Item U1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 21. 2004 Division: Growth Management Bulk Item: No .....x-.- Department: Planning & Env. Resources AGENDA ITEM WORDING: A public hearing to adopt an ordinance amending Sections 9.5-122.3,9.5-124.8 and 9.5-266 Monroe County Code, granting to the Growth Management Director & County Attorney the authority to approve Restrictive Covenants & Warranty Deeds. [One hearing only required.] ITEM BACKGROUND: Presently, all affordable housing restrictive covenants, warranty deeds for land dedication, and restrictive covenants limiting density and intensity on a parcel of land, require approval by the Board of County Commissioners before any development may receive a building permit. In 2003, there were approximately 80 such agreements, all of these were presented to the Board as bulk approval items. Since the inception of ROGO all of these have been approved. The formality of this process is unnecessarily time consuming for the applicant, staff and Commission. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: None CONTRACVAGREEMENTCHANGES: N~ STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes No x COST TO COUNTY: N/ A REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No X AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _^ OMB/Purchasing N/ A . sk Management N/ A DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: AICP DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow_ Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Ut ~~I Planning Director APR-02-04 15.31 F~UM'MUN~U~ ~UUN~Y AI~Y U~~I~~ IU'~~~~~~~~lb r-M"--"- . , .. ORDINANCE NO. -2004 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC. 9.5-122.3; SEC.9.S-124.8; SEC. 9.S-266 OF THE MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS IN ORDER TO GRANT AUTHORITY TO GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR AND THE COUNTY ATTORNEY TO APPROVE RESTRICfIVE COVENANTS AND WARRANTY DEEDS UNDER ROGOINROGO AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING. PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO THE MONROE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES; AND DIRECTING THE PLANNING DIRECTOR TO FORWARD A CERTlJtlED COpy OF TIDS ORDINANCE TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, presently, all restrictive covenants for Affordable Housing, warranty deeds for land dedication, restrictive covenants pennitting only single-family dwellings on a parcel of land, or, in a few cases, the removal of these restrictive covenants require approval by the board of county commissioners before any development may receive a building pennit; and WHEREAS, in 2003, there were approximately 80 such agreements; and WHEREAS, all were legally advenised for BOCC regular meetings, and all were fonnally presented to the commission for approval as Bulk Items; and WHEREAS, after approval, each agreement is recorded in the office of the county clerk; and WHEREAS, the commission has approved all of these agreements; none have ever been disapproved; and WHEREAS, this process has existed since the inception ofROGO; and WHEREAS, the formality of this process is unnecessarily time-consuming for the applicant, for staff and for the commission; and WHEREAS, it is proposed that each of these actions be approved by the growth management director and the County Attorney, and then recorded in the office of the County Clerk; and WHEREAS, Staff finds that the proposed change is consistent with Section 9.5-51 1 (d)(5) b. (iv) New Issues and (v) Recognition of a need for additional detail or comprehensiveness; and WHEREAS, The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners finds that the proposed change is consistent with the goals of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, this text change was reviewed and APPROVED at the ORC public meeting of January 15,2004; and AP~-~~-~q l~:~~ ~~UM:MUNKU~ ~UU"~I M~~I vrrA~~ IU;"';'''';;;I",;;;;r",..,...."..... WHEREAS, this text change was reviewed and APPROVED at the PC public hearing of January 28, 2004 and APPROVED at the public hearing of February 11. 2004; WlIEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners at their meeting of April 21, 2004 in Key West, Florida reviewed the proposed amendment to Sections 9.5-122.3; Sec.; & Sec. 9.5-26 as recommended by the Planning Commission and Growth Management. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTV, FLORIDA, THAT: I Strik0 the\i~ t~Kt is deleted. underlined text is new- Seetion 1. Section 9.5-122.3 Evaluation eriteria (a)(3) Lot aggregalion: Addilional requirements: L Points will not be awarded for lot aggregation within those areas proposed for acquisition by governmental agencies for the purpose of resource protection. 2. The application shall include but not be limited to the following: . oJ.; An affidavit of ownership of all affected parcels. acreage or land; and . 2-. A Le1!aJ1v binding restrictive covenant limiting the number of dwelling units on the acreage tract, nmning in favor of Mom-oe County and enforceable by the Cmmty, sYlljeet te shaH be approved by the ap,Fe"Jal efthe beerd efeeYll~ oommi99ieR8,8 Growth Management Director and County Attornev and recorded prier te filiRg in the office of the County Clerk Suell ooveaBt Hnl&t Be appreveEl by 1M hellHi prior to the issuance of Wefe any development approval or may Be isstIe6 building. permit. pursuant to an allocation award. (a){4) Acrea2e tract densifY reduction: Additional requirements: 1. The parcel nroposed for development must be located in zonine districts in which density is allocated in residential units per acre. 2. The application shall include but not be limited to the following: · Altaffidavit of ownership of the affected parcel, acreage or land; · A Legallv binding restrictive covenant limiting the number of dwelling units on the acreage tract, running in favor of Mom-oe County and enforceable by the ,..,rl'l;;-~'-tu., &0.,;,...;1, Seetion 2. . ~~.. . ..~....~~ ---.... -... -... -- . - . -- ---;;;;iJ COWlIy, su~... Ie sbaIJ be al>Droved bv Ibe ~:a1.flhe ~...~ .fo....", oommissieReFS Growth Mana~ement Director. County Attornev and recorded prier '9 f:iliBg in the Monroe County Clerk's Office, guell eeveDSBt must be apple' led ey tAe b98(fI prior to the issuance of 8efeFe any development approval or may 88 isstleS building permit. pursuant to an allocation award, (aX5) Land dedication: Additional requirements: 1. "Buildable" means construction of a dwelling ",nit or some development could be permitted. as determined bv the ew.1l'OOmeAt Fe~B tiireeter Director of Planning. 2. The application shall include but not be limited to the following: · An affidavit of ownership of all affected lots, parcels, 8J;feJ.e or land; · A statutory wananly doed Ihat CODV'f the dedi4= 10 the CoWlty shall be approved bv the, s\lbjeet te e appre~ ef iii beard of 09ltAly ooffimissi8RefS Growth Management Director. COWll:Y Attornev and ~~rded prier t8 filiBg in the office of tile COWlty Clerk, whiell e81l\'eys tile deElieatefl f)f8)M'Ry Ie the e9W\~. gweh aeed must be apl'feVe6 hy the 6ear-G prior to the issuance of~ any developmeat 8pprevel buiJdina pennit IMY he issued pursuant to an allocation award. Sec. 9.5-124.8 EvalultioD criteria (0)(2) Intensity reduction, () Additional requ;remenp A legally binding restrictive covenant running in favor of Monroe County that limits the floor area ratio of the pro rty to a maximum of twenty three percent (23%) for a period of ten (10) years shall approved by the 8sarEl sf CetlRly CeRUH:iSSleMfS Growth M ement Director Coun Attorne and recorded prior to the issuance of any building pennit pursuant to an allocation award. (a}(3) Land dedication: Additional requirements: 1. "Buildable" shall mean construction of a dwelling unit or non-residential devdopment, as determined by the planning director. 2. The application shall include but not be limited to the following: r""\'" ..,~ __ ..........,~ ...,,_....-,,_...,,__ .....__.... _"... _.. .__ . An affidavit of ownership of all affected lots ~ . A statutory warranty deed that cony . the dedicated fO to the coun shall be 8DDfoved by the, },e8fd af e8aety eeMMieeisMfS Growth Mana~ement Dircct9r. ounty Attorney and recorded prier t6 miDg in the office of the Clerk of the COWlty, \Vhieh esltVeys the Eledieated pr-eperty tG lite emmty. Sueh deed must b& apprs'..ed BY ate t.ean:i prior to the issuance of MieN any aevelepment apprsval buildina oenni! may be issued pursuant to an allocation award. Section 3. Sec. 9.5-166. Affordable and employee housing; administration. (b) Administration and compliance: (7YThe restrictive covenant.1i for affordable and employee housing required under ttps section shan be approved bv the Growth Mana2ement Director and County Attorney prior to the recording of the covenant and issuance of any buildina Dcrrmit. Section 4. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, item, change, or provision of this ordinance is held invalid, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected by such validity. Section 5. All ordinances or pans of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. Section 7. This ordinance shall be filed in the Office of the Secretary of State of Florida, but shall not become effective Wltil a notice is issued by the Department of Conununity Affairs or Administrative Commission approving the ordinance. Section 8. This ordinance shall be transmitted by the Planning Department to the Department of Community Affairs to detennine the consistency of this ordinance with the Florida Statutes. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe COWlty, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the day of , 2004. Mayor Nelson Mayor Pro Tern Rice Commissioner McCoy Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Spehar (SEAL) . Attest: DANNY L.KOLHAGE. Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMlSSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By By Deputy Cleric Mayor/Chairperson MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY A~PR veo S FORM: R N. WOLFE CHIEF ASSt ANT .eQVNT)' ATTORNfV 0.,. ~ 7~-Ott: AMENDMENT TO THE MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Board of County Commissioners Meeting -- Key West April 21, 2004 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC. 9.5-122.3; SEC.9.5-124.8; SEe. 9.5-266 OF THE MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS IN ORDER TO GRANT AUTHORITY TO GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR AND THE COUNTY ATTORNEY TO APPROVE RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS AND WARRANTY DEEDS UNDER ROGO/NROGO AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING AND PROHIBIT THE AWARD OF POINTS FOR AGGREGATION IN SPECIFIC AREAS; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO THE MONROE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES; AND DIRECTING THE PLANNING DIRECTOR TO FORWARD A CERTIFIED COPY OF TillS ORDINANCE TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Land Development Regulations Text Amendment Staff DRC PC Approval Approval Approval February 26, 2004 February 26, 2004 March 10,2004 Staff Report Resolution #D04-04 Resolution # P04-04 Board of County Commissioners Proposed Ordinance Amendment to Sections 9.5-122.3; 9.5-124.8; & 9.5-266 of the Land Development Regulations ORDINANCE NO. -2004 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC. 9.5-122.3; SEC.9.5-124.8; SEC. 9.5-266 OF THE MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS IN ORDER TO GRANT AUTHORITY TO GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR AND THE COUNTY ATTORNEY TO APPROVE RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS AND WARRANTY DEEDS UNDER ROGOINROGO AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING. PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO THE MONROE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES; AND DIRECTING THE PLANNING DIRECTOR TO FORWARD A CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS ORDINANCE TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, presently, all restrictive covenants for Affordable Housing, warranty deeds for land dedication, restrictive covenants permitting only single-family dwellings on a parcel of land, or, in a few cases, the removal of these restrictive covenants require approval by the board of county commissioners before any development may receive a building permit; and WHEREAS, in 2003, there were approximately 80 such agreements; and WHEREAS, all were legally advertised for BOCC regular meetings, and all were formally presented to the commission for approval as Bulk Items; and WHEREAS, after approval, each agreement is recorded in the office of the county clerk; and WHEREAS, the commission has approved all of these agreements; none have ever been disapproved; and WHEREAS, this process has existed since the inception of ROGO; and WHEREAS, the formality of this process is unnecessarily time-consuming for the applicant, for staff and for the commission; and WHEREAS, it is proposed that each of these actions be approved by the growth management director and the County Attorney, and then recorded in the office of the County Clerk; and WHEREAS, Staff finds that the proposed change is consistent with Section 9.5-511(d)(5) b. (iv) New Issues and (v) Recognition of a need for additional detail or comprehensiveness; and WHEREAS, The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners finds that the proposed change is consistent with the goals of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, this text change was reviewed and APPROVED at the DRC public meeting of January 15,2004; and WHEREAS, this text change was reviewed and APPROVED at the PC public hearing of January 28,2004 and APPROVED at the public hearing of February 11,2004; WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners at their meeting of April 21, 2004 in Key West, Florida reviewed the proposed amendment to Sections 9.5-122.3; Sec.; & Sec. 9.5-26 as recommended by the Planning Commission and Growth Management. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: I strike tlul1:lgh text is deleted. underlined text is new. Section 1. Section 9.5-122.3 Evaluation criteria (a)(3) Lot aggregation: Additional requirements: .L Points will not be awarded for lot aggregation within those areas proposed for acquisition by governmental agencies for the purpose of resource protection. 2. The application shall include but not be limited to the following: · +, An affidavit of ownership of all affected parcels, acreage or land; and · ~ A Legally binding restrictive covenant limiting the number of dwelling units on the acreage tract, running in favor of Monroe County and enforceable by the County, subjeet to shall be approved bv the appro',al of the board of eounty eommissioners Growth Management Director and County Attorney and recorded prior to filing in the office of the County Clerk 8l:1ea eoyemmt must be appro'led by the board prior to the issuance of before any development approval or may be issued building permit, pursuant to an allocation award. (a)(4) Acreage tract density reduction: Additional requirements: 1. The parcel proposed for development must be located in zoning districts in which density is allocated in residential units per acre. 2. The application shall include but not be limited to the following: · An affidavit of ownership of the affected parcel, acreage or land; · A Legally binding restrictive covenant limiting the number of dwelling units on the acreage tract, running in favor of Monroe County and enforceable by the Section 2. County, s1:lbjeet to shall be approved bv the approyal of the board of eounty commissioners Growth Management Director. County Attorney and recorded prior to filing in the Monroe County Clerk's Office, SueD eOyeflam l'ft1:lst be appro';ed by the board prior to the issuance of before any development approval or may be issued building permit. pursuant to an allocation award. (a)(5) Land dedication: Additional requirements: 1. "Buildable" means construction of a dwelling unit or some development could be permitted. as determined by the enviromneat resourees direetor Director of Planning. 2. The application shall include but not be limited to the following: · An affidavit of ownership of all affected lots, parcels, acreage or land; · A statutory warranty deed that conveys the dedicated property to the County shall be approved by the, subjeet to the approyal of the board of eoUftty commissioners Growth Management Director. County Attorney and recorded prior to filing in the office of the County Clerk, 'Nhich eonveys the dedicated property to the eouaty. Such deed must be appro'/ed by the board prior to the issuance of before any de'/clopment approval building permit may be issued pursuant to an allocation award. Sec. 9.5-124.8 Evaluation criteria (a)(2) Intensity reduction: Additional requirements: A legally binding restrictive covenant running in favor of Monroe County that limits the floor area ratio of the property to a maximum of twenty three percent (23%) for a period often (10) years shall be approved by the Board ofCmmty Commissioners Growth Management Director. County Attorney and recorded prior to the issuance of any building permit pursuant to an allocation award. (a)(3) Land dedication: Additional requirements: 1. "Buildable" shall mean construction of a dwelling unit or non-residential development, as determined by the planning director. 2. The application shall include but not be limited to the following: Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. Section 7. Section 8. · An affidavit of ownership of all affected lots, parcels, acreage or land; · A statutory warranty deed that conveys the dedicated property to the county shall be approved by the, subjeet to the approval of the bOlH'd of eounty eommissioners Growth Management Director. County Attorney and recorded prior to filing in the office of the Clerk of the County, wmeh eOBveys the dedieated property to the county. Slieh deed must be approyed by the bOlH'd prior to the issuance of before any development appro'/al building permit may be issued pursuant to an allocation award. Sec. 9.5-266. Affordable and employee housing; administration. (b) Administration and compliance: (7)The restrictive covenants for affordable and employee housing required under this section shall be approved by the Growth Management Director and County Attorney prior to the recording of the covenant and issuance of any building permit. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, item, change, or provision of this ordinance is held invalid, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected by such validity. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. This ordinance shall be filed in the Office of the Secretary of State of Florida, but shall not become effective until a notice is issued by the Department of Community Affairs or Administrative Commission approving the ordinance. This ordinance shall be transmitted by the Planning Department to the Department of Community Affairs to determine the consistency of this ordinance with the Florida Statutes. [The remainder of this page is left blank intentionally] PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the day of , A.D., 2004. Mayor Murray Nelson Mayor Pro Tem David P. Rice Commissioner Charles "Sonny" McCoy Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Dixie Spehar BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY Mayor Murray Nelson (SEAL) A TrEST: DANNY KOHLAGE, CLERK DEPUTY CLERK Board of County Commissioners Staff Report April 21, 2004 Key West, Florida MEMORANDUM TO: The Board of County Commissioners FROM: K. Marlene Conaway, Director of Planning & Env. Resources DATE: March 30, 2004 SUBJECT: PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO SEC. 9.5-122.3; SEC.9.5-124.8; & SEC. 9.5-266 OF THE MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS IN ORDER TO GRANT AUTHORITY TO GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR AND THE COUNTY ATTORNEY TO APPROVE RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS AND WARRANTY DEEDS UNDER ROGO/NROGO AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING. I. BACKGROUND Presently, all restrictive covenants for Affordable Housing, warranty deeds for land dedication, restrictive covenants permitting only single-family dwellings on a parcel of land, or, in a few cases, the removal of these restrictive covenants require approval by the Board of County Commissioners before any development may receive a building permit. In 2003, there were between 75 to 80 such agreements. All were legally advertised for BOCC regular meetings, and all were formally presented to the Commission for approval as Bulk Items. After approval, each agreement is recorded in the office of the county clerk. The Commission has approved all of these agreements; none have ever been disapproved. This process has existed since the inception of ROGO. Each of these agreements requires that Growth Management staff schedules and prepares newspaper advertisements, prepares Briefing Sheets, etc. The formality of this process is unnecessarily time-consuming for the applicant, for staff and for the Commission. It is proposed that each of these actions be approved by the Growth Management Director and the County Attorney, and then recorded in the office of the County Clerk. This text change was reviewed and recommended approval at the DRC public meeting of January 15, 2004. This text change was reviewed at the PC public hearing of January 28, 2004 and was continued to the PC meeting of February 11, 2004. At the PC public hearing of February 11, 2004, the proposal was recommended for approval. II. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the following amendments to the Land Development Regulations: III. PROPOSED TEXT CHANGES strike though text is deleted. underlined text is new. Section 9.5-122.3 Evaluation criteria (a)(3) Lot aggregation: Additional requirements: 1:. The application shall include but not be limited to the following: · +; An affidavit of ownership of all affected parcels, acreage or land; and · 2. A Legally binding restrie-ti';e eoyenant limiting the l'l.-l:1mber of dwelling units on the acreage traet, ruflIling in fayor of MOfl:foe ColIDty and enforceable by the eounty, subject to shall Be aparoved by the approval of the-board of county commissioners gro'.vth managemem director and county attorney and reeorded prior to filing in the office of the clerk ofilie ceunty. Such covenant must be approved by the board prior to the issuance of before any development approyal may be issued building: permit pursuant to an allocation award. (a)(4) Acreage tract density reduction: Additional requirements: 1. The parcel proposed for developmem m\:lst be leeated in zoning districts in ':;hich density is alloeated iB residemial1:ll1its per aere. 2. The application shall include but not be limited to the following: · An affidavit of ownership of the affected parcel, acreage or land; . ~~ binding restrieti'le eoveFlant limiting the Bumber of dwelling units on the aereage tFaet, I1:H1Ring in fa-'/or ef Mornoe County and enforeeable by the eOlmty, subject to shall be approved by the approval of the-board of county commissioners grov.1:h management direetor and eounty attorney and reeorded prior to filing in the offiee of the derk of the county. Such covenant must be approved by the board prior to the issuance of before any development approval may be issued building permit pursuant to an allocation a':Iffi"d. (a)(5) Land dedicatien: Additional requirements: 1. "Buildable" means eonstruction of a dwelling unit or some de'lelopment could be permitted, as determined by the environment resources director director of plar.1'ling. 2. The application shall include but not be limited to the following: · An affidavit of ownership of all affected lots, parcels, acreage or land; · A statutory warranty deed that conveys the dedicated property to the county shall be approved by the, sl:lbjeet to the approval of the board of county eommissioners growth management director and county attorney and recorded prior to filing in the office of the clerk of the county, whieh conyeys the dedicated property to the coWlty. Sueh deed must be approved by the board prior to the issuance of before any de';elopment appro'lal building permit may be issued pursuant to an allocation award. See. 9.5 121.8 Evaluation eriteria (a)(2) Intensity reduction: Additional requirements: A legally binding restrictive covenant running in favor of Monroe County that limits the floor area ratio of the property to a maximum of twenty three percent (23%) for a period of ten (10) years shall be approved by the Board of Co1:lllty Commissioners growth management director and county attorney and recorded prior to the issuance of any building permit pursuant to an allocation award. (a)(3) Land dedication: Additional requirements: 1. "Buildable" shall mean construction of a dwelling unit or non-residential development, as determined by the planning director. 2. The application shall include but not be limited to the following: · An affidavit of ownership of all affected lots, parcels, acreage or land; · A statutory warranty deed that conveys the dedicated property to the county shall be approved by the, subj ect to the approval of the board of eoWlty eommissioners growth management director and county attorney and recorded prier to filing in the office of the clerk of the county, ",Alich conveys the dedieated property to the connty. Saeh deed mast be appro 'led by the board prior to the issuance of before any deyelopment approval building permit may be issued pursuant to an allocation award. Sec. 9.5-266. Affordable and employee housing; Administration. (b) Administration and compliance: (7) The restrictive covenants for affordable and employee housing required under this section shall be approved by the growth management director and county attorney prior to the recording of the covenant and issuance of any building permit. [The remainder of this pa2e is left blank intentionallvl Planning Commission Resolution P06-04 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #P06-04 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDING APPROVAL TO THE MONROE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE REQUEST FILED BY THE MONROE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO AMEND SEC. 9.5-122.3; SEC.9.5-124.8; SEC. 9.5-266 OF THE MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS IN ORDER TO GRANT AUTHORITY TO GROWTH MANAGEMENT STAFF TO APPROVE RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS AND WARRANTY DEEDS UNDER ROGO/NROGO AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING. WHEREAS, presently, all restrictive covenants for Affordable Housing, warranty deeds for land dedication, restrictive covenants permitting only single- family dwellings on a parcel of land, or, in a few cases, the removal of these restrictive covenants require approval by the board of county commissioners before any development may receive a building permit; and WHEREAS, in 2003, there were between 75 to 80 such agreements; and WHEREAS, all were legally advertised for BOee regular meetings, and all were formally presented to the commission for approval as Bulk Items; and WHEREAS, after approval, each agreement is recorded in the office of the county clerk; and WHEREAS, the commission has approved all of these agreements; none have ever been disapproved; and WHEREAS, this process has existed since the inception of ROGO; and WHEREAS, each of these agreements requires that growth management staff schedules and prepares newspaper advertisements, prepares Briefing Sheets, etc; and WHEREAS, the formality of this process is unnecessarily time-consuming for the applicant, for staff and for the commission; and WHEREAS, it is proposed that each of these actions be approved by the growth management director and the county attorney, and then recorded in the office of the county clerk; and Page 1 of 5 G:\Planning\Working Folders\Gross-Fred\Restrictive Covenants\PC Reso.doc Initial_ WHEREAS, Staff finds that there is a need to amend these sections of the Land Development Regulations in order to authorize the planning director to make decisions concerning the approval of administrative variances from certain provisions of this chapter; and WHEREAS, Staff finds that the proposed change is consistent with Section 9.5-511 (d)(5) b. (iv) New Issues and (v) Recognition of a need for additional detail or comprehensiveness; and WHEREAS, Staff finds that the proposed change is consistent with the goals of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, this text change was reviewed and APPROVED at the DRC public meeting of January 15, 2004; and WHEREAS, this text change was reviewed at the PC public hearing of January 28, 2004 and APPROVED at the PC public hearing of March 10,2004; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the preceding findings of fact support their decision to recommend APPROVAL to the Monroe County Planning Commission of the following amendments to the text of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations as requested by the Monroe County Planning Department: I. PROPOSED TEXT CHANGES strike though text is deleted. underlined text is new. Section 9.5-122.3 Evaluation criteria (a)(3) Lot aggregation: Additional requirements: .1. The application shall include but not be limited to the following: · 4-; An affidavit of ownership of all affected parcels, acreage or land; and · ~ A Leaally binding restrictive covenant limiting the number of dwelling units on the acreage tract, running in favor of Monroe County and enforceable by the county, subject to shall be approved by the approval of tho board of county oommissioners arowth manaaement director and county attorney and recorded prior to filing in the office of the clerk of the county. Such oovenant must be approved by the board prior to the issuance of before any Page 2 of 5 G:\Planning\Working Folders\Gross-Fred\Restrictive Covenants\PC Reso.doc Initial development approval may be issued buildino permit pursuant to an allocation award. (a)(4) Acreage tract density reduction: Additional requirements: 1. The parcel proposed for development must be located in zoning districts in which density is allocated in residential units per acre. 2. The application shall include but not be limited to the following: · An affidavit of ownership of the affected parcel, acreage or land; · A Leoallv binding restrictive covenant limiting the number of dwelling units on the acreage tract, running in favor of Monroe County and enforceable by the county, subject to shall be approved bv the approval of the board of county commissioners orowth manaoement director and county attorney and recorded prior to filing in the office of the clerk of the county. Such covenant must be approved by the board prior to the issuance of before any development approval may be issued buildino permit pursuant to an allocation award. (a)(5) Land dedication: Additional requirements: 1. "Buildable" means construction of a dwelling unit or some development could be permitted, as determined by the environment resources director director of plan nino. 2. The application shall include but not be limited to the following: · An affidavit of ownership of all affected lots, parcels, acreage or land; · A statutory warranty deed that conveys the dedicated property to the county shall be approved bv the, subject to the approval of the board of county commissioners orowth manaoement director and county attorney and recorded prior to filing in the office of the clerk of the county, which conveys the dedicated property to the county. Such deed must be approved by the board prior to the issuance of before any development approval buildino permit may be issued pursuant to an allocation award. Page 3 of 5 G:\Planning\Working Folders\Gross-Fred\Restrictive Covenants\PC Reso.doc Initial Sec. 9.5-124.8 Evaluation criteria (a)(2) Intensity reduction: Additional requirements: A legally binding restrictive covenant running in favor of Monroe County that limits the floor area ratio of the property to a maximum of twenty three percent (23%) for a period of ten (10) years shall be approved by the Board of County Commissioners growth management director and county attorney and recorded prior to the issuance of any building permit pursuant to an allocation award. (a)(3) Land dedication: Additional requirements: 1. "Buildable" shall mean construction of a dwelling unit or non-residential development, as determined by the planning director. 2. The application shall include but not be limited to the following: . An affidavit of ownership of all affected lots, parcels, acreage or land; . A statutory warranty deed that conveys the dedicated property to the county shall be approved bv the, subject to the approval of the board of county oommissioners growth management director and county attorney and recorded prior to filing in the office of the clerk of the county, which conveys the dedic::lted property to the oounty. Such deed must be 3ppro'Jed by the board prior to the issuance of before any development 3pproval building permit m3Y be issued pursuant to an allocation award. Sec. 9.5-266. Affordable and employee housing; administration. (b) Administration and compliance: (7) The restrictive covenants for affordable and emplovee housing required under this section shall be approved bv the growth management director and county attorney prior to the recording of the covenant and issuance of any building permit. Page 4 of 5 G:\Planning\Working Folders\Gross-Fred\Restrictive Covenants\PC Reso.doc Initial PASSED AND ADOPTED By the Planning Commission of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the 10TH day of March, 2004. Lynn C. Mapes, Chair David C. Ritz, Vice Chair Jiulio Margalli, Commissioner Denise Werling, Commissioner James D. Cameron, Commissioner YES YES YES YES YES PLANNING COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By Lynn C. Mapes, Chair Signed this day of ,2004. Page 5 of 5 G:\Planning\Working Folders\Gross-Fred\Restrictive Covenants\PC Reso.doc Initial Development Review Committee Resolution #D7-04 Signed and Dated February 26,2004 . . DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RESOLUTION #D4-G4 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDING APPROVAL TO THE MONROE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE REQUEST FILED BY THE MONROE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO AMEND SEC. 9.5- 122.3; SEC.9.S-124.8; SEC. 9.5-266 OF THE MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS IN ORDER TO GRANT AUTHORITY TO GROWTH MANAGEMENT STAFF TO APPROVE RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS AND WARRANTY DEEDS UNDER ROGO/NROGO AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING AND PROHIBIT THE AWARD OF POINTS FOR AGGREGRATION IN SPECIFIC AREAS. WHEREAS, presently, all restrictive covenants for Affordable Housing, warranty deeds for land dedication, restrictive covenants permitting only single- family dwellings. on a parcel of land, or, in a few cases, the removal of these restrictive covenants require approval by the board of county commissioners before any development may receive a building permit; and WHEREAS, in 2003, there were between 75 to 80 such agreements; and WHEREAS, all were legally advertised for BOCC regular meetings, and all were formally presented to the commission for approval as Bulk Items; and WHEREAS, after approval, each agreement is recorded in the office of the county derk; and WHEREAS, the commission has approved all of these agreements; none have ever been disapproved; and WHEREAS, this process has existed since the inception of ROGO; and WHEREAS, each of these agreements requires that growth management staff schedules and prepares newspaper advertisements, prepares Briefing Sheets, etc; and WHEREAS, the formality of this process is unnecessarily time-consuming for the applicant, for staff and for the commission; and Page 1 of 5 Initial~ ORe RESO 04-04 . . WHEREAS, it is proposed that each of these actions be approved by the growth management director and the county attorney, and then recorded in the office of the county clerk; and WHEREAS, Staff finds that there is a need to amend these sections of the Land Development Regulations in order to authorize the planning director to make decisions concerning the approval of administrative variances from certain provisions of this chapter; and WHEREAS, Staff finds that the proposed change is consistent with Section 9.5-511 (d)(5) b. (iv) New Issues and (v) Recognition of a need for additional detail or comprehensiveness; and WHEREAS, Staff finds that the proposed change is consistent with the goals of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, this text change was reviewed and APPROVED at the ORC public meeting of January 15, 2004; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the preceding findings of fact support their decision to recommend APPROVAL to the Monroe County Planning Commission of the following amendments to the text of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations as requested by the Monroe County Planning Department: I. PROPOSED TEXT CHANGES strike though tm<< is deleted. underiined text is new. Section 9.5-122.3 Evaluation criteria (a)(3) Lot aggregation: Additional requirements: 1. Points will not be awarded for lot aaareaation within those areas proposed for aCQuisition bv aovemmental aaencies for the purpose of resource protection. 2. The application shall include but not be limited to the following: · .:t, An affidavit of ownership of all affected parcels, acreage or land; and ORe RESO 04-04 Page 2 of 5 Initial~ . . · 6 A leaaJly binding restrictive covenant limiting the number of dwelling units on the acreage tract, running in favor of Monroe County and enforceable by the county, subject to shall be approved bv the approval of the board of county commissioners arowth manaaement director and county attorney and recorded prior to filing in the office of the clerk of the county. Such cO'Jenant must be approved by the board prior to the issuance of before any development approval may be iswed buildina permit pursuant to an allocation award. (a) ( 4) Acreage tract density reduction: Additional requirements: 1. The parcel proposed for development must be located in zoning districts in which density is allocated in residential units per acre. 2. The application shall include but not be limited to the following: · An affidavit of ownership of the affected parcel, acreage or land; · A-LeaallY binding restrictive covenant limiting the number of dwelling units on the acreage tract, running in favor of Monroe County and enforceable by the county, subject to shall be approved by the appro'..'al of the board of county commissioners arowth manaoement director and county attorney and recorded prior to filing in the office of the clerk of the county. Such covenant must be 3pproved by the board prior to the issuance of before any development approval may be issued buildina permit pursuant to an allocation award. (a){5) Land dedication: Additional requirements: 1 . "Buildable" means construction of a dwelling unit or some development could be permitted, as determined by the environment resources director director of plannina. 2. The application shall include but not be limited to the following: · An affidavit of ownership of all affected lots, parcels, acreage or land; · A statutory warranty deed that conveys the dedicated property to the county shall be approved by thet subject to the approval of the beafd of county commissioners arowth manaaement director and county attorney and recorded prior to filing in the office of the clerk of the ORe RESO 04-04 Page 3 of 5 Initial~ . . county, ymich conveys the dedicoted property to the cOl:Jnty. Such deed must be approved by the board prior to the issuance of before any development :::lpproval buildinQ permit m:::lY be issued pursuant to an allocation award. Sec. 9.5-124.8 Evaluation criteria (a)(2) Intensity reduction: Additional requirements: A legally binding restrictive covenant running in favor of Monroe County that limits the floor area ratio of the property to a maximum of twenty three percent (23%) for a period of ten (10) years shall be approved by the Board of County Commissioners orowth manaoement director and county attorney and recorded prior to the issuance of any building permit pursuant to an allocation award. (a)(3) Land dedication: Additional requirements: 1. "Buildable" shall mean construction of a dwelling unit or non-residential development, as determined by the planning director. 2. The application shall indude but not be limited to the following: · An affidavit of ownership of all affected lots, parcels, acreage or land; · A statutory warranty deed that conveys the dedicated property to the county shall be aporoved by the, subject to the npproval of the board of county commiE&ioners orowth manaoement director and county attorney and recorded prior to filing in the office of the clerk of the county, .....~hich cORveys the dedicnted property to the county. Such deed must be 3pprO'Jed by the board prior to the issuance of before any development approval buildino permit may be issued pursuant to an allocation award. Sec. 9.5-266. Affordable and employee housing; administration. (b) Administration and compliance: (7) The restrictive covenants for affordable and employee housing reouired under this section shall be approved by the arowth manaaement director and county attorney prior to the recordino of the covenant and issuance of any buildino permit. DRC RESO 04-04 Page 4 of 5 Initial~ . . PASSED AND ADOPTED By the Development Review Committee of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the 15th day of January, 2004. Fred Gross, Director, Lower Keys Planning Team (Chair) YES Aref Joulani, Development Review and Design Senior Administrator YES Ralph Gouldy, Environmental Resources Senior Administrator YES Department of Health (by fax) YES Department of Public Works (by fax) YES Department of Engineering (by fax) YES DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~~Chair Signed this 24th day of February, 2004 By ORe RESO 04-04 Page 5 of 5 Initial~