02/21/2018 Agenda.. .. _. . n a REVISED AGENDA MONROE COUNTY -BOARD OF COUNTY. COMMI9,SIONERS Any person who wishes to be heard shall provide: the Clerk with: his or her name and :residence and:the agenda item on which he or she wishes to be heard.' :Such information shall be on a card provided by. the County. Once public input begins, there: will be no further speaker cards allowed to be submitted to the Clerk for that.subject. An individual has three minutes :and a person representing an . organization has. five minutes to address the Board (except that ., individuals wishing to speak during public hearings pertaining to land use issues will have five " -- - minutes). - The first person representing the organization will: be ' allowed the five minutes. Subsequently .all other speakers on behalf of that organization have three minutes to address the Board: Once an individual has addressed: the Board, he or she will not be permitted to return to, the podium for follow -up comments, unless the issue involved is : quasi - judicial in nature. In that case, the applicant may return to the podium:to: conclude his or her position at the end of the public hearing. ADA ASSISTANCE: If you area person with a disability who needs special accommodations in order to participate in_ thisproceeding, please contact the County Administrator's Office,. by :phoning (305) 292 - 4441, between the hours of 8:30 a.m., - 5:00 p.m., no dater than five (5): calendar '!711 days prior to the scheduled meeting, i ou are hearing or voice impaired, call ". 1' P g; f.Y br Please: note that all time :approximate are listed in ,bold:: Wednesday,February 21,:2018 The Harvey Government Center at Historic Truman School .1200 Truman Avenue _ ... Key West, FL 9:00 A.M. - Regular Meeting 9:15 A.M. - Land Authority Governing Board 9:30 A.M.: Fire & Ambulance District 1 Board of Governors P.M. - Public Hearings, . TIME APPROXIMATE REGULAR. MEETING . . sa CALL TO ORDER SALUTE TO FLAG A. ADDITIONS CORRECTION DELETIONS. 1. Approval of agenda. Page 1:of 15. V/ B. PRESENTATION OF AWARDS 1. EMERGENCY SERVICES: Presentation of "Employee of the 4th Quarter" and "Employee of the Year" to FF /EMT David Reeves C. BULK APPROVALS — MAYOR PRO TEM SYLVIA MURPHY 1. Approval of a task order with RS &H, Inc. for Construction Engineering and Inspection Services (CEI) for the Key Largo II r 3 Roadway and Drainage Improvement Project. This task order is being awarded under the RS &H, Inc. contract for CEI services for the Monroe County Roadway and Drainage Improvement Program in the maximum not to exceed amount of $182,442.95. 2. Approval of a contract for $5,000 with Lucy Paige for public art at Bernstein Park recommended by the Art in Public Places (AIPP) Committee and the Florida Keys Council of the Arts (FKCA). This will be funded by the one -cent infrastructure tax. 3. Approval of a contract for $22,000 with Stephanie Jaffe Werner, d/b /a ESplanade 7, Inc., for public art at Bernstein Park recommended by 1 3 the Art in Public Places (AIPP) Committee and the Florida Keys Council of the Arts (FKCA). This will be funded by the one -cent infrastructure tax. 4. Approval, of a contract. for $22,000 with J.H. Allen for public art at c3 Bernstein Park recommended by the Art in Public Places (AIPP) Committee and the Florida Keys Council of the Arts (FKCA). This will be funded by the one -cent infrastructure tax. 5. Approval of a resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida approving and establishing the 2018 Wellness Program which includes health and wellness events (lunch and learns, health and wellness fairs, exercise and nutrition classes), Health Designs, Inc./Wellness Consultant, wellness exam and age- appropriate screenings with a participation incentive that now includes a tobacco cessation plan, community organized event reimbursement (walks, runs, bikes, swims), and purchases of related goods (gym equipment and sit -stand workstations); and Approval of the 2018 Wellness expenditures which are consistent with the items described in the 2018 Wellness Program. 6. Approval of a resolution to amend Section 7.01 C of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, to increase the vacation hours (annual leave) accrual maximum from 40 days /320 hrs. to 60 days /480 hrs. J Page 2 of 15 C. BULK APPROVALS — MAYOR PRO TEM SYLVIA MURPHY (CONTINUED) 7. Approval to advertise a Request for Proposals for Self- Insured Medical Plans through Third Party Administrator (without Pharmacy Benefits), including Claims Administration, Case ' Management and Utilization Review Services, Disease Management (DM), Network Management, Wellness Programs, and other Related Services. 8. Approval to purchase switches required to support the VOIP Telephone Replacement project in the amount of $66,420.31 from Presidio. 9. Approval of a Fourth Amendment to the Agreement for Professional Services with Currie Sowards Aguila Architects, Inc. for the design 13 through construction administration of the Plantation Key Judicial Courthouse and Detention Facility, in the amount of $57,750.00. This is funded by the one -cent infrastructure tax. 10. Approval to renew existing contract with Dion Fuels LLC for the first t3 additional one -year term beginning March 15th, 2018. 11. Approval to advertise for sealed bids for the project Modify Access Road at the Key West International Airport. The project consists of re- aligning Faraldo Circle to two full lanes for through traffic and providing more curbside for passenger pickup. The award of bid /contract for this project is contingent upon the anticipated receipt of an FAA grant (90 %) with 10% match from Airport Operating Fund 404. 12. Approval to advertise for sealed bids for the Key West Insulation Program - Key West by the Sea Building B Floors 3 -6. This project consists of construction improvements to reduce interior noise levels in thirty four (34) Key West by the Sea (Building B) residential units. The award of bid /contract for this project is contingent upon the anticipated receipt of an FAA grant (90 %) with 10% match from PFC #17. 13. Approval of 2nd Amendment to contract with Cliffllanger Janitorial, Inc., for janitorial services at Key West International Airport, renewing t j the agreement for one (1) year and increasing annual contract amount from $403,294.92/yr. to $411,764.11/yr. for annual CPI adjustment of 2.1%. 14. Approval of First Amendment to Lease Agreement with Susan Wallace d/b /a Jet Lag, KW, LLC, to clarify language in the lease regarding annual rent adjustments for their gift shop space at the Key West International Airport. Page 3 of 15 C. BULK APPROVALS — MAYOR PRO TEM SYLVIA MURPHY (CONTINUED) 15. Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Master Agreement for Professional Services with Jacobs Project Management Co. for General Consulting Services for both Monroe County Airports, adding certain federal contract provisions to the master agreement. 16. Approval of change orders 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 with OAC Action Construction Corp., increasing contract time by 84 days and contract 3 sum by $111,193.37 for the Key West International Airport Customs ` Facility Phase II project, funded by FDOT grant (50 %) and Fund 404 Operating (50 %). 17. Approval of an Inter Local Agreement (ILA) between the Village of Islamorada and Monroe County. The purpose of the ILA is to establish the division of responsibilities, capital and operating costs of the Sanitary Wastewater Connection of the County's Public Library which is shared with the Village fire station and park system. 18. Approval of Amendment 2 to a Task Order with CDM Smith, Inc., for engineering design and permitting services for the Key Largo II Roadway and Drainage Improvements Project to add plan review and revision activities as required due to Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) award of Small County Outreach Program �j (SCOP) grant funds for construction of the project. The additional services in the amount of $11,000.00 will result in a net increase of $3,500.00 due to a credit of $7,500.00 on unused balance on the project for a total revised contract amount of $316,216.00 19. Approval of first amendment to the Second Amended and Restated Agreement with Aramark Uniform Services. This amendment deletes a delivery location and a service item, adds a lost article payment schedule, increases payment amounts by the CPI -U of 2.1 %, and exercise the first of two (2) optional one year renewals. 20. Approval to enter into Grant Agreement with Florida Boating Improvement Program (FBIP) in the amount of $50,000.00 for the Harry Harris Boat Ramp Refurbish project. 21. Issuance (renewal) of a Class A Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (COPCN) to Monroe County Fire Rescue for the operation of an ALS transport ambulance service for the period April 1, 2018 through March 31, 2020. Page 4of15 C. BULK APPROVALS — MAYOR PRO TEM SYLVIA MURPHY (CONTINUED) 22. Approval of Agreement with FAST Solutions (Fastenal Automated . Supply Technolo to provide at no cost to Monroe: Count went Pp Y gy) P ( Y) twenty, Y �3 (20) 12 -door locker units to maintain. inventory control in Fire Stations, and- authorization for the.Fire Chief to execute all necessary documents: 23. Ratification of Resolution ,003 -2018 adopting the Monroe County 2017 Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP), . providing additional documentation: 24. Approval of an. annual Agreement :with the Monroe County Sheriff's :Office to provide 320 sq. ft. of office space at the:.Murray E. Nelson Government and Cultural: Center in KeyLargo; Florida. 25. Approval to enter into Grant Agreement with Florida Boating - Improvement Program. (FBIP) in the amount of $100,000.00 for the Gulf View Boat Ramp Repair and Dock Restoration project. 26. Approval to :increase rate of independent contractor's : compensation from. $40.00/hour to $45 00/hour for off duty Sheriff Deputy patrol .and security services at various County locations.. 27: Report of monthly change orders for the month of January, reviewed by the; County Administrator /Assistant Administrator. 28.: of a Resolution providing- support for submission of grant applications by Project Management for funding of two projectsin the .amount of . $200,000 each from.. the Florida Boating Improvement :Program (FBIP) and affirming :the :County's ability :to..provide local match funding.' The projects are installation of a boat dock and parking lot. repairs at the Geiger Key Boat: Ramp and installation of educational and safety kiosks at alt - Monroe County boat ramps. The . FBIP..grants will provide 75% funding.with. Monroe County providing 25% matching funds: on each. REVISED 29.: Approval to advertise a Request for Proposals: (RFP) for Higgs Beach 'Concessions' and:.approval of an: Eighth Amendment to Lease Agreement with Tropical. Watersports, LLC, the current water sports equipment rental vendor on Higgs to extend its current lease on a month -to -month basis, not to exceed six (6) months,: pending the RFP : and award of a :contract, and abatement of rent as noted ;for September 2017 due to Hurricane Irma. 30. Approval of Revisions to the Monroe County Purchasing Policy. Page 5of15 C. BULK APPROVALS — MAYOR PRO TEM SYLVIA MURPHY (CONTINUED) REVISED � 31 of various resolutions for the transfer' of funds and :resolutions for :the receipt of unanticipated revenue. 32. Approval:.. of Amendment 1 to. the M018 agreement with Guidance /Care Center, for the operation of The Heron, a state licensed Assisted Living Facility, under the -Human Service Organization funding, _ to amend Attachment C to include funding for repairs and maintenance. 33. Approval; of Third Lease Amendment to reflect Landlord' of the r P wn rolley Tours of Washington, Inc. mend. the notice requirement. D. HURRICANE IRMA RECOVERY 1. PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Ratification of lease of temporary - office trailers for the Monroe County Sheriffs Office administration. building and detention center on Stock Island. The building .was damaged: by Hurricane Irma. Purchase follows Emergency Procurement policy and FEMA Guidelines. 2. ENGINEERING: Ratification of Task Order Three - with DRC Emergency Services; LLC for Disaster Response and Recovery Services which outlines the locations of final .disposal sites for - hurricane debris. 1 PLANNING. AND ENVIRONMENTAL, BUILDING AND CODE. COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENTS: Approval of site for.:: ".Tiny ka Compliaint Small Modular : Units as an affordable alternative housing solution on scattered sites throughout Monroe County. PLANNING. AND ENVIRONMENTAL, BUILDING AND CODE COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENTS: Report on the issuance of building :permits for temporary housing (travel trailers / RVs) after Hurricane Irma. 5. PROJECT MANAGEMENT - Ratification of a contract with EE &G Construction and Electrical LLC. in the amount of $71,400:00 to perform Mold Remediation in the Pine Community Park and the Big Pine Key Library. Both facilities were damaged .by Hurricane Irma. Page 6of15 D. HURRICANE IRMA RECOVERY (CONTINUED): 6. AIRPORTS: Approval to waive rent and utilities fees in the. : am : ount of $15,435.48 for tenants of the Marathon Storage Hangars ( Marathon Q Flying Club,: Inc., Dr. Steve Strobbe, and Robert. Carew from `3 September 1, 2017 through January 21, 2018' due to the. inability to occupy the facility after Hurricane: Irma. The county :determined that the hangar =doors were unsafe for,use, and denied access to the tenants; until the doors were:repaired. 7. - ASSISTANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR WILSON: Approval to a invoice for Category, B (Emergency protective measures base p Y: g r3' ( g Yp ) ._ camps services provided during Hurricane Irma response:by Ashbritt Environmental - : Inc. in the amount. of $6,470,410 - and direction to :County Attorney to advise Clerk to.:release payment upon receipt of release of all relevant claims. 8. PLANNING-AND ENVIRONMENTAL, BUILDING AND CODE COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENTS:: Report. on emergency building permit.fee waivers of $:1;267,810 between'. 9/25/17 - 1/31/18. resulting . from Hurricane: Irma, with current. expiration date of fee waivers _set for 3/24/18 1 9. EMPLOYEE - SERVICES: Approval of a Resolution to accept funds - . . from The Miami Foundation which will serve as. matching funds for a Federal Grant application :with the : U.S.: Economic Development Administration. This. grant. will fund , a Local Disaster, Recovery Director position, and associated travel, equipment and supplies. REVISED. J10. BUDGET AND FINANCE: Report of Hurricane Irma finance activity by the Office of Management and Budget:. = REVISED 11. SUSTAINABILITY: Aeval Ratification of a Memorandum of Understanding and Mutual Aid Agreement with the Florida Department. of Environmental. Protection (DEP). for $6 million for lL 'clearing of. .'marine debris from canals and:' other navigable waterways within- unincorporated Monroe County; :to be reimbursed by the County: to PEP', retroactive 'to the last date executed by the parties. .12. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL, BUILDING. AND CODE.. . J COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENTS'-,;Discussion' and direction on the potential donation of used travel trailers (utilized by displaced households after Hurricane. Irma) from FEMA to the State . and the State would provide them to the County. E. TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL 1. Announcement of one vacant position on the Tourist Development '�j Council District IV Advisory Committee for one "At Large" :appointment. 2. Announcement of one vacant position on the Tourist .Development Council District.. I Advisory Committee for one. "At Large'. appointment. 3. Approval to advertise a Request: for Applications for FY 2019 3 Destination aind Turnkey Event Funding. 4. 3 Approval to advertise a Request for. Applications for FY 2019 Capital Project Funding. 5. Approval of a resolution to provide for additional advance registration, booth related expenses and travel related expenses and for trade shows for fiscal .year 2019 to be paid from TDC funds in fiscal year 2018.. 6. Approval of an Amendment to.. Agreement with . Upper Keys _Community Pool, Inc. for the Orange Bowl Winter Training and Swim_ Classic Turnkey Event to revise scope of service for the event.: 7. Approval of an Amendment to Agreement with Village of Islamorada for the. Anne's Beach Boardwalk Replacement and Repair project to extend the completion date to September 30, 20.18. 8. Approval to - revise Section II : of TDC Operations Manual which referehees Acceptable Event Marketing Expenses for Events. to : allow reimbursement for social media promoted posts. F. STAFF REPORTS: REVISED 1. Budget & Finance Report: - ,/2. KW /q a q �� vV4X4,--k, �.. Page 8.of 15 ADJOURNMENT 9:15 A.M. - :. G. LAND AUTHORITY GOVERNING BOARD L. Approval o f the - minutes for the. January 17, 2018 meeting. 2... Approval_ of a resolution adding the Janas property the Acquisition . List as an affordable housing site: to be purchased by Islamorada, Village: of Islands: and approving acquisition furiciirig subject to conditions. 3.. Approval of : a resolution authorizing the release of the affordable Housing - deed restrictions :on Block 1, .Lot : 5, Harbor Shores - on Key Largo ' in favor . of the Monroe . County Land upon the ...: . ..execution and recordation of affordable housing restrictions in favor:of Monroe.County. 4:: Approval of a contract to purchase Tier 1 property for.:conservation — Block 16, Lots 10 and 1.6,.Palm Villa, Big.Pine Key. 5. Approval of a contract to purchase Tier 1 property -for conservation — _.. . Lot 26, Whispering Pines Plate #4, Big Pine Key.: sp ADJOURNMENT 9:30 A.M. FIRE & AMBULANCE DISTRICT :1 BOARD OF GOVERNORS No items submitted. ADJOURNMENT .. .. .. 11:30 A.M. - .. I. ENGINEERING ... . REVISED 1::. Discussion and direction on settin g the toll rate for the Card . :Sound Toll 'to :be effective upon implementation. of: all electronic tolling (AET) system in 1} June 2018.:. J. PLANNIN..G AND ENVIRONMENTAL, - BUILDING AND CODE COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENTS 10:00 A.M. Presentation_ by Coastal Systems International, Ine. (CSI) on the;'. . October 2017 Monroe. County Boca Chica Mooring Field Detailed Feasibility- Study. Q 2. Approval of the 2017 U.S. 1 Arterial Travel Time and Delay Study. Page 9 of 15 J. PLANNING AND :ENVIRONMENTAL, BUILDING AND CODE COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENTS (CONTINUED) 3.. Approval to re- appoint Mr. Rudolph Krause,: CBC048885 to one additional three -year term to the: Contractors' Examining: Board (CEB). beginning January 21, 2018. 4. Approval of . a resolution of - the Monroe County. Board of County Commissioners renouncing and disclaiming: any right of the and public in and to that portion of the easement between lots 8:and 9 Block 2, Sunrise :Cay, Ocean Reef Plat No. 15, according to the Plat Book 7, Page 20, of the public records of Monroe County, Florida. 5. Discussion and .direction on amending the Monroe County Land Development Code to create an inclusionary housing requirement to address: nonresidential and transient development. 6.: Discussion. and direction on. amending the Monroe County Land. - Development Code regarding the ihelusionary housing requirement for residential development after the impacts from Hurricane Irma. 7. .Approval of Work Order #003 for AECOM to perform an Origin -. Destination Study of the traffic impacting Monroe County, in the amount of- .$107,551.52 under the. Transportation Planning Services contract with AECOM Technical Services, Inc. Contract funded _ at 87.5% ($94,07.58) through a Joint Participation Agreement. (JPA) from the: Florida Department of Transportation. The county's. share for this work order is $13,443.94. 8. Approval to advertise a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for vendors to participate in the removal and. disposal of : derelict vessels, non- derelict vessels, floating structures; off-premises: signs and marine debris through 2021, with provision for. a two year extension. 9.: Approval of an amendment to the Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) . AQN -53 .with the Florida. Department of. Transportation. (FDOT) for 13 the .County's transportation planning program_ to waive :the 12.5 % Monroe County match requirement. of the contract, resulting in FDOT :covering 100% of the eligible costs incurred after execution of the revision: REVISED 10. Approval of agreement for Professional Services between Mayte Santamaria and Monroe County. . Page 10 of 15 J. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL, BUILDING AND CODE COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENTS (CONTINUED) 11. Ratification of Resolution 025A -2018 approving 'the Development Agreement between Monroe County and Quarry Partners, LLC and the approved Development Agreement for the proposed development of (� 208 attached residential dwelling units designated as affordable housing units on parcels of land in Section 21, Township 67 South, Range 26 East, Big Coppitt Key, Monroe County, Florida, having Real Estate Numbers 00120940 - 000100, 00120940- 000201 and 00120940- 000302. 1:30 P.M. K. CLOSED SESSIONS I 1. An Attorney -Client Closed Session in the matter of Denenberg v. Marine Mammal Conservancy, Inc., et al., Circuit Court Case 14- CA- 364 -P. / 2. An Attorney -Client Closed Session in the matter of Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida v. Jerome Pfahning, Case No. 15 -CA- 214 -K. / 3 0 a.,, L. WASTEWATER ISSUES 1. Report on status of construction and added funding requested by FKAA for Cudjoe regional wastewater '. system (CRWS) / completion. Presentation of reasons for funding additions and discussion and direction of options to fund added scope. �✓ > 7.1- 2. Approval for staff to request an increase of up to $4-T million in the state revolving fund loan or apply for a separate clean water revolving fund loan to cover these added costs for the Cudjoe l regional wastewater system; authorization for the Mayor or County Administrator to submit the application and sign all necessary documents, if the loan is approved. M. COMMISSIONER'S ITEMS 1. MAYOR RICE: Discussion and direction to staff to develop a policy for lots /parcels acquired for density reduction purposes. 2. MAYOR RICE: Approval to appoint Timothy Root as an Elected 13 Official appointment to the Tourist Development Council. Page 11 of 15 lx,/ M. COMMISSIONER'S ITEMS (CONTINUED) 3./MAYOR RICE: Discussion and direction for use of affordable \, housing permits moving forward post - Hurricane Irma. 2:30 P.M. 4. COMMISSIONER NEUGENT: Discussion concerning the remaining use of Bayshore Manor assisted living facility, as a development site for the KOTS Program. The remaining residents of Bayshore Manor would then be provided the use of the new "Frank P. Toppino Poinciana Gardens Senior Living" facility. 5. COMMISSIONER NEUGENT: Appointment of Carol Borland to 15 the Library Advisory Board, replacing resigning Linda Douville term expiring 07- 20 -20. COMMISSIONER CARRUTHERS: Discussion and direction on converting 1 or 2 existing holidays (e.g. Good Friday, Columbus Day and President's Day) to floating vacation days. 7. COMMISSIONER CARRUTHERS: Approval to move the j scheduled April 18, 2018 Regular Board of County Commissioners Meeting to Thursday, April 19, 2018. 8. COMMISSIONER CARRUTHERS: Approval of the appointment g of Caroline Horn to the Climate Change Advisory Committee as replacement for Perry Johnston who recently resigned. M , N. COUNTY CLERK 1. Approval of the minutes from the Special Meetings of December 4, > 2017 and December 19, 2017; and, the Regular Meeting of December 13, 2017. 2. Approval of FKAA invoices $50,000 or over for the fiscal year (to 15 include salaries), relating to the Cudjoe Regional Wastewater System Project. 3. FKAA invoices for the fiscal year (to include), relating to the Cudjoe Regional Wastewater System Project. The invoices under $50,000 are being provided for information only. 4. Approval of Tourist Development Council expenses for the month of ► January 2018. Page 12 of 15 N. COUNTY CLERK (CONTINUED)::. g 5. Approval of BOCC Warrants (Including: Payroll) For The Month of January 2018. REVISED... 6 Approval to declare fixed assets as surplus: and allow for disposal (see attached list). REVISED 7. Approval to declare Fire - Rescue vehicles :surplus and. allow. them to be advertised for sale: (see attached list): .. ma O. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR J 1. County Administrator's Monthly Report. 2. Confirmation of appoiritment of Gary Johnson as Director;: Veterans Affairs as department head. P.. COUNTY ATTORNEY REVISED 1. County. Attorney Report for February 2018.. 2.. Request to hold an Attorney-Client. Closed Session in the matters of AshBritt, Inc: v. ;Monroe County, FL and Florida Department of Transportation, Case No. CA -K -17 -802 . at the regularly scheduled BOCC meeting on March 21,.20 -18 in Key Largo, FL at 1:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter, as may be heard. 11:00 A:M. 3. Discussion and direction :regarding the existing Monroe . County sign code:_ (Chapter 142 SIGNS) : :with a presentation given by . Nancy Stroud, Esq.. ... . 4. Authorization- to.. initiate litigation .against Mark H. Schofield and the property located at 114 W. Avenue ; A., Key Largo . Florida, to seek compliance with the County Codes and enforce a lien arising . from code compliance case.number CE10040067.. 5. Approval. of the Unity. of Title which. consolidates Mo'nroe..Countys two: parcels into a single lot with one legal description:. This is the County - owned property to be used: for the development of a park at Rowell's Marina..: p. Page 13 of 15 P. COUNTY ATTORNEY (CONTINUED) 6. Approval_ of a resolution authorizing execution of a .Quitclaim" Deed transferring land, to the Florida Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement: Trust Fund to remove a cloud on the: title and allow the land to:be managed by the Department's Division of Recreation and Parks as part of the Bahia Honda State Park. 7. Amendment of Professional Services Agreement with'Stearns Weaver Fj Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A. (Stearns Weaver) for legal services. 8. Approval to advertise draft ordinance authorizing the use of electronic si atures ,and electronic records. ... 3:00 P.M. Q. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. A public hearing to consider adoption of a. proposed ordinance for / the Property Assessed Clean Energy - (PACE) program; and providing for an effective date. R. ADD ONS' -- 1: ASSISTANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR CHRISTINE HURLEY: Approval of :four (4) full -time equivalent (FTE) positions for Monroe County Hurricane Irma Recovery, pending receipt of grants, endowments or donations from FEMA . coordinated philanthropic organizations and other grant - giving entities and need; approval to -apply for and accept such grants, endowments and donations and for the Mayor or County Administrator to sign all_ necessary documentation; authorization for the Mayor to sign letter requesting support to fund. or partially fund. these positions: and - long term recovery jump start. If funding is not received from external. organizations; staff will bring agenda - items back to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration of funding by County.: 2. ASSISTANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR KEVIN WILSON: Ratification of first modification to the STEP (Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power) grant extending. the time period -for acquisition of the Right of Entry '(ROE) forms required to qualify pplicants for the program: 1 Page 14 of 15 ADD ONS (CONTINUED) PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL,: BUILDING AND CODE COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENTS.: A: resolution by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners a116wing the placement of temporary emergency housing at mobile home parks and RV .parks for the temporary occupancy -- b y residents displaced by: Hurricane Irma : pursuant to the Planning Director and Building Official approving the locations for the.. r _. ` -i ic�� -._ - -i inn P P5 ADD ONS (CONTINUED) PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL,: BUILDING AND CODE COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENTS.: A: resolution by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners a116wing the placement of temporary emergency housing at mobile home parks and RV .parks for the temporary occupancy -- b y residents displaced by: Hurricane Irma : pursuant to the Planning Director and Building Official approving the locations for the.. r _. ` -i ic�� -._ - -i inn MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS February 21, 2018 Key West, FL TIME APPROXIMATES 9:00 A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING 9:15 A.M (GI -G5) LAND AUTHORITY 9:30 AM. BOARD OF GOVERNORS No items submitted. 10:0 A.M. (J1) 'PLANNING/ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES: Presentation by- Coastal Systems International, Inc: (CSI) on the October: 2017 Monroe County Boca Chica Mooring Field Detailed Feasibility.Study. 11 :00 A.M. (P3) COUNTY ATTORNEY: Discussion and direction regarding the existing :Monroe County sign code (Chapter 142 SIGNS) with a presentation given by Nancy Stroud; Esq. 11:30 A.M. (I1) ENGINEERING: Discussion and direction on setting the toll rate for the Card Sound Toll to be V effective upon implementation of all electronic tolling (AET) system in June / lam, 2018. .12:00 P.M. Lunch 1:30 P.M: (KI -K2) CLOSED SESSIONS: An Attorney - Client Closed Session in : the matter of Denenberg v. Marine / Mammal Conservancy, Inc., et al., Circuit Court Case '14 -CA- 364 -P... :. / An Attorney- Client Closed Session in the matter of Board of: County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida v. Jerome Pfahning, Case No. 15- CA- 214 -K. 2:30 P.M. (1%14) COMMISSIONER NEUGENT; Discussion concerning the remaining use of V/ Bayshore Manor assisted living facility .as a development site for the KOTS Program. The remaining residents of Bayshore Manor would then be provided the use of the new "Frank P. Toppino Poinciana Gardens Senior. Living" facility. 3:00 P.M.: (Q1) PUBLIC HEARINGS .(2%20/18 kp)