Item P9 BOARD OF COllNTY COMMISSIONt:RS .-\GE.~Di\ ITEM SV\lM AUY \1eeling Datt~- JlIJ::lf_L'i. 2Uft'__ Division: CDunty AUorney Hulk item. Y C$ X )'.,0 Departmen1 ,\(;E'D/\ ITEM WORDING~ Appro\"QI of r~~\:i.~:;d 1,,;Orltr;:1;;;' w h)r .silk ~Uld pun.:!l<:lsc of propCI1~ J.( 9~<l7n On:rs1.:J.s H]gh\~a_\ _ K(y LH~U_ and rc;;cissiO!1 of \b.~ l~. 2005 3 ['prO\ al of Agreement for Sa!.: ;)Jld PtJrcnasl.: of san~l.:~pr<:E::rh ITEI\-t BA.CKGROC~D: The wntra~~r appfl,ved by f~OC(, had heen revised prit \r 10 l~H~ meeting, hut t he revj~cd conlraCl Jid not manage to replace tbe [t c rn illrcad_~ ("In The agenda. PEU:VIOl-S RELEVA~T BOCC ,'\CTIO~: On r\.hy ! 8, 200\ BO('(' appro....ed originlll agreernenc and an aJdendunt_ which <iddenduIIl will still oe etTective after t ht'> Jction CO.'1TRACTiAGREEMENT CHA1\GES: The cha.nges to the c:ol1tract as of 'if 1 (J. \...hich Seller expeC:led to bt un 5/18 agentia, were ~o delete the c losillg on tI-"lC property <l ~ C(lnd~tjons. Tn rei mbursi ng the Sellers tar t he costs of the ei1....iron mental a:s.:;e,>~meHl and lbe ',;uf'..'ey and lo ch;lnge th~ abilit'r' or S~Uer to lemlinate jt'th.; final approved purchiil;~ priu; Wi!.) i e% t har. () ~'-'/o of tht C(1llt,dCt price to ks.'i th~ln [O()o"if nfthe ~ontra;,:t pr.ce. County ha3. ordered an en....ironm~rJlaj <l.:o;sessment SOU an additional phra.:;c allowing s.aJ'rle has. hee.n add.:d 11) panl!-,'TufJh ..-\ 'P'" L STAFF RE(~OMMENDATlON:S: . ~J2IYll\ a! TOT.-\ L COST~ l, 080.000 Bl'DG[TED~ Yes .2L_ ~o COST TO COt ~NTY;. .~..o~J4P12.() REVE:."lCE PRODl.fCH\G~ Yes ~OlJ RC~: 01' Hi NUS: W4,,:V'iOO ~o X A~.IOI)NT PER _\fO~TH Yt;';:ir ..-\ PPROVED 11)': Cuunt\' Atty X o\.m..Plln:ha~i Ilg __ Ri ,>k \.1an'-lgemellt __.__ lJOC l.' 'l[~T A TION ~ lncluJeJ __.-. --- k I /. _-j C~~ . .--/.(/.-y- ./ ..: tJ,,1 c. ./.--~~:..~;~~~...-~(~~~Y. ...... \. ./..-'... --- // To l'oUow 1\Jot RCqLlin:~(.. ___ DIVISIO~ lHRECTOR ..\PPROVAL~ l)] SI'OSIT IO!\; A(; ~~~ D_-\. fn: M # f{~~ [:;.cd ;:.:;: C :ll[ PmJ~';Ct. HahLt.:U rm Hwmmity uf th.;,: l ppi:r I(;,.......~ Pmpcrt". Ta:>; l.]).t<:: O(1~!}.~2().{)()oCI(1n AGREEME~T FOR SALE ;\~D Pl!RCH.-\St: lHl S ACiRE.c.\H.'j\, T IS made this dji\ (If __ __ . ' 2005, h~l'.... een (~Rl.GON. Y and 0(,,' NA P,-\Rl)() as "Scller~" whoS{' addn.c~s:. Lo; In Bahama RQad. Kl'Y Lirgo, FlorjdJ :;'::;037. and the BOARD OF COL(\jTY C0I\1MJSS10NF.RS FOR MO'ROJ:: COl NT)". FLORID,\. it p'l}lilical :-'.;lbdi~ tSIOtl Gf t.he St.;Jtc l)[ flonJ.~. .l':.' ., PLJI(hJ,~r" _ C-.\) Tl'l)Jl1a:-; \\" iJ II. C0l..nty :\dminl,~lmtor. l j(),;, SiTll~.)FtkHI StriX'l, Rlx)tn 2-~O~. ~Cy W cs~. Fk\nJ~~ '.nn..w l. In COI1sid;;r<llion of lhl.' mlJl ~lal pwmi.~e~ containoo herem. Sellers hcrcbv {Igr~ 10 sdll(l PllTcha-.c1 lhc rCJl prorx:rl~' kX;i~t.ct1 in \10lln."':>C C~}UfUy, Ftond.:!. dC'Scn~.d bchj\\, hJgdhcf with il1J ~mpTO\ ~mCllt~. ca~mC'IlK rE~hts and lPfluJ1CilaHCes ~ "Pmpctty.' L Hl JC(Nd.ancc with the pru\]~ion.'5 01' thi~ ..\1;TI..'1;,;fll,:nt. Thi~ ..\~rl"CmCl1t. h-ccomc<; kgJUy bmdLllf,llpon i.::i.ccu1l0Ji by lh..- partLcs bw (,;:x.1,;n,;~~c QI.l hi,; lJptiuTl j~ ~Ilb,rcrt l~) Jppm' al b., Purcll1lSL' <md b dloc(]\'c ("Ill!: i r Pun: n [lS;;T gi \''';~ wr il t l:rl nol i l.;~ of c:xcn:::i so: ! (J Sd k~. 2. DESCHI PTl( )\. O~. PROPERT'l.' The l;roper1~ \~ tllch thl: Scl k:rs agr<.:>: 1(\ sd I <lnd Ihl: Plm:;haR'T (litr<:>..."; (0 hI!'. pursHanl 10 t..h..-:: (ums of lnl-s .-\gr..:cmell! lS that properly si1u~l;J ~)~ l'~;-' LnrF~. \10m~1C C i1Ul11\. fhida. an..:! more parLjCll~~rl\' ,.k~'.:T1bl.-J .l~: I ,nt 1 R, R1o~'k J of 110:. r1,.,..- Sho rl,'" Suhdi,,'isioil a~ recorded jn Monroe County Plal Hook J l'ag~ Sfi and Part of Lot 1~, 1 sland of Kc~ Lal'g:o as recorded in .\1onroe ('ounty Plat Book. ] Page M. RE "u. 04.):<;12120- lK.M.lOOO. :3 A TOTALPl.:R.CU-\5LPRJCr. Thi: tOL:d p\lfl,;hasc price ("Tnlal Pw"(:hJ..~~ Pn~'.) for t.he PropCrl\ IS ONE i\H LUO\" FJGHTY TIIOCSA~J) Ilnd DO! 100 Dolla rS ($ I ,01-WJ.u:10 nO,r II hidt,~ ill \)c pJid by PLHdu","-""f alclosm~. Sc]]~r hcn~hy aullwn/.l::~ PLtJ ch,hcr It) ;""u~ 1"l Counl\ t,;h..;ck or \\ In .<inl ~:ijr;,..'(tl~ tv ilEl e~crm\ ag~[\! \\ no is ,Hll.llnn;ed h} 1mI' to r-:ccIY{; ~u(h pa~ m~'llL [LJlJ \\ ho lS Jcccrtabl~ to PUrdlJSCL anti w rC"qujr~ th~ CSCr(M Jgcnt to p<l.~ Seller's c'\pcnscs of 5Jlc and Teal cst:nc taxes. Tim; fNaJ PUfch<lsc Price presumes th...H [he f'rupi:T1\.' oollwins al h;<J.~~ .~-J...,."i(J ::;qll,m.: I',.,\:[. l~> ~ c.:onfirmcJ by th~ ~ur\(...... (IS prO..1J....,j H1 p<lfllgmph."' Th.; TOl,li P~m;ha~ Priu: ll; sub,ect 10 JdJLL~lmC[\l in ,"\CCt)1 dance ,\ ith par;tgr<1ph 3.11. l1h:: dd~rmil1atlOn lJf lll(:' fLllal Tot31 Purchase Price em onl~ be mad~' idler lk compldLon and JpproYill of tlw suncy reqUIred In paragrapb ~ and receEpt of In 0 rCJ!":Sl<IW Ll:ppra]~<.l!s. 'rhl~ Agn..';:IO(..'Tlt is oontil1g~'.nl Up0f1 appflw.~1 of Tu-l<:tl Pun,:o<l.'ic Prie<: by Puri,:naSCf and upon c.:0Tlfirma!ion lh...t !h~ Tol<=il PL1...;ha~, Pri(~- i.) nol in (,;':x;;c~~ uf 1 h..' ,iJ1~1 ma:xirnom LtppH.n ~ PUrl,;hOiM' pn\,:-i; ~.lf lh..; Prop~rh ,l-'j ~pCt.:i fi.;J by jJi.; f)j:lilld of COlLHt~ Commj""loilc;r.~ flll' MOIl],,~ Counly <lL alt a~kcrl i~~i m....dillg or Eke riDarJ ("i\.b.\:imlHlI Appl'(l~'o:d Pm'Clt~.sc Pm:c'.'l, \, 1tieh shall b(' determined upcn rCcclrt of hI n r~ill cst.Jtc Jpprai::;als JS rcquin:xi b., SloHl' I(lh Should PurchJ..'i.Cr' ~ fHrlds nOl tx .lYili labk lOr ,1m n.':,l'wl1. Purr,tJaS<l..:f l\r S:.;ik, may ck-cl to ~('TTllI.F1<JtC this ;\b'T"..,(:mC111 tr.. n ntll:Tl nOlie{" to lhe partics \~lth(JUl hJbllny lO any party. Con ~ ~~ ilrlC"C of lh;:: Pr~>p(,:"rt\ if! fo.: silllpk irom )I,;llcr to Pun.:n,m':T \\ i II tal\..; place rrtlhc do~ing. in ('\.ChilllgC for llk- P,l: lllcnts to be' m<ld::: t.el SC'Uer a; doslng ~j~ ~cl f()t1h :lbO\"L: m t.hi" par.1gr,1ph :. A 3.B A.RIJi5T\~hl!.I.!lF TOTAl. PLRCHASF PR.JCI::: Ie pnor 10 closmg_ llurchascr dclcnnmc:s that the T01<l1 Pun:bJ5>l; PtlC~ :<;t<llcd ill POlfilgUph::. A 1;....n:>:..".l.h the fiE1<.ll \.b"irrl\aTl ApprUH.:J rurdla~ Pncc ofthc ProperlY. the TOl~j Purchase Pnc~ \\"iii ~ r~U(N to th~ tinJl '\b",imu.nl An)fO~ M Purcha~ Puce of lh.:: Pr~~pCrl~ [I th..: lin,Jl adi 1.l.~[.:J TN,Jl PUT~h(js\':" f'ri(;,,; is kss ~h;in : no~,,~ of the Tow! J'lLfChilSC Pncc stilted In paragraph 3...\ b..:call.~ ot" Jrcductjnn in lh::- [\'Lr>..lmull1 Apprm ed P-urLh<l~C Pri~ or (he Pro~)(..'11~'. Sdlcr ~h.lIL In hi.,;; sok: disnCllo-lL have lhc nght La tcnmlla!c llm "\l~JCi...'llH;]l[ and fK'[thcf paI1~ shaH h;]\ ~ Jn~ tilfther obi igJliotl~ under ll1is Agr;;I,;UlC!ll Tf S~I k... dccl~ 10 t~nniJ1l1k lhis 8rpn, LP- V ~1ll~S2222n"OOO()on f'~i 9E- Agr~~rTlI;'IlL Seller sh<lll prm Ide \\Tlll~tl nolJ(Y to PLlnhaS-l.:f vf his ~h;.CljOll to tl,:nlHtlJtc this Agreement \\"ILlun 1 0 J,'\\"s afler Seller'.. rClX.[H of' written noltce fr(lf11 Pun,;h.iS<.:r nf" I he:; final adW3.tc.d T,JtJl Purchasc PTlCC in InG i:"\'cnt Sdkr fail'> to gln~ PHn::h01~('T J \\THli.-'11 outic(; of tf,..'TImniilinfl II j~hiJl lhe aforesaLd ume pcnoo ff()m r~'.C~lpl of Pun,;h,~~(;r\ wrincll m)l i'-.:~. lhcn 5cBcT ShOlH be d(,.'l;rnctlIO ha~'c \~ai\"ed an- right to tennil1ak thi~ ..\~:~n,;~mt,:Tll b<l~<.XIlJrwll a roouC;tion in the id~,J! PLm::nn~~ Pric::- Slat~d ill p.:lragfaptl 3 A. +.r\ fl\VI RQK\1.FNT /~l.l. SI:r-'i.b--=-)SE~5Mf-!:H Seller sllalL at Sellers sole cost and c:\.pcnSl' and all~~! 10 Jl\\'s prior to lnl'. Oplilm F,plr1:11Inn Dak ti..5fI1l.';h to Purch<lser an CmirC'1!lllll;nt<ll sile a~~l,,'$S.mCElI (lr Lhc PE nperly I\hich meets lhe sL<mdiHd oi"pract!cc ~1l'th(; :\mCflCJIl SOCtClY {)CTcs!~n~ .\1;llCTiab (",';ST\1"). Sdlct" ~hall use l.hC s"n JC~S oj' compdcnL proksSlOl]nl consultant!> wilh np\.Tlls,;; in lhe em ir()nrn(::Tltal "ilC E~c~"ing rfOC~"" to dClcrminc lbe C:>';I~lO<CC .mJ i;x.h..iH. if am.. of H.........n"dtJus Malcri1lls on ihc Pl'\)p~rt~. FDr purposes. oftlus Agrccr:n;;;m '<f1,vardOL!S \hll;l'ial~t' :sh<lll rn<;ar:l an:-' h;].l.ardou.< or tOXIC sub!>tallc~. mOlten<'l! Of \"'lIslc of any kind or ;lll\' C>th~T suoqaJlcc \\ llich T'-; rcgul akd hy ~W\ Em Jmnmcnt<ll Law (as hcrclnJftcr dcfmcJ ill p..ragr{:lph ..j. ~.). The \;\(:I[[linatinn of IlJJ.ardou.~ malcnah contammaHon shall be p.:rD'..'m~cJ lo (hi: slund<:ird of WJl: i~' vf lh.;: .-\5T\1 For Pha"c r cnnronmcnlal site {IsscS-limcllL such slaoJard of pral.:llCC ~hall1x; lhe .'\STM Practitt E ] 5!..7 If Ihe Finding:':. and (\lncll.l~ ion$ ~~"llor; 0 f llw it:s~e:; Snll;f1t r(...l'(>rl.., ~\"i dcnc~ (1 f T <.X-OgTll.lcd em iro[\me:Ha] Cl1l1dlli ons. l.hea a Ph.a<;e II f.rl\ ironml,:lllal Sit!::: .A.s.~~"~rnCITt shllU Th:: per Il)fmoo tn addl(,';:; ar1J <;LlSf)LUfH1S r<lL<;ed m the Pha~c j ,:1\\'Lronm.;;maJ ~~te il..~scs"meJlt and ln <,:oJlEnn the presence o~. CClLllammanls on SLtc The cnHfOilm.;;n!al sac .l~scssn]l.;n~ shJll be certIfied lO Purchaser and the date of c.crt.lkauoll shall be " Llhin 4"'i d<lYs befme the:: d<llc of drn;ine Pun:.:lut:;cr shall n,;jmbu.-s,(; Sdkr for cost uf llw cn\"in..mml::F\lal sitr; (ls!ji,;~Srnr;nt. nol W L.:"'co:...'d $~ ,(JOO.OO, L..iPl)f1 Sdk.:r\ ~ubmLs~ion of the Jl~~,;ar: .j,xum'::rH<H ion hl Purdt.:Js~t 'I~ hi.:h <=\ idcltCe,:; pa~ me-Hl in full or [.he em Lronmemal 8LW a;;:scssmcnt cusV; by Sdler 'Jr Purchaser mJ: . <'It Its 0\'\ II c:>"pCOp.sc. obtmn the cm ironnwntill <l5scssmclH and gl\C nOll(X W Sdk.'T th<ll ScHer's obhgClhons under this parab'Hlph arc diminll!cd. -U3 HAL\RDOt.'S ytA.T.~gl:~L0- fn th.; <':' ';TTt that [k <,:n\ iWrHn';:Tlt<'l! o;ik a::.~';<;;~TT1~Ht pnwiu;;:>:,l ~'()r in para~rilp!:l 4.A confirms the presence at" 1 b..l.an:!nus \{,ncrj:Jls on lhe Prupcrt.\. Purd.ascr, at ih $ol~ ()pl:nn. tl1J~ ck,'1.;l lO t'.;T1111TT<:ll<.: lh~s I\gru:mcn[ and nClther pa.l1~: shall have an~ fUrther ohhgalioH-s Wldcr llm Agrecm~nl. Should Pm c h ~~r c:k.....('i n~'l to krm i nil I e t his. .\ grcrmcn L S l:l Icr shalL <:H hi ~ soh: cost and CXPClls(' and prJ ('11 to- !.h (; C:>:'CfC:1SC or tho,; opi~on ami closiJlg, prnmr}tl~ CommCrTl:''; .me! di1 i~crln\" rur~u(:: ,1m ,1~S("'''i~n 1l;11\. ~~kan up (ITll! nT()THlOTing or the Pr()p.::rty J1C~cssa..'" to onng the j}rore-rt: mto :'u~: COmphilni:C \\ ith an~ :J[)Q <:ill .1ppljcaotc J(:'.b'al. ~lJtc 0[" ~(;'cJlla\\:',. Sl.alu!.Ct>. o-rdi"fTllrn;e:s, nJlcs" rCl,'Ulatlons or other gon::mmcnlal resLrlcl..Jons rcgulJtmg, relatmg to. oJr lmpoi;mg ll~bl;lt) Of ..tand:m.ls. of wndud con(,:.Crnirl3 H(U"ardou~ \1al(;,fi,lls ("EI1\"lronmcntal LilW"). f-iowc\"er. should lhe cstirnuloo co':>t or dcJ.f1 up ol' )-f il/.ardou~ M JH:-rial,- t::-...c(ul ~ ~tn1T \\ hid. is eqllil~ to t '\, ()C (hi,; TutaJ Plln.:h~s(,;" Prill a~ stalw in [..>ar;l!-...raph :,..\ . Sdkr nHlY clect te) t<ermlnatc thiS A,!:;i"ccmem and t\d part:- "hall h<1\ (; :HT.\ r~Jr(h~r ,.>bligilJ[(Hi:~ tll1dcr L.his .A gn__'t::m~nl. ~ 5LX\E'(. ~eller shalL at Sellers S(tk~wsl {jnJ ..:"r;;ns(; and nul k:ss than .\" Ja:-s prwr to lh>: Or-lion E,plr,tliun i),\k. deln CT to t'Llrcha:;cr 21 ClI~ent l)(Jwldar.1 sunc: of the Prllp;:;-1y pri;"fJ~n,;d b,' It rrul'C:.':'~;(ln\l1 I,lnd sun cym jlcc.n~~i h\. the Stal~ (Jf FlortJ~. Tne Sun'l"."\' sh....n be c--crtdl.:::d 111 Pur('hascr aJld th<= 1ItJe msU!.;! and tbe d;l~c' ~~r c.crtiflCJtlon ,hall be within ()O ua~ s l;J.;.;n.)H~ the dale of do~jnt.'. \ml(...'S~ this (J1) d,fI' llmc pcnoo l~ w,u\-cd by PlH(:h<:L<;<2r 1:lnJ b\'lhc Bile wsurcr for purposcs nfdddjng the ~[;:[[Ldard c\.c~pli(.rl~ for S~ln(;\' 11l1:ltkr~ and i;nSCmCl1t~ Gr dJims (Jf ca:<:~rn~nb m,'! ~ho\\"[T b\" tJv..:- public rl:.:::on:!i; from the nn n~~r'~ tilk: pdiC.\ I r the S,lr",'~\ ~hm\':; :'JIT~' c~croachmenl on the Plopt;:r1~ ()r lh,,~ impny.-r;mcnh intended La b.: locah-J. on the Property encroach on the: land of Olh(,.....s. Ihe ~am~' ~hJIJ be trC;]led as a Litle dcn.'Cl.. Pw-chas.cr ~h;111 reimburse Sr.:I kr n)r lpc Cl'st of SUT...;\', not 10 IOXC<>.::J $l.~ tW(1 nn. ~.pon Sdkr's SUbmIS3!,")n of the nccC-.,~an d,x:umCTll8liOTl tu A(:q~,iT"in~; .'\g~r\'-.:Y \\ nich c\"~JcfJCL.:~ pa.\ menlltl run Mlhe Sur\ ~"\' nlsl~ b\" S~.llcr. ~). TITLf.I\JSU.l{A'--.J(J;. Seller shall. at Scllcp.> wh; co:;.l ;md CXPCTTs.;,; .md .11lcast 3~ days pnor to the Opti041 F:,;;plrauon [l;Jtc. fllfni~h 10 Pml,:n,l~l.-t a nll1rkcwbk l1ltc lI15LlfaJ~CC commitment, 't: hi: folluwc.d b\ an Qwner's prrJ~. { P. \!~. .qu~ 2 2!) 0- onor H ~o ;'" (J" ? nmrkdabk tille in.sur;rnn- poljn (A 1_ L\ f(lTTT'I 'T~".J from ~ till~ In~Llrancc o..1mpaE1~ _ H1Slrnng mLlrk~l<lbh,; tltk k'the Propcl1y in the: a1110Hnt oHl1c Pw-chasc Price'. Seller shall reqUire thallll(,;" tirk in,,:urcr ddete Lhc:: ';;1.4ndard exceptions of _~llch pOllC: rdemng to: (<l.1 all tJ.\.es. (b) unrccDrded righl~ 0f dLiims of p~fti(;~ ill po::;_\ession. I C.I SUfH'~ mJ.ltcr~_ (d} unnx:ordcd C<1scmcnls {)f da~m~ of ';(IsenKrH~_ and (..;) llTln.':Curdt;d mC1:;h,mj(~. IKn:<; Purchascr shaH rCimburse Selkr lor Sdkr's C~)st for thl: U,'i, n<.:r\ tillc inwr,1rH;~ vnlic\. rC'juil"~d hcrcwl1.icf. Purchaser's rClmbur.;cl11Cfll :;l-Htll nol ~xu:x:d an (lmoun[ ~\.hich I~ ~.qUdJ (0 UJ;:: minimum pmnudgmed rate pemlHtoo b~ the Florida lnsuranD..; (',..tHmis:o:iotler's rLJI(:'s' ~]J]d rcgutahmls Purchaser shall nN ~ rrquwrolo f(~mbur~...: Sd ler UTltil Sdk, ha~ :)tlbmiucd lhe n0\X~sary documenta11011 to PurchJscr whid'1 c~-jdmu.;s paym.:nl in full LJr lk tIll<.: lllsur,lncc J;OSl \n SL.:ll.;r .1nJ lIrni I Ih(: fma! owner's title iJlSur<lncc pol i(.:\" ha~ b';';El r~(;ci\ i;,J itrFJ Pun;ha~cr TIllS r~HnbLlrSemCELl i" u1JllingclH LJf^~n Q ~;Jk uf Lhc Pn)p::-rl~. lo PLJ[dta<;.;:;f 7 DEr-ECTS 1 N TlTU:: If the tlllc msmancc cmnmilmcnt or surn;y fumishw to Purdms(,;F pursLlIml [(J this "\!:,'T.;;-cmcnt dbclos~ any ddeels LJl lllk WhKh ~rc nul ,lC(,;...;ptablc lo PurcbOls..:r. 51;1 kr slM~I. \\ ilhin i}l! \tl~:<' an~r rlOU~ fn.)11l PlJrcha.<;cr. n;mO\c ,....id Jcl~ls m Litk. St.:Jl.::r J~rcc;, l(l L!s-(; dlhg:~nt dli.lt1 to c.nrn:.-ct We def.xtf'. in lil~e \\Lthm the time pm\"ided therefor. including We bringmg ofn~c;;sar_\ ~llit" If Seller IS unsucccssful m removmg I.h~ HUe defects wilnm slIiJ lIme or If Seller l:'ujs to mnl-.c OJ elJ llgent dTort lO oorrcc( the lJtlt: defects_ PurchJscr shi'tJJ hLl\"C the Qpl;un lo -';lln~.:-r: {a; (Kn'pl th<.: lide <.lS ~l tbL.:J1 is \' jth u rc{iV.;liliIl ii'1 lh.c T ulal Plffcn,isc fin\.:.; by ;lrl alB(~urlt J..:kmliTl\Xt by Pl.ln,;h~cr_ (b) ;;Ir,:.U:pt ~hc tid!; <1S it th.;n is. \\ ith TlU n:uudil)f1 in th{; Tolfll Pun;h"Sl.~ Pri'X. (c) <;x1.clll.llnc am0\ml of tim~~ that Sc~ I ~r has lO cure th.:: de fL.'ClS ill ti tJ ~. m ~. d) wnn in alC' t h t~ A gr C'Cm~rll, lhercupnn rckn S! ttg pLJ.J cl:lasl...... and ScHer from all lmtbcr DbhsJ.LJl)JlS under thlS Agreement x. j ~_F-; firS T CO:--.JVf.: Y FU ...\ t cJl~iTlg. Seller snalll"\c(:uh.:: an.J ddrycr to t'llf(;nas.;:r <J ......-ammt:- deal COIl\.C\l11g mar[.,.['tJble title w [.he Proper t~ ill fC'C Sltnpk: ff~':\,;' and dL::al 01' dll ll~n$. fcser\ ;lLioll~. rcsui~Ijofi:<', ~cl~~UlClll\ lCa.<'l";;, lCmmcics and oln.cr cnc llm bra.tlO::,~, except lor l.ho..~e that are of n::cmd [wJ ilccq)lab Ie .::nc wnb rancc;;, j n the orJLn 10:1 () r P(!r,nas~~, LU1d do not impair the mark~tabi lLt:- of the tlHc to thc Pmpert:-. Y. PRJ:PARh.I]Qt':LQ.LU.:D51l\('~.DO(~J\1r:}';T.s. Lp0J1 <,;:>;c,;ulllOrl oflhis Agn;crncm, Sdkr shall subm1tto P\!fchJs~r a pro~~rjy compleled and C:-.iX utC'j tJ'.,;l~clICi1ll iTlICT1;~! ,iHiclovtt aTld d;~.cl()Sllrc sta\cmcm 3~ I"cquin,;J Q\. S(:~[i()ns .Ub ~ ~~_ and ~:-\o.(jxc.n, Florida StJtutcs Selk:r ~hall prq)Jn: the:: dc~;:d dcsl;ribcd in p'll aL~ri:lrh ~ or lhi~ Agr(:cmc.;[ll, S..;llds (;1e>sLTl1; ~lJtcmo,;nt. !h;;: title. possc:ssoon 1lrn:llien amUOl\ it ccrtJlle-d w Purcll<\j,cr and titL: !rlsmcr in aecnrdancc ~\ Ith SLXti(lIl (i27 7X4_~ Floridi"! StaIUH..-::;; am! <In (..":fI\inmmcnlill ..mda\"lL All prcpafoo documt:tIls shall be :;ubmlt!~-d [0 Pun::r.J5f:'r fur re\ le\\ and Jrpr~n al at kast _~n U~\ S pri(lr ill I],.; Oplinn F:.;.pirOition DJtc I n P.~8(1L4,SEB. R EYl EW _fOP" ClJ)SI G.G. pllfehnscr \\"ill apprm ~ or reJcct each Ltcm required lo he rlm jdt-J b: Sdl<:r tindcr tll i~ .A.gr~TTl:;:fll \\ i!l1in ..~ (i J.ln ,I I1cr l[:(:.Cipl b: l'mcn;lSCf uf j~! 0f tbe rcqLLJr(~d [tcms. SclJe-r mH 11J~-C :;(., d\1Ys thl"TClllkr lo ('tilT and rC5;ubmit J!]: rcjCcl.(:J item t(l Ptln~nil_';.;,;:r jfl lh..; c\"\;nt Sclli.;l f"jJs 10 timc:~. clcli\"er any It....iTL 0.- PUfcha~cr lCJ(...1,;1<; am: ill"1l1 aflcr ddl\"Cry_ PUI"Cha!;~r lTIay in i~s discn;:liotl e...xl(:nd Ih;;: Option Fxpir,lti(J!] f),ltC. F 1 l;~!;:NSi::S. Seller 'I ill pil\" Lh,,: duc~HTI":nl~r"\" r.;\ L.:llU": stamp la:-; rmd (dl ot.hcr LllXC,~ or u;lSl" a,,~i1l1.;:d \~ illl !.he cnm.cyi"lnl~, indudillJ..'. Lhc cost {)f.r..ceordillg the dCt,..u dc<.,cnl)l;d ill lKHHgraph X of thb!\gn..-cm.:nt ,mJ <1ll: other flXordablc inslIwm:nt~ \\.hi(,:h f'Eln:n\:l:-icr dE...'l.:ms nc:ccss~ to JS<;illC good and markdablc tith~ 10 th<: Pruperty. i? IAXJ.S..i\.t\D..ASSt_SS\1[i1,.nS All n:ai Cq;ltl;: l<lXC, and w,;s<:~~nLcnlS whIch uro: or whJCh may oc>:omc ;:; JLC;1l <lgajlbt till; Prvpcrly !;haJJ iJ.c sLllLsHcd ~Jr record b: Seller at cl()-~ing :tL llt(- ',~,.(,;nl lh(,; F'urch,ls-:r acquirc_s i~'c tlllc to the Pro~rty bel \\~n Jalluar, I ,\ElJ \u\crnbcr 1 _ Sdler shllJ I. lnllccordaocc \' It!. S:XltOt~ 1 L)6 20" _ rkwidu S1.alul~. pIau.:: in escrow wlt.h thc oouilt~ la... CO]]cxtN an amO\.Jnl (,:"qu.il to !hc ClIITl'lll 1[tl(CS proratul to the dalC" of u.an..."fet, ba...."j L1fX)Illhc Cllrn.;"nt aSSC$sl1lcnl anJ mdlngc rates on the Pm~)cn\. In th~ C"\ I;nl !h~ Pur~h,~cr a~quir\:s fee llllc to IllC rml)et1~ 011 nr after ~l1\ (;rHb..;r I. ),,;1 kr shLlll pJY w the CCtWll_\ LJ.\. C('~1(...'\.'tOL .in ;-Ulll)~!llt I..:q~l<1l [(J lh:.: tLt:'\.'.:~ that ~rc dct;?rmjnoo W be krLllty dll(, and r)a:-lIhl~ b~ th.; l:Ollnl\. hi". colk.'Ctof trpp_~ ~..p.. hq052122U,OOOOO(J P.,.ge "3 1.;. ('LOSlN(i pt..,,.\CL'\~.[U)~\Lf. rh~, dosing ~h~ll b~ on Of ~torc i.~. dJ~ 'S ann Puro;hl:l$<;'f t:....crci~;;; W-.:; QP~jOll: rr~)\";Ji...'(t ~(>wcn;r. th;lt i r ,! Ui,:r...~~ .::,.;jq,:. in the Litle to the- PmJXrty. htk COTllmilm01t. Slln L~ . CIl\.irOfHrt<....nL1l sHe ;iSSc~~mcrl~. N am (llhel" doc\.:menL~ reqll1rcd to k prv\'idl',j or (,,:umpkk'ti ;llld ~,C{L1It."d by Seller. the ('k~Hll: ~11.LLH t)\;l,;LIr ~jlhc.:J' Otlll1e UrlgillJi dOSing dat;? or \\ lthm r~(1 \b\ s rtfl;;r r;';CClpl d dtlcumcn~JtLon cunng th..:: dckos. \\ hl~h~\l.l f:") l<.ilL' Th~ Gat;?, time and p!Je.; of ck1sirtg, shrill b-.: set by Pnrcho':lwr I ~ B lSJ..: OF J OSS A,~DJ'O~ lJlT IO~ Or j./;.l:;.A.l-l'.i:./,.rWl;J,n:.l: Sdk:r .t-5SUrrl1;:-'. .ill rlsk (If Ip.~s ('E d,ill1<lgC W tll\.: Proper I ~ pri~)r to 1 h~~ dale o~. clmal;; and \\J1T<1nlS lhal1hc Pmpcrt~. ~h<lll be lr<lns.f'crr~~j i1rHi (("Ill \ c~ IX.! to UlIC Pmcl1ascr m lh:; <;'3Jn~ or ~s~mIJHy the same conrulioo as ufthe J1itl; ofSdlt~r'~ cxcrution of U\i5. Agrc<~mcnl. ordmil~' w.:ar and 1Cllr c\.ccpt~d. Hlmn l"L In the C\ CTIl1hc ('('lJdil iOTl (jf lk ProJ-X"r1.: i~ 4lh:rN by;311 <3ei of (rod. or other rlJtmJl force Ix.:'ond I h{,; ,,;.onln.)1 ot"Sdkr. Pun,;h,l:';cr m,i\' (,:kCl. aI it.~ ~t)]c oplinE\. tc11crmmale tins A~rc..;tll1.;nt ami ncilhcr pflft: Sh[lH h,h\: ~1m rur1hcr (lbli.9Jt,dn~ LH1J~r lllJ~ Agr.:cJl1c-IU. Scller reprC5cms and warrants lhat tnere un: no p~'jr\ i~'';. other thaH Sd[cr in OC~UpJJK~ Of possessIOn of all~ part uf IJx ~)fopcr1:. S-cllcr ,lgn~ it} t.:lcan IIp and rcm(~, ~ all ahandoned ~l;Qm:lj propt.:Ii~'. rcfllse. gL'lrbagc, jlln~, IlJbbl~h.. Ir<l~f1 (l[lJ Jcb,-i:; fn)[TI lhc PTVPCT1) W1.lle salj$f:Jcliotl t11. Purchaser prior 10 th~' (,,:wr~'i~~'. ur ~h~' ()pti{)J1 by PurdHI!}<';'- l5. RIGHT TO .c::,n:l::;J.{ j~KOe~K{.l"j~1'il) 1~SSE5S(Q;'i. Sellcr agn,;cs [h,ll fTom Ihl; d.ucthis A~.;n;.,,-""1nC111 IS cxc<:utcd by Seller. Purchaser and lIs <lgcllts. up,m n::m;oo"bk not;,;c. shan h..m; th.; Ttghl 10 '-'111';'''- dIe P"op.;:rt~ 1M all I LI\\ flll purpu~.;s in wl1n~~l i~Hl wi1 h lk this Afl("UT~n~ S:;ll~r ~hilll del i ~ ~r pO{,~~.SK1'lll)fthe Pr0pCrl~ to lh~ PL1[('hJ...,er J~. dO~j;Eg. l (,~CC ESS. S.dk~r '" arranls thm thl"TC 15 lcgJ( mgn.:-s.s arJ.d cgn..""Ss for the PrOpi.:rl\' un...'!" publi(; a~<1ds Dr yaM. T'.'tAJrJ........1 ~.a~l;m.;rlb that bt.;n;;fil lh: Prop-'.:r1\" I ~. j) C::,F A l) L T ! f Sd kr dcf1lLl] ls under t hI S A ~rccm~nL PlU"l,:: b Jiie r may \\ Jl H:- Ib~ deb 1I H J.!ld pnxo...>J to do~ mg. soXk sp..'ll;(' p'c,f(Jfln~1{T, Of re(usI:- to c]Q5C and ,~le('ll() n.x~l\ <:: the return c':' any mOLle: IXHd. ~Jch \\11h.)Ul "ai\mg <:lTT\" :.td!oll fur d<lnlllg\.'s_ or ;my whcr f.....rn~ p....iTTlilh.xi by la\\ or in cqltily r~su Iling ff(1JT1 ScJkr's dcra~lh. In C\.lol"]l1\.'d.ioo \~tlh Jny Jjsput~ arjs.ing oul of lhis .-\grl,;t::!hCTlL iEtcll]~Jing \\.jtholll I imiW110rll itit;~ljun .mJ ,lP1-H';<lb. Purch<.lSoc'T \\ ill be- L;[\lithrl W ~crO\ cr ~cJ5unJbJc Jttc~rn~\'~ ic~s and u'::;;:; I}; BRQI;.; ER,5. S.....lIer \\ammb th'-ll no persOllS. flTTllS. corporations Of other entities JfC CIlliilcd 10 a rCllt cstelle ~L~~nr1lj,si(lEl ,)r \)1 ~l<';T rl\.~ .l:s ,~ rl,.~ull ()( 11ll:~ .\gn;cm~~nt v,- :.;.ub~l.:qU~.T1t do:.;.iog. c:o;~:.cpt .1~ 1l~~llrat~.h. tbs.;::h~~1 ()[J lk di~el0Surc strLlcmC1lt required H1 pnragrapll'J S.:;!lCf "hall U1dcn1lii !~. ,lEtd holL~ Pun:ha,,~r h~rHlkss i'mm ;-till a.nd ill1 ~lK.'h d a i fll ~. \\. h~~l b,;-r J 1 H: kl~i.:d or LLlld I sd osoo. 19. 1{.l:.("ORDl~(j T~w" A!;f(:Cmcnt. llr fllJlEl.X of it muy lJ.c r~nkJ b. Purch[ISl.T;n t.he Ollin.ll m.::ords. uf:\10f1ruc COllJ1t';.... .2\l ASS 1(;)--,,;\1 Et.:T Thi~ A.7~~mt,;r.t T1MY 1:w1 be assign.:d b~ cllha f'<my \qthout lhc pnor ,\ flUen Wl1sclli ,,1"lhc orb...., Pari\'. ~ 1. n ME T irll\,: j!} d o::;.~cno,;.; " ilh I'..:::;arJ 10 illl ual<:s or tlJ11C~ ~l JOl1h Ln this Agreement ") "> 5EVERMH11T.Y ILl the ~\"enl JnJ nf the prm Lsiom nf ttl1S ..\~fCl:mCEll <In,; d(::~rllcJ ll) be UTJ;,;oliJrn:.lbk. th;: C'rlt.~Jrc;;-:lbi I i l\ (J II he r.:rnaii<lT1; pr\J\"iswns ~1( '.h(5 Agrccmem shJlll10t he Jtlxt~d. )j 5L(CtSSOf~,S l~ il\TI:XEST. l.lpon S~~k::f\ CX~lJl ton (lr lhj~ Agr~,;crllcnL Seller's hc:in;. legal rcpfCSl.."t:Jtin~s. :"uu:<,;"~~ors \111d ,1S51plS \YIH Oc bOW1d by H. Lp..}n PmdlJ..o;(::r'" appr,)\'a! of ~ht:<; A,g.r\.);,..1T\(,-'lt ."lnJ Pun;h.1s-:....-r\ l,::xernsc ofth.; option. Purcha~ef J[td P\!rch;}:.,;d", >;:U~'l.-;;sors 1uxi (lSSI~'P' w]) I be bound by L1. Wh<'ne\ ~r uSN. thc ~irtb'll~aI shaH tfl(,,:IU\.~ tll L.: p! u r,l t and Ol1e gel1der shall iJlcl ud~ J 11 gc nUL' r.~. ~~Pll, 1!~. q_~.glt;;}J no-ooooon J:.'iiC[0 4 ~ l [: ~ T[ REA ( ; R E E ~ 1 1"-:1\ T. Th L;; A g I"ecmenl cotllains to c ell[; rc agrovrn~'nl OCI \\ c.>\.~11 l h.,: pan i~:<; J.l-Cllfl i n tn g to thc subJcct mnttcr contam.:u m it <lml SHpt.~fScJ,,~ ,l11 ~mor imd ~Ol][~IIlpOranl'ous agreements. rcpf(:scntattom; and UIl(lc~l,Hldings ofthi.: p,ulics 'Jo ~urvk:rm;nL modir.C;cllinn l)f aIllcndm~'nt tn tlm Agreement SllJt~ be binding unli,,"!;S ~xctllkd in \\ r;; i Ilg b\ ~hc po:ln i~:-. 2 \ \~ A 1 V tJ~. F Ji I ille- of Purch<lscr to insist lIpon ~;( ri c! perf Qrmanl,:-;; of ,In\ l::i.m,::nanl Or wllui I iorl 0 f' Ul! s ..\gr~lTIcnL or to c'i.~'rcis.c afl~ nght herein cOfltlin;:d. shall nl't be Wflstru~'d ~,,: il \\ ;jj\ ~r (H rdjnquis.hm~nl br lh~ lUtl.1rC III J~~ su~h em 1;r1(lI]i. '..:lmdll ;lHl pr righi. bLit lh;; sMIll' ~hilll I"CIllilili in full k'fCc alld cJl,xl. 2(,. A(;RJ::J::\~ E1\"1" .lFFl::Cr J. V ~ rhl~ :\gfC<:illcnl Of ,.my mooJtlculJO{L mncnd....ncnl or Llhcfilliofl tl1-crcw. ~hl~H not be ciTC('ll\'~' Of bmdmg upon ':l!l~ oC the pllrtlCS hereto llntll ~t h~l~ lx....::n e~\Xul.;.J b\. <111 or lhv piirlil':'j h("",l;lO )7 A DDEr>' Dl.~ ~'1. An~ adJcndwll J(tJdled l1~relo thm IS signed by lhe paf1LtS shall bl' deemed J pari l~[ IhJ5 AgfIXmcnL ) ~ ~.0T~C t.: \\. n.:nl"l;~'r eilher pilrt\" dloir~,=::, CI1 is n:::quirw tlJ gi\ (; nOlle..: ~mlo lhc DIner. illTll..L';llx g.J'\.1'1 b: wriUL':i~ notice. and cith.::I' deli, ~red pl,:rs.nrl.:ll1~' Or m"ik-.J. lO lh.: appropr iatl,: iLddre~!} indical;;d Wl Eni; f'irs,t p~gc ufl.hi$ Agreement. or such other ;lddrcs"S ~~ LS clcsign<ltcd ill H rnJng b~ il ran~ lO tillS Agrt'l'mcnt 2'~ iVR\Ti./~_L. The 00\ ("'Il.JJlIj.. '\<lfT.mtics. n,:prcscnHilions. iudcmlHtics CI.Od l.!I"lO...uakmg} ofSdlcr SCl forth in U1lS Agf~;:;nlc[tl ,;.;hall ~lln.j\ .;: In.;: d(~sl!lg. u,!,: ddE\ .;ry and r(X(]rding llflh~ ,l;xJ dc::,~'ri1x:J in pur_l,;:;rllph ~ or lhj~ .A.gnxm!,,,'~l Lind Loc<l) (jm cmJll~nt':; jW~c,cssLl1n (,t" the Prupl'rt\. TI i lS ,.:\(; R ~ E \11.!\T IS [\ :T!A 1.1. Y TR.-\ 1\ 5\1 !TTFD TO T~ i E SELL.ER ..\5 ,.\ '\ OFFER (f THiS ;\GREEr-..U:~T]5 NUT C:XEClJTU) B'{ TilE SELLER O"l OR nf.FORF . }OO<;. THIS OFFER WlLL t~E VOID ---... --. --..-, -.. .... U,LESS THt.: Pl:f-Z(HASI:::R, AT ns SOLE OPTfO)J, ELFCTS TO ACU',:PT THlS Or:r-r:R THE r:\TRCJsr: or If flS DPTlO\J [5 SU1JECllO: (1) AflPROVAL OF THIS A(j Rf:"L\l EJ\T A\;D TOTAL Pl;RCHASE PR1Cr: flY !'L"KCHASf:R. (2) CO~r:jRf\.lATIOl\ TH...'\T THE TOTAL PL.RCHASc PRICE lS NOT I~ FXC[SS OF HU': F J \':\L MA Xl '\1LM .-\PP ROV F [} Pl;R Cf f...\ SF. PR 1("[ OF TH P PROPI:-:R r Y. Ar\ I) ( ~ ) LOC...U.. GO\-'ER\ \tJ.::~l -\"r'.'-D ACQURl0<Ci AGEt\.CY APPROVAL m: AU. DOCl.iMENTS TO nr:. H..R1\fSHFD H(-~Rf::L:~l)EK kV ~ELl.r.R "fUr. PUbl,CfJi\StKS l'EIUOI{~1ANn: AND OBUGA TlOl\ TO PA Y U1\DER TlllS CO"\JTRACT lS CO~Tf\(; Evr lPO'\ A\" .-\ "\~L\ L :\PPR.OPRlA nON 1::"I''r' IH c: LEG~SLA T1..' RE. IHIS!:-) TO 111". A f T(J/'I, I.].Y FH \iDI.\iG COt\TkM'T II-" NOT rU.L Y LNDFR\ TOOD, SErf-.: THF ...\O\'TCr OF A\ ;\ ['TORt\.lY PRIOR TO 5IGN1:-.i"G. RE\lAl1\DP.R OF F';\Gf::: lS BLA~k l~rpl~ !,P:!'r:.f{( l:,n~2()-OU()OOH t"31qi: .... rl'"operty "1"31.1.1).#: 00512220-00000o A(~Rn:.~lENT FOH SALE AND Pl:RCHASE SJCNATLR.E PAGE J uf 2 SELLERS \ \' 1l1lC'~ S fh: Gregory O. Pardo \\: Ilncs s STAll:: OF FlomiJ ) COl':.J"l"Y OF .\~onroc l The ("orl:goiug in,trumCn1 \\ JS <lcknowlcdgcd before me this_.____ J.IY \,f _._....... ' ~t105. 0\' (JICgOf\ D. Pardo. He IS pCTsonany k110....11 to ill>:: or produl,;~ __ ___ as identif-Icaiton. {T-..;OTARY PUfH.lCl S E.~ L !\if..ltary F'ubb- i'prtnH.'(L Typed or Stam~cd ~am~ or ~ot:J.0 PUbliC:1 (omITw;1;ion t\'o.'. .-. -...---.-.--- !\1~ C(}mrn;~~ion Fxptp;s __._____. \\'Llncss i:h: Dum a 1\.1 rdl' W L l[t~s ST ATE OF florida .~ COl '\TY Or' \i\'~rmX'1 The l(xcgolTlg instrument W:JS ad,no\\ tc:dgcd before me !.ius C.it~~l'TY D Pard(l Shl; i~ p..:rsQn<1ll~' kJll'\~TI W me or proJw::a..l da\ of _ 2()().:'. 11:- JS id"nH he JUcn. (\I0T..\R. Y PU3L1C) SE;L NnlMy P\.lbli~ 1 Pmucd_ T~ fled ar StJmped ~J.mc or ,'OlafY PubllC) C.>mrftio:~i(1n Nl' . -.--.-...- '" f~ C nrllrrl j';Si(Jll E"'piTC-~ _ ~~r:op, t D.;'I;:.,;.qO:'>22220-00nnott . ".' ... ~ "': L _ '. r',~(W ( Property Tax I.D.#: OOS22210-000000 ACREE_\tE~T FOR SAL[ A'U Pt:R("H...\S.F SICJ\ATl:I{E PAGE 1 of 2 (SEA l,'~ rCRUto\SER \IO~ROE COI.''iTY. FLORW.-\ "\1[C51' DAN,")' L. 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