Item B01 Revised 3/99 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 21. 2004 Bulk Item: Yes D No XX Division: Manaoement Services Department: Technical Services AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Presentation of Employee of the Month for December 2003 to Hank Kokenzie. Senior Systems Analyst. for Technical Services ITEM BACKGROUND: Recoonition prooram established by Monroe County in Section 2-16.6 of Monroe County Code to recoonize emplovees who demonstrate superior performance and dedication to their work. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACTIAGREEMENTCHANGES STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Presentation TOTAL COST: $50.00 - To purchase $100 BUDGETED: Yes X No D Savinos Bond Source of Funds - General Fund - Ad Valorem COST TO COUNTY: $50.00 REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes D No XX AMOUNT PER MONTH_ YEAR_ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DIVISION DIRECTOR NAME: APPROVED BY: COUNTY ATTY D OMS/PURC DOCUMENTATION: INCLUDED: XX TO FOLLOW: D NOT REQUIRED: D DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #: 0 , Employee of the Month - Hank Kokenzie - December 2003 Hank Kokenzie was recommended for Employee of the Month by one of the many employees he assists on a day-to-day basis. He is always very helpful and pleasant when you need him. He is always going above and beyond the call of duty and as an example, during the move from the Public Service Building to the GA TO building, he assisted the Purchasing Department to get the system up and running the very next morning after that move. Equipment was set up and operational. He promptly handles work orders to solve not only the minor annoyances that we face, but the very large catastrophic problems that besiege a system the size of Monroe County's technical system. This is part of his job, but he does his work with such a good attitude. He always gets the problem resolved as soon as possible and lets you know if there is going to be a delay. Hank Kokenzie started working for Monroe County in December of 2000 and has been receiving notes of appreciation for his fine service since that time. They come from both inside and outside county government. One email of appreciation came from Tom Tuell after Hank Kokenzie updated meeting dates on the web side. Tom said" Wow! Now that's customer service. I fear you're altogether too responsive for government. You'll ruin government's reputation." It's a pleasure to honor such a fine employee.