Item C16 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: 4/21/04 DIVISION: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR BULK ITEM: YES DEPARTMENT: AIRPORTS AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Purchase Service Order with URS to prepare an Airport Layout Plan Set Update. for the Florida Keys Marathon Airport. ITEM BACKGROUND: This project will be funded 95% by the Federal Aviation Administration, and 5% by Passenger Facility Charge Revenue. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Approval to submit Passenger Facility Charge Application # 8.10/5/03. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: New Agreement STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval TOTAL COST: $70.862.00 BUDGETED: Yes COST TO AIRPORT: None COST TO PFC: $3,543.10 COST TO COUNTY: None SOURCE OF FUNDS: FAA Grant, PFC Revenue REVENUE PRODUCING: No AMOUNT PER /YEAR: APPROVED BY: County Attorney X OMB/Purchasing N/A Risk Management N/A EiL DIRECTOR OF AIRPORTS APPROVAL DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow Not Required AGENDA ITEM # CIG; DISPOSITION: /bev APB MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract # Contract with: URS Effective Date: Execution Expiration Date: 400 days Contract Purpose/Description: Prepare Airport Layout Plan Update for the Marathon Airport. Contract Manager: Bevette Moore (name) # 5195 (Ext.) Airports - Stop # 5 (Department/Courier Stop) for BOCC meeting on: 4/21/04 Agenda Deadline: 4/6/04 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: 70,862.00 Budgeted? Yes Grant: Yes, Federal Aviation Administration County Match: PFC Revenue Current Year Portion: 30,500.00 Account Codes: 403-63542-530490-GAMA39 Estimated Ongoing Costs: N/A (not included in dollar value above) ADDITIONAL COSTS For: . (eg. maintenance, utilities, janitorial, salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Date In Changes Needed Yes No Reviewer Date Out Risk Management ~~_ ( ) ()Q. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ~ Peter Horton /1// A P fA/ 0 M &> William Grumhaus ..vIA fJo... OM"8 (jL~thelAJ~r~ PEdro MEfeede ~L/oA- Airports Director 4-/ Lt ~ O.M.B.lPurchasing ~~_ County Attorney _/~_ ~~- _/~- :li3 --1J ~ Comments: MAR-31-04 09,58 FROM,MONROE COUNTY ATTY OFFICE 10.3052923516 PACE 1/1 PURCHASE I SERVICE ORDER .. FOR MONROE COUNTY To: URS Pwchase Service Order No. 03/04-23 Re: PSA Agreement, Dated 1-1-02 Re~:olution No. Project Name: MTH - Airport Lavout Plan Set Up-date De~cription of Services: (See attached Scope of Services) Multiple of Direct Saluries Lump Sum X Reimbursable Expense _ Days to Complete 400 Fee: this Service Order $ 70.&02.00 Payment tor Services shall be in their et1lirety as per PSO. Prepared by: Re~ommeDded by: ~-:>' Mrfford A. Reisert -~~~ Date: .:! - ;1 2..-~ <t Dale: Approved by: Date: ~/ '2.:2-! 0{- t J Date: MONROE COUNTY ATTOt1NEY AP. FORM: .' N,\U1Ui\DEIDus\Cms~u ll'lr\1lI".tl()o\n;l<l4.11.QOC -":.....'. Development of Scope of Services REVIEW OF AIRPORT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS For The 2002 DRAFT AIRPORT MASTER PLA."I'/ALP FLORIDA KEYS MARATHON AIRPORT MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA March 15, 2004 As part of the FAA's review of the December 2002 Draft Florida Keys Marathon Airport Layout Plan, issues regarding the airport's non-standard airfield design and were raised. Some of the non-standard airfield design conditions have existed throughout the airport's 60-year history and have been well documented and approved by the FAA. The issues of concern center on the FAA's requirement for Public Use airports to be in full compliance with current FAA Airport ~,.eference Code (ARC) B-ll design standards. Specific to this airport is the need to correct non-standard runway-to-taxiway centerline separations. To date, the FAA has stated that the "Conditional Approval" of the draft Airport Layout Plan and its supporting drawings will not be forth coming until the runway-to-taxiway separation issue has been satisfactorily addressed and/or resolved by FAA and Monroe County. An Analysis of Air Service Potential Study will be conducted prior to the completion of the review of the Master Plan Update and ALP issues. The Analysis of Air Service Potential Study will provide a comprehensive feasibility analysis for the resumption of FAR Part 121 scheduled air carrier/commuter service at the Florida Keys Marathon Airport. Based on the findings and recommendations of the Analysis of Air Service Potential Study, Monroe County and the City of Marathon will have definitive and timely information upon which decisions can be made regarding the highest and best use of the airport's underutilized passenger terminal building. Base on those decisions, this review study will incorporate those decisions in the revised direction and intent of the Airport Master Plan and ALP development. Highlights of this follow-on study to the Master Plan Update and Airport Layout Plan ~~clude, but are not specifically limited to the following: · Review of the airport's existing airfield layout, geometric characteristics and historical use; · Identification of required planning, engineering, permitting and construction activities required to fully meet ADG B-ll design standards; · Revision of airfield planning and preliminary engineering previously documented in the 2002 Draft ALP and Master Plan report; _ · Examination of potential adverse environmental impacts to on-airport lands uses; · Consultation with FAA regarding the need and practicability of effecting certain airfield development changes, and; · Examine the potential benefits, opportunities and costs associated with the utilization of the two 400-foot overruns located at each end of the Runway 7-25. ~ Airpon Master Plan fALP Update, 02-25-04 Florida Keys Marathon Airpon 1 Development of Scope of Services TASK 1 - REVIEW AND UPDATE AIRPORT MASTER PLAN TO ADDRESS KEYS ISSUES AND CONCERNS The primary goal of this review effort is to reexamine certain airport development issues and planning options that were not specifically addressed in the December 2002 Master Plan Update. Many of these issues are generated as part of the F AAls technical review of the ALP set and Master Plan report. Where required, changes to the Draft Airport Master Plan and Airport Layout Plan will be made. The following key issues and concerns will be investigated and addresses to the extent required. 1.1 Non-Standard Airfield Design In response to review comments FAA received regarding existing the non-standard runway centerline-to- taxiway centerline separation of 200 feet, the feasibility and practicability of various alternative airfield development schemes will be investigated. It is the expressed goal of the FAA to bring the airfield into full compliance with current Airport Reference Code (ARC) B-ll design standards that prescribe a 240- foot centerline separation. It is anticipated that such actions may necessitate the relocation of either the Runway 7/25 or Taxiway Alpha that, in turn, may have potential adverse impact to environmentally- sensitive land areas on the airport. 1.3 Utilization of Paved Runway 7/25 400-foot Overruns This effort will examine the potential benefits, opportunities and costs associated with the utilization of the two 400-foot overruns located at each end of the Runway 7-25. The potential benefits related to the use of the paved overruns to better serve the existing and projected aircraft operational 'and safety needs of the airport will be examined. The need for longer runway lengths by corporate and private cabin-class turbine powered aircraft will also be assessed. Potential benefits of such actions will be quantified through interviews of locally-based and transient aircraft operators that conduct long-haul non stop trips to and from the airport. Other runway geometric considerations will also be examined to determine the benefits of utilizing the overruns as full strength pavement yielding a total runway length of 5,800 feet or using displaced thresholds for landing at one or both runway ends with the combined use of the Declared Distance Criteria. 1.4 EnvironmentallLand Use To the extent required by Task 1.1, preliminary investigations examining potential adverse environmental impacts and required mitigation and permitting actions that would be required as a direct result of proposed and mandated airfield modifications will be conducted. 1.5 Update and Revision of Airport Layout Plan Elements Where required, the Draft Airport Layout Plan drawings will be modified to reflect the latest proposed airport development schemes generated by this revision work effort. TASK 2 - REVIEW OF PERTINENT ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES To the extent required by Task 1, the existing hardwood stands, saltwater pond, and mangroves will be assessed for potential environmental impacts relative to possible changes to airfield pavements and geometries, FAR Part 77 and/or TERPS requirements as identified as part of the airfield development alternatives analysis. J Airport Master Plan fALP Update. 02-25-04 Florida Keys Marathon Airport 2 Development of Scope of Services TASK 3 - COORDINATE WITH FAA PERTAINING TO REQUIRED CHANGES TO AIRFIELD AND PLANNING One or more working meetings will be held with the appropriate FAA representatives to discuss the feasibility, practicability and relative need for effecting certain airport improvements that would fully meet current FAA design criteria. TASK 4 - REVISE FINAL AIRPORT LAYOUT PLAN Based on fmdings and decisions during this review and update effort, the ALP set will be updated to meet FAA Advisory Circulars 150/5300-13, Change 7, Airport Design and 150/5070-6A, Airport Master Plans and FAA's Southern Region ALP checklist guideline using AutoCAD Release 2004 software. TASK 5 - REVISE DEVELOPMENT STAGING, COSTS AND FINACIAL FEASIBILITY As dictated by the required changes to the airfield planning and design, this task involves the update of improvements priority lists as required to implement the Master Plan. Working with Airport staff, a preliminary list of recommended improvements will be prepared for forecasted aviation activity levels associated with short (5-year), intermediate (lO-year), and long-range (20-year) time frames. Developing this staging program is an iterative process. Because the costs associated with phased development of airport improvement projects will be incurred over a several years and several funding cycles, the feasibility of funding these projects can cause individual projects to be shifted from one phased or fiscal period to another. It is important to recognize that activity levels trigger the requirements for improvements, rather than time frames. Thus, if a particular segment of activity does not meet the forecasts, certain improvements may be accelerated or retarded. A five-year program will; however, be worked out in sufficient detail to be utilized for federal funding pre-application purposes. A series of drawings depicting short-, intermediate-, and long-range staging programs will be prepared. These will be used by the Consultant during meetings and presentations, will be available to the County for use following the Study's completion, and will be reduced in size for inclusion in th/',report. 5.1 Revise Cost Estimates Updated cost estimates will be developed as required for each line item shown on the staging schedules of developm~t in year 2004 dollars. These estimates will be based upon year 2004 costs of construction and will summarize design, inspection and testing fees, contingencies and administrative costs. Final estimates will reflect full project costs, and the effects various project costs have on project staging will be identified. The short-range (five-year) schedule and cost estimate will be prepared in a form suitable for use in submitting a pre-application for federal funding assistance. 5.2 Develop Airport Improvement Financial Feasibility Analysis This task will specifically examine the capabilities of Monroe County to fully fund the local share obligations as part of the Federal and State funding programs. Specific elements of this task will be developed in conformance with current FAA and FDOT -Aviation Office requirements. , Airpon Master Plan /ALP Update, 02-25-04 Florida Keys Marathon Airpon 3 Development of Scope of Services Documentation of the Airport's financial capabilities will include income and expenses of the Florida Keys Marathon Airport for the previous five years and the anticipated income and expenses for at least five years into the future. A breakout of the Airport Capitalization Plan for all airport improvement projects proposed as part of this Airport Master Plan will be delineated to provide breakdown of the various funding sources, funding allocation and participation, funding amount and development time frame. TASK 6 - REVISE AND UPDATE DRAFT AIRPORT MASTER PLAN REPORT As required, following review and approval of the development plan and funding program for the airport, the draft technical airport master plan report will be prepared to reflect information developed in the working papers and decisions made during the course of this study. This'document will be submitted to with Airport staff, County, and City representatives for review and comments. Upon receiving comments, revisions will be made and draft reports will be submitted to the FAA and FDOT-Aviation for review and comments. Six (6) Draft Master Plan Reports and six (6) Draft ALP sets will be delivered to the County for review and comment. If required, a single meeting will be scheduled with FAA to review comments. TASK 7 - PRODUCE FINAL MASTER PLAN UPDATE REPORT / ALP Upon the County's acceptance and the FAA's conditional approval of the Airport Master Plan Report and Airport Layout Plan Set, the Consultant will generate twenty (20) Airport Master Plan Reports, and twenty (20) Half-size Airport Layout Plan Sets and thee (3) Full-size Airport Layout Plan sets. Electronic word processing files or Adobe Acobat-fortmatted "read-only" copies of the Final Master Plan Report and ALP sets will be provided. ./ Airport Master Plan IALP Update. 02-25-04 Florida Keys Marathon Airport 4 c: ;Ill IlJ -< o ~ B: .. III ~ " ii ~ " ~ .. Ii 'TI0:J>-<C: g!!(~~~ill ,:"~-;-..!L,, ...a....ili~): Q.f/I~ CA f~g","i~ II.~ -<<4 0'" ii' ':Ii lJ lr 0 0 g -... tl ;; ~~ ! ~ g8g~ ~~_ ~ 8:; '" ~ o ... ... .. o '" ... ..,. -......... NWCD,.. C;JIo-.. COOC gggg .... ... ... ....,. ....... 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MiI_ Reisert@URSCORP .COM, Fred_Nielsen@URSCORP.COM Subject: Response 10 Proposed Scope of Services--Fla Keys Marathon Airpon Planning Considerations , 03/23/2004 01 :57 PM Pecer & Reggie & Mike In rQply to M~kQ's email daced 3/10/04 re proposed scope for marachon planning: propo~al looks good to me...You wlll probably need to gee independent est~mate, once you have finalized che work items. Let me know when you have proposed fees, etc. J 1. i 1 ., fIt 'II h ust to c ar~fy severa commun~catlone rom ast summer 1 now, w ac we really need co see re the non-standard RWY/TWY separation are several analyses: --do nothing (impact on future traffic) --fix situation compl~cQly (with $ eseimacQs & benefit to air traffic, for each of the followin9 scenarios} --move RWY only --move TWY only --move both TWY & TWY (each 1/2W.Y?) --fix situation partially (again with $ est~mates of cost ~ benefit to air traff:i.c} (this solution may 1ncluda use of Declared Distances, if Monroe Co/Maratbon wants to do that} After reviewing possible solutions & costs; document should put forth Coun~yts most qeeired/recommended option. Let me know if there are any further questions, or if you need actual letterhead copy of the above. Susan .,.,,~~