Item P6 Board of County Commissioners Agenda Item Summary Meeting Date: April 21, 2004 Bulk Item: Yes I!:t'No IJ Division: Board of County Commissioners Department: George R. Neugent AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval from the Board of County Commissioners to advertise for the Tourist Development Council position "At-Large" on DAC III ITEM BACKGROUND: ' It has been brought to our attention by Mr. Wheeler (letter attached) and confirmed by the County Attorney that Mr. Repetto should be replaced due to a conflict that now exist which makes it improper for him to sit as the "At Large" position on DAC III. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC AcnON: CONTRACT I AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: COST TO COUNTY: $ ~/f BUDGETED: YES IJ NO IJ TOTAL COST: Source of Funds: REVENUE PRODUCING: YES IJ NO IJ AMT PER MONTH: YEAR: ./ APPROVED BY: COUN~ AnY e OMB/PURCHASING IJ. RISK MANAGEMENT IJ ~ t: _..1--__ ; jI --. APPROVAL: c: / Commissio r GEORGE NT {/ DISTRICT II DOCUMENTATION: INCLUDED ~ TO FOLLOW IJ NOT REQUIRED IJ DISPosmON: AGENDA ITEM # ?lD l"f [lO~IDA ~H) & ~[WN MONRO~ COUNTY TOURIST DfVaOPM[Nl COUNCil C(JJ+f& 0; Yf;u (j! e~& P. O. 866, Key West, Florida 33041 U.S.A. (305) 296-1522 fax: (305) 296-0788 http://www.f1a-keys.comsales@f1a-keys.com MEMORANDUM DATE: March 10, 2004 Commissioner George Neugent Harold Wheeler 'At Large' Position - District Advisory Committees Within the Monroe County Tourist Development Council's operations manual approved by the Board of County Commissioners (Section III, Page 4), the BaCe shall appoint the three 'at large' seats on the advisory committee of the district. This position is described as follows: (Section III, Page 7) At Large _ any resident who is not directly involved in a tourism business and who shall represent the general public (SOCC 4/17102) When the BOCC amended the definition of the 'At Large' position they made it very clear that they did not want any connection to the tourism industry whether that be lodging or tourist related. It has come to our attention that Mr. John Repetto serving as an 'At Large' member of the District III Advisory Committee has direct involvement in a tourist related business Le. holds transient rental licenses and collects tourist development tax revenues. Therefore, it is my opinion Mr. Repetto is not eligible to serve as an 'At Large' member of DAC III. I have reviewed this memo and opinion with the County Attorney's office who concurs with this correspondence. The sace may wish to appoint another member to replace Mr. Repetto and thus fulfill your (SaCC) intent to fill this position with a member of the general public. To fill the position, the TDC will advertise the opening of the position and bring back the applications for your consideration at a future meeting.