Item J10 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 18, 200 I Division: BOCC Bulk Item: Yes No X Department: District IV /Nora Williams ~ AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of ~n concerning 20 Year Plan and affordable housing, specifying that it is a starting point for shaping a policy for the County .,' " ITEM BACKGROUND: DCA recently held a summit on the issue of affordable housing and has asked for a statement from each of the local governments concerning affordable housing. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: At the March meeting of the BOCC, the Commission approved a series of comp plan changes/actions to be reviewed by the Development Review Committee, Planning Commission, DCA and/or the Land Authority Advisory Board as appropriate to come back to this Board for consideration, in an effort to work toward a long-range plan for affordable housing and land acquisition. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOT AL COST: N/ A COST TO COUNTY: N/A BUDGETED: Yes NoX REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes Nol AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Arty _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management_ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: . . 'l{1'U- AJ~_~J_ (TYPE NAME HERE).~ DOCUMENTATION: Included To Follow X Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # I-Jl() Revised 2/27/01 Dear Fellow Commissioners: We have been asked by DCA to provide a statement about our approach/commitment on the Affordable Housing issue and actions we took at last month's meeting go a long way toward showing the strides we are making in addressing this issue, I wanted to prepare a statement for your consideration to make sure that we are all on the same page and that this represents the general sentiments of the Board, Note that while the 20 Year Plan that I delivered to you two months ago is mentioned herein, it is only in the most general sense, Until the carrying capacity study, and hurricane evacuation report are completed, it is likely that we will continue building at the rate we are now. But there are big, big policy decisions coming up from this Board concerning future development and our approach to it And all changes and decisions that we make will move through the proper planning processes - this is just a starting place, What I tried to include in this statement are the most general truths that I hope reflect our sentiments and commitment on this issue. Thanks for any support, changes, and additions you want to offer. Best, Nora Statement from the Board of County Commissioners Concernin2 Affordable Housin2: With our original ROGO sc~eduled to end next year, a hurricane evacuation report that indicates we are already past the 24 hour limit, and a carrying capacity study right around the comer, it is impossible to determine precisely what the shape of future development will be, In keeping with the tenets espoused in the 20 year plan presented by Commissioner Williams, which gathers together many of the principles espoused by ~ Commission, . + h the Board of Monroe County Commissioners is committed to working the other u..J I municipal governments in the County to address the need for affordable housing by directing our future development priorities to affordable and modest housing, and by pooling resources as necessary to address that need. In addition, the Commission holds that there can be no responsible future development, even for affordable housing, without an accompanying plan for aggressive land acquisition to retire those development rights for lands that should not be developed. In hopes of furthering these goals, the Monroe County Commission is beginning the work of crafting a long-term plan for the provision of affordable housing and the acquisition of land over a twenty-year planning horizon. In light of that pursuit, the Board of Monroe County Commissioners approved, at our March BOCC meeting, moving the following actions through our Growth Management process (Development Review, Planning Commission Review, DCA review) or Land Authority process (review by the Land Authority Advisory Board) to be returned to us for consideration and action: COMP PLAN AND LDR CHANGES: · Lower ROGO boundaries for affordable housing and sharing of nutrient credits · Increase percentage of affordable housing set aside to allow for at least eighty units to be set aside per year for affordable housing projects. · Make affordable housing an allowable use on properties zoned suburban commercial. · Add ROGO points for no- or low-cost options with real environmental impacts · Expand donated lots that qualify for ROGO points to include lots in acquisition areas throughout the County. · Allow mobile or manufactured homes designed for 150 mph winds on affordable housing properties · Create an affordable housing overlay zone 2 · Don't allow modest/affordable housing to be replaced by significantly larger, non-affordable housing, by making "replacement unit" for existing housing comparable in square footage, if original house was below the square footage allowances for affordable housing. · Link any new commercial development to the production of affordable housing, either physical production of that housing or a monetary cost set-aside, · Any new multiple-unit market rate residential developments should include a mix of market-rate and affordable housing and should have caps on square footage to encourage modest housing. · Create incentives to encourage the redevelopment of existing commercial space to affordable housing. Additional Actions: · Select a series of appropriate properties for affordable housing projects via Growth Management, and group together where possible for cost-efficacy · When those properties are selected for our long-term planning horizon, bond the half cent of the TDC 4th cent in the amount required for the amount of time required to purchase those lands now for the purpose of the provision of affordable housing. · Expand the Big Pine Key program county-wide that splits cost of subdivision lots with adjacent or contiguous property-owners (it needs to include "across-the- street" property-owners too if it still doesn't), leaving ownership of the property with the property-owner in exchange for a conservation easement (which may allow limited accessory use) for the County. Win-win-win: retirement of development right, willing seller, happy adjacent property owner, no future management costs for the County, retirement of development right. · Provide preliminary acquisition area list from Growth Management for the larger acquisition effort to avoid build-out - and makes such a list a standard part of every CommuniKeys program. · Place on the Land Authority priority list any lots that come up for sale ;- appropriate prices that are within those acquisition areas. · Determine an amount to be set aside each year from the infrastructure sales tax for land acquisition for the purposes of avoiding build-out 3 . ST^TE OF FLORID^ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 'Dedicated tg making Florida a berter place to call home' JEa lUSH Governor STEVEN M. SEIIEtT Sea$ly APR - 5 2001 MEMORANDUM TO: Participants on the Affordable Housing in the Keys Group FROM: Nancy Muller DATE: 3 April 2001 SUBJECT: New Meeting Date Set - Please Mark Your Calendars You should have received a letter with the meeting report from the February 22 and 23 meeting in Marathon stating that we would meet again in May. Due Lo a meeting of the Governor and Cabinet set for the same day as our meeting was scheduled, a newdate,has been chosen. The new date for this meeting is June 5, 2001. The entire meeting will occur on June 5, so please set aside all day. As outlined in the March 8 letter, this is the time that each representative in the group should be working with her or his local government or organization to determine which affordable housing strategies you would be willing, not only to support, but pursue yourselves. We hear that some of the local governments have been meeting toward this end, and I encourage business representatives to do the same. As a result of the meeting change, we are now asking you to submit your local government or organization's written list of strategies to the Department by May 18 at the latest. This will allow us to compile a document for review by all at the June 5 meeting. If you have any questions, please call Mike McDaniel or me at (850) 487-4545, or Rebecca Jetton at (305) 289-2402. Thank you. cc: S~e and regional team members 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD. TALLAHASSEE, flORIDA 32399-2100 Phone: 8S0.488.1l466/Suncom 278.8466 FAX: 8S0.921.071l1/Suncom 291.0181 Internet address: hllp:/Iwww.dca.state.fl.us CIlITlCAl.ST.....I COHCUN FeiLD OFfla 2796 o.en... H..,..,.,.. Sullo 212 Maral"-. R. ]~27 C3051 2U,2402 COMMUNITY l't.U'INING 2SSS ~ o.lr. 8ou1eYud Talw.-. Fll229902100 C115014A-2JSli IMIRCINCY MANACIMINI 2SSS Shumard Oak .........., 1.1111__. Fl 22]"-1100 COS0l41W969 HOUSINC. CoMM~ DIWl_NT U55 5/luIIlM Ook ~ T"""-. Fl )2)9902100 \150) 411-7'56 __.____ i