Item C23 . ' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY ~keting Date: Aoril 17.2002 Division: Mana!?ement Services Bulk Item: Yes --X- No Department: Administrative Services/RiskManagement AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of insurance policy covering County propeny and contents in the amount of$92,124.546. Lexington Insurance Co. would cover the first $5.000,000 in values, including excess \vind and tlcod coverage. Roval Insurance CO.\vould insure the . - - ~ additional 87, 124,546 excluding wind and flood coverage. CNA Insurance Co. would insure our boiler and machinery equipment. The effective date oftl-tis policy would be 05/01/02. ITEM BACKGROUND: Current propeny program with Allianz Insurance Co., has been extended until May 1, 2002, Due to the insurance market being extremely limited in the number 0 f carriers and the capacity of these carriers. it has become necessary tor us to go with 3 separate insurers in order to obtain adequate coverage. If staff recommendations are approved, the County's 2002/2003 propeny insurance will be essentially the same as the 2001/2002 program. except coverage for \\-lod and flood losses will be limited to $5,000.000 in excess of the State and Federal programs. To obtain wind and flood limits that are equal to the County's total insured values would have cost the County in excess of $950,000. Based on the County's historical losses. it is believed that the premium savings justifies the added exposure. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOeC ACTION: Approval CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: New policies for County Property coverage STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. TOTAL COST: $424.656. BUDGETED: Yes ---L No COST TO COUNTY: $424.656. REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No X AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty ~ O~~/PurCha:;in!L-- . Risk Mat..;ement~) ,. DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ~0 d '-- i ~~ Ji-\.tvIES L. ROBERTS DOCUMENTATION: Included ~ To Follow Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # ~~ Revised 2/27/0 [ Monroe County Risk Management 1100 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 (305) 292-4542 Voice (305) 295-4364 Fax (-'-~ O~~~o~~E (305) 294-4641 BOARD OF COlJNIT COMMISSIOERS MAYOR. Sonny McCoy. District 3 Mayor Pro tern, Dixie Spehar, District I Nora Williams, District 4 George Neugent, District 2 Murray E. Nelson. District 5 . MEMORANDUM To: Date: James L. Roberts County Administrator (I ~ \~(~ Wayne Robertson l.v' Risk Management Administra~or V " ') [' P IVV Sheila Barke~U:u!:::; \ . v Sr. DirectO"''-7J...tralive Services April 3, 2002/ From: Thru: RE: Monroe County Property coverage After reviewing the options available to the County for our 2002 - 2003 property coverage renewal, I concur with Interisk Corporation's recommendation. Even though we do have underlying State and Federal policies for wind and flood, there are caps to the limits allowed. These policies are also subject to deductibles. I feel it is in the County's best interest to have another layer up to $5,000,000 for wind and/or flood, in case of a catastrophic loss. I am available to discuss in further detail. Thank you. 04/El3/2002 14:31 81328711341 !NTERISK PAGE 02 INTERISK CORPORATION Consultants 1111 North Weltlhore Boulevud Suite 208 Tampa. fL 33607-4711 Phone (113) 287-1040 Facsimile (813) 217-1041 Risk Mauaement Employee Beftefits April 3. 2002 Mt, Wayne Robertson Rille Manager Monroe County S I 00 Coli. Road, Room 205 Key West, Florida 11040 ,Dear Wayne: The County currently purehases its Property insurance from Allianz Insurance Company dw includes protection for losses resulting from wiad, t100d md brcKdown of macbinay and equipment. subject to ftlUOftable deductiblu Tbe County i. paying an maual premium of S293 .172 for limits of approximatcly $92 million. The poHcy is subject to the following _jor sub-limits: )> Flood > Breakdown of Macbinery and Equipment SS million SIS million While the policy COIIIainI ocha' IUb-Jimits, they are aaocilKd with ucillary coverqes and are believed to adequately protect tbe County"s interest. Varying deduaibles have been ClItabli.hed in all altcmpt to maximize the COlt effectiveness orabe program. An overview orlhe major featurel of the currem program is included on the ...ached evaluation spreadsheer, Over the pac lCYer" yars, iDluraac:e compaaies have been altenqJCiaa to minimize the eft"cctI c:at.....opbic losses have on their financial position, This bas resulted in companies. )> RcducinS the amount ofinsurance they were wiJling to provide; ). Restriaing or eliminatins catastrophic coverasCl, such u those Clused by the perils of wind and ftood; ~ Providing coverqe only to tbose orpnizations that have I favorable Joss experience; )> IWling deductibJes and )> Increasi... premiums sianifac:andy. A number ofilUlUl'lftcc companies withdrew from providing Propeny inauranc:e locally, This baa created a shortage of quality Propeny inluta/l(;e. Many organizations have been raced with premium increues of 3~/. and more. Some organizations have been uuble to SClCUJ'e the iruurancc they aced and have had to either partially or fully self-iftlure Ioaea dJat bad previoutly been tnusferTed to an inlUl"lllC8 company, The trll8ic events of September II" further drained the 6RaJK:ial resources of in5UI~ companies that has made mittel's even worse, R.erognizing the problems with the insuratM:c market. the County's ascot (MMsh USA) was coow:tcd in November 2001 to discuss the SU'1tCIY th.It should be used during the relNJ'keting oftbe County's Property '. 04!El3/2ee2 14:31 81328711341 INTERISK PAGE 03 program, Durinlthe discussions, Marsh advised that Alliinz wurance Company (the incumbent insurer) intended to renew the County's program at a reasonable COlt. Based on these diKussions and the difficulty to obtain quality insurance, it was decided to coordilJate with Marsh and attempt to negotiate a favorable ~cncwaJ from AlIianz. In addition, M...sh was inst~cd to explore all optioos, to include the UK of other Insure". On December 21, 2001 Alliaoz issued a "Notice ofNonrencwal" indicatiDR that they were DOt goina to renew the program uDue to pouible changes in terms, rates or condition,". Mush advised UI mat the notice was sent out to comply with Florida Statutes and it WIS still Allianz's intent to I'CDCW the program. This was supported by In e-mail, daccd January 29, 2002 tlw 9t.8lCd that they wc:rc uwilling to offer rencwaJ. but do Doc know exact limits and price ioacases". While March I, 2002 was established IS the date Marsh was to provide their formal proponJ(s), it was not until March IS, 2002 that Marsh provided the first indication of the cost of the County's program for the 200212003 policy year. The indication was the pricing for the first S5 million of coverage alln lnIIUaI cost ofS350,OOO Marsh could not provide firm quotations for the remainder of the program, but projected that tbe total program wou1d co. betweeJl $700,000 and $150,000, In an effort to explore all options, the Florida LealJUc of Cities (the Lca&ue) was col1tlCted in an eft"Oft to persuade them to offer a competitive proposal that was more in line with what lhe County was currently paying. In tbe past, the League had declined to propose on the County's property program, however, foUowing a ~ of negotiations, the leegue &gnled to develop a proposal, excluding wind and flood. They indicated dlat the cose oflheit pI'08run would ~ between S280,000 and $350,000, Unfonwwe1y. the l...ague could !lOt obtain final commitment &om their re-insure:rs due to the fac:t tNt their re-inaunnce contracts renewed 011 April 1-, The League was conccmcd tbal if they added anomer $92 million of property exposure while negatiatioas wen: underway, it could have an averse affect on the pricins of their reinsurance, They iDdicated tbat if Allianz could ex1eod the curreot program until May 1,2002, a formal propoSlll could be produced, Original attempts to obtain an extension from AlIianz were umuccessful and it wu not until they were advi.ed that the County viewed their e-mail of Janua}' 29- II voiding their notice of nonrcnewaJ and were willins to litipte this issue, tbat they finally apeed lID extend the current program until May 1,2003 at the apirins pmIIium. The colt of the atet1aton for the month will be S2~,~lO, Florida stalUlel requin: inlUrenl to provide the inaured with a forty-five (45) day notice if they plan not to renew an exillins policy, On Match 26-, MII'Sb submitted the remainder oftbcit proposal that involved the UIC oCthrce (3) different insurance compaaies, The total cost otMarsh's proposal was S950,OOO. Marsh wu advised that this wu UDKceptabJe and tbe prosnm hid to be modified in an attempt to lower the premium. Manh was inlUUCtecl to ddllt11line the cost of the prognm if the. perils of wind and flood were excluded or reduced. Thi. apprOllCh WII taken becawe the COUJJIY currently purchases primary wind and flood inlUrance &om Federal and St.e prosrlmS, On April 2nd, Marsh offind four (4) optional propoll81s for consideration, The first oplion would provide coverages COtIIisacot with the cumat prosnm, however wind and flood IosICs would be excluded. AlJianz would provide the entire program with the exeeption of the Boiler and Machiaery coveragc that would be provided by CNA InlUCance Compeny, The cost ordlis option would be S21O,435. The first S5 million of coverage under Option 2 would be provided by Lexiogton Insurance Company and would include protectioo for wind and flood losses. The remainder ofthCl program (S87,124,546) would be provided by Alliaoz and would not include wind and flood. The COlt oftms option would be S455,26O, Option) is csJellliaUy idemie&llo Opcioo I, howevs- the Royal Iasuraoee Company would provido the coverages. The cost ofthi. option would be $207,&30 Option 4 is essentially identical to Option 2, however the Royallnsuranc:e Company would replace Allianz as the insurer for loues in excess ofSS million, The cost oftlUs option would be $424,656. 2 '. 04/03/2002 14:31 81328711341 INTERISK PAGE 04 Since all ofme proposers enjoy a favorable nling ff9ID the A.M, Best Uld Company, the Ieldial evaluator of insurance company opentionl, and both of the R.yal propoull (OpIioas 3 Uld 4).e leu CO!lIy than the corresponding AJljanz's proposals (Option 1 and 2),!it is recommended that the Allianz's proposals be eliminllled fi'om c:onaidention. If Option 3 were selected, the County would have to rely solely on the Federal and State prOSfUlI for wind and flood losses. Under the Federal flood program, limits ofS500,OOO per buildings and a separate limit of SSOO,OOO for the building's contenas arc provided. The State wind proanm has maximum limits oU) million per building. If a loss were to exceed these amounts, the County would have to Idf rond the balance of the damages lfOptiou 4 were selected, the County would have an additional 55 miUion ofprolection for wind and flood related Iaue. in excess of the pnlCCClion being provided by the Fedcnland State prosraIDa. 'l'11eft is a poteIatiaJ of a. hurricane srrilcing the Keys lIhat could caule significant damage. It is therefore believed that Option" would best SCl'VC the County', need.. The $424,6S6 tnmium i. ea.ier to budget than the amount the County would have to absorb if a major lOll were to O<:CUr, It is therefore recommended that Option .. be selected, It should be noced that Marsh's oriBinal propoaI for S9S0,OOO is no Jonaer available since one of the insurers (Ace Ioaurancc Company) was unwilling tOlexteocl its prOJlONl Ufltil May .-, In addition, the Florida Leasue i. proc:eeding with ftuJWDS their proposal, bowever it i. DOt lDlicipaled that aU oft.beir issues will be resolved in time so it can be prcscnted10 the Board. The final issue that needs to be addressed is the fact that Mush's proposals failed to include the value of the County'. c:oDtraaor'. equipment. TIle molt ream eslinwe oftbe value of the COUnty'l equiplncot il $1,454,000. Manb is Ittemptins to have both Royal and A1lianz include the equiplDCDt at DO additional cost. 1 will k~ you Idvised on any developments ~diDg this iaue. Ie i. not IDlicipued that the resolution of this issue will alter our recommendations. Inc:luded as part oftbis repon is a spreadsheet malyss c:ompuing the major featura of all fvur opIiooa to the Coumy'acum:nt progrun. As always, I will make myself available to disc:uss tile renewal in more detail at your convenience. Cordially, ]:;ORroP.AnON Sidney G. Webber CPCU, AJlM 3 04/03/2002 14:31 Insurer AM Best Rating Limitll Ral and Personal Property Wind flood Law & Ordinance Boiler and Machine Deductible Buildings valued under $250 000 BuiJdinp "lual III excess of $250 000 Wind & Had Flood Conmctors EqUIpment EDP Eqwpmm.t Communication T owen Boiler & Machinery R b.cement Cost A ed Amo\mt Blanket Limits Premium Comments 81328711341 INTERISK MONR.OE COUNTY 2002/2003 PROPEK1"\' INSURANCE PROGRAM RENEWAL ~VALUAnON April 2002 A++ Allianz-A++ CNA-A PAGE OS cioo 2 Lexingron Insurance Co, Alli2nz Insur.anc:e Co. CNA Insur.ance Co. Lczingtoo - A + + .Alli2oz - A + .;- CNA - A $92059 92 $5 million $500 000 S 15 milJion . , -~1idJlg;'~1~t~:\5~_1\if.;'j $50,000 None None $500 000 $15 million Lexington S5.000,ooo A1li:anz S87 J 24.546 T oCLl $92124 46 53 million $5 million S500 000 StS miJlion $100,000 $100,000 N/A N/A $1 million 5500,000 $5,000 except 150,000 fo.- WUld & Hail $5,000 uccpt 1100,000 for Wind & Hail $5,000 except $25.000 fcx Wind & Had subj<<r to a $50 000 maximum $1.00 per KVA, subject to a $1,000 mintmum $5 000 $5 000 $5,000 $2.500 foe aD loca.tions except $5,000 at the Detention Center Yes No No AlIsanz - $275,279 CNA 5156 T oral '280,435 Yes Yes Yes 5293,172 4 $100,000 $1 million 5% (see attached Foomote Sheet $5,000 except $50,000 for wind & hajJ S5,OOO except S100.000 foe wind & hail 55,000 except $50,000 for wind & ba.il $2,500 foc all locations except 55,000 It the Detention Center Yes No No Lexinton 5350,000 Alli2nz 100,104 CN^ 5 156 Total 4SS 04/03/2002 14:31 81328711341 !NTERISK PAGE 05 MONROE COUNTY 2002/2003 PROPERTY INSURANCB PROGRAM RENEWAL f:VALUATION April 2002 Insurer AM Be:,t Racing RoyaI- A CNA - A tioo 4 Lexington Insun.nce Co. Royal Iosut2oce (.0. CNA Iosunnce Co. Lexington - A ++ Roy.al- A CNA - A Wind Hood Law & Ordinance Boiler and Machin Deductible Buildjo valued under 5250,000 Buildings valued in escess of $250,000 Wind & Hail Aood ::"I.,--::a:ac::, i'::>':~ :t:!.". -. ._~; . Limits Real and l'ersonal Property $92,124,546 ....~-~.. ~~~'_. $50,000 $100,000 N/A N/A $1 million 5% (see aMCbed Foottloce Sheet 15,000 CJ:cept lSO,OOO for wind & bail $5,000 except $100,000 fot' wind & bail $5.000 except $50,000 fot wind & bail $~ for a1l1ocatioos except $5,000 at the Detention Center Yes No No I....eXIIItun 1350,000 RoyaJ 69,500 CNA 5.156 ToW 424,6.56 ContDCton Equipment $5,000 EDP Equipment $5,000 Communiation Towers lacemcru Cost ^ ed AmoWlt Blanket Limits Premium 55 000 $2,500 lOr aU locatioos except $5,000 at tbe Detention Center Yes__ No No R0)'21 $202,674 CNA 5,156 Total S207,830 Boiler & Machinery Comments 5 'e4/El3/2662 14:31 8132871 1341 !NTERISK PAGE 67 MONROE COUNTY 2002/2003 PROPBRTT INSUllANCE PROGRAM RENEWAL~VALUAnON April 2002 FOOTNOTES Under all options CNA will provide the Boiler and Machinery Insuranc;e. Previously Allianz included the coverage as part of the Property policy and reinsured the coverage with eNA. The Flood deductibk under options 2 and 4 have the foUowing qua1i6cations: > A $1 miDion minimum per OCCUaalce for localion. within the Special Flood Hazud. Areas as defined by the Fe~ Emergency Management Agency, ~ A $100.000 mioUnum pet occurrr:nce EOI: locations ouaidc the Special Flood Hazard.An:as as defined by the Federal Emergency Ma.o:a8ement Agency if the loss is ass~d with. storm that has hem named by the N2tioaal W cathu Servia. > ^ $50.000 minimum and a $100.000 muimum per occuaeoce for Joations ouuide the Special Flood Ha2atd Ateas as defined by the Fedeni Emergency ~c Agency if the Ion is associated with a stmm that ha... not been named by me Nacioaal We:adlft Service. 6 .,