Item P1M C ounty of f Monroe ELj » °o � BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS /� r i � �� Mayor George Neugent, District 2 The Florida. Ke Se y I Mayor Pro Tern David Rice, District 4 Danny L. Kolhage, District I Heather Carruthers, District 3 Sylvia J. Murphy, District 5 County Commission Meeting November 14, 2017 Agenda Item Number: P.1 Agenda Item Summary #3558 BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: County Administrator TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Lindsey Ballard (305) 292 -4443 N/A AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of the contract between Monroe County Board of County Commissioners and the State of Florida, Department of Health for operation of the Monroe County Health for operation of the Monroe County Health Department - contract year 2017 -2018. ITEM BACKGROUND: Review of annual contract and fee schedule for county funding of local health department. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: This is the annual renewal of an agreement of an agreement between Monroe County and Florida Department of Health that has continued for 20+ years. CONTRACT /AGREEMENT CHANGES: Minor programmatic changes; no change in County's fiscal responsibiilty. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval. DOCUMENTATION: 17 -18 core contrect agen_20171030145639 (2) FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: 10/01/2017 Expiration Date: 9/30/2018 Total Dollar Value of Contract: $1,165,070 Total Cost to County: Current Year Portion: Budgeted: Source of Funds: CPI: Indirect Costs: Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: Revenue Producing: Grant: County Match: Insurance Required: Additional Details: If yes, amount: REVIEWED BY: Cynthia Hall Budget and Finance Maria Slavik Kathy Peters Board of County Commissioners Completed 10/30/2017 5:12 PM Completed 10/31/2017 8:05 AM Completed 10/31/2017 8:21 AM Completed 10/31/2017 8:37 AM Pending 11/14/2017 9:00 AM This contract is made and entered into between the State of Florida, Department of Health ("State") and the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners ("County"), through their undersigned authorities, effective October 1, 2017. RECITALS B. County Health Departments were created throughout Florida to satisfy th legislative intent through "promotion of the public's health, the control and eradication preventable diseases, and the provision of primary health care for special populations." I C. Monroe County Health Department ("CHD") is one of the created County Health Departments. D. It is necessary for the parties hereto to enter into this contract in order to ensurni coordination between the State and the County in the operation of the CHD. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth herein, th sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: i 1 . RECITALS. The parties mutually agree that the foregoing recitals are true and corre' and incorporated herein by reference. I 3. SERVICES MAINTAINED BY THE CHD. The parties mutually agree that the CH1 shall provide those services as set forth on Part III of Attachment 11 hereof, in order til maintain the following three levels of service pursuant to section 154.01(2), Florida Statutes, as defined below: a. "Environmental health services" are those services which are organized and operat- to protect the health • the general public by monitoring and regulating activities in t environment which may contribute to the occurrence • transmission • diseasl Environmental health services shall be supported by available federal, state and local fun and shall include those services mandated • a state • federal level. Examples environmental health services include, but are not limited to drinkin , food hygiene, safe water supply, sewage and solid waste disposal, swimming pools, group care facilitiel migrant labor camps, toxic material control, radiological health, and occupational health. b. "Communicable disease control services" are those services which protect the health of the general public through the detection, control, and eradication of diseases which are transmitted primarily by human beings. Communicable disease services shall be supported by available federal, state, and local funds and shall include those services mandated on a state or federal level. Such services include, but are not limited to, epidemiology, sexually transmissible disease detection and control, HIV/AIDS, immunization, tuberculosis control and maintenance of vital statistics. c. "Primary care services" are acute care and preventive services that are made 0 available to well and sick persons who are unable to obtain such services due to lack of income or other barriers beyond their control. These services are provided to benefit 0 individuals, improve the collective health of the public, and prevent and control the spread of disease. Primary health care services are provided at home, in group settings, or in clinics. These services shall be supported by available federal, state, and local funds and shall include services mandated on a state or federal level. Examples of primary health care services include, but are not limited to: first contact acute care services; chronic disease V - detection and treatment; maternal and child health services; family planning; nutrition; school health; supplemental food assistance for women, infants, and children, home health, and de services. 4. FUNDING. The parties further agree that funding for the CHD will be handled follows I a. The funding to be provided by the parties and any other sources is set forth in Part 11 • Attachment 11 hereof. This funding will be used as shown in Part I of Attachment 11. The State's appropriated responsibility (direct contribution excluding any state fees, Medicaid contributions or any other funds not listed on the Schedule C) as provided in Attachment 11, Part 11 is an amount not to exceed $ 4,793,306 (State General Revenue, State Funds, Other State Funds and Federal Funds listed on the Schedule C). The State's obligation to pay under this contract is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Legislature. ii. The County's appropriated responsibility (direct contribution excluding any fees, other cash or local contributions) as provided in Attachment 11, Part 11 is an amount not to exceed $ 1,165,070 (amount listed under the "Board of County Commissioners Annual Appropriations section of the revenue attachment). b. Overall expenditures will not exceed available funding or budget authority, whichever is less, (either current year or from surplus trust funds) in any service category. Unless requested otherwise, any surplus at the end of the term of this contract in the County Health 2 Department Trust Fund that is attributed to the CHD shall be carried forward to the next contract period. c. Either party may establish service fees as allowed ♦ law to fund activities • the CHII Where applicable, such fees shall be automatically adjusted to at least the Medicaid flen- schedule. 11 Key West, FL 33041 Iq 0 i 43 FW n' 201101 C I IIIJ 9 M I M I � � 2�� 5 09MORM • =,Rzsjml a. The CHD and its personnel shall follow all State policies and procedures, except to th extent permitted for the use of County purchasing procedures as set forth in subparagrap I b., below. All CHD employees shall be State or State-contract personnel subject to Sta personnel rules and procedures. Employees will report time in the Health Manageme System compatible format by program component as specified by the State. i, The revenue and expenditure requirements in the Florida Accounting I a 10*111 MTT#Yntfl- - • ystem; memoranda, Iq 0 iv. The CHD is responsible for assuring that all contracts with service providers include provisions that all subcontracted services be reported to the CHD in a manner consistent with the client registration and service reporting requirements of the minimum data set as specified in the Client Information System/Health Management Component Pamphlet. d. All funds for the CHD shall be deposited in the County Health Department Trust Fun maintained • the state treasurer. These funds shall be accounted for separately from fun dep osited o o fr • ther CHDs and • e• • • shall e usnly fr p ub ea p •• • lic hlth urses in Mnr County. I Ell g. The CHID may execute subcontracts for services necessary to enable the CHID carry out the programs specified in this contract. Any such subcontract shall include aforementioned audit and record keeping requirements. I i. The CHID shall not use or disclose any information concerning a recipient of servic except as allowed by federal or state law or policy. I j. The CHID shall retain all client records, financial records, supporting document statistical records, and any other documents (including electronic storage media) pertinent this contract for a period of five (5) years after termination of this contract. If an audit h been initiated and audit findings have not been resolved at the end of five (5) years, t records shall be retained until resolution of the audit findings. I 1. The CHID shall abide by all State policies and procedures, which by this reference a incorporated herein as standards to be followed by the CHID, except as otherwise permitt for some purchases using County procedures pursuant to paragraph 6.b. I 9 take account of a client's choice of service, and of his/her right to a fair hearing to the final governing authority of the agency. Specific references to existing laws, rules or program manuals are included in Attachment I of this contract. n. The CHD shall comply with the provisions contained in the Civil Rights Certificate, hereby incorporated into this contract as Attachment Ill. o. The CHID shall submit quarterly reports to the County that shall include at least tha following: p. The dates for the submission of quarterly reports to the County shall be as follovc unless the generation and distribution of reports is delayed due to circumstances beyond th CWD's control: March 1, 2018 for the report period October 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017; ii. June 1, 2018 for the report period October 1, 2017 through March 31, 2018; September 1, 2018 for the report period October 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018; and iv. December 1, 2018 for the report period October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018. 7. FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT. The parties mutually agree that: LW9111 IVAU arj I K61 41NE U1441 111 r-T 6 1521 E441 1 0XV Ill LZZ�& A LZI WARVA SIN HIM Q Q im b. The County shall ensure adequate fire and casualty insurance coverage for Count owned CHID offices and buildings and for all furnishings and equipment in CHD offic through either a self-insurance program or insurance purchased by the County. I �-1 a. Termination at Will. This contract may be terminated by either party without cau upon no less than one-hundred eighty (180) calendar days notice in writing to the other pa unless a lesser time is mutually agreed upon in writing by both parties. Said notice shall I delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, or in person to the other party's contra manager with proof of delivery. i b. Termination Because of Lack of Funds. In the event funds to finance this contract become unavailable, either party may terminate this contract upon no less than twenty-four (24) hours notice. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, or in person to the other party's contract manager with proof of delivery. 9. MISCELLANEOUS. The parties further agree: a. Availability • Funds. If this contract, any renewal hereof, • any term, performance or payment hereunder, extends beyond the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018, it is agreed that the performance and payment under this contract are contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Legislature, in accordance with section 287.0582, Florida Statutes. b. Contract Managers. The name and address of the contract managers for the parties under this contract are as follows: For the State: Mary Vanden Brook, 1100 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 For the County: Roman Gastesi County Administrator a Wslorns 305-809-5612 305-292-4441 I N I If different contract managers are designated after execution of this contract, the nama address and telephone number of the new representative shall be furnished in writing to t other parties and attached to originals of this contract. I c. Captions. The captions and headings contained in this contract are for th� convenience of the parties only and do not in any way modify, amplify, or give addition notice of the provisions hereof. i In WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this eight page contract, with i'm attachments as referenced, including Attachment I (two pages), Attachment 11 (six page Attachment III (one page), Attachment IV (one page), and Attachment V (one page), to executed by their undersigned officials as duly authorized effective the 1st day of Octob 2017. 1 : 0 , i 1 • • 0 • - Xei :A ji Lei Z 1 0 *1 1 01:4 W-0 Za I ji 1:4 0 1 IM A m I MKIZAM 174i - ;JMUMOJIMJA,i�� TITLE: Surgeon General and Secretary JMV" ECI L' 1 11 I I I 1 =lMq1t1PjL1=- FIEVU4 I M I 0 U1111111111IM M=911A Some health services must comply with specific program and reporting requirements in addition to the Personal Health federal • state law, regulation or rule. If a county health department is funded to provide one of these services, it must comply with the special reporting requirements for that service. The services and the reporting requirements are listed below: 1 Sexually Transmitted Disea&� Program M-10 M- C. Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (including the WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counseling Program) 4. Healthy Start/ Improved Pregnancy Outcome Requ rement Requirements as specified in F.A.C. 64D-3, F.S. 381 and F.S. 384. 0 0 M: Periodic financial and programmatic reports as specified by the 0 program office. a Guidelines and as specified by the Healthy Start Coalitions in contract with each county health department. Attach I Packet Pg. 1345 1 ATTACHMENT I (Continued) Attach I Packet Pg. 1346 1 Requirements as specified in F.A.C. 64D-2 and 64D-3, F.S. 381 and F.S. 384. Socio-demographic and risk data on persons tested for HIV in CHD clinics should be reported on Lab Request DH Form 1628 in accordance with the Forms Instruction Guide. Requirements for the HIV/AIDS Patient Care programs are found in the Patient Care Contract Administrative Guidelines. 9. School Health Services Requirements as specified in the Florida School Health Administrative Guidelines (May 2012). Requirements as specified 0 in F.S. 381-0056, F.S. 381.0057, F.S. 402.3026 and F.A.C. 64F-6. 0 10. Tuberculosis Tuberculosis Program Requirements as specified in F.A.C. 64D-3 and F.S. 392. 11 General Communicable Disease Carry out surveillance for reportable communicable and other acute cr) M Control diseases, detect outbreaks, respond to individual cases of W Ul) reportable diseases, investigate outbreaks, and carry out communication and quality assurance functions, as specified in F.A.C. 64D-3, F.S. 381, F.S. 384 and the CHD Epidemiology Guide to Surveillance and Investigations. 12. Refugee Health Program Programmatic and financial requirements as specified by the C program office. *or the subsequent replacement if adopted during the contract period. UP Attach I Packet Pg. 1346 1 z LU IL w -j W Z 0 u ui 0 w z 0 2 ■ a I I F 11 0 c m (n 1 5 a) CL c 76 0 0 c 0 V5 c 0 a) ca a) CL cu 0 (D CL U) I ■ I LO V) C) C v 0 C.) 04 CN 0 CD p- m Cl) CN v LO 'gr 0) It 0 'T LO co CO v p- cc co CO V) a) C\l ca N LL CN 0 (D - 0 CY) 00- ce) >1 ce) [% E a) CD E E a) a) 0 E C: CL CL CL 4) U) 0 U) - CD ' o U) c o a — 0 P � 0— - c a (D P _ ?- c, = 0 — a) C:) U- C CL cq 0) C a) V5 0 a) 0 (D CD o 0 % 2 CL g0 00 cf) 0 m0 w cli li I I F 11 0 c m (n 1 5 a) CL c 76 0 0 c 0 V5 c 0 a) ca a) CL cu 0 (D CL U) I ■ I KN W AN ftQTj I DO Part H, Sources of Contributions to County Health Department October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018 2, NON GENERAL RE VENUE - STATE 015010 ENVIRONMENTAL BIOMEDICAL WASTE PROGRAM 015010 TOBACCO STATE AND COMMUNITY INTERVENTIONS 015010 HURRICAN MATTHEW EXECUTIVE ORDER 16 NON GENERAL REVENUE TOTAL 4, FEES ASSESSED BY STATE OR FEDERAL RULES - STATE 001020 CHI) STATEWIDE ENVIRONMENTAL FEES 001092 CHD STATEWIDE FNVIRONMUNTAL FEES 001206 ON SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL PERMIT FEES State COD County of CHD Trust Fund CHI} Trust Fund Other (cash) Trust Fund (cash) Contribution Total 370,000 0 :370,000 0 370j 73,552 0 73,552 0 73,f 259,200 0 259,200 0 259,5 23,756 0 23,756 0 23,' 16,755 0 16,755 0 16,' 63,322 0 63,322 0 63,} 59,426 0 59,426 0 59" 72,000 0 72,000 0 72,1 0 199,742 0 199,742 0 199" L) 96,223 0 96,223 0 96,5 X 0 1,274,203 0 1,274,203 0 1,274,`: 2,508,179 0 2,508,179 0 2,508, cr) L0 4,164 0 4,164 0 4,1 T- 118,154 0 118,154 0 118,1 o 0 0 0 122,318 0 122,318 0 122„ 04 40,403 0 40,403 0 40,4 QJ 70,202 0 70,202 0 70,5 17,088 0 17,088 0 17,( 0 44,273 0 44,273 0 44" 52,305 0 52,305 0 52, 0 399,225 o 399,225 399,® 38,582 0 38,582 0 38, 17,153 0 17,153 o 17,1 104,557 0 104,557 0 104,E 43 E 133,664 0 133,664 0 133,( = 120,976 0 120,976 0 120,4 481,668 0 481,668 0 481,( 295,500 0 295,500 0 295,1 5 55,492 0 55,492 55" 123,839 0 123,839 123,1 7,067 0 7,087 0 7,( 58,982 0 58,982 0 58,c 60,307 0 60,307 0 60,c 2,121,283 0 2,121,283 0 2,121,', 112,150 0 112,150 0 112,1 149,324 0 149,324 0 149, "' 18,000 0 18,()()() 0 18,000 Attachi Packet Pg. 1348 001206 SANITATION CERTIFICATES (FOOD INSPECTION) I ' mo 0 1,800 0 001200 SEPTIC TANK RESEARCH SURCHARGE 500 0 500 0 001206 PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL PERMIT FEES HQ 3,500 0 3,500 0 001206 REGULATION OF BODY PIERCING SALONS 35 0 35 0 001206 TANNIN(, FACILITIES 100 0 100 0 001206 TATTO PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 550 0 550 0 001206 MOBILE HOME A RV PARK FEES 1,750 0 1,750 0 FEES ASSESSED BY STATE OR FEDERAL RULES TOTAL 287,709 0 287,709 0 0 0 14,549 0 14,549 0 56,' 4,623 0 4,623 0 4,623 0 4,623 0 Total 3, I - 287, sm 0 0 14, 14, 4, 4, 0 0 0 590,528 590,; 0 0 0 19,964 19,! 0 0 0 925,569 925, 1) 0 0 10,774 10, 0 0 0 0 747,701 747, 0 0 0 2,294,536 2,294 0 776,231 776,231 0 776,: 0 394,540 394,540 0 394, 0 300,000 300,000 0 300,1 0 1,470,771 1,470,771 0 1,470,' 0 43,400 43,400 0 43, 0 209,300 209,300 0 209,: 0 75,000 75,000 0 75,1 0 327,700 327,700 0 827,' ATTACHMENT I[ MONROE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Part It Sources of Contributions to County Health Departmen October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018 GRAND TOTAL GHD PROGRAM State CHI] County Total CHI] Trust Fund CHD Trust Fund Other (caab) Trust Fund (cash) Contribution 0 274,871 274,871 0 273,281 273,281 0 0 76,819 76,819 0 2,400 2,400 0 0 52,468 52,468 0 16,125 16,125 0 0 27,000 27,000 {) 0 290,000 290,000 0 -423,722 -423,722 0 0 855,717 855,717 0 4,623 4,623 {) 0 4,623 4,623 0 0 0 0 597,605 0 0 0 0 0 0 83,369 0 0 0 75,223 0 0 0 115,566 fj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 871,763 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 274, 273, 76, 2 , 52, 16, 27, 290, sm -423, 0 855 0 4, 4 , 83, 75, 115, 871, 5,058,661 2,715,810 7,774,471 3,166,299 10,940, AII,,j Packet Pg. 1350 1 7,23 4,263 6,027 164,815 192,237 164,815 192,238 71,248 642,857 71 =1,1 1.151 308 470 25,452 29,686 25,452 29,686 55,547 54,729 110,2 8.63 0 3,878 134,547 156,933 134,547 156,934 507,115 75,846 582,9 0,00 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 1712 479 4,901 579,870 676,348 579,870 676,348 1,730,659 781,777 2,512,4 1.81 134 288 26,097 30,440 26,097 30,440 97,139 15,935 113,0 1.32 47 119 25,350 29,568 25,350 29,569 54,502 55,335 109,8 0 1.05 166 291 14,932 17,417 14,932 17,417 56,998 7,700 64,6 3.26 0 3,162 56,139 65,479 56,139 65,480 162,987 80,250 243,2 r_ 0 157 337 436 28,092 32,766 28,092 32,765 107,945 13,770 121,7 185 0 998 45,079 62,579 45,079 52,579 160,148 35,168 195,3 0 a 1.22 357 793 26,803 31,262 26,803 31,261 105,479 10,650 116,1 087 1,979 6,127 13,596 15,859 13,596 15,859 15,488 43,422 58,9 cr) 46.39 7,904 27,199 1,125,840 1,313,157 1,125,840 1,313,159 3,068,257 1,809,739 4,877,9 LO CD 0 73 69 117 13,224 15,424 13.224 15,4219 57,297 57,2 M CD 5.23 2,734 17,485 90,231 105,244 90,231 105,244 390,950 0 390,9 p- 2,40 0 82 37,987 44,307 37,987 44,306 164,587 0 164,5 04 108 0 1,354 14,593 17,021 14,593 17,020 63,227 0 68,2 186 532 1,038 47,318 56,130 47,318 55,190 154,231 50,785 20,5,0 cu UO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 QJ 321 551 4,145 52,244 60,936 52,244 60,935 0 226,359 226,3 C 0 IL) 0,00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2! 2,99 501 3,240 41,821 48,779 41,821 48,780 181,201 0 181,2 0 L2 3 77 0 113,745 66,066 77,057 66,066 77,057 286,246 286,2 1.43 175 445 34,172 39,858 34,172 39,858 110,461 37,599 148,0 5.16 0 1,018 88,200 102,875 88,200 102,875 107,537 274,613 382,1 E 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 2786 4,562 142,669 485,856 566,691 485,856 566,690 1,515,737 589,356 2,105,0 0,23 224 224 6,488 7,568 6,488 7,569 28,113 0 28,1 0,00 0 0 0 0 0 0 001 0 0 305 355 305 355 1,320 0 1,3 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.79 2,720 6, 930 82,898 96,690 82,898 96,690 219,176 140,000 359,1 6.03 2, 944 7,154 89, 691 104,613 89,691 104,614 248,609 140,000 388,6 001 11 2 147 171 147 172 637 0 6 1.05 166 291 14,932 17,417 14,932 17,417 56,998 7,700 64,6 Grand Total 2 15 SR 87,9 12,0 2 ' cj 03 175,9 0 90,7 0 a 90,7 : 25,4 ' 6"0' 1,1! 2: 76,6: 109,41 764, 7 0,00 0 0 ATTACHMENT 11 0 0 0 0 0 MONROE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 0 0 6,055 7,062 Part 111, Planned Staffing. Clients, Services and Expenditures By Program Service Area Within Each Level of Service 7,063 26,235 0 October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018 6 92 108 92 108 0 400 4( Quarterly Expenditure Plan 0 0 6,147 7,170 FTRA Clients Services/ let Sell 3rd 4th 16,628 179,253 1,794,246 (0.00) Units Visits 5,058,661 (Whole dollars only) 7,774,4' State County BODY PIERCING FACILITIES SERVICES (349) 0,00 0 0 60 69 60 69 162 96 GROL"P CARE FACILITY (351) 0.02 9 9 357 416 357 417 1,547 0 MIGRANT LABOR CAMP (352) 0,00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HOUSING A PUB. BLDG, (353) 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MOBILE HOME. AND PARK (354) 0 15 36 65 1,985 2,315 1,985 2,316 4,482 4,119 POOI.WBATHING P12kCES (360) 146 372 1,051 20,296 23,672 20,296 23,672 53,961 33,975 BIOMEDICAL WASTE SERVICES 064) 0,20 93 121 2,780 :3,242 2,780 3,242 8,976 3,068 TANNING FACILITY SERVICES (369) 0.00 0 0 48 56 48 57 139 70 Group Total 289 676 1,539 40,605 47,358 40,605 47,362 126,902 49,028 Groundwater Contamination STORAGE TANK COMPLIANCE SERVICES (355) 1.10 202 327 20,939 24,422 20,939 24,422 13,903 76,819 SUPER ACT SERVICES (356) 0.00 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Group Total 1.10 202 327 20,939 24,422 20,939 24,422 13,903 76,819 Community Hygiene COMMUNITY ENVIR, HEALTH (345) 025 0 6 5,876 6,854 5,876 6,853 25,459 0 INJLjRY PREVENTION (346) 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LEAD MONITORING SERVICES (350) IWO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PUBLIC SEWAGE (362) 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL SERVICE (363) 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 SANITARY NUISANCE (365) 009 18 37 1,399 1,632 1,399 1,633 6,063 RABIES SORVEILLANCE (366) 001 2 2 255 298 255 299 1,107 0 A-RBORVIRIjSSlJRY`EIL. (367) 0,00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RODENT/ARTHROPOD CONTROL (368) 000 0 0 52 61 52 61 226 WATER POLLUTION (370) 0-00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INDOOR AIR (371) 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RADIOLOC HCAL HEALTH (372) 0,00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOXIC SUBSTANCES (373) 1.12 320 320 17,686 20,629 17,686 20,630 26,163 50,468 Group Total 1 47 340 365 25,268 29,474 25,268 29,476 59,018 50,468 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SUBTOTAL 1149 4,162 9,385 176,503 205,867 176,503 205,874 448,432 316,315 Grand Total 2 15 SR 87,9 12,0 2 ' cj 03 175,9 0 90,7 0 a 90,7 : 25,4 ' 6"0' 1,1! 2: 76,6: 109,41 764, 7 0,00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 6,055 7,062 6,055 7,063 26,235 0 26,2: 000 0 6 92 108 92 108 0 400 4( 0.00 0 0 6,147 7,170 6,147 7,171 26,235 400 26,61 85,74 16,628 179,253 1,794,246 2,092,885 1,794,346 2,092,894 5,058,661 2,715,810 7,774,4' ATTACHMENT III programs or activities receiving or benefiting from federal financial assistance. The provider agrees to complete the Civil Rights Compliance Questionnaire, DH Forms 946 A and B (or the subsequent replacement if adopted during the contract period), if so requested by the department. I Title Vlofthe Civil Rights Act of 1964 es amended, 42U.S.C,2OUOEtoeq, which prohibits discr on the basis of race, color ur nat origin in programs and activities receiving nr 0 � benefiting from federal financial assistance. 0 3- Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, 20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq., which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities receiving or benefiting from federal financial assistance. CD E CL (D E co t w CD CL (D C.4 m .0 U o as Na I I N I 0 co m 0 0 (D E 0 C) w 00 m co Ln (D co 0 0 0 0 0 E m C z E 0 0 0 0 0 L) 0 L) 0 u 0 co %- 0 0 o d 0 4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2� Z� Z Z� 0 Q 0 u 0 u 0 u 0 L) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a) E 0 C 0 , = m 0 0 0 0 0 U) 4) E 4 ) co Z 0 0 = - 4 cc r- = E a 0) CL 0 > c E > X 0 , 0 U) w c E c CL m 0 me cn U) E C S Z > u) E C 0 a LU . ca > > 0 0 cc LL -1 LL 0 LL U) N > 0 U, Cl) 0 M 0 0 0 M LL 0 o 0 * HJ co 00 0 0 E 0 CIS p .2) W) 0 m M Lo C.) M In Na I I N I ATTACHMENT V • -� e r SPE CIAL -e c S AVINGS PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: LOCATION /ADDRESS: PROJECT TYPE: CASH RESERVED OR ANTICIPATED TO BE RESERVED FOR PROJECTS STATE COUNTY I W $ 1200000 $ 0 $ 200000 $ 0 $ 1400000 NEW BUILDING ROOFING RENOVATION X PLANNING STUDY NEW ADDITION OTHER SQUARE FOOTAGE: 3700 PROJECT SUMMARY: Describe scope of work in reasonable detail. FDOH Monroe would like to add a medical and dental clinic to a building being provided by the city of Key West. The project will involve dental operatory equipment, clinic, intake, waiting area furnishings, office furnishings and computers. The project is anticipated to begin in September of 2017 and completed by the Spring of 2019. Dental and clinical care for HIV /AIDS patients in Key West is specifically in demand with only one provider currently accepting Medicaid clients. Adding dental space will increase capacity and give FDOH Monroe the ability to hire a dentist to provide services to low income, HIV /AIDS clients, and children (a chronically under - served population). START DATE (initial expenditure of funds) 9/01/17 COMPLETION DATE: 3/31119 DESIGN FEES: $ 0 CONSTRUCTION COSTS: $ 0 FURNITURE /EQUIPMENT: $ 1400000 TOTAL PROJECT COST: 5 1400000 COST PER SQ FOOT: $ 378 Special Capital Projects are new construction or renovation projects and new furniture or equipment associated with these projects and mobile health vans. Cash balance as of 0 Cash to be t. is I r Attach Packet Pg. 1355