Item C13 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: April I'. 2002 Bulk Item: Yes X No _ Division: Public S~ Department: UDDer K.evs Health Care Tu:iQf? District AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to use the 1994 Ford Type m Ambulance, Vehicle Identification #1FDKE30MORHBSS642, County ID #141906-03. for a trade allowance to Wheeled Coach, Inc" in the total amount ofSS.200.00 ITEM BACKGROUND: On September 19, 2001. the Board graDted approval to purchase one (1) 2002 Type m E-4S0 Emergency Medical Vehicle (ambulance) by "piggybacking" on our own previously awarded competitive bid from Wheeled Coach Industries. Inc., in the amount of $92,294. 00, to replace a 1994 Ford Type m Ambulance for Key Largo Volunteer Ambulance Corp. Previous direction received frOnt the Board was to advertise the surplus emergency vehicles for sealed bids, rather than use them for trade allowance. On November 20, 2001, the Board granted approval to remove the 1994 Ford Type m Ambulance from inventory and advertise it for bids. However, at the bid opening held on February 28, 2002, no bids were received for the vehicle. Wheeled Coach has offered a trade allowance ofSS,200.00 for the 1994 ambulance. The trade allowance would be applied towards the purcbase oftbe 2002 Type m E-4S0 ambulance. reducing the total cost oftbe new vehicle to $87,094.00, PREVIOUS RELEVANT DOCC ACTION: Same as above CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: This is not a contract. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: l:Y.A COST TO COUNTY: BUDGETED: Yes _ No REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes_ No_ AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County AtIy N/A cfMBIPurchasing N/A, Risk Management N/A DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: I' ~ Pam JoImson, Managemem Admini DMSION DlREcrOR APPROVAL: James R. "Reggie" Paros DOCUMENTADON: Included .x To Follow Not Required _ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #I ~~.;> Rtviscd 2/27/01 Mar 27 02 11:58a o J ph ill j ps 11 (727)319-8415 p. 1 WHEELED COACH INDUSTRIES, INC. THll"''OIt1.!).~ LAIl<1'Y,. MfR'.'Lo\NCB U.VII.."."VI'lIIWJ( 2737 NOIUH FORSYTIi ROAD WlNTER PARK. FLORIDA 32792 PHONE: 800-342.0720 EXl'.393 FAX 407-679.1331 FAX TRANSMITTAL TO: PAM JOHNSON KEY LARGO VOLUN1EER AMBULA:'olCE SERVICE FAX: 1 -305-45 1-6211 FROM: C.1. (JACK ) PHILLIPS 11 DISTRICT SALES MANAGER FAX:727-319-84IS SUBJECT: TYPE ill TRt\DE ALLOWANCE COPIES: 1 ( including cover) DATE: MARCH 21 . 2002 . MESSAGE: PAM. AS WE DISCUSSED ON THE T.ELE?HONE THE TRADE AU..OWANCE FOR THE TYPE ill E-0NE AMBULANCE EVALUATED LAST SUMMER@ $5,700.00 WOULD NOW BE $5,200,00, IF I CAN BE OF FURTHER ASSISTANCE IN TInS MAITER PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONT ACr ME, BEST ~5.) /.~h~./ ~ \rG' ... ~ ':/ r~K~Pl~ ~--- DISTRICf SALES MANAGER Ru(; 14 01 09: 14a c ,J phillips 11 1727J319-9415 p. 1 WHEEI.JED COACH INDUSTRIES, INC. 'mt>. \l'e IRU)'S I ,,\11'(.,...,... .-\.\.tln 'i. \~C~ M-\!\' :;:.\(-"'Ilt-:M 27; 7 ~OR1H fORSYTH ROAD WINTER I'ARK FLORIOA 31792 PHONE: 800-H2.0770 FXT~l)3 FAX 407-079.133" FAX TRANSMITTAL TO KARlE r..1cI)ONALD FAX: 1-305-45 1-61 I 1 FROM: c.J. <. JACK ) PHILLIPS 11 DISTRICT SALES MA.J'\lAGER FAX:727-'319-8415 SUBJECT: TYPE I TRADE EVALUA nON COPIES: I ( including (.over) DATE: AUGUST 14,2001 MESSAGE: KARlE,. I APOLOGIZE FOR THE DELA Y IN GETTING THIS TO YOU AND GREA TL Y APPRECJATE YOUR PATl~CE THE TRAUt: ALLOWANCE FOR THE 1994 E-ONE F-350 IS $5,700.00 PLEASE FIND ATTACHED A COpy OF THE EVALUATION. BEST REGARDS C. J. ( JACK) PHJLUPS 11 MUb l~ Ul Ut:f: l~a C J phIllips 11 t rom'21 :}19 c .i p" 1 1 1 i P!l I! (727J31~-t:f~1~ 8~'5 ~ p~u; Holz3pfal 1,7E7!SiS.64IS page ,...1 p.2 ~eceived ~uQ-ld-a1 12:~4P~ ~u:; 14 Gl 09:00. ~') " \ I 'I I, I -, /1 ."" .F"' fJN.i.'/ :&'''<1/ /'<,.?/".P hLI rr". Wi:'" I ....,...lL...~..',. ( /1 II I ! ,(/ 1/ ,-. ~ J ~. '~ lJ~.~~~. ~~~~ / ,. ./- ,./ ~...~ /-1,... -:,r_ /{' .,IJ .r.. ( L "I '-;~ / <;(," if c,,, ./ ~/... I '.~ l j J DATE: 5t,/;'t:l/~'/ ! e\,l$~r. j -----:.1:: J., ,t, -, '-,- I' 05ioi; -.'!I ~_ r -,~ 1 ~;;;;;- - - , .:.f.(' . 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