Item Q2 BOARn 01< cor)lljTY COM]\fISSIO~ AGI':~I>A n~~-'l St~MMARY \.lee~~ng Date: ...9iJ S/O ~._._ K \\,.' Divis-ion C~!l!.mYJj,!torncv's Office Bulk hem. Y e~ :\0 _:~ ,q: P1;BLlC HEAR1?\G J~OO P.:\l, ~... Statl Contacl Person: UQb ShlHinger .-\GF.'1DA rn~!\.1 WORIlTNG: .\ Publ i~~ } le<l r;n~ to ~onsider adoptLoll of a. R~'S{)lutioll ;lppmving the R~commend~d Beneficial L sc DeterminatioJl orthe Spc-cial \lasler and denia! of the Ber.eficial Lsc .Application of\1erri.::k find Suzanne .<;:.'"c 1 rl:"'1. lIT'.. BACKG ROL\ D: ...---- 1 ... .....y-..p--....,."'" _--.....--...... ""'I"~""" PREVIOUS RELEVA1\T BOer ACI'IO:~; Bor(' approval on 4/2U/Ct5 10 adv~rti<;e f(n one puhlic: hearing to he held June l 5, :005 in Marathon. CO~TR\CT"'AG REE'-1.f: Y[ CII.-\ :"\Gf=S~ ST/\ 1'1' RECOJ\1ME~DATIONS: Appro\ al TOTAL COS"': ~""A Bl!DGETEO: Ye~ ~o COST TO C.OFN"TY; ~i<\ SOl: RCt~ OF FtNllS: R[VE~rE PRQutTIi'\G: Yes :'-Jo.X AMorNT PER !\10J\TH Y~aT APPROVF':O B....: Coumy AHY/!-_ OMl3lPufd~asing.... ... Ris.k. Managemcm .___. mVISIOi\; DIRECTOR APPROVAL: 11 ~\ ti l' / \ \~ ~& ...______1;.+1 0ik ___._ __._ ~H1\ R. COU.I":\S COU\TY ATTOR~EY DOC (! .\1 E~T ATJ 0:':: Included X 1'\oi Requited____ 1l1SPOSITION: :\GE:\ DA ITE\l # R...'yj sed 1/~ J:') CUlJllly AlLnmcy RF:SOLLTION ~O. -2005 ,.\ IU:SOLl.TIO~ OF THE BOARD OF COU~TY COMMISSIONERS OF _\10~ROE COUNTY. I\PPROVL~G A BE~EFICIAL LSE DETER\UNA TI()~ R[COM I\U:N nUl ORf)ER UPON THE APPLICATION 01' MFlUUCK AND SI~ZANNE KALAI\. \VHEREAS, a Special Master has lS.SUl~d a r-kneficia! Ls~ Delennination Recommended Order upon lh~ applicalion or J\.'1crrkl. and Suzanne Kab n: and WI rERFAS, the Hoard of County Cmnmis'(iuIlen, must lake UdlOtl un saLd Kecomlllendcd Ordcr~ no",' therefore' in: IT I-{fSOLV~~[) BY THE BOARD OF COV:\'TY COMMISSIONERS OF MO~ H.OI<~ COlJ NT\", ""I.OKID.<\., as follows: 1. I\ul hodh-' to Act. Pursuant to Sectiorl () ~-1 7.1. i'....1 ()nroe County Code, the BoarJ of County Com Illi %toners is the authority to approve. deny'. or mollify a Beneficia! (Jse Ddermination Recommended Order issued by <1 Special 1\.1<]')ter The decision hy the Roanl of County CmnITll~s.ioners '(hall he made during a puhlic hearing at ,,,...ilich the public shan be given a right to be heard r.md make arguments. fbr or against. the pmpo,;eJ Determination. A dLll!' !lOticed public h~arjng UJ] this. maLleI" \'...a~ heM on June 1 5_ 2005. 2. Procedural Fiudiu2S. The Board or County Commiss.ioncfs t1nds from the record thm Special \-taster John J. \Volrc cOllduClCd the llend.1cial U s.e Dctcrmi nation flCari ng on Odober 2(~, 200.1. and said Special \'1aster issued his \\TittCIl Ikneftci<ll Lhe DeH~rmin<ltion Rel:omnlcndcd Ordcr on March 21, ]005. Thc Board fun her fi nds that the Special Master conducted the evidentiary nearing in a marmer consistent \\'ith i\rtide VI, 1\..1onme County rode, anJ fhe Year 201 () Comprehensive Plan A wpy of the Spel:ifll l\.'l<l~ter'$ Recommcndl~d Order and ItS "Exhibit A -, is tlerehy appended to, and made H par! ot: this Resolution. 3. Ap--,!roval and Adoption of Findings of Fact. The BULlrJ or County Commissioners hereby APPROVeS the finding:s or fan numbered l lhrough 9 as 0()Iltaineu in lh~ Recommended Order and ADOP lS the I:i ndi ngs of I:act as the findi ngs of the Board. 4. Appro\'nl ~I.[u.l Ado(Jlinn of Conclusions of 1...3\\'. The Bourd of County Commissioners h~reby APPROVES the f\mclllsions of r .<lW Iltlmber~~d 1 {} through 1'; as (ontai ncd in the Recommended Order and ADOPTS lhe Cundllsious. of La\',' as the condmion s oftne Board. ~. .\do[)(ion of hopust'd Determinatioll. The f30arct of Cmmty Commissioner" nereh DE\"IES the Propose-d Determinatioll i'llld ADOPTS it as the FT\"AL DETER\ll\"ATIO\ of the Board. PASSED ..\1\1> AnOI~TEd) bv the Board 01' CouIIt\" Commls.s,ioncrs of r\.1onroe County, l"loriua, al a l egulfH !lleNtng of the f~o~rd held on the I Slh d,;y of JUlle. 2005 . \., ily ()I" Spehar \laym Pro Tem McCuy CUtlll11 is"iuncr r-.. e]soll Cummiss'Loncr :'\cugcnl CU[lHlli:i,,~unt'r Rice (SLALl .4.Uc~l: D..\"'Y L KOI.HM;E. Clerk BO,-\J{]) 01< COlJ NTY COM:\llSSIO....l:It"i OF MONROf, COUNTY, FlORID..\ H\ : th. Ikrut~ ('Ink Di,~~ \1 Sj"K:h:n. ~l:l\ or."nwiTi'crsoll - . ....... ~. . -. . ,. .;,...! ~"'a'.' . ," -. : -.:;: ~~ / .~.:;~tU\.~> .-._. .:..' -~:'>;,,' > <":' . :-': !It ./ . I I~. u'"\V..-; \ ~'> BOAR)) OF C01JNTY COMMISSION AGENDA rT)<~M SUMMARY Meetillg Datc:-.1!~O~:r9_5 & K\V Divislon County AttQfney~_Qffice Bulk Item: Yes No ~.K,.. Staff Contact Person: Bob Shillinger AGENDA ITEM WORDING; Approval to adycrtise a Public Hearing to be held June 15,2005 at 3:00 p.rn. in Marathon, Florida to consider the adoptjon of a Resolution approvlng the Recommended Beneficial Use Determination of the SpecIal MaSter and denial of the Beneficial Use Application of Merrick and Suzanne Kal <in. ITEM BACKGROUND: PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: ~!A BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY:_~_._N{o.._,____,_,__ SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes ,_" No )\: _~.~__..._ AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: Counly Att4-_ Q!Yffi/Purchasirlg .___ Risk Management ____ DIVISIO~ DIRECTOR APPROVAL: .. .. ., --......-...- iN K COLLiNS, COUNTY ^ TTORl\I'EY DOCUMENTA TION; l"uc\uded X Not ReqU!fcd____ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Rc. ~s.c:d 2/0.5 NOTICE OF PVBLIC HEARING OF BENEFICIAl, USE NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVE~ TO \VHOM IT MA Y CONC.~RN that on June 15~ 2005 at 3:00 P.I\I. at the Marathon Government located at 2798 Overseas Highway, MM 47.5 (Gulf). Marathol1~ JfIorida lhe Board of Cmlnly Comm~..sioners of Monroe County intends to consider the following Vesleu Rights;' Bend! cial Use Final Detennlnatjon ~ ADD.ican. Name Property Descrill(ion Merrick .and Suzanne Kalan Lot 10 and adjoining Lot ll~ BJock 4 Plat or Cahill Pines aud Palms Subdivision, Big Pine Key, FL Purs,uant to Section 2H(d) 105, FJorida Stalules, nOlice is given that jf a per~on d~jdcd to appeaJ al~Y decis.ion made by the Doard wilh res.pect to any matter considered at such hearings or meetings, he win need a record of the:: proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he may need to en~me that a vcrbat!m record or lhe proceedings is made, which record includes the tes.timony and evidence upon which the appeal is. to he based Copies of the above-referellced dctcrmin.ation(s} are available for review at the various public libraries. ill Monroe County, Florida. Dated at Key West, Florida, this. 1 st day of April, 2005. (SEA 1-) DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk oftbc Circuit Coun and ex officio CJcrk of the Board ofCmmty Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida Publication date{s): Ke)' West Citizen Keynoter (Su) 5/8/2005 (Sa) 517/2005 BENE}1~ICIAL USE .\-IOXROJ: COU~~TY SPECIAL MASTER In H e; ~..1 em ck and SUi".,mnc Kulan -Bendlci[ll Us~ Application I I PROPOSED DEI'\IAL OF BENEFICIAL USE The anove enti tl ed matter \vas heard at a duly-advcrtjsed and regularly sd1eduled public ht:aring OIl October 26, 2004, before John J. Wolfe, de8ignated Beneficial Use Special Master. Andrew Tohin n::presmlec.l Merric:k and Suzanne Kalan (the "Applicants"). Derek Howard rcprcsente',d Momoe Call1lt)' and Director of Planning & Environmental Resourc:es. Marlme Conaway, Beth LaFkur~ Planner and Administrative Assistant, JuJie Thomson, were present for Monroe County. ISSCE Wnether the A ppl i cants have beell oenien all reasonable economic use of their property due to tb0 fad that thcy have not rccci yed building permits for their property, and whether the Applicants iln:: {:nti tled lo relic!" unJt:r lhe l'olic:ies 01" Objc(;ti y(; 101.] 8.5 of the Monrol:: County Y car 2010 Comprehensive Plan (the "Plan'} and Sect[on 9.5-J73 of the Monroe County Code (the "Corle"). 111:'-lUINCS OF FACT j. .[11C property of thc: Applicants stlbjcct to tbis Hearing arc unimproved lots located in Cabi II Pin{:s and Palms Suhd i vision, [}j g Pi ne Key, and are zoned 1 mpr()\.'ed Suhdivi8iorJ (IS). This ;::on i n,e. all ('IWS nnc single 1:.1Hl ill' r(;~ilkHti,11 dwelling Jnd flccC'ssory usc::; for each lot. 2."[ 'he Appl icants plJrChilSed Lot 10, Block 4 (RE "# 00244100-000000), in )'-1ay, ] Y~3 for $55,000. and the adjoiIling LOlli (RE !.f. 00244210-000000) hlr $1.00. The Appllcanl.s purchased Lut '8" Block 4 (RF "4 002442KO-()(){)()OO) in July, 19B3 for $26,OOD. Such lots arc hereinafter collectively n:Jem~d to flS tbe '"Lots"", 3. A~l of the Lots arc \lplmld lots located On a canaL The .~hmelint' of Lot 10 has heen a] kred by a seawalL AU of ,he I Dts are nearly devoid of vegetation with the cxc~ption of some im-'flsivc exotics on Lots 1 O.'u)d 1 J flnd tbc prc:scIlCl: 0 r VanOlls, native species along the southern property line of Lot 1 S und m,mwove fringe on the shoreline of Lot J 8, 4.lhe A ppl ic,llltS ilprlied for bui lding permits and CnllTl::d the R<lle of Growth OnllIlancc (""ROGer) alhlCmioJL syslem on April 1 S, It)l)7. Allloh on Big Pine Key scores J. minus ten points j{), cri l i cal h<Jhi t<ll due 10 n'qllin:lllcJU:S in the- Plan In protl'c:l the h<lhi tat of Key Deer. Thus, Big Pine Key lots generally enter the H OGO system with tcl3tive1y low point Sl:or~:S unless the applicant purchases or comblncs. lots to obtain a higher smring. The Applicants did not do eitht..T. Each Lot has a total of 1 ~ ROGO pOlnb, whlch includes 10 per,-:.eVL"T3nCe points. TIley received one per:)everarKl: point ior each of the first four years 11\ the RUGO system and two p(,Tseverancc points for ~~acb of the three years thcrcaHcr. TIley will CQlJtinue to receive two perseverance points per year as long as they arc in the ROGO system. 5. The ROGO ~ystcm flllO\vs appEcJrlts to apply for Administrative Relief after heing in the system for four years pursuanl to Code Section The Board orCounty Commissioners conJucts a hcariug and may as a rCS\ll1 of snch hearing award an allocAtion(s) in the next succeeding qUflJ1erly alJocalion period, offer 10 purchase the property at its fa1r markd value. or suggest other relief as may be neccssaJY Of appropriate. A pplicants applied for Administrative Rellef~ but did so one year alter the Jeadlim; for applying, and thu~ are no longer eligible to apply for Admini:;trative Relief.. 6. A fier rel:ei ving an allocatiun, an applicant in tbe J{ 000 system must also obtain a nutrient l'cductlon credit j n order to obtain a building perml!. N utrieut reduction credits have been in short supply i.n recent years, and 95 of the 159 persons ,,,,..ho ohlained allot::allon awards did not have nutrient redudlon m::dils. Howl:ver, it is anti~:ipatcd that Monroe Coullty will obtain approxlmalely 7.00 nutrient reduction credits ill the near fulure with lhe Little V l.-'Tlicc \.....astcwater treatment pl an corning on lirw in Mar Bthon. l11CSC would be handed out on a flrst come lirst S(;[\'(: basis. 7. After recei vi ng an al location award !~)r a property located On Big Pine Key, an applicant also must obtain a letter of coordination ffQm the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Sen-jce CLSf&W""). CSF& W is not issuing any such letters until it 11aS approved the Habitat Conservation Plan f{)f Big Pine Key (the "Her"), which W<lS submitted by the County approximAtely J 8 months ago. Approva~ had been expected by the'- County within (i months. 8. .A. t the rlate of the bearinr., current 31locations were n(ll being m<lJc pending resolu~jon of an rldminis{rativc hem'Lng i()r a proposed ruk which ,,,"auld restore som~ ofpreviow:ily 1m,t ROGO allocutions. ll1t~~e alloc<llions had heen lost, becausl: the State hnd dckrmined that the County had not made sufficjenl progress in brjnr,ing woste water treatment plants Or! line. Thl: State is~u(;J thl: propos~~d ruk after rccoglllz.ing recent progTcss, but it was appealed by 1\\'0 tIOUpS. If approved, Jt is n:,pl:clt'J that allocatiolls which had heen lost f()r the last two year:; would be restored. TIle County is wNkinz on an ord LllanCt; wbi ell would protect the positions j n [i}le of persons like tbe A ppl icants ulle to lh~ Jeb)' l:liLlSed hy lhe ~ppe<ll of tlw pmposeJ ruk_ The la~t prc-<I11ocation rankings the Lots received "'"(1S for the fourth qUBrtcr of Year 12 ofRUGO and covered the period from Apri114, 200'-+ through July 13, 2004. The pre-allocation rankings were 20, 21 and 22. None of. lhe lots with a higher prc.alloeation tankiIlg for such quarter were located on mg Pine Key. 9. Eigllt market rat~' allm::ullom; may bt'l:-;sm'J each year On Big Pine Key. Thc-re arC 32 which have heen ,l\varded, but no buil ding permits issued, because U Sf & \,,' hilS not j ssued kUer:-; of coordiniJtion. lllC proposed Hep would allow ll1e lasl two years worth of unissuc:u permits to be [ssul:d. CONCLUSIONS 01' LA \\" 1 0_ The lmprovcd Subdi \-lsion dcs~gnJ.tjon of the lots allows one single fLHnily residential dwelling on each Lot, and tlH~r~ are rl{) t:m.ironmcntal constrai rlh to devdopmcnt un the Lot::>_ ]1, Policy 101 _1 fU of lhe Plan provides thm neither tl1e provisions of lh~ Plan, nor the: LOR'S shall dcpri\'~ a propct1y OWJlc-r of JH rea<;onabl~ economic use of a parcel of rCLll property which is if lot Or pan.:.:d of record as of the d [lIe of ;he plan_ This pulicy t-L.lT1hcr proviJes that a propeny owner may \1pply for reI ief from the Ii tl'ral apphcat\on of ~ppl iCflblc land usc' regulations or of the Plan when such :lppllcatlon would have the effect of den)~ng all economlcally reasonable use of that property, unless such deprivation is shmvn to be necessary to prevcnt a tHlisancc or to protect lhe health. safety and wclfan: of ]ts citizens under Flori da ] ~w _ All reasonable economlC use ls den ned \1$ ..the minimum use of the pfClpeny mn:ssary to ll\.'oid a taking witbin a reasonable period of t~mc as cstabli shcd by cum-nt land use Cilse la'''''', ,. J 2- Section 9.5-1 n Clflhe Code ill) p lemenL~ the pmct:dure clmtcmph:llCll by Policy 101_1 K5 and provides that in order to establish flU cntitl ement to Beneficial Use relief, an applicant must Jemonstralt' that "the Comprehemi ve Plan and Lind development regulations" deprive the applicant of all reasclI1ahle economic me nfthe Lot. 13, Applying lIlt Llbuvc stanJurd to the facts prescn{cd herein, it has to be concluded that thc Plan and the LDR~ do not rleny the Applicants alt reasonabl~ economlc use of the Lots_ The Applic:lnts could h:'l.ve filed for Adminis.tmtivc Relief in fl timely milnncr after fom j.'CMS in the syskm. but did r]O~ do so, F::Jiling lhaL the ROGO system awards two pcrscvcmncc point:s pLT J'car after year four in.~te<ld of une. Thi s sigrli ti.cal1tly enh<.lnces the compditi vepositlon Qf the A ppl Lcants in ROGO, The Applicanls also could have combined Lots 10 and 1] for additional points or purc:hl"1scd ooe Or mOrC lots f"nr dl.Jiciltlon ;Jlld uhtLlin~d addillona] points, TIle County anJ the State ha vc" ~b'T(TJ upon if R uk to make up for some 0 f the pre\'iously lnst <lllocations due to the failure of the County t(1 adequately \lddrl~S:::' \\J.5tc \\'at(T trciltmcnL If thi~ Flllc, presently on appeal by two gl"OUpS, is uphc-ld, there wi 11 be uJJitiunal :.J!locations lintil~b1c, 11.(" COUllty has passcd the Her anJ is w<.liting on CSF & W 10 respond, Th ls would free up the I etter of coordination requirement, In <lddition, jf the pmposcrl ordimlHl'c g{)e:.~ into dYed. lhc Applicant's positions in lim~ will be: prok(:"teJ by not allowing new <lppl i cants to ..buy lheir way" ahead ('If ~ he Applicants. PROPOSED DETERl\n~ATIOT";' WHER EFOR F, 1 reCQll1lllcna 10 the Board of CourHY Commissi o Jll.'1'S that a final beneficial use dctcm)i nation be entcred J l:n).i rig A pplj cants' beneficial me Jpp!ic<lt ions, 00:'-.1 E A~O OR D ER ED t hi::; 21 st day of J\1ilrch, 200S, r, / ,/ f/(/."......f/;;' , " J, . - ." l,. John J Wolfc. Special \<i ~ster LA \V OFFICES OF JOHN J. W()LFE, P~A~ 2955 OV::.RSE':'.s H1G-iWAY r.."lf\R^THON, FL 33050 TELEPI-'CNE: (305)743-9858 FACSIMILE: (305}743-74S9 \-1arch ~2. 20(1) VIA II AJ\ D DELI V f::R Y \ lwl ~~nc C onawJ.\" Di[e~'lu[ (}1" Plauli [lg & E:1 \.tnl:1IT;lTd:d Rc.~(l L1rv.:s \'lonroe County Pbnlling DepJrtmellt 279~ O\'cJ's.::-as. I J ig.hway. SUik 410 Y1 aral]WJl. Fl 3:.tl~O R~': BCLdi(::all'~(' D(:~cntJiJl,Hion - \krrick (md S\lZ:lllnC' Kalan Dcur \1arkn~: Enclos~~d is. the Pl l)p()~(;d Dl'[li:1] ~ \ l" B l'lH,-' ilcial Lse l()[ Merrick and S L1Lallm:: Kalan. \ . ery t r.bl.J~' Y(1 Uf'':'' I, , ,: ~ ~ .(.,/ - ./ Jt1hn J ..W\1]f,. " ['(--(ii" ~l;tl/lnll' I; () '1 {(,"" ,'tllrl ~':nclnsurC' cC:: .-\nUfl'l\" T~\hin llEJ\FFICIAL USE 'IO~HOE COU~TY SJ)ECIAL 'lASTER In Re: Vlenicl. :.UlU Snzanne Kalan - B~:ndi ci al L _ se Application ]>ROPOSED Il E 'il i\L OF BEN l::FI Cl i\ 1, USE Th~~ L~bove Clltilled mallLr wa~ llClUd at a duly-aJv<..:rtisl~cl and regularly :scbcduled public }wari ng on October ~6, 200,1. hcf()re J obn 1. W cite. desj g.l1ated Bl:ndl cial Use Special Master. A[]ch'~~w Tobin represi.:nlcJ I'vkrrick una SU/.<J.nne Kalan (t11c '.Applkants"). Derek] Joward H:pn.sl'llll'd :\..h)n r~1(' (~nun1 y anJ Director of fl 1 ilnning & Environmental Resourc.;cs, Jv1arIene C o nJ.w a).'. Belh L~Fkur. Ph11';l~1" ;md .:\dminiqrativc ,A.s~ i <::.tant, ) ulic Thomson, were pr~sml f~)r I'vlonrot CDUllty. ISSLF. \\h:thcr lhe: .'\ l~pl k;lnh ha \'e bLeH Jellied all J'cilsQn(lb le econDmic use ofthcir propet1y due to t he f~Kt th;jl th;,;y ha \ ~~ Hut J"(:c~~i \ cd building penni u; tor tllC:ir propctiy. and whether the Applk\lnts arC' ~~ntillect tQ rdlef unde th..: Puli(;lCS of Objedive 101. lX,S or lIlC I'vlonroe (ounly Year 2010 C01l1prdwnsi vc 1'1;111 0 he --PI an"). ~TlJ Section 9, ~- 173 of the ;x..1onroe County Code (the <<CoJt;"), FINDlf\'GS 0 F FACT 1. The pl ppcrty ~~f t11 c A pp 1 iG-mi:-; SLJhj cct iO thi~ l-J caring <m~ unimprovcd lot5 locatt:d in C~hill Pi:1~S and l\llms SubJi\'i:-;ioTl, Big Pil1C Key, ,md are zOlled lmprm-(:d Subdivision (]S). Thi~ .....oIling allnws (lne sing) c f,lll1 L 1 Y resi d~nt i al dwcllillg wId acc~~ssory UStS for each lot. 2. The AppllCllltS ]1Lln.:-h,lSi.:"d Lot i 0, Block 4 (RE -:-r 007.'H200-0UOOOO), in \1ay, i 9~3 for SS 5,000, und lhL' :.lJj oinillt! Lm 1 1 (RL;f 0024421O-nOOnOo) r()r S 1 ,00, The A pp 1 ieant,> purchased L0t 18, BloGk -4 (R 1--. r'- U02442BO-OOOOOO) in .hll)', 1 ()<'":J for S2fi}100. Slid. lob fwe hereinafter i.::olkl:ti\"dy rd~'rr(:d to <:IS the ..[ .(1tS". 3, i\ll (tf th~: Lnl ~ ;ll"C upland lot:; lOl'<ltCJ On a u:mal. The shore 1 ine 0 tTot 1 (J bas b~(;Il altcrcd by a :-::'c;~w;lll. All Dr the 1.ll1 s arc m;u.rly d(:void of vegetal ;011 wil h the eXleplinn of some invasive c.\Nic~ nIl LUb lO <lL1d 1 l <md t h~~ preS(~l1ce 0 C variou:-- nati V(; sp(;(ic~ [lj tlllg 1he SOllt hem property lim:: of I..ot 1 8 and III ;mgTllYl:: Jri.n~L nll llIt ~hordinc of Lot l~. .1. 'l'h(' A ppl i l:ant S ;lPP lled i"or hui lding penuits and entt~rcd the I-l. :lte oj Ciwwth OrJinance- ("'ROCiU' ,f anU('~lt:~ l[l ~y~ll'm uL .-\ prj 1 ] 8. 1 f)l)7. All l\ ~ts Oll Hi g Pine- Kcy" ~n~res <\ minu.) H~n poi nts fex nit i Lal hahitat due 1 D rd,jlLirL'nl'-Tlt" il lthc Plnn tn protect the habiull of Key DCl:r. Tbus. Bi g P jJ)C Key lots gt:lllTally ~.ntcr the ROGO system with rdati vely low point sc(~re:-; unIcss tbe applicant purch;:;scs or (:omb~nl's lOb to ob~(liJl <l higher ~corillg. The Applicill11S did not do either. Each Lot has f'I tot(.l] 0[- ] S ROGO points, which i]H.:lulle"~ 10 persev~ranec pOiLlts, They rcceived one perse\',.:rar~ce point f(lf each of the fIrst four years in the ROGO system ,md Lwo perseverance; points lor ~.acl1 ofthe three yCi.'lrs there-a fier. Tbey will con1 inul: \0 nxdve two PlT~(;VCfilnCe poinls per year r~" long a~ tbey Jre in the ROGO s)'skm- 5, The HO(JO sy~L,.:m allows Ilpplicanb to apply fbr Admini::;traljve Rdicfflftcr beil1g in thc sycstem f()r fi:llLr y~:aT~ purSllJ.nt to CoJ~ Section 9.:;-l22.2(f), The Huard DfCounty Commissioners conducts a llC<:"lr;ng Glnd may a~ a reS Lll t of such h..::aring a'lvant an alloealion( s) j 11 the nex t succeeding qmuierty alloc<lli( II) pcriod. offer to purchase the properly Mits fah market vi"llue, ()r suggest other reliel as may.' be necessary or appHipri Gite. Applicants Jppl i ed {()r i\drninistri'ltive Rdid~ bllt did ~o one YC.\lr atLer the- ucuJ] inc for ;lPP lying, aIld thus are no longer c1igj bie to <lpply for Admini:-;tratlvc Rdic[ , 0. After H.'('ei \'ing an <11 J OGlt;on. an applicant jn th~ ROGO sy.'stcm must also obt<.11n a tlutriml r..:ductiOIl cred i ~ 111 c.mler lo (}bt~iIl ['; bllj 1dj ng pt"rrniL Nutrj ent reduction credits ha \'t: hl:"cn in s}Wlt supply. ill r('l'ent years, ar;d ()S (~(. tbe ] S9 per~nns wbu ubtfjined alloc<ltion <l\vilfds did not bavc nutrj ent reducllol1 erl'(h t~, 1] 0\,:cver, it is anllcipated th,lt :'vlonrne C:mntj' will obtain approxj mate] y 200 nutrient reduction e-ru.li LS ill tllc n(~;1r future wi tb the Uttle Venice v..'aSlcwater treatment plan ':Oll1ing un ] iIW ia JvIar;lthon. Thesl' \, nuld bc l1\lnded uut un a first (,om e iirSl ~(:rvc bas,J s, 7. After recet\.ing an all(li..:~ltiull flward for if property located on Big Pine Key, an applicant al q~ III u~l ~ lbt~1in [j letter of ;:.:onrdinatiuIL trom the U. S. fisb and \\"'ild~j fe Servicc (''l' SF & \V'} l~SF 8:. \",' ; 0: not issuing allY s'LlCh !etkrs ullti] it bas ~1pptlwe,d the Habilat Conscn",ltion Plan for Big Pille K.:-y (the ""I leV) whi<..'fl \\ U~ submitted by 1he COLlllt:-,' approx i mately 18 months 8g0- ApPHlval haJ bc;,;n ~..\.p(~(:trd by the C OUnl).' \'".i lhill 6 months. ~. At the date u [tbt: hl"aring, nlncnt all oi:<itlun~ \\ (TC not being m~dt' pending resolution 0 t. all administrati \.c hearing. for ;l j)r('pcu::d TU] (" which would reSWrl" SOrllC of previ ously lost ROtlO s]]oCJtk1l1s. These a l!(~ntt ions bllcl b~~C~1 1 05t, ne<:aust: Lhe State h ild detenllineJ that U1C CQunty h<.tJ LloL lTlude suffi ci ent prllgr~:ss in hringing wasle W;:ltl~r treatmenl plnnts on line. The Statc iS~LlCd the propo::>ed ruk' <l i"ter rl'l'og.niLing rcc-r.nt prdgress, hlllit was- appealed hy twu gn:lllps, If approved, It is ex pected t11Jt all llc,nions \~.hi ch hau oeen lost for the] ast l\VO )'cars would be restored. The County is working Oll WI ordiI1;:lm~c whi ell \yOU] J protcct ll1~~ posd ions in ]ine 0 1" per~ons Ii ke the Applicants d\lC to the delay c,lU!;ed hy thE.:: appc:JI of the propo:-;ed rule. The last pre-allocation nmk.1ngs tbe Lots rn.:("ived was for thc fOllnh quant.'l o["Year 12 ofRO(iO and w\'c-n:d the period from Apri114, 2004 thmugh .I uly l:L 2004. The pn"- nl hKat\On ranki ng:s wne 20, 2l 8nd n. N une of thc lots with a bi gh;,;r prc- alloc3tion r~.lI}kj ng fl)r ~u<:h lJ uanc]' \Verc 1 (le,.lted (lll Big Pine Key, l). Ei 1-;!lt IlH\rket mh' alloc,ll i 011" lm~~. be iss Llcd (:fl('"h YC,lH1n Hi g Pine- KC'y, TheH~ art: 3 2 \\"hi~.:h II [\ ve beeJl ;l\yarded. hu1 llO hllildill~ pel"ll1i1s issued, necaust' l.l SF & W has not ,.~sued kll..:r~ ~,f cuordinati(l[l. The pI\l~)(ISl'd ]] C P '.Y()lll d an ow trlC last two !.cars worth nf Lmi ssued p(~rmjts 10 be JS':;UCC_ CO""lCL1.lSI0~S 01' LA\V J 0, '["ne TmpI"OvccI Subdivision designation l1fthe J .ots allo>\"s one sl Ilgle famil]' residential dwelling Oil each L('I1. ;lnd 1 htr~ arc nO cm'iwnmental conslr3in1s to devel oprncnt on tb~~ Lots, 11. Policy j 01, J S,:, of lne Plan pfO\.ic1c-s tklt [l~ith...:r the provisions or Lhl: Plan, nor the LOR'S shalJ depri v..:' d pnlpel1y ('J\\'ncr of all reasonable ..~c0nomjc u.~c or a parcel of rea 1 pTop~rty \vh ich 1:-; a lot or parcel uf recmd ~s 0 f Lhe date of the plan. This pol icy fi1l1ner provides that a prop~rt).' 0\\'lH~r may ~lpply lor rclkf from the 1 i tt'ral upphcation {)f applic.abIc land use regulations or of the PlaIL ,~b..:n such application \\"{)lL~d bav~ tile effect orJ~Ilyiug ('11] econDml~ally reasonable use of thflt prope11y, lm h:>i-: such dcprjntion j s shown to be necessary to prcvent a nui Sfl1)Ce or to proled lht' bealth. safety and \vel~.;m~ u(.lL.; ~.:lLiz('ns under f':lor:ida Ltw, All reasonable tTunumic use is defined ('IS --the m~n1111LLrn u~(: o!' llle prop~rty nc,,:essary to avoid a taking wilhin a rcawJ)(lbl~ periou oj" tiU1C as cst(.lbljshed hy nLln::nlland use case I.IW". 12, Scctlml 9.5-173 onllc Cod..~ impkments the procedme contemplated hy Policy 1 01.1 ~.5 and proviJn, llLL~l in Imler to ~st<l hli ~h an cutl tlcmcnt to [}endicial U ~c relief. <.in app 1 iCdnl must d.:-monstra1e thal ;'llLc C ~1mprdwnsi Vi:: I) I ~1I1 ;md land uevclopmenl regu lalioll~" dcprive the .lppti cant Df all rCflsonah I e economic u,;(~ or the Lot, 13 _ A pr lying lh(. nbo\-"c q,md,mi to the facts pn.::slll1ed llCrei n, it h:1S lu h~ wm:.:ludcd lImt the Plan and tbe LD [{s do not d..:n)' lla.: i\ ppllcants flU rea:-:;onahk ccollomi C use of the l.ols. Tht: j\ pplll:anls wuld have fi lerl f()f Admi ni strati V~ Relid in a timely 111 anncr alkr 1l1Ul' years j n the system, hut JiJ nul do ~O, fail inr, 1b,lt, the RoeO sy~tL.1n a wards t\....o per~everanl:~ puints per J'~aJ aft~ryear four in:-;k~J oCont:. This S.igllLficantlj.' enhances the cOIHpcliliVt~ p('Isitioll of the AppIicant~ in ROG0. Th~~ Applic<ints ~ll:w ,-'ould hav{; ~oIJlbin(':d Lots 1 () and 11 l"(lr i:ldclitional pOlms or pun.:hast.'d O]]l' (If mor~~ lOi~ for dcdjuti(lll and uhl<JineJ aJJillonill pojnts. The Count) and the State have :lgl"~~cd upon <l Rule L(\ p:I:.lkt Lip for .~Olnc of the pre\"i{]u.~ly lo:ol allocations due to the failure or tbe CO~1l11y ~o ndcqU\ltely ;lddres~ wasre water tn:':<.lhncut, If thi~ Rule, pn's<":lllly on appeal by m'Q groups, is upheld, Lhcn: will bl~ additional <11lOCCitjom; aV<lilahk. 111(: (\1unty !l(lS lw-;sed lhe HCr and. is. wait ing on l~ Sh~ \l,," !O resrond Tnis \\'0 Llltl h"(;e up tb~ letl er of coorJination requirem~nt. In adJillDn, if lh(: ploposcd ordjn:lJl L~l: 2,0,;';0 i nto ~iTecL Lhc Apptj cant. ~ positions 111 lim:: ,....lE be protcned by not al10wing ne\\ :.lrphulIlts to "buy their \vay" ahead oj" tbe Applicants, PROPOSED nt:TERT\ll~ATION WlJ h R J ': I (W r:. 1 ref..: Ol11meml10 the Bu:ud ofC(tlUlty Cnml1l1ss1uIlcrs lbm a final bene!"1 d al use d~t~nllin;jlion bl' ~lllneJ l.k:nying Applicants.' beneficial use appl ioti OJlS. IXH\"F A~D ORDERED this ~ I q dav of \1Jr~~h. 200S. I - '" . ,...J!/ . ~~ .loll[] .1. \Volt~ Special \.1 a,;kr C ro.~~:tl:t. M J n ,~ge m em...myj sjQ!] 27% O""'T"""., H igh""i))" Suite 400 \hJTOltluln, FJnrid8 31050 V 0 ice: (305) 289 .2500 Ft\\.: (3::)5) ~~9-2536 Rll~Td of Cuuntv Commi~~i[}nt'''6 \.byor Murray E, Nelson, Di~t. 5 ~h,~.o, Pw To.;m T)'J'..id P. RiL'OC, ni.Gt.4 Commissioner Dixie Spehar, Dist. 1 CQmmi~sjOl1(>r c;E:'OTg~' N~'ugcnt Disl_l Commi~,;joner Ch"rle_, "Sormy. hkCoy, Di>.:l3 J\1EMQRANDUf\1 To: John \V olfc, Esq_, Special Hearing Officer From: K. )..Jarlcnc Conaway. Director '-- \~ Departmellt of Planning and FnyiTonmental Resources Date: Q{..tobcr 14, 2004 Subject: 'ferrick :a u d Sllzann e Kalan~ Beneficial Use Case Background on Subject Propert~y The applicant purchased the subjecl property in May of 1983 for 555,000- The property is legally described as J -ot 1 D, Block 4, Cahi II Pines and Palms Blg Pine Key, accordlng to the plat lhereQfn:corded in Plal Book 3 p<ige 94, of the public records ofMollfoe County. The Real Estilte number is 00244200.QOOOOO, The lot lS approximately 6,000 square feet. The subject lot is v~cant and zoned Improved Subdivision (1S). The County Biologist examined the PTU?crty for environmental statu~ in October 2D04. Lot 10 is' described as an llpland lot IDcalCd on a cilnal, Thi s lot is nearly' devoid of vegetation with lhc exception of ~ome im'asi vc exotics along the propcny lines, The shoreline has been altered ,vith the installation of a seilwall, Permitting II iSlOr)' The property CI\\l1ers app lied for a bllilding pelmit fmd entered the Rate of Gro\o\1h Ordinance (ROGO) 3.]]ocalion system on April 18, } 997, The pCffi)it number is 97...1-591, The property has a total of 18 RUGa points; which ine 1 udes 10 perseverance points, After they had been in the system for O\'Cr four years, the applicant filed for !\dministratlvc Relief. The applicmion date for the Admini strml\'e Rdief was April 7: 2002, \..hich is one year later thm) the expiration date of the allowable time lim i l for ;=\dministrc:ti \'t Rel ief. No permits have been issued on this propen:," 10 date, Dl'wlop ment '.01 ential Z(mjrrg . The irnprm'rd SuMi,-isi 011 de~igJ~ati Of! of tht prcpeny c.llmvs one ~ingk f amll y "clling and accessory uses to be located On the lot. Under lhe current Land .... ~XH1B'T Ii 1 ~ A- : rL''=('/~:f'~ l.~~_.lJn~."-B~.,'h B~ -Kcia....i-(C.J:U,'_.f.LJ~ n, dor I . Development Rcgllbti om. [l.DRs)~ tbe ImpHr....ed Subdj,"i sian hi:1S no Transfer Development Right value. Since tbis is ar, up lanJ :-;{:ariflcd lot there aTe no 011 site en virorunental constraints to de\' t: lop In em. ROGO - In response to Objcctl\'CS ] 0l.5 and 297.7 of the Monroe County 2010 Compreht:n51vc Plan, ""'hid., directs tbe County to implement activities 10 prohibit the desrrocno71 of Key Deer and TO prolCO irs haNwl, lal1d deve: loprncnt reg\ll (ltjOns have been adopted that scores a minus It:n (-10) ROGO puints for any lot on Big Pine Key. This would decrease the lot's competitivc-ncss for a 1{OGO allocation. tIabH3t C onst:rvationJ~.lXLlJ ~ A Habitat Consen'ation Plan was submitted to the U. S Fish and Wildlife Service (l...1SF\I/S) for Big Pine KEY and No ).lame KEY in April 2003. TIle HCP permit app lication is still under revi c-W find the U SFWS arC not i 8S111J1g It:ul;rs of coordination untll the Her is approved. L~l1d_.Acqlllsilion. Policy 207.7.3 and Policy 207.7 A directs the County to IdentIfy key deer hubiwr l1rEa.s as priority acquisition. siles and to coordinate program5 for acquisirion. with federal. srate ami non-profit nmsermlion organiu1.t1ons. There are currently several active al:quisition programs ongoing on Big "Pine Key and No >J ame Key which are designed to protect key deer babilal and p.ovide for fi"eedom ofrnovement and acceSS to most areas of Big Pine Key. Section 9.5-122.3 pI 0\' j des an cpportunity for a11 applicant to dedicate buildable lots to the County withiTl umscnation areas to receive +2 ROGO points. Big P:iIlt;.:.K ev ann \lo Name- Key }~,:1 ~ster Pl em - The !\-1asfer Pl an ha.~ beGn adopted by tht: BOCC and is under final n:vicw by DCA. .Jl)e lot is designated for infi II (Tier Ill) in the Plan. Eligibility fOf" Btuc1ki3[ Use SectlolJ 9.5-173 of"the Momoe County Land Dcvelopment Regula110ns requires lhe applicant to demonstrate that the 201 0 Cor~1prebem.ive Plan and the Land Devdopmcn1 Regulations in effect at the time of tlle filing 0 j" U1C beneficial liSt: application deprive the applicant of all n:asonable use of his Qf her property. Policy 101.18.5 ofthc:: ComprehensivE Phm defines <<all reasonable cco~lOmic \,lse" as lhc minimum use of lhe pTOpt.Tty necessary to avoid a taking withln a. reasoJ1abl e period of lime as est",b li shed by cum,'llt land use Ca.1;,E law. The Sllbjecl propt::rty is currently in the RQGO allocatjon ~ystem and bas been participaling in the pennittiJ1g process for oyer fom years. The property owner could have made the lot more competitive for an .11 l0.c<llion by pmchaslng ROGO lot~ for dcdk,atlon to the County. The owner dose not to make lhe ] ot ITlorC competitive and thErefore is not ellti tl eel to btJlcficial use unde;:r Section 9.5-173. The ?.ppli cam wa:-; dig,bk to app ly for Administr<ltlvc Relief fDr the t\ITlcfrOlme speci fied in the LDRs Secti on 9.5-122.2 (f){2). l10wever the applicant did not apply during the speci fied timcframe. Had the applicant applit,:d, il is likely lhe applicant would have been granted 3drninislrati.....e rdi ef. II nwcvCT, t11(; Planning Depar1meTlt finds that the (lpplleant has Dot been d~r,iL:d all ! r,;Jsonabl e ('conomie UM: of this prop-crty and is lherdorc not elig,ib le for bmdicial use- 1.1clcnninalion. .H": i.PJ\Ir....... I~g., ~.rG"d ;ng ,"'-I)idl~n .,~'.l';/ll.~a.-tA','h III l:'-}';(d~i I'J-C....~h (u. i..oi 1 rj, 110(' ,.. I ' ~ R ceo m men d 1I U on: It i~ recommended that tbe Special Heari ng Omccr fmd that the 3pphcant has nol been deprived of all reasollable economic u{.;es of his property_ ce. Timmhy McGarry, DirecLOr of Growth Management Mark Rm;ch, Monroe Counly Land Authority Andrew Tohin, E~q_ Derek Howard, Esq. I;eRI .. ~l-;- i TIJ" /' D l--.\.:'-- ~L, ~, r I. ,J- LC:, !\ t C, APPLl CA TION FOR A DETE~'lINATION OF BE1\"EFICIAL rSE S7~.OO_Ap'p'li('flJj9.n Fee PART] {PLL6,SE PR.J1\'T) lJ'PL1CANTIO\\~'FR ]l\,TfOR,\'lA nON l. Applicant is: G) Owner x Al..Ithon2.cd Representative 2. AppJicant'.~ name: y,:l.~n--jrk ar,1.Q. SUZ"J1D..t'" K.<3.l!!D_C:'~ .~dl"~.::'>..:.]\i T9)1Jl Phone: 305-852-3388 3. Applicant's \biljng Address: E.O. B....Q); 620, T.J.\~t"'!pier, FL 33070 4. O\\'ncr'~ name (if applicant is not o\'iner): NiA s. Owner's addl ("ss; A Ill'orrespom1 ence !;]l{1uld he ~mt to above mail in f!: address. 6. Attach;:. copy of the Recorded D~cd showing Qv,'IlCfship. Attach surveyor other legal description (if not part of6 ('[bove), PRQJ ECI.A?-.rp SJJE J:.. ""FOR\1.4. 1'1 OJ\ ~, Pro;ect/site Gddrcss: C:1hi]] Dri \'t, Bi ~ Pint K tv. Fl.. 9. RE#: 00244280- 000000, #002442 00-000000 A~TD :40024421 Q-OOOOOO 10, Legal de~crirlion (attach mcte~ and bounds d l'snipti on if Ilccessary): Lo1 18, Block 4, Cahill Pines and Palm~, Plat Book 3 ill P agc~~.16!,\rp.L{jbJQ & 11, Block 4. Ca.11ill Pine::; & Palms Big Pine Key, Block 3, P3ge 94,,~___ 11. k~entify the land used district in which the property is lOGiled. Attach a map showing tl1e di2-trict boundaries jfthc property is located in murf than one land use dlstrict: TS 12, Dtscribc the prc~cnt Ll Se of [he: propn1y: \' Oil" ant .. 13. Document the date the OWner <:lcq llirtd the property and the amount paid: Fo)i.9- tfOj};'4d.2J;..Q-QQOOOQ J!~1~ ~('Q12ired: 7(8/83 Am!. paid: $26.QDO Folio #00244~OO-000000 DalC <1 cq u.ired: 5/8:' Am!. paid: Folio #00244210-000000 Dale Hcquired: 5/83 A..l111 paid $:5,000 $1 14. Document the current \'a 1ue of the propcny: $ 500,000. P ar1 II PLEASE A:'\SWER THE fOI.I.OWP\G: I. bplain the reason for your <l.pplj(.iltion for Beneficial L'sc and include any official act by the County denying YDU (If Jl] re\!sOT1abJe use of your pr openy {dc~cribc your expectat10n for llses of \he property); Per court Order attached. 2. DocuIhLnl any determination ofYesH:J Rights for the property: K/A 3. DOCl;,menl a 1] al1emp1S mane \0 ~e]] tne property und tbe results of those eff ort5. ^ tlach documenlatlon in support: l<,Jone 4, Explain how the cri\cria ldnH~rJ ed in Pol icy 1 G 1.1 8 5, :\1unroc C aunty Year 2 OJ 0 Comprehensive Plan arc mcL A copy of this policy' is atwclJed 10 thi S 3pplication: ArJPli cant ha~ bl'cn dCili ed an rC'llwnab IE bend] ci <I] me of the propcrti., ]\OT ARY: ST ATE OF FLORIDA COlT)l"TY OF MOJ\"ROE ~ APPLICANT'S SlG?'-I A TURE Thf ~()) e~oin~ ~igJ,HI.LIe wa~ ~,kIl0\\k<',[:.{'d hfore m~ ,t,i~ :rd dil)' of A \If.'ml, ~..Q9j by ,>\ ndJf'1>.' \l Tohn wh(, h8S Foduced ;, Driver', Liro~~~ ~~ i(k~l'ifjC8ti()T'.. r/1, 1_ _ /J MYc(l;ruru~~lt'r~t')'pLH:": _~ ~~_ ......._. S.LgnatuJ€ of ~()13r} Pubhc, St.:lU of Flonda ...~..;,~:..;.,.,.. ~kl'lo::.n S W~b ,.;.' , "~.,> :'.:: f,; 'A t,~ C'tl,MI~!QN f ')Di~~)41 Et'P11E~ ,. ,,"".~ .,-'.l.; '~~y,'erTI De: U\ 2007 ". I ".: -":~.. ..:t;i...I;::ll-li'L.'~Ii:-:::''''~'!:.'''' "'~IJ'i...~ ~ .... '-~ I ~ \/: ~ I: .1 1'1 of th~ CtNUltlj of Mo:-;:rolO: pady ()f tJu-. ~f.CO?~d. wrt, II'ttl"\r8~lt~ tha.l. tM said pet)'lll of the fi;r-$t pa.rt, fer a.nd in (.ons[.de'raUon oj' .JJu sum of TEN t!?lO. (0) --~ -~ --- -- ~ _____-------------~----------.DOU.Lr.~, f.IJ h~'r. in h~J.nd lJaid t,y (,1Le. MLid ptLrty (,1 U.~. ~'ec()".d part, Ow rec.eipt ~J",J!.nCJf U hereby a r.k.1wwhd(/J:d, hils fra.nt,f;d, oa.rta[1,Bd. (I.r~d ~'{;Ul to at..<:. said po:rty of tht suond part hi" h~ ir.~ C11~d CLS sit fj s fUN.' Pf. r, Uu.' f Q nQ1FirJ t de s c ribf'd lrw d, sit u.a.tll tyin t a I'l d ltdn t in. Ou Couniy of MOr.l'OC' , .9rate of .Flm'rn.n., tn ",it: I-Il flu' Sfa 1(' of f lor ioa Lot 1 ~, 'Elcck '1, ChllILL P]Nl:~, (-,t,T' "M.M~, iOcccrain<.J to \.he Plat". t t.c !:"eof <l':; l'eC'on'h;-d in P] "- t BC>tJ):: 3 <It P';"9"'" 9 4 of l he publ i c H~cc.ni 8 of MUn?'()f; C()\Jnt y, l" 1 01 i u.a . SC n.: ECT 'ID T "'XI;''' t cr the y'" '" 1 1 ~ [, 3 i.J nJ ~1JL~cgll(:n t y~a r5 . ~~B~ECT TO restrictiun., ~f;.~rv~tiunS and ~a&CmCnL5 of ~€cUEd, ~lll thi~ n:fcl"cncc ~b<dl not copc::rCllc to :r€impo~€ tbc;;; same. L:':; P;,ir,,!/ ~ r,9 1:'.': ~ ..?~ .!.t:..J:J.. ,I [i U :..Il c." : '(.: ~ ":.:- ~ ".". .. I"' ~; ~ ". .~, 'Il}"., d.'~, ~...L .,. ~ ,~:--;:. '- i , ..~: ,.J;:..':' ~.:r' ~*_-L(~ ."-<'~i.~;t~rz~-./ ~lf~;' ;.... . ~' "; ". F=l;I .., 'I" ~':'L.'" \~. ~:~~ r" ...~!.~~" i.' ./!;o, .A.,~d the SQ.id pa.1't.y oj" u~,~ Frst I,ar~ dotS h.;rfDY juUy wllrr"tUli Uu ~itl!::fo saw kwd, and will ddi rId the setmf. ap(t;"ll.~t 0...., uI.,.'ful d.aim..s u{ a,U Jlt;r~'[J~~3 wh(JnL$"~'ll"r. 1111 .Unl'~ ltI~uDf. the !laid part!! of t~~ Frst }li1J't }1.fLS hn-e",-nto Hi hi.~ h~l.J'ld I.lnd s~nl O~~ d~y ar. d )/p-o,r jir$t (.1.bvl)t.' r..oritUn. 6h~!1rl"l. ih~~r~ ,n1:J. llrlhm-,l'1 In (!jUT :JI~p~~nH: !tl~~ ~~-l'YC1..~J --- ...- "'-I-"!\ too. _1 fc....H( ,.(-~Gi~ J (., 'I '\ ( I\. ul'L k L '...........' r-~:.~~ ,"'11,) crl' -;<1'-~ f.;;;(~?J-=? . ! All1ed JQ5cph J. Puxley ~ __ ___. _. ._.. . on ..... .. .Dffi. ~ if.' 'M,Jf .'_ -r /.l ~._' !L~ 'J~':;'<"' ,-,:/ 11 . I.~....-:\. ~.~. '*' ~~E~a~~t c. P1J~ley It' \.~ ~ ~ (.-J. ~---- "j ... ._-~-~~~ n L '&. "' c.""; ~~. .-. ~ -.t2 :;::-:::fl. C-':l'~'FX (/L"-.~'" (,ry..6::....__ Wi tn~!-:~E5 l\ \) t-t(L~4 ~t;rtv;xtf.~:taii(1 ~--=-__' .1 C uunt ry uf F.f1S l2 ria t ~"lmty Df . t::.s""~~.L..",><,,, J J: lirrF!JJ:f (!J p~ttf~, l'hu. ~ (J>' t hi~ doy pU.'M,.(IUy 'If) (),,-<, fMl !JCfUff:; cffic~t dl~iy {J"[h,,,.i.~(} to w'dml~jl."Ur (I,Lllu 'Jlld u.J,,:e (H,k11(Jld~ufments, .,,~ !:: I (J:r.( Jol.l" hED J QSr.PH ~'. 1'1; XLl.:Y OJ "J M..'-.H(;"'-\i.ET C. Pl:XLEY, h':":5 '" i t e 1& >>Lt t.t..ell k7l(;W~l 01ld J.;.r.Cli'll I..; m~ to /,e. UH:. irlJ('vidIL~lk de.scribt'.d fJl (IIld ~'ho o fClll f'.d / r.f.' I(;nf'(,i~~ i! d -:eri, /111 d t~: ~y ,1 d.:n fJw[cd f~ri bf.rnr~ Inp. , hal t l:e~: t;.l'U~1J in] Ol!: .-u,JI1t (i(:fll.j '.llie 1}()t!.lHl(}I~r ~J.e Im{JHJH':,~ J-Iu;:~t'in ~~'f ;,\.~~, (;, .11l1UIJI my h(J H(} i'll' r1 O/Jl {.'iq}. ~...(J] u r -....~~ , ..!::5;~ ~ IR COli.>. l1f fli 1--1.... M-'t..~ q..;.~ \.v-......J.! ,(mJ So-i'.K .:;.q(XF.UlIM,a, I.hl~ . . ~.,.......' J ,]"1:1 D/ CO .,\J ~y , .1. D, .'.~'E 3Cc'.,ntry of Ens) anL3 : '. , _.~...,. c.l.>-......... t..... '+-<:, ~ ~ \ /lb........J. '~l1 &-t:..~\; ~\ .lfb' C(;n, 17~,~ ~~ on ~,..- .......~~----.,.~ r.......~ . :. -+---17'<r...............- t.:c t.:.~',' ~"(:~.i \ N/Jt.ury Tu ,1L. ~- I L....roq.--:--l. Grn'""'f. - --- ~ .. l.ilftt1t~~ (lh,. '/"1.11.1 d..r .!.,.J~f .r"/~I Jwrt...., iu-r (~llIr jJI ,.4HI.~idL'r.flJII....1 1~t I :Ir , I~"". (II ~ 10. (Iv ~r1 ~1(:IllIr r;1i ilf ~I"" ~ill" ~IJI:J J.1.~.C.llr/ ni"_t~~.. iJtll rflf4'IIII '~I~,"'rr-r)f I~ ~I"'I-~I}' C1~ l/vllld(""d~,("d ,rftJ('J JIIIJ rJI~ /r....lli~... H' rNJ,SI" ~/Ir/ l'i'IJitorlfl:I)". ~...:ICI 1~1r:' ~n,d ~11~.':::rlrl ~Jarf) .II:IJ'C'~~"'P'. (lH IJ.t rl~~Jd. III'IJ". ")II.:'~~..Ii( .-i(1lP1 Dr4~~ 1~.f"'f"'ln'.t~ IJIJllr~1 IL~ J..:J"~ ,r.~~ ~ r:f"I.'/'J. "II"'~ III "'1Ir1' Ie- (I..,. (.c-Ir..... ";"(~1Ei "ll'.lir.rii!Jl'rt! J.o,', pl[,,1 ~' '=.If pr:)(.I.~ O~ ~"'Pd jl~~I~It'. r)o"I~'~ [JII~J ~L."~~'l1 .),P. ~hc- C....:.-lIt) ...., r.-IO:"..rOE- Slc)r.,. fl.' rlGr~d~ IO.I.;..'~~: 1~.1.=..:. ~== -....~(""..;:,::jt :"f~nd ~""r:.c. :tlOt 1.h(.~ hoti,t~1..ead (If thi:: (T.:..rJ1.0r. :;'OlE : 0 <>.r,(1 : 1, neck 4, Cahill J'ines <.lId T';:l.i.r.'.~, 2.cccrO 1ng -(.c tho :>~ ,,-t '.~.~,,""cf ~. 0 "-~'c"T<l"o. in :Pl:..t 1:>0;'; ,). r,<.1:':~ ~. "r thE ~J Uie i~c C,'.rC ~ of ~; w ,:-u{: C,,~.HJt}', Fl o;r.:.da. T (I li i'Wr .111 rl l(l II rdd I)... ~""""II' I (..!J ("d. rr H"il(. pH n"I"~ ~ III!,". q:r Jt'r 1'I~pll'~~rJ.:.JrLl-"'_ J~I~rl.IIPI~i:I ~'~I'III!~. ",~"I .:':JI.~l"JL U.JILI~' [Hlri ~'rf'~I.o{JJ .0; d,~ IlJiJ :~~.!...). '~I"IH. .:.. ".. I: ~.III. ~I' ......,..'.. '(.. '1IIl!... I~'I~I' ...'J rJ~.r. r'~IJ~r. f1!(LI. 11.'1['. "I.'..-I'~~. J.. fl ~1I.-I.L'r .co,f I].,. .'11(1 .ilr~~ ,...rl}" .....(I,i'r I~: ,IIIU" ur ('qrlil}' fa- Ih,. L-1,h. """'()JII.r ~I:OI'. ~~41~II.i;~ H'~ c;QLI1 ~.llrIJ i'-'r..... 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(Qot.;n,d in thi~ "".boil' ~'" I,., ~pd''''d D6.'17:200<0:1. ";:1f-.~8}:,~:~:~;':':~~ir'~.\v;~: -.:'~<;~'::~~:;; ;'.. ,'.~,~_;,"~~ ;'., .:.,',.;"~:'.":. ::','. ..:;...... -: . .. (.~, V..~- ,....,~- "1:_~~' It..,.. "j'-'-J ;., ': "~" I';" i: .~ " '!. . - - ",".".; -r~tt:r ~.: ~.... ~ l., "; ,:". "'. '. ;". : '!. -'.~: ONLINE. DATA CE:\'TER RECORDS SEARCH Yom search for ;:\' :lrne: ., Ka 13 n" finished with a lotal of 3 r€{;ords found. Search AgaiIJ_,. F-' rt"V iou ~ ;::; 0 co I'd Record 1 of 3 [ ~^e):) f3iSO~i1 J PHOJ'ERTY lNFOll.!''tlATlON FOR; Altern~tc Key; 1312177 RE Numbct~ 00244280-000000 Short RE Number:244280 C u.. .~~r!1~IJ~~ 5!!1ls;~H~~}~l,t!!ill1.~ r~~L .J Pmpert)" Dt'l ~H~ 8~ O\\'Nl:Jl OT Rf.f.0FW l'ROl'~;1I.1")-' MAf KA.LAt> SUZfl.N~f B 7'i,~ NV,' ;OTH WAY I'.....RK LA 1\D fl, :.1fl~'i' PH Y~K A I. UX' AT' 0""' ~m I ~") E:! I{i P~\[[ KEY l:;"';IT ~n'1IW~ ...J ...J . ~ ~ 1f'I,~ 'n LF.(;Al DI:Sr.RU'l'lQ:>; 81< 4 L T Il! CAH.IlL PtNFS & PA l.MS BIG Pj1'>E KEY PBJ-9-4 OR4'/{,-7~9m,1 OR('5()-4~9.M' I OfUi2S-~95 ORf~u' 689 rum MfL O~ F1L E )vr ~ o 24t290 c=: S[('l iOf'o.', TOW1'>'.~HH', R"'",GE 2() . (, (~ - 2') rli ~l'SJr;E"~ 1" A.'>l!: (IF Al'rLlC AJlL.[) M,,-p S;u., C SrTI~ll OC' Medium C'Large It-:H.R.'A 11 0"': !I. 1. A I)DRBS (l~' ....I'rLll:Alll.[) r' Hjde Map J..,:\'I.~Jl.JYnus..:l I'}JH PC nml~ ou - VACA.l\T RtS1DENT1AL CERTlFJED VALllES (AS OF LAST YEARS CERlHlED T AXROLL) BWt.DlNG & LA!\'D lNFOHMATlO1\ hm1 ~ ; _~ Property Infonnation for J 3 ' ....()96 I" Page 1 Df2 '-.0/ H~ml D.~ ~r!wUl1l l~. "'~ t.~~~ Qn.Ii.m.lJ~1J. C, nl~r ro.m, Jull~. 2CII.l~ I] :L..... ~t Cg,llilti l~.' ,Wd",,,usr.. I T~(, ilirr. I:mllzm~d 1[1 lhL~ ......lb:!li[1[ ""iI.~ lilll ~pt:!liI~~ 1)t.'17fi.OO.il T:.:iI;. . -~... . O:"UJINE D A T A CENTER RECORDS SEARCH y OUr ~'.:arch for N' a m~~ ,~ K~ 1 fill U finished with a lOlal of 3 n::cords found, Search .~g'!i.Tl. '_' r Pfeyi,01J~ ~~,~.E.Q!.~~=:J Record 3 of 3 N~xl Kef.nrd PROPERTY Il"FORMA TION FOR: Alternate Key: 13120% RE Number: 00244100-000000 Short RE Num her:244200 [. ^~~ J: )!l~JU~l~.2.!flS!!~~?Et t~:~~ .~?F,~~' _ .w~ Proptrt" Dtt"il~ ; .,~l':!!i'. ~:~~ QW~:tN OF RH.- OJ.llJ ]' R(W~:R'rY MAP KA].A -.....: SL7A )"';N[ P :12~ f','E 70TH w ^ Y PAil.Kl.A"[) n" .~,H.I(i7 2.wiQO PH" H c" A l. l_oe: A T10i"i \:1" IT N 1:M BUt "" "". '=" '" I;:) . 1'.<<200 f'll(i Pl\l F. KEY LFGIIL [}L'\CRIPTlOi"i Jll - BK 4 U I {) C AH I LL l' IN c~ & PALMS l::lJG 1]]]\"1::. K,EY PB.1- 940R Si6-~69-~ 71) OR 7)0-6:1! ORS79-1 : 70 ORCllt<-2:4:i4Q/C 244210 St;O:"...TIOc;, T()wr';~mr, HANlOE n :;::(1 - 6(' -:::9 Rl!SI],;BS I"i A~lF. (IF APPUCABl.T.) Mup Size C} Srn~1l ~ MtJIUnl~.:' L~Tc Ii"TJo.,H";A'I'IUi"AL A Dn~r.s~ (JF AI'P'I. JC AllLE) Hide Map J.j~L~'G_J)J~Tl~ leT ~ (IOH P(: com:. 00 - VACIIl'..:T HEmf.~T\^l. (FRT1FIF.D VALl1fS (A.S OF LAST YEARS CERTJFJID TAXROLL) flUJLDll\G & LA!"D J.~FORMA TJ Ol\ .'- '01 l~l'D~ .'::....~.....n\' .]1)[1'2.fl ,or ~/d 8Jlarc.'nl rT/';(~~T('niTf:("m'ci .'1 ~n ;.'1 ;:::'''I(\(L1 . L. tN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 16TH JUDJCIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MONROE COUNTYl FLORIDA SLZA~~E KALAN, CASE NO. CAP 03-) 555 Plainliff, vs. !\10NROF COt~TY, FLORJ DA, a puJilica] subdivlsion of the State o~ Florida, Defendant. AGREED ORDER This Couse hav,ng cnmt: en to be heard before the COU!1 on Uefcncc_nt's \101;oll to Dismiss. and thl.: COUl1 hii\"il:g been ad\'!sed that the par1ies have .<lgreed to the entry of thif; order, ~t 15 thereupon ORDLRED that Defendant, 1\1 OJiloe Ccunty .shall render a bEneficial use determiflstlOTl 8$ to l.ou; 10, )1, and ]8, Block 4, Cahdl Pines and Palms \vithi n 90 da ys of th E date of 1 hi s order provided the dec i S lons may be delayed due 1(l the Board of Cmm[y Cm'.miS5)Oner~ schedule. cc Derek lJcwB:d, Ese; Andrew Tobin, Esq_ n ,2004 Done and Ordt: feG (1t Pl ant ati on Ke. v Flori d21 on . , Page 1 of 1 MOl\'ROE COV]\'TY YEAR 20] 0 CO!\IPREHE~SIVE PLAN BE!\TFl CI,:\ L l'SE PROCEDrRES A..l'\D em TERlA o bjrr.IH J 0],18 Monroe Count].' he! cbj.' "dapts the follow:ng prol't'd UTes and criteri<:l for the dctennin<ltJon of Vested Rights and Bene ficial Use, for the effect of such llnnminati ons. Policy 101.18.5 1, ]t l'S the policy' of:\1 oaroe Count)' that rJdher the provisions of this Comprehensive Plan nor the Land De\'e1oprnenl Regul::i1l0nS shal1 deprlve a property mvner of all ressonabIe cconomiC" llSC of 2. pam.:::l of real property which is a lot or parcd of record as of the date of [ldoptioJJ ()fthis CompreheDsive Plan. Accordingly, Monroe County shall adopt a Bcncfjei al Use proctd me under wbjch an Q\vner of Teal property may apply fOl relief from the 1 jteral ~prli( ation of <lpplicab Ie 1 and use regulalions of Ihi s plan when fUcn ilp~Jic-ati{'ln wo~ld h<lve ~ht effect 0 f denying an cconomi cally reasonabl e use t1HH properly un less ~ljch d cpr; \ aticm is shown to be ne(;es~ary to prevent a nuisance or to protec! the hC'll1h, silfcly <1TId wclfurc to its citizens under Florida Law_ For tht: purpo::;e of this policy, alt reBsolJablc economic use shall mcilll the minimum USe of the property ne(c~sary 10 <lvoi tl <l 1ak ing wi tllin reason~ble timc rlS eSlabl ished by curn:nt land llse c arc law.' Adl'P[~d r.dT~~]ar:[ r AC Rul~ 28.:;:'(1. J OO(l{i) . 2. The [cli cf 10 which an o......nn ~~dl I he erJ:ll ed rm.y he pro'l.'i deJ lhwlJgh ,he use of one or J. combinJ-ti OJ] of the following: a) Graming of a pel'mil for devclopment whieh shall be deducted from the renllit Allocation Synem; b) Granting oruse QfTTRT'.~feT:'.bk Dewlopment Rights (TORs); c) Govemnlenl pUTl;'h.".sc of ~ll Or a ponion of the lots or parcels upon which aJ l benef"l cj 31 u~e is pr0bib~ ted_ This altemflllve sba] I be the pTeferred a ltemall\'e \vJ1en bcnefi ciaj liSt. has been deprived hy application of Division 8, of the 1 ,and Developmcnl Rq~ulallons~ d) S~]ch otber relief a~ 1l1e County may deem appropriate and adequate, :.. Dty( loprncm appr0\"cd punu ant to Bene I1ti all~ se del ermination shall be consi~lent wi1h all olher objecti'-es and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Dc\'clopm em Rcgu btion~ unless sped fically Exempted from such requirements in lhe final Beneflcial Cse determination ',lI..d"..tcd pl]m:~rJ r-AC Rule ~f-20.1 fl{)( l/) TI)I'~nLi"!""';STi:rt ::IJ"Jt:....a.t"W!1 ANDREW M. TOBIN, PA At.torney at Lr..w Jlost Offic~ Bux 620 Tavenlier, Florida 33070 L...n~ 1.:.... t. 7,"",Lf. !~..... !=:r,=Drun~ ~tB..l Lay; _'!'drr. kJ &tT9tlV4! La",.' Ap~ll alE PT~~itt fuaL E~ THE CLo~in~E Te] ep h un e 305-852.3388 July 20, 2004 :Ul~26 1/~ 'T: .... ~, Timqthy J_ McGarry Growth Management D~rector Moy,roe Count y Gv,'erL~nent Cent er 2198 Overseas Highway, Suite 410 Mara~hon, Florida 33USD hE: ~c~rick ur:!.d Su :.F..r::rlp- KaJ an l~t J8, G:k 4, Catill Pines & Palms and Lots 10 & lJ, ~l ~-: 4, Cbti 11 P '::'LCS & Palms r E.:. 9 r:in,=" Key Dear Tim: Pur.s-.J2.nt t.o OUT" :-.P.J e.pLcne conversa t i on thi s date, cnclcsed lS cu~ b~neficid~ ~Ge ~pplic~lion and copy cf the court order. fle~Ge ~ctcj~Jc t~e hEuring ~t your ~ar:icst cppo~lur.i~y. 'J'hurlk ycu f or yen!" cocpe rat i on _ Sinc~rely yOUIS, ~ &e-. Andrew M. Tobin, Esq. , P;openy' JnfOml<."ltiOn for 1317' '17 Page 1 of 2 llim1 [h~,rLmtnU .l...!..l:~ DJLlim l)~L~ ((m~ F0'm~ Jul 1~, 2~l'~ 11 :lIn....M LQn~..r!_Jt~r w ~~T11ii1 ~It r The d i:.L.i:I n: 1112.~I".t: d j['J LII i~ W'[~,;i L~ .....iI~ Lit,,1 ILIpdill1.: ~ U~I': ~11'1I).1).:I , ~~;~?;?,~~t%~1.1i/::\~f~~~'::1 :;;~',?!.: :~':"'~:"::.:~.;f~';'::' :,',;.::\:~:~ ;'~';,:':'..,":":>": :';:'.' .' :: . . .. . .'. ~. /,'. ::' . .':'~)'~"';:".~..(.''''',,: ".:"..y/." t..~~~.,~[.;r...-\I~.r~)'~~-~:-::r.,.i~Jj:I~: .;'. ~._.,I. ~.,. ~... ~I ";.1.., ." '",:-. -.- -:-::~~~I~;~: ~I~'~~~,~~:: ....: .:~..'''.:i'l :~: ~~: ,i.I:.~ i". ..:....'. :~~:.;...-.:':< OJ\L'I~'E DATA CENTER RLCORDSSEARCH y our ~earch for )'\ ~Hn~: "Kalan'~ finished wi lh a totai of::l records found. Search ^g<!~JL.. i'l ~\"()LJS Il~~n). (', Re(',ord ] of 3 [ Ne)(l Record .J J'ROP.FRTY ll'TOR\lA 1"JO:-': FUR: A llemale Key~ ] 3] 2177 R E "\lumber: 00244280-000000 Sbon RE Numbcr:244280 [--. ...E.maH ItJ~s,ofil.ce "!.bo~l thi~ ,E<:r~eC -] l-'ropl'rl~' Del::lils 'joI",-' ::J!3 0\\'1'\1::11. 0)- !iJ-.C 'ORB P,H)rUny MAl" KA LAN Sl.1..... t>.'~'E Fi ;';).~ "' W .iL'TH \\'^ Y ~',', RX l.A;--"':f) Fl.., ~}:}C f--.-.--=--.---. l'ln~Il.""'L LUCATIO:"' :144770 j. alG PI "-.:1:. K E,' l.':'" II :"'; I '."1. itT~J1 ...J ....J ~ IP ~ I:D I!l ~8 .2.um , T~ L[GAL DLl;\OllrnUN p.1o.: 4 I..T I ~ C/o. HJ LL r]\!ES &. fA l.\'l S 8JG PIN!:. 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I POND C - .. r"--"""" . .. . . .......... r" I >--- /./~ . . " I . ~ I . . .. . .... i~ .. . .. I ~- I '-ft g J . . . .- .- I ~ ,.-m: p ..- - - - - -..... - - -....... - - - -.... - - -.-.- p n~E. ,..- --. - --- TJlilac-t . ,j !).HUl.L ,~ ~ .. . . !J\ . . . . . C~AJ.. \ r 1 ~---~~~-~~--~~~~-~ . , I · f I . . . i ,,' / ~-~--~~---~----~J n/l ~ ~ o r- ?i 'T-:")L.i.~_L3~'J "E:IT ~JjO"".tI" nr1 ANDREW 1\1, TOBIN, PA A ttorney ~t L<'l W Post Office Box 620 Tavernier. Florida 33070 Telephone 30fi-8r>2-3388 r",,<<:3 u", I, Zc n.i "I' Lo. "'. EnvirollJ'J.~ntOll1.." ... Adm lDj$~ ~~1 i ~~ l ~... APP'?ll~to:' I'r~ L1;c~ REoal u.l..le Cl~;I"l~ ~ L:U 1 Y 2 G, 2 004. _JUL 26.20;1: '"1':. "... ~. Timotny J. McGarry Growth v.anagement Djr-ectQ:r V.CDroe County Government Center 279B Overseas Highway, Suite 410 ~arathcn, Plorida 330~O RE ~ Me:r:r i ck and SU2.Finne Kal an Lot. lB, 2Jk <], Ca.hill P:'..nes &- F'a]ms 2nd Lots 10 & ]1. B~k 4, C~p-ill P~ncs & Pal~~, Big Pine Key CE~r Tim~ ?'JY ~3',]ar:t lO OUI )S our beneficial use Le 1 ephcIlE conversO. t. ion t.hi s date, enc) osed ~ppl i ca'c:i. on Ei.:1d copy of the ccurt crder. FleBse :':'cned'Jle t.hE: hEaring al your ea.rliest opportunity. ~h~nk you !or your cooperation. S:.ncerely yours, ~ ~. ~~drew M. Tobjnj Esq. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 16TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ~N AND fOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SL:ZA?\l\E }:;::j\LA~, Pl ai ~ldff! i CASE ?\~O, CAP 03. ] 55S I I v~, MONROE CCL1\TY, FLORLJA, 2. P(i!;(lCfl; ~'Jhdivi~"ior. of the State Ilf Florid<l, DEfcnd,ll:~" AGREED ORDER .. T~u' C'=ll~f: kn"j~:"f'. ccn:t' ~n 10 be b::ad befon:: the COl..:n on Defend.mt'<;, Motion [0 Dismiss., c.:lC l:lt' elUlt h<::i\"i:1g been .'ldvised ~h:lt the pe.T1tC, bive <lgrc'..:d to the entry of lhis orJl'I: ii is t:xTe"Jpm1 ORCERED lh;;t Defendant, Monroe C()unty ~hall lender a hen c fi cift~ 1) se de ItnT.ir,at; Or: [1 S W Lots ; (, 1 t, ,md ] 8, B] Dd 4, Cahill Pines and Palms within 9C day~ of the date of :bs crdc"C pwvided rl1e decisions may be delayed due to the B oflrd of COlLnt y C0i.lml~~; ur_~r~ 3(; hcc1u lc cc:: [JeT ek H oWr.rd. hq. Andre\-\.' Totin. c.sq" .2004 Page I of 1 "j"4)tll]:J ~..n;::" [[ rI"~]~(I"'"n.:: ~ ANDREW 1\-1. TOBIN, P A Attorney fit La w Post Office Box 620 T:Tvcrnic1"; Florida 33070 Telephone 305.H52-:~.1RH Ulld v... ~ z."..i nr L....; hrrv..:ronm I: nt.l:ll l....... A~ ..."rut:t....t+v.. La,., AjJp~lhU! PrQ::1i~ ]1;~~1 EIO't.~ Clooil>fi' July i'), 2004 Tim Jl.J cGarry J Dircct<n' C ro....... th ).of a n a gemen t !vlonToe CO\ll1i;.' Government CenteT 27D8 Over:3p. f.I ~ Highway ~-1;)fat.bon, FL 33030 Reo: Kalan v. MonrQ~ Cuunty Lutl:> 10, ] 1 , n nJ 1 t!, BJock 4: C fJ hill Pim-'~ ~l n J P",] rlJ ~ PB3/94 PlJlT.i~ NO.'R 97.1.0.)91; 97 -1.OE>92; 97.1 . Of]~J~~ Dear Tim: As YOll will rec31l, after fOl.n yp.an-: ::::. the ROGO queue t.hB Kuluns Bought {idminisnat.ivE n:lJkf unly tD bE ir;fonned tlW'-' had mi::;sed the filing window. After fIling <]'D <.ict~0n for inver.'::e n~mlcn:ml.tioIl, 1lll: Coun~' agn'€d to render a timely lH_'.nefj ri a 1 u -:e d pC~5i{)n, 1 <lID t i) k j ng t.hiR oppornm it.y to alerl Y(.l\~ tot he Agreed Order bec~ UFie of the f:bOrl dei3.rl~lnp. jmJ.loH~d by the Com.... 1 a.m also pnclo!-'ing a copy of the Ab'TeBd Order <.md the app~jca'jun fur AdministJ<H,jve Relief for your rdB~'Cll.Ce. WOll][i you pJe[l-"(' Jet. nw ].;r.u"\\' whell you (:xP(~ct to ~chedule the hea.ring. ThRnk yell :UT yOllr r:ooppraljoh_ Sincerely yours, ~.~~ Andrev; 1\-1. Tobin, Esq. (:(. ~'rlr;. r If." ]:e Com.l W uy, Pl an ~]]ng Dil'c::ctor I I I L '" ~ I'" r.. I .....~" I"~. II I I II I ~...., . n, ......., r") -::; n...... 1...1 r" ------ .1u ); , . }I /c0ft c--;i"~i-w~ '7 r!<-~~ / 4A FAX TUAl'SMl TT AL FROM ANDRE\\' M. TOBIl'\\ PA Attorney at Law PuSt Office Box 620 T8vernjcr~ Florjds 33070 T de p)lOnc :3 05-85 2.33Sr! 10 bin] <.! w@terranova.net ~<--O l1i ']' 0: Ti m :\1c G any. ...:-:_- "-== -~ ~:"r!t'nc_c~ j To: Fax: 2 89-~536 Fax: 289-25:6 Fa:J::~ To: Fax: Re: Cc: Fa 11: ~ ,",,0. o(T'l'.g<::~ ~4 Due r J \lly 6, 2UO~ I\h::';SilgC; 1)1~ astC Hl.a lu~ (:OpiCf nnd de liver to both Tim and Marie ne. Thank )'0\1, "r r r::i )'c~c_:::=rCi Ir---c-. L ; _ J ~ I J i [:. [: I rn ....:I _ J r) I ~ I J 1.1 ~ J ~ ::j :- ,.., 1 ... .f"'I ..-.. -::: Q n '1 n ..... ~ @ I.. l APPLICATlON Fonf.... AD:\-1INISTRATIVE RELIEF A ppl i Cfl'l t ~,,' X OW~jf'~- = A'.lthori7.€d Represe~,wtive A ppl iean 1" s r:. <iI:l c: SlJ 7. 2. TIn!:: P. 1\.01': an Phone: (95~) 753-;'%3 1"'\pplic8nt'~ mailing addrps~: 7724 N ._~l. 70tA...pay P~r~}~~d> ?Jorida }3067 O'wner',s n~~me (if applirant i::;. not oW:ler): Owner s addl('ss: Phone: ::P]cuse ",t :,-,ch li nOltE:-DCnL 8'J~~10r;l;Tig repnsentatlon of this applicaUon by ~OilleOne Gt~'l~l' than Y0une]!'. Th' Ua:e st:.ou]d read: "1, ',owncrss name:' authoriz.e (:nuj";:riuaj you are 2. uth orizing to repres;ent YOU) tli rc'pre:::ent I:1}' property far ~hl~ application for Administrative ReheL" RE:11": ~.__. Bl~.] Idi qJ:.-!~~~.i t ~'p.p1 i r:<l~ j L)ns_or~ .Bi.K.fl~~~-lJlcrida l*~f'.J eh_.", c,: ~': >.:>n l U U 2ch ILC l (-~ [IT) (~ bou;) d ~ lk'scripi iun if nee-CHary): Block ~ lot 10, Iilo(":k ~ ] at i 1. J:ilDCK << lot r 8 C<lhi 11 .Pi~ .3nd b) 1115, BiR PiD.<.'.. K~ P(,r~i t 11: 92..:::L~Q)_n ~ 97-:- :"':::-PS:92 , 97:J,::g~93 ~ a: e 0: ill os tree e. n.. R 0 GO a ;p~ i c a t~ CJ1: n; 97 Wh ~t ki nd of adm i r~i ~ ~l"3ti\'(, tE'lif.: s.rf' yeu seeki ng'?: _t;;;m :=:t:ekir::g tlte rij<tlt to ut i 1] ze my thrc.:- lot e f Dr re"l "'{'~ri R 1 1-.,,; 1 ~fT'8 A ci ci i +.: () L a~ UJlY', :-1::' e:l ~~ : ';:-JE:'~e l~-:,tf. .....'frt- pUTch~~~j.~r.!..: 983. ~i~u~ted in ,fl. well _--=-~t.3h] i shE'd resident i al [lHB + aff~ct un the environment. :\OTAR.Y: Bl'ilding hOo.le!'; on th~s~ lots ~qu1d have no advers~ ST11TE OF FLORID/\ CO CNTY OF . '[3 {"" C' I.>!(L.. r J ~' ('1-' /' 1'": _ :(.LL~~~l k:[~ 1"lP~) lean t s SigEat'Jre '-~' . Tr.e fo:'E' goj n g ~~g r. 2. t urC w a~ ack]] (n';] c.d g c.d lx.fore III l' t h 1S r\_ 2. C{'1. ~ I f \1 (.....:- L. ~ _: "X:l__"_' '~~'.\' '....) ..~ ~ (~0.0..e. p 9 r-, ~_~ kd C<. /'. day of \v hel i:;: pE:r~uac)]j y k r:m\"n t () rLl' (Jr \\. Ln LtS p~'od uce d b i",.I-<:: r- ~ L j ~ ....... f.:!...._-~ L- . K>~ ~0 7~i5'" ~( 8" Y ~ c a~ ioen ti fie::: t~on. 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Q. brJ( ~~d/)L S Ie SThTE PL Z:::f a~. , nOPERTY U:SCR:~':'IOz.;': Key ii0 ~/};... ~ ~TR~E~ u./C:7IJJ ;/& tW;~~ RE mJMfiER (5) ~MO{) Sr:JBD~V:S]ON: Cohll/ 71r;es li1?o/m (' ?LAr SOOr:: ~ FAGE -.2d::'01' I D fLOCK L SECTler< c:21 TOWSHJ p K RA..~GE ~ 9 :~ER OF ~~ITS: MQE~~E HeME !F ~T~S k~~ BO~~S. ~7TACr. ~E~ :E5CRIFT:ON ON SEPhRhTE SHEET. ~iCC'SE ::L.... HOTEL ~ j:\,V L r-,1"E.l.B Oh.RD OT:-IERS n~ ;rCK THE S7"TE'<ENT, '" pel CABLE TO YOUR PROPOSAL Arm "IT/,Cll TIJE REQUESTEC DO CUME "",S . 1 i The Froj ect. i!; ccrr-.bir. i r.g ;!::!". t j 9\.lC\.lS lot sin a. 1 (;ga':' 1 y platte d satldi v: "" ion "'1 t r_ water, eleC'tr:.c:.~y, Q_.:l{: F-.!>\'~d ;reads or is c1.-I;e::=-;.;:.roe ce:le;", s.~r.l>::''::Y, ~:e<.<~e OiCt...Cr-- ~ a ccpy of a ~l:"cpcE;~d =-t"str~ctiv€ c~venant. ~~:-:-.~1::Lr1~ t.he :n.:..'TI.ber c:: Un.::.t5 cr. trJe prcperty ar.d ~-~~~9 lr. !~VDr cf and @nforc€atle by t~e Cc~;cy. ( ~ ~ ':'he uni t (.'S i .....::. 1'::' be Co:::: c:'c~~l e h.c'.l sing. ;;: ~ e<l> se at. t-acr-. t)-.e cor;,p) et eo a:: f c~ ca.r:: ~ E2 housing aFplicatjcn. :3) ThE proposal includes ded:..cat~Dn of vacant:, .tn.:ildab1e land located in areas pre- pCEl@d fc~ acq.1:.dtlon, ?:ea5e list the R.E :j;I (s) of t.he land La b-e dedicated ano attach c prcpc~ed st.at~Lory ~al:"ran~y deed I C:::::R~:FY: "l:'! )-'.J,.'.fE REJ..;:;. ;..!c. EXh.'>.l:~=' ':'HIS ;"?FLJ:Ch':T:JN n~:::=-:J==~G ):.:::"-:-ACIiMENT5 AN;:;' k..:.';.,;.,..- S.;:J1E TO BE TRUE ;.},"O CeF-REO _ :;::) J....:...L t:RCVISIONS OF :..J.."...'S ;......."1:) CFI:I:.;,..'1CES GC\'ER1C:NG ':'H:~ 7YF=.::: WCRK ARt COV~LIE~ WITH ~r.ETI!ER S?LC1~1~D HEREIN OR ~CT, INC~~:NG THE PROV1SIONS OF ~vChL. S7A'I'E OR FEDr:RA.L J:l.E:QU: F,E~r'7'S KEG:T....J.TING CC?-;,STRU T D~ OR . E\ PERfOR.."".ANCE OF ';::Ct'STRtJCTIC; AND 3) TIME fERIODS FOR COUh~Y hCTICN SET FORTH IN ISECT! N ~_~.1:3 OF THE kRE HEREBY WAIVED. \ ~ 'I /"') -214':-L'<-'~' r();," (/.~ S:~ature of ~Gtary F:rinted Name; Ccrnmi5sion Number~ Ccmmissicn ~xpires; ~r -..-.-..-. ROVC:~fIlE: MILLER ~ !:f;'\:~ "'.,. O,1f,IMISSI)I.I . LC 58C~? I r~{. . -~j WI~ S. SB~lBt'1'\lI4o' 2~_ ~ l .. ~"., ~~1'ulIIIe l"dt~ . " .. /y &loICn::. '.; 0 r:e..z.g..e---!l1!! tn ~ S ~S-f'IU.S~~-?::~ t:c ~e 01:" 5.5 1 c.e!": t ~ : : C8- -::: c,. tL;}C ,,'he day af A f' r , -<-- has I: :-CO:.,l.C€ d did ~did ncti taKE ~n (SEJU., : SI.:-bs cr i be d ar.d !;,!Li, r.e/sr.e Cb ':':r~ . TO BE g;l!o!PLETED BY STAFF k<::CE.! \,'H EiY ..7 d 5- :lATE :</// '/';; CEEME'S cm:p:'ETE BY dc'. j''';'~", D;'TE y-/%.",;? FMJ~ Y? -/- ;:f2! :c~: 7Y~RO~C,:6~/~Tr'F Se~r~~~Rr - GC'-' _ _... .J... Nfl 5 6 ~ ~ ~ :., OFf] CE Of n_m_mLA L'.f)./.jy..m j)Lj!Y:;'.n_____________.nmmm..'.. -- FLORIDA , RECEJ VE~ frommnaI~~_Xn~:~--m---C.~jLCL-.&.-..l1.-mm---n.mnnn--mDate ..-m.~'~-./J/!t:!:/....-...m- 19 _Z.? RO.A.. R6 .~OVNTY CO\1MISSIONERS j\.l~tu 0(' Cou [I[ v. rloud<l , . l Fe R: m _m .R.??cp..(~--- m,6' /Tile. ~'1 /~L!/ _m _ .. --- --- --- _ m_ m _m __ m ___m.n nm... u-- .---- $ -- m__. Xt!tl"'na. dn nn.... J. n~~n'22__L-._ :52/ ~ .. .77_:/_~~:5~_2_c_ __2.-' ___9.2.~'L_~:S._23n_'" .nmnnn $ ............_.....n.....-------m..... . ~ _. _. n. __ n _ n n_ n_ n n _ n n_ _ __ n _n_ __ n _ n nn_ __ n_. __ __ n _n____ __ ... _ n nn __ __ _ _.. __ u. ... _' n __ n __ n __ n n n_." $ ______ n_ n__ n ___ n_ n. n,........ n n_ _ _ m _ m _ m _ m _ _ g Ii_ m _ n _ _ _ _ _ _m _n _ __ _ __ n' U 0 FF! C E R --:"2;JC: By ._m. ___. __.. .:/IL. -:.. .,. ..nm_____m___.n____ TOTAL $ :.:.,:.~:;.;~.;,~:::::::::,.~ 'I :r'-.~ ..I...-.....---~ ~;;:;:;:;;: ~----,--, . - ...._--'. .,. . . ^- ~~ .. ~ -...........--.--""="'.~.-.-.-.~..3I.:..::,:,,;~ . .~-... -~~."=.......~..-..--:.~-....... ..~... p,f AlEXIS COLICCHIO t~ DfB/A l 8 SEFlVICES ESCROW ACCOUNT ~I P.O. Be;.: ~7Cl]) ~; SLJ~r;L,~~,~r;!EY, FL 1J04i I. I'.",'" I". ;I-!V . l; <0'}';7-/ ..-(~' , ~~jlh~~/uft " @I3Y{JurcommUnjf}'Hank. i', II fl'MAne Ke)". fL .iW~,l !t. 1134 63.8~~.'670 B"A ~C'1 '0 'I $3tY?~- )1:. I~:~~..ffl ~.~:.~~:'~::.~. :~~' f: j: !'I':; ~~ . 1:01;7009280': 707~O I..t 5 l. hi 0 b I . i :1 ..... ~:. :... _ L...~ -=---...:.J.. ....,::..,...:-:,- .~: .~~' .-:..:::~~... - .. .~ -,r._....... ==-:~~~~- ~~".:..:.:.:..:L...I'.~.:..~':.....:..:..""""',- :':'7""'-.'+--.. f. \.. T OblT1I~I""""'.fT~TTF1 rHIVI~ .n~ I ANDREW M~ TOBIN, PA Attorney at Law Post Office Box 620 Tavernier, Florida 33070 land U....':& 7.<,'r.,n~ l..,,,.,. EnV1TtlnnlP' J"11.1t I tJJ'IJI.' A.d IT! LrI jr-;~.i: e ~jv.e Law Telephone 305-852-3388 AT'"f..lll!.1 ~ hacticc R,,~l ..~t.ak ClCtsin~s April 2, 2002 ,Julia Thomson, Administratjve A~sislant Man roe County BOBrd of Coun ty Commi ssioners 2798 Overseas Highway, Sljite 400 Marnthon, Florida 33050 Re: Admlnl ~1.nl tivc Relief for Merrick & Suzanne KaJan Dear Ms. Thomson: Pursuant to your Teque~t, please find endo~ed the completed Appljcation for Administrative I~clief from the Kalans. P]ease schedule this matter as quickly a ~ po~::;i bk. Sincerely yours, (U1JC.ULC) IYl ~7C bLn Andrew M. Tobin, Esq. eo urt '- " 3/26/02 To \\'hOIll ] l !\'1a~ C OUCCfn: l. L SU7.anne Kalan author;7'"' " d . . lI.1 . . . .... !..,n rt.\>' J\- Tobl PA \ propC'rly for t hi 5 ~pp Ii.:: i\l~On for.:\d .. .110..1 : to[ Hey At Law to re-present m\.' , IlHnl stmuve Rcl1 d - .-ll-~ --I ;:::1 ----", .i- {}~ '1 72 ~o-.J-.-{ rJ /J--- /h C/1 C-"- '2 7 / :.1.. 0 0 ~ g~ ~c-~ [~f~ ~/or Q~ 2, {J0~ 'V' I J <<; c....--.... P 1e.J ~ Kt.-/~{J.79C- 'l't-iY'Z.o i-, \........., tJIA~[ S. C...RI'( :. )):t'~ Cor: r;' b p ~n ),-C~ -"..4/ N~ D~ D]73~1 ~( 11Fo~"""""'Y'."".-f~ I ~II.D. DU I LD I NG P E R~.n T A toeA T I ON SYSTE:M - Sl)MMARY fOR I NG SH E E:'l' CJl1 ~\/? ) kE# r:~Lfi le/ () }. W J{{;~___,__F1NAL REVIEW HY J AS- DAT:E: e;-- t ~ '7} APPLICANT: FILEII MOST REC ~NT ROGO J<,?PLICA'l'ION DAn::: 1-~ is to /0' j ht"'.-;. ~~=~~~~~~~==~:;~;~;:~~--~=--~=====;~:;:~=~;===~-::~~--------- ~i ~ad IJOmph or greater. [engineer requir~dl). ..{+l}(~) " f0SC;N ~mr- J ) lndload 155mph or gredtdc. [unqlneer required!). ..{+l)(~.) J) '.1h e n" ~ A con nee L 1 0 n i 5 a v a 11 a b 1 e ; J>,.0;-~_~^lOW vo.i.ume fixture::>.................... {+l} (-1) ~~~:~-=~' ;2S-o 0 ~~reverse osmosis fil;cility............. {+l} (.....,L.l 4~~energy ~atinJ Df 12 or greater.... .~~... ... .{+l}(~) 5]~ergy Performance Index of 70 or lower..c;.I.,~~.{+1}C..Ll 6~rnative elect. (with CES or FKEC connect.).....{.tl}I..L.J List systems: ~~~~ 7) E~tion >lft. above bfe or within ~-p Building Department X-zone.... ... .{+1}(~) f (f I d- Total....... ......I~J II.Envi~onmental Reso~rces Dept. Scored by t{~ 9.5-122.1(7)}(~') 3) Wildlife habitat........ ............{S89 Known probable Wide range 0 9) Habitat group. ............. .... .....{see 9.5-122,1(6)}(~) (9) ( 1 ) P) PAl (310) (4 ) ( 5 ) ( 5 ) (7) (ST) (8 ) Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 JC:l Environmental Resources Total... .,.... [S;2] {ST) III. Planninq Department Scored by ~t15 1-0) Plat 5ubd. with water, elect., and paved road.. . {+10H.ilL) (10) 11) Contiguous lots combined."... {BOCC!) {see 9 .5~122 .1( 3}} L.Q_J (11) 12) Acreage with water, elect. ana paved road. ...... .{+5}(~l (12) 13) Acreage tract dens. reduct. .(BOCCI){see 9.5-122.1(el){~) {13} 14) Affcrd~~le houaing".",....(BOCCJ}{See 9.5-122,l(4)}(~) (14) 15} Dedication of vaoant land...(BOCCI){See 9.5-122.l(5)}(42-1 (15) 16J Application on file for mora than 1 year..... .,..{+1}(~) (16) 17) Application on file for more than 2 years...... .,{+1}( n 1 (17J 18) Application on 1'11e for more than 3 years........{+l.HOl (18) P1Clnlling Department 'l'otal. . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ (ST ) Total !tOGa SCore.......Cll2...l (TOT) TXTROGO.26VITXTDHV~C~MBER 16, 1994 .........)&LM - f ." S~UNO SIIEE'r FlLEII (11 , ,,:\cl ) 41- t~ ~) .' V.4--, .#' / . A.ProL]CANTt~ C)) W). cfr) JH~ OATE HEll fINAL REVIEW BY MOST RECENT ~OGO APPLICATION DATE: I .Lt~ If, '0 1P: 5., /l-,,"\: ~~_;:_~~:~m_~:~:;~::~~____~____~_~~~~;:~_~;===~__~=R____~~m=~ ~i oad 13Qmph or graater.{englneer raquir~dll...{+l}(~1 . ~dEN~ I ) indload 155mph or greater.(en9r~eer'requlrBdl)...(+1)(~) J) Where ~A connection is av~11ablel AyU!/!a-1QW vo1ulI\e t ixtures. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . {+1} l---L) :2.~Q 3 reverse osmoe:is facility.,..,....... .{+1} L.,LJ ~~A~energy rating of 12 or greater.....~~.......{+l)(~) 5 )~ergy Performance Index of 10 ~r lower. /;.I..~~. (+l) L..L) / }~(ernatlve elect, (with C~S or FKEC connect).....{+I}(~) List systems: b"OL#e ) E~tion >lft. above bfe or within /He. - p' }{-:/:one........ {+lH-Ll . Ff,ld- BUilding Department Total. ..." ....." ~ I.Environmental Resources Dept. \'L\ Scored by ( , I Wildlife hab1tat...............,.,.,{8etll 9.5-122.117l}(_) Known probable Wide range ,r: ( , Habitat group............ _....,.,. ..(Bea ~.5-122.1(6))(___) Group l~ Group 2____ Group 1____ Group 4 ~ Environmental Resources Total...,...., ~ 1. Plann1n~ Department Scored by flf 5 11 ) (2 } pP.) {3Bl ( 4 ) ( 51 (5 ) 17 ) (ST) {e) 191 (ST) I Plat subd. with water, elect., and paved rDad...{+10}(~) (10) Contiguous lots comblned..,.(BOCC!){aee 9.5-122.1(3IJl~} (111 Acreage witn water, elect, and paved road.,......{+5}(~1 (121 A.creage tract dens. reduct..(BOC:C1Hsee 9,5-122.1(B)H~) (13) Affordabh housing."".,.., (BOCCl) {see 9.5-122,1 (4) J (...e.......} (14) Dedlc~tion of vacant land."lBOCCI){aee 9.5-122.1(5)}(~) (15) ~ppllc~tlon on file for mora than 1 year.........(+l}(~1 116) A~pllcatlon on file for mora than 2 years....... ,{+l}1 ~ I (17j Application on file for more than ) yea.rs......._{+lJ(~) (18) Planning Department Total............ + I)~l (ST) Total ROGO Score.,.....IJ1L) (TOT) GO.26V!TXTDRDECEMBER 16, 1994 . . BUILDING PERMIT ALLOCATION SYSTEM - SUMMARY SCORING SijEET l{ C... \ """V\ "'ILE'.'1 1 - I . s. '1 ~ APE'LICANT: - - " RE: : FINAL RE:VIEW B1: DATE: MOST RECENT ROGO AP~LICATION DATE: '" .../1]" BUILDING POINTS Scored by: 1. Windload 1]0 mph or greater 2. Windload 155 mph or gr~ater 3. Where FKAA connection is available: a. Ultra~low volume fixtures b. Cistern/reve~~e osmosis facility HVAC energy rating of 12 or greater Energy performance Index 70 or lower Where FKEC or CES available: alternative electricity Elevation 13 inches above bfe CERe Coastal High Hazard Aced: V :;:one A zone X :;:one 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point q. 5. 6. 1 point: 1 point 7. B. 9. 1 point 1 point -10 point:> 6 points - 1 points 1 pcir:t: Building Department Subtotal: 1\\ ~L;\- ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES POINTS 10. Wildlife habitat: i species in known habitat ~ x -10 points ~ Scored by: # species in probable/potential ~~ -~ points '" ~ species in wide range ~x -2 points ~ 100 ft. f~om turtle nesting 500 ft. f~om piping plover 11. Critical Habitats: BPK, No Name, Ohio, NKL Key Deer Priority I or II CARL Or Coupon Bight 12, Habitat Groups: GrOllp 4: Group 3: Group 2: Group _1; Multiple -10 points -10 points -10 points -10 points -10 poilLts -10 points -5 points -2 points 1 point _i - I . t' G () L.l l) (.0 - 10 C.I ( J o l ""l ~' '--' ~ l Environmental Resources Subtot~l: -q ,I ,..... PLANNING POINTS Scored by: ~ r. 13. Platted 10 points 0 14. Acreage with infrastructure 5 poin.ts 1 ~. Lot aggr@gatic:1: Ii lots x :3 points 16. Acreaq~ Density reduction (2,4 or 6 points) 17. Affordable !-lousing S poin':S lB. land dedication: FI ':"8Ls!acr", x 2 = 1". Perseverance Points: Ii fLJll years in system: I ~~, 1 point/year for 1" 4 years 2 points/year t;!very year after 4 20. Zoned Offshore Island -10 points 2l. TORs: per full TDR used 1 point (no partial credit) E'larming DepartmEnt Subtota i: I-:::r1r::..-.,::;-'"(...i'.... ,~ IL ;/ C\ ...I)f! '. ,~ 0ruwth Mani.lg('m~rtt Di~'i~i()rt :2.7')8 OVer~€i~S l-iiljln...OIY 5Ull.c 400 Ma r;! t hOrl, Flu rida Y\050 Voice: POS} 289-2500 FAX: (305) 2!l9.2536 ~oafd of Col1_t!.t.Y. CO_n:!~\issionef!l: \.1ayo( MlLd'."ilY h, ~,>bnn, D[Sl- 5 ~1..yor Pro Tern Dilvid p, Ri<:e, Di5t.4 Commissioner Dixie Spehar, Dist 1 C()mmi~siun.er George ]'o.:eugent Dist. 2 Commissioner Olark"!; .Sunny" McCoy. D:~t_1 MEMORA.NDUM To: John Wolfe, ESlj_, Spel'ial Hearing OITlcer From: K_ Marlme Conaway, Directornrv1C Department of Planning and Environmental Resources " Date: October 14, 2004 Suhject: 1\'1 cnick and S U73 II nc Kalan, IltJltfidal Use Case Uackground OIJ SulJjeft Property The <.1ppliumt p urcbasl:d the ~uh.i eel pruperly in May of 1983 for one ( 1) dollar. The property is legal ly Jescrihed as Lot} 1 , Block 4, Cahill Pines and P<'llms, Big Pine Key, accurding to the plat thereof recorded in FLu Book 3 pagl: 94, of tbe P lLblic n:curds of \1onme County. The Real Estate [) umbl~r i s 0024~ 21 o-oonooo. The lot i So approx ima~ely 6000 square [eet. The subj~Gl 10l is vacant and zoned lmprovcd Subdi\'ision (IS), The County Blo logisl e\ ami ncd U1C property for environmental stalLJs in Oi:;:tober 2004. This lot' is nearly devoid of \tgctation ,vitn the exceptloo of ~ome in1.'(lslve c:\ otics along the property lines. Permitting Histor,. The propel1y O\vners <1pplicd f(}r a building permit and enlered ~he RiHe of Growth Ordlnance (ROGO) <lllm':<ltiun _~yslem on April 18, 1997. The pennil number is 97-1-592. The property has <I lolal of 18 H OGO points \vh:h incl uJe~ 10 persever.mce points. Afkr they had been In the S)'slLrrl f~)T O\'Cf fOllr years, tbe app liumt filed for ..\dminl.Slr;Jljve Relief. The applicati on date for the AdmiIlistrati vc: Relief was, .At pri 1 7, 2002, '.yhich is nilC Y~<IT laler 1 han the expiration date of tnt: allo\\':.Jhlt: time ljmit for ."J[Jl:ni.~~_rati\'e Relief. No permits have heen issued on this property to date, Development Po1en!ial 7()nilll; - - fhe improved S Lhli,'~sion dcsi fn<u ion of the property aHo\vs one single l~lrr~ily ..: ing Ll:ld cd,x..:ssury 'JSCS to hE 10[,jied on tht lot. C nder the current Land EXHI81T -~ [c,tr.,,; J.I~./'iI~U.~. R~.!;:.fU..' .~~I.'~Utl (".(JiiIN-LLiJ }} doc .. i j J '.. Developmem Regulations (LDRs), the Impro,'"ed Subdivision has no Tr<lnsfer Development Right value. Since this !s an upland scan oed lot there arC no oli site envirmmlental constraints to development. ROGO - In response to Objectives 10].) and 297_7 of the Monroe County 2010 ComprehenSlve Plan) \vhich directs the Counly to implement activilies to prohibit the destruction of Key Deer and to protecr its habitat, land development regulations have been adopted that scores a minus ten (~l 0) :ROGO pD~nls 10r any lot on Dig Pine Key. This would decrease the lot's compet] tlveness for a ROGO allocation. !I ~bjtat Cor,o::.en'atlon Plan - A Habitat Conscr\'ation Plan was submitted to the U. S Fi~h and Wildlife Sc...n'ic.c.:: (l..JSFWS) for Big Pine Key and No ?\Jame Key ln April 2003. The HCP pennit app1ic~t~on is iitill under review <md the USF\VS arC not issuing letters of coordinatlon until the HCP is approved. Land Acquisition Policy 207.7.3 <\nd Policy 207.7.4 directs the County to identify key Jeer habitat areas I1S prim.iry acqui.,ilinn sites and to coordinate pmgro.ms fur acquisition with federal, slate and mm-profit ('()nsernHion o,goni;:,Mions. Tbere are cUlTently ~everal active acquIsit10n programs ong.oing on Big Pint: Key ami No ~illTIE Key \'i'hich arc designed to protect hy clccr hahil<ll and provide [or freedom of movement and access to most areas of Dig Pine Key. Section 9.5-122_3 provides an opportunity for un applicant to dedicate bllildable lots to the County witlLin conservation ar CflS to receive .f 2 ROGO POi~1tS. Bl..g,J~jne K.cLClnd_."~o \i1.me Key \1;lster Plan - The Master Plan ha~ been adopled by the BOCC and is under final r(:"V in.... by DCA. Tbc lot is designated for inti}! (Tier ill) in the Plan. F:1igihility for Bend1dal Use Section 9.5&173 of the Monroe County Land Development Regulalions requires the applicant to demon~tr<llt' that the 201 (} Cumprehcnsive Plan and the Land Development Regu13iions in effect allbe tlme of the fi tiDg of I he berJeficial UEe application deprive the app licant of all reasonable use of his or hu property_ Po liel' 101. J 8.5 of the Cornpa.:hcnsi vC Plan dciiIles "all reasonable economic use" as the minim~m use of the property fleccssary tD avoid a laking wi~hln a rCMonabk plTlod oftirnc as cst<1.bllshcd by current 1and use case law_ The SLl bject propLft)' is currcIltly in tbe ROGO allocation system and has heen panicipating in the p~rmitting process for over four years. Tbc owner chose not to make the lot more competitive and then: fore is not ~nt i [led to hendlcla1 use under Section 9.5-173. The ?pplic;:ltlt was eligible 10 Jpply jL:n Administrative Relief fur the timcfr<lmc specifinlin the LDR'sLDR'i Se(:tion 9_S-122.2{J){2), however ~he l'Ipplicant did not o.>.pply during the spcclllcd timeframc. I.bd the- [lppl iUHlt arp~i cd. it i:s lih: ly the applicanl wou Id have been granted admjnistrati vc rc lief However, tbc Planni ng Depar1menl finds tbat the <'-ppl jean! has D of been d."lljen 811 rtiJsonabl~ economic use of this propc-rly am] is therefore nol eligible for beneficial use dctcrrni Jl<ilion. I..r IP~''-U~~i ~~ip" j4 '(),' .~J'I'~;;: .J. ~",~'~'.h.~.~ r.d.\ i." - BI~i~I' ,LJ r:.K (~h~Ji ("~~11 di-r~)~ } ,'. d:)rf,: to- Re('{)mrncndHUon: It js recommended that the Special Hearing Officer find that the upplkant has not been deprived of all rewmnahle economic uses of his property. ce. Timothy McGarry, Director of Growth Management Mark Rosch, Monroe County Land Authority Andrew Tobin. Es.q. Derek llow~rd, Esq. ~P:-LDl,lL L1\ LlTt / L APPL]CATIO~ FOR A DETEH.MlNA TJ ON OF BENEFICIAL llSE $750.00 ATmlica1jon fee PART] (pLEASF PRP.\'T) AYPLICAJ\T/OW)JER IN"FOR1\1.hIJQN L App~iC<illt is: S. Owner X A l,lthorized Representatlve 2. Applicant's name: Merrick ..1Ild SIlI.<mne Kahl.TJ c/o Andr~w M. Tobln Phone: 305-852-3388 3. Applicanl"s \1ailing Arldress: PQ.B....Q_~ 6~Q,._T~.YfI:ni.cr.....EL 3:lll2.Q 4. OWller':;, name {if applicant is Il01 owner): N/A 5. Ov,-n-er'f ar:khess: AU \.OI} nl'.o.nocf.!fS. ~l]Olll d be- sc-nl HJ 8hoVf mni 1 in[!. ~ddrcss. 6. Atloch a copy of [he ]{eCClrc1.ed Deed showing o\\'JJcrship, i. AtUllh mrd:Y Dr {.)~her le~al nescription (If no1 pan of 6 abo\'e). PROJFCT A\lP SHE JNF.OR.)\JATlON 8. rm~ecU~jte <;dd-:-e~s~ (;;JJ.ill.Drjn:, H.jg.P(ne ~~.l:.:..FL 9, REf,: OC24428U.000000, #00244200-000000 A1'\.'D f:00244 210-000000 10. 1 A:gal d-e~criptjon (attach me1es and bounds description if necessary): Lot] 8. Block 4. Cahill Pines and Palms, Plat nook;' <11 Page 94 ,6.,ND Lots] 0 & 11, 11l9Ck..:t Cahill Pine:> & Palms Big Pine Key, Block 3. Fa ge 94 .._._.._~. ,. ._. 11. Identify the land u:-;ed diqrict in which the property i:;; located. Attach a map showing the di<strict bcugearies if the property is loe 2.1 c-d in morc than one land me djstncl: IS 12. Des( ribe 1~H.:: pTl'Sml 1.l ~( of the proP{:rty: Vau.lnt 13, DocuTTlt::nl the date tne owner acquired the propcny and the amount paid: Folio #00244280-000000 -.---- Folio :/:-00244200-000000 EQJio #OO_2l1421 0-000000 Date acq~Jir~~ -71.S183 ._.AJ~J. paid: $26.00..Q l)at~)'1S--9hl ired: 5/83 A1TI1...Q.aid: Date <lcquiTed~ 5/83 Am!. paid $5.5,000 $1 14_ Document the current vahJt: of lhE property: $500.QOO. Part lJ pLEASE ANSWER THE FOL1.oWI?'4"G: 1_ Explnin the reason [or your applicati on for Beneficial Use and il1Clude any official act by the County denying you of all tC<lson<lh le u~e of your propeny (describe your expectation for uses of the property): E~r.. court Orfler_ attached, 2. Documel1t any r1etem1im'ltion ofV{'stt:d Rights for the property: N/A 3, Document r,]] Wcmpls made to ,~e1l1he pr openy :md the results of tbo~e efforts. Attach dOCUlllentat;on in support: NQn~ 4_ Explaln how the crileria jdenl;f}e,d in PollC).' 101.18 ,5, ~1 onroe County Year 20] 0 Comprehensive Plan are mEt A copy of lhj~ policy is attacbed to this appIic ation: Applicant ha!i heen denied all.JJ[lsoD.3blc b~ncfi(ia] use oftb(.PN.P_cD.Y. NOTARY: ST ATE OF FLORIDA COU!\TY Oj~ MO)YROI;: ~ ----..- . - - APPUCANT'S SlGNA TURE Tb1:' furcgcing ~j~t1;;~UH' Wi!.~ ",kilu"," kdgnJ bdmc me thi~ ;r9 dil.)' of :~\J~ust, 2004 by Andr~w M, Tobin who has pmduct't! <I Dri vcr \ Li r el)~ ~ as i d en! i fK atlnTI. My [()mmi~~i[)n nrirt'~: ?lAW S~gt)arur( of l':oUlry Public, Slale of Flurida ..-<;t~;~.- McJ: ~rl S W~k:s /.'!. G -'.~:\ ?l., (,:'f~M~SlOt~ ~ D(!ml~~ EXPIRES '."-",- .:;.",. .:)/ I~o~.~m be I 2 D, 2007 .. . ,,~:,-,.,... '."['; ~ '~~L'.~CrF'''' i';~U1~NCl:. ~ ~1 II c[ th~ ['!,lody of Mcnrce f.'Cl.I'ty '-'f (h(, ~'(.{."p~d lifA,r-t. .trnn~rt~ it.at tM ~'(l.id p(P'~Y r.-( til.e fi1"st p(J.,rl, for and in COJ1Sidall t~Qn oj" ~ 5~a'l...f 'Tfl\' (S 1('. CO l--~~-------- ---- n---__-_-_--_----------D(JlJ.a.r$, to him in I,.(wd lJu.id by ~he said pea-Iy of the.u.cond part. th.€ re.cdpt Wh.L;ti:fJ/ is hereby ui;"kn(Jwhd;ed, has frQ r.kd, bartairied and ~'old to the said po.r-ty of tht uumd. part his ht~''''!i CLr.d u.s.<tr,s fu,'n.u', 0,,,, loU~u.int deur-~:~od iond. situ-ate ~?/iflt and. utin.r ill. tii..c. Co~a, 111 of M"~,.0E , Stau of PlM'id.a.. t{J wif' it, O~ St(l ti' of Flex i Oll Let 1 ~, 'Rl <:>ck ~, r ...H J Lt. P ~ KL S r\rJD FALr-.'.S, ~ (-(-era i noj to the f' 1 Cl t lh~rEof AE r~ccl~~~ i~ pl~t Beck J at pa9€ 94 of the Fu~lic ~~cctds of ~~~r~E C~~nty, Florida. ~~~JEC~ ~ tux~~ :or t~e y~~r 1~~3 ona ~uL~cq~ent YC3r~. SUBJECT TO rFKtrj~t~cn~. r~s~rvat~on~ a~d €a~Ements of r~ccrd, bl,lt tl""~ ~ !"~f U EorltEC s.haj 1 :-.ot oro:::!".. tC to l:(:irr,po~c UjC ~ame. [c; ~;,,;jL<7 C~~_ r:_". 7-/tj'f.J.. ,-.. "', ;:r- ~;: [,,,-, IlJ"";~ I. .. , .-;' ~ lj .~~--~~. u~'<.~~f.~rL-~i~ . . -. --" ~. .,~Lr. ~~. ~:;: r." :~:~~';J: ./>0. .~ r.d U..e ~o:i-d P<~.1'~Y i;j' tl-.f. t.7'51 po. 1""1 a&fS M.~e,,!! /uuy lA.'un-Q:ld Ol€ ua~.-o ~a.L.J !.cwd, und <1" l! d<,lu,d Ud $urnt" a. ~a.ir.st ~}... W "-11.<-1 rk.n'nh" (J{ a.i.i pf",'.r;T1,~ w}w"'r..~'-'Cy;,i;"T'_ In _tUlI8./! . I)-HIm. IhJ3 ~aid pCL1'"ty of !Joe fl.',-st pa.rI {..as M1'nad.Q sd his 1"_lT,d a.i~d .\<;0,1 iI.l' day llr.d .~~Q;r first a-b(jl-'f. wrlt/,en, :B-iJJnIO. ~f~[fll 8nli ndi~nrh tn OOur Iht~mrR; _~~.L dt.. (. -' ~--i"X4. J A.}~!1. t- 1 ii:-~H,;, ,,::.c:..-'.:~.o.":(... _n____. .or; b t\. Ul:--J. ~'~-~:........., ,-...~!<,y~--D 0:; '-' -:;'.:::- - . ,- ~. ~db?JiY~JCP~? . 1ft Alfred Jc~eph J. Pu~ley _._--/-----~_. ~ . g'-'- . . ~ ~,......~ " J.. .. t.. ("-' ,......: l.; .i......-:..,'\. .;:.....:1.___ .. Mar~~TV.t C. PuY.J~y L/ iir fr d f.{.s:..fI- '-----r~ l...j .-:-......) " I 1: -.- -- ,--- -------------:- ---." r; ... . .. (\. I I .~ "I'\. L.... - c:-~ fI\..... - L-t'L-: ...~-.... ~'.i..J, ('-S:'~, -:"0,'"" ,:' ^"_~' >' r-.,J ("( -~'J ~~~___n\TB.I'--~ ;8: t:lItt\ ~{lf.: >3fJ uri it'a' ~----- .' C~~ntry ~f F.~oJr-nc ~ lllo.Hlty D f . e--'"Z ~.l.o-x. ] }l,ninl lIrrliJlJ' F;,ar ':'>1 t!.,J dal{ }:p_<<,>;(]1iy r:;'>I>,.,,~d lu!uu G1Jicfl r:!l--!II~ .;"J~ ~hL'~.:' t(l rL ,J{i"~i.J '~~5.{{r .()I~~.h~. tJ.,~J u~k{- u:1'k'iO~I.~t:.l~n~.fnt$r 1Ir. } nLe i; r~f'h]:t ..I,j~: E.Fl-, .' - r'l';'; LE~' c.Ia;' t-''}'_RGr-.r.E~ C _ PC1X LL 1:'. hi::- .....::. f to 1 (, 1n ( 1f."J::U f: 1, L" u r, (J r,d kr.{a"11 I.C n~ ~ If! he 1 h e I!ulp:ifi JL'!/,c. d~~ ~'ribui 1 PL oJ j, d luho f.H,(.'llU.d liu i(,rft~/il~r a"(!'u'. (l1Jd t~.PY ("d:~J{.,U-'rt.d~ui t.~fr,re m~ rlu.a I t:: E;' y [.,l t.C..! i 01 ~;, ( .' () 111 [ "'-1 I d!f '.1 Ii d l'l}~ i:J Jll t.J fJE lit! fJlL f )!("'P.' jl e~ei /l f~!t .~b c>i- ('.~ -'tlnuJ ~li" }'CiJ, G (PI Ii (!lll ncrt ~ o:Ul a { ~...:!=., ~ fi (\! [Oi f.lJ d",- .E"'t -t...ty. ~...~O; ~ --Y . ~Jll J ~')>t~ hr{;-y'kHidtJ, ~ h i~' . b ....... J"y -u! g .111JV ~ ,.I! n. )bf3lC'UflU y of E:;(;] GIltJ - . .....;.~b~~~l \"'~~-lf~lli'~~\ 3f~ {"'I""'~~.""'" ~........ ...\..........~ 1'4"'< r~ .J, ,. -\ '- ,"-'1'---=-r=t--9-1T71"'-- f',<.:.t o.! y ~:", i;" ~ C~ .Q.!:!,ry 1" :It. _- ~ :......-....'{--..lo,......."'t"-1, II ., l ll~llr~f:'~(~ll) TI.i.1 1'1(' ~IIIII ~Ir.:l" pp.I), Ir;;-r 111111 III .c(:.tJ~lri~'trJllllrl II' 111[' ~lItJI t:1 ~O.uG ~II 1...)~41 "'lJIlr~ I..... I)..:' ~-Lld ~I.I Qll(j r~rl}'_ ~III' rr....411rll [Ldlrlt....a~ 1.Ii ~,...I"(ILr ('1J ~..').~~ld('(~),~I~! I r~~...J. Il[lrrr.,.. ~r."'liH'. 'fl. Ir-I~-"I'" r1flrll "Lf~I.-!"I"'~~r1 IJlI~t'J ~I..(I -!oll"~~ j....(.....~Jri J)o(Jtt)" ,rO.r':::.~""r. ..Ii IJ.,[' p~fd,t. I..JI'.... ~llt..H-~t. .-1.....f"1. dH~r A'(prrJ~p~,,/ 1~lr~'4f~~ J'I(" .Il:::1i[~ fir.~1 "'~HI:'o' )lrl~ ~~~ r.~I..J tQ I~I[, .rr..dlCII.j"..I~~:tI JI['J..(.l'i~f'd 1Li'~. fl'(""( I' IIJ.P PrlJ(..J .-;.:.r ~unJ_ ....II~~O~(_ r~~IIY I1JI~J ~L.i..~ ~ ~I-.~ C .['[.t~I)' U.I ~{"):'"~Ooi:- Slalr (;( flcr-:Gh IIJ .....(1: ':"~,l.:: ~.t ....-i:.c.dr_t 1.[':1':':::: i_flQ not .....he: tiCf..E"!st.E:.ad ;:-.~. ..I..hL ~~r~"'Lrr)r.. Ld-" 1 C "-1"!G. H. ~lock 4. Caj-_~l1 71.I~(:'S ...nd T;-,:i.r.'!l, accore1.ng t.o the T-~.:. t. '.~,~.:-~ of [, ~ T~C{;T<i~C. in Flat Book ), l:';"~"" ,?-', ...r t.!-,~ ;'~,bl1 c l.,,(C"r<', ~ c1' 1"',::';-,T0E CG~nt)' j Pl Driel". T(I It'Wf Llnn tll l!C1ld .~ II'... I(.I~.:"~II.-r IJ.:II~I rd,' ~:'I~IIII'("II'" d.... (111I:.IP'JI'I..:..I..'....s 1~I""'rr.II'IJo :11 I.:. rIP.~... (..~....~O",,~.,r.f~. ....)I~ r:-II d'r ....~Jc...... rl!J(.r. (11~rr 1)lI,h(IJ.1. (.:...." ~.[I~..it:!o' (;I..d .d"~""J 11.1...... ~(IIn. .llt~~ "~"lrl~. .j"',d~~..... Irl l'uLu ..:or .:-r"JJ~I""', f-a I)tf' ....JI~r pr.l"'r~l'"r 11'::1'". J)['q"~it '[]I'iIJ ~.C')~...o, OJ .JI~ .-tJJJ .IUI~'I.I'" L,.111:,~,"J)I.' "I ,,,,',.,.. ,,{ ,j". ! I.' (. III ~ r. liP I :!' !n {(111nrs5 lUllr.rrflf, T", "",,' (.." r""')' 10m ,,,.',,,.,1 "',,' " ",',.,1 ,j".,.. ,...>.~I. .I,~ ,I~!I "".1 )"'''' ill)~ U 11ri.~~ ~ 1~:r'l'I~.11 ",f" '! -'r\r' I' f _OJUJJ /' "'''IJ t'" )< :"'&U1r'A'" ':11 JU""J..f'I'.r:... iD : "'<--'''' )"" ""J'-- :;....:.1 .- "-'; J (,~~> J:-:-.~..... ..... ........... f Iff ~_.!.-.1.~- /. 'Y~f !vY:U/-A- ~"~',-ff, '];' F U~~IL'..\. :.:Ul"\i Y O!" ~l':: ,'I-I:!. ri: C ~. 6" ~ ~..-' ~ , I I" on ,;~ -;:-";;. c <~.r: ' i -.7' . .... f5j ~v- t ,-/. .. 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F:e.':ou.s hf:rord Record 1 of 3 l r\(e>:t ~~cord..J PROPERTY l1"\FORJl,lATlOJ'o,' }"OR: Alternate Key: 1312177 RE Number: 00244280-000000 Short RE Numbcr:2442 80 [=~~. .~m~l n,~ otf~e C).bO!l~ l~iS ~~r~ '_ ,J h1)flerl~ Dd~ih ."m ..... :=.;; : OW~Ul OJ Rf.n)RD PHon. H.,''\-' M,I,P I\. A I....... ~ SUl..... \:_0...:.1: B :'2.. )>, \'': 10TH wp, y P.~ ,O( L.t.,'" D fL. ~_l Of, ~ ];1 G n~..,'E KI: Y 24l27O PH 'l'~ 1(" A L U.)c A nor', :7 2r: - (,(, -:.~ ...J, I....!' ! i ! I lj ~ 0 ~ ~; L'NLT 1\'U'HW.H. U: G AJ_ D [o;...1t !l"n Or-; ell E'K ~ L T 1 P. CA:-:ILL PI.....H &. PAl.MS BIG P;....E K!::Y PB~-94 ::)R.~',:", 5'j.,( I OR(((,-':':'9..'4':' I CRn~-~'!~ 0Rl'RC<-(iRS' (U''R W1... e:>.: FILE)\"] 244-.2$10 ~ECTIO"'. Tow:"l;~Hlr. RAf"'GE r~ I .. I'IL'~I~n;s :"'>'....MF ~If Al'fUCABLI} M~r :Si~ C S;r.<<1I ~~ \~<'"~'\.l]T1 C Ll'r~~ I..., f]{....o\ 1l0!'>A.L AmJl!B~ (l ~ IIJ'rUr AIlLl) lH~'de Map :t1.~.""0 DI~TKIU l'~"UH PC COllE 'A,- \'.<.,(:-",,"[ RnlDL~TL~L CFRTJFlEU VALt:ES (AS OF LA~T )"TARS (TRTlFlED TAXIHJLL) . ~~.I Bl']Lnr~G & LA;\TD ]:"'FOR:\lATlOl\' '"';,~ Prop~rty Jnformation for ] ~ J96 Page 1 of 2 --- H.IIlIl1: [I~J arJmteJ.! rHrr<l'.~is!m Qn~1Ltlu.ll (nlltl F"Dfml Jull~"1~I~t4 ll:l~^M f:1)r.I.l.r.~ I~~ Wthm...u:,. Tl1~ c..to <"roll. ,no ~ in ~h,~ 1i'~~ l;l. .. A~ ~~~, ~]'d ~~O CJo6il711 00<l ~~dt O:\LI~E D AT A CENTER RJ:CORns SEARCH Your search for ~amf.: "Kalantt finlshed wlth a total of 3 records found. kar4;:_b _Again.__ [- Pf€\IiDtJS R~COfd .J Record 3 of 3 !-.~~X' P.eC(H(J PR()J'F_RTY J )';TO:RMA TIQN FOR: Altcmate Key: 1312096 RE Number: 00244200-000000 Short RE NumbcL244200 ( ~~1~llhiS Q.!flce about this pj3,~~~L ~ j Prupc-rl~- DdaHs ~ ~1if .:........:....~ Ow~r.l'l or J':lCORD pROF'r.RH. f\-lAI' KALA \: Sl!lA ~.>.;t: :- ~'";2<i 1'-[ inTH \I.'.';) f'i\ R K LA. ]\' [) fl. )] 06, E!;G fl~c. KEY ..... '" c.. .. c. ~441\l1O PllYSKAL Lor./l" ION ~ L~n :-; L">1BIR st' 1014200 LlG,II.l Dl-..~CR]rT~or-; 10- BK 4 L T]O CAHlU. PI),iU Ii: PALMS BJG PtNE. KJ:Y I-'B3. IJ~OR5:!6-_1.69-:i 70 OR 72U-E~ 1 OR8i9- 1 1'";(1 QR914-i4 ~,4Q/C :J ~ 244210 sr.(1"lO~', Tow~~mp, RA""Cl If 2(- . (~(, - 2~ Bl'Slo;ES5 ~A..1E (l r AI'PI.ll AIILr) 1'.1.. Sizr C~ Sn-.211 ~.. 'oI,edlll[";1 .._: L~rgc l'iH.R.t..ATIO>;AI ^ tml-<l.~~ (l r A F'l'lIC A "flU:) Hide Map B..:'iJ'\ G n 1~l.F-1D I ~{!;..; JJC (.ODt: ::(", - \-"il..C.t..'._; ;;,r~::)['Tit..L CEH.TIFlf.:D VAU"ES (AS OF LAST YE_!\RS CFRTIFIED T AXROLL) BUILDl)\;C & LAND l)\'];OHM~\TlO~' ~... ~~~ }-r'n.....\'I,"'"\'I,...,,'I,. TT1.-.....':"=+i .-....r....-:I.......-...- ......t.-.. .- ..._~_.-.1... ___ __...f - . IN THE CIRCUlT COURT OF THE 16TH JUDICrAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA SL::::AN:-.'E K.i'\LA~, CASE NO. CAP 03-] 555 P1Jintiff, Vi>. ~10~ROl.::: COC~TY, FLORJDA, a l)oljt~c<d subdIvision of t!le S1ale of f'1orida, Defendant. AGREED ORDER i Thi~ CiiUS[ haying com~ on to be hCGrd bcf(1~c the COUl1 on Defendant's \1olion to Disr-r.lSS, and ~hc Co~:n h~\'ing been advised ,helt the pf:lrties have agreed to the entry of (hIS urdu: l[ is thereUpOL ORDERED thGt l)efcTid2.n1, \1oI,foe County shall n:ndn a beneflci<ll l~se dc:tcrJ11m2.tlOr; as to Lots ] G, 11, <J;ld 1 E, Block 4, Cahill Pines and Palms \\"Itbn 90 d<J)'s of the date of !his order provided the decisions may be delayed due to the BO.e.rd of ("()un~y C()mmi$~i()ner5 !;:ch~dule, Done 2.nd OJdcrtd f:,d Pl;;'fJtfltlOn Kev flmida on - , , 2.004 cc: Dtrd HO\'.2.rd, E"q i\ndJ cw T ob: rL Esq P"ge ] of 1 .\JOl\ROE COC!\'T)' YEAR 20l 0 CO]\-1PR.ElJENSlVl: PLAr\ BE:\EFJCIAL USE PROCEDt1RES AND CRITERlA ObkfHH' ] 01.1S Monroe County hereby adopts tllC {oj lowing procedures and c-riteri a for tile detelmination of Vesled RJghts and Benefici al Use, for the effect of web d("tcrmin...~iom. Policy] Ol .18.5 1. It lS the policy ofMonroC" ('ounty th::lt neither the pTovisions of this CompTchensi\'€ Plan nor the Land Dt\"clopment Regulations shaH deprive a propeT1y O\\ner ofaH rea!ion::;ble eumomic u~e of a pllrcd of Teal property which j s a lot or parcel of record as oftbe date of adoption of this Comprehensive Plan. Accordingly, MOlli'OC County shall adopt a B enefi ci all-~e procedure und Cr which an owncr of real properlY, may apply for reI jef from the li1 m:d <.pplJ C fltion or applicable land use regulations ofthi s plan ",,,hen such appli<:alion would l1a\'e the effect of denying all economjc:dly reasonable Use that propErty uJlle~~ c:ucb Gf:prtvation is shown to be necessary to prevent a n~is~JlcC" Or tl' rn~tu:t the r_ca)lll, ~afety and \velfare to ~t5 ciljzen_~ under Florida Law, F Or the pUrpO~T of Ihi ~ fiQlicy, all reascmi'ib1e economic lJse ~han mean the minimum use of the propeny ne("t::~~ary to avoid a taking within reason<iblc time as cstablish~d by current land B~C carC' law." .lI,c0p:ed tliH~U<:ll1' FAC Rul.. ~~-2(). ~()n(](,) 2, The rel i ef 10 \Vlll ch an (19,;](', sh2lll be cntilled may be pro\"i dcd nu ough lhc use of one or a combination of the follo\\'ing: a) GrantiLlf. 0:- ;:; pcn11i 1 for ckvdopmcnl whi ch shalt he d-eduCled from the Permit A !It'l" ,Hi on Synem; b) C~r<l-:lling uf ":.l!'e (If Tnmsferable Development R ig.!"m; (TORs); c) Government purchase of all or a portion of O)E )Ql:; or porrct:l!'i upon which all hCl1efi cial use ;5 pr ohibltcd, This allemati ve shall be the preferred <:l hem<il!\'e when hene fj ci:;.) use has been depri \'Ed by ~pplicat;on ofDi vi sian 8, of thf' Land De'l.'el(1pmenl Regulations; d) Such olller relief a~ the COlmty may deem appropn<.\lt and adcql.l ate. 3 _ O('\,('jopmmt <'pproH''':' pur~u ~nt to Bcncfici al l;se deteTninati on shaH be con:si ~tenl wi [h <Ill o~her objectives and policjes of the Compre-henslve Plan and the L~nd De\'clopment Regulations unless specifically ncmplcd from such rt'{:l\.JiTcTltnt~ 11_ :ne fiJ_a 1 Bene fl cial C t;~ dettnnination, . ,....~('rl~.:; r~.~lI~r.r f AC )<. uk 2f:-:CI I (Kit ~ ') I :"0t: inl-3 ....-;f.r.l:") I ;:,no....~ .ht"'[ A~DREW M. TOBIN, PA Attornev at Law Post Office Box 620 Tn "ern i~r. Florida 33070 Te ] t'p hon e 305-852-3388 Laml 1;... & 2""u"ll La", EnWOllllantaL Law Admini~trati...~ Law Appe HOlte Pr act.ice ReaL E~l ate ClQ<!,iJ:l@"s July 20, 2UD4 JUL H.10;A ....';, . . -. 'j'.: Timot~y :. McG~ryy Growth ~ar.cgcment ~irel.tor Monroe Ccu~ty Government Center 2798 Ove;~cas HighwaYI Suite 410 ~6ratho~r flcrid~ ~~OSO RE: Merrick and Su~anne Kalan J..o t 1 S, B ~ k 4. C a hi 11 P:i n e s .':.: F 21 fT'. S G f] C L(J L S 1 0 &. 11, E~k 4, C~ti11 Pines & Palms, Big Fine Key DCOlr T~m: Fc.r ~ u c. r::. t t. C Cl.ll' lS our t~n~f~~i~1 ~sc .~ eJ ep}:one CDI1VCreat ion. thi s date I enclcsed c,pplicatior:. Eino copy of l}le court order. Fi t:.o Sf.:: SC!-Jp.c'l',J] e t he he-Cor ing at YU..l::C 2c.r::::' est opportunity. , T:l un:':' you f Or your cooper a t ion, ~ j r.c~r e1 y A~dre~ ~. Tobjn. Esq. . F'I cpcrty Information [or 13] ~ J Page] of2 !Ip!'lt' lliJ~..WlJl<JW !::.ll.c:l.pli!l.J\ll 0" Ii,,, n..!lI..i:.r:.JJ.W .....rm" J~I l..<, ln~ ] I '(o('..\~t <....J:fl:iJ~JlJ... \I.,:~"m.a.~I-r:r 1.b~ .;I...I~-. rn!'11~IT1~d ~r, thl~ .....-t'='~il~ .... a~ I..~I 'LI:;.:r;:!ZlL.:L~ (16.'17,'100.:1. I" 1i?"~,tg;~~\'P'~",": ?i;;; 'i\;;~;'i,:i:,:,-,i,'>\,;,: ::':'~..~I~.:~ . , - ~. "".., -. ONLI"E D A T A CENTER RECORDSSEA.RCH Your search for ~3 mt~~ "_K aJaD~: finished with a total of3 records found, Search Again" , F're-....:.c'us ~ec('i.ci Record J of 3 L N.~~l ~~.co~d.J P:ROPlRTY ]l\'H)RMATION FOR; AI1erni'l1C Key: 13 ]2177 RE N\jmbct~ 00244280-000000 Short RE Numher:244280 [ 4 ' .~TflaHJ:)~s o~~.~.e a~o,~~ !~i.~.p}~r.E:L ] PrnflHt~. DrlOills :~jbj OW~E]ol 01' IHTORD PROPERTY 1'11...." K......l...^.'-; S\ J7.A ;-"'~E B ',<,''2:' .... \\' ','OTH WA'l' P"; RK 1 A\D FL.. 33(J(,; 1..:1\:1""1" ~l""MBER -C ~ 244270- ] 7 2lo4280 ~ 0 HI t , 2-<<290 '"" C" I I ; 1 f-:;' ) J'IIY~lC....L LOC....TI(}r" l3JG PI NT: K fV L~:(: AI. D LSCRJ rTl O~ Bl< ~ L"7" Iii C" IIJ l..~. F'li'-'r..S &; PA LM~ 5lG FJl'- f: k. r.y f'H3..94 OR" 7{" ;~~;7(,: CW[..5IJ..<l39,'4L, I GR82f-g5 Of~t U,-('1;~ n;':R Mil. U\ FILC)VI c e Si.CTLOfl,', TO\V:"I;.sIllP, H....",GE 21>, 1,6 - 29 F.lcSJ ~;LS~ f'I,' A.'.n: (JF APPl.If:A uu.:) M~..~ Siz{' C. S~-"Il (~Mrdi...lr1 C_~I Lar~c 1-;'ll.H -';.o\:nO"'.o\l ADORES5 OF AI'I'I.IC l>.IlLl) [- H'ide Map Li.:U~:(; nr~T~ I n IOCtH PC COPE 00 - VACA:'\:T RFSI DE1'- TIAL CERllfl:r:n VAl.LES (AS OF LAST n~ARS CERTJ FlED T AXROl.l.) BL1]I..DI;o.;G & LA:"'D ]NFORMATIO:~ ';,.'.~I hnn ./!u:\'.-v,: Tl1(~n.:.' tl ..r(" ,'.r=I !=J.1.-:.,.-. ~-"T":.t~.'''''''''t.r.~rITr. '"- ;.....= ~.-.....~ .-, r...... - z 0 Z ..:i ....... X il:: ~ ....... :J .....; "'" ~ .:;:: ~ .' 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II: r...... _.-. ~~ G tI CD <:;:: '.r' ti I e. ---------~ - .-.... 1 . 1 . I .. . . f- . . I . . ,. . . . . .. . .. . . I . r . r " . NA ~Ir . .. ;I . .. ~ . ; . . . I ~ ~ u ! . . . . \ I At.. . II ~ I . r--&~ t I"~ .. - . ... . .. I N !5{~/V I . . . . ;; " . .... . ~ P'CX'r/D "II . tiC ~ U'7~ . M . . /V;-~ I t--- I . . . I . . . h ... . I '(.j n . .. I . . I . .-to 1I;l.J - ~ I ._-----~------~~---~~~ P~ME. A~ P . ,~ : ~H.ULL . n ..n . ) \ .. . . ... . . . . . CANN.. \ ",..,...............~-~~-----~--~......~ . , . , . . I . 1 ,. ;" / ~-~---~-----~~~_J n/l ~ ! ~ o I- ~ Tl:"'toL;-Ll....:'......~""T ~.n.tl :10q:. .....et ANDREW M. TO~IN, PA A ttornev at La w Post Offi ce Bo:x 620 Tavernicr~ Florida 33070 L~"d 1.1...., 2.o";Di: 1.,.... f;'....imnrnenta.t Law Ad:m l oi!tTB tlV4! Law Appell ~t.I! }'TBcti~ ~1Lll:M. ta t.e CJosiUf~ Telephone 305-852-3388 LJU] Y 2 0, 2 Q 04 JUL 26_~ .... "i.. ..t'., . Timcthy J. McG~rYy Growth Manage"~nt Di~ector Monroe County GC\.'E'lTi:llent Cer.:.Ler 2798 OVe:rseas Eighway, Suite 410 Mar~thcLj FloIid~ 33050 RE: ~errjck and S~2anne KaJan Let JR, Elk ~r Cahill Pines & Palms and Lets 10 & 11, Blk ~, C~hil: ri~eE & Palms, Big Pine Key DeaI Tim: I=",] 1 f.:l:c, ~ t to cu r t. ~ 1 erhcne C'cnver sa t i en t his cia t e , enc 1 aBed is our bcnef~~ia) USe application aGd copy of the court order. Plea~e sc~cdulE t~e hearjng at your earJiest opportunity. ih~~K you for your cooperation- SinCt~)'"el y your~, .-------;- -0e-. Andre,,"' M. 'rebin I Esq. ~fob]n 1.cI 'P/"J~"ti(.1 rT.cI:IU...., IL'~ ANDRE'" M. TOBIN~ PA Attornev at. Law Post Office nox 620 Tav~rnierl Florida 33070 O' I"",d u~ ~.. ZoJniDt: La 'I' Erlvi ronrn ~!;IeallAo"" Ad:'.lLin.:i1itt"11 ti vt" l..:I'L.... Ap.,..l~ato P,.ctie.> Real E~t31r. Clo.>~ Ll'~~ (!J Telephone 305-852-3388 July G, 2004 .... ~. -- .. ~";~;( "~,t~' Tim McGarry, Din~ctor Growth ~hmagement MonroE' Count..y Government Center 2798 Ov~rscas Highway 1\-1 arnthon, FL 33030 Re: K<:ilfln v. ~vlonroe COlmty Lots 10, l], B n d 18, Block 4, Cahill Pines and Pa] m s PH3f94 Permit. K'o.'s 97"1-()."i~n; 97-1-0592; 97-}-0593 Dear Tim; AE you v....ill rCGj ll, a f1..P.T four years in the RUG 0 q u~ ue the Kalans sought admiDistn-lt.ivf:' relief only to be informed t.hey had m]8~p.d the filing window. After filing kin action for inver:;:e C011 dem na tlon, t.he County agreed to render a timely beneficial use deci!)ion. J <) In takin g thiE opportunity to ,) lert. you t.o the Agree d Order because of the Ehort deadline impof:pd by the COllrt. I am a]~o 8ndoE:ing a copy of the Agreed Order and t.he app)i(:ation for Admini~lrntive Relief for your reference, "\VoulrJ you pleasC' let me know when you expect t.o schp.dule the hearing. Thank you for your coope>ra tion. Sincerely yours, 4-.-.~~ Andrew 11. Tobin, E~q. cc: \1 a rlp.ne Con away. Pl <) nnin ~ Director !N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 16TH JUDICIAL ClRCUIT IN AND FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCZA\1\E K....:\LA~, CASE NO_ CAP 03~155S Pli1intiff, Ys- MO~ROE COC0lT\', FLORJDr\, <i po] i ti CfJ ~ subdi vi si on u f the Sta tc of Flori dt!., De fer,d3 nt, AG REED ORDER This Ccl\se having COme OIl ro be heard before the Court on Dcf(;ndat1~'s Motion to Distr.is~, .?nd tbe Court h2.\ing ~C'cn advised tl1at the panics have agreed to the entry of this order, it IS thcrcupun ORD:-:RElJ that Dtfcndan!, J'\1omoc County shall render a hncf.clr.l uSe de lem1i n (l{i on (lS t a Lots 10, ] 1, and ] 8. R lock 4, Cuhlll Pi nes and Palms within 90 days of the date of this order provided the decisions may be delayed due to the Board of C01Jnty Comrn~ssicmt:n schedule. Done and Ordered at Pbntation Key, Florida on .2004 cc: Derek Hmv<Jrd, Esq. Andrew Tobin, Esq. Page \ of ] ~ cy ~. :iL '>.(....' '2 ---., ~ h...) d /11 , >' Cona way ~Ma rh;:! ne From: Sellt: To: S lIbject; KC! re n CE b E. r a:s[ S M T p' kca b" :'.i s@rno' gil n a r.d"1 e nd ri ck co m J TUE.saay March 2t. 2003 11'51 AM Marlc!""J8 Conaway (E-ma,lj new t&kings case I htl\'e received a new tcn"porary & pHmane'lt t<'.king use filed by Andy lobin fot th€ following pro~prtiGs: SuzannE Kalan lots 10. 11 & 1e. Glock 4 Cahll[ Ptrles & Palr.ls Subd ivision, plat book:], pg 9.!l The complaint say~ she's been Lf1 ROGO for 4 years & has nQ~ received an alloca~ion. It does not Eta1e whelher she ha.s applied for administrative ~ elief. bJt m[;rcly st:3teE that ":here arE nc bdcquate administrative lE~medie5 J....<:liI8 ble." I n order to do my r€Spoflse (due by April n I need to l<..'10W whether thf:re ~~cs b[;en an application for <ildmifltstrative reli8f for these properties and if so, wha: the! ecofTlrT',cr.dation was & what the BOCC's tnal deCISlon was A'ldy SBYS ShE was rEjec:t€d from beneficia! use because she fi led her application 100 :a~e If so. pie8sE send me copies of ~n relnan1 Q(jcurn~nts & correspondence Also, pleasE send me 2 copy of their' ROGO file {app. & SCGre stJeet) Arc theSE lots id€ntified for devclopmenl under tt",€ HCP ur l:er system? Regarr::'le:ss. wc" arE probably gOlrlg to naVE 10 either I~SUE: pe-rmits Or tuy Plese lots. We S'10l:ld m&ke that decision now rather than waste mcney en liti[;i!tioT1 jl;st to end up dcing cn~ Of thE other ~r;ree y€:~...s frorn 'lew tr.rcuf h n1f;d 1<J~ior.. Let me know whal you think & how you want te C€<31 "Nith ttlCSC lots. Page 1 @ ., APPLICATION FOR e ADMINISTRATIVE RELIEF Applica.nt is: 'X Owner ~' Authorized Representative Applicant's name; Sll7. ~ nTH:! F. 1<81 f,n Phone; (2.54) 753-5963 Applicant'::; mail)ng 8dd.reH~: _-11.2[" N .10,1. 70th.~y P~TkJand~ Flcrids 33067 OwnEr's name Of applican t 15 not owner}: Owner's adclrc-ss: _ ___ Phone: (P~e3H attach s statl?::::c.ent a uthorb.ing- rEpresentation of tbis application by Will tOnC oU)er tban yourself. The st1:lte s!JouJd read: "I, .; ow=l(~ rs'!; n ;3.m€; au thori ze {in d ~vi d 1: <J j YOll U re ::3. u tb or-i2ing to repr€se n t you J to rq~Te~en~. my property for U:is appl;nnion [or Aan:.inistrativc Relief." REf': BuildjnR h~TTEit !'T:p1icat"i on~ on Big Pine_.~IT.L..X.l9:Tid.!l l.-:g 8.] df'RCriptim:. (3t tach ill ete::; 8 BC: bound~ rlf scription if nen~.'Ssary): Block 4 lot 10, Block 4 let 11~.~~Qck ~ lot 18 Cahill Pines ~nd Palms. Big Pin~ Key Per p-'J ~ t 41: 9 7 - I - O.J 9 1, 97 - 1 - 0 5 92 > 97- 1 - () 593 Date of most ref'€l1t ROGO applic;:! tlon; ..19.~ .. _", \\'hat k~1 d of adm1n~~trat~ve relief are you ~ecking'~: I ~m ~e~k:ing tbe I'i~ to UtiU7.E mv tr.re{' lot'" for ~iJ,f!:~t.';.<il hlli1rHTlg A Co c.] t ~ 0 n aJ {.'o UJIIl(;;l U : Th~ S~ 1 ot s werE"' pur('n~ S~~ ;in_) 983, SitUClt ~d in a wrJl e5tublished Y~sidEntial area. --.- - - -.... .---. -- ;:Iffec( on tbe environment. ?\OTARY; Bui 1 di!1g }ll'mcs Up__t)l~9.J~._~ots ..auld h.s.ve no ad\'~J::se STATE OF FLOHIDA COV!\TY OF BJ:a l.-~.....,r--_l_ /':, n . ') ~VI.~~,J~ Y ~alfl~ .fp'f\hcants Signature "-----' ' Thf" f'nn.: fc:ng fiEIl at un~ \'Vas ack:lo\\.lcd g(~d before IT, e thif. c\_ d... o{:1... ~. I r1. {"'-.. ~ c..- ~ ,1>6_, by _ ..~__1'.___?- {-...... n f"'. e. D i Q 'I t~ K (J C.; ('\ day of w b 0 is person 2.~])' k 11OWl, ~o r.)€ or wh(~ r..a~ pn:Olh....cpd D ~ \ t"~ .~_!:. _.Lu...::..,.:;,,,, 5 "t'_ K 'l. ~ [0 -7 ('1 r- 'f{. 8 '1 ~ 0 c5 1 dE'nt~ fica tiOIl. "'"- \-L I I 1'\'.. " '"" ",., -~:r ". V! II ,-- "'1_\ ~LmDl. ..h..- p.xf)~- e... -I, ( 0 J ~. ~ - I ~~(~c_Lf {!L.~~ ~ FOR-'~EPARTME!'fr rSi-'O~LY I DB. te affilinE wi tL P1 (:n~ning D- I m:c,tor ~ I -4L1kB,-~-~~ ~, AR1\-,~{i IF rfl, ~iE'l"jCJ.:'~rc (Jf~'otc.ry P'clb;~c, S'.ste ofFjm-:d~~ nJ tn I'I:! Co ::r j::, Ln .... """ N o o N ....... '-" f'l -....... CD ::: ;:; p::; I:) Ct:: ~ C:l a:: a u IJ.J Ct:: >.r-- I-:::i ffi~ n..M Q..--l 'C Q. >--)- i-uJ :C:~ ::Jw 01- U<r: tuZ aU: Q:uJ :;:0:1- 0-1 ~<( '-'l ~ .r. ~c .T.C a:;. '.' l' -n: '" 0l;I Q \[)C ~r-' \()~ 0.'U: c; G"""':: c,..:l CI-I c;E C C , L-- Ci ..... IX .-I Nf"">1P::g,; "<j' .-I c::. l: "'r'l~ II! ~ r-1~::::Z; o o ,....:! L1 ;., .0;: ") ....:! ~q U aJ ~:-<::-. 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I-t j:: '(] '"(J --i ~ I[J (t-r<-rl .--!'f-.I.H p.....,-.. ><. .-l .-l "-' j':] 0;:1 ....:i~:J:J .:(~Otl ,~ ~ , <t 0 55~OO ~~COD O:O"Q:Z; f;U 0 ~:>-<H E-b'V) :z~1:t: ~ [:Ll g}~~ .cJ::o:J;O ~:s:U E- ':<::: [,j 22 ..-- U:; b- cr; :z f- r;no ;;:::;:0 ~I ~.I r.~ ~ W a:. cc r~ e..:i f-< G'. m v' oJ; ~.... -~ ~I [J".i ().....-------..., 1 ..., r 1 C (") C... ,-~-~ r--....I r-..:J .~ ... ::"":1 ...... rcJ u:. r.r; t':J -:1". L.-""! Ci'J L.....I ...:r.~' (l~ I...... ~C OJ....c c::~ v' ;:..: ~ t.LO\.:;~c f:"- C' (:( r'~ Li"1 ::.'1 c"~ IT: ~ a-: l::"= ~ ( - y"b;"],, w~'T ~T1 8" ova. t\t.= ANDREW M. TOBIN, PA Attorney Ilt Law Post Office Box 620 Tavcrnie:r, Florida 33070 L~.r.d l)1I(' 0. Zon.lllt l-.&\\ l;;nVlTDruJ>~rt....1 L;o... MTTliTJ jl!ltTZl'[~""~ !.At'V." Appo=]]1l t~ l>nI,l:iC( R(i!o] E.~ts. t~ C]O~LI1l5 Telephone 305-852-3388 April 2, 2002 Julia Thomson, Administrative Assistant !1.1 onroe County Board of Count:.y Commi ssioncrs 2798 Oversea s H igl1'i.vay, Suite i1 00 Mar-a t hon, Florida 33050 ----- Re ~ Adm inl stra tive Relief for Merrick & Suzanne Kalan Dear Ms. Th om son; Pursuant to your request, please find cnclm,ed the completed Application for Administrative Rehef from the Kalans. Please schedule this matter as qu ickly a s possible. Sinccrdy yours, a/Y)uu~-~ 1ft ~7CbU? Andr~w M. Tobin, Esq. B-o J.../Y'L .t 4t 3/26/02 To Whom It May Com~ern. 1. Suzanne Kal.an autllOrize ArlJrew ,\1. Tobin PA . propCITy fOT this appljcation for Ad . '. .' .Attorney At 1 ,aw to represent m\; mlHl str atrve Rellef - C Olii ~.. \. ~Lr '._ ...'_...' llNv App 'C<int\ Signatl~re .-J/-J-- -7 r( .:, .J- ~ '7 7?A-a-.J~..{ (J ""- /h "-'I ~"-- '2 7, ~ ,"0 -;L. 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KEV!SIONS ~ILL ONLY EE ACCtFTED IF A NEW S?~L~TICN IS S~~~~~ , O~"''ER'S w...~ ,...(.J/2L;n/Je. r::;txbkn PH; (y,')7~- t.J~H) 7'5'E -5Pv; S'I'REET ADDRESS: -;7~!/ AltLJ 7~~ ?(}~(tNJc/STA'rE FL ZIF ~.~.i~ AGiiNT'S NAME~ iJldiStbtcd1, b L fA .'!erY/t2.es PH: (W) 7~ -Jfj) ':H:,/.45-J'1h STREET ADDRESS, ~. D, 7$ox (j~/I2- ~ S":'A':'E FL- z:Ip ~ " ~ ~ ~ . . ~ .RO"RTY ]}'SC"rP~JON, K.y ~0 11~ . ~"T/Lf>'I'1f:;.:/(Y ",,:{t!7 RE WJv.BER ~S) (/:.;jflt/a../o SUB:JIV:SJON {}tiAt.JI f {/Mis ~ "Ok 5 PLAT BOOK -3- FAGE --td. LOT 1/ f::!LOCK L SECT!ON d:L TOWNSHI ~ ~ l'<J..NG~.:2:L IF METES k~~ EOL~S. ATT~CH LFGAL DESCRIPTION ON SEPARATE SkEET. NUMEER OF UNITS: MOB!LE HOME H.Or.:S'E :::I- HOTEL RV LIVEABC.tI.RC OTHERC: - -t- PLt.j1/LiSE C SCK THE STATEXENTS Al=FLrChBLE TO YOm;, PROPCSAl.. ;.ND ;"rrs:.CH THE REQUES':"EO ~O<';;'Jl..{a~s. 1) 'l'he proJect ~5 cor..b::..ni:l9 CDr.t.iguO".16 :'ots in a :egaJly plBtt.ed sl,.lbc.l\'~!::Q,. '....l~ .....ater, Elect:rici t.y. and piv~d :rOll-dB or :i S othe:rwis€ be 10..... der.5~ -=y. ~~ l::'c.~'= oJ ~ l:;', ~ Co copy cf B prcposed I~E1tricti....e covenanl; 1 ::.mi t.:.r.g tt-,e ,.'..:JTJber cf .;..::. (.': ~;I prq::e:rty and runn'::'r.g in f e.vo;r of ~r:.d er.lf~n:::eM:'e by the C:C'.illT:Y. 2:, . The '..l...it:(s) ,...;ill be a.fforc.a.ble houE;ing_ F:ealSe: ii:t.acr-. the comp':'eLcd af~c~::c!:_:: ~ hOlu;::.ng aPF1.i ClIt..l OJ::.. 3} The prcpcsaJ. ir.cludes decl.catior.L of ....!oClI.nt, b".1i 1 d,r,bl e lo5.11d locatec lL ,~:-(:o,-, r: r:.... posed fer aCq\li~lt..ion I pJ.ease Jist tr~e RE :It: (-6) of I::.he lar:.d '::.c bL :~(':.dl(".rjr l: and attach a propo5eo $ta~'..lt:.c;ry \,o,'0'0;-;-i1.!"""_<::'. ~:':-ec: r CER':':F'Y: II I J-:.AVE RI'.A:) AND E:>:.J..MI!>.'ED TH:::S AFPLICJ:..'!:'ON INCLL"DING ATI1,C:l-\..":IEt,"':"'~ ;...:::- /j,~: SA.'1E' TO BE ':'RUE ;.NP CORR.EC"I'. :;l J A.LL PROVISIONS OF U.WS A...'>;"D CRDII"'~CES GOVERNlf'(: -:'1';:- WORK ARE COMPLIED WI':'H WHETHER SFECIFIED H[REIN OR NO!, INC~~!NG ~E PRCV:~~QN: -J~: ~7A TE OR FE: DE P.AL REQm REKENTS F..EG1;lh Tl NG CON S TR ho~ OR ;HE\ PERF C RMANC E: . ~ 1INO 3) TIME fERIOOS FOR COUNTY ACTI{)N SET FOR 's ECTI N 9,5" 11 j OF' THE: HEREBY WAIVED + /f ~ CL ~-T-____ SiQLlatu of ~ota.ry rn~ I L--L . _ =- .:;iT=-.~ . .. - r /~~~.~:'?~~ ---'-AOYCEANNE MILLER I' ! !.f ~ -, ~,~ M~ ~~ISS1Olj, ct fl(la107 I I ;"'..:_~f j D'J'1Rt:S: ~r 2~, 2000 r -:." . I.~I~~ ~ IJRIkII"w'I"tleP'l ~._.~- - .. - --. <;a U: P;r-int~d N!'il'TI.e: Commie6ion Number: CcmmisGion Expires: Subscnoed anc 1~ l' J J h~/Ehe b .J c.- ot A f"}.J- ~WQrr. tc ~o~e me_tb~5~ ~ cay _ is per5Gn~1~y kno~ ~~e O~ has p.oducec 5.8 : cc:rJt ~ f ~ "(;,;rt;;.-crr~d who c.i d {di d not:, '::. Q kc an ca ,-t. . iSE:11..l...: :ro.P1:: CCXPLETE~ BY 5TM1: KEen \;'ED E 1 ._r-y"J :) U "7_ DATE ~ $: -j'"/ DEEMED COXPLETE BY ~ /(_ -~~:e DATE _ "7""/[ '77 r~* .~ /- 5-r; ~ C nr.: -:'XTRCGC.:: f ~ ....:-X-:::":}~ S{~ r:: ~ ~~~e r -<:>c. ~-~"- ["_ZD (J .OL:-"'TY COMMISSlONLRS e Monroe County. florida N'? ~ '.., ~ - OFF I C F. OF __ ___ _ __ __EdiL]1JL ~.y______D c;d-'~-- _ _____ __ __. . _" _, ._ ~___________ _ _. F LOR J ~ ~ . . I RECEIVED from_____Il/'f-.J{/=[_______C_~jL.r:.L.-A-,-'--t!..,. 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Ii' <"...: ;~ ::::. c: F- .:..: c::: ~ r:-~ .~.:~: ~ <:: {.... c~ (:(: ,., ~'. -::.::: ~ c: ~ ;:-~ ~ (.: "-.. ~;:: ~ :-- - It To bi:l1.8 wJ.'T~rr <!oj ,0va .lU[ ANDREW M, TOBIN, PA Attorney at Law Post Office Box 620 Tave rnier. Florida 33070 uno u.., & Zur.mg liJ"" EI]T-irDnrn~n11l] L..oIw Adm LTli~treti"~ L.a',.- APJM:llal~ Pr8ctiC~ Fi:~aJ Est.Ell~ C]O~Lngfi Telephone 305.852-3388 April 2} 2002 Julia Thomson, Administrative Assi~tant Monroe County Board of County Commjs~joners 279B Overseas Highway, Suite 400 Mara th on, Florida 33050 Re: Administrative Relief for Merrick & Suzanne Kalan Dear Ms. Thom::;on: Pursuant to your r~quest, please find enclosed the completed Application for Admini stra t jve Reljef from the K al an s. Please schedule t..hj s matter as quickly as pussible. Sin cerely yours, a/rLu~' tK.kbUJ An drew M, Tobin, Esq. eo t./YL . e 3/26/02 To Whom It May Concern. l. SU7..anne Kalan author izc ,\ d - '" A T - . _ , . II lev.- :VI. obm. PA Att ' . property for thi s apphc<:ltion f(}f A..d - - - - orne)- At 1 .aw to represent mv . mml s.trallve Relief. . - ~.f...L.- 7 PI".,.f-- ~ 'i 7]^o-.;-.--{ . {lAe /h c..-\ ~~ '2 7 , :l- oo?- { .J "'/ ~ f! J: oJ______ Q~ ;;!.~ K'-I!:"O -791;- ~(-iY;Lo LH-f~ ~(or ()~ .-J (!&~ ~.. O.~ /~.~"\ . J.1.A-u .~,.mfS Signature i-... .. <...<fP.;;( lJl....t.j[ '5. CL .~~ I(, \.... J )~ Co.-r:t'I' U:u. 'l/1 lies ..c4, r-.c. D~) lot] iJo' ;$ .I]~."""'ol""~ ~~, OtIo.trl.D. f II .e/; l.--- ~L 1'- 97 HEI f(H-L/J-AJ CJ (J ~cf J-J 0 . fILE/! 1\PPLICMIT: YJNAL REVIEW 8Y II..; \ DATE 10ST R.E:Cll:tlT ROGa APPLICATION DATE I ~". -<(7 to: i$ ~'-- '~.=~~;~~~~_~:::;~~:~;____~B__~__~:::~:~=~;_- ~ _.=~=-:z2~ .( Wi ncll oad 13 Dmph or greater. (engineer requ1 red I ~{Rl{+ I} {J-) ( 1 ) ~indload lSSmph or greater,(engineer requiredl), ,,(+l}(~) (2) Where fKAA connection 1s availablel ~ tra-low volume uxt~ras.._...............,.t+l}(~) Clst nl everse ~Ys facility........... ..t+l}{~) l~AC energy rating of 12 or greater.....,.IP:-.....{+l}(---L-) I ~gy Performa,nc:e Index of 70 or lowe,r:.. (o,?~ 1.1... {+l} (+1 0~rnat1 ve elect.. I with CES or rKEC connect l . . . . . t +1} (~I List sY9tem5: S{)L(ff2 ~evotion >lft. above bfe or within fjE - ?' Building Department x - zone. , . , . . . . { + 1 } <-.1..1 , F. r:- r I cJ-- Total.., .." ,.,',.~ !. t" vir 0 nm. n tal R.sou rces bept. Scored by J\ L'; ?', Wildlife habit"t...."..",.,...,.,. {sse !L5-l22,l(7)}{ C/) Probable Wide range C' Habitat group........".,."."'.,. .(see 9,S-122.l{6)} (_) Koown Group 1 . . (JA) l; {)B) ( 4 ) (51 { 6 ) PI (ST) {B} ( 9 ) Group 2____ Group ] Group 4 J:\ Environmental Resources Total.. ....... I~ {ST} II. PldnninQ-Department Scored by -.F A~ 01 Plat Bubd. with water, elect., and paved road.,.t+10)(~) I) Contiguous lats combined....(BOCCI){See.9,5-122,l(3)}(-C-1 2) Acreage with water, elect. and pftved road...., ..:{+5}(~) 3} Acreage tract dens, reduct,,(BDCCl){seo 9.5-122.1tBl}(~) 4) Affordable houeing".,..",.(BOCCI)(8eB 9.5-122.1(4)}(-1!.-) 5) Dedication of vacant land.,.(BOCCl){see 9.S-122.1(5)}(~l 61 Application on file for more than 1 year.. .,.. ...{+l)(~) 71 Application on file for more than 2 y@ara....... .(+l}(~) 8) Application on file foe more than) years....... .(+l}(~) Planning Department Total.... ........, ~ Total ROGO Score.., ,.. .(L2-1 ~TROGO,26V/TXTDRDECEMBER 16. 1994 (10) (11 ) ( 12 ) (13 I (14 ) ( 15) (15) { 17 } (is) 1ST) (TOT) '. \ . BUILDING PERMIT ALLO~TION SYSTEM - SUMMARY SCOR~NG .SHEET AP~LICANT: KA.I~" '}o:..t?AU111('"' rILE: f7-J-S1~ I RE: fINAL R8VIEW BY: DATE: MOST RECENT ROGO APPLICATION DATE; '" '" '" '" '" '" - ~ '" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = - - = ~\ .1-= BUILDING ~OINTS Scored by: ---I 1. Wlnaload 130 mph or greater I 2. Wind~o~d 155 mph or greater 3. Where rKAA connection is ~vailable: a. Ultra-low volume fixtureS b. Cistern/reverse QSmOS1S facili ty 4. HVAC energy rating of 12 or greater 5. Energy performance Index 70 or lower 6. Where rKEC or CES available: alternative electricity 7. Elevation 13 inches above bte 8. CBRC 9. Coas~al High Hazard Area: v zone A zone X zone 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point -10 points - 6 points - 1 points 1 point -I Building Department Subtotal: ~ ~( ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES POINTS Scored by: 10. Wildlife habitat: ~ species in known habitat x -10 points '" i species in probable/potential x -S points = ~ species in wide range x -2 points '" #/It 100 ft. fram turtle nesting -10 points 500 ft, from piping plover -10 points II. Critical Habitats: BPK, No Name, Ohio, NKL -10 points Key Deer Priority I or I I -10 points CARL or Coupon Bight -10 points 12. Habitat Groups: Group 4. : -10 points Group 3; -5 points GJ:"oup 2: -2 points Group 1 : 1 point Multiple Environmental Resources Subtotal: PLANNING POINTS 13. 14. 15. Scored by: 16. 17 . lB. 19, 20. 21. 10 points 5 points -10 points 1 point - /() -rl -'1 . I I L/ 1'Vl.l')~ J(" Planning Department Subtotal: BOARD I .. J1AY COMMISSIONERS Mo, ~e Co_y. Floncb e NC: .~, OF FIe E OF --mm..rj;~)J'~/-!J)' n127-q!',------------....-....--------..-- ._____FLORIDA /I J C' I' ), ..J / ,"',7...,-::.;; RECEiV ED from_ __D_____r::...i__r:._L_____ ___t.__ J c...::::.. -l-.---l!-----....., -- --- -.- -.. _D..td .... '---"L0-::~~--------"""" ~" FeR: ...... .-J?-t?cp--(L-- --..6'IY""2.~/~/...:.-.--- _____________________________ __________ ______.. _, --.. $ --- ---- X<:.'.0L _cd___ __~__q2_:L:.:5?L}_---2Z--:./..::::s:"/..cL -t . ...?:2.J :..5.23___ ..---.---...--- $ .........,...,....,... - __....... .......mu................__________________..._.... _____________________________________________ ____________ ~ . n.... ___"".... _. __, ._., _ .. o ....________..___.g&~, 0" n ..___....______________ OFfiCER By ...___..___.....-fd._-:._.." ".,,___ TCTAL S """,~~,('{;",C;~:""""", ~'- :~ ALEXIS CO.LJCCHIO 11 3 4 :; 0181,01, L a SE~~~Cf~ E5C~DW Al;;caUNT iA ' --, , j;lQ ~O~ ~2":1'.:: 1),.:.':1;<'0'::;,... ;1 ~')ij~C~, ~~r-~d;'r.l v;.;':l:: ~~~~ ~d."~~~~; .L --. ., ~ @ y;::;;;:;~;,~:;:~~' ~~ i! _.___~u -"', d) I~ II .. n I j ~___ . 'Tr"~C~.__.u_ t _, ~~ ~_~~_:'~"~_~~ ~.~,I;~'^~'~}'i:~ ,:~_.<-~~~O.b; ._.~' 1 3 l. . _ ~ ..n_'" ...:....~.::..:;:'.;.~::..h~:..'.=.:l~:...:....:.....~ ."1" Key West: (105) 292-4400, "I< ':OUNTY c;.ROW'I'H HAHAGKH:8NT r- 5~ Junior Coll~~ ~~ w@~ ~ey West, Florida ]3Q~Q Marachon: (30SJ 2S~-6031, pl~taLinn Key: --oJ . \305~ 852. '1100 ~:.o.sE PRINT :.NO ATTACH J. S,U;:t:T or ~APEP. : F ADOITIONA.:. S ?ACt: ! s Nt:~DE:l. IF YCC ".i,V:':. -::'.::;:0; . TIONS Oil WISH TO ~ AN A<'POINTMEN1' TO D];Lnl'ER. YOU:l APPLICATION _ P~o:ASE CALL :-ii;;: :~?,OWTH MANAGl>MENT OFFICE CLOSEST TO YOUR PROJECT, PLr:AS.. RE:ALIZE ONCE THIS ",PPLICATIO~ is M::":F?T ;CD A.'."'D DEEMED COMPLETE, RE'.'I S IONS '"I L: C-;;;. y at: ACCEFT:;:: _. l'. ::6:'" ?S:tZ:TION r s sv-::<tW:' O."NER'S NAME h 52,J'/ f)n/J~ cJy~n - l'H: r;1l7~.....t>1<//(HJ 7~3- 5;t;,3 ::~~,::~~~~~~{2?~~~ ''^~, STiU:ET ADDRESS: rp OJ '&J,{ ~/ 1.2.- Sic PROOlERTY DESCRIPTION: K"y '60 hIJe.... :ill NUMUR (5) tJedW.JdlJ SUSDI'fISION: PLAT aOOK --.:3..-- <'AGE ~ r..O~ K BLOCK L SECTION b '::'OWNSHIP ~ RhN::;<:~_ ZIP ?~~7 ~HJ 7t/J"-J'f // STATS FL ZIP ~W"2- STRE::T{/J&h~ ilro/ M:-I~?t (JiA,I/~/X~ 8?~/Nf r=L PH, (w)~5-5it ~~ER OF UNITS: MOBILE HOME IF METES jU,~ BOUNDS, ATTACH LEGAL DES~RI?~ICN O~ SE~AkATE SHEET. Housr ~ HOTEL RV LrVEABOARD OTIlER5 '~'CJ< "" STAno.."." ='L'OAB~ TO YO"" 'l'O""'" i>ND ==H = =<PES"tED =,_=0 I) The proj eel: is COmbining c,.OI1t..lg1JOlJS :l-ocs i'l iii. I egall y pIa I: t."d B Ilbd LV C 6 cO" '~" tr. wat.er, ele~tricity, and p~ved roads or is otherwise below den~it.y. Plea~" a~[a~h " copy of II. proposed res ~ ri t:ti ve covenan~ 1 imi t.:..nSl the number ot. un~ ~ J5 on the ~property and running in favor of and enforceahle by the Councy. .1 The unit(s) will be affordable hou$ing. Plsaae atl:ach the completed ~fto~dah~e housing oppli~acion, 31 The proposal include~ oedicotiQn of vacant, buildable land located in areas ~~O palled fo>" /l.cquj.si t i on. "lease 1 i "t th.. RE Ill,,} of the 1 <!l....~ tc no;, d",," Cii ,-",<J and "teach" proposed Btat-ut:ory ~arraI1LY oe~d. I CERTIFY, l} I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION U1CLllDING A':'TACHMENT~, ;u-.r;:: ,'.11' "0' SAME TO BE TRlTS AND C01UtECT, .I.lU.L PROVI SIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVE:>l.Nrl'lG TH!:; ,"{ ,,:' WORK ARE COMPLIED WITIl WHETHER. S ""CI 1"!.EO H.SRE IN OR NOT, INCLUDING THE PR.OVI S IOKS CF ; .:<:Al.. S'::'.r.TE OR FEDERAL REQU1REMlll'lTS J'{l;:Gm:.A.TH,C; CONSTRlJ ON OF< 1'\ PERFORMANCE 01" CorlS'f;'>.JC:"":"F:;~; AND 3 J TIME PERIODS FOR COUNTY ACTION SE:T I"OF<TH IN l'c-:rr ~ . \. ~ 13 OF THE cOmr.-r~_'GD[ ,:.i<:l IlEREE'i Wl\IVllll. \ /'\/)~ LL. ~ Tr?' / t--- \ Signac re of NOt~ry "tfi:"" . '0.::, , ;-~~ l'..,.... '.0 -... '. ,"!j .' j; ROYCUHNE MILlER" 'I 04'1 COlIlMIS6I(]N , CC 08Il107 I EXI'Il'iES: SopIImbo< 10, 2lXIlI ---- -- -~ . Print"''' N(lIlII!: C~iSBion Number: Commission Explre~; S~?':ribed .....~ ,,"om to ~f.<=e-flu.~~hi8 / ~ day of F\ f' ) I >-- 19---2. 7, h"/Ilhe iG,peo~~Onll11y, known)r:.o me or ha" produced . ~g l~~~~~~ and who did idid not) take an oat:h. -"J L...-.._." (SEAL) TO BE COMPLETED BY STA~F F,ECEIVED BY i -r/' J DATE ,/-//' ';;'IlEEMED COI1PLETIl BY /cf:5';'A'~,DATE Ly-/f:77 "MT# 97./~"'i ;:.-~' fo=: TX~RO:;C,.2 6S{TXTDF SF"p~emCer ::1, 1592 _ __~.... ..."n. J. .1 'LI ~.-.l; SYSTI::M - tiUf S('(liHNG SIIEE'f fILet ;~. r 57:3 DATE LL- [>~ q 7 !tEll t ~l.f{ ;0 Qc;{ L/YJ- to . ""Pl.l CAN'r = FINAL REVIEW BY .Jt '-5 HOS'!' I1E:CENT ROGO lI.PPLICAT! oN IJA1'E: If",~ 'L7 I() :.J " ..... . ~;~~~:::"::~:~~~~:~:::::::~:::::::::~:::::~~~~~~~:~~-~-:. 2l)~dl06d 155mph or graa~~~~Jl~f~eqU1redl),..<+lt{~1 31 Hhera fKAA ~onnectlon 15 ovai16blsl ~t"_ ra -low volumE'; t i x t \1 res. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . ( + I H -L) _----J~--,~--.. c:J .,-- d () ~lst.ernYre...ez:se 6SInosls t;,cll.ity............. {+1) (-1--) L--~~ /~ 4~C energy rating of ~2 or g~e~ter....... .....~.l+1}<-t-1 - ~ /.qcGJ ~ Urfergy pe I: formanc~ I ndex of 70 or lower.. r.p ,I.'. , . . . . {+ I} I-/-) {with CES or FKEC connect}.... , {+1} t-L> 6 tp\,ternat i va elect. Ust systems: sS~dJ.1L x-~one........{+l}l~) . r:V' /J-- Building Department Total.....,.."...C1:] 7) E~tion ~lft. ohove bfa or withIn ~-~- -- [' !_.:..~!'.':'_lf.!2.n~l!1ental l3.~eld~~5 De~ Scored by 1\[- ~ 9.5-122.1PiHC:1 Wildlife habltat....................{see Known Probable Wide range . f"\ llablt.at group......,............,.., (see 9.S-122.1{6) HL...:.) -Group l~ Group 1____ Group J~ Group 4 ~ Environmental Resources Total........ . Is::] I. Plannlnq Department Scored by- ..Itl:.. Plat subd. with water, €lect., and paved road...{+lO}(~) (10) (1 ) (2 ) 01'.) l3BJ (4 ) (5 ) ( 6 ) P) (ST) (9 I ( 9 } (ST) Conti9uoU~ lots combined....{80CCl}{see 9.5-l22.1{~)}(-E-) (11) ~creage with water, elect. and p~ved road........{+5}1~) (12) , Acreage tract dens. reduct..{BOCCI){see 9.5-122.1{a)I(~} (i3} Affordable hOusing,......,..(BOCCI){6eo 9.5~122.1(4)JI~} (14) Dedlcatlon of vacant hnd... (BQCC I }{aee 9.5-122.1 (5) )l~J (15) Application on file for mora than 1 ye8r.........{+1}(~) (16) lIpplJcation on {lie for more than 2 yea1:B........<+l}(~) (17) Application on file tor lTlore than 3 yl:!ur8........{+IH~) (10) Planning [)e~~rt_ment Tot61...........". U~,,] (ST) Total ROGa Score...._..(~} )GO.26V/TXTDROECEMBER 16, 1994 (TOT) . JUJILO ING . P~~lT ALLgCATION SYSTEM - SUMMARY SCORING SHEET 11 ~ } C ~ c C -:; ~)t\x-./n....... I PI LE:l k-.) I........] AE'PLICANT: RE: FlNAL R~VI~W B'1: t>10ST RECENT ROGQ A.F F LI CATlO~J CATi::: ===-=-==== ====-.....--- Ji- BUILDING ~OINTS Scored by: 1. Windload 130 ~ph or ar~dter 2. iHIld10ild 1 ;,.5 mph or grea':."'" 3. Hhere Ff<"AJI. connection is ;;"Ciilable, a_ Ul~ra-low v~!~~e fixlures L. tistern!~ever5e osmosis filc:ilit~, ~. HVAC energy rating of 12 or grea~er ::. E.nerg'r' perforrnO:lnce Index ';0 or lol-ler 6. \1r.ere rKEC :Jr CES a va i l:'lb Ie: alternative ele~tricity 7. fol eV-'ltion 13 i:lches above bf e 8. CBRC 9. Cnastal High Hazarj Area: 1../ l.Cne A ZOllO X zone Dl':n::: 1 poinr:. po.:nt po i ,: t i-"'Jir,",=, point point 1 point , rOi:1t L -10 points - 6 points .. 1 points 1 Doint Buildin~ Department ~ubtotal: E:-.!VIRONi"!ENTA1 RESOURCES FOINTS Scored by: ~---- !D .-wi} cD i f e habi tel t:- - --- FI spec'f.'S ill known habitat R -10 points ~ t species in prQb~ble/pDtential x -5 points # species in ~ide range x: -2 points ~ 11. 100 ft. from turtle nesting 500 ft. from piping plover Critical Habitats: B~K, No Name, Ohio, NKL Key Deer Priority I or !I CARL or Coupon Bight Habitelt GroLJps: Group 4: Group J: Grol1p 2: Group 1: Multiple 12. -10 point5 -10 pcint5 -10 points -10 pcints -JU points -10 points -5 points -2 points 1 point -10 =-~ 1- EIlvironmencal ResQuu:es Subtotal: ~ PLANNING POINTS Scored by: 13. Platted 14. Acreage with in~rastructur~ 15. Lac aqgr-egatiQfI' tr lot s x J PQ.int:s 16. Acreago Density rRducticT\ (?,~ Dr G 17. ~ff ~d3.b~ c HQDS i r1') Pi _ ;.ana jcd::',~"'llon; q lets/Dcre ~ ~:;;, t'e:::s~veri:lnce P81.rlts: q f.Ji l yeiHS ~n c;V8~"'rr.: 1 l;oj nti'iecH fct .1 ",' ,1 YbH:O 2 pnints/year every y~~r after 1 ;:>:.:'. Zonf.:d Offshore Islar:J ZL. TDRs: pel: full TDR \lsed !nc parljal credltl j':' : 8 n n 1 LJ g ..)~ 10 points 5 points r'Ji.'1ts) ~ r<~1..nts -18 p2.~nt5 1. point Department Subtotal: -' ! / c --~ I ~ . ... Key WeBt: (3051 .2~2-UOO, E: r::OUN'IT GROWnl ~ r' ~-Junior COllego Road Web ~y WeGt, Florida 33040 Karathon: (JOSI .289-~OJ1, Plantation ~ey: .oj . (305) BS2-il0n PL~~ PRINT AND ATTACH A SHEET CF ?A~ER IF AD~ITICNAL SPACE IS NEEDED :. YO~ f~'~.GUES. TICNS OR WISH 'TO 1'lAXE: AN A",pOJ~NT 'C':) ::>~LIV'E1l: YOUR A",~LICATlON, PLEAS;!: CALL THE ,-;F.V~-::';; !'-ANAGEME:NT OPFle!: CLOSEST TO YOUP. PROJECT. PLEASE REALI ZE ONCE: ':'H! S APPLI CATI [IN :!:> .'.:::C ?Fc . ~D ~~. CEEMED CO~~LE~E, Rf,:SlONS ~ILL ONLY BE hCCE?~fD IF A NEW ~~~7rCN :S SL~~~[-. OhmR'S NAME" )J,.2JlIU2~. ~~11' Pn: (W)7{,~---61<//(ti; 7,:)3- :i~ ::~,=:Z~ ff:!::td<<il3!!}::; '>AT< STREF.T ADDRESS: c~ O. ~ ~11..2--- Sic PROPERTY DESCRlP~ION, Key ~~ ~~~ RE ~ER(S) 1J(L1W.)d:O S:JBOI'nSION: t'LAT ,8ooK 3- i'AClS ~ LOT ---.f:.L BLOCK L SECTION 12 TOIomSHlP ~ RANGE~_ ZIP 3?-~~ IH)7i/J-J'fl/ STATE: FZ ZIP ~m.L ~~~ STI<EE.o:&.J Cak 1/& ~?212' (!aA/I/--;?/k'~ el}c214-1f r=-L ?H: ~W)~-5~ IF METES AND BOUNDS, AT;ACH LEGAL ~ESCRIPTION ON SEPARA~E SHEET, ~ER OF UNITS: M~BILE HeME HOUSE ~ HOTEL RV LlvT-AEOARD 8THER.S 'L~ECK TIm 'TATE"''''' A"UCAB" TO ""'" '''''OSAI. AND ""r""" THE REQUE'''D DU''''''''," 1) Tlle pJ;oJe.;;:,; ~Ii. comJ:>in~ns <;or.:o;.guou5 1C>,~Ei in " 1egal1y plat:ted ",ilid~v"5iQr; '..it;: "'acer, elecer~c~l:y, and paved roads Dr ~B "thenn"e below defiEiLy. t'cea.se a.u:ach a copy of a p~opoBed rest rict.~ ve c:ove:nan t l":::'mi t: i rl'3 t.he rl1.~~ r at un: [.5 OJ":. r..!"_~ ~property ~d ~~ir.g ~n favo~ of and enforceable by t~e County, 2) The unit(2l will be affo~dable housing. Plea6~ atcach the completed dffGrd~~~e houliing applicacinn. 1) The pE'opo5al include s dedication of vacllllt, hui ldable 11llld locaced 1 n .. <'eas I' < (;. posed for acqui.sition. t'leaEle list che RE It (Bl of che land to De (jeGl""ced and attach II- propoGed litatuto~ war-t'ar.ty deeo. I CERTIFY: 11 I IU.'IJI: READ AND EXAMINED THIS AP~LlCATION INCLUDING ATTACHl1ENTC, = i':.t~'.i~ SAME TO BE TRUIi AND CDRRllCT. 2) ALL PROVIS IONS OF LAWS rom ORDINANCES GOVERNING THI.,S '!:'y 1':, WOIU: A;u;; COMPLIED \-11TH WHEPiER SI'i::CIFI1::D HEREIN OR NOT, INCLCDIN::i THE O'ROV:SICNS {';." :.<:U..l... STATIl OR :<"EOElU.L REQUIREMENTS RI;:GULATING CONST~U ON OR '\I'Ii:O/f'O~CE OF COt-Ei,RUC":"l:-J.': AND 31 TI~ PERIODS FOR COUNTY ACTION SET FORTH IN ECTI ~. -~13 OF THE :::~Uf ;~h HEREBY WAIVEtl. \ /} . ) ) \ I '-,,".~ LL. ~J a/. l.._._. ' ::::~:,::o,"ry i(~ ::.~~~~-i' CCCllrlis sion NlJZl1he1'" .-. COrnmi~~ion Expire~, Sub~rib"d /lll<1 lI...orn to be!<=@--fIl",this ~/ g day of J.~ f) ~- H.....:::.l. 7, he/she ie..];I~~,$Oni11~~~~:tO 1M or has produced as i~~ . n and who did (did noel take an oath. ISEAL! TO BE COMPLETED BY STb?~ RECE:VED BY ,.7/, j DATE ,/-.--/ '/-'OEEMED CCMPLETE BY /,~r3';'N"DATE: <Y--/Jf -v:.' PMT-lI 97, /- ... >? f':l::lll, TXTROG':;'.:lGS/TXTDll Sepc"mb",.. 2:, 19~2 , ,...:....... -II c'rowtl1 Munag;>rru'nl J)l~' i_~i on 2798 O'/eTse~~ IILghway SLl j t~ 4tH] \.1at<ltJ1on, Florida ?3050 Voice: (305) 289-2500 F,\X; (3:)5) 28~2536 Board J!( CO~l1\Y ~9 mntis~.ioI'llTI \-1 a yor M Urr<l Y E. Nelson. Dist. 5 \layor Pro Tern David 1), Rife. DLS1.4 Commissioner Dixie Spehar, Dist. 1 C:orhmjssioner George Nel~gent. Dist 2 Commi~~ ioner CJude~ h Sonny~ MM)', Di5l 3 MEMORANDUM To: From: JolUl Wolfc~ Esq., Special Hearing Officer K. \.-1ar\ene Conaway, Dircctot1(111C Dcp..mmcnt of Plannlng and FTJvlromnental Resources Date: October 14,1004 Subject: ,'\Jcrri('k aud Suzanne Kalan, BcncOcLal Csc Case Background on SubjeC'l Prnpnty . r'he applic~nt purChilscd thl." subj eel property in July of ] WD for $26,000, The property is legally dCScrlbcd as Lot 18, Block 4, Cahlll Plnes and Palms Big Pine Key, according to the plat thereof recorded il1 Plat Book 3 jhlgC 94, of the public records of Monroe County. The Real Estate number is 002442RO-O()()()OO, The lot is approximately (i,O()() square feet, The suhject lot is vacant and zoUl'd Improved Subdivi sian (IS), The COllIlty Bio logist cX<l.mined lbc property f()r cIlvimnmental status In October 2004. Lot 18 is an upland lot lOC:ltCJ on a canal. This lot is nearly devoid of vegetation with the exception of some various l1mi ve speei es ill ong the sOUlhern property I ine and the shoreline which consists of a mangrove fringe. Permitting Hj~h>r")' The pTOperty m.....llerS 3pplicd for a huilJiT1g penn]t and entered the Rate of Growth Ordinance (ROGO) aHoc<."ltion ~y~tem on April 18) 1997. The permit number is 97-1-593, 111e property has a lolal of 18 ROGO points wbich includes] 0 perseverance points_ Afler they had bcc:n in the system for o....er four years, the app licant fi led for A drninistrati vC Re lief. The application date for (he Admini stnl~ive He Jl ef v..'as April 7, 2002, ,,,hich is OrW year later than tbe expiration date of Ihe <l.llOW<lhk [ime Emit for AJrnini~trative Relicr ]\'0 pcmllts have been tssued on this property [0 date, ...: :' EXH'8IY I f - c ial ved Subdivi ~ i On desiglliuion of the prtlperty ,~llows One 1::ingJe family and ~cc es~ory uses to be located ()fl the lot. C nricr the cuncnt Land 11.~. . PJ'J~f1 (1iJ:i:j . It/,)' ;. ....~ g i-.(,hir.:r~ .i. (,'ii~:~u.-Ht.,..h '.8 ("'-J...(J!J~{1 enn II','-L(..~t 1 C .doc ,.. Deve lopml:nt Rcglll8tions (LDRs), the Improved Subdivision has no TTans.fer Development Rlght value_ Since this is an upland scarified lot there arc no on site environmental constraints to development. ROGO . In response to Obj ectives 10 1.5 and 297,7 of the Monroe Counly 2010 Comprehensive Plan) \vhich directs the Coun1y to implement activities 10 prohibit the destruction of Key Deer and to protect ifs haMrat, land dtvclopment rt:gul allons have been adopted th3t scorcs a minus ten (.10) ROGO points for any lot on Big Pine Key, This would decrease the lot's competiti veness fOT a R aGO aJ location. Hahitat Const::rvatjg.rl.J)lan - A Habitat Consen;ation Plan ''''as sLJhmiUc9 to the U. S Fish and Wildlife Ser\'ice (USF\VS) for Big Pine Key !:lnd >-Io Name Key in April 2003. The Hep permit application j s sti II under revi-ew a-:ld the eSFWS are not issuing letters of coordinatlon until tile Hep is approved. Land Acquisltl on - Policy 207,7.3 and Policy 207.7.4 directs the County to identify key deer habitat areas (1,5 priority f]Cqlds ir ion sites und 10 c()()rdim.ite. pnJKn~m::i fo,- acquisition with feder-ai, stale and non-profit amscrI,ution orga.nization::i. Therc are currently several active (lcquisi1ion proh'TamS \Ingoing on Uig Pine Key and ~o Name Key which arc designed to protect key deer habitat and prO\'tde for freedom ofmo\'erncnt and access to most areas of Big Pine Key. Section 9,5-1223 provides an oppor1unjty for an applicant to dedicate buildable lots to the Counly \vilhin con:itT"<lllon an~a:; to recejve +2 ROGa points. Bi~ Pine Ke\' <lnd No ]'\Tame Key \.1aiiler Plan - Tbe Master Plan has been adopted by the BOCC and 1~ under fLJlal review by DCA. The lot is desigm,ted for infill (Tier lll) in the Plan. EJigibjJity for llcJlcDdal Use Section 9 -5-17 3 of the \..1onroe County Land Dcvc:lorml~nl Regd<:ltlons fey uires lhe app 1icant to dl'monslrale that the 2010 Comprehensive Plan and the Land De....dopml:nt Regulations in effect allhe lime 0 f the filing of the henefidJl use applic<ltion dl:prive thl: applil'ant 0 r all rea.<;OJlable u:se of his Dr her prop-erly _ Pn Ii cy J 0] .18,5 of the Compn::he:nslvc Plan defines "aU reasona.ble economic.:: USt;" as the minimum use of the propnlY necessary lo avoid a laking wlthin a rcasonabl (; perioJ of lime as Esl abJi shed by curn:nt laml use case law_ The subject propeJ1y is cuncnt]y in the ROGO allocation system 8nd has becn participating in the pennitting process for OVer four yeaTS, The property owner could have made the lot more competi tl\-'C for an alloc<ltion by p LLTchasil1g ROGO lots [or dcdication 10 the County. The owner chose not 1('1 make the lot mCn c cornpdili ve ami therefore is not entitled to beneficial use under Section 9.5-173. The applicanl was l'ligihle 10 apply for Administr3tivt: Relief for the timefrallle specified in the LDRs Sectiun 9 5 -122 _2{ 0(2), however the appli call[ did llot apply during the specified limeframe_ }L~(j the (lp~Jict\nt :'Ippljcd, it is likely tJ1e applicant would have heen gnlDled adm lni strilt ivc relief. I lo\\"~\" (T, lfH:: Planning Departmcnt finds that the app bcant has not been denied all rC3sollablc cC0mm~i c use of this proplTty J.nd is :herefore not di gible Jor bmeficial use dClcnni n~tioJ1_ .v. 'pk,'/; Iling, i1.C/.~tMp' J- f;id~!".~ ...._"..'/,."1 -Hf!;,' 8 (/-1.' "if;r,. C/ihil-Lo[ l8.doC" Recommenda.tion: It is recommended lhat the Special Hearillg Officer find that the appllcant has .not been deprived of all reasonable ecunomic uses of his property. cc. Tirno{hy McGarry. D1TCClUf of Growth Managemenl Mark Rosch, Monroe County Land Authority Andrew Tobin, Esq. Derek 11 ow ard. Esq. ~ (" ~ -,C-p c'C- )../. l-t\ L .~ ~l '~ b APPLICAT10:\ YOR A })f:TER:\J]XA TIO:\' OF BEr-iEFICIAL L:SE .$.250,00 Application Fee P.'" RT 1 {PLEASE PRJl',Tj APPLIC ANTiO"\YNER fJ\,TfORM A TJON J . A pplicam is: 'S O,'mer X AUlhorized Repre~enlatjve ,.., Applicsnt's 112mc: Merrick and SW_':Dne .15J')~Jl__L'O Andrew:\1. Tobin Phone: 305.S52~3:38S 3. Applicant's Mailing Address: p,O. Box 620, Tavernier. FJ.. 33070 4. Owner's name (ifapp1iumt is nol ()v,'Tler): N/A 5. Owner's 3dd:'css: 8 n (prr(fr.~.m(~m['e !'.houJd be "ien1J~p.~'-:t)l)ill.UDg J.ddres.s. 6. Attach <l copy of the :Recorded Deed showing ownership. 7, A tl<.ich SliT\'~Y or {)th~ 1eE,al de~('"ription (if not part of (j ahove). PROJfCT..-\..~llsn.:t; ~TQR\.1A T10l\ 8 Pro;ecUslte address: :Cti.hill Drive, Bi~ Pine KevJ1 9. REt:: 00244::2 SO. 000000" #0D2442 00-000000 AN 0 #002 442. ] 0-000000 1 D. Leg.al de~crjptjQn (anach melcs and bOlirlds de;:;;criptjon jfnecessary): Lot 18. Block 4, Cahill Pjp~pd Palms, P]<l! Rook 3 ;l.! PaQC 94 AJ:;""D Lots 10& 11. Block 4. Cahill Plnes & Palms Big Pine Kc\'. Block ;. .p~ge 21__.. 1 L ) demi fy the 1 and u~ed dl :mict in wbich the property is 1m ated. Attach a map showing 1he dj strict bounoar~cs irthc property is lOUi.H:d in mQre than one land u~e d15tnct: IS ] 2 . Describe the pr ('"sent u~c of tht: pre-pen y: \' ;;lC3n1 ,., 13_ Document thE d.nlt the owner acqllired tl1e plOpcny and the amoUllt paid: Folio #00244280-000000 Date acqulred: 7!8!~3 Folio #0_0)44200-00.0000. _JJat~ JCQllir~d: 5/83 f.QD.9 ~00244V 0-000000_. Date 3cQtllrcd: 5/83 .A.1nt paid: $26-,0.9.9 AmL paid: Am!. paid $.5 5_000 $1 '14. Document the eurrem 'I..'a]ue of [he property: 5,5.90,POO. Part Jl PI_EASE ANS~iF.R THF FO~lQ~'T"(GN: 1. Expluln the reason jilT your applic<lt1on for Beneficial Use and includE ;my official act by the: County dcnYJng you uf all rl'a~om1bk 11 SE Df your property {de~cribe your expectation for uses of the property): P-n (..ourt Ord er m.t3ched. 2 _ Do('umen1 any determiml1im1 of V (~stcd Rights fur the property: NI A ~ , .' . DOCUHu:nt all attcmpb Tn<.lJt.. t() ~cl] the pmpeny and the results of those efforts_ Attach documentation in support; J"OII~ 4_ Fxp lain how the en leD a ldentifl e--d in ~o]Jcy 10],18_5, Monroe County Y car 20] 0 Comprehensive Plan are met. A copy of this policy 1s attac)1ed to this application: A.pp 11('<1_111 har been n~nj ed__all re.'lSQJ1a!JJc bene.f.i.cial use of the ptopc.lJ.Y~ NOT ARY: ST A IE OF FLORITJA COCNTY OF MQ1:\RQf; k;;E- - - ~,- A.PPUCANT'S SIGNATURE Thr furtguing ~ipurLlJt' wa~ ~C"kmlw]eJgrG hdmc- me thi~ _"n::J dll)' of 8-.~~~t. ~.O(i4 by Andrt'w M. Tobin who h2.~ pwduu:d a J)ri'"f_I.>..Uccm[ l'I~ id[ntdic~t;or,. ~_~kd Slgn:;tUl~ ..f KOUlT)' Public, Stalt' of Florida My r()m'l1is~ion n:piTc~. /~~~\'r_;,.._ Mc,l1?n S W"",ks ::~.-' ttr .,~.\ tn'~i:WJ.~~$lJtit DD~C3J.Q W'1~E~ ',:~-'-;."" "'_,,> t..I(W~l'Tlbe: 70,7007 ". :~: .", ~.-::. . ...:t.!l~ I" "':~..'"f::)''' ~ ~'i"JI ""~I."'.~1fO:. H:.. -... --M\ -.}', 'S?' Ii II I: !. fJ( th-t: c(..!,~ t, 0/ Me rlrO(l pa.rl Y (if tN s tc {.m d J"liT~, m t~ S1f1 r.p of f ior idOl. l.' '" .tll1t.pHr~ ttJ..(L( Ou:- scdd "party of tire first ptJ.:r( {or- and in co]Hid.el'(J..~~on. oj" .Jk.e turn of '~TN (~l o. co )------ ~u ------------------------------~ Dollars, to him fro ),ar,d ,,'Lid. by rht: .'aid parly u,T Uu ~~cQnd part, U/..e -'-e.c~ipt whereof is hereby f~r.k.r,(,whdtcd, has p~.u, Ud, ba7""fa (r!ed. cu.d .'!dd to thE, ,<Q id )Xo.ry of 0, ~ stc(,r~d pa..r~ hi.' )u"rS ilr.d ,r.'.~~.gn,~ llJ~-t:v.r, r!u f"U<Jcdnf dcu:r;"btd lil."d, siruatf [yint a-nd bi:inJ in Uu; (ounq/ uf Mo;,.roc: , Sto.u of .Flm.iri(L. tfJ WU_' Lot If, 'l\le,cK 4, Cr.1L::'l..L Frl\'E~ A~D rAI..M5. .:.('cera j ng to the Plat U;~~~0f Q~ ~r;:':clC:ecl in r:..t book 3 at J.'Gqe '94 of thE,! Fut;lic =~cnrG~ of X~nr0~ Ccunty, Flori~5. SLJFi" ),:C1' 1'C t<1>:'E~ {Or t.he: y".c.T ~ I"f:, ;;one. ~ut:;(:[;\l(:'I\t ye..n:;. SUEJECT TO restrictions, re~€rv~tjcns and caEcmcnts of record, ::'l.Jl this, r F h,.rEn.:::1O ~rJ<lll l~Gt op~r1.ltE'. ~c IE'jl;Tc~e tl-ts 5<:lme. ,. I' I I 2.- !.t..6.J. C~ P"i" L (_7. ~.'.2.. r::,,: -'~ "'~. ,.,-....--..-. - . .. 'Z'-. I. '-"::. I .. . .. I I ::iI::~" f., ....,.11l~..;. J~':."":L I. L I ~.. i ~, J . ~ J ~ I .:2~. E,.........-.;.- ~~:<. .[.L'.........~~~-A--....-,j-!f- > c:d' I.o.J ~. r' .,. ~ .'. ~ JJ f I' ...!r" . ~::.....;. i~ r: ~.~I-;;; b. And I hi) u;,i..d ptJ. rl!! {;l Uu; first !ltJ. rt d (}e ~ M"f<by ju. it!! 1<.'n1'J'(U~ t Uu. ti r.u;.:to saUl lan.d, fInd will (l~:fUo.d tho ~,,"=f. ~.A7-1'n5t (fj"f kt;wful cl.Q in\.S of u II J>tr-:10'W who/nJoetlt:l""_ ]11 Wn"nlJl .~Hftd'. rAt ~aid r!eL',!! {if th.e. lir~t pa.rl ho.:; lurt;unt<;J ~d hi.$: iI.> 'Hi and. $n~l .h~ day a..d )I~a" fint a.boVL" w/itten. :@<;Ptfb, f<t81,~. ~ll~ ~fl i~fUll In (!JUT lIrt~fnrf' -1+~.~';l~^_':.~:~J- ~!::..!:. -1 {L\1." ,,-... IX -, ~ (,1 . r ..., t- 1', vt-, ...~ ("' "......' r--~ -: ....,.~-D ,..; ~ '.' ,~ , /-f ~','~'... - C-~~ .- f..~)2'., -" ~- {.~ .__ (-:--"':::\'CX CIl"~N0:.....__ '1.J- t ~:(,5~(,~ \\ ~ ~~.--...4.. :e't&w: ;-aLaFlv::iil'a ~~.' 1 Cou~trv of [neland ~ a: L'll11'!! ~r. Eo: ...:::::...~'?<. 11 .},rr>bll (!:.orlify 1'/H.z[ cr. r hi ~ day ).JUS'; ~J oii"lf (1....:pf(J ft'( lnfore 'J!;u.r c~.I!i CJt.:ti,ct,~nl to udlrdlliHEr 0,,1)'$ (~r,d (.(,kt (Id..:]Jr'J'-J~.d~menh. .. --'7/~-- "'* -;i.ti- - J~") ~.'-;: r!~..--J- \{if _~. Y2-____.. __-.' : A~ir~d :G~eph J. P~xley . :-.. .. - ---j~ ';;'- ? -J?" . -.. . ..: ("", J-c;;(..L'~' _iL.._";1.Joi.~ - W M~r~cr~t C. puxl~y ~ fr-J ~.---e-J ~--'-) r1', e, an j, !:.l.l: "ED .1C'~TP H J. Pl' Y.Ll::Y ~n,-, ~t.'- rlCL"I'~' C. ~L'Y.LEY, his wi f", .'-' r..,~' 1.< ..II Ie t, <"j<. r. (2T1d ),;.11 COW" 1 c- n, ~ t<J h ~ ';J ( i>, <iil"':,; 'HJk d e<~,.b~d "H (H,(i ",'}.O ~ ~~' f. L1 r fa ! n ~ /c >f.t d" I! d ft"d. rl]~ d t. :-: ~\.' (J ..I..:" vl_du/ Ii"'" be.(nr~ me. r hcl t ~.,.y !..,.~{-~ it.,1 II,~. '()""~ (rr d!.J ,'I,d 1"V"IlIII()ri~J~ 1,'~flJ(i_\f:.~ ' '(ffi'l f~1 .'.Ied (j! .llI11!1~ 1)"'i! "al,.d f],.d o/Jifir;.) ~t:ol O( ~'" r +v-\ ~ ('r>LU1ly -0~. _~-'):-'t.~ ~~ ,(J,:lU., .~;";:U.~Y.k}t~,~ rhfE ~ - "...... .f1!' rJa_u of B ,",u-:'" ,.4. D. ]"~"t.CUrlt.} of LfJS~Ett"\G I . . .v.. c~ t~ ~ ~ ~ t \:~~ ~ ,'H &T..J1. J..Jr~\ I .11,,1 Cc~~: n;~nJ(H; ~ -...-L~-1.M.,.... \~ ,,-; 't ~ ~ .-,-1"-~~ I !~l:.t ",r;: ~>nj I L:~~ur!l,Pl< :/]. _ ""..-...... 1.:.1- ; tllltnfS~ r~h:l' 111..11 II... ~~I~d Jlr.1 ~)flrl.l,I. JIJ~ c,rLd Irl C.....J~Ir~4'.'cHi.~rl IIj' I,'L(" ~1.1I1 aJ ~ 10.00 IJI I.u)~d r,,~.d Ill' ii,r H.,lld ~1'(L)id p~r(~', IJIJI r.,., l!'u,1 I~.JII''''Q~ (!. J.l"'r4IL). 01 ~'f1I1I1I!r-lr~l...d. II\).~~ J,,'u-L_'r r"'r'1~;,.I.f', rr- II"'J'JlI;' (1"Ir~ "j.j;JI'1 1.- ~r:i L..f ID I~.~ ~....id srC'~nd pari)" ~~H'II,,"'. i3ri (J.[' !;"IJIJ, III~" II)I....H,!.I, .-J(1lnl arl..J ..~...,..Ir",d 1I'~ljf"h JJI[' JO"~ Jlnt p.f'lfl'r I....~ ill .flr~r/. !r. (),~' J'C.H'-.IL.,jril) .:!'.;:~lilt.,.~ r"l. r"'rf'~~' Ct~ 11)~lr.-.-./ C1.1 r....II(11 !.1~l.Jtd" I....I..I~ (JrLr/ L~I':J'!.iI .JJ& tJ.,. CO,-"I}' "i J',C"T[)E S/~/~ ../ F'"l ol'tdc. I~..~,!: 71"_~5 j ~ yr_.-..;....-=:.~'l l.L.JIO -i:.:.nc. rJot. the j-~Dr.,~:st.eCLC: cf l:!-~l: er~-=:.ntor. ~,L)l:; 1 0 ~,nd : 1, !;lo.:)o;. 4 j c...~j J) :f'j nes c.m;. Pcl.J;!:;, ~,ccurultJB to the J':1.~t tLend ;; ~ y~cDrded l n Plat flGoj{ ), }'ag~' 9!~ ~f 'lh~ :r'\J?11~ i~t'~IJT'.i ~ {..~. i"': :-4",-:-CE CO""'::Jj~l' ~ f') ol';ic:..a .. 'I " T (1 i~,Ui r ~jl,d ! (l Hold :~ I' !.(): I'!,: ~ II ! I .-; I ~.... ,~ I L'" C1J' 11,1' ]~'~ ':':I~~J J)~~'lj d... ~4:rlll' II.)Ul'II'N Lllltll illi III (111~~I'I~r :'1'1" rl..,lrll....~I. Ollr-i ('I~I rJ~.:"" ~1-I~t~l. /.~t.lll ~,'lrl' I.r~ I lil.."}. .':I)II-'r :11 J(j~11 ....r ....iill.:I}'. Ie. d,r- ....f)l\ .- II"j : ,rL!;.i",ltJr IJII' "l~r~LII"~"'IIt.J~L'I!"!. 1~ll:"'rllllrltc I..IIIC'. I..I.~.'I...I 11"1'''. N-;-I~c1} ~lld f:('.il":l~ 1I~~....r- I I (H~I~I'r IJ!.L'. L"(11",ld C:.....~ ~,""JI~'O[ [JJ' 1~1t' ~IOI~J ;vr"II(:". I n l[~~fu r~s tUh rrrl1L lJ,.... ~1I1~i )Ir) I p.-.rJ)' J:....J !.1~lrrI!'4J flllil ~"-ul.-d tll....~~1 rlri'HI'1~J ~~I" r~('I,)' I":I.IC~ ..'I'L~"" Illf~J IIIJull'l: ~I,I II~~'IJ ~luIOI. '~~f"j .0;';')"'-"'" ,J, '" j"~'OI"~ 0(: .: JJ~j.. -/-.. ~/). ?j:'0... ... ................. r,.'l I / I -'> /r ....... I ,'-i'.' y-.c.~. . t.... ~. .. ~F:f-");..kr"/..,:\.J..... V- ;-..'f...lf. L)r r~ C:kii.) \ } LuL 'X-:-Y 01 ~~'G..~o!l-.': ~ ...;,. , /.'~// /-- .L....c:4:;- !t/. cZ~[:Y<:~d.i...,.... ..(~ ............ 1/ ~).;.."J,,/A-c.J. P. 'I:tJ-\b.~J.... (r~ v H [fJ.l~"r' cr.~... 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G.;. y] ~'. ]j~ Ea:M. ::- ~ (:. b-:-;..: ~:.:: OS-~ . !~ J (":- ~..: f,;. F '-.:r~. :);:.!"I-:=:(.~':'~: {: ~ ",..'.'oJ. i " I I \ I I I '"---- . Plopeny Information for 131 L p.:z ~ Page 1 of 2 fum1 1l r~'..Lt.!El.II.1l z.:1I'~mI')1i(J1"'I5 ~tD.t~! f'orml J~I ]~, 10~~ L l :ODA~1 [.,nocl th, W.b!l.l.ro:i~~J . T~( ca',1 (o~ [aj=,.d in []-_i~ .....b,;[. w.... I", up~.'r.~ Cil.:"'l1!](I{I4. '~:i~~~fif~~~~~\fAC:~\~}W;t:j:'~:~i~:>_:'.'.~ ~:~:~":;\:!..~;~. ~"". T~ .....:\,..", ...... -"...Ir;,~ 1/o.~1 .,......(,l.1 ,)..... ..1 ~'t"' ,."" . - . . -': - 'n-' . .,;, ,..' I' ,'.. -, . . ~ -,.. . ..,.".-)". I of, I.... .. ~ I.. . I .. .". Vr~,.,.~.~." .1 ~.,~-,: ."...' : ". .1 . ~'J:~':')' : >~.'. :_;; . , .... ":" ";.'. . : I -:: I~ -::""r ~ p. . J- ONLINE DATA CENTER RECORDS SEARCH Your search for ]\ a m.e: 1l Kal:m" finished with a total of 3 records found_ Se<lrch Again__, Pre'.tOLJ ~ ::;'PCC:u Record 1 of 3 L N.e.~t R~c:p~~ _ J PROPERTY I r''"}'ORM 1\ nor", }-UR: Alternate Key: 1312177 RE Number: 00244:2 ~O-OOOOOO Short RE Numher:244280 c~... LSlril21 1,!1~~ o.f1t~~ ~~o_~L~ h~~R~ J i~~.~- ..J Pruperly D(-hjjs ... ~r@- ").r) _ .r, ~ - OWr';1::R Of RH'OkD PROFER TY MAP KALA l\ SlZt\ f','f\'E B ~'i<l t"..'v.: 7CTIl \\'A Y J'ARK LAND :FL, 3J067 J'llYSKAl. LOC....J Ill!' :2;l427() 17 Ur-;u l"illMH):;ll. ~ .~ .~ [3](: Pl}..'E KEY LH':Al DB(:Rll"nON , :i8 bK.:l L T J t' CAJ-iJ L~_ PINtS & PAl .MS BIG fJN~ KEY PIJ:\-94 OR4'!(.. 7Y)/7(~ I OR.(50-4~<)I~~; UR1i2~-~95 QRSU,-6E9 (l;lR \1,1_ ()]\ r-lLE)V J ~ -' '" o 2~ '" ~f.Cj"lO'>;, TOW~~UH', R....NGE T". 2/) - (~6 - 2S' BlIsL'.,;rs~ NA\U ~1f AI'". ICAJlU:) Map Size C~; Sm~ll '~_' '\.{"diun". c> L~rge ]r-..1TR....A TIOI';,;,L 11 mJRf.~:Io. (It. AJ'rLJCAJlLE) Hide Map] T.4 \..L~G j) l~-!."f:t I.U ll)f)t-i PC COPE (IV - V AU l\T RESI DENT1AL CERTJFIED VAl..l'ES (AS 0"- LAST YEARS CU{TIFlED TAXHOLL) ."-;~I JH'lLDlNG & LA."....U ]!\'FORMATJO~ ;., ~ .------:..- Pt8";)Crty Jnformation for] - ~Y~6 Page 1 of2 ----- IJ~J;o~ I>I~ ~~lm.U1U t:~( rn~ C;~PI QnJ.i.oJ:j,JJtl..U..o.w Futft15 J~ll~, ~{,(,~ I LL"A M COTIto.t I th~ I,J.,I cbm..~tc.T . The ~~ta rQnl.o i ~~ on ~l-.il t~~ l;1< ,,~~ I.~' l'pd~l~~ 06.1 \ ~I1(l(1ol. O:'\'LIJ"E DATA CE!"TER R:r.COl-UlSSF.ARCH Your search for ~:Hne: "Kaln't fmisht'"d with a tot3] of3 records found. Search Again___ L Pmvl?~s ~~~ J R~c[lrd .3 of 3 I\;e~i ~,E::(;Yd Pnorf.RTY IJ'oiFOR~A T1Q1"oi FOR~ Alternate Key: 1312096 RE "'\umber~ 00244200~OOOOOO Short RE Number:244200 c= .~~~LtF~~2.~~.~~~~yt U:!~J?~~~~._ ~J }'rupert,. Dd ails : ~lI' ~.:!I...-j O,\"~.t:R OJ' "lTOIH) plloru:nV 'l,1....r KA l..."" 1\ sr~'Z."s,,[ P !~24 ~E :VTH WId' Pt.. R K l.A '" [) FL, .\,~or) ~ ill ,u,~ I. l'HnU:AI. tOCATJOJ"; t:~n 1'.nllH:R r: "'. c .... c ~ . j ~ flle- :'l:'\T ~[) ::ilU2OCl 1.[G....l. PL';("l'ltPT101'o" Hl~ BK.ol L1 Ii) et,HlLl PJ]\.'ES & PALM.'::; mG prNE Kry PB3. 940.1<: ~t6. ~69.~'JO OF720,8) 1 ORP9.! 1711 OR<.l 1 4.24JilQIC 24U '0 SLCTlO:"'i, TOW;--;SHIr, R-\."-:GE I ~ 2(! - Ni . :9 Bt:SlS[S.~ 1" AMF. (If -H'F'UC AII1,!,") 1:-:1 E H";ATIU:"A L A llJ)Rl"S~ Il. APn ~c "'llLf.) f',1"f S'FL c> Srr,~! I (! tl.kJi ~!r.l '...,' L.~T~~ r_~ide MaEJ J~:"(; J)J ~TI{J CT IOOH PC coor nc, . \:.!\(A '-.,'1 K l:5 UL \1. A l. rF.RTIFIF.I> \'ALl'ES (AS OF LA.ST YEARS CER TJ FlED T AXROLt) RU ILOI!\C & LAJ"\D JNfOR ~1A Tl 0)'1; '- ~rJi 111 \r)' .\... ,V'\' m L~<, n (It e.:'J at~c cr.1CJ '"C;l,,-''' 'l"f.(" n~.-1 ::.~.., .... - (" .....(..(,. tN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 16TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA SL~ZA?\T),IE KALA~, CASE NO- CAP 03-1555 Pl air! t liT, V5. MO\"ROf COCNTY, FLORJDA, n pelitica] subdi\'i~ion oftlle S~mc of Flonda, DEfend"nl. AGREED ORDER . This Ce.usc havLD(' cOme On to he neiJrd before the COW1 On Defcnd2nt':-; o..1otiu;l to Dismiss. and the COlJr1 h2.\ing beell advie:ed that the p<lrties h<::l.T agreed to the entry of this ordEr, it is thereupoL ORDE}{ED that Defendant, ?\10JilOe County shall render a hnerlClai use dete::rr.~Lmlic:l z,s to Lot~ 10, ii, and IE, Block 4, Cahill Pines. and Palms withLr1 90 day.~ of the date of lhis order provided the dcci..,ions may be delayed due to the Board of County Con-,mjs::.io:-1ers _~d,Edule. Done and Ordered al Pl('.nt::nion Key, Florida on (:c: D~rd HO\l,'ud, Es.c., Andre."".' Tobin, I::~q P.:;ge 1 of] ., , MO:'\HOE COU\TY YEAR 20]0 CO\lPREJlENSIVE PLAN BENEFICIAL l'SE PROCEDURES A:.'\"D CRITERIA ObjectiH' 101.18 Monroe County hereby aJopls the following pro('"comes and (rit(:r~<l for ,he dctem11nation of Vested Rights and Beneficial "CSE, for the effect of such determinations. Poljc~' 101.18.5 L It is (hE policy of!\.1omoe County th3t ndther the proYlsions of,his Comprehensive Plan nor lhe Land Dc\'C."lopmcnt Rtgulalion~ 5hall deprive a property O~'ner of all re<!..sonah le economic me of a parcel of fe-al pr opcrty whi eM js a lot or parcel of record as of the rlate of adopti on of tlds Comprchcn~i \'c Plan, Accordingly, Monroe County shall <ldopt a Beneficia] l;se procedure under whi c:h an owner of lea] property may apply for relief fTOm the literal a~)p])catjon of applicable land use fcgu~ations Oflhis plaJ1 wnm ~lIch application wculd have the effect of denying .,11 econ0mically reasonable IlSC'" lh,il proplT~J" ur.ln5 ~u('h J~rri\"ation is s110wn to be neceS~<ir:y to prevent a nui~.H)C.C or 10 protect tilt beGlth, ~aft:ly and welfare to its Cill7.tTJS under Florida Law. FOl lhe purpol'e of 11)] ~ pel] jc'Y, 01] rcasonabk cnmomic mc slwll mean the minjmum use of the property ne(es~ary to ovoid a taking within rcasonable time as establi5hed by clJlTe;Jl bnd use care I [lW. ~ l\dOplCd PUI Hlam F AC !l u!e 1~.i.U 1 {jO(] G) :2. The rt 1 ief lG Wl1i('h an n\\Tler ~):"l I be enti 11 cd ma~' be pro\.,dcd through Ihe use of one or ::; [(1mbirJ3tion of the fnll0\":ing~ <.l) Granting D f OJ rt'mlit for deVE lopmenl which f;hatl he- deducted from the P(~mlil A]]oc<Hion SyHcm~ b) Granti ng of u~c of T r amfctabl!:.. Dncloprntn1 Rigtlts (TDRs)~ () GOvt~Dl:n('"nl r-urtll a~c of (ill Or <l portion of the lots or parcels upon which ~ll beM flcial II Sc is prohibi ted. Thls ahcmati ve sball be the preferred ..-..lttfl1 Cili \'e when bend] cial UH' ha~ been dl:pri vcd by Jpplkation of Di visi on 8, ofthc- Land Dc\:clupmcnt Rq~uhjllOnS~ d) S Llch otn t'T rdi [[ as the County may det'm appropriale and adequ ale ~, Den: 1 QPJ~l Cl,t 3rrfClV ed rUT~u ant lO Benefi(i31l1~e tleH.:;-min<1tion sl)(ll I be consislent wilh flll other objecti\'cs and polic tes of the Comprehensive Plan and the L<J.nd Development Rrgulations lJnks~ ~pccifically exempted from such JcglliH:ments in the- finJl Beneficial Use dc-tl;"mllmuioD. 'AdL'r1ed p'.mLJaTlt FAC R'Jk 2HC.,(I')(l')) ~bi:.in.Ls'lilr€7.-ETr anoJ.....:: .nl?t ANDREW M. TOBIN, PA AttOTll€Y at L~ w Post Office Box 620 Tavern i er ~ Fl oric a 33070 Lard I'l.::s-e & Z-or.inj! l...a...- Er~...jTllrL~-t:"r~t::L~ lAw Ad rr,jni ~1 r~tiV1.' L;,lo.' An".'ll~lL. Pr~(:li~ R.o:,d EH~ ll' CIVJ;j r'r.~ Telt'phone 305-852-3388 Ju 1 Y 2 0 f 2 00 t; JUl 26 20/i. .... 'i. : "l"~ . . Timothy J. McGarry Growth Management Directc~ Monroe Cour::t y Gov e !'n:ner~ t Ce:1 t e r 2798 Cverseas B~9~way, Suite 4]0 Marathon, Flor~da 330~O RE~ Merrick a.nd SUZan!lE KaJan Let 18, El~ 4, Cbhill Pines & Palm~ and Lo~s 10 & II, 3]~ 4, Catill P~ncE & P~lms, Big Pine Key Dea.r Tim: P"Llr.s-.16r::t t.O GUY t€ 1 epLone C'onVersa t ion this date, enclosed :5 our henef~cial u~c Q~~licdtion and ccpy cf the co~rt order. Please schccic}e the ~earjng at your earliest opportunity. Thank you foy yo~r cocperation. Sinc€r~ly ycurs, ~ ~. Andrew M. Tobin, Esq. .'Property Jnfonnation for] 3] 7'"77 Page 1 of 1 lli!r!J' DIt[."I"~n)ItDB f.Hj;JJJli1l.~ OIIIiJI r !hl~.J.:~ r,lli rDrm~ Jul [0,. 2(1(~~ 11 :1I(1.\.\1 w..I<l<o~~ ~I~ Wtl}"~~LfI . T~,(' dSLi .[o...~..~rl~{ in &)i~ .....c:~;i~.:' "W.;.~ 1:iI~II~D(!.Folied c;.w 17,12 (t()..:I :;\:~i~;,j;r~:~\~i;~~~\i;:~t;;1{i:i'{,,:':i.~'\~';'{' ~'.1...";"" """". ,..... ,. '. ..-...... ONLINE DATA CENTER RECORDS SEARCH Your sE,nch [Dr ~ 3JnC:." K aJ:m'~ fJJJi~hed with a total of 3 records found, Search Again.,. h evioL..ls R~;:0rd Record 1 of 3 L ~e~l ~eco~'p J PROPERTY L'\:fORMATIOJ\' FON: Al1emate Key: 1312177 R F N\m1ber: 00244280-000000 Short RE ?-rnrnbcr:244280 [ ., &..rfI~ ~~~~ffj~e ?89.Y~ !hiSi~r~el ~ ) Properly Dt'laih ""'81 "":""'-.....:....L OV>f\'UI II! }lEU.HID Pl-l:O"f'f.R1Y M ^" K .4.:. At-.: Sl:Z.o!., "':"[ B ,":4 ~'W 701'] I 'Y.:A Y PARk LA '\ D H.. 3~liX)' rH~'.~~C>\1. l.or A TlO~ 244270 U"'Tl !\'t""l.m:R I , I J , _il : ...J 'Il l ~ lJ~(! p:\;r K f.'l' .:;, ~ ~280 g l.r.f.:M Dl".RRH'TIO:O; u BP< 4 L T II-' 0, I;, I.i. r'1 f" C~ & PA L"1 S BiG l'JhJ:: KEY PE3-9': OR~ 7(,. ;~';:;(, I OR(:~(J-"'}'}/44: OR&2S-89 ~ OR~f6.6B9 (U/N :\1.'L O~' f- JLJ::}VI '" o .2-<<290 J ~~ SF.(TIO~. 'I OW.'''~HH', RA~t;E 2J~ . (-,(, - 29 I:ll'SJ1"iHS !\' ^,~E {lr AI'PLlCAJllF) Ml1P 5.2.c C Srr~'.l (~:: tv!rd illm C br~c J'..,.UI.....TJO"I;/\ l AI)[lR.l:SS {IF AJ'l'ur.ABl.F.) r'- Hide-MaPl ,..,' r...c DI:;TRIU' i CoOH PC CODE O~:" \'ACA]'..:T RfSlDfNT1AL Cf.RTlflF:Tl VALlTS (AS OF LAST YEARS CFRTJFlED T AXROLL) BllILDll\C & LI\;....n INFORMATlO)'; ~:E)I I1no: .::www.;ILi.:nd1J.o~~.(till(l(cnt(."IiscaTchin::.c0fd.a1.11 '7,' 1 .r;...) nOA ,.... 7; 0 ~ - ..... ); cr;. !, ~ -...... ~ b " , ,. I ~ c:: I ~". I .,.., ,~ CD .,.... '" ~. I ,', :1! CJ "" ~ :.<::- ~_: ~ --0 '1:' (: , CD p:; ", C- O ". (..... ~.L: ~ '- - '" L ..;. - .,.., ~, ~ - - CD I G', ro r^, ~. "- , N (". ...., [Co I ro L' 0', L" p::; , 0 ;.:.. ~ c. I_u C. .- .-i ..,. C ,. ... :... <..:: c c ;r: <<r '-" -...... L; '-" (T", :.r: '('-..: '-' "1 -' '-. .q- C I ~-: r. 0.. - <.> ~ c: -....... (.... ~. j:::. (' LI) ,- ,- <:' ~ r. E.. '€> .....: , ' ,~ , . r.:- CJ;;. 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C -................. ~~ a:::.u.:oco (:...~ .::..,..:: 0:1;.::( >- QCC s ~,1 r~: 0 (") c:: ...:!{jOQG <<J::f-.'~~. ~J:: ~ \[1 C N c:.... (-...I c....~ u; C'"'- >>> .:::~ ~;r ....... ~'e-::.-: ., 1 .::;.:. G. ~ I1J 'r ' ...~ ........j 4- I..t.~ 0.-.......-1 ~-.--l III r-::: IlJ .....:t..:::::J ,...:!~;:J,"cr .:cO :::.' :z. =, C)I<) O~ z~ o:[I-:O'7:C lL C CI (: :z. ~C C! :>-t>-........ ~..I E-" -::0 Z Z'r. ~~~ a::u:z '<(ore :E.~)...': ~ z w ~ ~ ...' , .. 0::. {.'..i (~,;,":'C: ~. ::';:;O;;:C ,-, .-,.: _. J r-' :~;:~; ~<.-- I,' r....:::::.____.,-.. t.: C' L: -........-......-...... - .....-; ~..... ""- C ~ - .:~.~ :.: :i ~: S~. ~~ = C f-. \:::- t:,.. ~.' l~ ~ .~ .: ~ C'.l:' c=:'- ~-.: . c: ("[". 0..:. _r'. (.i: C {:. ::=: ~I ~ fi f Il rl~toi ~.. t.... .....~Tt'Tri~~~l......... m"1 ANDRE\V M. TOBIN, PA Attorney at Law Post. om ce Hol.: 620 T3v~rn ier. Flori da 33070 Telephone 305.852-3388 L-"ml l.lse l. ~r~ll~ L;,w Envi.rN.trJJ.ental L.... A.irnin.istr~t~y~ LB..... ApJlell au; I'TBt:!lc( Rc~,] E~ tat-e CJOflni':-E July 20, 2004 JUL 2 .6 1~~ . T~ Timothy J. McGayry Growth Munagement Director Mor.roe Ccunty GoveILment Center 2798 Overseas Hig~way, Suite 410 v'aruthon, Flcrida 330S0 RE: Merrick and SU78nne Kalan Let 16, Elk ~, Cahill Pines & Palms and Lots 10 & 11, Elk 4, Cahil: PineG & PaJms, Eig Pine Key Dear Tim; Pursua.nt. to cur t.el ept:.cTIe ccnven"at. i on thi s date. enclosed is our L~neficial uDe ~rp]ication and copy of the court order. :r=lE2sE f',C~lEdl:l e the J-:.caring at YOUT E:Br~j i e Rt oppcrtuni ty. Thank YOD for YODr CQoperation. Sincerely yoc;.rs, ~ &e-. Andrew M. Tobin, Esq. @ ( ~ APPLJCATIOl\" FO!l ~ AD :'\'IE'T) STRA. 'fIVE HELl EF Applica.."r1t is; :! Owner Applica...'1t'~ na::o.e SUZG:1n!? P. KE 1 an ~ At: thorize d Represen ta ti Ve Phone: (95L) 753-5963 .A.pplicani":l: maiU:Jg aCGre5s: 772~ ~.~. 70th Wcy Parkland, rlGrjd~ 33067 Owner's Ilnme (if applkant]~ not owner); Own~!' ~ ?ccire~s: Phone: (Please l".tt sct a Ha tewent a utJloriz) ng it:presen t3tion o! t.his applica tion by S(lnU::O~H: uther thelTI your~elf. The stat~ .should read: "1, l ow ~ie n'~ n a In C ~ <.i u th QrJ.ze {iIld lvicl U <:.1 j )" au are a 1J th ori zi ng to represem, yOU) 10 rq:,:-t,:er:t IT.Y property for th1~ applil"lt~Or: for Adminhtrative Relief," RE~: ~'l'i lc,:,uF Fer,~i.LJ;,p1 i C<lt"i on:;;; on hi g. 'pi~,=_J;'~..YLF.) C'Ti dl'l 1* p] O{, ~ c.ri pi i Or. .; 0; '. t ::let mea'::: 2; ~ld bOl..;n d s a c.:~t'ri pti lor:. ~f neccs.'SaTY}: Block 4 lot 10, Eloc! 4.ict 1]~. Block' lot l~_C~bjll Pi~es and Pa1m~. Bi~ Pine Kev h:'T"m~t 1<: 97-]-059t. 97-1-0592, 97-J-0593 Da:f (;~. r;lO!:~ ,Cl"cnt ROGO ~:ppliult~l)n: .!J9~ '\\'h3t kiJld of aJr::.~nis.tr;::ti...'l' ,e~ief ::ire )'l)'J ~t"ekiLg?: 1 20m sHkinJ!" the right to __L:.r.1)..i~E'! ;:]"1.' thre5:..J.lli..'Ll"D~cTIti['l r.Lti ldinf ..:\ d di t icn;:;l c(:.~::r::.r:.P.r:.t~: ThE~e lotE ~~rf ~~rc~~~ed in l383. situated in a well ~st~~l~~tpd ~es~dent~nl area. ~ff@ct en th~ ~~vironc~nt. :'" o T...\r-ri : 111..:1 III ~ n~ r.f'~.(;!;= on t h~ se lot s ..'ou]d Lave J'lC' ~ciYeI;Se STATE OF FLORIDA. COL':\T". OF '8 ;'C ,-~.... \'"..{ (\ ") TLL :'or~i:;(I:nf. ~i,:'::j3t'~,e W;;.~ (l.rknc.'w;edgec ~'ffo~'E-" n-Jf :L 1 0::. (I 2C-('L ~ f n (......;- c~ ,1-e___, by ....... ' ,--, 7_ ('....1'-", /,12. ,...... '-' d ::c T ~ k..c \.1 ~ f"- day of \\. ho i~ I.H.: r~()r:; c;:: y kC1 OWL to rrJe m' who r,a~ p~-od l)C'P c. ~_...!':'.~.......... ,-.l. Lie:............ S ~ - \--L 1<...J,"""~-(-,!( ,;~ Q .. ., . , ': L I ",:::. ~. ,':: L, , .O~ ""'-~t. ,. (".' '<',]' __ ,-......... _ ___ . __ .;::J- J'L_~.___~J ~~I,.J1...~. /1 ~ ,. ,. -.-... <;.' ~ ,. , .'.' I;. , . I ',-- . 1.. U.' IL __. ~ _ . '~:. J "=":-. ,). . (:". J..f. I I.. C J C )(~ I !' .... . _.. ---_L~"' . G,~___ ~~ Dtl..Nr s, CLARII( '. ;\i}'", Com~ D;t. ':.vl lm ~.\ j t/(I tl:l(J]7~7 - ~~.. ~ I F~I"'.rJ".:II'"J~.. "'........,...,.,. i FOR DEPARD1I!\"T CSE O~1..r D~ te Df G: ~ ng w-ith PI ~ IJ.:1ing Di r('{'tor . -4Ll/n::; (~ jJ). 2~ e"T.. c;, tun. cf ~ e,t a ry Pu bl i(. ~ ."3te 0:" Fiori tiel ,"'...R6."~ f LF @ ~ APPLJCATlON FOR a ADML~~ISl'RA TJVE RELIEF AppJk?J1t iE' :x OW~lE':r :-:: Ii U ~i:or, ~!::'d H.r;pTesen ta tive AppECill1~'S n<J.IIH~: 5uzar:::lE:'!'. Kslen Phone: (95.:\) 753-5963 App~~(ant':;: mai]il:g address: 7724 ~.W. 70th ~dV P~rkl~ndl Florida 33067 OW::ler's u::me (if app;:cant if not owner) Owner's 8ddres~: P)lone: (Plea1'e at :8( r;. f. :o....a :cwt'n", li uthor1:t.;ng rq))"HfLl t Gtion 0; this application by ~oC)eOlJ.e u:her thGn yuun~lf. The state :!'hould read: "1, (owrjen'~ name;: <,uthorj".c (if1div~dua-J you are aU1..horizin~ to repre5cnt YOU) to Hprt~::~n1. rr:y prop~rty for thjs Hpplic<Jtlon for Admlnistrat]ve ReheL" RE:/!: P,~J~] c!1n~ h!.:I:l"i0E..l~...l.1 cations on Rig J~ine Key. r:l~r~ Legal c.e ;;cri ~". i01 ': f.t to c L u:Hc:i: ;:; l:C bour.a~ de scri pt io;; i f Ill:C,-'~", ary): B] ock ~ lot W.... ?Jock ~ lot l.i..J--.!: 1 0: k .i., lot J8 C.3hill PiI1t:'~ <J.nd P OlllT.s ~ Big Pine !'XY - . -..............--.. P (: r n~ ; t ~: g;'-J -0591, 97-] -usn. 97-1-0593 DaH:: o~. t~j ()~ t rccl'.'1, noco appli ca t;on. 1997 Wh at ki IlO or acrr:ir.~stT3~1\'e reli ef are you ~eeki q(': 1 ",1L ::ie:ekinR the rir..ht to l~.r ;Jj):: ~'...1!D:_IJ.\T e ~ l(?t."> for r e ~; c en t j aJ hl: i ": (] i nt. AGei t :ur, al (,C'~C1H:ntS: _.~;-,cs~. :ct 5. .~p=_r-~}Ts~a=:..~JL;Lll ) 9J~.j _ si tuated in .;3 ..>.'ell . : .:..~. a .~_~. j .'" r. cd r t' <: ide n t j.d i3 rea. 2 f f e (' t On thE .::n\' i r aIlment. .:\OTARi"'; Dll i 1 d t !}i;~Q!lH?L.2tL.1.lL~.?L 1 o.!'&"_~.QJ.lld have no c::dv er se ~/ 'L "/ ]/ (, n tJ l-......'~.......J 7P JjC8r,t"~ Signature ~..' (I r STATE OF FLORIDA COL~TY OF . B 00 L"F'- {'). The forp.g(jin~ 1=1~na~ue WM ['.ck:JOwledged bcfo,e me. tni~. Q I,....... r '].. 0'_ '-:2. c:: ,",. I t, {'- ~ c- ~ , ~ . ~y ___~""L~ .~~ ~..._ ~.. _K~ & r-- who i~ ]Jl'rsunaJly Known to lrE' or who ha~ prodL:.ced ~ .~, ,,'...._r- _"._1-0. U.2-= 0.> ~ 't: 1- day of tS Y S" D -:1 c1;;;- ~ I: S l/ 2. C 2.~ ide':x fJ(J lion 1___----.--..... ---.........- Si/,:T1dtUYf:' of :\n:<iry Pubhc S~r,1E- o:^ Lor'iaa Dt""'l{ ~, {: LAA'I '1 ~ Com!Jl [)po ot/ll.Q5 A I N.J. OD{!P~Oi "",. r: ! I ~ f'.I":o"I~"r :..,............,.. FOR DEPARTIfE!',i rSE O!'\LY De. t E' of f:l: ~-:.g wi it, Plar, nbg D~ rt:ctor -4-Ll!n:;J ~- I / \i \. ['('T"""" ~ 'c.-.~" E-"'" ..,-~. L/!,..! c. ...-- .c'. ~LL_... ,.. J ,.'-- ,. .'-'~' c_ '~~!f .. 1/ .) ,./. F 'I ' , . .... . ..~_(.A~~ ~, i~J--'~ .1.0. AJi:8'~G i...F r-I ~ o o '"' -....... \.r; f'< ........ <>; t:: ~ ~ p:; Cl 0:: ;) CI Cl:: o U UJ Cl:: :>-r- l-~ ffi~ Q..M or< l:r Q" >->- ....W 2:~ :J.W 01- Uoet I.l..JZ an: a::uJ ~l- a...J ~<( ~ H S ~ tr. <D P< Lr. """ Lfl Qc ::-:;c::- m ~v 0.. ~ Li'I ~ Q' 0l;I:: ,("0 \()C '"" .. I \(1;:L 0l n:: )~. 0::' 0"': 0.--; 01- 0:': o o [""". or-- oc....... r\! ('.I r::-~ QJ ~"'.I C r: ~ r-"l C I1;i ~......-I<Z <"".> Co L"J ~ < L~ ,.::~] U aJ [,; ~.~ ~ C ,-,;..., 11:: F-< >- ~1 <l:....:i:I:;j ~.=J, fJ, j:!J c. ~ ;;:: ... ,<, o:J; N ~ (~ ;:q \[: .-{c ~.n.-: cC: {)l f:....:: 011. (- r,. E .:>- "'- :zo.::- ,..J ..- :>;.' r-..;p:: ,... .-:::: L"' P- - 1- :l "-'.; :.:; -4 ~ ~ , 0< ::> , "'" P- "- , r~ ~I~ , - . , , ~' ., :z , ;.<: 0 , C f-' ~, f-. , h I- , ~ 0:; L1- L: I- , I:J; ...:: , w n rl~ ~ ..:l f-. 0.; 5 c~ 0 rr; >- "'- ,::; .:t: UI :~ :J; ~ ~ I- ~ ." :r. f., ~ Z ~~1 ,. u:; Q, ,iO >- i-.f. ;;:: Wu; :.:.E- ;Jj I..... ';, t c........ :.:t: C, p~ :::0: ['li -.~ ~ '." .... ~z ~ :'] x c:. r::::: ;.- ,J :J. ,..J ;:., [;]E- U 01 f1: ~~ "- "'- p::: ~ -:"i",;~ :;-~ ~ ~. "'- ,", ::t: rL P-c; 'l ~--! ,.. cc t, C ....:!:..:...: ~ ~ ::z. fl."":: ~ OONCUUOCOCOOOCOOCOCOOU ~~~~-r~~-ocoooo~~oo~~~I~I.~~ ~~~~~~~Ln~OC)~~Q)~f~~~~~~) .:::: c: ~ ..v '...D [[J a:: N N c..-. m <'I C1~ r..... ..... c: c..""J 0 0 co C :.--.. ,."roll-l,,:,' r-1T""'" r-.J'-:-'::r"1 rr""I-:-"'J""'-: r""I r"""J(-": ("I] ~ N N r-..: ':) r~, 'E-< I [I '="..") c~ u -:..: CJ c: .::.' 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Ct: r-..: f..... ~ 1..:': I,,!;,.! r-- a.: c... c p" (""oJ :~ ~ Lf": '-D Z'~ 0:. 0\ 0 p.1 04m~rocr~m~ffia\~G=)~~Q~;C~~~OQ 11~O'~)~\~o)~a~~~...a'a)G.lc'~c...~\~\~\OU ~~~-~~~~~r-ir--:'-~~_~r--:r-~~~(~ Ig~ ~.~,~~~~,~_-,~~~~~._,,-,,_-,~~~~~~~~ L-'::: 1 C:;< P" "="""'" .. 1 ~ ~- ~ ~ ......; r--: ~ .- ~ ~ .....; r-i ~ r- ~ ......-I ........ -'~~GnG~OGCOOCCOCCGCCC00 .......: tl'",; i ~ -.-. ~~ --.- ~-. ~~ -.-. ~~ -~. ~.- --.- ---- ~-, .-.- ---. ~~ .....- ~.- '- ~-. -~- .r I- - - ....' .... 1-- - ~ ~ ...... ~ ~ - r- ~ .- ~ r- r-. r- .- P"""': - .- r-! ~ - r-i ~ ......-: ~..-- ~ r- r- ....... r- r-. ,..., r-. - ~ , t'J r:u :::;::F-< t) ,.:( --. ~ ~ r::l .........'~.....~ P;;~OCO t:..~ p.,..::l ..-:l.:.:J; ~. c) c: C) ~ t,] Ll C C ":vOGC 1 ..-,J::H 1::1'",; p..:; I.[) c~ r~ ~'"''"' 0:; 1;:;. ~:::' i> > ,cJ;:[; >HC'"(;'O ...., c.;. aJ -:t:j-.....-.....j ,...,'l-Il-l OPr""'"r-t X-.-l q) <1) (Ij ...:lc.,:j .;(;:;bo ...:It:J ,:(0 g5800 z~ F=l:C1oco P::OQPZ f-<() 0 >->~h f-< ~ t~ ~2gj ...:~~ P::~7. r:(':::C :?;.?:c ~ Z ~ , ... ~ ...... 0;; ~ If.' :z I-- n ,...,i C :;::O:c C'l..-tr Ii: Ii: (I;J m r.. ....:: F- C'l 2, {J'. <=l; 0:1; M rt ,.- I:J:: ~-:::'~ '.. ". ..-tM~ o C.G '~, ......... '"-.. r-, r..... G ~, ~ C ~..o! '~l~ {Jj p::; ~, 0' Lf1 c) '1 ,..t ~ a. M ::;:.a;...~ru<:" if. W .~ ...:: 0~ 0 ~ <.0:' C r:-:. - C.o:.: ~IJ., ~.) G j:Q 8: c::: ~ ~ . TD bin 1.r.~""'1'~ rr l,LJ1 [lVJL .,,~, ANDREW M. TOBINt PA Attorney at Law Post Office Box 620 Tavernier 7 Florida 33070 ~ n~. ~; ~ to Z[I,,;nr. La". En=onrn ~l1\.11.1 t...w Ad ,.,-.i."ll ~l r~ I,V<' l,...".' '''p~LJ.s ~~ Pr~,tIc~ ~"..I ~"Uol~ C~o"mg~ Telephone 305.852.3388 April 2 I 2002 Julia Thomson, Administrative Assistant. Monroe County Board of County Commissioners 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 400 Marathon, Florida 33050 --- Re: Administrative Rdief ror MeTrick & Suzanne KaJan Dear Ms. Thorn son: Pursuant to your request, p]easc find enclosed the completed Application for Adminislra{ive ReJjef from the Kalans. Please schedule this matter as quickly as pass] bJe. Sincerely yours, a/Y)C1L(~\ fYl.7('bU7 , Andrew M. Tobin, Esq. SO J.../IL .l ~ 1/26/02 To Whom 1t ?\1::Jy CorKern' I. Suzanne Kalan JulllOrlZr Andrew M T h' P A properly ror this application for Ad . . U I.n, i\ttomc~ Al Law to J('rJe~ent mv ,'10 ml rlJ :;,tratlve RelJ ef . (' f -/". AJ~ . 'UA...J: .......~u ,\pp 'cant's Si~nature ...l /-.k- ~ ]:; --..., .f.~ ~ 'i 7?Af:-v~~ VA-- /h c.A <0.-"'-. L 7 / ;;L 00 -;L. I .J "'?~ f? k.../ ~ Q~ ;(.~ Kt.-f5"O - 796- y(-i'7'-:L 0 L~f~ 0105 ()~ ~ {!~. @ J APPLJ CATION FOR .." AD 1\1 lli I STRA TIVE RELIEF App:icant ~s: 1;. O\\~ler ~ Au~horized ReFeSe~,tlHiv€' Applicant's DelIne: SUZ~l,ne P. Kalan Pbone: (9S~) 7S3-'i.2b) Applicant's maiJing ailGress~ 7724 ~.w. 70th W~y F8rkl~nd, Florida 33067 Own.er's ECl.:;:ne (if applican t is :J.ill owner): OW~ler's addres;s: Phonc: (Pl fi3.H. G: ~ den a sta tement 3'...l1 i:uTiz:ng :representation of this appLca bon bJ' :!:Grr.eone other than yourself. The state ~bould read: "I, (()~q)en's name) au:hori:!'E- ~individ\lf.d you are aut.huTlzing 1.0 reprfsent yOU) to n:pn'::i:ent :::ny ):H.::,pert\' f0r t~:i~ 3.ppli("a~:.orJ for Admini::.:tr~ti\'e :ReheL"' REH': __ )')uildinR h:~ndt Applications Dn HiS!. Pine 1<ey, Florida U.2' g aJ d U;('':;ptlO:1. ( 3. 11 3.ch l!)€lfl:=;: and bOUl:O:3 de ~cri pt ion if necest: ar)'): Block 4 lot 10, Block 4 lot II, Bleck 4 lut l8 Cahill Pjn~B and Palms. BiR Pine Key PH n.:.~ t #. 97~1-0591, 97~ l -0592 l 97-1-l\')9 ~ D<~:e 0; ill u.st recent ROGO 2;JpJicw:.:or:.: 1997_ Wh Olt ki n d of ad:ni ni strati\'e n:" lief :;.re you H'ckir:.g?: lam s(:(>ki~ the rig.ht to \]t iliH IT.Y t:'1ree lQt~ .Ill.!: ....r:.~~~'lf'.. Aoai:1c~~3~ (Or::J:JJ e:t t:>. ~.!..~'_S.!.. .J..~~k.:-,"~!"e f-L:rcr.o8ed in 1983, ~it\l;;ted in --'" .....eU est~tljEh~J residential area. affect on th~ €nviron~ent. :\OT.;RY: Bll i Idi ll,g.J!.S:!.T~.~....9fl thefe lot s wou1d J1a.,;P :Oil I'I~YP:r:~e STATE OF FLORIDA COL-);TY OF F? ~c ;~,. t'"' J ~. 0! J~~L.'~~_l~K:iLS~' l'1?~~ic an l' ~ Signature \..-... .. The fOH-going fig:JatLTC w8S 8cbl()wkd~'ed bl'fon' me tl:1.~ {\ d.. Ct '2 ~. I "I ("---E": L.~.~ ~_ , W , by ~ v. L.. (....... ,..... .... E - - . :--.... ......... 1 Q ~ t k.. k (-'...l c... r-. ~ l~ ..-... 5 1t "'c::".b.-. dEyof W}:l) ~~ ?cr::'()r..;~li.\' k~10wn to me c" wh", hc.~ produced '0 ,-,... ;'- ~ K 'i S" C '7(1;; ~t......!i::i:2. C . ..-~ . \:\' ('C'~j~'<:'~'('J. (:x":n:'" i(0;/c. '.- ti~=~] ;{,'~'~__ as i dQTi t i fiC:~ilioIl. FOR DEPAHTMEKT USE Ol\1..Y I 1M. of fib> ,,-;\h pbnn''':- Director _ .~. 4- j ~?jCB~ ~ D!JoX( s. CLAAk ~~M)' Wrlm f.:r.p 4,.'ll~ _. ~ fkI. ro t.l73Gl .. ~" .J- I I F TI"\Qn,ll'l!~ :'r-Nr'I . '0. Si i;T!~ t U~'f 0: ~'l't (:; ry Pu bl i (. S: f. t '" v: Fl or, G", A.h. & .~, n.F e tit . ]v!EA10RANDUM To: Monroe County Planning Commission From: Timothy I\1cGarry, Dinctor of Growth Manage~ Date: September 2. 2004 Re: Re~idential Dwelllng Cnit Evahlation Report, Quaner 4 of Year 12. ThlS report has been prepared pursuant to Section 9.5-122,2 the Land Development Regulo.'.tions (tORs), 'lbe proposed residential dwdling unit pre-allocatjon rankings "ruched to Ihis repQn are for the fourth q\l artcr of year h\'clvc as defIned by the Rate of Gro\\1h Ordinance (ROGO) and COVeTS the period April} 4,2004 through July13. 2004. J) HACKGRQU.;O"'.'D !.\'FORMATlON: I) On June 23,1992. the \1oTIroe County Board ofCommis5loners adopted Ordim.~1Cc #016-92, tbereby implemenling the Residential Dv.'e11ing Unit AlJocmion System. rnc ordmance became effect! ve on July 13. 1992 and has been amcnded from time to time. 2) App1 j cations reviewed IP this QU arter: Jfo.rker Rare Affordable Huuslflg Very Low, Low, Moderate wid A1edian 1 3 o 0 Q 0 '" Lower Keys "''''Middle Keys u""Upper Keys 157 25 275 rotal: 457 1 3 *' 122 8pplications are ro llovers or reappllc~tiom from previous quarters. :;.: >I< 1 -; ~ipp;j c.:::tions are [01 lovcrs Or reapplications from previous quarters. ;"'**:36 ilPplications arc rallovers Or reapplications fTom prEviQus quarters. m AIIOC4 TlO}.l.d.H'.jfl.DS AVAILABLE I.N THIS OUAR TFR: ..; .. -". r]..,,,, ,. b<." of R aGO \\:<'.r 11 there were fony'-one (41 ) app li cants with su fllcienl E X H r 8 f T 0\ nl hut <1',\ <iilir.g. nutrient reduct [on crcdi ts. Tllcrcforc pmsu ant to .\"1on.:oc {J 2010 Comprebensive Plan Policy 101,2.13 dnd F.A.r. Rule 28-20.100, thi:s I Page 1 of 2. . relluces the allocaljon allotment by foItY-Due (41) allocations in ROGO Vear 12. Once the reduction of forty. one (41) allocations are taken the 4th Quarter in Y car 12 has <:"cro allocations available for approval. V) CESSPIT REPf.A CEMEliI.EfiOGRAM: The State 0 fFlorida, in conjunction wiili Monroe County, has inslituted a cesspit jdcntification/elirnina11on program. A ppljcants who receive a ranking sufficient to obtain an allocation award this q U;:lTler must receive a cesspit replacement voucher from the :.'v1onroe County Health Department before they will receive a ROGa aHocation award. The following is a summary of cesspit replacEment credits required to complete allocations for flpplicants from R OGO Y car 6 to ROGO Y car 12, Qumer 3, as of the date of thls memorandum. Mark el Rate eredi ts Y Cllr EI Y o::af 7-1 0 Y I:ar 11 Year 12 Total Lower Keys 4. 0 7 39 46 M j rld le Keys 0 0 2 2 o! rpper Keys 0 0 6 17 23 e Toul 4* 0 15 68 73 Affordabl e H om:ing Credits Ye.:ar 6 YcaT7.1O Yt:arll Y caT 12 T ota] --.. _.---.--.- 1.owH Kt'Ys 1$ 0 0 2 3 1\-J j fldle Keys 0 0 0 0 0 Lprer KfrS 0 0 0 9 9 Total 1 · 0 0 11 11 * ~("Ile: Then:: are frvt <ippliOliollS from ROGO Year 6 pending II Cesspit Credit located on Big Pine Key, D\]j]dlng PCnIlits can .not be isnle:d until the :vl:ora1onum on Big Pine Key is lifted and a dcci~ion lS m~de as lo how many mon~ permits can be i~sucd if any on Big Pine Key, cc:: Marlene Cona"""'ilj', Planning & EnvlroJlmemal Resources Director Joe P;!shlik, Building Omcial Ralp)] Grmldy, Count)' Biolug~st . Pall!:' 2 of2 'l1' o 00 N M ....- >- ....I =- ""') o I- "If" o o N ..j "P"" ...J 0::: Q. c:( U) Z o ~ u o ..J ...J < o cr: W N C"..,r ,... a:::: c:;( W >- rz! w i ::J '0 :I: t; en ,,>- w ~ Cl:: IiJ 5: o ...J ...I ~~ ~ LLI a <..) e; r- If> "" ~@ :or- '" ,i ~ i~ ~- ';1! ~ sf- :;&. ob a; E ~ !i F ii~ III W e:: ... '5 :i5 "5 ..J c: " :~ :3 ::I tQ I ~ z ., E e CI.. ... ~ O~~[]O:::J 0081008 gg~~83 000:::'0-::' ;::g~g~~ ~~~~~~ =- -=- -=- -.."'J -=- :..:. NNN....f'..!.... COO::JO-::J OOQ:;'OQ @3 <.j '"' <J<) U:::J 6" - ~ - .... 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AGREED ORDER Th; ~ C <ll"~e r. a\ ; ~:? :.:: C Tt' Dr! ~(J be he.::.rd be: fDre tj-K C Ol!"ft un Def cl-,d<l n' '0. \1 OCO:1 10 ~i~.&IIS5, a.1d l;lC Cml rt i"'l'<n~. bee:1 ach'lscti tholt :hc p;::'~lln hi:!\ ~~ ,1g~C;:J [() th::: enif) or lhi~ ordcr, II !:; then>'.lFcl: ORDERED llv.( Dtr'C;l,L....rlt, Mor:roc County ~hH~1 renJn il bl:nefjc~a! u~t: Je[~nr.imt:ior. <.1-' 10 Lots 10, I j, and j 8. Glock. .:t, Cahill Pil1e.~ and ]'aJrns wi thi:1 90 Jays Q f the d ate of 1]--jS ::-rcc:r pm\' i dell lLe de-cis iOL~S Fllay be delayed due to the Board II f CUlL;l h- C 0". n~;.:.:~; Or: c; S sc beciu ~ l: [)~mc and O~'d e;'cc. 3t Pl anta ti on Key, FIQrida 2 rI ,2004 -- o..:c: Dcrek HO'''''.::.ni, E::~. ,\l1drew ';'ohn_ l;q (lag'" ] of ! I. I L. I I ,.. ,.~ I ....... B.2NEFICIA':"" U.s~ IEARINC . MON?OE COUNTY, FLORIDA ::':01 RE: M:::;::'E:'::CK and SU7.ANN::;: Kl\Ll\N =-"OT 10, 3I.OCK <1 :DT 11, 3LOCK 4 i:.JOT 18, ~LOCK 4 GrQ"o.I!L h M,".::l.I:Clge:~',ent Di vi siC):: 70798 Oversed~ ~ighway MdI"athon, Fle;rida. 33DSO OCLobp-r. 7.51 ~Gv4 1:00 p.m. 2:S0 p.m. . Hedrin~ taken by Judy Ge L::::CW, C01..J.rt RF:':pn r':"'0 ( , pL~suant ~o said N8tic2. All Keys ReporL. ing Marathon Office: 9701 Overseas Hlghway Marathon, Flocida 330~C Key "(;,Ic::.:::;t Of f .1 ce ~ 600 Whitehead St~eet Key Wes~, Florida JJ04Q . All Kcy~ ReporriDg - Com~ R<::portcr~ .. (305) 2~9-1201 Lucaliom En K~y Largo, jI,.farathnn & Kt}' \Vc:S[ ]. . i\.? P EAR...10JCE:; : BEFORE HEARINC 8FF':: ~~b~~~ ~ JOHt<~ (dor,PF, ESQf.n R8 ON BE~LJ1,.L? CF f.1:::kR LCK J\ND SUZMJNE ?_~_L.;N: A1\DRE~^.' I'-1. 1'013 iN I 2SQt; I R 1.0: PO ROY G2C TiJ.'f~rnier! fl 3UoJ7C ON BEHALF OF MONROE COUNTY: ~ORGA~ & HEKDRICK 3Y: DER~K HCWAR~, ESQJIR~ AT)SO Pk.r.:SJ::NT: CULI~ '::'HJ:vJ':;ON r ADr'HNI.:i'l'F..1\'i'I\ft.; i\S:3 j S'I.'t\NT H:-;'J.'E LAFLEUR, PI.:Po.NNE? K. MARLENE CONAWAY DIRECTOR OF PLANNINC & ~~VIRON~MENTAL RESQUR~~S . INDEX WIT::.JESS: K. MARLS~~ CO~A~AY Dl~ecL By M~. Tobin REO: D:.. n-::!(";t Cross by Mr. nowa~d 3, 12 30 2.5 EXHIBI":'S; Exhibit ,At H a~d C, Staff Reports,... Exhibit D, memo from Tim McGarry..... Exhibit E habltaL con3e~vation olano. 11 11 30 . All K.ey,; Reporting ,- Cuurt RL:"porwr~ .- {30S) n9-12:0] LocatL(}n~ in Key J .argo. :-".brarhol~ & K~y W~st . . . .) 1 K. ~'RLENE CO~^~^y 2 ha. 'j in~':3 bec~L ciul Y S;,-,'()Pl, wa s exa.mi ned a:1d test":' I':' ed as 3 to L 10,.....s : 4 D I REC":' E Xt\['Y~ J. N t~' [' I (yJ 5 . B'{ MR.. TO R " N : 6 NR. ';10LFE ~ '1'hi s u., the ber.e~ ic ia:" c.se heaL' .i.~19 :OL. 7 Merrick and Susar: tea lan for their three di [fc n~~l:: pro?ert ies, 8 Lot 1 0, 31o~k 4; Ca}~i 11 P .i.ne~ .:.md :?~ lm.:=; Sub -di vi G ion :'11 Gig 9 P:.ne Key a~ld Lot 1.1, H]o~k 4 / ~a~ill pir::.es cud Palms 10 Sub-dlvisio~ l~ Rig Fine Key; a~d LcL 18, BLock 4/ Cahill 1~ Pir:es a:lcl Palms Sub-di~/is.:.or:. ":"[1 3iq ~inE' ?eel'. 12 13 14 :0::- the repon:e::::, will c:ounspl iden~i.:y themsehres. Mi(. EOfJARD: Derek Howurrt o~ beha:"f of Monroe County. M2. TOP:;::N: k:dy ~()hin O~ behalf or thc p=~p~~ty 15 av...TI2T"... 16 MR. WOLJFE: will you be testifying, Marle~e or Beth? 17 Wh'{ don 1 t [ swear you boUi ":'[1. l8 K. MARLENS CCNAWAY 19 beinq swcrn accord~n9 to 1(1)-.', was examic.ed <.lnd te5ti:ied aD 20 follow's: 21 MR. ~'JO],FE: Do 'loG. ha v-~~ a pre f e re~c e w.:-m wa 1:' t S to 22 proceed Ei~2~ or do you h2V~ a preferenc~? 23 24 25 :vlP. TOBIN: Si.J.I"C~. ' wi j 1. be happy ~C). [,et. J"le juct indicd te to you that my c.L ic::nt.s have : i :::"(~d a t.ak:.ns :::"aws'.li t agalnst Moru-oe CO'J.!l'':':'Y and t~lat is :caldIl ag:=d:lst the CO'J.Ilty, i\ll Keys Repol ([]lg '- C\mrL R(;puncr~ .~ 0(5) :!8.9-l20 l Lu','ati()n~ in K~r [,lf2:0, ivhrMh(1tl &. Key \V{:q . . . CAP GJ -"1:) I'] S a:lCl on JU~le 24th I 2 Q 0 4, an agreed orde::::- was 2 en': e ced 1iJ':" t 1: the CCUE t Y ~",The r-eby the COU:l ~ Y 'da -s C1 rd e. re..j t. c 3 rerX1E'T a :rJf.~:1 p. t i. eLl 1 1l~ C d(~ term i. na t. i or: '.-J 1. :-. Li.. n 9 Co da y.s C) i:" L :le 4 da:.e of tr&e order 'w'i:.h a provision tl:al: -::r.e ~8l~:1~.Y could seek 5 d!l exr. t.:E:::J ior~ fOl:' ~~0od cause. A flew u::::dc r: ''',~lS enl erec, and t.he 6 Co~n~y is now required to render a be~eficial use decis~o~ by 7 January 2GLh, 2eos. So = guess wh~~ we need tc be mi~Qf~l 0: 8 is t ha t t h[~ 30 OJ. rd 0 t CO:.lrl::' Y COIT'm 1. s:==; i G,!f:' rs r)":::-~)t~ ,lb 1 Y m~c t S Dne [~ 9 lTI Decem';JeT~ axd hopeflll 1 y T.vi 11 be 3.;"")1 e to - - T c.:)r. I;:. 7.:1-: nk lO ~hey meet in January T...'e:..lr = I m not 3l~L= '1.Jhat the .schedule 11 is in JanLa~y. 12 MS _ '1'HOf.1S0N: A:::-ound the -..5 t. ~1 . 13 M H _ TO R ~. N : Tf at. all posoible, I don'L think. :..:.h~ 14 lSSUCCS a rs ~r.-ea ~ COT'"'.p~. i. C3. ted in this CdS ~, i [ ;,,<::, could [r.akc::. t.P_c 15 December sched'J.le, that 'would be Cu.::: pn~b~c:-cEC:~'. The: CQUT"'. ty Hi provided me T,1i th a memorandum '..:.Li s rnU,-:1 i,.9 or: Fi 1 1 t:h ~ee lots I 11 which are dated October 14Lh, 2001 a~d it cu~linea the 18 permitting h.:.sLoL'Y. ~ r~av~ not see:1 thi~J :ne:':1.o:candum 1::e:on=. 19 But esscr:t.:..al Ly W:1cre my clie~lts ha~/e ~~"::<~:l 1.('_ t:.hc p(~c:-~i tt:i.r,g 20 sys t t=m B lnce. A_pr.i l 1 tl th of 1997, I :.::.l~iIl>:' thu::' is '.lndispu ::ed. 21 The property l s located on Big Pine Ke.y, and of ~8urse, tl::.e 22 scorlng on 3i9 Pi:le Key milkes it: dif:iculL t.o ~O[[]~~t.[~ so ~ Irr. 23 not -- I'm rmt sure w~e:11 if ever, my clients are goi:lg ~8 geL 2.:1 a building penr.i t, and to e3:..ablisl-: at: least .'Jone L_me .c:::-ilmc, 25 lid like to ~ave Mar~ene Conaway :estify as ~o the likc:ihood ..\ 11 K~ys R~p{1l1in~ - Court Rt-porLers .. (305) L~9- l20 1 LOC<:IL10m in Key Larg(l, Marathon & Ke)' Wc;:;( . . . ~ 1 of get~i~9 an actual bui~ding permit, 2 I wil.~ tc L 1. you '/'ITe hd'/e hdd ;::,c)rr,e i.,r. torm2'~l discus::; iUIl~ 3 a8o-,1t. tl:is and I jusL 'will ]e~ Ylar::'e:l= L::=:"l YDU Pl her Udll 4 wo:::ds Lu:: b(~H l. es t. i IT'.a te. S~"le ''':'81(::' :: lit t.l e ~ oke ea.:::: 1 ie.c ahHlt: 5 my cli.en~ - hea. rd .i. L f .r:om som"2. 0 ne '0,;I-::'0:=: e :ld m.~ "oN i 11 ,em,:::; l ~1 b nameless r m)-" clicrct ShO'J ld r~oc be DUI{l :F:1 jc-ape5. ./ g 1\ . fuijWay state your full name and occupaLion. K. Ma~le:le COEaway / Cirec:..: :):=:: 0: P ~.<3 :Jr. i. ng and 9 EnvironmcIltu.l Ro.:SOll l-ce.s . ~~ 0 II I? 13 14 Q. A. Q. A. Q. Eaw long have you b~~n the Di~ecLu~ of P13~ning? 1:'1. .~ce years, Arc yo~ familiar with the G~bject ~ots? Yes, I am. If,Tha.::; du YOll kn OI~J abou t t: r. f'. let ~J? Ed '.Ii..":. yo: 1 b eCOi:"!.2 15 familiar with the B~bject prop~~ty? 16 A... I have ho.cQme familiar' tly revie'""lWI ;.he. eene.:icicll 17 Use ReporL put together by thr. staff. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. 'A. .ll..~d .,.,;ho spec i t ical1y pdt t.og-s:her t.~1<J. t report? Be~h =-e~lcur_ S~e's hEr~ with you? y"".. ~..., . Do YOll agree \'/i Lh tte s tal':::- n~port.? y (~S j I do. Yori signed it and initial.ed i .- ') Th,"lt 1" '" correct. All Keys Rc:portinp, - COlLn H.cporLcr~ - U{j)) 239-1201 T .ocatiu[ls LIl K.~r I,argo, NlaraHw[l & Key \Vc~t . . . 6 1 l'u:d it:. 1. S 'fUl.:.L' be 1 i eft ha t the :;:; .ro:)~ r: t y o r.'fller S have Q. :;. n CJ t been de:l. i ed a. I 1. -rea s ()n~ h ~ C~ bcr~c~:: 1 cia: 1l,S f:'. o!: :-_ he ~) :::'C) pc L' t.:. y? 3 Tb:.l t-_ 1. S COCL'ec:':'. A. 4 WI:} is trdt? Q. 5 BCCOlI_lc..,C LIte a~p~icant s are. lE :l::..e ROGO sy.s ten :lOT~.r and A. 6 they are pa r::-. of ::-.hp. ~YB t-_~[r.. They '.I,'C'Lc nDt-. iJ.S ccnpe'.:.l Live a.s 7 they C ou 1 d ha "'Ie Deen po s ~ i b 1 Y if t. hey h<.H~ F..l TC ::la W~~ leA sand 8 donated t..:h<::,~[~'., '.'Ih':' cr_ vmuld ha. 'Ie giver::. ::.hem t'.'1O l1o.ce points O~ 9 two of the ~ots and :: gues s this i;::: F.!: d i.:"" f erence. i.n t r_cm, two 10 of the lotG are adjace~t so ~hey could have been conill~ned fer 11 another three ooin;.:s. In addi t ic~, she loL s ha'l~ bee:l acc,:::ulng 12 perseveraLce PO.LLl.:. s s inee -::::.l:::.ey have ::JeCIl :"Il dLl :. fit WaSIl r L 13 for :.he f<lc:, t:.hi'l::' c:-igr_~ now W(~' ,-e ',mel e r an appea:-" of ':::~~e. Wll.e 14 these lots w'Quld :lave enu,lgr. poi.nt.s to ha.ve L'ece,:,',.red -- have 15 qua 1 i f ied for a~ a It... a ;:.-d first q:uarter 1'ed'::' 13 tb I ,...rh..:..:::.:h is J'-lly 1G 13~h, 2004 u~til August 13th, 2004. 17 Q. So cu:::re:-tc ly do you kno'....; v.,rhd t th(~ i r Lr.mk lr<l 15 for 18 the lotG? 19 They a. re ranked and I don r t ha-....e a:l exact mcrnT:::-Y _ It A. '20 18 within th~ fi~5t 16 in the Lower Keys. 21 T looked at t~e list a litt~e calLier. and it ::'8 my Q. 22 understanding the:/ we::e 34, 3 5 ~md ] S. WO',lld you :nind get t i:lg 23 rank:.ns so we can l-laV~~ the r-ankings ,.... ~ .,. ~ ~.? "-".L__a..:..~ tr.e 24 Tb:.::. re.a:==;~n you sa;,-l them wl:e.c5':' you did, tnFi t va s i i .._.J A. 25 correel.:. r ~~d let me explain to you the dif~e~en~e :.n the two I L--..... Atl K~}', R~r(lning - CnUl1 Rep()rt~rs ~ (305) 2:N-120 1 Locatio[l~ in Key Largo, M<lraLh(}n & K~y Wost . . . 10 '..1 l2 1.3 "' 1 The 30ill.~i. o[ Count.y Comnri.s.s; ~)np.rs .Lav::. dircc::e(~ SLat: ':.0 /. prepF.l y-e and bI' lr~q .fOL".ia.:::d an inte:::: im de'Ie-~, o")mt'~Er_ cJI'di:lu:L.'::<:"'> 3 ve G = ::..ng the app 1 i ca n t:5 t r.:, r. T,-J0U ~ j t~a V(~ rcc ~~.:. 'fed a'dB. rds in z'ea r ,1 . 1.? / q:ua r -::-. C:. f~)1l r.- L ~lcl. L dl d no L .:::'e c= 1 ~/e t~"le LT. :0 e C2U [; e 0 f '::"_ j-~('. I ,1 ~>: 5 of nuLr.-':'enL redGc'::io:l credi ts. They r.a.ve Yf','!L':~stc~ci tha:... ~....e G V(~3t_ r_[l('"n tc tJ"_e f~rst qLL'l.:::.--Le.r: ye3.r 13, "l 1 Cl ad.d 1. t:. i un Lot 1'_21 r. illTJ-(~ ~-l L i I1Cf, we I re may l ng :: or'.'J~::il...--d 8 veGting r as = mer:::.t ioned be tore I t.~e Ol18S :ha t. '.'10',11 d. he i:l LIlt:: 9 t 1. ,st qua rt~y yre<n 11. Q. So t~e-rels :wo d~fferen= li8tS~ A. Ye.s . Q. T..........o d i f feren:-. R{J(~(J .~ i st.s r? A. v""<"' -,,-.~ . 14 Q. Could YOll ge= those [or U~ ~o V.J(~ Cd[~ pu:.... Lb..T. i.nLo 15 evideIl~c, please? 16 17 A. I don't knOT.... T..j~8 re you oJ a '.'J them. Q. T saw thelf dow~stai~s O~ the bulleti~ board at the 18 COU::Lt.er. Ym~ have tne:n all 1 is ted, abO"..l-L [i '.Ie page:.:; of t":'~U..c:~l. 19 20 21 A. Bu ~ 'wTe di d no t :::ank tll(~~ ~ n t 1-:8 1 a.'3:::' q-cla ::::-t.e r , 50 -- Q. T.-.Illy not? A. BCCUUBC we wc=~nrt maki~g a~ a1lacat~oL GO I dO~'L 22 know Wf'"at -:s on that 1 i .st. at this tln.e. 23 24 25 Q. So as of :he last quarter -- A. T don' t knO'w' wl::.e.ce yuu S<1 '.'1 t hp.m. They '.ole. r e no ': ranked for the for~~ quarter y~a~ 12. All K<::J'~ RepurLing'~ Cour~ Ri:p()rtcr~ - (:;OS) 2H9-1201 Loc;;Jti,)n~ in K",y L~rgo. M<LnlHwn & Key Wc;:;t . . . ) 1 B(~ ca'~~., c t h~ ::::c 'd.:.l s no Cl U:-. r i en ':"". :::: r.eel i. t: s, y 1. g~L t:? Q- ..... L. Yes- ~he~~ with Ti~anny. I don't ~~OW what tha= 19 A. 3 hanging on the .,.....0.11. ,1 C01.ll d. YO-~l br: n"9 us t.he la8:. RC~GO ~ar..~-(~1103 pledGe. .So Q. - ~ there I S an of fie ial R0GC> al 1<)2<.1 L leel rar~:-(i:n ami '::.hC:l thf:~,C:' S I 6 I gucs S uTI ~nt:~'":"-:la L'~ 7 TilTh a t the~e is 13 an oydi nane e t ha:.:. 1. S ~e':' [HJ tJ ::::c:pa red A. 8 ar:d has beer: adve~t ised tOL' pub ~ i (: he,l ,~. llS tha. t 'tV: L.. incLtde 9 those rdnk ir:~:p::: of thORP- T~iho WOl:..::"'d De 1n q'J.arte::: four }'ei:i:::: 12 ~o and quarter one yea~ 13 to be ves~~d. 11 So it is ycu::, ::.est:imony ::r.at the t.:.alanc r if l.:.h.i.~.., Q. 12 ordinance is adop~ed, wo~ld be veoted in terms of not dropping J.3 out of the sysLcn'. ~H~(~a'.lSp. t:l.ere';:] r~o nl:LI'iec.L cn..::ciit_s, 14 correc::.? 15 A. YUc1 don' '::. drop out of L~l'~ sys '::.em b~-::~al)se of :m~t:::.' .:..e:cl.:. 16 credits. What drcpfJ out is the. abi.l:ty ':0 glve an dW<.l2::"j_ l7 Q. So the County do~s no:: have availa~le . . so the 18 person is not ac tuall y dropped froLl'. L~le ~ys tCCTT'. but the numbe.c 1.9 of permi 'i:.s w~lich i'.l re a ':'located Lo Mor. roe CO'Jnt.y is fo.cIc i t(~C 20 if there1s insufficient nutrient: c~edit8, correct? 21 A. Yes" But wha: I'm sF.iying is th5..:':' ::.hc idea hac not 22 been adopted. We h1:.!..",.ce wor:-:ing on '_he id~a. wr.ich 'wou::"d lc~<.lv(~ 23 ~he Kalans wil~i~ the ~an~ing ~hEY w~Ll come up to without 24 having to com8~~~ ~~ ~hose applicu~:s w~c come ~Il at:e, 2 5 . Oc t ob e r 1 3 L ~l , 2 C oJ!; . /dl Key~ Repomllg ~ Court Rcportcr~ - (W5) 289-1201 Lucatio[l_, in Key Largo, !I.-tar~tbu[l & Key West . . . 2 <) ~<l~.. f"iOL!:o'E;: Do you lni:ld i ~ I ask. a ::{ue~ Lion? MR. -=:OBIN; P~ease 3 BY MP. WO~.PK: 4 5 peCJpl~"? 6 7 ", <,.,:. ~he ordinance would ef~e~tive~y vest two sets at ~ -""'L . Vo.... .... ----.~ . Q~ The fi l'st set I ',0,'1::"1 ca::"l 1 s !::he ~j C()UP who is l:1 the 8 year ~2 ranking? 9 A. Yes. 10 Q. .Ll,..nd ~hose would reC81 ve the [in~ L dllocd L ":'0:1 ....'hen 11 they Decorne a 'ja i lable? 12 ::3 A. R':"~3"t:t . Q. ~~C~ what I'!l call the secc~d seL ~f ordinanc~ iL :4 e f fee L an~ ttl(~ p0..~p L ("!. who a:-e in the ye a:c 13 :::"i:lIlk.l r:g S and t:l~Y l~ would get the fi~3~ permits when we ~~e= ~CJ c~ase al.1o~a:i.o~s~ l6 17 A. Correct, Q. T~e purpose ~s once we freeze that n~r~er no one ca~ l8 j u:np al:ead of. ther:: r no O:lc::an cone III and buy lots, they arc 19 t. he::-e I I ~ne ~lL ? 20 A. That is correct. 21 Q. I f for exarr,p2.e I say th(~ Ka I.a!l.s, they a:::e In l:.ne 2 '2 depe~din9 Qn ;....hccn tr" i s c~mes up a::ld ::ney hilVC a ne'.-J" 2 3 perseveranc~ po:..nt, they are ::::: t i 1::" .l.C 1 in(~ I they ",TOll ld sti 11 24 get thelr t;",TC more pOln':.s '-lnc.er t.b:...' sy:=;t_p-IT': or does it freeze 25 the po.::..ntfJ t'.',;o f people sti 11 ge L Lhc persevera.nce point s? All Ke).s Rt'"pOrtlllg'- Coun Rcpm-::~r.,- (.105) lS9-t::!Ol Locatiorl_, in Key" Largo, ~'br.idl()lL & Key Wc~t . . . 10 lO "1 COc.r(cc~: , they still get Lhe pe::'.sc\lcL'a:lce pcir&ts. 1...... . ? So if s o~neor~ e ~-~ r(~ rr.lmrJ c.:. r -. 0 ~~ r~.j t h c:y ("JC) L :.:. ~.IQ Q. J peL'se'/er.'UIlC~ pc .Let sand it '.'las e:101J.'~~L to bJ.m:? the~ to 5C'fC,1, <1 they ;...'QU ~ d illove ("".0 seven as an ex<.rup l(.~? 5 No, becauoe li st i s Td~1a t. is 8ei:13 :roze., '~'ha.:: is what A. 6 th(~ Staff is T...'orkin9 on :10'.... finalizinq :-.hat list. ThaL lS ',..,'1::.y 1 I am uncc~:o~table saYlng I have go~ a finalized list. L 8 Th~ point is Lha L: Lhe'i wou.ld it this ordinance is Q. 9 adQ (;)::. cd , lS , ].-.1 b t'::lCY T,..'O'.l .~] 0'. .......1-: 2.YE'- they <l r~? thl~ wors t: ca.:::;c~ .n. . Right, as of 8ctober 13th, 20J4 =~ey wou~d be a~ ~hat 11 r ar&/:. ing. The Lhing tha t r::.ee d.G Lobe: n~ (~()sn i 7. ,cd OIl 8 i =] P.L ne Ke y 12 also::..s :.:.LaL we. ;lave 32 app::"'L':ilIlLs ::.har. r.nV'=". recc-:.:"J-P.G. 13 all:) c a L .:...ur~ o.W<lL'US bu t. ha"J e r~u t rc~ (:,: i vr~:i p e. rrn~ t. s . And t r_cy are l4 being permlLtc"J. LlE; the US Fish 'u,d ~I-: 1 d1.: fe provi.cies ~.e.tters 15 of coord i l-:a r. i on or when the ha';) i tat co:wervat 1011 plan lD 16 completed. 1 'I So as a daLe when UH~Y C<El .s::-.3Xt bui Id:.n?, I ~anr,ot 18 give that because of the coord~natio~ with che US Fis~ and 19 wildlife S~~vicc. '20 Q. DO the 32 applican=s wit~ a~locut~o~ aw~~ds, would 21 t;lCY bump the people ';dho are be .LrLC3 Vl":st.C:'.d :.n th:. s ne~'l 22 ordi.na;rce? 23 24 2S A, The y a lread y ~lu vc cr"';<'ll-:-d 5. ...;n'&oeve ~ is ve s '':'' eci is ti:'.ov i:13 l n behind the~n. So if, tor ~nst.ance, ani ~ don't know how many :~er~ a.L'(~ on 8ig pine chat. n',ighL D(c 'J-est.ed, ::hey T.~To'Jld be All K ~ys Rep(llTi Ilg - COU[ l R<,=porL<::r~ .. P05) 239-]20 I LocaliLJ[1O in Kc~' Largo. \hl'athnn &- K~y \Vest . . . II Tr;OVl ng :j J, 3.1, J I~ anCl .....T~ are on ly pe,-m: t t.P.cJ l:Q do ace. :-:-t.a in 2 numb t~ :::: 0 [ :H= .C:~ll L ~-:: <l '/ (cd. r CHl 8iG -' Pin[~ , ,1 [La Xl [T'.ll[["; () r- (: >J h t.. 'I' ~l i ~ 3 IS last offi.c:.a 1. rankin0 which wac .]"uly .-=:-11::"0 io '1.'~lat '.'la,s 4 pas L ed dQwr:s:... aiL'S. I w["~I1L dCJ'.-/rls l:a i c.:::; . I L .:. c-> 2 C, 21 anci 22 ilLd 5 1 :.hi s is W::-lat is r<)H t. c:d cow:!:==; t.", i y:==; . o To dea: with this In a~ Drde~:y fao~ic~ let ~e go Q. 7 back. Marle~leI do yuu 'NuIlt". r.C) i:1t.YQrlu.:-:c~ t-.~lC t~'1,ee. St.aff 8 reports in~o t~e recoLd? 9 A. Yes. ~. D Exhibi L A wi:::'l DC t:hc S ::,,1. t" t rc~)c r:-. Q<] tcd MR, WOLI"E: 11 October' 14 r 2004 f rO~:L K. Ma r] ene COIl3.'rlay ar"d th:.. 0 is th::.. G 12 aEEc-c:t::o LDt. 10, Hl..:)c% .;. ~x~ibit B \t~'ill be the Sta[[ rC~)(H.t'r 13 again dat.ed Oct.aber ::'4t~1 from K. M,.u:::lc:u~ CC:Li"IT..,ray affe.ct.:n~ Lot 11 11, Block 4~ and Exh~b~L C will h~ ~tR 5:aff report., again IS dated October ~4th. 20C4 from K. Ma~:R~e Conaway and this 16 affects Lot 18, Block ~. 17 (Exhiblt ^, 8 a~d C, Sta~f Repo~Ls). 18 M~~. TDo ~N: Could 1.:-le alsc i:ltrmj'.lC-:C:: [_he rre.r.,oracdL:.:':l 19 E rom Mr. McC~a rry da ted Se[?t~nl::)[:':::" /.nd 1 ? 0 0<;, as D. 20 M~ _ VoJ'DT.?E ~ No objection? 21 M2. HO\-'i.ll.....~8: N~) obj ect. ion. 22 M;'... h'OL:,j<;: Tha,: will be ExLib~r. f), :n (Exr_i,bi t D, ~eno frof:"'. Tim McGarry} 24 M? T03IN: I'n sor~y, we~e yeu do~e? 25 M~~ _ WCTI?E; Yes, tha:1.k you -\[1 Ktys R<::purtini5 - Cour~ Reporters ~ POS) 289-110 t Locations in Key Largo, ManHhun & Kl:}' \Vest . . . 10 11 I~ 1 BY MR. T83=N: 2 A: 1 l::"ic~"lt _ Sc a,;.:: I l':':ld(~rst.anri YQur t.p-:=::r.irLC!lY, if thi~ r"' ~. 3 interim development ordinance is passe~r the Ka:a~G -- well, .1 thL~ c::uest lO:-1. is 1 how ',,,,,ou ~ d t h~~ :{? 1 a. r,f] be ranked / WQ'.J 1 j thr::.y ~ st~.ll be :n:"l.'ber 20, 21 ar&d 22? 6 I C<"lE':lDr. b~ll ycu that. Tl-:,... f ~ rst ones T.'/Quld be A. 7 preserved and depe~ding on what ca~e in be=ween. ~ , 8 Q. When yo'.1 say the f':' IS t CJIl,~H WQU] j be p:esr:t""vE:d? 9 HO"~LI d b~ \'"es t ed . A. Q. Wh~ch f~rst on~:=::? I\. . I,.,'C'.~ 1.1 see, you aye. us::..n0 somet1~iI~g I doc. I t kno'N. We 12 arc i:l\reGting those that would ~laVC ~.~ott:Cfl. an aL'~.ocat.ian a~. 13 t~'1at. tir.,e. 'de have not marked dlloC:lt-.i.o:l there becal.:se none of 1~ then were glve~ an allocutio~. lS Q. ':;0 you. don't kEOW as you G 1:: heL'e '",~le LheL' lh~ KCllans 16 would q'..l<l::'if:y for- t.he [DO vecti:l9, do yuu? 17 A. W~at I told you, the preli~i~ary work the Staff did 18 they would be -- I cannoL SdY ~O~ su~e they will be because I 19 h~".,r~ not got tee a final h.-om Staff. '20 Q. So you believe: thc:"{ a,e gOlng to meet:. the cri.te~ia 21 fo:=- tr&e IDO vest ing, cQrre.ct? 27. 23 24 25 lL y~s. Q. :f In fac= they do, ~6 there a separate poo~ ~or Big P ir_c Key? ." A. 'T.T CL L~ ..L..,,-"..,:I . All Ke}'~ Reporting -. Court RoepOL kl ~ ~ (305) 289.120] locatilH\s LIl Kt'"}' Largu, Mar~th()l~ 8:. Key West . . . lJ. C. So the pecple tha= are ahe~d af ~he Kala~s in ter~s 2 o~ one :h~o~g~ 19 may ~oL n~~cHsa~ily be placed ahead of Lhe 3 Ka la:w fo~ Bi.g P inc ~cy a l. ] o~a tior.iJ ar::.d pcrmi::.'s, c:c rrc:.ct.'! 4 1'he.1:f? 's a di fferer~ce In all a ~ l oca t : or..... a'd3.rd a:l.d a A. 5 pec.-rr,i t. TLey' may qct .. thC)6e. 19 r =hey cC'.J.ll ce:: 01:1 a......,!:}.. ,-d but 6 no= a per~it. 7 Q. .. Let. I S go to the nexL ::.hi:lg I whic~"1 i G the::::e are 8 CUrp~nt 1.y 32 propersieG or:. BLCJ ~i ~e Key 'd~"lich have received a 9 ROGa allocation ~~d urc waiting for bu~lding perm~ts and i~ 10 orde..t. t.o be e1 igible fOL' a 1:m i ~ d:~ ng pe:cmi:..- yuu !lCc:d a ';:(":6 S pit 11 c..:::cdi t'~ 12 1\. A....'"1d an appro'~cd 1 t ::.-nrn the US F is:t a.r:d ~'~i l,j::' i:e fOL' Lh~ 1 .3 Habitat COYlGel.'va'::...i.on Plan. ~ . ....'":1: (, ><!. i\....'"ld CLI':::.-ent ly y~u a::e ei::i L ini1 t i:1g a:Oout eight ;.H~ L~ its 15 a year are b~ing granted on Big pine Key, ca~r~ct? 16 A. No. I'm saYl~g th~~::. hig the Bi.~J Pine. fey ;vla::Jt.e:- P::"a:1 17 and the HCP wi:l permlc eight ma~~e~ ra=c and ~WO affordable 18 per~its a YRar on Big Pine K~y once the HCP is app~oved. 19 Q. C1Arren,:l y w1:at: ,-€g'~la tion:cl goverr: the i SSU,lLCC, of . 2 0 bui lding penni t s fo-:-:- Big P i:lf~ Kef? 2::" A. Wc.~ cannot is SLLt~ hu i.ldicg p(~r.-:ni. to .wi tl:ouL .:1 ::"et ter 8f 2 2 coo~di!1a t. ion from thC"! US Fioh 2lnrl .di ldli: e. 23 Q. They arc not g~-ant.inq a.ny of the let ter-s unt i 1 th02 2~ HCP lS finalized, co~rect? 25 A. Corl.'ect. ~ All Keys R~porti[1g -- COUll: Rfp{lrte:'s ~ (30.5) 2~9-l20 l Lut'llhon~ in Key r ,~rgo, ~tar~th(")n &. Key Wt~l . . . ::"0 14 1 t1C)T,.i ..!.oPJ"l has tha.~. been i r: effect. en ~ig 2i~e- ?Ce/ r the Q. 2 :::;CCEil r 10 YO',l just. to 1 d us about.? 3 We:l, lhe Be? h~s be~~ o~gnln? Sl~ce 1 got he~e, five A. 4 yea 1:5 so i :. is nOT~.' '.lnder rev i e'.;j .-:::-ilc'/ La'.; e ~ldd i:: () vc r d Y(~il r , - :J Okuy. Q. 6 T:1ey be:.ng r:.oh ac.d \.<;i ldl i [t..::? MR.. '/JOl.'"",",:: 7 THE WITNESS: Yes, 8 It h~s Dec~ app~oved by al~ the HR. T,JOLFE: 9 appropciutc bodies of the County? T1-: '"': r^r r. TNESS; Yeo. ::"1 MR. Tr-JOLFE: Is Fish and '.'Ji].j life- :he OYlly 8~her: body 12 that has to app~ove lL? 14 15 :!.3 TEE ~HTNESS: Yes BY MR. TOBIN: Q. Do you ,'1<3. ve any c i me L ab 1 (~ as r.Q T.~'he('. you an:... 1 c i. pu l.:. c 16 the US Fish ard v.,i ldlife 'will C1ppro~..'e t.~"le plaIl ard S:-.a.:::-t: 1 7 issuin~: l~:-. t.er.s of cocn3.LELl::' -Lon'; 18 A. I:: had been my beli.ef it. wculc. be SlX nGnths fr.om the 19 time we pu t i L in. 20 21 2:2. Q. When did you put it i~? A. A year ;:Inn a half ago. We are ;..;c~kir:g '.'litb r'ish a:1C wildlife. Hope~ully wlthin the next month o~ =wo we'll ~ave 23 an QPproved HCP. 24 25 Q. DQ you hir_'C": any correspo:lCkn.::0. or anyL~lin~: ~c n T.~rri t ing to that effect with ~ish and Wildlife that wDu:d l~ad yo~ to All K.eys R-eporting 'J COLlrl R~poncr~ .., po:}) l:':()-IW l LocClLLons in Key LargG. \hmthon & Key '0"'~st . . . CO:1C::" ude tL3.'= tl:e HC~ wi 11 be app::::ovecl by thell 111 the p.ext 15 . .2 ~Dn t.h o"!:" t'--.io? "3 A. 4: " '-.! . Net at all. So you dre opti~istic? I'~ optimi.stic t~ey have to get fin~sh~d. ^9d.Ln, by looklng at Exl:.ibiL No. D 'd~el"e the Kalar..s 7 a.re -ran:zed, you cannoL tc ~ 1 wh('t_r_[~l~ or not i.: ::.hej. get an . s A. 8 alloca=ion, that they wil~ :al1 as n~mbel" 33, 34, 35 O~ 40 on 6 Q. 9 the Big Pine Ket' allocation list; ':'8 If:.i.ll_ cor'ree:.? 10 :!..1 A. Q. '1'ha t_ -:, S :::: CJ r:::T!~; t _ Co~~d tell us what criteria wou~d be used to say -:. 7. theDe are the Kalan2 I '.."ould be nu:nl..H"::C ] 3 (J~' ru([w~.c 50 for 13 -=- '1 A. Fi rst cen:::' , :: ir;:J t serve, so tb(~ <.JE(:S th~ll Lave a 1 ready been appl::.'o(/ed have 3.:1 u 110<:"l. t i.c:l.! bee.;l ap;n:-~ved for a 15 permi t. The!.'e are 33 of tbos(~ t~a t have been approved for 16 permit. 17 Q. Jus t. ::'0 T:'.ake a. :'lypot.~et ical , if .Ln. fact.: , t.:.he pe:Jp le 18 III C!le t1'. l.."ougr. 19 all have pel'mi t:. S or: Big Pine Key, th(~ Ka lans 19 WQuld wi~d up being the 20Lll; and therefere, 32 pluG 20 there 20 would be 52, correct? 21 22 23 A. Q. A. 24: Q. .2 5 A. ~. But TlO:1e of t.hose are 3ig P2.Ile Key. You anticipate the Kal~n5 will be 33 O~ 347 I don't know who has com~ into the lis~. all, since L~"lis lis::. .",Tas prepa.rec.? Yeo I 'ChaL is wlu::: r was sa.y::..ng. All KI.:"}"~ R..:pnrting ~ Cnun Rep(llt~rs .~ (305) 28~-ll0 I f..oc:l.tions in Kty Largo, \1:Hatnon &. K~y West . . . 10 16 1 Oka.y'. So ::r.is list if] good from July of 200.1 <.t:ld it~ " .-.! . 2 1 S pass i:O le :.ha r. somcbGd y cou 1:1 1-:<.1 '....(~ .~:Jme in ',~' i tl1 mo:::.-e ::"ots or- ] IT.ore poir:t s'? 4 ?ight. .!:J" . 5 ThaL doesn't seem likely, =hc~g~, does it, fOT 319 Q. 6 Pine Key r 'NClU.ld you asrcc~ v..i t:~l tha t.-: 7 A. I don I '::". know. f:k.::a\lse ~os t. peop] ~ on Bi~3" Pine Key ; 8 realize thaI:::. 'tole are comi.:lg t.o c.he end of t.his 1.0:1J :::'C2:::T"l trying 9 . to gel peL.~:liL permitting, US Fish awl Tdildlife. Q, So with eight a year, welre lcoki~g at., what, four 11 years or rive years before a nermi~ is likely ta be iosued O~ l? Big pine Key if ~he Ka~a~G are ~n [a~L 33, 34 and 35? 13 A. our bel i e: we ca.r: So bi.l~kwd::::'J.S to whel~ the Hep It 1 ~, ..., l~ ~/aS su~mll':' t tcu beciJ.use we had C:=l] C"..ll. a. :.ed inpa::: t. of evcryt h -Lng 15 submi t ted up unt U. that do.. =e. I don I ~ kllV,.: T,...ha L yeaL' l ~_ wi 11 16 be 1 but it woc. I t be this yeaL. It wuu':'d be at 1 (~as t <-clot.he::: 17 year but I don I t have ::.ho."Je figl~L'e~". 18 Q. Whp.n you say backward I you s'.l.bml L.led L~le Her a yeaL. 19 and a halE ago, correct? '20 21 A. Yes. Q, So YO'J wO'J.1d l:ke ':0 r_a.vc it ir_t0.rpro.tp.d 'L:".hat eight 22 could be iDG~ed last year and eight could be issued this year 23 a:1d in 2005 anot~er eight co~Lct be issued? 24 25 A. Yes. Q. Tha L :!.. g WL1::' ycm a -::e 1'&op i:lS [0 c: All Key., R:pDrti:lg - CCHHt Rep~~[krS - (305) n'). l.20! J .O,~~H!()r"l~ in K<:)' Lugo, Maratho 11 &: K c}' \V e., ~ . . . 1 A. l7 i Yeo. 8'..lL you. ~l<.l""'(~ :lC .'riay ()t :..::.r:U0''::'';:Q .whc::r.her cr nul:. Fl~h :3 a:ld ~l'i.l.dLif~ ~s g;)ing t.c g0 ar.e.ad an~l adcp-:. Y8ur posit.i.on, 2 Q. I think l~ lS a good likelihood they will. IE .wl:a t farm lJo.' ill yo u ~)i:.~ nc L i:. i (~d (] f ...., he r. Lf~ c' () r :m t: 7 r.hey 2.11::e: <lcc<:..::pt :"IlS ym~ r met.hado ~ogy.! 4 CO~Tect? 5 A, When [ receive the approved HCACP* a~d I could -::1 probab::'y go back and i:ird :.. t :LOW. 3Lt: T Llve :lOt. TE:S8:'.l :chcc 6 Q. 10 :.ha t q'.le 2: Lion. 11 8 A. Do you tr.i.nk the He? .,..;'::..ll reflecL wb~c:-. YU.l jusr_ r.C ~~. 12 llS, the HCF that yo~ sent to Fish a~d Wildli~c ret:ects cte 13 Q. fac;o::. that you want it ta be retr:oi:.H~~..:.ivc as Q:" '::he dat.e YO"l] 14 s~bm:tted it? -'-.:J AT I'r.l not 3UL"~ 0: that da. '::8 exa ct::" y. - '",~oi..lLl Lave..: 1..:.0 SJU ~6 back and read il. 17 18 Q. A. Could we have that put in~D at th~ record? YRS, but Irm not Sure withou= k:lowing wtat you are 19 looking f.o~ you.l: see it. 20 Q. 21 r-ecord. 22 23 24 2S A. Q. I would like to have t~e whole HCP pLt into at :he Sur:e. Ca':l YOil get a copy of it? ~'hi lp. WE'- r re wa~ t ing for thee :-Ie? r if in fact..:. , the Fi sh and Wild:iEe agrees with your pD2itio~, can you be spcci~ic in All K'~j~ Reporting - Court R~r(lr1~rs ~ (30:' J 2:S9.12fJ 1 Loca t i (ll) S i rl K.<" I' l ~ T~U, Mara~hon & Key \V e~t . . . 15 16 l~ 1 terms of the qua r'::". c.:: '-.'3 OJ:" dates 'dh.:.ch yo'..!_ exp(~c r. ,'i ~ 1 oc:a t ion.'] to 2 be aT.~r3. rded 0::::' bl~i ldi:FJ p,.,nni t.o t.o be a.',..;a~ded? Do we ~t i L J J need aces s pl L ccccH t for 3i9 ? irre K~y? 4 Yc~ r you need i t eveL'Y'~.'he:::.'e. .:, im ::a. r, a II t~1C.'J 2 A. 5 f ig'...lres. I don r ~ ha.ve L:IC~~L. [' d ~vn.re to go :::iLd lL D~C:ll.:.SC 6 you I;...'()[l r t get. it today. 7 Q. 11m wonderir~3 ~f you submitted it a ye~c and a h~:f 8 ago, that would be in ~002? 9 A. That would ba 2000, yes. 10 Q. WO'~Lld you expec t e igLl tD bc~ aT~i3 rded fcr :2 002 I eic.1ht 11 for 2003, eight fOL 2001? 12 A. 1'm s':J:::-ry, .~ cannot do it.. 'l'i. m did all the 13 ca lcula t ior~i::i . 1 d i d~~ It. ~4 Q. Right. Nu.......' we I re j 'J.S:'" 8p~culat~n~(? A. I r en SpcC:-,ll.a t. ing. I krm;..,' ;.-I0'::-e gOl:19 t.:Q {Jo ba ~k . Q. Lc:::. r sturn no;,'/ to cess 'Oi t cl:ecli ::~, Y.ou ha'le Lo~d I' """ 1 7 tha t e\r~n if one ge L ~ a ROG2- alloca t inn or: Dig PiLe K(~y f there 18 scill needs to be <l .::oordination lett.p.c. frolr, t~'le :In:. tc~d S~.2'~:eG 19 Fish and ltli ldl iIe S(~c:-vi.ce. 20 Wha t other rcqu i rer..ent SOL' cor.j i t.iono -- 21 pr-econdi ti011S ar~ necessaI'Y- i:l, order :'0 ~::wt a bui lciiEg perml.:: 22 on Big Pine Key I as s'.lmi. ng L'le IICP has been appr.y,rc::.d? 23 A. Well, anybody ge:.tir~~:r a bl: i 16.ing tJermi t haG to h~L""~ a 24 nucrient reduction credit. 25 Q, fu'"ld hO,..f does that process '/'lork; ure t:1CGe cI'edits All K~ys R~porting - Court Ri:p{)11~rs - (305) 2~9-] 2:0 J LOCH ions j 11 Key La'go, M ar~ thQ L1 &. Ke y \,Vest . . . 10 l <) 1 :::-e.:d.i::" y ava i lab: ~ ~n B iJ Pin(~ ::':::';<': 2 hTell, t:"ley If.J'ork i::1 O~1.e of t'~JO '.~'al"s: If ~he appl ica.r_t i\. 3 VI rC:1F1"3 >2-d a m..:.t:::..:. t:':nt .ced'J.c l iC:l (;:::eii':.. .:rc::'. scrr.er.<yiy '.'''~ICJ i '" ~ llpdati~0 a ~.~~ d~sF8sa: syst:t~~:: 8~ ~( ~ne co;~~es o~f a]~d ~.s 5 ~llocated by the Heal=h Depart~e~t. 6 kld cou J d ym~ te L 1 us hO'.'.. r_ha.::. sys L em has been Q, 7 work~ng fer t~e past yea~ or :~c on 3~g P~ne Key? 8 i^ic have bee:1 g.:. ven :10 pe2:'~a.:. L S 0:1 3ig Fine Key so i::. Jl. 9 has not wor.~e~ a~ al~. Q. Is a 3ge~ia~ met~odology fCL ~Lt~:e~t cred:ts jJ~~ 11 :'0:::' 3:"] P :"fl~ :{e~:/ or l3 it EeL" ..:. f ..., " L..J,<it:2:' r:e'/s! =&"1'2 [\I:diIe 12 KEYS and the Upper Keys? :J ~ . _'1: A. T~IC Lmvt:L' Keys r [Vlidcilc ~eYB ar:d Upr2r Xey,S. ':1 . ~.b<.1t h3..s beer:. t.t:= :l',cCli::"a:<l:..tv ct t:IC rLlt.rien:.:. 15 crcdi:s for the Lower Keys, ho~ ma~y buildi~g pcrrn~ts did YQ~ 16 iss~e in 2DO~ for t~e Lower Keys? 17 ? M. I do~'t know, I wQ~l~n.t th~y have not been 18 avai ::"a.D Ie. 19 Q. When you say t.:.hey l-:.a'..ce :10t. been ava i lab Ie f '\,Ilr&at you 20 are s~yi~g nO building permits have been ~ssued far the Lower 21 Keys? 22 23 24 25 A. 11 Noll 1 s too big a .......:>::.d. Q. Maybe building pcrrni :-.S ~s t.oc broad a word"? A. is. :here were a~d 1 do~'~ k~cw the dif~e~ence ~. -'- be~ween che CppeL" a~d Lower, [ ,-(r:'o"'~_~r '."le had 95 lase vear that . All K~y, RqKlnillg - C(l~W Rtpunc:rs '- (305) 28l)-] 201 L'-'CHLO[]; in KC"i L;;lrgo, I".LHJ.I:,on ,It Key \\'~~t . . . 1 did not rece.!.~Je Lhf.:: ~lllt._r.~ CLt creed. it. QU::-. at tje 159 i.3s'J.e.d. 20 2 Q. 95 out of -- Ou t~ 0 [ ::. S 9 _ So ap9rax~mate1y 68 people got buildi~J pe~hits L~ J because the~-e Tdas an a.. ~la.ilabi ~ i t Y of :lut.c ie:Ll'~ c~u..:.i '_~", ilflC. 9_S 7 A. :3 A. 6 people did not? '"l Q- Rigr<t. B~t you have to k~ow Lh~~ t~~ CR~~mil~C ~s 8 wi thin six rIlC.mths W"'. wi L 1 :::-ece 1. ve mo~-e chan 2 C J ::ll:.t::::- ient 9 credits fn)m th(~ ~~arF.lt.han tLeat:nen::. p::"ant here as the~{ a~'e 10 hoo:-:cci up. 11 Q. HO~^,T wi 11 t::-tey be a::'locat(~d. bet"w'ee:l. the :="'CT.-Ier r r.~idG.le 12 and Upper Key~? 13 A. We will use them where ~eeled. We caD use them el=ner Is L~dt sun~th~ng that is discre~io~ary w~t~ tje 16 Plannins Dcpu rtnent or i s tha~...: SUlk lh~ ug :::!la t. the Beard of 14 place. 17 County Com:nissioners utccidcs? 15 Q. It is something that ac tua lly wi 11 p':::":)batl::: 1 y ~o:ne In 19 and come to l~lQcie as in 1 ine . 20 21 22 23 18 A. ?irst coone, tir.st serve? Y(~:::J . You are lalki ng about a f il:S L com(~ J f i~.s t se:::ve 0: 32 for Big pine Key. groups? 'i'jha;:: abo'J.t the Qth8r people :.haL ha'Ic been 24 waitin3 for :lutr::.e.nt credits, 1'_0'....; do you recoLcil~ :.hos~ t'.-J"O Q. A. Q. 2S ,. AH K~ys R~PO[tHlg.- Court R~p()rtc["<.;'~ (.105) 2S9-l20l LI)~ation~ in K~y Largo, Mar8l]wn & Key \Vc:st . 1 2 3 4 5 6 "7 , 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 lS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 j' I . . 2.1 l\ . - ',-:0'.11 J t h':' nk .:.. t '.-/0'.11 d come t 8 the da t e. eft. he allo~a=ioL awa~d, Q. Tt:c~ ::iat.~~ 0:: ~he a1locat.:...on a'1ia.::::-d, So the Kal~ns 3ilVC not received an a 1I.oC(lt.i.()n ~3..TJJ:l!::dI :~CJL..::::..(~:~L? A. Correc':. Q T There's 9:' p'-'-8p~. Co thil::' hi) v<~ !::'<~~~<~ i vul allocatic:l awards in the Lower, Middle a~d U?per Keys tha= are cu~ren~ly ahead of the KillilTIs? A. Som8 0 f them may ha'Jc got tC:l <1l J ~KiJ.I. ~OIlS S .i.IlC~ July 13th. Q. Allecations O~ bui:ding permi~2? A. Bui 1-:1i:1]" pcrwi t. s because l_hey n:!.(~(~ ~ 'fed n'.l t ci.(~rL reduction cre.:lits. Q. Rlt th~ 95 issuec. :<:ey,:::; lRSS t~e few that , llave be 2.:1 wide, cor~c~ct '? A. COITect. Q. So -- A. Ther'e wi 11 al~(J be TInt,: er_t. r-ec..uct ion ::::L"edi t S ::.:om::..ng avai 1able f.cam the S l_ock 1 S l.and boc:-cc'), ar.d hoyefc.1ly r if the rule' pas ses, ::.h2.1.t T....L_l not bp- a prob 1 e:n, Q. A nu~yient c~ed:t, so the reco~d is clea~r ~s generated when a sepLlc tank is removed -- I mean, a cess pi~? A. ::: l .L E; qcncra ted if a septic tank is re:no"Jed, if you , have a~ adv~n=Qd was~e water treatmenL pl2.l.n=. Q. So tor i. nsta:.1ce , if in =~le U;Jpc r Keys ;",Tr.eTl the Key ,.\ 11 R~ys R~pOl"(jng '- COlHt Rtpor(t'r,; - {3US} 2EfJ-120] LOC:iLion~ in K~y Largo, \brathOIl 8.; Key West . . . ~~ 1 I,a ego rde. ste ~la ter Goard hou:<:..s '.lp the:. ':"". r0-iJ. tm,:~n:-. p l.a nt., YO'J 2 an=icipaLe LhaL ev~rybody who 18 hooki~g into a~ advanced 3 -,,".;aste wate::::- ::reatme:l= sy[:L(~m, tha:-. 'lv'.OU I.c be :::r,e. nu~e::.- of cess 4 pit nutrienL cr.'edit:~ that wOlJl.j be a'lailable? 5 A. Co"ect. Aga.in, an ex~mr]~f would the nut~ient c~ediLS G r. <",!. ~ ,~ co. '" 7 generated'::: rOT1. t~e. Upper Keyo and LL(: Key La r:go Wi) Q t.e Ha te~- 8 l'r-eatment Distyict be dVCl: I ab ~.e for a Big Pir:.e Key pr.'opc:::-ty? 9 A. Th~lL 1';'; au r. i.r, terpretaL ion cE the c.xi st. ing 1 0 cor:lpn.=~u~':lH i vc p ~ an, 11 Q. So ::'1.01., your tes L in'.cclY i. t seem2 rsa.sor~:3.ble Lbclt you 12 m:t. i c:: -: pa. t.e that ~he~:::e wi 1 L b~ qui te a f. ew nat ri cent c:edi t;'J 13 14 wit~in abcu:: two yeurs? A. 15 t ~ me . ~b l7 18 19 Q. A. Q. A. I =hlnk. there \-r-:.11 be arr.plc ILH.ri.en t. c:.-ed::. t S In les s In less time? y~s- Certainl y ~()t_ T.-Ji t.hi:1 the nc:xt yea l::"? Ye.s r withiCl the r~exL YC:.l:t./ Li t.tle Ve~ice shoul d be 2 G hooKed up wi thir: t.he next. S lX :ncmt::-ts. 21 Q, Doe:sn' t :::hat req'ctl U:.: tr.~. decomL:'.l ss ionin]' of L"le 22 sep~lc ~Qnk? 23 24 25 A. S Yf::i t (~T:1.. Q. Yes, but Lhdt \6 my belief. 11 m no l do~nq ~.l,e. That is what ......e aLe Lc~":; t i :""yin3' in ':'<:tlL1hassee, The.re r S a cond it i On t rea t. the nl~ L r.' i ~Il t c rp..d i. t vW:.tl cl I ..i All K~}'~ R~po,.ril'lg ~ Cuurt R~porters - (305) 289-1201 Lo<.;~~iom in K~',' T .al"<'O. Marathon & Kcv West - --=- .. . . . 10 12 B 1 no~ be avai 10.b':'~ '~IlLil noL only the prope.rt'i o,.~rner r_cnkcd \lD :2 bu t. t hcc sq)'_':':::': tan>:.:. 1 S decon'~-n:.. G s i o:1ed? :- A. CQ;l:"ect. <1 So i L cou.ld. be a year or t'1.fO before ::-.r.". n~ a I"(~ Q. S sufficier:t nutLienl cl.'edl ':...3 la :..:a.ke care of e'JerY:"Joriy tr_,~~ lS 6 ln the backLog? 7 That is not my underGta~ding, My unde~3ta~d~ng ~8 thQ A. 8 Health Department. wi ] L see tr,E'- deccmr..i..ss:.or:ir~g hdpgens 9 immediately. Q. FreD yoc..r :'...ipc? 11 Frori', my :. ips, My unde.r:ota:ldir.g, A. Q. 1\.11 righL. Hav(~ YU.l lOQ~,-cd at the nu!. lding pLms that -~ 3 the Kalans subm:tted? -~. 4 A. No. 15 Do you knmv if tl:ere r s a~yLh~ng unl~S L~21 or out 0: -;::he Q. 16 ordinary abol~t the.ir blli IdlL~j plan,=,? 17 I have Hol looked at. thf:m. A. 18 BL.t as yO'.1 sit her-e today I you de:11 t kneT.~r of ar.y -- Q. 19 you are not aware of any facts .......'r&ich 'dould ind.:..cate: l.:ha::. the '20 residenC8S they a r-e seeking to bui ld are unusual in term.s 0 [ 21 being substa:lt ially di fferent E l.'O~[l ollIe::::: s ':"'n~) l(~ fa!,'.i:::' y hcrnc.s 22 on Big pine Key? 23 I have no::' looked at L'le:n. A. 24 Q. T~0. quest i.on 1 fJ as you sl there tod,r{ ~io yo-.1 have any 25 reaSO:l to be':' ie-I....e -- I -~ All Kcy~ Reportirn; - COU[t R<::por(~r~ '- (305) 2~9-120 1 LU~',LLion~ in KC"~' Largo, Mamtl10n &. K~y \.V",~t . . 1---.-.-. I ~~ A. N8, 2 MP, ,1.iGT...,2"'E: =f I cO"~Lld hiP-ak in, YOl~ menLlu:lcd t.hl"': 3 Pul.e, .:::;omeLLinq ilh~)llt the Rule (;O~.~:.:; i:l:-.~ 8f:""e.ct.. j.<.To'~l J. YOL. 4 arrplify on that. fer the recoed? 5 A, Okai', L~le Ru2. c t hat 1 G pt:op8s~~d :JY ::.i18 F ~oyida 6 Adm:.nis:....L"il.::.ive Corrm:.ssion, w}_l(~~l :..'3 curre~l~ly lLnG.e~:: ~l!)Pl~;I] and 7 in hca ri [',95 In -=a::'laha~.:;.s(~c. before a.L a~[[]..:..n 1. fi t. r<3 t. i ve judge, :.:.h(~ 8 Rule s=ates Lhut several t~in9s t.ha tone thinq 'Nolliri be '",'e 9 T...,OU Id nQ l 10sC'. the 9 5 becaus(~ o~ net ha.'y'inq cc;:.:; s pi t. ::::redi:..: s 1 {J f 0 l' nex t. yea I. tl1a. t =hey C()]~ 1 d ro 11 0 'of e c:':. Tje s e.cor.d t h i n~; i 3 11 as otr [ dor.'t ~emem.bcr t;,.e da;:e, ":'t i.s e"itr.er '::;ul'/ of 2~)Q'j or 12 200G/ T"oJe T,1i::"l nc lor:qcr use cess p~.:-. c:r-ed:..':J, 13 I'-1R. rOB 1:.J : rtlha t ? 14 It is cithe~ 2005 Or A. ,SlX. 15 MR. 'i'O?TN: The:::.'e wi l. 1 be :10 ~[]Dn~ nu ::rient .ceuuc r. ion 1(; credits? 1"/ A. 'ies / there I S enough De'~.~~i.~W t.re.at.mec.ts cO[Li ng OE l::..ne 18 that tha: w:..ll no lon3e::.- hap1JCE. The R'.l.le i~ ,~Tritte~l yeiJ.r] y by 19 the gove~-ncl' unci cabiEet, thl' ?lorid~, ,'\rlmir.iQtraLlvc 20 Commission in ':::he 'No!:'k ~:n'()g::am 0: Lb~ Co\mty and depenc.ing 0:1 21 how well w~ aC'h ieve cl!e w()l~k pro9rar~. Find O:le 0 E the issues :'fi 22 providiQJ 5w~.'age treu trrent plant.:.s t.~r:.-ol~g~lOut t:-re COL:ll':y 23 depends or~ seve::::.'al th i. :lgs, hC'.'/ rra ny peL~ni t s v,le get, if TtJp k.eep 24 requi~ing the llut::ient reduction credi~s, If we dr~ successful . 25 I' in Ollr de fense: - - if we be i. ng StaL (~ 0:"" Florida F.l:1d the Cc~mt.y All J(<:ys R<::p<.Jrting .., Cour. Repolt:;r; '.. (305 J l89-l1.0l Location~ il1 K~y L~rgu, Maratl10l1 & Kc-y \VC~~ . . . :'0 ?~ 1 are succ~~ssfu L Ul our ::iefen.s2 aqu.:..n,;.::r-. t.he appeal of th2 las~ 2 Ru 1 e , W(~ T..,; i. ] 1. no t. ~"la. '.fe a P :::::()D l c:-a! de:.y=.r.d i ::-~g on t he d~~ t C::l 5 e . :3 The apgellanL~.:; de not feel tl:aL .s~'..;:.l'Jc t. rc>3. ':::ne~l::. plal:ts aIT 4 Dc :..ng br:-cught on 1 i:le Eas:: ellcugh, 5 wi 11 th~'\.t: b,nrc: ,'lr.y spec 11: lC ef fe~ L on H-:.g !t~R _ 1,,'OLf;l--:: 6 Pine ather than w~"lat you :::.,).] :-(ed aboc..t i1::. the :r~?? 7 Pl:"lmari::' 'j :'10'11 mar_y a.ctual a.l ::"oca:..; ion::: I can make thi s A~ 8 year. That 1 s why:' am eonce::::'!lc~:i ubm:t s2~y:.n?" fa::::' sure Ka ~.a ns 9 wi 11.. get ita t a ce:::tain da t.E'- S 1 nee 'fie have to dccy;-ease 95 from the 159 we Ca~ gIve this year. U~pe~di~g O~ wher~ ~hey 11 fall In the ::. iu.~ is going '':0 dCP'~~~lci on ,.~Tha t the da.:...e we 12 rece1ve the ~llo~ation. L.l N?. ','JO r , FE; If Ul(~ HU~.e 15 uphe~d, i~ :he alLx::a!:.~on 14 system.. - I get COnELS(~ci I for thi s y(~a r una f f e::.: ted by t ha.::, In 15 ot.her. T...'Ords I l~lat 9.? goes back. to the pa;:J'::? 16 A. If :.:.h~ Ru] e is passc.:d, ;"le 'di::'l noL h~l.,.C(~ lost. that 17 nin~ty-fi.ve. He lost the 41L:..~m tl-:P. pr2-vious ye:'l::: blJt l/,te '.1o'.l.ld " 18 not have laoL ~he 95. 19 MR_ ~8LFE: So t:~'1e 9:i, if tr_(~ :..";1,ul e l S ~phc lei I -..,;auld '20 not have to be taken from 21 22 A_ T~at ~s con,-ec~. MR. WOL~K= ekaj. 23 BY MR. TOBIN~ 24 25 Q. Yeu .sa:d 1. f the Rc..le is ?nSsed, l~le County ......vi 11 not ha .,.;e a 9~-oh 1. e:n , Did:l't. you really r.1.eaL to say if t.he Rule lS AH K~)'~ R~rortLI1~ - Courl R;:purt,:rs -. eO)) 289-1201 Lo.::ari(ln~ ia K(;}' Larg(1, MaraThon & Key '0..'C~l . . . 16 1 pas S t:d t he CO'~Ln:...y, ~NO:l1 t have -... 0;,-" many prob 1 pr.s? 2 A. ThF.'l tis c:CJr':::"cc::'. MR. T03=N: ~hat lS my ~aot CU82s:on. 3 4 Pi. Good questio:1. M?. TC3:::N: Did:l' L '....ant d:lybcdy q'Jotin3 you O,.lt of 5 6 context, 7 A. Thank YO'.J., Slr. MR. WO:":FE: Doc:s t.hc:: CC)u':lL 'j 'Nan': co add to this 8 9 report or any test imony or conments you '",lan t to g~ ve, COUl"';.s(' l? 10 MR. HOWARD: For the record I wou~d like to ask a few 11 questions ao to the Staff report. 12 13 1.']. CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR. HO~lJ<_RD: Q. y..'h(~t:1 did the propeyt.y owners SEt~.I. the ~ate cf growth 15 ordinance a:l.ocation syste~? 16 17 A. Q. I bel:eve i~ was in A~r~l 01 1997. ,A..na. '01a s the re SOme L r_i ng in L he CULLrt t~ Y C()dc~ 18 DevelopL~lent Re9u.la~..:. .Lor_s that. af tnLicj, thc:n th~ admi n~. st. ra ti ve 19 relief fru~ that allocat~on syste~? 20 A. Yes. The way t~e Code ~ead, they had to apply withi~ 21 fo~r years of :he date o~ applicatio~. 7.2 Q, ~'\...'"ld the ~ll,.dmini3:'rat i'Ie Rc:l ic t Prcw:..:==; icm :. s separate 23 and distinct from the COL..':"lty' s B~!lc:tj.r.ial Use. l?r.ovi.'3ion? 24 25 A. .,' Q. Tr-<:l.t is correct. A..:1.U the app 1 i ca::ic:l '.oJas sl.:.bmH:ted ~ul: it .....,;a.s All Kcy~ R<:pC:1l1i:1g -, eml11 R~poI1e~.~ -. OO~} n9- L 7.0] LocalLuns in Key Larg.D, 1....tarathon & Key WC~( . . . 27 1 subml :.:.t(~d attE:T the de.adline? 2 A. Yes. I~ waG a yea~ lalc_ 3 Q, Is tLe.:.'c, qivcn thE':: f,':3.ct th:..s p!'ope;::-ty is =-oca.Lec. Ocl 4 Big Pi,l~~ Key, a re t.r~e;:-e any added 0:::: L:.:lis:l.l(~ CO!_R j .jPTF.i t. i ~ns S t:ha::l if L"le pL'o;JeL"L y w(~n~ ~OC2~ ::ed ar~Y'yllr.ere e=- se i:l Lb~ L~y~'? 6 Yei3, definitely. 3':"'9 Pir~c Key ha\.cir.g -'1 Dl.:rlCe::- of ]\ . 7 cndange~ed Gpe~~eD speclfica~ly the enda~gered Key dee~ a~d .3 the endar-geL'e:l HUJ:::-8L J:::-a.h~i t. on the L3..ciorul ::'i.st 0':' 0-nc. 9 species m[~ans ::r-a t any prcp~rL ':i on Hi? pine ac.toca.ticall 'y' 10 receIves a minh2 10 poiGts i~ ROGO. 11 Q. And in ~on.s Li[~ -.::-1. 1':g the appllcar:l.:. 1.'3 bene tic i a: 1 "'""" .........;0____ 12 applicacio:l, did you cor.Slder the - - ,....hat gc.ven::;te.T:. 13 14 15 16 i nteres ts, i E any / the comp plan LD~s s~.lbst.ant.ially a.d"/cUL~~(~d to the ?I"Opeity? A. Tim sorry, I d~dn't understand. Q. , gueso, .::..s it. "(em 1":- unce::::'2:.:amling tha. ':: ::-.r.8 Code 17 requi res the CounLy to CO::l sider \'/ha.:..., =- t any, special o.c 18 legi tima ~e go'./e::::nmcnt l. nt.e~eo ls ~lr.-~ advar'.ced by the dl?p.~ i.ca: ble 19 co:np prov 1 s .:or:s and lar.d devc "Lopme:1t reg'..llil t :..cms '? 20 21 A. Yes. Q. P.nd those in ::.crests ',.,eL'~ Cons i.de:-ed I,..,ii =h L'eSp(~c:::-. to 22 the applican='s ~pplicat:..on foe bcnef~cial use? 25 . the applicant s to ma.ke thei r prope.r:.:. y HlO,e cc~pe=.:. L..:. VI::: "wi t hir& ~ 23 24 1J.., Yes. Q. Now, you had sca=ed that there wer~ opportunities [or All K~ys R~po[tin~ - Court R'~rOI1.;'l"S '- (05) 2~9-120] Loca t iom inK ey L a l'go. ",-tara tho n & Ke~" \Vest . . . 1 t~c allocation oyotem? 2::;1 I 2 ] A. Yes. Q, And again, could you ~IW.C i.!-1' ',Jha.:. und~r the Code t1:~y 4 COL.ld ha'Jf":: dC:LE? to ma.<e t:"le,ase:lvc::i :1.UJ":"<::' cC)LTlpe~i t.ive Tdithin the ~ syster:,? 6 A. y(~S, tr.ey could have ci(~ciic:lt.[CC - - pu::-cha~Jed ar:d 7 dedica=C!d CQT',se.rva t ion lats tu t.Le: ~'~cmr_t y for t.w.O pointG [or , 8 each lot they dedicated and two of the properLle~ a~~ adjacen= 9 and t:"ley cculd ~F.ive been combln~~ [or un ari.d i. t. iona 1 three 1Q a9g~cgation points. 11 Q. Theoe opportunities still eX18~ ~a t.hc applicant to 12 ma~e the:' r r;HopeL.t ic::::; more compe L i L i. ve 'w'i ::.r: i T'. ~he sys tern? 13 14 A. Yes. Q. ..hu 1 d ~hat cha!lg(~ the iT r a~k:..ngs a~_ 0111 T.oJhen you 15 di Seuss t he impe.cldln~J ord i L,..nce :.:haL '....c-'.lld vest? 16 17 18 19 20 21 .4., ~;;.t tLis time / no, beCa'_L~-3L: w,~' r-e \Teet i:19 Lo u cia. '::".e, Q. Had they A. Had they do~e it previo~~~y, ,:re::, C" :t_-..:'r Q. ""T1:V:'~Y- r~Ol:..ld ha\/~ b(~C:L Y 3.11kec 11igt.::=L- ~tla.r.. W~'1a t they -- " K. Yes / L'ley may have alrea.dy reC;(~ i. ~,"'-ed an allocil t ion. Q. t(Ud, is i ~ you:=- test iucny t.ha t. given :.:hc pendir&g Rule 22 challenge, t~e pending ordlnu~CR to provide Eor vesting, aL 23 i tt i s poinl YOl';' .......ould only he spec',11a.::1Il~~ uS to 1,-,Ther::. U"lCy WQ'.ll j 24 25 reGelVe a buildi~g perm~=? A. That is coriect, AH K<:y~ Rcp'1frillg - O:HJrllZ('"plJrl<;r~ .- pO::') 289-] lO 1 Locations LIL Kt:y Largo, \1"arathOl1 & K~y' \Vt~l . . . ~(J 1 ,-.., <",. Sc Y()~l Can:1ot ~oncl'cl.je Cil: this :J0~Tlt ~l"'.c~'/ Ttil ~ 1 lle'Je~ 2 recC':l.ve a b'JildiI"::.9 f:Je.L"I~liL? j Oh, no. A. 4 ;n~. H)'.-JARC: No fUL'Lher' ~'llH~sL..:.()T::-:;. 5 MR. ~.JOLF.E: ['ve got a q~es=lon, In all Lhrc~ a~ 6 thesEc JTlcT~'.oranda I the October :':'4L:l mun~),-;:;ncJ.a., there.:'J a 7 sta t".e~ent following '..lp t.ha:-. say:;:>, quote - - I auote Learn t~le 8 memo, bot UJ[[l uf page t".lO, laD t. panty ~'d.J..:h in t.hc mictdl e, 5) refeLr:ir:9 to t.he AdminisLrativc Reo] i ef Provi~::.on3 ~ II Had th~~ 10 appl iean t a..pp 1 ied, i lis I i kp 1 Y the ap~)l.:. CcluL wDuld j,r.tve. bee:1 11 gran ted a6.:ai~ll sl :::-,1 t -: ve -::.-el ief . II 12 Can yo u am21 i fy y.lna t t ha :... nH:..cu:l s? 13 .z:... T::ldL wi.1 L mean ei the:::..' O~1e D t t.w.:) th::. ngs i the 1.1 adrr:inist::::-aLive n,.L i ef could have bc~(~u grar:ted :":1 t~"le LO.:::::n (J:' 1. 5 the Count: y of fer:.ng to pLr~:ha ~'H: t r.e lO~J O_C thc~n D{~ 1 ng F-I."la rded 16 an a::"loca. t ion, d:ld lhe:::-c t.:-)re, be el ig it lc tor a. pe:-ni t when 17 they heco~e availabl~. 18 I. LVlR. TrJOLF E : Ar.d if I I m [lot rr:ista~-(enI that lS 1:1 tact 19 what tr&8 Code pr.o\.cide8, the"f ~1avc t-o get oc.e Or l~~l(~ ot.he::.-; is '2 D that co~::rect. '? /.1 22 A. Ri.ght I tl~at 15 ccr::.-e::.:t. MR. TOBIN~ May I cake aG exception to you:::- l~adi~g 23 qucst~on In follow-up~ 24 25 t..,.~, WOL:? 8 : Certainly. MR. TOB.i:N: I saJ I:.ha:-. so::t 0: HI gest. w::. tl: all dUE:, A 1J K~ys Rc:purr.ing .. Cmlrl RepQtt~[S - (JU5) 289-]1D l Location~ in Ki:)' L.lrg<), .\1J.IilthoL1 & Key Wesl . . . 23 24 25 10 1 respect. J. RE - C I R:::::CT EX2\j"'l = N /\' [' [ON 3 BY MR. TOBI~: 4 Q. DoeS:l't. the Code: ac:-.-.la~. 1 Y 01 ve the COU:lty Cocnis~:.; icm 5 other opLicns l. i ke rema:..ning lfl :...h(~ Hy,:.:;t.f.~m? 6 A. The Code q':'vcs what lS appropr.'ial:e, tL~. 7 BuL in ::'(~,rr,s 0: a CC~Cl'e te ex.,,~n;plf~, 1-.J:c:. BDa ,d of Q. 8 County CC)mmi 3';':; iOIle:s has on occas .Lon 9ran~erl benef ~~ c ial use in 9 the form ot just leavinq s()m(~body i:l t.he systen'. Lo ge l: Ir:orc 10 points, correCL? 11 A.] do not k:lo',.,r, 12 Q. Are. tr..ere -- 1.3 A. Are. we talking bene f i ci.a 1 use? 14 Administrative ~~Iiet? ,0. :5 A. Okay. I <ls :::ar as I a:n ,lV,';;:l.1'-e / the 3..dl~'.ini3LL'at i..'J8 1 b -eel ief can be u: ether ways, l. ike I have: ScC~E adm-: n:. fJ t.ral.:. i vc 17 r-el ief be ir~ thE':! fo~m or ~crmi t. t i.r.9 .sorLec.me ':.~~DR :) f -: ~he 18 property fer :.nsta.nce Or.' do smnet h i.ng like tho. '- . 19 Q. Okay, :::n the [iest. SC8::larlO, uwkr administ~atiif(~ 20 relief are you fa~ili~r with the far.t in some circu~stahCeG 2L the-- 22 MH.. TOR IN: c~~ we have th~~ narked as ExLibi~ ~, (Hxhi.bic E habitat cO~GervQtio~ plan} . M?. ..-.JCL?E; Th ~ s will be the hab: ta. t cO:lsc~:vation plan- for Florida Key dee~- and o:::.hcr..- urctec:':'ul spe.cieo 8n Big All Keys Rep011ing - Court Rcportcr~ -, (30;;) 289-1201 LO(:"<ltion~ in Key Lar~<1, M~rathun & K;:y West . . . ;1 1 pine Key <lud No Name Ke.y, Mu.:u."ue County f '=' lor i~a a~d th 1. S 1 S 2 dated ll,pri 1. 2 oJ 0.3 aLd revised Ja.n'.El >::y o[ 2 C J4 and a~:ru.':'Il .i.:: 'viii 11 3 be Exhibit E. 4 Gel. L ':'ns ba..:::k to the ':oLms C f admix. i st !:d.:'" J. ve rel ie f , Q. :) it is my reco1.1 e.C":'t. -:'OL r_~lat L"le C01':':lty h,l~ grant.ed 5 admin~.sr_rat J.'.;e relief lTI the Eonr: o[ just a i. 1 m.!i:1J somebody to 7 remalrA lD t~'"1.0 R.OGC systen to accu:-nl:. ~.a'::.(~ ~tddi t iona 1. peJ int-_8 , a WQuld you agree \vi th th(l t.? 9 .:. d:J :lOt kno;.-,' if tha 1::". was ::.te o3.'.....'3..;:::,j Qr :-.har. V,.'2i.~ :";~le A. 10 dec i s ion of t.::-l(~ lar::.d O\A;::ler to J l<5:::' ::J tay in the sY5te~ anc.:. nal 11 accept and otter to buy their prope~~y/ I don't kno~, 12 Q. So t 1-',3 t_ :. s S01.':"" 0 E what I v!a 5 gc::::. r. i':l~j at. IrA a 13 situation whe=e adGi.nistrativc r~:1ef ~G o~Eered ir~ the ferm 14 Q f wbc: .ce ~..: l::.e. ~oun t. y i s ;..,6 L 1 i ng to De:. 'i YOl:.r p :.-ope rt y, i E L hE:: 15 property owner decides for whatever ~euson that the amount o~ 16 money ~ s in.su[ f i c:..erAt or they war~. t. t_o hui 1d, t1"'~e pro?e~-ty 17 owner 1 S frf":!(~ to tU~'':l down tha'[ of fer, co-:::-~e.c::.? 18 T~a t. "l. S C:CJ r r:cc t. . A. 19 IE t:"1a t scene>. =1.0/ as C think yo'..! just :.ndicated 3..13 Q. 20 part. of the offer and the turn d~wn DE the affer, the Co~~=y 21 allows the peJ:::"Gon to stay in the sY.:3I.c~~ aTcd ~lccumLlate more 22 points. ccr~e8t? 23 Yes, In fac t, the o2:"dinancc 91 lIes :'1/0 po irAts a. 'Ie-a-:- A. 24 after fo~r yea~8 so ~hat makes it many pC8ple prefer to 25 . stay In. ..'\ 11 K ey~ R ~WHLing .- Court R~portc rs .., (J 0.5) U9-120 1 Ll)~~tilJ[b in Key Largo, .\hr<Lthon & K.ey \V~H . . . 2 1 '0. . 32 :::n th: 5 pi'l rt i c'~Lla.c ca.se t. he Ka::"arUJ a f t.R:. 1:"_:1<= ':::-ol~r:::.h year were gc~tti:q t.~.'o addi tioru:" point.:;:; ,::T:::r:'e~t? 3 A. Tha~ 15 co~r~cL. So by rn L ~L P9l yi:lg tor ad r1'. i ni s t r a. t i. .\.r(~ ::::(~ 1 i e f t11ey .5 were not penal:" 7,ed in Lenno :) f lOR irq poinc s, corT,,'~C: t.? 4 Q. Tru::. l ~, ~ co:::-rect-- 6 A, YO'c.l also rr,entior,ed tha':..: =he County at ~...:imes aU CJ',^,'';':; 8 TDR transfsr3: 10 11 12 13 1.4 15 7 Q. , Yes. Hew IT'.any times r&as <:-. r,~ C'uunt y a 110'......ed t_ha::.? Ne.vp.c. s iflce I have. be-en hc::::-e. I don't recall either. It is j1;St sQl.lcthing You are say~ng it iB a hypottetical posHibiliLY? Absolu::..ely, and t ha t rYJay be Lenei: i c ia..l u.se ra the:::- 15 than admir:i~trative relief, 17 18 9 A. Q. tu~y o'.:heL' typeD of admi.r:ist.:::-aL~ve relle: t~lF.lt. YO'.l C<l:l Q, A, Q. A. Q. A. think of? We talked about the offRr_ We talked about stay~ng ::"9 the syste:n, "",Te ta Lkcci aDuut_ geLting ar& eaLliel~ a.l.Locat iO:l 20 award. 21 MR. HOTtl}',_RD: I can ask ~1er to {C i t:~ t_hc act ua~ 22 reg,-lla t -i ~n prcJVi s ion? 23 A. I t is 9,5 -L /.? . 2 to' 1 S !:h~ adm~nis ::ra. t i ve re.l ief 24 prov:'..slon. 25 MR, TOEI]\;: Oi,-ay, Thank YOl':. AU Ke y~ R cporti Ilf:; ." C\mrt Report':: r~ ,- (J 0:;) 23!)- 1 Z 0 1 LOCJ.LiollS m K~.y Ur!);o. MMatlw!t &. Key \Vc.,t . . . :.n 1 O::.her relief as nay De neCe~JS3:::-Y anr::. i.l~pr.cp:::i-3.t.e.. A_ 2 .~~ :..::.a y. ~',Thd L e 'Ie r t. ha r-. [[le<.l.:l::;? Q. :3 ~-.Jr.a.:.ever t.hat: means. Tr.a ::l k yu ll, ::3 L L . A. 4 Now, i.n ~_ei'mG of be~le:' i C Lal use r i:l t.r. i s Y::"'~L~eed.i:1g, Q. 5 .",..hat ~cl:..~f 1s available tD the p:coper:.y o;,..'r:c:"!:"~~ 6 M ~ _ f-IO(.-;ARD: Aga:. n, t'or: UlC L.ec~:cd. if I ca!1 ask you 7 to ci ~e the provi s iO:l? 8 Bene:icial U::=JC 1.:::3 Op1r::.ion 9.5-171, Dl'Iision 2, and A. 3 l~} 2 o:"::'<J.y. JL.:.,St con'.pensat iotl, could DC to p'.l.::::"c~laGe it, a ~ low fo.!.' 10 addi.t.ional. 1l,;.H~S Dr denoi,:ie8, b',l:' ~.h<:lt .:.s i: i':..: .L2 determir:cd 11 that it. 'was - - did QC~-3ccve a bel:eficial 'Jse so ':.!I<lt 1.3 the 12 firsc:-. t.r.ins. You ha..~cc:: to ueLe:::L:,i:le t:'lat. a1.-~. eC':Jn~)mic v~~lue 13 11 ha G - - wr3 tis ~ he wo rd S I ha s b ceIl ulke:1 f :::om t :"1e :;l"!~ope ,t. y . TLaL is L~le d1 [fel'e.:lce. PuJd if i t r_ClS I l. h(:fl theL'e I S a nU1Tber 1 ~-} 0 1: ~hiIlq::3 YOLl car: do. 16 Q. SO, T....OU Ld you aq.c~e t~"la t fo::::' all p:::.-ac:. 1. ca 1. F..l Y-pOS(~3 17 the reI ~ ef under adminLst.t:3..L1'.re L'elie: a:1d the -::el i ef llEder 18 benef ic ia l. use a r-e eS::=J(~nt ii.lll y the s~,-me? 19 I thi:-tk benefic:.a~. 'J.sc ~.s whc::.r.'[~ t:::-aru.::;[e.c,J..ble A. '20 de'Je-:'onme:-t1..:. .eights is writter., T~lhere under admi:1is~.r<ltivc 21 I.e.~ ie [ i t. f::i<.l.Y~ o'.:.heL. .::.'e~ ief v.,'l::.ich maj! be appropr ia te and th -:. s 22 onQ aLso ~5 a~y other rclie~. 23 W<1:!t[~[~ ::,.:) c l~ar up tl:c Leco::::.'d OL that. MH. ':'08 fN : 24 one poir~t. 25 Okay. Tl::.anK YOL.. AI:y oLhe:c COffiLr,ents from rv:R. T~OLFE: All Kt),:) RCPO[Ti[lg - Court RepO<t~rs - (305) ?39- PO l Lac atio [lS i L1 K~y L;irgo. .\h. r~L Lhan & Kl.Y \V c.::<;t . . . I' 1 pa~tics or co~~sel? 2 .3 4 MR. T8S=K: J'~ 1 d8rl I ':-. ha v= anyt.h:. ".9 f-':: l ~-i ~~ . ME. Hor..JT\R~: Notr&L:1.g fu r-L}:lc::: . MR. T02II\: MR. WOL?E: Okay. I have no~hing a:se and tha: 5 cone 1 udes U"~e ~ea f' i ng . r- 8 7 9 10 II 12 II 11 15 16 17 18 ~9 20 21 22 23 24 25 ~R. ~]OLFE: Whe:l may we ex~ect. a decLHion? 1111 have it no later tha~ 20 day from 8 when = ge= t~e :ranscrlpt. All Keys Rcponi ng ~ Court Repont". ~ - (3 0 ~ i 289 -l20 1 LO(;<'ItlOHS ][1 Key r .ar~('I, Marath()l~ it. Key \V c~t e e -- -:: :".: .~ ~_ J..::.L I . ~. . :--. . - -01 .:.. ......L.. _ __ ". -...-.::--:::::-" "',- - - - -.. -.. ~. :- - .-..=.:. ~ ....i::::!.:::.: t-~:-':2~-:' or:: __ ) ::'-2 ,r/:~!.. ,:~ ".. ....:::. - -" - - ") a.nd U2:::t=..l '..' .- _ .. -... . -- _ =-~ ::: ::....... ~~~~~:~~~ ~~~j e:.:~:'.l!:~: .::: -""!.., _... _... _01. - -~? ~ _ :-:.. _ :J - -.- =.:"-' .-: - -.- - ..:- - - .... - : -- .... - -. .... 7>71 "_" So ~ r.- ::-.:- ...-:: t --: -. ~.: .~ -."- ,-' ..... .. ...~ - - ." . ~ - . . - - - t h 2 :~ E'~::::":~"'J- t2~:-. :: . .. I . - -.. .-. -. '- - _::::: -.... '.-: -==. :--- -:=: .:.. ~-~ :~ 2 t~r-.8g-:..-a"8:-t~. ':3 ~ l. -:.' ?....:-~.::. -.:-~.::;.:- =: ~- .~~~:.:= :: ~:. .1.. :~ t .1 "_~.:1 ::.J _ .::-.:e:...~ ":"'::~,.7 ........ .. . ..... ~". .... ...... - - . -..---.-- - . --- "-" ~;~-:"- "-" - ~ .: cor18L~~~te~ it :~~~~ report ,~ - './- ,.... .:.. ~ '--I LJ _ ~ .... .....:. -, -'.' - ".-, .:- ._~ "_." ..-" '.~ ~ ~ ". I . . . f.:::.. ::- , ~ ~- C!~lI) 1 C}-:./(~ ci ~l ~ -__.- (-.~~.--;...~t- "- , -- - - - :: .::..... ~=. -~_- 2 .:; :. '1 .\ ~ l ~~ t-e f3 t..e J. _r~ !.:. :1'::':: ~';3:-::;':: :-.: .=; < . .'.- --- ".- :~"::-:.f ,.-.- 15 16 ; ..... -:.::l f.:' '---~!Jr. r ~'. ,'. ,~'c.."'..~,~ t . . .- Q:::~ 20 Co~rt ~eport2r 2nd ~~~ar': ?ubl~2 ~. , e:. c _ JUDY K. ~E~_;~;,J;.J .' 21 Sta~e ~f F:~~'~i~ ~~ :2 :. ..... .. ,--:":- Exp i ::::e.s 2 ;.: 2.~ T.~ lfD~O 94361 :?.J 2 ::. :-~ 1 1 .......... '::3.:.. ::;2. ~.' .... ~ ..-. . ~ ~ ~) .~:. .:.:::: ~ -:.-. .. ~ .... :\ll ).;;.'::/s ~{CpU;~LIl,~ '- 1~\)\ln K~:>(ll ',~r::; - : "'.i:~.1 2i..,l. ; 11'.11 : ~.: ~~ ~!~ !I)~::-:' ~~~ ~...:~/ L~:-:..!:..~. \, 3r:'H~:;-:':'!. L\.:. K~:-I_. \'.: ~ST -: ~; ~ =; ~ - - ~ --- I...:. ~.l :_:: - . .'::: ~.l:'"; ::..' .._:~ :.l':':~~_:' ...:-\ - -:; .' :-:.J :::.: --; - Ii EXHIBIT I f I: ./ t " Habitat COflsen'a tion Plan for Florida Key Deer (Odocoileus virginianu.\' clavium) and other l)rotectcd Species on Big Pine Key and No ~amc Key~ l\lonroe Count)', Florida Preparedfor: U.s. fish and Wildlife Service 1339 20th Street Vero Beach, Florida 32960-J55Y Prepared by; Monroe County 2 79R Oversea,~ Highway, Suite 410 ~'1 arathon, Florida 33050 Florida Dt'partment of Transportationl District VI 1000 N'N' 111lh Avenue, Room #6 J 01 \1 i<Jmi, Florida 33172 Florida Depar-lmenl of Cummunity Affairs 27% Oversea.~ Highway, Suite 212 Marathon, Florida 330S0 With ass isu:m ce from consultants: VRS Corpon.tiun 700 S. Royal Poincian.a Blvd" Su itc J OVO Miami Spring~, Florida 33] (dj ,-\J)ril 2003 REV1SED JA~LAHY 2004 Table of Contents St'tt[on p~ EX ECL1 T I \:rE S l_~ :\.1" 1.:"\R \.~ .......................... ....+........... .++++..... ...+... I II. ..........+,... .... ........... ..... ....... ...+++....~... 11.1 1. I~TROD(;CTIO~ AXD BA eKG R ()V~ D .........................................................................8 1.1 Background and Purpose of the Plan ......"", ___,. ,.. _____.". .___......., __."."""'., .......---..,.,..--8 1,1,1 Historical l1ackground and Memorandum of Agreement. ,.,..,.. ___________......10 1.1.2 Coonlimuing Committee,......."" ...__...", ___..".,.___..... __.___..."'.."., ...........,.".,] 1 1,1,3 Objecti"es of the Plan ________....., .___......., ...", _____.."" ........"""".,., ...---.----.... __11 1.2 Plan Devdopmenl FTlJCCSS ~nd :v1cth(1do1ogy .,...'''''.....'''..,.,.............._____..,...""......12 1 ,2 ,IT ~c h n ic a l S mrl ; e s ___ ___ __ ___ .. . . .. __.. . . . . . ___ __ ___ . , ... __ __ . . , , . ___ __ ,. , , , .......... , , , , , , , , , , , , , ....., ] 2 1,2,2 Public Information and lnvolvement .,___ _________...... _____... ... ....... ,."", ,."",." ..12 1.3 He? Covl,;fcd i\rea "" ......""", ...,.. .__,...."", .__......, .____.." .__.______.... __.____.,...'..."".' .......,14 1.4 R~guhltOI).. Basis of the Hep "'..,..........""..,....."..___.""....___,......________.__.,...,."..........14 1 A.] Endangered Spceies Act...""",., ......"" ......"".....""",., ______.,__......... ______.___ .14 1.4,2 Clean '\Valer l\ct,,,, __..'..n''''''''.. .,....,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.....,,,,,, ,.. __.__..,.,......___ ______ .__. .1.5 1.4.3 Section 10 of the RL \'lTS <lnd Harbors Act",., __.."""".,., ,.""",.,....., .......--..] 5 1,4,4 Olllcr F (~d.cral Actions"""" ...........""" ...", ..",....."",., ____..,........ ____...__.__ ,....16' 1.5 Key Elenlcnls of the HCP .__."""""'" ..........", .......", ........"""",.,..."""..., ....., .__.__.__, .16 1.5.] Backg.round and Smdies "..___.......""'...___.".....,__.."".,__________...........__.___.__..16 1.5_1 C (I\'ct ~d Act jy itjcs~ A \'oidance and Minimintjon of 1 mpacts ..... ___u___] 7 l.5.3 \litigarion ,1nrllmpkrncntalion""""",..""....,...""""..,__,.""",...,___.._____.__..17 2. HI OI.OGJC AL CO:'\DJ TJ O:\'S .............................h.....,...........,..h..............u....................18 2. J Covcn;d Species ,...."""""""".,., ......""""", ........" ......__."""., ......"""".,.. ......, ....,..",1 S :2.1,1 f10ricta K t;."y Deer {Odocoileu.s virginimms clavium)"..,,,,,,,,,,.,,,...,,.. ._______ J ::;: ~, 1 ,2 Lu\'. ~r K c-ys \Llrsh R8bbit (SylvihJgus plJ Ius tris hf'jnen)""",.,.,,,,,,,,... ,.., ,20 2.1.3 E<lHem lnd:go SnJ.ke (fJrymarchon corai.~ wupr?ri) ... ______.,.............. _______23 :2.2 S peci cs I\ 0\ C o\'ered""...""" ____.......'''''''''''''...''''''... ,_a.",,,,,,,, ",...",,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,, ....... ,24 2,2, 1 hdn~lly L~steJ Spn:ies ]\' ut Covered__. ____________..... ..... ___________ __.............. ___24 2.2.1 Stille Listed or Protected Species Not Covercd ...." "'" ............... ".....",."" 25 2.3 V egctati on and} 1.1bitat ...,." .....,......""""""", ....", ....______. ,. ,.....", ...____......,.'" ,. ,." .., ...26 2.3,1 P ~nc]<!llJs""""",..., ..........",..........., ........,., ..... .......... ...... ......... ....... ........... .26 2.3.2 Hammocks. .____________...__................ ________.... __.... .___...""".. __. ___,... ,__.... ,.,.......,,2.8 2.3.3 Frcsh\v<.:tcr \V tllands______.__.,.""""" __..,..,..,..." ....__., ,. ,.""":,,...... ..,....__.."", ,29 2.3.4 S ~Jtwatcr Jvl Ll,r sh/Butlonwood tvhrsh __.., ...._______..__ ,__ ,." ....___.................."",30 2.3,5 \1 <I)Jgrov~s,.... ,.... ,.."",....""",......, ..._____..,. .____________.__........ ___...... ____________.__ ..30 2.4 Sc;cntific Em,is (lflt:e IlCp: The Key Deer PVA \1odcll'lnd Its Appllcation..""",,31 ~,.:1, 1 FidJ S:uJi....s of Key Deer Popubtiun Dyr,amics ................... ..__.__..___......31 1."1.2 De\'i:' lopmc nt .' r th~ Key Deer PV A \lodcl.......... _____............. .d......'. ___... ..32 "2,.:1.3 PVA \lodcl .'\IJaly~i.~ <ind Results.. .______..,."""..'"''..,...'''''''''.."..''''''''' ...--36 2.4,4 Arr1ic.1lion of the PVA Model to the Hep ..__.__........._____.___..........___........3; ::2...:1,5 The Tier Sy~lCm: A Pl<mning Too! 10 \1an;jg~ Dcv(:]opuwnt anJ c.:, n ;;, C' n:;:;. 1 i ~I n . .. . . . . . '" ..,.,..,... ,........."....... ___ ___ __. ... __ . __ __ .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . .. . ___ ___.4 () .' Table of Con1ents See ti on Pa~ 3.. LJ\ ~D IT SE C 0 ~l) 1 TI ON S ........ ............. .......+.++++++..,.,_......... ........ ................... .............. ........... ......................... .42 3, 1 lntrodll~tiou", ..____________", ........"", .__..__....."""., ....__.__________"., ...."", .., ...,..,. ................ ,42 3 _2 Land O'''TIt::Tship""""" ______.."" ........______,....., ............,..",. --.--. .--. .--, ........., .......--...."" ,42 3,) Habl1at Management Activities ____.""""., ...____......."""'.,...""'., .------,--' ..........,.. ..._____44 3 ,4 C()vcr~d Activi1ies ____.""" .......,.. ,_____. ..........""" ,__.____.______"" ...... ,....... ..,----..., ..........,..45 4. A I. 'fE RN A TI VE IJ L A!\ ~I~ G ST RA TEG I E S .................. ....... .................. .....................4 7 4.1 lnlroJuction""".,... ______..."., .....,.."""..., ~.....,"""",..,' ...--.---- ,..., --......." ......,..",.', ........47 4,2 Planning Strategies Analyzed.", .............,.,.. ________.__........"'.. ..........,., ---..." .., .........___.48 4,2,1 A ltern<ltlve :It 1 : No Action AltcmativeNo Take.......""." .......' ...__........., ,,48 4.2.2 A llel1lative #2; Reduced Take, ..........."""".. _______..." .........", ............",., ...4~ 4.2.3 Altem.ntvc #3: Pref~rrcd A ltemative., .."", ......"".., ..._______.,' ........."""" ...A8 4,3 ComparisLln uf Alt.::matives ,."", ......_______..... .____............""'., -----,------ -----.""" .......______49 5. CO~SERV ATlON STRATEGY AND PROCf DIJ RLS.................................................50 5, 1 B~ological GU<.lb, .......,..., , , __.__..."""""" ....__.....,.....""" ......."", .........." ..--.......""'" ...,50 5, 1 ,1 Ilabilal IJrolcCljon ____,...... .., .......""",.,....,.... ______...... ___.......'" .........".., ....... ,50 5,1,2 \1 inimlze the Increase of H uman-Rd[lTcd :\1 nrtallty or Kq Deer ..-------- ,,50 5.2 Summary of T;J.h 3nd Its Effects on lhe Covered Speeies..,.....""" ..,----- .............." 5 J 5.2.1 Florida Kt)' De-er..,. _____.."'''''''''''' _____.,.. .___.. ,... _____..,..""" .......",. _______....""..5 J 5,2,2 i .ower Keys ~1arsh Rahhit.... ____ ,."""""""""...---......, _________., ...............", .__52 5 ,2.,3 Fastern lndigu Snake" ..____. ___.___,..,.."" ..."" ......"",.. ....-------", ...... ,.""", ......53 5.3 COIlMTv"tioJ) Strategy - :\1ilig<.ltion Measures and Proe\;dlln:s ...--,--,... ------...""."" ...53 5,3,1 ConScf\.'Jtive A~sumptions and Level of Take"",.....,..".." .._____.... ............53 5.3.2 ^ vuid.UKC and r\.Iinimlzalion"" ...._______. .______..,... ______...""'" .....""", ..________..54 5.3.3 H <.lbital :\1itigr.tion and Habitat B..-u)king........ _______..... no __..__..., .............--.. __57 5.3.4 II abitat Management"" ........ _______..,"""""""" n."""", ....-----.. ---------- ,.""", ..58 5.3.5 Rcgulawry Actlons ..""",.., _______...... __......,.,.. ____.""."., ........"" .----------""" ...59 536 Other Consjderation.~ _______.......""""..,....,..., ______.,.... _________...'" ...........",... ___59 5.4 1\.1onitoring <lnd Repurting..."" ....___________.... _.__._........ .....""",,, ,.. ,......", --.--.. ,.."""", ...60 5.4,1 Annll(ll Reporting... .___..__......""'" ..___________._____....'.. ___________. ,." .....""",... ------() 1 5.5 Auaptiv';,; ~bn<lgc~ncnt _____".. _______.., ,..""",.. ...,..,__,___.___...... __. _____..__..." ......"""" .......,Ji2 5.6 Chang~rl Ci rC\Jlniitance~..., ........."""", ___.. ,.......,.............. _____ ,.",.."." ....."" .....---------. .63 5. 7 Unforts(:~~n CiJ cumstances. _____..""""" .__......"'.,....___....... _____.,....."'" ......""" ....-------. .63 5. ~ K 0 S urp ri S~ s __ __. , " , , " , .., , , , " __ __. . .. . . . __ __.. . . __ __ " , , " , , , , , , , " , , " , .. -- --. .. , ' , . . .. . . .. -- -- --. . . -- -- --.. , , " , , " ,63 (l. D.IPLE\l K\lTATI O!\ A ~'lJ FIN A).l"CI~G...................mm.......m.m....m.....................m_64 ().l Rc,;gu hlor)' Act Lons ....,... ____..... ______......""'" .____________. _____.__.....,... __________., ..... ,..""".". __()4 6.1.1 Hole:-; <':'!1J Rcspous.ibilit;e.~ ___.....______....__..,."'__..""""..,.-----..""-----------..,...--64 6.1.2 IrnpkmcJllilt ion Schedufe______...... ...".. ,.""",..""".",.. _______.___.. ________..""'" ..64 6,::2 F 11 nri i ng ., ___ ___ . .. . . .. . . .. . . . , . . ___. . ., , , " , , ... .. __ __ " . , ,.. . ___ __ __ __ ___. .. ___. __ .. . . ., . .. __ __ ___. ___ , " , , ...... , , , " , . ... fi5 6..) Pnmit A Il ~c~ldJ] ;l~LJt Pl occ:ctures .___..__.__...... .___. ,.....""......""""". ,.....,..." ---------....... __66 6.4 l'[?r:ni~ Renewal or Fx knslon__.....",.."""". ._________.... _____........,... _______.___.. _______.""'"",,67 H Section Table of Contents Pa~ 7. R EFE R.E ~ C l~ S ........................................................... ~ .++ ~..... +.................................. 11.1++++...1... +...+..... ..68 7,1 Agenclcs aod Persons Contacted, .....______"" _____.... ........."",.."" ............." -------..... ____..68 7.2 B ib li agra ph)' . __. .. , , , , , , . . , , , , , , .., __. , , .. . _..... , ,. , , , , , , , ...., , , ., . __ __ __ __ . . . . __. . . . __ __. , , , , , , , , , , , , .... .. , , , , , .. -- -- 69 8. LIsrf 0 F PREP ...1\.RERS +~+~~~~~~.+.~'~.~~+~~...4""'+4""'4+"'."......""......""".............~+~~.....+++++~+............................. 7 4 8,1 CRS Corpor~tion ...., ".",,,,,,,,....,,,.,,.,.,, _...,,,,, ___.,,,.. __________.,. ,___",,,,, ,.., ......" ..__...'''.... .74 8, 2 Sub-Con~ultanls .."",..."",.. ____."'.. ........ ....",., ...", ........,."" __.__... .__.__.__.__.."" ....."""",75 List of Figu n~ Ftgure 1.1 fig.ure 2,1 Figure 2.2 Figure 2.3 Figun: 2.4 Figure :2.5 FLgure ::.6 figure 3. 1 Figure 5.J Figure 5.2 I.ist of T 3bles Table 1. I Table 2.1 Table 2.2- Tabk: 2,3 Table 2.4 T<lble 2.5 "Llblc 2.6 lable '2.7 TJb1c 3.1 Table S.l Tdt:lc 5.2 Tacle 5_; L1bk 5.4 T Jhl~ (Ll Project ar~a K ev deer locJtions fr0m le lemetD.: data . j lower Keys mJr5h rJbbit habitat \'\;-gclativc co\.cr of Dig Pine K9 snd No Name Key Six grid laYCf5 us~d 10 gl;nCn3te weighling factor grid Kl:)' Jc~r PV A II10Jd ~riJ layers lier c lassificatii.m sy~k'm in lhe projt:l:l area 1.and own~r,hlp in the pmject ;ir~a Rda.li(ll1sbip between bum~n.lehHed Key deer mortality and Jeer dcnsily K~y ul:n wrridor HewS::; Sands Subdi'l~jon H CP pubhc ml;:cliJlg.S Covered ~p<:cies H <Jbilat type dbtd~ul~on wi thin ~he proj eet area G~ndcr and agc.c] [,sses of r8ld LD colbrcd Key deer in Big Pin~ Key and ;-.J"o :'-Janle Key, 1998-1999 Effect of dc\'eloplllC'nt on Key dCl;;r H ml.Lltjpli~r for land m;e dc\"t'lopment categories C alculatiol1 of H :<:-,r ji ffer~ nt development a.ctivities Tier c ]a~.~ificmi\)1] SYSl em (VJC~Ilt pri\'alcly.ow[\cd lands) Ltmd owncrship in th~ pmjed area as of mid-2D02 S{;l1US of \'Jc.Jnl T2'sid~ nl i a 1 ~0tS wjlhin 500 meten of I..(l\\,cr K ['ys marsh rabbit habitat in f1ig Pir~c K.;) IJIl~~cts <.lJ]J mi(ipllion in Rig f1ine Key Jnd ;";0 r\ame Key, ] 995 - present Cumu lali \"e i ncrC!lSC in 1I J nd miligruiun needs in {he first fi \.'.; yc~tS of the rCflflit hUjll'~<:rJ blJJgd r(llll1()lli~oriJ1g. Key deer popdation for 2n.ycar period J-:s1 i mated cnSl Cot" lht : 1 CP ~11 Act ADID CARL cep CFR C{)rps County CWA DA DCA EfA ESA r-DEP FDOT F E:\1 A F.S, nvc GIS H J-1CP ITP K LCP LDR LOS ~1CLA \1M \10A ~EPA Nr-lP NGVD 1\'"\.1 FS ;\RCS PD&E Plan Prcsu\"c PVA Refuge ROGO Sa,'ice LS-l ACRO:,,\Y:\'IS A.."'lD Al1BREVIAT10NS EIH.:iflngcred Spr;ci cs Act Ad\"anccd ltk:ntiocation ofWct1ands Conservation and Recreation Lands Comprehensive Comef\.'ation Plan CuJe ofFeJcral Regulations lJ. S. Army C{)rps of Engineers Monroe County Ch::<iD 'Va!~r Ad Depanml:CnI of Anny Florida Department of Community Affairs Envlronmel~tal PH)tectjon Agency Endangered Species Act Hmida Department of Environmenlal Protection rlorida DCpClt1mcnt of Transport:3tion FcJlT<ll EmugL'ncy \1Jnagemt:nl Agem.'y Florida St<.lhHeS Florlda fish ;:!nd Wildlife Cnnser..'21l~nn Commis,sion (1e0.gr2lphic In10rmat ion SYStem JIar, c:St ! lahitJl Con:::'Cf\'3tion Plan lncid~ntal Tnh Pcrmil Carrying C<.lracity li \"<lole CommumK fYS Program l,::md neve 1 op mctlt Regulations I .eve] of" S~f\'i cc \ 10TITl'C C cumy Land A uthorit)' ]I,.lile ivbrk er on LI S-l Memoratldum of Agreement \; 21tional Em Ll0nnh;ntal Policy Act !\ ill iona1 f] ood InsUf;.lncc Program N<Jlional Geodetic Venical Datum \'iJt kmal 'v] :.ninc Fisheries Service ~'alional R':~o'-lrce C oni>eryatiDll Ser....ice Project Denclnpm.;nt and Envirotlment ] J.l bi tin C 0nscr.at ion Plan C m;por. Hi glu .A. ~L\11 ic Preserve and PH~:::.C't\ c 8uf~'cr P~~pll b tillfl \' iabdi.y ..\ n<JIysis ;..lruiun[\] K'.:y D~n Rduge R~J.[e "f ([:-0.\\ th () r L~:~lJncC' 1.' n ~ 1cd S ~ ;l\~\, F i~h <lIlJ 'ViJJlifc S.cr\.i.-.:.: U S Jl ighwilY 1 1\ EXl:Cl:TlVE SU).IMARY ". The Florida Dcp~ltment ufTnulsportation (FDOT), Monroe County, and the Florida Depanment of Community Affairs (DCA)(the Applicantf;) S"ubrnit this Hubitat Conservation Plan (Hep or Plan), wJ1ich addresses impacts to covered species reslllting from poknlial development activities over a 20-year year period in Big Pine Key and No Name Key, Monroe County, Florida, Efforts to address Key deer and other protected species in Big Pint:: Key and No Name Key through an HCP $18J1ed in the mid-198.0s. In 1998, the Applicants signed a Memorandum of Al;,'TLTITIent in which lhey eommit1ed to develop this HCP. The species covered unJn lhis 1-1 CP are tile Florida Key deer (Odoc()ileus virginianus cl{Jvium), the lower Ki.":ys marsh rabbit (Syl\'ila!,'w' paluslris hefneri) <Jnd tbe ~aSle.m indigo snake (Dr.vmarcnon cm'-ai,~' coupal). AClivitics covered under this Hep include residential <md commercial dl:vclopmcnt, as well as tr.tnsportation improvements to m~et the community needs of Big Pine Kl.:Y <.iIld!\o Name Key. Thl.: Applicants' ()bjectiv~~ in developing this Hep were to allow for limited additional development .H..::li vitic:s on Big Pine Kq and No :;.Jame Key, which will ~atisfy saidy, ful1ctional, find rccrcationall1eed1i of a rural commun ity, v.'hile maintaining the long-term viability of covCJ~d speci cs and thdr habilal. Thl; pI imary, mea<mrable goals of this J ICP are; a) 10 ensun: future Jcvdopmcnt floes not have a m;g~1tivc impact on covered ~pecjes habitat, aud b) to limit t11e increase iTJ human-Tc]akd mot1ality ofKt:y <.h,::cr and Lower Keys marsh rabbit 10 a level that would make qllasi-c.\ti!]ojon (defmed a:s the p[{)b~bility tl1at the population Call 10 50 or fewer females at least once in 50 y~ars) unlikely_ ^JJitionally, tile Plan 2;jm~ at keeping Sl.:;COTldary impacts to Lol,.l,."CJ K~ys marsh rabbit to current kvds Or below. Concurrently with the lieI'. MOllTOC Conmy carried out a plclnning effort b~scd on communily paT1icip<.llion, the Livable CmnmuniKeys Program (LCP). Lik~ the lieF, the overall goal of the 1.CP was to determine ~hl:" LippI OpI L~1e amount, type and 10catiuD uf develQpment in the project :lrea that would provide for community needs, while max imlzing conscrvLl.llOn of tbe Key deer ,.md Ot1lC"I (:"O"''''cn~d ,pecies through appwprirltc ~v(Jida!lce, rn ~njmj7.ation and mitigation, HC.~ Coveccd Area The HCP proj;:ct Jr c~ l'ncomras_~e,~ 7,031 <Jeres: 5,840 acrl:~ on Big Pine Key and 1,191 acres in ),J"o >Jame Key. These two i slanJs M.lppOt1 more tllan t\.v{l-tb irds of the Key Jeer pupulatiQn, Sixty-six. pl:fCcnt of the project area is in l'onsnv<.ltion, inchldiIlg fcnCJ al lands within lhe National Key lka Rcfllg~ (Refuge-), sMte-owncd bnd~ ,md l<ll1d~ owned by lhe ?\1onroc CO\Jnty Lmd AuthoriTY C.,..J CLA), Ah!K1ug h these lands cLlrrmtly receive pI otecl ion, tl)ey are inc]ud~d withj n the Plan's covered <lrea b{;Co.:UH; th~ dTccts of development on Key deer are evaluated lhTDughout Big Pine Key ilnd J\ 0 Name K~y. Approxlmakly 69 pCTc~nl of thc I~Jld withil1 the proj ec1 arc~a is ; n puhlic ownaship. Tbe- rn~in landowner ~s T1)e hderal government with 55 pn(cnt, <'Ill of \\ h i ch is w itn in the Refuge. f eder<ll, state, and cmmly' <~gcm'its pl.Hdl~Se (lnd manage lanus wi thi.. ~hE: pmjl:c M L..:~\ for fhe' purpose of environm('r~ta] protection Jnd comcr.:ation. The Sen'ice DWll$ 52 V.Ic..;nl of Big PillC K(:y and 7 J p~~rcen1 of~o :'-Jame Key. The S~M~~ otT1Nirla purc.hase~ L::.nd under the Comen.'Jlion ::J.nd ]{ccrcJliun Lands (CARL) propam wtich is admini51ered by ~llc J'lorida Depanment of En\.'iroomcntal Protection (FDEP). Statc-o\':ned land5 within the pmject '-'rea indude the Coupon Bi ght Aquatic Preserve and Pre,~erve Buff~r Lands and buds within the Coupon Bight/Key Deer CA'RL project <i!ca, which combined are lefS than ten percenl of the projecl area. The Monroe County Land Authority (MCLA) purchases <l v.'id~ \'aricty of \'aCanl lands as directed in the Monroe County Comprehensi ve Plan and O\\"n~ two percent of the lrmd witn in the project area. Public Inyoh'emcnl The lkvclopmcnt of d)e JJ CP lnchldcd extensive public involvement activities, The public infomlation and parlicipation p][m induded idcntlfication of stakeholders, periodic project- updOltc mJili ngs, se\'er~l publ ic meetings, J!)d an open-door po llcy fOT pu blic inpllt Three public meetings were held in Big Pine Key bo:tween FebnL,iT)' 2000 and ~1arch 2001. The objectives of the mce1lng~ \vere to infoml the puhlic <.ibout the sc\el1lific basis of the Hep, describe how land devclopn1cnt alternatives were e\'3l\)3ted, and obtain input to ensun:; th.lt an poinls of view were considercd. Scitnlifk BilSis uf th~ HCP Biolog\CJI studies pcrfunncd [VI this Hep focus~d on the Key deer, and emphasized a l)abitat~ based appr.13ch for covered "pecies. The Key deer and the ~astcm indigo snake are wide ranging and utilize virt\li'll1y al] [.I\"J,ililblc hrlbitat in the project area, including developed areas. In contTJst, the LL~w~r I(-(ys marsh r~bbit is restricted lo wetland and ~urrOlmding bJbitats. T~erdore. the PlJn rocL.l~cd on ~he Key deer as an hum hre lla ~p~ci(;s" and 0pU<ltCJ under the assumption that avo i ding <md :11 i ni mizing impacts to Key deer habilat wou ld alw provide direct protccti0n to hotl) p0pUlat ions and bab itats of (tther tenef,tdal species. The 1 iCP also applies the most ..cccnt data em tbe di strihlltion ('.nd h<.ibit~t \..ttili~atjon of the I.O\vcr Keys marsh r~bbit, provided hy the Scr.,.,ice. Lupa (::001) ~tLLJi'.:d [he <'lukg::; :.mJ population dynamics of the Key J~l:r fur three years. He followed the mo\"cment, r.ahitat utiJi7.Jtjon and fCttc of over 200 deer uslng radio-telemctry [md C'::nSLlS pwccdurc5, The Slw.ly proulIu:J a Population ViJbillty Analysis (PVA) model to e\'<lllJat~ rhl: imp,lets of unTloFITJen1 ~ecnados on the Key deer population. The ry A model incorporated Key deer mo\'emctlts, habilJt utilization, ecology :lHd d~~mogt(lphic dllta and ilK~ \Jdcd t\\.o nl<lin ~~(Irq:l(1[~I..:J]ts: a) <.l JIlatrix muJcl of poplIbticn dyn<lmics and b) a ~ratial hJ b1 tal modd of cHTying (ap,K it::-, and secondary impacts. The PV A model is a too! w e"J lualC the likclihoorl fbul the species wi 11 persist for a given lime imo the futlne unrkr dif}.;-r (:"111 ~(;~'~;ui OS. LlTlJ dnclopml:nt allerll<1ti HS pruJuccJ by the i..'()mll~l~r,il:' were e\'a[u:ll:d W Lng 1f~~ PVA Ollodd lO quantify ~hc ,1sso.;ia 1 (:d ir:nprlCls to Key Jeer i n th~ pr(ljccl JrC<'I, Tk moJ'..'l :'1as thc following charact~ri5tics: .. It irK lllJc~ <1 spatl<J 1 GmlpnmrH, \\'h icl1 addrc~ses lhc spatj;.ll dj ffef ~~nCC'5 ill Jw bit;jt quality and hU:11.111- t c ]a!c-d cff~'us un ~h(: KL"y' ~cer, and a matrix m"del of poru L:llion dj%1mics, .. The dtC~,t~ "r Jc\'d,"pm c:::, ;l L'[ i \;1 i...s u~n b.., d('~cd;i..'J <l~ ch~mg~~ in the ,p<;~i J 1 n11,dc 1. 1 tl LlI"tl, :L;,:~~~~~ i;~ ~IJ(: 'r~'l:<rl ~l,~)d<c~ :.lftcCl ~h~ r':lI"3.t11Ckrs (If t]1~ lo.tri\ ll1(ldcl. .., . TIlC unit of impact j n the spatial model, lenncd "H", can be appllcd to any type of r!Evelopment activity. Fur any Jndoprncllt actjvity, the spatial model estimates an H value, . H measures hoth direct habit<ll loss and indirect humfln.rc1atcd effect.s on Key deer. . For any H value, the matrix model estimates the effects 01) the Key deer population in terms of a) the prob;jbj1it)' of quasi-~xlincllun and b) the number of ad ditloIla I human-relat~d Key decr dcauls pt...'J ycar, The spatial component of the PV ^ mudd provides a reliable predictor of development impacts on the Key deer: Harvest (I I), which is hlghly correlated with estirn<lte.'i of impacts. Thcrefore, . we use H to measure lmp<ld~ and mitigation in this HCP. The Key deer PY A yielded equations' tbat rclf'ltc } J to CSl [maleS of ri:sk and additional hUTI1Jn-related mQrtality~ therefore, if we can <lsslgn an H value lO <l Jevdopn.cIlt <tltiviry, tben we can evaluate the cflcct of that development activ\ty on the Key deer. The Appllcants dcvdupeJ a method lo assign H to any development activity based on the to1l0\\.'lng tl1ree maln premises: 1. If de.velupment occun un Wl wukvdvped parcel. the. impact equals the if of the parcel: The }\ pplleants .mumcJ lbL~t .iIl tmdcvc10ped parcel is flllly ,:m.iilrible to tbe Key deer and that new deyelDpment affects the hablt<.lt value of the entire undeveloped par~el. Therefore, the impact {)f such development equals the H of the entire parcel. 2. if Jewtupmcnl (;ccurS on 1./ dn'dopedp(J.rcef (e.g., expum;iun or H:deVl'!opmenf). the impm) of dnidopment equa{s the if vf (he footprint of the additicnal developmenl_. The Applitants a~sumc that the imp<ld of l:xisting dt:vdopment n<ls heen aln:ady rCCllizcd; therefore, the H of development that occurs in parcels that are J 1 ready dev~loped i~ associat~d \"',.ith the fO(ltpri nt of the additional activity instead of the entire parcel area. 3_ 1fle o:[feu rd'rhc (h~nt!r!Fmem u.C/I\-ity dep{~flds On thl~ [Yrl(~ oIdn'dopm(;nt Or IW1d u:,e: Hecau.~e road\',.:a)' mnna 1 it)' is the largc,~t cau:se oilmman.rclatcd mortality of Key deer, thE H va llle for 3 dcve loprncm 2.CtiVlty b; mu1tipl icd by a [<'I(tur that ~lCCounts for the tram, gC"IlCIJtGd b::.' lhl.: spcci fie land usc Or type of adi vlty. The Tier System: A Pl<lnning Tuol (u Mana~e Dt'vdnpmcnt and Com.crvation B~scd on th(;" Key Jeer ,~tlldles done under this He}> and the resUlljng sponi"l model, Monroe County Je:vcloped a con~crvation priNity c1asd ticatlon for private UIHk:vdopcd lands in {he snldy"-tCfI, The priv<.\le: unuevduPl.U l,mds in lht:: study mea are ch,sifLed into three "Tiers:' Tii.:J 1 !aJjJ~ arC" higher lJua lity Key deer habit<Jt. Tier 3 land.. a[ e the lowest quality Key deer habitat. Most of the parcc l~ ill Tiers 2 and] <Ire intersperscrl 3mong dtvc1op~d parcels and among canals, and pr o\' i~\~ 1 inl (: h:'lbHlt value to the cO\'ned ~pecies. The lier c lassifil'ation helpect in dL~h~nninlllg lhe luc<lli(m ofpoknll<ll new developmenr and priorilizing mjtigation ureas_ 3 Co,.cHd Acth.ities This Hep addres~cs the incident<Jllah of protected ~pt;'c les lhal may r~ult from development activities in Big Pine Key <Ind :'-)0 I\'ame Key in the next 20 years, The types of activities covered undcr this Her include residential development, commercial develDpment and expans ion, community dnd institutional faeil ities, and transpm1atlon improvements, The Applic~ms antic ipate the fo l1Qwing developmcnl activitics will occur in the covered area in the 10-year p~rmit paiod and within a total}] = 1.1 : . ..v~w Residnllial D{velopmenl: A ma):; imum of 200 re"idential UIlits, . Non.-Residewio.l Private Dcyelopment: The county will audlOrize limited non-residential dc\"dopm~rll as well JS C\ ran~i on or redevelopmenl of commercial facilities and communit)' mg<minHlons su{:h ai; religious imlilutions ~nd ci....ic Chlbs. The Applicants anticipate lh<:ll no morc than 60,000 ~quaTe fCel of floor area will be aJtkJ over 20 years. . Neacatiol1a! and Communit)' Facilities: The county antjcipates t11e development of recreational and community, center fac\lities, induding p~ssi\'e public parks, and Ilcighbc~rhood "packet" parks. as "ell as the expansion of [he cxi~ting public libr<1ry, . Public Facililies: SI;;\'C"r<\l publi(; Li("ilitics MC ilt)ticipated over the next 20 years, such a~ <l ,J,,;wagi.": IT"C~~tmC'nT pL1m, public offIce space, and the cxpam ion of the existing emergency H:Sr0.Jl~~ facil it)'. Tbc i~ rr] iC<'tnts ,jntjcip~le that 1)(1 more than 24,000 square feet of l100r arC"H will be ulhx'alcd to ru:rc<llional ~md ~'orrlJI;unity fr1cilitics <:IJld other public facilities, . [.(jelll Rood Pm'irrg M Jf,',:,kfl,'ng: O'\.'er the n~xt 2.U years, some local dirt rOOlds may be paved Jnd some paved roJd.~ may be wick ncd to accommodate a hike path, .. Thu'i'-Lrming [SF. The DOT win compld(; the ~ldJltion of n third laIlc, a scramble lanc, on the devdured segment of 1,' S-l or, Rig Pine Key. Thi.~ involves the exten~ion of the newly eomtnl<.,tE.;d lurn bne \"'ast ;:lnd west of the interseaLon improvement project. In <IJJition [U limitlng lhc lNal Jm0.l.:.nt of de\"e 1 nrment over 20 ye<lrs to a maximum, ctlmu tati ve H .,- 1 .l, C'o\'cE'd acti,'it~es will c"JI'_ply with the a\'oidance 21nd minimint~on guidelines CSlJhlishcd in this Ilep. 1\cw dcvdop:ncnr will be COIlCenlHlTcd on ~ln:ady dismrbl.:J areas in ordcr to ;))inimizc the ~oss of prime h<Jbit,H fur the co'H.::rcd spl.::Ci~:s. ?\Iew commercial Jevclepmc.:nl wi]] be li mited to i nfi 11 at C;3.S m;j inl)' along. the ~x i sti ng commercial corridor on US. l. Th~ A pphrants. est i maH.:- [h<lt nQ mure than 7 acre.;, of native veget<Hion will he cleared over the 20-year per-nil. \\. ct];3nd i rllp3ct~, ~~ti m3t~d 8t no more than 3 ..lCrCS over 2D years, \\.ill be [i mjted to rO\1ds!de $\\<11 es L\:1d di tches. A lirnih::J numbl.::r uf fences and other accessory uses "vil] b~ permitted, "Jo Jl>,;W tcnc~.s in Tier 1 hll bilat un]e,s llutborizeJ by the Service. The \h~~t.:r PL.Hl f('r Future Dc\ ~k'~ml'..:llt ot" Big Pin..: KC"y ~md :\0 ~ame Key, which tS being ~k\"C' 10pe~1 :n a((~1Jc.i,H1~'(: \, i:h thi ~ H CP. will reg';] lale the anwunt and cxt~ nt or ~;1,ch type of (o\"(~rt'~1 .ini vity uwr the nC"xt ~() YC2Ir<. !n the pt oj ect arc-a. Other aCI i \'ilics Jlul Jc:scribcd LIl lhi:> HC)> Jre nut 3lJtlw~i7~~d 'Jnd.:r thi~ HCP_ ~ Su rn nUL Q' of T ak~ a nd It~ E ffeels on Ch e Covered Sp~cies All devd(}pment activities cumbined uva the 20-year period win have a maximum total irnpacl of H = }, 1. For H = 1,1, !he t c~ul ting prol!abi1iry that the population fall belov,' 50 females at least once in SO years and thc J\'crngc ~Jditional tUlal annual human-related mortality ar-e, respcc(lYcly~ P 'tR'~[,. ':t2o)~~1.l 42{)( au;n !~".<:50) = ~. e ~. I"D AJditlonal Annu<ll Human-Rdatcd t-.,.'1ortality = -0.65*1.j2 + 4.8511<1.1 - 0.34 = 4.2 deeri)'ea:r Thus, the PVA model predicts thaI the combined dfeet of 20 ye~rs of de\'elopment for a total H 7' 1.1 would raise tr.e probability t~at (he population will fall under 50 femCllcs at least once in 50 yc(!.rs by 2.0 percC'ot over the risk under Cllnent conditions (from 2,2 10 4.2 percent) and incrcase human-n:bled Key dc(;r n\ort\~] it)' by 4,2 decr a yt:l:lr. AJd1lioDally, the probahility of extinction in 100 years is kS$ thJTI OJ p,:n::cnt, nearly indistlnguish<l b le from current conditions. The A pp licants anticipate no dlrect hlSS of Lower K~ys marsh habitat as a rGsult of coven:d 3ctivi1ics. ~o dcvcloprncnl i mp:'lcts 10 i dcntifjcd marsh rabbit h~bi1at will be permitted. Indirect cffl:"\.:ts to m<JT~h raDr.it mOl:>' rc~u It if cleve IQpm..:nl occurs near marsh rabbit habitat p[jt~:hcs, The potential e ft~ct of tl1 i <: 1('\'e 1 of c:e\"c 10pment is <lmeHorated becaus~ the ma jarity of available lots. with i!l 500 mClcrs of rn~rsh dJbi I 11 r1bitat ,nc rldj ~c~nt lo canals. in suhd1visions L'llready heavily developed, Tak~ of ~~i~:;l~.m indigo ~I'.L,k~ :,<,bitJt is c;o.;,pcclcd in the cm'ered area of the lICP. The AppliuLnts cstilmlk that dne lapmcnl <lul\"iti t~ over 20 )'c:ar" may occur on parcels. t013 ling 16H acres (2.4 percent of the covered Jrea). .\litigation and Irnplt'lHl:'Jlr~(joJl The Appl iC("iIt)ts propose: w rnili :;;HIC fvr lhc ine iJcntal t<lke of covered .~rcci es mainly by \3cquiring Llnd TIl<.\nJging native hahit<lt Jr~as ,,'ithi n tl)c Hep project <lrc-a, The Iwrvcs( grid used in 1h(.; PVA providts a IT::=aSlJre ()f hahi'.at quality and pOlcntial indirect ,,-'ffu::b (1.(;" im:rcascd human-related rnor\~]jtY~f on 1111~ T<~y d<:cr. It <.lIS() provides a simple currency to compare impacts versuo; mitigalion. Th\$ Hep rro[1o~es a k\ cl Df inc:dt:mal ~akc ~hal results in a lOtJ.~ H = 1.1. The ApplicilIlts will mitigate i ncidentJl1i1kc i ~Jlp~cts by 3rquiriIlg and managing habitat areas at a 3: 1 ratio, using B as U1C unit uf mt:<lsureml'n1. Therefore, over 2.0 years, lands for a m<l'i.imum H = 3.3 will be acyuired and manag.ed. l.;:lnd a'~CJui ~ i (i on will occur in advance of 0f <:.i tnU11,1neOllsly with dt'\"e!Cipt~1ent <ldi \. il1es. Sh\.llllJ In<.: c'JlT:ubtivc J ("~'Jir~<.: ] ag llle l'UInll ~<lti \"l' H~~;-.a~~ by 5 pnu.::flt at any Time duri ng 1111:' 20..\ {',If p~.[JI,jt. \1onrot: County will halt dc\'c ]opm~~n( pcrmil i s~uanct: until .su fficicnt I {;"'~lll'.U 1S ,1'I,"aibtk, .\fonroe C(~un:y will ;):ar:~~c :1.:1 Utllf<l] ~~mJs al'guir~d und.;f lhis HCP. lCirha dirl'dly or imhrCC1ly lbrough agrccmcnL~ Wilh nthcr n1::lIlJging (:rHities. b.nds in the rrclj~ct area acqutfcd for 1h\: HCP \l,i11 comp[ isc lctl1d~ plI[dwscJ by the l\'lonroc County bnd Authuf1ty (J\.1CLA) for 5 ,. the Florid(l f Ol'.;vcr Program and lands purchased hy the \1CLA in au:urdaIlce with t1~e Monroe County Comprehmsivc Plan, )..f onroc C aunty will {T.llet 1 ~nd dC\clopmcnt regulations, whi ch ,....ill follow the guide lines fur a rate of grO"1.h and deve I opment ~landard~ de.~crihed in thi$ HCP _ Sin~t: 1992, Monroe County 11ilS sULCcssfully adminincred a Rate of Grov..th Ordinance that directs growth inlo disturbed area.. and protects environmentally semilive lands_ The county has awarded 2,014 Rate of Growth Ordin~nec (ROGO) a l1ocations since J\lly 1992, of whien only about six percenl of the total wer~ award~d to parcels with envir0.nmentally sensitive characteristics. Nearly half of this s.ix perccnt \, as awarded to anord~blc llOusillg projects, With thls H.ep, the A ppl icants comolid.:ne their efforts to provide for lhe protection of [he Key deer "nd ll1n er w\'<"red ~pecies i [1 the project area, For example, ongoing land acquisition has iJ1(n;[l.~cd the <.lmount uf habit<.lt protcltcd in pcrpCluily, Beginning ill 1993, rnOT invested appmxln1<.ltt:ly $12 million to ~tudYj pbn, and execlltt: projcds lO n;dm:~ highway mortality of Key J..:er and improve safety on lJ S-] in Rig Pine Key. lh~ i~.pp]i(~.Jlts will ;'::L~rry cut biologic~l and compliJnu:: monitoring tu Lnsure that the biological goa1s <l.Tld tilt: c0mmit;ner1ts nwJc in lhis HCP are met. Bio!ogic<Jl monitoring of the Key deer wi U focus 011 1~ ~~ ~~i!Jg the rc ]ati"c ('ICCuncncc of hum(":ln-rc.:!alcd mort"ql ity, The main objective of \he hiolog icnl own iIoring is 10 dCl.:rlIlinc if hmnHn-rdL1tcd IIlortalily i5 lIlcrc3sing. beyond the lnc1s 0bs~~f\.'l.J in rClTnt }'{.Llrs, Spccifically) the biological monitoring will tcst the null hYPolhesi:; tlwt. as dL.;\'clopTIH::nt Jetl\' [lies proceed in the project urea, th~re wLlI be no significanl im.:rCJSl. in the rcl<lti.....e incidence of human-related mmta lity. C ompli2.nce monitoring will iTldudc .ill ~~Gr.l..;al campi bt i(m of the JlTI0unt (If r:le\c lopmcnt compkted and acres converted, r:I'.lmber of Jne5 aCl]uired. Jnd a ~UlClllaT'Y of hubi1t>l H"\ni,gern~IH J.{;;i \'i~i (;$ by Monroe CO\lnty, The IOta l H for dey[] opn,enl and 3CqUtS11ioll will t~ ddCi1niJlcd using lhc spalial modd Cind the Llppwpri ale land me I f c(Jn\'eL~jon r~ctOJs., \l OJ~rOC C oUJlty ",,'ill prepare and submit an anl1U03 1 Hep Repor1 to the Service ;U the (,;nd of the reporting year. Th~ rCp(1:1ing. period will covCr bnuury 1 thwugh December 31 and will be submitted by \br ch 3 l li.''dl(1)\;Jlg lhc end lJ C the reporting p~riod. The repart wi 11 address hoth tl~e h ok:gi c:d mOJl i 1 (lring <mJ th~ compliance mon~tming_ ,A, d,lpti \"c manas cmCl1t p~O\'i~ions in the HCP' S (I im at n:ducing risk tu the species due to :::;igniflcJnt Jata, information gaps., or 10 l:iJL'um~t<lm'es which arise requiring a change in species managcmc:nt or <lcq\lisil1ClTI ~\r<Jtq~it:s, The Key deer has been n tCJl~ivcly swcticd (Lopez 2001) <'Iud ongoing r~~C~lTC h rrogram~ at T eX<lS A&M UnivCTsity ar~ <JJdressing the Key deer, the si ~ver rice mt ;)nd the L(I\\'cr K ~y~ JTwrsh ru bbil. The Key deer PV A modd 15 the statl;.o[.thc-Mt imd will 1i~cly be (,il]y a;rphu~bk unle.~s cenditions ch,mgc dr3.IJl<nically'. \'0 furthn studie~ are pror0,~l'd JS pan of thj s } Ie p, Reas.OJl,l bly (orcseCJo]C' ci rcumstnncc. which n1JY occur in the projecT ilI..:<1 or to the (;Overed spec ies i1K lLdc hurri L..:,Hl~~, tl (\oJing, nre, or suddl~n popu!Jtil'n J(:"c line due to disea.~(' or habitJl Jegr3dat ion, 6 Upon approval of the lJ CP ilnd i.~Sllal1Ce of the lTP, the county will amend its Comprch~nsivc Dc\'cIopmnH Plan It.omp Plan) and Lmd Dcvelopment Regulalions (LOR) to codify tbe denlopmcnt gllidchncs described in tl1is II CP. A Master Plan for Furore Development of Blg Pin(;:: Key and ~o 'r\ ame Key, [n prer:ml1ion, will rule the rate of gro\',.th and development standards in the proj~Cl area, in [lccordarlcc with the guidel incs dcscrlbcd in this 1 KP, Monroe County wilJ <.lct un bdwlf of the Applicants in conducting the Plan's miligatiOJ) program and for [Ill rEporting activitie~ lJnder this HCP_ In addltion, \.1onroe County will be responsible for the fa Hawing acti\'ities: appro\ing deve lopmc-nt con~lstent wilh the covered activities in the JlCP; maintaining a Go.;(lgraphir..: Ir.foITMlion System (GIS) database on the Ilumber, habitat type <Ind location of deve ]opm~nt acti\'i lie~ and mitigation actiDns ~ncluding acquisition and managemcnt acti\'iti~s; funding or pro\"idlIlg s.ta ff for b~ological monitoring find annual reporting acli vities; c~t<lhli.~hing and 111<:1 intaining an annual hudgct and budget amendments far Hep <IdoJltion and i rnplenlCI11mi on; ~nld all other duties and responsibilities n::laling to tbe execution of the Hep, ~orcovcr, lh~ COi..lnly will be rcspon::;iblc for ensuring that.JlI mitigatial) activilies arC implemcnl(:(] concomitant with dn'clopmenl activities. Finatly, Monroe County will coordinate wjth FOOT <.;rJd DCA to cmure tr.at the pro\'i"ion" oftl1is 1 iCP arc met. \1onroe County \....i1] t\lnd l.md e~Auisiljon ::t.nd mflIlag(:fficnl unJcr this Her through E.:xisting funding mechanjsrns, Since 1986, the ~.lCLA has been tasked with acquiring lands for the county in 3c~~orJi\nu:: with lho.; \lonroe O'__'llnty Comprehensive Plan I .and AUt110rity Ordinance (Ord, :-.10. 31-1986, 1), ,md by s. .WO.O(J(d --3~O.06R5, f,S" s- ]25,0] 08, F.S. Tbe .\1CLA was r.;S18 bli shed to ccndllct bnd acqu i~ il ion ~jcti\'ilics n~ccssary to deal with properly rights of SInH]] bndo\',;ners, etl',:imnmCnl3.] pHll ,"elion, par k ;1Jld n:ncmiDnal space, afforcab le housing and public infraSl,ucTun: shculJ thu~' he ~n cr.\'ironmental component. The \1CLA provides a mechani:;m to '\kal with the chill kllg:::'~ of imptcmenting comprehcIlsl\"(';" limd usC" p!Hns pllr~LJant to the area of cri:ical sl,lte CDljCClll rrogram, which challenges arc orkn complicah::J by the cln..jronmcJltt1] ::;cl1sitlvily of such 3rl?3S (cmd \0 pl'ovide) a st,lbk fllnding source and !be flexibility to <lddre;,;s plan impknJl.::-n1 ~jl ion iJUlo\"<HI\'dy and by acting as an intermediary between lam!owners and llle gon.:mmcr,lall'nlilics rcgubling bnd use" (Section 1 -3, R \llc 02.1991, StelA) . J, II\TRODllCnON AND BACKGJ{O~::'-lD 1.1 Backgruund .lnd Purpose of the Plan The Florida Dtpar1ITle-nt of TfilllsponatiOl) (fDOT), Monroe County, and the Florida Department ofCmnmunity Affairs (DCA)(the Applicants) submit this Habitat C0ns.crvstion Plan (Hep or Plan), which :'Iddrc%es impacts to covered species resulting from potential J~vd{)pmcnt activities over a 20-J'l,;L'lJ }"(;~I period in Big Pine Key and No Name Key, Mrimoe County, :Florid::! (Figwe 1.1). Auivities cO"vered under thi:s Hep includt: re~idt:ntial and commercial developmenl, as v.'~ll as tnmsportaliOl} inlprOv~rncnls to meet the community needs of Big Pine Key and No Name Key. Th~ HCP ~stablishe.s the guidelines under \.\'hich covered activities may occur 3nd describes a comefi.'alion and mitigation stralegy to minimize and mitigate for the incidcntallak C (If thrca tened and ~nctangcr-ed species during lhc CXcctltton of cQvered dt:vdopmmt <.lctlvilic$, The Phm has ban Jeveloped in <JccorJance with lhc Fcc.k:ral Endanp:rcd Species Act of 1973 (ES1\), as amcm.1i.:;d (87 Stat 8. H4; 16 US ,c. 1531 e/ .~eq.). Several species listed at the Federal and/or ~t3te li~vel(s), lncluding the endangered Florida Key deer (()Jo(:oil(~us L-'irginicmus claviwn.), have been documented 10 occur, or have tJ1e potential to Nxm, wilhiIl l1J.;; pToj<"I;1 area, TIle- Applicrlnls ha lie Jekrrnim.:J lhilt th~ im.:idcIltallskc of Key deer may (J'.;(.: ur l~S. [i, f(~sult uf dcvdopmcnt udh'ities Juring the m:xl 20 years. lncidcnlal take cov;:r<.lg~ is aLu rCl]u<_'skJ for the lU\\'er Kep; marsh rabhit (S)'lvilagus palustrls hefneri) and the eastern indigo ;snake (IJrymarduJn mr(Jis (.'uuperi), whicll may be indirectly afIected mainly thl Ollgh habilat loss by O~ bn d(;"\idoplm:nt <.lctivlties throughout the 20-year period. This HCP ~HJd ,Kwmpanyir,g Incitknt<Jl Take Pennit (lTP) application support the Applicants' Tcqu(;"Sl for [hc inciJuJlalt<lh of Key deer, Lower Keys marsh rabbit, and eastern indjgo snake from the U.s. Fish Jnd \l".'ildlife Service (S~rvjcc). In u)Illpli<"lm~c witl] the ITP iSSUIlTI(;t:; crilt:rii1 listed in Section 1 O{a)( 1 )(B) Oflhc [SA, lh~ Her proviJ~s for [be minimization and mitigation Oflh~ LIH.:idcfllJllakc, Th~ Applic<mts believe that the smount ofincidetltallake requested is not likdy lo jeopardize the mrvlval and recovery of the covered species in the \',.'ild. The Applicunls umh:r.swnd lh<lt the ITP itse If rloes not a\lthOI~ZC dc"'clopmcnt llcti....,iti<:s. In stt:: ad, the 1 TP <iuthur1l.es the incidenta[ take of covered sptcit:::i lhat JIJ<1Y txcur <.is a r~::iult of covered <lctivities cturing the 20.ycar permit. 8 Prqe cl Location ~~.\, .. '.' t~i:;~ .' . I__.~~ 5 . . o ;.:i\' ( .1/ :"'\,J . rt...... I~ .~Ft ~, f' , o .r :!i;:') . '1'\ -{ <(, Co j..... '-, \\ '..... ~ ., .. " ,'. .:...~....._, '. .{,-"J> . \- ' .~.~ ...., ~ i~ ......... . f, 1:11 . "../ '.?J gL ~' ... ,TortJ.!... 'K~y i , \ .~, .... ,.; ) .'~'" "(, \"" '". " ~~\ .D, L~ ~ ~\ ~I.. ~.-..~ ~ I ""'i:'I" ". ., L.I~~. J". ,. .... ......',..\ Sf' l~.'. ",Q':.r-, .', '\..1.;' V' t ~ I.~: .~}.ltll~.. :~.?\ !/ J-~\~t~! f :Torct:l ,-:"'~. 1;\ :;,,'(!">~"'"d ''K'Y'~'' *.~~ >. K"tft/;. f ' .; ,.~:~', '\1 ~ ,..-...... .---;... ...~ .') h ~ }.~----t.~ V' ~ ~~ ~ . " - ", 1-' ~ ,~ . ;;/' '...> ..';:.?" 'I \. \ ~ 1'1 (,. ':'\:, w* ...:_ I: ''to s 1 3 Miles , 2 rigure 1.1 ~~ .... (......, ~' "4 , \ ......--~I t' ~ ; c .....--.\ ....' - . Q !:'\ . "j.... l>. '-.:. ~,) '~,i ~~ ~>' K~y 1 \1 " ~ ..... ." to p . fOJ eet are:a 9 South: Fkirida:: .'\. ~ l\ ..... (~ '\ ~ : f:.,....'...; ,. _ J .r ..~::.-::=. -. ~ J' .' 1 .1.1 I-:{.i.~tori(:a 1 J3 fl('k e.round 2nd M ~moraJ1oum of Agreement Several listed .~pecies, including the Key deer, occur on Blg Pine Key c.nd No I\'ame Key, Th~ Key In:r <lrt widc.I~ngjng ."lnd use a variety ofhabitaK lncl!lding develol)ed areas; consequently, they share much of their range wlth the human popubdon. Thc Key deer was listed <lS C;')d~Ilgcred at the fed~rJ.llc\'c1 in March 1')67 [32 Code of Federal Regulatlons (CFR) 4001 J. Fallowing the e:::.ta b~i shmet1t of the National Key Deer Refuge (Refuge) in 1957. population le'\:cls bq~,m W rc\;O\n. In 1 951. there v,'ae an c~timatcd 2510 80 individuals; by 1973 the populatiol1 nad re-covered to approximately J(){110 .100, including 151 to 191 deer on Big Pim Key ~lorlc (FOOT 1999), However. rn()rt~lily from road kill!' and habita.t loss continued to thre<Jten the population and, by 1982, popubtion numbers "VCrC down (0 between :! 50 and 300 individuals (.K limstra 1985, Service 1985), III the late 1980:>, thl.:: rDOr b<:gan consultatioIl to find <.l solution to lhc high road mortality of Key deer along pOr1iuns ofUS-l on Big Pine Key. In Seplember 1993. FDOT convened a stakeholders m~eting, afur which an Ad Hoc Committee pursued solutions to the highway mDrtaliry of tbc Key dcer. FDOT [unJcd a Concept StLldy to examinc vi~blc alternatives for reducing Kl:}' J,:cr m0rlali t::-' L"<.lmed by yehk te co lli~i,ms. The stL;Jy fOl'useJ on consenSus bulJdLng \' i<l pu hlic lm'oh <:>nlcnt Cind 8.g~ncy coord i Lf\l ion, COl~r 1 cd \\'hh scientific analyses, and idl.:Iltifi~d <1 s~Tics of ~ trUL"ll~ra; ~lnJ ll(..ln-struclural attem<1tivcs (FOOT 1996). The Conc~pt Study rccommL'mkJ t!wl wi tdli fc llnJcrpa.~se.s be installed to allm\' the Key deer tD move safely across the llndcvdopcJ ~q~m;.::nt ofLS-] (<Jpproximately tv1M 330 to t..1M ] JO) and that ::I series: of nor,-structur<ll oplium, in.;: bJ :ng s i gll3.ge, he lmp I ementcd in the deye loped portion of US-l in Big Pine Key (uprwxil1:~te ly :',1 \1 J 1.0 to M M 29.5). r: ollm'.'lng the rccommcnd3t ions of thc COJlU:pl Stlldy, FDOT f\mdl.:d a Project Devdopmcnt & EnvironmC'nt (PD&F) Study 10 further CV<:lIllalC {he <11kmMi vcs ldc-nti fil,;d III the Cuncept Study (FDOT 1998), During the <':()UT~e of the PD&F.. Study, a Technical Task Force developed pllssiblc sd~tions for alleviating ttatfie congestion on L"S.l on Big Pine Key, The Task Force lC'cClmmcnd~d a:~ intcT s~,';i on i ;n?r0\'~.JTH;nt prujcd in the \"icinil)' of the s~gnalized intersection at CS. J ilTld Kcy Dee! J1 ou h.: \NJ, In ~t:"rsedion improvements included adding a nQrthbound through bm. un US-I, both ;,cast <lnd '~.'ef',t of the trallie signal~ extending the intersection's existing suuth buund left-turn Line em U $-1 ~ and impJ oVLng the traffic ~ign<:llizalion timing, Th~ P D& E S11Jdy i IlC luded ~x ~C"Lsi q; rubll~ lnv{)lyt'men[ ,llld formalll~nsultation with the Scr,'icc, J n hnuJ.ry 1999 .mJ A pri I 2001, the Scn'lce i.5su~d B i(J lngica 1 Opinions for lhe Key deer (Service 1999,2001 a). Th~ wildlife lllldcrpa::;s(;~ and inters~(:tloIl improvement project were construclcd after consu llaliun for the Key deer was completed_ S i nee J i)95, n i g Pi n~~ K cy ha~ bl'l'n under a hui1d,:1g moratonum due ~Cl a lflck of cOnClUTt:nCE wi th St~lh: of FkriJJ tr"~F pm1~,( i ("J:j J ~',~uin:;m~nls, as the k...-c 1 0 f s~n'i ce (LOS) of US.l was i mufficcnt.. (The nWr ~~li.!r j urTl W~lS li fled iemror;lri ly in 1 ()()().) J rnpl o\"C'mcnts to US-1 would i []lprOvC lhc LO S, thercby allc\'iJt i t1g lhe building rnora;orium. The Sl:f'lice agre~d to illlo~v lhe inllTsl.:c' ion illlprOVCllll'nt jHoject 10 pI o("('(:d On lk cOllui {i on tha t an He P h~ p[ cparcd, Tn ! 998, ~hc Arrlicatm, [~1~ S,:J"\ iel' <~J~J the Florida r;~h (lnd WilJljfc ComlT\"~dion Commi~sion (fWC) 5i~ncc ,: \kJlIU;q,c.J:J:n of ..\~'~e~n',C':H (\101\) to Jnclor In t-:lCP tor the J...:cy de~r and other lO protected species in t11C pwjcct ~t'ca, TIle purpose of the :\10A was to dlrect an imcmgcncy approllch to lhe conservation of Federally pmlected species on Big Pine Key and No Name Key Specific ohjectives of tJK~ I\.-lOA were to define the relationships and cooperative agreements betwecn signatllT)' purlles, detclTI11ne appmpnale growth and build out le"eL~ for the project .area and establish a nwlti-llgency I ICP Coordinating Committee. 1.1,2 f-:.9ordinating Committee In accordance \vith the .\10A, the Applicants cst..'lblishcd a multi-agency Hep Coordinatlng C ommjrtee at thl. uutset of th~ He!' process. The Coordinating Committee inchlded rt::prl:scntali yes from the A ppl kants, tMe Service and lhe FWC, and 1wo citizen repre:-imtalives. from Big P [nc Key rUld No ~am(: K~y. The obj ectives of lhe CoordinatiDg Committee were: · To acquire and manage con::.ultants tasked \.vilh lleveloping the H(:P; · To e,~tahlish funding oblig.atlons among the HCP Applicant Agencies; · To define the dcsirtd oulcome of the HCP; and · To define Applicant role!'\. The HCP Corm;'ljmt;ng Committee met approxim3tely evcry Nher month, b~glnning in late 19()9 and contin1Jing through December 2002, 1.1.3 O~<:.lives oftl1e Plan The Applicants' ohjectivc5 iJI Jcvck'pirlg thi!l Her are to allow for lirnired additional dcvdopmmt actjvlt~e~ on Big Pin~ Key and No l\'ame Key, whidl wiH s<Jlisfy safety, functional, and n:creational needs of (t rund community, while rnaiJltuining the long-tenn viability or protecled species and lh~ir h<ihitat, (' onCUn cl1tly wilh the Her, Monroe County camt::d nul a pl,=mniIlg drOIt ha.~ed on ('"ornnnmity participatiol1, the Livable CommuniKeys Program (LCP). L lkt: the llCP, the overall gmil of thE I-CP was to dt.tcrmine tne appropriate amount, lypc <lnd location of dcvdopment in the project :~Tt::<l that would provide for community needs, while max i mLzing conservJtion of th~ K~.y dl:"cr and other covered SPCCI(;5 through appropriate avoidance, minimi7.<iiion [Hld mitigation. A t the outset of lhc study, the Aj'pl iC3nt5 worked in consultation with t1le S(;rvj(;~ 10 establish dear and m""asurabh:: hio]ogkal goal:; tor the HCP. lnitially, a 5 percent probahility of e"tinction in 100 YCHIS for lhe Key deer was (;stabli~hed as tl1C biological (hrc~hord to measure the effect of dl:vclDpment activities. During the dcvcloprm::nl of lhe } )CP, 11Iis thrnllOlJ was modified to a :5 percent prob<J hi lity (If quasi-c.\.(inctiDn (defLned as lhc prob<tbllity that Ole poplllalioJl fall to 50 or f~weT females at lC<J~t once in 5(1 YC",H~), instt'Jd of the 5 percent probJbi!ity of extinction in 100 years pJcviously proposed (SCl. Scction 5). B iolog ic~l stucies rerfOJ'llll~J for l~is 1-1 CP focused On lhe Key deer, ;3 nd (':mpb~sized J habLtat- hMC"d appro<Jch for w.....crcJ speces, The- Key dl.:eT ar,d the eastern indigo snake are \.....icte r~mgiIlg and uti tize \' j t111;llly <ill <lv;:::Ji 13 hk hbilm in the project ill CH, iJlc kJing developed [m::ClS (Lopl'i'. II 2001). In (:ontrast, the Lmv-er Keys marsh ra bbit is rcs1ri<.:tcd tu wetland and mITOlmding habitats. Tllcn:::fore, the Plan fUl"llS<,J on the Key deer as an <\lmbrella s,pecics" and ()per~ted unJcJ the <!ssumption that a\'o iding (lnd minimizing imp<.lds to Key deer habilal, would also provide direct prmc(:[lon (0 bOlh populations and hahitats of other ten .::strlal species, Th(: Plan dims at provi ding lor the prolcction of cov~red ~pecics in the project area, while allowing (k:vt:lopment acti vities that satisfy commUJlity needs In Big Pine Key ,md ~o Name Key. 1.2 Plan ne\'dopmfut Process and Methodolngy The development of t11C Her includGd scit:nlific studies, rlevelopiug and cVO'lluatiug allcmativcs, and implcmcn1ing <.l public int"(mnation and participation program. Concurrently willi the HC1\ Monroe COlmly cJrried out a pbnning effort, the lCP, based 011 community participation, in milcr to Jclcnnine community nc~ds, Monroe County initiated the LCP ill April 2000. The LCP aMn~w.:J lhe needs of tbe local citjz~~n~ and ~x.arnined all devclopml;;]lt nJtcmativcs in the COrHc.\t o[the Key deer's biology, The LCP helped determine lhc community's preferred type) loc<:ltiun, and amounl of d(;vd(~pmcnt in the project area, A Dcvdopmcnt Alternatives Report, produced in J\"1 arc h 2001 (\.1onroe C ~unty ~OO J), proviJes a Jdai led description of the final LCP altematives, the mcth0.f1s U s~d TO ckn;lop lhe.~~ alternaTives and tbc pl<.LllIling criteria by whlch fj]tl;;matlves were CVfl1 w'Md , TIlC LCP for Big I) i ne Key and !\~o Name Key, <I'> wen as this Her, provide the b(lsis of <.i. Master (ircwlh 11.1 \'lnagCOlE.::nl Plan, which will const irutc the main tool to implement growth controls ~n order to lll(:ct the requirements of the I Ie? <"Iud lhc. ITP for future; develnpIJ]~n[ with in the project ~H(:"a, 1.2.1 Tc~'hnical ~J!)di~~ Lopez (2001) studied tbe l"cule,!;)' and population dyn<.lmEl'S of the Key Mer for Three years. He f011o\',,.'ed the mon:m{;nL r.<lbilJt utilintLon and fal~ of over 20G deer u:sing raJiu-tt:h::m~try and census pro(l:Jure.~. The s:ucty pI odu{;(;J a Population Viability Analysis (PY A) model to evalUl1k [he impacts of ~'k\'dopme-nt scenario.'? on the Ki.::y Jeer poplJlalion, The PV A model is <l tool to e\'alll.1~C th(; likelihood that lhe spl:cin wil I per"i~t for a given time into the futllTL under rldTcr CJll ~l:cnarios. Land dcvdopmml altemativc:s produccd by the commul1i[y were CVahJ<ll ~d l~sing lhe PV A model to qll<lntify the associ"lCd lmp<lds to Key deer in the project area, Dr. Resil Akcakaya (Appb~d Biomathematics, Inc.), ,in expert in population models and PYA rcvitwed and cr;lj qllCd the PV A model in JllfH: 2000 and A llgust 200 I, Additiomdly, lwo tcchllicO'lI worksh{]p~ \vere held in Miami. Fforida among lh{; Appbcams, the SCJ'\.'jcc <.lnd lhe HVC to revil'',','' the Key ncer PV A model. For a dcsnlption of PV A model Jeve l0ptnCtll, Sce Section 2.4, 1.2.2 Pl.!!.~1.i~~ lnfmlY'':llLl)n ~rld ]JI\'otvcment The dc\"{~ l"plHl.:rJt of lh~ ] Ie P i rl'.-;l;UcJ cxllnsiv.e public invotvement 8Clj\..iti{;!;_ The public infOJ nlntlon and pHrl icipa Ii on plan i n L~ lllded iJe-ntiflc3110J1 of stake ho[ders, periodic proj cct- llpdJlemail i n gs, scvcn] publ ic m{'~'~ings, <mJ an open-Joor pol icy for pn blil: input. J2 ~takeholders are thme :11diYidUJ Is and organiz<.ltiom with an ~l:onomic, cultlual.;social or environmental inltrcst in the HCP. They include property o\....ners, elected officials and other community J.e::;ders, Federal, state and local governments, permitting and reviewing agencies, mvimnmcnlal organizations, members. of the media. and jnterested priva~e citizens. Using the 1 <)99 M ()nroe C aunt)' Property Appraiser datahase as a foundation, a stakeholder database contflining the flames and at1dresscs or morc than 4,400 landowners was developed. Pllblic feedback belped identify over J 00 additional stakeholders, wbo were included ill the database. These <ldditional st3keholders represent individua~s.or groups that did not own land within the pro] cct area but were i~Hcrcstcd in the process flnd outcome of the Hep, including non-profit and environmental organizations, The list of stakeholders was used to distribute publ ic meeting w\'ilations and proj('.ct status reports, The stakeholder database was eOl1twually updated and maintained, per i npUl receLved at pub lie meeti ngs from private landmvners, citizen letters to the FDOT, and fOl'wrmiing arld]esse~ provided by the U. S. Postal Service. " Three public mCC'lings \l..'cr~ llcld in Big Pine Key bclw~t::ll February 2000 and March 2001 (T ab le L1). The objl:etl\'cs of the mt'dings were to inform the public about the scientific basis of1hc HCP, dcscribe how land development <.dlematives were evaluated, and obtain input to enSUre th<.it all points of view were conside:red. MectiJ1gs were annotmccd through direct mailings to property owners <'IIld mher ~takcbo]dl".'I's, radio anIlounccmenls, and m::wspapcrs, Ge11eral1y, the public JJll:dings im::luucJ a pn::s~ntation and a que;stion and an~wer session. Public COUlIIH::nts were recorded in every mEeting. MCCliDgS were held ill accordance with appli.:able ~t<Jte and Federal18.ws: ~ncluding provisions for lhc disabled as requirEd by the Arnaicans with l)isal)iJ ~t~cs Act, Tahle 1.]. J ICP public IJKetings .~~ir.!it..Puh1ic '~~('t~~~g ft'bn,;,ll.ry 1, :2000 Date Time 7; [10 pm Venue Dig Pine Key LnitcJ ~ethodist Church Numbt:r (11' Attendees Apprnximlllcly..:100 Medjng .. Objectives . h;troductory meeting tII Prc~t'nt hllckgrollnd material and the HCP plOce~s . Pres~nt ~Le prnjeL::t sched Lllc and . upcoJll:ng <ll:ti \';lics Pruvidc Opp01111nity to idL:T,li fy plll::Ji[": cunU:ms .. .. Sc{'"ond PubJic Merlin~ Aplil J'7, 2000 7 :30 pm Hig PirJ~ Key United MethoJist Church Approximakly ] 00 TlI ird Publh: M~e(inL- M<lrch 27, 1001 Two sessions: 4;30 pm aDd 7:30 pm Big Pine Key Ndghbornood School ..'\pproximately 35 :It each s ~.~s.j~!:!J 7 Q .tC)~al) , Pn:t;cnt the model: its opportunitit::s and (: OrJ S I Ti\ in ts T' rese II t CUrrtIl t S l:J. IuS of [he Key deer Disc II S S land acquisit~on prng[iiIllS, ],md use I (:'~ulatin[l~ ,md trilfEc ,:j[l;j]y.ses 13 . Present preliminary modd results for biological analysis oflhe Key deer ,;nd Lower Keys marsh rabhj[ · Discus~ how the Livable C OHl mll n i - Keys Program's scenarios wlll intcrrel<He wilh tbe J.;nowledge of the spt'~i~s :Ji oJogy ,., 1.3 Hep Co"ered A ru The Florida Keys, including tIle prujccl Mea. comprise a ll3-mjle tong ch<lin of islands extending ~olLlh"","cs.t fwm the s.outhcrn tip of the Florida mainland peninsula 10 the Dry Tortugas. Key Largo (25,1 square 1TIlln) and Big Pint:: Key (l 0.4 square miles) are the largest isla:nds in this chain and possess the grc.'ltcst d[versity and acreage of habil<lts. Big Pine K.ey and No >-lame Key atc situated in the .~{~ulhern third of the Florida Keys) also known as the Lower Keys. Lung narrow ~hannds sepa.ra1c tbe isll'!nds (l.nd connect the Gulf of MexiL:o ......ith the Straits of florida (Figure I, I). The Her projecl area mC{Jmpas~~;s 7,031 total acres, indllding 5,840 acres 'Qn Big Pine Key and ] ,.91 acres ;o...Jo J'\ame Key. These lwo island!> support more than two-thirds ofille Key deer populalion. Sixty-six perteDl of ,hc project area is in conservation, including Federal lands within the National Key Det;r Rduge (Refuge). ~lale-owned lands and lands owned by tbe Monroe COllnty Land Autlmrity (l'v1CLA), Although tllese lands currently nn::lvc protection, they arC indlld(:d within the Plan's covered area since the effects of development are evaluated on Key deer throughOlU Big Pim~ Key and No Namt:: Key. 1.4 Regulatory .Rasis of the II CI~ J ,4,1 .FJldarH?~~rcct Species Act The U.S. Congress enacted the E.:1Jangered Specie~ Act in 1973 (ESA), <.lS ummded (87 SIal. gg4; 1 n l: .S.C. 1531 et seg .),10 protect plant and animal species tbat are in danger of extinction througbout all or a. si gnit'icant pC1l1ion of their ra.nge, Undcr Section 7 (80)( 1) of the ESA, Federal agencies are required to use lh~if ,1~Jtbority W furthn lhl.:: cunservation of li Sled species. The S~r\'i~c is r~.spom~ibk [or ndmini sh::ring lhl~ ESA for lho~c species Ufldcr its jurisdiction, Scctjon 9 of the ~SA prohibits unimlh{.lrizl:J take of Feder <.illy listed species, Thl: ESA lh::fin~s the krm "take" as to har<:ss, harm, pursue, t;unt, shoot, wound, k ill, trap, caplure, or collect or attempt to engage in any :;\](:h act ivity ..1 Tann " is det] ucd to inch.ale significant }H=tbitat modificatiol) or degradation that results in the d~~,Hh Or injury ,of lisln.l ~pe~i(;s by ~ignjfi(';[UJl]y impairing c$.'l~ntia.l bt::havioral p.Hkrns, which include, but are not limited to hreeding, feeding or ..heltering (50 eFR Part 222). "Harass" is detlnl'd <.is actions that create the likelihood ("If tl1jury to listed species to an extent as to ~ignj1'jcantly disrLlpt nOTl!lfll behavior patterns (50 CFR Part] 73), The S{;clion 9 prohibitiol1s against "tub:::" <.lpply to .~tates, counties, municipalities, and individuals. The ESA provid~s [WI) fl'gulLumy me-thods for development aclivities on hmds containing F cdnally tbled species. The first method i!i for Federal activities, which include, but are not llmited to, Jevdopment Dr work that n~gllirC's the i:sslH:lIlce ofTc-dcm] permits, <:luthorizalion, or funo ing TI1e 3llrlwri z,~t i (1n for t1k C i ~ <.lu:::ompli shed through interagency consultatLon requi red under Sccti{m 7 of the ESA. The seconrl method, Section 10 of tbe ESA, pr()vides c-xcc-ptions tf) Sccllon 9 pror.;bilions, 3rlciressinp. non-f~d(.;nll <idivities such as private development concerns, The A rrlic<~nts' pror{lsc~d aC1j yitie-:s f<.lJ1 within the reglll atory mech<mism authorized under Section 10(O1)[] )("8) of the ESA., which allows the inciuental tak.: of <.l bled species that re.~~J1ts irom, hut is 1101 the- rlJrp0Sl~ of, (iuT.,ing out em othenvise l<l\vp.Jl activity, The pr(lposed project 14 musl meet I} the statutory and rcgulflIOJ)' rermil i~sllancc critcda under ESA Section 10(<1)(2)(13) and 2) the Senict:: 's regulatory iSiimmct; criteria pursuanl to 50 CFR 17,22 (h )(2)(i)(A-F). The~e critcda provide that the taking will not appreciilbly reduce the likelihood of survival and recovery or 1he species in the wild. Uudcr Section] 0 of the ESA, the lTP appllcant is. required to submit an He? The Hep mw:t idenlify LUld ensure that the effecl~ of the authori7-ed incidental take wi U be adequatdy rIl\nimjz.ed and rnitlgakd to the maximum extent practicable (the Service anJ N"atiunal Marine H~herie~ St:f"\.'iccs [NMFS], 1996). The HCP will specify the impact to the ~pecies or hahitat lhat is likely to re!iult fnlm the proposed action and the measures that \v()u1d h~ taken to minimi ze and mitigate such impacts, The Congresslonal intent of the Hep Pt"Ogram \""31S to instih..Jk a proCCs.s iliat would integrale non-Federal development and land. use activities with consLT\ifltion goals, resolve conflicts betwcen endangered .spccies protection a.nd economic activities un nOll-federal lands and create a climate of partnership and cooperation. The Big Pine Key Hep. <IS prCScl1ted herein, is designed to comply \vith the Congn.::~slona] inlmt of tl)e IlCP program. ., 1.4.2 Clean W<lter A.q Wctland~ arc present in the proj-Ecl an.~a; howcvcr, no authorization is regm::~ted for wetland impacts umlcr Jilis HCP, Section 404 of the Clean \Valer Act (CW A) Iequires a pemlit ror the discharge of dredged or fiU m<HcriaI into WalCrs of the United States (33 U.S ,co Section] 344). , The U,S, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department Qfthe Army, Corps of Engineers. a[ e rcspcn<:.ihle for <ldministering the Section 404 prog: am, Department of the Army (DA) p\;ITJli nlng pulicies tind pr QCcdures for regubling such adivitll:"s C<ln be found in 33 CloR pans 320 lhw\Jgh 330. 1.4.3 ~ectivn 1 ~(Jf lhc Ri.~'~r.s .md H arbors Act The propo,~ed deve lopment activities on Big Pine [Uld No Name K~ys m~y irr\.'olve the placement or constt1.lCtioJ1 of St)lwtmes or J.ctivitie~ including Jredging activities in wnh:rS of the Cnited Slaws. Tlu:;:;c <lctivi1ies may require amnorization under Section 10 of the Riv~rs and Harbors Acl ofl899, (33 tJ.S.c. 403). which pruhibi~s. the \lIlallt}wrized obstnKtion or alteration of any naVIgable \\'J.ter of the United St<ltn. "fhe pbC~IIlcnt or cons~nKl ion of <-lIlY stnlcrure or activilies IIlC lurling (hedging in or ov~r all)' v,,r alers of the United Stones rcqulrts recommendation by a rcprcsent[ltivc of the Chief or ElIgj ncers and authorization hy the Secret<i!)' of the Army in the form of a perrniL Vlork in most wct!a:lds (inchldiIlg isohted wetlands) may require separate apprbval by regulating a.gencies. The covered proj ecl area for this Hep cOIltains areas which would be cfmsidcre.djmiscJjt:tionfll w~tlands Of Waters oflhe United Stales by the D~pm1ment of the /"Jmy~ buw~vl:r, the 1\ ppJ lcants me nol r(;qll~s.ting cov~ragc for imp:=tcls W lj stl;d spedes for any a,ctivities requ~dng "l111wriz3tlol1 pursmmt to Section 404 of the CW A or Section 10 of lhc Ri vcrs and Harb()r::; 1\(;(. Tht: Af.lpliumts win nut l:M.mpt iIJdiv\du[)l [llwJowIln~ from coordinating with the- agcncic:-i un imp<lct~ to listed species or from ubt<iining <:ny sl<ll~, local, uther F<.:Jnal. Or spec i,1] d rSlri.;:! illH~ ()j i zal iOIl prior (0 t})e slan of any anjvtfi ~~s LH w(,lla:~ds, SWtc WrHcrs, or \V<u~rs uf the l! ni [ed St<Jks. 15 1.4.4 Qt.lKf fcrleral Alj!').n3. The Fl:J~n\1 Emergency Mmlag(:Hlcnt Agency (FFMA) <.ldministcrs the !\'ationaJ Flood Insurance Program C"JFlP) lhroughDut \1onro~ County, Florida. During consultation on the efTecls of FEMA 's T-'ederal action n:quiwd under 7{a){2) of the ESA, me Service issued a biological {)pinion on June] 6, 1997, The Service recommended a "reClsonablc and prudent altl:rnutivc" wl1erehy Monroe County, with the <:I~si~t<Hlcc of the Service and FEMA, would identify habilal and assist with regubtioD of development. The Service <ind FEMA generated a list administered by the county of specific ]Qts on Big Pine Key and No 1\ amc Key, which wnC considered to contain important Key uea habjtal. The Cll\lnty coordin<lle~ wilh lhc Service OD hehalf or FEMA on pcrmit Jpph::ation activities Qn the desigJlated lot!>. The maps identify ar~as wilh occupied habitat, suitable hahilal, anJ unsllit~blc ll~bitat. In areas mapped as unsuitable Monroe County is,~I]es hui lding pl:nnits witnOlll nJrther concern~ for thrt::all;ncd or cndangered sp~cies or designated critical habitat. ]11 [m;:a~ rr,apped as occupied or lln0~cllpicd suitable habitat. issuance ofbuildtng pCll11ltS requires fu:rfher consullation with the ServlG.::c. 1.5 Key Element~ of the He I] The lieI' is organized into fec1ions that rlescrihe the hackgwund, tcclmical studies, baseline (ofh:'litions, pr()posed activi tics. pl,)H;ntial impacts, u voi{hnce and minimization measures, mitigation measmcs, and lmpleme11tation measures. Kc-y clements of the Her include !hc following: 1,5, J Tlackpound and StuJics E ffons to add.[ ~fS Key deer and other prott:cl~d speclfts jn Big Pint:: Key and "\10 ~ame Key througll ~n Hep ~lar1ed in lhc miJ-1980s. The Applicants signed a Memorandum of Agreement III 1998 in whtcll they committed to develup this HCP. Th~ developmetlt of the HCP, which [ocu:-;ed on the (OIlSi.:fViUion of the covered ,~pecies, was concurrent witb the development of the LiV3hle CommuTIiKcys Progwlll (LCP), a MOIlJOC County planning and community lnvolv~rm::nl protess 10 [u1tircss community needs in the Hel' area. The A rr[icallts partially funJeu <I thrce-Yl:<.lJ study of the pupulation dynamics of th~ Key deer. Rod Lorez, working at times as <l Ph.D. student and l<Her, pIOf~ssor, at Texas A &M Un iverSLty and <lS a COIlWlt<Hlt 10 the Applic<inL~ rleveloped a iitate-of-the-an PVA mudel for Ihe Key deer. Thl: model ha!:i Ihe following daractc-t"isti,s: .. It includes 8. spaI1:31 component, wb ich ar'ldrc~"cs the Hpatiai differences in h<.lbitat qU<llity ..md hurm:m-rdal cd effects Oll the K ey dc~r, and a nwuix modet of p0.pulatiun dynamics. . The cHeers of dcvc lopment ;1l~l ivil i cs can be described as changes in the ~pali<l] moJd. In turn, chang~.~ in the spati<.l] modd Jffcct the parJll1dl:rS o[ the m.llrix model. . The ullit of impad ill tbe SpMH:t] moJeL lcrml:J "H," can be applied 10 [lilY type of devc:lopmcnt acH vi ty. For <iny dne lopmr:nt activity, lhe spJlial model e.stimales an H value. . H \.<dlll. II H.'<'lSurn b01h cJ i f r:cl kj~~ i t<.ll ]0:>, <.mJ indirect human-n;].Hc-(] dkcts OIl Key deer. 16 . For any H vl"iluc, 1he matrix model .,;sdl11ale~ lht: e rfects on tbe Key Jeer population in terms of a) the probahillly of qUflsi-extinclion and b) tlJC numher of additional human-related Key Jeer {]caths pt...'I year. The Her also <lppll~s tlJC most recent data on the distribution und hllbitat utilization of the Lower Keys marsh rabbit, pruvided by the SErvice. ] ,5.2 Co\'er~d Activities: A voidance an4 Minjmi 7.stjon of Impacts The Hep <lJdn::sses the incidental w.kl.:: of protect cd specie,~ that may result from development llctivities in Big Pine Key and No ~mne Key in the nexl 20 years. The types of activities covered undEr this HCP includ~ 1; l11ited Te~id~ntifll development, cUffirm::n::lal dcvelopmL'Ilt and expansion, cOlYltmmity and imlltutioJlal facilities, and lranspurtation improvements. l1lese aClivil1CS will occm under stringl:nt guidelines. tn order avoid and minimize impacts to the covered species. FOf example: . The wta! Hmpilc: OV~T 20 yC;;HS will he limited to a muximllm of 11 0= 1.1. For lhls level of H, the PV A n"Jodel cslimL'ltcs (l probahilit)' of quasi~t:xti.tlction of 4 ,2 percenl (t wo pcn;:ent higher than current conditions) and 4,::: additional human-related deer l1caths per year. . DcvdopmcIll will bc conc~t1trated on low qUfllity IHl bitat, such 3.~ infil llob lo~~flted in alre<ldy-developed ~llbdi visions. lots located among canals, and iU cas near CS-l. No more tJl~:lJI 7 flnes of native hahitat ",,"'ilI be affcch:d over 20 yeaH. . No dircct iJJlpact~ to IO\\/er Keys marsh r<.lbblt will be permitted. . ?-J(J dln::cl tilkl: of CaSler....1 indigo snake \\'i11 b~ pl:nnitlcd. . In 101a], tLe ..\ ppJ icants estilTJ<lte that no man:: thul 168 acres will he atfecte-d by development in the ReF <.lft<.l (abollt 2.4 pel cent of the Hep art:a), I. S. 3 M itj g,'Hjorl und T mple m~ ntation The In<lin mitigsticm mca.,ure wl11 be thc ~cqu Lsitjon and management oflallds for conservation. I.and acquis itim~ will occur concuncnlly .....ith development. 111e mitigation g{)a( is lO acquire land~ on 3; 1 r<itio b<.N.U un H. Thw:folC, over 20 yeaL~, }'.1onrm; County will acquire lands with a total H = 3.3. Monroe (:Olltlty wi II estahlish bnd devcloprm::nl rcgubtions to manage gmw1h wilhin the requirements of 11)(: Hep. A lr,a~tcr rlevelopmenl plan fur Big Pin~ Key ~nd;..Jo :'-Jame Key has already obtained i njtial Jpprnvals in the county. J 7 2. mOLOCICAL CONDITIO~S 2.1 Co\'t~nd Species The Hep pJOvidt:::s for a comervation ~trategy for lhw.:: Federally Hsted species that may be affected hy proposed development (Table 2.t). Based on the besl available scientific information on each of the (Overed "pecles, future development on Big Pine Key has the greatest prohability oflmpacting th~ Key deer. TIle Florida Key deer has bel-'ll used as Ulnbrella species in lhc analysis conducted for this Plan. A brief description of the covercJ species follo\\,s. T<lble 2.1. Covered spt::l:ies Common Name X cy dt:cr Lower Kt:y~ marsh r~b1-Jit FaS\LTIl indign make . [:-Endangered, T -Threatened Scientific Namr --- Odo{'oileus virginianus c1avium Syhilagus palust/"is hefnai I;Jrymurclwrl cora's coupel"i Federal Status E E T 2.] .l florid<l K~l...P~~L(Odo('oileus virginicmm di1viurn) DesnipEioh The Florida Key d~a is the smallest race of;..Jorth American whi~(;-ti1i1cd d~er. Key deer art'- morph0logica~ly dininct from other mc~S of wl)jtc- tailed decc their hody is slOckicr, their legs are shorter, Jnd their skuH is wiJcr. M<1lurc adults measure hetween 15 to 30 inches at the ,~holJldf:", with aV~"3ge weights of 55 to 75 pound~ for males, and 45 to 65 pounds for femnlcs, Lopez (2nO 1) enimated that the current Kq Jl~n pupuhtion on 13 ig Pine Key and No Name Key i.~ .153 "to 517 anirnHis, ln contrast, Silvy (1975) estimated a pupubtion s.ize of l5J to 191 animals in the 1 970s and f)ickson ( 1955) estimated a population ~iLC of 25 to 80 animals in 1955. Key d~~Cf an; more sulitary tbal1 nOr1llcrn \\.'hitc.t,qiled deer (Harding 1974). Home ranges li,'uuge <lbout 299 acres (gn:<.lkr during the breeding ~cason) for ma 1c: deer and 138 acre:; f{)f females. Tbc br~TdiJ]g season b(:gim:: in SGptcmber, peaks in Octoher, and de~1iDc~ thruugh Dec~JJ)bcr and January, wbile the peak of t~wniug wincides with the onset of the rainy .sC<:lson in April and \1ay (1 f <II ding 1974, Sih1' 1975). Factors resulting in the luw reproductive per[onmmce of Key deer include 10.w fecundity and repmJuctivc acllvily a~ well as high f~tal sex ratios ann nW.tn <~gc of in itial a~productioo (F ("Ilk ;lnd K 1 imstra 1(91). Distribution 111e Key deer fln::: wi de J <lnging Jnd lH ilize virtually all available babjt~t in tile project area, including ctevelopcd .1r(:<'LS (Figure], 1, Lopez 200J), The locatiotJ Jnd avajlability offre,h ......<ller grcatly innuc-m::es the distribution and muvcment of K ey deer. DEer swim ca.sily bdW~LIl keys <lnd me all is lands. during t11C wct seiison, when dri nk LTlg "'...HCr is a\-~il\'l blc, Convcrse[y, tney aggrcg,nc On l<trge :s lands during the dry season (Fo lk and K limslra ] 991, Silvy 1975). H\ N w+. s [. C~H3r Locatlons J ...:... .:" .~ ./,;-''':..c ,..-v;.:;.-- ~. ....~.. ~. <!:!:-.;:-. '~1..1""",,,,,,: (i Jf~"" '.' , " . , r "-... ~ ._. ~ "rif ...;;.... :~~~~'!~...~ o 5000 Feet Figure 2.1. Kxy de~r locations Crom telemelI)' J<lta (Lupez 2001) ]9 Permanent deer populations arC found 00 islands with extensive plne and hardwood habitals and ycar-rotlIld supply of jj~sh water (Klimstra 1985). Hammocks provide lmporlunt coyer for fa'>'lling and hedding. whereas open dc\ doped an;[\S provide fi:cding and' resting opportunities. Key deer a.re penmmenl resid~nts throughout Big Pine, Big Torch, Cudjoe, Howe, Little Pine, Little Torch, \.1iddle Torch, 1'\0 N<lme, Sugarloaf, and Summerland Keys, Big Pine Key (5,840 acres) and No Name Key (1,191 [jeTe::.) support motl; than two. th lrds of the entire population; both islanM have permanent fresh water and cxtemive pincland habitat. Key deer use keys wlth no pcrmanenl supply of fresh water as transients. Habitat Key J~er utilize all habita! types induding pine rm.::klands~ hardwood hammocks, buttotlwood salt marshes, mangrove wetlands, fres,nwater wetlands, and disturhed and developed areas (Lopez 200 J). Pil1C fOl;k1ancts are espc.cially important to Key deer conservation becfluse they hold fn;shwatl;r ycar-Hlolld, Key deer use disturbed <:1m! dcveloped an::as extensively for foraging, tnn"d, loafing, und sm;ializing. The Key deer fe~d primarily on red and black. mangrove, but al~() feed on approx imate ly ] 60 other plants to meet lhltritiona] requirements (Kl imstra [lnd Dooley 19(0), Threats to the Species The greatest long-term threat to the Key deer population is thc loss of habitat due to human deve ]opm~nt. Loss (if 113 bital JcJat~s to loss of carryiIlg LL\pii~ily <'Ind em only be offset by pm\' iding. suitabk hab~tat. Dc\'e loplJlcnt IH's fWl::-'lTli,;:1kd K{;y d~er habitat, creating h<.lbit.at patchf:'S where n at all deer r I.::qu irctllcnts arc met. Th.:rcfon:, Key deer H:ingc m.:ross larger areas, iw.;r ~i'lsing 1beir l)i.pu~urc 10 humaIl rdatcJ threal~ (Sih.)' 19(5). Hum.m-rcb1cd mort2llity, pTi l11<1rily wad kills, ~s the grc~lest known ::,UurCC of dl;;cr mortality and accmmts Jor about 50 perccnl of ictcmi fied Jcath~; or an average of 44 animals per year (Lopez ~OO 1). Although ro,'jJ Tllorhdi!y is high, the lo.s~ can be offset through reproduction. Other types ofhuIIlan-rda\cd mortality include drowning in rnan-n1(jdc ditches, pn;r'liltion by free roaming domestic predators, and entanglement in fences, ~,1. 2. lower Kcvs \1.arsh R.1Pbit l.5.Jb'ilqgus palustris hefneri) The Lower Kf'Y~ mar"h r2lbbll l" li~ttd as clldanglTcu by bOlh the Service and the FWC. Description The I .(1\\Cf Kcys n;L~r::,h r.ibbit i:s a ~ub~p~('ies of the m:nstl rabbit (,)\ivi!(1gu,5 pahwris) and Ji ffns from the JJj <!cent CppC'r Keys S\l bspccles (Syl\'ilagu.r paiustris pcJ!udia!la) by its sk'l.lll pmportLons and ~clllp[LJT in); (Ltt.(; II ] 984). The Lower Keys rnar~h ri;bbit has a shorter mol,niform t0o!h ruw, Ligna <lUU more convex frOnlODJSa] profile, brO<1iJcr <:ranium, and clon~,Hcd J<.TL(,3T)' sY1J' phys i 5. The body is 12 lo 1.5 inches long, with 5bo11 dMk brv......n dorsal fur and sra;.'. wl: itc \'.,:;Jlr,ll Ln. Thl' tail L~ dark hrO\vn ~r>d inf0nspi C U0US. 20 The Low~r Keys rabbi t is most r.ctive at night, in early moming or !ate aflemoou;, or during l}vercas1 weather. It keds on the leavc'S, shoots, buds, and f1ower~ of grasses, herbacEous, und wODdy planls. In late Sllmmn, adult r1l bhits may chase young fwm 1hc J)est area. Di s tfi b u ti on The Lower K~ys marsh rahhit oecurs in many of the larger Lower Keys, im:luding Sugarloaf, Saddlcbunch, Boca Chica, <'lnd Big Pine Keys, as well as in the small islands near lhese keys (Forys el .11. 1996), Historically, the species was present on Middle Torch Key, Rig Torch Key (LuI:1l1984), Cudjoc Key (Howe 1 Slfl8), and may have oc~urrcd on Ramrod Key, and Kcy West, bul it has been extirpatt;d liT1In these area5, The Lower Keys rmush rabbit probably mx:urrcd on all of the Lower K~y~ that :-;upportcd Sllltable habitat but did not occur ea:9t offuc Seven-Mile Bridge, where It 15 n:pl<iccd by S p- paludiwta, Known lm:ulitics. for lhe rahbil me on privately owned land, statc.owncd land, and Fcderalland within the National Key D~er Refuge and Key West N i~val Ail Station. A cumprehensive survey for Lower Keys marsh rabbits W<JS couducted in 1995 (Forys. ct at ] 996). Suitable habitat Cor this species is highly fragmented across an of the Low~r Keys. Habitat Lower Keys mar.~h T<lbbits inbabil saltmarsh and bultonwQod transition an:as, frcsbv".'ater wclLmds, and coastal bt:alh bnms, Recent unpublishcd data suggest that th~ spcci~s may range inlo th[; edges of pinelands and uthn surrounding habitats (C. faulhaher, rers. ~omm.), Fn~shw<lter \vetlands arc located in the northern at~d central portiuns of Big Pine K~y, and <lr~ pl'e~ent in om: parcel Ou No ~ame Key. Freshwater wetlands ocwpy 689.4 (lnd 3.4 acres, rc~pcc1~vcly. A 2002 ~llI"\'TY of Lower K ~ys marsh rabbit habitat on Big hne Kl:Y ,md I\ 0 J'\ ame Key (Faulhaber 2003) pruvi J~J ~he most [ecErll data On its distribulion within the COWJcd area (Figure 2,2), The LDwer K~ys Imnsh wbbit builds mazes of runs, rlens, and nests in coa.::;lcLl (sa~im; to br~ckLsh) or fresh""'.Her, inbIld m(3r.~h habitats. Two plant specie.\ fringerush (l'imbristylis sp.) and buttonwood (Cmwcarpus erecflis), are often presl:rJl in the mbbit's llabilat. In freshwater marsl](:s, camils (7)plw falifolia), ~<iwgr(lss (Ciadiumjamaicense), and sedges (C)-perus sp.) are common aS~ijli.1h;~, Somctjme.~, spikerush (EleocharL'i" "p.) i.~ also found. In cO<lstal marshes, common aswciatt's iridlldG corctgras~ (Spcwtina sp,), saltwort {Balis maritima)t glasswort (Salicomia viJginica), s<'!wgrass, and sea ox"cyc daisy (Horrichia.frutesceu.s). The rabbtt's mns, dem and nests arC IIwdc in cordgras~ or sedges. Threats to the Recovery of thl! Species In the last few decades, c.kVclOplJlCIlt for J ~sirlentjal, commercial, or military.rclated purposes ll~s renuced the total area of rnanh rabbit lJiibitat in lhe FloriJa Keys, H ab ilat loss is 1he main cause o[thc marsh r<ibbit's endangered ~tJtu.~. Currently, the Lower Key!; marsh rabbit occurs in sH1all, f.;btively di<;jullct pUpuL11~uns m~d bflS a low populalion d~nsity bCf,:msc of predation hy d[)mt:sli~ CellS. ;\ lthough pI cd::;Iioo by d()meSli~ cats is the principal cause of mortality, soml: ~ (lad mortalily occurs <.l~ rabbits ~.tkIJ]pt 10 move among increasingly isobtcd Lower Keys mJrshn (Forys 1995), In the past, hunting of Lm..n Kqs rabbit occurred; hmvev~r, hunting j.s not knm\'n to he a l:urrcnt [Ineal. 21 -s- '~ oX ~ ~ j .., ~ ~ i.i: !! ~ '" ] ~ ~ " ,... ~ ~ .... ~ ~ .. L p t -"" t:l .. ~ .. " ,.,: ~ " '-' ~ N N ~ ~ :J .gl "" A PV A Srudy (Forys 1995, Forys and Humphn.::y 1999) stat~d tbat habitat on Big Pine Key consists of eight rel011ively large p<.ltchcs; Big rine Key has tbe largest freshwater wetlanJs and more transitiona1 habitat uflhe Lower Keys, The study showed that improving .survival rates is very important lo recovery of the sp~cics; however, during the study period survival rates among <ldull rabbits were low. For the Boca Cbica Key study area, mortality due to domestic cats was 53 percent of total mortality alld mortality duc to motor vehicles was approximately 33 p~r~l::nt of total mortality, Th~ model preuldcd a high probability of ex.tinction if mortality from either vebicles or cats was not controUed. The model predi,ted a greater persistence of the population on Big Pine Key because of larger habitat patch size. A 1996 report prepared for the Service and Florida Game and Fn:sh \Vater risn Commission identified recovery actjons for the Lower Keys marsh rabbit. The report ret:ommcnded that a plan to decrease domestic cat predation be established and implcmenleJ, or tbe marsh rabbit will face c};tinction in the next 20~30 years.. Connectivity among suilablc habitat patches is uccess.ary for ffi<ln;h rabbit dispersal among patches, and isolation from {]omcst~c predalms is perhaps the main factor to help this species survive (Forys aod Humphrey 1994), " 2.1.3 Fastem lnnigo Sr:la~.~-1Drym(.wch()n mrajJ.~o.!JC}eri) On January 31, 1978, tDe eastem lndigo sn~kc was designated as F{;<.kmlly threatened througbout i IS CD I ire range. Descdption The eastern indigo snake is a large, tlon-p{)iSOIlOU$ snake (hat grows to a maximum length of eight feel. The colm in both yuung. ~Ild adults is shiny bluish-blllck, inchldLng the belly, with wme red or cream coloring about lht: chin <.lnd sldcs of the head. The inJigo snake subdues \ls prey with its powerful jaws Bnd ~W<lllows tht:: prey, usually wllile it is still alive. Food items im:ludc snahs, frogs, suh.H:n~ndcrs, toads, small m<.lmmals, birds, and young turth:s. Indigo ulakes probab~y reach sexual matllrily at three or four years of ~ge. Based on ohservations of captive animals, mating begins ill November, p~aks in December, <.lnd <.:ontinues into March.' Clutches a ver.1g1ng. ~ighf to n itle eggs l<lid in bte spring hatch approximately three months tater. The rec.::ovcry plan objecli vc is 10 delist the species by ensuring thul llumerous indigo snilkc populalions exist and are reproducing and protected where .suitable habilat still exi!>t~ in the historical HInge of lhc species, Recovery tasks cllln:ntly being implemCJ11ed inclu<.k habitat rmmag~mcnt through ~onlr()lkd bl.lming, testing experimental minl:llun:: radio transmitters for tracking OfjuvCllik indigo sn<lke~, TIl3inlmancc of a captive breeding colony, reeaplurc of fonner]y rekas~d snahs to confirm survival in the wild, pn::~~ntalion of cducatiQl1lectures and field trips, and effort, to ohlaln hmuo\.vucr coop.;ration In indigo snake cOTISlTvHlion efforts. Distribution Hlsturically, the species ranged throughout Florida, except in tne \1arguesas nnd Dry T O!Ulgas. Mm:eum records document specimcm from the Cppcr Keys Cind the Lower Keys, hut nol from the in the \1iddle Keys (Meller 1992), TI1C specie1' has declined througholjl its nmge and has been cxtjrp~tcd from SOme JJ cas due 1('1 habitat fragmentatiol1, dechm: in the gopher tol1oi1'e pOpublions, and other factors. lnJigo sIl~hs h~\'c not been do(:umClllcd in Big Pine K~y for s.~v(;ral years, despite the pn;~cnu; of sui l~ bl (; b"bitH throughou1 Uig Pine and :--,10 ?-Jaml: K..::}s, 23 ,.. HabitHt The indigo !:make se~rnS 10 be strongly associated willi high, dry, wel1~dr~im:d sandy :;;oils~ c1(Jscly pfl.ralle]ing the sanJbill habit.at Pldened by the gopher torloise, The indigo snake can occur in most lypt::s of hammock in Florida and southeastern Georgia, oflcn near wetlands) and often in nssocimion with gopher tortoise burrows, It 18 al~Q known to occur in mangrove swamps, ~eepage swamp, Hawing water swamp) pond s.wamp, wet Plairie, xeric pinelands and scrub, t1ulwoods, dry glades, tropical hardwood hammocks, beach dune/coastal strand, pine rockland, al1d muckland fields ill souu)crn Florida (Cox and Kautz 2000). Gopher tortoise burrO\\'s, tree stumps, pl1e,~ of debris, land nab burrows, and ot11er subterrancan cavities are commonly used as. dt::ns and for egg 1aying. Threats to the Spetiell The species has declined throughQut its range and ha!> b~cn ~xtirpatcd from some areas due to hahitat fragmentation, Jc:cllnc in the gopher tortoise populations} ovn.collecting, direct human- rdated momlity, find road mortality 1.2 Species ~ ot Cu\'crt'.d 2,2, 1 FeMrrtlly Listed Spedes Not (,::ovc:r~Q Several F ~~dn<'llly listed spec ie~ ,,,,ill not be covert::J unJn lhe HCP. These .~pecies include the ~ilvcr rice rat (O!J'.wmys argen(a!us), Schaus swallowtail butterfly (Hemclidl~s o.ri'iwdemus ponceanus), Slock Ishmd lrcc snafJ, (Or(haJir:us reses:), Garber's spurge (Chanwcsyce garben). and Key tree-cactu.~ (l'ilosocerew; robinii), Silyer Rice R.:.t (Oryzom)'J" arKclltulfl.<,) Tb~ siln:r riel.: r<.llls c1asslf"l(',d <'IS f~,ctcr311y endangered ,md i:s kno\\'n 10 occur on 11 island~ in lhe Lower Keys: Little Pint::, Huv.'l,;, Wiitn, Middle Torch, Dig Torch, Summerland, Raccoon, Johmton, Cudjm, Upper S\Jgarlotlf, aml SaJJkbuneb Keys (Vessey, et aL 1976, Wolfe 1986, Goodyc<tr 1984, ] 995). Suitable l1<ihitat is avai["b1e on many islands indudiJlg Big Pine Key and No Name Key, but nO o~~om~f1ec l1as been documented. Extensive trapping efforts on Dig Pine K~y havc failed to de l~l:t sihu ri(c rat. Thcrcfore, the AW 1 icant:'> he1ieve lhat the lack of documented occurrence on Big Pine Kl:Y <'lIld No :"JaIUc Kcy has made coverage llllder ilit;, Hep unnecessary. ]t is unl il<e ly any take (If sitver rice rats or their critical h<lbitat will occur. Schaus Sw::.Howtail Butterfly (Huudides ariSUJd.~mus pOY.lceanus) The SdWllS swallov.'l<.lil bUTtertly was Jis1cd as thre3tcDcd on April 28, ] 97r;, due to popula1ion dedine,~ camed by hahitat destmction, mosquito control pT<lctices, (lml ovn-lwrvcsting by collccwrs, Il w<~s ref b ssifi c(1 to cnd.1ngt:1 cd on A.lJgust 31, l YM, hecause its numbers and r<'lngc had Jcclined Jr<lmaticJ lly sin(.;c its listing. Crl1ic<Jl habitat has IlOt b~{;n di.":signatcd, The Schaus swallowtail is a larr,e h!ac-kish-hrown butlcrfly with contra~ling marklngs lhnt ,He mostly dull yellow, There h<lV{; bl'~Il n".'(l tlUv('"ri fled sighlings of SCh(l\lS- SW<t 1 JO".t3 ils ~11 the Lmvef Keys. aIle Schaus ~w<.lllowlail was ~een on Big Pine Key in 1966. The pH;~(.;nt distribuTion orthe Schaus is limited W uJldiwnbed l~opiCl~] hardwood hammocks in ins\llar ponions ofMiami-DaJe and Momoe cOlJntj\~~ from flltou Key in Biscayne National Park to n()l1h~m Key Largo. Th~re 1-1 arC no recent documenled occun eIlCCS on Blg: Pine Key and >-10 1"; am~ Key and the Applicants believe coverage lmdcr the Hep lS unnccess,ary .B it is unlikely any take of Schaus butterfly will occur. Stock Island Tree So ail (Orthalicus n~ses Tese.If) The Slock Island tree snail is a ,~uhspecics class itied as threakned by U)C Service. Historically, the Stock I sland tree snail was fOlll1d in several locations tlUOUgllOut Stock Island and Key \Vcst Hardwood hammocks w~re probably the primary hahitat before colonization hy humans. A 1996 report by lhe Fl0T1J<1 Game and Freshwater Fish Commission, which r~sGarched extant populfltions of Stock Island lrce snails, found no evidence or documentation of Stock Island tree 8nail~ on Big Pint::: or No Kame Key, The Applicants are not requesting ~ovcragc under the HCP based on a lack of docum~nkd Ol:euncnce on Big l}ine Key and No :'-lame Key. Garher~s Spurge (Citamae.!>:ra ~arb~:rl) Garner's spurge is knov>'ll only to ex is! on govemrnent protc.:;c\cd lands wi1hin the 'cuvt..-n;.(I area of the lTP and 1 Iell. The National Kcy Deer Refuge on Big Pinc key contains most of the ]'em~ining pine mcklands in thE Kt:ys. In pine rocklands, Garber's spurge is found growing in crcvi~cs. in oolitic lirnestcme. Pine rocklanJs in private o\\.'ner,ship receive prolcction under the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, (lnd a]mo~t aU remaining pind),J)ds are targeled for acquisitiol1. llwrd'Clre, lhe ^ ppli'.:anls .He not requesting cover<.lge under the HCP, as take i~ unlikely. Key Tree-Cactus (Pi/osocereul robinii) Tht:: Key In::e-(:actus """as. liskd flS enoangered on JuJy 19, 1984 due to severe population JcdiIlCS caused by deslruction of upbnd tropi cal hardwoml hammocks an:as in the Keys far cammerci<:ll and residential Jc\'c lopml:nl. CriticrlJ h;lhitat has not heen desigm.ltcd, The Key tree-cactu~ is a large, tree-like CJcru:; with crt;l:t columnar stems, reaching 1 () meters (33 f<.:t:t) in height. The Key lrce. cartus grows in the hammocks of lh~ Florid<t Keys and jn the coastal thickets of the MatanL<lS Hnd Habanu provinces of Cuha_ The hi~t{]fical Ji"tribution of Ihj s species in the Florida Keys, which inc luJcJ poplllali OIlS. tl)at ate now extinct on Key \\~ cst, Boca Chica, and W,ndley Keys, l1as been sllb.~tantiJlly dlmlIlishcd by the destruction of hardwood hammocks in the Lower Keys, particularly Key \V.e~L One knmvn K~y lIce-cactus population exists on public lands On Big Pinl.: Key. Tht.:.:rc.::j"orc, the Applicants are not regm:sling c:o.....cragc under tbe Hep hased on a lack Df documcmcJ occurrmce of the species. on private lands on Big Pine Key and No Name Key. 2.1.2 State Li :-.terl or Protected Sr>c~i.~~~ot Cov9rcd Cnvenlge is not rcq~Je~ted unGer lh~ HCr for species ::;uch f\S the \....l1ite.crowrJcd pigeol1 (Columba Icucucephala). !~wnglOvc terrapin (Mabd(~mys t/!rrapin rhi:cphorarwn), and sniped mud tunk (Ki/"wslernon haw'ii Dalirii), Thl: Lf:lbitats ;SupPCH1jng the~e ~pecie~ are not exp~u~J lO be j rnpac!cd by the P!opos~~d d~~\'~]0.rment <lcti\..itles covered unJer the HCP. Thtrcforc, the Appliumb arc not rt'qw.:sti:lg covcrilgc lJIJrler 1he Hep 10r these species. '1, "'-, 2.3 VegetaciQn .md H<\ bitat Cumbinedj rr.<l,ngru\'Es ami bL;ttOllWO(ld saltwater \'.'ctlancs ar~ tbe most abundant habitat types in the pr(1j~ct uca (Table 2.2.), J.nd aCCOUElt for 40 percent and 48 percent of Big Pine Key and No t\'ame K::-y, respectively (Figure 2.3), Uplands.j including pineb.nds and hammocks, arc the second most abundant habitat type and cover 29 percent of Big PIne Key and 48 percent of No Name Key. Developed areas illT lhc Icasl abundant babilal type and CuvCr ] 9 pnccnt of Big Pine Key and five l)erccnt of No T\ame Key. Freshwater wetlands. are found in the central and llonbcm porllons of Big. Plm: Key llnd cover 12 p~JCC:Ilt uf tht:: isLmd, T ~b le 2.2. llJbitat ~l'"pc distflb\llion within the prlJj eet area Ha bitat T\"pe Pine 1 and.,,- Hi1mmocks Fre~hwater Wetland !\DJ D C::l1 rgorlcs 1 PLneland~ I bmmocks, ridgeihanunock Ft eshv...'ater marsh, freshwakr hat dwoods, fTc~hwa:~r pine Hutlm'.wond~, g~3s~;Iar.d~, .~altm<lrsh \-!Jngrove, scn.b m<1ngrove DC\';;:]Qped, exotics Pen:ent Are-. Bij); Pine Key No ]\'ll.mc Kev 22 12 7 36 1~ nU~ODwu()d~ \1angTQ\'e Developed 15 25 19 ]00 12 36 4 100 Tot:d l ADlD: ^Jvam;t: jdtll:itl(ali~n of\\;~t~<l~(t~-(~k:-'l'~'ese ilnd Taylor] 998). lhe Floric.a K cys ..\(1\ ;.nr;:l' J d~~i.;Ii fiC~li un of W r.:l:~.nJs (ADm) Project (~cK eese and Taylor 1 ()C)S) was the SOur~' ~ Jmlp m~'d to J;:\'dvp a \"(:' get3tlon map of the projcct area. All land wlth the project <In;a W<.lS fictJ-'\.uif1ed and ADm habitat types \....CrC mcrgf:d into six calegories: pi [lcland, }wmmm:k, fresh water wetland, buttonwood, m3ngrQVC ~nd de....doped (Sil \,'1 1975, I .opcz :001; Table 2.2). Water ,md Dune hahitat cakgorics WGTe deleted [wm the vl:ge1allon map because the Key deer rare ly l)se~ these types of habitat. 2.3, 1 Pincl~i)lds Pincland,~ are ur land fl1n;'st cornmUJl il ics with an upen canopy dom inatcd by the native slash pine (Pitrus dli()lIii VaL densa). Keys rind<.1nd.~ arc f'ire-adl1ptcd and (kpmdml on periodic fires for lheir long-tum pcr~Ls1encC', Suncnmrkd by wet prairie habitalS and/or mangroves, plne1ands typically'" uecur on locally dc\'at~d arCJS ofbcdrock, which may f1{]od sea~onaJJy or during extreme wmn C\TnlS. Xeric conditi0r:ls in lhis nahltal arc partly c<tL:.sed by locally low rainfall and the cxpos-..:u rock grm~nd cO\er. 2() ~ .., g;: ~ i:' " t- "" " .. " ~ 7. " ~ i :.. " ~ ~ .;; 7- ~ z c- ~, ~ ~ :.: " " i:: o<i iii ~ ~ " " '" ... - .. ~ '" ;> ~ ... ~ :- "" <;:; ". ...~~....:::!::~'}!:)w-~r._J-(I"""""<<II.L":. :---~.- l'.~ coos Ii: '+M N ~r " ~. .~ r~~:..'; ~~.,;:~,';.~~ '.'~' li:'''';',:!--;' ~, ~~'.. .,::~~~s:,~ t- '-'" ri2 . ...^". '., '.: .. d,.i',~t ~a>l GWeN 0 N spU EjoaU!d ,,.(),~UP.~ S~-;'Olv"\l.l~ );8)1 aU!d 6!8 ~"'J{?f\I R ~lWJ.fS<lJ.:i _ ! ~ Dt~^&(] I spao<...COjlns _ . ~ o Thc extent of subt'.mopy development in a pindalld is dependent upon the frequency of surface fires. PindilI1ds on Big Pine Key typically have u well-developed SUbl:L'nlOPY consisting of p<:lllns (s11ver thatch palm, COCCOlhrinax argenwra; Key thatch palm, Thril1w; ri10rissiij thatch palm, T, rodiQtQ~ saw palmette, Se.n'r1OU repens) (Bergh and Wisby] 996). Othcr species f{)und ill the piIlc1al.ld underslory include strongbaJk (BoulTe.ria cassinifolia), locust berry (Byrsonimalucida), silver thatch palm, pincbnd croton (Croton limaris), rough velvetseed (GuertarJa sCClbra), wild sage (LunwnQ invnluaata), and long-stalked stoppn (PJidium longipes). Shrub vegetation in Lower Keys pinelands varies In composition and density. For example, Big Pine Key piuetand5 have a 10\\.' and sparse ground covering of gmsscs and bare I imestone, whereas on Cudjoe, Little Pine, <lIld No Name Keys <l continuous hardwood undenlory of 6 meters heighl or: more is . present due to prolonged ahsence offiJe, More lropical plant species also O(:C\1r In the I.ower Keys piDcland Slll11b stratum includmg CaesalpiD13 (Co('satpinia pallciflura), dune lily-thorn (Catesbaea parl/ijlora), piSGnia (Pisonia rO!/.i./1data), and pridc.ofTnjg-Pin~ (Strumpfia maritima), Plant species from adjacent habitats may invade at the pinclimd margins. For example, gumbo limbo (Bwsercu;imaroba), ink\1.iood (Exothea panic14I{1I~), and wild tam8.rind (Lysiloma l(1lisiliquum) ocCur in pinclands sited adjacent to 11 hrHurnock. Only four plant .sp(,;"Lics endemic to South Florida pindands (partridge pea, Cham{~scisfQ 1im:ata; small.h:avcd llleIanthera, Afelamhera p(Jrvif()lia~ rockland _~purge, Chamae.)yrx del!oidea val. serpyllum; ~od sand flax, J.inum arenicola) occur 00 Big Pine Key C:Ros~ <lnd R uiz 1996). likely as a n.::~ult of water table depth, salinity, and other physical variables. Pil1daIld.s in the Lower K e)'s have declined m<Jrb.:Jly in recent history, primariJy llS [l rcsult of development. Cove-rage in Big Pine Key has decreas~d by 50 pCJCCO{ since 1940 (Ross 1989). At present, ~om~wha[ l~x.~C"Ilsivc pjm~Jands occur on Big Pine, Liltk: Pine, No Name, Cudjoe, and Sugarloaf Keys. Distribution of pindrmd \.'cgct<.1tion jn tbe Keys appears to coincide with the pre~~ncE of freshwater lenses (\1cNee,~~ and Taylor 1993). Other limiting factars on the e.~tabli shment, b'TOw{h, (iud p~rsi<:.tcncc of pLne1ands appear to be:: bck uf fire (Alexander and Dickson 1970, Snydn d <.it j 990, Carlson ct (l]. 1993) and salt-water intrusion inlo freshwa.ter lenses (Ross et at. 1(94). Wi!hou~ jJrc.::s<.:ribc:C! burning, tnc 2,26H acres of pindanJs. n.:::mailling in the Lowe.;[ Keys could slJcceed into hardwood hammock in tbe next 50 years. Pinelands OLLur thruughoul tl1c project area, Key deer preferentially utilizt: (his. habita{ for the permanent frcslnvater sources that ,ne crili~'al1o survival of the species., Key deer also feed on hcrbaL~ous sp~cics ~Jld the fillLlS of woody species found in pinebnJ.s (\.fonroc County 1987). The llre regime ofpinebnds m:::all.S an {;nviromncnl of eas.ily accessible food resources for the Key d~cr (\1onroe County ! 9~7). 2,3.2 } J (ImmQcks A long with pinc 1.mJs. troplc<.d h<'lrdwood tJ<'HIllU0tks rcpr CSCJ)t the cl i max \Jp land community rype in the Florida Keys and <lre sCl'Ond to rineland.~ in t~nns of biouivcrsity (Ross et at J Sl92). Tropi(:~l hardwood hammods in the Florida Keys ilrc closed, hroad-le<lved forcsls that occupy cl~val~d, wetl-drained and re!utivdy fire-free arcas_ Hummock:> in the Lower Keys MC morc widc::'rn':~1d th~n p~m;] and:>. ex cq)l for Big Pin(:" Key where tbe area of p[ne[\-lnd j S grealer than 2R that of hammock. Approximately 560 acres of hammock occur on Big Pine Key and 385 acres un}Jo }.lame Key (Figure 23} The !;f~atest limiting factor on hardwood hammocks in the Plorida Keys htls been human influence, in particular fwm development. Canupy trtts of the Lower Keys hammocks tend 10 be smaller than those in hammo~ks occuning in other fiarts of Florida, <.lnd arc often u;fClTed to a1i <<l(]w hammock" or "Keys hammock thicket." Trees cOImnouly found in low hammock gt::nerally have a smaller trunk diameter and grow closer togetl)ef, Spec-ies include poisonwood (AJelOpium tmiferwn), buttonwood (Conocmpus erectus)j blolly (Grwpiru discolor), Key thatch palm, Spanish stopper (Eugenia foelida), 'wild diHy (lvfanilkara bahamensis). Jamaica dogwood (Piscidia piscipula). and white stopper (E1JfWnio axillaru.'). Other s.pecies pre!>ent on the windward s.ide of low hammocks, referred to as tran~itiDnal hammock or tl)orn i'crub, include black torch {Erithalisfroticoso.)j ~affron plum (Bumeli(J cdw.trina), ~ea grape (Coccoloba uvijera), blackbead (Pithecellobium g1wda{upense), indigo berry (Rat/dia aculeaw), tallowwood (Ximenia amfrir.aJ1a), darling plum (Reyno~'ia septemriunalis), jo(:wood (J(Jcquinia keyensis), barbt:d-wirc cactlls (Ce.~ew; pentagorlUs), and prickly pear C<ll:hlS (Opun!i~ stricto), Hnbaccous phmls arc largely alJSCtlt from Keys hammocks. Gra~scs indlldc 10'''' panlcum (PO-f1icum spp.) and sour pa~palum (Pospalum (.'f..mjuga(um) (NRCS 1989). In addition, hammocks support a rliver<;,e tlora Df orchids, ferns, bromcliads, and ot.her epipl1ytes (Snyder ct al. 1990, USEP A C ndat~~d 1 '2), and are home lo the Fn1emlly cnJ<lngn~d Key tree.cactus (Pilu'soCf'TeU:f rubinil"). Tropical h,.mmUJcb provide slldlcr for many animals during periods (}f nigh wat~r and also nesting, feeding and roosting sites for m.my local and migratory birds (T\RCS 1989). Key deer primarily utiliz.e t11is h<lbitat for cover, wul shelter, fawnjng and bcdd~ng (Silvy 1975). Other endangered and threatt'ned spcci~s f(}unJ in tbcsc areas ill the florida Keys include the Lower Keys marsh rahbiT Ojno e3.n~rn indigo snake (1\'RCS 1989). AJditionally, tropical hardwood lmmmocks in south Floritla provide: esse-Uti (11 hahitat for the white-crowned pigeon (Co/umba /cu(()CI?pfwla), Schaus' swatlmvtail bultcrny (Papilio ori~.t(JdemW' pU/"l(.'emlus), and tre~ snail~ (l.i;:::ruus ,~pr.). 2.3.3 rn;;;;]12,'>'aler We[lam..ls Tnroughout the Key", freshwater welhlnds are restricled lO m~aS landward of the SL:aSolla] bigh tide line (ijnd in th~ LOW(;f Keys arC found in area!> underlain by freshwater lense~ (~.fc~~es.c and Taylor 1998), The pcnislmn: {.,f frcsbw<ll~r ecosystems is limited primJrily by freshwater availability, tidal inJ1ucIlcc, (ind 11ulllan activit~es, including direct and indirect effects of Jevt::loprm:m sLLch as Jraw-down and c0lll<lmination (MeN ccsc rind Tay lor J 998. Folk 1991). Dmlng the dry s~~~on, n csh water lc:n~es of Big Pine Key can diminish hy as much a~ 50 percent (St~wurt d al. 19S9), Frc~hw<.lln v,'i.:II.;nJs an; lm:<ltc-J in the norlh~ITl ,mo ~~cIllml portions of Ilig Pine Key nul are present in onf parcel on l\(} Kame Key and rc:presenl (;R9.4 and 3.4 <.lcr~s, rcspC'ct~\'dy , This hanit<ll type is dnrr.;n;:ller:! by saw2l3.SS (Cladium jwrmil:r.f1w) and spikcnJsh (F!('()charis spp). FOJ<:S!cd fn;~bwJtl:r ~yS(l'JI~S ill the Key;:;: arC gcw.:rally pillcluILds with L1 ~<.1"'\'grf1SS 29 understory (McNl:L:sC and Taylor 1998). freshwater wetlands are typically found in isolated. sc.lsonally flooded deprcs~ion.s Wjt11 elevaliuIlS of...,. 3.0 feel Nalional Geodetic V ~r1ical Datum (NGVD) or kss and may be found in conjunction with pinclands, Freshwater wetlands provide crjticallmb~t.at for .~evnalli51ed ~pecies, 11] particular the Key deer and Lower Kt:Ys marsh rabbit (SylvilQgus pahwris h{fncn). These habiwts and surfacE waters rcplesent the only dry season source of freshwater for wildlife (McNee~c and TL'\ylor 1991'l, 1\"RCS 19!:l9) and play an important role in attenuating nutrients and oilier contaminant:'> in surface water runoff. 2.3.4 .Srlltwmcr?vJ arsh.iButtolJ~:Q.ud 1\1 lHSh TIrroughout tbe Florida Keys, srilt marshes and buttonwood associations occur in coastal locations similar to mangrove wetbmls (M ontague and Wiegert 1990). Salt marshes arc non- woody, salHO lerant communities occupying supr<.ltitlal .t.oncs tl1at are on.usionaUy inundated wilh s<ilt WfllCr. Two types of salt marsh are found in tht:: Florida Keys, low marsh and high marsh. Low IJjarsh species include sah-lOlcral1t j)(~.rbs such as gla~s.wort (Solicornia spp.) and Keygrass (Almwnthochloe Wtvralis), while high marsh is dominated by Gulf cordgrass (Spar-lina spiminae), fringe rushc~ (Fimbrystytis ~pp.), and Sl~a-m;,cyc daisy (Horrichiafrutescens) (McNeese and Taylor 1998). BlJltonwooc.l a~~m'i<llions border high marsh conumJllitl(:s and have similar t::cological characterLstics (McNet:sL imd Taylor 199K). Plant speci{;~ lhalluhabit H1is community prefer I (lW-CIlCl gy \\'ilVes with little llJal Jisturbance. llunonwood forests. arC dominated by lh~ silver blHtDuwood (C:.m.I)('(lrflus ereclUs). Olhcr spc(;i I:S i ncJude. salt-tolerant hnbaccous perennials and I.\'oody SbTllbs sue)) as fringe-rushes, Kcygms.s, Gulf COfdgrass, and .~ea.shorc dropseed (Sporobolus virji;///imws), There are approxim<ltdy 685 aCres ofbuttonwooJ marsh on Big Pine Key and 170 <.lcrt:::s un 1'\0 K,Hne Key (Figure 2.3). Salt marsh./bultonwooJ marsh COmJ)mn itic~ provide i mponanl h<lbitat for tcrrestr~a1 species including the Federally l'nJ.lIlgcn.:d Lower Keys marsh rabhit, silver rice ral (Oryzomys Qr~enlaWs), [Hld diL'\monctbilck terrapin (A1alade-mys terrapin). [l\.lHonwood areas provide hcrh<lct'OlLS fuods and IO<:lfing, arCflS for Ke.y deer. Common r~sjdl.:nLS include polychaetes, gsstropod mollusks, bivalve mollmks and crustac(;~n:s, Birds tend to use the marsh for fceding ra!llcr lhao for nesting. A few specin ofbirJs. fl.sh, n:ptiks, or mammals can be ~on;sidcred r<.:sidcnls of S<.llt marshes.; htrgcr longer-l ived organif;m,~ mc not lokraIll of t])e environmental fluctuations (Monlague .mu \Viegcr1 1990). 2,3.5 J\'l("VJ.g,LQ.Ycs M ilngrove communltj es wnsist of facl.lltativl,; hJluphytcs, "'.hieh arc tolerant of ananubic saline soils and tjJal ir,und<.ltlon. Three sp("ci..;s ,H C' found in Florida: the red mangrovl: (Rhiwphora mmwte), blflCk n13ngJ('IVe (Aricr.mria germinilns), Jnd white rWHlgrovc (Logwl(:ulario. racemosa), [n 2c:nni.ll, the 7oniltjon [If mangrove communities is rcgulat~d by clcvat~on, Red rnangrov{;.~ OCnLr in thc mlddk and luwcr inter1idal 7.0.ne 3ncJ upper suhtidal zone. Black mangroves Jominate the upper intertidal Lone ,md drc gnltT..llly found bdwccn Ihe ~ co .md whi te specit:::s. While nJJ.ngro\'("s occur on the L1ndwmd edge ofmang.rove forests, throughout tbe jntcnjdal and 30 in tl1e upper portiuns of me swamp. Ground n1Ver wilhin a mangrove forest con~ists of leaf litter and dt:C0mposing forest clebri:sL Throughout the Florida Keys, mangrove forests form the predomimmt coastal vegetatiOTl cummunity, ~'1angrove:s arC found along the edges of shon::lln~s~ bays al)d lagoons and On overwash areas lhrougho\lt the Keys. Major limiting factors on mangmve eSl<lblishment, growth and perslstence In the Florida Kcy~ appear to he water quality} substrate, and development (Lewl!> 1980, Snedaker and Lugo 19i3, Strong and Bancroft 1994, Odurn t:::l al. 1982), Mflngrove nahitat occurs OIl approximately 1,495 acres of Big Pine Key and 374 acres of No Name Key (f igure 2.3). Mangrove communities in the Florida Keys provide es~ential habitat for numerous ecologicLllly al1d eC(Jnomi~ally imponant ~pec1es lFWC Umlawd 7). The lcayes and fruits ufrw and black mangroves ar~ a primary food source for tbe Key deer, which spend considerable time fomging in li,ial v,'dlands (Monroe Coumy 1987, Silvy 1975). In South Florida, mangroves are important habitat for allcast 220 fLSh specie.~, 24 T~plik and amphibian species, 18 rnammat' species, and 181 bird specks (Odum ct al, 1 n2), and provide n~sting h<ibitat for a Dumber ofthr~at~ned and endangered ~pt:cles. Dl~sohcct Ng.anic matter from mangroves st:f\'c:s as all altern(i.te food s.ource, lhc basis for helt'rolrophi~ mino()JgaJJism food webs, and a sourc~ of chemical cues for cSlUarinc species (Snedakn 1989), 2.4 Sci-cntific Bash of j be IlCP: The Key Deer PV A .\1odel aml Its AppHration 2.4, 1 field ShJdies ofJ~~'y'I;l.l'cr Pupql~ttiop .DYP'(IJnlcs Silvy (1975J hOld conducted th~ mo;;1 rec~nt, comprehensive population sludy ofKcy deer population Jynamics in the carly ! 9'7{)s, Between ] 998 and 2001, lOp~L (2001) sludicd the Key deer population on Big Pjll~ K (:y awi ~o Name K I;Y. To determine the fate of individual Key fl~er through time, lopu pbCl~d r,ltiio lri\nsrnitl~rs. on over 200 deer (Tahle 2.3) and munitored the st.'mlS or individual deer for up to three YC<Jrs. Infmmallon on individual deer provided an a:s.sCSSJJl~nl of the yc,u-to-year pwhability of mortality and fecundily (avcrilgc Immber of fawns produced hy females). Radio tckrnclry dMa ~l.so provided a clear picture of habilat utiEzalion~ deer movement, and deer Jisl.ribu tion in the .sludy area, Tahle 2.3. GcnJcr <.md age-classes I of radio colkued Key deer in Big Pine Key lind No Name Key, j998-19(J9 (after LOP5}OOI) .~_d~~~_. ___ \'~a!"lill~ Male 52 35 Female 82 32 Total 134 67 I Fawns: <1 y~aT ol,i;\~. ea; [iugs: l-2 ye<lrs old': Adll"it~: >2 y~ars ~id,'" Fawns 9 12 21 Total 96 J26 222 From J\.hrch 1991<: to Deccmoer 1999, Lopez (2001) J lso per[orrn;.;t1 W{;ck!y cr:JlS"U.sc-S along lO miles of mads ~Ild bi-monthly censuses along 44 miles of rO<'lGS in Big Pine Key and ~o ).lmne Key. The c~nsuses provided in t"{,mlation on deer numher and dmsity.a 31 :!.A.2 Dt:~~t: lu:pmcm of the Key Deer PV A \1odel Numerous modd5 have been developed for estlmaling the risk of eXllnction for small populatiom (Akcak<Jya 2000). A PV A model IS a collection of methods ror evaluating lhe tnreats faced by populations or species, their risk of extinct~on or decline, and their chance for recovery ,Akc2.kaya und SjDgr~n-Gulve 2000). Species viability is often expressed a5 the risk or pmhability of extinctlon, populatiun decline, expected time to extinction, or expected chance of recovery (Akcakaya and S jagrel1-Gulve 2000). PV A rnudds use demographic and habitat data and typically ir,yuht: thE u::;~ uf Lomplll~r simulations to [!;SSCSS .;x tinction threats. PV A mode 1 ing lS becoming one of lhe primary tools for managing thwl.lcned and cndaogcred species. Akcakaya <'lnd Sjogren-Gulvc (2000) recommended t1130t critical poputation levels (quasi- ex tlnc~i{Jn), instead of risk of c:\tim:tion, should be used to c~pl'ess tong-tenn populatiolJ viability of "pccie1': because uf lim:tations inherent in mude ling small populations. Following Akcakaya and Sjogrcn-Gul\'e, the ,A.ppticams of tn lS Her chose to expre~s the prohability of long-term vi~bihly of tbe species in IlTmS of critical poplllmion kvcl (quasi-L":xtinction). Sp~clfical1y, the prob<Jblllly lha[ the population fall below 50 inJi.....IJuals at kast once 1n 50 year!; waS USof:d as the criterion to delermine an lUlscceptable level of development, LDp~Z (2001) J"':\"l.:lopcd a PVA modello n....lluale denlopment impacts on the Florjda Key d~er populalioTI_ The JI1udd incorporated Key deer movement" habitat uttli7ation, ecology and demographic claw and included two main compDm:nts: a) a matrix model ofpopulatjon dynamics and b) " spatial h.1 bital nwdel of carrying capacity and .~C'conrlar)' impacts, :\ J arrix ]\ 1 oriel Q~Hlntjtati\.c infonH.uion on mortali(y and ft:Llmdity for Jeer of di fferent stages (e.g., fa\VIl, Yi.:<lrling. llJull} \\'llS used to create a matrix model that J ltmvs, for sirnulJiing tbe fate of the p,-'pulalion t;'Jder d ifferem sccl1ari Os (Lope7.. 200 l). In a mauix modeL changes in mortality or f~c!Jndity lc<:,ch :11 changes in pi.1pulmion sizL": Im011gh time A ~tage-ha~ed population matrix rnodellCp, ~::'i,,:IHS tl1.; dyrmmic s of the poplJbtjon as a function of a.nllual enimates of fecundity (nvC"wgc Hum kr of fav.m produced hy femJ lco;;) and survjva] (ptob<'lbilily of surviving [rom One y'<:ar tu the next). The K~y de~r t~1Odel is applied only ~o females <md takes the [OT1Il: l- F.. Sf S> F~1 ' Sa \Vh~re 5...., S)" anct 5,; ,m;: Cl,I.\'n, yt:arling, and adult ~un'ival, [csp~ctivc]y, fUld F), and F~ are YC<Jr lillg <mtl adult fecunJity e.~ti t1l3tes, rcspectl \'c ly. T~)e q3gc-b~'_~~'d :1lJ.:ri.\ mojo.;] <1lJows !()T the ar.a];'~is of slod)il~ticity (i,c" the haphazard, ycar- :0- YI.:J.r ,',;ri ~~:llm in feeur,Jity and ~U1Yl\'~ 1 associ,1~~d wi th eh<mgt'~ in the en.....imnment), SWe ha~tjc C'\'C nt~ ~rc p~mirlJlarl} ~jgJ]i[jnml fur small popu tations ilnd, t])crc{Qrc, the model incllJJI.:"~ n{ imJh.::; u f the YJ.ri3hi] ity of r1lC populLltion p<irilmeten. For example, annual .1i::malc .~urvi,'::;1 and \':l.ri~lll{,~ CQlrll(1((,::S for l'Ji.Jl qage clas$ W~IC dClcrmiJ]cd llsing <l knDwn-fate model :-L~;r.l'\\"~'.'rk in thl' cl~mr!Jl~1 rH~gL~rJ] :\L\RK (\\'hite J.n~ (i-mnh;im 1999, LCpCl 2001). The .1.:2 model alsu allows f'Or evaluating the effeds of stochastic events, such as hurricam;\;, A detailed discussion of the methodology 10 C"stimflte model parameters is found ln Lopez (2001, 2003) and Lopez et aL (2003). Spatial I\lod el Mile the matrix mood r~'prcsc])ts tLc overall dynamics of the Key deer populatlon in the smdy area) lhc spatial model repre,~ems th(: localion.spc~ific contribution to tlle matrix model parameters. for example, locftliz.ed dJanges in habltat qua1ity and distribution, or in the number and locatio!] of paved roads may affect bulh fcclmdily and survival. The .spatial model also sought to address [he anticipated impacls of development. For example, urban development Ci:luSCS two main types of impacts on the Key deer: 1. A change in canYLng capacity. Urban development displaces ,md Ulodjfjes Key deer habitat, therefore sffe-cling the capacity of the remaining habilat to slIstain.Kcy dCt:L An increase in hUlm!.I1-rdated Key deer mortality. A change in the amount of developm(;::nt and Icslllling changes in the buma~ populatjon' may, in turn) re,ml1 in changes in the murtHlily of Kxy deer caus~d by motor~vcbicle co llisiollS, entanglement in fences, and other human-related effects. 2, Therefore, in order 10 <ldJrcss impans to carryjng capLi~ily <md momliry, the spatial model includes a carrying capJcity ilnd Li "harv~st" (i.c" human-related mOrlaliry) grid in a Geographic Informatkm System (nIS). The grids n:prescnt the entire study are<::L as om array of 10,>;.10 mCtCr cells; each cell's value Icpr~sent~ its cuntribuliQn w the total carrying capacil)' or harvcst oft.hc study area, A weighting E'IClor grid S~Jpport~d the devdopmcnt ofthc carrying capacity and harve!lt grids. The objective of the \\'C"ighling grid w<'lS to <1ddr~:ss lucation-spccific conditions tlHH atlcct carrying capacity and har!esl. For example, two grid cetls {If the same vt:gclaliuo type may contribute diffcJ cntly to the carrying Glpaciry of the Key deer dependj ng on their proximity to ~anals: a pindrmd cdllocatcd in the middle of fl large pindand area would provide better habitat to the Key deer tban <In i,SolateJ pinebml ~dl surrounded by canals. Similarly, develupment of a pineland cell near US-l would creJle <I le~ser vehicle collision impact (due to shorter travel di stance: to US- J) than dC\'~l(lpmcnt of a pjneland cell located far ti: om U Sol (due to the longer travd dislance to US-I), Six p,uamctl.:rs mtCJ cd in10 the \vcighting fi3ctor grid (Figure 2.4); . House density, DC\'l.Joprnc~;t in ,H(:as v>"ith higher house density would be kss harrnfullo the Key deer tnill1 dn:elopmelll in ,m~a.s with lower house demity. . Deer corridors. D~vC' lopJlJi.::"J)l owside Key Jeer corridors .......ould bt: less harmful to the Key Jeer tban Jevet{)rnH~fll in Jrf<[S within Key deer corridors. · PaTch qU<'Iliry: D~v(:lopmtrH i!l srmdlcr, fr agmmted h01bitat areas W01l IJ bi.: ks~ h<lmlful to the Key Jcer [han dcvclupnKn[ in larger, uni mermpted habitat ar~as. ?\] ,. . . Deer density~ Development in <lreas uf low Key de~r density ,would be kss ha~nful to' the Key deer than de\'elopment in areas of high density, , Distance from U5-1. Development near US-l wo\lld be tess harmful to the Key Jeer than development farther from US-I. W<lter baTTlers. Dt::veloplIlcnt in arcas v,.itb canals would be less hflnnful to the Key d~er than development in areas \vithout canals. . . Because more tl1al1 onE factm ll1<lY <lffed the value of a given t:dl, lhe final cell value in the welghting f<.ll:wr grid was the average of the six l1arametcrs. where 0 represented ~e lowest value 10 the Key deer anJ 2 n,-prc::;l:Il[cd the highest value to the Key deer. . t'r:\ '\~{ .,~ Drer Corrin on \Val er Banien Deer Drmity ,..~ T.'r~ . . . . ~' .. r"",\ ~'. .~ ';'S'l Di~l;mce from I}S l HOlls!:! Density , Patch Quality figure 2.'L Six grid I.::yers us~d to g~J](:"rak ....n:ighring fi:Lctm grid (darker shades - higher vahJe for th~ dc(;~) 34 The final carryi tlg CJpacity grid (Figure 2.5) represents the contribution of each 1 Ox1 0 meter cell to tilt:: total carrying L:apacity of the smdy area ~ftcr applying the weighting factor. Lopez (2001) estimated the numb~r of Key deer that could be supported by available habitat in Big Pine Key and N(1 Name Key. Initially, this tot~l number was divided among the lOx I {) meter cetls, !>o th<lt each cdl wOllld have the same number. Then, the weighting factor wa.~ applied to each cell; the result was a differential contribution of the Lells to the tOlal carrying capacity . To ensure that the m~thod w<\:s COmi:<iknt. lhc sum of the \'ah~c for an the cells was confimled the same before and after the application of the weighting factoL Similarly, the final harv~st grid n,;prcs~nts the proportional contributiotJ of each lOx 10 meter cell to the total harvest in the study area. Lopez (2001) determined that approximately 8.4 percent of the deer population dies [rom human-related causes (total mortality i!> ahout 17 percent). He <lllocated th\s percent<lge equally among all the lOx 10 meter cdl~ for th~ study area. TIlcn, he applied the weighting factor to each cell; the re.~u1t was a differential contribution oftht: cells to tbc total burmm rdated mortality, or harvest, H. The sum oftbe values ofal! cells was the same ill the initial grid and the fineLl grid. For any gi\'~n slxnario, the locL1tion aud intens.ity of developmem affect both the carrying capacity and the mortality of the Key deer. Hancsr Grid C3rrying-CapacHy Grid figure 2..5. Key deer PY A modd grid layers (darker shades - higher vJlue for the deer) 35 I . 2.4.3 tYA MQ_del AT1,-!ly'~is and Rt's.ul1~ The final PV A motld includes tk matrix model of population dynamics 'and the spatial model, \'r'hich allows for addressing uevelopment impacts. The program R.A.\1AS Mctapop (Applied Biomatht:matic~, Inc,) wa.s used tu mn the model. The model provides estimates of population size, probability of extinction, and other risk estim<ltes. In a model "rllll." the model multiplies the initial population lnlmber per stage ctass by the matrix; the result rep,.e~ents the tmmher of Key deer in each stage class une year bter. The model then multiplies tJ1i$ Ilew number by the matrix ;;tgain to generate the population number for year two_ The mood nln simulates 100 yt:ars, This process is n:peatcd 10,000 times. To account for stochastic events, the computer randomly vanes matrix p,mlmelers ami hurricane probabilities. within cJocnmcntcd ranges (Lopez 200 I), The final model n111 result represents the average ofthc 10,000, J GO-year itcrMions, To estimate the effects of increasing levels of development on the Key deer population, 10 scenarios were evaluflted witll th~ Key deer PV A model, beginning with a no action scenario, wbich rcpr\;scnts initiall'\.mJitiom (prior tu the conslIllclion ofth~ US-l projects). For any given scenario, lhe model chose the least valllahle vacant parcels and assumed the parcels were cleve loped. As parcels BI.C sclL::cwd. tl1e spatial morlcl ca1cul<'ltcd tbe change in carrying capacity (K) and l)ar\;('st {H), unc'kr the "ssl~mption that tbe total K or H of the pmcd W1lS clfTcctcd. The total K or H for a parcel i~ lhc slim of the v<lluc for ca~h lOxlO-m grid cdliTIside the parcel. A C~]] is cou.nted within a p'-'Tccllf more th.1D 50 pt:rcent Df its area is inside the parcel. The changc in K <Jnu H V<J lue:<:, which represent the direct effects of development, are thel1 input into the matrix lTI0.deL The change in K represents ~be rcd\lCtioD ill the carrying capacity of the area due to h.1hL1at lof.s; tl)C ChfHlgC in H fcprcseIlts the additional p~rcm! uf human-related monality, Or "lH:lTv~:st." J 1Jt' to the ('omhined effect of h<Jhitat loss and il1Cl"cased human activity. ThndoH::, the model run ~imulale:; the effect of development on the Key deer population through time. Thc model runS. pwviJ~ an estimate of the risk of extinction in 100 years ,'lIld the risk of quasi- eX1LHction, here dc1lm:d <IS the risk thaI the population falJ~ below 50 individuals (females) at least Once in 50 yeaL~ (Tahle 2.2.), noth are expressed SE prDbabilities. The model also estimate~ the avenlge additi Qt\B 1 human. related IIJortElllty (number of female deer). Results sugge,~t that the probflbility of ex tinction of the Key Jeer In lOO years is less than one percent, even in tllC pI CS(;"n~T of kvds of development Jbove initial conditions unJikely to occur in the projecl are<l (TJb!e 2.ll). Morlel re-suits also iJH.~ic[i,k the probability that tile Key deer population will fall b~Jow 50 fc-m<dcs at lea!>t once in 50 years is 1.1 percent, eVen with nO fm1hcr development ,md wi lnout tbe l :S. 1 projects alrc3dy compld~d. As expected, the model sugg~::m lhat illlllUJ l hlJman-r ~ 1 alcd rTl0rlality 1~ likely to 111Cfca.~e with the intensity of development. 36 TClble 2A Effect of development on Key deer Ri~k of Falling Below 50 Females at Lust Once in :SO YeaT!i (percent) 2.2 2,B 3.4 4,] 5.2 7,0 9,9 lU 14.7 HLO :,\'u mbu uf It ~bital Tl.Ilal Risk of Re~id.entjill LDss! HlIl'"\"fSt~ Extinction in PllrC'cls (de~l"ell~e (imreg,~e l 00 1"~>lr5 S(;:-nllrio De".elopedl in K} in H) (pH{'ent) No Action 0 0 0.00 0,03 S 1 200 (I 0.42 0,(14 S2 300 4 0.73 0.04 53 C100 6 1.07 0.05 S4 500 ~ ; .47 0.06 S~ 600 10 i99 0.07 56 iOO l2 2:9 0.10 S7 800 14 290 0, J I S8 90D 14 3.27 0.13 S9 1,000 27 370 0.16 I The model ;el~~~~{l pa.rc~l~~;:it; .'-~;.~~t to.ml h~jtat Yal~~ in .th~ key d;e;:---- : From lhe C,t.rymg c"-pdcily grLd in tbe ~f18[1;11 rT~(,'del, l~ is (l.r1 ioput 10 the matnx ~n()deJ. , hOlll ~he :l,W. C"S\ g.~id in the ~~s(i",l mudel. 11 is ,It] i~lPl\l lo the TT.fltriX model, · ).lak:~ <!.nd f!:'mak~. AtldHlunal A ,"'e nge Allnl.lal ,"f (lr hi I i tl~ o Ui 2,9 4.1 ;5.4 6.7 7.9 1:':.3 1L6 8.7 The Imlrix rnotle~ is more scmili ve to changes ~11 H than to changes in K. In rom, changes in H are highly correlated with predicted impact~ mcasmed as either the risk of falling under 50 female individuals in 50 yc~rs or additlonal cmnllal humalHc:latcd monalit)', The equ<ltions that relate H wjtb thc~e impact <lssc~smcnt vHr.iablcs arc: Pcrn.:nt Ris~50j = 2.2cll .~~H <"lnd Additional Annual Hum<.ln-Rebted IvlortaHty (mates plus females) = -0.65]-l2 + 4.R5H - 0.34 In Doth C1S~S, the- <:qLJ<.ltions c^plain 99 percent of th~ "''"uri,mce; thercfor~. H is fin excelknt prcdiclOr of de,,'C'lopment j mp<!cts to the Key deer. 2.4.4 APfiJic1til)n of lhc PYA M(ldct to tk HCP The ::;p2ltial component of the PV A model provides a reliable predictor of development impact!> on the Key deer: Harvcst (E), whidl is highly correlated with estimates of impacts. Therefore. J J is used tQ measure impacts and mitigation in this I iCP. The K cy dc~r PV A yieltkd lyu<:ti om th<Jt rebw H to estimates of risk and additional human- rd.w:d mortal it)'; therefore, if art ] [ UlllC is as~i gncd to <) dl:vclopment aCli viry, then the PV A mudel can e'.'31u;;tlC thl; ctrcet orlhat dcv(;loprnml <JCli....ity on the Key deer. A ~s igning all H VuJu~ 10 De",E'loptnt'1l I A Cll\.i1ics First, the ;n~'thud to assign H lo <J J..:';c 1 opml?nt 3cti\:ity must add~ ~ss the' di \'~tsity of d~\":; 1oprll.:nt types, Th c mnJet mns .]sS\]m~ deyc lc~pment on \" ,Kam parcd~ <me! rurthcr aSSLlml:J that lh'.: impiicl of d~\ dopmcn[ was ~qlL.':lt W the <?nttrC' J [ 0flhc parcel. HU\\"C\"CL dn'cloprncnt activities 37 will also occur On <llrl'ady dC"vc1op~d parcels and mOlY involve expanslon of existing facilities or redevelopment of the parcell' to the ~ame or a different land use. Also, road paving or widening must b{;; addressed. Secolld, the rm;thod to aSSlb'll H to ji dt:vdopmt:nt activi(y must recognize that different land uses cause Jiffcr~nt levels of human activity (and) therefore, different potential effects on Key deer). for example, otllcr things be Lng l:qual, a single tamily residence (l.nd a 3,000 square foot store would have diffn~nl dfccts On the lcvd oflraffic gemralcd and. therefore) on the risk of Key deer road monaltty. ln order to assign H to any development activity, the Applicants developed a method that meets the two com]itluns desnibed above. The main premises of the method are: 1, lfJevdopment occurs on an 1m develop ed parcd, the impact equal... the H a/the parcel: The Applicants a~sume that an undeveloped parcel is; fully available to the Key deer and that m:w developmfnt <lffects the habitat value of the entire undeveloped parcel. Therefore, 1l1e impact of snell development ~qllals the II of the entire parceL 2. ~(d(.vd(Jpmf";nt OCCIin un a devdoped parcel, the impact of development equals the H of Ihe JUVlpJ'im of the additimwl development: The Applicants assume that tbe impact of cxi~ling develC1pmcnl has bcen all csdy J C(lJ jzcd; lhcrdorc, the H of Jl;vduprncnt that occurs j n parcels ~ha1 arC <.llrcaJy Jcvdop~d is assoL"i<lteu with the footprint of the ariditioml ac1ivi~y jns~ead of the entire parcel area. 3. The eiJrct oj the Ch~l'dopmcnf (J(.'til';ly depend:,' on the type of development or-land w'e: Bccnu::;c- roadw<.l)' mort<.l1ity is the larg"fit cause oflmman.J cI[ltcd mortallty of Key deer, lhc H value for <.l de'\-e[opment activity is multiplled hy a faClor thal I1ceounts for the tI uffjc generateJ hy the spe,i fie land use or type of flctiviry (Table 2.5). Tahle 2.5. H wullip11cr for LInd use development caleg.ories] _ bud Use ,\wr:Jg~ n<li))'Trip C!.~Hal.i.~~ H Multiplier Single family n.:~i(kntja] 9.S 1 FI;r.ces ollly 023 Auxiliary uses O.2~ Re(3il 70.0 '7.4 (per J ,000 sq. ft,) } lotelJMotel 7.9 0.8 (per room) Office S.9- O.n (pc, 1,000 sq. fl.) Institutional no 1..1 (per 1,000 sq. ft.) Indu.~trial 5.0 0,5 (per 1,000 sq, ft,) . RecH':l:.tiDnal 67{~.. . . m. _._ 7.0 The muhiplil:T L~ bas(":{] (In tr~:Tic gfJlermion because vehicle colk..ion:<. \i'i[h K c:y Jeer is lbc most i:npOl1ilnt bllma[l.rc]aL~d (~lLLSC of l11 on a lity for the Key deer. .I\\'cTJge daily (] ip g~m~rQ.,ii)n was (:~~imuted from tbe Institute of Traffic frjgin/;cr.s Manual; daily trip gcneratj on by lauJ us!:" b.~ nol bern vcrified for the Florida Key~. h:nGes and Juxi~iarJ' U:;(:'~,:J.S t:dln(:c in the Monroe COU:1ty Land Devt:lopr.1ml Regulations, arc assumed to ~IlU:-;C no <Jddi1io[lal trarE;: ir~lr:iU~; Lht~y w~re <lssum~d W C<'IlJft habiul loss (chan~'_c In K), which has .l lefs~T ~ff[;ct on ih~ ImMix TIwcel ~h;iTL enanges in Il. .. 38. Based on these three premises, an J J value can be assigned to any anticipl1ted development adi vity Cfable 2.6). Tab le 2.6. T~'pe (If PJlri.::d Undev~l(Jpcd D(y~lopcc. Rc:ad~ C<ilculation of H for different development activities T).pt of De,,~1 Clp ment Re5i dcnti 111 con ~tn] C I ion (~;llgle r~mily) KQTl-re~ idelJti~~ ~. omHucti On /\ C~ e~~0!)' l." 5 e 0;:>m .pa ct' (r::mi~'e p~rk<;) E~r<!mior. l{ cd~'" e lnpm ~ n.t I (~'.ff<::n.f1L us~) '\~(Cs.,or)' i:se n r~~cd 1$ alr~.\uy :~:T.~ed ?~\.ing (dirt ro~d,\ \\' ld~n i ng I r[,wl ,oan$; ---.l!n.llIJJT1l. ~S- l) H C:llclIlation H impo<' = H F,,",I H",..~.u:, = H"...""" . '# dn'dopmer.t unil~ .. MI.n" = H'."~L:: = H~'L",,'. . 0.2 HOlT.,...: = (Hp'o.:d .. 0.2) · ~""'..,''''' H ':':J"~: ::. Hr~-.:p.::1 · {sq .n.~"r-:..r......ion ~q.ft. ;,;u~-I!I) . \{ li:.nC u.::.~ H.",~*-,: H,w<.I' {[M .. ('l] fL~,>~q ft.F-'-.:oI)]n'~ -. [\1 .. (~q. ft. ~,,/~ q. ft. ""'L'll boO l H ."'~.,, II ;'.J'.,: · o. ~ HF.".d j~ multiphed br 0.8; ()tl1erwi~c t!lc cqu~lLons ~bo"e remain un~ltered. H"....rw ~ 0.03'7::0 · le:li:rh of ra~.in~ hr. rr:ik~) H".,f-'<< = (L037:{J · (~ddlliu[]<Ii \" iClh"'L~x i$Ling widLh) · knglb (in miles) 39 _ ~._ _ _ 1)I;'-SC rip linn C ()f'.structiml on vacant parcels incurs a new lmp.'l Cl, both as IQ5s of ~ubitat and as causing ~cw[]dary dfecl~. For non.rc~jdmti~] land uses, the 1(Hal Lmp~ct is a function of both the ~mounl ~md type of development. Tf:le nunlber ofdevelopmem units n:f~rs to the 5quare footage 0 f new Jevelopmenl d~vided by 1,000. Acccs~ory uscs only causc ~oss {Jf (1pen h8.but {reduction in K); lh-c eff.ec~ "fK on the model is 0.2 times lh~ dfec( ofB. P~rcds will be revegetaled with n:ltLvc vcgeullion, lhus impruvlng :.Inbital value. Recreation me will ir:CT~~ sc ~ l:"Ct::ncary i ;np~ ~lS. In dr.. eloped p~r(els, e;>;p~miun c 2.'J ~c~ an increase or. the footprint Q ~ dn:dopment; j:npZlct is a function of lhe J d(l i liona I foo tprint and the type n f l,1lul use. Tlie imp<Lct LS the difference between ~b<.:: cff,CI of tile new fuotprintil<'lnd me md th~ old footprinuland use. ,"I.n~~wry \lSeS only cause loss of open habit;,t (rcducti[ln in K); WI: effect ofK or. the model is 0.2 time~ (he eITect of H, Tht: H grid was built withoul field \'erification of fen'Lng. Cd("lJl~[i()n is b~5~d On the C$tim<!H:d 1-:) of ~ mile of p:lved rO:ld (H = V.0372j I 2.4.5 T~.I.ieLSyStt::D:I~'\PJ<l!!ning Too~ to Manage Development and ConW.D:'Oltion Bafted on th~ Key deer studies dOlle under tl1 is IICP and the resulting spa1ial model, \1onroe County developed a conservation priority clussifkatlon for private undeveloped lands in the study area. The private undeveloped lands in the :sludy area are classjfjed into three "Tiers" (Table 2. 7 and Figure 2.6). TiEr 1 lands are higher qual it)' Key deer habitat. Tier 3 lands are the lowest quality Key deer habit~t. :.\105t of the parcels in Tiers 2 and 3 arc interspersed among developed parcels and LiIl10ng can<lls. These areas provide little habitat value to lhe covered species. The tier classlflcatiou helped in dCh::nnlning the location of potential new development and prioritizing mitigation areas. Table 2,7. Tier classificmion syste~vacant privately-owned lands) Tier 1 D ['-scription L1nds where tlll or a sLgnlfLcanl portinn of the land area is charadcrizcd as l;:JJviTQ[]mentally sensjtive and impon:ml f(lf tbe continued \'iabilily of Hep ci)\'cn::d 5pecie-s (mean II per 1 Ox 1 0 m~te:r cell :- 0.259 x ! 0-\ ThcSl; land~ Olre high qUillity Key deer habitat, g~ncra]]y n:J1rc~~1l1ing ][1,rge contiguous patchc~ ofnillivt: vegetation tl:al pJOvtde habitat fur olher protected species as well. 2 SC1:ttcn.:d loh and rr~.gments of environmentally .~cn:<iti n: l"lIld~ that may be fOU:ld ill platted ~ubdlvisions (me<lr:lll per lOx 1 0 meler cell =- 0.183 x 10.3). A large number of these lots are lQ~~tcd on ([InnIs and are ofrnLnimaJ value to the Key deer SInd l)ther pnHL.:dcd ~peeif:::; bee,luse the canal pn.:.~c.:rHS 1:1 harrie;r 10 djspers<ll. :. S(;'i~k[ cd lots v,.ilhin alrc,.(ly heavily develop<.:d ;m.:a~ that provide little h<lbi[at value w the Key deer <lnd other pwtected sp(;cil:~ (mean H per] Ox!O meter ..ell '-' 0.168 x. W'~). SOnlf: of the undeveloped lot:'. in lhif> Tier are located bern'e:en txisling developed commercIal ]OL~ wi:hjn tho;: DS- j COrr idor or ;in: located on c~T]<1ls, Tatal Ar-.ea (Ilcres) Big Pine NQ ~'lime Key Key 973.4 217,0 10] .6 o 58.5 o I~U3.5 217.0 40 ~ .. .... ..' 10 .. ~ ~ ."1':'....... . ~:' , ':." r :~ L r :/~~"7::.< .:_::I~ ~-.i.: ~ :" .-- . ., .. ,., .__ .n Prn9lll 0e\I..J.,.....I ~ u.nc. PlJllIlc land. T_ 1 11el" Z 1"oe! :3 .~:~} ..,j !'t" fl [ ~ ~ <S. o ~ .. il " ."'. . ~: ". . \ .,". . 5'- " .. ~ B. .. ~ N ~,*. . ,: s l_. o 5r.XlO FlI_1 ---, I.~ I ~:7~(II.:p:,&I.. 1I"':...n"........_I'"'=...I.........." '!-~._.-I~ - 3. L.-'\..:.'\'D USE CO,\"DITION"S 3.1 Introduction Th~ Florida Keys encQmpas~ a group of i~ lands and, thereforej terrestrial habitats arc naturally fragmented. Den~loprnl'nt has gTtally increased the degree ofhabltat frJgmental10n mainly by reducing patch s~ze, irJcrc~sjng di stances among patcheo;;, and in some cases, creating barriers to dlspnsal (Slrong ,Hld B,mcrof(1994). Development in the Florida Keys has occurred primarily in upland ar.eas, resulting in the loss of almost half of the upland h <l bi tats , from 20,038 aCreS in pn.;-dcvdopmcDt times to 10,3 5 j lKrcs iD 1995 (VRS 2001). Lo\ver K~y~ i.~lands developed at a slower pace than the ~1iddle ,md Upper Keys, but many subdivlslon plats were fi 1 ~d t11roughout the 1950s and 1960s. As lmman alteration of the habitat on Big Pine Key rmd No 1\ ame Key progressed, hInd was set aSlde for prese!'\-'atioD, establishing the 1\ atlunal Key Deer RefugE (Rdllg~) in 1957, H<l bital wmoval ,md <llt~ratjon On remaining private land~ continued through lhe 1970s and the population 011 Big Pine Key and }.,TO }.; ame Key increased s1cJoi Iy. A "hnuo;.ing hOQm" during the late 1 970s and early 19S0~ brought about significant changes in the t:oIillg-uratiun of n<.illve habit<lt On the islands <lnd the compositloD of the human community. Presently 15 perct'Dt and 4.S percent of the total landmass of Big Pine Key <lnd Ko l\ame Key, rc~pecti\'dy, af~ developed. 111i;;; chapter pro\'id~s <I n o,"c-r\" il;'w of tb~ land use and p 1 anni ng condi tions in fj ig Pine and No ~ ame Key, and focuses on fumre land L1St' changes thal arc expccled to occur over the next 20 y~ar!>. Thc infontlrHion canl aincd hcrL:in provides the bliS1S [or the ~s<;e%ment of impacts to pro1cctcd ::::pcc i cs and b<1bit,11 in th: project area that <in.: 1 ikdy lO OCCur L1S the result of planned mbLLil dndupmtTlt in the future. Dcyelopment oCCl~rring ."vilhil1 the project area is used to mode l the amount clf .'lake" that wi II he permitted under tllis Hep, 3.2 Land Owncnhip Approximately 69 r~r(:cnt of th~ 13nd within the project urc<:I is in public o-vncrship (Figure 3,1; T ,lbl c 3, l), TllC ml~jn llmdowner is the hdcra1 government with .5 5 percent, all of which is within thc Refug.e. Fedl'nll, slate. and county agencies purchase and manage lands "...ithin the project are<l for the purpme of en',' i ronmenta] prQicctiol1 and conservation. The Service owns 52 percent of B ig Pine Key J-nd 71 pcrcent ofl\" 0 K [lIne Key. The StOlte or Florida pur.;:hases land umh:r the Comer,..ation ,md RecreatIon Lands (CAR.!.) program, which is administcn:d by the Florida lkp<.iT1ll1C'nt (If Lm.jronm~ntal Protection (FDEP) St<lle-llwned !and_~ within the project ~n:a indudc the Cuupon Bight Aquatic Prcsen'e 3.nd Pre~CI':C Bllffer Lcmds and lands within the C0.upon !3.igr.tXcy Dc~r c..;Rl.. proj;,;n <He<J, \.\"hil'h combined are less than ten percent of the proj(;(.t ~lrC[1,. Tk Monr(}~ County L,md Authority {\lCL-\) pUrl;h~s.cs <l '.\ide .aril.:ty ufvae<Jnt bnde; as directed in the \Iot1ro~ COUIlty Comprl'her:~iv~ Plan Olnd Ol'v'ns two percent of the la~)d within the p='ojC'Ct ,m~ll. 42 ,.....~ ""'~.LI-""""'-""""""''''~~~I'!I .": I . . ..~ . . .:. ". ..f . . . .~ : '." . ; ....... : ' ~ .",. ~ : ..- : ."t. ~.; ~.:. 1". . ):. ........ ... . "..) ~. . .~. . ~ .. - .". ".. .. : ~ . . I~. - ~.. .,... ~ . ~::<c>~:~>.(.:;. :.~.~.: .:.~ :..~ ... " ":" ..;::", ). :'. .,. w..~.~,.. t.. I A ,c'..;."'.,, W-~ ~. .~,r::;.,~ I . j>~~i!.~t.,:.~. ~., ,.., .,1(....."'1.,-. "!'~&. ~.,'Lf.~ ....;.... r _ .. -\;.:.Y'....~ /;:,~. .... . ~,.%.:t:t:..-",:. .~.t..; "~ _ ..~-fi "".""~.'\.-.....__ ~~.~~>' ~........~.".,. .' -I" h~..i.t ~I ~ ~ : . . J. .' . .. ~ . .~~ - - ...... ,(a>l aweN ON :' . .:i: ::. ,. ." :! 1--;;;".""'" "",";;;::,., I 1l!~1!I"'1 .-.~.._, . d!'l<:.J"'-lNQ ;) 1m "!Jd _ ! U! ~PUl'l l_.....__ ... ~~~ aUld 5!8 .. ~ .. tJ .. .f' "'- J .!: "'- ~ <"", ;;; .. <: ~ " ~ '" j -" ,..; ~ ... ;;:: Table 3.1. Lmd owm:rship in the.::: r!<:'.ject area <15 of mltl-20021 Rig Pi:n:t'. J{.~ J\!:l.Nam.. Ke3-' Total Acres % Acres % Acres 0/0 Federal 3,184 51,8 gO] 70.8 3,lJ85 54.8 S. talc 856 13.9 50 4.4 906 12.5 County 135 2,2 12 1.0 147 2.0 Pri. \' a tc D cvc1 (Jped 836 13,6 52 4.6 888 12.2 Private UndL::vdopcd 1,134 18.5 217 19.2 1,351 18.5 __. .~~!t.:.ll.~l}45_.__ l ml.O ..l,.112 100.0 7.277 1 00.0 J Includi;!.'; s~~bmerged lands, 3.3 Habitat l\'lanagcmcnt Activities Federal, state, and COllIlty agencies condllct habitat management activities within the project area. Tl)e fcdcr-ril gQ\'~rllIncnl, through tbe Kation~l K\;y Deer Refuge. is the main landowner in the study <'IrCa, The R~rugt; also manages most of the land within the project area. Management activilics include pn::sL:ribed burning, mowing and clearing of fire breaks, filling of ditches to pn::vent deer drown ing and lltnLt sa] jnity intnlsion, habik'll restoration, and development and protection of habiL'1t cotridors. The Refuge i~ d~vdoping a Comprchcnsi vC Conservation Plan (CCP), scheduled fur cumpletion in 2006. The CCP wiU outline a vision for the Refuge, guide IflflIlagcIIlcnt J(:cisions, J!1d outline goals, ohjectlve.~, and ,~trategies tD achieve the visions and purpose.~ ofthe Refuge. Development of the CPP is a requirement of tne ).1 ational Wildllfe Refuge Systcm Improvement ACl of 1997. The fD:GP OH) cc of CO<1:stul ~nd Aquatic Mamgt'd AreCls munugc::; ::;t<:ltc-o""ncd lands withiD the Coupon Bighl .'\ qU<.ltic Prl:"scrvt; <.Ind Preserve Buffer {Pr~servt:), wher~as lhe Service man<lges SlalC-Qwm;d ] <lmls wilhln the Coupon Bight/Key Deer CA H. L project area under 3n existing lease agn;nm.nt. A management plan developed for the Coupon f:.ight Aquatic Preserve (Nielsen 1990) .~tate,~ tnat rcsearch and habllat n:.:s.toration '-in:: priul<Jry Deeds for lhc Prcs~rvc. Current management aCTivities indude the imt<lllation of mooring and warning buoys, seagrass re:swration> lTt:atment (}f coral hand di~e35e, and St<t nutJe nening bC:lch surveys. Research adlvities within the Pn~<;~m; include juvenile fish slutlics., larval re~rllitrn(;nt of the spiny lobster, and studies on the dfcdivl:ness of fishing exclusion zones. The Monroe County Land Stc\vard is responsible fur the TIHmagCInl:ot of l:ounty-owned public lands \",'ith ttl1hc proj l:"d UH.:a und throughout the Florida Keys. Currently 110 formal management plan exists for lh~~e lands; however, several small habitat restoration and m3nagcmcnt plans llav~ ban JI;::....eloped for individllal par eels ~nd subdi visi (mS within lllC pwjcd area. Ongoing management efforts an: conJucted as needed or when AUlding becomes (lvailflblc. Primary l~sp(1nsibilitil'~ include trash rcm0v~1, iuvHsivc exotic phmt cuntrol, pn:scribed hurning and other issue~ rc Ln~d 10 natLJral n.:suUTCC maniigement. The Il'll)d Slewar d works in conjunction with the ~onroc County Public WorJ..:s Division, the MCl^. and volunteer group.~ to implement m;3 n <I ge me;Jl lit t i vi lit: s. 44 Habltal managnnent of county lanus started Keys-wide during FY 2002-2003, I.carger tracts. of land rec~ived priority for management. These lands arc primarily cunservation land.., acquired thrOllgh grants from the Florida Communltlcs Trust) for which contract requirements necessitate immeJiak man<lgemt':nL Mamtgement of remaining county lands Ihroughuutthe Keys. was prioritized depending upon several factors lnduuing logi1'\tics, habjtat quality. presence ofrare species, and the character of the adj olning lands, Federal, state, and county agencies also v,.'Ofk together to jointly manage larger tracts of undcvdopcd land in which an are bm.lo'WTlers. Withil1 tl)e project area this: land is primarily pim::lands. Man<lgement of pineland hahitat will be addressed in a Fire Management Plan for Rig Pine Key and 1\'0 Name Key, which is cUITI.:utly b~lng developed by the Lower Keys Wildland Fire Hazard Reduction Initiative. Prcs,cribt:d burning will be conducted by all three agencies in the project area where lhere is contiguous pinc]aud habitat. IndLvidual undeveloped lots tbat cannot he burned hecame tl1CY 31'C bct\vccn developed properties will he maintained free of solid waste and llon.nalivc invasive pbnts Jnd alluwed to grow to halllmock v~getatioQ. 3.4 C<ncrcd Activities This Hep addresses the lncictcllt..'\l t"kc uf protected species tl1at may rcs.uh from development activities in Big Pine K(:y and 1\0 ?\hlme Key in the next 20 years, The types of activitie5 covered undcr this HCP include residential development, cornmt:rcial development and cxp,mslun. community and institutional faciHties, flnu transportation improvements, The Applicants anticipate the follow i ng dcvclopmcnl activitie.~ will occur in {he wvcr~d un.:a in lhe 20-year pennit period fll1d within a total H ,.- 1.1: · ,Yew Reside.ntiQl Develnpment.. A maximum of 200 residential units. · Nrm-Re.'i:idt.>nti(11 Priv(J/(! Devdopm<,nt: The county will authorize limited non-residential development 3.~ well as c.\p<msi un or n::Jevetopment of commercial facilities and community nrganj7...alions such [1,S religious iniilirutions and ci vic dubs. The A ppHcants anticipate thm DO , mOrC, lImn 60,000 sqUJre feet of floor arca will be allJed over 20 y~ars. · Reaeatimwl Qtjd Community FacilitieL The county amicip:'Ilcs the development of recreational and cf'lnmunity l'mkr f<lcilitie.~, including passive puhlic parks, and neighborhood "pocket" parks, as well as tbc expansion of the eXLsting public library. · Public Faej[j1J'es; Sc:\.C! fll public facilitles are anticipated over the next 20 years, such as a sewage treatmEnl planl, publ ic office sprKe, and the expansion of thc cxisling t:mergency response fm..:ility_ The Applkants 2>nticipatc that no more tlnln 24.000 ~lju<lre feet Qftloor mea will he a llocaterllO I N.:rc<Jtiunal ,md community facllitics and other public t'lcihtjes. · !A)(~(J1 R()ad Pavin,g or WidL~nillg. Ov~r th'.: next 20 years, SOmc local dirt roads may be paved and some paved roarls may be- wic.kned to accommodatc a bike J1ath. · Tlm~e-Laning US-l: The nOT wi 11 nHnplele lhe ;'lCldition of <l third lane, a scramble lam:, on the Jevl;' Jopcrl scgIlli.:"m of lJS-l on ~.~ ig P jnc Key _ This Lnvo lvcs the aknsion of the newly conshllctcd turn l<lne easl J nd west of the intersection imp! ovcment project. 45 In addition to limiting the total amounl of dt::velopm~nt over 20 year.~ to a m3Xlmum, cwnulative H.,..,. 1.1, cov~rcd aClivilics ...vil! comply with the avoidance <"Iud minim,ization guidelines established in this HCP (see Section 5.3), New development will be con'centrated on aheady disturbed areas in order to mini miz,e the loss of pdme babitat for tile covered species. r-:ew commercial dt::vclopmcnt \\ill] be limited to infill areas mainly along the eXIsting conuncrcial corridor on USr I. Redevelopment and expansion activities may be authorized within the guide l1ne.~ li~tt:d in Section 5.3 and \vithiu the total allowed H = ].1 over 20 years. The Applicants estimate that no more than 7 acres of native vegetation win be cleared over the 20- year permit. Wetland impacts. t:"~tirnatcd at no morC than 3 acreS Over 20 years, will be limited to roadside swales and ditcbcs, A limited nlllnber of fences and other accessory uses will be pennitled. F enctS in Ti~J 1 InijY bt: pcrmilted upon approval fTOm the Service. The Master Plan for Future DLvclopment of Big Pine Key and No Kame Key, which is being developed tn accordance with this Hep, will n:gubte the amount and extent of each type of covered activity over the next 20 years in the project area. Other activities not described in this llep arc not authorized under this I-iCP. 46 4. A.LTVRl\ATIVE PLA:'W~"JNG STRATEGIES 4.1 Introduction Momoe County initiated th~ lCP in April 2000. The LCP was developed concurrently with the He}' and, whj le it fo"cmed on addresslng the needs of the local citizcm, Oil! de....elopment alternatives were dis.L:uss.ed :in the conh:x.l of the Key deer's biology, Like the HCP, the overall goal of the LCP was 10 detennine the appropriate amount, type and location of development In the project area and the associated mitigation that would provide for community needs while m3ximizlng conservation ofthe Key deer and other covered specie!>. :\1omoe County held public workshops :lnrl open hous.es to :.lsccrtain public views 011 planning and con.~ervation L~sue$; it used local media outlets am! m:.lilings to alert the public and to distrihute surveys. Public v.,..o.rkshops were held 00 April 6, May 25, and September 21,2000 (Monroe County 200]), Th~ public's understanding of the habitat IH:~ds of the Key deer was; faci1 [tated nuring pn:~:SC:Ilt(lt\Um ,.mu open discussion <It tlnee 1 ICP lll(;ding~ held in tandem with I -CP mccti ngs (fee S~(tion 1.2.2), Rnults of the community workshops ,md meetings were used to ltkntify key community is.~ues, develop planning objectives and generate conceptual land us.e ' alteITlativ~s and com;ervation stralcgics for the project area. Tn thc LCP workshops, the following key community lssut:~ were identi fLcd: 1, Ascertain the rlislrib\ltton of Julllrc rt:siJel1tial developmeIlt within the project area; 2, M<Jlntain the rural chal'<iCkr of thl: proj(.;~t mea \\'hi1e still al1uwlng some future J (: vd op rn en t; 3, Implement snlllti(m.~ to 111~ t[ a nie corlgc::;tion on tJS-1 and minimize the need for local trips on tJ S-l; 4. Develop a wIJunUnily galhtring fac i lily and/or m{)r~ <lcti ve recrc(ltion facilitie~ on Big Pine Key; and 5. Dl~courage ncw dcvelopment on \10 Name Key. [)uring the LCP proCESS, \1 OI)IOC Counly Je-vclopcJ planning obj~ctives to evaluate pOknlial rlcvclopmcm scc-narios. Th~7se objcclivl:"s wen; based on the combined key iss.ues expressed by the community, exiSlillg pbnning constraints and the ~xisllng habitat Jl~cds of the Key deer and other covered species, Th~ ten Dbj ect iv~s arc: 1. \1inimjze the nc~'d for local veh icular trips 01] and across CS-I, fmm north to south; 2, l mprovt: lbe level of Haft] C ~(;n'iu; on 1.lS-] to :=t SWflU.,lfd that, in <'lccordance with [ocaI n:ogu l.::tLons, \V0tdd a[]ow mme ctevclopmc-Ilt ,md to maint.ain that level of servicc Ovn the planning horizon; J, Discou rage m:v.... Jcvt:lopmcnt on No l'htme Key; 47 4. Encourage additional commcrcial development to be oriented 10 the local community rather than lo the n;glonal or tour[st conununities; , 5. Continue to <'Illow some dcvelopment but generally keep tbe lcve:llow to achieve the malntenanc~ of a "rural community" envisioned by the cltizens; 6. Provide for a community gathering center and some actjvt:: rccreation~ 7. Provide for a conserviltion plan lJ..'ith a reasunable level of implementatiOD costs and logistics; 8. Provldc for Li cOIls(.;rvation plan which complies with curreIlt regulatory constraint5 (for example, wetlands protection); . 9. Provide grca1cr cemdmy to lhc properl)' O"'Elcrs <'lnd Key deer herd managers as to the location of future development; and 1 O. Mitdm~zc tbe alteratioIl of unJislurbed natural b~bit.at. 4.2 rlanni" g Strategies 1\ Milyzed 4.2.1 Alternative it J ~ ~'o Action Al.lt:I"fl..givei':\Jo Take lJnder this ~JlcmflljVE.:, no Her would be prepared. \Vilh nO improvt:;ment in the I.OS for US~ I. the blldding moratorlum would] ikcly contiuue indefinitely. No new Ic~i dc.::ntiaI, commncial, OJ recreational development w(1\lld occur wlthin the project area. TIle community would retain its rural char<l.ncr, but IHJ Jdditiumd community taei lilies would be provided. Private landowners would ha vc little or no rl.mur~e to ontain devclopmmt appnH.'a1s. V'lith no regional liep. it is likely that TIl<.lny smaller HCPs wouM be proposeJ by individual lanrlowIlcrs or groups of 1 (l. T) do wm:rs. 4.2.2 Altem<ltive #2: Red~]ccd TaJ..s; A ltem<'ltive 2 iIlc1ud(;J a r~.cJw.;cJ Oimoullt of dC\'dopment that, in tum, \VOllld result in a smalIer I~\'d of imp<lct. H _ Under thj~ alt(:m~ljvt::, important cornnnlllily news ",'"ould remain unsatisfied, such as cnmmun ity and govcr-mnmt [<.lcilities exp<'Insions. 4.2.3 A llemative #3: Preferred All(mallve The prcfl:IT~d <l] temilttVe provides for dcvc10pment activities that ~jl kVl<lte the building IUOrllturlum, improve tne level of scr....ic(: on U S-l, restore f\ low raI~ of grov..1h in tbe study [Uc.::a~ unci offer community [clJld pu Hie f<lei lities i mpl'Ovcmcnb lh<lt satisfY conumlIJity I1et:::J~ (.see Scnion 1.2.1). The a....T:idance, mjnimiz<trion, and mitiration Ifll:aSLLn:os JescrLhed in 11)i5 Her shuuld ~nsure tbJt pop~lJal ions of [ht; cuvered sped cs rnnain via hie. 48 4.3 Comparison of AltnnO:ltivcs Both the no action and reduced tak.e ahcmatlves vv'ere rejected rh<linly because they would impose undue restrictions on the commullity'~ ability to meet community n~eJs., ,~uch as traffic impfO"v(;ment~, VT,.'bilc not prov.iJing significant added value to the conservation of the covt::n:d species, Both development "ltcrnati\cs (n;duccd take and preferred) 11mlt development to disturbed, low qualily habilat areas, The proposed alkmative provides. for a development pro gra m th <J t S OJt j sfi c s lh C COmm un} l y 's ne e ds for growth and lnfTa structure, w h il censuring habit<:lt protection in perpetuity for the conscr.'3tion of covered species, 49 5. CfY'\'SERVATlON STRATEGV AND P-ROCEHURES 5.1 Biological Goah Tb~ primary, mcastlmblc goals oftbis HCP are: a) 10 cm.ure furore development does not have a negative impact on covered species habitat, and b} to limit the increase \D human.rc1ated mort..11ity ofKl:Y deer and Lower Keys marsh rabbit to a level that would mak<': quasi-extim:tion over a 50-year pC'riod llnli~ely. A dditionally, the Plan aims at keeping secondary impacts to Lower Keys marsh r<.ibbit to curn:ol kvels or below. 5.1.1 H il bifat Prot~iti on The fonowing measures will ensure habitat protectlon: · The J ICP restricts ~h~ loss of native habitat; )1ative habitat Joss caused by developmenl acti,'ities 0\'';[ the next 2(1 years will be limited to ~jO more than 7 acres in current privately- uwm;d nati\e hahitar areas. . Land dcvl,;]opITlcnt reg llbtiens w: 11 direct (Ievclopnlcm activiti cs W JfCaS of low habitat lJu<'llity. K 0 more th.1D t wu p;,;r(;cnt of lhc total H imp<lct Ov'-.:r 20 Y(,;<lrs will be allowed in ....Humt (pr1vCllcly uwm:d) Tier] areas (H = 0,022). . Monroe C0unty will continue 1O acquire land to protect habitat areas in perpetuity. . Monroe County will ct~s.Jre the- management of acqL.li red lands by tranderring ov..T1ership to <.tate and r cdc) al cnt~ties, 3.~ 3pprt"Jprlate. Lands that remain in county ownership win be lr.anagcd by th~ wunt;.'. \ 1ana~emel1t will i tlC lude 3 domestic predator educatlon program, 5.] .2 M inlmi7e the 1l1crease oflhlmCln-Re[3~ed M orta lit'( of Key Deer The numbc-r ofhul~,m-Tl'LH~'J d~'.l~hs for Key deer varil:s YC<lr lO y~af and is significantly correlated wlth::; mea<:.ure ofde~r dem,it:, (Figure S.l). A goal of this IlCP if; to emure that Jeyo:: I opment Jui\'ities do not ~esult in a significam ~nc rease in the relative occurrence of human- related morial it)' of K cy dee-r. The PVA moud preJicts <ill LLvcn1gt:: of 4.2 additional human-related Key deer deaths per year, Tht: number of human-rc lah?d Key deer deaths varies from year to year. but is strongly correlated \,'i~h a Ttll.:",1 surc of deer Jcnsity (Figure 5,1). Therefore, the ratio "deaths/deer seen" provides an inJicator of tht' pntC'nt~3.l e fttcts d deyelopment on the rc1 atiye occUnct;ce of]Hlman. related oe(lths. If dc\.ck)prlH:nt in;raCl~ <.lr~' ~mall, <.ind other fi:lC[OL~ remain the ~ame, future development should nol siglJi fic<:nlly In'::Tca<:.e the- ratio, For the last l3 years (J ng-2000), lhc mean t (Hio of hllman-!"~ ]<H,~d K~J" Jl:er J(.:<nhs to JvC"[ag~ d~n seen in ecnsu~cs is: cle:lths..'anr,1ge deer ~ccn = 1.38 51 .ondard dl.:\'i alion ~ 0.28 lj5~:.Q een fidencC' i m~n'3l - ( L:'~ - l,:: J) 50 70.00 bI) 60.00 - .= ..... t'II 50,00 -. III 0 1:s 40.00 . .E:l rTj; "'i 30,00 0:: I C !Il 20,00 E :::I :J: - 10.00 c ... GI 0.00 ..0 E 0 :::l Z . .. . y = O.382x + 20.255 R~ = 0.574 ,. - ,. . , .. 20 40 60 80 100 Average Number of Deer Seen in Ro.ad Censuses (1998-2000) Figure 5.1. Relationship bcnvnn human-related K~y deer mortality and deer density. Data from the Service, and Roel Lopez (pets. comm.) The prcJidl:d average lncrcasc: in lmtmHH elated mortality (4.2 deer) would tall within the 95 pCTCi.::nt confidence interval, sUggcsliIlg that nO ~ignifieant increase in the ra1io should OCCUr as a conscquence of the ptL)po~t.:d kvd uriah. For cX<lmp1e, an increase of four tk:CJ deLllhs in c(j(;b of the last 11 yeats \VOll tJ h<'lvl.: produced a mean ratio of I A 8, which is well within lhe 95 percent confidence interval. The overall effect of the proposed level of development over 20 Y~<I.rs is exp~ckd to fall within the ex Lsting YCMly vmiability. 5.2 S umm.uy uf T3k~ and Its F:rfects on the Cuve.rcd Speci.f~ 5 ,2.1 E](.~.ida K ey Dc~r Cndcr this Hep, the Applicants wi]] carry Olll covnl.:d activities progrcssi vcly Over 20 years. All dcvdupmenl activities. ~'oIIlbiIl~J ovt:::r the 20-year period will h<Jvt:: a maximum total impact of H = ] .1. for H = 1, I. the re~ulting prohahtl ity thm lhl: popuLltion fall below 50 ft:malc!> at least once in 50 years and 111C flVC'! Age <Jdditional total annual hUIn[U]-rdateJ mortal ity are, rc~pcc1tvely: Q ~c~ I . l'ercenl R i.~k{w, =- 2.2e .; - 4.2% AdJi[iol1al Ant)lL"-t] HLlIl1<Hl-}(c]a(ed r-v.1ortality - .0,65'" 1, I" - 4.HS'" l.1 .0,34 = 4,2 dcer/year SJ Thus, the PV A model predicts that tne combinEd effect of 20 y~ars of dcvelopment for a total H = 1.1 would r~isc the proba bility that the population will [[Ill under 50 females at least once in 50 years hy 2.0 percent over the risk under currenl cm1diti()ns (!Tom 2.2 to 4.2 percent) and incrcllse hmnan.rclatcd Key deer mortality by 4.2 deer a year. Addltlunally, the prqbability of extinction in 100 years is less tnan 0.1 percent, nearly indistinguishable from curren[ conditions, The effect of threc.hmjng CS.1 was estimatcd using Hand, tbercfort;, b<lsed on the spatial model. The Servl~e (1999, 2001) t::s!lmated take of Key deer for the ullderpasses and intersEction improvem~nt pmj ects an lJS~ J and both projects have been constructed, Using the same methodology, lhe A pplicHnls estimate that the lhree-Ianing proj ect may result in the i.lddltiOIJaI ckath of] to 3 deer per year (this estimatE is included in the modd results), The Applicants t:stimJtt: that development <lctivities over 20 years may occur on parceLs totaling 168 <Jcres (2.4 percent of the covered area). The tatGl area affected wl111ikdy be lower, because cleve lopment activities in rlcvcloped parcels will a.IT~ct only a portion of the parcel. The Applicants estimate that no mOre than 7 aCI~S uf native vegetation will be cleared over 20 years. This rcpn;s~nls a loss of about 0.05 percent of native b~bitat in me HCP cov~n::d area and a minor direct effect or take on thE covered species. Constru(:tion 3c.tivitics will G'lu::,~ [r:mpor<JI}' and localized indirect impacts in the vicinity of lhe construction ~rc.::a~. After constnlction, other indirect effects may rcmain, such as edge effects_ Gi vcn th~t tht:: rm0urity of the activiliEs contemplated in the 20-y~ar tkvdopment plall ''''ill occur In areas of low hahitat qua lity e1]" on a h .::ady dlst1..lrb~d ar~as) indirect and SEcondary effects arc expected to be minimaL 5.2.2 Lower Kcy~..J\-1.UJ~h Rabbit Tbe AppIi~~<.lms anticipate no direct 1 o~s of Lower Keys marsh rahhit habitat as a rcsuh of (:"UYCfE.:U <-Icll\'Ities.. No impacts to idcntifi~d marsh rabbit habitat will be pcrmitted. Indirecl effects to marsh rabbit l)~bil[lt may n~sulllf developmetlt (lC(:urs near m<trsh r<.lbbit hahitat p.1lches_ For ~x"nJph:, HI..:W Jcvdopment near marsh rabbit }l[~bitat may bring ahout stray domestic cats, which iire <l known cause of mott:=llity for the marsh rah bit. The potential dTect of frcc-ro<'lming J()mestic cats is reduced with dist8IlCl: w the habitat patch (a SOO-meter buffer is gen~rally recommended based On rC~Tnt research) or if there arC barriers to the cats' movcll1ents, such as canals, F Or lln<:lly~i.s purposes, the A rplic~Hlts estimated a hWoL~t-ca!>e scenario" for the p0tI..:I]liflllm::r~tl:<:e of dom~sti c prcdalors in the vicinity of marsll rabbtt habitat. Fur example, assume that the 200 residential units to be permitted over 20 YE.:ars were located within 500 meters of marsh mbbit habitat. l ,'nder this scenario, the numher of fcsi (lcnti~l unils within 500 Hldcrs of mar~h r<.ihhjt habi lal would iIH.::n~a.~~, over 20 years, by 11, 6 pCT~ent> from 1,723 to 1,923 (Tahle 5, l). 11](.: polcn[i<J1 effect of this J~v~J of d~vdopme!1t ]!> ameliorated bcctluse the r)1,lj oriry of <Jv<Lllable lots w ithj r) ~ 00 mch::r~ of rn<.lr.~h rahbit h:3bitat In:: adjacent to canals, in sllbJivl~ions alrcady heavily Jndupcd (see Figure 2.2), Allothcr indirect effect of addi~ional development in the vicinity of tn3rsh rabbit h~bit<.it p<ltcne<; is the potenti 8.1 for road ki fk Thc Applicants an1 icip,1tc incidental l<lkc v.'i II be ditlicuH to dueL! for the folJmv jug ICflSO.nS: (1) marsh rabbits ::'ri: .~mall, the rcf(ll c, finding <.i dead or irnpilired spccim~n is unlikely, (2) losses rJ]J)' be nl<1~ked by SC<1SC%ll Jl L1ct L1~1 (ions in n,lmhers Or other CCluses, and (3) ~h(; spt.:cies ()ccurs in 52 wetland habitat, which makes 3CCes.s ilnd detection of cmC<!sses difficult. Therefore, the AppliL:ant.s w1ll estim,.ue tht: lncl of lake o[this species by evaluating the acreage of o'r'erbp of development in or adjacent to the 500-meter wetland habitat burrcr~, Table 5. L $t::ltus of V::lcant Te~identiat lots wilbin 500 meters of Lower Keys marsh rabbit habitat in Bl~ Pine Kev .... s Sl:Jtu~ -..---. ----. D~ve~oped Cndeveloped Tier Total Parcels 1,723 2,214 1,535 510 ] 67 T ota} Aues 416.7 674.1 542.9 86.5 32.6 N/A Combined 1 2 3 5,2.3 EaSlCrtl J ndieo Sn~kc Take of C'J5tern indigo ~nak~ hahitat is expected in the co""ered area of the HCP. Take of iIldigo snakes may occur \\'h<:n lots aI C' c leafed for development. The county wi n ensure that standard pfot~c!i{)n m~<.lmfCS for the eastern indigo sJ1ake will be implemented during all cunstruction aclivities to minimize lake of indi go snakes. A total of ] ,.151 3cr~s of undn eloped land is in J)rivate owner.~11ip on f3 ig Pine and No Name Key, A ~mall porlion Mrhal T1l~Y bl:" dc\'clopcd o\'er the next 2.D YC(lfS, TI)C Applicants are rcquC'sling CO\.cr<:tgc for [db:: of l'd sl~m \l1digo snakes. n:sul ting from <iJl nlimMcd 168 ~CrCS of dl.::vdopmenl in pos~ibl~ indigo ~[1ake l1Jbiwt (st:e Sectiun 3.4). Munrv<: County win provide an <.lnnual rl'port documenting yeOlrly <ll1d cumu l<iltve <.LCfeJg~s of irnpacls in all habitat types on Big Pine Key and 1\ 0 l'\.J <lmc Key_ 5.3 C onsen;:. rion Stn~~ t~y - .\ lihg::ltion ~le:.lsures and Proccd urcs Thc conservation pf()gr~m is focu:::.ed primarily nn "trict m:oidance and m in i rniution measures, habilat mitigation h;1scd Or1 rcp~tKing lost habitat value, and tllc prm~ctjon and management in perperuity ~t. lKquircd h;;l::i~<Jt. The mLi.in guul of thl.: Plan is w miligalc for the anticipated incident~ I take of l"on:rcJ spi.;._:ies in ac,curdance with the requirements for issuance of a Scdion 10(a)(l)tB} riP. 5,3,1 C()nsCT2:'_'-!.!iy~.As.sumrtkil1s and I .eve! nfTakf~ The requeqcd k\"d of l,lh, H = 1 .1, is mcd in [his Her to measure lhe max imum amount of imp<1Cts over 20 yeilrs J.nd to c~L,bl i sh th~ 1 e\'cl of ~mpacl to be mitig,.H~d. The model as<;ume!> tnJllhe ~]1tire nct in1p<Kt ofH = ].l is ~lKurrccJ Jt d:lc uutsC"t oflne model run. Tn practice, H '--- 1 ,l \\'ill be t1c~:;u<:d ~)vn 2(J Y~<lrs. The progressive jncrca~e in i mp3ct 1 cn:.:ls will Olllow the Kt:y tkn 10 clJapt to Ch~;~1~ing citccm~toJlces, v,.her>.:Js the <Js~ump(ion (hOlt <.ill impacts occur at once irKI CilSl:S The i mpac [ est i mates in. the model m!lS, 53 The model assumed total h<tbiwt loss fOJ newly developed parcl;:::ls. Tht: Key deer uses all a vailable open an:<.1S, im:]udlng developed areas. How~v~r, the PV A model aSSUmeS that any dcvelopment on vacant pan.::els rcs\11ts ill lhc loss Qf the entire parcel. 'Fdr example, 200 developed residcntial10ts in Pine Channel Estates contribute 1.8 Key deer to the carrying capacity of the :study area (i.e., K = 1,8). Howevt::r, the model assumes that 200 new houses will comribull.:: nothing to the carrying crlpacity. Therefore, the model ovnestlmates the impact of developmcnt flnd provides a comervatjve sllppart to planning far development activities. The Applicants chose to evaluate a mOrC slringent population viability measure, Recent PV A and conservation lih::ratun:: n:::eomrnends that conscrv<Jtion planners cvaluate shurter-term risks to make manLlgt:;ment decL~ions (Akcakaya 2000, Akcakaya and Sjogren-Gu1ve 2000). The Key deer PV A mode] can estimate a variety ofris.k time!rames. For example. extinction risk may he (;xpres,~ed as the prob<ibillty of extinction of the Key deer in 100 years, Historically, the Key Jeer population dwindled to ks~ than 50 individuals. hut rebounded with the implementation of protection Jw:aSm~.'i (see Section] .2.1). The Applicants chose to use the risk that the population falls below 50 [cmalt:~ at !ea,~t once in 50 y~ars a~ a more cousnvatlve and realistic measure of risk in l:v<lluating potcI1lial dcvdopmt:;nl activities, Thi.s more stdJ~gentlndicatur guided sltb~eqm:nt viability and im.:iJenlaltake an(llyses. Fir}~lly, the eqimatt;d Ic\'d of takl.: omits the pokulial effects of the JL:n.:-nHy constructed US.l projects. According. to the Service' _~ Bio logi(.:C\1 OpinLon (Scrvi~~ 2001), the combined dfect of the underpasses and inler~ecli{1n i mpr O\'Clm:nt projects could be nine fewer Illlmall-rdutt:tl deer deaths p~r year. The model :S\Jgg~~sts lh<i.t such reducti On in mortal ity would ameliorate a sigl1i ficant porlion of the impact of tnc propused 20-ycar (li:vdopment progr.am. 5.3.2 ~~ vuidance anti M in imj :;mi.'2lJ A vuiJance m)d mirlimintlon mt'<l~ure,~ were <lppfi~d at evclY Sl~p in the preparation of tht:; Hep. First, the Applie-anls made key ti~(i"J ons. Ji scus.~ed <lboVG. ln the devclopIIH.:nt and u:se of the Key d~'(;r PV A model, which rl.::~Llhed in a conservative appmach to modeling. Second, ti~vclupment activ j1ies in the proj cct area will oC"cur in accordrmce with the following guidel inC's, \Nhic.;h ensure avo idilTltC" and minimization of impacts 10 the Key deer and other covered species: 1 , Th~ tot~l impact over 2 () years v".iH not exceed H = ] .1. 2. New residential cleve] oprncnl wi tl be 1i mit"d to a max imurn uf 200 dwelling llnits over 20 years. 3. Ckaring of native habLt<.lt will he limit(:d 1(\ parcels TO be developed for residential use or for ]oc~l roaJ wide[1j ng, Tbc ~ut;,] amount of e karing over 20 ycars ."iill he I imjtcd to no mOrC than 7 Jeres, ;..Jo dC<.lring of n3tlvc hJ bllat, other than that necessalY and authorized [or new n:.:siJe-n tial deve](1pmcnt. local roar! wjJening, or fire breah [() protect lcsidcnli<ll areas will he allm....cd. }\ II otha Jevc lopment wi I] OCCUr on disturh~rl or scurifil:J lots. 54 4. !\"ew residential development in Tier 1 areas wlli be limited to nO morc than five percent of all residential units p~T1njttcd over the 20-year period (i.e., a maximum of 10 unit,>) or a total H '" 0.022 (t\\'o percent of the tutal H), whichever results in a lower H. 5. Ko new development other tban single-family residential and accessory uses will be pcrrni[ted in Tier 1. The total H of all development in Tier 1 will not exceed H := 0.222, 6. ~o developm.;nt will be pennttted whieh may result in habitat loss on the Sands. corridor. as shoWTl in Figure 5.2. With the completion of the Key deer underpasses and the proposed wiMning of US-l along the busines~ segment on Big Pine Key, n:ltive: hahilat in the Sands Subdivision an::a constitutes tbe main corridor connecting Key deer habitat soutb and north ofU5&1 (Figure 5.2). _ p,,-,_ c-__ Undo . :.. ......:r~ PUbhc L :I1'K1. . .:..' T....' ~ l;.,Ol --. ~ . .. I . I --~~--- I ~.*. : , ,,~"" I .! c .l: ~.I'. ".:"0 .....I-:.t:--..'n' 'I_.I".'~._""""'.--.~~ Flgun: 5.2 Ki.OY deer wrridor across Sands Suhdivis ~on 7. New resicJcnti ~l and (:llITl:111:rc~<.ll d~vdopmcnt win occur progressively over 20 years. thus minimiziJlg the ntcnl of i::N'lstnlction impacts that occur at any given time. 8. ?\'C\...' commC'rci~l rl.C"d~lpmenl will be limit~d to intlll ill existing commercial areas on Tier 1 ;mJ Tier 3 ~~mJ~, mi.\inly <ilong the LTS-l corrldm on Big Pine Key. 11)i5 includes all Currenl u,mm<."t~'ia!ly l~ILCd ~1rcas soulh of Lynon's \Vay. All new commercial de\e lopnl.;nt wuuld b<.' ~imi{cd 10 Jis[Ufb~d or scarifiet1 lands, as defined in the Monroe COUllty Code (9 .5~.:1 [D. J 4 Jl S.2J), Clearing of pinebnus <inJ.im hammock wilt 110t bc perrnincd for l'on~rnl'rl'ial <:1...'\..t bpmcnt Jctivitles. 55 ,. 9. F.xpamion of pri V <-I tc non-residential faei !ities will be rcstrictcd primarily to within the US-l corridor, as dcscribed above, 10. "nlC modifit:d ROGO will continue to give ncw development priority to Tier 3 over Tier 2 and Tier I lands, 11. New I ecrcatiunal ami community facDitics ih::vdupment would be restricted to existing (jevdoped areas that are either f\1r~Ady publicly owned or acquired for that purpose. 12, M tnor rClTculiunaI ,md communIty facilities will be restricted to 3.1'eas w~thin existing lrnprovcd subdivi.~ions. 1 J, CumrnUllity orgrmiz[!tions' (kvdopment will bc restricted to expansions. on existing organization-uwned land, up to the buildable area limits per ).1onroe County Code. No dearil1g of 1l31ivc habitat wl11 be pemlitted for ~bcsc expansions. 14, Speed limits, traffic t~alming devkes, and othn measures will he applied to lower {be prob(lbility of vehicle col li sions with K~y deer and Lower Keys marsh rabbit aD county roads, 15. Public infrastmcturc dcvdoprnent will be t c~tric1ed to disturbed land" as det~ned in the Momoe County Code (9.5-4 [D-]4][S-2]). 16. No new knees will be <.lllo\ved in Tier I lands, lmle.~~ they arc aulllOrizcd by the Service. The Servjcc ""ill n::vi'.:w applications for knees in Tier 1 tor impacts on protected species. 17. ~o "Lirlitional fences will he allowed in lhe l ;S-l commercial corridor. 1 f( rcw.;c:s wilt he f:uhjcct 10 r(':strictiuns and glljdc1iucs l'slabli.~hed in agreement with the Snvi c:e. 19. :\10 deve lopmcnl wi 11 be <.lllowed in J....owc'r Keys marsh mbbit habitat. No residential or {:ummercia] development \vi 11 he allowed v,'llhin SOO meters of marsh rabbit habitat, with tht' exception of isulated areas (t.e., the green h<ltchcd at eas On Figure 2.2). Road widen i ng ~ctjvitles along LS-l \'.'Quld ex-cm "vithin c;.; isting dcarl'd and fi [led portions of the F DOT right-of-way. 20. !.DOT will avoid impacts lu wdbnds during LTS-1 three-b.ning. 21. An'CssOl)' uses will bc pcmlitted on lob <~Jjacent 10 cxj sting developed lots only in Tier 2 Jnd Ticr 3 land.~. Residcl1lial <.ll'l:cssnry uses would he limited to those llsted in lhe \1onroe County Code (Chapter 9.5.4[A~2]). 22, The {-"oumy willlIllp!emtnt all animal cuntral erlucation program 10 educate the public regard i ng th{; putential t)cg311V~ ~ffect of dorl]c:stic predators nn the Low~r Keys marsh rabbit, The cducati OJ) progr<Jrn wilt also requesl thaltllc public rt.port any Lower Keys JJ~n.sh rabbit TOaJ mortality to the COlmt)' or lo the f\VS. 23. The c0.unly will t'\'alu.1jc the need and f~3sibjlity uradditionaJ n:.:gul<ttory measmes to c0Jllrollhe ~pr~ild of domestic pr~rlfllOI s. ] f Jeem~c! n(:ccssar)' Jnd feasible, rnc:asurc:-; will b~ Cn<.ictt:rl wirllin 5 Yl"<'ITS from ~1crmit issuance. 56 5.3.3 H 3bitat ]\..1 itf gatiw) ~nQ Habllal.Banklng The Applicants propClse to mitigate for the inciJcnlal take of coveted' species hy acquiring and managing nativ~ habitat <.ircas within the lIeF pJ'oj~(.t uta. The han'es.t grid used in th~ PV A (sce Section 3) provides a measuTC of habitat quality and potc~)tial indirect effects (i.e., increased human-related mUr1<lllty) on the Key deer. It also proviJes a simple currency to compare impacts V~rsu!> mitigation. This Her proposes a level of incidcntallah lhat results in a total H = 1. J. The Applicants will mitigate illcidcntallah impact~ oy acquiring and tn3mging hahitat areas at a 3: 1 .ratio, using H as tbc unil of measurement. Thcrdorc, over 20 yeap.>, lands for a maximum H "" 3.3 will be acquiJ~d and managed. Land C1cquisition will occur in adv[im;~ Df or .simultaneously with development rlcli vilit:s. Should the C1Jmulative H~Cq);lrro lag the cumul[dive Himpacl by 5 percent at any time Juring the 20-ycar permit, Monro~ County will hall dcvdopment pem1it issuance until sufficil.:;nt Ha",",J""~! is avai]a blc. . During lhc buildil1g moratorium, Monroe Counly has continued to acquire lands for conSCJ'\;<ltion. \hmroe County issuiXl 29 devdopment permits ~ Juring a temporary lifting of the mur<Horium in 1 iJ96 ~ as wdl as 266 f~ncing permits. The Applicants propose to use the H value of rlclJuired pal eels., <1 tl r.;I wking into account permits issued for rcsjd~Jltial units and fences at a 3: I ratio, as pUrl uf the overall mitigation rcquirr.;J under tbis HCP. Th~ proposed mitigation H. accrued tbrough land 21cquisltion, is II = 0.3390 (Tahle 5.2). T :sblc 5.:2. ~rilCg and mili ;;<\ti()[l in Big Pine Key ~J]{l :\Jo Name Key, 199~ - present .. )\-tltili!:atiun (al;:qujsi!lon, cttdih) __ Prop{".rlic~ aC{jiJi red fi.o:n Jil5i95 to 11/13/91:: .PrDpenies acquirc([ hom J ~99 d\rough 2002 To1..al: .. .--.. .- Impacts (pumi~~, debits) H ~ 0..5211 1 I --' 0.2646 H = 0.7857 rences (266 pCrnlltS) Huildillg permib (29 p;;:m1i~s) H = 0.11 ] 8 II ~ 0.0371 H ~: 0.1489 TN<iI: . _. _. lh hH..t l.'~.l!...kfng. Credit C:J leu l:Jtion H reqLLired to miljgi\te jJtJpad~ a! .1:1 ]] ~ {O.14lS9"3)'- 0.4467 Credit A vaibbl.~ (H.e,u.."J - 1-11<<.1;;1"<"<1) H - {O.y85? .- 0.4467) = 0.3390 An updated tot("ll H value for all dcvclopmcnl appTOval~ 01) Big Pine Key ~nd No Name Key from March J 3, 1995, to the d3tC of tb~ ITP i~mancc will be: compiled and provided ta the Ser....icc within on C ~nofllh <.lflcr p~nnlt issuance. This .shaH be LnclwJt:J in the Habitat Milig<.ltion and HJ hitat fhJlking ca leu 1.11 ions iH a 3: 1 r<llio and rlcdune:d from the total net H v<llue of me ITr. T <'lble 53 jJ hbtr<Hes t11 (' 3nnufll iin1iclp<l1ed mtttga~jo[J m:cded h3scd On lhe implementation !ichcduk prCSeljj cd in Sl'c[ion ().l.l, for The first fi. ve years l"olluv,,'ing. is~uanc(; of the llr and Jswciawd I JCP_ 57 5.3.4 Habitat Management \1onroe County will m~l1age all uawT<\l buds <Jcguirt::d under lhis Hep, either directly or indirectly through agrcL:rnents with mher managing entities, Lfmds in the project area acquired for tbc HCP will comprise lands purchased by the \1oilloe County Land Authority (MCLA) for the Florida Forever Program <:md land:-; purchased hy tbe MeLA in accordance with the Monroe County Cornprehemive Plan, Table 5.3. Cumulative increase in H (lIld mitigation nCt:ds.in the first five years orthe permit. By the second year, laud fH"(JtLi~itlon will be nece~sary to mee1 mitigatlon goals, Pn1jc\:f Cumulative Halance of Credits __Y_'::'lIr _._.Cumu]ative IU~.'p.acl (H) '.1 itig~(.i_on DC.!Jits J: I (inili:.!~ cHdjt~..!I ~ O.3~90L. 1 * 0,08404 0.25212 0.0878 2 0.164:;; J 0.49443 -0.15543 3 0.l8546 0,55638 -O,2173!O\ 4 0.20146 O.6H438 ~O.26538 5 0.21746 0.65238 -0.31338 .--- 01< Year 1: ] 0 hou.~e5, 15 :.H.:~eS5Qry uses, fire station expansion, 10,000 :;q ft institulionalexp<:m:;.ion, OnC !lIM of recre<ltional and c~)mmul,it)' j~cj]jtjes ilnd public offices. Y caT 2; Year J plus] 0 houses, 15 accessnry uses, one hill[ ;:;omrrLLmity :[:l(:i litlf:"S, and public offices. YeaT 3: Year 2 plus 10 houses, 15 JccessGry USl:~, thn;\:-lnning US-] ; Y t'~r.~ 4 [:l.nd 5: additional 10 houses and 15 acc~ssory uses per year. Lands ::lcquircd tbrollgh the Flmida r:oJcvcr Prognnn, either during HCP J~\"ClQpment or throughout the 20-year life of the JTP, 'All] bt: ill,maged by the Service in accordance with existing practices (Ind lease agr (:i,;JJ](,;nt, Thl:se lands are part of the COllpon Bight/Key deer CARL project i1nd encompass 3,452 Jnt'!; of undeveloped laud between the Caupo]) Bight Aq\J~tic PrC"~t:rve Jnd the Rcfug(; on Big Pine Key, No fonnal Tn<inagement plan exists for lhese l<lIlds~ however, tlH~~e lrmus will Hkcly be included in the Rt::fuge ComprclJe-n.sive Conservation Plan (CCP) to enSlln.:- a unified habitat Jf..~rJ~gl.mcnt '-lppro<lch The Refuge CCP is anticipated to be completed by 2006. The Monroe County Lund Steward j S h:~pum;iblt: for managing all uther lands acquired by the \1CLA either during Her dev~lopUJml or throughout the 20.ycar life of the lTP, Habitat management .a:tlvities for tbese lands will vary depending On lhe habitat qualily, presence ofrare species, and the char.Klcr of tbe adj oin i ng lands. LJrger tracts of contiguous pinclal1d habitat will be mamged in conjunction w jth F ~Jl:ml and .~tate agencies <"Iud the Lo\vcr Key:s Wildland Fire Hazard Rl~dllction Inilj~tiv~, Prescrihed burning activities on these lanus will be conducted ~n nceorJance with the Fir~ M Jllagcn~cnl PIfln for Big Pine Key and ?-Ju ?'-lame Key, which is in prep<lration. Olher county L.,nds '-lojuircd ur)lkr lk HCP wL11 he pritmrily individua 1 undeveloped tots that cannot be burned du~ to the proximity of develupment. These lands will be maintClim.:-d [n:::e of sol jJ "".usk and nOIl-mHi ve invasive- planh and allowed to grow [0 hammock vegetation, rhe Land StcwarJ wj]] condUl:t addiliona 1 t~)<'IJlag(;m~nt efforts as neededo including trash removal, [rlva~i,,"C notic p l;1nt control .1tl{j olla.:r i ~SllC~ related to nf\tllr<Jl resource Tll<1TI<igemenL 58 Managcmcl1t of mitigation ]al1ds will commence nO later than 120 days foll<m:ing acquisition of land in fee title. 5.3.5 Regulatory AdlQns Monroe CDunty will enact land development regulations, which will follow the guidelines for a rate of grov..th and development S1andards descrihed in thi... HCP. Since 1992, Monroe Cuunty has successfully adtninistered a Rate of Growth Ordinance that dhects !,'TO"",1h into disturbed areas and protects cnvironmental1y sensitive lands. Thc county bas awarded 2,014 Rate of Growth Ordinance (ROGO) allocations since July 1992, uf which only 3bout six percent of the total were awarded to parcels witb eTlvlronmenlally sensitive characleristics~ Nearly half of this six percent was awarded to affordable honsing projects, This HeF limits the pmportlon of per mils in environmentally ~ensitive an::as to five percent of <Ill residential units permitted over 20 years Or a tmal H = 0.02 (tv...o percent of the tot4.'l.1 Hoyer 20 years), whichever results in a lower lotal H. The \bster PLm for Future Development ufBig P1De Key and No ?-Jarne Key (Appendix A). in preparation, wi Il direct the r8tc of grov.1h and development ~t<lndarJs in lhe proj eel area. The master plan wlll follow Ille a voidance: and minim] 7.ation gujdeline.~ described in this HCP. 5.3.() Other COI!.si~.kmljOllS With tlJis J JCP, the Applicants l'onw1idatc their efforts to provide for the protection of the Key Jen Jnd other c..:ovcrcd spec i es in the project area. For c:\~mplc, ungoing land acquLsition has im:n::~sl~d the L~mOUTlt of hab itat prottTled in perpetuity. Bcg:irniing lU 1993, fDOT invested approximaldy $l2 mill ion 10 study, p!an, and excnlte projccls 10 reduce }lighway mortality of K~y Jeer aIld improve safc:ty on lJ $-1 in Big Pine Key. In arlrlition to co-funding tnc Jcvdopment of lhis Hep, the FDOT has <11,0 funded the following studies, ".'hieh ::Irc COtlHi.~tent with r[covery phms for Lovcn::d species in lhc plOject area: 'II Development of a tv1 ethodology for DetnT111ning Optimum LOC<.ltjons [or Wildlife Cros.~ing~ on Srate Highw<.lYs Using;) (lcograpl]jc lniormation System (CIS) ApproaL:h, with Application W Key De~r on Big Pille Kcy~ $1 S ,994. . Evaluation of Deer (1uards for Key Deer, Big Pine K~y: $45,000. . Evaltmling RtlntrodnClion as a Conservation Strategy for Lo\','er Keys Marsh Rabbit $1 R,OOO. . Effcl:ti \'l"JlI.::ss of" F cnr:irJg, U n(!crpasses, and Jleer Guards in Heducing Key Deer Mortality on the CS-1 CmTidor, Big Pine Key: $170,506, 59 5.4 \l~mitori ng and lh'pnrting Tbe Applicants wi II ..:aITY oW biolcgical and compllartcc monitoring to en~urc that the bio logical goals and the (Ommitm(;Ilts made in thi s Hep are met. Biolugical munitofing uf the Key deer will focus on assessing the relative occurrence of human. related mortality. The main objective of the biological monitoring is to detcnninc ifhumaD~ rd<:ltcd mortality is incre~sing bcyond the levels ohserved in recent years, Speclfically. tht; bio logical monitoring will test the nu II hypothesis lhal, as development act1vitics proCeed in the project area, tt'..ere will be no significant increase in the relativt:: incidence of human-related monality. Brlscd on the ~tatisticfll rClL\lionship bet\\'een human-relate.d deaths and the mean number of deer ,~t'en in stand,nd field censuses (see Sections 5.1 and 5,2). the ratio of human- r~btcd deaths to mtan number of deer sn:n sbou ld remain below, 1.53 during the 20-year permit period. The SCf\.'lCC conducts \.q::ckly populHlLon COllIlts ~Ild monthly deer census. The Applicants will cDnduct a yearly (in April) census to supplement and verify data from the Service (Tilble 5.4). C~r.sus data wi II pwyide the "Jyerag~ num her of d~er seen," Also, the Applicants will regm::st Key deer mortality data the Ser.:ice cotlecK J\"10rtality data will provide the "number of human- retated deJths." TIle ratio will tben be cal ctlla ted for the reporting period and compared again~t the reference va lue, I .53. Table 5;4. Pr~ctt'd bu~t for monitoring Key deer population for 20-vear period I terniS~nice \L;.rking supplies. Tr~rping.:~lln'eys Tr<!.\.'el c0sIs (2 trips) I)o::.ta ;j,nalY'i~ircporti)lg TOlal Costs .-\nnuai Costs SOD loon 3,000 500 $5.(HIO Cosh for 20-Yi:-.u' Pllll1 . .. -. . ...- ]0,000 20,000 60,000 ]0,000 ______.. $1 n!!JOOQ~ Thc A pplin~:1ts w~lI al~o re\'iew the Ser\"icc nwf1;j lity da ta every year to ctcH::rmiuc if ncw spatial r,:ll1ems emerge, or if 3ny Nhcr ch<'lngc in the mort[jl~ly pan,-"ms occur v,"hich may be nplained hy the additional dcvclopment. During constmction <1Cl ~\' ities of county faci Iities <.lnJ rO<.ltl npumion activities, the county biologist will conJuct hi-weekly monitoring to ensure tbat devclopmcm is (){;~lIrring in <.lC"cordancc \vitr. the conditions ,)1" th~ Pl('LJ) , Po~nllati0n S',lr\ cys of thc uther cO\.crcd spec ies wi II not be nmducted h~L.'lllSe lhe effects on lhe~c ~p;:i.:ics are .J:-Hici pJ1CD to be on i ni nw t H "bil<'ll loss da fa will be comrilcd for the other l'DvercJ ~peLies. Th~ county will ~'uIJ]pilc ha bitat impact J<lta for the SOO-meter wetland b\lffer ilrcas id~.Jltjf]cJ <.is LmportJllt for lower KGYs marsh !"ilbbiT, The county will also complle project Olrca imract d3t~ (in .1cn:s) to Jommen l rmsible imp,iC1S to indigo snakes. (lO CornpJi,mce monl tQring will include an annual compilation of the amount of devdopmenl compktcd and (:tcres (,;Qnvct1cd, number of acres acqulred, and a summary of habitat management activities by \.1omoe County. The total H for development <ll1d acquisition .......in be detenn[l"lcd using the ~p1'ltial model and the appropriate land use 1 i cC1llversio:o factors, Documentation ofh<Joitat m<Jnagement activities will be conducted by the Monroe County Land Steward for lands acquired under the Her that are not part oftbe Coupon BighuKey deer CARL project. Habilat management <Jctlvities should parallel land acquisition dforts, that is, the ~mount of hind acquired by the r-..1 CLA annually, outside of the Coupon Bight.IKey deer CARL project, shcllJld be eq\li\'~lent 10 that ~\h~ch is managed. The Monroe County Land Steward will 5\lbmll an ~llnlJa~ summar}.' of the number of the coumy' s habilal m<Jnagement aCllvities. Monroe Co,mty is rc::'pol1siblc for ensuring that {hcs-c monitoring acti\'ill~S are funded and implemen1ed, M oilltorlng activities will be Jclalled and summarized in an mmual report for tbe 20-year life oftbe HP, 5 .4.1 A TIE \Hi 1 .FS..ffi.o IJ..i!!.g \1unroe County will pi Cp\3TC and ~\l blllit an annual J ICP Report w the Service at the end ofthe reporting year. The I '..:-pon ing period wit] cover January J thlOugh DCt:I.:IIlber 31 and will be submitted hy \-brch 3] followiug thc (,;"nd of the r(,;"porlll1g periuJ, The report will address both the biological muni10ring <,JlU 1hl.:: l:umplLL\ncc monitoring. Thl.: n:puTl will include the following information: · Biulogical J n fllTnl<HioIl: Resulb of the Key deer CCll1'US, including the CJ lctltHion of The average Dum ber of dnT seen. A S\lJnmMY of Key ch:cr ml1rt~ljty inforrnution, including the calculation of the r;umbi.::r (lfhum:m-n:lLul"d deaths. Hum,m-related dCJtlls include lhos.e due to road ki!ls, ~T.!Olr:.gh.:mt..:nt, "tt;cb [rum domeslic predators. and poaching. A Jiscu~~i on arid interpretation of mortality data. A ~lJmmary di~CllS~i ng habitat manag~mcnl ael L\'i~i cs for cuunty lands. A n ,'IS ScSsmcn[ of wh;:[her the ratio of the number of lmman.lclatcd deaths to flverage del'r ~een remJ ~ns below 1 ,j 3. For th~ LuwlT Kcy~ m,mh rabbit <lnd eastern indrgo $r1akc~ o A compi lation (in act~s) of annual impacts to 1ht: SOG-meter wetland buffer area;5 id~mi Ol::U as Lmpert<mt for Lower Keys marsh rabbit. o The ClLnlU btive irr.pacts of all d~\'ClllpmC'nt projel:l:S <l [fec~il1g buffers since permit 1 ~Sllancc, o ..1., ~.or]JpihtHJn <J;)J report of cnlire project area impncls (in ,Krcs) to Jo(,;uml'1lt pDssib le effects on indi go snakes, o /\ summary or reported Lowc-r Keys marsh rabbil road mOr'l\i.JiIY {SCl.: Section S,3.2}, 6] . Annual Compli;:mcc Infonnatjon~ I" A list and map of dev-elopmenl acllvitit:s approved and completed. - The H ,:alue a~soei ated with ~,llh llctivity and the total H i.:ahle of all activities for the y car. The cumulative H \'a~ue of all developmtnt since pcrrnil iss.uance. A discussion of observations made dllfLng construction monitoring of county facilities and road expansion activities. A list and map ofran:d.s <lcquired in the reponing year, The H value for each parcd and the total H value ofparce!f; acquired during the n:poning period. The (umu ]l"1tivc H \'alue of all acq\lisition ~ince permit is~uance including the mitigation credit ofH "... 0.3999 dlscu.'Ssed above. A discussioll of management activities conducted during the reponing year. An assessment of the St.:lNS of all mltigation parcels, addressing tbe exlent of invasion by cxotll' ~pt:~ics. trash dispDsal, and othcr poa:ntial humaD-relatcd impacts, Amon itoring report documenting compliance with the e.xotjc....nuisance plan! control pIogr<\m OIl ~'ounry ~'ons(:r".'atioil lands demonstraling no mOre than 20 percent aerial (:on:r<lge nuisance and 10 pcn::ent <lenal coveragl: invasive ~pel'ics identified by Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council. A ,~latCmcnt c0nfjrr~fljng lhat mitigatlonl1as occurred as to maintain a 3 r I: J H ratio with rcsp.::ct 10 dc\'dopment activities and demonstrating th"t acqulsition credits repr CSl:rlh::J in H an.:: nol grl:".ucr than 5 pcrn:m behind H values for impLlcts , Any other pertin~P.t ir.fcrmJtion relative to the implemellt<ltiot1 Qftl1e HCP. \.l(,nl"oe County will pJ cp.rc aud malnt~in an Upd;HCd m<1ster li Sl of all devclopm(:ot permitted On Big Pin(: K~y [md No 1'\ amC Key with the .sturt d<lte of March 13, 1995, wll ich rn::urds the H Vol tuc for each permit approval and a runn illg total, which is ctlJnulalively ~ubtracted from the totat H value. This master list shall be rcadily a vaiL:lb le to the public, lhc Service, and the DCA. 5.5 Ad~p li \"t~ :\ 1 ansgcmcnt Adaptive mallagement provisions in the HCP's flirn nt reJu{;ing risk to the species due to signifIcant data, infoTTn<ltion gaps, ur to circumstances wl1ich arise requiril1g a change in specics man<'lgcrm:nt Dr acquisition strategies. The Key deer l~as b~cn ex tcnsivdy studied (Lopez 2001) tlnd Ol1golng resc:-lrch prognnr..::i <It To:.i\s A&M Cnivt:Tsity are addressi ng the Key deer, the sjlver rice rat <lnd tl1e Lower Keys marsh rahbiL The Key deer PV A model lS tbc state-()f-lh~:;.art and win likel;' be fully l!ppliulbk cmlc:;::, ~~l"rJdi~il'ns Lhange dr"matically. 1\0 further smdies are rroposc~1 ;-i~ p<'lrt of lhi~ } fCP. Th~ success of tl1c proposl.::d mitig<llion s[rategy relies h~avi]y OIl the W Lllillgncss of landownns to ('nter iIllO SJ lcs Jgrcem::-nts ',,"ilh the A ppJicants:. Should UJJ willing s.::llas prevent tne county from ,H."l'Cm-.p I ish i ng the JJli (ig,ltion goals, ~1 unroe County \vi II halt the issmmcc of dcvck1pmmt pem1ig unti] \\";]]mg ~crt',s r.['comc J\.Jilahk, or pH10itc ~ldJplin~ rTIJnagcment hy t110dit}'ing the- J'..:tpi si tion pr occss [() (.l~l~~ '.\.il~ Jl'n-,or,strJt~d SUCCESS, l'nder no c ir,-'lInlstanec wi II thf: 62 county lssue pClmits if mitigation is not a""ured and, to the extent practicable, land acquisition will occur in advance of incurring impacts. 5.6 Chang~d Circu mstancc.. Reasunably fmeseeahle cjrcurnstan~e, which may occur in the pn1jecl area or to Lbe covered species include hurricanes, tloorl i ng, fire, or sudden population decline due to disea..'>e or habitat degradation. A steep decline in the populations of lhe Key deer or Lower Keys marsh rabbit due to disease, food base change, or ca.4>str0phic event will trigger the Service to demonstrate a change in viability ofth~ species. Adaplivc mrmagcmcnt provisions implt::mented by Momoc County in response tQ such an event wl11 include consultation with the Service to determine if an <.ldjmtment of the H value for ch;:vclopment peT year is necessary unlil tlu; population starts to reC{)Ver from a jeopardy slatus. One of the biolugkal tcn{;~s of the HCP is to l:nsur~ thal development activities do not result in an iIlCrCrlSe in the relative occurrence of human-related mortality of Key deer, In the event the ml:an ratiu (deaths/average deer seen = 1.3~) changes significantly or the pwbabllity of the p0.pulation fal ling below 50 females ~t ]e~st once In 50 yt;MS rises above 5 percent and the Service dcrnoll$tratc"s a change ill vi ability of the K~y Jeer, the county will adjust the H value for tievdopmmt per year \Jnti llhe populJlion is viable. The ratio oflmm.:lI}r related mortality may no 10Ilg~r be valid; however, if a change in the population or census t~chnj4ucs arc improved. Finally, monitoriIJg the success Oflhis Tlep d(:pcIlJ~ on <.i.nnual data the Service gathers. Should the Service SlOP gll [hlTing Jecr Jf,;Jlsity '-lIld mmt'-llity data, other options 10 g~ther these data _~t'lOuld he flgr ccd upun bct.......ccn lhe Applinmt~ and the Service, 5.7 C rl fllresccn Ch.cumstanccs A catastrophic Or ulllL.T un[ornlTJl r,;.....r:nt will trigger the Ser....ice to demonstrate a change in Vl3 bLlity of covered species. Tne Service \Vl II reinjtiatel:()Jl$ull<.ltion on the 11sted specles and J csolutlon of issue:,,: shm) ld b(:. "f';[ c~d upon bc,tv.'ccn the Applicants and the Service. 5.8 ~o Su rprises The "No Surprises" Jlolicy e<;liibli"hcs. a cleM cormnilment from the Federal government to honor its agreements lmdcr ~n Jpprovcd HC'P [or which the permittee is in good faith implementing the Hep's te.rms and conditions (Service 1996). Tbe Hep lw,nJbook (Service 1996) states thatthe Service will noL reql1ir~ the Comnl it rncnt of ~dditional hmd or financial compensation beyond the level of m it ig,ltion provided ln the Hep_ 63 6. I]\lJlLE\-1E~T AnON A:--lP J<INA:"lCIJ\G ,I' 6.1 H.cgulatory Actions Upon approval of the H CP and i SS\lancc of the ITP. llu; county will ammJ its Comprehensive Development Plan (Comp Plan) and Lmd Development Regulations (LDR) to codify the development guidelincs described in this IICP. A Master Plat] for Future Development of Big Pine Key and No Name Key, in prcpanl.tion, will rule the rate of growth and development stam'!ards in rue project [lrea, in accordance with the guidelines described in thi.s HCP. Pursuant to the 1998 MOD betw~en the A pp lie ants alld technical agencies, the DCA [lld the county may enter into an ?;gre~mcot Hndcr Sectlon 380.032, F.S., whereby the county may p[{)~eed with dcvdopm~nt activities in the Hep he fore amendments to the Camp Plan me cnmpleted. 6.1.1 Roles and ResponsibiliJi~~ Monroe COUIlty will act on behalf of lhe Applicants in conducting the Plan' ~ mitigation program and for all rl:portiIlg activities under this Hep, In <'IJJition, Momoe County will be responsible fur the folluwing activities: approving dC',.dopmmt consistent with the covered 3~ti vities in the Hep; maintaining a (; IS databssc on tht:" number, habitat type and locatIon of development activtties and mitigation <.wtiom including acquisition and m8..!Iagcmcm adi vltle1'i~ funding or provldi ng sUltf for hi ologil:Hl monitoring and annual reporting activili~.s; establishing and maint<tlniIjg an ..mnmll budget and b~]dgCl arm:ndments for Hep adoptiol1 and impkmt:ntatl{m~ and all other dutie.~ and rcsponsibilitj~s relating to the execution ofthc Hep, ~oreover, the county will he rc:spoosibh:: for ~.nsllring that all mitigatlon activities an; implemented concomitant with development ,qctivi~ics. Finally, Monroe County will coordinah:: wilh FDOT and DCA to ensure that tl~c provi sium or this H CP are mct. 6,1,2 ImplL:.llwnta~ioJ1 Schedule Over the :!.O.ycar Efe of the ITP, Monroe County will <lUlhorizC" residential development at a stc~dy rate 10 be J~[~mlIl1ed in tbe .\1aslcr Plrm. Commercial development and local road impro.....ements '''''Quld fllso O('Cur progressive ly through the plan periud at an approximale rate of 2,390 square feel per year ;.md 1 O,XtJO sq\lare feel p~r year. re.spectively. Expansion of the existing fire st<.lllon and institutiDus, and <lpproxirnately half of the community facilities and CUUnly offices wi n be (:oustructeJ during year one, TI1C remaining community facilities and expan.~ion of county office.s wi II likely be cornpIck:J in y~ar two of the Ph'ln, The inlcrirn waslewater lrcatnn.:nt p hints \\'i II be constnlctcd irl years five, six, and Seven of ~he Plan. FDOT \....oHl(] nmslruct the US- J lbltC- hming project follow i ng compktiol1 of the dcsit,'"Il phase, whieh is sLh~duled for 2005. Construction may be compktl:u within the first Se,'en years of the p lan p~ri("ld. I S~lI unce of p<~rmjIs for f1C~t;~sol)' uses and fetlces will OCcur at the time of request, for the purposef; of the ~cheJL!le pem1 it ~ss\l<1nce W[lS ..ncTaged over the 20 years.. M<ln~gem~nl of milLg,nion bmis will be commensurate \vith land ,KquLsiliun. 64 6.2 J.unding \1onrue C oun~y will fund li.md acqllisLli on and manag.:-ment under thi s Her through ex ~sting funding mechani sms, S lnce 1986, the MeLA has been tasked with acquiring lands for the county in <.;ccordance with the MDnroe County Comprch~nsive Plan LaDd Authority Ordinance (Ord. No. 31-1986, l),andby s. 3~O.0ti61~380,06R5,f,S., s, 125,Ol08,F.S. The MCLA was estahlished to conduct land acquisition actlvities necessary to deal with property rights of :small landowners, environmental pmlcction, park and recreational space, affordable housing and publ1c infrastructure should there be an enVlwnml:ntal compom:nt, The MeLA provides OJ mechanism 10 '.deal with the challenges of implementing comprehemlye land uSe p!am pursmmt to 111C area of criti cal state concern program, whkh challenges are often complicated by the en vironmcIltal SCns.ilivity of ~llcb mcas (and to pw\'ide) a stable funding source and the flexibility to address plan imp 1 emtntatiOIl i rmovatively and by acting as an intermediary bet\veen landowncrs and the gov~l1lmcnt<l.1 cnttt[es regulating land use" (Section 1.3, Rule 02.1991, :\1CLA). fund ing for ~hc ~1CLA WJS inil i,ll!y sllpplied by'" recurring rCV~Il uC from a Florida Department of ~:l hlT<~l R.;sourc.;s park ~urchargc ,md One h..ilf n"nt of tourist impact tax rcvc-nm:. The St<lte pj.rk ~UTl"h~lTgt: (s, 380.0685" F. S.) is collt::ctcJ at a rate of 50 cents per person per day, or $5 per unnll<ll family auto entrance pem1it, or $2..50 per nlght per campsite, cahin, or other overnight rccrtriliu:1Hl OlUlpanc)' unit. ~lnely-cight percent of this surcharge is provided to the MCLA for the purpose of bnJ acqu is itioll, t~n ~1erc{'nt of which may be u",cd for admini strati,,'c purposes, The tourist impact ta); (s. 125.0 1 OS, f. S ,) i~ cQ1]ccted as a O,5~ccnt bed laX per $1 lodging moucy on :cnt31s witll 6.nwrilh krrn Or Ins., S-{;grl"g<Hcd by ArCH of Critic<ll State Concern. Fifty percent of this ta\ is pw\'i ded 10 the MCLA (or the purpose of 1 ,;nd acquisition, five percent of wh lch may be med for Jdmi nistralivc purposes, Additional s(mrct's of !c\.cnuc for tbe \1CLA induck: grants from progmms mch as Pre"~er....ation 20[)U. r: rum 1998 to 2001, cllIltriblnions lo MelA r~vt::rme from the state have heen to the llJlJOtLm ofS3,OOO.OOO per year. ',vith a total of$14.793,174 provided .since 1985 (FDEP 2001). TIKS.C fund~ .rn.: being used by the \1CLA to purchase lJnds for lbe Cll1.lpOn Bigbl''Kcy Deer CA RL prcj ecl. \\'her['a~ funds gl;::i~rat~~d by gr~nts f1uCwfltl.::, rCVt:nu~ pH.~duced by the stale park surcharge is rc13ti\"c ly comttmt. F llnds [rom the touri.st imp<Jct ta:>.:. continue to increase v,'ith iuocJsing numbers of tourists ,.isiting the Keys. A 11 re"~nuc provided to the MCLA is dcpusit~d into an interest-bearing account ror the p\lJ~OSC orland ...cqulsillOrJ and program administration costs, Table 6.1 pro...idcs a rre1iminat) ~.~limt~t~ oftht: costs for Plan implementation. This cost eqimJte J%llt:1CS ~IH~t m.magC!TJl':11 cn.~ts for mitigation lan ds purcl1nscd by the MCLA for the Co~~rol1 G ight:'K;:y Iker CA R L ;~] oj cO <1r C nOl ~ ~!st~,in,..d by lh~ lCumy. \1 itigation lands 10 be ;mmageu under th~ 11 CP irK hHk :'Hl~1s <if.quirl"J in Tier 2 ,md Tler J areas" AdmLrJistrati \it: costs for land acquisition 1\ctivitics and reporting cff0l1S. will primflriJy constitute staff lime and thcreforc ,~n: nut shown in the t'qirnalC below. 65 Table 6.1, Est~matcd cost of the I reF Item l'nU Deve1Qpment impact (H) 1,1 Mitigation (H} 3.3 Estimated lOLnd \'1ihu; (b~sed on <t\.'eI<lgC wst for lands wtaling H=-3.3J $6,185,000 EstimuH.:d number of a~r~s (basf;d on Tier 1 tmds) 270 Annua.l ma.nagcml;nt l;U::;t.::; L $67,950 20.ycar manag~mL'TIt S 1 ,35:;1,000 20.}'car monilOring ($5,OOOiyear) $lOO,OOO Total (:slirnlilcu Hep cosl (Raw Cost O\'C1" 29 Ye.3!!L__ $1.] ,685 ,OOQ..__,~ ;.1aT1<lgcnJent cost is ~slinn,tfd at $1 ,GOO/acre for the .first mree years and:} 1 OO/acre thereafter, The numhcr n:pmted is tbL:: 2()-ycar ,i\'cmge, 6.3 Permi~ AmendIll t'nt Prondures Modifications to the lTP wonld n~cd to be made in the event of: 1. Modifica tions lD the hounrlarics of the project area Or the location of development acti vities~ 2. Increases in the ac~ cage of dcvdopIIli.::nt aclivlties~ 3. The listing of a specic.~ protected und\:r the Aet 'which is not covered under t.hc Hep and which would 1 ikely b~ lakCJl ~s a r~~lllt of c{)v.ered developmCll1 Oiui viti-.::s; 4. A ch,mge in the rkvclopment <.letion or land acquisition mitiga!ion activities that \\'ould fC,~lllt in .1n iner(.a.scd t<Jke of one or more ofthc coven:d species; and 5. Changcs that would result in signi fLcatlt adverse dfcL:t~ to the cover cd speCIes or new er1tct.s [0 covered specics thal were not <lddressed in the Hep, Amendm~nts to the ITP wi II rcqu ire a revised lIep, a pcnnit applicati on and application fee, a ~atianal Envirnnmcnlal IJolie} Act (I\EPA) dOC~JmCnl and a 30-day puhJic comm~nt period. The Service must be cumu[tcJ ,md concur on O1ll pr0posed amendments, TIH.:rc are two types of propos cd am-.::nd III C n ts : · M tllOr Amendments. \1i r:mr il.tllendrm:nts invol ve routine admjnisw.lllve re\i.iSlons or changt:,S to the openl1 ion and management program, which do not deplete tbe level or means of ruitjgiitlon, Such minor amendments do not alter the tenus of [he Pennit. Upon \....ritkn rCl)\.Jc:-;t of the A ppl iC<Jnts, the Service is authorized to <lpprove minor amendments to the (ICP, if the- amccndmcnt d0CS Hot contlicl with the purpose of the HCP as stated in Scclion J .2. · All Other A mcndJIlCrlls. All other amendments wi 11 be considerr:d .1~) <1TfH:ndment to the ITP, and wi rl D..:: subj ed to any orner proteJur<Jl requirements afla W~ or regulations lhat may be <'Ippl ie<l b[~. 66 6.4 Permit Rl.'newal or E);tcRSion The ITP may be rcncwl.:u Or D h;nd~d prior to expiration if the biological conditions described in thc Hep are not signifi cantly different aod no fldditional tflkc of covered species is reques.ted. In the event ~hat renewal of the lTP i~ sought, the Applicants will submit a \vritten request to lhe Service certlfyil1g that the provisions within the Hep and aU subsequent amendments are valid. The request for rcnewal will also lndude a description ofthe portions of the project to be completed or devdDpment ilctiviti cs that would be covt:n:::J under the lTP renewal period. The request for rCllcwal must be submiUed 30 days prior to the lIP's date of expiration. The Service may renew the ITP if its findings are consistent v..'jtb those detailed in the Applicant's rCllul;Sl. Renewal procedures will be conducted in [H,::cordance with .50 CFR 13 .22. Renewal of the UP noes nN autllorizc an increa~e in take levels beyond those stated in the original I rcp. AH (lJlml<ll J~p0nS and reporting requirements must be completed prior to submittal of th~ n;quest for renewal. 67 7. REFERJJ\"CES 7.1 Ag~ncie.s and Pcrson~ Contact~d Florida Dep41rtment of Comm unity Affairs Dh..i.slun of Community Planning Florida Keys Fi cld Oflicc RcbcCL:<l. ] eltoIl, Community Program AJrnini:slntor 2796 Overseas lligbway, Suite 212 M<lratnon) FL 33050 Florida Oe]l.artmetl t of Tran spo:rta1ion EnviroumCnT.fll MLilJagt:mcnt Office C. Leroy In....in, Dlrector 605 Suv,-anm::c Street, MS-J 7 Tallaha~see, FL J 2.3t)()-04 SO Florida Departmrnt of Tr:mspm.tation, District VI ED\'iHmm~ntal ~an<!.gement ()ffice Cath~rine B, Owen. EtlVlron me ntal Manager 1000!\W II ] th Avenue, Roum 6101 Miami, Fl. 3:;172 Florida Hsh imd \\'ildlifc Con~en':ltion Cflmmissiol) Office of Environmental Services. Habital Prokc[im1 Plan ning R<lndy S. Kautz, ~\;c~iu]] L(,;ader (J20 South \IT cridi <"ill Street hllalwsscc, FL 323 99-1 WO Jlep CoordiIJ:l ting Com mittce ''ll'm ber Jim CHIle-roIl, Citizen Representative Big Pine Key Re:;ident HCP Coon]jnating Commilft'f Member Aljcl<l Pulm;y, Citizen Repfc,S(:J1W.tjyC No 1'\ ame Key Rcstdcnl llomoe County Grow1h \1an,1gtmcnt [)ivLsion Department of P1 <1rJJlLJlg and Enviro:1menlal RE,~ource,~ Marl ene COl~3\Va)". Director ::!798 On:rscas lJ ir,hway. Sui {c 410 Mar31hotl, H. 33050 68 M ouroe County Gro.....th Management Di vision Laurie McHargue, Ph.D., Land Ste\vard 2798 Ovt:r~~as Highway, Suite 400 Marathon, FL 33050 \lonrue County Land All thof"ily Mark J. Rosch, Ext:cullve Direclor 1200 Truman A venue, Sui1C 207 Key West, FL 33040 United States Fish and Wildlife Ser\!ict South Florida Ecolugical Services Office Michael Jennings, HCP./t-;EPA Coordinator Sbaron Tyson, f&W Biologist 1339 20lh StIT~t VeTO Beach, FL ~2l)6Q~35Y) United Stales Fish and 'Vildlife Scn"ice National K(;y Dl:~r Refuge Philip A Frank, Ph,D., Refuge Manager 28950 Watson Bouh::vard H ig. Pine Key, FL :\-'043 7.2 Bjb[jo~:raph)' Akcakaya, H .J{. 200(L POPlllati0.n viahil ity analyses '....ith demographj(;311y [lnd spatially structured models., Ecolog ical Bulletins 41:U3.38. A kcskaya, H.R. and P. Sj ogrm-GuJvt::_ 2000, Pupulation vi.lbillty an<llyses in Lonservation planning: an overview. Ecological Bulletins 4R:9-21. AIc:xanGCf, T,R. flud l.R Di(bun~ III, 1970. Vl:gl:[utionCll changes in the National Key Deer Refuge-H. Quarterly Journal of the Florida Academy of Sciences 31(2):S 1.89, , Bergh, C. and J. \Visby. 1996. Fire Hi,~lory of Luw-er Key:;; Pine Rocklands. The Nahuc Conservancy, flmida Keys Ini~i("Jl1V(;, K~y \VCs.t, FL. C.1rlson, P.C, G,W. T<mn'..::r, J\1. Wood, <;nd S.H.. Humphrey, 1993. Fire iD Key deer h<lbitul improves browse, prev~llts sUCCCS:SL(lTl, ann preserves endemic hl:rbs. Journal af\VildJife \1anagen1ent 57(4):914-92g, Cox, J.A. and R,S, Kau!z, 7.000. lL.lh:al Cunsavation \:reed:;; ofRan~ and lmperilc.d \J,,/jld1ifc tIl flllriJ<'I. Office () r Em..i mnme~Ha 1 Scr'~' ir:(':s, Florida FL~h and \Vlldlift: C on~~.;r\'ation C ummission, Tallahassee, FL ] 56p. 69 Dickson, H,. Ill. 1955. An c\:ologi~'<I1 study of lhl;; K~y deer. Florida Game ('Lnd Fresh Water Fish Commission. Tech. Bull. 3. l04p. rlorida Department of Em'ironmental Protectiun, 200]. Florida Forever Five Year Plan. Prepared for lk Board of TfUS~CCS of the Intcmal Improvement T.rust fund in cooperation with the Acqllisition and Re01oralion Council, Florida Depal1mcnt of Transportation, 1996. US.1./SR-5 Key deer/lv1otonst concept repan. Di strict V L Florida Dl.:pHrtmcIlt ofTr~1Jlsport[ltion. 1998. SR5/tJS.l Key Deer/Motorist Conflict PD&E Study _ Dlstricl \'1. florida Department of Transportation. 1999. Environmental Detemlination for SR5/ 1JS~ I Key Dc~rf1>,.1olorisl C ont1ic\ PD&E Srudy. CUkgoricaI ExdllSion Type II, Folk, M.L. ! ~Nl. Il ;:;bit"t of the Key Deer. Ph,D. Dissenat[on, Southern Illinois Univcrsity~ Carbonda1c. Ii. Folk, M_L iind VIi. D Klim~tra_ 19S11, RqHoductive p~rformance offemale Key deer. Journal of Wildl if~ )'1,'1 anaf.~mcnt 55: 3 86-390. Fo"y~, E. A. 1 <)95, \1ctapopllhtions of J\'fLu::::h R~ bbib: A PupU]UtiOIl Viabilily Analysis of the; Lmver Key~ M<:;r~h Rabl1it (svh'i!(.1b,'1.I:' pfllustr-j:i hetm:ri), Ph,D, Thesis. Cnivnsity of Florida, Gainesville. FDrys, E.A., P.A. F:-ank, and R.S Kautz. J 996. Recovery actions lor the LOWL'T Key~ marsh rabbit, ,~ilvcr rice t31, ann Stock. IslLmJ lrCc snLlil. L'npublisht:d report to Florida Game and freshwater Fish Commission. Tallahassee, FL Forys, E.A. and .s. R. I lum]1hrey. 19()4. Iliology of the Lower K l:Ys J\1Hr.sh Rabbit at Navy lands in the Lower Florida Keys. MS. GoodYCflr. N.C. ; 984, Flmll n:pDrt on the distribution, hahitat, and stams of lhe silvt-T ricu nIt Ory;:omys mgema!1.is. lJnpuhli~hed report pn.:parcd for the U.S, Fjsh L'lrJd Wildlife S-ervice under contract No, 14.16-0604.83.57. Jacksunville, FL. Harding, J.\\.'. j(J74. Behavi01", socio-biolDgy, anJ reproductive life history of the f]orjda Key deer. Odo('uf!eus yirxiiliu~ws elm.iwH, [)lsscrtiltion, Soulbcru Illinois Cniverslty. CarhCll1dale, IL Howe, S,E, 1998. Lo\vcr KLY.~ mJr.~h jahbil ::";latus surv~y. Rt~p{Jrllo [he us. Fish Jnd Wildlife ServicE; J<lcb:onvi I le, f:l_. Klirmlra, W.o. 19S5. The K~y (h~cf. The Florida ),'aluralisL 58(.::1): 2-~ 70 Klimstra, W.D. and A. Duolcy 1990 roods of ttle Key deer. Floriu<J Scientist ~J :264-273. La:zell, J.D., Jr. 1984. A New Miush Rabbit from Florida's Lower Keys, Journal of Mamrnol{)g)! 65{l):26-33. Lewis, R.R. 1980. Impact of oil spills on mangruve forests. IJ1tematloJ)al Symposium on the Biology and Management of M~Ilgruves in Tropical Shallow W <ller Communities, 2Qd. Pon Moresby, Papua, Nl:w Guinea. Lopez. R. R. 2001, p()pubtlOll ecology of Florida Key deer. Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University, College St;:ttion, IX, 203pp. Lopez. R.R. 2003. Conservation of Florid<J Key Deer. In: J l.R., AJ;cakaya, M. Burgman, O. KinJvall, C.c. \Vood, P. Sjogrcn-Gulve, J. Hatfield, and M. McCarthy (ed...) Species Conservation and ManagcnH.:nt C<.lse Studies, Ox ford Univ~rslty Pres1S, New Yark. NY. " Lopez. R.R., M.E. Viera, N.J. Silv)', P,A. Fmnk, ~.\\.', Whisenant, ~Ild D.A. Jones. 2D03, Survival, Murta(lty, and I.ife hpl:Clancy of the F1Qrida Key DCl::L Journal of Wildlife \-tanagemcnt. In press. \1cI\ ccsc, P.L ,md lG. Taylor. J 998, FloTida Keys Advance Identi [kation of Wetlands. (ADID) ProJect Technical Summary Document - Final Draft Lewis Env it'Cltltllcntal Services, Inc.. Summerland Key, FL. Moln, r.E. ] 9n, E;lstcm iIldigo snake. p(lg.cs 181-186 in P .E, Moler, ed. R<Jre and endallgered biota of Florida, V olum~ HI, Am]ll1 ibians <1nd Ri.::ptiles. Univcrsity Prl~SS of r<lortda; Gaille~ville, FL Monro~ County. I n7. A focal Point Plan for the Big Pine Key Area of Critical County Concern. Monroe County Pl,mning D~~p~rlmenL Key West, FL. \10JlJOC County. lOO J, .Big Pin~ and NoN ,1lll(; Key Devel{lpment Ahcrmtives Report. Monroe County Department of Pbnnlng <.lnd FnvirOnIJ](;"lltaI Re"ource.~_ Mar<'lth{)n, FL. JJ p. Muntague. Cot.. and R.G. Wiegert. 1990. S<llt marshes, Pp. 481-51G In Myers. R,L. and J.J. E\ve1 (cds.) E(:()~yslems of Florida, Univcrslt\' OfCI..-'IllmI Florida. Orlando. FL. . . . Natural RCSO\lrCC Come,....ation Scrvic.;e. 1989. The 26 ~cological c(lmnmnitic~ of Florida, corrcla1cd [0 the nahnal soil h:muscJpe positions. Florida Chaplcr of the Soil and Waler Cunservation Ser..'icc Gaine.~"mc, fL :-Jicb::n, A. 1 ()90. Coupon Bight Aqu,.nic Presen'e nwnngi:mcnt plan. 188 p, Odum, W.E.. c.c. Mdvor <md l.J. Smilh, J9fol2. The e~~ology ufthe mangroves ofSnuln Florida: 3 community pmtl Ie, L S. Fi sh 3mi Wildlife Service. FWS/OBS R] -24. l05p 71 Ross., M.S. i 989. EITects of hydrologic factors on me ....cgctatiofl of Rig Pine KeY. In Robertson, M.L and J.M. Young (eds) Freshwater and surface \V~lCr n:5ources of Big Pine Key, Florida. The ~ature Conservancy. Key West. FL. Ross, :-.1.S, and PL. R uiz, I Sl96, A Study of the Distribution of Several South Florida Endemic Plants in the Florida Keys, A repurt to the U.S. fi1sh and Wildlife Service. Southeast EnvironmcIltal Re~earch Proglam, Florida Intemaliunal University, l\.11ami, fL. Ross,M.S" 1.1. O'Bril.:n and LJ, Flynn. 1992. Vl;gt:::tation and landscape ecology ofccnlralBig Pine Key. The Narnrc Cons(.;rvancy, Key West, FL Ross, M,S" JJ. O'Brien, fwd L.d.S.L Sternberg. ] 994. Sea-level rise and the rnluclion ill pint: forests in the Florida Keys. Ecological Applications 4(1): 144-1 56. Silvy, N.J. 1975. POP\Jlfllion dCJlsity, movements, and habitat utj]izfltlon of Key deer, Odocoileus virginiw1Us d{JYiwn. Ph.D. Dissenation. SOlJthcm Jllin{Jis University. Carbondale, IL. Sncd<'lker, S.C 1 ()W). Overview of en1logy of mangroves and information needs for Florida Bay. Bulletin ofM(1.r~Il(; S{;icnce 44:341-347. Snedaker, S ,c, <-lnJ A .E. l.llgO. 1973. The Rok ofM ,mgrove Ecosynems in [h~ M<:linkmmCc of EnviwmnE.:nlal Qual ity fl1ld a High Produclivity of Oe~irahle Fisheries. Final Report. Contract # 14.16.008-606. lJ S _ 111lT L'~Hl Spurt Fi.sheries and \Vi ldl ife. Wa;:;hington D.C. Sllyd~T, l.R., A. ] IcrnrlOIJ, W.B. ]{ohenson, Jr. [()()O, Smllh Florida rockland, Pp. 2}Q-277 in l\1yns, R.L ,md LT, Ewd ((-J.s.) l-.cosystems otT10f~da. Cniver:si[y of Central Florida. Orlando, FL S~(,;waTl, M.T., M.J. V....jglnm<.ln. and K.M Beaudoin. 1989, Thc fr~shwater lenses of Big Pine Key. Pp 11.2.': In RODcrtwn, M.~.. 3nd ],M, Young (~d~.) Freshwater and Surface Water Re.sOlHCCS of Big Pine Key, Monrul.: COllnty, FL The :-.Jature COJI5CrV<.lncy. 122p, Strong, A.M. and (J,T. BLmnofL 19()4, Patterns of dcforcslalion and tlagmcIlt<:ltiun ofm<.ln!:,'Tove and deciduous ~e;) sonal [urests in the Upp(:r Flurida Keys_ Bulletin of Marine Science .54:795- 804. u.s. In...ironmelltal PJOH;uion Agency. Unn~tcd J 2, Hammocks. Indian River Lagoon N <.Llional Estuary Program. http://I.\'WW xpa.gov/O\\',() \Vioccans/bguon/hammock.html u.s. Fish (lnd WilJlife SeTvice. J985. Revised Flmld<'l Key Den Recovery Plan. U,S. Fi.sb and Wildlife Sen'ice. AtlMlt<\, GA. .1(;p. u ,S, ri sh ~nJ Wildlife S~'rvicE.:. 19%. r Iahital CQns(:fVHlion Pbnning and IrK.iJenlal Take Pem1it Proccssi ng H ~lndhol)k. 72 u. S. Fish and \VilJlife Sero;lce. 1995l. mologic~l OpiIYiolL South Florid<l Ecological Services Office. Vem Beach, fL. U, S. Fish and Wildlifc Service, 2001 a. BiulogicalOplnion. South Florida Ecological St:rvlct:s Office. V CrO B ~ac h, FL URS. 2001. Carrying Capacity Analysis Model. Final Report. Tampa. fL. Vessey, S.H" D.R Meikle and S.R. Sp<H1lJing. 1976. Biological SUr.'cy ofRaccoun Key Fl(lrida: a preliminary report to th~ Charles River Breeding I.abs, Wilmington, IvLA., Whjte, G,c. and K.P. Burnham. 1999. Program MARK: SurvIval estimation from populations uf marked animals, Bird Study 4(j: S 110-S I] 8. \Volfe,lL. 19R6. Survey for si1v~r ril'~ rats (Or:r:omys argenlurus) On Raccoon Key, \1onroe County, Florida, J 2-1 5 December 19R(j. Unpublisbcd KlIort to Charles River Laboratory, Surnmelland Key. ,~ ,'.1 8. LIST OF I~HEPAREH.S 8.1 URS Corporation Ricardo S. Calvo, Ph. D.l J~roj cct :\Ian ager. Dr. Calvo h<l~ mOre than 12 years of expcrlence in ecological research and mvironmcntal L:GIlsll1l1ng in Ibe U,S, al1d abroad. His project experience incluJes m vifonmcntal impact assessments for diverse infTa~tructure projects. threatened and endangered .~peciEs, pn;.scnc duib'TI wd management, wildlife surveys, mitigation design and (;nvirC'1nm~nta] planning. He was the Project Director for the PD&E for wildlife underpasses to address Key dc,;;r/CS.l mNorist cotJlicts ll1 Big Pine Key. DL Calvo <llso served a.~ the Projecl Manager for Q stmly tu Jl:vclop fl:<\sibk ",heillatlves to r~duec Key deer mortal ity along US~ I in llig Pine Key. He rcu::ivcu in Ph.D. in Biology in 1990. Dr. Calvo served as project manager find document author for this HCP. Rod Lopez, Ph.D., K~!. Deer Expert. DL Lopez is a wildlife biulugist, published sci cDtlfic author, and (;! K ~y deer ~xrert. H e r~(~i"cd his Ph. D, in Wildli fe and Fisheries Sciences in 200 L Dr. Lopel' s spec iflc n:~c,n;:-h imcJ em include Key deer ecology, \vi ldli fe population dynamics, h<lbitat n~anllg{;mm{, l'umputcr simubtion and mudeling, use afGIS and dat3b[\::;cs in n:SUllJCe management. He prl'viueJ biologic<.ll <.:xpertise un the Florida KI.::"Y deer including ~stim3ting popubtlon parameters for the PVA, st<Histical analy:,>i~, and dat<.ioase management. R a rry Lcnz, Senior Eeo logist. ~d r. [.em: i ~ an ecologist with more lban 21 y~ars of experi ence, .Jlcl\Jdil~g 16 years '.\"~th l.:RS, with .1 ~pccjaliz:atj(ln in ecology and thre3tcned and endangercd ,~pn.iGs. He [-,LiS o:'h:-min:: background in environmental ami ecologic<ll a~sessment, envirunmcnt<ll permitting, "nd vegct<;lLon community mapping. ML Lenz served as a technical r csealcner and document rev i L::wer, Amy Ltl'OUrs, ;,\..I.S.. Ell drun me nts I Sden list. ~1s. Lecours has more than eight year~ of ~xpLTicnc~ <mJ holJs <l \b~ tn's Lkgree in Coastal Zone Man<.igement <!i1d ~ arine f3 io1ogy. She has cxr~ril:Cnce ~n c{)astal <!l1d mJ rin ~ h iologicaJ inveniga tions for :..J EP A documents and environmental a"sc~;;:m<?rHs. \,.1". L,;-co\lrs. .'icr.:cd ~:s a lcdmical r~searchcr and document author. Laura Ch~nJt'~'. Emirunmcntal Scientist. Ms. Cherne)' has more th,lll three years of c};perlCnce in Ih~.eaknC'd 3nd crlct.1ngl.:rcd species survl:}'s, !\TEP A do(:umtntutioD and wetland Jdincutions, She hulus a Bachl'lor's in Environmental Engineering Sciences. Ms, Cherney seT"\ed as pmj ect cacrf.in a tN. t,;c hni(:J.] rcs.carchcr and document LHltbor. 74 8.2 Sub-Consuhants Patricia L. :\1c:\" ecse~ i\-l.S.~ E "vironmcntal cunS uhant. Ms. Mc~ee.se has 18 years of expcricIH.~e including 14 years v....orking il1 the FlorLr:la Keys environment. She bolds J3achelor' s and Master's degrees in marine biology. Her Florida Keys cx.pcricnct: includes work on such projects [IS the ~Jonroc COUIlty 2010 Comprehensive Plan, tbe Florida Keys Advance ldentifLcation of Wetlands, the IJ;:;bitat Evaluation Index and the LCP for Big Pine Key and No Kame Key. Her bl\;st ,H.::ti\.itics in the Keys have focused on restor[ltion and management of narur~l habitats. ~1s. Mc~ ccsc has been accepted as an expert witness in environmental planning and Florida K~ys biology and ecology. She served as a technical researcher and document author. 75 ~