Item O4 j\.10J\ROL COU\JTY BOARD 01'" COliNTY CO\lMISSIO'\1FR~ CONTRACT Sl;M\lARY ('ouimel \\ it h: Scib'..Tl Firm C()nlfdl:l "j FCkctivc Dmc: 1':xpiraLiol1 Dale:: (i / 1 :'l /() ~ C()nlmd Purpost:/Dcscri pi inn: Appro\'a.l of f{el<ltl1'L.'r ...\agn:crn;.;nl with The Se i ber faw Firm & Bryant rvllJ l~t' & 01 ive P.A. tor Sp~(,.'~~ll C()unsc 1 S(;nil'CS related to Aftor:lb ~e H ()~~sing. ---.. ('~mlrac1 t\1anap:r: Connie Cyr (:'.Jarne) 4441 rExl. ) COlLnly ;\Jmini~lrat(lr::; (l.kp(l r~men1/Slor #) f()r BOCC JIlLl:ling lJIl 6/15/05 Agenda D~aJhm;: 05/3 1/05 CO:-ITRACT COSTS l'dLal Dollar Valu.e 0[. ConLrac1: $ $75J)OO f3 LLugLlL'd'.) 't! cosO ]'\0 n Account Codes: (jmnt: ~ COllnLy l\hLch: $ Currcnl Year Portion: $ - ....------ ADDlTIO\fAL COSTS f~Slinntcd Ongoing COSlS~ $_/)"r For: .. . ......_. 1)-0t :lId"d~.d ill do!.l<1l' vJlue i1bDV.e) (~g. ll1~jnt.ell,ll1(.~, mi I ili~s, .iilll itori<ll, ~<1 hrie~, ~~C.) COKTRACT REV1EW Ch.:Hlg~o; I )(ltC I n :-Jecd~~d R~~\-'ic\Ycl' Dii"ision Dire(;ll)r "I{ ~sU \i (1U Dale Out R.l~k [\'L-lt1n~emcnt ~j YcsD GoB \)1 ~C""'G1:-'.'J~ o f {) d5 O.\llJ./Pmchasjng YesD l\oD ~ftllc- ( Yes n t-: c:f2] C\1Unty ;\ ttt..mwy //>/..~ . J /' ,;I /f 'j-'-." ( ..... ..... ..._~~-:" 1'/ .- : .. ,(. ;_. f r CUlllJll~.] Lis: U\1G form R('vis~d 2/::7.:0 I Mep ~2 SPECIAL cov'.,;sn. HF.TA1\.:FE ACRE1::\IL'\T b.:'t\\ i'f'n \l()~\:J~O[ OJL'\n' n.oRTD..:l, <lrld CHJIr.R PARTTUPA Tl'\C UJ\TR\.:\lfo\:T.-\I. FSTlT[FS _.\ Ll d n IE SEIDERT L\ \\ FJR\[ amlI3RYA).:;T \!ILLER &. DU\TE P.:\. D"td \IJ\' 1;-';, lll~l::; SPECIAL COC:\SEL RfTAI\;ER AC.REI::~'H.\.:T 1 his SpLLi,ll Cmlns~'] ReLlllwr A~-';n"E';rh'nl is cnkrl~d inlu bd\Yl',-'n the Hr.hlrd (j~ C~n;l'h' C':lll T~, i,)!H' r~ 1.1 ~~.i.,( :lll:Jl ty Com:-ni::'-s~()ll') u~ \ r on n.W C OL.l n t\', !.]nt'[d.1 (.thl~ ....Cl )unty'") and ()t~,er pa I"ti,-i p<\:~nb SU\.t'rrl nwn I ,11 un ils llKJ.ted [[1 the CUll nty ~dlic h t:'k'~'. t~} p.l rl ic fl? it' in, h >; ...::.. ~U'~,' ,11t'tl t : ,:,); lL'c~j','dy, the "Ctn'crnnwntd 1 en i l:':;":, "nd Tfw Sl~ibU'l L,l\\ hrm <1nl: Gn' <~nt \J ille r N ~JII \ f> roO":"'. i(,)lI<'L~[in~I:'..' Spl'ciJ.J Counsl' n, \VJJER F ..\5, tilt' (nu nt', CL>mm issi()n has dekrmtncd [hZlt thcre l':-..bts d l'r it i,-'d I n<:,~c lo ad dne';''' thL.' IWll=-i[1~ lwt'd '0 u~ tllf' rt'L.,!(h>n 1:-:, L.t" lhl' C()U Illy. indud ~ng. hlnl~ing for 10'.\ mc:ome t.nn i 1 i,'".. \\;H J.jurc:i.~ hUi..Lsin~ and \ lth~r aifor(bbk' :cousin;..;, UIl ,l ,JH1 ',p rt"lh'n" i\ '''.. CO~Lnh ~,..jde t'.bio.: <md lVHI:I{I:.AS, th...' County Curnl~n,,:;i()rl, log",tlwr wdh other' IOL~al gO\"~t'nmenta; unit,; m C dur1 t\ j t',...~ re''; 10 e.tlh,lf,L' ,;pcC::J.] C,'~L:,"L'~ k' <\::,-::,is~ the Cut.:nt.' C ~'rTl [[l i ~.,.,(~Il ) I h~ Hw CO\'l'l.nm,-'n~,ll C 11 i t:; ill f ,,( i 1 i l"i i I1g Hw ,r't'a1 ion ,llld implLmcllt<ltiDn uf d Iun?; krm F~'Ul tu J.dl~"~'';.~ eh,-' ..:ritjcd; (ll}l,sinS Ll<..'cd:-. \:ur:-c:"tl., LyiTlS tl,~' n.'~idVr)f:.. n: th~' (nLJnh'.: ,Hhi 'VIlER L\5, tht' (>)U n t\ C ()n~ m i ~~ iml i ~ <':~,-mlLl? i rlg t~<l.(~ h L ~I' thi'~ 01~~I.~r G()\t~tll [l".Lni<l ~ l.'11 i l:-; II KJ l('d in thl' CnLW:ty to jDin t~~e County Comm issiull in thi:::. asrt'~m~'n t in "rLler to rJ(iliUk t;',l' dl'<lClOll u~ .l (i.,mprfi\t?n<', (' rL,n :'L1r :he i~l1i7l'ns <1~'.ct rl~:.:;idt'n.t~ 0[' Ilw C,)unty; ,r:d WHERI::AS, :hc Cn'.lllt:; Cun"mi,;si,lll. \\'ith c\H'.,-'w:-cnle uf it.,; "t<lff dlld gcnenl ,-'uLJrl.,;el. k~s ,1\ I i hL ~ri /,'d ,'11L'1 L'I i rt'ct,'([ the eng,lf':,,'rnen I <.nd us.:' of Spec iJ I Cc)u tbl'l <1<; SPCC[J l Ct)U n~d t,) th,-' C ".L:~t'.. C'.1L1'.:11 i::,~illn ,1l1J thO! I.ltlwr Cu, ,-' rn mE'n U 1 C:\ i h. ,ow, TTTfRrrOR[, it I':" :1 (r(">L': a.:, I()llo\\',;,: 1. SPECIAL CO L"iS I:: L SH{\'ICI::S. SPC<.:i'll G'U,",';L'; '\\'~ll pm\"idc lc-gJl <lnC "')ihLJlijnl~ ",l.'r', ;ll':-' ,)0., :-,ptYial 'L'utbl'l lo Uk (;o\crnnKnl:d L:~jl:.;. t.,..j.1l;.d' hl ~fH' t.'lilil.l~j()n L.~t JH' ~Tt',) l i\ c. .l: '.d d I", f' li)~' I1l.'n j 0: .1 ,( 'rn p rt,lknsJ \'e ll',nh h"rrn f,I.H1 io acid re~-> t 1 1(' ~'~ it i~'" 1 :=,lIorLl6(' I.~t a\ "iLd>k' ,1ljOr,i;lblt> huu";Lng 10 lfh' ,~i1j7.t>n~ ,mci r.....;iLif'nls ~)i ihf CnLJnt~,. Su,h "F'cL:,ll c,nm:::L'l ~C:'\"iL'<!S and as~i~t,ln.,.:e ,In.' to lw ~~n-,\" ided un an hUll r:y .md ru.:gl'tated f~e b.bb l~y ~"p,l U 1L' '.I"l ~rk n~'d,.'rs J'; pru\'id~d hcrcl:", Jnd ~hJ l] ~L'n<..'JJ.ll~' j]",c:!ude :hc fnllc'\\'i Ilg: I,.':"') ~h,l ;'jni; .S:-~l'LjZll CndrbL': S c, F~,~r:enLL:S JJld pri()~ u, ~~o.~ ld't' in j1L)LJ.~ i n~~ ,m,j U1IW1dLllil\' clt.\.t"!L'pnIt''11I :H1Li firnnL.ln~~.:;.. ilKlull il1t, lanLi lJ.:.;.e i:-='SLH~<;, gi>~wr;l] d~'\ ('k)f'ITlt'llt i::,~,u<:,:-. ',I ith tlw ~brkb UlT,lrtrr::l'nt u;' C\'mn".:ll~ity :~~i,lir:-- an,~ th<..' floridJ. D<..'pJ.~tmL:nt (!t cm'i rt1l1nlC'ntal l'rotL'diun and the flurid a Ll:'gisiatur~, <md b~' tilling J. leadcr,;hj~) ~'L'J1r: in hc:jl:tJ.c~:".S t>.l' dC\l-:L)F'ml'nt Cllld lmrlL'r:l,-'n ~,l till:". ,-,f .1 k'n~ ~l'rn ~,lJn ,:md ,'i.,i,m. l,) <ll:j r;..:~" Uw antjc: i f-)<llcd lwusttl:? needs (){ the Jesidcnt~ ut the COUll ty, ~lnd in idl'l1 liJ"icalLon and de\'t'1\1 f) I~W:~t <-l .H' f) rOf':'j.l h' :L~\ ~n al~ rt'';l'U r-2~~ (G fune! and tinzll1":c the C(J\"~rnmL'nLll L nib 11, 'usin~ i 11 i tidi n'::.: (H:, 1',1;: I i 1.1 t i 1:/, l11t' ,bSt'n1 lJ~ i 11;2, ()f LC)mm u nil \ l~l~L\l~ Jnd pu bHc input r'Lf,J.rL: in~ h()l.I~ir\\~ ;""<Lt.,; L~~ ..: [1'.1nrWr lh,;1 [Ll,Lmt/.c,; ~'LLbljc inpul zlnd lh~' dt'\'C~,'pmen[ of a ]t~ng lc'r!l1 " l::;i,H' ;ll',d pi_'ll Il)r lhv C'~lJnt\ tfl_11 r~1~~'1~ tl't' ,nn<.i'~,"'LJ'; n;>L'd" M' Ilk n',;id~'n~.:, dl 1 h", C'HJI1I I; ':, C! ("ej I, [.1 j; II~~ ; he l1e\'t~Jopnlt~ll t of <1ppfl)pri,' tt~ urd L~~L1 n":l~:-'. n~:-'.ol u Clm:-'., Jt'g isla iioll.. i:'.:,-'rk,,',ll .lS:''-'l'IlH_':':b ,), "tlk'r .lSfl'l'[lWnh Jl1d di.KlImellts tu uJll.lburdi'......l.\. dnd ,-'u<Jperati\'e[\' ~1chiL'VL' the Cm't~rnmc.'n lL,J Ln i l' s huu<ns nbjl~..:1j\'L'S by partn~rjng \\'~ [~l L',nc.' 0 [' r11LHl' pLl b I ~l~ ,\t' pr:\ Me '.OrltLtic::..: ':. n! f~ rn'. 1 d I fl~ '~l'~ \. i('l' ,11 d rl',<:,<l r(h Ull hUll "i rlg l rL'<lt ion. ., ~kma ti \. C'::; , im~1lenll'JlLl ti"Jl <md tin<mcill;2. ::;trJk'~ie~.: ~r.) n~ndt'rirlg 01 '.\ ril'tt'rl mfrTh)T,H1d,~ ur upminw: \\ htrl rl!.:"..:e~')dr~'; (I:) ,]d \'i..:l~ M'Jd rl~:-;l:.]rc~h on the iea:-;ibili ty <lnd le~<ll ...;u tticjl~nC~:. oj ~[aj U1llr",' .1I"lci .~ltt'l n,Hi\'t' :\'\ ,':'l:..I" rl'-;()LJ~i"<""".. irh.ltl<"l irL~~.. :)ut rwt lirl~itt"d to tlw u,;t' ,md ll'\''-'fd~l' uf D-"l~~i,-'- ~)rj\',lk ~'Jrtl1L..>r,hip-; ,md tlw -"dri"u"- n'>SOllrclCS of .lll Dr the..' C;on~rnr~1Ct1tJl Lnib; (C) ,he; i~~ ,1 nc:~' i il t I H:' ~)r(l~b.."lI tlOTl l,'[ <HlY cld mj ni,..trati,-'n ru lem.lkng prC)CL'."'S.. "c;~~]~l~\' J ~krLr.ina L, )L1.~ ,,!lJ n:hcr fl}rnb l)t l:1 iga:l,)ll. inc]ud :n~ " ,1 ,d J t i,)]I pr ,Xt'''.i i ng.;,; ,md ,:.l f! rl"','I,-",\ i.,j f-,,'I.l}'U:->L,j in:crl'-'i.'al ::,~:'ultlln.:~ <l~ t(~ k't;,]l fL:'<lSLbijil\', (o:npl:,~th-e 'silh <'Ip r1i":,lb k' b\', ~md pL'!ld i:-.f, ~)[' propu~ed t't'\' L-"i\J~b 1 L ~ till' l<l ~\ ~:l"] ud ;n~.~ ell i kd 5t,lte~ Tf~a::,u]"!' regu ~,l t Ll}JI:-'. l. CO\H)E~SATlO~ fOR SPECIAL COC\:SFI. SfRVTCfS, SPECL\L COL \;St L 'c'.' Ll b~" ..:om~'l~ns" tt'd I'l'[' ,; f)l'Ci ,) I ~'()L.I[hf>l "'t'r\' i~'E~':' ,it T1L'sutiakd fel'S ,lnd::ur [1LlL~ rI I' nk,; <):-; ,) Li I h'-)r~I.t'Lj hI .:,pti....i fi.... '."llrk <.'rder:;. (..\ J SP'-'Cl"l Cm;nsc I \\" i lJ b,' l~~J I~l pt-'n.;,,)1 ",.-j tOr 'il'S,l'. ~e~\' ii.'L':-- <'Ii th~ fullc)\'.ing hu L~ d-.. DtL'S~ (1) fk"lJ1t \Iilk'~ &: OJi"'L' "';~J.r,-'(wldcrs ,lnL~ Stc:\.cn \.1. S-.dh'rl 01 Till' 5,-,ibl'rt L.a'.\" l-irm a( t lll' t'?dt: '-'[- S2:;.ll ~-'~'t' h"u r; (2) Bry"nt \1illu- ,t!: ()JI\'<' a~~nrnt'.\';' l)tht:'r tllMl jh,l[<..'ho1ders ..1t dw (,It,, nl ::"[ q:, per :~nL;r: ,)[1...1 I~,)) Rr'"mt \ ln~L'L" &: Oll\L' p..1Ia]q:'",l::; c)t' l,1\\ dl'rb .l~ tll~' rClk of S5U 1-',-'[' h,)U" ! ,:R;. ~~~.> ni)~.~n~j.~it:-=-d ,"1:-=-,,-' f()t' Jc~a.) ~C'r\.]CL~S shal] ~:1L~1~l~I:..' .J SLope of .ser\.j"':l~~ ~~nd tl:..ll~ strlll~tLLft' ZI L1 Hlll ri/L'j by tJw CO\L'rnmenLll L ru IS in '.Hi ti:lg ,1:'> pro\' ideli (OT herei n. (C.I [n .ldditil'rl l,l ,lll~ th'Sl'h<ttcd tl'L':-:' ur h,.)ll~j:.- (<ltl'~.. S?eLhJ C.Jun:::l'l ~>.lJ be '.'rltltlt'd to ~~'U.:.'i\'l' ~~'irT',b~JhL.'m~'lll (O~ ,KI L.:..~I cn:=.ts incuffvd, _-;uch J.,.; cumput~t' p~'intjng ur F'lwtol'lTil'~. klll,C: l~ i::-L~~~_',-, ki tTh(lr1c d~ ,l r,~t'.". t r<H t:' I <:' \ pt:>n~<:,~ J fl,j ll\ <: r:~ iSh; d t:'l i ".t:'r:, ck~ rs~'~, _'\11 y tl" <t ,'L'] L'\'PC::SL'~ hi J Dl' reimbur~ed in <h,:u:Jrdanl'L' with the Ctlu:, h' C(mlmjs~i,.)n' s ~-'fl ~l-f>.j LJ ~{'... anli ;.LJ idt' 1 i rW"-'. flY, Tfw p['(),'f'.-.;~ 01' d~v~lo()ill~ and implt'n1en~jnr', the IWLlsLn~>, "\'Clil,1bilil.\' \ ["ion m,'l;' ~'-'qll:[L..' th,-, <kl\'.li~itiun ll~ Lli::'Pl'"it:on (If re,~l p,upert:,' ,]::' ",.d: <l::- tlk' acq:.li::iitiun ut ~eal pr,) pert:.. In ZI dl'\'dupme,~t n~~imL', in...:lud ing int<tngib1c and tan:o;ible jJersonZll pHl]JL'rt:,' _ 1 () the. L'\ tL'n t th,.' Cm'nnlTl('l"t,ll Cnit::-. ,h\{<J irh or di~"rO<:,h of f,:,,,l f'fupprty iI1tt?'n~Sb, Spt'L'i.ll Courbl,j a gr<.:'1.:'s , j ~l) r~ll~ll.:;tL:-~: b~' thL' Co\'Crn~llLnUj L:-,.ib. tu ..:our,tin,ltL.-' hith thL.-' Cu\'crnmL.-'ntal L:'.jts lu ;hid ilLl\nalk lht' .lnd pl'l\\'idc ,1ppmpt'iJl~: tidl~ n~se<trcn <tnd tLtk' in~LLrancc polictl~:-'. L[bL.:t'in;< ~he. ~<.:',lJ :HlTt>~;~' ;",\ ukt:>J <l~ tlll' r;l:~',in',',II~l pr.'r1',i~J[lt rAth pm~n~jlga1,.,~i t,;, thE" F1orl(I,; Ifls,J r,lIh..:p L( mlmis~iuner_ I, [I '-if"'l'i.1.1 C ~ u n~t' 1 ..;,: '.,i II hill ,ht', Cn \ .'f[Ukl1l., I L fl i >, r',' r iud i..,<, I! \.. ll:.Jt nut fl'.urt:> n1kl1 111,U1 [T',l~llihl:", Jl1d ~'TO\'id(' ,Hl ik'mi/t'J ~tdkrJll'lIt of fe,-':" and lost::: incurreu tD dOlk. _,\ll '. :-1 \ ,l i'-l':; ~:;.1 d bL' ::.U bJ:1 ~ ttL'd 1,1, .] ~~?rU'd~~: ,md pr"'-'L'~~<..~d for ~~,l \',llt'nt ~)',' t Iw Cl fll I r .h-l A j rn i n i.,t n 1 nr "" (Ip"i Sn,1tt:'d ht:'rt" i r1_ 3. IDE:\TlfKA THY' OF ~ECESSARY CO'SLL L\NTS; APPROVAL PROCfOCRE, The de\dllpnK'nt ut the propl)jed h(lUSLr,~ a1 tL'm.lti "L'~ in itiali\f.: umlcm pb led h,-'r~in \\'lll : i~-...L< ~ rL'cl u :rv n'.l \t't' :[un 1";<,<,1 ,':>..~vrl i:-'-l~_ .':iLl bjt'.-I 1 n tfw rt>l: ull1'TH:'rd ,l tiun d the C, In ~r .1.: I A d I~l ;;~ i,.,1 [.1[0; " nd l ht> "p f>roL' I ot llh' CL)I"L-'rnIl1en U I C fl i h, 5}'t:>( i,d Cuu n:;d ~:~.1[] hZl "'L' t 11.' ,W t 11ilrlt\ I () llot:' l~r rd<l i Il 011 h~h<ll f '.If till' CO\'l'rnmi.-'Llt.ll Lnib ~u..:h addi tion<tJ co~o.slll ~Zln Is, ;_', F'l'rt" ,)1- Cl'U n,..d thJ.~ j l J.,-'cm,; n,-'c~s,M:,' l() jJ~lpk!llt~lll 1 he l.~'i::"l ::C1I1 ,,:'.d j~, <. f k);.1111L.'fl t d tht:> Iwu~ins ,tl krna ti\"e~ in Ltiati \c ut the C()\'l~t'n mentzd l.' n d.";_ SlL(~l:'1 p pr()\' d I shall b,-. ~irst ~''-'l[u'':-.tt'd in \\ ['~I il1~.J, ."Ird --Il.,11 irl<..ILJdt' ,l oUTt' uf :,,-,r\"i,c~ L1Jl(~ mdh()d l)r ;':()!ll~)E'n~.l~j()n t",\r t",;~'h Jdd it I ~,~ ',,1 ~ l UI',::>U ;tant.. e'.p~rL or Cnllt1_"lC~ r~q LLl~stLd_ If t"t:'l u,>..;lt"d. ~ 1 ,1l<:, rll,'r1 t" tur ~~L'S J.nli '-\ \~b . n(~~ nl'd h' ,m..' JF'~"'{l\'cd cunsuJ I.me ('xpt>rL lOr l-ClLJr1$<' I, ':ill .lll ~~t' first revic',Yl'd by Spec~ i.:J C,lLC",:-.L< .lId, up~ln Zlp~~nn',:d. .~Ll)~nitt.~d it, I:-:f' ('0:,1;.1.-1 ..::",(1 n1';'.J:;tr,ltU] ~llr ~)21ymcn:. -L DISCl.OSeRF. CYI S~-",-'(j,ll CUl[n~t'L an~~ :,;pL'diiLa]l:,' Bryant \1Lller & Oli\'p, h,l:; dis,jl1scd tu the (<..llJ:;:\' C<..l:lH:"\~:-.~iun that it hZl:-., and L1,ZI\' in tth: ,"UlLlCP, :-.t'r\ <.:' ,l~ di::.l1v~urL.-' LULn~cl ~)J' bunc! . - C,'U[bL'. tu SL.-'\"cf ,11 m LJ n L-":L pal i (jt~,., c.111>l u1 h~r locd 1 ;.;ov~'rn rlll'llt"J cnti tiL',;. jn llw Cou fll y, rn,lIl y uf ',\'hn:n rJl,1\ ;nin th(. (\}\~Ilt\ Corrlmi>~ll1n in thi~ !\~rc~m~nl il';' .1 em f'rrllllellt<11 Lnit, The: p.ln[~:-, JlL'C~~{1 .1L-i-...nl"\\ I<~dt~;' ,md ,lgrL'~' hdt 5pl'..:ial COlcn~l'r=, rnic ,b bl'~n(~ L'L)un:,.:l or di~Jl'~LLrC 'uw'.....el tu d~.,\. CO\'l>mm'-'n~.lll~Ll:t i~ not Hh'ly to crc<tlc ur G1U..;e any ,~dU,1j conflict, ,md ~eniLe: ~ .l JS ci i"cJ0:-iUrL' ()]" bund coull.--d !U othl'r firm ,:lien ts \\' i 11 not pt:'r .::.,' h,> cnn<;;~ rUhi as t1 l~nnf] iet (1:' h' ,-lb''-'l"c:~Hlc'(,i~' h, th~' Cil\ fr:'.Il1,="nt2lIl.'ni~". ::1. CO'TR...:\CT ALJ-'ll~iS [RA no,". I..':'" " r. (): [>.'.;,t' ill1d i.on v,'n ~cnC:l' of ;1 j ministr<1ti\1n, thL' C>','crnml'nt<ll L'nit" ::;h<l11 fr0rr\ ti lliC h) tim~ d,-,~i~n<~k one ur murt' pt'r::'OTl~ tn f)r~l\ id.' pn I L"~' li iI<"c1 inn ,,]~d i n,,1 fUl~~ ion,=, to Sp"'c-[,l: CmLtl~/ :n the ..:ldmini:,tr.:ltic-:>n l)t ib dutiL'~ hL'H.:undcI, J.ppw\'int; <1nd authoriLins ~nxk ,~rdt:T:'i ,Hd ,t11 ,rh~'r Ilu1h"r.:' IH'lt':-',:',,)n. to '1dmin;stt'!' ih:s Agn~,~nwnt on h'h"lt of the (;ll\'~rn]~k'm,1l L ~":it'-, ,:.the. "Cc'ntraLl .,\dministr,ltor"), The initial C.mtTLld .,\dmjni~trdur (: i rt'lI ,yj ,wL'1 ,UJ t hor:Jt"c1 1 l~ ,K ILl:, beh;:d (), t 11>' Con'r~~~llt'n ta I l; nj l'; sh "d l bt' , Co:n:n i s s ion e r !I-~ 11 r r .:. y N e 1 so:, . C I~ air .0 e Y" son. 7\ f f (; n: F:i ~: I (~ t i () U sir I S! _ C v i'J;:E..~.b:L j,:. QI:Uli.:!,. j,...l ~_~ ,;H:I SP'-'L':J: C,lun,:.d shJL b,-' L'ntit1cd t,.l T~'<l~,,)[l<l;':\ r~.1\' up'.lr'. ,Ji I"edi(l:'l I't'c.:~~\ ,>J frn-:-n lilt, Je:';':f>,rult'd C0tHnl~t Administr2lll)r. i:C) Spt'l"i,11 C'-)l~ n::;e I ,~rl d C on tr<~,~t ,J.. d rn inisf r~ tor ,H~' h'relH' d i rt:'dt:'d ,~rld ,l U ~.hnT i /~>\.: tel P!'~lC,>';:-: thL' ini t~.:l: \\'drk order l:nc:L'~' th:-: J.~n.'~mL'n t in _'"L b,,;tan:i,d I \. the form <ltt;1Ch"j 2" L\Jl.:b,1 .~~ l1<'fl'I0.. SLJh<;,'qLWrl~ ,~rlwnL'II11<'n1" In the t()rq~ning \~ nrk urdt:'r or o;ub-j~'qUt:'llt ',I Mk xder~ ::-h<~Jl b,-, i [\ ~uhtLmti,d]:- ~i n".il.l r t( lrm<l~ .md <l ppw'd.:d b\ thl! CDntrad l\d mini"tra:m. : L}: The T~Trt'::-~>ntatj \'t' io~ Sp_'c;,tl C r.nm~~ 1 shall b~ <\~ follu\\' .~: : '11 Tfh" f'r: nu r~ L' ~'I: ~1 ,1d !'f'r:--orl -..kill bp Ste\'<.:'l1 \1 Si.-,ib~'rt (1f Th,-' Sl'ib~rt LJ.\\' Firm. :21 it i~ LL:';dcr~lo\,d ~lut l~ubl'rt C. l~l:id \11' 13I\-Ml1 \Ii~If'I & Olin" :-;lul1 bt-' p,im,1rij) r'"~rnn...,ibl~ InI j in.1r1~-~ ,)nd hfJll..;i'~~j 1'~'I,lkd fll,l~kr~ <Hld thilt Coui F,-l~h, or PT\ .;:"1 \ r i: k~' &. 01 i \'<.' :--h,lll b~' pri m~l ri h. ]"L:..,pomibli..' for manJ:f,Ltl~ kgi.~bti \e rcl.:lt:,)]ls. \3) .\ll ..'\"~1]"k }-'L'rturnlL'd by .:lny SpcciL11 C~l)ulsi~l shelll h~' ,~n~~r'dln.1tf'L'1 \\ ith ,',l..:h ,>Lh,~r SP,''::J: Co L:n:.;.e I .1:,d I he Con. 1 filet .!J.. Ll m i: ~ i~~ r~1 tur. 6. GF:-':ERAL. :' A; '1 his J.~rL'<'n1Cnt Sh,ll ~ bl~ gO\'erned b; <1 nd (( HlstrUi.:"d in ,1c,-'urdan":l' ,,'it); tilL' bw,,; ,'J) Lj'.l~ St., ll' l)[ r 1,1;' i.i ,1. Th i.;, .1(,r~'r r~h'n, m,1: l.)f' ,HT~~'ndt'd un ly toy <~ \\ r[t:en .:l~rL'Lmcn t Cnt02Il'-:1 :l'to b\' the }-'<E"~[es. lR) Till"; <~br(',-'nk'[\t may be tcrmin,lled with Dr \\'jlh,)ut Cluq" h:: the Cuntrcld -\d:l1in~~tr:ltor or b\' SpL.'c.:iJ~ CLllLJbL'J a~ Jny li~llL' upnn th~r!\ .:,~l\, j,ly~ priur ',\Titkn n,)ti:::c. [n lhe c\ em "J t,'rmi~~;ltidn, S!)t"Ci,ll COllrl';l.1 s!~<dl <I;';~llrnc re',;FoLl::;ibility tor compleLiun oj ,1n,'; "dull b,' l:' ~n L :~t"~-,""211 ,'.1 u r ,~II r<Tr"",-t:'fl t,lt i<,lr: rcq LJ'-':-.kd F:ivr t,-, tilL' llc)ti-:c l1 f kt'm;n,u ~()Il. J'-:-. l \ i,.\.d Iw\\ ,~\ ~'r. tll<' Contr,ld .>\dmin.istrLlti.Jr ma\' krminZltc thi.,; agt'lx:m<:nt lOr br<",ldl b;' SF".'l"iJ.; -l- C, 'u n,c.l "-.' ith ~u<.:h n~,ti(e ,1::; [11<1'; be 1"t:-\l:00n,~b1 t" LJ r1 d ,'r ; he l i ~,"L1 m:.;L1JkC<.. In dlC C';Cll t ut t.';; n i n ,11 in:\, \..' i tho,' 'S i lh()ll 1 C<lUq~, SpeLL11 Counsel ~h.lll D<..' \.:umpens,] k'd i 11 ,h~\:urd ,1 fl( l' hL'~<-,''\"ith kr ,1 ~'~' ru,..ed t i ~'1i" a nd ~,\ p"rhe~, c\T'Iendcd prinr to thc dOl k ot terminJ. ti<..1L1, :c: 'J h::.; "N'Lc:m~:,1 :1lJ.:' be C\:L'Lilted ~n mdtLpl<.:' u:-"J.;~:i...'IT.lrb, I LX:. Thi~ <lsrt'<..'f1Wflt ~1,<~11 ~'<:' "t:t"~.t;\ t' Or1 ;lw I.b! ct.1lf~ thlS Ji,!e,~menl' i~ c\:cclI:ea b'; .Jw Count:,' Ct'mmissi,1n J.nd Special Cuunsd. L' \VIT~E.SS \VHfREOFr th\:.' B()ilr,l N COlJr1l\ l\-'nutlis~ionl:'r.,; 01 \f'-~I)r()~ C ~'J _~n l',. ]' 10J j,'j,-, ,,:'.ct (,' lh' r IlX.ll c;un'L'.nwnL. I 1I ni to; "u b",~ql;L'l1tl y j, 'i:,in~ in t,) thi,; AgrL'L'mL'll t. Thl' :'l' i LH::.Tl L.m F I rTlI <llld Rry.1;;1 \.( i ll~' I & 01 i \ l' 1'. ,.4,. h<:n t> (;) U ~~'d i hi~ :: }.',yi ,11 C!.';I nc,(' I i\f'~ ,1 i rwr .'\~tl'~nlL'nt l,' bv L\,~z:ut{.'d J~ d thi.~.. _ dJ~, uf J 2.U(l:'i. THF. ROARD or COCf\,;TY CO\f\HSSTO,"FRS Of \10."\HOf COL'd'Y, FLOIUOA Fh': [li 'lie :'1. 5~"'<..'hLH.. \b:,c':' .':'" j 11-':.::.:: C]e~~ qf tl-w Cir<.:uit C'urt THE SEIBERT" LAW HK\1 8\': BRYA:\T MILLER & OLIVE P.A. B\': 51,,! r~.h d dl'r and :\uthuri !cd Si;snd lc.>r~, ... EXHlIHT A fOlC\l Of WORK ORDER WORK Ol{U[R ~o_ 200 -1 Tn ;~1L'( ia 1 C~ILJ n..d f...... :t,'t1 ti(in: ~ -\I.:I~.:I:,"~.I~s! TallJhZ\s_"el~, f]O.[Ll,' 323_ fRO\1: ;l~ C,-1[ltud :\d m i n i:,.tr,~tnr L Scope of Services: Spt',~iJl m..mst~l legal SCt\'LCC'; to be prl)\'idcd jy Spe..:Lll C~ 'un~L'~ .1l"L._' ~u ~~n.\\"jd,-' a:--~ht,lJkl' \\ lth u( i Ii t,;1 ion ,'d t tw cJ"\ e In~-':llen l " nd i m f' bl1Cn ta linn (,t" a hnu si~,~~ ,1 Jtl'ctU l i \L'~ i 11 i :~,lt:n: iut t h~ C~ '\'L'mlT;~Ilt.ll LLl ib, in<.:llHkJ \', l th th;~ ta~k \\ ;L l~e tllil:--t.' ,;~r,' i,:~'~ ,'11 :.1 ,1d I \ i 1 it:':" i:i L'I) I i ~ !t:.j LW: ljw A l tilch L")Wl":! hcrdn ,lnd il"'L{)rF~ )~'<ltL'J he fL'in by ~',-' fL..'r,-,n,:~'. ..\~:d it i '.l:~,l:l y, 5p,=,,,'I,ll C L"l.H1 ~~'I \\ i L 21""j,,' L~nl~1 .~d \ j,,<, l he Cnn'Llnh'n [<1 I L nJ" Jlld 'h~' i t l \t"fi.:iJ ~:-:., 0 ta:f, attornc:;~ ,1nLI CUtl';.u l t,mb in a k'il dl>r";1~ i F ...., r ~d( i I it,1 ~jn:' r(,J~. i r1 d,:>~ '" I. );.1 i Ilg ,ill ()\'t'r.,11 "f'f'~'J,h-h I" ,1;i,;.js~ lh.' (;l\n't'Jl]~lcniJl l'nit., in th~it. dcn_'](1pmL'lll ~)r Z\ <;tra:,-,~y tu ,'~,.',J~" ':""I:.;;ill:.~ i'r)f~():~lJ~'il i,'~ h~r Ill.=> ,e.:;iL1~'nls nl' llw Coullly_ l)c]i\'t~r"b]l~_~ ma~' L~cc~]lIjc dnitin~ ~lllti":L'_" in k<l \L,:il c,~rL'cm~t1;", n.:::;(}lu ti ,-I 11,; , merr.rXiHl d i.deb ur lHl.Jt'r::;t,lll~l :~'S, ,)r ,d1;,,~ ,l,2 ...=>.':11,'11 h, rf': '(lrl" ,'r dn"l.l[llf'r1l;;, \\' h id1 '.\" i I J P t'O\' i ck Lhc b~si:-:. for cit'cision m<lkl:~::; ,lnd tht~ ,"'~:,1l:"Ji::'l~m,-,r1~ ~': th~ Il(YL.i".~ i~lterl1Jti\'~'~ JJliti,lti\ ('. .., Compens,ltion: [1 b,J rho r"k-., ,mJ pl"~)\'idc.:d :n SreLid] Coul1::,d Retainer 1\gH_'L'L1h_'nt dotted In: th' :1 :11( 'u r I' "I _~ I.cnd ,.' i rnb LL ,;;t>nwnt l,}r' Coull~,-'1 R,:tL1i~1""'1" .'\~.'p~t..';lwnt d.lkd .2n05_1 rt' i n '.bu ,-:,t:'mt'f1t ior d~ ~U~].: (,"b ,b -' 2.0l)5,] [Fixed ,-"nlrens,ltio:-,. <x l ~,.l~ "':'(1'; ls ,lS rHO\' i L1 hi jn Spe.c~~a~ L<;e ot :\ecessary Consullanls~ Fursu,lnt to thL' SpCC]J.] Counsel l{ciainer : >'1' (;, '\ t'rrHl~<"II1.~ ~ l." nit.; ,.~ i r,:>.-1 .' :'.d ;Hl t I H )~;;..'02 the u ;..t, <.d ,lrld tlw ~l'~)pt' of -';L:'r\'il~'~ ,md mdhod of c~lmFL'nsati()n ..I~:-I~" ht".~ h~ ~h:.... ',\ urk ~n....1,=-~~ ~-:. (lp}-.r()\......~d 3. ...1.r:.-Cl"'I~.Ir..J~~. ~ 4. \York Order Budget: Tht' in:li<,1 bLldf,e1 <lf~f~m;1ri;'l1 ion [,)r this Wurk Order o;hJli not l>:-"~l',-'d :he .In"\f\lmt ut ,mJ rlf-,.'l(Ii) DOlL\l\5 :,S }. HO\\'L'\"L'C', i( i_~ lll1d l'r,;.~ ,'",d l hJ' t ht' j i rtyt i c~n l \f lht~ C:on~Ynmt'n lL1J L_' ni l" \\. i II l~,)n I rol t tw \\"n,k f t tort ,m d .ld d ~ I inn ,.11 h l.cl)"H :1 f'J1 roFrJ:l j j(Hh lT1,1: ~)<" ,Hid ,Hf' ,:>, Ff'-'tt"ti ai be> req u i r~'d, _'\- I ..l, 1: tll()r: h"d h', : 1 i :J~: Cc 'n t r~C'_ _,\drnin istr,1tor D'-It,': A-~ And ,""~'ptej b;: Special C)llnse! D,1te: ATL:l..CH\lc."\T reI \\CJI<K Of:.UE.R 2iJe) SCUp'-' ;Jf Ser\'i<.:L'~ .1lld :-. kthnd uf C urnpen:-;,lti (111 ..\-3