Item L1M C ounty of f Monroe ELj » °o � BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS /� r i � �� Mayor George Neugent, District 2 The Florida. Ke Se y I Mayor Pro Tern David Rice, District 4 Danny L. Kolhage, District I Heather Carruthers, District 3 Sylvia J. Murphy, District 5 County Commission Meeting November 14, 2017 Agenda Item Number: L.1 Agenda Item Summary #3563 BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: County Attorney's Office TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Pedro Mercado (3035) 292 -3470 N/A AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a resolution altering existing election precinct lines to follow census lines at the request of the Supervisor of Elections. ITEM BACKGROUND: Pursuant to F.S. 101.001 (1), Florida Statutes, this resolution is being presented for Board approval at the request of the Supervisor of Elections who has deemed it necessary and expedient to alter the existing election precinct lines to follow census lines. The resolution alters the precinct lines between Precincts 5 and 7 and moves Pigeon Key, FL from Precinct 18 to Precinct 17. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: BOCC 1/17/1996: BOCC adopted Resolution No. 044 -1996 altering existing election precincts and creating new election precincts in Monroe County and establishing the boundaries for same. CONTRACT /AGREEMENT CHANGES: Alters existing precinct lines STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval. DOCUMENTATION: Stamped Resolution altering existing precinct Lines (Supervisor of Elections) Resolution 044 -1996 BOCC 1/17/1996 Sec. 101.001 Florida Statutes Precincts and polling places; boundaries. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: N/A Expiration Date: Total Dollar Value of Contract: Total Cost to County: Current Year Portion: Budgeted: Source of Funds: CPI: Indirect Costs: Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: Revenue Producing: Grant: County Match: Insurance Required: Additional Details: If yes, amount: REVIEWED BY: Pedro Mercado Bob Shillinger Kathy Peters Board of County Commissioners Completed Completed Completed Pending 10/30/2017 4:55 PM 10/30/2017 7:51 PM 10/31/2017 8:46 AM 11/14/2017 9:00 AM WHERIF,AS, Resolution No. 044-1996, adopted by the Board on January 17, 1996, altered existing election precincts and created new election precincts and established the boundaries for same in Monroe County, Florida; and WHEREAS, it is considered necessary and expedient to alter the existing election precinct lines dividing Precincts 5 and 7 in Monroe County, Florida, to follow the census lines; and WHEREAS, the precinct lines herein will meet the need to follow census lines; and WHEREAS, per Resolution No. 044-1996, Pigeon Key, FL is currently included in the boundaries established for Precinct 18 but it is now deemed necessary and expedient to include Pigeon Key, FL in the precinct boundaries for Precinct 17; and WHEREAS, the Supervisor of Elections has recornmended and approved the alterations of existing precinct lines; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: The election precincts of Monroe County, Florida shall be, and are hereby established, as follows: Precinct No. 1: shall comprise all of the territory in the City of Key West, Florida, within the following boundaries 01MUM Precinct No. 2: shall comprise all of the territory in the City of Key West, Florida, within the following boundaries; UQ# MUltraff"I and commencing at Flagler Avenue at its intersection with Bertha Street, projected along the center line of Flagler Avenue to the waters of Cow Key Channel, excluding Thompson Island and House Boat Row. Precinct No. 3: shall comprise all of the territory in the City of Key West, Florida within the following boundaries: Precinct No. 4: shall comprise all of the territory in the City of Key West, Florida, within the following boundaries: Precinct No. 5: shall comprise all of the territory in the City of Key West, Florida, within the following boundaries: M�� Precinct No. 6: shall comprise all of the territory in the City of Key West, Florida, within the following boundaries - Precinct No. 7: shall comprise all of the territory in the City of Key West, Florida, within the following boundaries Precinct No. 8: shall comprise all of the territory in the City of Key West, Florida, within the following boundaries Commencing at the intersection of the center lines of White Street and Truman Avenue; thence projected along the center line of Truman Avenue to where it intersects the center line of Eisenhower Drive and Roosevelt Boulevard; thence projected along the center line of Roosevelt Boulevard to where it intersects the center line of MacMillan Drive (fon known as Fifth Street); thence at right angles projected along the center line of MacMillan Drive (formerly 0�1 known as Fifth Street) to where it intersects the center line of Flagler Avenue; thence at right angles projected along the center line of Flagler Avenue to where it intersects the center line of Wbite Street; thence at ri 91 'it angles projected along the center line of White Street to where it intersects the center line of Truman Avenue, Precinct n® 9: shall comprise all of the territory in the City of Key West, Florida, within the following boundaries: Precinct No. 10: shall comprise all of the territory in the City of Key West, Florida, within the following boundaries: Precinct No. 11: shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: That portion of Stock Island lying Southerly of U.S. Highway Number I and all of the Florida Keys lying northeasterly and easterly of the Island of Key West, up to the west end of the Boca Chica Channel Bridge, U.S. Highway Number 1, including the islands known as Thompson Island, Christmas Tree Island, Ballast Key, Key Haven and Houseboat Row. Precinct No. 12: shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: All of the Florida Keys north, south and east of the east end of the Boca Chica Channel Bridge up to a line projected north and south at the west end of the Shark Channel Bridge, including Big Coppitt and Shark Key. zpz� Precinct No. 13: shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: All of the Florida Keys north, south and east of a line projected north and south at the west end of the Shark Channel Bridge to a line projected north and south at the east end of Bow Channel Bridge including the Saddle Bunch Keys, Bay Point, and Sugarloaf Key. Precinct No. 14: shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries 77773=7 on a eys no , son ana east o mie projectea no an enu 01 Bow Channel Bridge, to a line projected north and south at the east end of the Kemp Channel Bridge; includes Cudjoe Key. Precinct No. 15: shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries All of the Florida Keys north and cast of a line projected north and south at the east end of the Kemp Channel Bridge up to a line projected north and south at the east end of the South Pine Channel Bridge including Surnmerland Key, Ramrod Key and the Torch Keys. Precinct No. 16: shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: All of the Florida Keys north and east of a line projected north and south at the east end of the South Pine Channel Bridge and that portion of Big Pine Key, west of the following described boundary line: Precinct No. 17: shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: MIMMESHEMSI��� WORM Precinct No. 18: shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: Beginning with a line projected north and south at the west end of the Seven Mile Bridge, and including all the Keys in Monroe County, Florida, that portion of Key Vaca, west of the following described boundary line: Precinct No. 19: shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: Precinct No. 20: shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: MIMMMI Precinct n® 21 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: That portion of Crawl Key No. 5 lying north and east of Banana Boulevard on said Key, and all of the Florida Keys lying north and east of Crawl Key No. 5, up to the west end of the Channel Two Bridge including the City of Layton, Long Key, Fiesta Key, and Craig Key. Precinct No. 24: shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: All those Keys from the east end of the Channel Two Bridge LIP to a line projected north and south at the east end of the Snake Creek Bridge including Lower Matecumbe Key, Upper Matecurnbe Key, Isla morada, and Win ley Key. Precinct No. 25: shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries. Precinct No. 26: shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: Commencing at the center line of U.S. Highway Number I at its intersection with the center line of Indian Mound Trail projected in a northerly direction along the center line of Indian Mound Trail to the Bay; thence from the center line of Indian Mound Trail at its intersection with the WMMUM center line of U.S. Highway Number 1, south to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean up to Tavernier Creek. Precinct No. 27: shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: Precinct No. 28: shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries; Precinct No. 29: shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: WEEM Precinct No. 30: shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: Precinct No. 31® shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: Precinct No. 32: shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries WIREEM PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the I S' day of November, 2017. Mayor George Neu gent Mayor Pro Tern David Rice Commissioner Danny L. Kolhage Commissioner Heather Carruthers In MMIEUM In FILED FOR RECORD Honorable Harry L. Sawyer. Jr. .96 FEB 26 A9:59 Supervisor of Elections RESOLUTION NO. 044-1 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLO RIDA, ALTERING EXISTING ELECTION PRECINCTS AND CREATING NEW ELECTION PRECINCTS IN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND ESTABLISHTIItrr TT-m 13nT 7krr% . _ WHEREAS, it is considered necessary and expedient to alter the present Election Precincts in Monroe County, Florida, and to create new Election Precincts in Monroe County, Florida, to reflect changes in voter participation and shifts in P o P ulation centers, and WHEREAS, the precincts herein established are as nearly as practicable, composed of contiguous and compact areas and the same comport in all regards with both Florida and Federal laws for the protection of voters rights, and WHEREAS, the Supervisor of Elections has recommended and approved the alterations of existing precincts and the creation of new precincts as herein set fourth now. therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Election Precincts of Monroe County, Florida, shall be and they are hereby established as follows: . Precinct No. 1 shall comprise all of the territory in the City of Key West, Florida, within the following boundaries: Commencing on the center line of Nineteenth Street at its intersection with Flagler Avenue, projected in a northerly direction along Nineteenth Street to where it intersects the center line of Donald Avenue, thence at a right angle, projected in a westerly direction, along the center line of Donald Avenue to where it intersects the center line of Seventeenth Street. thence at a right angle along the center line of Seventeenth Street, pro- jected in a northerly direction, to the waters of the Bav; and at the center line of Flagler Avenue at its intersection with Nineteenth Street, projected in an easterly direction along the center line of Flagler Avenue, to the waters of Cow Key Channel to the center line of U. S. Highway No. 1, up to the east end of Stock Island. Precinct No. ? shall comprise all of the territory in the City of Key West, Florida, within the following boundaries: Commencing on the center line of Bertha Street at its intersection with Flagler Avenue, projected along the center line of Bertha Street, in a southerly direction to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and commencing at Flagler Avenue at its intersection with Bertha Street. projected along the center line of Flagler Avenue to the waters of Cow Key Channel. Excluding Thompson Island and House Boat Row. Precinct No. 3 shall comprise all of the territory in the City of Key West, Florida, within the following boundaries: Commencing on the center line of White Street at its intersection with the center line of United Street, pro- jected in a southerly direction along the center line of White Street to where it intersects the center line of Flagler Avenue. thence at a right angle. projected in an easterly direction along the center line of Flagler Avenue to where it intersects the center line of Bertha Street. thence at a right angle projected in a southerly direction, along the center line of Bertha Street to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean; and at the center line of United Street at its intersection with the center line of White Street, projected in a westerly direction along the center line of United Street to where it intersects the center line of Whitehead Street; thence at a right angle in a southerly direction projected along the center line of Whitehead Street to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Precinct No. 4 shall comprise all of the territory in the City of Key West Florida, within the following boundaries: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of United and Duval Streets; thence along the center line of United Street to where it intersects the center line of Whitehead Street; thence at right angles along the center line of Whitehead Street to where it intersects the center line of Louisa Street; thence at right angles along the center line of Louisa Street to where it intersects the center line of Thomas Street; thence at right angles along the center line of Thomas Street to where it intersects the center line of Amelia Street; thence at right angles along the center line of Amelia Street to where it intersects the center line of Fort Street; thence at right angles along the center line of Fort Street to where it intersects the center line of Angela Street, thence at right angles along the center line of Angela Street where it intersects the center line of Duval Street; thence at right angles along the center line of Duval Street to where it intersects the center line of United Street. Precinct No. 5 shall comprise all of the territory in the City of Key West, Florida, within the following boundaries: Commencing on the center line of Angela Street at its intersection with the center line of White Street, projected in a westerly direction along the center line of Angela Street to the center lines of Margaret Street and Passover Lane, thence along the center line of Passover Lane to the center line of Windsor Lane, thence projected along the center line of Windsor Lane to where it intersects the center lines of Elizabeth and Angela Streets, thence along the center line of Angela Street to the center line of Fort Street, thence projected along the center line of Fort Street in a southerly direction to the center line of Amelia Street, thence projected along the center line of Amelia Street in an easterly direction to the center line of Thomas Street thence projected along the center line of Thomas Street in a southerly direction, to the center line of Louisa Street, thence projected along the center line of Louisa Street in an easterly direction to the center line of Whitehead Street thence projected in a southerly direction along the center line of Whitehead Street to the waters of the Bay; and commencing at the center line of White Street at its intersection with the center line of Angela Street projected in a northerly direction along the center line of White Street to the center line of the access road to the Monroe County School Board Administration Building, projected in a westerly direction along the center line of the access road to the :Monroe County School Board Adminis- tration Building to the waters of the Bay. Including Fort Zachary Taylor, Truman Annex Naval B ase, and Tank Island. Precinct No. 6 shall comprise all of the territory in the City of Kev_ West.. Florida, within the following boundaries: Commencing at the intersection of the center lines of White and Angela Streets; thence projected along the center line of Angela Street to where it intersects the center lines of Margaret Street and Passover Lane: thence at an angle projected along the center line of Passover Lane to where it intersects the center line of Windsor Lane; thence at an angle projected along the center line of Windsor Lane to where it intersects the center line of Elizabeth and Angela Streets; thence along the center line of Angela Street projected to where it intersects the center line of Duval Street; thence at right angles along the center line of Duval Street projected to where it intersects the center line of United Street; thence at right angles along the center line of United Street projected to where it intersects the center line of White Street; thence at right angles along the center line of White Street projected to where it intersects the center line of Angela Street. Precinct No. 7 shall comprise all of the territory in the City of Key West, Florida, within the following boundaries: Commencing at the center line of Seventh Street at its intersection with North Roosevelt Boulevard, projected in a northerly direction from the center line of Seventh Street to the waters of the Bay; thence at a right angle projected along the center line of North Roosevelt Boulevard, thence in a westerly direction to the center line of Truman Avenue, thence along the center line of Truman Avenue to the center line of White Street, thence at a right angle along the center be of White Street in a northerly direction to the center line of the access road to the Monroe County School Board Administration Building, thence at a right angle projected in a westerly direction along the center line of the access road to the Monroe County School Board Administration Building to the waters of the Bay. Includes Trumbo Point and Fleming Key. Precinct No. 8 shall comprise all of the territory in the City of Key West, Florida, within the following boundaries: Commencing at the intersection of the center lines of White Street and Truman Avenue; thence projected along the center line of Truman Avenue to where it intersects the center line of Eisenhower Drive and Roosevelt Boulevard; thence projected along the center line of Roosevelt Boulevard to where it intersects the center line of MacMillan Drive (formerly known as Fifth Street); thence at right angles projected along the center line of MacMillan Drive (formerly known as Fifth Street) to where it intersects the center line of Flagler Avenue; thence at right angles projected along the center line of Flagler Avenue to where it intersects the center line of White Street; thence at right angles projected along the center line of White Street to where it intersects the center line of Truman Avenue. Precinct No. 9 shall comprise of the territory in the City of Key West, Florida. within the following boundaries: Commencing on the center line of Fourteenth Street at its intersection with the center line of Flagler Avenue, thence projected in a northerly direction along the center line of Fourteenth Street to the waters of the Bay; and at the center line of Fourteenth Street at its intersection with the center line of Flagler Avenue thence projected in a westerly direction along the center line of Flagler Avenue to where it intersects the center line of MacMillan Drive (formerly known as Fifth Street), thence at a right angle projected in a northerly direction along the center line of MacMlan Drive (formerly known as Fifth Street) to where it intersects the center line of North Roosevelt Boulevard; thence at a right angle projected in an easterly direction along the center line of North Roosevelt Boulevard to where it intersects the center line of Seventh Street, thence at a right angle projected in a northerly direction to the waters of the Bay. Including Sigsbee Park. Precinct No. 10 shall comprise all of the territory in the City of Key West. Florida, within the following boundaries: Commencing on the center line of Nineteenth Street at its intersection with Flagler Avenue, projected in a northerly direction along Nineteenth Street to where it intersects the center line of Donald Avenue, thence at a right angle, projected in a westerly direction, along the center line of Donald Avenue to where it intersects the center line of Seventeenth Street, thence at a right angle along the center line of Seventeenth Street, pro- jected in a northerly direction, to the waters of the Bay; and at the center line of Flagler Avenue at its intersection with the center line of Nineteenth Street, projected in a westerly direction along the center line of Flagler Avenue where it intersects the center line of Fourteenth Street, thence at a right angle projected in a northerl direction along the center line of Fourteenth Street to the waters of the Bay. Precinct No. 11 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: That portion of Stock Island lying Southerly of U. S. Highway Number 1 and all of the Florida Keys lying Northeasterly and Easterly of the Island of Key West, up to the West end of the Boca Chica Channel Bridge, U. S. Highway Number 1, including the islands known as Thompson Island, Christmas Tree Island, Ballast Key, Key Haven, and Houseboat Row. Precinct No. 12 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: All of the Florida Keys north, south and east of the East end of the Boca Chica Channel Bridge up to a line projected north and south at the West end of the Shark Channel Bridge, including Big Coppitt and Shark Key. Precinct No. 13 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: All of the Florida Keys north, south and east of a line projected north and south at the west end of the Shark Channel Bridge to a line projected north and south at the east end of Bow Channel Bridge including the Saddle Bunch Keys, Bay Point, and Sugarloaf Key. Precinct No. 14 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: All of the Florida Keys north, south and east of a line projected north and south at the east end of Bow Channel Bridge, to a line projected north and south at the east end of the Kemp Channel Bridge. Includes Cudjoe Key. Precinct No 15 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County. Florida. within the following boundaries: All of the Florida Keys north and east of a line projected north and south at the east end of the Kemp Channel Bridge up to a line projected north and south at the east end of the South Pine Channel Bridge. Including Summerland Key, Ramrod Kev and the Torch Keys. Precinct No. 16 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: All of the Florida Keys north and east of a line projected north and south at the east end of the South Pine Channel Bridge and that portion of Big Pine Key, west of the following described boundary line: Commencing on the center line of Chapman Street projected to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean; thence alone said projected line in a Northerly direction to where it intersects with U. S. Highway Number 1 and Kev Deer Boulevard; thence at right angles along the center line of Key Deer Boulevard to where it intersects the center line of Big Pine Street; thence at right angles in an Easterly direction along the center line of Big Pine Street, projected to the waters of the Bay. Precinct No. 17 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: That portion of Big Pine Key east of the following boundary line: Commencing on the center line of Chapman Street projected to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean; thence along said projected line in a Northerly direction to where it intersects with U. S. Highway Number 1 and Key Deer Boulevard; thence at right angles along the center line of Kev Deer Boulevard to where it intersects the center line of Big Pine Street; thence at right angles in an Easterly direction along the center line of Big Pine Street, projected to the waters of the Bay; and that portion of the Florida Keys lying West of a line projected north and south at the west end of the Seven Mile Bridge including No Name Key, West Summer - land Key, Bahia Honda Key, Ohio Key and Little Duck Key. Precinct No. 18 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida. within the following boundaries: Beginning with a line projected north and south at the west end of the Seven Mile Bridge, and including all the Keys in Monroe County, Florida, including Pigeon Key and that portion of Key Vaca, west of the following described boundary line: Commencing on the center line of Fiftieth Street at its intersection with the center line of U. S. Ifighway Number 1 projected north along the center line of Fiftieth Street, to to the waters of the Bay; and commencing at the intersection of the center line of Fiftieth Street and the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 projected west along the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 to the center line of Forty Ninth Street, thence at a right angle along the center line of Forty Ninth Street, projected south to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Precinct No. 19 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: Commencing on the center line of Fiftieth Street at its intersection with the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 projected north along the center line of Fiftieth Street, to to the waters of the Bay; and commencing.at the intersection of the center line of Fiftieth Street and thecenter line of U. S. Highway Number 1 projected west along the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 to the center line of Forty Ninth Street, thence at a right angle along the center line of Forty Ninth Street, projected south to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean up up to a line commencing on the center line of Seventy -fourth Street projected to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, thence along said projected line to where it intersects the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1, thence at an an alone the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 in a westerly direction to where it intersects the center line of Aviation Boulevard to where it intersects the center line of Harbor Drive; thence at a right angle along the center line of Harbor Drive. projected to the waters of the Bay. Including Boot Key Harbor and the Sombrero area. Precinct No. 20 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe Countv. Florida. within the following boundaries: Commencing on the center line of Seventy -fourth Street projected to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, thence along said projected line to where it intersects the center line of U.S. Highway Number l; thence at an angle along the centerline of U. S. Highway Number I in a westerly direction to where it intersects the center line of Aviation Boulevard: thence at an angle along the center line of Aviation Boul- evard to where it intersects the center line of Harbor Drive, thence at a right angle along the center line of Harbor Drive, projected to the waters of the Bay; up to a line commencing on the intersection of the center line of One Hundred Seventh Street and U. S. Highwa Number 1 projected north along the center line of One Hundred Seventh Street to the waters of the Bay, thence along said projected line to where it intersects the center line of U. S. Highwav Number I thence at a right angle along the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 in a westerly direction to where it intersects with the center line of One Hundredth Street, thence at a right angle along the center line of One Hundredth Street projected south to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Precinct No. 21 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe Countv, Florida. within the following boundaries: Commencing on the intersection of the center line of One Hundred Seventh Street and U. S. Highway Number 1 projected north along the center line of One Hundred Seventh Street to the waters of the Bay, thence along said projected line to where it intersects the center line of U. S. Highway Number thence at a right angle along the center line of U. S. Highway Number l in a westerly direction to where it intersects with the center line of One Hundredth Street, thence at a right angle along the center line of One Hundredth Street projected south to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean; up to Crawl Key No. 5, and that portion of Crawl Key No. 5 south and west of Banana Boulevard on said Key. Excluding Key Colony Beach. Precinct No. 22 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida. within the following boundaries: Key Colony Beach up to U. S. Highway Number 1. Precinct No. 23 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: That portion of Crawl Key No. 5 lying North and East of Banana Boulevard on said Key, and all of the Florida Keys lying North and East of Crawl Key No. 5, up to the West end of the Channel Two Bridge including the City of Layton, Long Key, Fiesta Key, and Craig Key. Precinct No. 24 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida. within the following boundaries: All those Keys from the East end of the Channel Two Bridge up to a line projected north and south at the east end of the Snake Creek Bridge. Including Lower Mate - cumbe Key, Upper Matecumbe Key, Islamorada, and Windley Key. ft Precinct No. 25 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida. within the following boundaries: Commencing at a line projected north and south at the east end of the Snake Creek Bridge: and up to a line commencing at the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 at its intersection with the center line of Indian Mound Trail projected in a northerly direction along the center line of Indian Mound Trail to the Bay, thence from the center line of Indian Mound Trail at its intersection with the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 south to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Precinct No. 26 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: Commencing at the center line of U. S. Highwav Number 1 at its intersection with the center line of Indian Mound Trail projected in a northerly direction along the center line of Indian Mound Trail to the Bay, thence from the center line of Indian Mound Trail at its intersection with the center line of U. S. Highwav Number 1, south to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean up to Tavernier Creek. Precinct No. 27 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida. within the following boundaries: All those Keys from Tavernier Creek up to a line commencing at the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 at its inter- section with the center line of Dove Avenue. thence at a right angle projected along the center line of Dove Avenue. to the Atlantic Ocean, thence from the intersection of the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 at its intersection with the center line of Dove Avenue in a northerly direction up to the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 at its intersection with the center line of Sunset Gardens Drive, thence at a right angle projected along the center line of Sunset Gardens Drive to the Bay. Precinct No. 28 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: Commencing at the center line of U. S. Highway Number I at its intersection with the center line of Dove Avenue thence at a right angle, projected along the center line of Dove Avenue to the Atlantic Ocean thence from the intersection of the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 at its intersection with the center line of Dove Avenue in a northerly direction up to the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 at its intersection with the center line of Sunset Gardens Drive thence at a right angle, projected along the center line of Sunset Gardens Drive, to the Bay; up to a line commencing at the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 at its intersection with the center line of Gasparilla Drive thence at a right angle, projected west along the center line of Gasparilla Drive, to the Bay; thence along the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 at its intersection with the center line of Gasparilla Drive along the center line of U.S. Highway Number 1 to its intersection with the center line of Coco Plum Road, thence at a right angle projected east along the center line Of Coco Plum Road, to the Atlantic Ocean. Precinct No. 29 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: Commencing with the intersection of the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 and the center line of Gasparilla Drive, at a right angle projected west along the center line of Gasparilla Drive to the Bay; thence at the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 at its intersection with the center line of Gasparilla Drive along the center he of U. S. Highway Number 1 to its intersection with the center he of Coco Plum Road, thence along the center line of Coco Plum Road projected east to the Atlantic Ocean; up to the intersection of the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 and the center line of Burlington Street projected east along the center line of Burlington Street to the Atlantic Ocean; thence at the intersection of the center line of U.S. Highway Number 1 with the center line of Burlington Street, along the center line of U. S. Highs y Number 1 in a northerly direction to its intersection with the center line of Lauderdale Drive; thence at right angles along the center line of Lauderdale Drive to its intersection with the center line of Harbor Drive, thence along the center line of Harbor Drive to its intersection with the center line of Canal Drive, thence along the center line of Canal Drive projected west to the waters of the Bay. Precinct No. 30 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County. Florida, within the following boundaries: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 and the center line of Burlington Street projected east along the center line of Burlington Street to the Atlantic Ocean: thence at the intersection of the center line of U.S. Highway Number I with the center line of Burlington Street, along the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 in a northerly direction to its intersection with the center line of Lauderdale Drive; thence at right angles along the center line of Lauderdale Drive to its intersection with the center line of Harbor Drive, thence along the center line of Harbor Drive to its intersection with the center line of Canal Drive, thence along the center line of Canal Drive projected west to the waters of the Bay; up to a line commencing at the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 at its intersection with the center line of Lake Street and the center line of Park Boulevard, thence at a right angle along the center line of Lake Street projected to the Bay, and at the center line of U. S. Highway Number I at its intersection with the center line of Park Boulevard, at a right angle, projected along the center line of Park Boulevard to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Precinct No. 31 shall comprise all of the temtory in Monroe County, Florida. within the following boundaries: Commencing at the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 at its intersection with the center line of Lake Street and the center line of Park Boulevard, thence at a right angle along the center line of Lake Street projected to the Bav, and at the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1 at its intersection with the center line of Park Boulevard at a right angle projected along the center line of Park Boulevard to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, up to a line projected north and south along Adams Waterway. Precinct No. 32 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: All of those Keys from Adams Waterway up to the center line of the intersection of U. S. Highway Number 1 and Garden Cove Drive, thence from the center line of the intersection of U. S. Highway Number 1 and Garden Cove Drive at a right angle projected north on U. S. Highway Number 1, all of Monroe County west of the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1; and all of Garden Cove Drive south to the Atlantic Ocean.. To include the area known as the Florida Mainland and Everglades. Precinct No. 33 shall comprise all of the territory in Monroe County, Florida, within the following boundaries: Commencing at the intersection of U. S. Highway Number 1 and Garden Cove Drive, thence from the • center line of the intersection of U. S. Highway Number 1 and Garden Cove Drive at a right angle projected north on U. S. Highway Number 1, all of Monroe County east of the center line of U. S. Highway Number 1; and all of Monroe County north of Garden Cove Drive. To include the areas surrounding State Road 905, Card Sound Road, and Ocean Reef Club. Does not include Garden Cove Drive. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that this Resol- ution be recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida, in and for Monroe County, and the same be published in the Key West Citizen, the Keynoter and the Reporter, newspalyers published in Monroe County, Florida, once each week for four (4) consecutive weeks. The Board recognizes certain responsibilities are placed on the Supervisor of Elections by Section 98.031, Florida Statutes, in connection with the adoption of this resolution and it hereby resolves to cooperate in all possible regards with the Supervisor in fulfillment of those responsibilities. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the l7 thday of January, , A. D. 1996. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By Mayor /Chairma Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Mayor Freemai Douglass es Harvey es London _ _ye s Reich e 1 ___ ye s APPROVED AS TO FORM `� D GAL SUF ICI B R08 RT N. WOL DATE " 2 Statutes & Constitution :View St... http; / /www.le,g.state.fl.us /statute... Page Online 0 Sunshine ----------- ------- - ------ ­­­ ­­­ Select Year: '2017 v:: 1 Go - - -------------- The 2017 Florida Statutes Title IX Chapter 101 View Entire Chapter ELECTORS AND ELECTIONS VOTING METHODS AND PROCEDURE 101.001 Precincts and polling places; boundaries.— municipality. (2) When in any election there are fewer than 25 registered electors of the only political party having candidates on the ballot at any precinct, such precinct may be combined with other adjoining precincts upon the recommendation of the supervisor and the approval of the county commissioners. Notice of the ,I I III 1111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111c:: 1! T - CD U) E W= http: // /statute... http:/,Iwww .le g.state.fl.us /statute... Statutes & Constitution .Vie w St... http://www.leg.state.fl.us /statute... Page Copyright Oc 1995-2017 The Florida Legislature - Privacy Statement ® Contact Us CD U) (D E http://v;ww.leg.state.fl.us /statute... http:/'/www.leg.state.fl.us /statute...