Item S08 BOARD OF COU'HY CO\1\HSSI()~ERS AG ~~:~ D..\. ITE M S l' \l'IARY ',..leeting Date: \ la.tllL)_lliJ,~ Division: Count\' _AttO:rQn.' Bul~ Item. Yes X 1'\0 DCpilrtmcnt . Oepartment C QrH act SUL<l.nn02 Huttotl AGF.t\[}A HE '.J \\.ORm 'C~ Appmvw ur a COJ]ll act ........iUt CallU\\ay & Price, ! nc , for real rropertv arrmisal report for propert; located at qwno Over<;eas HighwuV_ Key Largo, Florlda. This property is proposed to h~ purchas.eJ lor use by I iabitat for llumanity of 1 he l- pper Key"s ITE\l IJ,\CKGROl.'.I): At !tIC f\.1arch ](")_ 200:\ 130CC mccting. di scus~i(1n wa" hdJ conc02ming the potemial pun;!lasc of property" W he leased tu habitat fur oH'il:e $pace & relail sales. and for the establishmem of a mLll, iple unit housing complex PREVIOl'S IU:l.t:""A~'" HOeC ACTJO~: ~.1arch 16, 2005, direction to Comll)' Anorney lO proceed witl1 appraisal, due dlligcncC" and proposed t:ontracL State s.tatute requires. County to oh[ain t.....o appraisal,; This contract is with ont.' or lhc two at:prai 5cr!> who h<lxc becn dcc-nl.;d qualified and available to provid~ appraisal ~ervicc~ CO\TRACr....AG HEE.\"I F \T CJI.-\."'Grs: ST.\FF RECO'l\U~'fI)ATIO:"'\lS~ Appro,.al TOTAI_ COST: S5_(.IOO BLDGETED: Yes._.x 1'\0 COST TO COliYI~': ~2,OOQ SOL RC E OF FF\ DS: ~ 04 Dn~ c~nl :-;ales ta.x infrast.ructure REVE'\jLE PRODUCING: 'Ves ),"0 X A \1 0 C'IT PF I{ \10~TlI YE'M A PPROVED BY: County Any X lUVISIO~ DIRECTOR APPkO\'AL: o\.m/Purd~asing.._.X- Kisk \1anagcmcnt b. QUl~ 1.k:~:;Jv';l " Jol1l1 R Collins [)OCTMJ:!\TA TIO~': lllduded x "1.0 I'"ollo\... NUl Req uireJ DISPOSITIU'~ .-\(a:~Di\ ITE'1 it MAV-"S-(,]G 12, :.l., FROM MONRuE CD I'ljRCHAS 1 NG GHE ID,3105292''<:;15 PAGE 3/3 MONROE rOLNTY BOARD OF CQ{)NIY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract with: Callaway & Price. Joe. ContraJ.;l #CA Y ~ Eff~Li 'Ie Date: Ex piT.ltioll Date: 2005.D4-o2 ~- S 18-20Q:5 v .N/A Contract Purpose/Description: -. .........-...-. - ---.----..- -----.---..- ................ . - -............... -.- .- m ~ lmPLlJ.j.fHtl.on ~eal propeT11i:~t 9&970 Overseas ! h.l!nw<Jv. }~y Lar!!!" in >rrder -tD FJ,l,ilY~ os".'b e Dntnl.tttoTtnm.:;l)~____ .~._~ ~___~___~ ~, .. I" ."1' ... ~:~... ;~-~..:;'\ -_ ':r~~. .~f ~1::~~.:';.. -,~."~r-' '" ..:; '- ~i ,.. Cgmml;lfMll2mF; S~~~JI~~~~ ,._, C'o"ame) fur ::aOCC me~tinou A nda Deadline: CONTRACT COSTS Toml Dollar Value ofCo.r1tmcl~ $ 5JOOO CUft'ent Year Ponion:.$ 5,000 Budgeted'? Vesl2J No Cl Acc~ntCodes: 304".M5SQO-j6n620~_.~~- Grant: $ () - - - - -_...............~~ Count~Match: $ 0 _ ._-__.__-.-_--..--- - ~ - ~ - - - ---- _--- r- .- _____ Estimated Ongoing Costs; $QJ)'T (NQt includ~i in dollar vmuc abo'lt'c) ADDITIONAL COSTS For; (\l~ rw.i11U:Jl~~jlUlitoria1. .~l!ill.ric~, ~).. ,: , CONTRACT R,BVIEW Da.t~ In Division Ihreclor ~/O5([)1 .. Ri sk ManagemePt 5~a.5 0, M. B';Pmcha.')lng ,')/O.s/(Ii ,,- CQunty A 110mey _ . ~~9~/QS , I I Comments: Ch!ll1ges Needed YcsD No0 Date OUl , C ~iewrr 4:k']L_l:~~2 ,CA,.~-- YesD No[81 i' . .. .. .. - -. _ ~_. ::~:~r~ y& , ., I :L~.i r ..": I OMFl fmm Re\li~~ 2/27:"0 r Mer 1t2 ICONTKACT FOR PROPF:RTY ArrRAJSAL Hl'~"'ORT Monrol' Count" Contract I\umher: C/\'l- R( --2f){)S - {I'I-(l;L Till S CO~TR..\CT i_~ cntcn'(1 iIlto 1 he dat~ b.sl b~k~w wfilkn, l~twC'~'n lhe Hoard (If Count\. C~}mm!ssion~rs of MOl1nK' COllIl1)". Florida l"C;)~Hlly"l :Hld r\;\\fF c:'i:d la'o\;ilY & Pr ~ (:q.J:. lnc. ADDRESS: 1 6:) ~ Foru;lI Place, .;::;~J i j-"" _5 _. ClTY....ST A TF11 P :--1'ie_s \-_P.illrr. Be dell, FL 3 3.J..O.1-. TfJ.FPllONL: ..~)61 - f;86 - 0 ::\33 c-\.L\lL dp"@(""r'~'rh c'''rr C'th-: {'(lntr~Ld(lr" (lr .'('ontrm;lnrB), ;nld l'lll.lnty ~md ContraLtL"Jf h~'r~'hy agrc~ as t~lllnws: 1. lhl' ('ontnlCl or ~twH f1pprai~ that c~rtain .~__..: un_imrrcn.cd '>G improve-a rCJJ propcrty lo~aled in r....loruoe County t-londa_ the kgJI Jl:st:nptlon of \...hlCh is COlltailwd in Att<ldlmcnt B_ which r:-. ;md flunk ,j p,irl h'..:rco r, 2. .1 h{~ (:ontnH.':' or ~h.dl make a del ailed Ikld inspl;:~:tion and idenlijicat ion 0 r th~ vario[!:.: ftems nf the rrore-rt}' arld shall make such investigations and studies as <lrc appwpritlh: ,mJ m'ce~S<lr::. to \?nable the ('ontrJl"Wr 10 ucriyc sound Lom:]usions and 10 prcp<.m' th(' <jppmis,j I rL'pnrl 1L l b~ flHllbhcd ~JndC'T [hb (Lln1J',l(:"L l.: pnn c~~ mplL'l inn oj" the in'>pe;:t iL)Jl~, in\ ~st i;::Jt inn~ and '>tudies. lilt:' ("L1ntractnT <.;hall pre-rare. furni"h, anti ddi\"cr iO rh~ County an appraj~.11 1\.'PNl in thnx~ (3) \..'opic~ l.o....cring said property. The wport shall, ill fom1 ,md ~ub~tClm:c, be in CUnl()mli~y with th~' Lnif(lrI11 StanJarJ.~ of I'rofi.'s,~ion<l] Arrraisa! rractiL~ t USP AP): shall present adequa1 c l:K lllH I d: II ',: 10 ::; U rp 0 r1 (,;",K h r~. k. W'f(:'.; rll ,i gc. tl r <l mo u n 1 us cd ill Sll t1i.c i(~n 1 J(: W tJ 1 0 r~~ rm it .ill intelligent l'c\icw of the .1pprai$.'11 r(:porl~ shall rcll"lk tht appr~iscr's concllJi.ioru; to those f<.lcts~ and .~hall. among. olhcl' thing~. inchJdc !he ~i(:rn~ !;(:'l forth irt AtUchm~n1 A, which j~ rmu..lc a ptirl na;.;of 3. Th~ CL1nlract("I1', \\.ilh~n ll/2 ii- ;:itIL:'._ t 1/')-) calendar thlys after ejtl1~r thl' dlb..,ti....c Jatc nf this ( 'ontI"JL't or th~ d.1t~ of not i~~ to pron~l.:d, w hidlL.::vcr llr~1 O'.:cUT~_ sh<dJ mail or deliver the r~uircd number ~)f (Oric') 0 r Illc conh;rl1plalf.'(i n.::porl 10 the County. -I. I Tl ~~(llbiJC"nj1 ion of 1 h;.; rl'rformanL~ of 1h~ undertak ings undC-f tll is C ont ra<:l. 1 h..::- Cvn1r,lctor sh~dl r.<:, paid h~: th.c ('ounty th~ lLJ'~1r "~JlIl or -----E/ j/~t-- ./dL1:.:5/1..,.....'::;;. . . . . Dc'- (iff2 .s . [s 5, t7{! .1..7!_~__}. v,'hich ~h<lll const ilute full payme-nt tn the ('ontmd Or and sh<lll indud;: coMs of all surplic",. mJ.terials.. and ~:qlJiprllcnl. <lnd all othn exrcns~:', pj- any killd N n<1tur~ incLLrr~d by th~ (\)t1trador in pcrh)rming h;:rcllndcL P<1~11l~nt shan become du.; ~tl.;l' rev i(:w :~rld llppnWJ I (If tll..:: reports and submission nj" properly. (~j1 i flcd ll1\. Ol~~~:. 5. The ('onlractor :"half not JiVldgc. <mJ shall take all r~asnn:lbk :i;krs to in::'llrc thJI no TTlC"lTlbcr u f C\lntractm's "lall or or~anil.:ll ion divldg-lo; ,mJ' int~JmKltion concem ing ",ucn appraiS>ll r('ports tl) fl.ny r~'rs-\'1[l (llhcr thal1 J duly auth(Hj7~d rcpn:~fl1,tlr\C uf the COllrlty. or iI pen:'\'fn authonz\?d in \~'filing b,~. the Count.'!' to ob[ain .~lLch jnt{)rmatjon, 6. nfl~ County may at any time. b)' wril h::n on.kr, mak~ any chang~;<; in this Conlract w h idl mil" a lkd the contents, ;scope nr rllunbC"r 0 r copil's of the apwais.al fCr(lrt~ !o ~. Jclivacd hncunJcr. Of the- time of ddi\ cry, ! f s;lch ~'han~~~ justit\. an in(:fca~c or J~crl'as~ in the iH11('1lHlt rn)\ i~kd 10 k ~~atd h_l. P.mlgn"lph -4 uf thrs Contract nr in the tiru(; rc'qurh'd t~)[ ('(lntr,l~'t(!f"'. paformancc. an o.;quil:lbk adjm;tmC1l1 f:.,hall he TIli.de find the ConlnKl shall b;.; rllodilli...'ti m wrrting <Iewrdirlgly. 7. At the requcsl of the Count)'. du:: Contractor ~lgrc~~';. to provitk nn llpdating of !h~~ r;.;por!( s) to h~ dCJiVCh'd lWl"cunder_ llw rrE~e to lx pi.,d ~hall he agrecJ upon in adV<.lllCe of t h~ upl.:lating and sh.dl r(:prcs~nt thl~ JllinimLlm tee ellslomarily charge bul shall not cxcl:Cl1 d ircct o~lt-of-ro~kl't cx.p~;n~e~ and the CS.l imated time [H ~ n~a~onabk rJ I C per diClTL which cs.timak'_" will h~ furnishl:d in writing by th~~ Contractor. The Contractor's din::d out of-po(;kct c^pcw:>~;<;, an(1 1 ime in preraring 1 he llpdating wi~~ b(~ ~L1hmitted to 1 hi..":' County uron l'omp1cl i~) 11 of thl. updaling_ Payment ~haJJ be limited to thE.; ,lC'llal time involved (at lnc rate rreviously suhmittcd by the Contmclor} and direct expen~es or the <I!:,'Tccd upon price, whiehnw is lower. 8. Upon the requc:Sl of the Coumy AlIorney. the CUIltr~clor agre~,~ to tc~ljlY as to the value M ,lny and all of lhl: property induJl:d in Ihc arpnlisllJ r~~por! in any judie-it'll proceedings in vO Iving thc rroplTI)' 01' it" value_ jn consideration of the- ptrformam:e of the undertaking provided in thT~ paragraph. the COnl,ftctor shaH be p'-lid ~I a rate not in CXl~es.s. of SEVI:J\ HU N IJH.E D FIfTY DOLLARS (S 750_(0) per del}'. which payment s.h,~ll cnnstitute full n,;imbIJI'Scm~J1t to thl' COTll metal" tor such :se-rvi(:(:~ ~nrl t{)r any n.pC"TlS~~ inL:urred. jndudinL~ tr3vcl and s.u bsistl:: nee. Paym~l1t :-;hall be by the (\mnty in <.iccordancc w.ith its pre~cribcd rCb'1JJati,lm: und proccQUfC'''_ 9, The (:ontrador W,lIT<lnts. I hat no rcrs.nn or ~d1ing ag~llcy has bcl:Tl ~"Jnpl()ycd or r~tain~d hi .~olic it or sce ~1rl: this Contru<.:! upon an Contract or un{krstanding t{)r a (;onulli:.:;ion, r~rccl1tage. broke-PIg-c, or contingent N,~e. ex-apt bona tlrl~ employees or Contractor_ For bro.;ach Or vio ~alio n of thi." warnmty I he Co~mty .~hall have ! he- righl to annul this (:onlnlCl without htlbjlrl y 01'. in the Counti s sole Ji<juc! fon. tn d~duct from the ~~ontnlCt price or ~Dnsid~rati,IJl l he fulJ amounl or slIch commission. r~rccrrtag~., hroker:-JG~\ 0 I' contingent ko.:. ] O. Th~~ Coni factor shall, In the pcrrorIllann~ of this (:ontrac.::t, (;omply wil h all applicable Fcd~~m.l and ~tate "tat utes, ,mu TlIks and rcgulation~ issued pursuanl thereto, as they relate to cmr~OYIl1CIlL homs of work. fltld overt imc wages. 11, At 1 he tim~ of receirt and a~GcplaJlCC thcn';t.)t~ the apprai!ial r~port to oc Ii.Jrnishexl by lilc Contractor as !.;peciticd in this Conlrael ::;hall become and rcrn<lin 1hc sok property of the ( :OUllty_ 12, The COlltractnr agrc~s tlml, prior 10 th~: :l.Cq~li<;.ition or dis.pos.<Jl by the Counly of the proptrty (il~~d in Ihis CLJnlraet. or <I d<.ltc lwo y~~iirS following the date of eompktion ot' tlw aprrais.er'~ report ~'OVcriHg tlH: <;,aid pl'operty, whichever is tho.; l.::urli~r. I hc Contl'actor and the ~~mployn~~ (1 f I he ('0 n11',1O 0 r w ill not, tor its', his or lhcir lHYIl flCcount I1Cg0t iflte tor th~ rrorclly or rert.xm s~rvicc,~ fbr o! l-K~rs in comleel ion yo. ith the said property unless thE.; written constnl 01- the approrriaw County rcrrc~ent..1 iv~~ i:s nrSI obtained_ ] 3. Contractor agrees 10 include the flJllmving- proviston, wi1 h ~ippropriate inf:,(:rt ions in an 0 f Contmctm',~ .~L1bColltracts haellnJ~T '.(Name 01" S'uhcOllfmGfw) ar,n:es flUlI ..Hunme CmOlty, Florida, or ~wy duty mnhori.zed represemaril'cs of Alonroe COlm(F, ~.h{llt. wuillhe expirmion o/)imr yem:s ajie~. jirwi payment rmder (Conrmclor's Iwnw) uiI1lmd hi!Hreen Alonroe County (Iud (ComracfOn' name), hun' {lcn'SS /0 alld fhe righllo I.!xumiue aiiV dirn.'ftv pCr/iHeJl! book\ r.tocumenl.~, IJa{krS, wid J'ccords (~r(..vame ofSubumrr(l(.'torJ il-n,'oh'ing irW"HW:lir)J1s rdmed to Iht! conJrac/. " ') .... 14. Time IS of I he eso;cnc.;. lmd if the COnlrador n:fu:;.~:s 01' tilils W p~rfoml this. Conlnlct wflhin I h~' t inK' spec itlc~1 or any ~_\tens.iol1 thcrcu f ill~~ luding thl? time <I!:,.'Tccd upon kH I he deli, cry () f Tl~:~~~~"S:',ary corrections. or :SUbSI,1JH ial ion. (11' sn tl~ ils to make rr~}grl'~:S ,L, to ~:ndans~r p.;rt"U],rll:~n(:<: of thji, CO III fJl't In H'':~'(lal,.lll(;(: \\ ith ils krllls.. the County r~l,1J by \~ rillcn not il'~ lcrmil1ate t he right of th~' ('ulll nlctol' t'-J proceed \,,'ith thc Conlnlcl or v"jl h such part or rarts th~r~of a,~ to which t)l{;n~ tws ocen default or delay and may hold I he C\)nlf.1ctar liable fi.Jr <.In)' damag~s eJus~J lhl' COl.!n[y b~' n,;ns,on OL~llCh termination. lftht: COI.!Jlly doc:'. 1101 terminate tllii; CllJl1ral:1 :I!ld ~hc COtltrdclor cor.lplL't~,:. r.,.'rt{lrr~l<H1\;L; 8tkl' lh.; !im~ <;,p~'Cl!lL'd the lOWH_\ ~hall h:l\e 1 h(:' righ! t,) rCL1ucc the contract fee by t hc <HllOUTlI of Ot\" r-. l I l; N nRF 0 DOL LARS ~S lOO_(J(l) for ~Jch J<lY 0 t- delay in ddi\ cr;' of the arrraisal rcpoT1 .md..or rlcccs,;,ary corr~ct ions or s.ubstalltiations. [f ,~w.::h ~kraull or delay has h~~n CJus~d by scriowi iljJ1~~s.s. and,or d(::llh or a r~:r7'o.on Sp;:(:il~]jy i.{Ll:lliticd to 11crtclflll the Coni ra;.; { ~HI{I 1 he l'Orllfat;tor i_~ erth~r all in.Jiyidua~ or do;:~ no! hH \ C' <ltHlt her qualit1ed appmis.cr. lh..> ('onln~ct(lr shall be rcl icyed of jiabil[ly tbr dama.~~s. L.pnn lcrmin.ation hcn;umkr, ,hc Counly rc:'.cn.;~ the ri~ht to require th~ Conlmcwr 10 turn o\'cr tu Ihe ('(lllnt}' JfJ J~lla, Ijl.1p~. rhNograrh~. [)f other makriJ.ls. acyuircd for this (omr.Kl UpOrl allu\\.ing I he- ('UFtl mdor fin cqu it able price- thcrdor. 15. The rcrt(mnancc of ......ork umkr lhis l:orltr..KI Illay Ix: tcrminalCJ in whole or in part whcnc\ C"f ! he Counl y o;h.tll dckrrnFflc th:d Icrminal ion i<;. En if~ he"l jnlcrc~t hy deli\.cry 10 the C oruraCl Or 0 r ,1 n01 ic(' of I ~~rrTlEnfltton fll least three d:lY~ pril)r to tile eltecti\'~ date of tcrmmat IOn. I"h(' Contrd(.lor iignxs 10 ,'C<l:o-.C" all wnrl.:. tL) 1,ll'rl 0\ ';1' h) lh~ County afl dala. map". photogr,lphs_ and other matcrial.~ acquir~d for lhis Contmcl work, anJ to :>ubrnil lu I he CuurH} a c 1<1 im for work rertormed prior to tC'nnination._ The Counly s.haU pay lh~ Contral:t(lr an l~4Uiwbk~ prict~ ti)i work pcr~i.lrn"t\.~d prj(H 10 knnination, '=.Llch rric~ 110t tn cxc~ed a bif proportion of the original cuntr;li.:1 prj,,~,.. 16. Standard Term::; dnd en nditjol1s_ <I) Record-k~~pin~~ ('ontrJctor .sh<.lJl mainta in all books" records, <.lnJ .documents. din'elly p,'rl im::II' 10 pcrfnrrmHlcc under I hi~ COJltrm;1 ill lKToalaIlcc with gem:mHy ucccpteJ al'C(lLJlltlJl~ f1fincipk:,; con:<.is,lCnlly. rrppJrc:d. fach par1}" l() thi", l.Olltr.1.(:l 01' lh~ir ,1[Jlhori/cd rq1rCScntal Eves _~hall na\.c r~asonahlC' and timely access w _~Llch recnrd::; of each m h~r party to lt1 i:; (" OIHmd ~J.lr[ng 1 hc I crm 0 f lhc COrltracl and for tc.mr years. following th~ datc of tinal pJyTllCrlt made to Ih.; C'l)ntrdClor LHl(I~i l!lis Coulrncl If an auditor ;,;mploy~d by ,h,~ County (lr CJerk ddcrmin~s that l1lonr~~ raid to Contmctor plH~UJ nt In thi~ l' (1nt md \~..;l'C -~rCrll fol' pLJI'r'.)'~~.~ tl01 <\I.!thurizcu by thiii Contract. the Contractor shan rcray t he monic!> together with inlt;l'c<;.t CakLJlatl~(1 rl1ro;U,lr11 10 Sec. 55. OJ, Florida Statulcs. running rrom the dat~ the monjc.., wcr(: paid tl) ('orll rrKI or_ b) (;D\.'trning taw_ Venue. Tntcrprctalion. Costs, and F('l'S: .1 hi~ ConlraLl shaH be governc-d by ,m~1 ;;on:-.l rUl,:d in ,1i,;(:"(lnlam:e wpt h th~' bws. of th~ State 0 f folorida arpljcabl(: h, COl1lraLt\ made and 10 b~ per fOfll 1t(1 <":JlI irdy En thc St<.ltc. [n thc event thal any cal!~C of aCliOr1 or :ldmirli~tmtivE: proceeding L~ instituled tor thc ~'nf,)r,'~mt'1lt (If irlkrrr~tati()n of thi~ Cnntr,lCI. the County rmu Conlractor agrC'~ that WIlU;;:' will li~~ in thL' <.lppropriak ~'ourt or b~for(? the approrfiat~ ddminbtrat i\.c body ill :'I.111moc County, F!orida_ Th~ C(}unty ~H1d Conlractol' ,lgrcc I hat, in Ihc cvcnl of contliL1ing inkrprctatiort" or t h,' tcrn~ or ,1 krm of this Conlract hy or bcrw~cn fin)' 0 f them thi.: is.~t1e shall be ,~LJbrniHl"d to mcuiatl(lll prin r to the inst il111 ion 0 f <.l n: ()th~r admin rstraiin Dr legal pJ'(lcC'C'd irlt~- j. c} Sc\'crabilil:}". If '-Iny tcml, ~OVC",HlI. condiliOrl or provis.inn of this COnlraLt (or th~ Jrr1ic<lti()[1 ther<.:of to ,lilY cireurH!:>tanc.; (II' p.::r,;..n) "haU oc declared in.....did or lm~'nfo,-t{~~ibk to any nl~'m by ,l wurt ("It" comr.;t~nt .iurj:idiclioJl_ the rermlining t~>mlS. UlYCrI<ll1t::., ~'ondit ions ;lIHI pro \ i~jnrl:), L)f thi-.. COtll rilet sh<d 1110t be atTcdnl t hi,;n;b\"~ ~1ll~1 ~::1'.;h r~!~Minin_:;: krm_ COi"cnam. cl1ndition and pTOvi:-;ion of thi~ COlltT:);,::1 :;.hall l~ \'alid and ~hall he enforceable to the flJUcs.1 c'i,1enl r~rlllitk:d by la\v llflks.s. tlH~ ~~ntorccrrwrlt of the remaining krms" covo.:mmt~, condit ions ,mJ provi~ions of 1his Contrac1 would prcven1 the accomrlishment of the origiJlal inll:nl of Ihi~ ('Ofltr<lCI. .1 h~~ C O~lnty ,t[l(1 COil! moo r agree to rdorm rllc Clmtraet to repLteiC allY sl rid';l'll pmvi~jon \~ ilh a valid pf(n"i.~ion lhat comes. <I~ dose <.l~ pu~sibk 10 lhc inln11 or 1h.; stricken prOV'-';lon. d} Atturn~y's F~l~ and COSh, The County and ConlLfll;tor agree that in th~ L'wnt an}' C,lU.~C (lj" adion (lr ad minj"trat ivc proceeding is initiated or Jcfi.'ndcJ hy any P,lrty rdatilT 10 th~ ~nt()rcl'm~nt or in1errretatinn of this CnntraL1. the prevailing rmrty s.ffilH be ~~nlitkd to rcasofiabk attorn~:,"'- _~ tces. coun co.sts_ invcstig,1ti".c. ,mJ ('lIt-or-po<.::kd c.\p~:m;c:;. <t~ ,Hl ,lIva,-d ~l~~~in::.{ {h(' nOIl-prn'LlEliH); pany, ,"lIld slJ;~tl iJldud~ J.t1NTlCy\, t~c-s. eourt~ U1Sh. inH~s,tig.lH i\~. and nut of rOd~~l (:':>.:perh~~s, i n <lpp~~ lLl1 e proceed ings_ M.;d iat ion J.Ho;;(:'cdjn.u~ init jat.;d and eLl ndLlctl2'd purs.uant to thj.~ Contract ."hall he in accmdance v...ith the Florida Rule~ of Civil Procedure and usual and customary proc~durcs relJuired by th~ drcuit court of \1onroe County. c) Riru:l ing [IT~cl, The ICrlJ]::;, ("0\ I.:: JlLHl I S, <::ofldit ill IlS , and pw\'i:.-iuIlS (d- 1hi~ ConU;K1 ~h,lll bind :1ll~1 il!lm..: 10 1h<: bcnd'l o~- the C(lunt,. ,md Contrac!or JnJ lh...'ir r~'srl.::(:ti\"L' k:ga~ rcprc,~cnlat i....es. succeSMm.. and a,~,~igJls.. 1) A uthoril;.:, Fflch p,trl y rcpr~stH1S ,mJ v,'arranb to thl: otl1n I hal thl.:: <.:xecutiun_ ddj, ~ry and pcrj()n~latlc<: (l~. this COil! rael lun' b..xTl cJd!.,. ,m1 nu riL~'J by alJ n~'c~'ssar.,: ('u L1llty and ('on1r:.l~:1 or ~lc1 j,Hl, ,IS rClJuircd by l<.l1\". g} Claims for "l'tknl or State All!. Contractor and Cnu!lty ::Jgr~c that ~:adl ~Idl h~_ dnd j,~. ~!~lPO II'crcd 10 apply fur. sl~d;.. tmJ oblain h::r..kTal anu stJ!~ ~iLJHJ.~ to hmhcr the ['urpose of this Contract provided thai all appliC<lliuJJ::;. rl.::qu,~~b, granl pmp(~sa]s. and funding solie ilat j(lTlS stwJJ be approv~d by each rarty prior lO ~LJbrni:<,~in r1. IIJ :-\djlJdical ion or Disput cS Or Uislt~reCml'nt~. ('ounty' and ('nrumLJor agree 1 hJ1 all di~pllk~ and lh;;agr~l'mcnls shaH be rluC'lllp1 cd t~1 be n;solvc'J by meet and conkr scs_sions bct\vccn I'Crrc~eJltativcs of cw.::h of the partic,~. If no rcsoh.uion can bl: ,lgrc~:J upon within 30 days aller I he- tir<...t nK~~:r :lrId conkr Sl:~sion, the ISSUe' or iSSLH.'S ~hall be (li.s.cu:'.sed at ,l Pllb!ic IlK'ctillg of th~ Rn:lrd of COUJlly Commi~~ion~n;. If the i~"liC' (If i~~ue~ :m: ~ti1] Jl{l1 ri.'soln~J to thr: ~rHjsj:h:li(ln o~' the rarHe'S. thl'n atl:'<. r;~rly :sh,~ll haq~ th~' right to Sc'c'K ,~L1ch rcllef (II' 1'C'tncdy :LS may be prov;(kd boY this Contract or hy florid:l law. n c ()opcrat ion. l Tl Ihl.:: C\ ent any <.ltlministrat j\,~: Of ll,;g~lJ procc~'Jing is in:-;1 itut~d ;1~~~i i fl~l ,'ith'-T party r<.'bl mg h~ 1 fh~ bn'1Jl j(ln. I.::Xl'C:.Jt ion. pcrt;lrr!B.ncC. ~) I' brl.:tdl M. 1 his C (l nt ra;..'L COl1n! y :H\J C()ntractor Jgrce to p:lrtiC'ip,lh:, to th..: extenl required hy the othtr pan y. in all rrrll'C"C'rlin,~-s, hCflrings. pftlu:s..<;e~. m~e1jng". and urhc-r ,leI ivit ies rcJaH~ to the suh"tancc of this Conl n.n.:l or provision of th~: s~:r\"icl.::"s. unJer this ('OJ1tracL (\, unty .Uld Conlr<ll.::tor specitlcally :l~rt{~ Ihal no rarly to thj~ Contmct sha 1] be n'::(juircJ 10 enter ill10 any :ll'bitmtiOrt pruc<.:ec.Jings. rL'Jat~d to lhis COfllnt~~L cJ j) f' ondi$criminathm. Counl)' and C Onll'liCtm agr~~ that I herc \\. ill be n~) Jiscrilllirla1 ion again~t any pc-rson. and il r~ cxpr-~~~sly lJtld~rstoDd that u[wn <l Jckrmina1 ion by a court l1f ;:ornpcl~llt .iuri~J i~.1 [Dr! th..lt di~crjminal intl has OCCUITl'J. ,hi, ('(lnt 1'.'1\:1 rmtomil1 ically rcrmjnat~s withollt an.y furtkr :Ktiol1 CH1 the p;:ir1 of any rar1y. cffi:CliH~ lhc dat~ nf th~ court orJlT. ("Dunly Or ('omra(tur agr~c to comply v,.ith a!J h:l.Jcr<ll and Florida "latutcs, ami allloc<lJ DrJ tn<lrH;~~';, a,;, :lrpli';:lbh~. relat ing to nonJ lslTiminu1 ion. Th~s,~ incbdc hut arC' not hmih.:"u [O~ ].~ T itlC' V 1 of the Civil Righls Al't uf 19f4 t PI ~S-J s.:n which prohihrlS discr!miIwtion (lJl thl' b~s.i~ of rilce, L'l1lor or nanonal orig in ~ 2) T i1 k l X 0 r rhe r:dLli:at ilm At~1Cndrnent of 1 q!~. as JJl K~rlJcd {20 U SC ,~, I ~81 168:1-, and ~ (Ji'l5-16S(}), ~vhi(:h prohlbil:s Ji::.crimjnal ion 011 lhe hasis of Sol'X; J) ~'kdion 504 of the l~ckibililation Act of 1 Y7J. <1-'. amended (20 use s. 7(4). which pl'0hibih disL"riminal iOll (lll th\? b..~is of handicars~ 4) The Age l"")iscriminati0n Ad of 1975, as amcmkJ t -L2 L SC ss. (Jl 0 1- (} l(7) whi.::h prohibil, dj~LTilllimt! iOll on r he bas is of age: 5) .J h~' Drug Ab\l~;':: Ollil:l. .tJld Trc;~lm(:"nT r\(:"t of 1972 (P I. ()2-:2 55). as amended. relating to n.om.J iSCfiJlliJl;lt ion on thl. b<l~is (l r Jrug abusc~ h l ThL~ COlllprC'hcn~i\"e Alcnhol Aous.e and Akohnlism Pre\cnlion. 1 t(:'atlll~:[l1 dtld R;:Il:lbilitation Act nf 1 '! 7() {PL y. 1 -(l 1 ()}. as mnendeJ. rc Ill! il1g 1<) nondi.;cr jlllinmjotl nn The- basi" of aILoJml ab~,~~ or alcohDlism~ n 1 hi.:" I'ubl il: H~.,llt h Scrvi~:c AC1 of 1 q 12. ss. 523 and 527 (42 use s:s, 690dJ-3 atHI 7.90(;(;. J l. as. amended, r~l[)t ing to wnfic.knt iaJily or nlcohol and orug abl1:,;~ prd(;nl records; H) Tirle V III (If the Civil Rights Ad of f 96~ (.t:! use ". C! :s~q. L a:s amended. rC'Ll1 ing to nOlld Escrimmation in tn..' sak. r..'nlal vr fmJn.c jll~ of h(")usjn~: ~}) The Amc[]l:<ms with DIsabilities .-\Cl ~lf J 4'-,ln (42 l. SC ". 1 ~O l Nn1 d, rh rllJyb..:: ar:K'mkJ frOI1l time to tim;;. rd<lliJlg to [lOJldis.~rfllli]latiOTl on lhc b."l:',i~ or l1i;>.anilil)-': 10) ~.1onm.: County ('oue Ch. U. Art. VI. prohibiting Jisc..:riJlLin.<llion on lht bas~~ Mrace, color-. s~~x. r~ligion, di~abiliry. national origin. ancestry. <.;~xual orientat ton. g~tlder identity or e-xrre,~sion. tiunili,.j I ~Ial \.IS or age: and I I) any other nOll(j iscrimination pfm.j,.;i0n~ in <ltly r ~'dcral .1f (',taTc :-:;r:lIu1l,;~ whid1l1wy apply III Ih~. p,lTti1.:s ln, Or lhe 'subjcl:t mallcr of, thi::. COlllraCI. k) CO\"Cllal1 l of I\{I T 11 tCn:'SL (\~llnry and C ll11lractor CO\"i;"n:ltl1 1 ha1 ncithn pn:senl i, hi.3S any in1.::re~l. .iIH.1 "ha~l rl(lr a;;.'l (1 if~~ any inkr-~',.;t. \\ hr(:h \\"~~11 ~d con rh,;l in an\" r~la rlrl~r ~'T lkgr('l' with Ib pc-rt()[]11<lnct' under Ihi." Cnntrdcl. dnd that only interCi;l 0 r eadl is. 10 pcrlorm and rc,civ~~ bcndits as r;.;~ik:J in thi.o; COl1tra~L I) Code of Ethics. County agl\::';:S 1 hat otlkcrs. illlJ \,;Tllplo~;(:"c;j of 1 h~. COllIU)" n',~(1g11iz.., am.! wiH tJ..c rcqu ir~d TO l:Olllp Iy Willl 1 hL' <.;tanclardf, (If cllnduCl tor pu\.'llk nflkcr,;, and ~lllpktve~.~ as Jdim::atcu 'l1 Scdion i 12.313. FJorida Slatuh:'s. regarding. hut not iimit~d to, ,,~) ljcitJ110tl L) r acccp1 anc," of gith; do ing bll,im::s~ with on.e's Jgency: unauthorized CUmrl'Ils.1t i01l; ml:.;,LJ<;,C' ('If pub1 ic pO:,;irinn. (Oll f1i~1 irtg l:rllploym;.;nt (lr L,mlractU<ll rl' Jat io nship: ~H1J J i~clo.-;L1rc \}r use Df i:crtain jllf()rmation. m) [\ 0 SolicitalionfP.a}"meru. Thc County anJ Contractor warrant that, in H:.spect 10 itself rt has l1~tthcr C'mp!oycd nor- r~~laifl~~J :my cl1mp<my or person. oth~r than 3 hona tide empl0 y..:<: \\.l'rk in); ,oldy fl)r i1. 10 soJj.ut (~r secure this Contract and I har il ha~ rlu1 paid ('r lt~'Tn~~1 1L1 pay any pl'r~Oll. ,'nr:lp,my, (;(lrpDratL,}n. mUl\ idual. or ~]rm. oth~f thsn d l:'lol.)il;j Il~k <:rnpl(lYl:"... working ~l) lely fi.)f iL flny ICe, COI!HlLj~:..ion. pen::cmage. gift. or olh~I Lf)n.~kierali!)n conI ing;;;rl1 upon. or resulting fr.,m the a w:lfd or mak ing or thi~ Cl1ntnlcl. For the breach or violation (11" th~~ pro....j~PDn. tho.: Contractor agr~~s thai th.: (.'0 unty shall htlVl:" Ih\:: right 10 temlinJtc thi:{ Contract w ilholJI li"bil il Y and. it! pI <; Jisl:"rdjon. to ofts~t from monk-~ owed. or olhcrwisc rl.cov~r. the fu U amount .1 f such f~c. comrni%ioTl. plTCt:E1tJgC. gift. or comidcralio!l. 11) Pu blic Acl.'css. The C .JUnty and ('on1 rador sh..t1l aU(lW and permit I~a~0nahlc ai,;CC~~ tl'. ,mJ i!1spl'~'t t'-JJ1 nL all d~XIHlll:]]b. par..TS. ktkrs or .nhcr mJr~frab ill ih P(l~~l',si(1n or :-1 under its ~Olll rnl "~ubjeel to I he provisions or Chapter 119. rlorjda Stat ut~~s, and made ur r~~c(:iv~d by lh~~ County ,md (.'ontractor (Jl conjunctilHl with lhis. Contract: and the Counl)' s.hflll have tt!;.; right to ul1jl,lkr:lIly caned thi~ COtltfaetllpoll violfll inn (]fthi"~ prllvision by ContnlCl 01'. 0) Non- W3~vCt. of Immul.it~,. Not.....it!l:;1 ~nd ing the provi:;;ion<.; c)f Sec. 768.n. rlorid<l St<.lltjk~, the partieipal ion (J r the County and the Conlnlctor in thi.~ ContraCl and the acqllisil ion 0 r any co mJl1l:rtifll liflhility insllmncC' coverage. :=.clf insumnee ~ovC'rfIge. nr loc,d govcrmILenl linbilily lJl~uraJ1n; pool Lov~rago.: s hrj 11 nIl. he Jeell t~~d n waiver 01' iTl\munity h} the Gxtl,;nt or liahility coverage, nor ,~h<.lll ~m)' contract ;.;nt(,;rcd into by tli{: County h~ rcqllirl,;d to cCtntHrll 3011)' provision 11:)r wfltver. p} Pri~. ilcges and lmmun Hies. All of th~~ privileges [lnd immunities from li<1bilil y, n,;clllptions from I<1w:.-. ordinancc.~. al1l1 n!lc:<. find p~nsjon~ and relict: dis.<lbility. workers' l:OIllpl.~n:"al ion. and other bctldits whieh apply 10 the <lL1ivity of otlkcrs, agents, or ell'p10Y~l:~ of any puh lie agent,: or ,,;lllP in yees 0 f I he Co ~ml y. wh en p~~rfi.mtli n~ t h~ ir rcSpl,{; live fll ncti 0 IlS und er thi~ (\mlnlct within t11e tcrriloriallimiL~ ot'rhc Coullty 6.11:111 arrly to tho.: S~l11C d~gree and l"Xh:nl to Ihe pcrllll"mance of sUl'b functions. and (I ul i~~:'j of "~uch o tllccrs , 3g~nts, vo~untl"Cr:\,. (J r ~~mpio yecs out~ido.; th~~ tcrritoria~ limits ofttw County_ q) Legal ObJil::aliou:s and Rcsponsibililics; l\on-DckgnHolL of Con'Stitutional or S1.a1 1.11 or:o.' Duties_ This ConI m.;:t i~ not inll'f1(kd to. nor ,~haJl it oc ClHlst rLJ(~d ai>. r~]je\,jllg- ~1I1y participating entity from any (~blig:ation or rcs.ponsibilily impns,cd upon th;: l~Jlt;ly by law except to the extenl of a~~llJft.l fUld t imeiy pertlHm~lnce thcr~of by any pllrti~jpal ing entity. in which case the pcrf()rm,.Hl~x may b~ otlcred in sati.sfJ.(:ti~)n of thc ohlEgm ion ur n~spon~jbiljry. furthl'r. 1 his. ConI rJct is not inknJe(1 to. nor shall it be 0.:011::;1 rued tiS, aLlthorizing the ddci~f1t i(1l] of th~ (orl;<;til ~Jlional or statutory tlul ics. of the County, l.:xel:p1 10 the extcnt pcrmitkd by the rlmida eon:-:tilution, ~tat~~ SlatlHC. and case bw. r) Non-Rdiann' bJ Non-Partirs. No person or l:"Jlt il 'j shall he- entEtlcd 10 rely ,lp(1n th~ lC'rm~. or any of th~"m. {l r I his Contract to entbnx ur fjl h,.":'lllpt to c-ntcm:c [my 1 bird pany L laim or entitlemeTlt 10 or bL,;FlCl1t 0 r any service or progmrn ~~ontemplated hcro.;unJ~T, ,lnd the (~ounty and lhe ConI r"oor agree that neither dK County nOl" the Contractor or .llly agent, officer. or nnplo~;~~~~ of either shall havo.; th~~ ,tul hor-ity 10 intorm. counsd. or 01 herw is.c indicate that <:my part tCll lar ind i"jJmd or group 0 f. individuaL" or llny elltil)' 0 I' cnl ities. hav..; enl ilkr~lcllh or benefits under lhi~ Conlract ~cparate amJ <tp<'lrt, inrnior 10. or s.ur~rior to the ~OJur]\unity in g;.;ner<"ll or I~lr the pllrpOtleS contemplated iT] l his. Coni mct. s} Attestations. COlllwrtor agrccs to execute such JO~Llmcnt<;, a<;, the: County may Tcasonabl.y rcqu in;, to in.: lude a PLLbHc lnt it.y ('rir~ll:" StatcmrnL an Cthics StakrneTlt. :md a f)l'U~" frn~ \\'orkplrKC StaletllL:nL t) No l~l'Pion;d ti3bilit)". No covenant or <lg-rlTlm"nl ~~ontflin~d h~reirt .~hall tx: deemeJ to b~" (j (:(l\/,'llfllll ~)!' :Jgn;en1ent of allY member, II tliu.::r. .1g~:nt (lr (:t1lploy~c of lv1onnK" Counly ill his or her individual capacity, and no ml.:HIlx~r. offlrer, agent or emr10yee of Monrm~ COUtlly shall be liable- rcrsonally on Ihi~ Conlfad or b~: ')uh.ied to any pcrs.oned !i<lbilily Of accountahility by [ea~Pl1 of HlC C"\~"(::ul j~)n orlh is ('antral'!. u) F. x CCU t~ 011 j n C ou n tc rpa lis. Th.is ConI raCl maybe ex ceu too in ID y number u f counterparts, each of which s.h..lll he r(,;gardcd a;s an original, all of which tilko.;n logctkr shall (1 ........)~I~')L I. 1..1 L... ...)JJ.... ~~J I'\.J ~J L..... ";'~4r II..... .1 u.... ...r........ ,. ......... ... r' ~. . . J bJ Sit!lljTl~! <iny :-:-.<J~~ 11 <;ounl :::rr:i[1. \") Sectiun Hl.:'adings. S~'~'l ion heLtti tJlg:, han' bC(:[l jll~~'rln1 in I h i~ ConI rlld a~ .1 Jl]~.l kr n f .::om crLiclKT (l r re krept(;:(~ ollly. ,11l~1 ir j:-, ngr;:(:~j thHt such ~l'~'llnll hl'ad ing~ arl' nol a part o I I h LS COtltraCl :lnd will nnl he ~~S~d U1 tJ1e m1crrrelatJDB 0 [ Llny proVISIUIl o. LJLJ,~ ldJJ1Ll<1.U. 1': \VITl'lF:SS WIIF:RF:OF. th~ (\"'funt)' Jnd Cnntr~l'tnr hJ\.~ ~.WU1tl'J this C"onlr<lL"t <.is of ! he ua \. mJ \.~',1r J<1:-.1 b~'lo\\. written, ~uld sudl (1,1{"; ~h:tll be I k ~'Ili;:c! r\ " dal (~ or" [11 i.~ l" 0 11[ rflcr lSFAU ATTEST: DANN"{ L KOLHA(IL CLeRK BOARD ()J-" COlJ NTY COMI\.IJSSION I::J{S OF \.10\ H.Ol-" COt N.] y, fLO" I D..\ Ucputy Ck'rk \-1ayor"( 'h[ljrmal1 l):u(:'; l)3l~: CONTRACTOR: .-\ T T r: S 1 . . --- ....- .... ...- ....-. / .~. __ -~ -;C;;:;:'-T --- B~'--"'... --- _..L...~ . ....i.:)~'!.':::... ...' /<.';..'''',. J//.~ (~orporatl' S~cr~tal;. 01' N A rv.1 F (Pr i nt(:~i) _ T itk: ~ J J /:. .;>,' /. ~.~: Da k: ,... ... /, / . ~ \\.j Tr\ cSSL S: l. :...... ...-. , '/ /. -_.(C:::~. Dc.1:.. t,,.. ld1..>)"' \Ci }--..... .. ., ) __~ ,.',\- .\,r 1 ,v v1 v~ N:'\rVll- (Printcd) .\ .-l .VALL..i...'" 7/!..>c....-rtJ(JJ~- ., I , .:\ (1 I/.r~ I ^l r' . I/'lCr,.[ (. . .. r-.. A.\1 r: (Prinl ;tl) (Vj 4 f tJ 6 t I ATf ACHI\1 F!\jT A, ~ECTlO"" I 01' 2 SECTlONS: SPM.JHCATIONS FOR THE ....N..\1.\'TlCAI. ,ARIUHVE AfPR,\lSA.I. HEPORT (;~nual. [11 ll1~ p,.cpa,JtioE ,lll h:.~ r.:p,m. the {\mll'<lctor ;;.hall j~'llo\>' i~lLrrCtll pf(lJC~~,,"";ll 'lI'pJ"ili~ll pnl~1 iL~CS g-,u~.c! i,;ml~ltkr.iHion it> Lhr~\: ;\jlrl\">ach,;., to ..."IIL~, n"tne~\". tllc. C<.'~[, 1,)Cl'IllC (.~pl1;lli ,<11 iLl]) and ";>k.~ Cnrnpilrist,n. UTli~.,~ n~bcr\\"i~(. ~p{;("11il.>1Il~. s{~led ir' I ht: C;)t1Lme-L. SI."llld ~.crlaitl <iprf(l,i(.I1~~ ,:r r.:quir";nLcnt~ ~i.'vl.r"::cl in ~bl'~c -;pc'\:i 1.1L::lli'ln~ {H,lt be applitablc to lh(~ ""~lgnlU,:tlL theconLTadual obi ig,H ion GLTllx fulfilled by i~krll i t}.itl~ that appnlaL:h ,)1. rcquirc11wnl to~(;th~r wi~h ;j brid c;o;.pl.lTl;iliml tOr its mIli~~in" (u~., i.ln aprr~i,>"l ill \'oh-ing lllnl.l ...,,1 Ll.11 i{ll' ollly). Supr~~m.::nUlry ,>p~c1ll.:alit)lb m<l}" be IlJl l!isllOO a~ n~x..,.~~r}" III tll':: aprr~i,>,,' ~1t" ,p0eifLc rropcrli..,.~, FormllL TflC rcpoL1 ~h,ill h.:- bLlLJr"ld in b(">(,k-f~-;llio". in {bc ldt tTt~rf~ill, ir"l a ch.fable <.::,~wr wi[h tll.:: C,lunty C(lT!bKt \lumber ~m Lhe:- t~~:..,. L!I\::rL~lf. rh~ p.lp<:r u~Nl Sll~~t bc t~r~(l(ld ~;T<J.di::, mitlimum }fl.p"IL,"1 w.:ig.ln. l)f ~i:.r(' 1; '..0 h}' II ilh'~1e~. ..\I~r."~t~~.~ ~h~Jl lx' mll)lb(~r\:d L:':"~GCU'.~vGl}', irH:IILLlr;l~'. illl cxhibih. ""d L;<ld"llmp()rLaTll h..,."ding ~bil~1 0': ~llll\\''1 nlllL~ T,jbL of C{lntcnl~, To provide tltljj~'mlily iC.T (:l\untl,i jlk~. th~, kxt ~f1<3ll be di...id~d in!n fnl.Lf part~ l\~ llwlinetl helo",.. PART [- INTJ;tomJC'I'lON I. TITI.F l'A(:E. Thi~ ~h;.Lll Ln<:ILLdc (:J) tl1.:: nH1;1,', i L1Tly, nfth~ profl~ny. th~ SLr()Ct aJdrc~~. Hnd th~ l~gal J.:scrirtl~'n; lb~ thc n~mlc.: ('fl h~, inchviJu~;(~) mali "g Hw r'::fI'i'rt. and (~.) tb~ dl~';LlVL dali:: o[thl:" fC1)(IT~. 1. T,\ Rl. F OF (.O.I\iT[NTS. 3. 1.Ii,Tn: K C)I~ TRANSMIT!' AI.. 4. PHOTOGRAI'IIS. I'ictun::~ ~h,iH ~ll(lW ;J[ IGlst the front ekva1ion nl" lhi:: major impn.m;nlL.:r:ll,;., pJus any uml~lLal k"lurCS. Thcre ~hould ab(llx: Vl~WS of the 3rCll. ,i~ ;ipp.(tprlillc, induding pT(lp(~r1ic~ ;Jblltting and dir~'(;lly (fPP'D~I1L. When ,i l~rge:- TllLlI~htr ,)f I~L.ollding~ ~rc in'i'.1lv<;Ll, ~1~cILLdiL1f( duplicHte~. i.m~ pli:1LLr..:: tn8.Y oc ll';1.;d 1(11. ~>1~'h typ.:. Vi~'.,"~ lll'~h~ comrar~bl.::~ j~ollld b,' i:ldllLkJ. [-,:"'~'ept fllf :hc ,lvc"nLll vic~\, pJhlLogrHrh~ rWJY hc hnutld as p,ig{;-; f:OwillL:: lllC Lli;;.(u~,;.ion (IT d{;~~rirll(~1l wJl iell the I'ho:'l!~T>Lph~ ~\ITlc'(;r!l. :\lJ gTiirhic' Ill;iI{;Ti,ll ~ll~~1 ini.'lude (,~tpti(m~, hlcl) L'Ll;~y t)( Lhe- rernrl -;klll com:ILn originlll ~:r.11or phnh'gr:Jph~. If digi.htl phnH)graph~ arc (j~ed. prim ij1L'lliEJ' shall be of 1111i,; quality, and :J Cd L:n!I!~Lnln~. lhi:: di.!,(Ltal im~gl':';. ~h~ll be attached H) the imi~k fivrll C,}~cr ofthe rqJOrt, 5. S fATF..M F.NT fW l.1M ITINe CONDITrONS A N[) ASSL MYfIONS. 6. Rf,FVRFN('ES. [fIKd<:ITed. llWY \l<,~ ,I\Own witll Jpp:i;;ar.k ~ppm;lL:h. P,\RT II - FACnJAL DATA 7. r'U~ I>OSE OF THE APPRAIS/\.I u Tbi~ -:hall indudc thi: rca~on j~rr Ih~ .1ppraisaJ, a defmition of "ll";JhL(:f, l'eq III r.::d , <:Iml a tk~nirl i,m nl"th~ propcrtv righb uprr;it~(:ll. 8. I.I((;AI. Ilt:SCRIPTIO!ll. The:- leg"l dl.;'':..t~nrtHm .~Ii:llJ be ~o (.umrlclc:- ;J'> lu r.m)I,crly idemify the pn1pcrly ;Jppr ~l:;L,L [[lCLlgthy. it ~hOl:ld b~ l'd-t1'eni.'ed ilnd indudcu in P<lT1 lV. 9. ,\RF,\, CITY. AN n Nld(,HBORHoon n..\TA. Tflh (lat~ shclutd indllde ~u,,;h illl(mlLdlHln as it arTccb the ~lppr..i~cd r roperh.. t<\I.:!:>..tlwr ". i t h Illl'" ,J f.'pr ,L i .<c'r ',; elln c) uS i l)~ ~ llS t II S i~ fl i fi ~;;r: I I n:mk ]0. PROPf.,RT\' rMTA- A. SlTt; - Dc~e-r i be th (~ ,>(li L lL l~H)r.rallll), p un lie or rri...wc.:: <I(~("l.,"',> ;JlH 1111 i 1 H LC~. IlH II.::ra t rlep(}~tt,. c:;j~CrTI (~rll ~, <;[L'. .."\ ~t;il(~rn(~rll rlIlJ~[ b~ rn~{lL i::onccrning the ex i~H;nn~ (IT T1orl~;"l.>tCtli::':: t}f mineral dl-1Xk'iil~ h.I'>'ing >1 <:ommcl"cial ".aluc. H. I\Htl{OVE.,'\tENTS - Tlli~ d~~,:np~~orl may h~ by l)ll'T~ti~"e or ~dHxllLle:- li.1!"rll .md ~h;lll tnclud.:: djmm,i(ms, ~'ubic <lndi{,,- ~(llJ~r,~ 1(101 HI~a~llri::mi::1H~. a!ld when:: appT(lp"!"i"lc, ;J ~LrlICnl<:rH of '-hc ml:lhud uf Lm::,I'>llr('rll,'rll 1J~.x1 in dCLCrmi,)LJl;;' fCI~LalJle- ,-,~l'..~ ~ucl1 <'~ hlll fhlor, ~l~ILIL,lm.iJn':~i. CLl'. C. EQUIPMENT - Thi~ ~h..11 Ix: dcs.::ribcd by n:lTr~tLV(; ~lT ,dl<.Alllk l'lnll aml ~hilll itlclude ~il item~ or .::guiplllcll1. illcluding a sllitcrm::nl (,f 111(~ Iypt; "ml V""pnsc {1fthc cquipmi:nt lind it~ ~WI<: (It" (:<lrmib;.I t"ahfHL Thc curr.::n( ph}'$l<.;;i I (.'H1Jili,.m "nd ,cl;HlV(; u;,..c :Jnd ,}b~()k,;.e".TKe ,h~ll b<.~ ~I;it<.:d l~lr (';Jeh lt~rn {)r grnup :Jp]1r1:li~cd. and wl1e[lc'.'c.::r ~ p I,l i.::a b lc, tn..: repair ('I" rc'p.~ee-U1 ,.1l1 r(~q lI' r<'rll r;lrH ~ Ln hr Lng tn.: ftrc:lpCrL \ tn U~~i h l~ C'OTH.ti lion. iI, rl Y I"<.~ 1;" ~d p~1"~L11l8li h ~)r {;\juipm..,.rl1. "'K:l, ..~ L'::llan~ oradc fbture~. Wl1idl arc ntH ,'H~cl1c..d n, L:Prl~ldcl'cd p~rc l}f thi:: fC,llL". ~hall he ~ep~"!"~t,.ly tn~.c'lltoricd. \1,>'11(,r{; "ppii(";Jl'k, ~hL;".,.c tk[:Khilble Llr indi,.idlJ~l]y o~q.cd il(;lI1~ .,h"lI bt; ><,:p;Jr;JL~lv \.;lI,lCd. D. HISTORY - Sr,d-t ~l1'idl}" [hi: pUf(XlS--C for whie-h the imprr.1\'c.::rTLc.::rlL~ w~~r~ rle~t~loo. dales ,)f origitlal ~()n,hudjotl atld Inajor fcnoval!~m Hnu'or ~uditi(m~; im:lw.l~. Il}r P~I\.<3tcJy owned prop.crty. a five. Y~T T(~l'nl it,; Ln ~dl p"n:{.;I, (1[" ,L1l salc~ ;Jlltl, 1I"p\\~sibk, ofkrs Lo bu}" or ~ll. ~Tld rCl.;(~rll kil~(~(~l; I r Tin sail: wi!hm dle J:J~t five ~.l~r~. indude a rcport of tb C l,l,t F. ASSF.SSF n VAr .U"~ ANn A:'II ~tJ.-\L TAXE:-; Jndude tbe ~lI<T(;'ll "-;~(',>~r",'rlL ;.ond ;lrlr"lll~ I "1lH>uJl1 of rC<3l c~t'ilIC 1>IX"~ 'illd ]r.ci<::~tc th~1~X y"aT tO~dhcr wi~h 1hCTlIarkeL ICvd (>fUl;>;'C~ fUT 1h~ PT(1Il-Cl"ly on dlltc (tf";iprmlisaL I.u~urc tr~ Ild~ or p["\-";;pC"1,; li\"(:: ,~ha I1gcs l n th C k"..~ I ~l t"ta)l(5, s lloulJ be di ~~ u~~t;ld. If th c propC11 y i ~ II ~ft ta :>..00. th( llppr ,i i .,(~ .,IH)LIld c,>,i rWIt\: lllL .l~'L~~t1lCnt. SL~lll:-1h~ !,~^ I"at,::. and gi v.~ lh~~ {1.111~1" <lITIOLlnt oI"tlw I,J>;. ~~LirnalG. F. INSURANCE - \.i.,\'~ ;~K e~timllLcd ~lll(:; p~r [hnl!,..md ;:m..;. tlll" ,LTIl1LJ,11 COSt (>i. 'Ld~qu<i.k inSLJrall~'e (lwt n.cc-c:-;:-;i.~ r il 'of prc~I..'.n I L:( ~.....~r8 g.{:.1. (;. 1.<)1"11 1:,,\(; - D~::"..'ribt;- Ill~ I{'rlll~;l for ~L1hi..::n ;1!Hl L:plllp;HaI"lL~ l'r,'p(;:l~~.~ (~~.h",.~ gLl,..::Ft1I~lcnt lm T!Cl,l, ~I ;Jk' '\ IEl 1.C'lning might r!;.~~(m~Jbly b<:: alltj~ipl:ltcd lm~k.'T pT1Va[f ('IwncrshipLmd i f"r~/(lTIing. i, imminl-"Ill. di~~u~~ funbtr under hem 11 PART III - ANAl. YSES 1\'"0 CONCLl. SIO,"S 11. ANAL \'SIS OF HH.; U 1'~o;T A.r.I 0 BEST LSE. Tl1~ I'cport ~hllll in,~hA~. <lTI in-Jcpth ~n:;ly~i, llt" lh(~ llil:.h~">l ..md .r>..::Sl lL,~. IkJl ~.;lrl .~-2 m~d..; llf th~. rr(~p~~rly (l;lrl;:! ~L1d ill1PTO\.Clll(~nl;, ,HId ~,.l1cr..:: ~prliC~lbk 111~,:1Iirl~ry .~Ild ..::qLlipl~~lLt) kr ".hldl thcre is if i::LJIT~1~t rJl<rrk~L. T11f; ~.alLlillion ,h~H oc ll<L~~d on tl1 i~ Ll~. whil'h ~hUllk~ ~ fnlH1d 1(1 bcphy,ic<:Illy p<.r.>sible, I~gal]y pcm" ~ ~ i hi <), f. Ila nCLa I l:v fCilSLbk:. ~ mJ m'" x i ma Il)" prodti<::ti ...c. Tb.: T~~ ,;,<)n mg bell in d thc ~ppr<:l L~er. ~ i.:OrK I L1~ inll shaH he fu ll}' c....plainct.l. 12. LAN!) \'.-'\ LUI,~. T~K apl~miscr's orin it'll ,)flh~ value of the l~nJ Sblill is.:: .~lIp'p.)r[fd b.f ~(lllfitlnC"J ~lcs t,r(~.l'l~p~[.~hl~ liltld,. DjfferCDi::C, ;lllllt b(~ w.;ighcd a!ld explained to ~ll(fwho...... L11.:' ,ale~ indieiltc the '.'<illH,; (~rrh~ I;ltld bcit1:;! ilPpniis;::d .\djlL~[IlI~r,l~ ,fJnulJ x Jt1i,{k frOlLl th;,; ~"k, ~n LIK ,ul,je.::t. cLdl~r iTl d'.1lh,r ,"~li1dnL., or p..:rc,;ntlig{;~ k,r ,,;1 ,If.'~l:i~'~bL clcmcn t ~ 0 f. ~'ollLp.ari ~(1TL. 13. V.,U.UIi, ESTI M'\:n~l) HY COST APrRO.'H~II. Thi~ shaH be: in tllc foml of ~:nrn~~Lttati ~~ daUl. :mallgi...'tl in ~~I!en~e, I1cgilming \,,.iLh repro\.h~L;1 iLlTt 111" f~pla(.::mcnt co,t. inlU ~hill1 ~!8t~ [h~ ,nufCC of all j;gUR~ l~~L;oll. Tb~ dnllilr ;i1~1I.1:Hlh {'I.physi~al dc1criormioll and li..LTI~1 iurldl a,H1 c....krnal {)b~oles.ccn{'c. \IT lll(~ i.'1l11~~inr:l {,I' ~~me. shall be l..~pl'lill~{: in narrative Jl)rLTL. (Thi~ prpf.:<)l.ll!r~ may r...:: omiuL't.! o[] LlllrT(l\."';ITI~~I1L~, hL1Hl r~ill ilnd rcr-:;.on~l. l()r......llidll.l[ll).;l ~l,ilgC or K.,.;l r' v81 L~ i, <:, t i mill cd.1. 14. ..... AI.lJE ESTIMA TF.. BY INCOMF CAPITALIZATION .o\PPROACH. Ttli~ ~hall ilKILJde ado=1L.tatc hH1u<ll dal8 W ,llppurl \;,{ch tir;ILT~ 8rHl Ibdnr us.::d and ~r.lill oc aTTti!lgnl in {l~~l~ikLt fmm 10 ~Jh1W {a) ;:;stimali...-U h'T"'~~ L;>,:(mnr:n;L. r~nt or EL1~om(': (bJ ~ll~IW~llW(~ f~)r '''-''L:;Jncy aTld credit lo~~~: (c) ~n itc.mi7<.:d ('~I iHl;iI<,: vf1ut81 ~~p'::llse~ jndudin~ r<.::~erv'~,,:; l\fT r~'p ~,lu~rn <:;nl: ;ltld l d) t1 ~t ofte[a<~n.~ LIlUll1L<:. C~I pi :<:ll i,,, t Ii.,n (}f rlO:L i n L'{'11h~ ~hilll bc at tll c r~H(; pr~"~ LI i llg I(lT Lf", ~ [!"p~ ("l f property <md lo(~tivr~. Th<.:: ~.'Jpit,,1 i~.8Li{)tl t<?~h!1 iquc. mcthod and r~tc u~ed sh,d I oc ",~pLlLTI"L"1 in narr<lti~.~ form ~uf.lpor~~J by ,L ,.[.1 L011L~.n L L' f "L ''-' r~'e., " f fa tc~ an d l<t l' Lor, l~. VAUJ[..~~nMATEBY SALESCOMI'AUISON APPROACU. Thisshllllincludclld(;(lU}lI~~ t~Jdl!;Jldata. All ~b LL~(~(l ~tl,lll h...; mll tir111ed hy tilt: ~L.i)l~r, ;;.clkr. brokc"T. or other pcr-;Oll~ haviElg knn.....l.::dgt: ofth( price. teml~.llnd (:(Hldi1ii.lfl~ of sille. Each l't~mpllriiblc ~h}ill b<.~ WL:tghl.'l1 alld '::.>lplain~d jl1 relation to thc 'Ulli~'"{;l pmpcrly In ill[li(:~t~ lb~ rca~oning ~~e~l irHi lht 8ppr;lLser. ~ ~.d..L( ~s~[mat( fr{nn this <:;ppro:l.ch, Au.i~]~llll.;rH~ ~hnLJld l}f rnad<: from thc ~ilks 10 lhc ~L1r.j\;n. ~i1~1~.r in dllll~r ~mo~InL~ or p~1"r~TII~I~(~~ fl'r all ilr.'I~:ic8hl~ d.::mcnt~ {If d)mpari~~)n. 16. l'>;TF.RPRF.T.lIr. TION AN D (:ORl!H.A TIO\ OF [STl~L\ TFS. TilL;" <lppr<<is.;.r ,l18l1 Lnt~rIH<:t the f,),e.l!~lilli! e~timl:ltc~;JI~d ~hilH ,lll1c tht: llppn{is~"T'~ re~I~OTl~ ......hy one (\t. mO~f ()ftlt~cnndLl,jon~ rCildH:d Ln [tcrn~ llJ~, (H.k <lM1 (1:i) 8rC rndlCal1VL:; i)f" th.:: lt1<lrkc:t ~a]uc nf ~h( propeny. l 7. Ct:KTIHCA"flON. This sh~1l indud{; l'l ~Wt{;m~ll! lhitl (\H11r~d~lT ll~~ !l{' undj,d".i.Cd jntcr.::~l jn properly. lh~t th",; dppT>I.,~~T h.{~ r(~r"n[l"lly in~p~,~~tt~ LllL:; pr.:'misc,;, ua:( and amoLlLlt OfYil1uc C~till111tC~. <.::tl'. p,\ RT IV- ~:XHlHITS Arm AI)I)}:N IJA (Vote: All m{lp.~. Iwd pJan.~ maJ' be h{nllld a.'. fadng pll!:(!~ (Jppfj.~ile the df!~(:(iplifm. ttIhu.lorion,. or di:.cu.~,~io1t tire)' COJ.c~'rJj. J HI. LOC ATlO:'li :\-lA.J"(S,. (CDunty, city. lind/of ~ir~-J:) 19. PLOT PLAN AND TAX "tAP, 20. FJ ,OOR PL\NS (\\,'twn Il~"\;d~"ll~: i.:~pl<li[1 nl~ valm~ c.~tlm8[~J. 1 L CO 1\ lI'.-\ K-\.TI\. E DATA .\1 AJ>. (Sbo\\. g~,,~grilpllil' l~:""iHL,)n ll[ tbl' arpTJ.i~cd proP\;Tly l'lnu liw (;(II.lr~T>I!;\'-'; "<lI;J anal)'l cu J. ~2. DET..'\JI. OF TH F: COMr"RA TJ\'Ii. OAT.4._ (l'hmn~T>lph ,lrHl pbl L1t Ux rmp ~fh1L1lrl ~ i!ldl!di"d kl1' L:;~(h com pal'il b~L). B. (HHfm n IlT I.' L.,.r f..XHIBlTS. 1'1. Ql ..U.lFI(:.-'\TIO'~. IULJlI ;;rl~r,'I~L:;r., 8rHhl] tcCI~:1I~18,1~ ~'}J1trrhu,;ng tll [tK I'~port). 2 ..\ TT.\(' II \1 F:"lT .\, Sf.CIIOt'i 2: Dt:F1M TlO~ OF TFR\IS I~STRlICTIONf': n"I;",LiL111'; apf'li,'~b]c Ii'; :l:, ~,mLI""c'[ 1"<"1" 'Irpr"i";I~ r"1),11"I >lr~ Cj, "d. <!<l 1:.21,)" : L 1I1(;III-:"T .-\.ND KP-i"]" t. SE. .1 hl' 111,',( ;",I"",j;;It>k I i k~l~ "",- ',<: III in ,h.: I~alill <,I" I"C'N'!l;lbk pr"J:.,<biIL~}. ~" ,,'~idl ~,;<I :HlLl Tt:I~[~<l ~1-;('";l: prnrcrty Can be p..Llor ad'lplcJ. ,mJ IClr".h.i,h :I>.:r'-' L'" <:ur'e[1[ r118rkL"1. '-L 2, F.,\J1( .\l.-\R I\.ET ",\ 1 T F. ('P..RKET YA I.l.T I.. T 11.: h I~II"" rl"i~c .:,Lim'<1l-C ir. .~.;ml' "rrr;nn,_, .... hi,.I, II'L' fr~K~L~ \\1-' !":orll'!.-=, II ~.\.p~):-:.-2d.I~~r :'I.dlc- I~ L1~l~l'l.n111~Hkd ~_'" (-l ~.....ik~r...~lILI i") "'\IIIIr~~ 11~J[ nt.h ~...h~ig;~~~d ll~ .:...,;11. ..1110....... iTI!!.1 r....~:-J-:-.I~ll~l~ll..... II 111 a:: 1Ll Jlnd..2! bu:y...~r ...d....."1 L:=i ~.. iJl i'l.~ t-.l:.( L1m ~~t-.li~i.ttl,j t~~ bu}. 1-:olh p;'I::-1 ~..::-. h.~.. L1Ig ~I k:hh'" h.:-.d~L ~)f .alllh(: U:-;L:-; tl~ \~ hi....I~ ;1 i':=. r1d.arl"':4.~ ~~r~{~ I~)r .......hldl il 1:-. 1.:,IJ~;Jb~..:.. i.ll' I":-(:i[l~ U:-..-2J ..... J, l<'..l"Ut ,"L4.I{~[T VALLIE. FOR tEASING PVRPOSE.S (F!\1\"t P')- Tf.<, j","r 1,,",k;,1 ,."IOJ" {l1'a I,d1<'11.' (>1" pan LLr'" ['ri'p",rl '" 1;\ lx, k."t.'d ny Ihe ("<'WHy wbi:lbl:1" general rUfr<'~e pn'pCr1)i or spec'i<~1 purpo,c l'f(lp<;n~' ,,,- " (-"'" 1:>'Tl"1;<.\11 l~[- tni",":r:...~>f. Thi~ hC"1~J~r.:J!: ~p~<il".':-o ~':'l i~ pr':'~j)c."TI~. ...p.....L:iil H) i..pn..LTLJol:1L...d pr rL::li"IPi:h.:Ia::d fDr 1-:.::a:-=...:- h) [11:...:- ('l~un~y. .. 4, SPF.CI.-\L l.SE "ALllE. Th~ m"rk,,,,I.~I.., :l;<';o'llr<.: L11.1h~ ,..11(,,-, ,,," "1<'"'' L,,...,' <'f:l 'llc'\:I"" f':cI L.'''': IKI'PC,,' lLI rH)\"ILk IL:o-,.(::.LLlr~~.,..,. :r..~r... L":-C. ,)J" I)(~)fll.:.t:.k-nc:..., i:lt':r.t)~ c tJl.... \.i3~U1':- ....If th(: I1rl)PLJ"{Y lr\~~'L'drll ~ r\..JTllpl..:-:-:.~ TII i.... \d Ilh': '.'-I.HI~~~ ~Iprl} I~) ~I l....::-:.r.:.;..:c irl rL.h"j(::--.~;(m, ;Ir~ :Id.i;-IL,:';":'I~ rr~~p~rl). h~'~LI~r: Ilr (J p~JhlL"" 1}J....jy.~ .:. 5. S,\1. ,.....GF. \-'..\I.l~. Ttw pri("c C"~~'.l;lblc l"r It.<.: .....hnk LTTlPCU,.<,:",,-,ll! (filT ",,,mpk:,,, tJILi]di[l~}. Of. parl <,I'LII<: ",hole illllll"<" ':IllCl1L r 1"1" c:>.Jmrk a riumbil1g tl.>.lurc). (clr rcmo\,al tr(lm [be prclll isc, fi,r u,;.; d~..:whcn;. 6. SCRAI' \ A I.l E. '1'11<: I,ric..: ~.\r<=i'1dhl.: tell' d l~n i'~-" pr,'!,c]'[\" 1<', ,<oil<: ~rlLl, c':lL1\ 81 .(<'m Ih.: pr.:mi,c, I'elr LII': ';"'L.:cl;J1l1i1::-:~n Ln. ~;'I.: .~ ;dIL"':-~: !.I h....: n,hi1.. rllrl~....:Tl;Ji :1...-;.:1 r~ li~- .....'.~i Ii.rd..;-, C'ITlKr J. rind nl~~ tLIT II~";- ,I"-. 1'rl?~n:~II~ i~II.":l:(L..:.:.~ . .', 7- I NSl:RA RI. F "..\ I .1IF,_ The rq'r~.JlI'':li''ll '.;(,,1 d i[l~lJr,<t>1c 11CrIL> (cm1,lrm'lio!1 ,.tN."''; ~,'ul1d\ "r..lt bULldlTlg~ 'lfJl1 arrUrlCllall'::C:;. Ie,s cllX:ftJed j1by>i('aJ dcrm;ci~ti()J1. !j, ,o;[ \."~K""'.' ('f: D.-\I\IA(;L L",.; j<1 ,;llLL': !II [II" 1"<!t1l" "lLng I,rol'~r[' ~s ,\ r~'lJll ,,1'lhc ~~k ill!> ,,1 <l f1;lrl 01' LI,<.: ~~~h:h:: p~I'P:"':ii:_...: IrlL.: dIIlHr~ILLI.;~r: l:rLb:...: EliHh,:1 \.IIL'.:nrlh.... r';;ldin.:.kr ;)P..':1 .1'" _~ rL..')ul~ ..~I-Ih(: ':--:.::\.....rI1r:ri.:C nl-rl~',,; r....i~r~ li_kl".r1 . 9. .Il ''iT COMPF.NS4. TION. III ",on,kr1Inot'\"', ~fl<o: d~'H,'r ~Tlllll.ml w whic'!l ~he '~'~llcr is l-'1l.li[icd for die t<l.l-.in_~ I1I'pr""I'; rr"r,"11~". ,IS ,'(Lhe d<l,C c't.laki[)J.\. ~<' ll1<lkc lh~ ,'Wllcr "hCllc. lJ,ually H :., l1a;.::..1 <)" I'~lr f\.JarkeL \':;ll,,<, pllb ,~dditi('Jlal ;l,,;Jl"cI~ J1)r c'l:rl<:lIIl Icg.lll.," "I I "....,L1\1o; Iyr'-"; "I' d"rll>Jf('~' rn pHrli,,: 1dkiTlg~ illS gCTlerally rn.::a~lIr..:d h~ (he Ll,Il~,,",m:, lxl W<;\'" I h l' f" i r M" rkcl V H l u": (>1' t 11-: pmpcr: y ..Ii J "" ~{)k. i 1l1Il1Cdj;lI~! ~ ~ Il m~ .1ll d mliL f1:C,,[~, L \1~. I b" L" ki "l;, ~'f1d lll\: Fll'f f..liJrkoc( V'll u.: (If Ill.: '.I.'I:la,lldcl" Llllll,.:dl~I~I\. ,1/1.:, >JlHl;j' ,,1\C.:,:I,,1 f:1y 11", t"k irl~. :.... I 0, FAIR AN=-- l.IAI. RE '__TAl n .\rer'lLdi rrL"n<o:lory <lmOl"'. IT:d,>uTlabl" nJ1'Cuabk r,'f 'IlL ~'gIH'- [(> lflt:: Jg[<:;'Ll ,,,,: <'I' 'e.d ,,,,,t r.;i.u,1i p<.:r"'-'mll pn'pl'TI" 'l~ c~lJ.bli,lu::c1 b,. c'L,nlpc[ili{1!l 1[1 1 he ,,,m;ll ,,,,,,k..,,. II'Trl"rk';l irlli'TlTl<llicm i; LLrI.-I"';~ ii.abl..... it i:-; tl1iH ~ll1nu.Jl i.lt)h~u~~~ ......1'Hd.... \... L11 ;jr))L...r[I....L. Lh~ ....~IIL[(: nrlhc,: rl,.."l"i:l1ni'!l-'~ r;,"~ri~i1i in"'c:Hlucnt plu~ J t~Lr I"J[oC l~t-lri.~C[":-~{ r.clurn di.J[ I]l.~ ~~h~ r L::1~I:ll'I;~I~ IL~~I~Ji I i I~ 1..If~hc r...:n~~L pr.:>rCr1::-. 1(1-.,\. SF.R' ICEl). Th, ~d.lt\: ", ,kJi 1)<':ll .lh>n: in,'[udLng: ull ,Cl"\ 1,'(:., ,~, ',ll.'.:iJi.:d ILrl,kr II,c' I<':TIlh "t'~fh: IL.:'~~~. to-B. l.I.....SEJ.l' ICE II, Th~ ,';')rlL.,:", "t..1\", nllusi"l' (lhlloc l'osl ,,[ i'pcr.ilin~'. ~r,.il.'~' "[l.h >J- f,,,"I. 1 i).':11 I. ...:....'il::lln;;... L.~"'.