Item C22 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Aori117. 2002 Division: Management Services Bulk Item: Yes XX No Department: Administrative Services AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to spend Roadway Impact Fees for design and construction to rehabilitate the Flagler Railroad Bridges for use as the Overseas Heritage Trail. ITEM BACKGROUND: See Impact Fee expenditure request attached. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: N/A CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGE~: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval as stated above. TOTAL COST: $ BUDGETED: Yes l No COST TO COUNTY: $ (Impact Fees) REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes NoX AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMBlPurchasing 1L- Risk Management _ I -----r---~ () f' -!J1:3. ~'-<-----cs.~~ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: James L. Roberts DOCUMENTATION: Included ~ To Follow_ Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # CcJd..- Revised 2/27/01 Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Impact Fee Expenditure Request Section 1 - To be completed by requesting department Requestor: Elizabeth Holloway Title:Bicycle Planner Date2/28/02 Facility type:Bicycle and Pedestrian Project name>verseas Heritage Trail Bridges Total Project Cost (capital only) $: 15 million Description ofprojectDesign and construction to rehabilitatethe Flagler railroad bridges for use as the Overseas Heritage Trail. Funds will also be used to match grants for bridge restoration. Impact fee district: 1. 2. & 3 Boundaries of Service Area: US 1 Corridor Boundaries within project's fee district: YesK... No _ Type of project: Capitalll Operational_ Maintenance_ Project start date:06 /02 Useful life of project: 30 yrs (Must exceed 5 years to qualify as capital project) Project serves: Development that existed in 1986!..... started after 1986 L projected beyond current year ~ Would project have been needed to maintain level of service standards if no growth had occurred since 1986: With continuing growth in the county the demand for additional alternative transportation facilities has increased. By providing the ability to use the bridges. conflicts between bicyclists. ~edestrians and motor vehicles will be decreased and Level of Service problems on US! could be reduced. Section 2 - Planning review Review"" '7f'. ~ ~ fi fu d' Y N Title: Director of Planning Date: 2/28/02 Pro' r 'bl fi . ect e IgI e or Impact ee n mg: esX 0 Fund: District: Partial Funding $: Full Funding $: County-Wide Municipality District 1 amount (Lower Keys) $ 650,000.00 District 2 amount (Middle Keys) <l: 650.000.00 District 3 amount (Upper Keys) $ 700.000.00 Notes: s..tlOn3-~ Reviewer: Title:~ d\5~+' C .th I . ~Vc,JbOb'~I' . N oncur WI p anmng reVIew ----.e- ~ect to p annmg reVIew _ otes: ftJ1J.k\L.Lf Date: 3},' ~2.. I { Section 4 - OMB review Review", r ~if' Funds avail a : Yes ~o - - ~12- Title ~i ~ Date3!lQID;;J.. Transfer request prepared: Y es ~o _ Resolution prepared: Yes ~ _ Date of BOCC action: ~ } (7 J V L I I Project code: Agenda summary prepared? Yes \/"No - - OMB Form Revised 7/28/98