Item M08County of Monroe A BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor George Neugent, District 2 The Florida. Key y w) Mayor Pro Tem David Rice, District 4 �r Danny L. Kolhage, District I Heather Carruthers, District 3 Sylvia J. Murphy, District 5 County Commission Meeting April 12, 2017 Agenda Item Number: M.8 Agenda Item Summary #2801 BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: Risk Management TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Maria Slavik N/A AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to accept proposal from Marsh USA and purchase Pollution Liability Insurance through Allied World Assurance Company (AWAC) at a cost of $71,492 for a 3 year policy and authorize staff to sign all necessary forms. ITEM BACKGROUND: This recommended Pollution Liability Insurance Policy issued by AWAC will provide coverage to the County for potential liability associated with an accidental discharge of pollutants from one of its fuel storage tanks and the potential liability associated with a pollution incident at other scheduled County locations. Competitive proposals for Pollution Liability Insurance were sought. Proposals from two (2) agents /brokers were received, reviewed and ranked by an Evaluation Committee. Various options regarding the terms and conditions of the policies and deductibles were received from each proposer. The AWAC policy has a total premium of $71,492 for a three (3) year period of 5/l/17- 5/l/20. The Evaluation Committee ranked the AWAC policy first. This ranking and recommendation is supported by the County's insurance consultant. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: The equivalent insurance policy was last bid in January, 2011, and approved by the BOCC on April 20, 2011. CONTRACT /AGREEMENT CHANGES: Marsh presented a proposal from Allied World Assurance Company (AWAC). Marsh's AWAC proposal included terms and conditions comparable to those of the expiring policy that included limits of $5 million and a per occurence deductible of $50,000. Marsh /AWAC proposed a 3 year policy for a total premium of $71,492. This represents a decrease of $4,944 from the prior premium. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval to purchase Pollution Liability Insurance through AWAC for a total premium of $71,492 for a 3 year policy period of 5/l/17- 5/l/20 and for staff to sign all necessary forms. DOCUMENTATION: Interisk Recommendation Letter re: Pollution Liability Ins. and Evaluation Comm. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: 5/1/17 Expiration Date: 5/1/20 Total Dollar Value of Contract: $71,492.00 Total Cost to County: $71,492.00 Current Year Portion: $76,436.00 Budgeted: Yes Source of Funds: Internal Service Fund Primarily Ad Valorem CPI: N/A Indirect Costs: N/A Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: N/A Revenue Producing: No Grant: N/A County Match: N/A Insurance Required: N/A Additional Details: If yes, amount: 04/12/17 503 -08502 - RISK MGMT INSURANCE $71,492.00 REVIEWED BY: Maria Slavik Completed 03/24/2017 10:18 AM Chris Ambrosio Completed 03/24/2017 4:31 PM Bob Shillinger Completed 03/26/2017 4:40 PM Budget and Finance Completed 03/27/2017 9:02 AM Kathy Peters Completed 03/27/2017 9:31 AM Board of County Commissioners Pending 04/12/2017 9:00 AM I NTERISK Consultants Risk Management Employee Benefits March 20, 2017 Ms. Maria 5lavik Risk Management Specialist Monroe County 502 Whitehead St. Key West, Florida 33040 Subject: 2017 Pollution Liability RFP Maria: CORPORATION 1111 North Westshore Boulevard Suite 208 Tampa, FL 33607 -4711 Phone (813) 287 -1040 Facsimile (813) 287 -1041 The County's Pollution Liability insurance expires on May 1, 2017. Currently, the coverage is provided by Ironshore Specialty Insurance Company with Iimits of $5 million and a per occurrence deductible of $50,000. Coverage was provided for a 3 year term (5.'1;'74 -- 5 =17) for a total premium of $75,455.. Marsh USA serves as the County's agent for this coverage, In accordance with the County's Purchasing Protocols, an RFP for the County's Pollution Liability coverage was posted on Demandstar on January 24, 2017, An addendum was later posted on Demandstar on February 14, 2017 that responded to all questions submitted by interested proposers. Sealed proposals were received through March 14, 2017 when they were publically opened. Two agents submitted proposals. One was submitted by the Seaboard Agency that is located in Key West and 2 separate proposals were submitted by Marsh USA that is located in Sunrise Florida. An Evaluation Committee was established that included the following County employees: Ms. Maria Slavik t Ms. Monique Lewinski t Ms. Judith Clark I was asked to serve as the technical advisor to the Evaluation Committee. As such I personally reviewed each proposal submitted. The Seaboard Agency proposed coverage from the Liberty Surplus Insurance Corporation, Liberty enjoys a favorable rating from the AM, Best Company, the leading evaluator of insurance company operations. Seaboard proposed terms and conditions comparable to those of the expiring policy that included limits of $5 million and a per occurrence deductible of $50,000.. Seaboard proposed a 3 year policy for a total premium of $65,000. Marsh proposed one of their options from Ironshore Specialty Insurance Company (the incumbent insurer). Ironshore enjoys a favorable rating from the A,M. Best Company. Marsh's Ironshore proposal included terms and conditions comparable to those of the expiring policy that included limits of $5 million and a per occurrence deductible of $50,000. MarshlIronshore proposed a 3 year policy for a total premium of $76,964. Marsh also submitted a proposal from Allied World Assurance Company (AWAC). AWAC enjoys a favorable rating from the A.M. Best Company. Marsh's AWAC proposal included terms and conditions comparable to those of the expiring policy that included limits of $5 million and a per occurrence deductible of $50,000. Marsh/AWAC proposed a 3 year policy for a total premium of $71,492. The Evaluation Committee met on March 20, 2017 to discuss the proposals received. The Committee unanimously is recommending the Marsh/AWAC proposal. The Committee collectively had concerns with Seaboard's experience with Pollution Liability coverages and their experience with governmental entities. This was demonstrated by the fact that Seaboard had to rely on a "Co- Broker" to assist them in developing their proposal and this organization would remain as a "Co- Broker" for the term of the policy. I concur with the Evaluation Committee's recommendation to place the County's Pollution Liability coverage for the 5,1= to 5 =1,20 policy term with Allied World Assurance Company as being submitted by Marsh USA. As always, please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions. Cordially, INTERISK CORPORATION ZM loxi Sidney G. Webber CPCU, ARM