Item S03 ElOARD 01'" CO[iNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM Sl MMARY \1eeting Date: \1~j'. 18. 2005 Division: COlllltv ,-\W.lr:n~ Bulk. hem: Y e~ ~ \Jo Departuwnt: C01..1~JY Al.lpmcy AGENDA ITEJ\1 \\'ORDING: Approval of Add~ndurn lo Inter-local Agrccmt:I'lt with dle City of M'amtholl to continw.: to provide the services of County C'mtractors E";llllllllllg Bourd to 1\-1aratholl through September 3u, 2007, rrrM R\CKGROCND: Tht Monroe County COlltra(,:tors Examining Board approves loc~lljLenscs and disciphnes. locally hcen:iied contractors for violations of the County Code in the unincorporated County. The CEn also may require suspel1'ilon or revocation of pe-nnit-puHing privileges. of state licensed cunlracrors. r-..1aratnO!1 dected, upon incorporatiDn to provide such s~n.'i(;es through the exis.ting County Board & entered into an imer-local agreement That agreement l1as a natural expiration date of October 10. 2UU4, hut continuity of s~f\'ic:e~ \\'01" madi..; ava~lable to th~ City. E~H.~~VIOFS RELEYA~T DOCe ACTION: On Seplember 18, 2002. BOCC approved original inter-local agreement. ~ CO N TRACT! AGREE~tENT ell A~GES: N/A STAFF RECOM-"1JL~.DATIO:'lS~ Approval, TOTAL COST: o BUDGETED: Yes ~n (:OST TO COt',"TY~ o SOlJ RLE Oil' Ft~!\DS' REVE!'1UE PROHLCING; Ye~ 1\,1 ~ AMOl; NT PF. R MONTH Year APPROVED BY: CDunty Any _L OMBlPurchasing ._n_ Ri!iik Management I)IVISIO[\" DIRECTOR APPROVAL: c1i), . i2-'{!d~g~" {; ?J2f/o( -~. COLLINS, COLl\'TY ATTORNEY DOLT ME1\TA'fION: Tnclulied x To Follow__._.______ \lot Required. .... DISPOSIT 101\': AGENDA ITEM # Reyised 2/27/01 AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT THIS ADDENDUM to Interlocal Agreement is made and entered into this. day of 2005, between the Board of County Comm issioners, Man roe Cou nty. Florida (hereinafter referred to as County) and the City of Marathon (hereinafter referred to as City). WHEREAS, there was an Interlocal Agreement entered into on September 18, 2002, betINeen the parties. with an effective date of October 11, 2002: for the County to provide to City contractor licensing and disciplinary services through the Monroe County Contractors EX8min ing Baa rd: and WHEREAS, said agreement had a two year term: and WHEREAS, the agreement allows for the agreement to be extended upon such terms as the parties may agree; and WHEREAS, it is deemed in the public interest to continue said agreement from its natural tenn inatian date: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein the parties agree to the amerlded ag reement as follows: 1. The lnterlocal Agreement executed by the County on September 18, 2002, and by the City on October 11, 2002, shall be extended for the period from October 11, 2004, th rough September 30, 2007_ 2_ The remaining provisions of the specified I nterlocal Agreement: not inconsistent herewith, shaH remairl in full force and effect. IN WITN ESS WH EREQF, the pa rties have set thei r hands and seal on the day a nd year first a bave written. ( By: (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION ERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA Deputy Clerk :....,~~.~ ~~;;/j... ,". .~A';0i~.C ~~~~:t... /.....,- C{~ . (~..~~.- -- ---_. /~ SLZ:diH:: A. ~ TON ( ........-"-~. ..,.'Q})o1.--:;.;;.f.... ,l..':"TOf-lr<i=-Y '----- :.;..:. '.~ ~ ~ ~ / i~. v.5 ...-- .-- .~.._.. Mayor/Chairman Sponsored by: PUlO CITY OF i\IARA THo.\j FLORIDA H.ESOLlTIO' 20U5~U4-S A }{ESOLt-TJO~ OF THE. eny COF\T1L OF THE CfTY O}~ (\'1ARATHOt\~ t'LORIDA, APPJ{OVL'\G A t"~l{S r .'.\:H.L"iDJIE.'\T TO THE I;-..TERLOCAL A(~I{EE\lEN"T \YITH (\.lO~ROf. COl!"'\TY. FLOHm.'\. REGARDL'\(; CO:\TR_\CTor-t. l..lCE~S[,\G .."\,'In mSClPLI~..\.R \: SE.H.VICE.s WH ERFAS, on Sep~(:-!L"ib,-:r ] ~ _ :'::UO:L :b~ C ~> uf\-1c'.HLlrwn. J .:~widd (rhe: ..City") :.md \10rl(\)..; C,lunly_ FllHfda (1:tc .'CULLlLly".f '~'nltn:(~ iilt(t <.,il <~~~.(:~':1::::'nl wl:~rcb: l!,L. Calmly W~)l.Il.;, pro\.id..:: l:h,,' Ci ly wi d, ;:~1nl"Ldl10r b..',-'TL~ ing :-ln~i ~:is...< pliil~Lry :itT\ i ~c.~ (IH\'Ub11 the :vr onr,.)e C 0~Llly <.: nnt_l"Hdor I .iC'i;'nS~llg Gllard (lhe "-A~)Te~rYk'Lc--~~ drid \'t:HEREAS. thl:; Agrecluc~ll hud ~ ~:c'fm of l"\', () ~.2) \.~'ars Llml louj(1 be (.;;.ll'm~t:..l by r.11.~W,11 CimS<.:'flL ot' ~he pa:Tics: and W H ERr AS, Lh~ panics bel>..: \. c it is i n d,~jr b,,-''51 (;n"':I\'~[ In exter'.d ~ r.~ :~'I'm ofthc ,"\pcernelll i()I <[1": adJ;lionaJ [\',:0 I,~) ~.\':ilr~ ([;1<':: --Firsl -\lnl:;ndll1~~m" J. :\OW. THF-REFORli, BE IT H.ESOl.Yl:.1) BY THE CITY CO(;:\C[J. OF THE CfTV OIi' .\IARATHO"'l, JiLOHlDA, THAT: S~l'tjun J" ~.-= l"eren(,.'::'"_ Tb~ c.~)0\.l' r,,:clt;lj:-; <i.re lm~ ,md C.OU\.:-l' l ::l.~1G. i ]l(urporal\'d hCL~in :;y Ihi ~ Section 2, Thl' fir:;l :-\mendil~L"~I:( r.kl"\H'Ul J~-;;:: City dl1(: COllnly ttlI lh~ pm,'j:-ilOn (If CQlUl'JClor lil'cn~ing and (1; ~drjllaj'Y scn il'L:; In lhe c: I y 1 hr~H,~1 L the \JL'Llm~ C~H.Llll~- C\'m l"a(:lu~. Lic~'D~ing RU:.l.rd, a C'lpy ~}r whidl i~ cUluclxd ~b }.\.hih~l .'A_-- h1g~~~lxr ~\ith ~uch n~m-mal:cri:l~ chang(:~ LL:-; mar he Jj.: co::p Lab Ie;,) (h\~ Cjt) fd'L1W~l'r and apprw..etl :i<; W b:-m aud k:;aJi 1)" D) Lhe CiTY AlImn~y, io c1pr:r(1"\'-~'J, . L1(: \b.v\ lr i:; dLl~ h{.l r>:~d l0 ~i~,l ltlL..' Firsl .-; 111,~n(t;r.ec.t. Sf'Cllon}. Tbi::: rescdutiGl~ sb;lll ~uke <;' il~(,:"l j n1JlU..:-diard:< upor:: it~ i..:.doptioIl, PASSED /\I\D :\PI)ROYEU b:. lh<.: CiTY CCllLr;..:i.: ..d..\)in:il) oU...larmho;1.. 1"lwi(l<~, l~lis 12!:: duy ur" AI',.i L ~O()5. ~ / THE env 01' \L\.R.4....HO;\, fLORfJl,-\ ... fl.>- ~--.-. / \, , , -. ') f ' (.:':~:C~i - ;' >1._ ._ -,.<':L . ...___. / ." >{, l. 'l ,_."'., . '~I... ~~~_ ..n." / -' .---- .--:'l ____.~ .John Un rl us, I\-Iu:yor \. '. AYI::S: hOI':S: i\USL::"T: i\ HS'~'"\l};: Bull, M(.;i1r:l::i, ['vlilkr. P ink:..!s, I kmw: I'<OIll' ~\nJ~ }.; one:' / A TTT:Sl~ /---.., 1/' _ ,-, I.;r,~ \ ('" f :' /' , . '. ';' . I . ~ . : I ..... . / ,. . (.: / . I . I. . .r, (, l'A_z:',;;~)\:, - L':-< J,_,~<u C .lld:. ] ,. Y.\. .<:.~tl11d "'. C it} C]C~.K I . " --,,' (Ct~< St:i'~: ) APPROVED AS TO fOR\-1 (\;"'0 LEGAUTY FOR TIlE LSE A~D l{ELIA!\C.L.: 0]' THE (TIT OF '\IARATHO:\: fLORIlL\ O:\"l,Y: ~i U' \"'/.~'d)' CJ t;...; r1 0 rney