Item A1BOCC Regular Meeting Wednesday, April 12, 017 Add Ons, Corrections and Deletions Add Ons Corrections and Deletions on Revised Agenda = Blue Add -Ons Corrections and Deletions for Day of Meeting (after Revised Agenda) = Red ADD -ONS Page 14 01 MAYOR PRO TEM RICE: Approval of a resolution of requesting that Senate Bill 162 and House Bill 93 442 be amended to make coastal counties eligible to participate in a proposed pilot program for "coastal communities" to regulate or ban single use disposal plastic bags and expressing support for the pilot program. Page 15 02 COMMISSIONER CARRUTHERS: Approval of Commissioner Carruthers' appointment of Teri Johnston to the Monroe County Planning Commission as replacement for Elizabeth Lustberg who resigned in March 2017. Page 15 03 r PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Approval to award bid and approve a J contract with Sea Tech of the Florida Keys, Inc. for $150,794.00 for the construction of the Senior Center Kitchen Renovation project at the Housing Authority of the City of Key West, Henry V. Haskins Senior Citizen Plaza. Page 15 O COMMISSIONER MURPHY: Approval of Ron Miller being re- appointed to the Monroe County Planning Commission. Page 16 O EMERGENCY SERVICES: Approval of a LOSAP benefits lump sum payment to a vested volunteer fire fighter. CORRECTIONS /NOTES: Page 4 C12 PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Approval of Contract with Pedro Falcon for $ 184,820.00 to perform the work at the Big Pine Park for shade structures retrofitting and new bocce courts. REVISED BACKUP: Added executed signature page. Page 4 C16 PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Approval of a Lease Agreement with the State of Florida Department of Health, Monroe County Health Department to provide continued office space at the Gato Building, 1100 Simonton Street, Key West, FL. The term of this Agreement is for a period of one (1) year beginning May 1, 2017, through April 30, 2018. The LESSEE will pay the COUNTY the sum of $ -0- per year, for office space. REVISED BACKUP: Added executed signature page. Page 1 of 4 REV 4/10/17 (kp) ITEMS IN RED ONLY TO BE READ INTO THE THE RECORD DAY OF MEETING. - BLUE MADE REVISED AGENDA CORRECTIONS /NOTES (CONTINUED): Page 4 C17 PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Approval of a two (2) year Contract with Hy -Tech Solutions, Inc. for Fire and Panic Alarm Inspections, Maintenance, and Monitoring for Monroe County Buildings. Fees for inspections, maintenance, and monitoring are paid for out of facilities maintenance. Contract amount will be for $110,000.00 annually for monthly monitoring, annual inspections, and regular maintenance. REVISED BACKUP: Added executed signature page and added scoring value sheet for better clarification. Page 5 C18 PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Approval of a Lease Agreement with the State of Florida Department of Health, Monroe County Health Department to provide office space at the Murray E. Nelson Government and Cultural Center, 102050 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, FL. The term of this Agreement is for a period of one (1) year beginning May 1, 2017, through April 30, 2018. The LESSEE will pay the COUNTY the sum of $ -0- per year, for office space. REVISED BACKUP: Added executed signature page. Page 5 C19 PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Approval of a Lease Agreement with the State of Florida Department of Health, Monroe County Health Department to provide continued office space at the Department of Juvenile Justice Building, 5503 College Road, Stock Island, Key West, FL. The term is retro- active from November 01, 2016, thru October 31, 2017, and then from November 01, 2017, thru April 30, 2018, which extends the lease expiration date to conform with other Health Department leases at the Gato and Murray E. Nelson buildings. The LESSEE will pay the COUNTY the sum of $ -0- per year, for office space. REVISED BACKUP: Added executed signature page. Page 5 C20 PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Approval of another License Agreement with Friends of the Key Largo Cultural Center, Inc. For Management And Operation Of a variety of cultural, recreational, and related programs at the Murray E. Nelson Government and Cultural Center. The term shall be extended for a period of (5) five years, commencing March 18, 2017, and ending March 17, 2022. Commencing April 13, 2017, the LICENSEE shall pay to the County a facility charge of $10.28 per hour of usage of the building, which includes utilities, and shall be adjusted annually in accordance with the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Policy for Use of Public Facilities, Roads, Bridges, County Meeting Rooms and Theater facilities charges. REVISED BACKUP: Added executed signature page. Page 2 of 4 REV 4/10/17 (kp) ITEMS IN RED ONLY TO BE READ INTO THE THE RECORD DAY OF MEETING. - BLUE MADE REVISED AGENDA CORRECTIONS/NOTES (CONTINUED): Page 7 Hl ASSISTANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR KEVIN WILSON: Presentation by the Pigeon Key Foundation of Plans for the Future of Pigeon Key. TIME APPROXIMATE CHANGED FROM 2:00 P.M. TO 9:45 A.M. Page 9 33 COMMISSIONER KOLHAGE: Discussion of a request from Keys Energy Services to waive or have the County pay permit fees for those county residents who will be required to relocate their electrical service due to the elimination of certain easements. 9:30 A.M. TIME APPROXIMATE ASSIGNED. Page 10 L12 ASSISTANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR KEVIN WILSON: Approval of a contract amendment increasing the annual stipend for the Marathon animal control contract by $150,000 /year effective immediately. REVISED BACKUP: Added executed signature page. Page 11 Ml COUNTY ATTORNEY: County Attorney Report for April 2017. REVISED BACKUP: Reports added. Page 14 Ol MAYOR PRO TEM RICE: Approval of a resolution of requesting that Senate Bill 162 and House Bill 93 43 be amended to make coastal counties eligible to participate in a proposed pilot program for "coastal communities" to regulate or ban single use disposal plastic bags and expressing support for the pilot program CORRECTED SCRIVENER'S ERROR IN AGENDA ITEM WORDING. Page 6 C26 MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET: , as N i-afni�Pade —County, South Fierida Be Health etw r-equir-ed by Senate Bill I . 2 - k ' - -' 2016 24 4), for- implementation ju15 1, 2 Page 3 of 4 REV 4/10/17 (kp) ITEMS IN RED ONLY TO BE READ INTO THE THE RECORD DAY OF MEETING. - BLUE MADE REVISED AGENDA DELETIONS (CONTINUED): Page 10 L12 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR: Approval of ° eefAr ^' amend me the amual stipend for- the Marathon animal eentr-el eefAr-aet by Page 11 M4 COUNTY ATTORNEY: ^ tithe" zatio. t litigatie against ;z-are°' Cap a nd the pr-a pef4y leeated at 1492 AEltieduet L ane, Key Lar-go, Fier-ida, and any other- pr-opei4ies owned by them if neeessar-y, to seek eemplianee ith var- eatt o .dinar „° a nd eaff th e d rations and enferee - the liens - eerie eemplianee ease atimber-(s4 C-909090061 and G9 1 3100195. Page 4 of 4 REV 4/10/17 (kp) ITEMS IN RED ONLY TO BE READ INTO THE THE RECORD DAY OF MEETING. - BLUE MADE REVISED AGENDA