Item P15 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISS[ONERS AG ENDA ITEM S I JMMAR\' Meeting Dale:. June 15_ 200~. Djvj~ion:_._ . Coumy Attorney _ Bulk hem: Yes xxx No Department: County A tt9rn~Y Staff r ontac..::t Person: Hl~D... Sbill1.ngn x3470 AGEN"DA Hle\-l ""ORDl~G: Approval oft-orHract with Roben H. Freilich, L':'q., to ddend the Coullty in the matter of Thomas Collins, et al. v Monroe County. CA M 04-37Q. ITEM BACKGRou~n: Bob Freilich has been r~lairled lO represcnt the County in the above- fcfCfcm;ed li1.igal!on. llis prior lav\" firm, Freilich, Leitner & \.arli~e, dlssolvcd effective JaTluar y 3 1 , 2005. J Ic hasjoillcd t.he Hnn of Paul. Hastings_ Janofsky &. \\i(llker. LLP. This change h(l') increas.ed his hllhTlg rate to $3:10 00 Tl1is would be the first time the County Att.om~y's newly drafted standard I it igat~on c.untnlGl would be lJ ,;cd PREVIOUS Kt:Lt:VANT BOCe ;\cno_~: On ]\;ovcmbcr 29, 2U04, th~ Board approved retaining Boh Freilich and Frdtlch, I.cilner & Carlise to rcprcs~nt it ill this litigation CO.'\j'rItACT!ACREE~HE~T CJIA_'\[GES: (:hau~e iolaw firrn~ and bmin~ rate as prc'\..iOU:'iiI}" notf'd. ST A Ii'Ii' RECOMMEN DA TlONS~ Apluuv,:d. TOTAL COST: e". $u!srOOO_OO B 1J D(; ET ED: Y cs xx~._. ?\i 0 COST TO CO r.J N TV :(al $100,000.00 SOIJRCE OF n; N l)S~ Gro_~~ .ManageQJf;u1 IU:.\TN IJ.~ PROOlJCIl\G: "'{Cs. ~o xx AMOUNT PER MOI\TII YC:.Ir API~ROVF:.I) BY: Coumy Any ~ O~.1fl/Purcl1<l1iing Ris;k \tanagcOlcnt_ (--------. . .~~fi- ,.~ -.' J I)/VISH)~ IlIRI':CI"ORAI'I'ROVAL, /~~~"JK/ _7ft- t: /~'.~_ I Jonn R col;llS_ Counly Anorncy lloe 1I :\1J(NTA' no"l: 1 nc.l Lld~J x{\. ___ ~ot Required_ DISPOSITlON: l\GE:"llOA rn:.1\1 #___. . ReV!s.cd 2/U5 J\.1UT\l:tOF COl rNTY ilO.AR.D OF COLJ\TY COi....1i\.f1SSl0~l.m.S COT\TR ACl' S t ,'VfMAR Y Contract H.._ Efl~ctive Dale: Fxpifalion Date' [1\ Y LIT 2005-05-0 l February 1, ::!OUS . ... . c:onc1LJsion of Col hns v. 1'....1onroc ('oun1y. CA\1 04- 379 Contract ,vith: ROBERT ll. 1:R.f'J l.ICH COIllract Purposc./Dcscripriml: CorMact with outside htigalioIl counsel to defend the County tll Thomas Collins_ ct al v. \..lo"ro(~ ('ounty. CA i\1 04<ntJ. 1---. . - -- .... 1--.-. . .-- Contract r\.liH1(lger: Bob Shill j ogc: _ (.Name) 3474 (b:xt ) COt m tv At ~:~r.:.ley (Dcpartment/Slop -il) -.- for BOCC mecti OJ.; on June 15, 2005 Agenda Deadline. Mav .1 J" 20050 CO\JTRACT COSTS T ol <.11 Du Hal' Val tI c of Contract: $ to be del ermined Account Code!;' Current 'Vcar Ponton: $ Budgeted" Y e...[2J ~o n (!r,]llt.. $ nIa --...-.. County Miltcn' $ n/a - ~ ...---- - ., . ---- - --..- - ...-.--- - ~ .....--- .'-\nD1TIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoi tlg C osts: $H~~\.(}()O. OO/yr F or. liligatiotl..s9.r\.'ic~~s i,Nm included in {Jnll,lr ':;llm: ahlJ'd.:} (q~. m1.lintOl,H1~C. lIlihl ic~. jmulorial, salaries. c'le. ~ r:01\TRACT REVIEW Ri "k Managem~nt r:hang~s Dale In ~ccdcd YcsD :-.JoD Yesn I\oD Date- Oul Revj~\'\"er Division DircClor o M n iPurchasing Ye:-;LJ 1'\00 I County Anorney .s.jJ/uf YcsU r\oU./...../ Comments: ~~ ,// #/ .... ilv7T~ -...- - -... / / 5J 1j/C~ ~) lO 11 P ] .l 1 .f ] ;; 1 (, l';; ] x ]() :2.0 ! 1 ") "IO:'\lROE COIJNTY, FLORID..-\ STA.~I)ARI) LU;A!. SERVICES A(~H.EE"IENT (LITlGA"I'IO:"J) AGH.EE\1ENT :"llF\.1 R ER: CAY LIT 2005 -05-01 .' ) 6 THE HOA RO OF COU....''f"Y CO'HtlssrO"\iF.RS OF :\-10:\!ROJ:: COL'lTY, FJ ,ORillA. a~ ~hc :cp,ishlive arlL~ gnvcmill~~ uo{i Y l) f j'v1wl1'uc C[)llllty, FlmLdJ, ,md in <.lr:cOTdaTll~~ with ,he pOWCL"~ ,~Tlun:.;rJkd in SCl'lioll 125,01, l:lorid,~ Statutes (the "County") :.ind ROBERT H, FREIUGI, [SQ, (the "i\P{lrnev") hereby enter mto this .'\g.recmctlt I"cgardin~_ 6~ ~'ctC't1Iion nf Attomcy by Counl y [0 rmvide leg.Jl advice <.l~d ~erVLces: ~ ]. CJji:'nl: The Cli(,;n', is lhr: Cllunly, and il) lh:: e:'\[~ll: e(hically permi~~ibk, ils elected a:ld appoin:C'd [)fjjce1's anrl i[~' employees, u[~le<:.~ (".';:mnty adVLses At lomcy ll(hcrwi_~e. I Ll the e\'cr:ll h~~l A :ton,~y can:lOt ethica]y represent indlvidllals ~n addit i011 lo Cuumy, Attorney shall acvise Cllur~l!' irl \Hiti:l~' of 1 h,l[ r;Kl i:llll ~(~d i,~['.:"ly, ') ""! 2. Atlurnc:y: Th~ i\lto~ney is the 111(.livic;ual mn:cJ i~bo\C awl whos~ signamre <:ppems J( l:K' bUllom of this Ag.~eemt'nt. i'\ttorney is Jicel1S~d tQ pruclicl: bw in u:1 jLlri~cticijons relevanl to l;li~ matler. 1 f" i\t10rr1~)' pn~~~[ic.,;~ wi,]1 ol:hT~ Wf'.~l II~,'.Y al.~o rrovide sen..ices to Counly_ he 0[' sh~ lJ:Klchtand, 1 :nt (\H[[~l :~: c:-.>;pt:c1s Lh:o[ ..\ 1 WI":l~Y \\.i 11 be responsihle f()r manugiJlg th,~ repr :::~cmation. ,j~~lll"ir~g cllmplimlC<':: or otl~t'rs wiH~ the lcrms or this Agrc':l I :..:nl ,~rlrl Nl1ical rcqllirt'm~nb, pr~'p,lTinl:'. :nd ~LLbsl ,~rll i,H ~llg. <III biJ Is. ,EKI cllmlnl:lii.:(]~ illg \vil h Co LInt::,'. Attorney may not Jckga1 C ~)~. \llltsOLLrCe th~i' wOl"k w:thout ri! II wr:1ten d i.,cll1S11:'C :n, and rrior \vritlen Jppro v~l from, the C O11:1ty. ~~ .:I :::::S J. "1 at! ('r~ AOur!l(;"y has b(,(;~l LTl<~illeJ by CUlITHy i~l CllTH~e(:tiorl with (he matter JcscL"ibeJ i['. 2h E"hibit A. ,-,\ tl oTTl\~y T'.:"pn~~~~lll ~ lhi~l lh.~ 0l- ~k is COlllpi,;knl ;;EHl a vr,:lable to handle th,:[ mal tel'. I r! X.... lhc: C'-;';11t that <.ldu;tiollJl t1lat[er~ are assigner: hy County to Attorney, th:s i~greem'::T1l shill apply to ).( 1 ho~(; m;;llcrs as \\'c 11. unle~~ J ~er<J.l"Jtc /\grecmcnt is required OJ' :hc CuurH y- :::. () 30 3.1. Re\'iew of ~th.ical nhlig,ntiom. hcfol'l~ initiating rcprc~cnt ..nOll: Alh)lney lH~ .~ 1 cUlldllC lL..:J <I l;lorough in\'t'stlgalion ar.d dde~mll1eC: that lle~lh\;r i\llom\:}' nOr h is or her linn has ,~L1Y .12 etf~iuJ 1 i II :~wdilT~C:J1l, n:al 0L" pO~';l1tJaL ~l~ rcprc~cr.l illg. Cuunty, To [he extent tha( any etl1ica, 3; impniimen" real or ~llHe;ltial. is disco\'crC'c'_ \1 L" eve, arises, i\ltomcy ~b<d I i, nlllL.:rliate 1)' inkm11 )4 ('uun1y ill writing of the imp~di,n~nc (regardles~ ()fw~ether AttolTL~'Y bdin'cs he or- sh~ ha3 take:1 35 aJ] ~tcps necC'ssQry ta a \'(1 id 1hc: i:llpt~dirll(~ll[ :LllLl r\:~~fLniless of whether Aaorney beb<.:;\'c~ lh~H 1 iK~ y, i:llpedim~m is it~Sllhs(antial or qLJeSlLnn~ble)_ make :i.H disclosure ohhe sltUJUun lO Counly, (lbt.ii[~ 37 ('oLLn:y~s r."{pn.:.':~s, v...T~[Lell t.:{~ILSL':llL ~() i.~L~r'.lil'.lle ~hl~ n~pn~SL~111:I[i()1l f~flhc other client, and tnk......=: all S1Cp=::' ~~ ~ l"<:~qu(:'~to;:d by County to ~1\-(1 id 01' II ~i~ ;~'.'11l: 1 k illlped irl1em. A ~to rtley understands that. ifa dih~i,;l 0:' .1') ind i~.t;Cl l'u:lflic l 0 C i~lln.;Sl JrLSC~ WlEd1, Ln thc f..~r:nioLl 0 r lllC County, cannot t)e avoid~d or :W 1l1;t.it~,;[t~d UTldn-lk Kuks or Pro tcs~~on<.lJ Conduct of The Flor~d,l B<lr, Cllllmy [JHy', in its discr~tion_ -+ 1 (a! obwlJ1 reimbw'sclt:ent [['om i-\th)1'IlCV lor all :c(:'_~ dnn eXp~mes p<':ld to 11lloTIl(;Y in !his lll::i[k:': .:1-' (b) obtain can~dla::oL1 of all amout~h allcgec::J' owed by Counly lo Anul"Il~Y; ann (c) lJhtai,: ..:1-3 reimbursement tor con~eqLLcllli~-d CXPC~h(~:-' i[l(;mn.:d hy Coun:y, including the co~t of repl,jVlncllt .:1-4 (;ounsd, ,"L" (f j I ,1 :2. 3.2. Limitations to SC011C of n:pn~scntation: Excepl whal: pmhibi(cct by' the Rules or Prote,~"~ional Conduct of The Florida Ha, [he Monroe County Allomcy's Oiflcc will S~]Te as co- cOLLmeJ in ,dl nl<Ltters co\'ered by :his AgI<xmCn1. .'\s ClH;OU:t~:::I, th~ Office attorney's \>..::[1 a~~isl AlloITl<:Y by pL:rCunning la~ks Js~igrL(;d by "'\l lllJllL.:y', ;lll:: 1uri i ng but not lin-:ited lu snvi[~g w.. locai ~()un<.;el; <;ccurlng the cnope],3.t io~) llfCflUl1ty ~mp;oyee 's, oflkers, llnd 01 hns iTl discnv~ry and ot he~ matters; 0 btaming ~vi(:entiary materials ~i'om County liks; <1::;::;jS~ iJlg wi[h discovery: ,~llcr~dir~g hl:arin~:-s and (~~~po~iljons; 1~li;lg pk~~dlngs; arr~mf,in~.:: ill]' closed attorney-dii.:nt sess;orL~ w i[]l thc DO:Hd n f. COlJ~)ty CO[llllli,,~iun'.:"rs; (ITH~ J.1~:rf()l"Illin!), Mher tasks as necessary ,mJ corlVCTlii:'m foe Attorney. Decisions as to tact ieal aprmad:es to be utllizeJ shall br: l h~: ul1 imak resronsibility U f tht' i\t1o;ney, and issues WhC;1 rise to the le\'el 0 t" a client dccisiol1 ~h,lll be- resfllved by the l::3owd o t' C LJurJy Connniss;oLxr::::, AIl)' [urlh;.;r li;ni lL~l iUTls Or special CO[~dl~~OIlS 8hall be a::; ~d fO!l h in F):hibit A. ~~ ~ (, ! s lj 1 () 1: ] 2 h 14 1 ~ 1 () 1"/ 1 ~ j() :0 21 3.3. Term of Agreement and Reprrsentation; This /\g~'ccmct1t and represental illIl by /\ :torney :s C'r~"cctivc upCln :iLXL.:p1 :mn~ ,lTld ~Lpprov:11 by County in acc()~dJnc<; \vilh Co UIlLy'.~ po lic:es, ordi:nJ1ces. or gnvern:llg :=;talllte,. The r:2'pr~~cmat iO~1 shall continue unt illr:rl) lirL<i1 cd hy either ~he Count ~', l'r by the Attorney ,11 a~'cOJ"dancc \\':th ethlcal ~;;:;l]uircrn~'Tll s, 3.4. Cou IIty cxpclCtatiollS a nd g(13l~: The: County expects the Al tome}' W seck the best res0lutJon for th~ County at the :mvcst l"ea.~ol1able cost to the taxpayers. j\1 1lic cat'li(:'~t rcasomLb~c J.10ir'1 durillg 1 bl" rr:Wl"~~llUH iUll, l h(' /\lluTllcy ~k:1 repor~ : () n~c C l)unty, via the County AHolfley. any I'ca<;onab:(: pn1 (~lll.i~ll fur s~~l l kl ll(;Tll. inel udiTlg r:::" :atcd .~ettlement costs anJ cxpl..:r~se~, [h~ t'stLlnJ:~d chances 0 t" t:1e County p revai I it:g on. the tr:t'rb. and th~' pU[(,;]l~iHl iinancial ~xrO.~llTe ~hoLLIJ t[)~ COU~1ty Iwt pre\'ai: i.-W the Il:e:'its. AnJ' Nller expt'ctations <.md g0<1ls shall b2 a~ "~et f{)rth in E \hi tlil A. '0'"1 24 --::~ :::.() )} 4. _~tlornc~: }t~rl1 (Hollrl~'): ..\ttorney vlill be paid for his or her s(,;.;:-V].:.;~.s bfiSC:L"~ on [he: nunlber 2x 0 Clio w::, p;.puldcd on behalf 0 f Count)' (rounded to Lx nearesl 1 cn~h huur for each time entry). nol :::. () tu include t im(:' billable to Or Ln:11peTlS:~tcd by (11 h'.::-r cl ii:'nts. multipned by the i\1torney'~ hOL1T!Y niCe j(J J~ set lor:h in E.xhihit A. The ~llllnw it~g minimum billing documenlal ivll and timC'-keerer .) I E~quir~~~n~~1I1 s ~l~~" <1 ("undil :on rr<';('l'cknt w raym<.;nt by tr.(" COlLIl, ~', ."1,::: ~ ~ 4.1.:\ on-hillahlc time: At ~orne!' \\'~ll bi]] Count)' unly lor ,lHK rl;:isona';)~y :llld .)4 nc~(:::,~mdy ;ncmr'..:d to r<:nti-er prolt'ssior.al ser\'ici.:'.~ on Count!.'s od1t~lf' lTI accordance u'ith thLS 35 Ag,~e:nel1t. Time attribLLtao:c [~j billir'g qUl~s[io rlS i~ not b:l1ahle. Time expendeu by l iml:-~L.:'T(,;~~ 3h wJ1l' have not b~~n apWlwcd hy Cn:.u:1y a<.:. indic:otcd on Exhihit A is also not biEabk, 37 31'l 4.2. eh allgc~ (0 hourl.\ r:lh'~: .!\ 11 oml::f w iP r:hatgc no more than the hourly rate quuted ir~ Exh ibi j A IhrouglwUl th~ du:allor. 0 f the mdter. unk.~"~ utr.~I\",is~ agr(;(;d in writing $ign~d hy C';)LLI1:) . ."".:, ~) ,.1() .:1-1 42 .:1-3 44 ,1." 4.3. ()iM~O unts lu oth~r Clients: The rall's Aw.xrley w,;] ~brgc Co IJllty ~'epresent the lowest rates charged by the same t ime-keep2'rs :0 mher clients. [n the event thal 10w(';I ml(,;~ or disCllllL1t~ ar-e pro\."iJed to other clients, A(tomey and apwu'\.'ed time-kc-epa8 \'..':ll abu pro viri::: [hem on ~hc ~~mu; b,1Si~ W CUlLL11Y. ~ of 14 "' ~ 4.4. Additionnl timc-kc~pcrs: i\ddil iona] [iJl1;~-keer~rs may nul be ;ld(h~d to the lY,<.ltlGT withuut ad\'[~nc;~ \.vriUl:ll t~ppr()val fro 1 rl C(J1Jnty. I n the event that <lddi1.iona1 time-keepas pro \iidill~!.. ~L:rv~,,'~'s whidJ tHI:" W be bi~kd 10 [he C0LLtlt"y are cO he added lu l he q:,Jl~ thel1 their huurly r<i1 r::s shaH be p:'rtvicted 1<1 County in advance. and. UPO]l wrilk:l <qJpr'o ~'al by the County. lheir mtes and billing P[':1.c<cc<:, "hall cnmrly' with the reouir~ml'nts 0 C lhis /\grCI.:[l1cnt. Acdltior.allirrK~-kccper.~ al}provui tl}. the Cuunlyan:: jish;d;11 E.\hilJit ,\ 1u [lii~ .'\greem~m. anJ this E.\hibit;\ maybe dmcLllkd 1i'om lime- W l~ml.:. UpllJ] rnul uaJ ~~gn..:t..:1 llt;ll[ of 1 hi:: Co 1J:1ty and the Atturm::y, 10 cvidenc~ the th<.::n-curn:llt C i :'Cl..l :11 ~tance ~. 3 4 b i) '.l 10 1 J P n 14 IS If': l "7 l ~ l f) 20 )1 45. F.lb1ing \\'ork product: Tel tb= ~xt~nt the Altorn'.:")" rnakes use of~xistillg '>\'011-. prodlK1, ~-!>. in !hc form of rescarch rre\'ious]} performed fur ilTlodler County. dWJl Anorney mal' bi]] 0.dy tha: time expended in using th<.lt work pwduct fc, r County_ In otlv::- words, no rremlllJll. markup. or o~her adjustment ma)'Q;,c made lo biE CUlJ~lty for t im~ spent un work already reJfonm::(~, ..:"6. Tr3 \'(: I : T ra~'e~ re'aictions, inc ludlLlg. TestriClioIlS on bill ing time during 1m veL are set ~onh h~kJ\v. ::l. Billing of F~es aml E:":IH~lbCS: ~\ ttomey sJWJl u)mr lJ' with the following n::q uin:lILI~nts as w hilEng t~es and eXrel1ses as J co~:dit:{)n pre~'cdcl1t to COU:lty'" rthligatior. tu pay ~'ddl bill: 2~ ~.1. l\:lonth ly hill~ ~ 1: r~lc-ss otller\vise agreC:'G in H 'JI.-Tll iTlg ~ign~d hy the Courlly ~ biP~ :-:-.h:tJ 23 be i~~u-td montr.ly by Attomey \Y,l~i]l l5 days <1lkr 1 k close ot" each month, N lurrH.::y llnrl~rstands :::.~ tha: Count}, r~quir~s prompt bills lL1 pan to nL~ilitatc dT~Tl i\'c management of tht: n.:pn:c;.l;;ntat:on a~1d ~ ..:: I i..::~~:-.. 2(") ~. - .. .. Hill fornnll: .'\llom.:y ~hi 11 pn)Virle ctdai~~d, itemized bills which :;l1<!]L a~ a 5.2. 2x lllHlllllUlll: 2() 30 5.2.] D~suiption. Pw\"ide- <l g:L.::r~I:"T,tl d~~scription ofthe ll1<.lttcr. to iJ]dl1d~ tl~e nam~ ~ I of 1he rOLLTHy tkp:E1mt.:rI1 or cunSli1LLLi(Jll:~1 L)fJicC'r, if o10t jlld~catcd ill th: 1 itle of the m.at~~r. Cll~ :)1 '.\-bC:1 legal s~r\':LccS are hein,t', pet'formc([ (~.g. R~chard Roc v, .\1onr-oe County--U::O CbiLn). "'"' -....:: ~.:I .15 S.2.2 Personnel. C1~;)~'1}' jdentify e<.:.ch pc:rSUJl p~rjorming ,,~f\'LCeS {i.~.. ll:l1C- J(i keeper"l in conjunc[:on v..'ith ~ach e:~trJ" 1,.... 1 S :;.2.-1 Other Per~on neL Cle~'lt"ly ident~j)' all persons ",,'ho ar~ nm tiLll-time l<nvycrs 3:; unpbyed by lhc i\\ lorn~~y' s J1;1l1 (i~K'illdillg subc(lnl.ra,~to]'<:,_ ind~pendent ~'ontrae[ur:-:-., templnary .'.0 cmplnyees, and OLLISi.lLu'cing ;m"i\.iL~el S)_ "":'1 .:p 5.2.4 'lime H.l'l'urds. ](eciJl-d lk 1 il ne expcnded hI' each tilr.e--k~pl;;r s~paratdy. 4."1 Tn thosc .~i1lJ:~ti(Jn:-) wn:'::r'e [h(~ Illin:IUJl11 billLIl~ i[:crement exceeds lbe ac[U,ll time "pent on a task. ~md ,1.1 several of (hesc "minor" ta"ks ar~ rert0rmeJ. it ~s expcclnllktl1.hc servic~s \vill be aggH~g<l1cd until 45 the total adlw] Ume ~per.tmeets lh~ mi~ill1urr; 'Jjllillg increment. -" _If ]4 5.2.5 Totals :-md By l"<lsk. St,ill: 111C :lmount of,~me ~xp<.:;mkd by each tirne-J.:.et:p~'T 2 daily (,mJ. within ~Hch J,~y. bruk(;J] duw!) by 1H~k where l1:lJro~ than on(,; proil;:c[ Of task \vas v';OL"k~~d 3 upon within the S<irm:: day), 4 -" 5.2.() Tm;k l)c~njption. D'.:s~'ribc wit h:Tl ~ach :temlzed daily l,~sk c:nt]'y, itl sul1icielll de(all to readilY allmv the County W dc~er~n~m~ ill'.:" Tl:.::cc.~<:,ity ~Dr and n::<.lson,dJ1eness of the tim'.: ~'.\p~'JHkd, ~br: scrvic-..:s perron Tlerl, 111(: p['(1 i~c[ N t2.sk each service n,;blcs to, the subject LmJ pLLrpOSe or c\tl,;h s~Tvi(,;t;, :lr:d ~ hi.; :laI11c:-. n f" n1.h{:'1 s ,.......fw wcre pre~et1l or l~iJ[flll Lm~icmed Wlt in the ~u IJl",SC of rerhlrming thc- service. [ncluded should be ,~ n..'a~v1mb1y s.pccitlc deline<.:tion of" servicc-s suftkienLy" itemized to allocate time \vithin a matter t l) sue 11 l'aLegn['ies of eflort as L(,;ga1 Rescarch. 1'<lC1 Gathering, InlL:[Jl[jl Conkrtw.;i,;s. COlllnlL!l1icatio;1S wl~h Client. P,lrticu ]('1,.[' Document Dwn ing, Coun A pp(,;a [J nn::, [kp 0 si: io n f\ 11 c r~d ~ ~ K;,~, a TlL"~ so f0 r: h. () o ;) lO 11 12 l.1 l4 15 l6 l7 l~ ;9 10 5.2.7 Sunlllulry ur Rah:'s. In. a SlEllll"lary fU tne begllming or ~~nd ofthc h:ll, [Jro\ide Ihc CIJ1'l"cn1. t~(Hlr1y ["fi[C fQ1' cae 11 limc-keeper. the to:<:.l tllT.e bil;(,;J by each [[me-keeper in t h,!~ hi IL lhe prndLLct n r the tOla] : ilLe and hmll.;::" ~'ate :()~ each t il11t'=-kr:r:p.;:r, 1 he [Otal fees eh,~rgnl. (lrlcl ::. reconciJiulioll between the aJT,ou~)l cr.arged and any ~,pp[jL;nh1~ estimated or buJgd ~~d ,i1ll0lLm, h::i task.. In adJi~.~()n, e~ch montrJy sWte:n~n~ ~hollld o:huw 1 he aggt<cgate billbg for thal matt~[' t['om the commcflC(:lI I (:[l1 of 1 he: I n,111 Cr 1 htL)l:~.h 1 L..:: cll:'I"emly-hilled munlh, .-..... .!..:. 5.2.lS Dig,ilaV~h~clrUlli( Cnp~', CnLLnty j, cIneni!)' using filnc I\"bt,ers and Tim~' Hi1En~~ SOnW:in: ill tllL~ O.)lLlI1)' .'\1.10:TlC:y'S (ljfiee. and prefers Clat an dc(:lronic reporting. sufhv<;rr.: wl1h:h can be incorporated :n~o th~ C ollnlY' s ~o lh.:are d,t! a :H15C lor ~rJcking and ,r:puT1 iIlt', pLLrrOse~ O~ used by Attorr.ey. /\ttol1ley should t:s('m~ lb: ~~ap,j hi I ilics 01" Attorney\ !Jilling Sy~lClll Wilh COLLTH Y bCIl) n:; r~~r~d~~riJ1g ~hc [irs( b;11. COlllH y SlWll1rt receive a digil<.ll d(,;ctron ic/comruterized \'cr~inn (1f eae:1 bill, [Og~:[l1L:~' v"..i1b a paper (":i"~py, to facilitate bill review. '::'3 2-i ~.:; -"' 26 ...~ ... )~ 5.3. l>qa~nH's: County will ]Jay the <IcllH~I, l"caS(J~)ah1e cost of the [o~luwing c;.;rcn,~e :::.() it~ms jf incurred in accordance with the glLldeEnes helow and prolIl!=Hly ilemi7ed in Aaorrxy\ ](1 lllonthly hiL: , , ~ I "1,1 5.3.1 Rt'irnblJ I.sahl~ (~xJ)('rl s('~~ Actui:,; C0st for neces,~ary long di::.1 fir~CC k1erho~J~ ";.~ cal>): le]ccop~..jng a~ S.25 pe~ l)llt~OjL1g rag~~ o\'erEig~l or cxpt.lhl~J del ivery, c[)uriers~ rholocopyi~)g 34 at S_ [ 5 p~r puge. posl<:ge. court t~-cs, and lll~1cr expem.;;; ,~pprowJ in advance by COLEnty or a;; ~i~~~~tl ~-" h::- )OW. J() 3'7 5..1.1.1. ExpNliled or emergency sen.-'ins; At tOllwy is ~xr~ct(:'d to 3S a\'oid uslllg exped iwct or emerycncy :=:.er\'icc~, such as express dcEvery s~~rvicc~, COlULers_ )9 1d':l'opy;ng, overtime, and so 011. lln:~'ss lllX~~'S::;(l;Y bc;c:uLSc of LLTlex.pected developmeLl.ls 0: .Hl <cxtrc-n1e1y sh(Jn de:~L~ i~TILs Co lJllt y :m ". E':l]~L~ lL) P~lY f(~r :?ny such expenses when ineur;(,;"J rolLt ini::ly ..11 0r k('ame 0 C A~wrney\ ta:lm~ lo mG~~l~e :l1e matter d1iei'.:\11 iy, ~: ~_, S~]~ 1 ~2. Co rn Il utc:rizcd l'cscarch: ,\ttorn.;;y is t::~l"ccH~d to use .0:4- ~~ompuknz~d rese<:rch serv:ces cllst-~tl~cti\"~ly to r~duee time sp;,;w url research, ill]" example, v....hik .',:') do~e1Y-[lloni1 OTI1Jg (';OJllplltr:~i!-cd rr:~~:~~rch ~u insLH'C that thc charg.es are reason(lbl,~ am: 4 of l4 ~ ncc~ssary, ,-\tlom<:y is ;:xpcc:;,;d lu pJ~~ 1 hn:Hq~h tL) County any diSCl'1I[l1 S or ocher alT,.mgl~ml:[115 [}1:1~ reduce the cosl of compu~-.;rizc~1 :,>nvi~:~:~, " ~ .::I 5.:\.1.1. Photocopying; All Qrney is encouraged LO uSe omsiJe 5 copying sen"ice~ to r;:ducc : be CO~l ~) r lal"gc-.....o lLl:llC copying, provided that these npi,;"Tl~C:~ are (J d1i(;ic[~l. cu::;l-dll.;c~ i vt,;, <i~l(! iTlLLU'L'l:O and h~lled in accordance with this Agrt't:m~~Il1. Atlorne)' is r(:~potlSible tor insuring that all COpyi:lg ~'omrJies will; copyright oblig<Ltions, ~ i~ 5.3.1 A. '1 ra mcripts: Transcripls :sholl ld Tlot he ordered wi: hou~ priN lO approval bUT. Count}', Tn.ll1:-;~TiplS S:lUU'(! flOl :)c ordered on an f,;.\pcdi(cct hasis unks~ nf,;(:~ssfjry I 1 ltlld apJ.Eo\'cd in advancl: by County. Atl(),'ney .~hl~lE\i obl~iin digital elec~ronic/,:urrlpl1tet'i7.ed copie~ I :-' 0 f tr~mscripts when available at 2. ~ec.~onablc ~'0sl lo OiVOLd charging lor l iH1{; sr~nt digesting or l3 inde\.ing transcripts. <lnJ lv alluw eoul'I1 >' W lllf~inta:n a dig:tal ekdrunic/comruterizeJ dal<ibn$l: of 1 '"'- ~;:ll"mscripl::', , ~ ~:) ] () Tnl\d F :o.pen~es: Travel e;\pe-n"o wilh in the Allorr.('y. c; ] "7 k'c<.lJ l'~ nxlrup0hlan. ,nC<l will nul b..: H;-illll)IJ1'Sc:d if the thT.e spcnl in 1 r(i[)sit is [)llleJ, 'I nw'..:-I ] \ (;XP<:JlSC;; Oul ~idl~ ~ h'..:- lll~~[rL)pL) liull lil'C.l mily l)llly be reimbursed if" the [ra'\..'~l was approvL.:d in I i) aJyance ':'Y COllnty. Reill1bursa'~~:~ ,nn'd <.;xt='l:mcs, if. approved in adv(jr~~~. :~L"e the C()~t of 20 transportal iun '8Y the Jc,~Sl cxpc,l~ive rl"~l~:~ it,;~Jb~(~ mcans {e, g., coach r:hss air tran n, th~ cosl of ? I H.::a~on("ibk: Jlotcl fl.ccommoctatio~)s, anL~ the COS: ,)1' transpurlJlivn ",,'hile out of town (e.g,.. by Cf1b l):' 22 rC'rGl~ car. wh iC~leve[' seems reas,mahle. at th~ :o\vc:-;l (jvaila~<e rate), Trave~ e^p";Jl.~es will i,e .i3 r-eLnlbllr~:.;~d in Hccordal1c-e \Vllh th'C appii~~~~.~l:(,; pro\.iS~(Jns t0r ~Lapp~ovcJ In.~...:clcr~'~ llt" :he \.lor.ruc 2+ County' Code, will be .suIT.mariLed l~;l the .\'ll'~)I"U~: COlJnty T~'avel hlnn with <ill ,ipplica"~c L"eceip~~ 25 aHacllL~L~ 11le:'dO. ~() ~7 5~3~ 1.6 l'.'a ....."'1 r-rj 1l1C. T in1C: ~~pet11 in LTIlllSil ~ locally or othen.\iise~ nl.:.L): 2 S he biJc-d ot~ly if (8.) ..:\ trnrr:c:y l)f l~luc-kL"c:pC'r >:. ;Jna~1~e to avoid 1ra\i~~ling by using other forLr~~ of 29 i.'ol11munkation <lnJ (bJ Al tome} or lbk-bxpcr i~ u[l<ibk ~ 0 bin time in transit to o:hc. clielll~, ~~O Tra vel by lllUIi.: th<ln (':1<: l imc-kt:er~r ,;t lhc s,a1}(..:-lilLw lU ~hc SB.:11C destination is not <.lllowcd w i!hlJm :. I prior :lpprO\'~ll ("rOlll COUTH y. i\pprvn~d ~ra \"(:llinlC' clueing time-keep<.::r's nonnal busincss l~OlUS '.'..-ill .-; ~ he hiUed ~lt the J,ourly rate li~tcrl ~O]' rhc- tinl~-kecper on [xhibit A, /\ppro .....cd travel t inle oUlsiuc ~~ ~~ of l]Lne-ke.:...per~ s non11al bus.i~(:ss hour~ s \~/iJl be b]]l~J aL onc-halft~1e hourly r~tt=: lis[r...~d iQi:" [lll,:'': tinle- _,- k~'(;"pc.::- 0n Exhildl A. .1~ 3b 5.3.2. i' un-reirnbu .-sahle c.\.penM~s: T;)(; follnwing exrenses will in nu (.:Vi,;"TlI bL: 37 re-imbur~able, unless spcciticaJy agrc~d to in advance in J \vriting. ~ignc(~ by ("olJnLy: ~~ --. ~~ ,~9 Pen;uJI a I a rul Oftk~ C{)st~. IVle<lb fur lim'..:-. kcqwrs. ,1 () o\'crtllllc, word pt'(lcc.~:-;ing Dr Cl)lllflLLkr Ch;l["~~l:'S, pcrsm:al e:\penses. e;\pt'llSl~S l haL hL::[~l:;]tted other 4l chems. e\.p~mt's for hooks. l'O~lS 0 C lCl11pO~ary unpl1Jyel~~, pcr:ndicals or other hbrJry n:(j( L;ridb, .:( '! ir:tcma~ Ji.Jing or olh(C-r dvctll11cr.l h:mul:llg dl,l~gn, L<~rlcal expeme.~. statil'::lay ,md othc-r' surl}ly ,n ex.rcnses, LLtil ilies. and .1ny [)~I\cr eXpcnse that is ei:r.er unr~asonabl.,; ur unTlece.~.~ary. (The f(lc~ lhal ,11 tr.~ tirm char~.c's [)~flCl client:'. 01" th\1 oll~cr klll~ cinrge their cli~~l1~ s fl)r an cxrense does nul ll1<tkc 45 it rt'c.sonable or nectss~ry,) So!. H 2 :-:;.J.2.2. Experts. l'orlSlJltal1t~. supporl s~n-'i ce... out~olln:ell s~n'iccs. ctc. A t:orney is not ml1r.orlL:<.:d lu ~<:1 <~ ~Tl (::-'j.'crts. additiomd counsel, con.~ult,-mt~. slIpJ.H):'1 s~r\'~ccs, iX the like. or to uu. :-;ourc\: I)r ddr:g<L[e work Oll1sid~ i\llllTll';;Y'S bw firm, v,,'itlll'u~ print" wrill~ll appru\'al hy CC1lJllty. Attorney w:ll :J(:~ rt'spUJl::;i~li-: klr s~]ectit1g anJ m<lrl<iging the se:-\'l~'l"S ut" ()lhn~ SO lh<'lt thcLr ~crvic~s and ("pense!' will b-.; rClLd(:rcLi in accordance with (he terms uf lhi~ Agreement, including term~ arplic<.lblc ~.ll AU OTlI~:>,. A~tmney \vilJ rrw.THi.ge others 10 obw in cnq- dlCctive ,crviccs Jor County. Unless llll'lCT\"";st~ at:reed in writing:, j\lLOnlcy shall obtain a v.,'Tine[: rdJinn agrcement. in ,j l"tmTl \\"h:dl 11l:!.)' be s]1ec,~ied by COll~lty, from e<.lch s~Tvi(,:c provider. \\'Ltl-:. bilL; rW~l1 r,;,JC 11 pn)\"'Ldt~r twine .~ellt 10 bl1tl: A1torrxy (fur lTl<!Ilfi~.~ement [lmposcs 1 :~nd County (for re'view and pa}"m~nt.). .~ 4 ~ () ;.; ') ]0 II l2 13 1.:1 15 l6 I~ S.3 .2.1. E'(p~nscs nut passed tllT[fUl:h at actulll coq. (" 'llImy ","ill nlll F"Y ;lny ~n,~[ kLp fnr np~I:.,c~. c: ,~'.I:-HY w:lI only I"Cil,'.blJr.~,~ 111L" i\ tWrnc~' fUT llH~il" aetlLal ~p pund (WI-c.I'- r<);:ke,1 "~"I ~ ;l["l ""P~'l.'(:s, ......h2LI~cr itKUEC(, ~cr~on~lly by ;on "Pl'rov~d timc .h'~p,-,r ()1" illc:urr-2d by 0t;1,'1" :<ppl"(1 ",-,<.I ["'1"~I"",,:1 l.~"dl ,l.~ c.,pert;. 2;)1l.,IJJt,mt~. ~l'.l'Purl ~,."VIC':'S PC~")lln~l. 0T C'~Jl~"Lrc~d Scr"l~e'~ pl'l"sunncll ] ~ ]lj 10 :;.3,~A, On~rl]e~tl llul dlllrgL:d [ll CClunly, (our.ly will l1l1[ p~y kr ~1I1Y '.(,~ p."hl'" ik:,,~ 11',~L ;11 ~ III r\c pal t nf .'\ 1t0.r:1C<~ ,~"(;rl:e'lld \,..llid'. ~hl)lLl(t be llld~ldC"d wilh i,l.."'. 11 orney', k\;. . , =~ 5,~~.3. AU\':lnc-e aplHu\ ld of UJH',.~j". In ad,ii{ioll to 1hc i1<."lIl~ rH)LL~tl ~ll)ovc. Aaorr:~y ~1l<r11 (lb(<Iill ;"I\'a,,(":c: 'Lf'[l1 O\';J I I"rOll] ("0..111::' bck.rc iLj2L.:.r:-il:.r;. allY l'XW.:l~{: ill ~~ce;;s 0; S 1.000 no ,f Attn:I:,',/ ('~ ;:)("("1~ I() bL: n:illll)l,I"~,~d 1"<1f ~~la1 ~~ I'cn~,'. ('(!LLllt\' JnllY re' rll~~. I:) [lay ,lJl;' eX~(;ll~t. fr.H \d:ic~1 ,d"8.Jl~C urr1"(',,' clI \\"~~~ [11)l vbl~ir.~~ '~y A II I.' 1"11 ,.y. )~ ,. J :''-l .~ -:: 2() 2.7 ~ 13~4_ (~(~]li~s. of rect:Lpts. I"or expc n~i,;~. A 111)rIlL.Y :-;']lall jl:CLldc ("Opil~:-; ufo r{:2~IJ}t:i for ::Ill .:::S CX:~L"II~~~ v,";L1: ,IlL" ;lclni).~d Ilh')lnl~I.'" :~il.. (",.~'.I:-HY ~1:~',y rcf'.I~(: [I> p'.~i allY exp\;m,. i1clll Ii" ".bd .'~) <.ILIL:I:IlI,,,,1al iell :~ 1'.:)1 ;-; I"~I '..il~.:I~ ':~.,. 1\11 ;)llI':Y. 30 ~ I 5.-' ,:;. L >:pcll~e~ (a uti f~cq a fie r rcrmilJ.uilOll. Up')" [~rll]m,Hjol: of ~ht. n'r""~"1I1ati'''1, l2 ~-\ 1t(:.rncy' shall rr[Jn~pLy blll COIJt1ty' f;)r L1t1y r..:-n1i."Linill~ Tcir.:l'::lIT~~Lb'.:..: L:::'; ['..::']):-=::::; nrJd fees. C()unt~.... ~1! :-!.~.... !"crt.:i":- .\) Iv p;J}' "11:' I'''L:~ ~l, '""J',,,..,,.S T1~11 b;llL:d wilhclL 45 L~~y'S ,1f tGminutiun Qr ~h~' T"P"L:~~llg[J()I:. ..\tlumcy i~ "1<,, ~;+ c;.;p<:c~'~d k' t'Q,"pcr,~t(' prl\l~"tly will, ~ill ;~~r~"I' ~II. k""l! i 11>11 i~'l ~rJd. :; o.~plit.ubk, IT..LrI.~i[lL)ll to od"1cr (;ulH1~(.1 j:=; l'a\'~:el:t for fces ilnd e,;pen~c~ ], (,ol~tin~.:nt llv,'Tl prc"'lpl. Id I ~"",~~'ra:intl. .){: ) ':' ~..1. Rill JI [1[1 "xp<:Il~L: dll ~IJ rllenratiClll. A tt<lfn~y UI:,jcr~1 ~flL~~ [h~l Attomer llll:S~ h<lv,: ~; ~ J0Clrl:,.1l1:1 Liu:1 10 mppurL ~ill ~1~P(.c"t~ 0 i" ~;Idl hill. inc:llLdirlg k-2s ~Ild 2xpcrJ~c~. ;J:lLl lIHJ~t m~lntain 111<1\ _; <) J~'C\11l',,'ntat i01: ~111ti I :H :.~:l~l (;11(. y~;;r ;1 t"{(., I h<~ :L.~1ll i~l:r~ i,,,, d' Lt:~ l q)[~;c~H:tti0n TI'.i~ I:OCIL1:1~"[,,II(Jr. ~h[ll~ 40 b" 11I.L;[{: :: \'" i'.;Jb I.., ;1)" '\{1onl'-'Y II' r.'<I'.1f".1 y ': ,,: ("'U'~L:'" ~ J-2~:~natcd r~'pr',';,'rH" I iv,:. illcludLllg al: O'.2X-11111,1 n~. .:.Il ll,c CUllnty Clcr~~ ur CU'.lm}' Cl'rk'~ r~"r<:~~I".lll~i\..~:, 1)1" IL:~"" 1)]11 ,11ldJtor) llpO~ CO-.lnty'~ Wl"ltl~ll :eqL:CSL 42 ..\ttornc\' agrec~ (() coopem~c ,,'jtb <'.n'" ~);'~~:1:llnli0]' Qr It..<; dLlL:LI'.I~lHall,111 ;ljld !\;~0m,'y'~ I{:c.~ alld ~'x.p-2Jl~l';. 4) ~ g _ by 1"";;~o"di~I~; ;ll"~I:I"rHly ,cr,Ll ~:I."'I::k:L"I!" 1;) al:)' q'.IC,L0.11~ COllnly e~. :I~ d'::S'~llatc:i rcprc~cr.l~ti.,..',: 1:1<1:. .::I'-l ha\',' .'\ll(Jrr,~y ;hll;: nol i f"y CUl:".1 \" i" "nllll~ ;.1 '.<:",1 (,(I d:t!'~ ill :ta....al:\::(: of' d<';~~l"l)~'i[l;::: ~ny su~l~ rccur<.h H[l:~. -15 iL: 'he -2'"e~{ tit;)., COllnty :-c;::lIe~l, tb.t Lhey ':(' pr~"(.,,,"~',L ~I,all pr':'~crv~ [l,21~ llt It.ll~t Oll'~ ;Hh~ltL0nal YClH ur. ,Ie) a~ d,c l1~ninrJ ,~f LI:-2 (:,-".IJ1..". ddi\'ct"C wIll.: CUlll"lly f0T ~tl)l";cl:;e~ by the ("oun:}', willi (<.lUll!y l'~~P()I1~~bk fN .~"7 :,a.'"",[: [t..~ ,.~~[u;r1 ,~,1~L 1\1" ,h~~:rL'.l~ '[ ;IIS ;l,~.~.I:l:~I:Lt,',,1l Sbllll illt'".l:JC, 1"01" L~~alnple. "ri~imil timc l\Tl\ld~. G or I) 1 e)(pcn~c n:v:ipb, ~IllJ c;U<'::l~I:l<:n1<lli~'1I ~ ll;;plll"l ill~ 11", "",I''-1l1 Ch~Igcd by Attorn<.:}' 10T ~;<.rC:ll~~ Ltcm~ gcncr~tl'd ';:y 11,,: ..-\[[,'11 "2:< L'I Ill,' n,. h~,. 1"" :n, (' 0.,u:y I eserves dK right nol 1,-, pay ,l"Y fc~ or ex?,n~c i'<':111 ri'r ......1, id', ::;".1 U'ic:~:1I1 ~k':~.~I~I..:..:nl ;J1 i(~:1 i... ~I~I~ ;J....;.I i I;d, k h"' :~...~I..:-r:r:'1 n...~ \','h:..~Lh"::f tl::c i1':':-Jll ,~"".~~-:; rH:L:~"i~;H \' and rCi.H~()Il:.J..l~. ~_~pl."" pri(lr writL'I~ ..\grec:l,cl,t L'y ~h<: (>>',111:)'. .'\ WJIT,:;y IlI,L.\' pr;)" idL~ tlLi: <h'cUL1l~'ntalion ill di!::LI ". C'l.::cr'OI~ic fc;I"ll". in A do'~e lJon.l 1>k Do(;uJ~em F oL"l~al ,~[' Dr) vT ill A lL:h""I)" to.":L~r j'l licll u~' llw m,HlLJ:' I p' c"er\'~t:("'I: l"~L~..lir':':I~I"'.ll~S (l~~1dLI..:(l ~~~:0't"':"'. , .) ,I , :'! IS X L) ll) ] I ] ~ 1.1 l<l ]5 ] () ]7 I~ lSl ~() ~I 6, l'aym~l1t tel'm s: A tt01"1:CY', rcq'.It"~l ;',1]" p.IY:l' ~:r'1,' ,l lid ~eLl~",'ar~emt"nts I~W y ~J~ 1'''ld.: iol Cltl:~'f :h,' ,\rt;:)rL,,\'" IEinl, ~)r tl:e I:;m~~ l,r the Alllll"ll('y' , L",\, 11l':I:, :IS :lPPI\i:lfjate, .-\ll,'rn('y bills ul:Lp~ying ',,'[,h thi~ ,\~I'c'e'lIH:rll "'~ L:!:~~ "lid paY:I':lk' LI)fJl~ rc~'ejpL. (~' the bjlll~"'1<:rii'ly LLil~ h'l C<1:l:1")' with lh: r~t~LJ;I'<~lI',~~r.b ~t' th> ,'\.~H't':-'LT.1. lh\:r, it i~ 110l d~I~' ;;I'l: I"')":I'~~I<' ,111'11 I[~ L~2:ic~~n..;ies .lTl' l"~';lI(~di<.d hy Attornc,', CO',lnlY" ~1~lLlk'ei k <l I r", p;on~J1r :,aymcm dE~',~L:.:1j i r <.; '~;',: i~ 1);1 id ',~'~II'I[' 15 jays of rercipt 'J)" CUlLllt)" <1r l'0JTl'Clic:> L"Jf ddicJel:c:c; b~.. ..\"~)rnc~.., ',\'nich<':\'Cf i~ l;llcr. ':,01 ir lk biH :, ~"tisficd by Llnd~ 11~',ti '~~)" Att<Hney, c,g.. in ,I lru~L ;~<:.:vlll:1 f, (\I',lrlry sh"l"; :I<'I[ k~ ',~"b~~ ft)r inteIest or otl:~'r :~~I~ L:h'H!::~~ Llllless spccifi(~ll":y :~~rc'0d 1;) :Jl aJvance in ;l writil:g ~igl~eJ by C Ull1lty, "1 ~) ".. 7. H LJdg~ts. Atc0Tt1C}' w jll. 'Nith:,: lhi~ly (J f."l) ~;~ys ,L;'l,-,1' Lf:c dfe~tive d;llt' uf [hi~ ;\~"l CC:l~C:lt, prep,,-rc :Ill e:S[lIl,,~1 L: m b"dt:L:[ <II' [flL~ I:kel~' CL"I;h, I)y 1<~sk, 0: thj~ nnlt8r, irlcl',I~hr:j~ fees ;m(~ cxpcn~l'S, ;~rld " [' ,,", t'L"Jr j1<lnd]j,:,~ the )n;l:;~T A tt(lfnC\" wi~~ lI:;J,ll~ lll~' b',ld~~1 :II',I~ ;1 h n ,1t Ic~~t once cv~ry lhr~:(: II 1L"lr.tl~" tl: tllC l'\'~'1I1 1 h"l :\ ttf)":l~y 1"'}[,L1n~ i:lt\'!l"I~lali<~ n J1:~~ie:Lting (~1n~ rhc hIJ.L!('j (~'I' :Ill}' I irl~: Item) mal' b,' ex ~~~t~~d h)" rll0., e II:all r',\~: :k'IL~en[, he ()I ,:lC ~\ II. noUt\' Cr!L~I~ty of tnat i~1:I~l~'di;m",y, [,::1 \\"r11kll SU.[C::l:~llt a8x"~;-;<Lr',yi~l~ c',,~'h bJlI, pr<:kr;.b1y ii', ~uh,I;~r I'l' I' "1 A11<)n1L:Y ',\",", :L:~:;)II~'iIC ::l(: '~uelgC( witl', ('~I~h 1I1Lln[h',~ Ildl, e,g" by (;~pl;~i111n~ W11C~'~t'r 1~~e bill<.:d ;lI1wl:r,l" by 1,L~l.:, ;L1\' ~l'l'l'<' Llr I<:~, ~~I;l:l [f~e amOL:.I:t> bL;Ug<':I(~d [hL:rdn[c. Counly ~ha",1 h;J\':: tl:e rig.ht I:Ot ,,) pay al:Y n~:OlHjh th1t ~',I"~' O':CI" blltl~~l or rll)1 i~lL:',lLd.::-d ,~'itllin ~hc blIUg<.:1. -. .~ <- -' 1,' _'r 25 2h :-I. S (:I I'll rL~ l:J rId mn UL:J" III ~Il ~g~ltIC"Llt, "\[lL)rIKY IES b~<':ll ~'~I" ir',d ~p(:c iE.'J.lIy lw~,I".I~:: A II ;)1 :lc>, ).',,' r:.:r~";"'I~I;ll".y, ;-.: l:lId"'~l"~II.)I.H~ by CC",I:ILy LI) b~: ;I":;k h: 11;1 lid I:..:: {bi.~ n1i.l~{I;...r. =::::lnp".l)YH1L:rH ~'d' ~Hh:':li\""!]HLl ind~vid~J;'J'!"', ~ (< ',,'hcthe: <it[nrn.'ys, ~<lr<d,,'g,,>, .-'I .,'ll,'["S, ',\'!:Ll ',':i II b',ll l: I"W II,' CI''-II1) i; I:ot ,1(;]miLL~<': v. ilhl,,!:1 11le ad\";jrlcc ~.~ ~,.,.jtrcl: apprr!\'~; <' I' ("Olll:t~,., .~n .~ I ~"l, Tillll'-kcqHT dl~lIl~n. Ch;l;l~;~~ i~1 ~i:I:(:-k~crer;, ~',g.. rcpl"t"C:l',,'nl 1,'1' 'lfl ;Jtt,1r1:CY as \i"<.:11 .1S Ln~rc~s<'s or ::~,'IC,bes in the :l'.Imb~r L) r th.' tim,' kl'l'pl'r~ ""'-'I'k in~ (!II [he "ubjccr m"lln () (" I h" ,J.. ~rc'c:l:cnt, nlll:;~ hl\i"l' tl-,,' ;\d\';lnl'C WrilleTl ;l:Jpro',.d () r CUl:!' Iy C(,',,,,[y L:X:lC'~tS to rCCClYC di~<':(Y,lll!~ j)1' L1[h~r ~,1:lces.,ioll~ S,) th~t .lJl}' ilKrcasc~ or ch~ljgc~ ia '.imc kcq)crs wiL TI<..:l T,.,ul[ in LJIIILC'~c~;ary or lJ.r.rctl~un'lbl<: ch,,,~~~ ro C~)II~I~}'. ~L -U.., I"t'r I rair"'irll;. illh~: n;'Jl ("I..I~I1"~:r':':lI~~~::-;, ::.r':L~ :l:~~r':i);::crn..:-nt. ~ "') ~~ 3 J-l (~ 3(1 37 S.2. UGpli(,~ltion or ~ffor1. r~;nk~~!-: ~1I:.h'Hlll.:L.' (\.Illnl:.... :-L]~r~r(}.....al L:; ol:l{ai]lI.,:'d~ .A11(}nl~Y ~....dl n()t h:l.....c ,~~ :l:()1 C' [h;H1 nltc' t"nc-k ~-2p~r ':' i I: :'<H C<1L1rt ~Lppe.lr~nce,;, ,,-ttCL,J;,;I',(;'~ ~11 llq'~" i~,inrls and meel in~. il:cl',ILhlli.'" ,~~) "'"~~I'''g' ,~'illl (:'-'""1y 1'(~pl'('~~':ll",i"L'~, :111,: i"[L:'I'"'" <~<H.I'-',,(:,'ee~" In thc e\'t'~1 lh(l[ 111(\1'-2 than OL:C ~(:"r~,ITl .:/-0 ,11I~:r:d~, (1111y 111(' ~iT,~ ()f ~jH' 1'~"V'll ',,,ill1 ~:w ';",\L'~I I',II,~' v;L1lllC 1)L1I;ldc. l\rtor~l('}' i~ nol ?cT:I"Ll~{[ t<, ll~e rbi, 4 I lIl:lr~~~ [L) [1= ,'\': ;~(: ;)11 II~c~ .i,,'~~ I I',Lillln~ k1 :I : II1,,'-~<~c[lcr, and bill for t1w l I i1IlL;--h:"I)~~r'~ ser\' icc;. ,,'ith()',I~ .+.~ C lH! 11 1:0-:: !-:. iH.h"U11C(,: i.l":':!pI'Qval ,~ .".:" ,,;4 1'1.-'. 'll:Jtt~r rnallJl~CmL~lH. ,\:'.<1''',~> I; '~<'0.Jl~lr.k Lur mAf",'.).;H'!; 11,,::- :,",;[rer eo~r cE<.:ni\'~I)" 'Jr',;~ ..::;.:) ~:n~l'p~~~~~~I~ly. ~~ ~~" by ill...;.lrlllL. 11'21 rI(ILI1I'.';)II(L1 lillh~-I-.."",.:j~'_~I~ ;Jr..:- ~...!n1pC~CrJt. pI'0p(~rly ";1I~:":"I'r'J:';'.c:...i. ctfic:.:.::nL Ull~1 4() in ,'.)I~~ I i.lllce ',,'i:h thc kI~:S of :his ,'\\lr,,',,'lnt'rlt "' \\'(;11 d; '" i'h <~1l1 il~" I ,}':l Ilg."jo[" -l7 -lS :-lA, C(lnlHllJllLt'alill[l~. (\'ll~I',L\ ',\ i.~ ~~pCl't rh;lt ~II ("()~l',ll11I]liL~~lint.s bcr\Vl','1l Allllrr",y ,Hill -p) l.\ILI~lry ',,'L11 ",' r ~:'. ie'\\ c.d bv ..\ ~h~,: ,,~~\ ;"ld ~ :l"l ,\ [LLlrn,'\-, will ~l'[V'~ ,.~ lhL: ~Wlrl[ ,1f ~<1~H:J.cl k'l" ll, i~ T,:~rrL~r, '7 L) t" ].1 ") ifll~l.J i,,!!: b i I: L11g <,u~~livTlo T;l,' f.'l,ill~ vi' ,"<)1I1,L<:1 hr th i~ :l:<.[[er at COLlI~ty L~ 1h<.: Ce)lJl][Y ..'\ nOL"ll~:-- 0r dE' i,l(ll\'idaal ~p,:~it'ie;llly icel:tified in txlllbit ..\. ) 5 8.5. C"~f T1Hjlli.l'rilL~. C\J'.In[Y ",11 h~ :hh-J"J pml:l?tly i:;y Attorn"y 1/' ;111 ~L~nificant f~i.~t~ ,,~,: z!<,:,'c]op:-n,Tll~ in lb~ n1LILl~r ~o Ihl C'.ll,,,ly I".I:.~ .,..";I;:'~ th~ :1~3(tCr cffe;;Li','(,ly ,ITlel :L~d~ iJlforl:lcd G.~"~i~~;)lI~ 3bom qrategy. tLlerie~, ~~ttk]:1cm. ~(he'dding. ("o~l;, ;;r..:l (ICIL~' I~htcd l:latt':'f~. C<.;'.I"[}' ,....iJ j~r0n~p(~y [~'~'<.:in' I"r(rr. A 11 :.'rll~Y "I)p,,~~ of >\1", fll d~", ,'If I n i'11~,. pk;!J.ing~" b[i<.::i"~. fll,''''(1] ar:da {intc[r,~: ;,r.d "'~ kl <1~l('" eorn:-~pOL)G<:'I:C,:'. and ;!I:Y (;~hcr GO~U:1C:lt ~l~~le'ri.{1 k' ~;,~ ~I~bj~~t m3ttcr of llLi~ ''''8:rC~O:lncnt. sllcl, tha1 1l1e' C.:-l'.Il1r:, ,,,,'ill IE',\'~ a c'mrcnL. lip "k,.J:Uc'. "T,;r~or" ~elpy (,f [he C"llnty'~ fik Ll~lill["illUl by Attorney. I:~r dl";'C,>'.("'Y r1l>LI ~:ri,L1~ (". ~xj,ib il~ [h,j[ ,~rc k:1~ [~JY, ..\ ,tOL"ll~Y SI:~1U III (E~cls~ lh~m wIth Counly b~~~'(:]"~ p'DviJiL:.Ll a ~opy. DoculTI<.:nb <:;v~i~<:;b k in e:.igi~,1I (~I"L:rr;HI i':""~'1:npLterizcd form ~t-,vll Id b.::- pl-'H'jdeJ in tl1,Ll Il'nl'. H: I iCl ,~f pa,~~r c.-~:~i('s. 1\(~::titi,~nJ.lly. AI:OTney Inl1V Lw [~'~lllil"L:d [L' ;U':}I~lj[, 0Jl a mor,lt-:ly ha.~I~, a ca,~ st~;',I~ >:r'l~ pro:;rc~, report to be ".l'~lnir;cd to ll:.~ B~'"rzJ (JI' C',.'",, I)" C,1ml~li~.,ioncr,. Th: f""rlllat c1f [he r<':?0Tl ~lliL:'1 ',~ :r. I r.(' 1"(,'1":1' 1"~q'.lir{:;1 b} 11,(: C(),"1'.~. :\ 110.r;lC\'. () s y JO 1 ] 11 L" 1..:1- 15 l {) l"! 18 ]C) 2l) 8.6, Case '..onl r(ll, ."" 1IvT;l,'Y ~li>1I1 d",:CJs, ,\11 sign ifi(;an1 i~~u('~ (II' ~lI'at,"gy and ~a;;li(;~. im !Ldi:1S mmion~. C:iseovcry. pklldln~~. Qri<.:r~, lri,11 ,Fq"" ,,1 i"n. cxrcrt~" ~n~ s('ll1'~"'(:I:t, wnh C '-'lm1}" b~:h~l c i 1'1;:1 k"~:r'.I~.L 11)['.. A.11orll'::-y is ~x~~'::Ckd tn cxe(~i.;c i:1depc-nc~n1 pnlks~i,')r.al j',dgmc:-ll, j ul III irnpl~ment Jh' c~cishll> of Cc',m," a, e;>;.?rc-~~<.:J to ,]1(' C,.H,r',ly by IhL: C;)I!ll!Y !\ttOTncy ~. .i...j S.7. ..\ Itorn~~. cc)!)pera ti(lll. AllOl"ll('~ \,.i 11 ~:I):)r0r:l.te '".itb Counly <)1" C0L:my'.; rcp[c~,'nl ,:ll'''C~ ~,I 1':1'"I,~II} ["L,\"d~ ,L11 II::\)I:L~cIOI: C:oLn:y r,'.ql<';"S c',r n~~::b "bc'.Je [be ~llbiect r:wI I",;r (II' rt:i~ .'\gr~cmer.l ~ITld .-=... ~l(;Tn~y'~ bi Ib, """:0 ~ 2..:1- 25 8,S. (OUllt~. l'ooTH:-r:.diull. ,.I,::'rn~:f ~:l(ILJld eonSl1lt wi1h Cuull1~' ,\I)[JLit oll opp~'rLlnil:.{:.~ 1\",,' ~6 CI)I!rl.l) [(I ~a'.~ 1"0.n~y;)r mak~ lE2 ,~f l:OLl:Ly'~ i.'xp~r1i~c Ie ,,~~iSl Ill. e.g.. re~poIlJi:lg lel ,li~L~L)..':~ry. ~rcp~r~n.~ ').... lor Iri"l, Icl~>I~i~l~ C~r'''"[~, >LlId ltlL: :i~,~. C:(;.III::; l~l:L\' ,;~;,1 bil\'e pcr~or.r,el >1l1L1 b2:litjes aVJLll1b:e' 10 r(~d'.I'~L~ the .i t; cx p'~' 11, c-s ~c hl (c-d to in c ~',I'~ i (;C; L1l:d t c'[ 0 f ; ~l i ~ ,.-\ ~ r',:('lIlL: n I ~') .10 l'I ,~. T~mporat). ~(aft', d~J~gLiHIJ Ll, uUlwun:ill~. A 11,')1 :lC1' '.I'd IhYL bill C(),lfI~Y 1"", the ti:"l:~ lH:l ~ 1 c', p~:I' ~,,~ (: I I ~:llIpl'r",")' {:I'I:,I"y~~~~~, In~~! lid I;]~ sfl.eallcn "1' cmps" ur (<JTII r"c:t ~lhtmcys or olhc-r ~l>ll'~' f1'lrll ~~ .......dl~ic.....~ i..'~)I:lrklr..i2:o:_ Dor ..OL.;,t:-;\.....~ITC'C.. i..ll' :.,;,(:Ic:gu~(: \.':.':"ll"k~ r~;)r cll~"Lrg~ ::-~1f SL.:.I:lnjcr i.1;jS0Ci~11.:,~:'), 1 a.......' clerk:;, or :-it:"1(.li..'111 _15 d<.:rk~, i(;vL,'~l]\'~ly "l<':I:ilf.'~'r,II'Y ~l,l;r' ~"'T iI' "'" [L:IIIJ")lari:y em~lo/,(;Jl \"~ln(HJL h:11 ,1r.\'~:lec: di:;clc'~lJr<.; ell' 34 tl:.~ C"n:.p~j)Ycc' s (c:nporilry or Sh...":'T-:' tCLT.il ::laU!::i to C(:'~llll y~ i~lcl LLhng rli:=::cl0;:ilH-::: of dll... ~L.:'::llLd~ (ll1HJL.:.r:.t paid or ~:'i L~' 1:,~ raLd (<"I [h~ ,ndiv idu;; I. ~; rlk:.iS en!.:l:ty cxp~e~sjy llgr,'('~ ][1 wrll ill::.: tL) :'<l.ying 8dci(ioc~j ill"I(""'[S a:^:cr ~ ~ full Ji~;;lo~m~ by ALLom<.:)", At1Urn~y nuy r'"~1 L:h"r~{: C(}'.1:1l~r' nwrc than the' ci<::l u,L1 ~I)q pai,i by 3'.tomc'Y. . : J~ 9. Confid~nU:dit~, :J ntl publ k rd:ll iom; ..:"'\t(Jrr',~:)" i~ t.,')t aLltlh~fi2ed to w~iv'e l'r ,.,~',~~~~ any pri':ilcg,' .1 () (,r (I[hu (ll (,[~C[ IL)I: "I' infl)l'l~lalL,~.n e,1nrLd~;1~ial, ~~erel. or oth~r').'i~(, - elh[8 irl~r, fr0.Jn or 011 bt'hllll" ell' Cn.J:HY. 40 A[~,':r:{:y :~ LI' k,~q) ,dl L~L'r',lid~lI,i>ll, [':~, 1I~l'~'~' (.r ;~erc: lnforn1il1ion ,:()"I'lL~~rLlial" fhi., [cquir~IlI('"~ I~ ,1 ] p~rl'dli~.:. 1.-'.. lr I', III 2~)1l1 IIllL(' ~\"en ,;1121' llle t~rm:IE',t;I.'1l vt" l)W 1"c'.,~1 ")I~.ihJr and tl:i~ Agr,'l'rll~~1I1" T], i.i .:p ~~c:llir(']n,'nl ;~ ,'.1.,<.; inl~neke:" Il' prvlli'~~il ,i::(:~n~:/ 1"l):l~ ',Ising llltoLT:lalio[1 ob["i:l~d fr0.m or I.'n ':c-:wil' ;/. .13 C:)unt'.', i~e;llcill.~ work pr0dllct prep~Lrcd i1~ (.~',un;}"~ e',;;(~lIS~~, I"('r ,'.J1cr ~licm'~ t'f A11unH~y OJ ,1E c~ I:<.:r .-1 ,1 t'" "l. widwu[ t: '1um~/'., ;lch all~~ ',I. ,.lkll J.]' IJr,","al. ..\ ~;v~m'y i~ '".1L ""I L,')rI7.Cc\ to idc:-ltify C v'.llll}' ,.~ a (' 0'.1 Ilty. :~S ('.s.. br pUp0~'::~ ,It' 1~1~\r~~tiJ1g 0.{ ,,:~,'emsing. '.~'i;~10lll C~"1n1y'S prl(1r 8p,~r0\'aL Crvn l~r1Ilm;Jllr1l1 D:. the "::'f1 T~[EL:l.c'rll:~I~;)", .!!"LL,"r'.~:y "~n:L:~ 1c [~IL:I":I pi :)1'.1:,11, ~\II iJ1form8:iorl (]':ll,Lirl{~d l"r("'l 0r (In bch~;lf or C e":1l1Y I:~ .:....,. C'ljl~nl,::-: .'="'110TnL.~Y i~ n01 ~r~I~'h(jI~..::;,;d HI .::-:';'lll~l.l:l.ic;.lh: .~....11h lr...:: ~lu).lic~ iocLldiog: Ih(~ ('rL~S." .:i.bolJ[ COllr~ty or Illi:-.. ";"t; I!utter ',,'itJl(1lJ[ tl:~ advJ.l:cc J.J~ pr0vd of C')',lrlty. :; :) S of l":" X <) to 1 ] I~ I~ 1+ l5 l {) f "7 1 ~ ] l) 2f) ':::l ') ] 0, 0" Il(,(~h ip of A ttorn~y m~~ :111.1 "[) rk IH'flduct: Atl(Jrr'..:y undcrq8.r.<.l~ [h>Jt all fi;(:, ~[1'-' "," k Fr"duL~[ ,~rerared by ..\ttorn<.:y ur his ," h~r ~irl:1 at tl:o.; 8,~P""~~ 0.~ C: ol.;nty (or f~'r which C 011n~y " 0.~Jlcrwi~8 billL:L~) i~ th~ pr0.pertV of Cmlnly WiLh,)ILI C()LLlltV', pri0T ,.....Ti[l~r~ apprJvJ.l. Ihi~ ,v'ork pr{'JlIc1 ;,::JY ,lO[ 1>2 uscd b,.' Alwrnc.v' ;)r hi.; I,r her th~l: nor Ji~dcSl'l:. '~~y ..~ [l<1rncy c:r his ur hi~r f1r~l: to uth<':l"~. ~x cept in the fll'rlll,J i 20'JrsC' of AIWrl1L;"Y'~ rq',~;'::ltt~t;on of COL:.nlv ill :',i, "l,:ner. At1Qm~y ,l~~ec~ thal Cl'ullly ()wns .!i.~l rig~[~, LncllldJl:g copyrighb. tv nHIH::ri"b ;1I"<~:larc<1 b~: COHm}" l'T by l\tt.-lTli2Y on 'Jdl,~lj" (1f County. .A~~<1rl:~Y ~hilll r:c'Lit"y C~ll"'I}' m wrilin:; at leasr 60 J~\y~ if" :~L.i'..~.ni:~ 0:' dcqrcy~ng allY su.;h recorJ~ (ITld, Ln tile C'\"l"nl [h:.[ t. <"a~l~': requests that tho.;y b~. pl",'~"r,".:d. ,hall IJr('sc'[v<,; 1':,,~n~ ilt least (J,ll' "(I (ht i.-ma l Vl'~r (w,th Cou:t y res~oll~ib~c :'or pllyin~ ,1,(, ""I Ii,'! ':"I~L 0.f ":c'Til.:l.C). A ;l(Il";":Y shall provid(' C'c'IUrl[v' \\'~th pnJlIlr'{ ;le2C;~ 10 (-,r:cl:hlln~ tbe ab~llty to lTI::!.ko.; ~op;~~ 1':-1 ,d I attrll"JlC}' fill's ~lrlL.i w()rk prodl181. l"q~:J1 dlc~~ Q~- w nL;"{hcl tl,-2 rqlrt's<.:nlM:clTl ~lr :1'.,J~kr L.~ [)ltg<1 iolg anJ \i'],dl,n <ill'.'''''<~y kc; one. C)(;:J<':TI~L:~ h,lve t~(;n p~lid ill f,!IJ. -' ..; fJ 11. DbplltC rc~ulu1il.ll1: All:)1 nc-:. and (:OI.l[1l:: ~Ig'~i: that all t.li~rl:I~~ [~[::lrJing Alll'rll~Y's fees C~ '::\.pi:r'.,'::-~ ~~c ti) be I"C~O~\'2C ?USL<Uil~ tl) II,,:: ~r,n~l~duc~ anJ pr;;'~l~;';('~ :"'1[ ,l~ec.i8.ti('n by n,~ AtWrnc}' C011~I:I:I':: i\.iS"t~\I:<':<':: Pr('~l"<1l11 l.'r~:'IL~ t:I,"~;la I~,;r. l2. G O\'l!rn in~ I~ w, rll [.Odili~.:Itiflll (If this AgHcm l'll [, (,-[llir~ a~n~emflll; T b~ ..\grecm~nl is h~ be ir.t",rll' .::led in :lccordance with thl' ',ll'<V~ c.r 1;1,'rid~ and with th<.:: d11 i~" I ] ~(iLJ:rcmc[~h l'~' 1l"LI j 11J i~dielion. TI',' ,f>, ~rC(~'Il~rH :l:,JY rlnt be- n1(1LE~icd j[, ~;ny WilY wilhc',ll {~IL~ c,~r~e~s. wriUt'n "gr~~m~n~ 0f both poLrl i~s. lllis ro.;rro.;~l.nt~ 111\" ~r I i r(, ,Jgri:i:rllellt (It" t.~le v'.rti~.,. !.~ 'l(111rfl~ (~(lllnt~. Cod~ [thic~ Pro,> i~inl1~~ TI'.is prn','i,ion i~ l'l'l:II(i :n S-2~tiQ:1 ] 6.~ '~,+m'. l:>;. "q 24 1...., Tir~ll' K ~'q'~ r n<~1i fled ~ ,\, .J~C(~ LJl ~his ..\.l!Tc(.:r,::r1I, [h~ [{,I"I"O ..timl' k~~rn" sh~ll ine]mJe A 11()n1~\' 25 and O:hl'~ Oil W~[l~Y~ ,Llld i:l.livi,l.Jah Ir.cIHiL2J in E.Xl1 ilJil A wbn wd b(; ;::rov;~~i,,~ ~~r....ices unJ.~r 1111> :2(j Agreem~nt and '.,'h0 wlll bill 1r.8 C0L1~1iy I'l,r [h"'.1 ,.:; I'LCCS in ~'lc:ord~ll1t"~ wHh th i~ Agrc~l~cn1. "'7 :' ~ 1 S. !'II (:fh(ld.~ fit" APIH'(lval ~ nd C O1l5~1l t B~' ell Ul' ty: A n:' C,~:l~el:1> or ~I"pr()val~ rC'iuired :y 111i~ ~9 A~l"<:L:rll{~II1 I;) tH~ n,,~LJc b)" ttlC C0..IIl::': ~hall. llnles, ;:,~ t"Of~l~X I ,,~]~ r~~sJy sta~c~ Olh~r,,,,'i~{,, he m~dc by In<.; ~~\i (\lur.ly ."\tWml'Y (Ie ;;rl ;;l.lh'.lri'(,,:~ A~,isl:l:l: ("<1.lnc\' .'\:'.l1n:,'y :n wrilk", 10rl~l. :0 :nclllJc b',I~ rll)[ IIInit~J to ., I h"ni~'\\ rLtt~n. ty:~~j. ,~J' printed I;8t-2,. c1cc.tr(ln it' l~l~lil, 1<,'I"r~, 01 fac~jm ilc tr~n~1ll i~~i(I[I~, 3: ., ,-; j~ 16. I;]n ~id a C(lV~t'tllnellt-in-lll~-Sllns llillC" l:l ~\": A llC,rli:/ ,Ji:.[ ~{:; [hill. lInk~~ sp~~i iic8ljy eXC:1:ptl'C (j~ ~~~:~rl~d by FI.)Tid" law, [hi: ['rc,\'i~~I)II~ <11' L';lit;H2r I :'0, F~orid~ SI,J:<Jt~s, gener~:ly rc(;,utr(. rLJlI ,tltd ,~u')lic ci,em.,ion of matkr~ to be ....(Ited l;pllr. by IhL~ n ,':.rd L,f ('mmty Commis~illr.~r~. ..\ tt<1ft1ey agr88~ li) L:I'r!~uJ -.v 11 h lit..:: (:nllrHY .^.lwme\"~ (1ffi.;e cc~nee-rn ing ,h8 ~~ppl i~" I i(III nf thc Su.nshir.'~ [,l\" 1"r"m timc to L~llll' C("Jr,;:02rJl irl3" ~rc.:if,c cjrcum~ta~lec~ eJlat m"y i,,'j,C' iLlriq~ th~ ''''':11 (If [h,; ..\grccmcrd. 35 ~6 ~- , .' -~~ 3Sl 17, Flll rid a Pllblic R~,co n.ls L~I w; A ll~''''~'~')" ,J;:ri:',:,~ fhat, '.ede~., ~pct"illuilly L:~ L~rnp[ed or C'xt"C'p1<.:d ~y .1lJ j-"~8rjdil [,:.i' '.'J' ~{llles ~;I:C lte~d<!.t:c"lS C1~ TI:~ FloridH B,lr. 11,~ [Hi),.i~i0n~ of Cha;::t\"T 111). l;I(J(ida S{~,~Ht.~, 4-] gcncr"ll'.' r.,'~.llirc pd'[ic It'C~; ,Q u II r.~.~(,<,.d~ :"'.<~ d<I<:~J: II~lttS I,l,'h i';;1 m~y be 1'l<L(Ic" (), (<:2~i','ed llr.~.kr th: ~ .:12 :\,:.r~~I:l(:'n~. ..\t[(Jrl~'::Y ~:;r0"::., [(, cn"slll: wid) tHe CO'.Il11)' Alt0rTWy'S (~llL':C ;:onccrr.lng th~ "pp'.iCa1L,~:l ,~f the- +~ P\lbh. R~i:l.'rd~ 1 a',~' l'rUl:l {i~l": ,<I [!",,: l~,'r~c~rni:l~ ,pc~~;ic <.::iH'um~OlllL:<:~ t~lat may ~risc UUTin~ 11,(:' [~(I~l 0:' ~.:j. Ih i~ .Ag,.','Ill<':TLl. ":'5 /; (~ , ., ., , .:.l~ .:.l') 1:-1. CflUllt,..,~ ~talldat'd Contract T~nm; 18.l '\0 ..\~~i~[lrlH:I][~. \\",II'.()111 :~IC rrl<~~ wntt2n t'OI1~<.:m I"r,I;I', tlte ("""'.mty. AllllrTl,.y ~t'dl :1l"Jt ,,~,i~n \::T IT(I!l~ I'~r t",i~ .-:>. ;;:r{,.:Il1c" I. <) l)f ].1 ^I 18.1 E utir~ Aj:;(~t:melu. Tbc entirc n.L;rl'c'Lllcnl b<~1 w'een thc CO'.I[l~Y ilnd AI[(1[ney wilh r(::~p':L~1 ,,1 Ihc' ~IIhj,,~t rl1,,[tCf hercnf is contaille-d in Ihi~ ..\~~r'~':;l',ct:1.'f Ili~ Agn.c.~TI(:"l 'Llper~edcs J.ll privl" ,)Jal ~I:(j wri,~e-:1 pmpnsals ~Illd r(J:"flll:Tli(:all;)ll~ bct\"'2cll thL Count'.. ilnd Al1(;"l~Y I"C~~tcc Lo lLi~ Ag[~CmLll1. \"0 pTll\'I.~lon "f I h~ .''\ ~r('L'III~rH ,;.h<.ll be ;i~~lTIcd w<li':(:"d. ~l1nc'nl:d ,'l l;h1dJficd by citkr party Lnles~ ~ll~h \\f,Li ,.(:oJ. arncL,j'~W:1l l'r ;"vdi I',.::.L lL'r'. IS in wriljr,g and <~ncJ by llw 11"]"[:-- a2,~;n~( '.I"llom 1h~ W;Jl,,'~r, amcndm~[)1 ur nw,iificatior) > <.::Iil ill)~d. Th.; Agr':<:JIH~rH Sbilll ~)C l)illJin~ upor. <llId inLr~ Hl tl:c Qt"n~ 111 n( tll.: pan i(;~ l1~rt~l(), [he:r pcrm i(ted ,'.Icec~sor~ <:;nli <\~~'L.;"" :l , .... () B )I 10 II L' 13 l.'~ I') If: l.... 1 ~ jl) 20 '} I "'1 1 N,] Se....erability. If 8. tern', ~".1','.:I'.:"'.I, u)l:ditior. or prc'"is;0T1 ,d' tll i~ AgTccm~r,1 <hall bc ::lee lilrcc in\'~liJ ('T '_I~Wlll'~,r,,{,,~b I~ t,1 <~llY txtent ~,v a e<'::'-,~l of ('vmrl<~I~[H -,L.;ri~ciction. lllt~ r~:l'.a il1ing tcrlll~, ~I)\'i:r,<tl~t,. cnndithns ~lI:J tH()\'isiGll~ C'''- ll',i~ A~r':'::1: .:1'.1 ~b;[ I:Ot be d:'(.n~'d 11I':l"dp( and .~<!d'J T~r]I:arLillg t02rm. CO\'(~Tl,I1I~, ((;:l(I1I:UII ,l1ld ['lL)v'L;inn o~ lh~" .'\~r~','m~<ll ;iwll t.:: '.,ll,d and ,hiill b~ ,~:II't)rc~abk W th~ rLJll~,t CXlCL:L r~'rllli~~,.d b) ~:J\\" u:l;e,;.s tlt02 02nIo~2cr:1C:l~ OL t~1C' r~'n<li;lir',~ lcrll1~, cov~n~HH~, i:l)r',ditin:l~ and provi~:I)r: ,1f thi~ Agrccm'21:t ',\'Ol-,~C :; r<,:\'cn1 ~'i'~' :;L:L:I.1I~lpl i~I',".lL'Jl: of ,bc ,lfigi1WI ir:kllt ,1f t], is l\grc'~I1I~"t. T~lC COL;r.l}" "r.:l A t1nr rl':v itg~ ee to (C~,~r~l: ;;lC "\J2,re-o.;;n,'nl ;(J r,.:.lla,".: :m:y' ,tricken prc'vi~~l'" with ~ \'<1 lid pTOvi"iOlI that COI~C"~ ." L:.;), ,: :,,;. p "1 ~,;., b k: [0 t h~ i I: t e I;t 0 f the:; 1 ri c k c' 1". P ~ll\' i ~ 11) II. 1101.4 C::lptj(lll~, TI:e c~rti'~:1~ ,<.::t fonl', h..~n'ir'. :,r-2 :^,1( C01l\'crli8r.<'::(:: v1" n~krcrlce on~y u r,d ,; 11<.11 IWl Jd"inc, modify. ur li:l:~l <":}" vi' It.,:: ~l~[III.~ l:cl'c,1f. l !oI.:; COH~rlling Law anti \. ellUc'. r:li~ ..\ !~r~~lI',~I~t .,hall bc g(}\'(.rrl'..;d by ,.t:J cOI:;trucd ir, :>L:L:L)I'.-IaJl~C ',\'i II, I hi: I,lw~ ,,1" 1hc SUte OI j.'1'1r:il applieJ.c.k to c(;rllr;'.L~L~ n~ ~d~ and to bc' pcrl'NI~lcd ~ntirciy in lhz' SI<cIC. \'cr.l1c' :'0T <Iny ~:!;l :;~li"Hl \\'hj,:l, II',;I!" dl~': ou ;)f o~ I.:.I:zk1' thi~ at,e~m~nt Sh~il", b~ ',,, '''',1'lro.; C011nly, F.oridil ~-1 :25 ~6 '~ "7 ....' n ;() 1 ~.S.] Conflicts in inH"-pn.;.~.i~lrL The C:'1llt1ty and Allllr",:y ~.~.r0202 that. In \h~ n'~lI~ (,; ((Jrlll ic~ irl[; inl.:r pr{:I:Jl iL"lr~; ~:' LI:~ tcrJlj:~ r,r " ICLT:l vf t:,is Ag,.~er~l~Jl! by cr ::J("1\~ ,.L;"rl lh(::l:, the- ~r:~d inlc.rpri.;L<:;lit'r. ':y lk; (ollTlly ~h<1I1 :L[lply. 1 ~.5.1 ,\dj udir,uiClIl Clf DislHI {t~ :l l,~l n i~ar::n~~m~LH~. Thc' CO~I"t}' ;J:1L] ."\ ltc~'J ncy agre-l' th,ll ,L11 d i'F':tc, U'..: L::.',t~ICL'IIlUH';' bU"I'cCI: d:":I~l ,I:~~~ bc- ~l Lte-mp1('d 10 bc' I ,~sl)h-ed bv i1 m(.c.t ~1)ld ~(flll'~r ,c~~jon '~('I"'('(:"'" r~r,~:;(;n1" tiv,.~ l' I' 11. i: C' :)IIl1~: :mL] ..\ [[,'r "02.". l:' ~hc i,~llC l'T i~;'JL" '.r" ;~ir 110t Te-sDI n.d LI' If:.' sati~Lc,tlr,n :Jt ).,(-,tl1 within 30 d~'''i' J.:',er t~w m~'~l ~n~ .:l'"I',~r ~~s~:on. thcn c~theT ~h~11l h<~v'e thc rign~ 10 ~8~k such Te-jd' ~',~ ~:~',y .~-.; pro':i;.;o.;J by lhi~ ..\gr,'~I"(.lI; ;)r by ];I,"~da .il\','. 10 ~; 1 :)2 -" --. -' .l.'~ 3:' 1 !t~.J Clli)lt~ rllli~J rL [,: [h~ e\'cl:t iln)' ~dmini~tr<i li'.'(. UT Iq~al W'1ceedil:g is in~ti111kd "gai:lsL 3 (, ~'ither t1:(: COlll:t)' or Attorr,(;)' rdJ.Ling ~o th~ :'OTlll,LI i011, c\.(:oc'JtirJn, pcrform<:!.ne'~, llr tm~;J.::Ii ,1f tll i~ ..\gre-l'Ill<.:n~. 37 tl-....:- C'OI;Ljty and ~.\ttO[ll':'::".:'" cJ..:.::h J.;:.:;r.:.::C,.': H.~ p~J.rLi( ip;'II.:":. I...., I h~: ::::". [(:I':.t r.:-quircc. b::,: 111(~ :.,r]lcr" ~ Hl all p:-oc.:,::.:..xl iLl!=!!-= I ~R I:.::"-rin:;>s, [llL1ec",Cs, :nceLl:g;. aJ1J r,tll02r ilc~j\'itic~ rt'~;;t~'c ,0 Ih~. ~:Jb~l,JII':~ "ftllis AgTe-('Lll'~r,I, TilL~ C(ILI:ty imc 39 .-\lll.lrlWY ~.:I("h :L~W(~ 111:" ni:'II'~:r ,li.L11 ::c' r~Lj.III,:'d t~. C:Hcr i,1W any u~bilr:~llI)II pl"1~ccdmg, rc-l~tc'd ll.1 Ih~ :.to A ~r(~('lll,:nl CT :or.\-" A Lt,I("I'I'l,~:lt .:;r '-:>',:::{:I,dlllll Ic. LI:L~ .\gJ e~Ln~ltl, 41 .:(") 18.5.4 Lq.pll Obli~anu[l~ :.illd Rt'~pL)n ~ ihilitifS; \" on-u dq.pil CUll (]f Comtitutlo nal ()r ,1.1 SliI.lutOl'Y lJutie.~. Tjli" /l.gfce:l:cl:t is I:~t i~leLjC,'~ to rc'li(''.'(.. "C'T ~llall Lt 1}02 con~tn1cd ~lS r<.:li~vill~, <":'i[hcr t;lC 44 (:;)lJlIly ()r A 1101'11(:0;' 1'[ "'ll :HlY "b I i~,,[ IL)II (Jr (:':~'~:l~~I)ility il:l?(;~l'~ Up~H', ,"h~l, by law cxccp1 ll' 'h~ ('" lc'1I1 0.f .::1-" ~I ~L u;, 1 <, r',u ~ i:,,~'..v rL;",'I'I.1rll,,,,,,'c' I hi:r.:<)f h:y' ["e ,~th.:r. ~n wllien 8~~;<': th~ ;;c,rfL"lll~laJleC nE',y b<.: l'lF.:-n.d III 4() S~lti~fadl0n of tl:(' odigatioll or f(.spor.;ibii;I\' fl:rll:,:r Lt',i.~ ..\gr~~;l:cl:t is not inl(:nd,~:~ t(~ au!Jh1rJZe. nor ,11..111 . ~ -: i: be c.;)nst:uc(~ .:.:.:-:. aLLtl:0rizi:lg.. :he c:.J.:..'gaLi.......n nf ~jll..' ;';:)11::; ~il LI ~(~lIal (JI" ~ti.1LI{Or:.: d~l1~;-; I) r 1110 C 0":.I=Hy~ C:X(CP~ ~S ti.; LI:.~ (.x1e-n' pc.Lnlill~J by 11,," ~'k;,.;I" (:':)I"IILLI::)lI, ~[,He S~ittU:C~. ~~;~(; :,L~', alld. ~pccifie,i1I}', lh~' ['r(:".I"',1n~ L~ vi' Cbap1cr J2 5. F lorid~~ S~u 11I1(;; ~ l) nf 1,1 'l "- pl.n .-\U'Hl1ey'~ fi~e~ and CIJ~t~. III th.:- c'.'cnt an}' ~ltblli,"~1I"ati\"c pro('{;L:dllLg 0.f Cl1.,~~ 1)1" ,~2tl0.,l i~ i;1it~~tcG or Jo.;~'<.:mk.d by 11,,: C01.lnty or A ;L'm~.y ,,~I,tti,'c to tnl. (~Tl1"Llrc02mcnt ~'r "~kl',lJ'Ctati0n 0f" 1111~ .\g~ l~L~nl"::ltt. (hc prC\'il iJi,:g p~~ly <lei I: h,~ el:Ltl.;J ;0 ~I:l "W,Jl d 0: rca, l'r.~lb k flttorney', f"~~:~, COlin co~L;, i 1l...~.~L ,~.~r I'''<~. dl~d .-)ut. e~f pock8t l'~ ~W'ISL:" :J~ ,In il\nrJ :;~Ii: ,,~t thc tlOI: pn.V~1 ihrit p~rty, ~ml ~ll,~11 iLjclu~L' rea~oml'~ k :J1k'm~}"'~ k..::;. .;.'un co~t~. ill \ ,.S[,~~.[l\'~, and Ol~l-ul'-pL)Cket cxp<.:ns~~ in ,~ppcJjatc rrl)c('('.j ilit\;. ",., cdJ~{ iOI: p~occcd ir.g~ ~r'li~ i ~kd ,~n(t ~':)nd'.le~e-d L)'.lr~Il,1l11 10 tll i~ ...\~r<.:e1n~nl [11' ~~ 101l1}' '~(:; n~q oJ irc~ by' ,l ,';):1: [ 0:' ~l"~'p~:kr!t -,L,risd~~tion ~hall h' t'OrHh.~k:;[ III ~ccordanc(; wi{b 1he f loridl! R Ldes ~f CL,'i1 Prll~"cll!fC a:ld u~lI,d ,Pld (:1J~[,1:l::l.rv rroccdllL'(;~ r(;qlli~~LC '~'Y 11,(, ~IIellit (ollL'L OI"\.fOlll(JC C0un'Y, ,~ ..:1- 5 (, 7 :;; 9 10 11 1 .~ I ~ 1 <"\,7 Rc-cIJ n:l ~. A~ 1(,'n1':Y , il<L1I Inil irl," in ~d1 '~(",k~, ] cc()rd~. ~.I' ~ LlL'('UI~cms d;r,~c11~' pc-nin<,;nl I,~ ~('rl'I'l'lI "tllC(' Ur,L;cr :h i~ A.~lTellwnl. i,.,::1 ".I irl~. lJlc c\,';'.lll1lT,I ~ r":'(:] (~d (() irl S(~Cl i,::lS j.4 lHld 1 f) 0.1' tlli~ A~, l~eln02ltt. i,: ilccordlltlt'e \l ilh ~~I'..;:rally :I.:e~pted ilccounli "g principles. o.;(J!l~;~'~m~y ilP? [it'd, Upnn tcn l! D) bm iL1l'~~ J ~}'~ Wl"l~ 1 L:lI II;)l,cc t., 11:02 r,Lller. I"Crn.s~l; I::r~'.~.~ ,~f cither th~ CO ,"H}' or AtWrn,.y ~hall have- ,L,:,',"~', <~t all I"c:L~Onit': k til1l('~. ;(J ;,'1 ,hL: Dille" ]"';r L/ S bl10b. n"~l,,'ds, ::1)1 J c~ponderlct.. i,,~~, LC[,OJl" rGGeipl', '.'('llcl:~r~ :"'.,l III ~I~h,)(~ n n:L (02)'; eluding o.;~'lllpll1(,,. .", n \V:.I ~.) lh~r:ainiLj~ to '."LJrk L1d~! thi~ Agr~~:IlI"m ~,H the purpD.~l~ r..r ,::)lId',IC,"'l:'. a c[)ltlrlct~ inG2pcn[jlTJt fi~,,;~'. :~lLdi~ .'\[~Orn02V ,)1iI11 r~'~aill :l] records r~ql,i!eLi to be kL'pt lIwk thi., Agrl'l'm~nl rl'" ,L rll ill i:,a,'ll [If Lv~ VC:irs, a:ld for ~I~ Ic,L~t f0.ur ;'ClH'~ ~ i"ln rh.~ tc~:1:inatiQn II I" I hi.; ,1gree:l:c'r.1. .1\ [[(Im~y ~hall kccp ~lIch r(:"cord~ a' ,~,.: r',20202s~8ry to dO~lml'~'lt tl:c ~erform~llL:~ ~f [bc ~~T(.(."'.~II1 :"H~ L:~~'~lI~~~ ,t~ ,nCLLr(cd, and give nt'Cc'~; lc' Lh.:~t: r,,(',~.;ds ,H tll(; L'<.:tlll,.~1 ,d'thc COllnty. I fit' SUtc J:- "Iorid" :)1 ,1.,11",] ;,...~d :l(e[1{~ al:(1 rc~ rcs~'ntllti':l'~ 0:" ~.~ il: ~.r~~ ':[I:I~len: oodi~~ l[]~ tJlC rc~vc'r.~,t.'i~ily nf ..\tk'rJ"wy 1(: T,llinl~lin :I;Jproprial" r~'c,~1 d~ {(1 JI:;'.I,C ,l FTOpe-~ u,'~'I)IH'11 ilL'. ,1f al; coI1l'Gli<)TI~ alld ] cmitt<.:.L,<;8,' .~ [[(,rne)' sb,~1 ':c rupon~i'~k ~"J' r~r~ly":{".1 '':' :.1'-:. ",,;[ <~II <~Li,ti, e-)((;c;ti'J[l~ \V1,iL~h 8r02 iJe:1tit"i<.:d by tile A'",ditor GlT.::ral t'nr the S[;l'.C ,1f r IllrJ::!;;., ;.~1C Clc-rk of (."'''1'' r~r \[(;.""" CLiLl:ty. the Bmlrl~ c.I' C\1llm)' COI~lllis~iO"(:I; f()r \-fc:1rc'<': (:1":ll1y. ,H tl,':lr ag.~ltL, and rcprc~cl:L'.tJ\..~;. l+ I') 16 l',' lr; Jl) ':0 :~ 1 "") .~ :~ ~,~ 'J" ..) 2(J ..,~ .:::.. " 18.7.1 Puhli~: ..\.'t:t:~~. '[ I,~' ('()L1nty and !\'tor"~) st'.,.1I all()w :iL,d pCrllll[ r~~s0.nahk ~;.~(;<.::s~ t" ~,.,r. in~pec[lol: of. aJ dOCl11TI(;llt~. p<l:;'~r,. j(,1I'.,,'~, :)1 ;)th~: m~te-T;J.l, ~'.lbjL~U 1(1 the flNidil P l~b: i,~ H C2(,rJ~ [.:1 I~, ilS p~(Jvd02ct ~I: C Ilap{et ll). ?k~'.(~', S l,,{','~~'~, .L1::l made 01 n:ct'i."o.;d by [he thcm, ulll(;~~ spci'i t":cal h. ..'~'"lIlW,~r1 by SldL.~ St,,[U[':, I<.Llks ,;1';(, It_,gt.:.hLic'lb 01' Th,' F'.()IIL~,' l{~~, or Cil~e- l;;w, C,)LLI:ty ~1::;J1 ~1~l\'l' ,1,,: ri~l:t 10 :"'~ln:.::,,". ~:1 is ~1.L.!.rL.~(~ll):"'IH lI~J':';'1I ....iol:11 i~~:1 ~":o1'1 h I~ ~~fO'I"'::; ion "::y _A.1IC:~'rl~~~...'_ ~s ~') W 31 ~~ .l.,: ~ . . ~ .... Pi.N .'lollr\J~ Coullty (lId~' r.1hk.~ P"'l~ i.~i(llL A:,ornG)' w;'.rl'dnH th:11 he h~~ r.vl ~Illrl,~/c;:l.. r,.1,L1 11(',1 fll f1[h~1 \' I~~ kt(t ~c: 0:1 ~l is kb.lt" :;I:Y k~lllo.;r (\",,,ly NT~c~r "T emp 10y,'" ,TI vL('lati,1:) 0[' Senil'" ~. l,f Ordin;l:l~~ "I). I G-', 9() f) or :JlIY (\~ ,1:1[:; "tTL~~r or c:mpk'Yl'~ iTl \'~Dlati,1:l of Scctic'll 3 (,'f' O[ L~i Itan.;.; .' o. 11)- 1990. For bn.uch or '"'i~'hLi0n l,j" Ih:~ rro,,'i~i(::1 1110 C,111tltV nlJ.Y, l11 il~ discretlotl. [CrmimHt" It:i~ AL'.[~CI~lCH \'.-itl'(J..1t lj"biblY ,uld ,:,(1)' ,dsl.l. ,tt i..~ L~I.~cr..:ti,~n. dCJl1Cl fro:" III(~ ~L"'lS owed :1:ldlT It..~: A~] ecm~Jl;. Jr ('[r.~r',' is..: rce,1\ Cf. th~ :'.11] ilnlOL.:.I:t ,)~. il]l\' kc. ~,~"lIlT i,;~i(\:I. p..:rCC:1{ilgC. gi f"L U?' L:I'rl, idcruion p~:~ 1(,' nn~ i"'.lI"l!llT l.lr ;;1'~.~"".1 ('vl:r'l y 1.lITi::':1 I'r ," II pl.~) e~. (' L'lIrl:Y cmr ~OYl.'~~ ;~I;:l I)ffic~r., ~ri.' r(;'1LLLrl.d 1v L~~I~lr Iv \'.-i:], dw ,1(IIld~lrds '.'," L:llrod,,::1 d(~lin,,,,~,:d ill S~~'Li(;;1 11 :.:; I_~. floridu SI:~II~I~~. r~;aJdjnp'. bld TlUI lill,LL..:j :I~'. ~1.'li("i(",i,1rl (,'1' :.L:i:i:['~,L1IC<' ~,r ~'.:':~, L;;"II~' bL"ness wid: one', ~~(;IICY. 1:",LlLtlh~ri7.ed comr~r,~,Llivll, :l~islJs~ r,:' ;)ll'~ lit, po, i,ion. t'ol:ninin~ <.:mp IOY1:Wnl (;1' n~lIlnh::'.",1 I c i~,[ 1()IL,Jlip, and Ji~ck,~ue n: ccrtalll il:~0rm~;l".;)1I ~ , ,'~ 35 .3 () "'. .'\ }9 -lU .:1-1 +:.: ,p, c::..4 I :-1.9 .-'~.Ulhot'it}". /\ tt0J"nc\' warfiln:s d1lH ~1C <lnd ~hL;" ,III['llnri~.i:d time ko.;'_'rGr~ aI',. .LL1ILOI"J7cd ':y ."". 4') ",,:~ (II'~ P ul2; :l<lLl R ~t:LJh[ n"n; (,f Thc i-"I"[lcb lLu tel e-:1~llgl' I" ~h~ p':I'I'nrl~lanec: of th<.: ,,(1 i '. i[lL:' cncom:"'~l'l:, .:.l6 t:; lh i~ .~~r~~"',"'l f" A 111)1"11'.Y i~ :, : "'.:" I':'~ I (II" iI .it\~.. fmn. ~i;~1t.r ~~ P:J[ 1 r:.:r. sltarehojdcr, <I~:;l,,:i.Ll~, (,r i)tI1~: -17 r~lati():1~I:lp. ..\ttorlk'Y '.i'",rral:L, ll:ll~ h~',o ,'IUll'.,'ri/',.d I:' L:r'.lu mt0. thlS ..\grt.l'nH.;,,1 by Att:)fncy'~ Iii" ~'irl" 4\ 1] of !4 ") l ~.J 0 ru blh: 'Ii: n. If} C r1mL' SfJl f"[ltL:lI L 1;'.I)rid:l ~ilW prOV](.::o.;, thlH r~r~(III (II' amliat~ wno b ~ b~.,.n 'lla~'..::,l nn tll~ C,1Jl\.ic[cd \"cl:dor Ji.,l f(,llowin; II cOllviui"". f"<Jl" pu;,IIC ~rltLty crime m~LY no( ~u'~,,;,,[ " bed 01: all ,~~r,.{:rIlL:rll 11) prLI'",d~ ,~r:/ ~.()",d~ I)r ~C:\"I~~~ [0 il ~~ublit' e-ntiLy, I1hLY lI(l~ ~L:brnlt a bid 01: II ilgn.~r]l(:III '" lit. J. pL:.r.lic cn~ity fllr th.o.; <.::<.-'TI,,~rL:l'liorL '~'r rl'p~1 ir II r :~ I'd)'.I(' ':~ LJj:,j ing or pL::r.lic '.c'ork, rl!,~Y n;)t ~ "bmit bii~ or, IC:l~C~ (1f r..::d rrnr~rr.y tl) pubJi~ cmity. mil'." ~ot '~(' lI\\'~nkd l'r pL~rf'1rm \h,rk a.' ~ co1li;~I~hl]", ~1l,:p.Ju. ;lIb (,)rllr:~~II)r. I.'r ("'~lIsull,Hl[ l!r:L~{~r a "t'lccrn"::ltt \\'jtl: an\' Pl1bjc (;r,~it~i, :~r'.L~ nl~Y n0.t tTiln~~n bLJ~iTl'~~~ \\"Jtlt an\, ;1I.~ lic l'1:tity in ('); 8c'~~ of tl1(:" th~~~ he Id ::1l1<;..11I~ pr I)...id~d LI1 SCdi"n nn.f-", 17. I'~lr e,\"l t,:Ci 0 R Y TWO ~'m :: f,'rl(IL ,If .)~~ Im1tlth~ frl)l:l tl~c date ,'t bciL;,!. r-laco.;d Oil LI'.<.:: ~.~IIlvl(:l,~d .....::Ildn, li,1. ..\ttorr:<.::)" ,,'MI ant~ tile I:citlll'r :\ tt{)nlCV :wr iLny ~;ll{bori7.2C {in:,' kccpc-~ ~1il; bc'~r. r,,,:w;d I " 11,~ ';:,'")1)'.' ictcc \'c-ndor ~i~l , .) + ~ h l-i i) In II l ~ U l~ I S.11 Allti-kk kbac k. Attorl',c'Y ',\',,:T,u'.l.; 11I;LI 11,1 pcr;,~~ ha~ [:.o.;C'n ~rll rlU)"L:Ll ()r fetaincd 10 ~l,1 i~'ll c., ,c-C.H ~ th i~ Agnx:ncn[ upon any ~'{)ntr~ct or Undl'L";1<1lld in~ I'~II ,t c(Jmmi~sion. p~r(;~1I1al:.{\ hr0.kcfil~t' vr ..::{)ntiJ1;:,cnt f..::..::, ~nd [h8t;)O cmploycc or oLicc-r d' tk Cv'.11Hy h;J~ ,lny imcrc,L flr.<:!.n~iiLlI}" 0: ntl:..::rwi,c, in It-.i~ ,.:l,,~r(~(~Tll~nl. ~~~'~.rl ,J~ ~xr".,:~;ly ';~:lI(;d ;1,:,.:111 h'lr brea.;h or viol~~lLv1' <JI" 111i~ \\Mf8mv. {he COllnly st:,dl ;1:1\ C tk rlt',lu k ilnl,..1l tl:~s ilgrccm.'lu wHbllll I;~bi:ily vI', Irl 11~ Ji~u~tion, to J(;JLI~.; ,J"Y sum, to hc pllill b\ t. ,1'I<Hv c:u~..::r tl:l.' ..\gre~lt1cm. ,;1' ,'.:h~'r\':l;c rl'l',)\-"~'r. ll'.8 1'1I11 ,111l(IUJlt ,,:' sLi-~I: <'::c"~llni~,;il'''' ,~~'rccnu~c. b(lJI.......~1 ~lgL nr (:nl~[JLj~.:-I~L fee. , " J ~ ] (, ] ... 1;..;. ] 9 IS,12 \"] odjfk~llio n~ ~lld .-\ rm'lld rll L'11 r~. .\ "y :lr](~ ;l~l m0djf!8:.iLi~'n~ <J r (tn: [L~r I~l~ nf tl::s agrl'c'nl(."~ ~h,LlI Dnly b..:: amcnckd iol writing itnJ ~'X"::";Uk.t lw tl1.~ B 0,1 rd <J I' COIHlly (' ,}Jl1mis~i(>ncr~ I"l'T fI..'l ,I<I[ L)-2 C'l)IJLjty ,ll1<l Ih ..'\ [[(I< I~~~:. 21..1 2: --:0") ~,1 lS,lJ Illd<';Pl'lltkI11 Cl)',1,.",h". ..\1 "II 1il1k'~ ar.d for all pllr;::v~~~ tn:r{;II11d.:" Attorncy i; ;~" I[Kep~I:L:"':t cnl:tr;).C[OL iHllj no{ an ~'mpl"y,,~, ,'f <1l' Ik,'rd ,ll' C\,LH'.I/ CL)I~l!l::,si31~o.;rs or \10;II:)i: ''<IUUY. :\~', qilte:l:~I:t ~':)nL,':.'i: i:l ~JlJ; .'\<!:ccm..:nt sh,',j~ r-~' ..:on~lI".I<:d ~,: ,I~ I;) f:r!d An"fIjcy or ~ny 0 r I h(. ,LIL111"l ~;,-:cLl ti~:.' ;';"."[1"~", I:' h: II,,, '.lI'[1kIYc":~ ~II" 111,' Ik,L1d 1)1. ("3Lr.l\' ("'~:l:l1lis~io;ll'[; of \.fl)III\IL~ (\1lJrHY, ~nd Lr.<.:y sl"i11 'u-:' mtil>,'J to IlGn..: of {hl' ri~bts. pri\' i~c'g'~, l'r k,' ~,:'il~ (: I. ,.:1: I";:)V'~'~~ ,1f \-lomol' C ~'lml}'. :, .~6 ~s :() 1 X, 14 Compliallc~ w lrll Law, ll: cilrryi"g 3Ut .-\ tL{)fne-y's OQ li~~lil'" S 1L1IdcJ tll is agreemcr.L. A tlvn~y :,,(j sL,,j d"Ll~ by ,J1". ~I"[LJ~~.~, ;)C(li'''"IC'-'~, nl'.i:., ,,,:d 1~i:'LJI:'['()lt~ pen~ining 10 o. r'~;';1I1,Lli1l1: 11,,:: J~I"1\"J;i,'n~ ~f ~h;~ 31 Ag;c'c'm<.:ni. int'~I.;~in,il. tho;;\; n,)'",' in d;'(:"C1 ~lnC ht'l"(,~; n<.:r :;l:vl' 1<:01. A "y \" iL)l,~L3n of ~~iJ ~l;.;tutl.~, <omli """~'c'~, 32 fll~":-:; or r..:-gul;lti~in~ ~ll:iJ ..:-~"}n:-:;tJtll[C: ;1 =r:'~:,[cr~;ll br':"~;l..::h of thi:j ..\~r(~(~~l'.:..:r'.1 ;'J II~: slla~ I ..:-ntitlc the C ':.YU::Hy Ie 33 krminak {!-ii;; A;rccm~nt iml:lcd iil:~ly up,'n .kli\' ,'I"." 0 I ',nill<.:~' r'(~1 i,:,: of" 1{:rlllJlLatJ{)n (O A tk'rlwy. '-:'.1 .~) I S.I ~ l. kl'Tl~in~ :nlU rl'nlllh. AlIl'rll"Y \\',LI"l:l;I[~ Lt'.,.t "\({O[l:,'Y ~I:"llll~\'c, ;Jl"il'r k ';:0.mn:cn.;cmcl:L .'(J ,'f work ..lrlJcr thE "-.:,\l"..::,'lnc-m J.I:J at iL, tll~C~ jmiL:p. ,u id ',v~'rJ.;" ;d I : i:t, UlI c',t I ie~t1~c, ~nJ ~H"rl\li~~ wll'~~)'L:r ~~7 fcdcr~~. :-i1at::. COU:HY 0:- C':ty. .l/; 1() I S.I ti :\"n-ni~~'ri!HI!l~llicll1. AIII'rll,.} sl':~:1 n,,: di.~CI"illlLltak, In i:~ C[l:p~clYlll~rH pnl,:lll~'~S ;I:H; II: '::'f~ provil::llg '(T\'i(,~'~ h\~I"(~'.I,,(kr. ell ;Iw kloi~ "'~' T:I("(.. cdl,)r, ~i:~. :'~!it'iLH:. dL~ab:li{y. nationul Q,Will. :u":\.;~[i, :; I ,,:x. ,1.L1 ';I"lL"'.L,J~ i,EI, g{:lI,lt~r id,:nr,1 y 1.'1" ,., pr'::~~I"". L~I'.I ii!;,1 ~I :.[LJ~, '~J ag~. aJ1J ,~illl ~tti~ 8 by ,L11 ;',',k::l1 :J:Hi sUt~' ""::'2 I av.':--; rc;:!.arding. I:......n dj~:,;ri:1::I:~~noll. L pO;:1 ~L d...~tcrJnil:.:.:~t:i)1l b).' iJ c(jur I ~II' L:L)rH.f':::tcr:.t .iL:.L'i~c~':'::1io~ III~LI :-..u ~:h 4.; JI,C 111~llllilt:i)lt :la.~ (I~~LII ~d, lIllS . \~'r ~~I~k"n: :IlH"In,lL-.'dl!' kD:in~~l(;~ ~~'i:':lI.nJf :m:. rutlte: ,~2tl0n by hl' .1-; (""HH)", ,~I'kcli'." llie: :l;'li: ,:I',t.,i: L:I.'ICrl ("LI,,,. :\;:":m~:y. i~ :)\\'';'1''':: ()r the ?r()V~~lvn~ or S<.;i:li(,<lI I ',<iil ~hr{)U;:l ~.;:; 1.~-1 f.16, ~.10ml'~ Clll:ny C("l:.l.. rl'I,'lillg ll' 1l1)[1-di,,:ri:I'III,Llioll. ,wd ~gr.;..::s tD abiJ(. by Il,,, C,:d~'~ 1:{'Jl. 4(, c~.,crll:l iL1il'.iOL1 rc-q'.1 ircn:cnts. .17 4S J 101.17 Clajm~ hlr S~JI[~' llr F.:l!nul ..\.id. '[ I:~ (",1'-'tHy anJ Auorr.<.:y ~gr{:" 11,,,, ~,Ld'. ~h8L L'c. llr.(; is. <P) L:rll P"Ii'."",.,.d L" .~[1r Iy k1', ~~d, "lid :'bl "Hl ",:LI,'r ,J'. "".: ~I de fLlnd~ 1.1 funrn:-r tl1<.: r,llT'~'~" ,l f th,~ I\greeml'i:l. l'::: or' 14 ~ ') I (I 11 1.:2 l3 ]4 15 1 (, 1 -: I ,~ J y ~O 21 22 2., '" pr<,>'..id~'d 11"u al. app liL'<H i()n~, rcqll<':;~~~, ~~I ,tilt :lJ"op()~~l;, ~I),d flllldil:g Sclli,il ,Jl iL)':, by ALLl'rllL'!, ~I:~J be ~[':~ r0,'cd ':),.. tll\; ('.)11 nty rriv" II,' SLblll i~~I,~;l, 4 5 ~ 18.18 i\i [1ll-Reli:J.nr~ b~: ;.; IJ n-P~ I'[i.~~. NI) !~crson ll1' ~:Ili[y ,,;la]] bl' t.n(i~ I':::Lj to rely '''pUll lh.:: ~crr:1~. or ;;r.y <.>i" nl<~:I'" ;)[ th i~ .'\greel~cnt to <.:n (",)r,:~: 1)1' att~I~~t t~, o.;nrim:~ ,':ny thirJ '~(lTiy .:hlm or clltil k1ll~r\t to ~,r hcncfit (If .!i.oy sl'[,"ic<.:: <}r prOt"~ In 201~t-2I::1:' l:H~'J h~'r,," II,kr. a:1d th<.: CO,lllty al:d A tWTn.~!, l:;rcc tlnl 1I~][h2r ~]w C)lLlIl) 11,1] .-\ ttom.;\' or al~Y (,'["11("(.", ,J(': IU. or clm:; l(JF" ~,f ~~c1: sl:~dl 1I<L,'':: the au1hul";1 y tn inforn, cOl",L:,c1. or othn\~'; ~:: i;ILlIi~~{~ lh3~ it:1', ~ ~',rLicil~" illd Iv'id'Jal or grul~p <) f indivitiuab. ~[l[ It]' m l'ntil iL;"~, I~,.\'':: cntj:km~'I:L~ or b~ni:II~~ LI',L:~" tjli~ "\!~,'CIll0.;1l1 ~q),II:.[L~ ~nr. ap,lrl. jTlf'''L01 to, or 5q'~.ri,Il' tn tile t'OLTI1Il',II,Lty i'l ~',enc, i\1 :1r f,)r tll,' ";;'"'Tp(J~,'~ ,',11',1 ':TP',:,[C', under thl, A l~r'.~lIl~l:t, 18.l? ,.\ H~~tuti[ms. ..-\;.tun:cy ilg<~~, II.' c',-22ut~ ~u\;h dl,,:IIl1,~rHS as tl:8 CI.'L'rLty m~y r'~<:;~ l'n" b:c r'~q 1I iT~\ ir!>:IIHli[lt ,~ III llg-Fr~e W orkpl,,~~ Sl"~c'lI,~r',[, arJd a l>lIbli( r~r:t]ty Cr~me- SI(H~rllent, 111,20 Sign:llUl'c~ \if P~.-ti~'~ RL~(llJin~d, TI:~s Ag.~.I'",'1I1 shaJlI:ot Dl' ~JTL;"di,'c until (,Xl'~lLl~:{l by b01], Cvll:!1}' all,l ..-\ tt,~: ncy lnJ rccei'.'cd in :'imLl ,''''''('111,,<1 :^,~: m by an ~ult',l'ri/,,~d J cprc~o.;nt(\li V(' of C ,)U!l~!', 18,21 Cou Ilty ,\ ul h~, riEl' Th I~ :\ grcCI::1Gn1 :H1~ b':L"', ~[ ~ dl1~Y notiL;~'ll ~nr. legally h(,ld [1ub IK ;I',i:::rll:~ L~L1r:L~L~CtC;". in 1\,'1 OnL"a'2 C 0un:y, :=1(Jri..:;o ~d Ul.12 '>"0 P~r~(I no1] Ua l)ilit~', :-; 0 l'~',\'<':TI(Il11 (~, (!blig:1.1io:1 cord<:;i,,<:d i:l lhi, A~rl'<.:r~I~"',[ ,~ll~L be' deemed to 00.; i1 ("OYl'n.~nj l'r (,'1:>1 i1:"l i,':I n:' aJl.' mcmb2r, dTi",,,', ,Jly;"n or C:1:p:oyt..., l,r [hc ~~nard 0 r c l'l"'~Y Commi~sioncr~ 0 r \fvn r()~. C>:-~ITl~Y ',II I, i~ ('I hcr intb"idu~11 ':;;1 :H~ it~i lnJ no m<':Tllb~,.. otTK.::r. ,-,g<.:n~ I)r ~1~l:llnY;::2 of d~e ~~;)~rJ Of ((!L:.nty (\'Illllli~~i,.','<:r~ ,d' \ 1 ,1.lr[,,' Cour~ly ~ ],;111 ':~~ liable.; PlT,;():"lI I:v' :1n tl1 i~ A~,"~~~l:~r:[ L)" b~ ~'J':~j~~, t,~ an':' rC"~~0nal lj,lbi: i Iy ,Ir <lC(",~ Jnra"ilitv cy r~,J~:)r. 0.I rhc CH',l" il.'rI (! f d:is .\ g I"CC:l: ,'1: l, "'- _:'! ~ () '), 2~ 18.2J F ~e(:urLon i Il (~Llunterpa rts. fhis .-\~r~("Jnl,;nl rll :~y b.c -exccut.:::u ill ~Lr'.y II :J=nbc:r of ':01In~trp(ll"h" 29 {:~.d', (I:' ~\~Iich ~t:d h~ [~~~[l:~::i ~~ ~n origjL;~;i, J.l~ 0:' wl',i(ll lak~1L t[)g.;ther ~Inll C(Jr'~LiILJLe [J1:~ ~t1c. the ~<"n" )1) i rI,;[:'I,""'Tll ,JlI,l I h{: C')lLllly t.r',Ll ;\{h1] :lev may cxccUc thi~ ..\e;r<':<':lll.r,1 '~'Y s:gning. tln)' ~'.Ich ~vlLTll~] part, 31 J~ T liJ~ ...\(rH.r~E_'1 [~T ~,;l::; beC";) ~~.~]H:.d ~Iild -:';:C.':~:l:I~:d by tjlC BOLITd of C\)l:r.,1y C~")r::l:ln~5i::"i~OnCr~ 1.)1 .~3 .\l,~ll,02 Cou~ty, Fl.,rjda. and ~us becLj ,is;l:l'~ ~\lld l':>:~'L:I!I.,,~ by ..\tt()rl:cy, 01: th<.: d~I~~s in,Jica{cd bc:c'\~, ll~,d .~ 0.:1 ,t',L11 b" l"<~:! I',JL:: I\".~ 1.\ ,~nL: d"1cdIV c' :lS ,1t". ~-~:~ r'.Iary I. ~CoJ5, 35 3() ,- .:"/ (Rut o~ hlgC is 8l~',nk, C')I:Lin'.I<:~ on P,lg,' 1-1) .1;<: )9 .+0 .:1-1 . I ~, -"- /. .~ - " :..j....L. 4~ 4C; ,17 4g 49 13 o( 14 HOARD OF COUNTY COI\'1:\-1ISSIO'\"IW.S , OF 'HJNROl~ COUNT''', FLORIDA x ~) JU ] ~ 12 1.1 14 ]5 ] () J7 1x ]t) ~ ~ .-\.T'I"JI~ST: 4 BY: .::: DA\":\Y L. KOLHAGE. CLEIH... By: [b.h::; o b:i~ r'lI, S peh~ r. Mayo r 6 Dqmly C lHI;. Vate: ..\ TTORi\iEY Wltness~s F{lI' l\ttm'IlC).': SigTl,ll11]L~ S ~~.II ~~ t L~ I...: Pri[I[,:Ll I\:al~l':: ....~ .!....i... 2ll J'r~I1,('d \i ;i:I:~ 2j )..,Ltilir:g Addrc,~ ') ~ ':::-l ;0':: ~() ....~ S J2,IE t 1I r~ Pri";ni "dm'~ C jt}': StdeiZIP . ".. I I... : .....r.-..,"":::.. . '5fr""',:-",'..~...~,',:::.,--;'-"~ ':'~,' ~1"" ..,.....J ......~.-... '-.-; {I"-; ~ -::"-.. .:1.: b~ ~.--- -x. ~_' i I." ~. ... L~/ "',; '~.". '! ,5;!~!I;;,? ~~JL ," l'~ o~' ] 4 Pau I Has t ings A'-ORNEyS ;~ . ; "., ~ :,:1: :':-:::I~. ~ I ~,I-; .... ~. ~ : :'r::";;:' (II; li~~~' ;:'::"-" :," ;-:::'"1': :,,::" :.. ',,; I... ,::.:':~I Sll~"~' ..f :~; ~I:'- :.:~ .-1. ,I. :..::"" ::.~'. . . ...' :_ Ji"!ul -t.5~:nl;5 ..i.:.wl")~y & '~\'~:kH ,I: '~1::: S'..;" ... ,'-J.~' S'.::;'-': ~ ~.~I:r :- :""'.-.r . ; :-::: ":'.-~~: :::=: ,. I ---__ ..... . ..." . -" ....- _. . --- . ---- -:": ::p'I:.'i~ ~-1683 bOOU . I::;...~ I"".: ~ ~.~ Ij...I;'lj/(.~ - ~,,,,,..t, ~=l:1 r:l:=:; :;1~: .:~.T. ;', ~ l :;..: () f,;'-'J-{;,~ I .; r( )bcrt~'rnlL<..:hC0"pa lLll~a~1 Jng~ ,c,,:n .\Ln' 'J. ~I H I~ l~nlH,:["( g, ~l11Llingc[ ,\sS:S[~l:: (:',I'Jl1 (': -\ ;rnmt"\' , , (> lUlU', ,,[ .\l(,t1H 'C Po",t ()["flcc 11m: W.Y) kl.:'\ \\'6[, !'L .).)i"1-i-1-[(I2(; Rc: C()lIllL~. (:"t :lJ. \', \l( lmoe C\JUll(.\ , C_ \ \1 (I-l_y:,:f) C()l1tU(t: C:\ Y T ,J"J ~r II () 16 0] 1 'k;l I' Bob: J h:1\"c rrL'r~Lrt'u:L ~l(:"\\' EX~111)!l ...\", -;lgneJ iL i,nJ ~Lla n':un::n~ ~(hetl.: Ln IrlpllCHc. I' ?c'I:K r \\" jl:1 J [rip ko (~ "i~l1:l.rL:": p,1,::::P, r\~F(' ~'cT.l1T, "nc n:c'-'.lt,:d c:, Jp': ,)f eLch pagl: \\' h~ch 1 \\"111 ,i 1 LLd L ~ u p~Lg~' l,:,~ ut" .' (Jul CUlH:i( L. 1 ;1,;r; ',J)1,~ b:~' :0 cn:lti;lUC ~ [ th'..' :-->,lnTillxl" :> II,I,~ ~c~lcddt'. 'l'fu: ~C;K't~U;C \\'F ,1~,~'(~'d [( J " hLJon: ] :igrccd r,) : nlll P:LLd, ! l:t,t11lg~ ()n h:lnL.:.an' ], :::1 J( )~). Y ()l.l wlll recall L IUI i' re.:l~Lcl:, I ,l.:llllC'I, C:Lrldl: \~'aS tlTlll.Ln~\(l:d (m J anU:H'\' 31. .':O( 15 by \'inul' of [he r(~[i rcnWI1T ,m di:-<l hilir.: (,f C,lrh~l<, :u ,d I ,nt lL LT. The ne'.\' r,Hc-..:. :In: :l sll;.l~r:lI\ri>ll .lIY" d:~n,nHLt t'ro:l: P:LU " f bs(inp Ll(I.:S ~md 1 mn n, ~L ,,'.Il;luri,ccl [~'I g{1 "n~, L,\~'('r - l:l(: 1:..:-m \\ Ll] ne,: ~ql?t')~'e.: IT, "1":l(' hler~dcd :']tr: lS oflh' S51.J,()I,1 ll1on: rh:L~l nri!yul r<ltc :Lfld T ~Ill doing;l ~lLbsr;1l1tl~l ~l1;lr~' (Jf riK WUJk Th~' kg.ll issxs in [he CJ~C ll"( nn' chJlkflgillg;l1 light (JftlK C(Junt\'\ pJS( :Le In:h, \ Ll ~1 cnlH' I hdr corJT,I(:"\'l! ',' h~l~ ~)1..:{:r~ 11 n ~n:d I i.. lh, .-. I. I l 'k~~l' prcs~'1l( (Ilis rt'(lLLl:,~l (0 , he Hnard \J ( Count \' COlnlHlss:O!l{:r:-:. for their dcr~'lmin-.l[i{)n 1 l CC'LL'S,~LL'\' 1 \\'llllJe ~:grl'eld)lc 1 0 d,~CL:~~ (his with rl1l' BI ):1rll () t- C, Hentl: ( >'~n:r:i ~~i( '~1( IS ;n ,~ T('lq,L, 'ilL' (I Hlf':fU:CL' ulJ C'l in (letsl >11. i:- :l<':(C~~~ll:., 1 ';';,>1:'[ knl)\1 ",l! :Ll)\" c::.;.p(:"r1 kga: C()lLnSC~ (>n t~l kll I~S th~~l \\'()L:ld do rhi~ work ~11 low{'[ 1':He"" T:H.:rL' im.: LI:rcc n~h(:"r P",)Ull, ~hi,1 ~~l<)u]d hc' hn>uF:lt 10 t~1e C(Jml:1i~~i(>r~l'~< :lt~{'nt:nll: 1, { )ur ilc1 LO]\~ ha \'C' al rcath' lnOiL~ht the ~r;ltc ;11 ro tJw picrLl~'(, ] :n, sure [h;l[ :it t:1C ''-CI~,' ;c.~~t th{"~.- will c~,)r.~:'ibl:r{" r'J d~<-~:11~~' c.'-'~'S; '"J Till.: ( ~\)rllmi:-:.:-:.i()ncr~ ,In: cOlllmitccd tf) ~\'il1ning [bis jri;..';;"uion ()lH rlglH llldl1~~:[l? ([;;\1 .lJ Ld :J.ppL':l.l beDl~sc I )~- [he.: im[)liLa~i()n" ,)! :l.L ~h(,:" ,)r.b~r , . pH )rnrlc~ 111 rhe (~f.'U IlCY du( :l.l"l' \\',;ilil1,~ lC l;]t'" \\"1I\~~: a~l<..i I \ l ~ : ".. ~', I Paul Hastings 1..'::F:L.I::.-'$ !\Ob{:tl B. ShillHlgcr \ L-p: f}, !(Ir1j Page- .2 ~1. The r~SOUl'ce:~ al !'aLll, t [<l~tmgs fell mal Oit'C OLl[~1 ;llhling :md w111 be n~r\' hdpf'_Ll ill th(~ SllCl"L':.;s l~JJ t!{:!l'me: of the C":~sc. ['1Yi ~llrc thi~ m~Htet Can be: ~lLGT'~ t\11h' rcsu1ycJ. ,\ ~l LIll' 1)t'~t. ~iflC(~rd\'. ~ -....\ " :,:"~,'.'~,.',' '~~',- /',~,....-t'.., . :. ~ .. ...,.,'~~':. (' '} . - // .: I \ -' ~- '-, ',_, .,~ /"' ... " - ~:'., , --~.f-- - ./ Robnr T-L Fn'JidL for P.\U" I I.\.--';"l'I'-.:CS. J:\~UJ'SkY ('\.~ \V:\U"'::'FH. LLP RJ ri::dbrn I. ',....' 11 ':~:",~,I Paul Hastings .:."'7:;'.t-".iE"'-:' EXHIBIT....-\ .. 4, Attome\"s HrtHrlj" i-"~e Rate R oben II. hci I ieh. P,trtllcr S350,nO for (Ilt \york 4,~ ,..l" ppn)\\.'d Addi l i Oll<!] Tilllt'kc-cpc-r<; :\ amc: [1 isa Paster S3:; 0 [dg;H KhJ Li [j an :;3 )1.1 A II other Pau l f j ,1St i llgS pJr1ncrs ilnd associates ..-\] I \\"(lrk i nc luding trial ;md depositJon, 4J, Tllc-sl' ralLs art' n::lroactivC" 10 F~brLIary ]. ~()n5, I :\ : I ". :-0,1) ~ I.! 5350 $350 . ' , , , ( . rl.,f. " .., I ." I ~. , "- ~