Item P12 BOI\Rll OF COUNTY COMMISSION AGEN DA JTE'" SUMMARY r"1eding Date. ubi l 5/05 - r\.14rathon. . . ._. Divis.ion (ounty Allomey' s Office Hulk Item. Yes ~ \jo Stan' Com act P er~on ~ S u~.~t1nc 11 uti 0 n AG f: NDA ITEM WOROING; Approval to advertIs.e an Ordinance arn~ncling Section J -6( I) \1onroe County Code to provid~~ for a 3- year dog li~~cnse instead Dr a I.ycar Hcens~. ~ rn:M BAr.KGROCNO~ 1 .icell~e~ (Ire generally issued at the wne or rab~cs vaccinations. Vctcrlnariant; nmv adm[ni~Hcr vaecinalions witll a three-Yl~:n life. PIU:VIOUS RELEVAN"r 1I0(:C ACTION: Approval of dog liccusl: requirement,> in County Code. COt\TRACT/.-\C REEM E~T CHANG f.S: STAFF RECO M M ~: N IJA TIONS: Approvallo advertise tor one puhliL h~jj['ing on July 10. ~0n) in Key West, Florida. TOT~\L COST: N/i\ BlJDGETED: Yes ~D COST TO COlJNTY: N/I_'\ SOl; RCE OF FC[\I)S~ REVEI\U[ PROl)rcrNG: Yes No X -;0 /., A MOVl'iT PER !\10~TIJ Ycar APPROVED BY: County Att}' V Oi\lli/Purchasing _ Risk Managemenl nlVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: 5IL/~ // 12 . --.. /..... :Tit Co. -.-.. ...~._- JOi iN It. COLLlNS[ COIJrxTY ATTORN FY OOC UI\lENTA TION: included __K__ _ Not ReqLlil'cd.... _._._ DISPOSITIO~ : AGEt'\OA ITEM # [{(:\ i scJ 2:/\15 Com m issloner Speha r ORDINANCE NO{ - 200S AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTYf FLORIDA, AMENDING SEC. 3-6{t), MONROE COUNTY CODE, IN ORDER TO CHANGE THE LICENSING OF DOGS FROM ON E YEAR TO THREE YEARS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL Of ALL ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO THE MONROE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES; AN 0 PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE. DATE WHEREAS, Section 3-6(1), Monroe County Code, requires dogs to be licensed on an ann ua I basis; and WHE REAS, most dog owners obta in I icenses on Iy at the time af rabies v~cciTlatjons ~ and WHEREAS, rabies vaccinations are flormaHy administered every three years; now therefore! BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: S_~qLQ.rLL Sec. 3-6(1), Monro€ County Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (1) Any person who owns or keeps in Monroe County a dog Six (6) months of age or older- shaH cause the an i ma~ to be licensed an nual!., ~ estabUshUJJl residency in Man roe COUJ1.tLQ.CJ!pon reaching the age oL~J~__f.gJ months and every thre~ 'i.~gx:s--.tb.ereafter. A ~icen5e shall consist of a rabies vaccination and license certificate a nd a rdbies vacci nation and I icense tag for the a nlma 1'5 collar. License certfficates and I icense tags may be jssued only by the department manager and licensed veteri naria ns a nd shall be vahd for ooe three yea~. No other license certrficate and license tag shall be valid in Monroe County. A license certificate and license tag issued for one an i ma I is on ty valid for the an i mal I icensed a nd is not tra nsferable. .S.~gi9..n....f.' If any sectionj subsection, sentence, clause or provision of this ordinance is held invaHdf the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected by such invalid ity. ;;,gQ;.!QD.-;l. Arl ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict wjth this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. Section 4. The provisions of this ord!nance shall be included and tncorporated In the Code of Ordinances of the County of Monroe, Florida, as an additjon or amendment thereto, an d s ha! I be appropriately renu m bered to conform to the un ifo,rn n um beri ng system of the (ace. Section 5, This ordinance shall take effect jmmediate~y upon receipt of official notice from the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of Florida that th is ordmance has been fi led WiU1 said Office. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Comm~ssiQflers of Monroe County! f'or;da, at a regular meeting of said Board heid on the _ day of , 2005, Mayor Dixie M. Spehar Mayor Pro Tem Charles "Sonny'l McCoy Com missioner- Murray Nelson Corn m issroner Georg€! Neugent Com m rssloner David Rice (SEAL) A.ttest: DAN NY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLOR1DA By By Deputy Clerk M ayorjCha i rperson ~.i'Ul~ ....1 : ( . --~.I ! .:\ Pf1 ~~C"-,..c =,- ..::.~~-:-.,; ~;t.fJ:-d .<---~A ~'4-I'- r/ (:;y~ .._~~~-- ~~...---.. -- .... . ~, ~..-) . I IT'......... i'. C_7"-"-.: ..) I, .":. -. """':". ! I L..I~! ~ /;r '-'~'.. 5) L. ? // t' ~/ '~.. ._ Dog License Ord_