearing, Including testimony of the Code Enforcement Inspector(s) and/or witnesses under oath, the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law are ORDERED: The Respondent(s) and/or Authorized Representative SIGNED A STIPULATION AGREEMENT WITH MORNOE COUNTY we re not present and did not contest the violations) set forth in the Notice of Vlolation/Notice of Hearing which Is Incorporated herein as if fully set fo (.) The Respondent(s) islare the owner(s) of property located within Monroe County and was/were duly noticed of the hearing. The Respondent(s) is/are in violation of the Monroe County Code(s) as fully set forth In the Notice of Vloletion/Notice of Hearing filed In this case and pursuant to Section 16207 of Florida Statutes costs in an amount to be determined at the conclusion of this case are hereby levied for the administrative recovery of the costs of prosecuting and Investigating this matter. Costs will continue to accrue until compliance is achieved and can Is closed. Fu 0 � the Respondent(s) shall comply with those Code(s) referred to in the Notice of Vlolation/Notioe of Hearing on or before � 7 DD Q ('THE COMPLIANCE DATE - ). (Y) In the event the violation(s) were or are not corrected on THE COMPLIANCE DATE PREVIOUSLY ORDERED or on THE COMPLIANCE DATE SET FORTH HEREIN, finals) in the amount of. $ //1J - /y0. //) 3D,o0 6 -a7./ ,h)/.R) ;. O sa_ 0/ IoM ­V46oAW 4 .5 - 0, 00 /. - a7. 16Ya)e Pico. 00 - a7(,6)1R1F 4 ( /00-00 AGREEMENT) for each day beginning on THE DAY AFTER THE COMPLIANCE DATE that the Respondent(s) is/are In violation Is/are hereby ORDERED. { ) a one time fine of $ is ORDERED, and the condition causing the violation(s) is found to present a threat to the public health, safety and welfare. It Is further ordered, that the County Is hereby authorized to make all reasonable repairs which are required to bring the property Into compliance and charge the respondent(s) with cost of repairs Including administrative recovery of the costs of prosecuting and investigating this matter. In the event of nonpayment of fines and/or costs imposed on Respondent(s), a cerdfled copy of this Order may be recorded In the public records and shall thereafter constitute a Ilan against the land on which the violation or violations exist and upon any other real or personal property owned by the violator. The County may insdhrte foreclosure proceedings H the lien remains unpaid for three months and/or may sue to recover money judgment for the amount of the Ilan plus accrued Interest Pima make checks payable to Monroe County Code Enforcement and mail to: Monroe County Code Enforcement, Attn: Office of the Liaison, 2799 Overseas Hwy., Sufte 330, Marathon, FL 33050. ( ) The Respondent(s) were in violation of the MONROE COUNTY Code(s) as fully set forth In the Notice of Vfolation/Notice of Hearing flied In this case and did not come into compliance on or before THE COMPLIANCE DATE but are now In compliance. The Respondent(s) shall pay the total amount of cost and/or fines ($ 1 to Monroe County Code Enforcement within thirty (30) days of this Ord . ( TIPULATION AGREEMENT IS ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN. DATED this day of Page 1 of 2 i '.1 r` r r a Packet Pg. 1886 Ar"Ir a kb ,. FINAL ORDER PAGE 2 0 CASE NUMBER: CE10090004 Respondent(s) mailing address of record with the Monroe County Property Appraiser's Office: ZALDIVAR ZAZSHAH M 1014 DOVE ROAD KEY LARGO, FL 33037 Location of Subject Property: 1014 DOVE ROAD KEY LARGO, FL 33037 RE NUMBER: 00485420000000 Doan 1921270 BkN 2614 Pgp 804 CERTIFICATE OF ORDER I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of the above Order. .4 1{# /�✓� Nicole M. Petrick, Liaison CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of this Order has been furnished to the Respondent(s) via hand delivery / fi class U. S. mail to Respondent(s) address of record with the Monroe County Property Appraiser's Office as referenced above and/or Auth rized Representative on this I Z7 2 V day of My. ,20 Nicole M. Petrick, Liaison PAGE 2 of 2 „sue„ .M Packet Pg. 1887 County of Monroe Growth Management Division Code Compliance Department 2798 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 Voice: (305) 289 -2810 FAX: (305) 289 -2536 Board of County Commissioners Mayor David Rice, Dist. 4 Mayor Pro Tern Kim Wigington, Dist. 1 Heather Carruthers, Dist. 3 George Neugent, Dist. 2 Sylvia J. Murphy, Dist. 5 ZAZSHAH M ZALDIVAR 1014 DOVE RD KEY LARGO, FL 33037 April 15, 2013 Subject: Code Case: CE10090004 Dear Mr. Zaldivar, The purpose of this letter is to inform you that our records indicate that the violations remain on your property and the fines will continue to run in the amount of $350.00 per day until the property comes into compliance. Additionally a lien against your property was recorded in the Official Records of Monroe County on February 20, 2013 at Document 1921270, Book 2614, Page(s) 803 -814. The current amount of the Monroe County Lien is $62,984.50. This lien is a lien on the property that was the subject of the code enforcement action and upon any and all other real and/or personal property you own. You can resolve this matter by bringing the property into compliance and remitting payment in full to: Monroe County Code Compliance Department Attention: Nicole Petrick 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 330 Marathon, Florida 33050 The County will then provide a Release and Satisfaction of lien to you. It is then your responsibility to record the Release and Satisfaction with the Clerk of Courts in Monroe County. Please note that once your property is in compliance you may request mitigation of your fine(s) based on any mitigating circumstances. Failure to bring your property into compliance within 30 days will result in a referral to the Monroe County Attorney's Office for further action. Respectfully yours, Kathleen Windsor Sr. Code Compliance Research Analyst Windsor-kattileen@moni-oecounly-fl.gov 305- 289 -2586 Packet Pg. 1888 P p M. "FR Z F. Z ZA-Di t-- L C -------- ---------- ----- -------- ---- ---------- '- !-'E Clc PAY - Alill� ------------------- - H E C. ------------- ; ' : 4 R A 7 A - 77 P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,"ZUlly Zaldivar Za7 shah M Zaldi lac- SAW .LzA Se "0 (ac, 644 Packet Pg. 1889 lr,Avl A I County of Monroe Growth Management Division Code Compliance Department 2798 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 Voice: (305) 289 -2810 FAX: (305) 289 -2536 Board of County Commissioners Mayor David Rice, Dist. 4 Mayor Pro Tern Kim Wigington, Dist. 1 Heather Carruthers, Dist. 3 George Neugent, Dist. 2 Sylvia J. Murphy, Dist. 5 ZAZSHAH M ZAILDIVAR 16905 SW 192 ST Miami FL 33187 April 15, 2013 Subject: Code Case: CE10090004 Dear Mr. Zaldivar, The purpose of this letter is to inform you that our records indicate that the violations remain on your property and the fines will continue to run in the amount of $350.00 per day until the property comes into compliance. Additionally a lien against your property was recorded in the Official Records of Monroe County on February 20, 2013 at Document 1921270, Book 2614, Page(s) 803 -814. The current amount of the Monroe County Lien is $62,984.50. This lien is a lien on the property that was the subject of the code enforcement action and upon any and all other real and/or personal property you own. You can resolve this matter by bringing the property into compliance and remitting payment in full to: Monroe County Code Compliance Department Attention: Nicole Petrick 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 330 Marathon, Florida 33050 The County will then provide a Release and Satisfaction of lien to you. It is then your responsibility to record the Release and Satisfaction with the Clerk of Courts in Monroe County. Please note that once your property is in compliance you may request mitigation of your fine(s) based on any mitigating circumstances. Failure to bring your property into compliance within 30 days will result in a referral to the Monroe County Attorney's Office for further action. Respectfully yours, Kathleen Windsor Sr. Code Compliance Research Analyst Windsor-kathigen@tnonroecountv-: 305- 289 -2586 1 Packet Pg. 1890 rA County of Monroe Growth Management Division Code Compliance Department 2798 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 Voice: (305) 289 -2810 FAX: (305) 289 -2536 Board of County Commissioners Mayor David Rice, Dist. 4 Mayor Pro Tem Kim Wigington, Dist. 1 Heather Carruthers, Dist. 3 George Neugent, Dist. 2 Sylvia I Murphy, Dist. 5 ZAZSHAH M ZALDIVAR 1014 DOVE RD KEY LARGO, FL 33037 September 7, 2013 Subject: Code Case: CE10090004 Dear Mr. Zaldivar, The purpose of this letter is to inform you that our records indicate that this case was compliant on July 22, 2013 and the fines and/or costs due have not been paid. Additionally a lien against your property was recorded in the Official Records of Monroe County on February 20, 2013 at Document 1921270, Book 2614, Page(s) 803 -814. Fine(s) of $350.00 per day ran for 277 days, (October 18, 2012 - July 22, 2013), for a total of $96,950.00. The costs to date total $339.36. Therefore the current amount of the Monroe County Lien is $97,349.36. This lien is a lien on the property that was the subject of the code enforcement action and upon any and all other real and/or personal property you own. You may request mitigation of your fine(s) by submitting a letter within 14 days explaining any extenuating circumstances and a timeline for consideration by the Monroe County Attorney's Office. Per F.S. 162.07(2), if the local governing body prevails in prosecuting a case before the enforcement board, it shall be entitled to recover all costs incurred in prosecuting the case before the board and such costs may be included in the lien authorized under s. 162.09(3). To date these costs are $339.36 and continue to accrue until the case is closed. You can resolve this matter by remitting payment in full to: Monroe County Code Compliance Department Attention: Nicole Petrick 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 330 Marathon, Florida 33050 The County will then provide a Release and Satisfaction of lien to you. It is then your responsibility to record the Release and Satisfaction with the Clerk of Courts in Monroe County. Failure to remit payment within 30 days may result in a referral to the Monroe County Attorney's Office for further action. Respectfully yours, Kathleen Windsor Sr. Code Compliance Research Analyst W indsor- kat hlee aDmo oecounty -Il. ov 305- 289 -2586 _m Packet Pg. 1891 f ' ,.7I County of Monroe Growth Management Division Code Compliance Department 2798 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 Voice: (305) 289 -2810 FAX: (305) 289 -2536 Board of County Commissioners Mayor David Rice, Dist. 4 Mayor Pro Tern Kim Wigington, Dist. 1 Heather Carruthers, Dist. 3 George Neugent, Dist. 2 Sylvia I Murphy, Dist. 5 ZAZSHAH M ZAL13rvAR 16905 SW 192 ST Miami FL 33187 September 7, 2013 Subject: Code Case: CE10090004 Dear Mr. Zaldivar, The purpose of this letter is to inform you that our records indicate that this case was compliant on July 22, 2013 and the fines and/or costs due have not been paid. Additionally a lien against your property was recorded in the Official Records of Monroe County on February 20, 2013 at Document 1921270, Book 2614, Page(s) 803 -814. Fine(s) of $350.00 per day ran for 277 days, (October 18, 2012 - July 22, 2013), for a total of $96,950.00. The costs to date total $339.36. Therefore the current amount of the Monroe County Lien is $97,349.36. This lien is a lien on the property that was the subject of the code enforcement action and upon any and all other real and/or personal property you own. You may request mitigation of your fine(s) by submitting a letter within 14 days explaining any extenuating circumstances and a timeline for consideration by the Monroe County Attorney's Office. Per F.S. 162.07(2), if the local governing body prevails in prosecuting a case before the enforcement board, it shall be entitled to recover all costs incurred in prosecuting the case before the board and such costs may be included in the lien authorized under s. 162.09(3). To date these costs are $339.36 and continue to accrue until the case is closed. You can resolve this matter by remitting payment in full to: Monroe County Code Compliance Department Attention: Nicole Petrick 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 330 Marathon, Florida 33050 The County will then provide a Release and Satisfaction of lien to you. It is then your responsibility to record the Release and Satisfaction with the Clerk of Courts in Monroe County. Failure to remit payment within 30 days may result in a referral to the Monroe County Attorney's Office for further action. Respectfully yours, Kathleen Windsor Sr. Code Compliance Research Analyst Windsor- athlee�nroecounty -fl. ov 305- 289 -2586 Packet Pg. 1892 Prepared by and return to: Docp 1946747 08/20/2013 1: 36PN 08/20/2013 1:36PM Peter Ariz, E sq. Filed 8 Recorded In Official Records of DEED DOC STAMP CL: Krys 2103 Coral Way -# 800 MONROE COUNTY ANY HEAVILIN Miami. FL 33145 (Space Above Thb Line For Recording Data) Quit Claim Deed Bkp 2643 7 Pgp 2427 rHr Claim This Quit Cm Deed made this : day of August, 2013, between Zazshah M. Zaldivar, whose post office address is 4101 NW 0 Street, Miami, Florida 33126, grantor, and Pinball 4, LLC, a Florida limited liability corporation, whose post office address is 15966 SW 86 Terrace, Miami, Florida 33193, grantee (Whenever used herein the terms "grantor" and "grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations, trusts and trustees) Witnesseth, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND N01100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release, and quitclaim to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which grantor has in and to the following described land, situate, lying and being in the Monroe County, Florida, to -wit: Lot 10, Block 3, LID4E GROVE ESTATES, SECTION ONE, according to the flat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 54, of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. Parcel Identification Number: oa4&%2w=wo Alternate Key: 1595012 To Have and to Hold, the same together with all and singular the appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest, lien, equity and claim whatsoever of grantors, either in law or equity, for the use, benefit and profit of the said grantee forever. In Witness Whereof, grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. The land is not the homestead of the Grantor under the laws and Constitution of the State of Florida and neither the Grantor nor any person(s) for whose support the Grantor is responsible reside on or adjacent to the land. Quwr Crean Dad- Page t Packet Pg. 1893 C. Dooq 1946747 BkN 2643 Pgp 2428 I . 1 Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: i Witness: d, �irr State of Florida County of Miami -Dade 1 1, The foregoing instrument w acknowledged before me this � day of August, 2013, by Zazshah M. Zaldivar, (is personally known to me or U has produced as identification. Notary Public Quit C1a nDeed- rage 2 PEDROA ARQ MYOOM "SSIOW DD 934975 g � ' N�ember 27, 2013 Pubs UnftW'ftn Printed Name: / 4-4 40h; eoi%L My Commission Expires: MONROE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS Packet Pg. 1894 1-0� I .r a County of Monroe Growth Management Division Code Compliance Department 2798 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 Voice: (305) 289 -2810 FAX: (305) 289 -2858 Board of County Commissioners Mayor Heather Carruthers, Dist. 3 Mayor Pro Tern George Neugent, Dist. 2 Danny Kolhage, Dist. 1 David Rice, Dist. 4 Sylvia Murphy, Dist. 5 PINBALL 4 LLC BERTHA BURKE, R.A. 15966 SW 86 1x; TER MIAMI FL 33193 -3074 May 12, 2016 Subject: Code Case: CE 10090004 Location: 1014 DOVE ROAD KEY LARGO, FL 33037 Dear Property Owners, This letter is to inform you that Monroe County, Florida has imposed a lien(s) against your property (the property on which the violations occurred) as a result of the above referenced code compliance actions. This lien is a lien on the property that was the subject of the code compliance action and upon any and all other real and/or personal property you own. Our records indicate that the lien has not been paid. Additionally, pursuant to F.S. § 162.07(2), the County is entitled to recover all costs incurred in prosecuting the case and those costs are included in the lien authorized under F. S. § 162.09(3). These costs will continue to accrue until the lien is paid and the case is closed. Please take notice that a Public Hearing will be conducted by the Code Compliance Special Magistrate on June 24, 2016. The purpose of this hearing is to consider approval to initiate collection proceedings, (complaint for foreclosure and/or money judgment). Respectfully yours, Kathleen Windsor Sr. Code Compliance Research Analyst ind or -kathl e m gnroecot kab - tl,ggy, Packet Pg. 1895 BEFORE THE CODE COMPLIANCE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE M I PLO) NOTICE OF MOTION TO AUTHORIZE FORECLOSURE AND/OR MONEY JUDGMENT PROCEEDINGS & NOTICE OF HEARING Petitioner Monroe County will move the Monroe County Code Compliance Special Magistrate, pursuant to F.S. 162.09(3), to authorize foreclosure and/or money judgment proceedings on the Code Compliance Final Order/Lien in this case, which was recorded in the Official Records of Monroe County on February 20, 2013, Book 2614, Page 803 on the property that was the subject of the code compliance action described as: 1014 DOVE ROAD KEY LARGO, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RE# 00485420000000, and upon any and all other real and/or personal property you own. The current outstanding amount of the County's lien as of May 12, 2016 is $97,435.16 (fines and costs) which continue to accrue and increase until the case is compliant and closed. This motion will be considered on June 24, 2016 at the Marathon Government Center, 2798 Overseas Highway, EOC Meeting Room at 9:00 a.m., Marathon, FL 33050. I +--- - 7. Steven T. Williams Assistant County Attorney 1111 12` Street Suite 408 Key West, Florida 33040 (305) 292 -3470 Fla. Bar No.: 0740101 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this day 01: jrltl 2016 a copy of the foregoing was furnished to Respondent(s) via Certified Mail, Return Receipt Request No. to 1014 DOVE ROAD KEY LARGO, FL 33037. " a Code Compliance Department ADA ASSISTANCE: If you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodations in order to participate in this proceeding, please contact the County Administrator's Office, by phoning (305) 2924441, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., no later than ten (10) calendar days prior to the scheduled meeting; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 11 711 ". F packet Pg. 1896 ..W - .,.,,...,.- . _....,.. .... - M.5.b Key West (305) 292 -34 Marathon (305) 289 -2: Plantation Key (305) 852 -71 Website tested on IE8, IE9, & Firefa Property Record Card - Requires Adobe Flash 10.3 or high Maps are now launching the new map application version. EI�: PC Code: 01 - SINGLE FAMILY Millage Group: 500K Affordable No I Housing: Section- 13 -62 -38 Township- Range: Property 1014 DOVE RD KEY LARGO Location: Legal Description: BK 3 LT 10 LIME GROVE ESTS SEC 1 1 KEY LARGO OR431- 413 -414 OR674 -7 OR915 -1359 OR1 007-2484OR1 201 - 2242 OR1214- 1644Q/C OR1615 -2030 OR1636- 406Q /C OR1810 -2055 OR1883 -1420 OR1 883-1421/1422AFF OR2232 -776 OR2645- 2427/28 httn: Ilwww.mcnafl.ore/ProDSearch.asnx a.i� Wll Uy a 11LALy IN"I v Florida Limited Liability Company PINBALL 4 LLC Filing Information Document Number FEI/EIN Number Date Filed S tate Status Principal Address 15966 SW 86TH TERRACE MIAMI, FL 33193 Mailing Address 15966 SW 86TH TERRACE MIAMI, FL 33193 L13000107270 N/A 07/29/2013 FL ACTIVE Registered Agent Name & Address BURKE, BERTHA 15966 SW 86TH TERRACE MIAMI, FL 33193 Authorized Person(s) Detail Name & Address Title REGISTERED AGENT BERTHA, BURKE 15966 SW 86TH TERRACE MIAMI, FL 33193 Title REGISTERED AGENT BERTHA, BURKE 15966 SW 86TH TERRACE MIAMI, FL 33193 Annual Reports Report Year Filed Date At Packet Pg. 1898 httn: / /search.sunbiz. ore/ Inauirv/ Corr)orationSearch/ SearchResultDetail? inquirytype= EntityName &directionType =lniti E REGISTERED MAIL RECEIPTS Complaint Number: CE CERT�: 0,21 It Packet Pg. 1899 W I 1� Yy BEFORE THE CODE COMPLIANCE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE JOHN G. VAN LANINGHAM MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA, Petitioner, vs. PINBALL 4 LLC., Respondent(s). Case No.: CE10090004 ORDER AUTHORIZING FORECLOSU A Final Order was entered in this matter and was thereafter recorded as a lien. The lien has remained unpaid for at least 3 months from the date of the Order. Therefore, it is hereby ORDERED that the office of the Monroe County Attorney may institute foreclosure and/or money judgment proceedings to recover the amount of the lien plus accrued interest. DONE AND ORDERED this Government Center, Marathon, Florida. A John G. Van Lanir Special Magistrate CERTIFICATE OF ORDER I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of the above Order. Nicole M. Petrick, Liaison Nicole M. Petrick, Liaison 20 , at .the Marathon Packet Pg. 1900 E=ared by and return to Rafael Ubiets, Esq. Attorney at Law Law Offices of Rafael Ubieta, P.A. 9560 SW 107th Avenue Suite 102 Miami, FL 33176 305 - 274 -9640 File Number. 06-06- 29 -14-PU Will Call No.: Panel Identification No. 00485420-000000/ Altfi1595012 DOcN 1898916 08/21/2006 9:20RM Filed 8 Recorded in Official Records of MONROE COUNTY DANNY L. KOLHAGE 08/21/2006 9:20AM DEED DOC STAMP CL: JENNIFERNf4,900.00 DocN 1398915 BkN 2232 PgN 776 I Space Above This line For Recording Dam Warranty Deed (STATUTORY FORM - SECTION 689.02, F.S.) This Indenture made this 31st day of JulyJuly, 2006 between Igor Yusypchuk and Maria Yusypchuk, husband and wife whose post office address is 1014 Dove Road, Key Largo, FI 33037,429 Laguna Avenue, Key Largo, FL 33037 of the County of Monroe, State of Florida, grantor *, and Zazshah M Zaldlvar, a single woman whose post office address is 1014 Dove Road , Key Largo, FL 33037 of the County of Monroe, State of Florida, grantee*, Witnesseth that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO 1100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Monroe County, Florida, to-wit: Lot 10, Block 3, Lime Grove Estates, Section One, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 54, of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida A/WA: 1014 Dove Road, key Largo, Fl 33037 Subject to taxes for 2006 and subsequent years; covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations and limitations of record, if any. and said grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. * "Grantor" and "Grantee" are used for singular or plural, as context requires. In Witness Whereof, grantor has hereunto set grantoes hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: V — itnesS Name: mh-1 IQ cvf7 wg par r : FA 1 Unem t essName: ar Ja wiw6.b e: ABL .'x'770. ' I (Seal) r Y-Ifchuk (Seal) Maria usypc MONROE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS State of Florida County of Miami -Dade The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 31 day of July, 2006 by Igor Yusypchuk and Maria Yusypchuk, who [__) are personally known or [X] have produced a driver's license as id ation. Ez T72 [Notar y Seal] SHEIIA OR Notary blic MY COMMISSION • DD1192W EXPIRES: Apr. 17.2009 ra7 �baM�YasNwawn Printed Name: My Commission Expires: DoubleTlmee i �a? '.1 as r ` u a a &0% Packet Pg. 19Q7 Prepared by and return to: Doell 1946747 08/20/2013 1:36PN 08/20/2013 1:36PM Peter Ariz,Esq Filed 8 Recorded in Official Records of DEED DOC STAMP CL: Krys x0.70 2103 Coral Way -# g00 MONROE COUNTY AMY HEAVILIN Miami FL 33145 (Spam Above Thb Line For Recording Data) Deep 1946747 Quit Claim Deed BkN 2643 PgN 2427 rPe This Quit Claim Deed made this day of August, 2013, between Zazshah M. Zaldivar, whose post office address is 4101 NW 0 Street, Miami, Florida 33126, grantor, and Pinball 4, LLC, a Florida limited liability corporation, whose post office address is 15966 SW 86 * Terrace, Miami, Florida 33193, grantee: (Whenever used herein the terms "grantor" and "grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations, trusts and trustees) Witnesseth, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND N01100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release, and quitclaim to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which grantor has in and to the following described land, situate, lying and being in the Monroe County, Florida, to-wit: Lot 10, Block 3, LIME GROVE ESTATES, SECTION ONE, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book S, Page 54, of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. Parcel Identification Number. ooaes+immmo Alternate Key: 1595012 To Have and to Hold, the same together with all and singular the appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest, lien, equity and claim whatsoever of grantors, either in law or equity, for the use, benefit and profit of the said grantee forever. In Witness Whereon grantor has hereunto set granto ?s hand and seal the day and year first above written. The land is not the homestead of the Grantor under the laws and Constitution of the State of Florida and neither thC Grantor nor any person(s) for whose support the Grantor is responsible reside on or adjacent to the land. QWt Claim Dead- PW 1 Packet Pg. 19Q2 D0cV 1946747 Bkp 2643 P90 2428 Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: Witness: 1 0, d, 6 State of Florida County of Miami -Dade , I— The foregoing instrument w acknowledged before me this � day of August, 2013, by ZazshM M. Zaldivar, (As personally known to me or U has produced as identification. Notary Public Printed Name: l 40h; /JYZ DROAARIZ MV �NiDD 1 1h % ?! EXPIgEg• �ember278 My Commission Expires: 9 °`de° Thru Nofa�yP * Undue Quit ClabnDeed - Page 2 11ONROE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS r` u re rt ,e.r Packet Pg. 1903 - CT at , , r %� • r _jr a. , r� • Eir t vC fir. OFFICIAL THIRTY-DAY NOTIFICATION TO CONNECT TO AVAILABLE CENTRAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DATE [AK number of parcel] Name of property owner] [Mailing address] Parcel Address: [Street address of parcel] Dear Property Owner: Fhe Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District has now made available central wastewater service to your property. The District's wastewater treatment facility has recently been certified by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and is now ready to accept and treat your wastewater Please consider this letter as your official notification that a central wastewater system is now available to yo»r property, and you are required to connect to the District's wastewater system within thirty (30) days & . the date of this Official Thirty -Day Notification, shown above. Please contact the District office at 305 - 451 -8050 so that we may open your valve and begin to receive sewage from your property. Please note that, whether or not you comply With this notice, the District will begin to collect wastewater treatment charges from you after the expiration of the notice period. Finally, it is your responsibility to properly abandon your current onsite sewage treatment and disposal system. The abandonment must be coordinated with the Monroe County Health Department, which will assist you with completing your permit. Sincerely, Charles F. Fishburn General Manager r' ■Complate (tams 1, 2, and 3. Also complete 0 Item 4 if Restricted Delivery Is deslred. Agent I X `^ I 0 Print your name and address on the reverse : ` ❑ Addressee I so that we can istum the card to y ou, bY( d Ivar�r�7 C. Date of Delivery I 1 N Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, I I I or on the front if space permits. ' D Is d , ' ' address Ram 1 Q 1_ Article Addresse'to: I T6 H YE3,. Ater delivery address tielow: 13 No I i AK 15950i2 I ZALDIVAR ZQSHAH M 014 DOVE RD I I EY LARGO, FL 33037 I I ; ,Oertlfled Mall 0:E�resa MaU I it O'Registered M tetum Receipt fbWerchandim insured Map CLC ab., . a RoMdcWd Delivery? ",-Feel 0 1res. I 12. Afte Number _ -- - -- 7009 0 8 20 0 0 0 0, 4114 852L I (�ansferftmm sendce►ebo PS Form 3811 F ebruary 2004 D omestic Retum Receipt } �n?5eso2 M-tsao Key Largo Wastewacer Treatment District 98880 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, Florida 33037 Post Office Box 491, Key Largo, Florida 33037 Phone (305) 451 -4019 • Fax (305) 453 -5807 • http: / /www.ldwtd.com June 9, 2014 AK: 1595012 PINBALL 4 LLC 15966 SW 86th Ter: Miami FL 33193 -3074 Property Address: 1014 DOVE RD Dear Property Owner: If your property is vacant or has been combined with another piece of property, please notify us at 305 - 4F -4019 or email us at carolw(cD-klwtd.com Please be advised that if you have not started connection to the central wastewater collection system within 30 days of this letter, ll 0 eproce5s to be turned over the Monroe County Code Compliance. The District will not be able to reverse any enforcement process once it is set into place. You can avoid this time - consuming and costly process by completing the connection. Please notify this office when you start. If you have completed the connection process, please contact this office *and give us the property's Alternate Key Number (AK) which is located at the top of this letter. Monroe County has a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) available for qualified middle -to -low income owners. The grant will pay for the connection. The application is available on our Website (KLWTD.com) and at the office (98880 Overseas Hwy, Key Largo). If you have extenuating circumstances, please contact the office. The contact is Carol Walker, District Clprk at 305 - 451 -4019 Ext 205, email is carolwO-klwtd.com Please refer to the AK# in the upper left comer .is letter if contacting the office. Sincerely, Mowwwet Margaret Blank, General Manager M.5.b 5 Kts POS4 DO ® PITNEY BOWES y. oz 1P $®®6.46 0000569563 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 33037 �0110E / d �OtiCE `� LlUJLKED ti 1595012 PINBALL 4 LLC \� 15966 SW 86th Ter a 'Miami FL 33193- RE-TI .14 TO �E iV'DER !*t'!7E L I VEl AB ".L E li ADDR`E S SE D `UXAR•LE "f� fF '0RWA'RV ��i J���3 f�c> =i . , E'E E3.�'3�:�4'9�:9=1 �`��'�S 1�1�fs�- �9 -3.9 , j 3 S 3 '' 1 ;,M 4m ly '']y: ,3 t t1] ,J t,1 .f� ;, E fit im ,1 .4 qil t y `� `Ili , 111 f i1 11 =ji 1 a ? _ ' _ -, _` r` u s. y to011h1:91 nwrn Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District 98880 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, FL 33037 Post Office Box 491, Key Largo, FL 33037 Phone (305) 451 -4019 • Fax (305) 453 -5807 • www.klwtd.com FINAL NOTIFICATION OF REQUIREMENT TO CONNECT TO AVAILABLE CENTRAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM May 4, 2015 AK: 1595012 PINBALL 4 LLC 15966 SW 86TH TER MIAMI, FL 33193 -3074 For property located at: 1014 DOVE RD Dear Customer, This is the final notification informing you of your requirement to connect the parcel referenced above to the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District's ( "District") central wastewater system. If you do not begin the connection process within 30 days, your parcel will be turned over to Monroe County Code Compliance. The District will not be able to reverse the enforcement process once that has occurred. Please contact us if any of the following pertain to this parcel: - The parcel is tied into the District's central wastewater system. - The parcel is vacant. The parcel has been aggregated with Monroe County and no longer exists. If you have extenuating circumstances keeping you from connecting. Monroe County is facilitating a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) available for qualified middle -to -low income owners. The grant will pay for eligible customer's sewer connection. The application is available on our website www.klwtd.com by clicking the Financial Assistance link under the Quick Links tab. Copies are also available at our office which is located at 98880 Overseas Highway. If you have any questions please contact customer support at 305 -451 -4019 ext. 200, or email customerservice @klwtd.com. Sincerely, r 1 4� Paul Christian General Manager aa is an ; rnp Wzm e a ; n Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District 98880 Overseas Highway Key Largo, Florida 33037 AK: 1595012 PINBALL 4 LLC 15966 SW 86TH TER MIAMI, FL 33193 -3074 SS PN ® PITNEY BOWES 02 1P $000.48 0000569563 MAY 04 2015 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 33037 Pinball 1014 dove Road— Key Largo Inspector Jones — 04/13/2016 WRI County of Monroe Code Compliance Department 2798 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 Property Location: 1014 DOVE ROAD KEY LARGO, FL 33037 Par gel ID: 00485420000000 PINBALL 4 LLC 15966 SW 86TH TER MIAMI FL 33193 -3074 Case Number: CE15100106 FILE COPY THE WASTEWATER UTILITY COMPANY, THE KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DISTRICT HAS ATTEMPTE D TO NOTIFY YOU OF THE AVAILABILITY TO CONNECT YOUR PROPERTY TO THE UTILITY'S CENTRAL SEWER SYSTEM. OUR RECORDS INDICATE THAT THE ABOVE STATED PROPERTY HAS NOT YET CONNECTED TO THE CENTRAL SEWER SYSTEM /OR DECOMMISSIONED THE ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEMS, AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL AND STATE LAW. FLORIDA STATUTE § 381.00655 REQUIRES THAT YOU CONNECT TO AN AVAILABLE CENTRAL SEWER SYSTEM WITHIN 365 DAYS OF WRITTEN NOTICE THAT SERVICE IS AVAILABLE TO YOUR PROPERTY. MONROE COUNTY CODE § 20 -78(a) REQUIRES THAT YOU CONNECT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF NOTIFICATION. THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN REFERRED .1 E TO ON ,. L COUNTY CODE C f P LL N L T . ENFORCE THE SEWER CONNECTION PURSUANT' TO FLOIUDA STATE AND MONROE . CUNT L .W. THIS IS A COURTESY NOTICE THAT YOU WILL BE RECEIVING A "NOTICE OF VIOLATION/NOTICE OF HEARING" REGARDING THE MANDATORY CONNECTION TO THE CENTRAL SEWER SYSTEM. THIS "NOTICE OF VIOLATION/NOTICE OF HEARING WILL BEGIN THE ENFORCEMENT PHASE OF CONNECTION. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE FAILURE TO ACHIEVE COMPLIANCE WITIUN THE TIMELINES Es'rABLISHED DURING THIS HEARING MAY RESULT IN A DAILY FINE AND /CDR A LIEN BE ING PLACED ON YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU HAVE ACHIEVED COMPLIANCE, CONTACT INSPECTOR MALLORY JONES AT 305 - 28 -2540. County of Monroe Code Compliance Department 2798 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 Voice: (305) 289 -2810 FAX: (305) 289 -2858 We strive to be caring, professional, and fair. _a To: Pinball 4 LLC 15966 SW 68" Ter Miami FL 33193 -3074 Case Number: CE15100106 Item description: Notice of Availability to Connect and Referral Date ailed: 4/13/2016 Board of County Commissioners Mayor Heather Carruthers, Dist. 3 Mayor Pro Tern George Neugent, Dist. 2 Danny Kolhage, Dist. 1 David Rice, Dist. 4 Sylvia Murphy, Dist. 5 I, Mallory Jones, of Monroe County Code Enforcement, declare under penalty of perjury, that I mailed a duplicate copy of the above mentioned document via first -class mail to the above named addressee(s). Sworn to and subscribed before me this County Of Monroe Code Compliance Department 2798 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 �M 31Z To: PINBALL 4 LLC & BERTHA BURKE, REGISTERED AGENT Case Number: CE15100106 15966 SW 86TH TER NHAMI FL 33193 -3074 Location: 1014 DOVE ROAD KEY LARGO, FL 33037 Re Number: 00485420000000 DEAR PROPERTY OWNER, You are hereby notified that an investigation of the above property was initiated on 10/23/2015 and subsequently found the following violation(s) of the Monroe County Code: 20- 78.(a) MANDATORY CONNECTION /SEWER FAILURE TO COMPLETE THE MANDATORY CONNECTION OF THE ABOVE STATED PROPERTY TO THE CENTRAL SEWER SYSTEM. Corrective Action Required: I - CONTACT THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND OBTAIN A SEPTIC ABANDONMENT PERMIT. 2. CONTACT THE MONROE COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND OBTAIN A MONROE COUNTY SEWER LATERAL CONNECTION PERMIT. 3. CONTACT THE WASTEWATER UTILITY IN YOUR AREA TO OBTAIN AN INITIAL INSPECTION FOR APPROVAL TO PROCEED. 'CONTACT *CONTACT INFORMATION IS ATTACHED*** NOTE: ALL PERMITS AND CONNECTIONS WILL REQUIRE A PASSING FINAL INSPECTION FROM ALL APPROPRIATE AGENCIES. COMPLIANCE WILL BE ACHIEVED WHEN THE MONROE COUNTY PERMIT HAS BEEN CLOSED. ( PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Public Nearing will be conducted by the Special Magistrate in the above case on 06/24/2016 at 9:OOAM at the Monroe County Government Regional Center, 2798 Overseas Hwy., Marathon, Florida. (V) You can avoid attending the hearing if all violations noted above are corrected b O Y 06/16/2016 and you have contacted your inspector. If a violation is corrected and then recurs, or if a violation is not corrected by the time specified, the case may be presented to the Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. ( ) The Code Inspector has reason to believe violation(s) or the condition causing the violation(s) presents a serious threat to the public health, safety, and welfare or is irreparable or irreversible in nature, therefore no compliance date has been provided. This case may be presented to the Special Magistrate even if the violation(s) have been corrected prior to the hearing. ( ) The Code Inspector has reason to believe repeat violation(s) have been found, therefore no compliance date has been provided. This case may be presented to the Special Magistrate even if the repeat violation(s) have been corrected prior to the hearing. If the Special Magistrate finds that violation(s) have occurred, then the Special Magistrate may impose fines, not to exceed $1,000 per day per violation for a first violation, $5,000 per day per violation for a repeat violation, and up to $15,000 per violation if the Special Magistrate finds the violation to be irreparable or irreversible in nature. In addition to such fines, the Special Magistrate may impose additional fines to cover all costs incurred by the County in enforcing its codes. If the County is forced to correct your violation(s), the Special Magistrate may order all costs incurred to be reimbursed to the County. THE IMPOSITION OF FINES AND /OR COSTS MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST YOU AND YOUR PROPERTY. You may appear in person and/or be represented by an attorney or authorized agent. If you are represented by an attorney, your attorney is required to file a written notice of appearance with the Liaison for the Special Magistrate, 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 330, Marathon, FL 33050; Phone: (305) 289 -2509, Fax: (305) 289 -2858, prior to the date of the hearing: You may request a continuance of the hearing for good cause shown. If you choose to request a continuance, a written request on the County's form must be made at least five (5) business days before the date of the hearing. If you choose to request a continuance, contact the Code Inspector listed below at least five (5) business days before the date of the hearing. A request for continuance DOES NOT GUARANTEE a postponement of your hearing. If you agree that the violation(s) exist as alleged in this Notice, you may request a Stipulation Agreement in lieu of attending the hearing. If you choose to request a Stipulation Agreement, contact the Code Inspector listed below at least five (5) business days before the date of the hearing. A request for a Stipulation Agreement does not guarantee a postponement of your hearing. It is important that you contact your inspector listed below. NOTE: IF YOU DECIDE TO APPEAL any decision by the Special Magistrate, you will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The appeal must be filed within 30 days of the Special Magistrate's Final Order. 2 IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CONTACT THE CODE INSPECTOR to confirm that you do not need to attend the hearing(s). Please contact your i Lower Keys: 5503 College Road, Suite 204 Key West, FL 33040 (305) 292 -4495 Middle Keys: 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 330 Marathon, FL 33050 (305) 289 -2810 Upper Keys: 102050 Overseas Highway Key Largo, FL 33037 (305) 453 -8806 CERTIFICATION OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a copy hereof has been furnished to the above named addressee(s) by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Request No.: 7014 3490 00013 900 2045 on �� // (�, 0-/ W a �( -- al & '], Code Compliance DepaAm nt IF SERVICE IS NOT OBTAINED BY CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT MAIL, A TRUE AND ACCURATE COPY OF THIS NOTICE WILL BE POSTED AT THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND THE MONROE COUNTY COURTHOUSE. ADA ASSISTANCE: If you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodations in order to participate in this proceeding, please contact the County Administrator's Office, by phoning (305) 292 -4441, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., no later than five (5) calendar days prior to the scheduled meeting; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call "711 ". 0 NW D. • _ ' ��'. R E G ISTER E D 1 RE CEIPTS Compl CE i! CERT - — GOO SE V CE: - S C,: ru 4 w�' n r Ir d rr M SS e y ✓ , . (. a Lr YY �- r . - " F'INBALL 4 LLc& M BERTHA BUKE, REG. AGENT 15966 SW 86" TER MIAMI, FL 33193 -3074 C E15100106/N0W MJ 6n Lc1 to m _ m ° D 'fl () o �� o � co w D °' °� N rn = D co W �= o. �a�m�m 'n ,�.« =m b r -3 C A G W� r W � cm Z N = m n 1 o m o N ® d O W m ¢° n 3 rL N e a d 3 N -4 ®` W 7o m O m 3c mw mQa w j' - 4 w p EMM ® 0.1 1 Y N 8 Ln` UIC i x. BEFORE THE COUNTY CODE COMPLIANCE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA, ) Case No.: CE15100106 Petitioner, ) VS. ) Subject Property Real Estate Number: 00485420000000 PINBALL 4 LLC ) Doc# 2093562 09/29/2016 10:20AM Filed & Recorded in Official Records of Respondent(s). ) MONROE COUNTY AMY HERILIN 1 DocN 2093562 BkN 2817 PgN 2243 FINAL ORDER Having fully considered the evidence presented at hearing, including testimony of the Code Compliance Inspector(s) and/or witnesses under oath, the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law are ORDERED: The Res nt s) and /or Auth ori resentative "ere nn resent and did Id no ntest the violation(s) set forth in the Notice of Violation /Notice of Hearing which is incorpora a erein as if fully set fo ( The Respondent(s) is /are the owner(s) of property located within Monroe County and wastwere duly noticed of the hearing. ( The Respondent(s) is /are in violation of the Monroe County Code(s) as fully set forth in the Notice of Violation /Notice of Hearing served upon the Respondent(s). ( ) ONE -TIME FINE - The violation(s) is found to be irreparable or irreversible and a one -time fine of $ is ORDERED, payable within days of this Order. ( ) COSTS - Pursuant to Section 162.07(2) of Florida Statutes all costs incurred by the County in prosecuting the case is ordered to be paid within thirty (30) days of compliance. Costs will continue to accrue until compliance is achieved and the case is closed. ( ) The Responde t(s) sh II comply with the Code(s) referred to in the Notice of Violation /Notice of Hearing on or before "THE COMPLIANCE DATE "). ( ) In the event the violation(s) were or are not corrected on the compliance date previously ordered or on the compliance date set forth herein, fine(s) in the dollar amount: 20.78.(a) $ for each day BEGINNING ON THE DAY AFTER THE COMPLIANCE DATE that the Respondent(s) is /are in violation is /are hereby ORDERED. ( ) It is further ordered, that the County is hereby authorized to make all reasonable repairs including demolition which are required to bring the property into compliance and charge the Respondent(s) with the cost of repairs incurred by the County, the costs of prosecution incurred by the County and any fines Ordered in this matter. ( ) The Respondent(s) were in violation of the MONROE COUNTY CODE(S) as fully set forth in the Notice of Violation /Notice of Hearing filed in this case and did not come into compliance on or before THE COMPLIANCE DATE but are now in compliance. The Respondent(s) shall pay the total amount of cost and /or fines ($ 1 to Monroe County Code Compliance within thirty (30) days of this Order. ( ) Other. r ` Page 1 In the event of nonpayment of fines and /or costs imposed on Respondent(s), a certified copy of this Order may be recorded in the public records and shall thereafter constitute a lien against the land on which the violation or violations exist and upon any other real or personal property owned by the violator. The County may institute foreclosure proceedings if the lien remains unpaid for three months and /or may sue to recover money ,judgment for the amount of the lien plus accrued interest. Please make checks payable to Monroe County Code Compliance and mail to: Monroe County Code Compliance, Attn: Office of the Liaison, 2798 Overseas Hwy., Suite 330, Marathon, FL 33050. E DATED this - day of , 20 Docq 2093562 Bkq 2817 Pg# 2244 IW John .Van Laningham, Special Magistrate APPEAL PROCEDURES Respondent(s) shall have 30 days from the date of the foregoing Order of the Special Magistrate to appeal said Order by filing a Notice of Appeal, signed by the Respondent(s). ANY AGGRIEVED PARTY, INCLUDING MONROE COUNTY, MAY HAVE APPELLATE RIGHTS WITH REGARD TO THIS ORDER PURSUANT TO SECTION 162.11, FLORIDA STATUTES. ANY SUCH APPEAL WILL BE LIMITED TO APPELLATE REVIEW OF THE RECORD CREATED BEFORE THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE. ANY APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE EXECUTION OF THIS ORDER. CL CERTIFICATE OF ORDER I- I hereby certify that this is a true qnd correct copy of the above Order. Nicole M. Petrick, CASE NUMBER: CE15100106 Respondent(s) mailing address of record with the Monroe County Property Appraiser's Office: PINBALL 4 LLC 15966 SW 86TH TER MIAMI, FL 33193 -3074 Location of subject property: 1014 DOVE ROAD KEY LARGO, FL 33037 Real Estate Number: 00485420 - 000000 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Page 2 OFFICIAL RECORDS Packet Pg. 1918 County of Monroe Code Compliance Department 2798 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 Voice: (305) 289-28 10 FAX: (305) 289 -2858 PINBALL 4 LLC 15966 SW 86TH TER MIAMI, FL 33193 -3074 Subject: Code Case CE15100106 Property Location: 1014 DOVE ROAD, KEY LARGO, FL 33037 Real Estate No.: 00485420000000 Board of County Commissioners Mayor Heather Carruthers, Dist. 3 Mayor Pro Tern George Neugent, Dist. 2 Danny Kolhage, Dist. I David Rice, Dist. 4 Sylvia Murphy, Dist. 5 Date: October 3, 2016 Dear Property Owner(s), This letter is to inform you that our records indicate that the violation(s) remain on your property and the fines will continue to run in the amount of $100.00 per day until the property comes into compliance. Additionally, a lien against your property was recorded in the Official Records of Monroe County on 09/29/16, Book 2817, Page 2243. The current amount of the County's lien is $1211.04(fines and costs) which continue to accrue and increase until the case is compliant and closed. This lien is a lien on the property that was the subject of the code enforcement action and upon any and all other real and/or personal property you own. You can resolve this matter by bringing the property into compliance and remitting payment in full to: Monroe County Code Compliance Department; Attention: Nicole Petrick; 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 330; Marathon, Florida 33050. The County will then provide a Release and Satisfaction of Lien to you. If you have achieved compliance, please contact your Code Inspector at the appropriate location. Lower Keys: 5503 College Road, Suite 204, Key West, FL 33040 (305) 292 -4495 Middle Keys: 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 330, Marathon, FL 33050 (305) 289 -2810 Upper Keys: 102050 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, FL 33037 (305) 453 -8806 NOTE: If this case involves a Sewer Connection, and you have achieved compliance, please contact the Mallory Jones at (305) 289 -2540. Respectfully yours, emu„ , Nicole Petrick Special Magistrate Liaison (305) 289 -2509 Petrick-Nicole@monroecounty-fl.gov r ` N a,U. F _ Packet Pig. 1919 1 ' County of Monroe Growth Management Division Code Compliance Department 2798 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 Voice: (305) 289 -2810 FAX: (305) 289 -2536 Pinball 4 LLC 15966 SW 86th Ter Miami, FL 33193 -3074 December 13, 2016 Subject: Code Case: CE15100106 Location: 1014 DOVE ROAD KEY LARGO Dear Property Owners, Board of County Commissioners Mayor Heather Carruthers, Disk 3 Mayor Pro Tern George Neugent, Disk 2 Danny L. Kolhage, Dist. 1 David Rice, Disk 4 Sylvia J. Murphy, Dist. 5 I LRE Cap �. ` f� d The purpose of this letter is to inform you that Monroe County, Florida has imposed a lien against your property as a result of the above referenced code compliance action. A copy is enclosed for your convenience. This lien is a lien on the property that was the subject of the code compliance action and upon any and all other real and/or personal property you own. Additionally, our records indicate that the violations remain on your property. Because your property is not in compliance the fines continue to run in the amount of $100.00 per day until the property comes into compliance. A daily fine of $100.00 per day has currently accrued for 81 days for a current total of $8,100.00. Additionally pursuant to F.S. § 162.07(2), since the County prevailed in prosecuting the case before the Special Magistrate for Code Compliance, the County is entitled to recover all costs incurred in prosecuting the case and those costs are included in the lien authorized under F. S.162.09(3). To date, these costs are $226.94 and costs will continue to accrue until the violations are corrected and the case is closed. Therefore, the current amount of the Monroe County lien is $8,326.94 and fines and costs will continue to accrue until compliance is achieved and payment is received. Failure to bring your property into compliance within 15 days will result in a referral to the Monroe County Attorney's Office for further action. Respectfully yours, Mallory Jones Code Inspector Tones- malloaO,monroecounty -fl goy .0100 Packet Pg. 1920 BEFORE THE CODE COMPLIANCE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE JOHN VAN LANINGHAM MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: CE15100106 �= N NOTICE OF MOTION TO AUTHORIZE FORECLOSURE AND /OR MONEY JUDGMENT PROCEEDINGS & NOTICE OF HEARING Petitioner Monroe County will move the Monroe County Code Compliance Special Magistrate, pursuant to F.S. 162.09(3), to authorize foreclosure and/or money judgment proceedings on the Code Compliance Final Order/Lien in this case, which was recorded in the Official Records of Monroe County on 09/29/16, Book 2817, Page 2243 on the property that was the subject of the code compliance action described as: 1014 DOVE ROAD KEY LARGO, FL 33037, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RE# 00485420000000, and upon any and all other real and/or personal property you own. The current outstanding amount of the County's lien as of December 28, 2016 is $9,842.84 (fines and costs) which continue to accrue and increase until the case is compliant and closed. This motion will be considered on February 23, 2017 at the Marathon Government Center, 2798 Overseas Highway, EOC Meeting Room at 9:00 a.m., Marathon, FL 33050. Steven T. Williams Assistant County Attorney 1111 12" Street Suite 408 Key West, Florida 33040 (305) 292 -3470 Fla. Bar No.: 0740101 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this `, I da of �,�j1 k J2 ; Y fY y ' � , 201 a copy of the foregoing was furnished to Respondent(s) via Certified Mail, Return Receipt Request No. ,0 � " � , $ :' � + ` P q 1 p . to r.4..,,a ,q l 9 t s 15966 SW 86TH TER 33193-3074. Code ConAbliance Department ADA ASSISTANCE: If you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodations in order to participate in this proceeding, please contact the County Administrator's Office, by phoning (305) 2924441, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., no later than ten (10) calendar days prior to the scheduled meeting; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call "711". -00,01 Packet Pg. 1921 County of Monroe Code Compliance Department 2798 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 Voice: (305) 289 -2810 FAX: (305) 289 -2858 Board of County Commissioners Mayor George Neugent, District 2 Mayor Pro Tem David Rice, District 4 Heather Carruthers, District 3 Danny L. Kolhage, District 1 Sylvia Murphy, Dist. 5 PINBALL 4 LLC 15966 SW 86TH 'TER MIAMI FL 33193 -3074 December 28, 2016 fill F c � ? Y Subject: Code Case: CE15100106 Location: 1014 DOVE ROAD KEY LARGO, FL 33037 Dear Property Owners, This letter is to inform you that Monroe County, Florida has imposed a lien(s) against your property as a result of the above referenced code compliance actions. This lien is a lien on the property that was the subject of the code compliance action and upon any and all other real and/or personal property you own. Please take notice that a Public Hearing will be conducted by the Code Compliance Special Magistrate on February 23, 2017. The purpose of this hearing is to consider approval to initiate collection proceedings, (complaint for foreclosure and/or money judgment). Our records indicate that the violations remain on your property and the fines will continue to run until the property comes into compliance. If you have achieved compliance, please contact your Code Inspector at the appropriate location: Lower Keys: 5503 College Road, Suite 204 Key West, FL 33040 (305) 2924495 Middle Keys: 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 330 Marathon, FL 33050 (305) 289 -2810 Upper Keys: 102050 Overseas Highway Key Largo, FL 33037 (305) 453 -8806 If this case involves a Sewer Connection, and you have achieved compliance, please contact Inspector Mallory Jones at (305) 289 -2540. Additionally, pursuant to F.S. §162.07(2), the County is entitled to recover all costs incurred in prosecuting the case and those costs are included in the lien authorized under F.S. §162.09(3). These costs will continue to accrue until the violations are corrected and the case is closed. Respectfully yours, Mallory Jones Code Compliance Inspector Jones- malloryna monroecounty -fl gov Packet Pg. 1922 Comi,laint Number: C UL ., #: GOOD SERVICE: A6 O SERVIC co IZ IB i 'll lfl fu Lo PINBALL 4 LLC Ln 15966 SW 86TH TER "' MIAMI FL 33193 -3074 CE15100106 MTN MJ u , a o z gig El 11 o El r zm E: E o ° 8'8m Q a S& 131313 ❑ 1313 E2 z. � D mm All ID 55 t s° — ai ❑ 1311❑❑ Ell EQ M co > �'.mwymavr N g o CO s a m RI Lo Y O O M C M U M rya f N 6� N O3+' W M Z r � .0 w O F- w m 13 'C x C1 i E V r ', t i J 00 ryMj C:) LL O a� = U) OD E � « o —o % Ln Room w LO (r arl _U Packet Pg. 1923 "IV BEFORE THE CODE COMPLIANCE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE JOHN G. VAN LANINGHAM MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA, Petitioner, vs. Case No.: CE15100106 PINBALL 4 LLC, Respondent(s). ORDER AUTHORI FO CLOS A Final Order was entered in this matter and was thereafter recorded as a lien. The lien has remained unpaid for at least 3 months from the date of the Order. Therefore, it is hereby ORDERED that the office of the Monroe County Attorney may institute foreclosure and/or money judgment proceedings to recover the amount of the lien plus accrued interest. DONE AND ORDERED this Government Center, Marathon, Florida. CERTIFICATE OF ORDER I hereby certify th this is a true and correct copy of the above Order. Nicole M. Petrick, Liaison icole M. Petrick, Liaison he Marathon Packet Pg. 1924 '10 A Special Magistrate County of Monroe Growth Management Division Code Compliance Department 2798 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 Voice: (305) 289 -2810 FAX: (305) 289 -2858 Pinball 4 LLC BERTHA BURIE- REGISTERED AGENT 15966 SW 86th Ter Miami FL 33193 -3074 February 10, 2017 Subject: Code Case: CE 15100106 Subject Property: 1014 Dove Road, Key Largo Cam Z Dear Property Owner, The purpose of this letter is to inform you that our records indicate that this case was compliant on January 12, 2017 and the fines and/or costs due have not been paid. Fine(s) of $100.00 per day ran for 111 days (September 23, 2016 — January 12, 2017), for a total of $11,100.00. Additionally Per F. S. § 162.07(2), if the local governing body prevails in prosecuting a case before the enforcement board, it shall be entitled to recover all costs incurred in prosecuting the case before the board and such costs may be included in the lien authorized under F.S. §162.09(3). To date, these costs are $258.74 and costs will continue to accrue until the case is closed. A lien against your property was recorded in the Official Records of Monroe County on September 29, 2016 at Document 2093562, Book 2817, Page 2243. The current amount of the Monroe County Lien is $11,358.74. This lien is a lien on the property that was the subject of the code enforcement action and upon any and all other real and/or personal property you own. You can resolve this matter by remitting a check or money order made payable to Monroe County Code Compliance for payment in full within thirty (30) days to: Monroe County Code Compliance Department Attention: Nicole Petrick 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 330 Marathon, Florida 33050 The County will then provide a Release and Satisfaction of lien to you. It is then your responsibility to record the Release and Satisfaction with the Clerk of Courts in Monroe County. Failure to remit payment within 30 days will result in a referral to the Monroe County Attorney's Office for further action. Respectfully yours, a we Code j Inspector iones-malIgZ@monroecopM-fl.gov Packet Pg. 1925 From: Jones - Mallory Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2017 2:08 PM To: 'lisa @mulicklaw.com'; 'reception @mulicklaw.com, Cc: Williams -Steve Subject: CE151001061014 Dove Road Key Largo Fines and Cost Attachments: CE15100106.pdf Nick, Please find attached document for the fines and cost for above referenced property. Thank you. Mallory Jones Monroe County Code Compliance H Wastewater Inspector Marathon Government Center// 2798 Overseas Highway Suite 330 l/ Marathon, FL 33050 P: (305) 289 -2540 F: (305) 289 -2858 Website: www.monmecounty-fl.gov If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room. - James Dewey Watson Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to or from the County regarding County business are public record, available to the public and media upon request. Your e-mail communication may be subject to public disclosure. Packet Pg. 1926 gPublic.net - Monroe County, FL , " Monroe County, FL Page 1 Summary 26931 Style STILT 1 STORY Parcel ID 00485420- 000000 ( r =c 1,242 Account# 1595012 1 Floor Condition AVERAGE MillageGroup 500K 146 Functional Obs 0 Location 1014 DOVE RD, KEY LARGO 0 Depreciation % 30 Address PLASTER Exterior Walls C.B.S. Legal BK 3 LT 10 LIME GROVE ESTS SEC 1 PB5 -54 KEY LARGO OR431 -413- 1988 Garage Description 414 OR674-7 OR915-1359 OR1007-2484OR1201-2242 OR1214- EXC OPEN PORCH Foundation CONC PILINGS 1644Q/C OR1615 -2030 OR1636- 4060,/C OR1810 -2055 OR1883 -1420 GABLE/HIP o- CONC /CLAYTILE 081883- 1421 / 1 422AFFOR2232- 776082645- 2427/28 CONC S/B GRND Heating Type µ s (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) 3 Full Bathrooms 2 Neighborhood 1830 0 Grade 500 Property Class SINGLE FAMILY RESID (0100) 0 Code Description OPX EXC OPEN PORCH Subdivision LIME GROVE ESTATE SEC S k Sec/Twp/Rng 13/62/38 t Affordable No Housing Owner PINBALL 4 LLC 15966 SW 86TH TER MIAMI FL 33193 -3074 Valuation 2016 2015 2014 2013 • Market Improvement Value $152,308 $158,511 $151,519 $155,662 • Market Misc Value $6,958 $6,267 $5,892 $6,148 • Market Land Value $90,093 $91,620 $148,119 $103,836 = Just Market Value $249,359 $256,398 $305,530 $265,646 = Total Assessed Value $249,359 $256,398 $305,530 $265,646 School Exempt Value $0 $0 $0 $0 = School Taxable Value $249,359 $256,398 $305,530 $265,646 Land Land Use Number of Units Unit Type Frontage Depth RESIDENTIAL DRY (010D) 6,000.00 Square Foot 60 100 Buildings Building ID 26931 Style STILT 1 STORY Gross Sq Ft 2,796 Finished Sq Ft 1,242 Stories 1 Floor Condition AVERAGE Perimeter 146 Functional Obs 0 Economic Obs 0 Depreciation % 30 Interior Walls PLASTER Exterior Walls C.B.S. Year Built 1988 Garage Porch EXC OPEN PORCH Foundation CONC PILINGS Roof Type GABLE/HIP Roof Coverage CONC /CLAYTILE Flooring Type CONC S/B GRND Heating Type NONEwithO %NONE Bedrooms 3 Full Bathrooms 2 Half Bathrooms 0 Grade 500 Number of Fire PI 0 Code Description OPX EXC OPEN PORCH L++--. 11--Ll- - - . 1 . ` x Sketch Area Finished Area Perimeter 767 0 0 oib6, Packet Pg. 1927 gPublic.net - Monroe County, FL Page 2 Code Description Sketch Area Finished Area Perimeter FLA FLOORLIVAREA 1,242 1,242 0 LLF LOW LEV FIN 787 0 0 TOTAL 2,796 1,242 0 Yard Items Description Year Bullt Roll Year Quantity Units Grade HOTTUB 1989 2004 1 1UT 2 WOOD DECK 1989 2004 1 TILEPATIO 1989 2004 1 296 SF 464SF 1 1 UTILITYBLDG 1989 2004 1 80 SF 1 PATIO 1989 2004 1 63 SF 1 Sales Sale Date Sale Price Instrument Instrument Number Deed Book Deed Page Sale Qualification Vacant or Improved 8/13/2013 $100 Quit Claim Deed 2645 2427 11- Unqualified Improved 7/31/2006 $700,000 Warranty Deed 2232 776 Q - Qualified Improved 4/28/2003 $164,100 Warranty Deed 1883 1420 T - Unqualified Improved 1/28/2000 $163,500 Warranty Deed 1615 2030 Q - Qualified Improved 2/1/1992 $120,000 Warranty Deed 1201 2242 Q - Qualified Improved 3/1/1987 $16,000 Warranty Deed 1007 2484 Q - Qualified Vacant 2/1/1976 $6,500 Conversion Code 674 7 Q - Qualified Vacant Permits Number Date Issued Date Completed Amount PermltType Notes C 12301031 7/10/2012 2/4/2013 $1 DEMO 36SQSTOF 1ST FLOOR ENCL (SINK, TOILET, SHOWER, A/C,WATER 9236081 4/13/1992 12/31/1999 $1 HEATER) ENCLOSURE No data available for the following modules: Commercial Buildings, Mobile Home Buildings, Exemptions The Monroe County Property Appraiser's office maintains data on property within the County solely for the purpose of fulfilling its responsibility to secure ajust valuation for ad valorem tax purposes of all property within the County. The Monroe County Property Appraiser's office cannot guarantee its accuracy for any other purpose. Likewise, data provided regarding one tax year may not be applicable in prior or subsequent years. By requesting such data, you hereby understand and agree that the Last Data Upload: 3/20/20171:31:04 AM cl Schneider Developed by The Schneider Corporation 6 Packet Pg. 1928 Detail by Entity Name F OW.b pa,wi n9 ol St,Be � 1 / y�eY�' t / £itu s,an Pf`RWTUgar. / Scrrcts €uarus" ! Dow Py_Oaczan.arrt °vet ¢ rLer / Mail by tit Name Florida Limited Liability Company PINBALL 4 LLC Filing Information Document Number L13000107270 FEUEIN Number N/A Date Filed 07/29/2013 state FL Status ACTIVE Principal Address 15966 SW 86TH TERRACE MIAMI, FL 33193 Mailing Address 15966 SW 86TH TERRACE MIAMI, FL 33193 Registered Agent Name & Address BURKE,BERTHA 15966 SW 86TH TERRACE MIAMI, FL 33193 Authorized Person(s) Detail Name & Address Tale REGISTERED AGENT BERTHA,BURKE 15966 SW 86TH TERRACE MIAMI, FL 33193 Tide REGISTERED AGENT BERTHA,BURKE 15966 SW 86TH TERRACE MIAMI, FL 33193 Annual Reports Report Year Filed Date 2015 03/31/2015 2016 03/08/2016 2017 01/12/2017 Document Images 60 '4 'P?dk 9;P Pd /4GDt ff? F"u?? atuew Image In K fu(vnaE c%�j8�t' B_fii - UtiUA,LR 2T (.._ vwwmage In PDF 10 _...� L .- ,__.._._ ",iiOw ufxoe(yc - m - PDF [Oraena0 J a4;291Za B4 - edSVBItDA9 QKr v iew H nOge urn POF Im"'aa w g7ds .2aS __ . 9itY'Y, &' Otd113??p y 4e�J wl VIew Map In PDF 9aRYF9. §Y ?- Page 1 i)t41fi4G:'.. G, r` u / Packet Pg. 1929 t MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO.05 - A2014 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE PROCEDURES TO BE USED AFTER A FINAL ORDER HAS BEEN RENDERED BY THE CODE COMPLIANCE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE TO INITIATE INJUNCTIVE RELIEF FOR NON - COMPLIANT PROPERTIES, FORECLOSURE AND /OR MONEY JUDGMENT ACTIONS FOR COLLECTION OF UNPAID FINES AND /OR COSTS FROM A PROPERTY OWNER; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 162.09(1), Florida Statutes and Monroe County Code Section 8 -31(a) give the Special Magistrate appointed to hear Code Compliance cases the authority to impose fines and costs including the cost of repairs if the County is forced to make repairs, after a finding that the property owner has violated the Monroe County Code(s); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 162.09(3), Florida Statutes and Monroe County Code 8- 31(e), a certified copy of an Order imposing a fine or a fine plus repair costs may be recorded in the public records and thereafter constitute a lien against the land on which the violation exists and upon any other real or personal property owned by the violator; and WHEREAS, a certified copy of the Order imposing the fines and costs becomes a lien on all real and personal property owned by the violator once recorded with the County Clerk; and WHEREAS, the County has the authority to initiate litigation to enforce its codes and recorded liens; and WHEREAS, the initiation of litigation may be the only incentive for some property owners to gain compliance; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners finds it in the public's interest to have a formalized written procedure to be used after a Final Order has been rendered by the Code Compliance Special Magistrate to initiate injunctive relief on non - compliant properties, foreclosure and /or money judgment actions for collection of unpaid fines and/or costs from a property owner; March 19, 2014 Code Lien Procedure NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY: Section 1: The County's formal procedure is hereby adopted as set forth in Attachment A: PROCEDURES TO BE USED AFTER A FINAL ORDER HAS BEEN RENDERED BY THE CODE COMPLIANCE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE TO INITIATE INJUNCTIVE RELIEF FOR NON - COMPLIANT PROPERTIES, FORECLOSURE AND /OR MONEY JUDGMENT ACTIONS FOR COLLECTION OF UNPAID FINES AND /OR COSTS FROM A PROPERTY OWNER. Section 2: This resolution and the incorporated policies shall become effective upon adoption by the County Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said board held on the 19th of March .2014. Mayor Sylvia Murphy Mayor pro tem Danny L. Kolhage Commissioner Heather Carruthers Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner David Rice Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: N44���, Ma or Syl �` Murphy a # i,II'7 rt LO C tv n1 � March 19, 2014 Code Lien Procedure ATTACHMENT A PROCEDURES TO BE USED AFTER A FINAL ORDER HAS BEEN RENDERED BY THE CODE COMPLIANCE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE TO INITIATE INJUNCTIVE RELIEF FOR NON - COMPLIANT PROPERTIES, FORECLOSURE AND /OR MONEY JUDGMENT ACTIONS FOR COLLECTION OF UNPAID FINES AND /OR COSTS FROM A PROPERTY OWNER Special Magistrate (SM) enters a Final Order imposing a compliance date, fines and/or costs after a finding of violation of Monroe County Code(s) by property owner (violator) or approving a Stipulated Agreement with an agreed upon compliance date and fine amounts. The Final Order of SM providing the compliance date, and imposing fines and/or costs is provided to the property owner as soon as practicable. Referrals, if not made previously, are made to other agencies in appropriate circumstances. 2. The Final Order of the SM is recorded by Code Compliance (CC) as a lien by Code Compliance within 14 days after the compliance date for those cases that have not achieved compliance. The Final Order of the SM is recorded as a lien by CC within 45 days after the compliance date for those cases that have achieved compliance by the compliance date but have outstanding costs in excess of $200. 4. If compliance is not achieved within 75 days of the recording of the lien, then a re- inspection of the property is completed by the Code Inspector assigned to the case. If the property is still not in compliance then a demand letter including the current amount of fines and /or costs is sent to the property owner. 5. If compliance is not achieved within 90 days of the recording of the lien and /or the lien is not satisfied, then CC will research the subject property to determine: i. if the subject property is homesteaded; ii. if the subject property is the only property owned by property owner /violator; iii. what efforts, if any, the property owner has made to achieve compliance; iv. the amount of the lien accrued to date; and v. any other relevant factors, including but not limited to researching the status of the property owner, i.e. any Lis Pendens filed against the property or property owner, any pending or closed foreclosure actions, any open, pending or discharged Bankruptcy petitions. 6. CC staff shall provide a written memo or email to the County Attorney's Office (CAY) with the results of the research outlined and requested further action. 7. The CAY will review the information provided by CC staff. 8. The CAY will move the SM per F.S. 162.09 for an Order authorizing foreclosure or a money judgment action; and, March 19, 2014 Code Lien Procedure i. The Code Compliance Liaison (Liaison) will schedule the motion for the next available SM hearing for a Motion for approval to proceed with a foreclosure and /or money judgment action; ii. The Liaison will mail a Notice of Hearing and Notice of Motion prepared by the Liaison and signed by the CAY to the property owner by certified mail noticing the owner of the date, time, place and the substance (collection action, foreclosure and /or money judgment and /or writ of attachment) of the motion; iii. The Liaison will email /calendar a re- inspection request to the assigned Inspector to conduct inspection prior to the next available SM hearing; iv. The Motion hearing is heard by SM on the specified date; v. If SM finds foreclosure or money judgment is appropriate, the Liaison will notice the property owner of the SM's ruling and email /calendar a re- inspection request to the assigned Inspector to conduct an inspection within 30 days of the SM ruling; vi. CAY will seek permission from the Board of County Commissioners to file for foreclosure or money judgment in court; vii. The assigned Code Inspector will continue to monitor the property for compliance through re- inspections every 90 days and attempts to notify the owner by a quick email letter, telephone call or demand letter every 90 days to inform them that the property is not in compliance and fines are running. The assigned Code Inspector will provide written updates to the CAY every 90 days. 9. Subsequent to the SM's ruling on the Motion, the CAY will place an item on the Commission's agenda seeking the Board's direction and authorization on further enforcement and collection efforts. Potential options for litigation include seeking injunctive relief, a money judgment for the unpaid fines, foreclosure, or other relief. Potential non - litigation options include referral to another agency, allowing liens to accrue, or other relief. 10. If the recommended legal action is referral to another agency, release of lien, or allowing liens to accrue, CAY will send a written memo or email to the Director of Code Compliance outlining recommendation. 11. Once authority is granted by SM and/ or Board of County Commissioners, CC will order a title search on non - homesteaded properties, and the assigned Code Inspector will conduct a re- inspection after receipt of the title search. Litigation will commence after the title search is completed and a current re- inspection is completed. The assigned Code Inspector will continue to monitor the property for compliance through re- inspections every 90 days and attempts to contact the property owner by a quick email letter, telephone call or demand letter every 90 days that the property is not in compliance and fines are running. The assigned Inspector will provide written updates to the CAY every 90 days. 12. If the Board decides not to authorize injunction or enforcement litigation, a decision from the Board could include direction to: i. Allow lien to remain filed and accrue interest until sale or refinancing; or ii. Release the lien; or iii. Request CC staff to provide a progress report on compliance efforts annually at the March BOCC meeting. Exception —If a violation poses a serious threat to the public health, safety & welfare then immediate permission to file an action for an inspection warrant, injunction and /or demolition may be sought with BOCC direction. March 19, 2014 Code Lien Procedure