Resolution 255-20191 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION NO. 255 - 2019 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ADOPTING FEMA TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 "ELEVATOR INSTALLATION" DATED JUNE 2019 AS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO MONROE COUNTY CODE SECTION 122-2(C) WHEREAS, Monroe County is currently a participating community in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and is working on internal County policies to improve upon its interpretation of NFIP regulations; and WHEREAS, Monroe County desires to maintain eligibility and improve its standing in FEMA's Community Rating System (CRS); and WHEREAS, Monroe County Code Section 122-2(c), in part, requires that in interpreting other provisions of this chapter, the building official shall be guided by the current edition of FEMA's 44 CFR, and FEMA's interpretive letters, policy statements and technical bulletins as adopted by resolution from time to time by the board of county commissioners; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. Pursuant to Monroe County Code Section 122-2(c), the Board hereby adopts FEMA Technical Bulletin 4 "Elevator Installation" dated June 2019, a copy of which is attached hereto. Section 2. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward one (1) certified copy of this Resolution to the Building Department. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 18`h of September, 2019. Mayor Sylvia Murphy Mayor pro tem Danny L. Kolhage Commissioner David Rice Commissioner Heather Carruthers Commissioner Michelle Coldiron Yes Yes Yes Yes Yf -.-, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE C TY, RIDA BY: Mayor lvia urphy ATTEST: KEV MADOK, CLERK Deputy Clerk iy Q- r w COUIM ATTORM Y A T.1pW1'�1.1G+M1 ASSISTANTR J�9AiTORNO DOW. ® / 1471 Elevator Installation for Buildings Located in Special Flood Hazard Areas in Accordance with the National Flood Insurance Program NFIP Technical Bulletin 4 /June 2019 �pnxrM ��� FEMA LAND SECJ, Comments on the Technical Bulletins should be directed to: DHS/FEMA Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration (FIMA) Risk Management Directorate Building Science Branch 400 C Street, S.W., Sixth Floor Washington, DC 20472-3020 NFIP Technical Bulletin 4 (2019) replaces NFIP Technical Bulletin 4 (2010) Elevatorinstallation for Buildings Located in Special Flood Hazard Areas in accordance with the National Flood Insurance Program. Cover photograph: Looking down on a traction elevator system that sustained damage, including rusting and cab deterioration, from contact with floodwater. NFIP Technical Bulletin 4 contains information that is proprietary to and copyrighted by the American Society of Civil Engineers and information that is proprietary to and copyrighted by the International Code Council, Inc. All information is used with permission. For more information, see the FEMA Building Science Frequently Asked Questions website at http://www.fema.gov/ frequently -asked -questions -building -science. If you have any additional questions on FEMA Building Science Publications, contact the helpline at FEMA- Buildingsciencehelp@fema.dhs.gov or 866-927-2104. You may also sign up for the FEMA Building Science email subscription, which is updated with publication releases and FEMA Building Science activities. Subscribe at.https:// service.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDHSFEMA/subscriber/ new?topic id=USDHSFEMA 193. Visit the Building Science Branch of the Risk Management Directorate at FEMA's Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration at https://www.fema.gov/building-science. To order publications, contact the FEMA Distribution Center: Call: 1-800-480-2520 (Monday —Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., EST) Fax: 719-948-9724 Email: FEMApubs@gpo.gov Additional FEMA documents can be found in the FEMA Library at https://www.fema.ciov/media-library/ resources. Please scan this QR code 0 : 0 to visit the FEMA Building �• Science web page. Table of Contents Acronyms............................................................................................................................................... ii 1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 1 2 NAP Regulations.................................................................................................................................1 3 Other Regulations................................................................................................................................ 3 3.1 International Residential Code.............................................................................................................3 3.2 International Building Code and ASCE 24..........................................................................................4 4 How Elevators Affect NFIP Flood Insurance Rates.................................................................................. 5 4.1 Elevator Shafts/Enclosures....................................................................................................................5 4.2 Elevator Cabs and Equipment...............................................................................................................6 5 Types of Elevators................................................................................................................................ 7 5.1 Hydraulic Elevators................................................................................................................................ 7 5.2 Traction Elevators..................................................................................................................................8 5.3 Other Conveyance Mechanisms..........................................................................................................10 6 Protecting Elevators from Flood Damage.............................................................................................11 6.1 Elevator Shafts/Enclosures..................................................................................................................11 6.2 Elevator Equipment..............................................................................................................................12 6.3 Fire Recall Switches and Backup Power..............................................................................................13 6.4 Hydraulic Elevators..............................................................................................................................14 6.5 Traction Elevators................................................................................................................................14 6.6 Other Conveyance Mechanisms.......................................................................................................... 14 6.7 Mitigation Guidance Based on Post -Disaster Observations.............................................................. 14 7 References........................................................................................................................................16 List of Figures Figure 1. Direct -acting (holed) hydraulic elevator.........................................................................................8 Figure 2. Holeless hydraulic elevator...............................................................................................................8 Figure3. Traction elevator...............................................................................................................................9 Figure 4. Machine room -less traction elevator................................................................................................9 Figure 5. Float switch to control cab descent................................................................................................13 NFIP TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 JUNE 2019 i List of Tables Table 1. Comparison of Select 2018 IRC and NFIP Requirements..............................................................3 Table 2. Comparison of Select 2018 IBC and ASCE 24-14 Requirements with NFIP Requirements ......... 4 Table 3. Hydraulic Elevator System Components, Locations, and Flood -Protection Strategies................7 Table 4. Traction Elevator System Components, Locations, and Flood Protection Strategies ................10 Table5. General Guidance...........................................................................................................................15 Table 6. Guidance for Specific Components...............................................................................................15 Acronyms ANSI American National Standards Institute ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers BFE base flood elevation CFR Code of Federal Regulations DHS Department of Homeland Security FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FIMA Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map IBC International Building Code° ICC International Code Council° I -Codes International Codes° IRC International Residential Code° NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association NFIP National Flood Insurance Program NFPA National Fire Protection Association SEI Structural Engineering Institute SFHA Special Flood Hazard Area SFIP Standard Flood Insurance Policy 11 NFIP TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 JUNE 2019 1 Introduction This Technical Bulletin provides guidance on the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) floodplain management requirements for installing elevators and associated equipment below the base flood elevation (BFE) in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs). This Technical Bulletin also discusses how the presence of elevators in buildings can affect flood insurance premiums. Types of elevators and associated equipment are described, along with practical methods of protecting elevators from flood damage. Even when compliance is not required, application of these loss prevention measures can reduce the level of damage that can occur, the resultant repair costs, and the time elevators are out of service. If this guidance is followed, elevator service in buildings can be restored as quickly as possible once floodwater recedes and power is restored. Questions about the NFIP floodplain management requirements pertaining to elevators should be directed to the appropriate local official, NFIP State Coordinating Office, or FEMA Regional Office. 2 NFIP Regulations NFIP TECHNICAL BULLETIN 0 NFIP Technical Bulletin 0, User's Guide to Technical Bulletins, should be used as a reference in conjunction with this Technical Bulletin. Technical Bulletin 0 describes the purpose and use of the Technical Bulletins, includes common concepts and terms, lists useful resources, and includes a crosswalk of the sections of the NFIP regulations identifying the Technical Bulletin that addresses each section of the regulations and a subject index. Readers are cautioned that the definition of some of the terms that are used in the Technical Bulletins are not the same when used by the NFIP for the purpose of rating flood insurance policies. An important NFIP objective is protecting buildings constructed in SFHAs from damage caused by flood forces. The SFHA, composed of Zones A and V, is the areal extent of the base flood shown on Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) prepared by FEMA. The base flood is the flood that has a 1 percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year (commonly called the "100-year flood"). The NFIP floodplain management regulations include minimum building design criteria that apply to new construction and to improvements, alterations, and additions determined to be Substantial Improvements. The minimum criteria also apply to the repair of buildings determined to have incurred Substantial Damage. The NFIP regulations require the lowest floor (including basement) to be elevated to or above the BFE in new construction and for improvements determined to be Substantial Improvements (including repair of INCREASED USE OF ELEVATORS Elevators have become more common in residential and nonresidential construction to facilitate access because of the requirements to elevate buildings and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. NFIP TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 JUNE 2019 1 buildings determined to have incurred Substantial Damage). Non-residential buildings in Zone A must be elevated or dry floodproofed. The NFIP regulations for utility systems, including elevator equipment, are codified in Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 60. Pertaining specifically to this Technical Bulletin, 44 CFR Section 60.3 (a) (3) states that a community shall: Review all permit applications to determine whether proposed building sites will be reasonably safe from flooding. If a proposed building site is in a flood -prone area, all new construction and substantial improvements shall ... (ii) be constructed with materials resistant to flood damage, (iii) be constructed by methods and practices that minimize flood damages, and (iv) be constructed with electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, and air conditioning equipment and other service facilities that are designed and/or located so as to prevent water from entering or accumulating within the components during conditions of flooding. To comply with the NFIP regulations, measures must be taken to mitigate flood damage to service facilities, including elevators and associated equipment. Although in order to function, some components must be located below the lowest floor of an elevated building (i.e., below the BFE), most of the elevator components that are vulnerable to flooding can be located above the BFE or be designed so that flood damage is minimized. NFIP REQUIREMENTS AND HIGHER REGULATORY STANDARDS State and Local Requirements. State or local requirements that are more stringent than the minimum requirements of the NFIP take precedence. The Technical Bulletins and other FEMA publications provide guidance on the minimum requirements of the NFIP and describe best practices. Design professionals, builders, and property owners should contact local officials to determine whether more restrictive provisions apply to buildings or sites in question. All other applicable requirements of the State or local building codes must also be met for buildings in flood hazard areas. Substantial Improvement and Substantial Damage. As part of issuing permits, local officials must review not only proposals for new construction but also for work on existing buildings to determine whether the work constitutes Substantial Improvement or repair of Substantial Damage. If the work is determined to constitute Substantial Improvement or repair of Substantial Damage, the buildings must be brought into compliance with NFIP requirements for new construction. Some communities modify the definitions of Substantial Improvements and/or Substantial Damage to be more restrictive than the NFIP minimum requirements. For more information on Substantial Improvement and Substantial Damage, see FEMA P-758, Substantial Improvement/Substantial Damage Desk Reference (2010), and FEMA 213, Answers to Questions About Substantially Damaged/Substantially Damaged Buildings (2018). Higher Building Elevation Requirements. Some communities require that buildings be elevated above the NFIP minimum requirements. The additional elevation is called freeboard. Design professionals, builders, and property owners should check with local officials to determine whether a community has freeboard requirements. References to building elevations in this Technical Bulletin should be construed as references to the community's elevation requirement in areas where freeboard is required. NFIP TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 JUNE 2019 3 Other Regulations In addition to complying with NFIP requirements, all new construction, Substantial Improvements, and repairs of Substantial Damage must comply with the applicable building codes and standards that have been adopted by States and communities. The International Codes° (I -Codes°), published by the International Code Council® (ICC®) are a family of codes that include the International Residential Code° (IRC®), International Building Code° (IBC°), International Existing Building Code° (IEBC°), and codes that govern the installation of mechanical, plumbing, fuel gas service, and other aspects of building construction. FEMA has deemed that the latest published editions of the I -Codes meet or exceed NFIP requirements for buildings and structures. Excerpts of the flood provisions of the I -Codes are available on FENINs Building Code Resource webpage (http://www.fema.gov/building-code-resources) . 3.1 International Residential Code The IRC applies to one- and two-family dwellings and townhomes not more than three stories above grade plane. IRC Section R321 requires that elevators comply with ASME A17.1/CSA B44, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators (2016). The 2018 IRC requirements related to building utility and service equipment in dwellings in SFHAs (summarized in Table 1) are similar to, but generally exceed, NFIP requirements. Table 1. Comparison of Select 2018 IRC and NFIP Requirements IRC COMMENTARY ICC publishes companion commentary for the IRC. Although not regulatory, the commentary provides guidance that is useful in complying with, interpreting, and enforcing the requirements of the code. Mechanical, Section R322.1.6 Protection of mechanical, plumbing and electrical plumbing, systems. and electrical Specifies that protection of electrical systems, equipment, and components; systems heating, ventilating, air conditioning; plumbing appliances and plumbing fixtures; duct systems; and other service equipment should be located at or above the elevations required for buildings based on flood zone. In addition: • Equipment and components replaced as part of Substantial Improvement must meet the same requirements as new construction. • Systems, fixtures, equipment, and components must not be mounted on or penetrate through walls intended to break away under flood loads. • An exception allows equipment and components below the required elevation if designed and installed to prevent water from entering or accumulating within the components and to resist flood loads. • Electrical wiring systems that conform to requirements for wet locations are permitted below the required elevation. Change from 2015 to 2018 IRC: No change. Change from 2012 to 2015 IRC: No change. Exceeds NFIP 44 CFR § 60.3(a) (3) with more specificity: Elevation must be to at least the same height as the elevation requirement for dwellings, and limitations related to breakaway walls, acknowledge that minimum electric service may be appropriate (e.g., for light switches). NFIP TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 JUNE 2019 3 Table 1. Comparison of Select 2018 IRC and NFIP Requirements (concluded) General Section M1301.1.1 [General Mechanical System Requirements] Flood - mechanical resistant installation. systems Requires mechanical appliances, equipment, and systems to be located and installed in accordance with Section R322.1.6. Change from 2015 to 2018 IRC: No change. Change from 2012 to 2015 IRC: No change. Used with permission from ICC. 3.2 International Building Code and ASCE 24 The flood provisions of the latest published editions of the IBC meet or exceed the NFIP requirements for buildings, largely through reference to the standard ASCE 24, Flood Resistant Design and Construction, developed by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). The IBC applies to all applicable buildings and structures. While primarily used for buildings and structures other than dwellings within the scope of the IRC, the IBC may be used to design dwellings. Current (2018) IBC and current ASCE 24 (ASCE 24-14 [2014]) requirements for buildings in SFHAs are summarized in Table 2. Table 2. Comparison of Select 2018 IBC and ASCE 24-14 Requirements with NFIP Requirements Exceeds NFIP 44 CFR § 60.3(a) (3) with more specificity. IBC AND ASCE COMMENTARIES ICC publishes companion commentary for the IBC and ASCE publishes companion commentary for ASCE 24. Although not regulatory, the commentaries provide information and guidance that are useful in complying with, interpreting, and enforcing requirements. General flood 2018 IBC, Section 1612.2 Design and construction. hazard area Requires buildings and structures located in flood hazard areas to be requirements designed and constructed in accordance with Chapter 5 of ASCE 7, Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures, and ASCE 24. Change from 2015 to 2018 IBC: Section renumbered from 1612.4 to 1612.2. Change from 2012 to 2015 IBC: Applies Coastal High Hazard Area requirements in Coastal A Zones, if delineated. Elevators 2018 IBC, Chapter 30, Elevators and Conveying Systems, Section 3001.3 Referenced standards. Specifies the standards that govern the design, construction, installation, alteration, repair, and maintenance of elevators and conveying systems and components. Among other standards cited is ASME A17.1, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, issued by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ASCE 24 is cited for construction in flood hazard areas. Change from 2015 to 2018 IBC: Section renumbered from 3001.2 to 3001.3 and referenced standards, other than ASCE 24, provided in Table 3001.3. Change from 2012 to 2015 IBC: ASME A17.7/CSA B44.7 and ANSI MH29.1 added to Section 3001.2. Exceeds NFIP 44 CFR § 60.3(a) (3) with more specificity. Exceeds NFIP 44 CFR § 60.3(a) (3) with more specificity. 4 NFIP TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 JUNE 2019 Table 2. Comparison of Select 2018 IBC and ASCE 24-14 Requirements with NFIP Requirements (concluded) Elevators ASCE 24-14, Section 7.5 Elevators Exceeds NFIP • Elevator components must be located above the elevations required for 44 CFR § 60.3(a) buildings unless specifically permitted by this section. (3) with more • Components below the required elevations must be composed of flood specificity. damage -resistant materials and capable of resisting physical damage due to flooding. • Hydraulic elevators are permitted below the required elevation, but electrical control panels, hydraulic pumps, and tanks must be elevated; drainage must be provided for the elevator pit; hydraulic lines, hydraulic cylinders, and buffer springs must be located to prevent physical damage due to flooding or painted or coated with galvanic or rust -preventive paint. • Traction elevator systems must have elevated machine rooms, and components in hoistways below the required elevation must be protected from physical damage due to flooding. • Elevators must be equipped with controls that prevent cabs from descending into floodwater. • Elevator shafts must resist flood loads. In Zone A, shafts are not required to have flood openings; in Zone V and Coastal A Zones, shafts are not required to have breakaway walls. Chanae from ASCE 24-05: Added subsection on elevator shafts. Used with permission from ASCE and ICC 4 How Elevators Affect NFIP Flood Insurance Rates NFIP floodplain management regulations restrict use of enclosed areas below the lowest elevated floor of elevated buildings to parking of vehicles, building access, and storage. Elevators, just as stairs and ramps, are permitted for building access. Although elevators and elevator shafts/enclosures are covered by NFIP flood insurance policies, their presence in a building, their size, and their manner of construction are factors used by insurance underwriters to determine a building's flood insurance premium. 4.1 Elevator Shafts/Enclosures For buildings located in Zone A (all zones shown on FIRMs as Zones A, AE, Al through A30, AR, AO, and AH), where elevator shafts/enclosures are not designed to automatically equalize hydrostatic flood forces on its exterior walls, a premium loading is added to the standard flood insurance building rate. The amount of premium loading depends on the square footage of the elevator shaft/enclosure and the depth of the shaft/enclosure in relation to the BFE. However, no premium loading is added to the standard building rate if the elevator shaft/enclosure is designed to automatically equalize hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls by allowing the entry and exit of floodwater, is unfinished, and used only for building access, parking of vehicles, or storage. NFIP TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 JUNE 2019 5 FLOOD INSURANCE TERMINOLOGY AND RATING OF ELEVATOR PITS The NFIP and Standard Flood Insurance Policy (SFIP) define a basement as "any area of the building, including any sunken room or sunken portion of a room, having its floor below ground level (subgrade) on all sides." Additionally, the NFIP and SFIP define the lowest floor as "the lowest enclosed area (including a basement). An unfinished or flood -resistant enclosure, usable solely for parking of vehicles, building access, or storage in an area other than a basement area, is not considered a building's lowest floor provided that such enclosure is not built so as to render the structure in violation of requirements." The SFIP defines an elevated building as "a building that has no basement and that has its lowest floor raised above ground level by foundation walls, posts, piers, pilings, or columns." Elevator Pits. A building that has its lowest elevated floor raised above ground level by foundation walls, posts, piers, pilings, or columns where the only area below grade is an elevator pit is classified as an elevated building for insurance rating purposes, even if the bottom of the elevator pit is below grade on all sides. There is a premium surcharge for elevators in an SFHA if the elevator pit is below the BFE, whether the pit is below grade or not. For non -elevated buildings with any area below grade, including an elevator pit, the below -grade portions are classified as basements for flood insurance rating purposes. Floodplain management regulations do not consider elevator pits that are the minimum size necessary as to be basements if they are designed in accordance with the requirements of this Technical Bulletin (i.e., the elevator pit is the minimum size required for the elevator to function, has no finishes, and contains no equipment). For buildings located in Zone V (all zones shown on FIRMS as Zone V, VE, and VI through V30), elevator shafts/enclosures with walls surrounding the elevator cab are always considered building obstructions. If the elevator shaft/enclosure exceeds 300 square feet and has breakaway walls, then a premium loading factor is added to the overall flood insurance building rate with obstruction. The amount of the premium loading depends on the actual square footage of the elevator shaft/enclosure, and the depth of the shaft/ enclosure in relation to the BFE. However, no premium loading is added to the standard building with obstruction rate if the elevator shaft/enclosure is less than 300 square feet, made with breakaway walls, is unfinished, and used only for building access, parking of vehicles, or storage. 4.2 Elevator Cabs and Equipment The NFIP provides coverage for elevator cabs and their related equipment as building property. However, the NFIP does not cover elevator -related equipment located below the lowest floor of elevated buildings constructed after the community joined the NFIP or installed below the BFE after September 30, 1987. A separate premium loading is added to the cab and any permanent machinery and equipment servicing an elevator in a building that extends below the BFE in Zone A or Zone V. 6 NFIP TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 JUNE 2019 5 Types of Elevators Elevators are vertical transports that move people or materials between the floors or levels of a structure. All elevators have a cab or platform in a shaft; the cab or platform moves along rails and is powered by one or more motors. Some of the differences between elevator systems are related to how the cab or platform is transported between levels. ASME A17.1 TERMINOLOGY For consistency with ASME A17.1, the industry standard, this Technical Bulletin refers to elevators as residential and commercial. The two primary types of elevators used in residential and commercialbuildings are hydraulic elevators and traction elevators. A key difference between them is that hydraulic elevators lift the elevator cab using one or more pistons while traction elevators lift the elevator cab using steel cables and a traction motor. Other conveyance systems include pneumatic elevators, chairlifts, and platform lifts. 5.1 Hydraulic Elevators A hydraulic elevator consists of a cab attached directly or indirectly to a hydraulic jack that consists of a direct -acting piston inside a cylinder. Hydraulic elevators can be direct -acting (holed) or holeless. In direct -acting hydraulic elevators, the hydraulic jack assembly extends below the lowest floor and into the ground below the pit area (Figure 1). In contrast, for holeless hydraulic elevators, cylinders are placed in the shaft sides and do not extend below the pit floor (Figure 2). Both types of hydraulic elevators are operated by a hydraulic pump and reservoir for hydraulic fluid, both of which are usually located in a room adjacent to the elevator shaft. Both types of hydraulic elevators are generally used in buildings with fewer than five or six floors, including dwellings. Table 3 provides a summary of hydraulic elevator system components, their typical location, and strategies to protect them from flood damage. Table 3. Hydraulic Elevator System Components, Locations, and Flood -Protection Strategies Elevator Shaft (Enclosure) Entire vertical limit of building No Yes Below the BFE Cab Hoistway Yes Yes Cylinder Pit No No Use holeless (see Table 5) Hydraulic Jack Assembly Pit No No Use holeless (see Table 5) Buffer Springs and Stand Pit No No Paint or coat (see Table 6) Machine/Equipment Room 1st or 2nd level of building Yes Yes Hydraulic Pump Above BFE Yes Yes Hydraulic Reservoir Above BFE Yes Yes Electrical Control Panel Above BFE Yes No NFIP TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 JUNE 2019 7 Travelling Direct cable acting piston Pump unit and controller BFE BFE �- •�• '� ' •y ail line Buffer springs + and stand i In -ground cylinder--►, . Otis Elevator Company Figure 1. Direct -acting (holed) hydraulic elevator 5.2 Traction Elevators Figure 2. Holeless hydraulic elevator Traditional geared traction elevator systems consist of cables connected to the top of the cab operated by an electric motor located in a penthouse above the elevator shaft, as shown in Figure 3. Traction elevators may be geared or gearless depending on building height, speed requirements, and cost considerations. Geared traction elevators are typically used for small low-rise structures, while more expensive gearless traction elevators tend to be used for larger high-rise structures, where speed is LOW-RISE AND HIGH-RISE For purposes of this Technical Bulletin, "low-rise" refers to dwellings within the scope of the IRC (one- and two-family homes and townhomes not more than three stories above grade plane) and other structures with a mean roof height of less than 75 feet. "High-rise" refers to structures with a mean roof height of 75 feet or more. 8 NFIP TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 JUNE 2019 more critical. Machine room -less traction elevators employ a similar mechanical arrangement to geared traction elevators, with the machinery located in the elevator shaft at the top of the hoistway, as shown in Figure 4. Traction elevators are generally used in tall buildings. Table 4 provides a summary of traction elevator system components, their typical location, and strategies to protect them from flood damage. Note that while nearly all traction elevator system components can be protected from flood damage, little can be done to protect governor cables, which typically must be replaced after flooding. Controller Geared/gearless traction machine Governor Hoist cables I Cab J Rails Counterweight BFE BFE •+ I l R , y f Governor tail Buffer — stand ' Pit channels Otis Elevator Company Figure 3. Traction elevator Geared/gearless traction machine Governor Counterweight i Rails Hoist Cables Controller 0 BFE BFE Cab Buffer Pit channels stand Governor tail Otis Elevator Company Figure 4. Machine room -less traction elevator NFIP TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 JUNE 2019 9 Table 4. Traction Elevator System Components, Locations, and Flood Protection Strategies Elevator Shaft (Enclosure) Entire vertical limit of No Yes building Below the BFE Cab Hoistway Yes No Counterweight and Roller Guides Hoistway Yes No Hoist Cable Hoistway Yes No Compensation Cables Pit No Yes Governor Cable Pit No No Buffers Pit No No Paint or coat (see Table 6) Limit Switches Pit Yes No Machine/Equipment Room No (Enclosure) Top of hoistway Yes Replace with machine room -less Electric Hoist Motor Above BFE Yes No Electrical Control Panel Above BFE Yes No 5.3 Other Conveyance Mechanisms in aaanion io nyaraunc ana iracuon elevators, otner conveyance systems used include pneumatic elevators, chairlifts, and ASCE 24 AND ELEVATORS platform lifts. This section is based in part on Pneumatic elevators are small elevators with cabs controlled the requirements of ASCE 24-14, by a roof -mounted suction system. Pneumatic elevators are Section 7.5, and the commentary generally found in smaller buildings such as residences; they are that accompanies that section. not widely used in larger buildings because the cabs tend to be - small. Other elevator types are roped hydraulic elevators and cable drum elevators, which are similar in function to the primary elevator types described in Sections 5.1 and 5.2. Chairlifts are conveyance mechanisms installed over or alongside a stairway to transport occupants between floors. Chairlifts are designed to operate both inside and outside of structures, while residential elevators are commonly placed inside if designed from the start, and outside the main structure footprint if the elevator is part of a renovation. Platform lifts are designed to transport an individual in a wheelchair from one level to another. They are usually designed so that a wheelchair user can enter the lift on one side and exit on another (i.e., the lift has two doors). 10 NFIP TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 JUNE 2019 6 Protecting Elevators from Flood Damage This section describes measures to protect elevator components and equipment that are common to all elevator systems from flood damage, and specific guidance to protect hydraulic and traction elevators in accordance with NFIP regulations. 6.1 Elevator Shafts/Enclosures Elevator shafts enclose the elevator cab and other equipment. Residential and commercial elevators, particularly those that are added as a post -construction retrofit, are usually installed in a shaft that is exterior to an original outside wall. Larger elevators are installed in shafts located in the interior of structures. In either case, elevator shafts must have landings, usually at the ground level, and cab platforms near the top of the shaft. Elevators that have a landing at the lower level almost always have pits below the BFE. Requirements for electrical service for sump pumps in elevator pits can be found in NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (2017). The NFIP requires enclosed areas below elevated buildings in Zone A to have flood openings to minimize unequal hydrostatic loads (see NFIP Technical Bulletin 1, Openings in Foundation Walls and Walls of Enclosures Below Elevated Buildings in Special Flood Hazard Areas) and that walls that form enclosures below elevated buildings in Zone V be designed to break away under flood loads. However, elevator shafts/ enclosures that extend below the BFE are not required to include flood openings if the openings conflict with fire safety protection requirements in building codes. Even with breakaway walls, elevators extending below the BFE may be obstructions to the free passage of waves and water. Without openings or breakaway walls, the shafts/enclosures may obstruct the flow of floodwater, impose more loads on building foundations, and are susceptible to damage from various flood forces, including erosion and scour. ASCE 24: FLOOD OPENINGS IN BREAKAWAY WALLS AND ELEVATOR SHAFTS ASCE 24-14 clarifies that flood openings are not required in elevator shafts, and in Coastal High Hazard Areas and Coastal A Zones, elevator shafts are not required to have breakaway walls. ELEVATOR PITS Although the NFIP defines a basement as any area below grade on all sides, elevator pits that are the minimum size necessary for the elevator to function are not considered to be basements. Elevator pits typically range between 4 and 5 feet deep for hydraulic elevators and between 6 and 8 feet deep for traction elevators. Additional information is contained in Section 4. To minimize flood damage, elevator shafts/enclosures must be designed to resist hydrostatic, hydrodynamic, and debris impact forces, as well as erosion, scour, and waves, particularly in Zone V. To reduce exposure of elevators to flood loads, a common practice is to construct reinforced masonry block or reinforced concrete elevator shafts and locate them on the landward side of buildings in coastal areas and on the downstream side of buildings in riverine floodplains. Furthermore, designs for nearby or adjacent structural elements of the building should take into account the impacts of obstructed flow. NFIP TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 JUNE 2019 11 6.2 Elevator Equipment Some equipment common to all elevators that extend below the BFE will be exposed to floodwater. The most obvious vulnerable component is the elevator cab. Depending on the size of the cab and the types of interior materials used, residential and commercial elevator cabs can be expensive to replace. Flood damage -resistant materials can be used inside and outside the elevator cab to reduce flood damage (see NFIP Technical Bulletin 2, Flood Damage -Resistant Materials Requirements for Buildings Located in Special Flood Hazard Areas) . ASCE 24 AND EQUIPMENT ASCE 24 requires electrical control panels, hydraulic pumps, and tanks to be located above the elevation required for buildings. ASCE 24 also requires drainage for elevator pits. Cabs: Flood damage to cabs, which can range from superficial to significant, can be avoided by keeping cabs above floodwater when not in use. However, most elevator control systems automatically stop cabs upon loss of electrical power, which could result in a cab stopping below the BFE, making it vulnerable during flooding. Float switches: Installing detection systems with one or more float switches in elevator shafts will prevent elevator cabs from descending into floodwater (Figure 5), providing a safer system while minimizing costly repairs or replacement. A float switch system or another system that provides the same level of safety is required, per ASME A17.1, for all elevators where there is a potential for the elevator cab to descend below the BFE during flood conditions. Elevator equipment: Elevator equipment such as electrical controls and hydraulic pumps should be located above the BFE when possible. In some installations, it may be necessary to locate elevator equipment such as switches and controls below the BFE in the elevator pit. Some electrical equipment, such as electrical junction boxes and circuit and control panels, must be located at or above the elevation required for the building. Other elevator components, such as doors and pit switches, may be below that elevation. In these cases, damage can be minimized by using flood damage -resistant components or placing gear in water- resistant enclosures to reduce damage from floodwater. Electrical equipment: Any electrical equipment installed in the hoistway below the BFE should be inside a National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 4-rated enclosure for water resistance. Some elevator equipment manufacturers offer water-resistant components. Therefore, design professionals should contact suppliers to determine the availability of these components. ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT AND CORROSION IN COASTAL AREAS In coastal areas, building equipment, connectors, and other metal parts are regularly corroded by air -borne salts. Some protection for elevator equipment can be provided by constructing a small foyer to enclose the area around the elevator door. The NFIP has requirements for such enclosures that are based on whether the flood zone is Zone A or Zone V. See Technical Bulletin 8, Corrosion Protection for Metal Connectors and Fasteners in Coastal Areas, for additional information on corrosion in coastal areas. All elevator equipment and components should be maintained and tested in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements and maintenance schedules. This is especially true for safety components 12 NFIP TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 JUNE 2019 such as high-water sensors and switches and their associated alarms. If these elements are found to be inoperative or out of specified tolerances, the elevator should be repaired by a qualified technician. 6.3 Fire Recall Switches and Backup Power For safety reasons, commercial elevators are designed with "fire recall" circuitry, which sends elevators to a designated floor when fire alarms are activated so that emergency services personnel can use the elevators. However, during flooding, this feature may expose the cab and occupants directly to floodwater. ASME A17.1 requires that, for elevators in SFHAs, the designated floor must be located above the BFE. If an elevator is intended to serve areas that may be flooded, it should be equipped with a float switch system that will activate during flooding and send the elevator cab to a floor above the BFE (Figure 5). Emergency power circuitry is provided for elevators when buildings have emergency generators. In general, when emergency power starts up, all elevator cars return to the designated floor, and then one car returns to normal operation. Emergency power generators are required for elevators in buildings of four or more stories but are not commonly found in low-rise buildings. If there is no emergency power, some hydraulic elevators can employ a battery descent feature. Upon power loss, batteries release the hydraulic controls, and the car descends to the lowest landing. If this feature is employed, care should be taken to integrate a float switch system into the operation of the controller to prevent the car from descending into floodwater. If elevators have no emergency power operation or battery descent feature, upon loss of power the elevators will cease to function, resulting in possible entrapment or damage. Therefore, building owners should have emergency plans that provide for safe occupant evacuations, having elevator cabs move to upper floors (above the BFE) and shutting down power to the elevator machinery well before any flooding occurs. s I Rails Cab is raised to next highest level above BFE and prevented from descending into pit Travelling Y cable Pump unit and controller Direct ` acting piston BFE �_,',J- 0 BFE I • Oil line Buffer springs and stand Float switch in In -ground cylinder pit activates high water Otis Elevator Company operation Figure 5. Float switch to control cab descent NFIP TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 JUNE 2019 13 6.4 Hydraulic Elevators The hydraulic jack assembly for a direct -acting (holed) hydraulic elevator (Figure 1) will, by necessity, be located below the lowest floor and, therefore, likely below the BFE. The jack is located in a casing that can resist damage from small amounts of water seepage, although corrosive saline water is particularly damaging. However, total inundation by floodwater will usually result in contamination of the hydraulic fluid and possible damage to jack cylinders and seals. For this reason, holeless hydraulic elevators are recommended for low-rise buildings. When hydraulic elevators are used, jacks should be installed inside the elevator shaft, with critical seals and components located above BFE as shown in Figure 2. Hydraulic pumps and fluid reservoirs should be located above the BFE. In addition, hydraulic lines connecting the assembly should be located where the lines are protected from physical damage or coated with galvanic or rust -preventive paint. Additional guidance based on post -disaster observations is included in Section 6.7. 6.5 Traction Elevators Electric motors and most other traction elevator equipment used for traction elevators are normally located above the elevator shaft and are, therefore, not usually susceptible to flood damage (Figure 5). However, some equipment such as the counterweight roller guides, compensation cable assemblies, limit switches, selector tape, governor rope assemblies, and oil buffers are usually located at the bottom of the shaft. When these components cannot be located above the BFE, they must be constructed of flood damage -resistant materials where possible. Additional guidance based on post -disaster observations is included in Section 6.7. While nearly all traction elevator system components can be protected from flood damage, little can be done to protect governor tail cables, which typically must be replaced after flooding. 6.6 Other Conveyance Mechanisms Pneumatic elevators, chairlifts, and platform lifts are usually located inside buildings where the components of these systems can be located above the BFE to protect them from flood damage. However, when platform lifts are installed outdoors, it can be more difficult to elevate equipment above the BFE, making it susceptible to flood damage. 6.7 Mitigation Guidance Based on Post -Disaster Observations The following guidance is based on observations made following Hurricane Katrina (2005), Hurricane Ike (2008), and Hurricane Sandy (2013). Some recommendations could apply to new installations, and some apply when building owners and managers consider retrofitting and replacing existing elevator systems. 14 NFIP TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 JUNE 2019 Table 5. General Guidance Holeless For hydraulic elevators, explore hoistway conditions for the use — Hydraulics of holeless hydraulics. Note that holeless hydraulic elevators are typically used in low-rise construction with only two or three floors. Raised Elevators In an effort to maintain the operational capacity of critical facilities with multiple elevators during flood events, consider installing one or more raised elevators with no components or floor stops below the BFE. Ramps can be provided to access the higher elevation. This will allow some of the building's vertical transportation systems to be isolated above the BFE, helping to ensure some access to upper levels. While FEMA recommends that people evacuate when authorities at State and local levels advise or mandate it, emergencies and disasters can create circumstances that require robust elevator systems to be operational before, during, and after flood events, such as with approved shelter -in -place plans. Increased Consider raising elevator mechanical, electrical, and other equipment Refer to FEMA P-942, Resilience vital to operations to levels above the BFE to reduce exposure when Recovery Advisory 4, flooding is more severe than the base flood. Reducing Interruptions to Mid- and High - Rise Buildings During Floods, for details (2013) Continuity of Consider sizing emergency generator capacity to enable critical FEMA P-1019, Operations elevator operations in accordance with recommendations from FEMA Emergency Power P-1019. In some situations, power serving critical facilities may be Systems for Critical disrupted by nearby flooding, even if the facility is not flooded. Facilities: A Best Practices Approach to Improving Reliability (2014) Other Protection While elevating equipment will protect it from flooding, elevating — Considerations - equipment can introduce other risks. Equipment mounted in Protection from mechanical penthouses can be damaged by the high winds that High Winds accompany storms, and equipment that services exterior -mounted elevators in coastal areas can be damaged by storm surge generated by high winds. Penthouses have failed in storm events and allowed rainwater to enter from the top, rendering equipment inoperable. Designers are advised to account for the increased high wind risks associated with elevation as they reduce risks from flooding. Table 6. Guidance for Specific Components Y Guidance for Specific Components Doors and Door Frames Use stainless steel doors and door frames below the BFE. Relocate switches above the BFE using small brackets. Modern controllers use selector Limit Switches tape for landing control systems and require a short length of selector cam for switch activation. Selector Tape Use stainless steel selector tape, which is available for most controllers. For hydraulic elevators, use Teflon® -impregnated inserts on slide guides or convert to Slide and Roller Guides roller guides to reduce leakage of oil -based products into pits. NFIP TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 JUNE 2019 15 Table 6. Guidance for Specific Components (concluded) Compensation Cables For traction elevators, remove compensation cables and replace with encapsulated chain systems. Electrical Use NEMA 4-rated enclosures, galvanized conduits, and watertight conduits and fittings below the BFE. Locate controls and equipment above the BFE where possible. Hardware Use galvanized sill angles and hardware at floors below the BFE. Maintenance Paint or coat buffers and all pit steel and hardware with galvanic or rust -preventive paint. 7 References This section lists the references that are cited in this Technical Bulletin. Additional resources related to NFIP requirements are provided in Technical Bulletin 0. ANSI (American National Standards Institute). 2012. Safety Requirements for Industrial Scissors Lifts. ANSI MH29.1. Available at https://webstore.ansi.org. ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) . 2016. Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures. ASCE 7. Available at https://ascelibrary.org/doi/ book/ 10.1061/9780784414248. ASCE/SEI (American Society of Civil Engineers / Structural Engineering Institute). 2005. Flood Resistant Design and Construction. ASCE 24-05. Available at https://ascelibrary.org/doi/ book/ 10.1061/9780784408186. ASCE/SEI. 2014. Flood Resistant Design and Construction. ASCE/SEI 24-14. Available at https://ascelibrary. org/doi/book/10.1061/9780784413791. ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers). 2007. Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators. ASME A17.7-2007/CSA B44-07. Available at https://webstore.ansi.org/Standards/CSA/ASMEA172007CSAB 44R2017? source =blog. ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers). 2016. Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators. ASME A17.1-2016/CSA B44-16. Available at https://webstore.ansi.org/Standards/ASME/ ASMEA172016? source =blog. FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). Various. NFIP Technical Bulletins. Current editions available at https://www.fema.gov/nfip-technical-bulletins: — User's Guide to Technical Bulletins. Technical Bulletin 0. — Openings in Foundation Walls and Walls of Enclosures Below Elevated Buildings in Special Flood Hazard Areas. Technical Bulletin 1. — Flood Damage -Resistant Materials Requirements for Buildings Located in Special Flood Hazard Areas. Technical Bulletin 2. — Corrosion Protection for Metal Connectors in Coastal Areas. Technical Bulletin 8. 16 NFIP TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 JUNE 2019 FEMA. 2010. Substantial Improvement/Substantial Damage Desk Reference. FEMA P-758. Available at https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/18562. FEMA. 2013. Reducing Interruptions to Mid- and High -Rise Buildings During Floods. Recovery Advisory 4 in FEMA P-942, Mitigation Assessment Team Report: Hurricane Sandy in New jersey and New York. Available at https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/30966. FEMA. 2014. Emergency Power Systems for Critical Facilities: A Best Practices Approach to Improving Reliability. FEMA P-1019. Available at https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/101996. FEMA. 2018. Answers to Questions About Substantially Damaged Improved/Damaged Buildings. FEMA 213. Available at https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/169099. ICC (International Code Council). 2018. International Building Code. 2018 IBC. Available at https://www. iccsafe.org/products-and-services/i-codes/2018-i-codes/ibc/. ICC. 2018. International Existing Building Code. Available at https://www.iccsafe.org/. ICC. 2018. International Residential Code. 2018 IRC. Available at https://www.iccsafe.org/ products-and-services/i-codes/2018-i-codes/irc/. NFPA (National Fire Protection Association). 2017. National Electrical Code. NFPA 70. Available at https://www.nfpa.org/codes-and-standards/all-codes-and-standards/list-of-code s-and-standards/ detail?code=70. NFIP TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 JUNE 2019 17