Item C05 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 21. 2004 Division: Public Safety Bulk Item: Yes -L No Department: Emergency Communications AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Enhanced 9-1-1 (E911) Service Agreement Form from Commnet of Florida, LLC for compliance with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requirements for E911 Wireless Phase I implementation in Florida. ITEM BACKGROUND: The Florida 911 Coordinators and Wireless Board agreed on this standardized form for all wireless carriers in E911 Phase I implementation. Phase I has been mandated by the Federal Communications Commission and allows the 911 center to receive the telephone number of the wireless customer that is dialing 911. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: None. This is a new agreement. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: None. This is a new agreement. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: $0.00 BUDGETED: Yes NolL COST TO COUNTY: $0.00 SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No X AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty YES OMB/Purchasing ..YES. Risk Management YES DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: Included ~ To Follow . Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # CO MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract with: Commnet of Florida Contract # Effective Date: 4/21/04 Expiration Date: Contract PurposelDescription: Service Agreement Form for compliance with E911 Phase I implementation in Florida. Contract Manager: G. Norm Leggett 6035 Emergency Communication # 16 (Name) . ~ (Ext. ) (Department/Stop #) for BOCC meeting on 4/21/04 Agenda Deadline: 4/6/04 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ 0.00 Budgeted? YesD No [8J Account Codes: Grant: $ 0.00 County Match: $ 0.00 Current Year Portion: $ - - -- - - - --- ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: $O.OO/yr For: (Not included in dollar value above) (eg. maintenance, utilities, ianitorial, salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Changes D,a~~ Needed Division Director ~~/ o ';/Yes 0 No Risk Management ~/$161 YesDNo[3' O.M.B./Purchasing a 0! oi Y es~D County Attorney 3/3Df otf YesD NoB com;;:_.~/~~~/~~~~7?!-~ OMB Form Revised 2f2.7/01 MCP #2 Date Out 1::911 PILo\SF. I . SERVICE ORDE-X FORJ\I 'IGNATURES: ---:--:-.-:-:~:_ _ ..:.;_ .~~~l-;~.: ". y signing be/ow, ~at:1, person r'fprCsulfs, tJzcU he/sh~ is aurhorized to com",i! their company Or governrnU1J 'ftttk.';;; this E9il Phase r Service rder, including the (E:.-ms and condilJ'orrs stcUed brlow and ON the rcveT'S'f ~i.de. . fUSTOMF.~: fY: I tame/Tille; bate: j ~rYlce Description; Pursuant to tJds Service Order Carder"). Carrier shaH provide E91 j Phase r Service ("Service"). in compliance wilt) Phase! df the Federal CommunicatiOns Commission (-FCC"j Order in Docket 94-102. as amended and the laws of the Slale: of foloridll. but only in ~ueh J,ortions of PSAP Service Jurisdictions that Carri.~r operates i's wireless service. A COpy of functi(>nal specifiC3tions of such Service is atUlehed hereto a!s E>thibit A. along with plans for the testing anti i:nplcmenr~:h)n pnx:ess 3S agreed co by Carrier and PSAP (~rmplcmcntalion Plan"), 40nfidentiaI Jnrormalton: The eonfider,tiality 01 finy jr.fort"a:ion provided by C"r6er to PSAP ~hall be govemcd by the Florida Public Records Act. ehapre, 119. Florid:, St.atutes. The panics ":~k"owle<jgt' t""t Florida law protect,: rrud-: secrets from disclosul"t:: pursuant to Fla. Star. ~~ 365.174 "rd 8 I 7..08 I. '11erm: This Ord", is "ffectlve on the (Lite of F'SAP's $'gn:Ht:ce. f."ErTecti',e DUlC") and shall.cmain effective (or one (Ij yell' ("Jnjti~! Term"), ThJS rele, shAll autom:llica.ll~' renew for su..::r.-essive O:',e (I) Y"'H lornlS ("Subsequem Term") ur:less wrillen notice of tcrminarion is given 10 the ottte, p rry not iess than ninel) (90) days prior ro Ule! eJ\piralior. (',f o,er. Subse.quent Ten" Cily: StAte, u ._O~AH_a _ _.Q~? ~ ~~yJ~i.;J:.~~f.L'b_~ -~ J~ ~____________ L-. Z'P,. ~,o 5 7- 1-__ ...... I ~~;~-- ====~ ~Ih: .. __-..00____. ._____'-:..__________ Address: City: SlJI te: ZIP: ------------ Anticipated Deployn:ent Date: -~ttLtt~Q~ CUSTOMER: !Name: MOVlVOe LoLurl- I Addressil" ~~ Cit~AO OUNTY ATT, IP: -33.71:\0 PRO D"1\SIi : lJ..4.)_~___ C1JUVl1 -------...-------- "'Plt'r- - ------ fax Number: 1:.91: J,iOrnpCl: bI1(')U~ V'\nL1'V~~.= .. I (lr-i".WJI)\ CKl'(IClE;J{ CON lAC' L4x7x.365) Name: ----.:!OHtU CH-AMf~N~ Phflnc Numher: ~~ ~;~ - 4h~ Fa" Number: ---.~3_ ~ 1::2::51 CARRIER NOTrF1CAT[ON: Name: ---.HA~~-C.oNrJ~ Address: -j~--0......-U.1..:::-.~3~~ '"'S.. City I ST I zrp: J3_~~.x-~~./::CL G ,OS?.Z__ ------_.._._-_._-'---------.._-~--- Ill.. CUSTOMER 9<':~"'r" mL 1'<:.1me. ~~.k::: Phone Number: __~_ . .::-7'5"70 FnxNumber: :3 - _- 00/8 CUSTOMERN~;'~~ON' ~ Nzome. _ -O.k::m Tr Address: -_._jP-~-4tV-iAj) . Cil)' I ST i ZIP: -JY.J-.tLt~ L . . By: .z (:ARRIER; :::~~:; c;/~ {- L~~~llt- I 'mitallon or LiabiUty; The palljes acknuwkdge! their re~pt:uivc immunilies from liability arc or may be granred by Feden\1 and Slale lows. as 3 c-nded frOm tinlC 10 tlrr"l~. E..fto2'n parl)' "",ijl hO:1or the otht:r p.<:r1)"s inlmlttiit.y to the fulj .::."tt;nt (equif~d by la\y. JaylForre l\1ajeur'e; ':;a'ncr sh:lll p~rronn suv;,;e'; pursu,"c.t (.J Feder:" law. state la...... nnd :t.,,, Impl"rnenration Plan, but. to the extent allowed by deral or 5Iale law, Can 'r..r ~h"ll not be liable fL'r any delays :<:sulIing frorn 2ct~ of I.ll;rd pani"$ and acts of God. The. parties further acknowledge tI I su<:ce<sful and tim"b pIOVI~;OI1 of S':rvic<, J'; c<lflting-cm u;>on the timdy p-:rfon,.,,,nct: of :lc(ion~ by and eoopernlion of lTIany third parties,. including. but nOI limited to, ltCI;OnS (hat must b(, cor.'plcfed t..: the 9-1-1 r'rovider/LEC. PSAP. ~ntl rh.. Host ALr Pro'Jid~r. Fcderallaw e.slabl,~,hes tIt d~dllne (or implcm<:-dnliun of Senne" Nmhing ;,olcin ,'".II be eons!,ucd to extend Ih" dead!illc as "Stublishe(! by governing Federal and <tate lar" if Iipplic,'ble. I I Flt':,it:11 \.V:rc!e~.." 9 1 f Board ~odcl COnlt~,.;t 51:>/00 - --. 'J .....'''':lIu;tr y nel;ltionship 01' U;tbWty Crellfed: Carrier offers Service to PSAP soid)' J~.an J..id in PSA?'s Provision fE9 . . Se"vi<.:e. CJrri.:r's provision of Service to PSAP docs not create any relationship or oblis~cion. dirc('[ or indi~ect, to any person or entitv 0 hi,' . PSAP. . Ot .er I, DISCLAI MER OF WARRANTIES (OPT'ON .'LEXCEPT MANUF ACT1!RERS' W ARRA NT IES), THE PARTIES ACKNO~'LEDGE r THIS ORDER IS A CO"''TRACY FOR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES (OPTIONAL- AND THAT ANY GOODS PROVIDED HERE 1 ARE ANCLLLARY TO THE PROVISIO.'1 OF THE REQUESTED SERVICES) (OPT!ONAL:WrTH THE SOLE EXCEPTrON OF AN~D EXPRESS WRITTEN M .'NU F ACTUR ER' S WA RRANTY. \V HI CH M.' Y BE AI' ?LlCAB LE TO P.'R T/CULAR GOODS. All GOODS A' PROVIDED "AS "") THE PARTIES A OREE THAT THE 1MI'Ll ED WAn R. ""TIES OF "E RCH A~T ARlln'Y AND FITNESs FeR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE Au'lD ALL OTHER W A RP_-\.:'-;'TIES. EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. ARE EXCLUDED FROM THIS T~J'';SACTION AND SHALL r\OT APPL Y TO A~Y (Of'nONAL: GOODS OR) SERVICES PROVIDED HEREUNDER. CARRIER AND ITS SUBCONTRACTORS EXPRESSLY EXCLUDE AND DISClAI~f ANY AND ALL W.t.-RR.A,.~'TIES. Gl)/\RANTEES OR REPREs(i\,T:\ :1. WHATSOEVER, ExpRESS OR IMPLIED, ORAL. WRIITEN OR OTHERWISE RELATED TO ANy EQUI?MENT. FACILrrrEs, FEA TU' REPAIR, MAri\'TENANCE AND TO A~Y AND ALL GOODS AND SERVICES PROVIDED OR TO BE PROVIDED TO PSAP By CARRil OR ITS SUBCONTi{ACTORS :HERE ARE NO WARRANTrES THAT E>..TE!\.'D BEYOi\.'D THE DESCRlPTION ON THE FACE HEREG I I I I I i , I I I I I I I I Governin!; Law: Tn:: la ws or thc 5:.:!:~ in which the Service is provided govem :t-.is OeGer cr.:eept ;'IS ot.'"Ierwisc provided for herein. e~(ept (or I m~!tc:s within the ey',::~csjve jurisdiction of (he FCC. I I Dispute Resolution: fn the eVe'll of a dispUte undcr this Order. all rights and remedies of the pan::es, at law and equity. are e:(p~$sly retained by:, plll1ics. Prior to the ccmmeneemenc of such litigation, the parties may agree firsl :() altempt in good f~jth to resolve any Controversy or claim arisi:1;. : 0.' of 0' """'Cog '0 "'" O,d,,_ Th, p,"'" ~'Y by ..~'""" ch""" '0 "b"n" "', di.p",,_ Th, P~"" m.y ,,~ ,,-, W,"',,,, Iud""", NbHr.",oc I, R:llcs. The arbitration may be governed by the United States Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. ~S l-16, and judgmellt (o.lhc award may be entcn:d byar.y COurt )laving jurisdiction thereof_ The pbce of arbitration shall be: MnI'JLO ~~ County. The ~bitfa1.or shall not be empowered to awa~c i damages in eXcess of ;Ictus! damJges, including by not limited to pl.:nitive darnagr.s _ I I EDli" At"""""" Th~ O,d". (Op-nOML, '0,<<,-<< wi,b ,ho S.",,, ^"'''''.,, Fonn,) ,ou<<'''',,:n, '""" """m'm bdw", ". p"'i" " I supc~es al: prior agrecmenl!; or unctet>~:l(;';ngs. whcther v.TIuen Or oral, with re,pcct to thc proviSlOn of E9 i I Phase I Service. I Responsibilities o( Cnrrier: Ca:rier sh;!ll implement Sen'iee pursualll eo Federdllp.w. state law. and ,he Imp!emc'litation Plan, :mached hercto <1:; : Exhibit "A", as agreed to by the panies. Norhing i'l Exhibit" A" he:-ein shall be COnstrued to c..;ter.d th:: deadline as established by governing Fcde;-;): I and Slztc I~w, if ~pplieabJe. In addition, Carrier shall not initiate Setvice withou~ writtcn acknowledgment from PSAP of com;:>Ietion of testing ~'1(~ i acceptance of Service. including but not limited to Caec and time of Servicc acti~'a~iQn, C.anier shall ~ascnll::'ly COcpcra;e with PSAP and all I nc~s:>ary third-pafT..il:s in all aspeets (If implc:neoting, SCheduling. testir,g. vcrifying and op~rating Service, including notifying any aod all p3r1ics .:.; I :in)' network changcs cr ChMges in d<Jt.1 to Ix: delivered 10 premise equipmen: I I I i ! RespollSibilities of PS..\P: PSAP ~h:ul: !. have sok rcspons'biJj~y 10 answer, respond tCl. :ran~fer, terminate cr othen,.;:,,, 'Jar,dle E9! 1 fderh",.,c calls. I':> di~p~:eh Or arrange to disi'afC~, I . , em~rg~Tlcy serVIces, :. flimish Ca:-:~er, II, PSAP's reaSO:la!;:l: CJ.~,cns::. &/1 tf-:!lnical nl.:!:I<::r. <:laD and "':-')m;.~fio:l i1~ te~~$~r.J.bl;' r.C':CS.;lr:. under :hi~ Or'.~er: i. pro'Jidc reasonabk :!.~:;es.s rc PS,6,p'S pre.,,;;.:;;. a~ (,ccded by Carrier o~ its S::j-:on!r"clO~s: . j. prr>vic!e wrinen ad:now!edgrr:er,: or" corr.;J!c:ion of tesllng i1nd acccptan.:c of Savic,," to Ca.,-ier, ir,clue:!".? cu: :11.'( limiced 10 date al1~ timl: of actJvation of Service, prior to ccmm~rci.ll use; rca.;oll.:lbly COVper.1ie wieh earn::r and aJl necc~SMY :/-:ira-partle:; ':1 all ".sp~~', "rimpiemen:ing, ,:;:t-.:::1:.ling. Ceitlng. verifying and operating ScrJice, including notifying an)' ar:d all P:lI1:l:S of Jill' PS.J\.P jurisdiction ~e:! rh.1ng.., Or chl1nges in dJ.ta CO be de!:vered co premise equipmcr.: fndepcndent Contractor: C:!rrier's rda:ionship with PSAP l.:nder this Order is IhJ.1 of an inde?Cndem contractor. Assigl1n1ent: The parties :0 this Order m.:l)' not assign any of th:oir righ:s nor delegate an, of the:r oblig:ltion, und~r this Order without the prior written Ct'nscm of eh,: other party (which conSent sh.:!ll not be unreasonably withheld), c.'l.cept that Camer :1:::}' .1ssign its rig!l[S or delegate its du!: undcr this Order to e;,y of its affiliates, !o the s~fYi vi:1g" l:mity in a merger Or consolidation Or to a p:..:~ch:\ser of sllCslamially all cf th~ assets of l~: b:Jsir;css !o which t!lis Order relatcs without PSAp.s wri'tlen consent. All th~ lenT;s :Inri pmvisicr.s 0: tho.s Order wiil be binding upon and inure tn ben::fie of and be enforceable ~y the par.ies ~nd their respective pcnr.iltu:1 SUCCC:SS<Jf~ and assign~. AmcndmenUModifi::.ation: Any pro~'is:oJr. of this Ordcr l11:JY be amended UPOfl mutUJ; agrcement of l!:e r~r:jes. e;>;o;euced in w:iring, and the observance of Ilny provision may be waived only in writing signed by a duly authorized n:presenta:ive of the parr:es. In addition, the Parties may aJso modify this Order upon thirty (30) days wri[(cr; nocice if there is a change in an applicable l~w or if Cllmcr ~hotJld sel! or o:her....ise dispose c: or p:Jn of its ......ireless Comrnuniciltions service Iicensl: for the provision of wireless communication seryice in uny portion of the PS.-\P Service Jurisdictions. Upon mch event. this Order ,-nay be Illodiiicd only as appropria,e c:) rdleet such disposition. ThIS sh:ill include removal of thc rei::. a..rea from t!lis O,.der. i. I I ~....knowlf'dgemcllt.s: -'"he partt'.:s :.cbc\YlcdJe al~!. -r. _. _ (' .' · These te::n.. anc e.l~ldl((OnS arc fl~ I/'e pa.-:IC:S lI\lJlu.~1 benefil and sl~ou!d cr.'J~(:lgc Ihe e:,:.::.cn: 3J.,j C00?o~t,.,c ~CpI0y:nent or .h~ ..>er.lce ~ Czrr:c(s ~.l~onQb:, res:s (or SCI'Ji,',: ;:,..11 00: pJi,j pllr~U:!nl to FionjJ $:"::I:C5 SCCI;vr.s )65 I'~ ;,,,j 36.'> J 7.3 H:c parnes !!cknowkdge Ch.:!l I i PSAP SftJ!I no: ::'c rcspo:lsllllc for ;nym~;:: of CJ"llcr COSfS, pursuant 10 g..)VCflllr:~ law. i F:c"idJ Wlrc!~!\ 'I.' 1 B~"~d :\'!oCC: CO:Jlrn;;t 5."5:(. TIJThL F. 03 '. '. " EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY TO BE USED. LEC Solution Where it is available, BellSouth Cellular Corp (BSCC) will use Enhanced Feature group D (E-FGD) solution provided by the serving Local Exchange Carrier (LEC). This approach is compliant with the TR45.2 PN-3581 standard for E9-1-1 Phase 1 services. BSCC will request a minimum of two E-FGD trunks from the LEC, delivered over route diverse paths where this capability exists within the network. These tnmks will be used to deliver Automatic Number Identification (ANI), cell sector location identifier information (e.g., pseudo-Automatic Number Identification (p-ANI) and voice to the 911 tandem / selective router. At the selective router the p-ANI will be associated with an Emergency Service Number (ESN) and the 9-1-1 call will be routed to the PSAP. The serving LEC will be responsible for providing and maintaining data connections from the serving selective router to the Automatic Location Identifier (All) databases. These connections will be used to deliver ANI and p-ANI information to the ALl on a per call basis. - ..----- -:-- .~"..~......uvu . Y l'-'VV 0li:1lUleS : tlSenate.gov Page 1 of 1 Select Year: 12003 m Go'l ,.'''''!''yW The 2003 Florida Statutes Title XXVII Chapter 365 RAILROADS AND OTHER USE OF TELEPHONES AND REGULATED UTILITIES FACSIMILE MACHINES 365.174 Proprietary confidential business information.-- View Entire Chapter (1) All proprietary confidential business information submitted by a provider to the board or the office, including the name and billing or service addresses of service subscribers, and trade secrets as defined by s. 812.081, is confidential and exempt from s. ~(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. Statistical abstracts of information collected by the board or the office may be released or published, but only in a manner that does not identify or allow identification of subscribers or their service numbers or of revenues attributable to any provider. (2) As used in this section, "proprietary confidential business information" means customer lists, customer numbers, and other related information, technology descriptions, technical information, or trade secrets, including trade secrets as defined in s. 812.081, and the actual or developmental costs of E911 systems that are developed, produced, or received internally by a provider or by a provider's employees, directors, officers, or agents. (3) This section is subject to the Open Government Sunset Review Act of 1995 in accordance with s. 119.15, and shall stand repealed on October 1, 2004, unless reviewed and saved from repeal through reenactment by the Legislature. History.--s.1, ch. 99-202; s. 4, ch. 2001-133. Disclaimer: The information on this system is unverified. The journals or printed bills of the respective chambers should be consulted for official purposes. Copyright Q 2000-2003 State of Florida. Privacy Statement. http://www.flsenate.gov/Statutes/index.cfm?p=2&mode= VieWlIo20Statutes&SubMenu= I &App _ mode=Di... 4/5/2004 \, Ii I, I, I' I: I' I ! , , , i: ! : I ~ i I' i ~ I! i: I; " ! . i; I: I I: I: i: , , I, I' I; ZO'd LORHYINU AND COl'\l<'LlCT OF INTF.REST CLAUSF. SWORN STATF.Mt':NT UNDER ORI)INA:\'CE NO. 010-1990 MONROE COU~TY, FLORIDA ETHICS CLAUSE C.?~fl'l\et vJ;',e.'e~~.. LLc.. warTanl~ Ihllt he(l!)a::; Illltl:mployed, retaim;d or othcrwiSl~ hud act on hi~ bchlllf llnY tonllel' County officer or ~mploy~e in violati(lTl lIt' Section 2 of Ordinanee No. 10-1990 nr any COllnty officer or cmployee ill violation or Section J ofOl'dinarlCe Nu. IO-199(), roOI' hreach or violation of this pruvision the County may, in its discretioll, lcnninulc this contract withlllllliability and lllay :11::1(1, in its disCI'etil)n, deduct rrom Ihe contract or purchase price, or othel'",..ise recover, the full amollnt orany ree, commission, percenlage, gift, or consideratioll raid to the former County llrlicer or employec. ~~.~ ~,-- (sIgnature) 4-8- 200'1 I)alc: STATEor ~Q)(.F\~ COUNTY Of L'~ . .- ... PERSONALL Y APPEARED REFORE ME, the undersigned authority, ~O\-.\~ ..() Q f\~~...y\2.. who, after first being ~worn by me, affixed his/her signatlll'e (namc or illllivillual signing) in the sp<lce pmvidcd ahov\; on this ~. day or ~~,2(~\ ~~~- \...~.-,,(\ ~~ ~ ~~~V~ i':(>TARY PURl.IC My comrnj~sinn expires: OM H . MCP fORM #4 dOZ=ZI vO-80-~dv