Item K09 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Bulk Item: April 17. 2002 Yes X No Division: Growth Management Department: Planning AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval for one Restrictive Covenant from Napples Cattle Co, to have one dwelling unit on contiguous lots described as Lots 12, 13,20 and 21, Block 12, Anglers Park, Largo Key, ITEM BACKGROUND: On March 13, 2002 the Planning Commission approved an allocation award for the applicant listed below provided the applicant's Restrictive Covenant is approved by the BOCC. Napples Cattle Co. submitted the Restrictive Covenant to Monroe County. The applicants receiving one dwelling unit allocation award for the year ending July 13,2001, has filed the document in accordance with Ordinance No, 47-1999, PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: On November 11, 1999, the BOCC adopted Ordinance No. 047- 1999. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval. TOTAL COST: x BUDGETED: Yes N/A No COST TO COUNTY: N/A REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes N/ A No AMOUNT PER MONTH N/A Year APPROVED BY: County Atty l Risk Management N/ A DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow_ Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # kg (' ,~ -'~- MEMORANDUM TO:: FROM: DATE: RE: Danny Kolhage, Clerk of the Court Timothy J. McGarry, Growth Management DirectiJ11 April 17, 2002 Clarification of Agenda Item Restrictive Covenant Permit Number Name on A2enda Item Name on Restrictive Covenant Legal Description 01-3-4131 Napples Cattle Co, Napples Cattle Co. Lots 12, 13,20 and 21, Block 12, Anglers Park, Largo Key LOT AGGREGATION RESTRICTIVE COVENANT 1. WHEREAS, Naples Cattle Co., the undersigned is the sole owner of the following described real property located in Monroe County, Florida described as follows: Lots: 12, 13, 20 & 21 Block: 12 Subdivision: Anglers Park Key: Key Largo PB: 1-159 Real Estate Numbers: 00553020.000000 00553030.000000 00553110.000000 00553120.000000 2. WHEREAS, this Lot Aggregation Restrictive Coyenant that restricts the use of the legally described property in order to receiye a building permit: and 3. WHEREAS, the aboye described parcels were assigned points in the Permit Allocation System for building permit #01-3-4131 for the yoluntary reduction of density through aggregation of vacant, legally platted, buildable lots; and 4. NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned agree as follows: Lots 12, 13, 20, 21 RE# 00553020.000000, 00553030.000000, 00553110.000000, 00553120.000000 . The above described parcels shall have their density reduced from four dwelling units to one dwelling unit in consideration of a building permit to build a single family residence; and . The restrictions herein shall be binding upon the representatiyes, heirs, assigns and successors in title of the undersigned; it being the intention if the undersigned by execution and recording of this document that this restriction shall run with the land and shall be forever binding upon the successors in title; and . This coyenant is intended to benefit and run in fayor of the County of Monroe; and . In the eyent of any breach or violation of the covenant contained herein, the said County may enforce the covenant by injunction or such other legal method, as the County deems appropriate. Lots 12, 13, 20, 21 RE# 00553020.000000, 00553030.000000, 00553110.000000,00553120.000000 '. ~y~ OWNER: ~p~ Angelo astrorillo, President for Naples Cattle Co. ~.A \j1A~ :;;;;:~J ~ (Sig)1Bture) ~ [llfT V ~ P- "12.0 ~ cJe; fIR ~~ ;V (Print/Type Name) My Commission Expires: This document was prepared by: Gay Marie- Smith P.O. Box 1638 Tayernier, FL 33070 ,,,.tI,, ~~y :st- ANA'MARIE GUERRA {.r-"'Jit,~..\ MY COMMISSION 1/ CC 989349 ~~"i EXPIRES: December 19, 2004 '~P,f..~,\ "'... Bonded ThnJ Notary Public Underwriters Lots 12, 13, 20, 21 RE# 00553020.000000, 00553030.000000, 00553110.000000, 00553120.000000