Item P20 BOARIl 0.... COtNTY COMMISSIO~ERS AGENDA ITE!\1 SLJJ\l,\l;\ R\' 1\,1 eding Date, J Lint ! 5. 100"__ Division. Count\" Ano~_ .._ !lul ~ Item Yes. xx No Departmenl: C ou ntv Attom~'y.. StatfConta.;:t Person: Boh Shillinger ;0-;;)470 AC":N UA nL\"l WOH.OI~C.: Conceptual appro\"'ullO remove jm.cnt~J.).' equipment from inventory li~tlng and ufln~fcr to the State of F10!idil purs.uant to Florid<l hl\.\' and Cmmly rolic~' under lerllli; lO be n~gDli'-lleJ by lhe Count\' ,,'\dminisuulOJ and COlm Adnlinistration, HE\'} IIACKGROr" I); As part of the ArticJt> V revi~iDIl, tht' Stale y."jB <1.s.s,umc the responsLbllit~ fOf COm t r epor ling ii.mc.tiO[I~ as. of J Lily J, 2005, ThlS lrans.ft.r of cou 11 reporter equipment \\,jll en.1ble the local cOLnts to continue 10 aH'urJ due prm.::es.s, to climiTlaI dei'endams. alter July 1.2005, According fO the folnilncc Dcpan men!, the equipment to be tral1sferred as an esti mated pre.~el1t value of $26.346,7 l. PREVIOLS RELEV.-\~T BOCC ACTIO~; non~. COI\TRACT/AGREE~\ilE:'\iT CHA~GES: n/a $'1'.-\1'1' RECOMi\"IEi\DATIONS: Apprm.'al. TOTAL COST: nfa BUDGETED: Ye~ ..\\~. t....u COST TO C()U~TY: n/a SOIJR(:E OF JtTN"DS: nla Rt:,..-t:N II r P'KODlTIi\G: '{Cs. ~ ~o Ai\10U,T PER ~10:\TH nia Year II/a .-\Pf~H.OV~:IlIlY: County Auy ~~ O\1BiPLlH:ha:.ing... Ri~k \1an<igt'ITlenl ,_, nJVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ~ ~ I' I I) 'bJ.-" ~"". ..i...L_I~..:=::-=.""''-" .. I~ L__ ~_ ~ ~. _~._....li...:."_ _.. _. _ John It Collins. County Allorncy DO(~LM[~TATIO~: t nduded xx !\ot Requircd_ DISPOSITION; AGE~DA ITEM # f.!C\ [SCJ 2/05 [\,'1emo To: Tom Willi, County Administrator Richard Collins, County Attor!ley From: Bob Shillinger, Assistant County AHorney/J;l"< Date: June 10, 2005 R~: Transfer of Court Ret)orter EC;L:pment to State You asked me to revis'.',' the agenda item summary and supporting material submitted by Court Adm[nfstration regarding the transfer of court reporting equipment from the Coullty to the State as of July 1,2005 pursuant to FS 29.008, Ins hort, that statute does not req u i rc th e transfer of any of th e items listed on the first 2 pages of the 3 page Inventory Deletion Request, however, I believe it would be in the County's best jntcrcst for the S1ate to mail1tain a smoothly operating criminal justice system ~\'ithin the County so an accc[)table mochanism of transfer should be found so that those items can be used by our local Courts, It would be my recommendation th<1t the Board give conceptual approval to the transfer a nd le~ve the rJ ct;Ji Is ot th c transte r for staff to handle at a later date, I would therefore recorr.mend ~r.at the agenda item wording be changed to read: "Approval to remove inventory equipment from inventory listIng and transfer to the State of Florida pursuant to Florida law and County Policy under terms to be negotiated by the County Administrator and the Court Administrator at a later date." While F,S 29008 is difficult to parse. it essentially states that 1ho County is to transfer all equipment and furnishing contained in the non-public arp-<:.3S (e.g. judges chr:lmbers, and other orf,ces) of the Coun~y owned court houses except for "commlJr:ications ser....ices.. and for furnishings and equipment in 1hose areas of tile court houses under cCrLtrol of the Clerk of Court, The def[nition of '.communication services" clearly included computer hardware and audio equ i pment. See, F.S. 29, 008( ~ }(f), The key provision to undcrstcmding tho mandatory 1ransfer of County property is paragraph {1 )(iJ)? ".,.hf:n states. "eQUipmerlt am1 fumishinqs under th!s paraQrapl1 in existence and owned ~y CO:J nties 0 n J u I..... I , 2005. except fo r that in possess io n of th e cle rks, for areas o1her than courtrooms. Olearing roomsf. jury faciHties, and other public areas in cou,1houses and any other facllit'y' occupied bl' the courts, state attorneys, and public ddr:nd(;rs, shall be transferred to the state at no charqe. This provision [ioes not apply to any communication services as defined in paragraph oJ)" (lmphasis added), The term "communication services" is defined to include not only '.any reasonably necessary transmission, emiss;on, and rcccpton of signs, signals. writings, images< and sounds 01 intelligenC0 of any nature by wire, ratio, optical, (audio equ i pmenti' or other electro m<1g nc:ti c syste ms" . , , i ncl uding but not I imited to "all computer networks, systems a:'ld equ,pment, ~ncluding computer hardware, software. modems, printers, wiring, net~vork connections" etc, F,S, 29,008(1 )(f)2, Based 0 n that ~road d efi n it. 8n, it see rTlS clea r th at the item s I isted on t~f: first 2 pages of the inventory deletion request, i,e, conference recorder, computers. flas h \vritcrs (r.au rt repone r" s ma ch ine), and m ixcr/e n coder card sail fall \vithin the definition of "commun:c;ltion scrJices." Hence m....ns:-ship of the items listed 011 the fIrst 2 pa'f)es should not tr;:msfer by oper3tJon of law on July 1, 2005 under F, S, 29,008 Nevertheless. it is important to note that court reporting services arc not <:l County obligation after Juli 1, 2005:;, so the County would have little use for much of the equipment iistcd on pages 1 and 2 of the Inventory' Deletion Requp-s1 form. Therefore. in the interests of not hamstringing our loc<'lJ courts' handling ot criminal Crlscs". the County should find a method to permit the use of. if not actual transfer in cWo':1ershp of. t~le listed equipment, For example. FS 274,05 authorizes the County to dispose of surplus property that no longer serves a useful function through transfm to anoU18r governmental entity, By changing the agenda itom word:ng. 'i1i8 may effect tnc sa me Ol;:come intended by the orig ill;:] I language wjthou t transfe rri ng tile equ ipmcnt ill q u c;stion under an inapp ropri Llte mech.an ism, T18 terrn':'1ear~lg rGon-.s" '.vas irs6rted by 1"1P L8gisl;:;Ure:n HB 1S35, ,..;hC~1 h<ls ~<lsse(] bOU1 ch2.mbe~s ar,c :s a'....<Ji~ir.,(: t'lC Gu'-'er:-:cr"s Si'::::'-18l.Jre cr ve-~o at ~r,js ',I;' tine;, 2 - - - S ~e fn 1, ~ Sa" fn 1, · T'1e ::~)Jrt ~~p[J"ler:; J5 '10 ec;u,pn- n: I~ ql e-s~ 01" CO I" ~l '.....O~<.. 01" c v' cases,