Item S05 BOARD OF COlJ.'\fI'y CO~'I,\11SSION AGF:NDA ITE'l SlJMl\lARY \1ect:ng l)a!e--=~l ~iO_~ - KL. Division Count)' Attoll1.~)" s Otli.ce (luJk !tem: Yes X 1"\0 Staff Corlta(J Per"on: S~L7.allne HuHon ....---.. AGrNfJA ITt:M \VORl>l~G: Approval to advertise an Ordill(l.llce amending tht' AI1:=, in Public Plan:s Ordinance to provide a prekrenct ii)r local .altis-b. rn~!\l B/\CKGHOliNn: In the recem evaluatlon of <lrtj~n and their ;Jropos<lls br art a~ the Freeman Justice Cemer, one ofrhe fh.... !\ rrp tunding pJ'OLeSs.es followed since enactment of the ord~nam:e. local artlst~ \vere Ji~par<ilely impacted by the evaluation process utilizt'd by the i~..rtS in PubHc Places AdvIsory Committee. Section 1~520( I). I:]orida Statutes allows for a local preference mdimmte Eo be pa5!>ed by locat go\'etJUnem~ llRrVlOLS Rf~LEVA~T BOCC ACTIO": Ordinance ~o. 02::::':01) 1 was enacted to establish an Arts in Public Places program CO~TR.-\CT/AGRE F.'.' [~T CH A "G rs: STAFF RECOMMl~i'I.l>ATIO"S~ Approval to advertlse for one public hearing on June 15, 2005 in Maratnol1. Horida. TOT.\L COST: ,_..._~~2L-~ BII DG ETED: Yes "0 COST TO COL:\T)': '....A SOl! Ref: OF FU\IlS: REVE'TE PRODITL~C: Yes "0 x .\MOn\T PER ,\JO"TH Year APPROVED BY~ County ..\tt~/t~ O\tllJPurcbasing _ Risk \1anagemem ~~ h n . 0 ti ~ ~. l \ ------- DI\'ISIO~ DIRECTOR .-\pr~ROVAL; ~_ n~_:.U--,~__. t)'c.. a.~ 0 ~ 01 iN R. COLLl:."JS. COUNTY A TTORt\FY DOC LJMENTA TION ; tncluded X Not R~quired_. [)ISPOSITIO:\~ AGE~DA ITEM # R:;\"i SJ..,'d 2 ...(\~ Mayor Spehar AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2 Of THE MONROE COUNTY CODE ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION" BY AMENDING SEC. 2-332(A) IN ORDER TO PROVIDE A PREFERENCE IN SELECTION OF LOCAL ARTISTS; BY AODJNG SEC. 2-332(A)(b) TO INCORPORATE LANGUAGE FOUN D IN SECTIONS 2,31 AND 4 OF ORDINANCE NO. 022- 2001; PROVIOI NG FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO THE MONROE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREASI Ordinance No. 022.-2001 was enacted to establish an Arts in Public Places progra m I i nclud i ng mechan rsms for funding and selection of art to be mstaiied in publIC buildings, both new constructfon and major renovat!olls~ and WHEREAST Section 255.04, f~orida Statutes, sets forth a preference for home industries in the construction of publiC buildings; and WHEREAS6 Section 255. 20( l)(i), Fforida Statutes, allows for a local preference ordinance to be passed by locat governments for procurement for pubHc construction works; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 022-2001 of Monroe County requ~res art to be placed \11 nl.;;w~y con5tructed pubHe buildings costjng over $500,000.00 or which are being renovated at a cost of over $100,OO.OO~ and WHEREAS, lo(:~' artists have been ";,.inderutilized in the placement of art ir'i pub~ic buildmgs; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Tourist Development Council has long recogrl'zed and promoted the wea!th of local artistry in the Fionda Keys; and WHEREAS, the Board Df County Commi~stoners of Monroe County find it in the pub~lc interest to promote the local eCDnomy, to reduce the disparate impact on local art~sts, a!ld promote the reputation of Monroe County as an arts center by providing a preference for Monroe County artists; and WHEREAS, SectlOns 21 3 and 4 of Ordinance No. 022-2001 were pres€nted without suet, prefatory ~anguage as would result in those sections of the ordinance being codified by the service which prints the Monroe County Code~ NOW, THE REFORE, BE IT ORDAINiE D BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. See. 2-332(A} of the Monroe County Cooe is hereby amended by the addition of the following: ( a) (3) In order to I ncre2:se partici pation an d selection of ioca I artists; the Arts in PubllC Piaces Committee sha~l Issue a Request for Qualifications to select a group of artists to submit proposals for qualified construction projects. In addition to regular procurement procedures, the Request for Quatrfications shall be advertised in all newspapers in Monroe County in which ~egal notices may be published pursuant to Flohda Statute; however, such notices sha~r not be in the legal notice5 section of the newspaper. Fu rther publ~cation of the Req uest for Qua I if~catlOns shall be accomp1ished by regular mc~1 and electro:'1ic means to locai arts organizations w~th i n Man roe County, If aV<:Olliabief ami mm u m of Ofle- half (50 per cent) of the a rtists selected by the Request for QualtficatiQns shall be loca I artists. For purposes of this section, "local artist" means an artist who resides in or manufactuies art in Monroe County for at least one hundred eighty (180) days of edc~l calendar year. Section 2. See. 2-322{A){b) is hereby created to mcorporate Sectmrrs 2. 3, and 4 of Ordinance No. 022-2001/ and sMaH read as foUows: (b)rhere ~s hereby established an Arts jn PubliC: Places Committeel which shall be an advisory board to the County Commission. The Arts in Public Places Committee shall be composed of five voting members and two non-votlog members! and sh~~j have the sole purpose of reviewing responses to RequE5ts for PropDsals For art to be acquired and installed in each publi(: COTlstructior. project subjen to nle Arts in Publ ic Places set aSide req uirement. (1) Each County Commissioner shall appoint one voting member whose term sha 11 !un concurrentl Y wIth the term of the appoi nti ng com missioner and who shall live or work in the i:lppomting commIssioner's djstrict. There shaH be one vottng board member who is ejther a board member or staff of the Monroe Council for the Arts Corporation. Each remainmg voting member must represent one or more of the following: a. working artist; b. a rt professional; c- landscape archjtect or fntenor designer; d. curator; or e. genefa~ publ ie (2) The County AdminjstratOl shall appoint to the committee the two non-voting members on a project by project basis_ The non-voting mem bers sha ~I be fa mHia r with the project tr.roug h their position or contract as the architect/ the building/project supervisor! or a Siml!ar nexus to the project. S.~Q.;LQ!ll.. !f any section! subsection/ sentence, clause or provIsIOn of this ordmance is held lnva~td r the remai nder of this ordinalice sha II not be affected by Such i rlvajjdrty _ .S~e~qj.Q.n.,~. AB ordinances or parts of ord~nances in conflict with th is ordin anc:e are hereby repeated to the extent of said conflict s..~iQD_~..:. The prQvis!ons of this ordfnance shall be included and incorporated in the Code of Ordjnances of the County :If Monroel Florida, as an addition or amendme~t thereto, cmd shan bE approphately renumbered to conform to the uJliform number~ng system of the Code. Section 6. ThfS ordinance shall take effect immediately upon rec€tpt of officiai notice from the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of Florida that this ordinance has been fjled wtth said Office. PASSED .A.ND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commtssioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular' n1eeting of said Board held on the 18th day of April, 2001. f'-1ayor DIxIe r-.1. Sperar Mayor Pro Tern Charles "Sonny" McCoy Commissioner Murray Nelson Com missioner George Neugent Com m lssiofler David Rice (SEAL) Attest; DAN NY L, KOLHAGE, Oerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORJDA By___ _._ _. ~_.'.___.__.__. Depwty Clerk By Ma yor r-..WNROE COUNTY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~kr;. SUSAN M. GA~ .A.SSJSTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY