Item P07 BOARI> O}< COI1~TY CO"I'l]SSIO~ ERS ..\GE'~lD..\ rn:'1 Sl. M MARY \1~ct"ll1g DillC" ():L".'):=; - \l,\R Dl \;1 sion: [Olll.~ly.:~tLorney Hull.; ht'nl Yes X '\" ,) Starf CDntacr Person: Suzanne Hultun :\("";I::;'\DA nl~ \1 \\ ORDL\jG: -\ppro\ ill of a R ('so 1ution aUI hurizin:g a rramder of f~al pmpt:['Ly (bay bOlwm adjacent to "'(acht Club) tu lhe C iL} of ['vfar at hnn pursuant lO an l lH.;-r-Local Agrecmcrlr and aut horitv ~{)J ~-1a\'or in c\.ecuLl' deed. HE\} BACKGKOtl'ilJ: ls.slL";s reg.arding dw County',; [!t~e to the hav bottom have nD\,\" beeT! s~u~ncd as, the deed fi'otl1tne Stilte nl r:lo[.ida t n.ltlsfCnjng ltw propeny to the Cou my ha" been located The CiL\" or r..htral hon, .....ia their Resolution 'u :::OO~-O 1'1. ha 1,'(' J ColJ Lte~lcd the t['J.n:;lcl" now be COt11plctcd PREV IOl:S RELf:\'A!\T BOCC. .-\Cfl()~: Oil \'lay ! (), :00 J the BO;IH! enkrlCd into a ;'vlemonmdum o~-l.r udel slandiH.l! \.....ith lhe elly of \1aralhon \~ hich lncludcd [he traTl:~,f(;r of 1 he I'd aratl10n Yacht Clllb and the contiguous ~l1bmerged !and COt'i"TRACT/..:\CREf'IE:\T CHA"GES; N/A STAFF REco_,nH~'''\ lJATH):\S: Approval. TOTAL COST; '-.;.:..-\ BLDGETED: Yt'~ ~o COST TO CO['YfY: 'J....A SOLRCE OF F"-~DS~ t\.:....\ RF\'["l.i[ PROI)LCI~G: Yes \0 :\ A\'10l.f!\lT PER MONTH Y tfl r AI'PH:UVEO fiY: COllnLy AUy4J OMBiPur~ha~[l1g Ri.,k Man<lgcmcnr OIYJSIO:\' DIRH:TOR APrROV.-\[.: ,--::1cW~-c.ct~' f-'. '{IC.11~.(__...___.___ f John R COl1illS. COUl1ty Anornc\" [)()(: [1 "1 E~'rATI O~: Included \ No( Required LlJSPOSITIO~: -\L[NI),.'\ ITE\l it Rcyi~cJ 1:l1S COLHllv AUnmcv . . B~sol ulN.!:l. r\ o. -:I)U~ "\ RI'~SOLlTIO~ OF TIlE BO,-\KD or ('O(:\TY CO\.l\nSSIONERS OF '10"ROI'~ COt!\T", FLORIDA, AlJTlIOKIZl~G A TRA~SF[R OF REAL PROPERlY 10 TH E CITY OF I\JARA THO['o; PURSlf..\J\T TO A" I r\TF.: R LOCA L AG RE E:\1 E ~T. WJ.[FREAS, un \-by l b. ~OO ~, lhe Buard or County Commissioner;::, for Monroe ('ounty enLcrl:d into <.I memorandum of 1I ndcri;tandirlg Wllh the (' it.\" of r'l.1arathan \~. b i d~ j nel udcd, j n ~(~~m J.e a transkl uribe Marathon Yacht Club and tile contlguUtLS Sllbmc-l"gcd land, and WIIERL AS, priN to llle proposed Hal1~fi:I', q l~cstions Mose regarding the C Ollnl~ . ~ tit Ie to ,aid ba\" bCtt!('tlR and WHl.J{(.,>\S. rhe deed ITlm1 Tile Stare ofFlorid<1 Transferring the propenv to the County has been localt:J. HnJ Vi"! Ir RL A S the Ci!! C ouncl I for ttlC C it y of \"1am!l1Otl has rcqucs-wd \'ia Resolulion j..... (\ ;-!.OO':;;.() f G, a copy or wh i eh is at tadled heretu a~ E:-;hibit R tflat the tnm"Jer h~ cumplt'ted. rH.!W T IH;n:f()r~~ 8E IT RFSOLVf.T) THAT I Hf.: liOARI) O!: COLVI'Y CO\.1\'llSSIONERS OF \lU\ROr: COl.'\'n:. r l.(H<ID.>\ l. \ h,HT (lC C mml y shal l tmn:Jer to the City of r\.larat non t har parcel of ~u bmcrgcd land descl'j bed 1 tl Exhi b it A altadH.:-d lH"rClo and i Jlcmrmated hert>in h:-' r~fererH:l" ., r lw \ layor is aut hart L.cd to l'.xCCllle a q llilclaim deed t!".:Hlsrening "aid propt'[iy P,\SSFD A......D .-\lJOJ-'JI.J) bv th~~ I~oard ofCoutlty Commissioners ol"\1lmme Cowm', ['lo[rda at J r.o:gular meeti ng ~)f Sil id board held on , 2005. \ layor LJ i" ic \1. Spehar j\'hlj.'Qf Pro Tem Md'oy Comnl ;;;<.;in n[:[ \., el s,on COntll1 i~sinTlcr ~eug~nt C omm i~~iom~r Rice (se<ll) AHest Danny [. Kolhagc. Clerk Hoard ofCounly COn1mis~i~)[wJs of \lonl"Oe County FluriJa Bv B\.. DCplily Clerk 1\..1 a)' 0 rie Il a i rr ~rs.on I~:~~I ~I-:":~~ : ..'.....= .: I....~~~..:.: ..,~,......~. "", ::-z ~'''''r-=.)',.:",,_. '-'.:: . ~ c' *'-'" _ _~L _ ~_~_ .-- -- ~:::-:-~T t.' '.J;:: 'l '! -, - ",' , .------. . .. .__.. .L- 1.... L .-..... ..' '-. ~ ~ \; , ---- 'T'- -;:)oI~:".Z:: " t:H '..' )c:.:~~~.'.~ ~ ~ :.."7.;q/ 2..i~.... EXIIIUIT A "l\-IARA THON YACHT CLt:n BAY IJOTTO:\r' LECAL DESC'RIPTIO~ A (lan:el of submer:::ed land bein~ a portion of the- '+(; reater Marathon Chamber uf Com m~"':e Site" as more partif,:u[arly described a:';ol follow"): AU the riparian ri~ht~ and submerged lands in I.ot Three (3)~ Section Ten (10), Tow nsh i p Six t).'-!Six ((;(,) Sou th of Ra lI~e Thi rt~y-rn'o (32) East adjoining tht" \farathon Yarht Club Site 3S described in Exhibit A-]. altach('t! herdu and im:orporated herein by refereTlce. and extending therefrom to th~ adj;::u.~ent (,~hannds, as pre\'jously transferred from the Florida f:a~t Coa~t I{ailway Company to the St~te of Florida in J\'"1onroe County Deed Reronl G-6, pages 46 to 55, and thereafter conveyed (0 j\'lhnroe ('ounty b)' warrant)' deed recorded in the Official recorus of ;\Ionru~ County in OR Book 15, pages 374 through 376. ~ I :, ~ ~ J .7: 4- :J 8 :? f1 -~ ~~ i.:l. 7 0 7 ?G ~ l 8 ~. 7 LEGAL DESeRt PTION MARATHON YACHT CLUB P. j::c reel of !<J nd being a po~tiOfl of th e "Greater ~, Elrathon Che mber of Curnrr,erce S~t2" (;I ~ de-scri bed in the attact1ed Ie.ga I cie:scr i ption, said pa rCE I of land belng more p,r"ticu Icrl 'i de.scri bed as follo.....s: COMMENCE at the intersectlc..... of the East J:ne of said Government Lot 3 'Of Sl!c..tIJ:-'; :0.. -:'Qwnshjp 66 South, f~ange' 32 Ea:s~ :and the cente:rHrre of s<.1id US Highway f'.:"D, .:. (State RO<Jd NO. 5); ~he:"tce S 74 degrees ~W mlllutes W along s<'Iid r:enterhne of US Highway No. 1 far 2642.55 feet; thence N 15 degrees 40 m~rlUtes W for 50.00 feet to un in~er5ection \'.,:ith the NO:if:e.rly right- of-way I ille of 5-<lid US H ig h~...'a'r' No. 1 i th~nce S 74 Jeg ree.s .? 0 m I nu:e5 W along SLl id N QJi~~r"!y I"jqht-Qf-wEiY I ine For 2.00.00- feet; thence N 15 J~q rees 40 ffi(nutes W fo:- 440,00 fee~; ~herlce N 74 degrees. 20 minutes E for 84.00 feel t:} t'\E: P:JJNT OF BEGINNING of the he,"ei:}aftcr descrrbeo parcel of land; the;-.ce S 74 Lf:;;g=eb ) U T! i n utes VI al8ng th~ 12I~t descri c~d line for 84.00 feet; thence N 15 Gc~"e,~_; <: C min LltP-.':::" ''^' for ] 11 f(;c~~ more Or i(lSS to th (] m ran h ig h water I inr: along the ~J orH' La ';l~r Iy shorE: of the cxisti ng yJcht bCi$tn; thence mC'and~r nortliw~st~rly along 'i"<ni mF,lrJ t,:;:)!-, ,'i3te::[" lir:e and d~l:-r19 ltlE sout~1'.'i%terl," (,iCe of :he eXJ:5:ifl';l c;r1crele tcck for :3CC fcc:~ 11 ::n~. or I css to) tr18 ~.Jort '":er! y te:rm inus of s~_c: concrete dock; th~n::e ~~ /4 rfe,;; f fees :'c:. i";;-:L~tt'S I ~o,- H4 teet mo,-e Or ,CSS ~.~ a"'l interscct;or. with a lii"H~ t::eari'i9 N 15 c:egt-ees -~C n'.nut~:, W rlOrn the PO[W' D:=- m:GINNING; tr,G.-:ce S 1:-' degree5 q~ minutes ~ ,]10::."'::" ;;;:d ;:ne (~r 411 fed :~l:n:e :lr Ie.ss :G :he POINT 8r- B~GJt..:NLt...;G. IH]URO~ COU!~!'I' (.f'?'IC~AL R~CC:;C\'3 EXHIBIT A ! SpunsoreLl b~': Puw ('ITY 0.- MAHA 1'1 U)J"l. n,QRJDA RI~~S()IXTlO~ 1(KI5--fJ] 9 t\ RESOLLHO.' OF THE CITY COU:\'CJL OF THE C]TY OF MARA"rnO:"li. FLOHIUA, ACTHORIZING THE CITY "'ANAGER A.;1\;D THE CITY ATTORNEY TO TAKE THE l'"ECESSARY STEPS TO COl\1PLETE THE TRAN"SFER OF THE BAY BOTTOM ADJ ACKNT TO THE .'\IAR-\THON Y ACHT CLl.'l~ TO THE CITY WIIF.REAS. the City of \1am.tl1on, Florida {thL:: "Ci1y") and \tnmoe COWlt)' (th~ '-(""(lur::ty'.; ha\t enktd into ~n ir1tcrkcall1etL~(:mC'nl.(1 tramJet ti'le ofrhe \-larathon Yacht Oun (the -'C1u},'>) lo the City; and \\'HERLAS, t.h~ County lr<m.,ferreJ the Club JoU1J, however the bay botlum <llfa<.:cn! I,' llll:: Chll) \....as uninlcntiumlily 0mitt~J: and WHF.RF.AS, Ihr: CilY now wi ~hes to c0mph.':lf; ~hJ;.; Inrn:sadlDn, NO"''" THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CIT\' COUNCIL OJt' THE CITY OF MAR..-\TIIO:\T. FLORTD.'\. THAT: SectioD 1. Tn~ al10ve recLtafs are true and correct and incmpmatcd herC'in. Section 2. The- Ci ty \Lmagcr <LId the City Allorney are aut.JWl'i7ea t~l lake aH ".lqS. nec~"s.ar)' to ~I;ccpl t})1; In.ms[l.:r of lilk to the bay bottom adjacent to the \'1arat!lal1 ).. achtCluh_ Se-dion 3. Tnj.~ rcs.rdulinn :".hall t,)ke dTco imm~~Jj;ddy upon its aJupliDn, PASSED AN"D AYPROVFlJ by lhe City Council of th~ C~ty (Jt- Marathon. Fh)rida. lhi~ 12"{! Jay ur F\:bTuary. ::OO~, AYLS: \'OES: j\.BSJ-:\' [: AIlSTAl:";: nartus, Dull. Mcams~ Mitler, Pinkus )1 on.; \j(lnc '\Jnnc ~l!lBI I B ~ (City Seat) APPROVEO AS TO FORM A:\O LEGALITY FOR TUF: LSr. ANI) REL.L\!\CE OF THE CITY OF MARA nln'l, FLORIDA O~LY: -~- ( 'iry A~~l)ffii..J r.,:'.\\"-\1CA".37)8~ - \-f.1r"th0'l",R(~olutiDn~'.20U~'.,H.c~()llllii)[] 11;'V (\""lly Bay n.,ltrmL Lea~e . \hmth0r:1 Y(;cb:( (.. Ill~ .~[[1C -, .,;. .I...II:~: 1I:--1n~111L.:nl pi ~:-"~-L:.~ ~:~. .::1 .J11_~~1 111~ L~IrL.'\..11:)I'. ~:I ::"(;11"'::. ,'\ ..1.r"~~1'~l :.':'1. _<1":....; .;';:,I~'::: ()~;:L:"i..~ ~:! (.u..lnl'" :\l1ur~h.:.... ['.c) Ik~ 11I2:') :-":c" '..~~"I II ~,:.4I-i,:'l" QlJITCL..\rM DEE.D THlS INU~/~TliIU:_ MaJi.: this___n_Ja\"of _ _._ ._. n.1()05. 1)\ and hH\~lCn ~.to\ROL COLr\l...._ Pan: oj" tilL fi rst P3J1. b_\ and through th~ Board of COlLnt' ComJlliss[olli,;~ of \1onrQl; COUTlty _ F1orid,t_ \\h()~~ addr (;~:-. i:<.. .-)( 10 \\-lllkhC;.td SIred, f..:.c_\ W cst, Florida J :';04(J. to the C l" 1")' of -'tAKA.rHO_..... _ Part) of the Su;ul1d Part. an municipal corporation of lhi.: Stak {)f Hllrida. WITNESSETH \VHF Rb\S. {HI .__ _ _. _. _ the !~i11~C~ cllkroo tlUQ ao ItltcrlocaJ <lgr~rncnl prol.tding ill parllhm tllC P~Hl\ of (tll: 1:11 sll',nt 1\ auld ll<l.mkr lO lh~ P,IIt.\ oj" (j\e S('cond Part the w\ bOllOlll adiacent to the _\'br~IlJlOn 'r'ilcht (Iub: WHLRL\S, Pari\ 0]' lhc Se.;:om.l Pan 1~IS j(lrI[]aJl~ n-':qLle~[cd Ihal Ihe Ir.Hlskr be pm;:e~sL'J. allJ WHF.Rb\S_ Part:- ()ftbe First [>ar! has dct~.:rmllKJ lh~lt It does not reqmfC th~. ari,;<1 requested for 3m publlc pu rpOS(. '0\\'", Tllr::RfFORL THiS INDrNTl~RF WITNF:SSF.TH Thallht: Part\ ofth fnsll'art_ in coTlsld,T~[;on ot' prumJSL'S contlmcd III the abm c-rdi::rclIce mtcrkICa1 agrc~mcLlL docs ht:[ch\ [~misc, rcka..~~ and quitclaim unto the Parh of'fllt:: Sl;cond P,HT, amJ a~signs, fon,;v(,;r, all th~ right- tilk ,md f[1!1.;n.;sl uf[h(; Par(\ ofth.: h rst Pan !G [he prqJl?rH h;;:rl;i [1 d;,;~cribL'J ~l] I Ih~H l";Tta~n lan.d siWatl in \lonrQr..: C lllUlt:- _ Flllnd~L to \\ Il: Se~ Leg~1 Dt'~(l'"iption in F"hibit t\, attached hereto and incorporated herein hy rduencc TO 1 rA Vr:: !\ N l) TO HOlO. th~ s.a1d premiscs and the ;\ppurt(:[\ancc!> Ih~[cof l1l\IO thG P.ul:- of tho: Si:cQTld P;~Tl IN \VITNESS WIff7Rr::OF. the P~lTty oflh~ Flrsl Part has c.1.uscd dlCS~ presents to h~ signed in its naTIl~ h\ i(~ Ru<.lru OfCOLLtlt\ ComnllSSLO!lCrS actln~ b~ tl\c \b~ l1T ~~f saiu finan.l. 1hc Ja\' ilruJ \\':;:'lr 11Tsl dOO\1.: wrIlte[l. (Ol-F!C[AL SE-\L) ArrEST. L>A\ \ Y L. f\.OLllA(jI.: BOARD or: COLNTY COI\.fMlssrONERS OF \10NROE COlNTY_ FLORIOA HY: B\ DL']1uly Ch::r" \-L.l '''OT EXHIBIT A <<~l......n.",- TIIl\'\.: ,"..\l '1fT ('II ~H R\ \" HOTTO\1"' LEGAL IJl:SCH I PTIO.'\j :\ parcel of suhmC'r~cd land heing a portion of the ~.Gfe4tter Marathon Chamber of Commerct' Site" as more particularly desl~rjbed a~ follows: Air the rip~rian ri~hts .and submerged laflds in Lot Three (3), Section Ten (10), Township Sixt:~:-six (66) South llf Ran~c Thirty-two (32) East adjuining the 'larathon Yacht CJuh Site as described in Exhibit A- I~ attached hereto and inC(lqlOratcd herr-in III reference, and ex.lending therefrom tu the adjacent channels, as Jln''f'ioust)' transferred from the Florida East Coa~t Railway Company to the State uf Florida in 1\lonror Count)' De~d Record G-(j, pages 46 to 5S, ant! thereafter t.:(m\"l~)"'t!'ti to :\lon rue County by ~'arrant~: deed l'ecunJed in the Official records of :\lonrue Count)' in OR Book J S~ pagfts 374 throu~h 376. ... FIL8 .1 243 8 26 BK 11 7 0 7 PG J ~ 8 1 7 LEGAL DESeRl PTION MARATHON YACHT CLUB A parcel of land being a portfon of the "Greater Marathon Chamber of Commerce Site" as described in the attached legal description, sa id parcel of la nd being more particula rly described as follows; COMMENCE at the intersection of the East line of said Govemment Lot 3 of Section 10.. Township 66 South, Rangel32 East and the centerline of said US HIghway No. 1 (State Road No, 5); thence 5 74 degrees 20 minutes W along sa[d centerline of US Highway No. t for 2642.55 feet; thence N 15 degrees 40 minutes W for 50.00 feet to an intersection with the Northerly right-of-way line of said US Highway NQ. 1; thence S 74 degrees 20 minutes W aIong said Northerly right-of-way line for 200.00 feet; thence N 15 degrees 40 minutes W for 440.00 feet; thence N 74 degrees 20 mlnutes E for 84.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the hereinafter descrIbed parcel of land; thence 5 74 degrees 20 minutes W along the last described tine for 84.00 feet; thence N 15 degrees 40 minutes W for 111 feet more or Jess to the mean hrQh water line along the Northeasterfy shore of the existing yacht basin; thence meander northwesterty along safd mean high water Itne and along the southwesterly face of the existi ng concrete dock for 300 feet more or Jess to the Northerly terminus of said concrf!te dock; thence N 74 degrees 20 minutes E for 84 feet more or less to an intersection with a j rne bea ring N 15 degrees 40 mfnutes W from the POiNT Of BEGINNING; thence S 15 degrees 40 minutes E along said line for 411 feet more or less to the POINT OF BEGINNING. MONROE COUNTY OFFtClf'lL RgCOROS EXHIBIT A-1