Item K05 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 21 April 2004 Division: Growth Management Bulk Item: Yes --X- No Department: Marine Resources AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a grant contract between Monroe County and the South Florida Water Management District providing funds to improve the stormwater system at the Marathon Government Center. ITEM BACKGROUND: In the 2003 legislative appropriation, funds were provided for a project requested by the County to make improvements to the storm drainage system at the Marathon Government Center. The storm drainage system at the Government Center floods during minimal rain events. It is critical that this storm drainage system function during larger storm events as the Government Center is utilized as the Emergency Operations Center during large storm events such as hurricane activations. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: None CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: None STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS; Approval TOTAL COST: $100,000 BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: $50,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No --X- AMOUNT Per Month Year DOCUMENT A TION: Included ..(-'+/ ) , APPROVED BY: County Atty --X- DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: f Growth Managetpent ; i To Follow DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM NO.: Jt)5 BC040420.doc 3/31/200410:11 AM AGENDA ITEM WITH LATE DOCUMENTATION DIVISION G e.o lDlt\- m ~ u ~ Co t rn Etu+ DEPARTMENT rn ~R'll..lb 7.e .s.ouV'( es. SUBJECT ~~ f PJ<. D lJ ~ L 0 -+- CL. ~ R ~ 10, 1,)..)' I K .. I ~ O' F-L. LU A ~e M ~t.-lw..~ME.,..rt" D,srelCT ?R.OUl't)\t..i(. ~ut-.)'\)s TO ImP R.DU Co ~\l)e.m w A.Tt..~ ~"f.& ~fl\S ~ '"t- ~ e.. Yv\ ~ ~ ~ t) IU ~o u~;;( J-J"" tll.;r- c..€.AJt~ "- DATE ITEM WILL BE AVAILABLE Y (Lillo\{- AGENDA ITEM NUMBER