Item P08 ROA RD OF COL NT\' COMMISSIOI\ .-\(; E.~DA rn~M St.iMMAR\' l'vl~ding Date: 6/ l SiD5 - I\brathon Division County /\llurn~y's Oflke Bulk hem. Yes X No Stan' Contad P~rson. Suzanne Hutton "GI':~ I>A nf(\.l WORnI~(;: Appro\. ill to advcnise a public hearing for an Ordinance corn:c1ine legal dcsc:riplions of Duck Key MSTlJ set l(}Jlh in ernerg~w.:v Ordinance 1\0. lO-200), and Cor s.aid ad\'~rti=,ernenL lO also include advertis.ing Ord. No. i O.-20D:), for a public hearing. ITE.'l BACKG ROLl\ D: Due lO a time crum.:h to gel the Pmpert '! i\pprais.er wneeled leg<11 des.criptimls f(n the Stock bland. Cudjoe-Sug<Lrloaf Hig Pine. COllch Key, (llld Duck Key MSTL's, Ord '\Jo. JO-2005 was, passed using emergency pro\i~iom; fllr ordimmces. It \vas ues.ireJ <11 thai time to give 1 he public proper notice emd em oppmtLHlily tn he heard, even if after the tact. so thil1 if deemed appropriate, the emergency ordi rlancc could be l11oditkd. .<\ ftCf t he ordinance was pa~s.cd, Lt became appar cnt that the Duck Key l\ilSnJ includes the sit~ or the was.tewaler treatmenl plant \vhich s.erve~ that area of Dud.: k(.'y not in tlw 1\,1 STl J. A revisiOll is necessary for (he boundarics. 01' the V1 S TU to exclude that par cd. I~IU:VIOLS RELEVA~T BOlT ACTIO[\: Ordinance No. 10-2005 \-vas approved OIl an emergency hasi~. CONTRACT/AGIU:..:M ":NT CIIANG~~S~ STAFF' RfCOi\']MI'~NnATlO"S: Arrroval TOTAL COST: N/A BODG ETF.: [)~ Yes No COST TO COt i\TY; r\/A SOURCE OF Fl.fNOS~ REVEt\LE PJ{OI)LCI~G: Yes. X No AJ\.HRr ;~T p~: H 1\1 0 N HI Ye-ar ;\ PPROVE D BY: County Arty ~ O~.u3/Purchas.ing Ris.k f\'lanagemcnl DIVISION UfH:":CTOR APPROVAL: /.; / ./' ,. f "/... I / ,. /, , i / / /... J.. : -..r. .... ~_.: / - ~t __".. ...) I~I". I ~. . _.. v JOH:">J R CQLLlT\S, COIJ:'-1TY ATTORNEY .' Doell M ":NT,\TION: IncluJed X No! Required DlSPOSITlOI\ : R~\.i~cd 2/oj AGEN 1),;\ ITEM # ORDINANCE NO. - 2005 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COU NTY COM MISSION ERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION, MONROE COUNTY CODE, IN ORDER TO PROVIDE REVISED LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS OF DUCK KEY MU NICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT SET FORTH IN ORDINANCE NO. 10-2005; PROV) OJ NG FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDI NANCES INCONSISTENT H EREWITHj PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO THE MONROE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, Ordinance No_ 10-2005 was approved May 18, 2005, as an emergency ordinance to redefine the boundaries of municipal servlc:E taxing units (MSTU'S) for the purposes of assessing and correcting taxes to pay for administration, plannrng and development costs associated with and ~ncurred in adva ncing wastewater and redaimed water projects for the followi ng units ~ Stock Island, Cudjoe-Sugarloaf, Big Pine, Conch Key, and Duck Key ~ and WHEREAS, the Duck Key MSTU as described in said ordinanc-e erroneously included parcef 1 of RE 378380, which parcel is the site of the Duck Key Wastewater Cooperative wastewater- treatment plant; and BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSrONERS OF MONRO[ COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. Section 15.S-191A(a), Monroe County Code shaH be amended to read: (a) Pursui'lnt to the provisions of section 125.01(1)(q), F~orida Statutes, there is hereby created a Municipal Service Taxing Unit to be known as the Duck Key Municipal Service faxing Unit. The Duck Key Municipal Service Taxing Unit shall encompass that portion of the unirlcorporatEd County bounded on the north by U.s. Highway 1, on the west by Tom's Harbor Channel, on the South by Hawk's Channel, and on the East by Tom's Harbor Cut; an area commonly known as "Duck Key, including jslands known as Center ISjand, Harbor Island, Plantation Island, and Yacht Club Island, but excluding Indies Island and Parc~l ~ ofuRj; # 37830, Section 2, If any section, subsection, sentence, cia use or provision of this ordinance is held invalid, the remainder of this ordmance shall not be affected by such i nva I id.ty _ Re....~~iorl OnJinam.::e Duck Key MSTU Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are he,eby repeajed to the extent of said conflict Se:.ction 4_ '] he prov~sions of this ordinance shaH be included and incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the Cou nty of Monroe, Florida, as an add ition or amendment thereto, and shall be appropriately renumbered to conform to the uniform numbering system of the Code. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect immed~ately upon receipt of official notice from the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of Florida that this ordinance has been filed with said Office PASSED AN D ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida, at a regu~ar meeting of sa id Board held on the 18th day of May r 2005, Mayor 0 ix ie M. Spehar M ayar Pro Tern Charles "Son nyn McCoy Comm ISSloner Murray Nelson Comm issioner George Neugent Com missioner David Rice (SEAL) Attest: DA N NY L. KOLHAG E, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COM MISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORiDA By . .. Deputy Cferk By Mayor/Chairperson :I/I(~ r.~~.;.O:=~ I..... c G i..~T.~. t~.1 IIL-~ i~;:~ E.'~' 51''''00 '20.1 ,"', r'..(r.:~". ;.'... ~~... L:...J .t~..... .,. 7-J" I..~ /~~ -.~ .ll~. I..... "'-- c~--~~::-:~ ; :~.:.~;.;-,~- :..; .:~t~~I:---" :.::,--:.::-,_... - . . - )/", .".. . _.~... .. ................. Revision Ordina.nce [lud Kcv \1STU