Item P10 BOA RO OF COUi\TY COM "IISSIONERS .-\C [~[)A ITE\1 Sl' M\f.-\ R Y \k(:[Fng DLHe.)l,H'" : ~_ :>)D:'_- \.bralhon.. _..__ Di \" i ~jon. C oun1\' A ttol"n~'\" Bull.: 1 tem Y (';5 ----,-L :\0 DCp<HttHc.m ..______ .__.__ .________ AGENDA ITEM "'()R[)I~G; .';pprU\ J.l of ~~ r~'~(llllli['n lO ~t~h'c a pmpcr1y issu,' wIth (k:\..;Jqkb Jf arl a fk)fJ~ibk tWllsing pwj.:i,;"L awl dm:ctmg SlJ.ffh~ ttttali;~~ the ilLquisltLnn from Langston and WrIght Entcrprlse~ oj' Ice slJllplc t!tl,; to apprl}\;iTll<lkl~ }}TOO t,0.1100 E4U:lT~,~(,;st ~~lti~g (~~~~!:~:.S~i.::(;I~,1 ~(i tI I ~ 47~l ~t" a wc,os~~t to ~co:cd ~ ~_(){)O. IT E\1 BAC KG RO r "i0; I n Of about 1 ()()<), C ()lJ[lt~ r~1 ~d ()\.,;r ;l p\Hti~)fl uf IvI hel SlJj1HlH;rlalld y ;H,;h~ Harbor St.Jbd[\Jsion. aC~Ofdl!1g to Plat llook 2, lMSe l"(2. Puhlic R;.:cord~ or \1orlJ'cx COUl~i~' Coullty pbn_~ k~r lh~' rOiid irTlrro\".;m~rH cleurh' sho\\' [n!: ",.-.,;;::;1 in~ rigrll~of-\\"<J\ wundJf'. !in<: <lnd th-.: prOPQS,:J P;1\cTllGtll ~'Th,;nJ<tJ,;hi!1g Ollll) th~ adJ<lc.:m private pmpnly in ordl;r W pm\ldi.::.l road. which acc,--'mmo.JJ.l{;~ lk Ilmbih; ham..: n:..~td~nt~ on the other s!d~ of dlL:: ~t!'Cd. Durjllg the COU[ <;.;: 01- pla[ulil1g 411 allOI'l,b.bk hnu.!jln~ pr~jcct and <l:Jpl\ jBg f(l[ ~..'i:rTTlits fer ~I.:\ !..:n ;lfforJ<.lbr L' 11l1j[~_ IlK d<:\"(Jup...:r~ Jis<,'o','o:rcu th!..: forg(lmg iJlfLlT1nal ion. All bough (nlJHt\" na-" a ~lalutor: dd...'m~ tl} a pOh.::-nHnl takJIlgs d~llm_ rhc dCH'lop..::-rs nm L' LLH:urrcd addjtJomt costs in lrymg to put an o.tlcJE'dahlc pmf';L1 OJ! the: allixrcd latl~l dUI; to rhe d,;;cf;,.:-as,;: in sit.>;: <:1\;utL'd b~' lh~ pa\';,;:rtli:TlI. Tho;: dc\ dOjJ-.:rs md \" il nth!..: tlir~ctor of L'ngincaing and an ass(stanl GDunty att(lm~~- to so:::ek a solmLOIl Ltl mda to aw]J addjtlOnal costs c,n o..)th sides Sratf has 'AJncJudcd th:H th~' f~h)~~~t;:d p~J[l,;h.%C nf r~<,; .simple li~k;J,.1 rn.,; costs mcur[~d h_\ dc\.elopers wi II be th~ [nost ~m~ic[tl wid h.:J.:->t cu-sll.. mamu;r to n,;soh-'c I he pr~}bkm aild il wi II tad i[3.tc rh',; tl:ll;;l ~ ~l)ll~t n.j~'ti(l:"l vf tho: ~lffllrd;.!b!c llnils. The uc\"dopo:rs had mcu rr,-':ti SJ ~(20n as of lh(;" d...1.k vf tnl,: nl~~diflg with slaff. Hm\ en:r. staff has fl'ql,lfCr! d mt;lI~~ and bound:'. lL.:gai d,-~c:ript.;or' \\ h;ch del dop..;:rs. ,\ ill ha~.t: 10 obl~lLl at .JddLtional cost from lb~a sun c\ Of. PRE\' lOll S RE LEV ANT BOre ACTIO": J'\:one CONTRACT/AGREF.\1 F~T CU,-\:\:Gt:S: r-.'~)nL_. ___. .. .._._____ __. S']'AFF RlTOMMENDA TrONS; "\.Pl~r_Qval TOTA L COST; $4 J .000 BI.:DGET[D: Ye~ :"\Jo X COST TO COl::\IT:__.... .... 4) ,000 SOIfR(:f: OF H i"'d)S: H.EVE~ L'E PRODlfCI1'.C: Ye~ .~u X A\10l:,"",T PER\10~TH Year .."\PPROVED B\': COlmt\- A.ny _L o~.m.'PlJrc:ha..jng Rj,d,.: Management __. DIVISJO,'i nI tUX'TOR APPROVAL: ------ /({,{~/;/-.- J ~ /, /__, ~ ~~~I=..~ ,~.17 t V'~/ (/._./'<S'-tIY$[:. ~A\'1E HERE),.. ';' nOCT:\1 I:: !\TA TlO!'\: lI'.,-'luded 'j Q J'olkm: !\m Rt'tjuir eO DlSPOSlTlO:\: ;\t;U\[);\ ITE\1 # R~'" j~ .>1'.:0 l RESOLUTION NO. .2005 A RESOLU TION OF THE BOAR D OF C au NTY COMMISSfONERS OF MONROE COUNTY~ FLORIDA APPROVtNG ACQUISITION OF FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO A PORT'ON OF LOT 60, SUMMERLAND YACHT HARBOR SUBDIVISION TO FACILITATE FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING. WHEREAS, in or about 1999, the County paved a segment of Lot 60. Summerland Yacht Harbor Subdi\lision. according to the Pial Book 2, Page 142, Public Records of Monroe County, during road ~mpro\lements to center Street. Summerland Key and WHEREAS, the pavement onto lot 60 was due in part to the proximity of mobile homes and/or traijers to the south of Center Street, and the safety factor for chi Idren I,v,ng in those accommodations; and WHEREAS, the current owners of Lot 60 have applied for permits for an affordable housmg protect to provfde seven singie famrly homes: and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commisstoners of Monroe County have adopted ordinances and resolutions to encourage the development of affordabte housing. and WHEREAS, the prompt completion of ttle project is deemed 10 be m the interest of the hea!th safety and welfare of the residents of Monroe County: and WHEREAS, the project has incurred additional costs due to adjustments and additional buffer materials required by the decrease in lot size caused by the pavement; and WHEREAS, the payment proposed below will assist the developer in comp~eting the afford~b'e housing project in a tirnely manner; NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSfONERS OF MONROE COUNTY: THAT 1 . The County sha~1 pay an amount not to exceed $41 ,000 to Langston and Wright E nterprrses upon recei pi a warranty deed for that portion of Lot 60 Summer~and Yacht Harbor Subdivfs~on as is determined by a survey to have been paved and wh Ich IS 8sti mated at 1100 te 1200 square feet in area, and the execution of a release from any further possible Ilabihty for the pavement placed on Lot 60 by the County. and the determination of the amount of permit fees which would be required by the County's (ules and regulations for the project.. The amount paid snail be $38,200 p~us such Lang-ston So 1lI.' r.g.l'1t R~. 6- < 5-05 additlona1 costs as are incurred to acquire a metes and bounds description for purposes of the transfer of title, and other costs associated with the transfer of the property to County. 2. That some or all of the payment may be decreased by the waiver of any perm it or other fees which County would otherv.rise charge to Langston and Wrfght Enterprises for the development of Lot 60. The amount of decrease in payment shall be the same as the amount of fees wa ived 3 herein. That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its adoption PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County CommiSSfoners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said board held on June 15, 2005. Mayor Spehar Mayor Pro Tern McCoy Commissioner Nelson Commissioner Neuger.t Commjssmner Rice BOARD OF COUNTY C OMMI S S lONERS OF MONROECOUNTY, FLORIDA (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNYL.KOLHAGE,CLERK By By: Mayor DIxie M Spehar DepL~ty Clerk .: ., .. '-::"-:"" ... _ _..... ."...: ~.: K ~~:: . /~~~~;~~:_- , ... ':".' .'. 'I..' .:;f..",~, '.., ~.~ . ..... :.:. ~~/~.). 7/tS .~.~~.."" , / L a r'~W ~~ & 'l.'~gf1~ R ~'>: ~ 1 S-(:6 " \fil",,, \\ rj~h: 1..'\ \\. l:.llkrJ1ri~~s :10:,-l 7'11 .\\~'. S Lmlln~:.land K~\. \ J;U '-.. \ 1 q<7 , , " /ol17 I \ . V I")jt \"~. K L'rlp:::1 Cou nty l:tlg i11~'cr I 00 S i 1l1O I\to 11 S. r~~et 2-': ; 6 K..:: \\.~,,1. Fh)rida Rde'! cn..:c: SLlmlllerlaml I'rok"::l [\=r OlLr Ineet i Ilg ,1n S~rkmb<'r n. 200-1 rcgmcling. th,-, \un1L1lc.;rlund K~: pf(.ljt:~l. ..-\ K;\ [.ol nil n.: f~["l'rK(' "'c\ l:'r1 JtlL)ru.3.hh: hL1ll~ iJ1~ L.ltlltS. The issue \\'a~ th~ C"" nler StJ~el en...:roa...:hm.:nl (l1l10 !h..: afllr~lllull klll(:l~ pwp.,;n~ The ~(<I L1~ i("lll~ tr' ~h(:' cn':r~\.1ch ment l~"L1e \\.,~l'~ t,) eilher grant an ~asem-=n~ or lla\.c lhe Count,' pUh'ha,~' the' rwr~'n~ ()u~right .J h,<, only L'lhcr sl:luti(H] 'lllulJ b..; !(.l rrlak.:- IJSl' M'th... LLJrrl:'r1t pror~ny ] in~s J.nd de\'(~lur the pw.~e(l inw a largo;" ponion of C ~nkr Slr~~L ..\ qll..;~~klll r,ii~.,:d ,tllh.,: Ill<,;t::ing \\,l,; v.h';lhcr an c:,lSCrTlelH \\ nLJld ;tt"(~l"[ rh::: dl:'mil~ ..)rth~ pr,.'.icc[ <HHi not <1 I I<..m. Se'l en units w be d~v~ lop~J 011 lh.: SilC, Oil Odub'T 1. ~OO4- l 111(,;-1 II i lit AT": I J(lutall i, S..:']]jor :\dmjniwatm Df De,.e lopll1ent Rc\" iew _ regard i 11~ tile d~l1~jty i>>ues, \\"h ich h[- ~~iid \~i~lJld be di:-'~IJ~~l.:'d alld rl.:':,,>oh-I.:'d \~ i~h the lJircc1cT uJ" Planllill~, \lark~11l:' CnI1,ma~. 011 ()cwb.:r 6. :::004 both 01 th... <d'l'r,"m~lllioll~d i mlivi{lual, produ<.:~J an .\{iJeI1Julll III tlh' l'rig[llal L<,lh'l" of L nda~t,md i ng, \\ hil'h st2lted tlMt th" d-=nsjty 0 t'th" pn:i~'::l \\wild not be J.d\"er~,' ly ;ltl(octc-d h~ prc', idHl~ .)r1 "d~clllerlt (I]] the C(:,r1kr Strcc[ sid~. ,\ Ithough th~' ,j~ns ity is:=,ul? may n,lt be detrimel1t;) I, the size of the pwj-e..:l 21S a \\1101" wi II b~ grt:"~tl1; ;It.t"ecLcd. C()Il-,..idt:rt\bl..; t:l~~l ,lad pll~ll11i[lJ? h,n<.: Wk";ll pl,l(,:l' IL) ..:rlg.ill.;:;-r lh..: rm.1j..:el L~~~I~ lar. [1'1 hI; ;;-d~t:m";lll i~ gnLlll(~d the l'lIUl1t~. wi I] require a signi fieant buf1er zm1~, whi'.: h \\ j II illCl1rVlriUt h' n f~~t fr0m th<.:' edge 0C pa\"~ll1etlt from Cenl<;' r Str~ct. \\.h ich \\ i I] ,ign dkam]y dl~l.t lhe C,I;.~. :\ \ .wiaJloi:<: \~')L1ld [i,"::11 be r';~IJ.;.....L:d [,) r..:dac:t ~1 por[ior, (If lfre bL!t'~;':T /L)llt: \\ hi.,:h 1h.,: (" O~illly l1<1:;. ~u~g,;-:,;l<.:d wi Il r;,;qll ir<: illL'r~<ls~d t(J]iag<:- W 0 fl~~t tlw 111 inimlLl buffer zun.:, .-\ t tll i~ p,'i n; \~ e al e ,'ons id::ring ["lorn Uncr<1! i \ e i:ompcn.<il i'.'ll j~~r prl.~\ i(ti!L~ [11.:. (, illJlll) \\ i~h all t:;1~(,:"llleELl h) 1 ht: pror..:rly and n.: h:as(;: our ;,;orPUr<.H ion [lorn an,'" I iahi llty aSSl',' ial~'d with lh~ parce] lll' pEl;:'<:11). .\t1m~f1~J is J list Df "'\.pC'lldjrur~5 JS;oei;:H~J \~ ilh ~he ,'cb~lll,'nt issu<:~, I n a r..:et:"111 eOllnr~,t1 ion wil h Ii [--nUl) at lho: bu i Id ing (I~panm,,;m ~h~ ~t<lkcl that we WOll Id be gi\..:n lh<: r':l'rlllt~ for lll~ pTU.i~'ct al~ng \\ ith c..'spi\ ,dh'~J.lions \\Lthi 11 lh~ fo I kmi ng Inl)nlh. ;\ C"llp: 0 f [ht: AddelldLllll 1,) 111e 1t:[kr of' \lrl~k~l alll!irl!', i~ ,tHai,; hl'~1 ["or (':l1!l"Ld..:nH iurl. fl1<clll k you t"or : (l'.ir 1 i~l~': and u~11si(kral ]011 ill I h i~ ll1,Lltt:r. L x P-:ll d ltll 1"';-;' a~ II n;~ult Qf ~as~'Ill.;nl issu'.:s: 1. I ,md :\l:qLl j ,j [iun: Pr~',';Tl[ \',j Ill'.: S~OO.UOO.OO r~'r\;t.:!llag.!; il t LH~d Ins] hased on (:urrem V<I]\I('. [~ll"i rhxTjll~ (Peru C OrTlrarl)") k.;pr..:":.'-t.:lllal iun CT<l ig C ompm1\" Landscapi ng ~Increa;,,"d bLlffer Zeitl(-) 1:.\.("11i.;:: lrc~ r c:rll(1', <II il\ cr r l:lH.:r ~lr;:l:l (%) \\ ;l~l~' r..: Ill~~\ a I Legal f<.'e:> associatd with remO\';:J I or derelict \~hic l;::s S l.~. ;;;olJ.on -, S 5.500.00 S I .(100.00 :} l ~_ooo. no S 3.0nO(tO s 900.UU $ .,OO.fJO ~ -' , 4. ~ O. 7. T O[~ 1 .~ .-; 8,~~)O.(J(J ~ ~ 11 \, ~ '" klJ' { /'t\ e--ftJ 1" J"".... neb c.c.J +:{ +- c f" .-r- c.( ~ f1 ( N d,( t-.. ..... \'" ft t- c.r("t'1. .~'~.IL i. I. :~..-=jl :;....:...~ ..'""i~~.~' '- .('~B,:: :; '~':'_": <:~:~~~ ~!1/': ~d.~.r. ,'" P'L.~:~:..J ':.)~ .~:~:...'~~l~lL:--~:...'~ll:~.... ~\ tt\.~)r :\.~lIl"~.,I:~' J.. ~""'\'i.~"''''tL I~I:-=.tL'i....: ,-:; .\1.1\'(1)" n',' ":"l'I'l [l:l\",<~ 1". 1'.1:,'. ['J~:l~, 1 ~ '."",1:" [):~Cc :-1. ,~"':".",,. ,l;"1 j,: ] l. ,)~II~I:. ...~~.~I:~~. .".)-;. il;~....t",I.l'.....~ .: I....i..-.~llll:. '.. .:'l.iIIL'.... ..:--....~Ii.~L~.. J\ L.... ...."1:.: )1....~I.i~ 1 .-:' ;"11 \~:.XI i~~ tni.:i~:-:.Jl:::J.;L.J2:..,.:..Lh'~~ .i7~1;-!. ...:.~.~~I.'<.~.~ ][1,0..:,1".','..::.': SI~Jt... -h)...-'. .\L,:-.~ti.~'I.. ~~,'II.~.I ..:,.-:,.):,~., ~:\\. :.~...)""il ,~Sl) ~~.~~; (k1~lb-:.:::r h, 211U-t L,1 r. !\.1ik~' LUlgSLOEl l ] X Sllllk I"~jn ~~ SL1:;;H]~lar h~'y. I-"L :nn-c Suh i ~L't: .>\d~.~~ t~d II m hi t hl' UtiC r o( l~ l1CC::h1~i Ildi r.; for I rti..' conS,lrui..'( L.H\ of '.~\'~ 11 ~l ft()f'.~ab lL hC1l1:,:ing UIlilS, OI~ SumI1l~rhmJ he y Lot 0 AKA Lot ()( L o...:ar l\-1r. Lmgston: fhi ~ I(~i k r ~ hed] >;(:rn- ~t~ ~tIl adJclld~m 10 [he Lt, nu of U ndcr:-LU1(Hng da1ed \1aH:!: 16. .2( If J4 l~\ K. .\LHkne COlla way. Di r~cor l~r J>laJ1.rling and fmin Hl111t:ma] Rl:<,ourCc-;, Pan icu I ~!rl y, :\11. \[ ikl' L1IlgS(,)Jl h,t=, illq LI ir(:J dhnu1 the ~~dgc 01 pa\"~ll1t n~ t hH~ C:\ k iiJ" (",lltl CClll<'::-1" SUtd (lulU his prup~rLy: LOll) AiKiA Lu! 60 wiln R~al Es,Lak Numbcl l)(J] 1~7(j(U)(~OlO(). r\.1r. LHlgSlull s]yciricdl:, W;lI1ts to f.:no\V if thr;' pnrdust' by lh~ Coun1y of Ct.::ntcr Rll;L{l ~~ tKfOachmc rlt w()lll(~ lc:m= dHJugh la IHi to fulfill the dcnsi ty requi rtnlcnt<., TI-t.'cc<,,,ary hl com:.( rUl't ~l mi [limUlll (If S~~\'~"':n (7) .tHordabk housing units, PLlIlning stitH ha<., [uun,] the tri,mguJ<ll ovr;r]ap to br: appruximatdy L(f~.~ -"yudr~'. f,,:ct. Tik' o'."~l"ldp fl:dLEl'cS thl' lot ~ i;:(' from its ('Irigtn,tI cllculal('d ar~<l of J.,-kS4~ sq\l(Lr~ fe~~ I to 33..7()3 sq u ~H'..: fl'C:_ ~>tannjng ~ 1,1 f[ h;.:~ r~ca I eL!1 <i1Cd the maximum llet Jcmily {) [ the Lol without the 0\ uLtp, Toral Ana Induding Road Encroachment :-;() ~iO~~S Or 3-\-.8,-1-(; "qu~[C J"l't t Total An~a - E[)croachment .<,J ,763 sq u,m; fed 20 Sc Op~[1 Space - .B.7b.~ X . :~() ::c h,753 sl[lldrc fCd ~ ct Hu i Ida hle Area (sLJuaJ"c f~~l;n .~.~.7().'-) - 6,753 = 2:.0W Nd l:CuiidahJe Aru (Acres) 27.U HJ. -L1.:,Nl {sq Udr~ [(;l:t in (1m.' ~.H:r,,;) = .6:~ <.i<..:rc<.. 1\.Iu.\.imum ~'et Demil} l2 L'nit.s'A<.'r.;; A'::~ ~l(Tl~'- X 1:2 unils = 7...::1-4 lJnih or 7 units. P bn ni ng \teL!l ll~5 :"UUJLt; lL~H 111..: ~Jk l) l C ":lllLT Rn~tJ c]H..'rO~lCbll;.'nt lO t h,. C.)ll n ly WI )lj I d jc:~ \'L t' nuu~h hui ldal1k h nd l0 lul fiH the de nsi 1:-' ll'q\l jr~:mc nl ~ Il~~\:t:S,;lTY for cou:--I.TlLdiu!l of :-'l' \-cll (7) ~tnNlbl11 e h.) ~J~j n~ llJLi l~. SjrKl'.rd~ . ;.. ' I . ~ ~-:.:.. '.. ~ ..,.r I. .- .r. ~ r -~---- K. \ b t knt' C\)]ldW<.1\ Pi 1".:([0, (,j P hll ni n:;. i~ nd Ln\ i[\~mIll; [~[<tl Rcs~)"Llrc..: ~ c ('.: .. \rd J LHJ ~,Ln i. Sl' nior AdminLstr<ttor nf 0...'\ ..:10prnC:ll1 Rev i(;>.\" Page ~ nf :::: c:: ," 1 r~,1 .::: ~;:":I ~ :.::: :~:' -",--c'-"- .~8:l~u -".'. ." ,....t: :~(~. t. i.~ =:-. ~.~ :-j-i~ '. ; pp,~c (; L ~'" h .\hn.l.!';fn e ll: Dh ~~~ 2 ,')8 Cl'..~~((,); Hiit]1\.'..~y ~~-:.t1: ,~OJ .\ hrJ.1h,'r" t],)l'i cI.:l 5 j.~50 'Vlli-:c: ~?,(:'~) .z81"J-2~(:J ,A.'<:: ~::u:'j Z8~." ~36 l~-::", ~jj_..::::' (Qi..Lr~~~c: .~'~1 ~"t.I.... .\.i LI :.'!' J.>~ Nc:~.r...,]".. r)~.~.:; ,L.' :Ij'"Cr" f'p.:: "' (:rr~ [...~ y~d 'Rl(:'..':r 1 ~I ~ L, 4 l"c~rl..t:IF'.~~':r l)'.'o:IC 5;'C~.l~. [':,~ 1 Ci:'.,'mii"i~rl~"'~ r::'-i'H.(C }':~1J8:-=:11~. D~~~. 2. (:u~llml-;::;~(:ncc CI1;Jr;":'~ ";\:)1'.n:(' ,\1==C~~ [1~~~, ~1 r..-1ar c h 16, :I)O~ Mr. \likc I.2nr..:otor; 118 Shure Lau'.: S U!'J L 1(:3 f F(.:;v. FL 330~~ ...., . SUHJECT~ PRF.-APPLICATlO:\ i'oIEETl:'\G J .ETTER or Ll;,\JJERSTAl\-OING for the comtrudion of 5cven 3ITorrlablc. housing units. on Summerland Ke:y. Dea: M!. J .R~1r,.~t(:on: P'.lrql~:rl~ to SeC{i0r1 9.5 -13 of th(' MOTlToe COl1r.ty eude, lhL- rrQcumem 50alI consti[ll(C ;J k1lr~, ('f under.m.ndi[Jg. On February 23. 2(J()4. a pre~Z1p?liOJ~ioI1 confet~nLC reg:>r-d lng prop.::rl.v descd bed <1~ Snmmerl2.l:d Key Pt Ln'L 9 A'''K/A Lot 60: uppf()xim~(e mil~ mar].;er 25 ......as held ..1 the ~.fonm(; Cou my PlalUling DepOl r.mem (Jffic';~ ill ]\f.H cullan, .'lith RE H llU t 14 '7~)O.OOO 100. A ttcnde.;.s of ~!J.:: mt.~tiflg j ncludeJ I::l:.\dnra Mi~ch...Jl, Mile~ \!/t'ir)Jt and Mi lc Ul1f.:stOn {hcn.:J.rtc. r~f,.;rr;,;d W <IS "the Al-'?I~callf'r and /\rcf .icul.,ni, SeniQr A~miai:J1I;~,(lL of !)~vck'prnenl Rc~'iew. :>Jaurccn Me~ll<m, Sell iN PI1.nml. ar:d Ralph Gould)', Sc n [O~ .-\dlr. iniSlrJ.lor of [Ilvironment;ll ~(;'so ~li'(:C~ (hr.rcafter reft:rr~J tL' ~~ "Staff 'j: \lJ.l~,i<ll:; pr~S~;""Jed fur rc\'kw p:'i0r ~':1 tb~ m~~[ing i..;::l\ldeo: ~) ,-\ Pre-Applicatioll Reqll~sr FQ,m b) hoperly R~(llal CHd c} Pru>.::c~ De~crlptjOJ1 ,J:: I'roposed flOl'f ;)blJ for r h~ uni t, T.:.5"f:~ d~ 'ell ss~J a~ th.. l::i~etin P.: ~nc:juJ~'d lr.~ kjkwijl!;:,: - ~ 1. It,~ apt:l ic'l rll j~ rt'qut'~:~ni. L'j crl;~.sl;lJct -5(:V~ ~ (7) ,1fFm:bhlc ;':(J'':~ ing. '.l:-!j t~, Tll(. r~opc~t'J Jni lS will b~, singk fJmlly h'Jn~:; in <l COJ:ldo;nlr1i'~.lLn lyr~ o',~'nersbjJ. The F'~oposc~~ l.I~n'~l1p:JlC'n t IS IjJl J. ~~1rcc:l ,~~ b~d (If ~>J.!P~ (I.>;.in~;lkl y Oy ,lCt~S ~1JJJ IS :l~JIJ k an ~;s<j["rjg;~: ckn::klpmcn l. .nl~ ~~r::'1pe~0' is t;")rr~'Illly he ing u~eL Lx L-II);H 'Jlld c(1wrrv~rci 11 fi:,h j "? ll',lP ,1'3~'S'~. Thct::: ar~ Ill) Ll"..:.ildi..gs nil ~lte, DdLl;:hcc1 dw8l1i:r.f, ur,jt:=.; aic ,,11 ;is of ri?h US~ ,n,~l J.\:",d:~d o',t:CI]illg u:Lll;-.: :",~ mi;'cr cor;~iti(J:l~d LIS~ :1\ th, cGn:m~:\.:i~l fi~hl['~ (;;}c:,'i;i! dlSLrir..:l I ;illd use dj:S[ri n. :..3....1 t:.' ]~~f: .~ .J: -:. ~/_<. ~~.: .... .\I(~':..:I.: '::'.,f.'.......:, t j' I .. '.,,-,=- '.'::: 2. The ,'1 n~"'tty h~~ ::I lam! u:,~ d~5if,n<ltlon of CQmmCrCF\[ F~~ hi:~f"', Special District j?, (S11111 rll;,daJld Key) ar.J ba:<. a Fu lure L:md \!.~c ;\Iap d':Slgn;=ttion ('If }'1i;.; :r. 1 he Comw~\da 1 Fi3hi:-.g (Mer). "", n~ s]c~ ,3 ':j.J;:lIo.,i mJ.ldy 0.80 .Kg::'" The nt,lxin; urn IH:: dc.r6i ty f.:H CFS D.13 i~ 12 1I Jl j ts per b'Jl LI ~[;k ~:..:,c-. Tilt: fuEu'.viTLg cJk,tlatilJI! Ov tli ne.... bo\".' th(~ n',Lml)~,~ of l!nits atk t'J bt: L}l.lilt i~ dclcminc:L TotJ] AIl~~ = 2Dr;(. Open Spa(:c ~: 811 L;dab~e Area = \la\: \' ct Dl:.llSity .80 (lCT~~ (")f 34,f148 SF . J :'i acrc.~ or ('/)(J~) SF ,(;4 aCre<; 17 1)n11:<; .()4 JCjC;'; ;-'::-.1.2 U-Ilj: '; '.68 units cr 7 Ul~its 4. The: applic.an[ tnguired ab0ul [hl: p{Js~ibil ity of slJ(\divjding tb~ J vi in LO ~-e ~.'~n imli v j ~.Ll,d lots, Tlj,= ~!,:~id(:,:'ja] dt:ilSj~y o~ tJK bml u~e district is 31ml[S p;;~ dQ<;: (4J,5(~O SF)- f(H Qne unit the Jot wo,-,] d have ;0 be at kast 14,520 SF For seven un ~,~ the developm~nt Wl)ll ;~l rcqt;irt' 2.3 ac~es OJ lOl,MO SF of land lD meet :he (kn::;ity requjl;::mCn[~, Tbe:ref(lre, 5Vtl~i\.."iJ In? the lot:; in:o ::;e\'12 n lndivi~u ~l Juts wonld not be a poss lQI e ('Ipli~)Il f(.'f :hi.~ proposrd. 5. The: pWf'crly mu~~ cunfiJr.n tu lh~ [o11awing setback l:;:.quil~ll1eJHs: Fiorl1: 2~ feel RcJ.~: 20 f(;(;t S>k: lCL'l5 f~ct'or.c sid'.: Ydflllllllst b..:: a minimum o~ 10 [c<::t \~illj bJ:L y,mis r:Cjualir.g 15 ~.€f,t rY~ appl ic..:lr.~ ~eq uestul lr.;;.~ lnc f:'or.l F,re:: s~tba:k al~;': (; ~~l[ ,~l1C..~ t(1 the ,~ll":: .t~e take [1 from Jr}ll); St~(:n, rather than Centef Streel. ..\ft~~ a site ..:isit ,1IlJ {}i<;,{,L1Siill~1 wilh StJ.ff. il hJ}. bee.:-_ c:;;;iJ~c ~h<:1t ~h1".. fror~t y"d selba~k (;;c'!l ut,; bhJl bjm Joh,., Slr<:l?t, ',';l~h the cl)\\Jilioil ~h.1~ .~ IJ I gc: b'.lff.~ r than rcqllh~,l l:" wcluJ:.:d un Cer. ~rr oS t r"i~: _ L;, nd:o(.::qJ;; n.:q ui r,:rrH~ ..'.S U~ unLljnuj below. 0. 1\\.-0 (:2} :;a(,,~;;~: :-pace:-; ilrE requ ired for tach ,;i n~lc f;;m i lr h('TJl~, One iln(~ it lwU (";.5) ';;ila(~s ~,:~ ~upi,<..:J EN (;Jch <It:<iched 'Jrll:. ;"he rr~)r()S<"::l: sn.~'n (7) ,:,ing:e fa.mily llO~m~Ci '.v(Y...l.J rcq'J~J.c fcurt(;(n (1.'+) ;MrLlJlg spC.ccs eLl ~ite, The pJ.Tkirl.~; C;L11H-Jt l.lc placr;d in tIt} of lhl~ ~cquj red f~onl, [or. OJ" ,~jdi; }<nJ ,~ctb<J.(k5 --; F,1(":n '~luij di Ilg C:iIlE('t nUTd ~ i:irt\-fi \r~ (35) fc.et in hci['J-,L S, C;" .ti.')]". (;- -::;.1'7 fro,., .1' ~,' - t"C'; Co Ch-" 'r' Jl' ~t,.; cl ~':lUll"'lTY 0' 'i.l--",,~.~ ~..l h'" Tir.'>\-,]' 'J,,(l ~, ...., .~~>. - ....... . ~ ,... . .. .. ~ -....I _....) , _:;.....~ .. ~~::J.. "---" .-, . L .....1... ...,! _ I..~ ).... ... _ r~ ::1_, ........ 1'" I .J ..... I _. L . .,.-., .... ... J.. tiK' C~:S f) di5~rict Bnd t:1e rR\ 1 t1l':-irkt ll' tll~ ~Q'Jtr_ Th~ n~ jl~~:1:l;:ll \\-j:1 rh l'1' ~l l":a.ss ; C' ) Jjjl~/;l~G~l ::i::~() Jr::"'Lt:; :J(:~":J'" :..lC:-,O r,~;'::>,^;;-:.,C" i Pt"",E :.:~ bufL; rYJrJ b te [l (l f)) fed, with fi,'c. (5) C:.1.nDr:'Y trces.~ [wO (2) u nGc~stJ::- trees, illlt. l we IHy (10) .shrubs per Qnc hunrlicd (1 nO) fL::ct Df cOll('.d;"lfY_ III oreer to L'lllow the fmnt yard setback be ti:\hen oIlly on John S:reet, the fot1ov,...ing iJJcreased buffer}'ard must be lw:l; Se\'ell (7) GLnOry l~c~<;" f("n; r t ,r~ ~: rlJCJStof} lH'.CS, ~1nJ l;,;,'cr.ty two (2.2) shrubs p~r ant frJ]J.dred (l00) teet, 9. AL In\'~s.i 'ie:: c:-.:o:ic \'Cf~C t<l~iC'1n rr,l.:~: lJ~ rcrr.o>;;crl fT(lm 1~1~ r 1lT:-d pricr te iSSuance of <t CcIlltka tc (If Occl];Jancy, lO- The pwp,)sc:J rJ"f<)rdable hOL~i:-\f~ uni ts must mee: \"::11 of {;,e leg L.!~ I C men:_::. of Montoe County Code Section 9,5.:266. A copy of lhese n;quircmn'll;; hJ.5 hecn <"1tf?ched for yom co JL vem ~ ,. {; ~_ 1:. Tb~ C;Juflly IS, in th~ proc:ss of r:-ddining the rar;:;meter5 of the: Cl~rrctn rcsiden,~,ll rat(: of growLh ord[nar,ce (ROGO), The ne'.\' -system ~"iH be in conj'~ncljuJ1 with th<.: Tief SyS1f'rrl TJ:;, property W(,.S (Il1e:inally ptC'J-'oscd a~ a Tj[',~ 1 prQperty, d.'.~ 10 il~ p,l)ximitr to L1n exjstin~ C\ RI , b;Jl; nd~ry_ Dt:rir,g a \l.:orkshop lookiflg a~ .s?~cifi;,; lit:i de s ignation:-. i i was ddcrmin{',d that the properlY \vould be best UCSlgnatcd as a Tier III dIll: lO .h1j (I 0:: nt developmenl ilnd t'Oltr.tw] J'.;\-dupl!"'l:nl UJ] sLte, Thf: re. w.1S I'll) 1) r 1.'1 nd h JOilat on sice-. 12_ Inforrn~ti(lIl on the currenl ROGa s.ySttm and poin~ cri:cria hav(; Uf;l.~JI iI~r;:h..l(.kd ......i111 (hi" ten.;;- A', thi:; time all ~FFli("Jl~l.)r:~ are to me:ct the currenl EOGO criteria. In the ,-vent tl1lll lhe ROC,O syst<:m (:hJ.ttg~s thosE; app!icaIlls \Vilr.[ll lh(~ system \\ij\i k !:Ot i ficd of th~ dl<l.n;2:t-::), Pursuant ((, S::{,,:! iUjl 9_5-43 of tbe MOTl[{Ie Cou nl}' Code, you. are. lO r;e];' upon. l~C r;;r~cscnta lions Sl,,;l fo,th in this I nt~r of u nJ,:rstil.u.:illg as ,H;(':lifidc under t.he KglJ]<1.liom curren:l y in efkr.:l. Howeyer, the PLHln.illg Dq.w~m:.:nl fH.:knoivlcdges that all irem~ l"(:q~J:red as pw or tl1(', ;)prlica:icn fur d'~vdoi)mcr:l arr.o''-;'11 may ;-:0: ;l~L',(,; lJ~TJl <.lJdrl~:;.~ctl ::1: che Ferruar} 23, :::I,)()';'; D;?(;[i ns- ,~J]d (.Dmequel1~ly resen'i;:; t.l1t.:: right for add l~ional dep(utmcllt comment. If 1'011 h<1W (lny (j'cl~stiOjlS reg3rdirlg the wr,tcnt of th.js ktte;: ~r if '.\'~ may be "bk V1 funller a%ist )W.I \".-itr: yum prolect. pi ~a,~e feel Ile~ ;c \,:0JlLH.:i cur off:cc ill (JO,"j) 289~23Qf)- Sincere]!', ':( ~_. {L~ L ~rukn~ Con;::.way Director ull'iJn l1i ng <lmt Fllv F,OT1menta I Resources Cc; Er;,'L;1 I~iggs.. P,"r[':'"":~- AP?;J.i St'; ....1., rd JOU.l..Hli, Sf AdJlljl~LS1. L1tor of [)(;wlopmcnl Rcv;e,~ RaL;>h Guuldy, .sf J\dCli n i"tr~ tor of Em'] tOIHlH: nl;l] RC-5lillr(:(,> 0J a'J r ~C:1 ~ Ic~ !lan. S~nj;:->. PI ~ tlr,cr A It ,\ Chl~lt~ 11" .:; ..... .'