Item B01 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 4-17-02 Division: Management Services Sulk Item: Yes No X Department: Technical Services AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Presentation of Employee of the Year Award to Lisa Druckemiller, Supervisor, Telecommunications, Division of Management Services ITEM BACKGROUND: Ms. Druckemiller has been selected for Employee of the Year for Monroe County. It is most fitting that she receive this award. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: None CONTRACT I AGREEMENT CHANGES: nla STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval as stated TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH YR APPROVED BY: County Atty _ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: OMS/Purchasing Risk Management ~~.t James L. Roberts DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow Not ReqUired DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # ff / Revised 2/27/01 Attachment A April 1, 2002 Lisa was instrumental in the move from the Public Service building to the Gato building, working tirelessly making sure that the phone system was up and operational as soon as possible. As the contract monitor for our BellSouth contract she was able to get Monroe County a $13,000.00 credit for services that were not being performed according to contract. Lisa is always the professional and gives her all to make sure that the County is receiving the service form BellSouth that we should be. Many times Lisa will work from home on her days off, if there is a problem requiring immediate attention. Lisa makes sure that our telephone bills are paid on time and is always looking for ways to save the County money on the current telephone system and our cellular phones as well. Occasionally special request such as conference calls will come up and she will have the system in place and ready when needed. This was demonstrated during EOC activation last year when Emergency Management had to have an open line of communication during the entire activation. Lisa made herself available all hours of the day and night making sure that the communication line was available. Lisa has always put the County first in her efforts to make the telephone system better. Her dedication to her work is remarkable and we are very fortunate to have someone of her caliber working for us. These are just a few of the things that Lisa does for us that are sometimes overlooked, but her hard work and dedication is appreciated by all of Monroe County.