Item P16 BOAHIl 01' con,TY COMMISSIO[\iF.:RS .-\GEI\DA lTE\1 SU\U..IARY \1cc-ting Datc: 1!lne- 1,". '2001;j ()ivi~i(ln: Coullty Attorney Hulk lleru, Yes .\:\ No SlailTumact Person. BOQ.SJ1~llLnger ..-\<..;t~ ~ Oi\ rTl~ 1\1 \YORDTN G: ,'\ppro\"al of setflrment agreement in .. nepllrtment of Community A/filirs ". Monroe Gmnry {lnd DC6. 1~L. C", J)()All Case /\'a. ()J-48J2. ]TE.\1 HACI(GKOl~NI); Tilt Department of Co-mUluuily Affairs filed an appeal of a building permit tssued b~, :\1onroe Cuunly to the p.'opc-rt)' owner. This ~ettlement agre~ment amicahly resol,'e~ the issues between the Ilrpartmenf of Community Affairs. the property owner and Monroe County. 1)I{EVIOl.'S Hto:[,fo:V,-\ VI' UOCC ACTION: COt\TRACT/AGREEMEt\T CHANGES: ~'!A STAFf<' RECOMME!\[)A TIOI\S: AJtproval. TOTA I. COST: Btl DGRTEI>: Yes '\Jo COST TO COU\T\': SOtJRCI: Of f<'lJ ~ns: RF.VE~UE Pt{OllUCL~(;: Yes No AMOtNT PER '10~TH )' ra ... .-\PPRO"f:n HY: COLtnty Atty XX O~'1BiPurchas.illg Ri sk t\,'tanagemcnl _ DJVrSIO"" DIRECTOR APPROVAl.; /l / f ,'1 . / / /": / : ., , , ~~'/' .. / "/,:/ /"" i /~ 1// . . . I I. I -' " /.. -ft., ,I /,,'{I,,-, ~, .~.' "iJ - J. H~ R;towC4 f(;u~TY~Ari:o-RNEY'- , ' DOCll1\1 [yr.,"", TION: Illcluded X X Not Rcq uircd lJ-IS f'OS 1'1'101\: AG ENDA ITEM # ~c~'l~cd 2/05 STATE OF FLORIDA DIYJSIO~ OF .-\.[)'I1~ISTR-\. 1'1\"1-: lIF..\HJI\GS [)f-:PAR l\]F:~T Of: CO\]\ll,'\lTY ,,\Ff..\JRS. Petit ioner. '.. DOAH CASb: N"Q, l):,--1S52 \fO~ROE COL\TY. R c,5pondcnt. anJ Dcel, L. L,C,. III ter\.elh1~', STJPU..-\ TED SF.:TTLE'IE:'\T AGl-U:E.'lFVr Tl'-!lS STWU ,ATFI) S~':TlU':\1 H"-T AGRfE.\tF~T is cnlGn.:d Lnto by [md bctm:"cn the PClitjoll-::r DEP-,\R T\lC\"T OF CO\I\IU\"ITY :\FFAIRS (h-el"~in dLlh.' l)cp.1.t1mcotltUj, <1Bd Respond,;;!). \10:-";RO[ COL:\TY and Inter'..~n()r lJU), LtC. a.~ d complete and Jln~] .:';dtlc~ncnt ot' ~I] ,~him;;: :'ai.~(',l il~ the ahO\'c-stykd proceeding, WIT~ESS[TH: \YH ERE.-\S. the Dcparll1lCl1t 0 C Communit].. i\ lTiirs is {he state lnnd p I all ni nt; agl'rll y wi th the dUly and I"cspol:sib i E \j ("I I' adr1l i I\isrct'i ng ilnd en tbrci ng the pfO\'i sioJb of Cl1Jptcr JS0, Florida Statutes, ,mJ lh. ruks aml regulations promulgatcd therel1l1dcl", which indude Lh~ Monroe CQUllty ComprehenSive Plan and I ,ami Developmcnl R(:~u latiu!l::;~ anJ \\'HE RL\S, InlLlTclwr is l h,: SLL:':C,:,Sor in illlen::st (0 i\ alley Suare:.r-Cmnoll and in ScrLelll her 1003 pllfC h:l:s.;od t h.~ rea i pr,)pcrt \' kno\\"s as Lot~ 5. 6, and "7, Block I 4.. Bowell'.~ Addi l iOll To Rivera Vi] I agt SlLhdi \'i SlOn in SU':::lion 12, Township h 1 SOLLLh. Range 39 East, KcJ" LargD. l hLn:i [] "lLL' sut~i Let pt'opr:rty'.); and Lh f.' rights to th~ bui ld Lng pcrmi t that form tile h:lsis u r appcai b~ the DqJt1mell t. ami ,\ II E H. EAS, :he ~lLhj ~c l propc'Ll i es ~rc:' IOCGld \\. i rbi n th~ r:JOrlda Key., An:d () t' Crl:icill Stat<:: Concc-rH [lS OCSi::;:l,W.:.:d by S~ct;on 38U/J552, f:lm'iLia. Statutes; and WIlFRL\S. (H; __\U~l:st s. ~urJ3 the .\tonroe COUnL;' Buikling Department nhe EhL i ldi n~ Depanmcll t '.} ;j))pt"o'l."cd \; :lllf:Y Sll;m~7-C <ltlllOn 's app 1 ieatiorl lor {he construct i 011 of J single-family.' homc un her propl.rty tllTough [b~ issuance of B,llilding Pem,il :<0, 0203 r,24S.l: alld \VHEREAS, the DCr<Lrlll1c-nl limcly appealed the buildi[]g pCn1l1t 1(1 tllC nor~r.Li Land alH~ \\'aler Adj ltd i Ci)~NY ClllllJ\1 is.'; ion pu:'suam to SC'CtiOll 380-07, 1"1 orida SL;JLLL1C.~; ..mJ \\11 I:: RE.-\S. lbL' parllCS Jc;;i rc lo amicably r,,'solH a] i ;;sutS rclming to tlK' CU]l;;cructlcm (,f the s: 11::?-k (~mLly 1wn:c- \', :t~]OLLl Curthr:[ c::\.p~I\5~ 01' di;lay. and the pan io::::=; ha\'ing detet'mincd tlw~ i~ ill lhL'ir hesl i:lleresl lo do so: anti \\'HfH.E..\S. the- lkp,lI"tm~nt !lIds lhrll this agrc:cnlGnt lS In the hest int~rest Oflh.: State awl will dlc-l:wule the PL'~l'Os::::=:' or'Chapter :>::;0. 1:lorida Statutes, i\O\\'. 'I'll E REFO RE. iLl CO[l:-;:J,-T~llion () C lht, mutlL<,ll prornis(:s and lLnd(:rHlkLn~s conI a i ncd h~r;;j []. tl l<.: rL"CLi pt and su tlici C:lCj" (,f \\" h lch 3re h~r,,'h y ackrlOw kJgtJ, tll;:: partiL'S agn>e 3., follows: -, I, Recitals. The abo\'c r~'eita]s arc i ncorpo]'(\tcd herein ,md roml a l1latcrLa~ p:ll'l hereo 1'. "I Optn Space Rt'll u i reu. The p,mi es ,lgrec thai Tntnvcnor DCG. L.l ,.C, $lLCcessor [11 ; n~crcst 10 :-\ anc:>.' SU<l['(:.( ,C~H1J10n. shal I ,~OtlUllCt1CC the de\'{:' lormcn1 0 r a singk.. r~mily re~idence on lhc 5ubjccl properly as aLJlhori/cu hy BlLildLng Pcrmll :\0 n203024R:i stlhj~ct to 1 he to] I ()\\"i t1g stipLL laLeJ c()[1(litio[]s: Tt1C Parties J2ree that development of the subj L'Ct prupL'ny sl La 1] incorponl1c J si \ty ((In) percent Up<::l"l space rCLJ1Lirem.;-nt all the i\ppr(lX i mate AS acre parcel (2:0.t)09 sl) uarc- feet) COllsistent \vi Lh the Monroe COUll L:" rc:>q uiremcnt Cor lanu idcmiiicd as a H iSh I [<lnlmock (modc:n1k ,-!ualil) ,f. TilC $i,\lJ (GO) pct'cent opcn space "~YlLirC"m~l1~ 3han n::-;ult in lh~ prcSi:',-"'dliml nt';lppnnilllJ.tely 1 ~,545 :OYlL<lrC [tel or u nck\(;lupcJ lam~ d~'dic<ll<.:d Lo open space dnd placed ill a C onscr\'atjon Lils~mc-nt of lLndisturbcd hammoc},: ilMt Il1ll3t b~ .submi ncd and apprlwcd by Monroe COllllly prior lu isslL,mcc 01" <i Cenitkale OfOCC\L]1,-lllCY, The Comen'dtioll Ea~l:Jllcnt sld~ be dc:dil~;1.~cd [0 \l(lJl['o,:: C'--ll':lly allJ ;;ha:l ~LL[) \\ Hh the- land In pcrpC'tuity", \\'l1hit: t~l iny (3 Ci) Jays 0 f :hC' comp let i ('Ill or ('(IJl5rt"lIcrlcm 0 f the single-hm L I Y 110111<.' a:ld prior ;0 ti1C Cl'nilicdlc u;' OCClqUl:CY hcin.L': i.~SlLL'J. blLn-cnor shatl submit to the Department a copy 1):'tL~ n'uxJL.J CU]l;(TnttiDn [[lscmcnt. J. [ .or ~-\e2re2ation. \\ ~i tl-:ir: H l ,~\"C~ Yc ( 1 2.~ nlo~llh pcr~oJ cOnlnlCJl~ing on the (, I"((;cti \..:: Dal<.: () f .\greem ell t () t' 1 :K' Sel.1em ~nl Agreement, the Parties. <lgrce to c-\Jllsider in J scp<:::rat;:; ~LW': L'cJili~ a l'lL1LLIT rcq uC-St Iv aggregale the devclopmeJlt rights of the Su'::lj ('(t Prop(:rl~ lu ;; COI HiglLOUS prDpcrty.' currently known as the Coo liJgc Key Pro~)C:J1\' [1 n]v in lk: l~\"cnt thc [nlcl'VCnlH C1btat 11 slit lc to the ~ -~ conligLlous Cooli dgr; K "y ~)rc~pr;n}: dnd t1l ade sllhslantiai progress in rcact1ing .\ mutually' jgnx:abk: h'::SO]Uliou of ;hL' \llmro'...: Counly' Code enfDrcement issues idL;'ntiiicd in elSe- :\05, C[U:3I.I(J0216. and CLUJl102..J.') in\"O!ving lhe C\.lolidge- Kc) l}n-'pert~.. ,-\~I :L::L~'~ rccl!l;:::=;t.S ,0 :lg::,.r~pLe Lhe J..::\"(;~upment nghts of the S ubj c,-'l Pru~;,;rly \~ i lh ,-'oni.c;lL~''JS prurcrl~' sba~l be cons i stem \\'Ilh appl i;::ab Ie \lomoC' Co u nt:' Compr(:h(:[)si \ c Plnn rlnd L,mct [)~\"e lopment regulal ions in effect al Lh,,' time: Df lh~ requesl. 4, 1\ o{j(:t or D ismis~al. \\' i lhi tl fi \'C (5} days aIkr till: CXccutlOtl of thi s Agreemenl hy hoth palti C's. lhe [)cp~mm(:nt shilll n k ,i l\oticc 0 f Vo I L11l1arJ' Disnlis:;al of 111 i g Appc<.l], .'i, C 2wat. Tl:c p~l nl('S J.C llwwkd:;e- t;1(\ I' d i sag:cemen; m'er \\ IH~tha lhe h ui ld i:lg permil for :hc S'dl:JjC;:l f-'rnp~:'ly is cl~l:siSlent \\'i\h the \'fonfOc- Cuunty ComprdlCn.si \'C Plan jnJ LallJ Dc\'du;mlCllt Re-gLJmion and h<l\"(~ entered lhi s .-\grcell1en~ sok:l:,' in the spirit or' ('"{.I;Lpromjsc, This Agroe:;ment shall not he deC'J:lcd to l'ollsliw~~' ~l wail'i..'r of :my J1:.lrty.s posilion with n.:-garJ LO lbe prope-r i nlerprct~,lt ion and app ljull iDll 0 C 11 L(: \'1onroc County Comprehel1sive Plan and Land Dc-v..: lopnh:'nl f{eg~ll~lti (]l1S, ,1Ild sld 1 not be gi '"en precedential e ffeet wilh regat'd LO any olllcr pCTlllil i~~L;cd by \]~mw<..' Counly. 6, Scope of .-\uitwril\"" [his ,-\g.recmenl atYccts the rigJll5i and obligations uf lhl' pan i es under 1 he p I"l'\',S10ns I) .Thap(('[' 3 SO. rJot'loa STilTUfCS. roe loltoed to Areas 0 I' CritlcJ,] S!atL CU:K::llj. Jt i~ no, ~ntcndcd >J influence or detenlline the ::J.lJthurily or dec i s~ons 0 r ZUl~,' otll.::r :;l~llL' pr' rcdc!"~J gO\'l'rnmcnt Or a~C-ll(' y ill issuauc-G 0 t. any ..J- oLhef pelll1il~ or ;Jpprmals th;l1 t1ligh~ h.; r,;>qL:ired hy t~dera1 or sl<ll(; 1<1\\ fur an) Jc\'~~lOp]\lC'n: aLLlhurl/.~'J by lJlis ,-\;2.~'-TnkT.l. [)u pi icate Orhli n ::l1s. This ,\;;n,:,:clL<:Jl t may be C'\.cCllted in any num bel' {) f ()[i~imds, all ur\\"hich <:'\idcncc one Agreement. and only one uI"wltich need he pmdllccd to!' any purpose:, S, Bind. n g Ufect. Thi s A);tccm<:llt lS intcnd~ct to and shall b~ bi nding on lhe pJrti;,:s.. their r...:rresenuti \'e,. I~.; i r;;;. SLLcc:es,Sors dnd assi~ns, q Rf'lease~ COHs and .'\ [torn tV' ~ Ft'l'\, Th,,' r1drti L'S b.T'..::tO f(l[c\"cr rdc<lse C'ach oth,:r pany' from :111:' and illl ('"l,~JInS of \\'l1,nc\'cr mltHrc \'ihich arise or mav arise om ot"thc lSS-lLantx or app<..:al of 1 he hui Iding rt:m1il itkllti ll~d jn lhi s Agt'('cmcnt, I':ach p;my sl1all th.:;ar its 0\\ Il all(lrJL~'Y'~ fees and costs incurred w these prnc~l'din ",,-s. 11 J F n tl rel" of .-\gn~~IlI~n l. T h:s A?~T~'cm=nl ';::(]lE!jlllll'.~ the entire agrccrne-nl oI" t~H.' parltec;, "l'h LS Ag.rcct1lc:nt m;\)" be modi lied or amended only by a s.eparate writ i ng cntc:rc:cl into bd ween the rcLl"l :,-'s, ll, FnfnrcclllCIH. Tl\LS ,\gl"l.(;LlL':~ltl1l<lY he <.:nforcul b)' -..:ilhn pany as provided III Cllaplcr J SO. Hnl"i(i:l s[<~( h;S. ('Jr ~'lS o,hc:j"\'..isc: pro\"idc:d b): la\\', 1 2. D rafting or .-\~t~e men l. The.' p~rl i L.~ sl:all h~ decrned to h~\'e rarticipateci g(;n,:r~d~y in the:' dr~:~li;1~ nf :his Agr,~~~mcnt, ACCl,rdlngly. this Ag.reement shall he c\mslrued nelLt r;l ~ I: \\ l~.hu LI [ L"l"gard :u the- parl~y n:::spunsibk [or its. preparation, ,H1d aIly- terms, colldi lions. lLnCCt"lCi int)". 0[' l,mbiguiIY shall not be constnlC'd Jgillnsl any ofthc parti~s as a re.'';cll: of ~.he drafting ,,1' sHch 5 1," Date of ,'\2reem('nt. Th~ J~~l.~' ofthi~ Agreement is the date the last pdn)-' signs th i s Agr(:CLnClll. (res{ 0 [" pa~c lntcntiQn<ll l).' Jen hLmk ) () 1:\ WIT:"IESS TH E RE OF. the pLlnLe.~. ()r hy the-if July' alltbQrlZCU rcprescnt<lth'cs. 11(L ve cx'cculed [hi s AgrccIl1cnt on tht: ualt:;:; and YC<lr bclo\\ \\Tittcl1, \\'i ll":cS:"; Dil\"ld C I ark DC (,. [__I. ,('. Dmc-d: (Print ~ame of \,!itn~ss) \Vi (nes.;; ('PrLnt \bme or Will1('SS) ST..;n.: (W FLORID/\ CCH,''-,'TY or: \IO:-;RO[ Tlw foregoing [nc;1runlcnt \\ as. acknowledged bdorc me- this d:l.YQf " 200+, hy D,n iLl ClarL \\ho LS !,crsotlai I y klHmn to me or \\ h() h<ls pruJ ll~Td ,is id(;"nt I IlUlli Oll, \-fy CommLssion !'~;..:pin~!'.: ~otar:: Pllhlic- Stale- of Florida I"'l:,rll~' I (Print :-<ilm-.~ of ]''-otilr::-' Public) I~ WIT:'\lESS THEREOF. the parLlc.~. or by theirJulJ' aLHboril.C"cl representatives. JlaVC o::\.ecuh:d l hi s Agrecmen! on the tl~lkS imd YCM bclo\\ \\Titten, ATTb:ST: D...\;\J\JY l.. K()[ ,I i A(i}' CLERK nOARD l)]. COU\l Y CO\-I[SSIONERS or MOl\ROE COLl\'TY Hy: Depuly Clerk Bv' ...- Dixie Spe11ar. M.1.\'or [Jal~d t...:I"1~C~I~ '.:"1 :~... . ." r-. '- --"-,,:". I'" ""'I ,".- 1-:: (IrorW...:.E,'.~ r.'. . ....: I.. . --u-LV".-'1!~ 'y..., ~:~~,\;/ ;:;~'~,-~:~~~.'~.f-i'>- , . '6' , . . ..).. :.~ .. . -~. - . -, ,6 - --> ,. " -S DEPT. OF COM.J\.'l UNJTY AFFAiRS, STATE or ]:U.lH.IDA \\"i lness , , (Print Name of \V i tne.~s) l)j< . ... Valerie 1 Hubbard, DireClOr l)i vision of C omm unily PlflJl ning Wi tness ... (PrinL ~Jaruc (1 f' Witness} STATE 01: Fl.OH.1DA COLl\TY OF LEOl-' The fDregoing instrurnL'lLt w ns .;c kI1Q\\' I ed~eu bdore me this day of . 2005, b~y Valc-rjc J. r lnhhard as D ircctor of I )ivisiun of Community' Plannln~ D 11 beh:l ~f Q f 1 he 1 kparLlTlClH U C Cnmmull it;, A n'airs. Stfltc of Flori ua. who is personal I y knDwn 10 me Or \\" ho h~s producf::d _ as id\;ntiCtcatioI1. 1\.1;' Commis.sion Lxplrcs: ., ' 'olary Pu blic.. State of Florida -.. .. (Print Nam(; or l\ ot,lry Puhlic) I 81,\ [ill-"' 1 ,)