Item S12 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 21, 2004 Division: County Attorney AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Resolution setting the date, time and place for a public hearing concerning the proposed abandonment of a portion of North Drive, Stillwright Point Subdivision 2, Key Largo, Florida. ITEM BACKGROUND: Petition has been reviewed and approved by Planning, Engineering and Fire Marshal. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of Resolution setting one public hearing for 3:00 PM on May 19, 2004 in Key Largo, Florida TOTAL COST: Petitioner pays BUDGETED: Yes 0 No 0 COST TO COUNTY: APPROVED BY: County Attorney. OMB/Purchasing 0 Risk Management 0 DIVISION DIRECTORAPPROVAL~ ~~ . J. . Collins DOCUMENTATION: Included 0 To Follow 0 Not Required 0 AGENDA ITEM # SId- Petitioners Ciccotelli RESOLUTION NO. - 2004 RESOLUTION SETTING THE DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING THE PROPOSED ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF NORTH DRIVE, STILLWRIGHT POINT SUBDIVISION 2, KEY LARGO, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways, and WHEREASt under Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, it is necessary to hold a public hearing after publishing due notice of said hearing in accordance with said Chapter, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUN1Y COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUN1Y, FLORIDA, that the Board will hold a public hearing on May 10, 2004, at 3:00 PM, at the Key Largo Library, Tradewinds Shopping Center, Key Largo, Florida, to determine whether or not the Board will renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the following described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, to-wit: A TRIANGULAR PORTION OF NORTH DRIVE LYING SOUTHERLY AND CONTIGUOUS TO LOT 18, BLOCK 2, OF STlLLWRIGHT POINT NUMBER TWO, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 154, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID LANDS BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE MOST SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 2 AT A Y2" IRON PIPE WITH CAP NO. 5125 THENCE RUN ON A BEARING OF SOUTH 02000'00" WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 15.0 FEET TO A NAIL AND DISC WITH ID NO. 5125 THENCE DEFLECTING AN ANGLE OF 90003'41" TO THE RIGHT RUN A DISTANCE OF 111.95 FEET TO A POINT, THE SAME BEING COINCIDENT WITH THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 2 AND BEING IDENTIFIED BY A Y2" IRON PIPE WITH CAP NO. 5125, THENCE RUN NORTH 84025'43" EAST, ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2 FOR ApISTANCE OF 112.93 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LANDS CONTAINING 839.62 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board on the 21st day of April, 2004. Mayor Nelson Mayor Pro Tern Rice Commissioner McCoy Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Spehar (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L.KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUN1Y COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUN1Y, FLORIDA BY BY Deputy Clerk ZA NE . HUTTON ASSISTAN~~N~TTORNEY Date 7 Q'Y ..., ., ])(;u}/e/ ~i Rc;~~:,,;:e~~::W?' ADDRESS -.s(;;, -Yar+h Dr" v<:- ~FET/EASEMENT tel be abandoned lJorf/~n Or e/lcl of #Or#-, Dr; v~ . I KEY Key M H'f/) Mile Marker /05" 5 DATE 1 rJ.. -1-03 PHONE 305-~S3- S 3r;;J.' FAX E-mail R(!,./~{!()teL8ao/1 e.OI?1 NAME We hereby petition the Honorable Board of County Commissioners to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the pUblic in and to the above-referenced street, alleyway, road or right-of-way as further depicted and described in the foJ/owing attachments: (Exhibit A) Survey (preferably 11" x 17" or 8V;z" x 11") Description of roarlway to be abandoned and survey Showing that portion marked with diagonal lines with pditioners' property Clearly delineated and outlined, and showing all adjacent properties. (Exhibit B) Map of Key on which road is located, clearly Showing us 1, Mile Marker number and portion of road to bf! abandoned. (Exhibit C) Copies of Deed($) - Petitioners certify that they are the sole owners of Lot(s) / 9 - and that the abandonment of said road will not take away from other property holders' right of ingress and egress to their property, and that taxes for the year .;l OO~~ haVE! been paid on their subject land. . (Exhibit D) Legal description of that portion of roadway which petitioners seek to have abandoned. (Exhibits Eel; E"2, E-3,e-4) Letters of no objection from utility companies - including, but not limited to, water, electricity, telephonc~, and cable TV. (Exhibit F) Letters of no objection from all adjacent property owners and list of names and addresses of all adjacent property owners. Petitioners seek the abandonment for the following reasons; -10 ai/ow For AOnt-e~ r~noV4fiQLl 1 Petitioners agree to be responsible for and pay for all costs of advertising and recording fees Incurred relative to this request for the vacation. Petitioners further agree to grant any easement necessary for the furnishing of utilities, including without limitation, electric power, water, sewer, t~lep"'one, gas, cable and other electric communication services to the same extent as is co. m. :on within this area as to height, width and degree, upon request for such service c;,.r by the BOCC through its authorized agents. If easements are so required, copies of the executed documents will be provided to the County before the petition is presented to the BOCC. Petitioners certify that the road to be abandoned does not end at water or that, if it does, the road is not a dedicated and accepted right-Of-way (including by operation of law due to construction or maintenance by County). WHEREFORE, Petitioners formally request the Honorable Board of County Commissioners to grant this petition. [xl Is personally known to me. [ ] Provided as identification Sworn to and subscribed before me this Sa.~r'" K\:.v Typed Notary Name an~ Number U" day of . N~-t~~f' bo::, Nota~ d seift'lDRAKlNG ." # MY COMMISSION # DO 110921 ~1'Clft\\)~ EXPIRES: April 22. 2008 1-800-3-NOTARY FL NcIaly SeMoe & IIonclIng.InC. PETITIO M Is personally known to me. i- f j Provided as identifi"'!tion "/-) tt Sworn to and ~bscrlbed before me this cQ ZJVj--tb-it ~ TYP~])tao 1~8-9 rber 5/5/3 jeh ry Signature and Seal '>l." .".. 1.~"'" ,.. ; ..-....- ...\"",...''t~'''sEAL -- O~Hqi......N~)41U\:-, At'\ t-QRJJDA BACA~ FLORIDA NOTARY PUBLIC Sf ATE COMMISS!ON NO.OOO1l1Z94 MY MM:;$lON EXP. ~. 11 ~ SHEET 2 01' Z 20' r-- \" .., ~ 9,20' /'; . . "0,' 'cGO (1 '10 '\~~ot" 0 . .,/ ....\ ~(..."---- \.i~'" /, _,... ~ " 'IV'>'-' U\ :;; rf'\ ~. ~\j-'~~" ..,. 'I -.- ,..' l~~-i U j -;:.:,"', "'\ ,'.~' Vo/~) Noon r"~(S~;,.. ;;:;" ~'O' '"/''' 1 .. '-Pi(. "'Y;"Jn:; '-',.... "\.- '.,..' A' ~\tro...~. 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LEGAL t>ESCRIPTION: Lot: 18 Block: Z Subdivision: Stillwl"ighf Point Number Two Acc:ording to the Plat thereof os I"e.corded in Plot Book: 4 Page: 154 Public R.ecords of MONROE County. Florida. \ -- \ \ At>t>RESS: 36 NORTH DRIVE KEY l.AA6O. FL 33037 EncroocnlMnts Noted: LOCATION 5"-~CH SCALE: N.1.5. 3 \ 5 E X TON uJG (L~ft. 110 f< ~rV uP' ,- { }fc ,,6 itP~ or: (1'~~~ 19 "-==::-'~::. - ~- ...,,::-~ c \ i 2./ 20 ~~~ \./ ~. 4~' L. NOTI~: '" fUlCto.....___..._ limon M o. ................. ~MI.......... .,.....,.....-a. ""'.............,..JKH ftM ..-. ~) ,.,..1&1.... or U* ~.. ...., ............. ...~~.. 1IM.......1*MJM. ~ D' Mo......aaown...,..a~llI. AIf1toe.t ....AeM u.....................~....... ~-J,:-~~....'"" Ct c..."............................... PI..... ........~.. Dl ....___._........ __~ D..c Ibe..................,.......... Nt.... "- ....------ --......,. ........,ot...._..,,_..__. "".., -...,. --..-...... ..-.... 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III lJ..I,//i /' b-<~l .......::::-...7.,1~ii .)~''----- ?~y/ /~,.r--'''~.f:~"/ Bunting Dr1' /i~,;</ /}.f// I,.-~ 1;1#// ~ /..:/ Cij l~.~O /..' / ormorilnt Dr -,"~.// / ,---- '/, 'I / '/' ~' /."l fI/ f/ !1JO~ -'\:'lr-1/J'- ..~>;,? trf vO" $/ (L-::/t,/ T ilrpon Ave --7# N ".rli.AY'~ I Dolphin Rd~' 5 1)0 L_~o A'$? Q;- "r--~~;,l/ ~ i... ~~m/ r;/~:===~ ~,:::~/ I ( IlIl I,..', B owe nOr . t)" /l/ l~',: <~yan Ave l./>- .~. 1 ./ ;:, ~Ave I,'l: / / ,';'-') [1:eeAvej [:' ~'''./ ,..~/ - - - lJ.~~ /;//;'J II Kin 9 ~ 0 , ./:'.,..~,-.*-~ ,//' . r-- ~ ,1.// ........~..I./ /'I-ance~ I .... ./.!'/ .':i"~::' ':~c"':'./1" L 82'" Mw5tMiM TN............ ...r-..'V..TECHl MONROE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS Preoared bv and relurn 10: Raul A. Cossio, Esq. 103301 Overseas Highway Key Largo. Florida 33037 PI LE # ~ ~ 7 4, BK# ~ 628 677 PG # 8 5 RCD Apr 13 2000 10:16AH DANNY L KOLHAGE, CLERK DEED DOC STAHf~ 2730.00 04/13/2000 ~ DEP CLK --------m--mhhm.m-_nSPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDINU VAl Am--hm___hmhmmn WARRANTY DEED This Warranty Deed made this .;;l.~ day of March, 2000, between CHARLES F. FISHBURN and EMMA J. FISHBURN, his wife, whose post office address is 161 Dubonnet Road, Tavernier, Florida 33070 grantors, and DANIEL CICCOTELLI and ELIZABETH CICCOTELLI, his wife, whose post office address is 3. (p tV 0 IC + k D ~ t u E KE ,/ l.. tI ~ 5 0 FC 31017 grantee: (Whenever used herein the terms "grantor" and "grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations, trusts and trustees) WITNESSETH, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/lOa DOLLARS ($ I 0.00) and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Monroe County, Florilla, to-wit: Loti!!, llIock 2, STILLWRIGHT I'OINT NUMBER TWO, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 4, at Page 154, of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. Altern:lte Key No. 16340(1). TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD, the same in fee simple forever. AND the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that the grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances, except taxes accruing subsequent to December 31,1999. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: , / ) n .------/ D ' J c L1P~ /,,' ?2--1____ ) CHARLES F. FISHBURN "- / ~~W~ EMMA J. FlgHBURN STATE OF FLORIDA COlINTY OF MOl'fROE The foregoing instrument was hereby lIcknowledged before me this ~dllY of March, 2000, by CHARLES F. FISHBURN and EMMA J. FISHBURN, his wife, who are personally known to me or who have produced~w.A tl. ~..... w~ identification. ~<gW~ HONROE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS Notary Public My Commission Expires: ~~'..~ MARLEN S WEEKS .,.~" MYCOMM1S.~10N'CC8/l2'/6l< "'.,. u.... r:X"'RF)i: Null' 20. 2Cln ) t-~!"'~l""l" l'l~ Nul,~'~"'bondologCn EXHIBITS e-- ~ ACCESS EASEMENT THIS EASEMENT, Madethis ~ 'f'7 day oflJ1~ 2004, by and between the Daniel CiccotelIi and Elizabeth CiccotelIi, Grantors, whose address is 36 North Drive, Key Largo, FL 33037, to Daniel Ciccotelli and Elizabeth CiccotelIi, Grantees. WITNtSSETH: WHEREAS, the Grantors and grantees are one and the same; and WHEREAS, the parties have petitioned the County to abandon a portion of North Drive, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, as platted in the official records of Monroe County at Plat Book 4, page 154, subdivision of Stillwright Point nwnber two; and WHEREAS, the parties own Lot 18 of said subdivision; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to insure that after the abandonment, Lot 18 will continue to have ingress and egress access to Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority for utility easement; NOW, TIlEREFORE, for and consideration of the accessibility to be made available, the Grantors do grant to Grantees, their successors and assigns. a perpetual easement on. over and above that portion of North Drive which is described in Exhibit A and attached hereto for the purpose of ingress. egress_ above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantees have executed this easement, the day and year first stated r. S: n. / /) , _.J..,/ -..J ~<~ ~u OKS: .j~tu!t anlel Clcc telJi ~~ STATE OF FLORIDA If- 0 . COUNTY OF M<>>~OE '" ( .'t M I -)) A."J:;) The foregoing instrument ~ acknowled~e before me this '2 6 day of Yh A t vi ,2004, by 'lliz,,1Ak (Iced-ell; OrlJ "J6"'t I J C:w;7(JJ,' as r;.O."tors ",,,4 G-(~j ,who is/are ()personaUy known to me or\.)wflo nrnvi.i..A CL ~... ~/f~U Lltc!.>)CJas identification who did tak an 0 _ DANNY L KOLHAGE MONROE COUNTY CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT Mar 30. 2004 09:00a. Recelpt "226499 Drawer CASH-DRAWER DANIEL CICCOTELLI , Gper.3tor: ramaro Amount 15.00 Instrument" 1433889 Type EASMT Book n 1988 Page M 84 Time 08:59 Recording Fee 15.00 OR~R.Rn~a. rTrrnrFI LI/FKAA ~~1 ~~ YVONNE ORTIZ P:R' MY COMMISSION # DD OOS676 'ilo ..,.,~ "'1'on\.\)" EXPIll.ES: Mar I, 200S l-lllJO.3-NOT AAY FL Notary Service & Bon::ing. Inc. .--.--...-.. rmm1'e L 1634069 I I ALTERNATE KEY NUMBER : ASSESSED VALUE 2003 HeAL t:~ I A I t: 00830130000 NOTICE OF AD VALOREM TAXES AND NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS L 0 I 436,824 .J~ EXEMPTIONS TAXABLE VALUE OANtSE D. HENRIQUEZ, C.F.C. TAX COLLECTOR MONROE COUNTY 436,824 0005544 01 AV 0.278 ..AUTO T2 0 0840 33037-1 1..11...11.1111...11.1",1..1.11.1"11.111,"1..11..11",111,1 CICCOTELLI DANIEL & ELIZABETH 36 NORTH DRIVE KEY LARGO FL 33037-2917 "",' ".','1 1,'\1. r- J DJ. ..-. ........,..:l ......... ~~ '.:.'ru ~ r+- j--ltII IXI.--- ....., c...:Jrrl ......: .-. (1 r- &---, .....1 "'.1 r~l- ,"1<".;' '"-:J -~ __ :it: .---t _J~ 1'1 C' C:l''''-' r, C.... ,:fJ ~~ Cl (.J1 :1::1 --4 'Dr_", ''''''13 <;l ':::-:1 r-'" a C-o ,." f c: 0 r'-' o-"'-:"J c._, r' -.,. P'l . (- or~. '- CO> '0" C> :t:> ......- 00514800000000016139 ~-~ BK 2 LT 18 STILLWRIGHT P~~~T PLAT #2 KEY LARGO PB4-15~~637- 397 OR641-744 OR821-1120~~R832- 2001 OR950-1111 OR1067-1~9'8 OR1087-2117D/C OR1120-29/~~WILL - - - - R - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AD VALOREM TAXES . . . n. . . . . . . . . : . C003 GENERAL REVENUE FUND 1.1729 512.35 C004 F&F LAW ENFORCE JAIL JUDICIAL 2.3302 1,017.89 COOS HEALTH CLINIC .0207 9.04 S001 SCHOOL STATE LAW 2.8800 1,258.05 S002 SCHOOL LOCAL BOARD 1.5420 673.58 C007 GENERAL PURPOSE MSTU .1665 72.73 C022 MUNICIPAL SERV TAXING DIST #6 .4996 218.24 ~009 M C LOCAL ROAD PATROL LAW ENF .4697 205.18 ~~S8 K L MUNICIPAL SER TAX UNIT .3500 152.89 'W~25 SO FL WATER MANAGEMENT DIST .2840 124.06 028 OKEECHOBEE BASIN .3130 136.73 W049 EVERGLADES CONSTRUCTION PRJT .1000 43.68 C008 FLORIDA KEYS MOSQUITO CONTROL .6641 290.09 . TOTAL MILLAGE 10.7927 AD VALOREM TAXES I $4,714.51 ( NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS '\ . . . . . C042 2004 MO CO SOLID WASTE 292.00 PAY ONLY ONE AMOUNT IN YELLOW SHADED AREA NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS l $292.00 COMBINED TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS 1 $5,006.51 PAY ONLY See reverse side for ONE AMOUNT important information. NOVEMBER I DECEMBER I .JANUARY I FEBRUARY I MARCH ! TAX + P:NJ 4,806.25 4,856.31 4,906.38 4,956.44 5,006.51 - - RETAIN THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS ~ IF PAID .... BY _. - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- -. - - - - - - - - - - c/ LEGAL DESCRIPTION A TRIANGULAR PORTION OF NORTH DRIVE LYING SOUTHERLY AND CONTIGUOUS TO LOT 18, BLOCK 2, OF STILLWRIGHT POINT NUMBER TWO, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 154, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID LANDS BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE MOST SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 2 AT A V2" IRON PIPE WITH CAP NO. 5125 THENCE RUN ON A BEARING OF SOUTH 02000'00" WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 15.0 FEET TO A NAIL AND DISC WITH ID NO. 5125 THENCE DEFLECTING AN ANGLE OF 90003'41" TO THE RIGHT RUN A DISTANCE OF 111.95 FEET TO A POINT, THE SAME BEING COINCIDENT WITH THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 2 AND BEING IDENTIFIED BY A V2" IRON PIPE WITH CAP NO. 5125, THENCE RUN NORTH 84025'43" EAST, ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2 FOR A DISTANCE OF 112.93 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LANDS CONTAINING 839.62 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. EXHIBIT D @omcast~ Comcast Cable Communications, Inc. 1700 N. Roosevelt Blvd. #2 Key West, Fl 33040 11/18/03 Daniel & Elizabeth Ciccotelli 36 North Drive Key Largo, Florida 33037 RE: Road Abandonment, Lot # 18, Stillwright Point, also known as 36 North Drive Dear Mr. & Mrs. Ciccotelli: Comcast Cable Communications, Inc. has reviewed the above mentioned road abandonment request and has no objection. If you have any questions please contact me at 305-294-0992 xl 05. Sincerely, Comcast Cable Communications, Inc. =-Juy yJ~ Jerry Puto, Construction Supervisor EXHIBITS E ~ 8S.LSOUTH ~.,.".@ Jim Yeager ....c:i1i1)' Spcc:ialitl OelL'iouth 70 At14ntic Or. Key Larao, Florida )3037 phone: (305) 453-9864 fac:aJmiJe:( 305) 4~1-4232 11.25.2003 FiJe #240.0900 Hetty Ciccotelli 36 North Dr. Key Largo, FL 33037 Re; Release ofRi8ht of Way, a portion ofNl>Jth I)rivc in Key Largo, Florida Dear M,. Ciccotelli. aellloulh hll. nu objection to the above referenced riSht of way Ilbandonmellt.1 bribed above lllld in your letter dated I J/12/03 and II' shown on the Thomu J.Kelly slIl\Iey. 'fyou have any questions rcgllrdinl this please call me 81305-453-91164, Sincerely, ~~ Speciali.t Z-- / John M. Koenig, Sr. Chairman Key West Mary L. Rice Vice-Chairman Marathon " Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority ;/ " Post Office Box 1239 4 1100 Kennedy Drive ~ K 0> Key West, Florida 33041-1239 ' ~.~ \l ~~::=) 200-24"r~' fJ~\~~ <<>,-" _l~V.--> Daniel & Eliz~beth Ciccotelli 36 North Drive Key Largo, FL 33037 ? " January 5, 2004 Harry E. Cronin SecretaryfTreasurer Key Largo Elena Z. Herrera Rockland Key Rose Dell Big Pine Key James C. Reynolds Executive Director RE: Abandon a portion of North Drive St., Stillwright Point Subdivision between L 18 and Lot 22, Dear Mr. & Mrs. Ciccotelli:: The FKAA Board of Directors approved at the December 18,2003 meeting, the above referenced project. Pursuant to your request for the easement abandonment of the above-reference property, Staffhas researched your request and presently FKAA has a 4" water main and meter located in the portion of the right-of-way that was previously abandoned. The FKAA will require an easement that covers the entire North Drive Street right-of-way to be abandoned. The applicants have agreed to have a no gate to be erected and hold harmless clause for any damages that might occur within the easement area. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call this office. Sincerely, FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY ?~ ::>-~~ Edgar F. Nicolle, Jr. Distribution Design Specialist EFN/cma cc: Bob Feldman, General Counsel Arlyn Higley, Director of Maintenance Dept. Monroe County Building Department RECEIVED FES 0 4 2004 MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEy ..:,..;.,.... ~H'_ ~~\..ECT09/C' I.U C' lo:: 0 d. 0 Q " ~ ~ 01:;J 3t-\~ FLORIDA KEYS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, INC. - FKEC 91605 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY P.O. BOX 377, TAVERNIER, FL 33070-0377 PHONE (305) 852-2431 FAX: (305) 852-4794 November 24, 2003 Daniel and Elizabeth Ciccotelli 36 North Dr. Key Largo, FL 33037 Re: Road Abandonment of a portion of North Drive Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ciccotelli: This letter is in response to your Road Abandonment Request received in our office. Please be advised that Florida Keys Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. (FKEC), has reviewed the subdivision plat you provided and has no objection to the abandonment of: A portion of Lot 18 Block 2 Stillwright Point Number Two according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 4, page 154 of the Public Record of Monroe County Florida. Property address 36 North Drive, Key Largo, Florida, 33037. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (305) 852-2431. Sincerely, ---- ~~ Tom Roebling Staking Technician TR:pm cc: Tim Planer John M. Burch cz PETER DICKSON 43 North Drive Key Largo FL 33037 (305) 453-0506 November 18, 2003 Dear Board of County Commissioners, I am the property owner of lot 19 and lot 22 in Stillwright Point. I have no objection to the road abandonment that my neighbors, Daniel and Elizabeth Ciccotelli owners of lot 18, are asking for so that they may do an addition to their home. In can be of any further help, please do not hesitate to call me at the above number. ~y. Peter DickSon EXHIBIT F F OKl!~rY ~o~~~E (305) 294-4641 FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Marathon Gov't Annex Bldg. 490 - 63rd St., Ocean, Ste. 160 Marathon, FL 33050 (305) 289-6010 (305) 289-6013 FAX DATE: March I, 2004 TO: (~.- ..-- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor Murray E. Nelson, District 5 Mayor Pro Tern David P. Rice, District 4 Dixie M. Spehar, District 1 George Neugent, District 2 Charles "Sonny" McCoy, District 3 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM FROM: Suzanne A. Hutton, Assistant County Attorney Arthur "Wally" Romero, Assistant Fire Marshal{j) SUBJECT: ROAD ABANDONMENT INSPECTION: (North Drive, Key Largo) The Monroe County Fire Marshal's Office has reviewed the above referenced proposed road abandonment. This office has no objection to the abandonment. Per my discussion with Ms. Ciccotelli the Buttonwood tree shall be maintained to insure fire department access. If the Fire Marshal's Office can be of any additional assistance in this matter, please contact our office. cc: Clark O. Martin, Monroe County Fire Chief @RoadAbdnJRoadAbdn/mw7.0 RECEIVED MAR 0 3 2004 UONROE COurnv ATTC~::::: I MONROE COUNTY FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Suzanne Hutton Assistant County Attorney David S. Koppel JA;I County Engineer << FROM: DATE: February 25, 2004 RE: Road Abandonment Petition North Drive, Key Largo The above-referenced petition for road abandonment has been reviewed and approved by this department. Please call if you have any questions. DSK/jl NorthDrKLRdAbandonmentSHutton.DOC RECEIVED FES 2 6 2004 MONROE COUNTY ATTORNE\ .................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................. MEMORANDUM .............................. ........... ............ ..................................................................................... ........................................ ................ ............................................................................. ........................................ ............................................. To: Suzanne Hutton, Asst. County Attorney K. Marlene Conaway, Director of Planning & Env. Res~~ From: Subject: The Stillwright Point Road Abandonment RECEIVED Date: February 26, 2004 FEB 2 7 200~ MaN HUt: L.;UUI~ I T flTTORNEY This memo is for the proposed right of way abandonment of a portion of North Drive located in Stillwright Point Subdivision No.2, Key Largo. On 2/25/04 Richard Blount visited the site and found the site clear of any Structures except asphalt pavement. He found that part of the request involves the own~r of lots 19 & 22. From the sketch, you can see that if the owner of lot 22 ever sells lot 19 that new owner will not have access to his property via a public right of way. The Planning Department does not have any objection to the abandonment. We feel that FKAA may have some objection because of their required easement.