Item O15 Ma~ 02 02 03:34p p.2 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Mav 15.2002 Division: BOCC Bulk Item: Yes ~ No Department: District Five AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to direct staff to negotiate the acquisition of Lot 7, Block S, PB4-92 Largo Sound Village, Key largo, as a conservation easement lot. ITEM BACKGROUND: Citizens residing in Largo Sound Village have petitioned the County to purchase a triangular shaped \ot (measuring 190' x 113' x 225') located in Largo Sound Village to preserve green space in the community. As this subdivision ;s almost totally built out, this aCQuiSition will insure that residents of this community will have an area for community activities and remove i:l lot from the buildable lot pool. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT I AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: o BUDGETED: Yes No caSTTa COUNTY:_ _Q REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No -L AMOUNT PER MONTH_ YR APPROVED BY: County Atty ~__ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management _ ~ '7 DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: P'~ ~~ L ~ ~n____ Murr . elson, Commissioner DOCUMENTATION: Included x TO Follow_ Not ReQuired_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # ~~ n',"" L.. .L r .L .., r- -, r-,.... <"" , I T III ""11 n __ c:..... 1.::11 n n" .., c ~ lit Dr- ~nn ."7;Jn "'?n ?n CPl. I. .. I. ra.~ - ~ ~- ~ -~ .. .. : . .Ol ,. ..- ~- .. .. .. .. . =1 . . . II live : , ~~J"J.f "111 , ...- ~: I : ~ 1 ~ I ~ -c.- !r : ~ ! : ~ I - ~ .. .. ~f .. .. ,..... . . .. . ~ .. :I'rll.~J. '-' ,., '"'J Ma~ 02 02 03:34p 4.111/.1..$ :: . 2 : !' ': .- ~:1rIlIlIJ ~ ! ~ = I "'VnCl~" ~11t.J-.Ml~ . "-6 ! :~ .. . . ~ ,:1 :a ._. -....,...~ (.Ill"tEGeSaE p.3 EE:Ol 1991/~(/Ql 1- __ .__ ._1.. Ma~ 02 02 03:35p p.4 PETITION March 3, 2002 Citizens of Key Largo, Florida. residing in Largo Sound Village. request and Petition Monroe COl.mty for the purchase and dedication of Lot 7, Block 5, PH 4-92, Largo Sound Village to be used for "greenspace" and homeowners park. This lot is funced, cleared and across from the Homeowners Association boat ramp on the smmd. It is in a point of the neighborhood which is heavily traveled to and from the boat ramp and should be preserved as open "greenspace" and not built upon. Name: Address: Phone Number: ...' 0 '}1)j'- 'f") 1-1 ~ '/ Ti/{i:< 'i5/ - >/.3 7 21. ..,,, ......... 23. 24. 25. G Ma~ 02 02 03:35p p.5 PETITION March 3, 2002 Citizens of Key Largo, Florida, residing in Largo Sound Village, request and Petition Monroe County for the purchase and dedication of Lot 7, Block 5, PB 4-92, Largo Sound Village to be used for "greenspace" and homeowners park. This lot is fenced. cleared and across from the Homeowners Association boat ramp on the sound. It is in a point of the neighborhood which is heavily traveled to and from the boat ramp and should be preserved as open "greenspace" and not built upon. Name: Address: Phone Number: 3. 4. 5. . 6. 7. <: 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Ma~ 02 02 03:35p p.6 PETITION March 3, 2002 Citizens of Key Largo, Florida, residing in Largo Sound Village. request and Petition Monroe County for the purchase and dedication of Lot 7, Block 5, PB 4-92, Largo SOlmd Village to be used for "greenspace" and homeowners park. This lot is fenced, cleared and across from the Homeowners Association boat ramp on the sound. It is in a point of the neighborhood which is heavily traveled to and from the boat ramp and should be preserved as open "greenspace" and not built upon. Name: Address: Phone Number: Ma~ 02 02 03:3510 p.? PETITION C~<Ac;\( - ~Q(. '0-\CA~~~\ (~" ~J- \\.~~1 /I March 3, 2002 Citizens of Key Largo, Florida, residing in Largo Sound Village, request and Petition Monroe County for the purchase and dedication of Lot 7, Block 5, PB 4-92, Largo Sound Village to be used for "greenspace" and homeowners park. This lot is fenced, cleared and across from the Homeowners Association boat ramp on the sound. It is in a point of the neighborhood which is heavily traveled to and from the boat ramp and should be preserved as open "greenspace" and not built upon. Name: Address: Phone Nunlber: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Ma~ 02 02 03:36p p.8 PETITION G:J~ ~C.-~ ~ ~~~D----~~ ~~ "" (' Q..:",- ~S'-'-~\S tq March 3. 2002 Citizens of Key Largo, Florida, residing in Largo Sound Village, request and Petition Monroe Coooty for the purchase and dedication of Lot 7, Block 5, PB 4-92, Largo Sound Village to be used fOf "greenspace" and homeowners park. This lot is tenced, cleared and across from the Homeowners Association boat ramp on the sound. It is in a point of the neighborhood which is heavily traveled to and from the boat ramp and should be preserved as open "greenspace" and not built upon. Name: Phone Number: Mal::l 02 02 03:36p p.9 PETITION Ca~\~~~ ~~~ ""'-~'" ~~tt~" "--\ <SJ-l\3 t 9 March 3, 2002 Citizens of Key Largo, Florida, residing in Largo SOWld Village, request and Petition Monroe County for the purchase and dedication of Lot 7, Block 5, PH 4-92~ Largo Sound Village to be used for "greenspace" and homeowners park. This lot is fenced, cleared and across from the Homeowners Association boat ramp on the sound. It is in a point of the neighborhood which is heavily traveled to and from the boat ramp and should be preserved as open "greenspace" and not built upon. Name: Address: Phone Number: / Jelr 23. 24. 25. Ma~ 02 02 03:37p p.IO CQ~C^~~ ~'=""\ ~ ~~~G--"\ "" PETITION' \1jJ-~t (1 March 3, 2002 Citizens of Key Largo, Florid~ residing in Largo SOWld Village, request and Petition Monroe County for the purchase and dedication of Lot 7, Block 5, PB 4-92, Largo SOWld Village to be used for "greenspace" and homeowners park. This lot is fenced, cleared and across from the Homeowners Association boat ramp on the sOWld. It is in a point of the neighborhood which is heavily traveled to and from the boat ramp and should be preserved as open i~greenspace" and not built upon. Name: Address: Phone Number: \ 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25, Ma~ 02 02 03:3Bp p. 11 (c~~c-1: ~\c:J.. ""\ o.~'" ~"'-~~ \' ~"" \.\ 5' J - ~j ~ (1 Citizens of Key Largo, Florida, residing in Largo Sound Village, request and Petition Monroe County for the purchase and dedication of Lot 7, Block 5, PB 4-92, Largo Sound Village to be used for "greenspace" and homeowners park. This lot is fenced, cleared and across from the Homeowners Association boat ramp on the sound. It is in a point of the neighborhood which is heavily traveled to and from the boat ramp and should be preserved as open "greenspace" and not built upon. PETITION March 3, 2002 Name: Address: Phone Number: 8. 9. 10. Il. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. '1 .... 22. 23. 24. 25. Ma~ 02 02 03:38p p. 12 PETITION March 3, 2002 Citizens of Key Largo, Florida, residing in Largo Sound Village, request and Petition Monroe County for the purchase and dedication of Lot 7, Block 5, PB 4-92, Largo Sound Village to be used for "greenspace~' and homeowners park. This lot is tenced, cleared and across from the Homeowners Association boat ramp on the sOllild. It is in a point of the neighborhood which is heavily traveled to and from the boat ramp and should be preserved as open "greenspace" and not built upon. Name: Address: Phone Number: 1., 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7" 8. 9. to-:"- 11. ' 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 'I //