Item J11ò ÝÓ ±«²¬§ ±º ±²®±»  BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor David Rice, District 4 Mayor Pro Tem Sylvia J. Murphy, District 5 ̸»Ú´±®·¼¿Õ»§­ Danny L. Kolhage, District 1 George Neugent, District 2 Heather Carruthers, District 3 ݱ«²¬§ ݱ³³·­­·±² Ó»»¬·²¹ Ú»¾®«¿®§ îïô îðïè ß¹»²¼¿ ׬»³ Ò«³¾»®æ Öòïï  ß¹»²¼¿ ׬»³ Í«³³¿®§ ýíçðê BULK ITEM: DEPARTMENT: No Planning/Environmental Resources TIME APPROXIMATE:STAFF CONTACT: Mayte Santamaria (305) 289-2500 n/a AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Ratification of Resolution 025A-2018 approving the Development Agreement between Monroe County and Quarry Partners, LLC and the approved Development Agreement for the proposed development of 208 attached residential dwelling units designated as affordable housing units on parcels of land in Section 21, Township 67 South, Range 26 East, Big Coppitt Key, Monroe County, Florida, having Real Estate Numbers 00120940-000100, 00120940- 000201 and 00120940-000302. ITEM BACKGROUND: On January 17, 2018, the BOCC approved a Development Agreement involving the of 208 affordable housing units, with a minimum mix of at least 10% median and at least a 20% The 15.035-acre property is located in the Big Coppitt Mixed Use Area 1. Pursuant to Policy 107.1.6 development agreement shall be required for any proposed development of an affordable housing project within the Big Coppitt Mixed Use Area The conceptual site plan attached to the development agreement indicates the proposed development would include 208 affordable housing units arranged throughout nine buildings, a clubhouse and pool, 474 off-street parking spaces, and wetland and conservation areas. The development agreement would: Provide 10 years to complete the project Not allow buildings to exceed 35 feet from existing grade Outline required County development permits including a major conditional use permit, ROGO allocation awards, and building permits. Document the source of t ROGO and half coming from former Key West BPAS Units via a 380 agreement Outline the affordable housing income levels with 45% of the total units being very low or low income units in the first 50 years of the deed restriction and 25% of the total units being ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò very low or low income units in the remaining 49 years of the deed restriction Requests the County grant building permit fee waivers in exchange for the 50-year increased affordable restriction. îíè÷èÔ×úíùùÛÌÌÊÍÆ×ØÈÔ×Ì×ÊÏÓÈÖ××ÅÛÓÆ×Ê Î Requests the County grant a waiver to the wastewater capacity reservation fees. îíè÷èÔ×úíùùÛÌÌÊÍÆ×ØÛÌÌÐÃÓÎÕ  ÍÖðÛÎØûÇÈÔÍÊÓÈÃÖÇÎØÉÓÖ Î Ð×ÕÛÐÐÃÌ×ÊÏÓÉÉÓÚÐ×ÈÍÚ×ÌÛÓØÈÍÅÛÊØÈÔ×ÅÛÉÈ×ÅÛÈ×ÊÙÛÌÛÙÓÈÃÖ××ÉóÖÈÔ×ïÍÎÊÍ× ùÍÇÎÈÃðÛÎØûÇÈÔÍÊÓÈÃÖÇÎØÉÛÊ×ÎÍÈÌ×ÊÏÓÉÉÓÚÐ×ÛÈÈÔ×ÈÓÏ×ÌÛÃÏ×ÎÈÓÉØÇ× ïÍÎÊÍ×ùÍÇÎÈÃÛÕÊ××ÉÈÍÌÛÃÈÔ×ÉÛÏ×ÛÏÍÇÎÈÍÇÈÍÖÛÎÍÈÔ×ÊÐÛÅÖÇÐÐÃÛÆÛÓÐÛÚÐ× ÖÇÎØ Document that there are no residential buildings within the 70-74DNL and the buildings within the 65-59DNL noise contour pursuant to the 2013 Navy Environmental Impact Statement will be sound attenuated to achieve an indoor Noise Level Reduction of at least 25 decibels. Document that there is no ingress or egress to the Property via Puerta Drive. Allow a two-phase ingress and egress plan. The first phase would allow ingress/egress from the project along a private Î easement parallel to Calle Dos on Rockland Key and connecting to County right- of-way at Calle Uno leading to U.S. 1. Turn lanes would be added to Calle Uno. The second phase would allow ingress/egress from the project along the same Î ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò private easement parallel to Calle Dos, but would connect to a new private easement to allow access directly to U.S. 1 without the use of County roads. The first phase would last until the required permits are obtained and construction of the private ingress and egress is completed. Request the County contribute funding toward the construction costs of the access road. îíè÷èÔ×úíùùÛÌÌÊÍÆ×Ø Î ÊÍÛØÅÛÃÛÎØÚÊÓØÕ× ÓÏÌÊÍÆ×Ï×ÎÈÉÍÎÈÔ××ÛÉ×Ï×ÎÈÛÊ×ÛÕÊÛÎÈ×ØÌÇÊÉÇÛÎÈÈÍÈÔ×ï×ÏÍÊÛÎØÇÏÍÖ óÎÈ×ÊØ×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÛÎØíÌ×ÊÛÈÓÎÕûÕÊ××Ï×ÎÈÊÍÛØÅÍÊÑÎ×Ù×ÉÉÛÊÃÈÍ ÛÙÙ×ÉÉ ÙÍÎÎ×ÙÈÈÍÈÔ×ùÛÐÐ×çÎÍ øÍÉûÙÙ×ÉÉÛÎØÓÖÛÌÌÐÓÙÛÚÐ×ÈÔ×çé  Û  ÌÊÓÍÊÈÍÈÔ×ÙÍÏÏ×ÎÙ×Ï×ÎÈÍÖÈÔ×ÙÍÎÉÈÊÇÙÈÓÍÎÍÖÈÔ×êÍÛØåÍÊÑ ÌÊÍÆÓØ×ØÈÔÛÈÛÐÐÛÌÌÐÓÙÛÚÐ×Ì×ÊÏÓÈÉÛÎØÛÌÌÊÍÆÛÐÉÔÛÆ×Ú××ÎÍÚÈÛÓÎ×Ø Ú ÈÔ××ÎÕÓÎ××ÊÍÖÊ×ÙÍÊØÈÔÛÈÈÔ×êÍÛØåÍÊÑÓÉÖÓÖÈÃÌ×ÊÙ×ÎÈ ÙÍÏÌÐ×È×ÛÎØ ÙèÔ×ÛÏÍÇÎÈÊ×ÏÛÓÎÓÎÕÈÍÙÍÏÌÐ×È×ÈÔ×êÍÛØåÍÊÑÇÌÈÍ  ÇÌÍÎ êÍÛØåÍÊÑÓÉÙÍÏÌÐ×È×ÓÓÏ××ÈÉïÍÎÊÍ×ùÍÇÎÈÃÉÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÛÎØÓÓÓÓÉÊ×ÛØà ÖÍÊÍÌ×ÊÛÈÓÍÎÛÎØØ×ØÓÙÛÈÓÍÎÈÍïÍÎÊÍ×ùÍÇÎÈÃÛÉÛÌÇÚÐÓÙÊÍÛØÛÎØÛÙÙ×ÌÈÛÎÙ× ÚÃïÍÎÊÍ×ùÍÇÎÈÃçÌÍÎÉÇÙÔÙ×ÊÈÓÖÓÙÛÈÓÍÎïÍÎÊÍ×ùÍÇÎÈÃÛÕÊ××ÉÈÍÈÓÏ× ÛÙÙ×ÌÈÙÍÎÆ×ÃÛÎÙ×ÍÖÈÔ×êÍÛØåÍÊÑ Once the development agreement is approved by the BOCC, the project requires a Major Conditional Use Permit, which has been submitted. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: February 10, 2016 - Ordinance No. 003-2016 amending the Monroe County Future Land Use Map from Mixed Use/Commercial Fishing (MCF) and Industrial (I) to Mixed Use/Commercial (MC); ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò creating Policy 107.1.6 Big Coppitt Mixed Use Area 1, to provide limitations on development and specific restrictions for the subject property as proposed by Rockland Operations, LLC and Rockland Commercial Center, Inc. The amendment became effective on November 29, 2016. February 10, 2016 - Ordinance No. 004-2016 amending the Monroe County Land Use District (Zoning) Map from Industrial (I) and Commercial Fishing Area (CFA) to Mixed Use (MU) for the subject property, as proposed by Rockland Operations, LLC and Rockland Commercial Center, Inc. The amendment became effective on November 29, 2016. December 14, 2016 - Resolution No. 323-2016 approving the reservation of 96 affordable housing dwelling unit allocations consisting of 44 low income, 20 median income and 32 moderate income allocations, for a proposed affordable dwelling unit development by Rockland Operations, LLC until December 15, 2017. September 27, 2017 - Resolution No. 212-2017 approving the reservation of 104 affordable housing dwelling unit allocations consisting of one (1) very low income, 51 low income, 20 median income and 32 moderate income allocations, for a proposed affordable dwelling unit development by Quarry Partners, LLC until July 1, 2018. The affordable housing units developed with the 51 low income ROGO allocations reserved by this resolution must have rent rates limited to 60% median income. September 27, 2017 - Resolution No. 213-2017 approving the reservation of 104 dwelling unit allocations, pursuant to the 380 Agreement with the state and municipalities to transfer 104 Key effectiveness of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Key West and the execution of the Section 380.032 Agreement by all the Parties. January 17, 2018 - the BOCC approved Resolution 025A-2018 approving the Development Agreement. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: n/a STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval DOCUMENTATION: Resolution 025A-2018 Approving Development Agreement FINAL EXECUTED for Commission - Quarry Development Agreement Exhibit A 380 Agreement_Executed Exhibit B Quarry Site Plan Exhibit C ownership_deeds Exhibit D Legal Description Exhibit E topographic survey Exhibit F Memo of Interdevelopment and Operating Agreement ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: Expiration Date: Total Dollar Value of Contract: Total Cost to County: Current Year Portion: Budgeted: Source of Funds: CPI: Indirect Costs: Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: Revenue Producing: If yes, amount: Grant: County Match : Insurance Required: Additional Details: REVIEWED BY: Mayte Santamaria Completed 02/06/2018 1:11 PM Assistant County Administrator Christine Hurley Completed 02/06/2018 1:21 PM Steve Williams Completed 02/06/2018 1:24 PM Jaclyn Carnago Completed 02/06/2018 1:28 PM Budget and Finance Completed 02/06/2018 1:35 PM Maria Slavik Completed 02/06/2018 1:37 PM Mayte Santamaria Completed 02/06/2018 4:39 PM Kathy Peters Completed 02/06/2018 7:02 PM Board of County Commissioners Pending 02/21/2018 9:00 AM ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Û ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Û ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Û ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ú ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ú ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ú ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ú ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ú ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ú ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ú ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ú ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ú ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ú ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ú ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ú ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ú ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ú ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ú ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ù ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ù ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ù ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ù ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ù ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ù ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ù ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ù ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ù ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ù ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ù ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ù ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ù ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ù ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ù ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ù ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ù ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ù ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ù ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ù ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ù ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø MU ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ø ROCKLAND KEY, FLORIDA RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT THE QUARRY 11-13-20171COUNTY REVISIONS Revisions: General Notes: ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ø ROCKLAND KEY, FLORIDA RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT THE QUARRY 11-13-20171COUNTY REVISIONS Revisions: General Notes: ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò × ò × ò × ò × ò × ò × ò × ò × ò × ò × ò × ò × ò × ò × ò × ò × ò × ò × ò × ò × ò × ò × ò × ò × ò Ö ò Ö ûÈÈÛÙÔÏ×ÎÈ÷ÄÔÓÚÓÈ÷ÈÍÌÍÕÊÛÌÔÓÙÉÇÊÆ×ÃÊÛÈÓÖÃëÇÛÊÊÃìÛÊÈÎ×ÊÉØ×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÛÕÊ××Ï×ÎÈ ûÈÈÛÙÔÏ×ÎÈ÷ÄÔÓÚÓÈ÷ÈÍÌÍÕÊÛÌÔÓÙÉÇÊÆ×ÃÊÛÈÓÖÃëÇÛÊÊÃìÛÊÈÎ×ÊÉØ×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÛÕÊ××Ï×ÎÈ ûÈÈÛÙÔÏ×ÎÈ÷ÄÔÓÚÓÈ÷ÈÍÌÍÕÊÛÌÔÓÙÉÇÊÆ×ÃÊÛÈÓÖÃëÇÛÊÊÃìÛÊÈÎ×ÊÉØ×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÛÕÊ××Ï×ÎÈ ûÈÈÛÙÔÏ×ÎÈ÷ÄÔÓÚÓÈ÷ÈÍÌÍÕÊÛÌÔÓÙÉÇÊÆ×ÃÊÛÈÓÖÃëÇÛÊÊÃìÛÊÈÎ×ÊÉØ×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÛÕÊ××Ï×ÎÈ ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ò Ô ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ