Item C07 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 18, 200 I Division: Public Works Bulk Item: Yes --X_ No Department: Facilities Maintenance AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Authorization to negotiate a licensing property agreement for U.S. Government Property, Dept of Navy for the Southern Shoreline of Boca Chica Key for public recreational space. Five year term. ITEM BACKGROUND: Existing License Agreement (License #N62467-96-RP-00022) as further defined in Exhibit "A" expires on December 3 ], 200 I . PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: At their January 8, 1996 meeting, the Board approved executed agreement with Navy to use and occupy Shoreline on Boca Chica Beach. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: No changes pending Contract Agreement negotiations. RECOMMENDA TIONS: Approval as stated above. TOTAL COST: o BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY:__~_ REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes ---!L No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management _ DEPARTMENT HEAD APPROVA~#L"~# CARLOS ZARATE DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ~~ yl'l~J DENT PIERCE DOCUMENTATION: Included x To Follow Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # /-(, 1 Rcviscd 2/2 7/0 1 ., '.1 r . 'i r::.. . . ., J~:,::' LICENSE FOR IOIFEDERAL USE DF REAL PROPERTY ..NAVFAC '.'"'IZI (l-711 (SMpnuda NnDocb 2260) .... THIS L1CEICSE TO USE THE U.s. GOVEIINMENT PROPERTY HEllEnr DESCRIIED IS ISSUED IY THE OEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY TO THE LICENSEE NAilED IHOW FOR THE PURPOSE HEREIN SPECIFIED UPON THE TERMS ANO CONDITIONS SET FllRTH IELOW AND THE GENERAL PROVISIONS ON THE REVERSE SlOE HEREOF. IY THE EXECUTION HEREOF THE LICENSEE AGREES TO COMPLY WITH ALL I SUCH TERMS. CONDITIONS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS. ~.II.,.I.:, \:~,.:',~l ~:~., ' LICENSE IIUMIER N62467-96-R~-00022 I. NAVAL ACTIVITY (/'ropt:rry Ioc.tiot.) Z. DATES COVERED (lttC~) Naval Air Station Ke West Florida FROM 1 Januar 1996 TO 31 December 2001 1. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (11tC6Id~ room.w bllildint IIIlInbm wlam ~PIO",wIt) As delineated on Exhibit "A", this property runs along the southern shoreline of Boca Chica Key. The shoreline is comprised of both sandy & rocky areas. 4. PURPOSE OF LICENSE To provide the public with a needed recreational area. 5. LICENSOR 51. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE. OEPT. OF NAVY OFFICIAL {Titl~ IUId address} Commanding Officer, Naval Air Station Kev West, FL 33040-5000 Sa. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE (NU1~ intd IIddras) MR. JIM ROBERTS, County Administration Wing 2, Public Service Bldg., Key West, FL 33040 7. CASH PA YUENT IV LICENSEE (Plpltlt in lhillCtl fir no ctuh oavmmt U ,~qu{red. ~nte' "Non~" uruJ~, item 7/1 "Amount") b. FREQUENCY t. FIRST DUE DATE d. TO (nt/~ IlNi IIdd,ns of/oem rtprtWltativ~ of the Go~~mmmt) PAYMENTS DUE Service Bldg. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY I. LICENSEE (N/IIne IlNi Ilddress) Monroe County, Public Key West, FL 33040 .. AMOUNT (~h Ptlymt1/t) NONE .. AMOUNT (ElIch d~posit ) .. DEPOSIT FOR UTILITIES AND SERVICES (Paylblt ia 1lIY111C1! (If no ctuh fHlyment is required. ~nt~r "NOM" uruJtr it~m Sa ''Amount'') b. FREOUENCY t. FIRST DUE DATE d. TO (MlliJint Ilddress) PAYMENTS DUE N/A - Vacant ~and '. TYPE MINIMUM AMOUNT TYPE MINIMUM AMOUNT .. FIRE AND EXTENDED c. THIRD PARTY PERSONAL COVERAGE S NONE iNJURY PER PERSON S 100 000 b. THIRD PARTY d. THIRD PARTY PERSONAL PROPERTY DAMAGE S 100,000 INJURY PER ACCIDENT S 300,000 .. INSURANCE REQUIRED AT EXPENSE OF LICENSEE (If any or DU insuranct rtquir~m~nfS Iuzv~ bun _i}l~d. ~ntn' "Nont" in /I.b.c, or d /IS approprUlu) 10. GENERA.L PROVISIONS (Su Rn>UJl! Sid~) Licensee is self insured through the Florida Municipal Liability Self Insurance Program (see Exhibit "B"). Licensee is subject to provisions as listed in Exhibit "e". FOR II. EXECUTION OF LICENSE BY NAME AND TITLE l' DATE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY E. R. NELSON, JR. Head, Real Estate Division APR 0 J 1 M6 LICENSEE MONROE COUNTY Key West, Florida If Li~_ is . ~........ UgrJ6ture is .tt<<h<<J :n~~~G}j~tf~ o (.SEPL',NNY L. KOLRAGE, Clerk Attest By: &/~~~ . t \ ~: },i ~"'~~" t/:;. i \ \ \ '\' ,\.~! ~, "~" . ((....).. ~\ .,~ ~..\~\ ~:;I('} ',. \ :~--...~~ \:;[.~l~J 1 .\!............~.., '. \/.........(' 1 ~ ;... ~. .. "-".,-' ,. I. ~\ ( ": .,1' i ~. ':'!. "\ .r ~Io ~ -; -.'''! '{ ,.:I~: ' ,- -. I " , . ....' .;... '. , ..,.~ \, . . 11 I \" I . (___ , '7 fI'!', \ ~.. . ~ \ '. : t , . \1. ,.... . " .. .,.,r"~., '. ~ ..1\ ~ \...t , _,..' ,"_:<- ".! I. I,,,, .... ,.. I' J . .'_ \. \, . '. , " .' ,,\ ' .! f' ..' . '\ . . " \.'., /'\ j.;.... ..~:: \ ,....\.\ ..-:~/;>~.'(:. '. '~.I I ',.f . I ~..\." ....;.-:,.-.,. ....J:,\..'...IT. '...... t . I, ""-..... __ .. . f ( I t _.. , ",: :4 . ,,:. . t.~.";. J' -. -". ....-. ~(\";( . /:'" , . ~;.'~ .' : ., " .', I t ~ . .., -.' 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'. _' / .......::::-::,:.-:----:-----. " _"\. J '~"G\ '/ ".----- -(( '. /. ',.---1:'- >, ':. {:(:(ct~~~ ~y l i, 1'~1' 'l"t', ":;~l . ,.;. . I' I . ! . I I II I; t t I f f ! t I. i,~ J; I-I'" .; ... r. . f . .~EI;: ~.. \' -s~ -~ :/ "" ~~ .,." ~Q- L-f 1 ~ c o ~ c.... '0 ro.c o u ~ Cll (1) '0.0 (!) ='0 ~ QJ o C 3 >.0 ~ c: >, ::l ;> o Cll U:z 1-" \ \ -....... .: / i. c-.:< !.-:--. I~' (. : .;~~~~ 1';j; ~..~ :: -6 { cJij ~\.'. f._M "\ \ \ , \",,:. ~ i:. .. {... . J\ _ \V',,-: ",,\ ,. 11)' \ J,?>: ,... . ,~. .'<0: .:, O~NTY OCMONROE6': ~. KEY WEST ~ I~ORIDA 33040 (305) 294~1 ~\' 't' ,. ',.\.) f""~:j.',; .... (-.' ---- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER..<; ..,. ~==- MAYOR Shirley Freeman, District 3 · Mayor Pro tem lack London, District 2 Wilhelmina Harvey, District I Keith Douglass, District 4 Mary Kay Reich, District 5 Monroe County Risk Management 5100 College Road Key West, FL 33040 (305)292-4454 Voice (305)292-4564 Fax Captain L. V. Hutton Commanding Officer Boca Chica Naval Air Station Key West, FL 33040 Dear Captain Hutton: . March 7, 1996 ~ ~ \) Monroe County is a qualified self-insurer for general liability in the amount of $ 100,000 per person, $200,000 per occurrence as per Florida Statutes 768.28. The County purchases, from the Florida Municipal Insurance Trust, a $5,000,000 excess liability policy over those limits for claims bills and/or Federal actions. If you require anything further, please ad~ise. cc: James Roberts w inword\dpcorrcs\bocachic.doc Sincerely, C)~~i/LGr Donna J. Perez, ARM I Risk Manager EXHIBIT B '., . ' ~~"(' ~'~'\ .. ~ f .... The, Licensee is further subject to the following provisions: ... 1. The County shall provide maintenance of licensed shoreline ~s foll<>ws: A. Trash 1 . , Place and maintain appropriately along the licensed area. marked receptacles 2. Weekly trash pick-up for trash receptacles, often if copditions warrant. 3. We'~kly loose trash pic~-up. 4. We~kly removal of illicitly dumped material. or more B. Grass Cutting - Monthly along licensed area. 2. The County shall enforce licensed shoreline: the followin~ prohibitions on the A. No vehicle parking (in the clear zones). B. No camping C. No pJacement of utility poles or any other obstructions. D. No lights. fires, or smoke transmission. E. No facilities including concession stands and parking lots F. No cutting, harvesti~g, removing, or eradicating any of the grass commonly kno\~ as sea oats, Uniola Paniculata, in accordance with FS 370.041. 3. The County must follows: provide for enforcement of nrovisions as A. County will enforce aforementioned prohibitions. B. County will conduct periodic patrol of beach to curtail oth<;l',.)llegal activities e.g: drug use/altercations. 1_ ~_J__:;('('Jlan(>ous - The County shall orovide and maintain signage wh i c_J~_!i-~-;;l',~i-J-l s th e a for erne n t i oned nroh i bit ions. 5_ ThlS llcense will be using the area results in a and an obvious increase in Ail'cl'aft. terminated if an increase in persons detrimental increase in bird activity the chance of bird strikes by Naval EXHIBIT 'C' N62467 -96 -RP-00022