Item R04 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 17, 2002 Division: District 1 Bulk Item: Yes No Department: Commissioner Dixie M. Spehar AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County beseeching the Department of Juvenile Justice and the State Legislature to find funding to staff the new Juvenile Detention Center for Monroe County. ITEM BACKGROUND: Monroe County must transport juveniles waiting for disposition to the Miami/Detention facility putting them and the state workers in danger on the highway with an up to five-hour ride and separating the juveniles from their family and legal counsel. Manning the Monroe County Juvenile Detention Center would provide a more stable environment and increase the chance of preventing more serious and repetitive offenses. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty ~ OMB/Purchasing Risk Management - - DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ) . (Commissioner Dixie M. Spehar) DOCUMENT A TION: Included To Follow Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #~ Revised 2/27/01 APR-03-02 17,03 FROM,MONROE COUNTY ATTY OFFICE 10,3052823518 PAGE 1/1 Commissioner Dixie Spehelr' RESOLUTION NO. -2002 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARl) of COUNlY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 8ESEECHING THE DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE AND THE STATE lEGISLATURE TO fIND FUNDING TO STAff rnE NEW JUVENII..E DETENTION CENTER FOR MONROE COUNTY WHEREAS, far approximately 20 yec,.s. Monroe County juveniles needing detention Cr'iteria have been driven to tne Miami/Dade Detention facility pending their next hearing; and WHEREAS, 'transportation of $Qid juveniles is a dc1ngerous and expensive trip taking up to 5 holM"S eaehwcxy;ond WHEREAS, transportation on US 1 in Monroe County, and especially between Key lArgo and the mainland is increasingly dangerous CU\d puts children and state workers at risk; and WHEREAS, Morroe County juveniles detained for as long CIS 21 days in Miami are unable to see or communicate effectively with their families or attol"l"Iey's; and WHEREAS, the Deportment of Jwenile Justice (DJJ) is charged in FS 520.316 with r~ponsibility for planning. coordinating and managing programs end services in the juvenile jU$tice continuum: and WHEREAS, Chapter 985, fS, set~ forth a variety of purposes including safeguarding ond protecting the childrert in DJJ's care, preserving the child's fantily ties, and siting residential facilities for JUVEnile offenders cloSe to the home communities of the children they house to ensure the most effective rehabilitation efforts; and WHEREAS, Monroe County and it:~ Sheriff contributed approximately $4.83 million towards the construc:tion of Cl new juverlile detention facility at (I site within the home community of the majority of children who would reside or re.c;eive services there and much doser to the home. commU"lity of most remaining children to be detained or served than the Miami/Dade detention facility: and WHEREAS, due to budget cuts, the Department of Juvenile Justice is not providing funds to staff the new detention center; now, therefore APR-03-02 17,15 FROM,MONROE COUNTY ATTY OFFICE 10,3052823518 PAGE 1/1 BE IT REsol.VED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLOR!I)A: Section 1. The 80CC and Sheriff for Monroe County have contributed significont rcsources to the completion of the new Juvenile ()etfU\tltm Center with the expectation that the focili~ would be utilized to provide in Monroe County, close to home, sa'"ices and programs in the juvenile justice continuum SG as to enhance the safety, welfare, rehabilitation and post release supervision of Monroe County children. Section 2. Some of the costs of staffing the new Juyenile betention Center would be offset by the decrease in cQ6t of the transportation, and would significantly reduce the potential for liability due to injuries and deaths which might occur during tl"<Ulsportation to the Miami/[)ade Juvenile Detention Center. Section 3. The Department of Juvenile Justice and the State Legislatt.re8 arc beseeched to take every step p<lssible to find the necessary funding to staff the Juvenile Detention Center in Monroe County. Section 4. Copies of this Resolution shall be distributed to the Secretary for the Department of Juvenile Justice and to the State Legislatures rep.-esenting Monroe County. PASSEO ANI) ADOP1'ED by the Boai'd of Co~ty Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, ot a regular meeting of said 80crd held on the 17tn day of April. 2002. Mayor Charles McCay Mayor Pro Tern Dixie Spehdr Commissioner Murray Nelson Commissioner' George Neugent Commissioner Nora Williams (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L.I<Ol..HAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA By By Mator IChairperson Deputy Clerk jdresDJJ'