Item D12 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 5/18/05 Division: Public Works Bulk Item: Y es ~ No Department: Roads & Bridges Staff Contact person: Roy Sanchez/Joe Medallion AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to trade in seven dump trucks and four road tractors and LeaselPurchase four new Mack dump trucks and three new Mack road tractors through the Florida Sheriffs Association and Association of Counties' contractor Nextran Truck Center for the Road Department ITEM BACKGROUND: The seven new trucks, if approved, will be purchased at the contract price plus interest (30 day locked in rate currently 4.36% annually), and "rill be paid for over the next five years with a one dollar payoff after the five-year period. The eleven trucks proposed for trade in are old, worn out, and/or are constantly needing costly repairs. The dump trucks will be utilized primarily for paving and hauling hot asphalt and the road tractors will be used for hauling paving and road/right of way maintenance equipment, Countywide. (Additionally, all seven proposed new trucks win be used for hurricane clean up and other emergency situations as needed). PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: None CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: None STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval; lease/purchase contract(s) to be presented at the next regular BaeC meeting. TOT AL COST: approx. $458.479.95 over 5 years BUDGETED: Yes No x* *Funds available within the 102 Fund COST TO COUNTY: same (approx. $9L695.99/yr.) SOURCE OF FUNDS: gas taxes REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No -1L- AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty. _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management _ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # 0 0 w 0 l- F- <:0 U W ~ W 0 co ., 0-J N 0 U ~ ~ ~ rL tL If} {,4 fA; Vfr If} If} If} 0 OJ ()} M J: l- t{) it) W (J) ()} i- I- tIJ U Z W ~ "... "'F" W 0 a: ~ ~ .., :E w 0 I- !:!:: <::) Z w !l. iir' &fr ,,9 m If} 177 t,,4 If} a: ..J ~ ~ <C <C ~ CO :J 01 ~ W Z Lt) 0) > Z N N 0 LC) W <( "... 0 yy 174 If} If} m If} m 0 s:::! a:: ~ L;'") 'i) L""J N "" 'F 10 w 0 0 0 C) 0 M l- a; C-~ N N ~ Cl l,L W "" c~ ~ - W <( 0 ~ ~ 1'- CI) ~ <( :> ID a:: w 0 I- a::: (.) If} 1f} m m If} m a; W 0 <( a:: ~ l- "... W W W iiJ) If} m If} iiJ) iiJ) If} ..J m L-'J LD 0 0 ~ [',j U "4 :J U"3 a:: I- m in U? 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