Item V1M C ounty of f Monroe ELj » °o � BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS /� r i � �� Mayor George Neugent, District 2 The Florida. Ke Se y I Mayor Pro Tern David Rice, District 4 Danny L. Kolhage, District I Heather Carruthers, District 3 Sylvia J. Murphy, District 5 County Commission Meeting November 14, 2017 Agenda Item Number: V.1 Agenda Item Summary #3550 BULK ITEM: No DEPARTMENT: County Administrator TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Lindsey Ballard (305) 292 -4443 N/A AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Request by Cheryl Lumbard, Vice President of Save Our Key Deer, to speak to the County Commissioners to discuss the need for new and replacement warning signs regarding endangered Key Deer. ITEM BACKGROUND: PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT /AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: DOCUMENTATION: November SB FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: Expiration Date: Total Dollar Value of Contract: Total Cost to County: Current Year Portion: Budgeted: Source of Funds: CPI: Indirect Costs: Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: Revenue Producing: Grant: County Match: Insurance Required: Additional Details: If yes, amount: REVIEWED BY: Bob Shillinger Budget and Finance Maria Slavik Kathy Peters Board of County Commissioners Completed 10/30/2017 7:17 PM Skipped 10/30/2017 7:17 PM Skipped 10/30/2017 7:17 PM Completed 10/31/2017 8:45 AM Pending 11/14/2017 9:00 AM Ballard-Lindse I will need to complete an item in our system for you to be added to the agenda. I will also need to know what it is that you will be speaking about. Agenda deadline is today, so I will need the information as soon as possible. The item will be a sounding board item and you will have 10 minutes to speak to the Board and no action will be taken. Here is soma information regarding Sounding Board: Section 1.03 b) Sounding Board, Monroe County Board of County Commissione Ad ocedures: i <imageOOIjpg> <image002jpg> Lindsey Ballard Aide to Roman Gastesi, County Administrator 1100 Simonton Street, Suite 2-205 Key West, FL 33040 (305)292-4443 (305)393-4442 (305)292-4544 Fax Ballard-Lind VMmonroecount -fl. CID www.monropmynty-fi a v <image003.jpg> Monroe County, Florida "The Florida Keys PLEASE NOTE - FLORIDA HAS A VERY BROAD RECORDS LAW. MOST WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS TO OR FROM THE COUNTY REGARDING COUNTY BUSINESS ARE PUBLIC RECORDS AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC AND MEDIA UPON REQUEST. YOUR EMAIL COMMUNICATION MAYBE SUBJECT TO PUBLIC DISCLOSURE- , rJyirEgw004.jiSgS> Thank you! m NM%fflpM= On Oct 30, 2017, at 11: 14 AM, Ball ard-Lindsey <B allard-Linds ,S MonrocCpufl!y-F L. Gop wrote: Good morning Cheryl — I am not aware of any such item on the November BOCIC Meeting agenda. To whom did you submit your item to? anamsommummm = -i0 p• Monroe County, Florida "The Florida Keys" PLEASE NOTE: FLORIDA HAS A VERY BROAD RECORDS LAW. MOST WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS TO OR FROM THE COUNTY REGARDING COUNTY BUSINESS ARE PUBLIC RECORDS AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC AND MEDIA UPON REQUEST. YOUR EMAIL COMMUNICATION MAY HE SURIECT TO PUBLIC DISCLOSURE, , rhnBA%dg%CjAq> From: nArgSl civic �Iuscom, [mailto: ncre[)lygc1yicplus.cornJ Sent: Monday, October 30, 2017 6:36 AM To: Ballard-Lindsey Subject: Online Form Submittal: General inquiry/ Request for Service/Complaint Form General Inquiry/Request for Service/Complaint Form Please complete the online form below to submit your complaint. State: Zip: Home Phone Number: Daytime one Number: Email Address: 0 Field not completed, gLeallumbard259 maii.com ff - g - Please Specify General Checking to see if SOKD (Save Our Key Deer) is on the Inquiry, Request for agenda for speaking at the November 14, 2017 board meeting Service or Complaint please. Thank you so much and have a great day! 3 ,it . A SAVE OUR KEY DEER 11/14/2017 TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: SAVE OUR KEY DEER INC. RE: REQUEST FOR SUPPORT OF SAFETY ISSUES IMPLEMENTATION RELATED TO DECREASING VEHICLE COLLISIONS WITH ENDANGERED KEY DEER THROUGHOUT THEIR EXTREMELY LIMITED HABITAT Dear BOCC: As you are aware, collisions of vehicles with Key deer on US -1 are the greatest source of mortality of this endangered species, consistently numbering 40+ known yearly incidents over the past 20+ years and as high as 100+ in some years. Additional, not - immediately -fatal collisions are generally not reported. In addition to being deleterious to the deer, these accidents represent very serious risk to humans and property. Save our Key Deer, Inc. (SOKD) is seeking your support and action on several items (some initiated pre -Irma and some a direct result of the Irma impacts) aimed to reduce the collision incidents: 1) ACTION: Have FDOT install presently lacking signage along US -1 in the eastward /.north direction between Mile Marker 19 (Sugarloaf) warning motorists that they are within Key deer habitat for the next 12 miles — Such signs are presently posted at both ends of Big Pine Key only, which is incorrect (see Exhibit 1). Also, traditional (yellow) "deer crossing" caution signs need to be erected at historically evident (and easy -to- determine from available data) collision hotspots in both directions on all islands between Sugarloaf and Little Torch Keys (see Exhibit 1). BACKGROUND: SOKD approached FDOT with this request several months ago, as well as made its effort with FDOT known to the Refuges management who are supportive but apparently wary of some residents' concerns about having too many signs along US -1. In fact, the provision of adequate deer warning signage is a prescribed goal specifically stated in the Refuges Comprehensive Plan (see Exhibit 2). FDOT informed SOKD that in order to consider the placement of new road signs, the request must be supported by a state, county or municipal agency — hence we are reaching out to you for that support. Note that the requested signs would be in areas with very few other road signs and thus not cause a "sign glut ". P.O. Box 431303, Big Pine Key, FL 33043 J 2) ACTION: Have FDOT correct signs that fail to include the actual total deer habitat area. The current signage only indicates /includes BPK. One example is the "Endangered Key Deer Habitat next 2.5 miles" at MM 33 on BPK. It should instead read, "...next 13 miles ". A new sign at MM 19 (Sugarloaf) in view of NE bound traffic should be added stating: "Endangered Key Deer Habitat - next 13 miles ". BACKGROUND: The present deer signage provides false information to motorists. It makes them believe deer are a traffic hazard solely along the US -1 stretch through Big Pine Key. 3) ACTION: Petition the Sheriff to provide immediate increased law enforcement presence throughout the Endangered Key Deer range (MM 33 - MM 19), with strictly enforced speed limits - with emphasis during the hours of dawn and dusk when the risk of vehicular strikes increases for all wildlife. BACKGROUND: While we are well aware that due to limited staffing and now post -Irma added duties the local Sheriff Dept. has a challenging work load, it is very noticeable to many residents that speeding through some of the most deer accident prone stretches of US-1 (e.g. the eastern length on Big Pine Key with the destroyed deer fence) is very prevalent after the storm and is rarely monitored by law enforcement. In the post - storm atmosphere non - resident trucks, and many automobiles simply ignore the still existing speed limit signs. This situation not only increases collision risk with. Key deer but greatly increases - potential for serious multi - vehicle crashes and human injury. Law enforcement should step up its presence to alleviate the existing situation. 4) ACTION: Have FDOT provide immediate repairs to the Irma- destroyed deer fence on BPK -at its northeastern end (approx. mile marker 32.7 — 33), or if not possible, construct a temporary fence barrier along that relatively short stretch of road — the most concentrated spot of vehicle -deer collisions post -Irma (see Exhibit C). BACKGROUND: Because of geographic factors as well as the curve in US -1 in that location which compromises motorists' view, this area has historically had the greatest collision frequency before the fence was erected in 2001 -2002 (Drummond 1989). An FDOT- commissioned study related to the deer fence /underpass project found that while elsewhere along US -1 on BPK deer death rates averaged 1 kill per 0.2 mile segment, this area averaged over 3.5 kills per year (Calvo and Silvy 1995). Post -Irma, in the several weeks after US -1 was again open to general traffic, at least 8 fatal deer collisions are known to have occurred in that area ( @30% of total USFWS- recorded deer - vehicle fatalities through October) (see Exhibit C). SOKD had petitioned FDOT, Florida Representative Ms. Holly Raschein, and others to place temporary lighted road sign boards in that area warning motorists of deer crossings. This was indeed finally done on Save Our Key Deer P.O. Box 431303, Big Pine Key, FL 33043 11/1/2017 and, since then, reported deer collisions there appear to have significantly decreased. The area's being such a hot -spot, however, the signs alone cannot be expected to eliminate the problem. Just a few days ago (evening of 11/11/2017) a young doe was killed in the same location. A temporary or speedy permanent fence repair along that US -1 stretch is desperately needed. SOKD hopes to have the Board's support on these issues and get their solutions enacted as soon as possible. With several state, county and municipal agencies potentially available to satisfy FDOT's signage support requirements, our members — full -time residents, part- timers, and occasional enthusiasts visiting the Keys believe your Board has the closest association to the issues, and. Keys residents' needs and wishes. We will gladly provide any additional. data, materials and answers to questions. Best initial contact venue is e-mail of SOKD's President — Ms. Valerie Preziosi — valerie @oceani.com Thank you very much for your time and we look forward to hearing from you, SOKD Board Save Our Key Deer P.O. Box 431303, Big Pine Key, FL 33043 EXHIBIT A. Key Deer fatalities !" ' I • • CU Kft C��S Ian no Key AREA NAS NO DEER WARNING SIGNAGE t oo Mile Marker 30 I Mile Marker 19 Known Key deer vehicle - collision fatalities 2012 -April /2017, showing incidents occurred from Mile Marker 19 (Sugarloaf) to 33 (Big Pine) Keys. Presently, no signage exists warning motorists of the existence of Key deer (and hence a collision possibility) outside of Big Pine and No Name Keys. The small deer sub -herds outside of Big Pine and No Name Keys represent @ 25% of Key deer's total world population (as per Texas A & M U.) and are extremely important for long- term species survival. The existence of Sugarloaf and Cudjoe herds are the direct result of costly, US taxpayer- funded translocation efforts done by scientists in 2003- 2005, however, needed roadside warning signage appears to have never been implemented or maintained. Because of the small size and precarious nature of these sub - herds, each roadside deer death or injury has very dire implications on the overall size and survival ability of the remaining group. Save Our Key Deer P.O. Box 431303, Big Pine Key, FL 33043 EXHIBIT A. (Continued) Key Deer fatalities � q 1 r L J Key Deer Mortalities: 2012 - 412017 Sex Male s �J 0 Female • Unknown Y• 00; c' 03 U ' Sugarloaf Key Miles Ramrod Key Suggested locations of suggested signage: Introductory sign on Northeastern -bound US -1 on Sugarloaf Key and traditional "deer crossing" signs shown as yellow stars. Save Our Key Deer P.O. Box 431303, Big Pine Key, FL 33043 Miles Cudjoe Key EXHIBIT B. Lower Florida Keys Refuges Comprehensive Conservation Plan Call for deer crossing road sign installation • mtxease ule arnuunt ur euucaton ano interpretive slgnage to me r eys reruges. • Increase education efforts to the public regarding the restrictions on interaction with Key deer. • nstan -- No reeding signs at the Yon me Heights su Daivlslon. • Install "No feeding" signs on No Name Key to notify visitors it is a crime. • Increase the number of signs on the refuge that explain the negative effects of feeding wildlife. • More attention needs to be paid to illegal feeding of Key deer, alligators and other wildlife. • On Cudjoe and Sugarloaf Keys (NKDR) some deer c oaring signs should be requested from the Florids DOT to hPln makes n onle aware of tran4lnnated dAer ci,furw TC;,;;,f,°.00,O�.^, comprehend are, as a practical matter, much easier to enforce than complex regulations full of loopholes and exceptions. • Organized powerboat racing In Turkey Basin (GWHNWR) should be stopped Immediately since boats ratting at 50+ miles per hour are a hazard to other boaters and wildlife. • ibidlldb in KVViVVVR dllU GVVHNViR IleeU mule i.IVV tJ14Vll.ellWlli diiellilUll. Species and habitat protection: • The path behind the Blue Hole (NKDR) should be closed to protect alligators. • Extend boundaries and increase numbers of dosed areas (e.g., Boca Grande on GWHNWR, nPStinn ArpaS) • Prescribed fire bums need to be evaluated more closely with regards to timing and method of buming. Habitat and wildlife needs should drive the bums, not the cost of a bum. • An overarching goal of the CCP must be that in 2021, the conditions of the refuge are no worse than in 2005. I nil n nar tc n!C ..A ctc - t r nL {� mlc .. the .... ,.OyL' _, ._,. .._.. ., .,. _ ..., _.. .,. � ... .... ......... - _ „.......,, ^5 .. ......, ...ter, .,. _ ... keyb. • Bait fish and other food for upland species needs to be as strongly protected as the upland species themselves. ;iu Luwel Flvl iue Kwya Re iuyea 33. : dc-a, popuia;icn : 'viabi " o u,., 4-- i / - " e, ,r.y .. .ma v Strategies: • Assess the genetic diversity of the Key deer throughout the metapopulations in order to monitor genetic health and to advise management on ways to implement recovery strategies. • While maintaining continuity of Iona -term data, assess the efficacv of the traditional, road - count -survey method. Refine it by using more rigorous sampling designs that account for detectibility. • Continue to monitor the abundance of deer monthly throughout the core area of Big Pine and No Name Keys using current and /or refined methods. • Cnntinna to mnnnnr franalnratad riper nnnnlntionc nn Ctidimp And RunadnAf Q ii.y 'w'ornir'gj Siyiw ;u vaujuc- and 0 guilJaf Keys �f air Itay u a; PP":a;anl growth creates a greater localized hazard to motorists, increased risk of deer- velNda collisions, or is otherwise indicated by deer population impacts. • Conduct studies and monitor demographic and home -range characteristics of Key deer populations on backcountry islands. • Cut l iiltue dailtiUUdiiU11 eOUlib ui tjeel fl of Ule WIB aleab VII Big Fine and Nu Ndnle Keys tv Sugarloaf and Gudjoe Keys and other suitable islands as determined by ongoing studies. • Continue to send Key deer too injured for release to approved captive facilities in mainland Florida as currently authorized. • Through environmental education and law enforcement efforts, actively discourage the Illegal feeding of Key deer. • Acepcc tha affinaro of ncinr, imml inn_mnirarontivac to rad_a him riper riPnCihi nn Nn Noma Key and parts of Big Pine Key. Manage deer at or below carrying capacity to reduce habitat degradation and to reduce the change of spreading density - dependent diseases. • Continue partnership with the Southeast Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study (SCWDS) and other deer health experts to monitor for Johne's disease and deer exposure to epizootic vin ilea Save Our Key Deer P.O. Box 431303, Big Pine Key, FL 33043 EXHIBIT C. Post -Irma Key deer collision hotspot in Big Pine Key o o Post -Irma vehicle collision i Key deer deaths 0 a GD 00 0 0 O LO I Big Pine Key 0 Urgent fence repair M=► Sex needed • Female • Male • Unknown OOpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC -BY -SA 0 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2 Miles 9/10 - 11/3/2017 Save Our Key Deer P.O. Box 431303, Big Pine Key, FL 33043