Item D07 "-~~~"'=-'-"""'''.''''.''''''!i''"''.':;'''''.'''''''''~~''''''''''-''''''~~~",,~~....~,_=.~~'~".......=""-"'~==~=~~ l t5 'C u; i5 I/) ,~ E ro u. 00 c <!) ;g J:: <.) 4- o C <ll E 1::: m Ci <ll o Ol :g o u::: <J) :E :> .0 u ill U S ><= 2: .~ 1: tt O. ~ $ \!; @ C'J is '# N 'if is 'Ii ~ '" <1$ .-~, L~ <!Ii 'I 1 ~ c~ V ~A()~\jf~~{)E CC)tJr'Jl'\( B()A.F.c!J ()F ~3ljr'~1r\Al\R';{ (:;ontract #. vvith: Effect!V6 Contract Contract for BOCC on Deadiini3: C()~Jl~f~J\C;<~r C()S. ~ -:3 C::ontract: i.~o f\CGOunt (;odes: !::...[)D~.r~or\J,/5*.L (~C;STS Estirnated Costs: I'm: {Not included in dollar value etc. '~ R.EV! EVI/ Division Director Date Out [jate In Needed Risk O~1l8 Farrel F-{:s\/ised #2 ",..--.=,-=-,--,.~. BO!-\R[] (JF C;fJi.JrJLfY C;C)r.c,i!vl!.S,S!~J't\jER~3 (~ON"T F~f-\ c~r :3 tJ rv1 r~A l\ k ''{ C:ontract # CCJntract \lifith: Effecthl8 C;ontract ~ r ! ~ I I j C;ontract soee on [)eadHne: '~oiR".~~~'~~JI;:";;;;::~~~=":'J..:zg'~~~'~~~n~'~';;,~'mi!":':.C~~="i~lll'-:i"~~~~ c:o~"rrRl-\Cl" C.QST'S Current '"{ear Portion: 001 ~()~1 t;08.,.53034.Q l\C~r)fT!ONt\L C()S'T~; For: f\Jo l\cco:Jnt Codes: etco CO NT PJ.i,.GT Division Director Data ~n Risk Forrn Revised 1 /95 MCF~ #2 'Th is rnaae and entered into this or tJ F C() tJ r~"T'Y (,0 1'Jf ~jl 1;35 I C} f\{ E R:::; 0 F rvl (1 i\J R_ () EC20 LJ f\j"T"y'? or tI 'd the 'GtJIl.J;4J\lCE C:Llf\jIC: ()F ""THE hE-rei nafter refc:;rred to as \", Prov~df..:r. the Board and t~~;e Pro\/ider des!re to enter !r~to an ooreernent the Board contracts for St::;r\i~CeS from the Pro\/ider fa the of mental serviCE'S to citizf.:ns of f\'1onroe anci to VVH rnenta~ the l~oard is \lested ar1(1 \/\f~th certain dtxUes ar1d and of the cltLz(::ns of l\tlonroe and such serv~ce::, !-l21\/e lnva!uabie tCi the c~tizens Df tl'-if:? Cou been rt::ndert"?d ..' Ule ~Jrovlcier In and Deen f and the It to enter into tin fcn'" services to be ~n C::ONSI[)ER)J\'TIor-'J of the rnutual pforn!ses and covenar~ts contained n, ~t ~s as foHov\fs: FlH',u.:n:NG rhf: and out reimburse and cr~s~s stabinzation for such services uncle, state and and for Baker ,A.ct non-Baker Act mental substance abuse treatrnenL This cost shaH not e~'{ceed a total mbursement of FIFfEEN THOUSAND, ONE-HUNDRED, DOLLARS fiscal year as follows: considerat~Qn (~f Pro\lidt~r or the for Baker .t\ct the [J()LLA"R.S the sumDf FORTY-TWO for Commu l'l,I\JD 00 Coordinator ser\/[ces, b) the surrl FIVE-HUNDRED SIX"iV-SIX Hea Baker ~:!\ct SE'\/Ef\J AND cc~rnrnun n1enta; . . anUS;2 ser\l~ces the surn ~)f EI(;rfTY'~.SIX "T~'.fOlJS/\r\EDJ GO D(}LL/\RS trE:atrnent :se~~l~ces, d) the surn of Or'l~E ~-1lj AND 100 DOLlARS 11 1\1 I !\1 E-r E E f\j f~ct SE\,/Ef\J HUr<~ 2~ TE&{~~,. "T'his reeir1E:.~nt sha~~ cornrnenc€~ and terrnlnatE; be:;?"' 200u less f~ariit~t terrrdnated pursuant to other 3~ PA~~~1E~Jl"'~ Su rn rf;a r\:' rnade a\/(,1i~a to the 54,ct EHHnq nce contra{:t, financial is page } in office no later thE.! II 15t1<1 for Baker Act services of the foHovvtng be Ie set forth in l~.ttachrr~ent abc*v8,. After the C:~erk of th~:; f30ard Provider fo~~~ its e~;.(penses~ ~1ovveVt=-rf the tClta sunl shan not tata! arnou sh()vvn in p~rt~cie T>J pn::ser\!2 client not be to the Boa td for under contmIlE~d. conditions to r~,=irrlbursernent purposes for audit purposes, f~naJ fnvoice rnust tJ2 recEdved vvith~n of th coritract ShO\t\Jil in !~.rt~cle 2 abo\/e. .After the C:terk of the Board exarnfnes an(j approves the fC1r tne BDard shan reirnburse the PFzO\/I[)ER. HOt~Aie\le~-p thE~ tota~ ()f sc~d rEdrnbursernent expf~nse in the sunl shaH not exceed t~~le tota~ arnount shcnlvn in /-'\J'tgcre . during the term of th~s 4. J\VAIlABltITY O~ FUNDSo If funds cannot be obtained or cannot be contInued at a fevei suffic!ent to aifO\o\i for continued rei of res for serv~ces thjs bt"~ terrrdnated the PRO\lIDER The after law. at the of the E3.oard vvritten notk:€ of sha~i r10t be t~J: pcl':l for arr)f sE:~-vfces the PROVIDER has received 'Nritten notk::e of t{::rrTI;nat~on denvered to the PRO\iI[)EFt. ISL CLAIMS FOR FEDERAt OR STATE AID. PROVIDER and and and obta~n federal and purpose of this so!icltations shall be agree each shaii to fu rther the and fu funds accounted for 6. PURCHASE Of PROPERTY,. All prope whether rea! or under this shaH become the to \Nith and shall bf~ rements~ RECORDKEEPn~(~ '7" RECORDS. PFWVIDER shall maintain all shaii have reasonabie and records purposes terrninat~on of this access to such in ac:con:la"ce with to th1S under this Each the ternl of If c:r1 aud~tor ~-h:Cf "-~ n_ th~s to PROVIDEF~ pursuant this the PROVIDER shan repay the frorn thE~ date the ~-'non~es v"/ere B. PUBLIC ACCESS. access to, and f)R()\lIDER shan receh/ed tt'H:~ the 9. COf~WLI/U;~CE Wn"H COUr~T"f GiJIOElINtES. C:OUNTY: r)p,O\/IDER~ rnust rnfSh to the (2-~) e\/tdencE: the list of the c~rga h rnust "fj\/rt:.:: rYj0 r;?: , Gu!ciance j1A/dd/e Keys FY05: :2 , ., nas Deen of annua~ election organization"s ~ri~l Ese ment of other reasonable .=(~N~4~'Qd ! <......, (~, ....;",.",,-', IlJith a contract and the scope rr~ay frotT! t~rne to t~rne RESPONSIEHtlTIES 10. 'The Pn)\dder, for the and counsed in the rnatter of f11entaf hea~th and co\/enants i:~n(f agret~,S \,vith and carr;/ out the to the citizens of the the Board rli1idd~e these services rn with Florida Statutes 39/.~.. Said services shan i but are not Providerfs Detans of for VVh~cf1 is h2reto as Exhibit C and rlerein, Baker Act and r.!!an::hrnan Act \lvh~ch are covered under th~s may be but are forth n lUtachment D, and the limitations above, The shail be conditions ()f this but not t() insurance and as is the Provider. attached serv~ces rates set to aB of the 1:1. ATTORNEY'S FEES AND COSTS. The and PROVIDB.:z agree any cause of action or is initiated or EH1)l th(:: shall bE~ in th(~ (~vent to to reasonabie as an aVI!2!rd initiated and accordance with the Rules of Cl'y!! the circuit court of 1'1cmroe COLI 12, BINDING EFfECT. The successors, and 13, CODE OF ET~HCS> agrees that vV'ij~ be require'o tc; as r111SUSe c\f lJr'" contr'Eictua! n"z t... ; 14. PA';'fr~l~ErJl". ~rhe Cou a nor retair"'led any \/vorki ng upon or of the Ailddie ,C\/OE;; :I monif:S O\.~ 15" PROVIDER INDEPENDENT /\t tirnes and e . IS arj j contractor E1nd rH:Jt art an purposes of U'le Boa as to find the PP:C)\JIDEF~, or of the Board. arry9 or its contained in this aq r~E:en~1er~t shan be c[}nstrued servarlts or to be COMPLIAi\sCE ISSUES HL COMPlU~NCEWIT~i LAW, In those no\;'! in PRC}\/IDEF< s!1an the vioiatiof"'i of sa~d orcHnances1 ruies and regurations shaH CCH"';st~tute a this and shan entitfe t~'''le Boa?"!.i to terrrdnate th~s contract vvrftten notice of terrnination to the PRC)\/IC)ER.~ 17. PROfESSI()r~AL The PROVIDER shal! assunc~ aU f12Hle current and insurance COVErage. Fu th€3 Board is conti upon retention or state federa~ certification ncensur(~ of the PF<,O~VI[)ER.tS prc'1grarn and staff~ discrimination on the basIs of use 55, 6101-6 vvh~ch and Treatment Act or 1972 of abuse; The Rehabii~tat~on Act of 1970 a~coho~ 18. i'U::H~-DISCRI!\UNA,TrOr;L discrimination any person, and it is court of that terminates vvithout any further action on the order, or PROVIDER agree to vvith ail Federal as to nondiscrimination Title VI or the Civil Act of 1964 which race, coior ore national Education USC 55, 1681- and and PR.oVIDER agree that understood that upon a has this effective the and Florida a Section 504 of the RehabHitation 55,. Act of 1990 use: s. 1201 nond~scrirriir;ation the basIs of Fed(~ral or state statutes v\fh~ch rrv:l~1 u~:s Afl~EN CHA!\JG A!\J [} 19, MODIFn:tH!ONS AND of services shan and an 3(1 St:r\l~ces ftlust r\1 ~r'{ , 2fi, AO,:H,HiICATI0N OF DISPUTES OF~ l:HS,,&J:; a~1ree to Don of If nc) sess~on! the at a Ke)/s 4 tT1E.:er~ - >" (_~Ornn1~SS;OrEerS stlaH hEPle tJH3 t() the as may tJe :2 , COOPEK6i),TION. In the ev("nt any adrrlinistrath/E:' to the aga ~ flS.C either an processes! rneetingst and other activ~t!E-:S of the se!'~\/fces LHlder this reer-nent she be enter intt) any- ASSlJRJ\J~CES 22. COVENANT OF NO INTEREST. COlJ and PR(J\/IDE~:~ C{),Vf~nant that neither has any \ivith ~ts V\fh~ch v'./oiJtd and that ~ r~tert~st an~f ;T~anner to and rece!Vt~ beneftts as ~-'ecited fn this 23, r'~o ASSIGN~'!Er'\rr" The PROVIDER shaii not a ifJith the of the Boa \,Aihich COfEOHJeH1S and th(~. Board rT~ay cieern necessary" ~ shaH be reference any vvith an of Unless such no rnanner or event be deemed to any upon the Board in add!tion to the total upon reirnburserm~nt amount for the services of the PROVIDEFL 24, NON-WAIVER Of IMMlH\lIT'V. hf.o, the of the and the PROVIDER of any commercia! insurance covera~Jei insurance coverage shall not be coverage; nor shall e.ny contract entered into for w2dver. c.~f See ~ 286. and the or iocal to the Florida in this waiver of trie t{) Free 25" ATTESTt\TIONS. PROVIDER agrees to f2:Xecute such docurnents as th(~ to include a PubUc ~:r~rr~e an Ethics and \i\!arrants to' tJ'ie other ha've been a! INOEMf'<UTY ISSUES 27'~ It'~DEf\t)NlfICA"r):()N AND [1()lD ,Hi\R~~lESS~ l~he PF<C1VI[)EP" cover~ants and agreE~s to Call (~ncludjng In connection \N~thf errors, or FRCYVl[)E l~; ern or vo!unteers~ exe-cn frorn of thf::; (~ou PRIVILEGES AND n"HVHJN:Cr:n::S. cor-.n a [JU FY05:' page n the terrltoriai rinlits of tht:~ (~()U shal nd or 290 NO PERSONt'll lIA.BIl!TY, No covenant to be a covenant or of in h~s or individuai ant) r~o be shan be nab~e on tf"~~s reement accountabi reason of the execution of thJ5 30, LEGAL OIfU,H;JP,TIONS ,l\ND be offerE:d in saUsfaction of the of ng frorn any the extent or actual Dut~es. -rhis ree:rTH:~nt IS is not nor shan of the CCHlstrued as, to thE: const~tutional or state: and caSt: ia\;v 3:1. NON-RELIJU\1CE BY 1'~0!'H'1jAR.'rIES. Nn person or L~pon the or arry of th~s claim or entit!ernent to or benE:m of any sen;r:ce or and the PROVIDER agree:; that neither the off~ceri either shan ha\le the that any benefits: under this or for the purposes or group of ) ancf or and COnln1U ~n GENERAL 32. Execution in ~rhis rrgay be executed all of which each of vvhich shan be as an constitute one and th,,; same instrument and any of any such the of shaH 33.. NOTICEo: not~ce or or pE~rrrdtte{j under certified to the as p" Grants Adm~nistratGr and f..-1()nroe PC) Box 1026 1100 S ~ rrlonton St~'Leet FL 33040 FL 330~tl Executi\/t:,:: [)~rector Guidance C:finic of the rV1iddje Inc. 3000 41st ~;treet (ef~rner)t sha!! be !vf/cJd/e F'{Of:..; In event that any cause of action or adrniri~str,:'1th/e and venue rOf:; 'Cou rt or for the -rrH:: and PRC)\/I[)EP agree re the event of issue shail 012 tenllS " tern, of this or bet'vvc~en ar)y- of rnedfation to the f:nstitution of any other adrrdnistrat~ve or n-;;, 35, !"HJr<d-Wl~I'VER, vva;Vi3r of .any b rE-?ach of covenants or ccn/enants or \J\fa;Ver arid and shan e!tr,ler (}f the sarn'2 fc~r <3r"iY succe€:=:d the PRC)\lIC;EFt sr"~aH not be deer1'led to bar or the Board frorn 36, SEVERJUn:tITY. If 2iny CO~tIE:ncfj condition ()f fuUest ~a\'v unless tht:; enforcernent of the reernent vvcu kj the PP..O'VI DER_ agree to r(~forrr~ the that comes as close as to the intent of the thereof to any circurnstance or pE:\rson shaH be deC~ar(3d to any extent a court of risd the and of this sl'laH not bf~ affected of th~s intent of this 3"1. V~iith AGREE!\UENT. to to such Th1s constitutes the enUre fnatter hereof and su any and matter between the PROVIDER and the Board, of the all IN vVITNESS the of the and year fjrst written above. hereto have caused these to be executed as j~l'TES-r: [)ANN-~{ L~ CLERK BO/\RD OF COUNTY OF MONF(OE COUNTy, Cl(c?rk '--~~,._~-~--_..~..~_..__.".._~-,--~--~-~.._..~~_.~---~~'<--.~'.~..-.> GUI[}i1J\](~E (:LIf\iIC t)F l~tiE II\iC. ID i\lo VVitness V\fitness Pn3sident or" (::Y05; page 7' l~ r~E~~'r ~\ /3,\ c()ver fetter surnrnarLzing tne i~rH.~ !b:::JY1S the also contain a notarized cert!f~ed st:aten'lEnt such as: f~xpf:?nse r~e(~ds. to :'1 .i that the attached eXpt3nSes are accurtJte and ;n thrs Fu theSf: exper1ses arf:-? v\dth the rec,'oras of contract \t\f~th th~2 Board of C:CtrY1 rr1 ~ssi oners" Invoices shouid be bn:E~d to the the (-:;xpense shou!tj t"e for nt. current \;\dH b~: bafancesft Vvi bt~ rnonitort~d ~n E~ccrJrdance \PJith the ie\lei of ufhis docurr~ent should not be cons~dered an--inciushleM l=f1e the to review rei on an individuai basis" guidelirH"!s should De directed to 305~292-3534, reserves these [)at<ll PC The vendor Invoice is for reimbursable itures unless attached and certified. allocations an:: not rnais for the are .A cert~fied staternent a Journal is total hours the accuracy and it should include: If a check rlU taxes~ A etc, red fi)r reirnbursernent, tht:: vendor or ;ease a9re2rr~er}t is red. and ach/anc(~ are not ai expenses~ etc" A expenses as refat~2 tc~ the C:ou contract !s n:;quired for nitlst define the nurnber of '3curce reasona fGt the \/E:~n(Jcr i r~\/olce nd sarn arc~ require:d, ett:, For supp!ies or ser\dces E) vendor itivo!ce is r2GU; ek, CL'fa'anc-e -, .i FY05; ::J t ~s required, rY1USt define tht~ sender! the nurnbf2r ca t anef the reasor~ for fax" reel the rnust be rern;tted Inctuding: and the purpc;se can 02) fer! Travei Tra~le} expensi2s rnust be subrrdtted on ~.;tate of " 'Traver nlust be subrrdtted In accordanc(::: v\j~th Fiorida Statute travel itjnera r'y ;5 or" staternents are not docurnentat~on for rt.:;[ a copy of the of the airnne ticketo Autc~ renta, re!fT1btJrs(~rnent requires the \/f:ndor in\/o~CE}~ F'tH::1 ~raxis are not rei~T1burse(j taken to arrtve at a a tax~ frorn onefs res!dence to the for a business consicJered a ref:rnbursabfe trav~=~ expense at th{:;: dE~st~nat~on~ 5~ ".-. ~s not~ I~ deta~~ed nst of rnL!st be reiatE:d bed is required on the due ffHJst b~3 zero~ ::~oorn thf~ actual roorn and cans are not expenses~ r/iea~ ne~rnbursernent ~S' state that trave! must and end after 2 perTI. for lunch and dirlner at Meal noon before 6 porn an{j f~nd after' 8 p~rn~ for reimbursement is calculated at .29 cents per mile for auto vvhiie on business. An odmnett'2r must be included on the state travel vouch(~r for travel. is not allowed from a residence or office to a 01 For forrr" oneJ's horne to the a for a business is not a r,e~mbursablE:~ ex[)ense~ The expenses are not for re~rnburserner~t; jnc!uded in the !n(:~uded fn the entertainrnent ex:penses~, and fines, Key,s 9 B ~" j"J f"Y'! ; t !5 a surnrna tirr~e # tJ.. B 't n L':l ,A ( $ ( + ) 1 N ;,,-., !<,'"" r~ rrip Guidance [he A,fidd!e 10 rT!EPl not aV'Jardf3d or urtc1er a contract \/vith any excess of the v'>fho has on thE' con"/lcted pubHc pubHe on a contract to or 2;f~ct~on 287,017 for on tl'h:~ CCHY\/fcted \i{~ndor of ,c'y'05;